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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months ago
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The Weather Diaries
A book by Cooper & Gorfer
Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2014, 262 pages, 24,5x31,6cm, ISBN 9783899555226
euro 150,00 email if you want to buy [email protected]
Fine in publishers gray pictorial cloth binding with single tiny spot at lower edge of front panel. Printed in an edition of 5000 copies.
Europe's most exciting and groundbreaking fashion designers come from its Nordic countries, are well-connected in international networks, and enjoy impressive commercial success. When it comes to contemporary fashion design, the Nordic countries of Europe.
Known for their otherworldly, poetic and somewhat nostalgic imagery which frequently references the aesthetics of traditional 18th and 19th painting, in "The Weather Diaries" Sarah Cooper and Nina Gorfer have combined their unique photographic style with the sombre, and at times fantastical scenery of the North with moody yet undeniably wondrous results. The resulting portfolio showcases the works of both young and established Nordic designers and artists such as Mundi, Shoplifter, Jör By Guðmundur Jörundsson, Steinnun, Barbara í Gongini, Gudrun & Gudrun, Bibi Chemnitz, Nikolai Kristensen, and Najannguaq Davidsen Lennert, Kría, Jessie Kleeman and Rammatik. Additionally, the book, published by the Berlin-based Gestalten, also features a number of insightful essays on the Nordic Countries’ relationship with clothing and fashion, as well as a collection of interviews with the featured creatives. The titular weather diaries also feature in the book as a series of actual diary excerpts which date back to 1975. Written in a north Icelandic town Akureyri by Baldur Helgi Kristjánsson, the sparse yet personable memories are accompanied by a series of beautiful landscape photographs, again by Cooper & Gorfer.
Gestalten’s publication coincides with the same year’s edition of the Nordic Fashion Biennale {Norræna húsið} which will be held at the  Museum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt  and which Cooper & Gorfer have been invited to curate.
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hatari-translations · 10 months ago
Megas - Orfeus og Evridís - transcript/translation
Requested by anon, this song by Megas alludes to the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. I feel slightly intimidated about doing his lyrics justice.
Icelandic transcript
Eins og hamar ótt á steðja uppi á þaki regnið bylur en í þínu þæga tári þar er gleði, birta, ylur
Á þínum góðu unaðstöfrum önd mín, sál og kraftur nærist Þér ég æ mun fé og föggum fórna meðan að hjartað hrærist
Svefn þinn guð í glasi áskenktu greiðir fró í stríði hörðu Þannig fæ ég þrey af árin þar til loks ég sef í jörðu
La, la la, la, la la La, la la, la la, la La, la la, la, la la La, la la la la
Fjallahringurinn hann er dreginn hringinn í kringum mig Og utan hans þar er ekki neitt því innan hans þar hef ég þig
En við verðum að láta okkur litla hríð lynda það sem til bar Þú hvílir í brekkunni bak við húsið Bráðum finnumst við þar
Hún var falleg og hún var góð, hún var betri en þær Og þegar hún sefur við síðuna á mér þá sef ég góður og vær
La, la la la, la la La la la la la, la la la, la
Sólin kemur upp í austri en í vestri sest hún niður Í dalnum þar sem ég opnaði augun í árdaga ríkir kyrrð og friður
Hesturinn minn hann heitir Blesi Höfum við sömu lifað árin Ég held áfram en hún styttist nú óðum leiðin fyrir klárinn
Blesi minn, í brekkunni góðu búinn er þér hvílustaður Einhvern tíma ái ég með þér, örþreyttur, gamall, vonsvikinn maður
English translation
Like a hammer upon the anvil, the rain pounds up on the roof But in your gentle tear, there is joy, light, warmth
Your blissful magic nourishes my breath, my soul and my strength For you, I'd give everything I own for as long as my heart still beats
Your sleep, a glass filled by a god, gives relief in times of struggle That's how I endure the years until I finally sleep in the ground
La, la la, la, la la La, la la, la la, la La, la la, la, la la La, la la la la
The mountain range forms a circle around me And outside of it there's nothing because inside it I have you
But we must make do with a small bit of time after what happened You rest on the hillside behind the house Soon we'll find each other there
She was beautiful and she was good, she was better than them And when she sleeps at my side I will sleep content and soundly
La, la la la, la la La la la la la, la la la, la
The sun rises in the east but in the west it settles In the valley where back then I opened my eyes all is still and peaceful
My horse is called Blesi We've lived the same years I keep going but the way ahead ever shortens for the steed
Dear Blesi, on that good hillside is the place where you'll be laid to rest One day I will rest with you, an exhausted, old, disillusioned man
Translation notes
In the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, the two of them are in love when Eurydice dies. Orpheus travels to the underworld to plead for her to return with him; Hades, the god of the underworld, agrees to let her walk behind him back to the surface, but if he turns around to look at her, she will immediately return to Hades forever. They have made it almost all the way out when Orpheus does indeed turn to look, trapping Eurydice in the underworld forever.
The song is mostly pretty subtle about its relation to the myth aside from the title, but it does reference a god who filled her glass and the valley where Orpheus "opened his eyes", which is presumably where he looked back.
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dailymaisie · 2 years ago
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We also hit all of our favorite ice cream shop Sæta Húsið for rolled ice cream with bubble waffle cones and Posthus again, of course. Also mailed our postcards and hopscotched on the hopscotch street. We did the hopscotching while Alan had gave a Zoom Grand Rounds session back at the hotel.
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nordichouses · 6 years ago
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selfoss, ísland / selfoss, iceland
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fyndnarmyndir · 5 years ago
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hálfviti ökumaður þurfti að texta Vegurinn með því að byggja við himinn
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karjalantroll · 3 years ago
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scary stuff from my second original story called Myantjärvi Forest (Myantjärven Metsä) this place called Rauða Húsið (Red Hall) People and creatures who kill someone in a fit of rage get there...it's not hell, not even limbo, just some scary place. Someone comes out of there, someone does not.
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logi1974 · 3 years ago
Island 2021 - Tag 15 Teil 1
Ein Blick vom Balkon am heutigen Morgen zeigt uns: die Viking Jupiter ist weg! Prima, dann können wir ja heute in die Stadt und ein bisschen bummeln - dachten wir! 
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Noch während wir die letzten Schlucke Kaffee trinken, hören wir Geräusche aus der Bucht: ding-dong-dong und dazu Lautsprecherdurchsagen. Ich sage nur ein Wort: Kreuzfahrtschiff! Ein neues Schiff ist eingetroffen.
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Nach dem Frühstück fahren wir deshalb nicht in die Stadt, sondern ein paar Kilometer in Richtung Süden.
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Es gibt viele Spekulationen über den „wahren Standort“ der Werkstatt des Weihnachtsmannes, aber es gibt starke Argumente für Nordisland - und zwar nur rund 10 Kilometer von der Stadt Akureyri entfernt.
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Die isolierte Lage bedeutet minimale Ablenkung für den Weihnachtsmann und seine Crew, und das Wetter ist sicherlich kalt genug, um seine Rentiere artgerecht unterzubringen.
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Was die Werkstatt dieses Weihnachtsmanns tatsächlich von anderen unterscheidet ist der Besitzer, der als der große Mann im roten Anzug ein wenig zu überzeugend ist.
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Selbst bei einem Besuch mitten im Sommer wird man mit festlichem Jubel begrüßt. Hier wohnt der "richtige" Weihnachtsmann in seiner Werkstatt, was seinem Anspruch nur Authentizität verleiht.
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Besonder angetan sind wir von den überdimensionalen Haribo-Bonbons, die auf dem Dach montiert sind.
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Die Eigentümer Benedikt und Ragnheiður eröffneten 1996 das Weihnachtshaus Jólahúsið.
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Es erstreckt sich über zwei Etagen und verkauft alles, was man sich im Zusammenhang mit Weihnachten nur ansatzweise vorstellen kann.
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Zu dem umfangreichen Warenangebot gehören Dekorationen, Lebensmittel, Musik, Kunstwerke, Bücher, Spielzeug, Haushaltswaren und Ornamente, die alle irgendwie mit der Weihnachtszeit verbunden sind.
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Viele der Produkte sind international und repräsentieren, wie Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt Weihnachten feiern.
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Die Ansammlung an Devotionalien erschlägt einen geradezu. 
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Dazu dudelt Weihnachtsmusik in Dauerschleife: Stille Nacht, Oh Tannenbaum usw. in isländischer Sprache. Leider kein “Last Christmas” - was ich persönlich schon wieder doof finde. 
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Es gibt viele Souvenirs, die die weihnachtlichen isländischen Traditionen repräsentieren. 
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Unter anderem gibt es eine Höhle im Erdgeschoss mit einer Skulptur von Grýla - aber Grýla ist ein Kannibalen-Troll, den die Isländer sehr fürchten.
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Anstelle eines fröhlichen Weihnachtsmanns hat Island dreizehn, und alle sind Trolle, deren Possen von schelmisch bis bösartig reichen. 
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Ihre Mutter Grýla ist eine kinderfressende Riesin, deren gigantisches Haustier, die Weihnachtskatze, in dieser Saison nach Kindern jagt. Ich finde diese Saga super!
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Es gibt es mehrere Gebäude, außer dem Geschäft selbst. Zudem gibt es einen Turm mit dem angeblich größten Adventskalender der Welt. Seine Fenster sind nummeriert, um die Tage vor dem 25. anzuzeigen.
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Die Wände sind mit Märchenbildern bemalt, die von der isländischen Künstlerin Sunna Björk Hreiðarsdóttir geschaffen wurden.
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In der Nähe befindet sich Eplakofin oder der Apfelschuppen. Hier können Besucher zuckerglasierte Äpfel kaufen, um in Weihnachtsstimmung zu kommen. Leider ist da gerade geschlossen.
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Diejenigen, die mehr süße Leckereien suchen, finden im Svarta Húsið, auch bekannt als „Das Schwarze Haus“, eine große Auswahl.
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Dieser Shop verkauft auch eine Reihe von nordischen Produkten, obwohl sie nicht alle weihnachtlich sind.
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Das Weihnachtshaus beherbergt natürlich auch den Weihnachtsgarten. Dort gibt es viele, windgeschützte Sitzgelegenheiten.
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Der Garten hat eine Miniaturnachbildung einer isländischen Torfkirche, die nachgebaut wurde, um zu zeigen, wie Gebäude im ganzen Land vor der Industrialisierung aussahen.
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Es ist auch die Heimat des Wunschbrunnens der ungeborenen Kinder, wo Gäste ermutigt werden, sich für zukünftige Generationen etwas zu wünschen. Das lassen wir schön bleiben - ich bin mehr für die Kinderfresserin zu begeistern.
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Natürlich gibt es auch Miniatur-Torf-Häuser für das kleine, unsichtbare Volk.
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Selbstverständlich mit eigener Miniatur-Torf-Kirche und eigenem Miniatur-Briefkasten.
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Der Hasenbär lädt sich selbst zu einer Hausbesichtigung ein, weil er wissen wollte, wie das kleine, unsichtbare Volk so wohnt.
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Jetzt wissen wir es - und sie haben sogar einen Weihnachtsbaum! Natürlich!
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Leider spielen sie auch kein “Last Christmas” und von daher darf der Hasenbär dort wieder nicht einziehen.
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Hinter dem Weihnachtshaus liegt etwas versteckt ein Toilettenhäuschen. Selbst das ist sehr schön mit Kerzen dekoriert und Weihnachtsmusik spielt darin. Ein Knaller! 
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Man kann seine Lieben zu Hause überraschen, indem man seine Post aus dem “echten” Briefkasten des Weihnachtsmanns nach Hause schickt. Wer bekommt schon Post direkt aus der Werkstatt des Weihnachtsmannes? Ich kenne keinen!
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Gerne hätten wir ein paar Karten an unsere Lieben daheim verschickt, doch leider gibt es hier keine Postkarten zu kaufen. Das ist sehr schade! Diesen Spaß hätten wir gerne mitgemacht.
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Unser Fazit: kann man machen - muss man aber nicht...
Immerhin ist der Besuch kostenlos.
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chenopodiumlang · 4 years ago
Langblrgang challenge week 3
Here are the tasks. This is a post about grammar, namely,
cases and prepositions in Icelandic!
1. Overview
Icelandic has four cases: nominative (nefnifall, literallly name-case), accusative (þolfall, withstand-case), dative (þágufall, benefit-case) and genitive (eignarfall, ownership-case). The translations are not 100% accurate in terms of grammar, but I think it is important to have a vague understanding of what the name means!
No preposition takes nominative, like in many other languages, so let’s focus on the other three. Prepositions that govern þólfall and þágufall can be divided in two groups: those which only take this case and those which may take other cases in different contexts. I took the lists of them from Ýmir, which is, by the way, an amazing resource.
2. Þolfall
Here are the prepositions that take only the accusative case:
fyrir ofan, gegnum, kringum, um, umfram, umhverfis.
That’s a lot of ums! In fact, this might help to remember those. If you see um, go for the accusative.
(Note: this doesn’t work 100% of the time. For example, sökum can govern eignarfall.)
3. Þágufall
Again, here’s the list from Ymir:
að, af, andspænis, ásamt, frá, gagnvart, gegnt, handa, hjá, meðfram, mót/móti, nálægt, undan, úr.
I don’t have any tips on remembering them, but maybe you do!
4. Þ vs. Þ
Some prepositions can take both accusative and dative. Here’s the list:
á, eftir, fyrir, í, með, undir, við, yfir.
How does this work? Well, in some situations, the literal meaning of the case’s name might give you an idea. As Ýmir puts it, usually the Accusative is associated with motion or a change of state, while the Dative is associated with situation.
Many of these prepositions are used extremely often, so the rules about them can get quite lengthy. But I will give you an example, just to illustrate the difference:
Ég fer í húsið = I go inside the house. Húsið is in accusative here.
Ég er í húsinu = I am inside the house. Húsinu is in dative here.
4. Eignarfall
As far as I know, there are no prepositions that govern this case specifically. It is just not its main function (as the name suggests, it is most oftenly shows posession). However, here are the prepositions that may govern the genitive case:
án, auk, austan, innan, í stað, meðal, megin, milli/millum, neðan, norðan, ofan, sakir, sunnan, sökum, til, utan, vegna, vestan.
Ýmir has a tip for those: if you see fyrir preceding any of these, you should go for the accusative!
That’s all, folks. Hope this helps someone (and myself) understand Icelandic better!
(where I got the information: Ýmir, Icelandic made easier, my own knowledge)
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gotusol · 8 years ago
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Fyrsta útstáelsið! // First outing!   Ég fór út að kríta í dag. Það var bara mjög fínt. Það kom fólk og byrjaði að spjalla um það sem ég var að gera. Þeim fannst þetta mjög sniðugt og skemmtilegt. Ég spurði þau hvað þeim fyndist gott að heyra núna, og konan svaraði: "Þú ert hugrökk" Ég vona að henni líði eins og hún sé hugrökk  (◕◡◕✿) Það var líka önnur kona sem tók mynd af þessu eftir að ég var farin og taggaði mig á instagram! // I went outside today and I chalked. The weather was nice. Some people came up to me and told me they liked it. I asked them what they would like to see/hear, and the woman answered: "You are couragious " I hope she feels couragious  (◕◡◕✿) There was also another woman who took a photo of this after I was gone, and she tagged me on instagram!
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opnanir · 4 years ago
Ráðu Lásasmiður þjónustu vegna neyðarþarfar kl https://www.opnanir.is
Finndu okkur á Google Map: https://g.page/opnanir-is
Fjöldi lásasmiða í rekstri í dag er meira en hundrað. Það er vegna þess að margir treysta enn lyklunum og lásvalunum sem bara verkfærum til að hjálpa þeim að opna dyr sínar. Faglegur lásasmiður getur komið í veg fyrir að þjófar komist inn í húsið þitt og jafnframt hjálpað þér við að tryggja eignir þínar Lásasmiður.
Heimilisfang: Skógarás 6,Reykjavík, Iceland
Sími: +354 775-8228
Bloggið okkar:  https://opnanir.tumblr.com
Næsta myndband:
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hausverkurinn · 6 years ago
Icelandic songs playlist
Hi, here’s my playlist of some of the most popular Icelandic songs, both old and new + some songs that I personally really like. Song info is under the cut if you are interested. Hope you enjoy!
Song info
“Older” iconic songs that everyone knows
Ég er kominn heim, sung by Helgi Björnson, Iceland’s anthem for the 2016 European football champoinship. Song is from 1960.
Draumur um Nínu, song by Stefán Hilmarsson and Eyjólfur Kristjánsson, Iceland’s song for Eurovision 1991.
Hjá þér, song by Sálin hans Jóns míns (band), 1998.
Minning um mann, song by Logar (band), 1973. 
Bláu augun þín, song by Hljómar (band), 1965.
Húsið og ég, song by Grafík (band), 1992.
Sódóma, song by Sálin hans Jóns míns (band), 1992.
Rangur maður, song by Sólstrandagæjarnir (band), 2001.
Dag sem dimma nátt, song by Í svörtum fötum(band), 2002.
Rómeó og Júlía, song by Bubbi Morthens, 1986. (Fun fact, Bubbi Morthens, the songwriter and singer, told once in an interview that this song is about heroin. I didn’t realize it until this summer.)
Traustur vinur, song by Upplyfting (band), 2001.
Útihátíð, song by Greifarnir (band), 1986.
Tætum og tryllum, song by Stuðmenn (band), 1975.
Capri Catarina, sung by Haukur Morthens, song by Jón Jónsson, 1958.
Vertu ekki að horfa svona alltaf á mig, song by Ragnar Bjarnason, 1960.
Manstu ekki eftir mér, song by Stuðmenn (band), not quite sure about the year but probably around 1990.
Syneta, song by Bubbi Morthens, 1991.
Hjálpaðu mér upp, song by Nýdönsk (band), 1991.
Týnda kynslóðin, song by Bjartmar Guðlaugsson, 1987.
Danska lagið, song by Bítlavinafélagið (band), 1989. About half of the song is sung in Danish, so don’t let it fool you. The song itself is about a girl that is really good at danish so she sings a famous danish song for her class. Pretty weird song if you ask me but everyone knows it so....
Heyr mína bæn, song by Ellý Vilhjálms aka Iceland’s sweetheart, 1965.
Serbinn, song by Bubbi Morthens, 1994.
Ofboðslega frægur, song by Stuðmenn (band), 1993.
Betri tíð, song by Stuðmenn (band), 1993.
Vertu ekki að plata mig, song by Björgvin Halldórsson and Sigga Beinteins, 1994.
Gleðibankinn, song by Icy (band), Iceland’s song for Eurovision 1986.
Eitt lag enn, song by Stjórnin (band), Iceland’s song for Eurovision 1991.
Ég er á leiðinni, song by Brunaliðið (band), 1978.
Rabarbara Rúna, song by Sigurður Dagbjartsson, not sure about the year.
Ég vil fara upp í sveit, song by Ellý Vilhjálms, 1963.
Vor í Vaglaskógi, song Vilhjálmur Vilhjálmsson, 1966.
“Newer” iconic songs
Gordjöss, song by Páll Óskar, 2007.
Bahama, song by Ingó og Veðurguðirnir (band), 2008.
Gestalistinn, song by Ingó og Veðurguðirnir (band), 2008.
Í síðasta skiptið, song by Friðrik Dór, 2015. Semi-finalist of Söngvakeppnin 2015.
La Dolce Vita, song by Páll Óskar, 2007.
Ljúft að vera til, song by Jón Jónsson, 2014. This was the main song for the annual outdoor festival Þjóðhátíð, those songs are known as “Þjóðhátíðarlag”. Also fun fact, Jón Jónsson and Friðrik Dór are brothers!
Vinurinn, song by Ingó og Veðurguðirnir (band), 2008.
Þar sem hjartað slær, song by Sverrir Bergman, backround voices are the amazing Fjallabræður, one of Iceland’s many male choirs. This was the Þjóðhátíðarlag 2012, it was also (in my opinion) the most beautiful Þjóðhátíðarlag til this day.
Þú komst við hjartað í mér, song by Hjaltalín, 2007.
Á sama tíma, á sama stað, song by Jón Jónsson and Friðrik Dór, Þjóðhátíðarlag 2018.
Neinei, song by Áttan, 2017. Áttan was a pretty hated group that had a short-lived fame all through 2017. And even though they were really cringy, they had some absolute B A N G E R S.
Ekki Seena, song by Áttan, 2017.
Klakar, song by Herra Hnetusmjör, 2019.
Chuggedda, song by Aron Can and Bergur Leó, 2018.
Í átt að tunglinu, song by JóiPé and Króli, 2018.
Hlið við hlið, song by Friðrik Dór, 2010. That phase when Friðrik Dór was basically Justin Bieber was..... cursed but not really u know?
Hún er alveg með’etta, song by Friðrik Dór, 2010.
Hetjan, song by Huginn and Herra Hnetusmjör, 2018.
Sumargleðin, song Doctor Victor, Ingó Veðurguð, and Gummi Tóta, 2019.
Hatrið mun sigra, song by Hatari, 2019.
Sumartíminn, song by 12:00, 2013. 
B.O.B.A., song by JóiPé and Króli, 2017.
Ég vil það, song by JóiPé and Chase Anthony, 2017. This song is often made fun of because of JóiPé’s pronunciation.
Enginn mórall, song by Aron Can, 2016.
Joey Cypher, song by Joey Christ, Aron Can, Herra Hnetusmjör and Birnir, 2017.
Svona er þetta, song by Emmsjé Gauti, 2016.
Silfurskotta, song by Emmsjé Gauti and Aron Can, 2016.
Reykjavík, song by Emmsjé Gauti, 2016.
Songs that I like uwu
MANÍSKUR, song by Auður, 2018.
Einn skóli á landinu, song by Rjóminn (group), 2016.
Life’s a bitch, song by Rjóminn (group), 2017. I really recommend watching the video on youtube!!
Dimmalimm, song by Rjóminn (group) and Sprite Zero Klan (group), 2016. Ok this one need some explaining. This song is basically a rap battle between Rjóminn and Sprite Zero Klan as kindergardeners. It mixes together very grapgic and very childish insults. The music video is my favourite thing ever and the tallest guy is my probably the funniest person I know of.
Gúd væbs ónlý, song by Sprite Zero Klan (group), 2019.
Lazerland, song by Rollan (group), 2016. Basically a song about a boy that wants to rave 24/7.
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eplakaka-nnn · 5 years ago
I have a cd of an audiobook called Húsið by Stefán Máni and the album Það kólnar í kvöld by Rökkuró that I want to give away, or even better swap, like if you have something interesting you'd want to swap or are generally interested, hmu
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stefankarlfanblog · 6 years ago
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Steinunn Ólína Þorsteinsdóttir and Stefán Karl Stefánsson along with their daughters and Steinunn’s father, Þorsteinn, at the premier of a play called “Húsið” directed by Guðmund Steinsson – 16.3.2017
Source unknown
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undri72 · 2 years ago
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Haustið er komið í hreindýralandinu. Lyngt, milt og fullt af berjum hefur það færst rólega yfir okkur með litadýrð og angan. Daglega flýg ég nokkra metra upp yfir húsið okkar í brekkunni og fylgist með skóginum skipta um ham. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cifni_uAhnM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nordichouses · 5 years ago
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reykjavík, ísland / reykjavik, iceland
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fyndnarmyndir · 5 years ago
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köttur Condo potted planta á borðinu gegn byggingunni
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