#h!ds slash
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isame-allen · 1 month ago
Overprotective bf be like:
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months ago
I went to sleep thinking about Supernova so now you have to deal with them again
So after all hell breaks loose and they’ve been trying to find a solution to the problem for a while, Slash and Delusion are probably going to end up meeting up alone once in a while. Might not be intentional. Likely won’t admit to it when it is intentional.
Pretty much the only place Delusion and Slash could hang out safely *and* have Delusion’s aura suppressed so he can just chill and not worry about hurting himself by having negative emotions is probably going to be Delusion’s apartment.
Unless they, for some reason, go through the trouble of setting up a little secret place with a magic suppression field. But that’s so much troubleee
So slash just breaks into his apartment. Because that’s so much safer (sarcasm). God only knows how she managed it. Delusion doesn’t bother asking, he doesn’t care anymore.
It’s so weird for her to see him emoting like a normal person. She never saw this before she started breaking in, and while she’s not surprised he has the suppressor thing in his apartment, it’s so bizarre that it almost feels like danger
fortunately it’s not. At least, not inherently.
But then sometimes they just end up in a back alley alone and neither of them come home for a while so. Yknow.
also can I just.
Them having an almost soft moment, because feelings are getting to be so much. Delusion, who by now has completely given in to the feelings, asking if she’ll stay the night. He just wants her there. It doesn’t have to be anything else. She can leave whenever. She could leave at the crack of dawn if she wants.
Slash naturally wants to say no. It doesn’t feel right. She’s always been with Byte and Pluto and they’re going to be so worried when she doesn’t come home.
“Eventually, that won’t be problem,” Delusion says.
“…If you could promise not to brainwash them it’d probably happen a lot sooner.”
“I don’t brainwash anyone. I just help them see things my way. If they decide that’s the correct way, that is their choice.”
“Yeah, sure. Like all those people who protested JR’s methods suddenly preaching about how wonderful it is switched extremes in a week of their own volition. I don’t care what you call it. You don’t need to do it to Error and Nightmare.”
“And risk them taking you away? Or Nightmare leaving again? No.”
“You’re the reason he left in the first place, jackass.”
“…yes. I am. But I will make it right.“
eventually Slash agrees. because despite herself she does want to stay. Just this once.
Can I ALSO just
“One way or another, we’ll find a way to make this work.”
Delusion knows she doesn’t like his solution, but he’s willing to “help” her see how good it would be.
She knows he would. But she’ll introduce his head to a baseball bat if it’ll get him to just agree to do it her way.
Honestly their goals are pretty much exactly the same, it’s just the method of getting there that’s the problem.
The goal is for them to all just be chill, Slash can have her besties and an inadvisable boyfriend, Delusion will get to have his childhood bestie back and an inadvisable girlfriend, and also Delusion will clear them of charges from JR and help them hide from the rest of law enforcement so they can do whatever they want.
If they were all chill there’s the slight possibility that the horror squad would help him take targets out, but they’re a bunch of petty little shits so it’ll take quite a while before they even seriously think about it.
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evilforgood999 · 1 year ago
I want to show part of my sketchbook :'D
most of these works (not released as art) were made six months or more ago
my favorite killer Slash and Spider Error. with ink of course
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sketches of that comic about a video game
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and a more decent sketch of the next animated project (which will not be soon(:)
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error playing Vgames and doodles that should be dreamswoop stuff but it will never be finished
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
What do they all think of eachother?
Sparrow: Well, I think it should be kind of obvious what I think of the trio down in the jail.
Spindle, fake whispering: He hates them.
Sparrow, side-eyeing Spindle: I don’t hate them. But they’re not exactly great people, so I think it’s sufficient to say that I’m not exactly a fan.
Sparrow: As for Dream, I’m…not entirely sure. Look, I know he’s an awful person and has the blood of hundreds, if not thousands of people on his hands, but…he was also my boss for god knows how long. I always trusted him. And it’s a bit hard to change my own opinion of him that drastically.
Sparrow: And Gouge is a whole other can of worms. I can’t believe someone that close to me could do something so….horrifying.
Spindle: I dunno I personally think they’re all shitheads.
Pulaski: I don’t know much about any of them, but the snippets I’ve heard have given me a…less than ideal opinion of them.
(None of them really know Hunter unfortunately)
Slash: Oh give us 5 minutes in a room with bird boy and you’ll see exactly how we feel about him.
Byte: God what I would give to gut his fucking ass.
Pluto: He’s such a fucking bitch. We all hate him. I mean look at us! He fucking locked us up! He’s a dick!
Slash: And don’t even get me started on ‘Lord Dream.’ What a narcissistic asshole. I may not hate him as much as Finch, but he’s a very close second.
Byte: Meh I hate Finch way more. Slash has some weird vendetta against Dream-
Slash: Because he’s a fucking prick! You know he is!
Byte: -but I don’t really care that much. I mean I want him dead but it could be quick for all I care.
Byte: Now Hunter, ohhhh he’s a close second
Pluto: Oh we all hate Hunter. He’s so annoying. He needs to learn when to shut the hell up and piss off.
Slash: Yeah he’s an annoying bastard. We’ve tried to skin him but he’s too damn slippery.
Byte: Gouge is pretty cool though.
Slash: Yeah we’re chill with Gouge. She hangs with us sometimes.
Pluto: Used to, anyways.
Slash: Stupid fucking bird bitch.
Delusion: I’m…unsure of how to feel about Finch at the moment. While he did overthrow me, I do believe he was just doing what he thought was best. He’s wrong, of course, but I understand he wasn’t acting out of malicious intent towards me.
Delusion: And he has given me rather decent accommodations for the situation, and has given me enough magic suppressants that I don’t have to worry as much about getting burned by my aura. So I don’t hate him, which would surprise many given what he did. When I am inevitably released, I may even give him another chance at loyalty. He’ll have to earn it back, of course, but he’ll be allowed the chance.
Delusion: As for the others? I am less than fond of Slash and Byte. They’re clearly negative influences on Pluto, and need to be disposed of. I do have high hopes for Pluto, after all. I believe he and Gouge would get along well.
Delusion: And I believe it should be obvious how I feel about Gouge. She’s a very loyal worker and has thusly earned my respect.
Delusion: Now Hunter is an interesting case. He is rather useless to me and I will likely be rid of him in the long run, but at the moment he is proving a tad useful, so he can stay.
Gouge: Do I look like I give two shits about them? Fuck off.
(Gouge won’t admit it but she does like the horror squad, maybe even more than she likes Delusion. She thinks Hunter is annoying, and dreams of all the horrifying things she could do to Finch when she breaks out. She hates his guts.)
Hunter: Oh I really like everyone! Though I really do wish Pluto, Byte and Slash would stop trying to hurt me…
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 years ago
oh yeah I forgot to actually rb/post this
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I’m also deciding the top row is situational bc Gouge has done something wrong, Slash knows she’s done some things, Pluto wouldn’t apologize for murder, and Spindle,,,,for the most part he either did something very fucked up while under Fester’s control and was unable to apologize, or he stepped on Sparrow’s toe after some recovery and then acts like he broke Sparrow’s bones and is so apologetic
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I like the variation. I also like that they’re all idiots :) Btw, I took the top row descriptions to be situational, so this isn’t a judgement on character morals or anything lol. (Dust? Dust you’ve done everything wrong. You just haven’t done anything wrong in this situation lmao)
Template below the cut! Or just shout out your takes in the tags!!
Btw if anyone needs a who’s who for the above, since some of the designs are a bit different, right to left: Horror, Dream, Cross, Nightmare, Blue/Swap, Epic, Ink, Dust, and Killer.
Template by harmatia-grander on here!
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Lessee uhhh Ink by Comyet, Killer by Rahafwabas, Epic by Yugogeer012, Dream n Nightmare by Joku, Horror by Sour-Apple-Studios, and last but not least, Cross by Jakei95. Wait, why the fuck isn’t error in this?? I am so sorry my glitchy bastard. I will feature you soon…
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aqueousablution · 2 months ago
Welp, I swallowed my pride and turned on save assist in ZX Advent¹ just long enough to get my first subtank and wouldn't ya know it, I'm enjoying the game a lot more now that I don't feel like I'm made out of wet paper!² I still really miss using Model ZX (and Zero, of course), which I've realized isn't just because of the melee attack but because it can switch freely between ranged and melee attacks (sorry Model H, I love the sabers but I needs me a buster). That being said, Ashe's Model A has been growing on me - her reflect laser charge attack is real nifty!
I was kinda surprised by how quickly you get your first two Mega Man copy transformations, and by how quickly after that you can get the other two (if you pick the right areas to go to once the game starts opening up more). On a related note, I do find it kinda annoying how two of the first three Pseudoroid copy transformations are super clunky to use outside of their specific purpose, and even Buckfire's a bit clunky (though he's at least good for mowing down certain midbosses). Hopefully the later ones are better, but I kinda suspect I'll end up doing what I did in MMZX and mostly just use the protagonist's biometal instead of the ones you unlock³, excluding when the game forces me to do otherwise (which ZXA seems more willing to do than ZX). Which honestly I think I'm fine with at this point, considering how Ashe's playstyle has grown on me.
There's not really any shame in using it - it's basically just a toggle for the lives system - but I'd sworn to myself that I wouldn't use it because I wanted to play the games as I would have on the DS, since I own the original Zero Collection and the ZX games physically, I just never got around to beating ZX or playing ZXA. Ah well, at least I got through all of the Zero series and the first MMZX game without it. I didn't even end up needing it for the Ice Floe area, but it was nice to have as a safety net nonetheless.
... which admittedly tends to be the case for all the handheld Inti Mega Man games, not just this one.
3. ... Model ZX notwithstanding, of course. Once I fight Vent I might be hard pressed to go back to Model A, even if I do like Ashe's charge attack. There's a reason⁴ Zero 3 and 4 are in my top 3 favorite games of all time, and a reason I still like Zero 1 and am willing to put up with Zero 2 despite all their warts, and that's how fucking fun Zero is to control. And since Model ZX is basically just Zero (albeit with no EX-skills and the spinning air slash available from the start), my love for his playstyle extends to that, too.
4. Well, a few reasons, but Zero's playstyle is among the big ones.
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raccoon-in-a-dumpster · 3 years ago
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someone please take my drawing privileges away
Horror!DS was created by @moonfurthetemmie and @wheezethebluejay!
this was kinda inspired by the writing of moonfur in which the character is in the horror squad's funky backrooms shed which are linked here and here (heed the warnings)
dreamswap - @/oneBizzareKai
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rebuiltproject · 3 years ago
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Nível Adulto/ Seijukuki/ Champion
Atributo Livre
Tipo Fera Marinha
Campo Deep Savers (DS)/ Nature Spirits (NSp)/ Metal Empire (ME)
Significado do Nome Lapith, Lápito da mitologia Grega, ser associado ao deuses do mar e a centauros.
Um Digimon Fera Marinha que atingiu o nível adulto por conta do seu espírito de luta e do desejo de proteger seus amigos. Quando a determinação se torna solida como uma rocha o desempenho máximo de Aquamarimon é atingido, dando lugar a Lapithmon, a primeira etapa de uma longa jornada para se tornar um dos maiores guardiões do Mundo Digital.
Herdeiro do título de 'Jóia da Harmonia', a forma a adulta de Aquamarimon se mostra também um poderoso combatente e guardião como nasceu pra ser. Extremamente veloz seja fora ou dentro do mar profundo, esse Digimon centauro é capaz de atingir até 180km/h em terra e até 220km/h quando está submerso, conferindo a ele uma vantagem quase insuperável em combate, especialmente por ser capaz de controlar correntes marítimas de forma impressionante.
Apesar de sério e comprometido com sua missão de proteger os mares digitais, a personalidade calorosa e lealdade quase tangível de Lapithmon são suas maiores qualidades, uma vez que se entrega de corpo e alma para proteger quem quer que necessite. Graças aos cristais de Água-Marinha que o revestem e sua pelagem espessa e afiada como uma lâmina, seu corpo todo atua como arma e proteção, sempre pronto pra qualquer tipo de combate.
Golpe á Baixo de Zero (Zero Down Slash) - golpeia o inimigo com suas garras congeladas, capaz também de gerar uma lâmina sólida congelando o ar com um movimento cortante;
Lâmina Azul (Lazuli Spear) - cria inúmeras rochas congeladas, extremamente afiadas, e as dispara contra o inimigo;
Corrente Gêiser (Stream Geyser) - dispara uma hidro rajada de alta pressão, capaz até de perfurar rochas sólidas e resistentes;
Impacto Sólido (Solid Burst) - avança contra o inimigo em alta velocidade golpeando com o chifre em sua cabeça.
Linha Evolutiva
Artista Caio Balbino
Digidex Aventura Virtual
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puppys-rhythm-heaven · 3 years ago
ds' remixes are so chaotic as far as graphical changes go, like-
remix 1: no consistency whatsoever. glee club's at like. a town or something. some of the tiles in built to scale glow on the beat (which is also used in built to scale 2). in fan club pop singer has a different hairstyle and the monkeys are pink and. yeah it's the most heavily changed game. and fillbots is. literally identical (apparently has different graphic files tho).
remix 2: the blue birds and captain blue bird aren't even blue. the shoot-'em-up guys are. coconuts. the moai kids have sunglasses? and the paddlers are 1. just on an island??? and 2. brown. that's it that's the remix. oh also in shoot-'em-up the moon has a space rabbit on it cuz the warioware reference quota has to be reached somehow. also the shoot-'em-up radio lady has an unused retexture and i just??? i'm too gay-
remix 3: or as i like to call it, the game's emo phase. the love lizards/güiro lizards are just in a purple area (with harsher lighting) as opposed to an orange one. the race in freeze frame's. a. boat. race? what- uh. the dazzles are wearing. shit what are those called- i don't think they're kimonos but i'm not sure. and idk what's going on in crop stomp tbh-
remix 4: despite being romance-themed, munchy monk and love lab literally don't fit this whatsoever; munchy monk's just. at a theme park/carnival/something. good for him i guess. and the love lab scientists are. at a park. i think. there's a fountain so- and drummer duel and dj school have p i n k and h e a r t s . oh also the djs have sunglasses for some reason. idk why but good for them i guess- also they're so fuckin' gay like dear god.
remix 5: again. no real consistent theme. the frogettes are just. on a different stage. and there's an audience. also their clothes are different (they put on shirts, good for them). dog ninja's at a stadium or something, how is this so exciting- u h the tiny ghosts have hats. for some reason. also the audience is different. and the synchrettes are boys. good for them-
remix 6: uh. green. the description says it has a spacey feel but idk what's spacey about rockers or karate man's retextures here- the space kickers have clappy trio wigs and also they're in. actual space. the background in karate man is v e r y dark blue and also karate joe has. hair. slash. a wig probably given space soccer. u h . the stepswitchers have glasses. for some reason. also the void is green instead. and rockers just has a different background. i think. their outfits might be slightly different idk-
remix 7: c l o u d s . fan club's in the sky and also pop singer looks adorable and has a pink guitar good for her, the dazzles is in the sky and they all have pink guitars good for them, dj school. there's clouds in the background and there's lots of blue (cuz that's this remix's color i guess)- u h . frog hop has clouds in the foreground. and brf is the exact same.
remix 8: only dog ninja actually looks different and i can't tell you what's happening there tbh. also for some reason rhythm rally and lockstep are specifically their sequels but blue birds is just. normal blue birds. hard to know for fillbots given that it's identical in fillbots 2 pretty much but like. who knows tbh-
remix 9: hoooo boy this one's a mess. moai doo-wop just uses its remix 2 textures, the chorus kids are seemingly in a spaceship, i don't know what's happening with space soccer, crop stomp's the same, the shoot-'em-up guys are. i got nothing. karate man is specifically karate man 2 for some reason, in splashdown the synchrettes are boys again and also the crowd they're performing for looks like the octopus guy from donk-donk, annnnd built to scale is just built to scale 2.
,,, yeah really don't know what they were on there-
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olderthannetfic · 5 years ago
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37 Days Till Escapade!
There’s still time to make it to this year’s con. It’s going to be a good one!
Due South was a staple of late 90s slash fandom and predictably popular at Escapade. It was a fun buddy cop show about a mountie and two different Chicago cops named “Ray”, Ray K and Ray V, or as I like to think of them:
The Cute One and The One Who Can Act
I kid! I kid!
The series started out by teaming Fraser up with Ray Vecchio, salt of the earth local Chicago cop with the stereotypical big Italian family and a sadly prescient surname. After two seasons, the show got canceled. Fans went nuts trying to get it renewed. For once, their beloved show actually came back!
But as often happens in these situations, some of the actors had already moved on. Ray V’s actor left the show and was replaced by “Ray” K for reasons too stupid to need exploring at this or any other juncture.
(Okay, look, he’s undercover as Ray V so Ray V can go undercover with the mob. They look nothing alike. Ray V’s family has to play along with this. Like I said, it’s absurd.)
Incidentally, if you see fans using some version of “For reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture”, that’s a Due South reference.
Fraser/Ray V already had a following amongst slash fans of the later zine era, but Ray K hit just at the right time. It was 1997: the public was getting online, and fandom was expanding rapidly. Free mailing lists and online fic archives were possible on a scale they never had been before. And Callum Keith Rennie is awfully pretty, isn’t he?
I think you can guess what happened next.
Overnight, the new juggernaut with The Pretty One dwarfed the old ship. The show changed tones somewhat, and later viewers who were pimped in through the new ship didn’t always even bother to watch the first two seasons. Remarks were made about the shipability of the balding one. Fans who felt like their efforts to save the show were what eventually got it renewed felt betrayed both by canon and by fandom.
Massive butthurt ensued.
So virulent were The Ray Wars that there are places on LJ/DW where to this day you cannot talk about Due South without instantly restarting the fight. If there was one silver lining it was the many snarky Livejournal icons proclaiming: “I swing both Rays”.
I’m bi and I like terrible dad jokes. I am required to love that.
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Sample lulz from isis, though made by lozenger8. I know like 50 of you had these damn icons, but it’s probably been 15 years since I actually saw one used.
Escapade Due South panels include:
1996: Perfectly happy couple, or the world's most dysfunctional relationship? And where does the wolf fit in?
1998: Is 3rd Season an AU? (Get that strange man's hand off my Mountie! Is Due South like M*A*S*H* - strong and secure enough to survive the loss of a major character? Or will Fraser wake up and find Ray Vecchio in the shower, and the third season just a dream?)
1999: Can this Fandom Survive with Two Rays? (No matter what you say, they're both good for Benny. And bad for him. Is there room in Benny's universe for two loves? Maybe neither of them is right for him. Turnbull, anyone? )
2000: Season 3/4 (Fraser/Kolwalski: who's really in charge here? Who's needier?)
2002: Swingin' both Rays (Fraser cares for both of them, so why can't we? Is it possible to accept all seasons as canon? Is it necessary, or desirable, to go beyond OTP in order to embrace all the wonderful characters Due South offers?)
2003: Small Fandom or Monster in the Closet by Alice in Stonyland, Sharon Marais (This panel will discuss both viewpoints; audience is encouraged to share their stories and opinions.)
2014: Due South Retrospective (Let's stage a dramatic historical reenactment of the Ray Wars for the benefit of those who missed it the first time around! Or we could skip that part and just talk about how awesome Benton Fraser is.)
2017: due South: For Reasons That Continue To Need Exploring At This Juncture (Whether long-time fen or new to this fandom, an opportunity to give and get fanworks recs, share links to social media due South community sites, display show-and-tell due South memorabilia, squee about canon and about fanon. May also include topics that are Canadian Six Degrees (AKA Six Degrees of due South).)
2018: Do Slash (Rey Fraser/RayV? Fraser/RayK? Ray/Ray? Fraser/Ray/Ray? Red ships, green ships, other dS ships? Let's show the love for any of them! Share fanworks recs! Reminisce about how we first found dS slash! Discuss dS slash zines (plus some announcements about NEW dS slash zines).)
Personally, I’ve seen exactly three episodes of Due South: The first one, the first one with Ray K that’s a huge callback to that, and the one where Fraser fakes his death. (What? A girl has needs, okay?)
As pretty much a bystander, I gotta say... wow, the potential between the Rays is so interesting.
Here’s Ray V off on this deep cover mission for ages and ages while Ray K is pretending to be him and hanging out with his family and his old partner. Imagine the loneliness and insecurity of knowing you’ve been replaced at home. Imagine the mindfuck of stepping into some other guy’s life and feeling like a fraud. Ray K ends the series riding off into the sunset with Fraser... while Ray V marries Ray K’s ex wife. Whut?
It is no surprise then that my very favorite Due South vid--and it has a lot of competition because this fandom is known for vidding--is Phoenix by Scribe. It’s a constructed reality of Vecchio’s time undercover. (Helpful of that actor to have been in like 800 mafia canons!) I saw this at Bitchin’ Party a number of years ago and was blown away.
Phoenix on AO3
Due South has tons of great fic, making it another great older fandom to check out. The big archive was the Due South Archive, but like so many other great slash archives of ages past, it now resides conveniently on AO3.
I suppose Due South must have had a het arm of the fandom at some point, but if so, I sure don’t know where it hung out. Fanfiction.net has like 800 stories, as compared to AO3′s 12,580.
Due South on Fanlore
Due South on AO3
Countdown to Ray Wars 3.0:
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isame-allen · 4 months ago
Big brothers graduation photo
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Full pic
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months ago
"ok so THAT'S going to cause more problems than literally anything or anyone else ever"
so quick note: i have not consulted The Council(TM). i think Wheeze is busy, but they'll see it eventually and if they wanna chime in with their own ideas they will.
anyways here's the fucking disaster that im just going to call Supernova because that's what's going to be the end result if they catch feelings.
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most emotionally constipated bitch of all time. very very intentionally. unfortunately slash is making him a little happy and he can feel it through the emotion-squishing he's doing and he's being a little crazy about it. at the same time though, she's so annoying. why.
he's god. he can do that. he doesn't want to. feel that way. about her. if he caved to his feelings though,,,,
God complex says "Why am I struggling with this? I shouldn't be struggling. I'm a god." Unfortunately God complex also goes "i'm a god and i deserve to get anything i ask for." he wouldn't be too weird about it, unless he really, really went off the deep end. which is plausible. especially if they somehow end up somewhere together with a magic suppressor and he realizes just how much he likes her that he could still feel it through his squished emotions and general feeling of Stoned Zen he's in almost all day every day
see god complex again. he can definitely bring her back right?? and who knows maybe she'll be grateful and things will be a little smoother. it's about as likely as me eating some weird new food that looks like a sensory hell, but yknow. maybe.
gestures at emotion squishing and his aura filling that void in. He's not really cold, though, he's just. a wall. a brick wall. bitch
surely it's nothing more than happenstance. This sort of thing happens sometimes. It's nothing to look too deep into. (but she hated him so much. and he hated her as much as he possibly could, without his aura hurting him. what if it wasn't a coincidence...? ...nah that's bullshit.) (he still occasionally questions it)
come hell or high water, he's going to create his perfect world. He just hopes she and her friends will realize that's he's right.
see first part of point 5
emotionally constipated bitch
there's so many cynical, logical, non-emotional reasons that this is a Bad Fucking Idea for him and his image. he won't let it happen again if he can help it.
i did say something about delusion's emotional state making him a good victim for yandere-fication, right?? because that's pretty much what this is past a certain point, and by then he's not even going to care if she knows anymore
see point 11
see point 11 again. But also: married to job.
yearning hours. won't admit it but oh he is yearning.
i love how this unintentionally escalated from 'interested and rather confused about it' to full blown yandere bullshit. but that's how it works in the good yandere fics anyways, right?
can you see half the problem now
girl generally isn't emotionally constipated but why the FUCK would she like this walking rotisserie at ALL for ANY REASON anyways she's trying to distance herself. aggressively
see. here's the thing. She absolutely would burn down the world for the people she loves. However. this is something of a problem when Pluto + Byte and Delusion are on two, very hostile sides. and like yeah she's with pluto and byte 100% but. could she really handle that. she's trying not to think about it.
"i fucking hate you. i hate that i like you at all. shit, man, how the hell am i going to get through this without losing at least one, but maybe two people! I'd choose Pluto and Byte over you any day no contest but I would be UPSET and i DON'T DESERVE THIS FUCKING! EMOTIONAL TURMOIL BULLSHIT!" (do you guys think she's a little upset?)
she's gonna be upset about it, buuuuut...she still has pluto and byte. she's doing good. one guy who she kinda liked vs. her two best friends who are just as insane as she is, and whom she's been through so much with? yeah losing delusion was absolutely best case scenario. anyways she keeps wondering if she could've somehow saved him.
she is so fucking pissed about this. I know i've said that three times but i cannot understate how mad she is. she's going to go off on her own to kill people. do you know how rare that is???? so rare that for a while no one thinks it could've been her. She's furious. unfortunately she's also very clingy with loved ones. and even more unfortunately. that includes delusion.
there's no WAY this is fate. no way in hell.
the only reason she would leave byte and pluto at all ever is if she had absolutely no other choice. this could be a variety of things; sickness, serious injury, they're trapped and she can't get them out on their own, etc. And hypothetically, Delusion might be able to help with some of these things, but even in such a case she ain't leaving them forever.
slightly more to the left of delusion only because in the right circumstances yeah maybe she actually would ask him out for real. pluto and byte better be safe and unbrainwashed and they all have to be chill with each other though. which is still an INCREDIBLY slim chance. the only reason BOTH of them aren't further to the right is because unfortunately i think they, outside of the context of their relationship, would be somewhat willing to get married. in theory. delusion is doing it for political gain more likely than not.
aggressively in denial
see point 6. ain't no way. nuh uh.
partly in denial but mostly just. this is the ONE thing she's being normal about.
seeee. here's the thing. saving him might also, in her mind, include making him stop. yknow. god complex, brainwashing. Actually mainly just that. pretty much the rest of it is fine. but yeah it's going to kinda be saving him but also 'i WILL fix him or SO HELP ME GOD.' she will still be fucking furious that she likes him tho and this will probably make things worse rather than better :D
"anyone" isn't really the point regarding where I put her dot. If I lumped Delusion with Byte and Pluto, her dot would be so far to the right it would be screeching about how the gays and transes ruin everything. but Delusion on his own? nah. he's like a 'it'd be nice to have but really not necessary' sorta thing. except she's angry about it.
see point 9
also she's being unusually violent because of all this. even if she stopped being upset about the fact that she cares about him at all, she's still distressed because she can't see any possible way for her to have Delusion and Pluto and Byte that doesn't involve letting Delusion brainwash them. and she sure as hell isn't letting him do that. and she's getting that stress out via murder and destruction of public and private property.
also it is CRITICAL that she does still also hate him despite romantic feelings. It's both. He's fucked up her and her besties so much and it's going to take more time than she has left on this earth for her to forgive him. which is fair.
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evilforgood999 · 1 year ago
I love horror dreamswap slash so much 😢💞💞💞💞💞😭😭😭🥺🥺Please I need her so bad
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Why is the world so cruel! Why can't she exist and take me away! 😭She is completely harmless and such a bbg!
yeeeeeah. yuh huh
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it's immediately obvious who my fav is
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ask-horror-ds · 1 year ago
If they were all "normal" people would they be friends? Or crush on eachother? What would happen if they had the same personaliti3s just were toned down a bit?
Moon here! we actually have an AU that, as a side effect of its original intentions, explores that
It's a D&D-inspired fantasy AU, sort of a 'everyone lives and no one is evil and they all lived mostly happily ever after.' There's still some conflict here and there, of course, but overall it's a pretty fluffy AU.
The H!DS segment is a little bit of a mess and we mainly just said 'hey hey What If' and I made some heroforge things and made some shit up.
Pluto is a blackberry bush (A Dryad; and, because nymphs of greek mythology are all born female, he's a trans man) and is an agent of absolute chaos. he wanders around with his besties Slash, a dragonborn fighter with a big fucking sword, and Byte, a crossbow-wielding dwarf ranger. Because idk, why not a crossbow. Stitches (normal DS Error) is a wizard. It's hard to translate magic strings into more 'traditional' nerd fantasy magics
Delusion is also a trans dryad; but he's a tree. Specifically a black locust tree. He and Pluto (gasp!) grew up together.
Gouge is an elf; a lancer. She's sorta Delusion's body guard, not that he really need it. Still, it's good to have an extra set of eyes out while traveling.
Hunter is a satyr and he's still a lonely little shit but he loves making new friends. He's a user of nature magic; not really druidic magic, but yeah.
I can't find any more info about how they interacted, but I know they weren't nearly as hostile with each other.
Delusion is probably recovering from people worshiping him still. He's doing better, and trying to *actually* help people.
Pluto, Slash, and Byte are probably wanted for being thieves and instigators, but they're not murderers. They probably are adventurers, though; mostly taking on bounties for monster slaying and such. "Local town terrorized by basilisk saved; saviors proceed to terrorize town for a day before moving on." that sorta thing.
Gouge is probably still pretty sadistic, but it's to a more 'normal' degree. She's not torturing people. She does not enjoy torturing people. she's kind of an asshole most of the time though. she isn't fond of people. She *is* chill with Byte, Slash, and Pluto, though.
Hunter...I think he and Byte are still on bad terms, but I don't really remember. Either way I think it's much closer to how DS Error and Blue interact in canon. Wary, and Hunter wants to be friends again, but Byte is really. not feeling it. Hunter's still being overly friendly, though.
...we uh. forgot the others, i think. oops
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pmiller1 · 4 years ago
What If Shiki Misaki Was In Smash
I have been watching BrawlFan1, Whom made video of what he (and other) if some character was in Super Smash Brother. Talking about Move Set what they would use in Smash. And wild they there some character may not be in Smash or less likely, it is fun to come up with what they move and skill would be in Smash. And for me, being Inspired by his work. I will give my own idea for Shiki Misaki. Also spoilers those what wish to watch the Anime, going blind.
Fashionable and fabulous. Shiki the 1st ever partner ot Neku Sakurabe. After a fighter over his best friend, she run off and just so happen to end up the Reaper Game, with the cost of her own appearance, taking the appearance of her best friends and the one that she envy, Eri. Yep, Shiki isn't the red headed young lady that see in the game, she kinda nerdy looking girl in Green, we let to think that she is Eri, not that Shiki taken her appearance.
Still she with luck, she join a pack to Neku and the two become partner, it didn't really start off well with Neku's anti socialness and him getting suspicious with her, that almost have her been kill by Neku hand. Still with lukcy timing have met Sanae Hanekoma, known as Mr. H. Have giving the wisdom of trusting your partner. Witch the two take to hard.
That by Day 6, Neku start to see Shiki as just like him and starting to open up, with him able to help her with her own in secrecy and help see that it was all an misunderstnding as Eri beilived that Shiki would be a seamstress and getting all working being a fashion designer, it just she word it wrong didn't mean to hurt her that way. Making Shiki determined to beat the game.
Now she in the Smash, determined to win Smash, by herself or with her partner Neku.
Shiki would be a Light wirght class the same as Neku with Two Jump and Wall Jump (thank to flowmosion in KHDDD, those she wasn't seen without but I like to think she did).
The Gimmicks
Of course wouldn't be alone even without Neku, As her main weapons, her stuffed animal Mr Mew will be joining with her. As Shiki's psych involves her animating Mr. Mew through Groove Pawn, a Psychokinesis-type pin. The stuffed animal comes alive and becomes a ferocious, clawing beast that attacks enemies.
In the game, Mr Mew deal all of the Shiki's damage for her and wild she can work like Pokémon Trainer, being in the background. It not really necessary, As the Pokémon Trainer only have there three Pokémon and really it just be Mr Mew instead as Shiki. And really, it best she doesn't have the same fate as Rex.
Instead She will have the same Gimmicks as Rosalina with her Lumas. But with my own ideal. For starter Mr Mew is indestructible, any attack will not deal any damage. He can be knockback, he can also be pick up as an throwing item if you grab the stuffed Cat.
Shiki will act as Mr Mew own hit box, So really you must aim at her then Mr Mew, Of course she wouldn't be helpless and defenseless as she can attach herself. In fact, She kinda have two attack in one imput. One with she holding Mr Mew with and one without, her picking will have her holding Mr Mew and will started out with her holding him in the start and respwn.
Most of Shiki attack with Mr Mew will be middle Damage, Wild Shiki solo will have weaker and somewhat pityful attack herself. However Mr Mew with have his own attack pool and all of his is stonger attack up to able to knockout.
Mr Mew will be a lighter wrighter, is faster then Shiki, Can walkjump. He also have a semi-cpu AI that only make him move around, but Shiki input will move with her. He seem have an mind of his own that even she not sure herself.
She can move Mr Mew even if she shilded, in fact it a good way to controlled Mr Mew without moving Shiki herself.
The A Attack
Shiki's Jab with Mr Mew, she will skack Mr Mew body from the Right, then the Back from the she does a hammer smash with Mr Mew doing his 1st slash attack, then his next and does the same hammer smash. With the Shiki holding Mr Mew in fount of her as he does a does a rapided punchs. Shiki by herself, she will smack with her right arms and does a backhand and those a hammer smash, She have no rapided jab. Where Mr Mew himself will does the same slash attack ending with the same hammer smash and rapided pusch. Wild Shiki deosn't have rapieded she will have her hand out holding onto left hand as Mr Mew does this.
Shiki's Dash Attack with Mr Mew will have her does a spin holding Mr Mew around her with this she throwing Mr Mew, acting a projectile in a long ace. This will atacted Mr Mew from her. Shiki by herself will try to spin but end up tipping on her back as her head deal the damage that contact her, she deal little damage herself if she hit a oppented and will be in a backdown. Mr Mew will deal a long kicked with his left leg.
Shiki's Side Tilt with Mr Mew will have Shiki does a knee kick where she also swing Mr Mew as he does long kick. Doing the pose of her level 1 fusion attack, this hold true for Shiki isn't with Mr Mew as she still does a knee kick as swing her arms back. Mr Mew himself will does a knee kick himself.
Shiki's Up Tilt with Mr Mew will have her swing Mr Mew up as he does a upper kicks. Like with her Side Tilt, she does the same without with Mr Mew. Swing her arms upwhere. Where Mr Mew does a round kick.
Shiki's Down Tilt does a slide kick. This is one of the move Mr Mew with Shiki dosen't really changed anything other then her holding Mr Mew on her arms. But she does go longer with Mr Mew. And Mr Mew does the same slide kick.
Shiki's Side Smash, she does something that got from Young Xehanort dose in DDD. Yep, She kick Mr Mew, those not as cruel and voluntary on Mr Mew part. As kick Mr Mew as Mr Mew does a long rollout attack, again become a projectile long ace. Shiki will still kick even without Mr Mew. And Mr Mew will still rollout, but not as long as when he was kicked.
Shiki's Up Smash with Mr Mew, She hold down with Mr Mew as she those Mr Mew up high as he does upper cut attack. Shiki will chear for Mr Mew without holding him, As does a unintentionally does her own upper cut. As Mr Mew jump and does the same upper cut.
Shiki's Down Smash will be another move that make no different whever she holding Mr Mew or Not. In fact she make two copy of Mr Mew beside her that deal there Mr. Mew Punch! Attack. This is attack that she got when she under the imprinted of Megumi Kitaniji, As one of act to stop Neku and Beat at the end of Week 3. As she was able to conjurer more of her stuffed animal. As for Mr Mew himself when he isn't with Shiki, he was do his own Punchs, front and back.
Shiki's Neutral Aerial will spin around with her arms out, Mr Mew extending her ranged if she hold him. Other wise Mr Mew himself will does his own Lariat attack.
Shiki's Forward Aerial, she does her own air attack in the DS. As she made Mr Mew chaged forward attack in the air. Throwing Mr Mew. Shiki will does the same air attack and Mr Mew will still chaged forward in the air.
Shiki's Back Aerial, she will does a top to botten swing behind her, as she hold onto Mr Mew tail. As he does he down cut attack. Both will be the same when seaperted.
Shiki's Up Aerial will be a up swing, as she hold Mr Mew tail again. as he do his own up swing.
Shiki's Down Aerial will be another move that doesn't changed if she hold Mr Mew or Not. as she will just does a stomp kick with both of her best friend boot, spicking anyone that are under it. Mr Mew himself will fallow suit, doing his own stomp kick.
The Grabs
Shiki will be the only that can grab. However Mr Mew will give her grabs move an exter attack. As she will hold the oppenes with both of her hand. Mr Mew will be in front of her.
She'll Pummel by kicking them, As Mr Mew will punch them.
Her's Forward Throw will have her push them far. With Mr Mew jumping to dilver a punch to them.
Her's Back Throw, she jump over them as she give them a back kick. With Mr Mew will headbutt them when they land on him.
Her's Up Throw will have her suplexes the oppenes, however Mr Mew do an upper cut when there land on him.
Her's Down Throw will Throw them down on the grounded, With Mr Mew will do a head dive on them.
The B Attacks
Before we get into her Special, I should keep in mind you that she can be partners to Neku. And wild her normal attack can be her own, Her Special move should be as close to Neku Special moved. So Shiki's three special will have something that work well with Neku and wound count as Neku own Move set if Shiki is his partners.
So for her Neutral Special, to make it work with Neku's Pyrokinesis. She will use Me Mew Lariat! As Mr Mew will spin around, deal multiple damage, as you be able to Mr Mew by draging him with the cursor with Neku. However she will be Pink herself. Infact Neku and Shiki will have Mr Mew does the Lariat, wild on FIRE! As Pyrokinesis will the same as Mr Mew. Infact, the cursor will be where Mr Mew is at if he alone. Other wise, they start with Shiki.
Her Side Special, To compear to Neku's Thunderbolt/Lightning Arrester/Lightning Bolt. She will make Mr Mew fire laser from the Eyes! A move that she have done in her Level 3 Fusion Attacks. However Shiki's charged will be diffented from Neku. As uncharged, Mr Mew will fire a small laser that act as projectile, midcharged will have a long laser projectile. And fully charged will have Mr Mew will have a bigger enengy beam that will be a long as the blase zone. And yes, it all from Mr Mew, even if she holding him or he by himself he will fire where he facsing.
Her Up Special, she will show us her best seamstress skill as she will move will be a tether recovery. As use her needle and sting to make a makeshift rope as she hold onto to, As the needle hit on Edge. If she hit a oppenes she will pull toward her or if in air, she pull herself toward them, jumping off them. With Mr Mew, he be the end of her tether, making it easy to pull up and be longer as her normal tether. Now you may be woundering how this world work with Neku's Teleport. Well actully it doesn't. You see Neku will Teleport if he alone or not in proxenty with Shiki (and his partners). As if she is in proxenty with her, two will grab upon eash other as Shiki will use her tether. Pulling Neku and herself up with him.
As for her Down Special, she will conjurer or teleported Mr Mew back toward her/ However that not all, she will also pull a ESP Cards. Five Card. Waves, Circle, Cross, Star and Square at random. With Star being rare and Square being very rare. Waves will buff her ground and sleep but lower her jump and air attack. Circle will give her better jump and air attack, but lower her sleep and ground attack. Cross will have her Bassic Attack buff, but weaken her Special attack. Star will buff defense but weaken all her attack. And Square will buff her speed, jump, all attack. All of them lasting for 10s. And you only have one card effec even if respan Mr Mew.
For Shiki's FINAL SMASH, she will pull the same Black Hold as Neku FS. Teleporting them to same Shibuya as she and Neku perfrom they level Level 3 Fusion Attacks. As she'll have have Mew being as tall as the build as it fire laser into the trap opponents, deal a lot of damage as She and Neku stand on his shoulder.
The Other Stuff
For Shiki's 1st outfit it will be the same outfit she wear as Eri, A Green skirt with a brown waist pack, a Red-Pink tubetop with a small yellow jackic and his brown fashion caps. Brown heal-boots with Yellow straping. And her Red-Pink long hair. Of course Shiki will be censor to be kid friendly, as she will have black tight short under her skirt and the skirt will be bigger and will cover of hip. And Mr Mew will be in from he was in the UG, A black cat with white inner ear in his cat ears.
And wild we at it, Kirby wild not only having Shiki's hair and cap, but will his own Mr Mew. Poyo-Mew! As Poyo-Mew will be just Mr Mew Head with feet and sub arms, kinda like Kirby himself. In order for Poyo-Mew to copy any of Kirby Move, Incuding his Specials. However Kirby will not been able to hold onto Poyo-Mew and both of them will have the same damage output for better and wrost.
Her 2nd outfit will take on her own Favorite brand, D+B or known as Dangerous Buffalo. Wearing Skinny Jeans (Black), Cowboy Boots (Red), Knit Casquette and Vest-Blouse Combo. Mr Mew will be brown with purple horn that represent the D-B logo.
Her 3rd punk outfit. She will wear a Blue Raglan Tee and have Spiked Choker, both of them being some Shiki bosted abikity from Tigre Punks. She will also wear Skirt Bondage Combo and White Rubbersoles. Mr Mew will have same red Spiked Choker and Double-spiked Cuff on his arms, he will have had a tiger's paten like with Tigre Punks itself.
Her 4th hip outfit. She will wear Funky Shades, When You're in Love, Let's Dance and Sunshine One-piece. All from Hip Snake. Mr Mew will actually be Mowzy, the Mascot from Mus Rattus.
Her 5th top-class outfit. She will Cocktail Queen getup with Crimson Stilettos and Silver Baron. Those three from Pegaso. But she will also wear Pureheart Pendant from Pavo Real, A accessory that give Shiki a Nag-free Escape ability. As for Mr Mew will wear a full on white tuxedo, as if he wearing the Tweed Gentleman outfit.
Her 6th Gothic outfit. She wear of ability excused from Lapin Angelique, Ribbon Bonnet and Bandage Pants. Along with a Bunny Parka as her top. Mr Mew will be replaced as M'sieur Lapin instead.
Her 7th School outfit. She will wear the none other then Sailor Suit, reminds her of that bittersweet day she stood in the rain. I mean, it implay that it her Sailor Suit. She will also wear glasses and be the one without any headwear or anything over her head. Mr Mew wearing his own school outfit. The same Boys' Uniform with Blazer that Neku wear for his alt skin.
And her 8th outfit. She will wear the Iron Maiden's One-piece, A top & bottom from the 3rd week gamemaster Mitsuki Konishi, for that she will had the same glassis as Konishi and had bloned her. Mr Mew will have the same patten as her noise form, from Sanae Hanekoma, yeah, it will be the blue Panthera Cantus of verion of Tigris Cantus. Don't want to mix up from 3rd outfit.
Now you maybe be wounder why I didn't add alt for her Real form in the mix. Well, it wouldn't really fit with any of theme of outfit. Plus, the game never fully show in the game. Just in the Ending. Heck, Another Day have in her Ero forn even if, there are alive and never taken part of the game for no real reason other then lazyness. I don't think Smash would really give an alt of her real self. And really she in another game, even if not the reaper game, her fee have to be payed.
Enter will be the same as Neku, but coming out of a Pink Beam of Light
Each of her Taunts will have the three set in one. One with both of them, another with Shiki alone and one for Mr Mew. Also these taunts will triger when Neku press his own taunts, being the same press taunts, if also out in battle.
Her Up Taunts with both of them will have She'll drog Mr Mew as both of them those here her level 3 fusion pose. Wild she saying "Ready to Fight!" her own spin of level 1 fusion quotes. As you can tell, Shiki alone will do the same pose, along with Mr Mew alone. It just, She wouldn't pick him up in the end.
Her Side Tanuts, If she hold Mr Mew she will Throw down Mr Mew as, Jump in anger as she does in her angry Emotion Sprite. Saying "Why don't you back off!" With Mr Mew looking up as Shiki worry and confused. Shiki alone will just have Jump in anger as before. And Mr Mew will does his own fisticuffs tanuts.
Her Down Tanuts. She will does her own battle-ready pose as she said "Losing's not an option!" she will hold Mr Mew one arms if he with her. Other wise Mr Mew just stand and spin his tail like a cowboy rope.
Her idal will have check her phone if she doesn't have Mr Mew with her, If she does she does hold him close, moving him around, giving a light play with him.
Her Up victory will be where she teleported in the center. As she does the same pose from the box cover. Saying "Haha. What a rush!"
Her Left victory will be same as Neku's victory with her. However she ajust her cap does the Level 3 Fusion rose. Saying "Talk about seamless!"
Her Right victory will actually be the same as Neku's Right victory with her, Up to having the same alt outfit with her. (Neku will be camera faceing back of Neku with a hand light thought him as he turn with the camera toward Shiki, who smashing holding Mr Mew, as the two give a fight five. Like with Ending with when Neku and Shiki met in the RG )
And that is What If Shiki Misaki Was In Smash. Man, what is they to say, I love this character and fully support this young lady as a character and good love interest for Neku. Sure I have taken some stench for her move as well. She does relay on Mr Mew for most of her battle. But that does make her be very campy but I think that the best setup for her, Even with Neku. Really, she support Neku and Mr Mew at best.
But still if you like this or want to tell me your own ideal move set for her let me know.
And go watch BrawlFan1 on youtube. He awesome and does a better job and I. And I loved to see what moveset he have for not just Shiki, but Neku and other.
Over all, I hope you enjoyed this and thank for reading.
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raccoon-in-a-dumpster · 3 years ago
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aheheeher they best friends
Slash - @moonfurthetemmie
Hematite - me and @multiblack-unsoar-offical
Dreamswap - @/onebizzarekai
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