#ha you thought i had forgotten my fanfics? you fools
pascaloverx · 11 months
Invisible Bonds: The Power of Destiny
Author's Note: This fanfic contains possible strong language and explores themes of unconventional love. The relationship between the protagonists will be handled with sensitivity, without explicit scenes.
preview chapter two
*pictures credits are not mine, credits belong to their owners
Chapter One
You woke up feeling discouraged, but with a hopeful feeling that things would get better. How could you not feel hopeful when the love of your life is about to marry an incredible woman?
"Darling, Taehyung called to let you know he'll be waiting for you at the beauty salon. He said you'd know which one. He also wanted to remind you that he remembered to pick up the tuxedo and the shoes. He asked you to call his friend about the wedding rings." Your mother shouted from downstairs, and you felt the urge to never leave your bed again. How could you be a bridesmaid in a wedding you theoretically should prevent? But then again, who are you to go against the dictates of destiny?
Your mother came to visit you this weekend because Taehyung considers her a second mother, and she's thrilled to see her heart's son getting married. She has already given up of the ideia of you getting married.
You shout back that you're already getting ready to meet the groom. Damn, you had forgotten to call Taehyung's childhood friend, Jungkook. You haven't met him in person, but you've heard the guys talk a lot about him. And by guys, you mean the college friends you met through Taehyung: Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin. The lilac dress that the bride has chosen for all the bridesmaids is so delicate that you feel like you shouldn't even take it out of the closet. You quickly slip into it and fix your hair within minutes. Why take your time when you're not the bride, right?
Finishing getting ready, you search for Jungkook's number on your phone. You wonder why you volunteered to help with this wedding and why, out of everyone, you ended up with the task of calling this guy. The phone rings and rings, but no one answers. When I call again, he finally picks up. His voice is hoarse; it feels like I just woke him up. Oops...
"There better be a good reason for calling me this early in the morning then..." He says in an almost rude tone. You wonder if there's a way to slap someone through the phone. Perhaps in the future, there will be.
"Good morning, Jungkook. I hate to break it to you, but as an adult, you should've been up hours ago. My name is (Y/N), and I'd like to know if the wedding rings and their bearer will be here on time for the wedding." You reply, trying to be as patient as possible, but honestly, you're furious. Always having to deal with other people's issues.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a beautiful voice? Ever thought about becoming a singer or a voice actor?" He says while you can hear noises in the background, a woman murmuring something. He's too busy getting romantically involved with someone to remember to be a good friend, how wonderful.
"Instead of trying to flatter me, make sure you're here at the agreed time and with the rings. If you want to invite your company to come along, feel free. But know that if you mess something up today, I'll be your particular nightmare." You say as sternly as possible. You even slow down your speech in the last part to appear more intimidating.
"If this is your way of asking if I'll be accompanied today, the answer is no. As for the rest, I'll do exactly as you asked, if you promise to reward me at the end of the night." He says, trying to be seductive. You prefer to pretend you didn't hear that proposition.
"I'm sorry to burst your fantasies, but I don't plan on getting involved with anyone. You can pretend that I'm saving myself for my other half." You reply firmly, putting an end to any further advances.
"Believing in soulmates is for fools. I bet I can convince you otherwise at the wedding." You don't even know the guy, but you're already envious of his arrogance.
"Listen, I have things to do and can't waste time. I expect to see you in a few hours, appropriately dressed and with wedding rings in your pocket." You say firmly, ending the conversation and hanging up the phone.
You descend the stairs, seeing the table full of food that your mother is packing for you to freeze and eat during the week. You thank her and let her know you won't be able to have breakfast together. She says she doesn't want to inconvenience you, knowing that Taehyung needs you. You nod in agreement and give your mother a goodbye kiss. A few minutes later, you're finishing up the last details at the reception hall. Of course, you had already organized things at the church. Everything is going as planned. You arrive at the beauty salon where the bride and groom are getting their skin and hair done.
"I was starting to miss you. You look breathtaking." Taehyung says as he gets up from the chair where he was finishing his makeup. He looks so radiant, as if his smile could light up the world. It heals me even as it hurts. He isn't my soulmate; God knows he never thought of me romantically, but I simply love him.
"Look who's talking. Haewon is going to feel incredibly lucky when she sees you walking down the aisle like this. Although, she looks stunning. I sneakily peeked because I thought you'd want to know." You say as you adjust Taehyung's tie.
"I'm so nervous. It's worse than that time we were at a concert, and I got called up on stage to sing. I don't know how I'm going to walk down the aisle and wait for my future wife patiently." He says as you lock at each other. It's not romantic, but it's a moment of tenderness. After all, he is my best friend, and he's getting married.
""Taehyung, today you embark on a new chapter of your life, and I have no doubt that your love story with Haewon will be as magical as the bond that you guys already share. No nervousness in the world will ruin your moment." You say, trying to be as positive as possible.
"You always know what to say. I love you, you know that?" He says, hugging you.
"I love you too, now come on. We have a beautiful wedding waiting for you, and it's not nice to keep the bride waiting." You say as you send a message to the driver, letting them know Taehyung is ready to go. According to the schedule, Haewon will be making her grand entrance in about ten minutes.
The journey from the salon to the church takes about five minutes. Up until now, everything has been going perfectly. Right now, Taehyung is surrounded by friends and is nervous. Not because of the bride, but because Jungkook hasn't arrived yet. That idiot.
You knew you shouldn't have trusted him to get the rings. You can't believe he's going to mess everything up in the end. And just as you lose patience completely, Jungkook walks into the church. At least, you think he's Jungkook. I must admit he looks elegant, almost like he stepped out of a movie. He arrives with a smile, as if he's the main attraction.
And suddenly, you feel it—a suffocating sensation as if the air has been sucked out of the world. A pain in your chest so immense that it makes you stumble, clinging onto Taehyung for support. Then you notice Jungkook doesn't seem well either. Damn, this can only mean one thing. As your body collapses to the ground and your consciousness fades, amidst people shouting and lifting me to call for medical help, you feel something inside you that only soulmates feel for each other. You can't believe that out of all the people in the world, your other half is Jeon Jungkook.
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bagely · 10 months
HI! this is a translation of a fanfic I already published in AO3 but, I'm trying to prove myself and write in english, Soo yeah my first lenguaje it's not english is Spanish and because of that this work would have some mistakes 😬 sorry for that I do my best but I'm still just learning, so you can correct me, I would appreciate that.
Oh, and its in Missa's pov
Title: Can I have your number?
Words: 2,009
Ao3 link:
I walked through the door of the small university café, feeling the warm aroma of coffee fill my senses.
The barista, whose name is Starboby, was very welcoming, and there was nothing strange about her until I saw the bar where someone was preparing coffee with their back turned. I didn't recognize that haircut or the same tone, and I could say that with certainty since I had worked part-time at this place many times before.
«It seems like Roier has hired someone new» I thought, as I didn't recognize any of Roier's blonde friends. There weren't many people in the place, it was still very early. I adjusted my hair, which was longer than usual and a bit uncomfortable.
I walked confidently to the bar, and the barista turned around when she heard my steps and stood in front of me, several meters away. I stopped instantly.
"Oh, I didn't hear you," he said with a warm and cheerful voice while smiling at me. "Do you need anything?"
He was gathering some hair into a ponytail, and her deep blue eyes stirred something within me.
«WHY IS HE SO HANDSOME» I started feeling my heart stop or perhaps start beating so fast that I couldn't measure it myself.
"Uhm... I...just–" I was trying to forced myself to talk. I took a step back and said, "uh... I forgot something... I, uhm... goodbye"
Did I run away or walk very fast? I don't know, the point is that I was already two blocks away from that café. I slap myself.
«Missa, why do you always embarrass yourself? Fool, idiot, idiot...» I wanted to hit myself harder.
A few days had passed, and I had "forgotten" (or rather ignored to maintain my sanity) that encounter at the café.
Rivers, a classmate, ask me if we want to do some homework together, and since my house was a mess due to my lack of organization, she decided it would be better to go to Starboby, Roier's café at the university. And here I am again, and he is here.
If someone asked me to organize the 5 most embarrassing moments of my life, what happened in this café a few days ago would occupy the top 5 places.
I'm behind my computer while looking at him, hoping he doesn't notice. After half an hour in the place, I only know one thing about him, and that is his name, which is Philza, and I only know that because I noticed the shiny name tag that I didn't see on my first visit.
I want to ask for his number... I would love to be able to get up and approach him, act like a normal person, and just talk to him, but at this point, I'm sure he thinks I'm a weirdo. I am a weirdo, but I don't like to think that he knows it.
"You could ask Roier for his number," Rivers brought one of her pens to my face and started poking my cheek with it insistently.
"And seem like a stalker? No, thanks," I replied in a somewhat annoyed tone because of what she was doing to my face, but I couldn't complain much anyway since I'm a bit behind on our task.
"Sure, you don't want to seem weird to your boyfriend," she started sarcastically, and she moved away from me in her chair while rolling her eyes. "Okay, be subtle and keep staring at him like a crow."
"I'm not...–" I don't even know what I was about to say because my mind freeze when my eyes were caught by his.
«Did he notice?» I felt a bit scared, I immediately looked away, but I heard a slight laugh coming from him. «he got me.» my face is completely red. I couldn't look in his direction for the rest of the afternoon, which was beneficial for Rivers since we were able to finish some work in one day and organize the ones we have left.
I started packing up my things to leave the café, and I felt someone behind me. My body tensed up when I turned around and saw him there. Time felt slow as he handed me a piece of paper. «His number?» That thought made me blush again until I looked down to see the piece of paper he had given me.
"Thank you for coming," he smiled at me, well, at us, Rivers is still here saddly "Again."
I'm sure that last part is for me, but he only gave me a receipt, just a receipt.
Today the café is a bit more crowded, it's rush hour, so I should have expected it. The line is at least 10 people long, and when it's my turn, I find myself too excited. I'm at the front, and I see him. He smiles at me but turns and moves away behind a door to the back. I'm late.
"Missa, what's up?" Roier is now at the bar, smiling at me as if he had just heard the best joke in the world. "Have you seen my new barista?" The look Roier gave me was so indiscreet that I almost hit him, it's obvious that Rivers told him everything.
I restrain any aggressive impulse that grows within me because if I expose myself more than I already am, I'm sure he won't leave me alone.
"Cold coffee, and remember to sweeten it well... You always make it a bit bitter," I tell him, completely avoiding the topic.
He laughs and turns around to start doing what I asked. I lower my head to the counter where the desserts are, I only came to the place for coffee and to see Phil, but it wouldn't hurt to have a donut anyway, one of the things I wanted to see wasn't there, I need a consolation prize.
"Are you ordering something?" That voice makes my heart skip a beat, and it makes me lift my head to see Philza on the other side of the bar with his ever-present kind and reassuring smile. I could die at that moment and be satisfied. "Didn't he finish his shift? Oh, it doesn't matter, my prayers were answered," I say.
"Yes," I say, perhaps a bit too loud.
"Phil! I see you've met Missa," Roier's joyful voice also stirs my guts, but in an unpleasant way, as I'm sure of what's coming.
"Oh, yeah, I've talked to him before," Philza replied, nodding.
I'm not saying anything, and it's awkward because this conversation is about me, but I can't do it, everything in me prevents me from commenting on what's happening.
"You need to treat him well" Roier speaks again, and I have the urge to run away from there, again. "He's not new here, he's one of our most loyal part-timers. A VIP customer," Roier says.
"Roier, no, don't exaggerate," I finally speak, looking into the brown eyes and begging him with my eyes to shut up for once.
"I see," Philza laughs, I notice how easy it seems to make that man laugh, which defensively doesn't bother me, I would love to hear that laughter for longer. I look at him again, and he returns the gaze. "I'll take good care of him then."
If he continues to be like that, I'll probably have a heart attack and die.
It's almost the end of autumn, which means it's been a month since I met Philza, and I still haven't asked for his number. But I'm making progress, I'm at the point where I can say a complete sentence without stuttering. Anyway, I'm sure he thinks I'm weird because that's the only part of my personality that I've shown him throughout this month.
I'm at the café again, but I'm smart and learn from my mistakes. I don't go to the café during hours when I'm sure Roier will be there. I made that mistake twice, the last time was last week, and the man managed to embarrass me by telling Phil about all my mistakes when I was a rookie.
I'm not hiding behind my laptop this time; I'm "reading" a book. I read on the internet that people who look intelligent are more attractive, and I must use everything I can to my advantage.
Although I haven't talked to him much, I now know a few more things about Phil than just his name. For example, he's 25 years old, which means he's only three years older than me, and apparently, he knows Roier from his boyfriend, and knowing Cellbit's great social skills, he's probably a classmate or a fellow student.
Among the little things I know, I also managed to ask him if he's dating someone in the most discreet way possible, which means I told Rivers to ask him, and I was next to her to listen, and miraculously, the answer was no. I had never felt luckier in my life. I think I almost screamed when I found out, almost because I managed to maintain my composure as much as I could.
"Are you going to order something?" His voice, his terribly charming voice, snapped me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize when he had approached me, placing his hand on the table in front of me.
«Your number» I didn't say it. I wish I had said it. Damn it.
"I'm... I'm fine, you know, just chill.. yeah.." I said, and I'm sure that every word coming out of my mouth It's getting worse and worse.
"Right " He said, and I felt something strange inside me when he sighed after speaking.
Phil seems very committed to his work, he always comes to ask me if I need anything, even if there are several people around. It's very admirable.
He's about to lift his hand from the table and walk away, but I don't want him to. There's no one else here, and a force that I hadn't felt all month pulls my hand, tugging at the sleeve of his white shirt, back to the table.
I turn to look at him, and that momentary force leaves my body.
"Yes?" He asks with a lopsided smile that suits him torturously well.
My eyes sink to the ground. I can only see his shoes and mine.
"Uh could you...uhm" I'm sure I must look like an elf, with my ears burning from the amount of embarrassment I feel. "Can I have your number?" Somehow, that sentence came out in full.
"I already gave it to you."
"WHAT?" I shout. Because there's no other way to express what was going through my head at that moment. I'm trying and searching through hundreds of memories if that ever happened and I have nothing...
"You threw it in the trash, I thought you had rejected me and now you were just giving me confusing signals." Well, with that, I raised my head, he still looked calm, only with a hint of blush almost imperceptible on his cheeks.
"Who was giving confusing signals to who?" My brain was melted, or maybe I was swapped in the middle of the night into someone else's life because all those things he says don't make sense. "Me rejecting you? I'm not insane."
He laughs, and I feel the atmosphere lighten. "Well, you did it." He speaks through clenched teeth, holding back laughter. "When you were with your friend, I gave it to you on the back of the receipt and you threw it in the trash."
«Idiot, idiot, idiot, WHY DIDN'T I SEE THE BACK?»
"I... I didn't see it." His hand goes to my cheek, and his face begins to approach.
«Am I dreaming?» I'm completely paralyzed.
He lightly taps his forehead against mine and then takes a few steps back, but I stand up so we're still close. He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.
"Dumb" He says to me in that charming tone of voice that I'm sure I'll never get tired of.
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
Bells and Black Feathers
Itachi x f!reader
Slowburn. Itachi. OG Naruto setting. I really wanted my first Itachi fanfic to be longer since I’ve never written for him before and I usually only do quick stories. Please enjoy. Also, I apologize for the trauma and angst. But if this receives good feedback, I may make this in to a series 🫢
Bells. Bells were known in our clan as the harbingers of incoming change. We used them during clan ceremonies. Weddings, funerals, even birthdays. I was so sick of hearing bells. It was as if the drone of a metal ball racking around a hollow shell followed me wherever I went, even in to the village. Even worse, our clans genjutsu was hearing based, and you guessed it, we used bells. I almost thought I was crazy when I heard the telltale jingle faintly from beside me. I couldn’t help but check my pockets frantically to make sure mine were properly put away to not send anyone near by in to an accidental genjutsu. It was as if I’d gone crazy, hearing the chirp of a tiny bell pass beside me once again as I bump in to it,” my apologies.”
Bells don’t talk, and they definitely don’t have handsome features like the dark orbs that barely even spare a glance my way as they help me up from the beaten path on my way to the gates. 
“No, I wasn’t looking. It’s my bad, your bell made me think I was about to endanger everyone here.” I ramble on, completely awestruck at the cloaked man in front of me. Looking down, I can only hold my gasp at the sight of the all knowing red clouds. As a Jonin, we’re trained to watch for and decipher these cloaks to pinpoint the Akatsuki. But why would they be rash enough to lurk on the edge of the village out in the country? 
“Nonsense, I believe we both had our eyes on something that distracted us. As it is, I must be on my way.” He replies, not letting even one emotion bubble to the surface as his face stays as still as stone.
“Hey, what’s your name?” I ask, knowing it didn’t matter, he was a threat regardless. But the longer I could keep him here, the quicker I could subdue him.
“I believe that’s best saved for our next encounter. Farewell.” He’s already disappeared as his last word rings through my ears. It takes a second to shake the eerie feeling creeping up my back, but once composure is regained, I’m already breaking in to a dead sprint.
“Asuma! Hey! Asuma, damnit where are you?” I’m calling out to him before even hitting our usual meeting spot for missions, only to be answered with the wind. The only other shinobi with worse timing than Asuma was the only one to show up, lazily sauntering to our spot,” yell any louder and he might just hear you on the other side of the village, Y/N.”
“Listen, we’re being watched. What I’m about to tell you… you have to believe me.” I begin, gripping his shoulder so I can lean in and whisper,” the Akatsuki, they’re in the village.”
“Okay, I know we’re both well versed in pranking but this is a new level. Even for you.” Kakashi sighs, yanking at his ear lobe in mock pain. No, not mock pain… it was the signal that someone was possibly listening to our conversation. I had almost forgotten about it since we never had to resort to it, not for years anyways. It was a trick we would use in our younger years to signal when Asuma or Guy would attempt to listen to our private gossip sessions. 
“Anyways, if you’re done fooling around, I’m going to find where Asuma has wandered off to., you stay here just in case Guy shows up early.” He sighs, the only signal that shows he knows exactly where they’re at is his eyes darting to the right in the direction of the river. 
“Guy can figure out where we are, I’m coming with you.” I mutter, kicking at the dirt road and tailing directly on his heels. Kakashi spares a glance back, pointing to his eye and shaking his head no before covering it with his hand. I’m assuming it means don’t look, but my eyes wander anyways. I was good at taking in the scenery and doing the opposite of what I was told since I had the means to get myself out of trouble. What I wasn’t expecting to see was Asuma and Kurenai working as a team, yet still struggling against the man who had bumped in to me earlier and a new companion. Kurenai was in the river, looking winded as Kakashi, steps in front of me to block my vision, reaching down to grip my vest,” go find Guy. That’s an order.”
Kakashi stares unyieldingly until I relent, sprinting to the village. 
I heave deeply, resting against the side of a vendors stand when I see the familiar and vibrant neon orange leg warmers parading in the air as Guy walks on his hands. 
“H-hey! Guy! Come take a stroll with me real quick.” I huff out as quickly as I can between breaths, snapping one of his leg warmers to get his attention. 
“Y/N! I was just on my way to the gates to meet up with the team, what’s the hurry all of a sudden? Finally accepting my offer of a romantic stroll? This mission can wait for the sake of love if it must!” Guy sputters out, clambering back to the way a normal human stands. I can’t help but roll my eyes,” sure, yeah. Let’s move it. We got places to be Guy.”
He follows against my tight grip as I lead him to the river, quickly losing my patience as he mutters on. 
We finally reach the area once again, seeing not much has happened other than Kakashi looked to be wounded… internally? Maybe winded?
“The river? The perfect place for- Kakashi! No one messes with my rival except me!” Guy gasps out, quickly disappearing from my side. He lands between the two sides, splashing the water as everyone stays at a standstill. After a brief moment of communication, the two Akatsuki vanish, leaving the others to tend to Kakashi. I run across the water, quickly reaching for Kakashi with my medical abilities only to be stopped by Asuma,” he needs to go to the hospital, don’t even waste your chakra. Notify… someone.”
“Who, Asuma? There’s no time to waste, if I’m not needed here, I’m going after them!” I shout, already taking off for the treeline. 
“Y/N, get back to the village. You’ll be in worse trouble if you pursue them.” Guy calls out, quickly catching up. I can’t help but laugh,” with what hokage, Guy? We have the chance to take them out now. So let’s move it! There’s not currently a hokage to give us orders and I’m not going to sit around and wait.”
“Y/N, stop. You aren’t even thinking. His genjutsu is unbreakable.” Guy shouts, finally outrunning me to stop me in my tracks. I bluff my defeat, silently reaching for the bells at my side,” I’m sorry, Guy. I can’t let them get away.”
The bells twirl delicately around the metal rod they were strung to carefully by a clan elder the day I was born, twisting around to create a melodious genjutsu even Guy was too slow to release from. Normally, he had warning and could break it in time. But the look of betrayal as he’s frozen in to place, sends a pang through my chest,” I’ll show you the life you wish to have.”
Having to state my intentions of a genjutsu was a downfall, and I cringe at the thought of Guy’s ideal life. But I can only move forward to give myself enough distance with the bells, as once I’m out of earshot, the genjutsu may be broken within moments. 
After what felt like miles, I drop the bells back down, taking a brief second to slow down and catch my breath. The sky unrelentingly fades to grey as thunder rolls in,” because why wouldn’t it rain?”
I curse to myself, knowing the seconds before rain were precious in the effort to find any sign of tracks. I drop down to a single footprint that stops in the middle of a clearing, looking around frantically to find another. As my head whips back to the tree I was just in, a bell sounds just beside my ear. Ice fills my veins as I freeze in a slight terror.
“You’re alone.” The man from earlier breathes out. I force myself to focus my eyes to the ground and keep my cool,” yes.”
“That wasn’t a question but thanks for the clarification. You aren’t here to subdue me, you’re here for answers.” He continues, trailing a finger across my back as he circles around me, examining me almost before he continues,” you don’t know who I am, do you?”
“I don’t exactly keep my bingo book on me all the time, I just know you’re Akatsuki. It’s my job to train Genin now, not chase after criminals all the time.” I huff, refusing to look up as his finger prods at my jaw in an attempt to lift my gaze,” I’m not falling for your genjutsu.”
Regretfully, I still look up due to the persistent tug at my jaw, being met with the wondering dark orbs that I’d witnessed earlier. 
“If I wanted to place you under a genjutsu, I would’ve done so by now, Y/N.” He drops his hand, revealing the slightest smirk on his face. I confusingly take in his features as I try to figure out why they were so familiar before i land on the mutilated leaf headband that rested against his forehead, sweeping back his raven hair. 
“How do you know my name?” I mutter, reaching for the silver block on his headband to run my fingers along the slashed leaf in the middle. His hand is quick to grip mine,” you truly don’t remember do you?”
“Unfortunately, no.” I sigh, regretting that I was fully enamored with the handsome criminal in front of me. 
“We were Genin together. Itachi Uchiha.” He says coldly. The realization on how long it took myself to puzzle the pieces together hits like a ton of bricks. But I have no recollection of ever being in the same class, let alone knowing him.
I can only shake my head in response.
“If you can’t remember, let me show you.” Itachi sighs defeatedly, looking directly in to my eyes as his own bleed in to the notorious red sharingan. I prepare myself for a genjutsu, seeing as I find myself back in the classroom sitting at my desk. The day in question is hazy, but I still remember the doodle I was drawing. I also remember the pain I’m about to experience. As if on cue, my broken pencil I was trying so hard to continue to write with, slices my palm. I can’t control any movements, it’s a memory that can’t be altered. My tiny hand recoils in pain as younger me whimpers,” ah, dang it! I can’t bleed on this dress, my mom just got it for me.”
“Allow me.” The young boy beside me bubbles with a rising smile, quickly pulling a bandage roll from the backpack beside him,” my brother can be clumsy so I tend to carry extras just in case.”
“You callin’ me clumsy?” Young me accuses him sharply. I was always ‘abrasive’ as my sensei Shikaku regularly stated during our outings with Choza and Inoichi’s teams. 
“Not at all, do you always assume the worst so quickly?” The young version of Itachi questions back. My memory jogs and I can feel my current self mouth the same words I’m about to relive,” I can assume we’re going to be good friends if you’re brave enough to call me out on my crap.”
The scene fades to darkness, sitting at the end of the dock in the Uchiha compound with our feet dangling off the edge.
“Do it again!” A slightly older me shrieks in a fit of laughter as Itachi stands once again, sending a fire ball across the pond. 
“The simplest things surely entertain you. It’s amazing.” He chuckles, sitting back down as my body falls against the dock to look at the stars,” you amaze me, honestly.” 
I can still feel the heat against my cheeks at the confession I had made long ago. 
“Y/N?” He asks quietly.
“Yeah?” I question back.
“Even though we’re still young, do you ever get the feeling we’ll be together forever?” He questions sheepishly.
“We’ll always be friends, that’s not even a question. Don’t be so weird.” I laugh, reaching up to punch his shoulder.
“What if we’re destined to be more than friends?” Itachi continues with his questions, looking over to catch my pondering face,”… we’re still young. If it happens, it happens. We have plenty of years left to stay just how we are. Like you always say, it’s better to wait than spend the rest of your life regretting a rash decision.”
It flickers again, this time it’s my mother, uncontrollably sobbing at the kitchen table that woke me from a dead sleep due to the excitement of finally becoming a chunin,” mom, are you okay?”
I try to rub away the tiredness from my eyes as she shakes her head,” go back to bed, Y/N. It’s nothing you would understand at your age.” 
“Try me.” Twelve year old me crosses her arms as I watch my mothers sadness turn to anger,” you think because you’re a chunin now you can handle a tragedy in your own village? Well it’s time to grow up, kid. There was a massacre on the Uchiha compound. The whole clan is dead. Thanks to your little boyfriend, that Itachi kid. Stop putting your trust in others. Start becoming that ‘perfect’ shinobi you boast that you are Y/N. It won’t save our village, it won’t get those people their lives back. You will do so little, it won’t even matter by the time you’re my age, or even your death.”
She burst in to tears once again. Younger me couldn’t be upset at her, she was already upset with herself for having to end her career so early and our father leaving. I let her take that anger out on me, as long as it was never directed towards my sister and she never had to see it. 
“W-what’s wrong, Y/N?” I feel the small tug at my pajamas as my little sister clings tightly against my leg. I can only put a smile on my face as I lift her small frame,” moms sad because we aren’t getting the sleep we need, how about I tuck you back in to bed?” 
I still feel the pain in my eye sockets from crying throughout the rest of that night. Betrayal from my own mother and someone else I thought I’d loved. 
The genjutsu fades once again, unknown scenery flourishes around me. I look down to see I now bear the Akatsuki robe. I look forward to the faceless crowd that slowly comes in to focus, fingers pointing as they all unanimously mumble the word,” traitor.”
It becomes louder as the people begin encircling me, cornering me off like an injured animal on display. Several faces become distinct, my mother, my sister, Shikaku sensei and his friends, even the hokage that had just given his life for the village. As several kunai impale me, the genjutsu turns to red as the pain sets in.
I soon feel the gracious drops of rain replacing the stabbing ghost pains, quickly becoming a downpour, the genjutsu fades completely. I now realize why Kakashi had been so drained earlier, if it wasn’t for the ice cold adrenaline, I would’ve been passed out already.
“As you can see, we’ve met before. We were only mindless children then, cloaked by masks to hide our true identity.” He drops to a solemn tone, tilting his head upwards to bask in the quickly chilling rain before his red eyes flash back to me,” no matter how similar our paths are, our fates deserve to end differently. if you choose this life, it’s only the same. But you risk having your identity known nationwide and your idealistic life thrown away. Do you choose to face death everyday? Do you choose to betray a village you call home?” 
In the time it takes me to blink, he’s now mere inches from my face, hand outstretched,” if you can say yes, your heart is in the wrong place. Turn around and go back to the leaf. Do not pursue me any further, Y/N.”
Two of his fingers ghost over my brows for just a second, I can barely notice the thoughts running behind his tired eyes, but the slight flick of his view to the left gives him away. He decides to retract his fingers, and drapes his other hand to rest over the top of my head while I drop to my knees. My Jonin vest feels heavy with rain, maybe even regret that i didn’t even remember one of my closest friends as a child, maybe even my first love, but most of all the one who made it seem I wasn’t capable of loving anyone else. 
“How could I not remember anything you just showed me?” I babble, looking up to his now normal eyes as tears bubble at my lashes, only to be concealed by the rain. 
“Because It was a burden I relieved you of. You should be thankful.” He answers coolly, refusing either of us the blessing of breaking eye contact. I flick a collection of tears and water angrily from my face,” younger me was in love with you. We loved each other. You can’t deny that.”
His eyes trickle down to the hand fidgeting with the metal rod at my side, his face illuminating against a streak of lightning,” You’re a fool to think an auditory genjutsu would even begin to work on me.”
“No, but metal rods are great conductors of electricity.” I seethe, reaching my musical rod above me to the sky as I grip his arm that still rested atop my head. It was a weak last ditch effort, i couldn’t subdue him, but I could at least kill us both. As quickly as the white steak shoots down towards us, we’re transported further in to the forest. My hand is slightly burnt, but I find myself furled tightly in Itachi’s arms, back to his chest as his cloak billows around us in the increasing winds. I chuckle slightly,” so, you do still care about me.”
“Nonsense, I just prevented you from unnecessarily ending both of our lives.” Itachi utters out, clearing his throat.
“Bullshit. You could’ve let me fry in that lightning strike and saved yourself, easily.” I assert my dominance, twisting in his arms to face him as he refuses to let go. He looks down, smirking as he smoothes away a few strands of hair that cling to my face,” if I could love as easily as I fought against others, you would’ve been mine the day I bandaged your adolescent hand. This however, is not a life for love. My destiny is to die and I refuse for you to have any part of it.”
“Then just give me this moment.” I exhale, bringing a hand to rest on the side of his face,” I’ve just learned about you all over again and I refuse to let you leave without a word just like when we were kids.”
“You seen what I did to my clan.” He reminds me quietly.
“And for some reason, I feel like your hand was forced in to doing it. The Itachi I just witnessed loved his clan. He loved the leaf village. He defended the village he betrayed.” I share my quick observation. 
“This conversation is over.” Itachi warns, squinting his eyes in remorse and possibly a hint of anger. I just knew I was right. And if I’m able to return to the village, I’ll have some research to do. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it, then you’ll have to find a damn good way to shut me up, because I have a lot of questions.” I shoot back, anxiety of not knowing the story creeps against my body. And just as I’m about to start my rampage of questions, his lips crash against mine and his hands grip tightly at my shoulders, letting the cool rain water dripping from us both clash together, pooling down to our chins before it drips against the cloak that weakly offers us the tiniest bit of shelter. As he pulls away, his eyes flutter slowly, taking in my look of confusion. Sadly for him, it’s only created more questions, but most of all it also created answers.
“You still love our village. You still love me.” I gasp out looking at the furrow in his angering brows,” and to continue in protecting the things I love, you must not interfere or prod any further. Return to the village before you end up in the same position. This is my last warning, Y/N. Or this will end badly for the both of us.”
He pushes me against my shoulders, sending my body head first to the ground frozen, in a state of shock as the world melds to a red haze. Just as I hit the ground, an inky black feather drops on my face, restarting the chain of events over again. And again. And again. Each time I fall, the feather drops, I smack in to the ground and Itachi’s face melds against my vision as the sequence drones on for what feels like hours,” do you wish to be stuck in a loop of constant suffering? Living out your days where every last one is the same, ending with an unbearable pain… just to realize it’ll happen again. And again. And again. This is the constant pain you will feel outside of the village as a rogue. You don’t understand that by pressing further on this matter, by seeking me purposefully after this point, my only choice would regretfully be having to kill you.”
A scream tears at my throat, only to be cut off from hitting the ground again, and after what felt like a whole day stuck in the same loop, I find myself on the ground mere seconds from passing out once again. I look up to see Itachi’s face hovering above mine and feel his knees supporting my head. He swiftly brushes a rain soaked strand of hair from my face and leans in for one last breathy statement,” I truly hope one day you’ll be strong enough to understand. When that day comes, I will be long gone but I will never ask for your forgiveness.”
As my eyes shut, he scoops down for one last kiss and disappears with the sound of a ghost. Silence ushers a single black feather to land against my cheek, allowing me to finally give in to the depleted chakra ebbing towards unconsciousness. 
Bells. The pain of having to hear those stupid bells. A single chirp awakens me in a startle, grasping at the sterile white blanket around me as I gasp in the stale air. 
“Hey, lay down damnit. You’ve gone and gotten yourself in to enough trouble already, Y/N.” Shikaku sensei grumbles from the bedside, slamming me backwards as gently as possible as he sets my bell staff against the table.
“Why are you here sensei? Don’t you have more important village duties to attend to?” I mumble out, finally relaxing enough to stare at the ceiling.
He groans, pondering what he’ll say next,” with a lack of Jonin from the recent attack, Asuma rang in a favor to help track you so they could get Kakashi Hatake to immediate medical attention. We first found Guy almost six miles from you, stuck in a genjutsu. Wonder who would be rash enough to do that...”
“How’s Kakashi?” I ask, refusing to meet what I assume is his drained and less than pleased face.
“He’ll be in medical care for a while. Same goes for you. You’re almost worse off than him. With how much you two get in to trouble, I’m starting to wonder if you’re related. Anything else you want to ask, kid?” He questions, most likely already knowing the answer. I turn to look in to his unimpressed eyes,” I should ask you that first.”
He finally smirks,” we’ll keep this conversation between us so long as I don’t have to pry it out of you.”
I could always appreciate the fatherly bond Shikaku established since my early chunin days, realizing my own mother could barely provide the support or parental love for my sister and I. Shikamaru had even called me big sister begrudgingly. Shikaku finally parts his lips after thinking on it,” why did you put Guy under a genjutsu?”
So he knew it was my genjutsu after all.
“His taijitsu was too weak against our target. We were tailing the man that left Kakashi in the state he’s in now. I only did it to protect him.” I answer truthfully. It was best to avoid seeing Guy hurt, even if I feel no romantic attraction to all of his… not too subtle advancements. 
“So you proceeded to pursue someone as a one person unit you knew you wouldn’t win against? How smart. It’s a miracle you made it back with just depleted chakra and a burnt hand. It’s almost as if the target took pity on you.” He ponders, slowly moving his eyes back to meet mine in confirmed and definite disappointment.
“I was just able to use my staff as a lightning conductor to buy myself some time before being placed under a genjutsu. No one was hurt. That’s all that matters.” I huff out, turning my body completely away in anger before Shikaku sounds off my bells again in contemplation,” a genjutsu user falling for another genjutsu is unlikely, unless this genjutsu came from the power of the sharingan. I also trained my students to not pursue dangerous opponents with those kind of powers. But I know I trained my students better than that, right Y/N?” 
“Are you just here to lecture me, or are you looking for answers?” I sneer out, slowly becoming agitated at his sensei personality taking over his fatherly one.
“Both. Just as I and my jutsu are useles in utter darkness, yours is useless when you don’t use your mind to think properly. I think we can silently agree you won’t try and pursue Itachi anymore and you’ll stay here until you’re fully healed. Then we will go through some training. You, me and Shikamaru. Just like old times.” Shikaku chuckles out, revealing that without even telling him, he already knew. I toss my pillow at him in an attempt to stop his laughing,” does this mean you’re old self is coming out of retirement as a sensei?”
“Don’t throw the word old out so loosely. I’m only returning as your sensei because I think your own mind is dulling with age.” He smirks, returning to his fatherly demeanor, but I could still see the subtle look of worry behind the joking facade. I refused to notify him of my actual encounter with Itachi, but he leads me to believe he knew of our past and it’s easy for a Nara to put two and two together.
“Yeah, yeah. Now get out so I can rest up and show you I’m just fine without a sensei.” I laugh out as he shakes his head,” prove me wrong, Y/N. I’m not bailing you out of any future mistakes.”
“I’m counting on that.”
With a final word, he kicks a resting foot off the wall and throws his hands in to his pocket to stroll out the open door nonchalantly. I needed rest, and I was told not to press any further. But I had research to do, even if it was from a hospital bed. I was going to get to the bottom of this, even if my destiny entwines to meet the same bitter end as Itachi presumes his will be.
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On a highway to the Hells
(Warning: canon-typical violence, graphic description of gore & violence)
Notes: This is a continuation of another fics, but can be read on its own.
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
Also, my Tav (a bard) would absolutely listen to 'Highway to Hell' while slaughtering her way through Avernus with her friends :D
Karlach had known Tav would keep her promise.
After five years, the bard finally burst into Avernus, wreaking havoc. Tav and her little bunch of weirdos were as majestically chaotic as ever, casting spells left and right, whirling around their weapons, and shouting commandos, insults, and battle cries. Karlach immediately dropped everything she was doing, which wasn't much anyway, and joined her friends with her trusty battle hammer.
"Long time no see, soldier!" she shouted towards Tav who gave her a feral grin.
Naturally, Wyll, the Blade of Avernus, dashed across the battlefield to save the day – still acting like the incorrigible folk hero he thought himself to be.
Their bloodshed quickly gained the attention of Mizora, Wyll's Handler, who appeared in a vortex of flames and ashes before them.
"Are you trying once again to free my pet, bard?" she cackled. "Oh, what a fool you are!"
Tav stepped closer to the cambion, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Maybe," she said. "But maybe, it's worth it."
Mizora kept laughing amused, paying her less attention. The human bard quickly unsheathed a long, thin dagger with a twisted blade and stabbed the demon in the abdomen. Mizora screamed, eyes wide in surprise and panic. Grinning, Tav pulled out the dagger and drove it into the cambion's heart instead. Mizora kept screaming, collapsing onto the ground, while the bard followed her movement. With an absolutely terrifying expression on her face, Tav freed her weapon from Mizora's bleeding wound, gripped one of her horns, and started to decapitate her. The rest of the merry bunch watched in shock, frightened by the bard's sudden outburst of viciousness. With an angry shout, Tav ripped Mizora's head all the way off and threw it in front of Wyll's feet.
"There you go, Wyll. The contract's broken, you're free."
The addressed stared at her in a mixture of horror and anger.
"Why did you do that? Without Mizora's help, I lose all my powers! How should I save people this way?"
Tav barked a sharp laugh.
"Oh, please! 'The Blade of Avernus', ha! What a joke! Nobody will remember your self-sacrificing act. It doesn’t matter how many lives you save and how many times you keep the world from ending, in a few years, people won't remember any of it. People are ungrateful and ever-dissatisfied. So, why continue? Karlach will leave with us and then, you'll be all alone down here, fighting a fight that nobody appreciates or remembers. As soon as people don't see your face anymore, they forget about you. And that's the ugly truth about humanity. You're free now, Wyll. Free to do whatever you want without any strings attached and a devil breathing down your neck. Just because your powers are gone, doesn't mean you're not able to make a difference in the world. Isn't it better to live with friends at your side, instead of playing the hero who will be forgotten in a few years? The same goes for me; first, people will forget my name, then my deeds, and finally my songs. I've already watched you throw your life away once. If I cannot let you do the logical thinking yourself, then I'll must make the right decision for you."
"How dare you! This is my life we're talking about!" Wyll yelled furiously. "You had no right to break the contract for me!"
"Running from one 'heroic' act to another to prove something to your father isn't a life. It's a waste of time. So, start living at last!"
Wyll gritted his teeth and glared at Tav. The audacity of that woman! Karlach put a hand on his shoulder.
"I understand you're angry, but she's right. I won't stay in Avernus if I don't have to and I wish you'd come with me. We fought side by side for years, and more, and I don't want to part with you."
The addressed looked at her and sighed, defeated.
"What else can I do, Karlach? I'm the Blade of Frontiers, the Blade of Avernus. It's my faith to fight evil and ensure people's safety. If I don't do that, what am I then?"
"You can be anything," the tiefling replied with a smile. She leaned in to kiss him. "You can be anything you want."
Wyll caved.
"Alright," he nodded. "I'll find a new purpose – with you by my side."
The beaming smile he received was almost blinding.
"I'm usually not one to disturb lovebirds, but we should leave this damned place," Shadowheart chimed in.
"Of course, soldier, but what about my engine?"
Karlach knocked against her breastbone and the cleric grinned.
"Well... Astarion and Gale are men of vast reading and have spent the last five years doing exactly that. They found out how to release Wyll from his contract and what to do to stabilise your engine."
Shadowheart reached into her pockets and pulled out a piece of cloth. She unwrapped it and revealed a white-glowing pebble.
"This is a moonshard. A piece of pure moon magic of Selûne. We contacted Dame Aylin, the Nightsong, to ask her for an audience with the Moon Goddess herself. Since we saved her lover, Isobel, from being taken to her father, Ketheric Thorm, she agreed and this is how we got the moonshard for you. – You have to insert it yourself though. Here."
Shadowheart handed Karlach the glowing pebble and the latter, with trembling fingers, placed the moonshard inside her engine. She could immediately feel the chance of temperature.
"We must leave, quickly," Gale announced. "Soon, the Infernal engine will be too cold to be handle here."
The group huddled around the wizard who teleported them back to his tower house in Waterdeep. When they appeared in the living room, they startled Scratch and Naïlo from their nap. The dog yawned reproachfully and the owlbear hooted grumpily. Tara jumped off the piano and scuttled towards them.
"I see your plan worked. How splendid."
"The speaking cat!" Karlach shouted and scooped said creature up into her muscular arms.
Tara endured the procedure good-naturedly, but grumbled: "I'm not a cat but a tressym."
"A magical, winged cat who's the bestest in all the Realms," the tiefling said and buried her face in Tara's fluffy fur.
The tressym sighed deeply, but let it happen. Afterwards, Karlach placed her on the floor and ran over to Scratch and Naïlo to smooch them too. The rest of the group chuckled as they watched the scene unfold.
Humming a cheerful melody, Tav swung her lute off her shoulder and stowed away her shortsword. She was completely covered in blood, but paid no mind to it. Astarion gazed at her, rapturously, and sighed dreamily with an unmistakable tent in his tight, black trousers.
"Gods, you're beautiful when covered in blood, darling."
Tav grinned at him, feral as always. Her eyes locked on the front of his trousers.
"Later," she promised him with a wink.
"I understand that danger can be uhm… 'stimulating' in more than one way, but by the love of all that's dear, pull yourself together," scolded Gale.
The human bard and the vampire spawn snickered gleefully. Karlach finally got off the floor, faced her friends, and smiled: "Thank you for keeping your promise. I never doubted that you'd come for me and help me with my problem." She knocked against her mechanical heart again. "I can feel Selûne's magic do its thing. I haven't felt this comfortable in years. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
She strode across the room and hugged every single one of them.
"Even our dragon rider came to my aid. I'm flattered," laughed the tiefling while latching onto Lae'zel like a monkey that tried to climb a tree.
"Chk!" the githyanki grumbled, but the smile on her face betrayed her true feelings.
"Aah, I missed this," Karlach smiled. "Hugs. So many hugs. And I need them all. Still... I have a question."
She looked up, but didn't let go of Lae'zel who endured the hugging as gracefully as possible.
"How where you able to kill Mizora? That was no ordinary dagger, was it?"
"No, it wasn't," Tav replied. "It's a weapon called 'the Devilslayer' and I swiped it back when we were at Raphael's place to get the Orphic Hammer. I thought it might be of use one day, and voilà."
"I've never seen you go so ballistic before."
Tav made a face and muttered: "I... I don't want to talk about it."
"Alright," Karlach appeased and finally let go of the githyanki who sighed a breath of relief.
Meanwhile, Wyll looked torn.
"What should I do, now, without my powers? I can't slay devils anymore."
"No, but you can find a new purpose. We can find a new one, together," Karlach told him and took his hand. "I just want you to be yourself, and I want to spend my life with you. How does that sound?"
Wyll smiled a bit.
"Sounds... nice."
While the barbarian and the warlock discussed their future, the rest of the group scattered to prepare baths. They really needed to get rid of all the blood and ash.
Tav stayed uncharacteristically quiet and Astarion pondered over her reaction. He was surprised about her sudden outburst of bitterness regarding people's ungratefulness, and he realised that it must had to do with something personal. The vampire spawn was curious to dig deeper, but that had to wait.
The little bunch of weirdos bathed, slept, and ate Gale's delicious home-cooked meals. It was wonderful.
Karlach and Wyll started a new life together, looking for a new purpose. Said purpose turned out to be to raise a family together.
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"Sun and Rain"
Chapter 53
"Sentiments and Scoldings"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: Just a heads up that soon, Part 1 of this story will be wrapping up! 😁
The first half of this chapter was inspired by this song, "I Learned From You" by Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus, my newest song in my S&R playlist for Kimber and Crosshair 😊
Also, thank you to my lovely bestie, @l-lend , for some of the dialogue in the second half of the chapter! Naturally, it was for her OC, so she had lots of great ideas! 🥰
Enjoy, my lovelies!!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @tmnt-leo-simp , @tech-aficionado , @ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettroseog , @tech-deck , @thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink , @l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49
《 Chapter 52
》 Chapter 54
All chapters
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Explanation: Crosshair reveals to Kimber his thoughts from his experience with the Eradicators and Rina has a little chat with Hunter regarding Kimber.
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Kimber stirred awake the next morning as she thought she heard the door to the Marauder opening. Just as she turned her head to look, she saw the door was indeed open and caught the sight of someone’s back just as they left the ship. Which of the boys was it? She got up from the chair she was sleeping in inside the cockpit and made her way outside. A couple yards away, she spotted a head of silver-gray hair walking away from the ship.
“Crosshair!” she called after him.
He stopped and looked back, a bit startled at hearing someone call his name, but relaxed at seeing it was her. “Hey, sunshine,” he said to her. “Did I wake you?”
“No, you’re okay,” she lied, not wanting to make him feel bad. “Where are you going?”
Crosshair just shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Are you okay?” she then asked.
“I’m fine,” he replied flatly, looking away.
There was something in his face and in his eyes that showed Kimber that he wasn’t being entirely honest. Something was troubling him and he was trying to hide it.
Taking a few steps closer to him, she spoke in a reassuring tone, “Crosshair, have you already forgotten what you told me months ago? Partners don’t keep secrets. They trust each other. I can tell something is bothering you. Please, talk to me.”
The corners of his lips twitched up for a second and he lightly scoffed. “There you go again, reading me when I’m trying to be unreadable,” he replied, still keeping his gaze averted.
She grinned to herself. “There really isn’t a whole lot you can hide from me.”
“I should’ve known,” he thought to himself, knowing he was an idiot for thinking he could fool Kimber. He exhaled sharply through his nose, turned his head to face her and then stated, “Everything that happened with the Eradicators got me thinking.”
“And what were you thinking?” she inquired.
“They hated Clones and wanted to get rid of us, thinking we were a waste of time and space and we shouldn't exist…how long will it be until the Republic thinks the same?” he asked in return. “When this war is over, what will become of us? Who is to say the Republic won’t think we’re no longer relevant once we’re not needed to fight?”
Kimber was astonished hearing such questions from him and her eyes went wide. “Crosshair, how can you say that?” she asked in shock. “The Republic values all of you Clones, especially the Jedi, from what I’ve heard. They would never treat you the same as the Eradicators!”
“We were deemed unimportant enough that they wanted to take matters into their own hands,” he countered. “How will we, soldiers bred for war, be seen when there isn’t a war? What will be the point?”
“You will still be seen as important and I’m sure the Republic will still look out for all of you,” she said back.
“That’s a risk I don’t think I can take,” he said in a low voice. “We need to do something.”
Perplexed, she asked, “What are you talking about?”
Crosshair responded, his expression turning somber, “We have to ensure that we stay relevant; we need to make ourselves indispensable in the eyes of the Republic. Otherwise, we will have no purpose.”
Stepping forward, Kimber replied, “Crosshair, listen to yourself. You’re getting worked up over nothing. I know the Republic values all of the Clones. You are all key players in this war and they recognize that.” She went up to him and laid a hand on his arm. “They are not the Eradicators, Crosshair. You’re letting what happened with them mess with your head. The Republic won’t abandon you nor will they cast you all aside, thinking you’re insignificant once the war is over. Everything will be all right, I promise.”
He looked down at her, an expression of uncertainty on his face, but once he saw the conviction in her own eyes, he found he didn't want to argue with her. She was always so full of hope and goodness, no matter the circumstances. She truly was like a ray of sunshine in a time of darkness. He could only hope that she was right about what she said.
His face softened a little as he then said to her, "You're too good for all of this, sunshine. Your heart is too pure for this war."
She snickered lightly as she removed her hand. "Well, just because I grew up on Tatooine doesn't mean the harsh deserts would've made me dried up and bitter," she replied.
"I just hate that, for you to end up with us, you had to get caught up in the middle of the war," he then said.
"I know," she said back. "I didn't expect it either, but I wouldn't change a thing. Though I can't help but feel responsible for making things worse for the Clones with the Eradicators. Had I not fought Carson--"
"Don't say that," Crosshair sharply cut her off. "You did nothing wrong. He made his choice on how he reacted to you and he suffered the consequences. I would blast that Rodian a thousand times over to protect you with no regrets, despite the repercussions of my actions. The others agree with me, as well."
Even though he had said similar things to her before, Kimber still couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with joy at what he said and with love for him. He cared so much about her and it somehow still amazed her that he did and how far he was willing to go for her.
With a smile, she replied, "Likewise, I wouldn't change a thing I did either. With Carson or with Jax."
"You killed him, didn't you?" Crosshair then asked. "Hunter mentioned when we went to get you that he saw Orroco dead on the ground and you had a blaster in your hand."
Her head hung low and she responded, "Yes...I did."
Taking a step closer, he inquired, "How do you feel about that?"
For a few seconds, she was quiet, trying to find the right words to say. "I...I don't know," she responded. "It was mostly in self-defense when I actually pulled the trigger, but...I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill him...but initially, I couldn't do it. I took someone's life, even though I strongly felt he deserved to die. I knew his death would ensure that you, the boys and all other Clones would be safe from him and his followers...but it came by my hand." Her voice began to waver as her emotions in the moment started to overcome her. "I don't know how to feel about it and that terrifies me. Am I killer now, Crosshair? Am I becoming a terrible person?"
Crosshair placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen to me, Kimber," he said, calling her by her name and indicating he was getting very serious, "you are the least terrible person any of us have ever encountered. War changes us and sometimes, we're faced with choices we don't want to make, some of them questionable. That does not always make us bad people. You have not been hardened by battle like we have, so killing when necessary comes differently to us. I killed that Rodian without hesitation, yes, but it was to protect you, just as you killed Orroco to protect us." His hand came underneath her chin and he gently tilted her head up so she would look at him. "You're still a good person; the best I've ever known and it would take a far more powerful force in this galaxy to change that."
Kimber smiled at him gratefully. She knew it wasn't always easy for him to speak his feelings about anything, but she was glad that he trusted her enough to do so with her.
"How lucky am I to have someone like you always looking out for me?" she asked.
Crosshair simply grinned in response.
"You were a big part of how I made it by on my own, you know…when I was captured and when I came to find you guys," she told him. "I've learned a lot from the whole squad, but being strong in spite of my fears, trusting my instincts, knowing how to take care of myself and to stand tall on my own when I didn’t have any of you with me: that's a lesson I learned from you, Crosshair.”
For a small moment, he looked surprised and was speechless. His eyes went back and forth between her and the ground, his mind trying hard to think of the right thing to say back. Then he spoke in a low voice, “I know we have not always agreed on everything and there most likely will be more things we won’t agree on in the future, but if there’s one thing I know for sure: it’s that you’re no longer the helpless desert-dweller we found all those months ago and I trust you completely. You make your choices with your heart more than your mind and it hasn’t steered you wrong. I wouldn’t want anyone else at my side as my partner. Or as….”
He stopped short, unable to finish his thought, and he turned away, heat rising in his cheeks.
That, however, didn’t go unnoticed by Kimber. “Or as what?” she pressed him.
Crosshair gritted his teeth. What he wanted to say was something he was positive he would never tell her and would keep to himself only, but it had started to slip out before he realized it. He could easily say “nothing” or “never mind” and try to move on, but he knew that would never fly with Kimber. As previously shown, she would easily know something was on his mind. Why did he still wish to keep this part of him closed off from her? He literally had just said he trusted her completely, yet he still neglected to tell her everything that was on his mind and in his heart. Why was he like this: so emotionally distant? It was one thing with his brothers, especially because they were soldiers and couldn’t always be in tune with their emotions, but with Kimber…she was different. She brought out parts of him no one ever saw, caused him to think things he never would’ve fathomed before and made him feel like he was actually important when others in the galaxy made him feel like less. 
Perhaps it was time she knew. It was time for him to actually live by his words and trust her with everything.
His intent gaze met hers and he said to her, “Or as…my sister…and ever since Kuat, that is how I have viewed you, Kimber.”
Kimber’s heart was touched at hearing those words from Crosshair, knowing it had to take a lot of courage for him to admit that to her. While she’d had a strong feeling he viewed her in a familial way just as she did with him, it was still an immense comfort hearing it aloud and once again, he had said her name and not “sunshine”; the second time he’d used it in a single conversation.
Crosshair meant what he said one-hundred percent.
Her eyes welled up with tears, but she blinked them away as she smiled and replied to him, “Oh Crosshair…you’re very much my brother to me, too…and I love you.”
He offered her a small, heartfelt grin and said, “I know.”
His response came as no surprise to her. She didn’t expect him to actually say “I love you” back and he most likely never would; he wasn’t a man that used very flowery or affectionate language like that. Though, that didn’t matter. He didn’t need to. Just the way he did express his feelings in his own way was good enough for her and the sentiment still came across all the same.
She took a step forward and lifted her arms up to hug him, but then stopped herself, remembering he wasn’t a big fan of hugs and she didn’t want to make him anymore uncomfortable, so she shifted back and brought her arms back down, still smiling at him.
Though, he definitely took notice of her movement and knew what her intentions were. He rolled his eyes and let out a long, exasperated sigh. “You’ve got me in a sentimental mood, for once,” he groaned, though with a tiny smirk still on his face. Then he relented, held out his arms slightly and said, “Come here, sunshine.”
Kimber couldn’t hold back the excited giggle that escaped her as she then leapt forward and wrapped her arms around his waist and back, hugging him tighter than she ever had, and laying her face against his armored chest. His arms came about her shoulders and he cradled her head against him, enfolding her into his embrace. Willing hugs from Crosshair were a rare and special commodity that she cherished whenever they occurred. As far as she knew, she was the only one he bestowed them to and she knew to never take them for granted.
“Don’t expect this from me all the time,” she heard him say, almost as if he had read her thoughts.
She chuckled. “Oh, I know,” she said. Then she gently squeezed him a little tighter. “That’s why I’m appreciating this for as long as I can.”
Even though he would never voice it out loud, Crosshair was doing the same. Even though most of the time he wasn’t fond of hugs, he secretly loved it when he hugged Kimber. Her embrace was warm and comforting, just like the nickname he’d given her, which proved even more how perfect of a name it was for her. Even though it still hadn’t happened often, he treasured the moments they did and kept them close.
Then he heard her voice speak to him, “Nothing bad is going to happen to you, your brothers or any of the Clones when the war ends. I swear to you, I won’t let that happen.”
“As touching as that is, I don’t think that’s in your power to control,” he told her solemnly.
She scoffed with amusement. “I helped take down an entire organization of anti-Clone extremists. You really think I wouldn't take on the entire Republic for my boys if I wanted?"
Crosshair pulled back to look down at her, but kept his hands on her biceps. His eyebrows rose up at her as he replied, "Those are bold words."
Kimber just shrugged. "Well...I'm a bold woman."
"That, you are," he said back. Then he stepped back, lowering his hands, and then gestured with his head to the Koriena Force’s ship. “As are those women you showed up with. How did you find them?”
“I met Rina, the small one who went off with Wrecker yesterday, while on a mission with the 501st to Jakku,” she explained. “She liked me and thought I had skill and gave me a special encrypted comm device to reach her if I ever needed her help for anything. Once we realized we needed a more covert operation to find you guys and all the Clones, I reached out to her. The rest of the ladies, Rina had already recruited.”
“They seem to look up to you,” he pointed out.
Sheepishly, she replied, “I guess so. It’s still very strange. I’m not used to being in a leadership position.”
"You’re the sweetheart of a Sergeant. Leadership is going to come naturally,” he said back. “Speaking of which…how are things now with you two?"
Her eyes drifted to the ground for a minute and a small smile curled up on her lips as she recalled the dance she and Hunter had shared the night before. “We’re getting there,” she told Crosshair, looking back at him. “We were able to talk a little last night. He wants to be on better terms with me, at least, but…I can tell he still needs more time. I don’t think he’s ready to return to the way things were yet.”
Crosshair groaned almost in disgust and rolled his eyes. “Hunter is an idiot,” he stated.
“Crosshair, if he’s not ready, I’m not going to force him into anything,” she told him.
However, he refuted, “He was worried like mad about you when we were on Nar Shadaa. While he wanted us to believe he was calm and collected, I could see it in the moments he thought I wasn’t looking. He was terrified something had happened to you or you would never find us. He is ready to be with you again, but his pride keeps him in denial.”
“Even so, that’s Hunter’s choice,” she replied. “I know you don’t agree with it and I appreciate your support; believe me, I don’t like it either, but it’s all up to him now. I’ve made my choice and it’s on him to make the next move.”
“What is your decision?” he inquired.
With a small shrug, she said, “I will wait for him. No matter how long it takes.”
“And if he were to decide he no longer wants to be with you?”
“Then I’ll remain alone…because I won't have anyone else.”
“Not even the reg from Coruscant?”
That question was unexpected and Kimber was taken aback at hearing Crosshair ask it. “No…not even Jesse,” she replied, reminding him of Jesse’s name. Though, hearing him bring up Jesse reminded her of something she hadn’t had a chance to ask Crosshair yet. “You told me on Zeffo that you knew about me and him. How did you find out?”
“I overheard your conversation with him before he left,” he admitted.
“You have a real bad habit of eavesdropping. That’s what caused our last fight,” she chided him, shaking her head. When he didn’t say anything back, she went on, “If you heard us, then you would know that nothing really happened between us; that my heart and my loyalties still remain with Hunter.”
“I do know that,” he said, “but the reg still carries quite a torch for you.”
“I didn’t ask for him to,” she said, a sense of melancholy gripping her heart as she began to think of Jesse and how much she missed him. “He’s a dear friend who looked out for me and helped me when I needed it. That’s all there is. One day, I’m sure he’ll move on.”
Crosshair folded his arms across his chest. “You’re a lot of trouble, you know that?”
Puzzled, Kimber narrowed her eyes at him.
“Everywhere you go, you just make everyone love you one way or another,” he said.
She blushed. “I don’t ask for that either.” Then she shook her head, flailed her arms around and exclaimed, embarrassed, “Stop getting all mushy on me, Crosshair! This isn’t like you!”
“Like I said, you’ve got me in a sentimental mood,” he said, smirking.
All of a sudden, Kimber heard behind her, “Crosshair in a sentimental mood? It must be the end of the world.” She looked over her shoulder and saw Echo sauntering his way over to them, looking slightly smug about the comment he just made, with Tech and Wrecker in tow.
“Very funny,” Crosshair droned.
Echo came up next to Kimber and draped his arm around her neck and shoulders, pulling her in for a side hug. "It's so good to be back with you, Kimber. I can't believe you and those ladies took the Eradicators down all on your own."
"I owe them everything," she said. "I definitely wouldn't have gotten this far without them."
Tech approached and said, "I will admit, we were most surprised you were able to locate us. Jax Orroco had informed us his base's location was unknown to everyone outside his circle of informants."
She scoffed with a grin. "That's because Jax Orroco was so far up on his high horse, he couldn't actually see how wrong he was about that. Irys, my Togruta friend, found out everything about the Eradicators in only a few minutes with a deep dive into the holonet." Then she smirked at Tech. "I think you would like her. She's quite intelligent, like you."
Tech let out of a light "hmph" in response. "Indeed, but I doubt her intellect is any match for my exceptional mind."
"I wouldn't let her hear you say that," she warned him.
Just then, they heard the ramp to the Koriena Force's ship activate and lower down to the ground. From behind the door, they all saw Lex, Kida and Irys exit the ship. The ladies caught sight of them nearby and walked over to join them.
"Hey, where's Rina?" inquired Wrecker, realizing she wasn't with the ladies.
"We don't know, we haven't seen her," replied Kida.
"She most likely went out for an early morning smoke," Irys stated.
Then Echo spoke up, "That reminds me, we haven't seen Hunter either."
"He's probably out scouting," said Crosshair.
Lex, twirling her vibroblade, then said, "I'm sure they're both fine, wherever they are. They'll be back."
Kimber nodded back at her. She couldn't help but wonder about Hunter and if he was okay. He had seemed so the night before. She hoped Crosshair was right and that he was out scouting...and he wasn't away for any other reason.
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Hunter was, indeed, out scouting the area...but he also needed time to himself to think.
Mostly about Kimber and everything that had happened the previous day and night.
There was so much he had to wrap his head around. Firstly, Kimber had grown into quite the leader in their time apart and now had a squad of her own somehow. He had felt so proud to see her like that...but also, he'd felt a bit sad. What if now she wanted to stay with the ladies instead of them? Last night, she had said she still belonged with their squad, but he couldn't shake the sinking feeling that she was only saying that to put his mind at ease in the moment. If she changed her mind and wanted to stay with her new friends, should he let her? Was he willing to let her go after everything they'd just been through? They were no longer together, so she held no obligation to him and could do whatever she wanted...and he would just have to let her, even if it would pain him to do so.
But why?
That then led to another thought...even though they weren't together, she was still loyal to him. She had proved that in everything she'd told him about Jesse. The reg had fallen for her and she'd had the chance to turn to him when things between her and Hunter weren't good, but she hadn’t. Her heart and loyalty was still with Hunter...yet he still struggled with that. Why did he not find it as easy to stay that loyal to her? It had been months since she'd left them and they had since been reunited, he had gotten captured and she had achieved the impossible to save him. Yet he couldn't find it in him to just take her back, even though he knew how much she wanted it.
But why?
When they had danced together the night before, it had all felt right; like that was how things were supposed to be. It was a feeling he had missed. He'd found himself once again in awe of her beauty, her strength and her compassion as he had held her and swayed with her to the soothing music. He'd felt that pull towards her again and nearly kissed her--and by stars, he'd wanted to--but he had showed restraint and held back and denied himself what he wanted in the moment.
But why?
That seemed to be the one question that he could never answer: why?
Why was he torturing himself like this? Why was he torturing Kimber like this? Why could he not just go back to her? Why was his pride stopping him? Why could he not decide if he still loved her?
What did he really want anymore?
Did he want to be with Kimber or did he want to keep himself free from experiencing that pain and heartache again?
Just then, his thoughts were interrupted as his senses as well as his nostrils picked up something close by...and he knew right away who it was.
"What are you doing, Rina?" he asked aloud, turning in the direction of where he knew she would be.
The small, silver-haired woman stepped out from behind a nearby tree, an impressed look on her face. "Wow, Boss Lady wasn't lying about those senses of yours, huh?" she asked as she leaned back against the tree trunk.
His face scrunched slightly as he clarified, "You reek of that oil you smoke."
Her hand holding her vape mod came up to her mouth as she took in another drag of the citrussy-smelling smoke. "Yeah, I guess there's that, too," she said casually after breathing the vapors out. "I don't smoke on a job and I really needed a hit after that rescue mission."
Putting his hands on his hips, Hunter asked back, "How do you get by then if you're that addicted to it?"
Without breaking eye contact, Rina pulled up one of her sleeves and revealed two small patches on her arm; nicotine patches, to be exact, and he could see light adhesive marks left on her skin from where there used to be a third one. Seeing those made him understand how she was able to cope without her vape.
"I get by just fine, thanks," she said flatly.
"Sorry," he replied.
Rina took another smoke and then asked him, "What are you doing out here by yourself, lover boy?"
"I'm just out scouting," he said, "and why do you keep calling me that?"
"Uh, because you're Kimber's lover, duh!" Rina said as a matter of factly. "Kinda thought that was obvious."
The Sergeant shifted uncomfortably. "Well, we're not together anymore," he told her.
"Yeah, I'm aware," she said. "Can I ask you something, Sarge?"
He responded with a casual shrug, giving her the go-ahead.
"How thick in the head are you?" she spat.
Hunter's head reared back in astonishment. "Excuse me?"
Rina pushed off the tree and gradually walked towards him. "Just what is your deal? You're not just scouting; you're out here moping around because you're struggling with your feelings."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he denied.
She rolled her eyes and sighed loudly. "Okay, normally I wouldn't say this, but I'm going to anyway: I'm Force-sensitive and let me tell you, the conflict I sense in you is so intense, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go deaf."
His eyes widened a bit at her. "You're a Jedi?"
"Ugh, no, I'm not a Jedi," she scoffed. "That's a long story and not what's important right now." She crossed her arms over her chest. "If you still love her, why don't you just get back together already?"
Hunter's mouth hovered open to answer her, but words failed him briefly. "It--it's not that simple," he replied, looking away.
"It seems pretty simple to me," she stated.
Turning back to her, he said, now getting agitated, "Do you even know what she did?"
"Yeah, of course I know," she shot back. "I've gotten to know her pretty well over the last few days. She left you guys. So what?"
He reared back a little in surprise.
"Yeah, she didn't leave in the best way, but she still came back. Not only that, but she went through a lot to find you and rescue you guys. Is that not enough for you?"
"Of course, it is."
"No, it's clearly not, because instead of being back at the ship with her, you're out here fighting yourself." Rina brought the vape mod up, inhaled deeply for a few seconds and released a thick cloud of smoke from her mouth. "And I know exactly why."
Now, Hunter too crossed his arms and challenged her, "Okay, why then? Enlighten me."
With a cocky grin, she answered, "It's because you're afraid."
He stayed silent, his jaw clenching.
She went on, waving her mod at him, "You've never had your heart broken before and you've never been betrayed before. You think distancing yourself from the woman I know you still love is the best solution so you don't have to go through that again. Well, guess what, lover boy? It's a part of life. Life isn't fair. You're gonna have your heart and your trust broken by people, even those closest to you. Grow a pair and get over it."
The Sergeant was so astonished at how ruthless this woman, who barely came up to his shoulder, spoke to him that he couldn't find it in him to respond.
Seeing his stunned silence, she kept going, her voice hardening, "Yeah, I know Kimber hurt you, but that doesn't give you the right to hurt her back, especially after everything she just did for you. If you break her heart, you're gonna need a lot more ink to cover the scars you'll get on your face when I'm through with you."
Hunter legitimately felt intimidated by Rina after that threat and instinctively took a step back.
In that moment, Rina recognized her anger was getting the best of her and she got a nauseous feeling in her stomach. She was getting too worked up, so she took another drag from her vape mod, hoping that would help calm her down.
After releasing a breath and feeling her anger subside, she said in a more controlled tone, "Look...Kimber is my friend and she means a lot to me. I've come to find in the last few days, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her. I want to like you because you're important to her...but you've got to make up your mind, Sarge. Either get back with her or don't. I'll celebrate with her or I'll be there to pick up the pieces, but either way, make a decision. I'm not a firm believer in the Force, but I believe in it enough to say that it brought the two of you together in the first place for a reason."
Rina turned her back on him and started to walk away, but stopped after only a couple steps. "She and I have been bunkmates the last couple nights...and when she's not having nightmares, she says your name in her sleep. More than once, I might add," she told him over her shoulder. "If that sways you at all."
Hunter couldn't help but inhale sharply, close his eyes and hang his head in shame. Those last words struck something in him that he couldn't explain. Knowing Kimber still even had dreams of him...and unbeknownst to her or Rina, he still dreamt of Kimber, too...only made his inner turmoil worse.
However, right then, his senses told him something was wrong and when he looked up, he saw Rina was starting to sway back and forth in place as she was inhaling on her vape mod. Her complexion was suddenly very pale and she didn't look good at all.
"Rina...are you okay?" he asked hesitantly.
With a shaky release of breath, she chuckled, seemingly amused, and stated, the unpleasantness in her stomach building, "Oh yeah, I forgot...taking a big hit off my mod after having my nic patches on for so long...really ain't a good idea."
Right after that, Rina doubled over and violently vomited into the grass before suddenly collapsing, the last thing she saw and heard being Hunter calling her name and running towards her in a panic.
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bunnyaizawa · 1 year
Here's my first fanfic on here. Enjoy. And I do take requests for naruto and I wanna start doing mha ships too
Warning 18+ content⚠
Forgotten date (naruto x shikaku)
Naruto had been dating shikamaru for awhile now, and they were supposed to go on a date tonight. He got to the Nara's house and shikaku answered. "Hey naruto what are you doing here? Shikamaru isn't here right now." He told naruto. Naruto got sad he didn't think that shikamaru was the type to either forget or not care. "I'm sorry naruto. Why don't you come in for awhile?" Shikaku asked naruto. Naruto started waving his hands and shaking his head.
"No no no I wouldn't want to ruin your evening." Naruto said nervously.
"Nonsense i don't have anything to do anyway. And you got all dressed up for him. I would hate for it to be for nothing." Shikaku said as he gently grabbed naruto's hand to guide him into the house. Naruto didn't resist him. He was guided into the living room to sit on the couch. Shikaku sat across from him. "I'm sorry my son is so stupid. Once his mom died he started to not care about anyone. I feel like its my fault that I let him get like that. Where were you guys supposed to go out to tonight?" Shikaku asked.
"Well first its not your fault your a great and sweet guy. Shikamaru is just shikamaru. And we were supposed to be going to a restaurant today. Where did he go anyway?" Naruto said.
"Thank you for that naruto, and he went out with some of your guys friends. I thought you would be with them. I'm sorry. So I guess you haven't eaten yet. How about I make us some dinner." Shikaku said.
"No no I don't wanna be trouble." Naruto said. Shikaku laughed at the little blonde. He was so adorable when he got frantic like that. Shikaku didn't realize that until now.
"Don't be silly its no trouble at all. I haven't eaten dinner yet either. So we can both have something together." Shikaku told him. 'Shikamaru your a dam fool.' Shikaku thought to himself. While shikaku was making dinner he was still talking to naruto. Since the only thing separating the 2 rooms was a small island. They sat there telling each other about themselves.
Dinner was ready and he called naruto over to come eat. On the island where they were going to eat there was so much food. "Wow this is alot. You didn't have to make so much." Naruto said worried. He hated being a burden to anyone. Especially someone like shikaku, someone so sweet and kind. Also so hot.
"Oh its nothing I never get to cook anymore so you gave me a reason and I love it. I miss cooking but with him always out and with his mother gone. I never have anyone to cook for so thank you." Shikaku told naruto.
'He is a total dilf.' Naruto thought to himself while looking at shikaku. Naruto looked away slightly shaking his head. 'No no stop it.' He scolded himself. Its not the first time he has had to put those thoughts out of his head. In fact that's one of the reasons he started hanging out with shikamaru all the time. And somewhere along the way somehow he ended up dating shikamaru. Shikaku saw naruto all flustered. 'Hes so cute. But why is he so flustered? Is it because of me? No it couldn't possibly be that. Could it?' Shikaku was thinking to himself. Naruto finished eating and shikaku chuckled at how fast naruto finished. "Oh im sorry if I ate to fast. You haven't even finished yet." Naruto said.
"Oh no its alright I was getting full anyway. Let's clean up then we can watch a movie in the living room. That sound good?" Shikaku asked. Naruto nodded and they cleaned up. "Ok go pick a movie. I'll be out in a minute." Shikaku said.
"Ok I'll pick something awesome." Naruto said as he ran to the living room with a smile. Shikaku was so happy to see a smile back on his face. He is so upset that his son is so stupid making that sweet little boy so sad. Now that he thought about it Its been awhile since he had a smile too. Maybe this night is good for both of them. Naruto had picked some fighting movie. Shikaku came in with 2 bowls of ice cream.
"Some dessert for movie time?" Shikaku asked with a smile. Naruto happily took a bowl. While they were watching the movie shikaku put his arm behind naruto. 'Is he making a move?' Naruto thought. So naruto turned and snuggled into shikaku's side. Shikaku smiled and wrapped his arm completely around naruto. 'I knew it.' Shikaku thought. Naruto looked over at his phone and picked it up, and turned away from shikaku for a moment. Shikaku didn't look realizing naruto didn't want him to see. Naruto text shikamaru.
N: we're through. Im done u act like u don't care and now u stood me up. I hate who you've become. Goodbye.
S: naru wait what did I do. I'm sorry I didn't realize what I did.
N: no goodbye
You have blocked this number
Naruto felt a wash of release after that. He put his phone down and snuggled back into shikaku. Shikaku realized naruto felt less tense. Shikaku looked down at the blonde. He grabbed his chin and pulled naruto's lips to his own. Naruto was shocked at first before he started kissing back. 'Is this really happening?' Naruto asked himself. Shikaku pulled naruto onto his lap. Naruto didn't resist. Shikaku ran his tongue along naruto's bottom lip, demanding entrance. Naruto happily let him in. They were exploring each other mouths when suddenly shikaku stood up holding naruto. Naruto let out a slight gasp. They broke the kiss and shikaku chuckled. "You ok?" He asked the blonde still holding him.
"Yea just caught me off guard that's all." Naruto said arms still around shikaku's neck. Then he smashed his lips back into shikaku's. Shikaku carried naruto to his room. He laid him on the bed. Naruto tried getting shikaku's shirt off so shikaku broke the kiss to help. Then he took naruto's shirt off too. He started trailing kisses down naruto's body, making little moans escape naruto's mouth here and there. He slid naruto's pants off. And started giving naruto a blow job. When he came up to kiss naruto he kept stroking him. Naruto couldn't stop letting the moans pour out of his mouth. Shikaku grabbed the lube he had in his nightstand. He slicked up his fingers before putting one in naruto. He realized that this most likely wasn't naruto's first time with shikaku easily getting 2 finger in him. He was still tight though so he still needed preparation. Shikaku scissored his fingers until he felt the little blonde was ready. He went to enter naruto but naruto stopped him and made him lay down and naruto hopped on top of him. Shikaku was shocked but that was turned to pleasure quickly. As naruto slide himself onto shikaku. He was bouncing on shikaku unable to control him moaning. "DADDY." Naruto screamed accidentally. He didn't mean for his Daddy dom kink to come through. He quickly covered him mouth. Shikaku chuckled and removed naruto's hands off his mouth.
"Its ok baby boy. Call me whatever you want." Shikaku told him as he pulled him down to kiss him as he stroked into naruto. Not long after they both hit their climax, due to shikaku finding naruto's sweet spot. Naruto went limp on shikaku. He chuckled before getting a cloth to clean them up. Naruto fell asleep laying on shikaku's chest. And stayed the night.
Shikamaru came home in the middle of the night. He saw the dishes in the sink. 'Looks like dinner for 2. Did dad have company tonight?' Shikamaru thought. He went to tell his dad he was home. "I better not go in there right now." He whispered to himself. And he headed to bed.
Shikamaru woke up to sounds in the kitchen. He walked into see His father in boxers hanging on his ex boyfriends back like a child. "What are you making." Shikaku whined.
"I told you. You'll find out when I'm done." Naruto said. He had decided to make breakfast for them.
"Fine I guess." Shikaku pouted. "Can I have a kiss though." Naruto rolled his eyes and turned to kiss him. He pushed into naruto making him drop the spoon he was using. Naruto laughed into the kiss.
"Ok ok i need to finish." Shikaku let him go finish what he was doing. As he was walking away, he saw shikamaru standing at the end of the hall jaw hitting the floor.
"Oh hi son I didn't hear you come back last night." Shikaku said.
"Um ex boyfriend. Remember we broke up." Naruto chimed in. Shikamaru went back to his room as naruto chuckled with a hint of happiness from what he did.
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unworthy-stars · 7 years
“Lead” (Kitri Variation Series)
(You didn’t reply to your request @mimizuku9 so I am tagging you in this one as well in case you missed One Last Time the week before)
'I am too short to be lead, teacher.' Wang lowered his head in sight of his teacher.
'But I cannot think of someone more fitting for the role. You have the technique and the expression, you have the full pack and I will be ashamed of myself and my work if someone like you gets a secondary role.' Ivan tried to persuade him.
'Between us, teacher, I believe that I can dance five different parts in each act instead of being the lead. I am honoured but it is a huge responsibility.'
Ivan had thought that if he gave the role to Yao then he wouldn't force himself to dance on stage an other time. He had promised himself that he wouldn't dance ever again and Mariinsky forcing him to do the big comeback wasn't his cup of tea.
Moreover he wanted to stress on the choreographies. He enjoyed making female parts into male and the opposite. He would experiment them on Wang Yao, his best student. Not a female talent had been approved by the teachers of the female section so he was being patient until the moment had come.
'Wang. Listen to me,' Ivan put his hands on Wang's well-built shoulders 'This is your big chance. You have to chase it. Trust me, you are destined for big things and this might be the very beginning!'
Wang moved his hands over Ivan's and softly put them down. Wang's touch made Ivan screech and blush, mostly because Ivan had a soft point for this specific student. At first he loathed him for all these qualities he owned and Ivan had to gain but that envy grew up to be awe and that sense of admiration and fear evolved into something bigger that Ivan could not explain in words nor acts.
'In contrast with my classmates all I want to do is dance. They seek for something more complex something that requires more responsibility, more patience and less talent, less feeling,' Wang sighed 'My simplicity does not allow me to become something flamboyant. And I honestly prefer to become someone with a life full of dancing alone rather than a puppet dancing for an audience who only applauses.'
Ivan wanted to slap him because he knew very well what happened to those obsessed with dancing. They were moody and stubborn, seeking for loneliness and isolation. Then they start to dance because they are sad and Ivan thought that was exactly on the edge of being pathetic.
However Wang's fiery black eyes stopped him from scolding him. He simply looked down on their naked feet and smiled.
'They say that to learn you have to fall. So I will just stop here and let you do as you wish. If you want to try out, I'll be here teaching.' Ivan tried to move towards the exit so he could leave the dancer make up his mind.
Wang ordered him to wait and with soundless steps on his toes he reached Ivan. The teacher turned around and saw his student with that stubborn, furious expression he would never get used to see and not admire.
'Why don't you dance the role? Why don't you dance again?'
Normally if a student spoke to that tone, Ivan would have slapped him and then told him to behave. Nevertheless he couldn't do it to Wang because as mentioned before he was his weakness. He hadn't had such a brilliant student in years.
'I cannot say. Sometimes dancers hide their pain instead of talking about it to some sorts of documentary. I prefer to not talk about something that makes me feel pathetic.' Ivan said and quietly left the room.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Pairings: Brahms Heelshire x Reader
Tw: canon violence, implied child abuse, toxic relationships (mentioned) and other stuff. Honestly this is a slasher fanfic, that should be a warning on it's own.
Summary: Brahms finds himself having trouble to accept that even if you have stayed you're not loving him how he wants
A/N: i just wanted an excuse to self indulge and giving my stinky wall gremlin a hug. Also fuck the heelshires, I'll never going to believe brahms killed Emily, his parents are piles of garbage.
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Since Brahms has showed himself to you after the whole abusive ex boyfriend situation things have been... well not exactly great. You stayed, of course. Not that you had much of choice cause the moment you saw Brahms and what he was really capable of, you didn't want to test your luck by trying to run away. Besides, aren't you the one who asked him for help? Didn't he at least try to just scare off your boyfriend first? And if you were to bs honest Brahms appeared only when your ex started to get violent. Maybe killing someone wasn't the right way to put an end to the situation but if Brahms didn't do what he did, can you say for sure that your ex boyfriend wouldn't have tried to hurt you or worse?
Being so rational about it didn't help to calm down your mind. Your thoughts and emotions were bouncing from place to place, from betrayal to fear, from understanding and sympathy to hate and resentment. All this time thinking you were just amusing the grief driven delusions of an old couple by doing all those chores and attending to a doll. They took advantage of your kindness and you, like the fool you are, didn't put the pieces together to see that they were trying to trick you. You were so angry at yourself for not even question the weird rules or the strange things that happened during you stay. You were so wrapped up in your own bubble of loneliness that in the end you found a bizarre comfort in living with the doll and having to care for it. They all, but most importantly he, took the opportunity to use your weakness against you.
Then everytime you thought about how disturbing was the knowledge of realising a grown, and very much alive, man was stalking you from behind the walls your mind pulled you back to a much more twisted realisation. They locked him in the walls, their own son forced not to only to cut any contact with the outside world but having to hide in his own house too. A child, not being allowed to even live between the walls of his home, forced to being forgotten and ignored by everyone. He wasn't dead but he certainly was a ghost of himself, just a figment inside the mind of his parents as they rather preferred to tend and love a doll than their own son.
How could someone even think about doing something like that? How can you be willing to break your own child like that. That's when everything started to get confusing; that's when you started to see the stalking and the lies from his part as something sad rather than disturbing or upsetting. He was trapped as much as you were.
This is what made your choice of not running away much more definitive. Cause even in your fuzzy and scared state your mind worked at the speed of light, putting every piece together, adding reasons, putting on blames and taking them off.
Now that didn't help the fact that Brahms, sad as it was his story, was not mentally stable. He just killed a man in front of you and acted as if nothing bad had happened. Not even as much as flinching when he had to help you dispose the body just to ask without any remorse or shame for his goodnight kiss after you have tucked him in his bed.
It has been a few weeks after that night and you hoped, for the sake of your own mental stability, that things would fall somewhat into a normal state again. As usual in your life, that wasn't the case. You have to say that making everything so weird and tense has been a job in which you and Brahms both excelled. You by being distant and on the edge everytime he was near you, allow him barely the goodnight kiss just because it was on the rules, and he being well just being Brahms.
There's only so much he lets you get away with without throwing a tantrum. You have learned the hard way that patience was not part of Brahms qualities. He knows how much power he has on you and you, initially, thought he was abusing it by throwing fits to get what he wanted. Everytime he did as much as raising his voice you were already shaking and backing away, fearing for your life.
However after a while, you decided you weren't going to have none of that anymore. The reason you applied to this job was to get away from all the stress and abuse you were suffering at home with your ex, not to have another man child treating you like this. Everytime he started you were quick to bite back without holding one bit of what you had to say. You tried everything and in the end the only thing that seemed to work was reminding him that he was not being good, almost guilt tripping him for being this harsh with you without any reason, reminding him that if he didn't behave then you would have to stop the goodnight kisses. That always managed not to calm him down or get a sorry from him but at least to make him tone down the tantrum to a manageable level. You didn't give him any sign of affection or care so he was not going to risk the only physical contact he could get from you.
You knew, deep inside, how unfair was to threat him with taking away your "affections" as a way to get him to behave. You weren't being any better than his parents but you always excused yourself saying that you were actually doing what he wanted but he still treated you bad. Sometimes you wondered if maybe he was just getting tired of you already and you dreaded the thought of what that might lead to.
Then on day it became painfully obvious what was happening. It seems you have been taking the habit of being oblivious about everything around you cause lately realisations have been punching you in the face too late for your liking.
He wasn't getting tired of you and he certainly wasn't displeased with how you were doing the chores. What was upsetting his inner peace was just the lack of...love in your actions. He has been watching you since day one of your stay in the manor, bathing in your care and love. Everything you did to, with or for his doll you did it with such warm and love that he was almost tempted of just throwing away the damn doll and taking for himself all the attention. The way your face brightened up when you danced with the doll, when you told him everything that was on your mind, the nights where you read him stories and decided on your own to stay with him for the night just to make sure you were there if he needed anything. Everytime he did something nice for you your reactions were enough to make it all worth it.
He just craved that love, that unconditional feeling that didn't require from him anything more than what he was or what he was doing. He wanted you to be as happy as you were around him, needed to experience those joyful moments you had with the doll himself. Brahms was actually trying hard to make of himself someone you could look out for to feel safe and happy. Every effort he put always seemed to have the opposite reaction from you, every thing he did now was only pushing you more and more away from him and that scared him.
His whole life all he knew was rejection and fear, judgement for everything he has ever done. Not one single person believed he could've been good, that he wasn't the monster everyone seemed to make out of him. His parents for instance never believing him about having nothing to do with the death of emily. All his life has been a race to be good enough to win the love of the ones he cared for. He knows what people scared of him, forced to care, end up doing to be free from him and from everything that comes from being around him. For once in his life he's not doing everything only for himself but for the sake of keeping you alive too.
And that's what breaks you down completely. Having missed every sign, every detail. Been so enveloped in your own thoughts and distrust that you didn't consider that maybe he was in fact keeping his words of being good to you. To think that the only thing you needed for him to stop being so irrationally (now with reason) angry was just letting him in. All he wants from you is just to allow him to be close without having to fight for it anymore.
Now that you looked at him, even with the mask on, you could see how exhausted he really was. You have been able to force him to take a bath and change into clean clothes, the whole time he seemed at peace, in his mind he was just pretending the circumstances were different and that everything was as it was before.
He was seating in one of the armchair in the living room, his posture was slightly slouched forwards, probably because of his height and the tension he's always carrying with him. His head was hanging low, his eyes hiding behind the few dark curls that were dangling in front of them. He was worn out from your last argument and it showed in the way his chest raised and fell heavily. Actually you noticed that maybe he was just trying to hold back the tears giving that his breaths were a little bit shaky.
You stood there for what felt an eternity, mustering the confidence you need to not stutter "brahms?... "
His head almost instantly snapped towards you and he was quick to stand in all his height. He didn't make any move towards you and for that you were grateful cause you needed the momentary distance to focus on what you had to do.
You opened and closed your mouth a few times trying to find the words to convey what you were feeling but nothing actually came out, because nothing was good enough. A sorry was not going to do it, an explanation would sound like you were trying to avoid taking responsibility and now was too late to actually give up.
With this in mind you just hold out your hands for him to take them. He tilted his head slightly, trying to understand if this was just something to trick him. Cautiously he started to walk towards you, holding his breath both in anticipation of your touch and in fear of being betrayed somehow. You didn't move from where you stood, leaving him the time to get close when he was ready. You watched as his long and surprisingly soft fingers slowly brushed your much smaller ones. With a slight hesitation and prudence he took your hands, studying them almost to memorise every detail in them. He was so gentle and precise with his touch and only when he deemed that it was appropriate to let his guard down he lifted his gaze to you.
When he gave you his permission, you started to move towards him, measuring every motion you did to not scare him off. Finally he felt your arms wrap around him, putting a hand behind both of his shoulders to pull him closer to you, trying to envelope him as best as you could being much short than him. You placed your ear against his chest, now being able to listen to his heart speeding up so much that you almost worried. His scent invaded your senses and clouded partially your mind with tones of clean laundry and your vanilla bodywash.
He on the other hand was not functioning anymore. He could feel his core trembling and threatening to crumble down at any minute. His thoughts weren't clear enough nor moving at a normal pace for him to understand what was going on.
You expected him to not react instantly so closing your eyes to summon some courage you spoke "I.. I haven't been the nicest to you, right? I know...I've been mean and distant and I'm really...really sorry Brahms."
That was it. That was pushed him over and left the barriers ,that were holding him and his tear together, break down. His arms were almost immediately engulfing you and the coldness of his mask let itself known when he hided his head on the crook of your neck, wetting your skin with hot tears. You could feel his shoulders trembling and silent sobs escaping from his mouth. You just left him hug you tightly, lifting you slightly to better hold you without having to bend too much while you gently run your fingers through his hair.
You would be lying if you said you weren't enjoying this too. Truth be told, you really missed brahms and not only him, you missed having someone who needed you. Someone who loved you even when you didn't love yourself. You've missed feeling happy first thing in the morning cause you had someone to wake up for and he certainly missed being the reason of your happiness.
You knew the world has not been nice with him and neither with you, the scars that his living time had left on him are more than what you can physically see and you were willing to be there for him and to learn to love every part of him. You were not going to deny him the affection and care he needed any longer.
And that's what you did, spending your days in making sure he felt loved and cared. Giving him reassurance for everything and slowly working through things that pained him dearly. He spent his days showing his love for you bluntly and without any restriction. Having you around has gave him for the first time the opportunity to actually be a real person, taking space and being seen without having to feel ashamed. Life and most importantly the privilege of being loved were not a competition anymore.
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Sleepless Nights
Pairing: Cobra x Reader
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that. So he never did. Until you showed up.
Warnings: Smut, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Cobra thinks he's unworthy of love
Notes: This is officially my first High&Low fanfic! Not sure how to feel about it, but I kinda like it. More to come for sure. Tysm to everyone that has been enthusiastic about my passion for H&L lol, love y’all!
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Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that.
So he never did.
Until you showed up. 
It was like the sun itself had entered the diner the first time he met you. You had introduced yourself as Naomi's friend from abroad, and the ease and happiness you radiated almost made him want to greet you with a smile. And then your eyes locked and you grinned at him, and his heart skipped a beat. That's when he started falling for you.
Not that he realized it at that moment.
It took him months of watching you smile and laugh with everyone around him to realize that the butterflies in his stomach meant he was attracted to you, and that the spark of annoyance he felt when he watched a guy speak to you was jealousy. He thought it was only sexual at first, but he soon realized that it was much more than that.
He was taken aback at the realization; it made no sense to him.
You barely spoke to one another. He was sure that you didn't even particularly like him if the way you acted around him was any indicator. You caught him staring once, and the only thing you did was turn your back to him and continue laughing at something Dan said. 
That hurt him more than he cared to admit.
So he tried to bury his feelings for you. Not that anyone would notice any changes in him. He mostly kept to his corner, reading a book or talking with the guys, as quiet and stoic as ever. You being there didn't change that.
Except that he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering to you, or his attention from focusing on you every time he heard you laugh. 
"When are you gonna tell her?" Noboru interrupted his thoughts with a nudge to his shoulder. 
That's when Cobra noticed that the book he was reading had been forgotten in his lap, his eyes now on you as you played darts with Tetsu and Dan. You were smiling at them like he wished you would smile at him. He felt his ears get warm at being caught, shrugging before going back to his book.
"I don't know what you're talking about," was all he said as he pretended to keep reading.
"You can fool everyone else, but I see the way you look at her," Noboru proceeded, almost making him curse his best friend's perceptiveness, "You're not as discreet as you think you are, you know?"
Cobra took a deep breath before closing the book and making a move to stand up. He wasn't in the mood to discuss his crush or to lie to his friend.
"I'm gonna go–"
"She likes you too," those words made him stop in his tracks, before looking back at Noboru. The man was looking at you with a teasing smile pulling at the corner of his lips, "Aren't you curious to know how I know that?"
Cobra glanced at you once more before going back to his seat, arms crossed as he waited for his friend to talk.
"So, I heard Naomi and her talking about you in the kitchen the other day," Noboru started, "She thinks you don't like her because you keep avoiding her, but she definitely has a crush on you."
"Are you sure?" was all Cobra was capable of asking.
"Absolutely," his friend nodded with a chuckle, "She likes your moody ass, for whatever reason."
Cobra gulped as he thought of what you having a crush on him implied. Did that mean that he now had to talk to you about it? Did that mean that you would say yes if he asked you out? What would that even entail? His encounters with women were merely ways for him to relieve stress, nothing romantic about it.
He had no idea of what to do.
So he did the opposite of what he normally did; he ran away.
"Hmm," he grunted in final acknowledgment of his friend's words before standing up, determined to leave the diner as fast as he could, "I'm leaving. There's something I need to do."
He cringed at his own lie, ignoring Noboru's calling and everyone's stare – your stare – on him as he left into the rainy night outside. 
He liked the night. He liked the rain. It allowed him to think in peace as he made his way home, mad at himself. He was a coward, nothing but a sad man undeserving of love. He didn't even know you. He knew nothing about you, and you knew nothing about him.
So why did he care so much? Why did it hearing that you liked him filled his heart with hope?
His phone ringing made him stop under the rain, checking who it was before pressing the red button. He would find a more convincing excuse for Noboru tomorrow. His phone rang again, and again, making him sigh before finally picking up the call.
"Noboru I–"
"C-Cobra?" that was not his friend. He held his breath as he recognized your voice on the other side, "Cobra, are you okay?"
"Why are you calling me?" he didn't mean for his words to sound so harsh, but hearing the worry in your voice made him act defensive – like you had no business having any feelings towards him. He regretted it almost instantly.
"I- I'm sorry," you said before he had the chance to say anything else, "I just noticed you left in a hurry, and Noboru said that I should try and talk to you so… are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he said, "I just had to leave."
"Okay," there was an awkward pause where neither of you said anything. He opened his mouth to finally say something when you said, "Can I- Can I have your number?"
"My number?" he asked, confused.
"Only if you want to!" you rushed to say. That's when he noticed the anxiety in your voice. Was he making you nervous? "You don't have to. But, you know, if you want to talk… I can talk."
He was in bed hours later after speaking with you on the phone. He hadn't been willing to say much else besides letting you have his number, and he regretted it now. He couldn't sleep, too restless to even lay still. It just wouldn't happen for him; not tonight. His head was full of thoughts of you and what-ifs.
What if this was all a misunderstanding?
What if you actually liked him?
What if he couldn't protect you?
What if he hurt you?
What if, what if, what if.
His phone buzzing broke him out of overthinking. He reached for his phone, his heart skipping a beat as he saw a message from an unknown number.
Is this Cobra?
Yes! How're you feeling?
fine. it's 3 AM
Omg, I'm so sorry! Were you asleep?
nah. can't sleep. u? 
Can't either.
He didn't know how to keep the conversation going. Did he even want to? His phone buzzed with a new message before he could think too much about it.
Can I ask you something?
Are you mad at me?
no. why do u ask?
I'm not sure, it just seems that I made you uncomfortable and I would like to apologize if I ever did something to you.
u didn't do anything. i'm just not really the approachable type 
Ahh that makes me more relaxed xD can we start over then? Friends?
Friends. Friends. You wanted to be friends. That was fine by him. He wouldn't mind being friends with you.
do u like me?
are u passing by the diner tomorrow?
I am! Wanna have lunch together? :)
sounds good
See ya tomorrow then! Goodnight <3
A heart emoji. Didn't those mean something? What did it mean? What did any of this mean? He reread your convo one, two, three times, now with one hundred percent certainty that you had asked him out for lunch.
He definitely couldn't fall asleep after that.
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He rarely ever felt as nervous as he was then, entering Itokan to be greeted by your smile. He joined you at the table, happy that it was only you two and a few other patrons that barely paid him any mind.
Except for Naomi, that sent him a knowing smile as she got your lunch orders.
"Got some sleep last night?" it was the first thing you asked him as you sat across from each other. He nodded, even though it was a complete lie, and asked you the same, "Not really," you laughed, "Had a lot on my mind."
He hummed, wondering if you were as nervous as he was to meet. If what Noboru said was true, that was definitely a possibility, wasn't it? 
You didn't look nervous at all, though. Not to him, at least. You laughed and smiled and talked like he was the most interesting company on earth, even though he barely said a thing. 
It felt comfortable, though. It felt right.
"You have a really pretty smile, you know?" your statement caught him off guard, and that's when he realized that he was full-on smiling at something you were saying. He felt his ears get red immediately, unsure if he should just accept the compliment or try to figure out what you meant by it.
"Thanks?" he said, unsure, "You're pretty too," he decided to add in a hurry, blushing all over his face at realizing what he had said. Was he ever this awkward? His gang would laugh in his face if they saw him right now.
"Thanks," you said with a laugh. Your reaction made him relax almost instantly, and you were soon back to talking and enjoying your food together.
He had to admit, he could get used to this.
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You kissed him first.
You had invited him to your home one night when neither of you could sleep. He didn't think much of it; it wasn't the first time you spent time together, just talking.
But that night was different.
It was just a push of your lips against his, but he wanted more. So he did what he had wanted to do for months and pulled your face closer, consuming your mouth with his. You moaned as he kissed you, pressing your body closer to his, making him feel like he was on fire.
It was intoxicating.
"Bedroom?" you asked once your lips parted for breath. He quickly nodded as he went back to kissing you, now with a newfound passion. 
He couldn't stop himself from kissing down your body as soon as he got you naked, wanting to taste you, to be consumed by your essence. And you let him do it like he hoped you would, moaning his name exactly like you did in his dreams when he was lonely and all he had was his hand and fantasies of you.
But you felt nothing like you did in his dreams. His hand could never compare to the warm tightness of your cunt around him, or how your body shivered and trembled at every thrust of his hips against yours.
"Please don't stop," your begging was music to his ears, "Please, I'm so close."
He did just what you desired.
He didn't stop until you came one, two, three times, cunt clenching around his cock and his name on your lips. He was almost blind from pleasure, wanting to finish but too afraid to do so. Your relationship wouldn't be the same after this, and it scared him.
He thought he passed out when he finally came, moaning and shaking as you held him in your arms. 
"Can I tell you something?" you whispered after you were both exhausted and sore, more than ready for sleep to take you. 
He grunted a yes, burying his face in your hair; he didn't want to face you when you told him you regretted this. You took a deep breath and hugged him closer, pressing your face against his chest.
"I think I'm in love with you."
He froze. He knew that was a possibility. He knew you liked him. He just never expected you to tell him that you loved him. That was… a lot. A lot of things he wasn't sure how to process.
"Are you sure?..." he settled for asking. He needed for you to be sure.
"Y-Yes I'm sure," you rushed to say, looking up at him, "I really like you."
All he could think of doing was kissing you. That was the only thing on his mind at that moment; showing you how he felt without using words he had no idea how to use. You kissed him back just as hard until you were both out of breath.
"Does this mean you like me too?" you whispered against his lips, foreheads pressed together. You giggled when he pecked your lips, hugging you closer.
"Yeah," he said, cheeks hurting from how hard he was smiling, "I like you a lot."
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 3 years
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: Bakugo was once again, turned into a half wolf. Mina, knowing who was the right person to babysit him, asked you. Well.. She didn’t really ask, just pushed Bakugo into your dorm room and left. But hey, you didn’t mind.
Warnings: Swearing, grammar errors, flirting, pining, pet names, teasing, confessing, kissy kissy part, 
Genre: Fluff, Wolf Bakugo,
Y/n- your name, f/f- favorite food,
A/n: This is part 2 of “Stop making it difficult for the both of us!”.
I was bored so I thought that I should make a part 2. I had nothing to do rn. I suggest on reading part 1 first before reading this.
Your Quirk is Permeation in this fanfic! BUT your clothes doesn’t fall off your body. (This isn’t really mentioned on this part tho, I just wanted to add this here.)
Oh and if there is a collar that acts like a necklace when you put it on a pet or something, it’s kinda like that?
Reader: Neutral
Click here to see the other part(s) - Part 1 - Part 2 (Here)
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Made by: ??? (Please tell me who owns the art so I could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
It was the next Saturday after the ‘Wolf Bakugo’ incident had happened. You missed putting Bakugo on a leash like last time, but you knew that he wouldn’t let you do that again.
You were at the lobby with some of your classmates. The others chilling while the remaining were outside going somewhere. Either to go shopping or train.
You giggled as you reminisced that moment. Wishing that the event would happen once again, though you knew Bakugo wouldn’t like it.
“What are you laughing at?” Mina asked, looking at you with confusion. “Nothing.” You smiled. Mina lied on your lap and hummed. “I bet it’s about someone.” She grinned.
“Of course it was.” You answered, having a light blush on your face. “Your face is telling me it’s not only someone.” Mina said, her tone teasing. “It’s a special someone. A crush maybe?” Your eyes widened. “Whaa- Nooo- Psh. Why would I think of my crush?”
“You do have a crush!” She exclaimed, sitting up. You and Mina earned confused glances from your friends and you looked down in embarrassment. “Ah, sorry. Nothing to see here!” Mina waved, telling them to mind their business. Once their lingering glances were gone, Mina went back to you and gave you a wide smile.
“So you do have a crush!” She whispered to you. “Whaat? Of course not! I thought you said friend. Friend!” You lied. “You can’t fool me. I’m practically a love doctor. I can help you get together with your quote unquote ‘friend’.” She said, puffing out her chest.
“He’s just a friend Mina!”
She gasped. “It’s a boy?!” This time, no one bothered to look. Knowing that they wouldn’t get any answers. You covered your blushing face with your hands. ‘I said too much...’ You murmured. “Oh my gosh this is great! So, who is it? Midoriya? Todoroki?” She asked, excited. Then she gasped. “...Or is it Bakugo?” She gave you a teasing grin.
You took a peek between your fingers and saw Mina practically fangirling.
Before you could say anything, you heard the door slam open. You and the others jumped at the loud noise.
“Bakugo, calm down. Your affected with the quirk again, no big deal.” Kirishima assured the angry blond. “No big deal? NO BIG DEAL!? THAT FUCKER USED IT’S QUIRK ON ME AND THAT’S NO BIG DEAL?!” Bakugo shouted at his friend, clearly pissed.
You stared at them and noticed that Bakugo has wolf ears and a tail. Kirishima seemed to notice you and whispered something to Bakugo. Bakugo’s eyes snapped from Kirishima to you. His eyes widened then looked away.
Tsuyu was curious and asked “Why does Bakugo look like that? Kero.”
“It’s none of your business-”
“Someone used their quirk on Bakugo and he’s mad. It’s probably the same person who made Bakugo look like this last week.” Kirishima answered much to Bakugo’s dismay.
Bakugo noticed everyone staring at him, watching his movements. “What are you lookin’ at huh?” He gritted his teeth.
Kirishima patted his shoulder. Mina came smiling “Hey, how about we let Y/n babysit-” “Accompany.” Bakugo corrected. “-Right.. ‘Accompany’ Bakugo?” She suggested. “Good for me. I’m tired training today and I don’t want to deal with anything right now.” Kirishima yawned.
“Any complaints, Bakugo?”
Before Bakugo could speak, Mina had cut him off. “No? Great! Let’s go to Y/n- Huh?”
They looked at where you were only to see that no one was there. “Where’s Y/n?” He asked. “I swear Y/n was there.. I was with them earlier. They’re probably in their dorm right now.”
(When Mina went towards Kirishima and Bakugo, You immediately left. For... Some reason.)
“Right! I’ll go eat, I’m starving. You both wouldn’t mind right?”
“It’s fine, let’s go.” Mina, and Bakugo left Kirishima as they went to your floor and knocked on your door. “Hey! It’s me. Can you do me a favor, Y/n?” Mina called. You opened the door, to see both Mina and Bakugo right in front of you. “Let me guess. Babysit?”
“It’s not-”
“Yep. Please?”
You didn’t have time to answer because Mina shoved Bakugo to you and left. “Thanks Y/n! I owe you one!” She shouted before disappearing.
You both watched at the hallway then at each other. You and Bakugo noticed how close both your faces were. Your face became red and you looked away, flustered. “Sorry...” You murmured.
“It’s fine...” He grumbled. “Can I come in?”
You moved to the side as he entered your room. ‘It’s been a while ever since I came here..’ He said to himself, seeing that nothing had changed ever since he left. You sat on your bed as you stared at Bakugo checking out your room. “What?” He asked, slightly annoyed.
“Nothing. It’s nothing..” You mumbled an apology to him, embarrassed. Once he was done checking, he just stared at you. You patted the space beside you, offering him to sit. When he didn’t respond, you asked “Are you just going to stand there or what?”
He scoffed, grumbling something under his breath before sitting next to you.
Silence took over a second later, tension increasing. Until Bakugo spoke.
“Y’know I could just take care of myself right? I don’t need someone to ‘babysit’ me.”
“I know.” He looked at you questioningly. “I just want someone to hang out with. With you maybe?”
His crimson eyes slightly widened, taken aback. “With me?” You nodded. “Maybe we should go to the same food place we ate at last time.” He chuckled. “Is this your way on trying to take me out on a date?” His voice was teasing yet curious.
Your face flushed red. “E-eh? I- I was just trying to-”. He laughed at your expression at teased you a bit more. “Really hm?” His face coming closer to yours. “You sure, Love?” Your heart pace increased at the pet name. You averted your eyes to somewhere else.
You felt a hand cupping your chin and forcing you to look at Bakugo. “Don’t look away when I’m talkin’ to ya, Doll. Didn’t your parents teach you manners?” He said sternly yet teasingly. He came closer to your face that both of your lips were touching. He took a quick glance at your lips then froze.
He backed away. “Sorry, I got carried away.” Bakugo murmured. “Don’t sweat it.” You said, taking this as your chance to tease him back when you saw something that had caught your interest. “You were having fun aren’t you?” You stifled a giggle, as you pointed to Bakugo’s tail, that was wagging harshly.
Bakugo looked back and blushed. He was enjoying this but he wouldn’t tell that to your face. He hid his tail behind his back and tried to make it stop wagging but failed. ‘Shit.’ He mumbled. You couldn’t hold it back no more as you laughed at his attempts.
“That’s.... That’s so cute!” You said between giggles. Bakugo’s face became more red as he continued to grumble curses to himself. He is enjoying this. Bakugo wasn’t this close to you like before.
After a while, your laughter had finally died down. “Ah... That was funny.. Sorry.” You said as you wiped a tear. “Can we just go eat already? I’m starvin’.” Bakugo tried to change the subject, a bit too embarrassed. “Alright, Let’s go change. Now go to your dorm and go change. We’ll meet at the lobby, yea?” You told him as you pushed him out of your dorm.
“Ey! Don’ push me!” Bakugo shouted. You gave him a small grin then closed the door on him. You heard a loud ‘OI!’ from the other side, making you giggle once more. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As you waited for Bakugo at the lobby, you were talking with Mina. “Hey Y/n, Where’s Bakugo? Isn’t he supposed to be with you?” She asked. “Well, Yeah. I’m just waiting for him to finish changing his clothes to go eat outside. Wanna join us?”
“Nah, Don’t wanna ruin the moment you both have.” She teased with a grin. You playfully punched her shoulder and you lightly blushed. You and Mina were interrupted when a shadow loomed over you two. “Oh hey Bakugo, Heard you and Y/n are going to eat somewhere huh?”
Bakugo let out a growl at Mina but she seemed unfazed. She laughed then waved her hand. “Don’t worry I won’t ruin it. I’m already busy. Have fun you two!” She said before she left you and Bakugo alone.
“You told her?”
“Yeah..” You answered sheepishly. Then you noticed. “Hey, why didn’t you change your clothes?” “I couldn’t change because of this shitty tail. The other clothes were uncomfortable to be in.” He answered. You nodded, then remembering something. “Oh yeah! I almost forgot.” Then you sprinted back to the dorms, telling him to wait for you while you take something from your dorm.
“Tch.” He crossed his arms. “Great.”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
You came back after a few minutes, you had a bit of difficulty of finding it since you had forgotten where you hid it. “Bakugo! I’m here. Sorry!” You halted once you were in front of him and panted. “Took ya long enough. It’s already gettin’ late.”
He gently took your wrist and began to drag you. “Let’s go. I’m starvin’.”
As you both were walking under the night sky, you- out of the blue- asked him. “Hey, Can I do something after we eat food?” Bakugo stopped walking and turned to look at you in confusion.
“Can I do something after we eat?”
“Like what?”
“Like uhm...” You looked down, trying to look innocent. “Just do me a favor alright?” You blushed, finding this moment embarrassing. Bakugo rose a brow, yet lightly blushed. He didn’t respond but instead continued to drag you to the familiar restaurant.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
As you and Bakugo sat at a table that was available. You wanted to sit at the table you both sat last time but it was already occupied to your dismay. And ordered the food you both wanted to eat. Bakugo wanting to eat something not spicy this time and you wanting f/f.
As you both were waiting for the meals to arrive, you and Bakugo started to talk about Pro Heroes and such. You were surprised that Bakugo has some of the same interests as you.
In the middle of the conversation, the waiter went to the table and interrupted the talk you and Bakugo had, with an apologetic look.
“Excuse me, your meals are ready. ______ and F/f.” They said as they placed the food in front of you. Bakugo glared and snarled at the waiter, causing them to flinch in fear. You gave them a small ‘thank you’ and gave them an apologetic look for Bakugo’s behavior.
“Sorry about my friend here. He’s just in a bad mood..” You apologized. The waiter nodded then walked away in a slightly fast pace.
You began to softly scold Bakugo. But he wasn’t listening, his head repeating the word ‘friend’ with your voice. He didn’t know why but he felt his heart ache at the word friend. Was he just a friend to you?
He shook his head to shake the negative thoughts away. You were asking him if he’s alright, but received no response.
Bakugo told himself that he’ll do anything to change the relationship you both have. Maybe even changing friend to something else. Something more... Suiting. He couldn’t just give up by that. He has a chance to swoon you.
He was cut of his trance when he saw you trying to get his attention. “Huh?” He muttered. “Ah there you are! I thought I lost you for a second.” You said in relief.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After eating, you and Bakugo were at the park walking side by side. Neither of you thought of the idea of walking in the park late at night, but here you are.
You suddenly remembered the leash and collar you have hiding somewhere on your back, under your clothes. You swiftly and quietly tried to take it off you and hide it on your back, you facing Bakugo. Bakugo glanced at you and noticed something sticking out your back.
He tried to take a closer look without you knowing and noticed it was actually a leash. He gave a small smirk. Were you really going to leash him again? Not on his watch.
“Hey Bakugo..” You muttered. Bakugo perked up at his name. “Mm?”
You didn’t answer for a while. Only stepping closer to Bakugo. You look down like you were flustered in saying something. Deep down, you were both scared yet excited to use the almost same tactic to him. But you didn’t know that he knows what your planning.
“What is it?” He played along, slightly tilting his head.
“Uhm... Y-you see..” You stuttered, now starting to regret it. Bakugo smirked but kept in character. “Hm? What do you want to tell me? I don’t got all day.”
You looked up at him, your face really red. “I- I really like you, Bakugo.. I didn’t know that I would catch these feelings for you but.... I guess I did.” You averted your eyes to somewhere else. You were telling the truth. Wanting to say more to catch him off guard.
But you were shocked when Bakugo lowly chuckled and made you look at him. You couldn’t tell if he was flustered or not due to the darkness. But you could see his face a bit red.
“Really? Huh.” 
You stepped back when he stepped forward. You both did that until you felt something hit your back. He pinned you to the tree as he slowly inched towards you. You both not breaking eye contact.
You tensed as you felt his warm breath hit your neck. Goosebumps rising. You held the leash tighter as you still hid it behind your back.
“Bakugo..?” You said taken aback.
“Yes Y/n?” He said in a low, charming tone.
You gulped. Very flustered.
“Y-yes?” You answered after a while.
“You’re lucky.”
You rose a brow in confusion, your face turning back to it’s normal color. Then blushing again when you felt his lips brushing yours.
“I like you too.” He admitted before kissing you passionately. Your breath hitched in surprise, loosing grip of the leash and collar behind you. Bakugo pulled away, giving you short time to breath for air then kissing you again.
This time, you finally kissed back. Your hands letting go of the leash and collar and your arms wrapping around Bakugo’s neck. Bakugo quickly grabbed the leash and collar before it fell on the grass and wrapped his hands around your waist, pulling you closer.
Bakugo’s hands going from your waist to your neck.
Before anything else had escalated, you heard a click. You stopped as you began to get confused. Bakugo pulled away and smirked as he waved the leash in front of you. You gasped in betrayal and surprise as you now noticed that you were wearing the collar.
You were flustered as you blamed yourself for forgetting the plan. “Damnit.” You cursed. Bakugo’s smirk grew as he kept eye contact with you. His ego growing.
“You can’t trick me, Y/n.”
“You sure? I did last w-” You were cut off by Bakugo giving you a peck on the lips.
“Mm... Don’t remember that darlin’.” He smiled.
After a few seconds, Bakugo asked, his tone slightly confused and anxious. “Do you really like me? Did you mean what you said earlier?”
You nodded, scratching your neck. “Every word.”
“And you really confessed to me just to make me wear the collar again?”
You nodded sheepishly. Now that you think about it. It was a stupid idea. Bakugo chuckled and helped you take off the collar. You rose a brow as he does so. He looked at you and softly glared.
“What? Do me want to walk you to the dorms with a collar around your neck? I’m not that mean Y/n.” You giggled at his words. “Sorry ‘bout planning on making you wear that leash again. I thought you’d be a handful again.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Psh, since when was I a handful?”
“Don’t answer that.” You grinned. Bakugo smiled back at you. You both slowly walked towards the dormitory. “So...”
“Wanna go out sometime?”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
E/n:  I didn’t know what to write on that park scene. I mean like, I already planned on the scene to happen but that was on simple style! Making it a bit better and slightly detailed was a challenge. Hope you guys like this!
I know, I know, I haven’t posted a fanfic in like what? Almost a month? (oof sorry) I was having problems with the internet but I think it’s alright now. and I hope that it wouldn’t happen again. 
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Only You ~ Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy! 
Chapter Five ~ Chapter Seven
Chapter Six: Storms
She had been reading a smutty romance book in bed when Rowan had knocked at the door. It wasn’t late enough that it was strange someone was knocking at her door, but she had assumed it would be Lysandra or Aedion, so she had been surprised to see Rowan standing there. 
She had observed him over the last week, during training, during dinners and lunches, during their morning chats, and she had come to the conclusion that he did not like to smile. It was such a small observation to remember, but in her week of knowing him she could recall only a handful of smiles; and now she thought about it… most of them had been aimed towards her. 
“I know it’s late, but I was going to go for a walk, and I thought perhaps you would join me?” 
She had to admit, the sound of being alone with Rowan was appealing. The more time she spent with him the more she found herself longing for the time she could spend with him again.
“A walk sounds lovely.” She slipped on the boots that had been thrown on the floor with a wave of her hand had snuffed the candles and fire out in her room. 
They walked in comfortable silence as they made their way through the palace, thankfully bumping into no one. The night was cooler than it had been in a while, the moon hidden behind thin wispy clouds. They wound their way down the sprawling gardens, past the training ground and towards the forest edge. The path extended through the forest, lit with small faelights and as they headed towards the trees she couldn’t help but feel the butterflies that erupted in her stomach. Perhaps Rowan had sensed her sudden nervousness or he wanted to fill the silence. “Do you like it here? In Terrasen?” 
She wasn’t sure anyone had asked her that before, but she didn’t hesitate in her answer. “I love it. I mean, of course I wish to see other places and experience new cultures… but Terrasen is my home, it always will be.” She glanced towards him. “What about you? Do you like Doranelle?” It felt like a loaded question. If they accepted the mating bond Rowan would have to move to Orynth, and if he loved Doranelle… 
Rowan contemplated the question for a moment, his brows furrowing slightly. “I have been to many places in my life, seen every country on this continent. Doranelle is…” He thought for a moment longer. “Doranelle has never felt completely like home.” 
She felt his sadness for a moment, before it disappeared. “Why do you stay there? I mean, if you are not bound to it… why not move somewhere new?” 
“I had my reasons for staying I suppose. I had been a warrior for the old queen of Doranelle… and had been married.” 
She flinched at his words. She had not expected to be affected by his past relationships… but married.
“She died a hundred years ago.” She saw the sadness that had flickered so quickly return. She did not know what possessed her to do it, but she grabbed his hand and squeezed. The touch was gentle but somehow her whole body was awake and she was basking in this glorious male before her. She could have sworn he shivered at her touch. Neither of them went to let go, and so they continued in silence for a few steps, their fingers entwined. The simple touch was electrifying and her magic hummed within her. 
She finally said, “what happened to her?” 
“She was murdered by a group of men who had strayed from their military base.” He tightened his grip on her hand. “I was not there, and she died because she did not know how to protect herself.” 
It made sense then. Why he had been so pushy about her learning how to defend herself. “I’m sorry.”
“It was a long time ago.” 
She shrugged. “Loss like that sticks with you. Aedion’s mother was like my own and when she died… I don’t think I’ve ever quite got over it.” 
They settled into the comfortable silence again, slowly meandering through the forest path. The night was quiet, the humming of summer evenings had disappeared giving way to the stillness of autumn, even the creatures that roamed the forest floor had gone into hibernation, sheltering from the harsh Terrasen winter that was to come. 
“I’d like to have a proper evening with you. Not training where everyone sits and watches, or morning tea where the maids gawk at us. I want to take you to dinner or to the theatre.” Rowan had stopped, turning to her, his hand still entwined with her own. “I don’t know how to do this properly.” He laughed. 
“Dinner or the theatre sounds wonderful, Rowan.” She squeezed his hand and they gazed at each other. She had felt the bond there the past week. His presence was always lingering, even if they weren’t in the same room. And despite their distance, or rather, Aelin’s distance to Rowan, she still felt the pull of him. Training in the mornings had unintentionally become her favourite thing to do. When she was in meetings or entertaining other Whitethorns; she would always think of their mornings together. The way their magic seemed to dance together, how it seemed to play. Rowan had never mentioned their magic in that way. In fact, Rowan was not really a talker… She had realised that he just liked to observe. Whenever she caught herself staring, he would be staring right back— not always at her, but others. In one of his rare cases of openness he had explained you could learn a lot about a person by just watching them. She didn’t mind his quietness, in fact sometimes the silence was nice. 
“What are you thinking about?” They had continued their stroll, hands still entwined. 
She smiled sheepishly at him. “You.” 
She felt their bond then, a real, tangible thing between them. Her initial reservations seemed to be miles away as she walked with Rowan. 
“If it’s any consolation, I think of you as well.” He squeezed her hand. “You’re… not what I expected.” 
She heard that a lot. “Better or worse?” 
“Definitely better.” They stopped at a gate that led to the cobbled road into the city. “The only things I knew about you were that you were young, could have a bit of a temper and the heir to Terrasen’s throne.” 
“I didn’t realise I had such a boring reputation.” 
Rowan laughed. “You have plenty of time to change that.” 
They remained in silence as they both gazed at the distant city lights. 
“Are you disappointed it’s me?” 
Rowan turned fully toward her. She hadn’t intended to ask; but he was over three hundred years old and she was barely twenty. Rowan had travelled the world and she had only left Terrasen a handful of times. It was hard to see how Rowan would see her as anything other than a girl.
“Is that what you think? That I’m disappointed?” He ran his free hand through his locks and shook his head. “When I lost Lyria I thought that was it. I was ready to spend the rest of my life alone, always mourning what I had lost that day.” He took a breath. “And then I saw you in that throne room and I had purpose again. I look at you Aelin and I feel alive. And I know you want to take things slow; and I will respect that. But it’s taking all of my strength not shout it to the world that you’re my mate. Every part of me wants to confirm the bond and be with you as I’m meant to be. Disappointed is the last thing I feel, I am elated that it is you. And I will wait for as long as you need, even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust I will wait for you.” 
Aelin did not know when she had begun to cry, but she felt the tears drip on her cheeks and she went still as Rowan gently brushed them away. His calloused hand so tender as he did. She leaned into his touch, revelling in the closeness. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
She looked up at him, his eyes hopeful. He was magnificent, Aelin thought she could look at him forever. She didn’t need to think about her answer. This male in front of her was her forever, and she would be a complete fool to let him go. To think she had been hesitant of him, of this. 
“Please do.” She half cried half laughed. 
Rowan laughed with her and leaned in closer, his hands coming to cradle her face. His touch so feather light it made her shiver. Her heart began to race, it was the calm before the storm. She could feel his breath on her lips, her eyes fluttered closed, and the world went still at that whisper of a kiss. The world went quiet, like the silence between lightening and thunder. They were so close, so close to that kiss she had not even realised she had dreamed of. She had never wanted something so much, the waiting was insanity. 
The thunder came. 
Sam stood on the other side of the gate. 
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meenah-chan · 3 years
A Belphegor x GN! MC fanfic
3.14k words
Genre: Angst
Trigger warning: mention of death. Read at your own discretion.
Requested by: @belphiesimpalways thank you for patiently waiting for this. Supposedly, this is for your birthday but still, belated Happy Birthday to you!! This became a little bit too long, and I actually changed the whole thing twice 😅😅 I changed the title too to prevent confusion, hope you don't mind.
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He lost it the day he lost his beloved sister. A place to call his home. Yet he met them. The one who brings light to his dark days. But what shall he do, when this solace was never been his?
“How I wished I didn’t met you at all.”
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
He can hear the harrowing sound of the clock, ringing inside the closed space. As if it were imitating his increasing pulse. Belphegor couldn’t open his eyes. He won’t though, even if he can. He fears he’ll see it again. The agonizing sight of that cursed attic, where he is trapped, cold and lonely. Each click, each clack drives him on a brink of madness.
Somebody please make it stop..! Curled up in his bed, writhing in anguish, Belphegor tried to block the sound with his trembling hands.
Let me out… I hate this place...
“It is for your own good.” Lucifer’s voice reverberates throughout the whole room. His guide light and the hero of his stories… once upon a time, that is.
For my own good? This place was a nightmare! He was imprisoned! He was trapped inside his head, with nothing but bleak thoughts!
He felt cold, with no one to hold onto. With no Beelzebub or Lilith, ready to embrace him when he’s afraid…
Even if he managed to escape that place, there’ll be no more Lilith to hold him. To comfort him. To make him laugh of joy and happiness. No more… Lilith is no more…
“...Belphegor?” he snapped his eyes open and suck in a deep breath, as if the voice pulled him out of the deepest pit of the abyss. His heart was beating fast, bathed in his own sweat.
It was just another dream. He was not trapped in the attic any more. He was freed, by the person with him right now, sitting beside his bed, a few weeks ago. “Are you alright? You’re sweating buckets and squirming in your sleep.”
“I’m fine. It was just pretty hot in here.”
They stared at him for a moment before replying. “...If you say so… Wait, let me get you some water and a change of clothes.” unconsciously he raised his hand, fingers tugging on the hen of their shirt which stopped them from their tracks.
“Don’t need one… Just stay here and be my pillow.” Still, feeling a bit anxious of being alone, he didn't let go.
“That won’t do. You’re so drenched. If you don't change clothes and rehydrate, you might get sick. I'll be back in a jiffy.” Yet as they swiftly pried his hand off their clothes, he couldn't do anything but to watch them stride out of the room.
He sighed, recollecting the series of events from the time he met them. “...What a weird person...” He muttered under his breath.
A few weeks ago… Just a few weeks ago, they succeeded in freeing him... Just a few weeks ago, they died by his hands... Yet, they kept on approaching him like nothing had happened.
But oddly enough, he also couldn't get them off his mind; to want them by his side. The only time he could find his peace of mind is when he's with them.
I guess I'm weird too...
Silently, he observed them. The way they speak and walk. The way they would scold him when he chose to nap over catching up his missed lessons. The way they tap and hum unconsciously, while studying with him to encourage him to do so. Those awkward laughs they made as they tried to mend the rift between him and his brothers. The sighs left their lips as his brothers fought over who would have them. The slow and silent steps they make to slip away. The way they wink and place a finger over their lips and pull him with them.
Especially the way their eyes disappear when they're smiling. He can never describe how soothing it was, that smile.
...until he suddenly felt it wasn't.
The way they make the very same smile to Lucifer, Belphegor couldn't help but feel a little bit too irritated. Yes, it was Lucifer. He’s naturally annoyed by him, after what he's done. But this is a little bit different from his usual displeasure.
The youngest just wanted to pry the human off him and drag them away. He knew he couldn't suppress the burning sensation rising from the pit of his stomach. He also knew he'll regret what he wanted to do. He'd look possessive. Delusional. He may even hurt them in the process. So, he chose to escape the scene instead, into the attic which was once his prison.
“Belphegor! I got... and you're asleep.” the demon dares not open his eyes as he hears them make their way to him. “You didn't even remove your uniform...or your shoes. I'm really amazed how you can fall asleep in a matter of seconds.” They carefully remove the shoes and socks from his soles.
Oh no... That's not a good thing. For every touch of their skin sends tingles throughout his entire body. Each cell screaming in a way he never felt before. The bed shook as they crawled in, reaching for the buttons of his vest. He was at his wit's end, completely conscious of the human's presence.
Before they could ever reach for the last row of buttons, his hand stopped them before he lose it.
“What do you think you're doing?”
“Y-You're awake?!” Before they could ever pull back, he tugged them in his chest, flustering the human even more.
“H-Hey, let go. Your uniform will get wrinkled.” They tried squirming out to no avail. The demon is just too strong to make him budge.
“Don't want to.” To hide his warm and probably beet red face, he clasped their nape and keep their face over his shoulder.
“I still haven't changed out of mine.”
“Hmm, goodnight...”
“Hey...” after a few more stirring in vain, they just sighed and let the youngest have it his way.
This is bad. Thought Belphegor. The annoyance he felt a while ago dissipates as fast as it builds up inside of him. Still, his heartbeats and head were in utter chaos, the time he held them so close. He said he’s returning to slumber, yet his heart showed no signs of ever slowing down. He bet they could hear it, but he have no more energy to even mind it. After all, amidst the chaos in him, could also feel he won’t be getting any nightmares right now.
“Say Belphegor. Do you have a fever? You’re hot and your heart’s beating a bit too fast.”
“Just tired from the extra work a while ago. I just need some rest.”
“If you say so...”
He could no longer deny this feeling inside him.
He… fell in love with a human. He found it, the peace to his raging storm. The salve to his wounds. But they can never be his solace.
He lost it the day he lost his beloved sister. He lost his home. His freedom. He doesn’t have anything but his disgusting self, who could only obsess over keenly observing each and every move they make. Like a stalker. Like a creep. Like a predator eyeing its prey.
But they were never been his. And the day they learnt of his habit is the day they will be disgusted by him.
“Lucifer!” and the fact that they were attached to his eldest brother— the one who robbed him of his freedom once— didn’t help.
They would link arms around his. Heck, even snuggled to it as they do so, with that widest smile upon their face. The small giggles they give off as the abomination in the form of his brother praised them while petting them. Oh, how he wanted to just cut off that hand straying onto them! How dare he touch–
…them that might have already belonged to him, long before he could enter the picture…?
No. There's just no way that heartless brother of his to fall for a mere human. That brother who bowed down to a demon the day his sister died. And the human who taught him how to love again, to fall for Lucifer. That’s just… impossible… It’s just too cruel…
But I love them too! I can love them more than that fiend who chose a demon over his family!
“No, you’re much crueler…” He could hear the whispers at the back of his mind. “Have you forgotten what you did? You killed them. Do you think you have any rights to even lay a finger on them? You spiteful, wretched, monster…”
…Right… He has no rights to have them… He lost it before he could realize the weight of his actions… It was the painful truth. A punishment for a sinner like him. He could regret it until his last breath but he could never be forgiven.
He doesn't deserve to have a place in their heart. Never. Never…
The door to the twins’ room creaked open and he knew exactly whose footsteps it was without the need to look. “Belphegor, Lucifer gave me some sushi. You like this, right? Let’s eat it while it’s fresh.”
Lucifer again, huh...
“It’s yours. Eat it yourself.” There’s no more point in fighting a lost battle.
Let it grow, “Ehh? But you like—”
“Let’s stop this.” … or let it go.
“…Huh? Stop what?”
He also fears what he might do in the future due to this rotten affection of his. “Just as I thought, I couldn’t stand humans. You’re so naïve and trusting. I’m already fed up with dealing with your antics.”
“Wait, I don’t understand…” They asked, confusion and unease were all over their face.
“You don’t? Then let me explain in a way you’ll understand in that small, gullible brain of yours.” He took a deep breath. He needs to keep his cool or he will definitely break in front of them, “Everything is all an act. You thought I like being with you? Think again, fool. Having a human around me fills me with nothing but wrath and anger! Who do you cause my nightmares!? Your race disgusts me to death! Just looking at you makes me want to puke!”
“B-Belphegor… please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Kidding? Do I look like I’m joking?” he scoffed, holding back the pain clawing in his chest. “Be thankful for my brothers. If not because of them, you won’t be alive the second time, nor your ignorant race are.
“I won’t touch a hide of you or any human. So please, stop bothering me anymore.” being unable to stifle the emotions on the verge of bursting, he turned his back on the devastated human.
This is for the best. He’s back in his cage. Staring at the lacework of the long-lived spiders on the ceiling. He already witnessed its threads wear and replace countless of times. That might not even be the same spider he saw on his first night there. He could care less. After all, the only time he was truly curious of a being is when he met them.
How he wished the thread of his feelings were as flimsy as the spider’s. That way it’ll fall off over time. It can simply be cut off when it comes on his way.
“How I wished I didn’t meet you at all.” He knows it well. He is a big liar. In some way or another, just like the firstborn. But they deserve him more than his wretched self.
Lucifer, he was the morning star. The fact that both heaven and hell were captivated by his beauty and excellence. But Belphegor… he was nothing but a bleak abyss. He once dreamt of his brother’s greatness. Yet he couldn't be anything. He, miserable and empty, who only had nothing but guilt, regrets and a broken heart— as he watched them weep.
It’s been weeks since then. They never approached him like he said. Neither in the dining table nor classroom do they discern his presence. It was painful, but he can take it. The only unbearable one he felt is catching them cry— in Lucifer’s arms.
How long are they going to cry? Is it still because of him? No… This is for the best...
This is his atonement. His fate. He still couldn’t have anything, yet he already lost everything. His—
Lucifer… He is staring at him straight in the eye. I should leave.
But Belphegor couldn’t leave. Not after the eldest gave him that sly smirk. What does that mea…
Lucifer didn’t give him time to think. “Wha, Lucifer…?” Sound of confusion left their mouth as Lucifer grabbed their chin firmly between his index and thumb, with the menacing look on his face. “What are you—!”
And the gap between their faces disappeared. “Hmph!” The sight of the futile struggle of his beloved in the hands of the man he entrusted them to… made the youngest snap.
“LUCIFER!!!” His horns and tail materializing, he lunged towards him. His clenched fist flying in the air, aiming for his jaw. Yet, as if expecting it, Lucifer evade him, loosening his grip on the stunned human in the process. Belphegor saw this as a chance to pry them away from his brother’s hands, before jumping a few meters away from him.
“When are you going to learn to clean after your own mess, Belphegor?” As if the devious smirk were never been present on his face, Lucifer looked at them with his usual expression.
“What the hell?! You’re the one who assaulted them!!” He snarled like a wild animal, holding his treasure protectively from the threat.
“I didn’t do anything. Ask them yourself.”
“Ask? Do you think I’m blind?!” His stance became stiffer, fangs sheathed and glaring sharply at his brother, who is unfazed.
A light tug on his collar made his eyes soften, and caused him to realize his tight grip on them in which he loosen. “Are you hurt?”
“N-No… Lucifer’s saying the truth… He didn’t kiss me. I was just a bit confused he pressed his thumb over my lips.”
“.... What? Okay, but still—!”
“Do you think I’m a fool, Belphegor?” Lucifer cut him off, “I know what you’re planning. I'm already your brother for thousands of years.”
“Do you now understand the consequence of your foolish action? You left someone important to you in the care of others. But you didn’t think that sort of thing might actually happen?”
“But it’s you who they love!”
Lucifer’s frown deepens, “Even if it were some lesser demon they’re in love with, I bet you'll leave them in their care.”
“I...” He… Lucifer’s right… No one's more dangerous for them than himself.
Belphegor's horns and tail disappeared as he calms down, processing what his brother is saying.
“Everyone’s dangerous in Devildom, you fool. If you really are sorry for what you did, protect them instead.”
“Protect? But… But I...” Ignoring him, the eldest glanced at the person between the youngest’s arms.
“Do you already get what I’m saying Y/N?” They nod. “Not only are you both foolish and stubborn, but also blind. Now fix this yourselves. I’m done with your drama.” pinching the bridge of his nose, Lucifer left them in that awkward position without another word.
“...I’m really sorry. I was afraid to hurt you more than I already did.” After a moment of silence, Belphegor decided to break it first.
“You already did, you idiot.” Wiping the stray tears on their puffy eyes, Belphegor gave them a sad smile. “I guess I did.”
“But I still don’t think this is alright. Shouldn’t you be a bit more wary around me? I mean you already… died in my hands once.”
“You brat. Do you think I’d cry like that if I we’re okay with not being with you? I've never held a grudge against you in the first place.” They pout.
“Why? How can you forgive me that easily?” The demon frowns at them.
“Well, wouldn't life be more wonderful if we know how to forgive and forget?”
Frustrations were evident in his eyes, Belphegor's frown deepens. “That's not right… I killed you mercile—”
“Then shouldn't I be asking you? Why can't you forgive yourself?” He didn’t answer. Mistakes have already piled up as is.
Forgive himself? Why? Does he hate himself?
...Yes... I probably do... He loathed himself. terribly so... But they, who tasted the his abhorrence. He couldn't understand how they didn't.
“You want you to find happiness.” They cupped his disgruntled face in their palms, foreheads touching as they gave him comfort.
“I can’t.” with glassy eyes, he held a hand on his cheeks, “Not when you are my happiness. Not when you liked my brother.”
“You really are blind. And here I thought I was just assuming things.” their giggles were like music to his ears. Their orbs were like the placid sky set upon him. “You really are blind. And here I thought I was just assuming things.”
“I love you, idiot.” And their words, with no hint of doubt or hesitation, hit him like a surge. It made his feelings overflow, coursing throughout his entire body, and finally spilling on every corner of his eyes. It made him unable to speak. “I’m not even hoping for you to feel the same. I just wished to stay by your side… and for you to cherish yourself like how I’ve been to you.”
Belphegor felt so happy beyond words. Such indescribable feelings swirling inside him, one that he can’t put into words. With so much running inside his head, the only line he could form is… “Thank you.”
Weeping, but from so much joy this time, they huddled in each other's grasp, not caring of their setting, until their hearts finally felt whole again.
And after such a blissful moment, “...that’s it? No I love you too?” They spoke.
“What are you saying? I already said I love you.”
“No you didn’t. Saying I’m your happiness and confessing are separate things.” they frown at him, expecting.
“It’s the same.” Yet knowing how stubborn the demon is, the human raised their white flag, although disappointed.
“Okay, alright…” They sighed, wiping his eyes with a tear-stained handkerchief. “Why am I the one comforting you anyways? I’m the one crying because of you.”
Belphegor smiled mischievously, like he didn’t cry a while ago. “Because I’m the youngest.”
“Ugh, why did I fall for a spoiled brat?” Another sigh left them as they pulled him up, “Let's go, I’m sleepy.”
Yet as soon as he rose on his feet, he placed his arms on the back of their knees and shoulder blades to carry them, gaining a small yelp from them.
“Hey...” no protest managed to leave their lips as he sealed it with a chaste kiss. Probably not their first but it was the sweetest one. It only last a few seconds, but Belphegor knew fully well. This memory will last forever.
“I love you more, my solace.”
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
i dreamt of you all sumer long;
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 2,607
Warning: angst with a happy ending :)
Summary: based on the song ‘betty’ by taylor swift except bucky ain’t no cheater.
a/n: i dedicate this one to all my fellow swifties. betty was an instant favourite as soon as i first heard it when folklore came out. it has been begging for me to write a fanfic inspired by it and now it’s finally out and i’m really happy about it. hope you like it. please leave a comment & like :) 
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He stood on the doorstep of your house, with a bouquet of pink roses in his hands and a hood over his head. A little tipsy and full of sorry. “You can always turn around," the voice in his head whispered just a few minutes ago when he stopped at a streetlight illuminating his path to the street he had passed a million times before.
But now that he was standing in your front porch light of this cozy little house he had grown to know as if it was his second home before the avalanche this summer was, the feeling was finally sinking in.
“Have you seen Bucky?”
“No, I thought he was with you.”
“Well, he was but then Steve asked me to dance and he just… disappeared.”
“Maybe he went to the bathroom?”
“Yeah, I’ll just try to call him again. Thanks, Nat.”
You searched for him in the halls and within the classrooms but there was no sign of him. You knew that Bucky hated the crowds and he always tried to avoid them. But Bucky knew how much this dance meant to you and how long you had been looking forward to this night. You put on your best dress and makeup for him tonight and you wanted to sway to your favourite song with him. He promised that he would try to make this night an incredible one for you. He seemed to have forgotten that promise because he wasn’t even answering your calls or texts to let you know where he was hiding.
You went to the boys’ locker room and what you saw was a bullet right in the centre of your heart. Bucky had his lips on a classmate of yours’ with his back pressed against the locker.
He drew this moment out in his head after weeks of yearning for the way your lips tasted when you used to kiss in his car and downtown bars. And the pattern of your braids that adorned the view of you under the sunset, and the star-shaped traces of his fingers around your scars.
The only thing he wanted to do was make it up to you.
Bucky was a deer caught in headlights when he heard your meek voice calling out his name. He was too stunned by the act she had just caught him off guard with. He was on his way to somewhere less congested to calm himself down because the crowds always evoked the anxiety in him and Steve had asked her to dance when her favourite song was playing from the far side of the gym when he heard the sound of cries from the locker room. He couldn’t help but approach the sound, he really should’ve kept walking instead of interfering. He saw her sitting on the bench in her dress with a tissue in her hand and sobbed.
“Hey, you okay?”
“James… What are you doing here?” She looked up with her swollen eyes.
“I was on my way to the library but I heard someone was crying so I had to check it out.” He scratched the back of his head. “Maybe I should’ve given you some space instead…”
“No, it’s okay. Thank you, James.” She smiled. “Wanna sit?”
“…Yeah, sure.” He doubtfully accepted the offer. “What happened?”
“Kevin broke up with me over the phone while I was on my way to the dance and he came with Cecilia.”
“Jeez, what a dickhead.”
“Yeah, I knew he and Cecil had been fooling around behind my back for months but he always told me that I was being crazy and that I have to trust him more, and I always believed him until tonight he showed me what a jackass he actually is.”
“Hey, he doesn’t deserve you. You should be with someone who loves you and treats you better.” Bucky was never one to give good advice or comfort to his friends but his mama raised him to be a gentleman and to treat a girl like a queen. She always reminded him that if he ever broke a girl’s heart, she would beat his ass.
She smiled, “thanks, James. You’re really sweet.”
He nodded, “well, I should go. Y/N might be looking for me.”
“…Right, you are with Y/N.” For a moment there, she forgot that he and you were the school’s favourite couple.  
“Yeah, so, you’ll be okay?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me.”
He got up and started walking toward the exit when he heard her call his name. “James…”
He turned around to see her on her feet already when she threw herself into him and startled him by pressing her lips onto his and pushed him onto the locker as it rattled with the pressure of his body against it. He was too dumbfounded to get her off of him when he heard your voice, “Bucky…?”
He could hear the music emanating from within the house as another of his classmate passed by, bumping his shoulder to get through the entrance. Another one of your stupid friends, he used to say, and you used to chide at him for that. But now he felt like he was the biggest idiot. "You got this, don't be a fucking coward." He braced himself.
So he showed up uninvited and his eyes scanned every corner of the room, seeking for that one face that haunted his dreams all summer long. Will you have me? will you love me? Will you kiss me? The lingering questions loomed over his head like a heavy cloud. What if you told him to go fuck myself instead? If you kissed me, will it patch you broken wings? He was only seventeen, he didn’t know anything but he knew that he missed you.
You greeted each one of your friends who came to your birthday party. You were grateful for another year and your friends whom you consider your second family. You were the type of person who was friends with everyone even though you only considered Natasha as and Wanda as your best friends, your most trusted confidants, they were the ones who stitched you back together after you caught Bucky cheating… Or at least that’s what you thought.  
So you invented the whole school to your party and almost everyone came. The jocks, the popular girls, the nerds, even some of your seniors were there too. Your house was packed with high school kids dancing, drinking and laughing… But there was something missing.
He should’ve been there with you. He should’ve been the one standing right beside you when your schoolmates were singing happy birthday to you. He should’ve been there to kiss you and hold you after the party was over and everyone had gone home. But he wasn’t. Because you thought you knew someone and you thought someone loved you but sometimes you’re just enough for them and they would go looking for excitement in somewhere else.
“Y/N! Wait a minute, would you listen to me?!”
“I’ve heard enough. Most importantly… I’ve seen enough.”
“No, you don’t understand, she kissed me! She was crying and, and, I was trying to comfort her and we talked and the next thing I knew she kissed me!” He frantically explained through his ragged breaths.
“But did you stop her?”
He was silent. What the hell was he supposed to say? He couldn’t stop her because he didn’t have it in him to reject a vulnerable woman? That’s how his mama raised him right? To treat every girl with respect and to take care of a girl especially when she’s emotional. Why is being seventeen so confusing?
“I was… I was trying to but-”
“I’ve heard enough of your bullshit, James.” Oh no, you called his first name. Oh man, he had truly fucked up.
“I- I would never cheat on you, y/n! You really think I could do such a thing to you?”
“Not anymore.” You glared at him with all conviction in your heart and your classmates gathered around to watch the quarrel as your heart was bisecting.
“Well, I guess then this is it.” He didn’t mean it. He wished he had fought a little harder for you. To make you stay and hearken. But he gave up too easily. He has always been a lover than a fighter after all, but how he wished he had turned himself into the other one at that moment.  
You chatted with Natasha and Wanda in your living room and you giggled at another witty joke Natasha had just said. Natasha and Wanda always had a way of making you giggle even when your mood was contrasting the expressions on your face. The conversation faded into the background as your mind drifted to Bucky’s face. And that’s when you saw him…
Bucky’s breath hitched when he saw you for the first time after all these weeks. He swore he had prepared every word he was going to say to you and how he was going to act when- if You agreed to talk to him. But it was always easier said than done.
He couldn’t decipher the look on your face when your eyes met. Was it longing? Was it contempt? Was it disbelief? You were always difficult to read. God, he wished he was a mind reader sometimes.
Kids started murmuring things from one another because the entire school loved you and Bucky and everyone started talking when you two ended things and that he was caught ‘cheating.’ And now everyone’s jaws dropped when they thought you and Bucky were truly over and that he was the last person that would be invited to your party.
Bucky stopped in his tracks and if the earth could open up and swallow him so he wouldn’t have to deal with his annoying schoolmates and your fury, that wouldn’t be the worst scenario right now. But he was here and he might’ve had been a fool and a recreant once but he was going to fix it now. He can’t keep running away when things get the slightest bit inconvenient.
So he dragged his feet towards you with the bouquet of flowers still in his hands and once he was close enough to you, he sheepishly spoke, “hi.”
“You’ve got some balls to show up here.” You gritted through your teeth.
He gulped, “I wanted to talk… And to wish you, happy birthday.” He handed you the flowers and also a piece of his heart, hoping that you would take him back.
You accepted it. They were lovely but could a bouquet of flowers really mend the wounds he had inflicted? “What do you want, Bucky?”
“Just a few minutes to explain… everything. After this, if you never wanna see me or talk to me ever again, I’ll leave you alone.”
Was it really what you wanted? Curse your heart for always knowing better. But your stubborn head always had its hands on the wheel, so, forever can spare a minute… right? “Okay, let’s talk in the garden.”
Your garden, the place where you and Bucky used to make out when your parents weren’t home and laid under the broad daylight. Was it wise to lead him here? You shushed the whispers of your heart. Memories came swirling through like a hurricane, banging on your door, begging for you to open up and let him back in.
“Go ahead.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna make this quick but um…” He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. Something he always did when he was nervous or didn’t know what to say. He looked down and spoke, “y/n, I am so sorry for what I did to you at the dance. I know I should’ve- God I should’ve stopped her and should’ve stayed with you. I should’ve kept my promise to try harder for you but I didn’t. And I know I’m a fucking idiot but… I’ve missed you. So badly. And I wish I could turn back the time and fixed it but all I can do now is apologize.” Your tears were threatening to fall at the sincerity of his words. You never wanted this. You wished Bucky had known better but to love is to lose your mind and you were at fault for this mess too.
“I understand if you don’t wanna see me around or deal with me again, I came here knowing you’d never take me back because you told me once that cheating was your dealbreaker and what I did was just as shitty but, if this is the last time you’ll ever talk to me, I had to get it out of my chest. That’s all.” He sighed, the gloom in his heart wasn’t withering away but at least the weight in his heard was lighter now that he had come clean.  “I’m gonna go now, you should go back to your friends, they are waiting.” He inched his face closer to you to kiss you on the cheek and you were too mesmerized by the blue in his eyes to shun away.
“Goodbye, y/n. And once again, happy birthday.” He turned around to leave, going for the exit door of your garden so he didn’t have to walk past through the crowds and deal with prying questions about their… whatever they are now or what truly happened at the dance. He had made peace with you and that’s all that mattered to him.
He was a few steps away from her when he heard her voice calling his name, “Bucky, wait…”
He stopped and turned to your direction only to catch you narrowing the gap and jumped on him. He was quick to catch her as they used to after a few days of not seeing each other and they both had missed each other terribly. She pressed her lips on top of his and circled her arms around his neck to hold onto him. Because who was she kidding? She had missed him so badly too. She dreamt of him calling her to apologize or to show up at her party but never once did she admit it. And now, her heart was back in her arms and she didn’t want to let him go ever again.
Their kiss with filled of longing as their lips moved like a perfect symphony. One of his hands moved to her face to hold her even closer because everything he desired was coming true and he was desperate to make it stay a reality. Your hands grabbed his hair as your tongues tangled, dancing in sync. You pulled away when the need for air was overwhelming, “I forgive you.” You smiled as your foreheads were pressed together.
He too smiled at that, “does this mean you will take me back?”
You nodded, “it does.” Bucky grinned wider, the bliss in his face was palpable. Oh, how good it felt to see him smile again. Bucky could say the same.
He kissed you once more with his hand cupping your cheek and when he pulled away, he gazed into your beautiful eyes and confessed, “I love you. So much. I never stopped loving you.”
“I love you too.” You meant it with every bit of your heart.
He put you on the ground and you were still intertwined with each other, too in love and too elated to pay attention to the curious peeks and snooping ears. “Let’s go back inside, yeah? It’s cold here. And you should be there with me.”
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be anyway.”
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hostess-of-horror · 3 years
What Music They Make!
I wanted to indulge myself with this little Halloween-themed fanfic! Plus, I haven't done any Phantom x Peach stuff in a while, so I needed yet another fix. This was inspired by a Halloween fan art of Phantom's vampire costume done by the wonderfully talented @salamifuposey!
To @salamifuposey, @strawbunniiee, and everyone else who wants to read it!
[Content Includes: Flirting (no smut!), Some Profanity, and "Blood-Drinking"!]
Phantom's voice, disembodied: "You can't escape me, my darling..."
[Phantom's voice echoes in the darkness as Princess Peach runs out of the castle, dressed in a flowy pastel pink dress. She giggles as she goes off into a labyrinth of bushes where blood red roses bloom in the chill air. Soon, she is met by a dead end.]
Phantom: "I'm coming to find you~"
[Peach turns to find another way. Her heart pounds with exhilaration - a feeling thought to be long forgotten in her childhood days. She remembered the days when she would play with the young Toads and other creatures. They would all play hide-and-seek or tag until it was time for supper. But this time, it isn't her friends that are chasing her. Deeper and deeper Peach ventures into the labyrinth.]
Phantom: "Oh, Princess..."
[Peach gasps; his voice is getting closer! But he is nowhere to be seen. Still, she persists and makes her way through the hedges. To think that the princess who gets captured so many times would actually enjoy a game like this! She runs, not to get away but to fool around until she falls prey. Having been through this labyrinth before, Peach recognizes a way out. She goes through the path and, at long last, she has escaped! She stops to catch her breath. A pale moon hangs in the night sky, greeting her with its light. Peach sighs and turns around. No sight of Phantom anywhere. Silence fills the air. She realizes she's in the center of the labyrinth, which is a lovely little garden complete with a stone bench underneath a rose-embedded arch, beautiful cherry blossom trees, and a well-crafted gazebo decorated with lights. Peach goes over to the bench and sits down. A smile shines across her face as she waits. She hadn't had this much fun in a very long while. Being a princess takes a lot of hard work and responsibility, and that is an understatement in of itself. Then, a sea of fog slowly creeps up around the garden, swirling around her. A chill runs up Peach's spine and it excites her. With her hand over her heart, she dantily poses, lying halfway across the bench dramatically. She is unable to hide her smile.]
Princess Peach: "Oh! I am trapped! Trapped with no way out! Whatever shall I do?"
[The fog begins rising to envelope her as she almost "faints" and lies down, continuing her "damsel in distress" role. With dramatic flair, Peach reaches for the sky, looking above where the moon shines bright.]
Princess Peach: "Please, have mercy on me!"
[The fog finally closes in on Peach. Whiteness is all that she could see. It's almost as if she has fallen into another world. She stays put, still lying across the bench, watching the fog surround her.]
Phantom's voice, disembodied: "Ah... there you are, my love~... Finally... Have you not heard about what happens to mortals when they stay out late? Especially in this time of the year?"
[Peach suddenly sits upright. She stays still, her eyes turning to look behind. She could sense that he is behind her.]
Phantom: "You poor, sweet thing.... You have no idea what's going to happen, don't you?"
Peach: "What are you going to do?"
[Phantom chuckles. The fog dissipates. Peach can see clearly now. She turns around and looks behind. Nothing. Then, she is suddenly caressed on her left cheek. Her warmth rises into her face, causing her to blush immensely. She is guided by this touch, turning back to see Phantom, floating right in front of her. Her mitten-like paw gently caresses down her cheek and to her chin, lifting her head just so that her neck is revealed. Phantom grins.]
Phantom: "Ah... Lovely. Such beauty and innocence. Perhaps I won't take a life this time."
[Peach smiles. It is hard not to when you're flattered like this. She continues her role in their game of make-believe.]
Peach: "Are you going to set me free?"
Phantom: "Hm... not exactly."
[Phantom then softly brings Peach into his arms, wrapping her in his embrace. She softly gasps as she notices two sharp fangs protruding from his charming grin. They glisten in the moonlight.]
Phantom: "Ah, I see you noticed my teeth. They look quite sharp, do they not? But have no fear, my love... They will only hurt for just a moment."
Peach: "Hurt...?"
Phantom: "I cannot guarantee a painless experience, but I can make it..."
[Phantom pauses and slowly dips Peach. Her neck and shoulders are exposed from her dress and hair.]
Phantom: "... absolutely breathtaking."
Peach: "I..."
Phantom: "Shhhh... it's alright, my darling. No need to cry. Just close your eyes..." *whispers in Peach's ear* "And let me drink from you..."
Luigi: "This is-a bulls**t!"
[Finding himself lost within the labyrinth (somehow), Luigi trudges through in frustration. He looks around for a way out, only to meet a dead end almost every time.]
Luigi: "Why did Professor E. Gadd drop me off here? Oh, where is Mario when you-a need him?"
[Luigi continues to walk through the maze of hedges. He mumbles in his native Italian, annoyed at this inconvenient predicament. Suddenly, he stops at the sound of a high-pitched squeal.]
Luigi: "Da fuq was-a that?"
[More sounds are heard, only this time it's giggling. Luigi turns around to hear where the sound is coming from. He begins to follow the squeals and giggles. The closer he came towards the source, the closer he listened. Luigi recognized the high-pitched voice... but who was the lower-pitched voice? It was then he finds himself at the entrance at the center of the labyrinth. To his surprise, Luigi sees Princess Peach in the arms of a massive figure. He quickly hides as to not be seen, but peeks over to investigate.]
Luigi, thinking to himself: "Princess Peach?! Oh no, is she in danger? No, she couldn't be. She wouldn't be giggling if that were the case. But... who is THAT? Why do I recognize him?"
[Luigi looks closely at the large figure. The figure hugs the princess closer to him, propping her up to his face. Luigi watches as he lovingly plants kisses on her cheek, taking his time as he traces his lips down to her neck. Princess Peach clutches his collar, basking in his affection. The figure then pretends to bite down on her neck. Peach squeals and giggles, squirming as he starts tickling her with his "bite." Luigi gasps.]
Luigi, thinking to himself: "Is that... the Phantom...? But... that's impossible! How can they.... how are they... WHY are they...?"
[Confusion floods Luigi's mind, then suspicion, then anxiousness.]
Luigi, thinking to himself: "There's no way Peach could be in love with him! God, I should stop watching... I feel like a pervert."
[Luigi slinks back into his hiding space.]
Luigi: *whispering* "I have to tell Mario about this. There's no way the princess is in love with the Phantom! She must be underneath some spell or something... We must stop this before he does any damage!"
[Luigi then silently runs off, making his way out of the labyrinth.]
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
The IdioT Crowd
I have, like, a dozen other things I should be working on, but I wrote this instead, because I wanted to write something fun and completely silly for April Fool's Day. Real life's been rough lately, so I need some levity rn.
This is my fanfic version of a shitpost for April Fool's. It’s a parody of that one episode of the IT Crowd (a British comedy show that I watched and adored years ago), where one of the guys gets trapped underneath a desk. It’s the only episode that has really stuck in my mind for all these years, even though I’ve forgotten much of the show (including the characters’ names!), but I don’t want to look it up, in case it influences me too much when I write this, so I’m going entirely off of memory. The ONLY context for this oneshot you get, is that Nightmare, Dream and Ink are volunteering at an office for a day, while their wives (various, vastly different versions of Frisk) are at a spa. DO NOT take any of this at all seriously. I mean it, this is just for fun and laughs.
Ink was created by Comyet (aka Mye Bi) Dream and Nightmare were created by Joku
AO3 link for those who prefer to read fics there.
While he always strived to retain his natural positivity and remain optimistic, Dream couldn’t deny that he was feeling a little... worried. Unlike his brother, Nightmare, and his friend, Ink, both of whom were kept very busy carrying out their assigned duties, scrutinising the Company’s records and running errands, respectively, Dream hadn’t yet been required to do anything. Nevertheless, he couldn’t shake his concerns regarding the IT job he was given. He had no experience whatsoever with electronics, computing, or technology in general. He was only a Sans in body and code, after all, and lacked their scientific mind. The actual IT specialist working for the Company had assured him that 99% of all the problems he might encounter, could be solved by asking “have you tried turning it off and on again?” and “have you checked if it’s plugged in properly?”, before he’d hurriedly left on his vacation, offering no other advice than that. Which... wasn’t great, admittedly, but Dream had dealt with far worse situations before, and had always managed to pull through in the end, so he could certainly handle one day working an office job, surely. He would be fine!
As if to contradict him, the phone on his desk suddenly rang, causing Dream to startle badly, almost tumbling off his chair. Recovering his balance, he picked up the phone and answered with a confidence he didn’t feel.
“Hello! Dre-uh, IT department, how can I help?”
“My computer isn’t working,” an irritated female-sounding voice responded. “I need you to come up here and fix it.”
Dream winced at her tone and tried to recall the advice he’d been given.
“Oh, um, h-have you tried turning it off and on again?”
“Yes, it still isn’t working,” the voice sounded increasingly frustrated, and Dream wished his aura of positivity worked over the phone.
“Have you checked-”
“Look, I need to go right now,” the voice interrupted him, having clearly lost her patience. “Can you just come up here to my office to take a look at it in person? Thanks.”
Without waiting for a response, the person on the other end rattled off her computer’s location, then hung up, leaving Dream scrambling to write it all down. Well, that could’ve gone better, he thought, but at least the office building was easy to navigate, despite its size, and, with some luck, maybe the problem was one he could actually solve. And if he couldn’t, then he had many friends he could contact for advice. Confidence renewed, Dream shot off a quick text to Nightmare and Ink, letting them know where he was, before making his way to the elevator.
When he’d reached the office in question, it was to find the room completely deserted. All of the desks had been pushed together, the computer monitors positioned on top, all around the edges, and the CPUs, with all of their wires and plugs, were shoved underneath the desks, in the very centre. Dream checked each monitor, until he found a note stuck to one, reading “fix this one, thanks”. There was nothing obviously wrong with it, so he followed its cables, crawling underneath the desks until he reached the power strip in the middle, where he found the relevant plug lying on the floor, out of its socket. Someone had clearly unplugged the computer, for whatever reason, and then forgotten to plug it back in.
Dream sighed. He was relieved that it had turned out to be a simple problem, with an easy fix. Still, he could feel mild annoyance bubble up within him at the thought that, if the woman had only let him finish speaking, she’d have found the problem all on her own. Dream resisted his instinctive urge to squash that bit of negativity. If he wanted his brother to embrace his positive feelings, then Dream needed to do the same with his own negative feelings.
It only took a few seconds’ effort to reinsert the plug back into the socket. Job done, Dream was about to make his way back out from under the desk, when the door opened and the room was filled with noise, as a group of women, both human and monster, all with chartreuse eyes hidden behind glasses of various styles, entered the office, chatting loudly to each other.
“Hey, did that temp guy manage to fix your PC?” one of them asked another.
“Oh! He actually did! It turns on again,” the voice from the earlier phone call replied.
“Huh. I guess those weirdos are more reliable than they look.”
Dream blinked. What was that supposed to mean ? Did... did he seem unreliable? He knew his and the others’ appearances were rather... unique, but he’d always tried to project the image of a confident and capable protector of good, and people had always relied on him and looked to him for guidance and support in their time of need. He hadn’t been dismissed so casually since his early days after having been freed from his stone prison.
While Dream stewed in self-doubt at the awkward conversation, the office workers had retaken their seats around the desk.
“Right, break time’s over, ladies! Headphones on and back to work!”
After a chorus of agreement, the room fell silent. Dream looked around for a clear path to the exit, but found himself surrounded by a wall of legs (and the occasional tail). He hesitated, debating with himself on what to do. He couldn’t very well touch any of these women’s bare legs, that would be highly inappropriate and they might freak out. What would they think of him? Besides, he was married; the only female legs he ever wanted to touch were his wife’s. At a loss, he hesitantly spoke up.
“U-Um, e-excuse me? Uh, I’m still down here. H-Hello? Anyone?”
He received no reply. No one could hear him, with their headphones on. He tried again, lightly knocking on the underside of the desk. Still nothing. Dread started to claw its way into his soul.
“Uh oh.”
Ink finally returned to his office for a break, after having been run ragged all morning, carrying out various menial tasks and errands. It was tiring work, but he enjoyed being kept busy; there was nothing worse than sitting around, alone, doing nothing, after all. Although, he would never have to worry about that, ever again, now that he was married (him! Married! He was actually married ! After years of looking on with envy, as all of the other outcodes, even Error of all people, fell in love and got married, he now finally had a loving wife and partner of his own, to share his, no longer lonely and empty, life with).
Ink threw himself into his chair with a contented sigh. He took out his phone, having previously left it muted, and checked his messages, to find that Dream had sent him over a dozen texts. Raising his browbone, he opened them up and felt horror gradually fill him as he read through them all. Wasting no more time, he rushed out the door and to his friend’s rescue.
Skidding to a halt outside the office door, he cautiously peered inside. He quickly located Dream, sitting very uncomfortably underneath the large desk, who immediately spotted him and waved to him, giving him the most pleading look Ink had ever seen his friend wear. Without a second thought, Ink opened the door and stepped into the room, waving at its occupants to catch their attention. Turning towards him, the group of women all took off their headphones and gave him annoyed frowns, identical yellow-green eyes flashing with irritation at the interruption.
“What do you want, temp boy?” a cat monster literally hissed at him, her ears and tail flicking agitatedly.
“My name’s Ink,” he tried not to flinch at the grumbled “who cares”, before rapidly looking around for something that would give him an excuse to get the women away from their desk. “I, uh, came here to... erm... tell you guys, er, about... window!” he exclaimed upon catching sight of a nearby window. He dashed toward it and animatedly gestured outside. “There’s something you all have to see outside the window! Right now!”
“What is it? This thing we just have to see?” a human woman raised an eyebrow at him, clearly unconvinced. Ink barely contained a grimace.
“It’s, uh, something you have to see for yourself! But it’s really cool! Indescribably cool! I’ve been to loads of amazing places during my travels, and have seen many wondrous sights, but this definitely tops them all, so please come over here, and look out the window. Now , please, before this really cool sight is gone forever,” he urged them all, desperation slowly leaking into his voice.
“Sure, whatever,” a monster who seemed to be made of blue electricity waved him off dismissively, turning back to her computer screen. “The only cool sight I’m interested in seeing, is my pay check at the end of the month. Which I’ll only get if I actually finish my work. So please leave, temp guy, and stop distracting me from my job.”
Her coworkers all echoed her opinion, and turned back to their monitors, resuming their work and effectively dismissing Ink’s presence. The skeleton monster tried to protest and grab their attention once more, but was only met with disinterest at best, and hostility at worst. Not knowing what else to do, and growing overwhelmed from the, still very new, emotions swirling around within him, Ink reluctantly made his retreat, shooting Dream an apologetic look and shrugging at him helplessly. Dream sunk down to the floor in disappointment and frustration, burying his skull in his hands.
Ink paced around outside the office, wracking his mind for a solution to his and his friend’s current dilemma. Despite now having a soul of his very own, he found himself no closer to understanding other people’s thoughts and emotions, than he did without it. He used to think he knew people well (or at least, well enough to predict and manipulate them), but now he was realising more and more how wrong he was. And his new emotional state wasn’t helping much either. Real emotions were very different from ink-fabricated ones; they were much more intense and vivid , and utterly outside of his control, they’d appear and disappear without warning, suddenly seizing him and refusing to let go when he least expected it. It was very... inconvenient.
Still, Ink conceded, these feelings weren’t all bad. Many were actually really, truly wonderful. Especially all those concerning his wife. Ink felt a smile make its way onto his face, as a gentle, pleasant warmth rose, unbidden, from the depths of his rainbow soul, washing away all his previous worries. Indeed, love alone was worth every troublesome feeling which now plagued him. His Frisk, his Sun, his wife was worth everything and more. She never failed to light his way with her sunshine, just like her adoptive, divine Mother did for her people. If Sunny were here right now, she’d know what to do to help Dream.
Ink closed his eyes as he imagined what his wife would say and do, in his position. Sunny always believed that people were stronger together, that with the help of others, you could achieve miracles. She’d always firmly asserted that she’d never have been able to complete her journey, nor win her fight against evil, if it weren’t for the constant support of her friends and allies. So, then, what allies did Ink have to rely on? Well, he did have plenty of friends he could call on, but none who could reach him at this time, in this isolated place. The only person with him right now, besides Dream, was... Nightmare.
Ink paused. Would... would Nightmare be able to help them out? No, scratch that, would he even want to help them? They had been bitter enemies for so long, after all, and that kind of enmity was hard to erase. And while it was true that the pseudo-Guardian of Negativity had changed, somewhat, thanks to his friendship with that odd child, Calibri, and his marriage to his Frisk (Brightmare, as she’d gleefully insisted on being called, despite, or perhaps because of Nightmare’s distaste for the nickname), he still wasn’t what anyone would call a “good person”. Furthermore, while it was also true that he and Dream had reconciled, for the most part, their relationship would never be as it once was, and the two brothers weren’t exactly close either, though they both seemed to be working to change that. So, would Nightmare be willing to go out of his way to help his once-hated brother out of a tight spot?
Well , Ink thought, as he drew himself up, clenching his fists in determination, only one way to find out . And with that, he marched towards the temporary office of his former foe.
Nightmare’s assigned office was blissfully quiet, only the soft scritch, scratch of pen on paper could be heard, as the dark being went over the Company’s extensive paperwork. It wasn’t the most exciting of tasks, especially given how thorough and meticulous the record keepers were, but there was a certain soothing quality to the methodical way he went over the documents, perusing the substantial information contained in each file, and making sure all of the figures were correct. He’d not encountered any discrepancies so far, a testament to how structured and organised the Company administration was, but he remained vigilant of any potential mistakes. He always took his work seriously, after all, unlike some of his subordinates, he grumbled to himself.
There was a loud knock on his door, before, without waiting for his reply, it flung open to reveal Ink. Speaking of blithe underlings , Nightmare growled under his breath and shot a baleful glare at his brother’s colleague. Ink ignored the look and marched straight towards him, slamming his hands on Nightmare’s desk.
“Dream’s in big trouble and he needs your help!”
Nightmare blinked at his outburst, before frowning in bewilderment as Ink’s words registered in his skull. What? Ink then proceeded to explain the most ridiculous fiasco Nightmare had ever heard of. At the end of his speech, Ink clapped his hands together in front of him and gave Nightmare a look of earnest appeal.
“So you see, Nightmare, we need to do something to get Dream out of that situation! And we need to be stealthy about it, too! Dream’s been stuck down there so long, that if anyone were to discover him now, they’d think he was some terrible pervert or something! It’d be awful ! We cannot let that happen to him!”
Nightmare stared at him for a beat, before closing his eye and bringing his hands up to rub at his temples. He could feel a headache coming on, thanks to the utter nonsense he was hearing.
“I can’t believe that I ever  thought that you incompetent imbeciles were actually a credible threat to me.”
Ink gave him an affronted look.
“Hey! We’re both very capable heroes!”
Nightmare gave him the most deadpan look of disbelief he could.
“... My brother is currently trapped underneath a desk, because he’s too polite to cause a scene, and you’re too socially inept to convince a group of females to leave their work for ten seconds. ”
Ink opened and closed his mouth several times, as he struggled to come up with a good retort, before completely deflating when he found none, pouting sullenly.
“... So, are you gonna help Dream or not?”
Nightmare heaved a massive, put-upon sigh, rubbing his nasal bone in aggravation.
“Fine. But only because this whole debacle would reflect poorly on me . If this mess did not affect either myself or my reputation in any way, then I assure you that I would gladly leave Dream to his fate!”
“Yeah, yeah, sure, whatever you say,” Ink rolled his mismatched eyelights, clearly not believing him. He’d never known that Nightmare could be such a tsundere. No wonder Bright loved to tease her husband so much. Maybe Ink should start doing the same.
Not liking the considering look Ink was giving him, Nightmare turned away with a huff, and started trudging towards the door. When Ink made to follow him, however, Nightmare immediately put up his hand, two black, tar-like tentacles shooting out from his back to cross in front of Ink in an X, barring his way.
“ You stay here,” he ordered the colourful outcode. “I won’t have you getting in my way. You’d only be a hindrance to me.”
Ink pouted at him.
“No, I wouldn’t,” he crossed his arms. “You just don’t want me to witness whatever embarrassing thing you’re planning on doing to rescue Dream.”
“I’m planning no such thing!” Nightmare insisted vehemently, his tentacles quivering slightly. “So just remain right here, while I retrieve my pathetic brother. And do not touch anything or draw on any of the documents!”
With those words still ringing in the air, Nightmare stormed out of the room, leaving Ink behind to sulk by himself. It did not take the terrifying pseudo-Guardian of Negativity long to reach the place where he could sense his brother’s presence. Glancing into the office, he quickly spied Dream lounging listlessly underneath a desk. When the pseudo-Guardian of Positivity noticed his brother, his look of boredom morphed into a hopeful expression, as he brought his hands up in a pleading gesture, silently begging for help. Nightmare shot him a disgusted glare, but Dream merely widened his eye sockets further, his large, yellow eyelights wobbling slightly. Unable to stand the look, Nightmare turned away, burying his skull in his hands. He exhaled forcefully, beyond exasperated with the situation he’d been put into, before very reluctantly walking into the room.
The office workers ignored him, barely sparing him a glance, as the dark being made his way to the far corner of the room. There, he once again let out an aggrieved sigh, skull turned up towards the ceiling, appearing completely fed up with life, as he mustered every ounce of willpower he possessed, for what he was about to do. He would never admit it aloud, but Ink had been right, and Nightmare wasn’t looking forward to what was to come. Bracing himself for the worst, Nightmare forced out through gritted teeth, in an awkward and incredibly stilted voice:
“Oh, how I really miss my beloved wife!”
Instantly, all heads shot towards him and the women practically leapt from their chairs, flocking towards him and cooing consolingly at him. Nightmare cringed away from them and their sickening sympathy, but the women only crowded closer around him, trapping him in a circle of positivity. While the ladies were all suitably distracted trying to comfort Nightmare, Dream crawled out eagerly from underneath the desks, scuttling away rapidly on his hands and knees. Nightmare eyed his brother’s hasty escape with a bitter glare, as he was assaulted on all sides by cloying feelings of unwanted pity and concern, compassion and caring, and even a touch of joy and awe which almost burned. This was all Dream’s fault...
In Nightmare’s office, a tearful Dream was recounting to Ink how Nightmare had saved him, while Ink tried to contain his sniggers, as he patted his friend’s back in comfort, both extremely relieved that their ordeal was safely over. The pair jumped in surprise when the door slammed open, as a furious Nightmare stormed into the room, his tentacles writhing and whipping around him in response to his anger. Heedless of his brother’s ire, Dream instantly threw himself at Nightmare, wrapping his brother up in a tight hug.
“Thank you so much, Night!” Dream pressed his cheekbone to Nightmare’s, not bothered in the slightest by the viscous goop which covered it. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you care about me enough to come to my rescue like that! I’m so happy ! I love you, Brother!”
In response, a tentacle wrapped itself around Dream and promptly yanked him off of and away from Nightmare, though it tentatively lingered around him, as if unwilling to fully let go of Dream, at odds with the resentful glower Nightmare gave him.
“Do you have any idea of the torture I suffered because of you?!” Nightmare angrily pointed at Dream, his lone cyan eyelight flashing murderously. “I was practically suffocating under the force of those fools’ misplaced compassion! And then, to make matters worse, those foul wretches insisted that I call my wife, to tell her how much I “miss her” and “love her”! Obviously, she thought it was a prank of some kind, which then compelled those contemptible cretins to intervene “on my behalf” and gush to her about what a sweet and doting husband I am, and how I was completely lost without her by my side. I have never been so humiliated before! And in front of my wife!”
Dream was torn between wanting to apologise profusely to Nightmare for all of the trouble he’d unintentionally caused him, and wanting to once more hug him for all that his brother had gone through for his sake. He was saved from having to choose by the sudden ringing of Nightmare’s phone. After a quick glance to check the caller ID, Nightmare swiftly answered it.
“Frisk! For once you have immaculate timing. I have had the most abominable day!”
He then launched into a long rant about his woes. Meanwhile, Dream sidled up next to Ink, as they both observed Nightmare’s impassioned tirade.
“I still can't get over how far Night was willing to go to save me,” Dream gazed at Nightmare, star-shaped eyelights shining brightly with heartfelt gratitude. “Despite everything, he’s still my brother. And he still cares about me. I’m so happy, I could cry. What a great day this has turned out to be!”
In contrast to Dream’s exuberant joy, Ink was staring worriedly at Nightmare, browbones furrowed as apprehension steadily clouded his expression.
“I’m not so sure about that.”
Dream tilted his skull at him.
“How come?”
Ink nodded towards Nightmare, still talking on the phone.
“Nightmare’s telling his wife all about how we made complete fools of ourselves today. And knowing Bright, she’s definitely put her phone on loudspeaker and is making sure our own wives are listening in on the conversation.”
Indeed, universes away, three similar-looking women were lounging in deck chairs, wrapped in luxurious, fluffy bathrobes, and struggling to contain their laughter, as Nightmare’s zealous ranting could be heard coming loud and clear from the phone one of them had placed on the table beside them.
As that realisation dawned on Dream, his face fell in dismay.
“I take it back. This is, in fact, a terrible day, one I will never be able to live down.”
“Yup,” Ink agreed, shoulders sinking in resignation at his fate. “Today sucks.
I agree, Ink, April Fool's Day does indeed suck if you don't enjoy pranks being played on you.
I really did intend for this to be pure lolz, but then Ink had to come in and add some actual seriousness to my crackfic.
Me: this all so silly, just for fun! Ink: emotions are hard. Me: uuuhhhh... Ink: honestly, this whole “having a soul” business really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Me: I... guess... not... ? Ink: but my love for my wife makes it all worthwhile. Me: oh, well, that’s ni- wait a minute. Ink: man, do I really love my wife. Me: oh no, NOT AGAIN!! Why are you Sans types such massive plot-derailing simps for your wives?!?!
And speaking of wives, you get a brief cameo and mentions of the Light Frisks: Fallen Star Frisk (Lumi), Brightmare Frisk (Bright), and Ōkami Frisk (Sunny). There’s technically a fourth, but she exists only in my head, because her backstory’s too complicated to explain and involves several different fandoms, thus she got replaced by CORE Frisk in my other fic. Sunny also involves another fandom, but it’s for one of my all-time favourite games ever, Ōkami, so I absolutely refuse to replace her. Seriously, Ōkami is on many people’s list of greatest games ever made, is as close to perfection as I think it’s possible for a game to get, is the very embodiment of the idea of games as art, and if you’ve ever seen screenshots or listened to any part of its OST, you’d agree that Ink would be utterly captivated by its world.
As you might have guessed, there is actually much more to this story than what's shown here. But it's April Fool's Day, so the funny bits are all you get ;-P (for anyone who recognises the big clue I left regarding what the Company is, you have to admit, this is one hell of an unexpected crossover, right?).
I highly doubt anyone's going to read this oneshot, but sometimes you just gotta indulge your silly side and have a bit of fun, so I don't regret writing this xD
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green-blue-heller · 3 years
Look What You Made Me Do (Cockles FanFic)
Title: Look What You Made Me Do
Pairing: Cockles (Jensen x Misha)
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Rating: GA
A/N: Part of my 500 follower celebration. This was based off a prompt by @dolphindiluna.
If you want to send me a prompt based on the theme, coming out, check out my pinned post.
Words: 2729
Read on AO3
Jensen stood on the stage, Robbie and the boys of Louden Swain behind him, music pumping into his earbuds as he smiled at the roaring crowd. A wave of panic filled him as the opening notes of his intro music sent the crowd into a frenzy, and he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
In the back of his mind, there was a voice screaming at him to turn around and leave the stage as quickly as he could. That would be the smart thing to do. Especially since his stunt was about to lead to career suicide.
But as he glanced to his right, he caught sight of Misha and the smile on the other man’s face took his breath away. With a shy smile, he looked down at his feet for a moment.
You can do this, Jackles.
It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision that brought him up on stage during the con’s Saturday Night Special.
It started out as something he wanted to do for Misha. Which was totally the wrong reason to want to do this. But he’d had such a hard time after the show ended.
Truthfully, he’d been having a hard time the last couple of years, and Jensen knew he hadn’t made things easier. Misha had never shied away from his sexuality, while Jensen had still very much been in the closet except for a few close friends.
But the whole Destiel thing had been like watching a trainwreck you just couldn’t look away from. The network and studio handled things badly and forced Misha to take the brunt of it, even though it wasn’t anywhere near the scope of his responsibility.
But he did it.
And Jensen hated it.
There had been a few bigwigs in charge who hadn't known but highly suspected that Jensen and Misha had been an item. It wasn’t like they really hid it on set, but they didn’t flaunt it either.
Misha called their remarks whenever they were on set or at a con, a microaggression.
Jensen took his word for it, as he really had no clue, other than that Misha meant it was homophobic, even if they didn’t seem to be on the surface.
So, he wanted to do something for Misha. To show him that he was loved and appreciated. And that he was committed to him, even with the show being over.
Misha and Danneel were his forever. And he never wanted either of them to forget it.
He had spent long hours over the last couple of weeks leading up to Vegas Con, talking it out with not just Misha, but with Danneel and even Vicki. They, along with the kids, were his life. And he would never make a rash decision, especially a possibly life-altering one, without consulting them first.
But they understood what he wanted. And what it could mean for all of them.
And they were all ready to stand by his side, no matter what he chose.
So, two months after he first got that cursed idea, he found himself on stage, in Vegas for the first time since the show wrapped up.
What a clusterfuck that had been. He knew it was bad as soon as it had been pitched. There were too many ways that things could go wrong by the time they got to the finale. And boy, did they ever go wrong.
Not that he was against Dean and Cas ending up together.
Jensen snuck another peek at Misha and smiled to himself. No, he definitely did not mind Dean and Cas ending up together. They deserved to be as happy as he and Misha.
The only problem was that, as he suspected, by the time push came to shove, no one was able to pull the trigger.
They’d cocked the gun and pointed it, had Cas confess, but then the execs at the studio were on edge over the dailies they’d been sent. With a global pandemic knocking on their door, they were afraid to go with anything but sticking to the status quo.
Except the show had been anything but status quo for quite some time. They were just too slow to realize.
He knew some of it was personal bias but that most of it was business. Though they managed to screw up even that.
But he was at the con, and he was going to do what he could. For everyone involved who deserved some vindication. They deserved to know they weren’t crazy.
Jensen took a deep breath and looked out at the crowd and gave them the most charming Dean Winchester smile he could manage.
And it sent them wild.
“Hey, guys!” When the crowd cheered their own greeting back at him, Jensen grinned.
With another deep breath, he steeled his nerves and mentally nudged himself forward. This had been his idea, and he still knew and agreed that it was the best idea, but that didn’t make him any less nervous.
Especially since he knew he was about to piss off the studio execs who were footing a large portion of the bill for his and Danneel’s production company.
He was almost certain he could kiss that goodbye.
“Look, I know there has been a lot of discourse since the show ended, and even more questions. I wish I could give you all the answers you’re looking for, but I hope that tonight, we can clear some things up.”
He knew it wasn’t a lot, but he wanted to be able to give the fans as much as he could, as much as he was comfortable with.
“Wow,” he said with a chuckle. “I haven’t been this nervous up on stage in a long time.”
He grinned at Rob as the music morphed and the opening bars to a Taylor Swift song kicked into his ears.
Part of him felt stupid. This was a stupid song for him to sing. But it was fitting.
He didn’t like to be backed into a corner, nor did he like his loved ones to be put into uncomfortable positions. And that had happened with most of them since their twelve-to-fifteen-year tenure on Supernatural ended.
Jensen knew he made a lot of mistakes in the last decade, and tonight he planned on correcting some of them.
A cleansing breath went through his lungs as he caught sight of Misha again, who flashed him a grin and a thumbs up.
He could do it.
He needed to do it.
Misha deserved it.
Jensen deserved it.
Their wives deserved it.
He opened his mouth and as soon as he started to croon out the first line, his voice low and smooth like a fine whiskey, the fans erupted into such a frenzy. Jensen thought might never stop grinning.
“I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play of the fool
No, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime
How you laugh when you lie
You said the gun was mine
Isn't cool, no, I don't like you”
As Jensen finished the first verse of the song, he felt his confidence grow. He’d practiced - a lot. He knew what he was doing and he trusted the band to be there for him and back him up as they’d rehearsed.
They’d smoothed out some of the music, made it more fitting to his vocal style, and the crowd erupted as the music morphed into what was more likely to resemble a 90’s rock ballad than a Taylor Swift song.
In the back of his mind, he thought it was a little sacrilege, but he’d never admit it out loud.
“But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time
Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do”
Jensen soon found himself bopping his head along with the crowd.
With a grin, he turned and strode over to Rob, who shook his head with a hearty laugh.
“I don't like your kingdom keys
They once belonged to me
You asked me for a place to sleep
Locked me out and threw a feast (what?)”
This was it.
His moment.
Their moment.
Jensen is no longer looking at the crowd. He’s all but forgotten there is even anyone else there as he continues to sing without even thinking about it.
How could he think, when he found himself lost in the perfect storm of those blue eyes that stared back into his green ones?
He moved with purpose as he marched across the stage.
“The world moves on, another day another drama, drama
But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma
And then the world moves on, but one thing's for sure
Maybe I got mine, but you'll all get yours”
And in one swift motion, he pulled Misha, who had taken his outstretched hand, and pulled him out on the stage and Rob picked up the vocals and sang the chorus.
They had taken a few steps back when they let go and Jensen’s hand reached up to cup Misha’s face while his left hand, which still had his microphone, snaked its way under his boyfriend’s arm and wrapped around his back.
Jensen gently pulled Misha against him, who complied, putting both his hands on Jensen’s hips as their lips met and lazily molded together.
They fit perfectly.
Kissing Misha wasn’t even something Jensen had to think about, it just came as naturally as kissing Danneel.
He was sure the crowd was going crazy, but all he could hear was the whimper he elicited from his boyfriend as their lips parted and Jensen’s tongue caressed Misha’s.
“But I got smarter
I got harder in the nick of time (nick of time)
Honey, I rose up from the dead
I do it all the time (I do it all the time)
I got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined
I check it once, then I check it twice, oh!”
Jensen pulled away, hand sliding down to Misha’s shoulder, breathless as always when Misha is near.
“I love you, babe,” Jensen whispered as he looked into Misha’s shining eyes that threatened to spill tears. Because even though he knew what Jensen was planning, it was real, at that moment, and Jensen could see that it was hitting Misha harder than he could have imagined.
His heart swelled as he moved his hand from cupping Misha’s shoulder to wrap around the back of his neck and pull him into a hug.
As he turned their bodies to face toward the crowd, Jensen smiled, his own teary eyes taking in the crowd that had gone wild, and dropped a soft kiss onto the top of Misha’s head.
With a grin, he stepped back and glanced over his shoulder to see Rob grinning at him. He threw the other man a wink as he gave a nod of appreciation for all his support and love not only given to him, but to Misha.
As he turned his gaze back to the crowd, a wicked grin spread across his face as he tilted his head at Misha, who was still securely snuggled into his side, and brought the microphone back to his mouth.
“Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do”
Jensen couldn’t help but chuckle into the microphone as he caught Misha’s eye roll. Of course, the older man thought he was being over the top and more protective than he needed to be. But he also knew how much it meant to him.
The look in his eyes, at the unshed tears and the smile that went on for miles, was all Jensen needed at that moment.
He knew he made the right decision. His family was more important than some job. There were plenty of things he could do besides acting or having a production company, if it actually came to that.
There was the Family Business Beer Company, there was Radio Company, not to mention the profits they turned from renovating houses and flipping them. And it wasn’t like the studio or network could now retroactively go back and undo the contract he already had for residuals from the show.
Jensen tried to swoop in and steal a kiss, but Misha let out a shy laugh and playfully pushed his face away as he gave one of his patented not-so-subtle winks. He immediately found himself letting out a chuckle as he let his arm fall from Misha’s shoulder and took a step forward, really paying attention to the crowd for the first time.
They were on their feet still, and going wild. All the bright lights from the cameras snapping pictures was a little much, especially since there wasn’t supposed to be flash photography, but he couldn’t find it in him to complain about anything at the moment.
As the bridge was about to kick in, he motioned with his hand for the crowd to join him.
“I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams
I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams”
He was grinning like a loon as he dropped his arm to his side, but he really didn’t care. Especially as he made his way back over to Misha and slid his hand home within Misha’s. They were a perfect fit.
“(Ooh, look what you made me do)
(Look what you made me do)
(Look what you just made me do)
I'm sorry
But the old Jensen can't come to the phone right now
Why? Oh, 'cause he's dead (oh)”
He knew he’d get in trouble for it later, but with a dramatic flourish, Jensen held his arm out in front of him and let the mic fall to the stage.
What were they going to do? Fire him?
As Jensen stared into the endless pools of Misha’s blue eyes, he didn’t really care what they did anymore.
He was going to do what he wanted, what felt right . And not let anyone else tell him differently.
And at that moment, all he wanted to do was kiss Misha.
His movement caught the other man by surprise, as he reached over and put one hand behind his back, and one behind his head, and gave him a slight dip before he leaned down and claimed his lips.
When they came up for air, they didn’t even realize there was anyone else in the room. They only had eyes for each other as they reached for each other at the same time, took each other’s hand, and walked off the stage as Rob and the band finished out the song.
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me-
Ooh, look what you made me do
Look what you made me do
Look what you just made me do
Look what you just made me do
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