firekitten830 · 10 months
Combat tell us about getting grabbed by the octopus please I would like to know more /gen
I got to visit a marine research center. And they had a giant pacific octopus there (she was not particularly giant so I think she was probably pretty young but I forgot to ask). And she was hanging out near the top of the open topped tank (the rim and sides of which were lined with astro-turf because her suckers can’t grab it). So under staff supervision we were allowed to reach in and touch her gently, because we weren’t allowed to reach into the other tanks so there was no risk of cross contamination or anything.
And when it was my turn she immediately grabbed onto my arm and started trying to climb me and it was very cool and I’m still stoked about it.
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onewhoturns · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @silurisanguine so let's see...
1) How many works do you have on AO3
65 (across multiple accounts)
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
819,102 (across multiple accounts) (also some of those are collab fics so I can't take full credit)
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Lately not much, but previously - in reverse chronological order; Arcane, Oxenfree, Dead By Daylight, We Know the Devil, Assassin's Creed (Syndicate), Dishonored, Life With Derek, HP
4) Top five fics by kudos?
A Helping Hand, Scandal, Denial, Brute, Night Blooming Flowers
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
In the past I'd say "i reply to every comment" but that's somewhat dependent on my mental state and there's a bunch I haven't replied to lately, but I do try to (eventually) reply to every single comment. I love comments more than anything tbh, which is probably why my top stats tend to be comments, cause i LOVE LOVE LOVE having conversations with readers and getting to fangirl with them ahaha
6) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I mean I don't have that many finished multichap fics. If we're talking pre-ao3 I had a super duper angsty hp fic i wrote in like elementary or middle school lmao
7) What’s the fic you write with the happiest ending?
Again, I don't have that many finished multichap fics, and most of my fics have a happy or bittersweet ending. Maybe So It Goes?
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I'll be honest, I feel like I probably have but I do not remember it. I mean, I know I get blocked by people who hate some of my ships (jonalex, emsider, reader ships etc), but if I've ever received hate (which I am like 90% sure I have) I do not remember what it was for. Seriously, hate just goes in one ear out the other I do not recall what it was for because I literally do not care enough to remember lol
9) Do you write smut?
For sure.
10) Do you write crossovers?
Not really? Not lately at least, though I've done some aus inspired by other works.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, but I don't really check anywhere
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Someone asked me if they could translate something and said go for it, but I don't know where that is.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several. I do a lot of rp fics.
14) What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I cannot choose. Lots of ships with my OCs, but i guess for canon-only, maybe jonalex? But i'm indecisive, I don't want to pick one lmao
15) What’s the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof. Too many. I'm so bad at finishing things. Unwilling Survivor and Holy Spirits and A Helping Hand are all big projects that I want to finish but I have no idea how that will happen.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I'm so bad at analyzing my own writings tbh. Maybe visceral emotion? Not sure, but I do love yearning and anxiety and metaphor.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, finishing things. 100%.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I prefer to write around using a translator ('they said in [x language]' or 'it sounded something along the lines of [meaning of translated words] but their [language] wasn't great' etc) so I don't have to worry about sounding garbled, or I ask for help
19) First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter in 3rd grade lmao
20) Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I cannot possibly choose. I love anything with Sam in it (so all of the au stuff I've done with her, as well as Unwilling Survivor), I love my jonalex stuff (including Lucky in Love, which I think is such a niche au of an au that I tagged it as original fiction as well lmao), and of course A Helping Hand has to be in there, and might as well include the fae au for emsider and the xreader for acs, and any jonalex i wrote with hammie, and and and-- basically everything lmao, I can't pick favorites.
tagging: @h4mm132l1c3 @artabria @reddgiant @cognacandlilac @artemis-crimson and anyone else that wants to do it, I feel like a lot of people have done it already and i tried to pick people from a variety of fandoms
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hammieslice · 14 days
New username + layout hehehe... I was finally able to get the leetspeeak numbers out of my name I am free from metaphorical gay baby jail!!!
And also in another one because I made the mistake of reading vol. 1 of 2ha and Chu Wanning has taken over my life. ANYYWHO.
H4mm132l1c3 -> HammieSlice :)
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starlit-bawka · 9 months
20 Questions For Fanfic Writers!
No way I got tagged by the really awesome @h4mm132l1c3, and ill tag a couple of other people too probably
1: How many works do you have on Ao3?
Currently I've got 59 things on AO3!! There are a couple more on my long-defunct wattpad though, and I've got a bunch of December whump I need to catch up on too so there will be more
2: What's your total Ao3 word count?
72,774!! Wow!!! And like...90% of that is oneshots! Go me!
3: What fandoms do you write for?
Currently writing for DSMP and QSMP the most atm :O I also write for the PJO fandom, Homestuck, and DR on occasion, too. I get very tempted to write for Stardew Valley and Scott Pilgrim, and I have been. More than tempted to write CareBears stuff too. I'm in deep chat
4: Top five fics by kudos?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award, Take Your Secret Son to Work Day, Las Nevadas and the Frozen Fox, Alone I Began, and Of Lost Gods!
5: Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
For the most part yeah! I don't get too too much interaction and I just get!! So excited when I get comments! I love seeing what people say and I love to respond! But sometimes I don't, often cause I don't know what to say lol
6: What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm,,,good question! Probably Why Do I Cry? or maybe Famous Last Words? Gone are the Joys I Knew? I don't really know! I write a lot of sort of mopey sad fics ig LMAO
7: What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
mmmmmmm,,,,not sure for this, either! My Fundy Fluff Week stuff is all supposed to be sorta fluffy which is probably happy
8: Do you get hate on fics?
Not hate, per say, but comments on the accuracy of my characters, which kinda stabbed my ego a bit lol. It was a nice comment! But the way it was worded was so ouchie!
9: Do you write smut?
I've. Been tempted. As of right now I haven't, though!
10: Do you write crossovers?
Another one of me being tempted!! I haven't yet but I LOOOOVE to read them and so I'd love to write one sometime. (We aren't counting my old VLD Steven Universe au.)
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so! Fingers crossed it hasn't happened lol I doubt it would
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! But if someone were to want to, I would say go ahead! Just send it to me so I can see :D sounds so cool!
13: Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Very recently was my first time doing a proper co-write/collab, which I did with my lovely friend Seven! I would love to do more they're so fun (and probably one of the only ways I'll easily end up writing a multichap KEKW)
14: What's your all-time favorite ship?
ouuuuu ive got a lot of pairings I really really cherish. Jercy my beloved, uhhh Valgrace is so silly, I like to consider myself one of The Kamuegi writers ever, and Pumpkinduo kind of holds an insanely special place in my heart
15: What's the WIP you hope to finish but doubt you ever will?
(Un)Lifetime Achievement Award as sad as it sounds. I love it so much and I'm so insanely proud of it and I love the story but there's soooo much planned and the person I was planning it with hasn't spoken to me in a while. I have hope that I'll finish it someday! Or at least get another two chapters out!
16: What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhh,,,,I don't. actually know! I do a lot of flowery sentences ig? and I think I'm pretty good at angst and similar things
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Making (and completing) multichap fics, getting ideas to write, finding the motivation to write, and I am definitely bad at planning things out in advance
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it pretty sparingly in the past, because I want to incorporate other languages and loooove language, but don't know any of them very well aside from English. But I try to do a lot of research before I add something in, and am 100% open and insistent that someone correct me if I messed up, or if there's another way to go about saying what I'm trying to say, or just to tell me more!
19: First fandom you wrote for?
Never published because I was a kid and it was. So Bad but !!! It was actually for the Minecraft Roleplay series Mary and Dad's Minecraft Adventure (MADMA) back around 2011-2013. I've been in mcrp hell for. a LONG time jesus christ
20: Favorite fic you've ever written?
ohhhh good question. Fullbury Records is very special to me and I'm ALWAYS thinking of what to add to that series, and (Un)Lifetime Achievement Award ofc is also very special to me. I think Heart to Heart is going places once I get back to writing the next chapter, too But I'm also veeeerrry proud of Famous Last Words, and it's very special to me as a projection piece LMAO
Tag time!!
@dyke420-69 @sparrowsong07 and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it lolol be sure to tag me so I can see :D
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ejstrunck · 2 years
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Happy Halloween from Sterling and Nikias
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stellarxdeath · 2 years
Alright bottom.
You think I'm ashamed? Embarrassed? What kind of slasher fucker wouldn't be into pain? Be meaner <3
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twitchyglitchy · 4 years
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Studying body types by drawing very friend shaped characters so I drew my friend’s version of Barney.
Civhoun belongs to @h4mm132l1c3​ <3
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lepas · 4 years
just a little dust is all
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x-amount-verbs · 2 years
22, 23, 31 pretty please i am nosy
22. Is there anything you regret writing?:: Not really 😅 I mean, some feels ‘cringe’ on later reread, but they were all things I enjoyed in the moment and they all contributed to my growth as a writer in one way or another. No use regretting things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.:: I love all of my fic, for the most part xD I’m very proud of my own work, it’s a problem lmao. I have very few finished pieces, so one of the jonalex (oxenfree) rp fics I wrote with @h4mm132l1c3 (So It Goes) is high on the list cause it’s a finished work with an epilogue (2 epilogues) and all, and I was proud of making Vonnegut references lol. But another I’m super fond of is my (unfinished) emsider (dishonored) fae au Iron and Gold, and the silly (but also emotional friends to lovers!) jonalex reality tv + bartender au fic I did, Lucky in Love. Also my Dead By Daylight Frank/oc fic Unwilling Survivor, cause it introduced Sam. I could never pick a single work, I’m sorry, lmao. 😅
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?:: I have had some lovely lovely things said, and I remember them all. @anomiidae left these amazing tags on a post about Unwilling Survivor, I love those. I got a couple different comments on A Helping Hand from disabled readers that said I handled things well, and that was amazing to hear, not to mention the amazing rec from Inky that brought tears to my eyes and I read to my family lmao (to be fair I was with family when it posted and I was smiling like an idiot at my phone). Also, when @artpraeda made art for Holy Spirits (the jonalex bartender au), I died 🥹
Fanfiction Questions
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crychan · 3 years
I got tagged by @h4mm132l1c3 I MISS YOU😭💗💓💖💕💝💞
Fave color: TEAL 😻
Currently Reading: uhhhh the politics of earth, which is a book about environmental discourse in western countries. Also Atomic Habits to help make good habits!
Last Song: 足跡 by the peggies! objectively my FAVE mha ending 🥰
Last series: JUST CAUGHT UP WITH DEMON SLAYER! Tanjiro is probably my fave protagonist ever just because he is so compassionate, he is sympathizer with the enemy and acts as a bridge between both sides
Last Movie: Tick, Tick… BOOM! made me cry but i LOVED it! Love a good motivator movie!
Sweet, savory, or spicy: SWEET! 🥰 chocolate is my fave food, anything that is plain chocolate i will always love
Currently working on: my 4th year engineering capstone 🥰 it’s a competition with a bunch of schools in my province!
Tagging: @rubixpsyche @its-star1408 @friedeggsammy @clingyduo <3
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artemis-crimson · 4 years
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day 11, absence! an Emily as the Outsider au for which I give credit to @h4mm132l1c3
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firekitten830 · 3 years
Hi don't starve characters. Warly because you knew he was going to be in here, Walani because we're completing the set, and Wolfgang because I love him very much.
Not only is Warly a very talented cook, but he also has a lovely singing voice, and he tends to hum or sing to himself while he cooks.
Before ending up in the constant, Walani had a pretty sizable collection of neat shells and other interesting things she found on beaches.
Wolfgang gives very good hugs :)
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onewhoturns · 4 years
12 and 16 for Oxenfree. It's the ask meme you know what it means Turner.
12. what is your cutest headcanon hhhh idk, there are many hc and there are many thoughts of cute moments, and they don’t always fit in the same universe and I DON’T KNOW ok. uhhhh... god this is putting me on the spot and i can’t think >maybe jonas’s mom being an english teacher, and his relationship with his mom and her penchant for puns and wordplay? or- AHAHA the thing about Jonas knowing My Name is Jonas by heart and getting pissed when anyone plays it (even though he legit likes the song) and calling them out before the lyrics start and getting that knowing side eye cause YOU KNOW THE SONG THAT WELL, EH? that’s a cute one xD
16. what is ur favourite ridiculous au OBVIOUSLY the bartender au. I mean, it’s the only one one might classify as ‘ridiculous’ because everything else is close enough to canon xD (and yes, the reality tv au of THAT au that popped into my head at 5am this morning, but that’s so cracky it’s unreadable xD might as well write original fic at that point)
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starlit-bawka · 3 years
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A drawing done entirely because I wanted to make a gift for @h4mm132l1c3 (and also because the brainrot is strong) More under the cut as per usual due to my indecisiveness
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ejstrunck · 3 years
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drawing myself and my joyfriend as The Scene from the owl house ( @h4mm132l1c3 <3)
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stellarxdeath · 3 years
I think I'm late considering I had to work but it's fine, uhh. Shadow & Bone Netflix. Let's bring back a classic.
you're hardly late, and owo blorbo: Jesper <3
scrunkly: Mal and Mattias
scrimblo bimblo: Zoya
glup shitto: that strange priest (?) guy at the little palace. He was weird, and for this alone he entertains me.
poor little meow meow: General Kirigan/Darkling/ my beloved awful man whom is also played by ben barns <333333
horse plinko: The Conductor
eeby deeby: also the Conductor
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