#gym leader nope
smashwolfen · 1 year
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They wanted to ride the first train they saw as soon as Ingo and Akari got back from Hisui, this is what they got and they are verrrrrrrrry excited!!
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sapherin · 9 months
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2024 is starting on a Morty Monday, truly a good sign 👻✨
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viti-ocs · 2 months
I love coming up with AUs that I'll never do anything with other than daydream about them, and maybe pin some related things to my OCs' pinterest boards
#rn Im hyperfixating on a Pokemon Trainer AU#Mahko names all his pokemon after food and caught them based on Vibes#anyone considered a Soto/Tanaka has an eeevee or eeveelution on their team#Jet has a mimikyu that dresses as a umbreon instead of a pikachu to represent him being an honorary Soto#Gesshoku befriended all of her pokemon before attempting to catch them (similarly to what James does in canon#she asks them nicely if they'd like her to be their trainer)#also Gesshoku gets chosen by a very protective Bewear after the Sotos move away from Unova (since that's NYC's equivalent)#he kinda just stalks her at first. Glin-Marie notices him lurking outside in the nearby woods at first#whenever Gess is in the yard#eventually it follows her around until one day on her way to school she turns around and confronts it#then asks him if he wants to be on her team#of course the Bewear accepts. but after its caught it refuses to go into its pokeball afterwards#now it acts as Gessy's guard/emotional support pokemon#Marik is mostly a dark type trainer. he's also a shiny hunter. 5/6 pokemon on his team are shiny#Gresher's a steel/electric type trainer and his pokemon help him with his mechanic job#Sam is a gym leader who specializes in fire and electric types. she only has one non fire/electric type#and its a hitmonchan with the electric tera type that knows thunder punch#her gym is a boxing gym and at first you think she's a fighting type gym leader but nope#her gym challenge requires a gym challenger to prove they're fast and fierce enough to face her#I'm still working on everyone else#Im going down the line. ALL of my human OCs will have pokemon teams#rn I'm working on Ember. Im planning for her to be a fire/psychic type trainer#but I'm also trying to see what pokemon best match her vibes and a few do not fit those type#we'll see what happens#maybe I'll make a post specifying all the details I come up with for the AU but no promises#viti shoosh
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utsugi-ren · 9 months
Pokemon AlteRed really said fuck you if you chose the fire type starter huh
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michavs · 4 months
Summary: A photography enthusiast forgets their flash drive at the lab, filled with photos they shouldn't have taken. Tsukishima Kei finds it and threatens to expose them unless they agree to pretend to be in a relationship. Over time, their fake feelings turn real. (Also please help to support my AO3, ty <3)
Tags: Tsukishima x fem!reader, slight Sugawara x reader, fake dating
Warnings: Reader being a stalker, language, blackmailing, grammatical mistakes probably
Click. The sound of your camera went off as you captured a photo of your awesome senior, Sugawara-san, playing soccer on the field in front of your class. You had been admiring him since your first day at this school, he was your mentor for student orientation.
“Cute.” you murmur while looking at the photo you captured, your heart fluttering at the sight of Sugawara’s smile frozen in time.
“You’re such a stalker, you’ll be in a big trouble if you get caught, you know.” your friend Yachi says, smirking at you as she nudges your shoulder playfully. You roll your eyes and gave her a defiant grin. “I don’t care.” you reply, shifting your position to get a better angle to shoot Sugawara-san again. The excitement of capturing the perfect shot makes your pulse quicken.
“Hey, help me out at the volleyball club at 5 PM. Kiyoko-san is absent today.” Yachi says, munching on her food with an air of nonchalance. “Yeah, sure. I’ll study in the lab while waiting.” you respond, your mind already wandering to the photos you’ll edit later.
Later, in the quiet of the lab, you sit ready with your computer. The intention to study is overshadowed by the thrill of transferring your photos. You connect your flash drive, your fingers trembling slightly as you gaze at Sugawara’s handsome face on the screen. Each click brings a new wave of admiration.
“All done!” you say excitedly, your voice echoing softly in the silent room. You pack up your things with a satisfied smile, already anticipating the next opportunity to photograph him. You get up from the lab chair, your steps light as you head to the volleyball court with your bag and camera in hand. Little do you know, in your excitement, you’ve forgotten to turn off the computer and your flash drive is still connected to it. The oversight, unnoticed in your eagerness, sets the stage for the unexpected events to come.
“Yachi, am I late?” you ask, your breath slightly ragged from rushing to the court. “Nope, we’re still waiting for the others.” she replies, glancing up from her attendance sheet. You scan for Sugawara-san’s face among the tall volleyball players, your heart beating faster with anticipation.
“There he is,” you murmur, eyes sparkling upon spotting Sugawara-san next to Daichi-san. Your pulse quickens, and a smile tugs at your lips.
“Hinata… here, Kageyama… here, Tsukishima… eh, where’s Tsukishima?” Yachi asks, her voice echoing in the gym as everyone shakes their heads.
“Tsukishima, the blonde guy with glasses, right? He was studying in the lab earlier,” you say, recalling the fleeting glimpse of him before. The door swings open, and Tsukishima strides in, his tall figure and blond hair unmistakable. “I’m here, sorry I’m late,” he says, placing his bag and headphones aside before joining the practice. Practice begins, and everyone immerses themselves in their activities. You sit on the sidelines, leaning against the wall, eyes drawn to Sugawara-san's every move. He’s graceful and focused, a natural leader on the court.
Suddenly, a loud thud catches your attention. BRUKKK You look over to see Tsukishima sprawled on the ground. Your heart skips a beat as everyone rushes to surround him, their concern palpable.
“I’m fine, no need to worry.” he reassures, brushing off their concerns and returning to the game. Your eyes follow him, noticing an item that has fallen from his pocket and landed right in front of you. A flash drive, identical to yours. You pick it up, frowning. “Hmm weird, it feels just like mine.” you mutter, rubbing the flash drive. Then you see it, a label with your name on it.
‘(Y/N) GRADE 10-C’
OH. MY. GOD. Panic sets in as you remember what you’d done before coming here. Your heart races, a cold sweat breaking out on your forehead. You forgot to take out the flash drive, and you left your computer on. Crap, what if he saw the files?
Great, now your life is over.
After practice, you gather your courage and approach Tsukishima. “Hey, can we talk for a second?” you call out, your voice trembling slightly. He’s walking with his friend, Tadashi, but they stop and turn to face you.
“Can’t you just say it here?” he replies curtly, with that annoying look on his face. You pull the flash drive he dropped from your pocket. “Oh, that. Do you know whose it is? Looks like they forgot to take it,” Tsukishima responds, a sly grin on his face.
“It’s mine, idiot. My name is literally right there,” you snap back, your frustration bubbling over. He whispers something to his friend, which you can’t hear. Tadashi gives you a sympathetic look before leaving, leaving you alone with Tsukishima.
“So, you’re the little stalker, huh?” he smirks, his eyes gleaming with amusement.
“It’s for the photography club assignment, nothing else,” you retort, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Oh, really? Then what’s with the folder named ‘Pretty Boy, Suga-san’?” he teases, stepping closer until only a few centimeters separate you. You glare up at him, your height disadvantage making you feel even more vulnerable. “Let me see the flash drive.” he demands. You show it to him, but he suddenly snatches it and holds it above his head.
“Hey, give it back!” you cry, jumping to reach it.
In an unfortunate twist, you trip over Tsukishima’s foot. Luckily, he isn’t weak, so neither of you falls completely. You crash into his chest, and he catches your left hand while still holding the flash drive. His other hand steadies your waist. “Wow wow, watch it.” he complains, his voice softer, letting go of you.
“Well, give me back my flash drive then.” you demand, straightening your uniform and glaring at him.
“I will, but do me a favor first.”
“Huh, why are you so demanding.” you mutter, crossing your arms.
“Well, if you won’t do it, say goodbye to your image then Ms. Stalker.” he threatens, still wearing that annoying smirk.
“No. Please don’t share it, I’ll do anything you want.” you sob, your eyes starting to water. Panicking, you grab Tsukishima's shoulders, pleading desperately. “Wow, chill. I didn’t know you’d freak out like this,” he chuckles, gently prying your hands off his shoulders. “Let’s go on a date for a month.” he adds, his tone flat.
“Stop joking,” you shoot back, annoyed and desperate.
“I’m not joking. If you don’t want to, then whatever,” he shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips. You roll your eyes at his smug expression. “Fine, it’s a deal then.”
“Yeah, it’s a deal. See you tomorrow, Ms. Girlfriend.” he says, giving you a wink before walking away, leaving you standing there, trying to process everything that had just happened.
“Damn it, please tell me this is just a dream.” you mutter to yourself, hoping for an escape from this surreal situation.
Weeks has been passed, you and Tsukishima grow closer, and what started as a fake relationship begins to feel real. You start to notice the little things about him – the way he listens intently when you talk, his subtle acts of kindness, and his rare, genuine smiles. As the month of your fake dating arrangement nears its end, you and Tsukishima walk home together after his volleyball practice for what you believe might be the last time. . The streets are quiet, the sky painted with the warm hues of the setting sun. You feel a mix of relief and sadness, knowing that this bizarre yet strangely comforting chapter of your life is about to close.
The silence between you stretches, comfortable yet tinged with an unspoken tension. You steal glances at Tsukishima, wondering if he feels the same way. As you reach a familiar corner, you slow your pace, reluctant to let this moment end. Tsukishima seems to notice, his steps matching yours until you both come to a stop. He turns to face you, his usual cool eyes softened by an unusual intensity in his eyes.
“(Y/N).” he starts, his voice steady but quieter than usual.
“Yeah?” you respond, trying to keep your voice casual despite the fluttering in your chest. He takes a deep breath, his gaze never leaving yours. “This month… it was supposed to be just a favor, right? A fake relationship to help me out,” You nod, unsure where he’s going with this but afraid to hope.
“But somewhere along the way, it stopped feeling fake for me,” he admits, his eyes searching yours for a reaction. “I know we agreed to end this after a month, but… I don’t want it to end.”
Your heart skips a beat. “What are you saying, Tsukishima?”
“I’m saying that I like you, (Y/N). Not just for this month, not just for the sake of our arrangement. I genuinely like you,” he confesses, his voice earnest and a bit vulnerable. “And I want us to be real.” You stare at him, trying to process his words. The cold, aloof Tsukishima is looking at you with a raw honesty that you’ve never seen before.
“Tsukishima…” you whisper.
“Kei.” he corrects softly.
Your own feelings bubbling to the surface. “I like you too. I’ve liked you for a while now, but I was afraid to say anything because I thought it was just part of the deal.” He takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. “It’s not part of any deal. I want to be with you, for real.”
You smile, tears of relief and joy welling up in your eyes. “I want that too, Kei.” With a small, relieved smile, Tsukishima leans in, pressing a soft, tentative kiss to your lips. It’s gentle and sweet, filled with the promise of something real and lasting.
As you pull away, you both smile at each other, the tension of the past month melting away.
“Ah right here, you’ve fulfilled your end of the deal” he says and hands back your glash drive. You take it, “Thanks.” you reply softly with a small giggles.
He looks at you for a moment before speaking again. “Since I’m your boyfriend now, you should delete those Sugawara-san’s photos, okay?” he says.
“I’ll delete them, i guess.” you reply, looking at him playfully. He chuckles, a rare, genuine laugh. “Yeah yeah, now let’s go home.”
“Mhm, let’s go home, Kei.” you agree, feeling lighter than you have in weeks. Walking hand in hand, you both head home, knowing that this is just the beginning of something beautiful.
From that moment on, your relationship with Kei blossoms. The teasing and banter continue, but now it’s filled with affection and understanding. You find comfort in his presence, and he becomes your rock, always there to support you. Your friends notice the change, and they’re happy for you both. Even Tadashi, who has always been supportive, gives you a thumbs-up and a wink.
© MICHAVS 2024, please do not translate or repost my fics without my permission.
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shadowwolfsage · 1 month
Since his teammates bit him when he was sleeping, time for Jaune to return the favor. Not as payback, but because there must be a reason they did that. How they react will be fun.
The Discovery
Jaune and Ruby were in the library doing research for a history project from Professor (DOCTOR!) Ooobleck.
Jaune: hmm *looks from his book to Ruby
Ruby: *not looking up from her book* you find something Jaune?
Jaune: *noms on Ruby's neck* Nah, just figured something out. *leaves a bluescreened Ruby behind*
In the Gym
Jaune: I figured you'd be here *walks up to Yang*
Yang: 'Sup Vomit Boy? You here to join me for a few reps? Maybe upgrade from "Noodle" to "Not quite as Noodley"?
Jaune: *waits for her to finish her set* Nope just came to check on you. Oh, and this *Chomps on shoulder* see ya later Yang *leaves before Yang can reboot*
In the Dorm
Nora: *Doomscrolling when she notices Jaune enter* Hey Fearless Leader, anything interesting happen today?
Jaune: *sits on the bed and pulls Nora into his lap for some totally platonic cuddles* Not really, did some research with Ruby, did you know you three are probably descended from Faunus in the last four generations?
Nora: No? How do you figure?
Jaune: *Om Nom Noms and leaves a hickey* just an educated guess.
Back in the library
Book: ...and while physical Faunus traits aren't always inherited, certain instinctual behaviors tend to last through a few generations before being weakened by the less "nature-tuned", but still present human instincts. For lack of better terms, Faunus tend to show habits found more common among the animal kingdom, an example being a tendency to "mark" anyone they wish to become their "mate". While this is often done by giving the other party something of their's to wear, biting is also rather common, and is believed to be where humans get the instinct to give hickeys.
Not sure I like the way the book part came out but basically, in this universe the human tendency to leave hickeys is a remnant of animal instinct, and since faunus are much more in-tune with their instincts, they bite and otherwise mark their significant other's more often. This instinct is more prominent in faunus descendants for only a few generations before the faunus genes are too weak to influence behavior.
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novankenn · 10 months
So firstly... I am back. Sorry for being away so long, as I KNOW I have a ton of posts/stories to get back on track with. So to those who do enjoy my content... my apologies. But I'm back and ready to get back into it!
So without further ado...
Temptation rises... Nora seizes the day!
Weiss, Ruby, Nora and Pyrrha had several weeks ago set up a "study group" of sorts, that met up every Saturday. It was an agreement of all of them to assist and mentor each other in that areas they all excelled at.
This Saturday was Nora's "class" so the quartet was just entering Beacon's gym when they all stopped cold in their tracks.
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Pyrrha/Weiss/Ruby : ....
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Pyrrha/Weiss/Ruby: ...
Nora: So you were NOT just right now... POLE DANCING?
Jaune: I um... I... I...
Pyrrha/Weiss/Ruby: MINE!!!
The trio all paused as Nora stepped away, taking a spot next to the sweating and out of breath Jaune... as all three of the girls turned to look at one another...
Nora: This is going to be... SO EPIC!!!
Jaune: Nora?
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Jaune: HOLY SHI....!!!
Jaune: We have to...
Nora: Nope!
Jaune: We really do have to...
Nora: Nope!
Jaune: Nora! They'll hurt each other! We need to st...!
Nora: NOPE!
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Jaune: Nora?
Nora: (moving very close to Jaune) Mama.... likey!
Jaune: ...
Nora: How about we go somewhere quiet... for a PRIVATE show?
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helix-enterprises117 · 5 months
Halo Reloaded: Short
John was halfway through his umpteenth pull-up, muscles taut as steel cables. A few feet away, leaning nonchalantly against the cool metal wall, Linda, Naomi, and Maria-062 watched him with an air of casual scrutiny.
Linda, who had never met a situation she couldn't lighten with a joke, nudged Naomi with her elbow. “See anything different about our fearless leader today?” she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
Naomi squinted at John as if assessing an optical illusion. “Nope, still looks like the stubborn overachiever we know and love. What am I missing?”
“He seems to be... shrinking,” Linda declared with mock gravity, suppressing a snicker.Maria joined in, her smile wicked. “Must be a high gravity day just in his corner of the gym.”
John let go of the pull-up bar and landed softly on the mats, his face already shifting into a grin as he caught their banter. “Keep it up, you three. Jealousy’s a curse,” he shot back, toweling off his brow.
Kelly walked into the gym just then, a bottle of water in one hand. “What’s this? Are we picking on John again? Don’t you know he’s sensitive about his size?”
John arched an eyebrow, leaning against a nearby weight rack. “Sensitive? Me? I thought we’d settled that myth. I’m perfectly content with my statuesque stature.”
“Statuesque? More like garden gnome cute,” Linda teased, her tone as light as air.
“Gnomes are magical creatures, Linda. I’ll take that as a compliment,” John replied, his tone playful but his eyes glancing downward, perhaps a subconscious acknowledgment of his height—or lack thereof.
Naomi chimed in, her voice lilting with amusement. “Oh, we know, John. We just worry you’ll get lost in the tall grass on field missions.”
The group erupted into laughter, even John chuckling along. The banter was sharp but warm, a typical exchange forged in the fires of their shared trials and triumphs.
“Seriously though, John,” Kelly added, stepping forward with a mock-serious look on her face, “you really must let us know your secret. How do you manage to stay so... compact? Is it a special diet? Yoga?”
“Very funny,” John replied, rolling his eyes. “It’s tactical, actually. Smaller target, harder to hit.” Maria nodded sagely. “Ah, so it’s strategic diminutiveness. Got it.”
“Exactly, Maria. While you all are getting clipped by low-hanging branches, I’m sneaking right under,” John said, a playful glint in his eye.
“Sure, John, but remember, it’s the tall Spartans who rescue the cats stuck in trees,” Linda retorted, winking at him.“And who gets the jars from the top shelf?” Naomi added, the twinkle in her eye suggesting she was enjoying the gentle ribbing more than she probably should.
John folded his arms, feigning indignation. “Let's see who reaches for help when it’s time to crawl through vents and rescue the day, huh?”
“That’s our John,” Kelly said, slapping him gently on the back. “Always ready with a comeback. But seriously, if height ever becomes a qualification, I promise we’ll give you a boost.”
“Alright, enough fun at my expense. Who’s up for sparring? I’ve got some pent-up energy to spend, and I feel like taking it out on the lot of you,” John declared, the challenge clear in his voice. “Just watch the low blows,” Linda quipped as they paired off.
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beezonia · 26 days
A little airplaneshiping drabble (with the twins as decentish wingmen)
“Hellloo Emmet!”
The greeting is shouted, Skyla had burst into the Subway Station on her free day. Wanting to share it with the people she called her closest friends.
“Helllooo Skyla! What brings you to here?!”
A pause, where’s Ingo? Usually they’re joint at the hip.
“Hii Ingo!”
A few more seconds of silence.
“Helloo Skyla. What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be up in the air again today?”
She smiles bright. Her hands reach for the tickets in her small satchel that rests on her shoulder.
“I got a free day! Sooo I decided to come visit you guys, Elesa and Burgh have a joint show tonight and I thought it might be fun to go see it.”
The twins stare at her with wide eyes, hopefully they don’t notice her blushing as soon as she mentioned the gym leader of their city.
But if the sniggers between them were saying anything it was that Emmet and Ingo knew about Skyla’s big fat crush on Elesa.
“Sooooo, why don’t you just go yourself? After all you want to see her, make sure to buy her flowers or chocolates she looooves those!”
That’s Emmet, he’s trying to be helpful but god! Skyla didn’t want to bombard her with gifts right after a jam packed show, Elesa gets that enough with her fans!
“Nope, I know she’ll be tired and seeing her childhood friends there is bound to pick up her spirit!”
Emmet “Ohhs” in response to her reasoning, Skyla had not only thought of the future but she’d known Elesa well enough to know what’s a yes or a no after her shows.
“I see, Ingo do you have an idea? If we are to go we’ll need a way to get these two lovebirds alooone~“
Skyla shoves Emmet away from her, embarrassed that her crush was that obvious!
God she’d done everything to keep it in, so why did it come down to Elesa’s childhood friends helping her?
“Maybe causing a ruckus with her fans will help them get out together? As long as no one runs after them I say it’s a verry solid plan!”
That’s an instant no.
Elesa would rather get in the nearest taxi and speed of to wherever she’s staying!
“Sorry Ingo, but that’s slightly and I mean really drastic! Maybe I should just go alone, like you said it’d be an easier route to take.”
The twins nod at Skyla, smiles on their faces. The two of them knew their best friend was in good hands.
And that was all they wanted for Elesa, someone who loved her enough to notice every little detail.
Skyla was the perfect match.
“Thank you for the advice guys! I promise someday soon we’ll get to hang out together again!”
So as Skyla ran off to prepare for the show, the twins bask in the glory of another win.
They were the best wingmen after all!
“They really said all that! I expected the lovey dovey stuff from Emmet BUT INGO?! Now I have to see him fall in loooveee!”
Skyla smiles at her now girlfriend, it had been a few months now since that day. The twins had given her that courage she needed to ask Elesa out.
God she thanks Emmet and Ingo each and every day.
“I know! I had to shut Ingo down instantly though, his idea was slightly crazy.”
The two of them share a laugh, oh this was bliss.
I hope you guys like it! Sorry if the twins are ooc (it’s my first time writing them)
but yeah I might make this longer at some point but idk!
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[A video is attached. Watch it?]
[The video begins in the Dragon's Den, with Illanero exiting from the shrine deep within it. Clair is waiting outside.
"That was quick. So you failed? You can try again tomorrow, but I advise that you think long and hard about..." Clair begins, before trailing off, seeing the cape Illanero now donned.
"Nope! I passed!" Illanero says, playing with xyr cape. "And I got this reallyreally cool cape!"
"I..." Clair sighs. "Fine. You win. Take this badge, and get out."
Clair extends a hand, holding the Rising Badge, but Illanero doesn't take it.
"What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted? Your eighth badge, the end of your victory lap?" Clair says. "Don't tell me that you're giving up now."
"You seem reallyreally upset," Illanero says, tilting xyr head. "Why are you mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you," Clair says. "Simply disappointed that I failed."
"What do you mean?" Illanero asks.
"My duty as Blackthorn gym leader is to teach challengers. If I fight a challenger, and they have learned nothing, like you have, then I have failed. You defeated me easily, and learned nothing," Clair says. "Apparently you already had those values I lectured you on, with how easily you passed this test."
"But I did learn something!" Illanero says. "I learned that I should treat battles with more respect!"
"Is that why you're not taking my badge now?" Clair asks. "Because you don't think you showed me enough respect to earn it?"
"Yesyes!" Illanero says.
"Well," Clair says, smiling a bit "That's enough for me. Go on, take it."
"But I didn't show you respect," Illanero says.
"You just did, by listening to me right now," Clair says. "You've earned this badge, and my respect. So long as you keep treating battles with respect from now on, you are worthy of this badge."
"Thankyou!" Illanero says, and takes the Rising Badge.
The video ends.]
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casualsnickers · 3 months
Month of Emmet Quick Write #19
Prompt #19: Rose
Emmet accompanies Elesa to get some secondary opinions from Gym Leader Burgh about some fashion designs for an upcoming fashion show. While Burgh is regularly eccentric, Emmet is reminded exactly why some trainers get unnerved in Burgh's presence. Clown-to-clown communication.
Read the whole thing below the cut.
“Arrrrgh! It’s all just so frustrating!” Elesa leaned back in her chair, tapping one heel against the tiled floor as she flipped through the fashion catalog in her lap. “Can’t have anything nice, can I?”
“Nope.” Emmet sat just a ways away from his friend, one hand stroking the fuzz along his Galvantula’s back. Elesa had invited him to a meetup with Gym Leader Burgh to discuss outfit inspirations behind a fashion show that was due to premier at the end of the month. The topic? Bugs. Lots and lots of bug-themed outfits. Emmet didn’t really have an eye for fashion. He had only come because Elesa had begged him to and because it had been a long time since he had last spokén with Burgh. “Commuters can be… quite rude, Elesa. You should know this by now.”
“Well, I know that! But I mean, half of the comments I received for these specific dresses-” she pointed a thumb at five colorful dress designs- “were nothing but negative criticism. Like, I get that normal people wouldn’t wear them, but I got literally no constructive criticism! Everybody was just bagging on them. It really brought down my mood, you know?”
“And that’s why we are here to speak with Burgh?”
“Yeah.” Elesa sighed, one hand resting against her head. “Burgh’s the only guy I know that gets what fashion is about. I just want his secondary opinion before I move onto the next step in actually getting these clothes onto the runway.”
“Aren’t your gym trainers models too? Have they seen your designs?”
“They have as a matter of fact! They’re particularly fond of my designs for the Leavanny and Vespiquen line. Scolipede too. I’d be surprised if they disliked them.” 
The door to the large studio both had been sitting in was swung open, Gym Leader Burgh striding in as an entourage of bug-type pokémon followed him. Clad in his usual colorful getup, Burgh bowed and gestured for his pokémon to disperse. Upon sighting both Emmet and Elesa waiting for him, Burgh fixed his messy hair and strolled over, a pleasant smile upon his face as he proffered both of them freshly-cut roses. Elesa’s was yellow. Emmet’s was white.
“I thought I would be expecting you at around this time, Elesa.” He shook Elesa’s outstretched hand, his eyes seeming to brighten when they landed upon Emmet. “Ah, and of course, you’re here as well, Emmet. What brings you here? I thought you didn’t like Castelia all that much.”
“I don’t,” Emmet admitted truthfully, keeping his eyes inside the studio and not on the dizzying view directly outside the window of Burgh’s art gallery. “I am escorting Elesa today.” Emmet nonchalantly shook the hand Burgh proffered his way, gesturing for the man to take a seat directly beside him. “It is good to see you, Burgh.” In a lowered comment, Emmet whispered, “Talk to me later. I have something for you.”
Burgh’s eyes narrowed, his own smile widening. “Oh? Really? A gift just for me? Why, you shouldn’t have! What did you bring me- “
“Can you two stop flirting over there?”
Emmet immediately choked on his spit and swiveled to glare at Elesa. “We are friends, Elesa.”
“That’s true. We’re fellow bug-type enthusiasts. Nothing more.” Burgh then grinned mischievously, setting one hand upon Emmet’s shoulder. “Ah, but it would be fun to do that prank from years back.”
Emmet blinked, carding his fingers through his hair. “The one where people thought we were dating when we coupled together during Accumula’s Annual Bug Hunt a few years ago. I am familiar. Those were… strange times.”
“The press can be so easily manipulated,” Burgh reminisced. “It’s always fun when you get to mess with them.” Burgh then cleared his throat, crossing his legs. “Ah. But Elesa. I’m here for you. And on such short notice. What can I do for you, honeycomb?”
Elesa immediately launched into her woes, showing the gym leader each and every bug-related design that she had come up with in the span of numerous months, both on paper and on a digital tablet that she had brought with her. Emmet was quite fond of a few of them. 
One design featured a Butterfree skirt design with a flowy silver and back hem that lengthened in the back. Elesa had also designed a sharp-looking shirt and slacks combo- red and black- that was inspired by Scizor. Emmet’s personal favorite had been a red and white vest with silver curling patterns etched into the leather, inspired by the Volcarona lineage. It reminded him all too much of when Elesa had first started her modeling gig and had forced both Ingo and Emmet to model her designs.
“What do you think, Burgh?” Elesa asked plainly. “Should I fix these or move them into the second stage and make prototypes of them? I know you’re not a fashion designer, but you are a great artist.”
Burgh clicked his tongue. “Flattery will get you nowhere. But. Hmm. Well… to be honest, all of them are wonderful.” Burgh picked up the curling dress mimicking a Leavanny, his eyes softening. “You did such a wonderful job in incorporating pokémon designs- picking out dominant features too. I think these will do well on the runway.” He then took another look at the modifiable designs featured on Elesa’s tablet. “Of course, you can also accessorize. Personally, if you’re going for bug-type apparel, I think you should incorporate some undertones of things like flowers, pollen, and nectar to better sell the idea.”
“Like these roses?” Emmet was careful to handle the barbed stem of the rose Burgh had given him.
“Yes, you’re precisely right. And Elesa? I wouldn’t listen to your naysayers so quickly. Some people just don’t possess an artful eye like we do.”
Elesa huffed, smiling. “Okay… Okay, I’ll take that into consideration. Gosh, that’s a load off my mind. You have no idea how many people sent me comments telling me that they could come up with better designs using artificial intelligence which by the way is banned from being used in contest entries.”
Burgh’s expression immediately soured. “AI? Eugh.” The man leaned forward in his chair, fiddling with the stem of his own yellow rose. “I don’t hate AI. It’s a lovely tool to build off of. It’s just that too many people think that they can replace the sheer ingenuity of humans with the likes of a machine that- frankly- doesn’t even know how to draw hands or feet correctly.”
“AI is useful to some degree,” Emmet agreed, nodding his head. “AI serves a biiig help in the subway for the WiFi trains. Keeps our challengers sharp and quick on their feet. But I could never think of replacing human-to-human battles with only artificial battles. They are not serious and they are not fun.”
“Yeah. Seems like not only a decade ago, AI didn’t even exist. Can you believe it?” Elesa’s eyes shot down to her designs. She frowned. “Who knows? Maybe AI will take over designing fashion in the future. The more we develop it, the more it seems to worm its way into every nook and cranny and niche.”
Burgh made a strangled noise in his throat, carefully discarding his rose as he pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “You remind me all too much of a saying I give to my art students and myself whenever we face an art block.”
“Well, I’m facing a design block right now,” Elesa commented snidely, turning her yellow rose in her fingers. “Let me hear your speech, Burgh. Give me some inspiration.” Elesa then brightened, pulling out her phone. “No, hold on. Let me get this on a recording. I get way too many of these blocks. Just one moment.”
Burgh only smiled, his eyes narrowed to slits as he steepled his fingers together. And when Elesa finally pulled up her phone- having accidentally tabbed over to her live feed- Burgh seized the opportunity and grabbed at Elesa’s phone, his eyes manic. “...This is a message to all artists out there. If you draw, if you paint- Whatever you do, listen,” Burgh launched in, his tone breathless. “The next time some AI bro or keyboard warrior comes to your comments and is like ‘I could do better with AI, I’m a real artist’- Do you know how you should respond?” He looked directly at Elesa as he spoke, his teeth flashing as he smiled. “Draw them pregnant.” Another long pause. “You have that power. This is not a threat of violence,” Burgh chuckled, picking petals off of his rose as he stared directly into Elesa’s bewildered gaze. “This is a promise.”
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delinquentsharlene · 2 months
(( Sharlene may be bad at battling but she LOVES watching them, like two complete randos could be battling in the street and she'll stop and watch (she'll even pick one to root for), she'll watch broadcasted gym battles when they're on TV or streaing, she just thinks it's SO cool and fun.
That's kinda why she wants to go to Galar someday, because the gym battles there are taken so seriously and she would KILL to sit in one of those giant stadiums and watch a gym leader dynamax a Pokemon or some shit.
You'd think this fascination with battling would make her a better trainer but. Nope. She cracks under pressure and you need to think fast when battling, and she just ends up panicking. She's trying to work on this because she wants to battle more (she's sure her team wants to as well), she's just. Nervous. ))
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Corruption and Obsession 1 (Mini-Series) Corrupted Shinnok X Male Reader
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a mini-series for a friend of mine! He asked for this specifically, and I hope you all enjoy it!]
(Disclaimer: The Reader in this is not gay as the reader/listener is not attracted to men as the reader/Listener is very much only interested in Elrich gods and such. Normal, human men nope. This is a specific Reader and Listener, and he is not gay. If you want to see yourself as gay as the reader or listener, you are free to do that. But the lore for him is not gay.
Disclaimer 2: Corrupted Shinnok is not yandere in canon, and this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for fictional characters and fictional characters is fine. Just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!)
-Part 1 The Chance Meeting-
(No One's POV)
(Name) is a good Man with a lot of struggles in his life, so much that he rarely smiles. He did what he was supposed to and did the right thing. He does not know his fate will change when (Name) crosses paths with an Elder God. This is how he came to face his fate. A Fate that may or may not be worse than death.
(Name) walks out of the gym as if he just had a good workout. It felt great to do his workout. Finally, as he starts to head home, he is caught in a mass run. People are screaming and fleeing from the Chaos down the streets. (Name) unlike the others, he ran towards the chaos. That is when he sees him, some Elder God! During a battle with someone else. (Name) stared in shock and awe at the God-like creature.
That is when The God Like Creature's eyes land on him. (Name) stares a bit in fear at that creature before him, unaware of what to do. His mind tells him it will be wise to run. Though he is not afraid of this creature or God. He watches as the sort of God went back to battle, and he watches the battle unfold a bit in awe of the power and strength.
Soon the police and military arrive, and (Name) is dragged away. Being told to not be stupid and to run! He did not want to go against the police. So he leaves. Heading home, he cannot get his mind off the man or God or creature. It was shocking, to say the least. He makes it home, and his family is worried about him. Asking if he was okay.
He tells them he is fine and that he did not get caught up in what happened. The news was on what happened.
"After the strange battle today in London, the mysterious God-like deity is gone." The News reporter says. "Hundreds dead. After police and military arrived, the entity seemed to retreat. We do not know if he will return or if he is done. We do not know what he is. The World Leaders are scrabbling with this new information. The People of the World are demanding answers from a supposed God. More here as this story develops."
(Name) watch with his family. The God was not really a man, but a deity. And (Name) remembers seeing him and seeing how strong he was. For A brief moment, he had wanted to pin, The God down and have him as his and his alone. Though he knew that was a foolish thought. He shakes his head and goes for a walk. His mother told him it was not safe.
"I will be okay, Mum. Just need some air." He reassures her. "I will just be out around the block."
He walks out of his home and starts to walk. No One is out, too afraid because of what happened. That is when (Name) sees him as the same God-like creature. The God Like creature stares down at (Name).
"There you are, little one. You did not run, and you did not hide." He says. "Curious how a pathetic human can gain my desire." The God speaks. "I am Shinnok, Elder God of Death. I will claim Destruction and death across all the realms."
(Name) knows he should be scared, but he is not. He wants to grab this God by his horns and tongue fuck his mouth.
"Then why are you here talking to me?" (Name) asks him. "When you could so easily be destroying this realm."
"That is what angers me, human!" He snarls. "Ever since I laid eyes on you, I have had the need to see you again! What is so special about a weak human like yourself!"
(Name) looks at him and shrugs, frown on his face. "I do not know, but I will make you a deal…"
"And what is that!" Shinnok demands.
"If I can fuck you, and satisfy you in a carnal way, then you will stop harming my world." (Name) says, and he knows that he could be admitted any second now, but he is at least going to shoot his shout.
The Elder God Laughs, outright laughs. "HAHAHAHAHA, I have never met a human so bold to ask for such a thing, but… you are quite a handsome human. Alright, Human, if you can satisfy me in a carnal way, I will spare your world. But that means you will belong to me. Forever. Am I clear?"
(Name) stops, if he can fuck this Elder God into submission, he would save his world. But then he will belong to an elder God. He thinks hard about this. This was not something that he was prepared for. But the innocent people he will save. He is sure this is the right thing to do.
"I agree to your terms." (Name) says, and Shinnok laughs.
"Foolish human, I am certain no human can satisfy me, and it will bring me great joy to destroy your world with you as the last human to watch your failure." He smirks.
(Name) just looks at him, and he knows the risk he is taking. But now, the fate of the world rests on him pounding an Elder God's ass into submission. He will pound this Elder God's Ass into submission. He will bend him over and plow him into submission. To save his world and his family.
"I will see you tonight, Shinnok, and there I will make you mine." (Name) says, looking at the Tall Edler God.
The deal was set, and now, (Name) was the last hope for the world, and will he be able to save the world? Or will he not be able to? Will his ass be on the line, and why does an elder God make a deal like this with a human. The Elder God seemed enraptured by the human male and wanted to see if he is good enough in bed. The Elder God is a bit obsessed with this human.
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS The first part is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and yes, there will be around 4 more parts! They will be spread out! This will take a year, to two if my mental health and real-life stuff get in the way. I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!]
Here is the story where it will be all in one place for easy access!
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lume-nosity · 2 years
genshin characters as things i’ve said (i am bored)
beidou: i am a punching bag for gym and i’m tolerant of it
cyno: i’m an npc because i get no play. please get the joke
alhaitham: i just fact-checked my dad and he stopped talking to me
tighnari: how can i live laugh love in these oven-like conditions
collei: this close to eradicating my immune system i cannot keep getting sick
xiao: a teacher asked me why was i sitting in the dark. i said it’s because i like the dark
kazuha: ah- mother nature strikes again
diluc: it’s business. they do this so they can sniff your hard-earned money like it’s weed thus making you homeless at the end
yanfei: well owo thank you for the unnecessary donation, if only it’s allowed to transfer these into real currency then i would be satisfied. but it’s probably against tos and very illegal so i guess i’ll appreciate it as it is.
scaramouche: wow, when am i the team leader for this group?WHERE’S THE CONTRACT? THE PERMISSION SLIP? MY CONSENT?
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lesbian-empress-nero · 4 months
...Hey. Leader. Wake up. 
[More silence.] 
...Damn. Is he even still alive? 
He’d better be! We didn’t go through all that shit for nothing, you know! 
Just- calm down, everyone. I’m sure he’ll wake up. Give it a moment. We used... a lot. It’ll take a while for him to come to again. 
Indeed. I believe it was Oracle’s idea to use so much...? 
Oh, shut it Inari! It was your idea to drug the guy in the first place! Don’t blame it all on me, I just wanted to make sure it would work! 
Oh, he’s waking up! Everyone, look friendly! 
This was a kidnapping, Panther! Why would we want to look friendly!? 
Because we’re his friends??? Obviously??? We didn’t technically kidnap him, anyways! 
What the hell do you mean we didn’t ‘technically’ kidnap him? We yanked the poor guy off the street and- Y’know what? Never mind. 
[...Where are you...? This place doesn’t seem familiar. A couple of faces are looming out at you from the shadows. They seem... Familiar, somehow.] 
Oh, good. He seems to at least somewhat recognises us. I was scared for a moment... 
Could you use any less uncertain terms...?
Man, I toldja you were worried about nothin’. This guy’s tough. He’s been through worse. 
...Worrying history aside... How do you feel? 
[One of the people faces you. Her brown hair is short and spiky. You feel as though if you reached out to touch it, it’d stab you.] 
...No response. Hm. 
Listen, maybe you’re not asking the right questions? Let me give it a whirl. 
...Hey! Do you remember anything from before now? 
[...Try as you might, everything before when you woke is hazy. You can barely remember your own name.] 
[They’re still waiting for a response. You shake your head, and gag at the motion.] 
Damn. I knew it. He’s sick. 
Let’s leave him be for now. Maybe he’ll recover soon, but I doubt our presence is doing any favours. 
[They all trail out of the room, except for one. The only detail you can make out about her is her bright orange hair.]
...Oracle, let’s go. Come on, we’re leaving. 
[Her orange hair trembles, and you assume she’s shaking her head.] 
Nope. I’m staying right here. I don’t wanna leave him. ...Not again. Not after Yaldy. 
[Yaldy...? The name seems vaguely familiar, but trying to remember makes your head hurt.] 
Oracle! Now isn’t the time to be stubborn! Come on! 
No! I’m. Not. Leaving! I wanna stay with him! 
...Yeah, I- I think I’m gonna stay, too, actually. 
[Someone with yellow-blonde hair walks back into the room, sitting cross-legged in front of you. The action is simple, but... It seems familiar.] 
[The girl with spiky hair groans, but allows it. Everyone else leaves the three of you alone.] 
...Alright, man. Be real with us: do you- do you really not remember anything...? 
[The boy sounds desperate. Something inside you twangs, and you feel a strong sense of familiarity between you and him. A bond from long ago. For some reason, you’re reminded of ramen and gym uniforms.] 
...Hey. Stupidface. We need an answer. 
[Another twang. This time, you’re reminded of electronic beeping and lists.] 
...I don’t think we’re gonna get anything out of him. 
[You decide to try and speak, despite the pounding of your head.] 
...I... Kind of... Remember you two. It’s more... Things, rather than names... But I know you two were... Important to me. 
Holy shit. 
...Stupid dumb idiot! Why did you have to go and take that stupid hit for us, you jerk!? Now look at you! You’re an amnesiac! 
...I know your face. I just... Wish I knew your name. I’m sorry. 
[The girl sighs, and hugs you. Suddenly, your bond screams like a video game enemy, and you’re reminded of sitting in an attic hugging her in this exact way.] 
...Futaba. Futaba-! That’s- that’s your name: Futaba! 
[Futaba jerks away, eyes wife. The blonde boy leaps to his feet, frozen.] 
No way. No effin’ way. Wh- how-!? Dude, were you just fakin’ it or somethin’!? 
[You close your eyes. You feel sick again. How convenient.] 
Crap- Sorry, did I...? 
Nah, I don’t think so. Shit doesn’t really make sense, y’know? Just- 
[The boy sighs. You feel an urge to reach out and hug him, to comfort him and tell him it will be okay.] 
D’you need a break, man? We can totally leave you alone if ya- 
NO- Please don’t. I don’t want to be alone. Not again. 
...Shit, he must have gotten hit really hard... He’s acting way different than usual. 
...Okay. Okay, we’ll stay. We’re here, man. I promise. 
[You take a breath, suddenly aware of how badly you’re shaking- and of the hand now resting on your shoulder. The twang you felt before now feels more like a chord, striking long and loud like the strum of an intrument. You’re reminded of warmer days, long nights spent laughing and cuddling and] 
[And and and and and and and and] 
Akira..? Akira, are you okay? 
[And and and and and and a] 
Uh- Should we get Sojiro? 
Hell no! He’d kill us for doin’ this to his kid, are you kidding!? I don’t think he even knows what happened to the guy! 
Don’t shout at me! I was just trying to help! 
[nd seawater. The smell of seawater is strong in your nose, the smell of incense and something else burns your eyes. You stare at the boy in front of you, desperate. You want to remember his name. You need to. You have to.] 
[It starts with an R. R... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr] 
Effin’ hell, what’s going on!? Akira, look at me! What’s happening!? 
We should get Queen or Panther- 
[You lurch forward, and feel Ryuji’s strong arms catch you. Something inside you screams, and shatters.] 
Akira-! Shit, man, are you okay? You scared the hell out of us! 
...Ryuji. I know your face... I know all of you... Haa... I know you... 
[Your vision is going fuzzy again. Are you falling asleep? Were you drugged again? Ryuji hugs you close. You can feel how bad he’s trembling.] 
...Glad you’re back, Joker.
[Futaba joins in. Somehow, you feel even safer with both of them encasing your weakened body.] 
[You promise, half-asleep, to tell them everything once you wake up, and drift off once again, into dreams of summer and friends.] 
SECOND PERSON???? JOKER POV?!!?!? MEMORY LOSS????? DEAR LORD MAV!!! i did NOT expect this when i opened my inbox and it was a happy suprise! i love the new format you're doing it feels like a visual novel. JOKER LOSING HIS MEMORIES WOULD BE SO SCARY TO THEM??? LIKE THE GUY WHO SAVED THEM. WHO LOVED THEM, WHO BROUGHT THEM ALL TOGETHER. THEIR LEADER. DOESNT REMEMBER THEM. fuckkk im a sucker for a little bit of memory loss... i love that he first remembers futaba and ryuji... his sister and his best friend.
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skynapple · 6 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 20
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers | Themes: angst, guilt, fluff
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
"Friendship." A familiar conversation with Xavier.
It was Monday. The store was always closed on Monday. It was a rare day he wished it was open to distract him. Lingering at the back of his mind like the a fly buzzing and darting around the room were thoughts of her. 
Just a few nights after seeing her, he had a dream he could only describe as a soft nightmare. It had been an intimate moment with her, too intimate. It startled him awake, chest heaving where he could still feel the dream-state of her fingers on his bare chest and the imaginary sensation of the way she said his name against his ear. 
What the hell was that…
Slinking himself out of bed, he grabbed his gym bag. It was the one place he felt his head could be clear. The smell of the rubber mats, the feel of the cool metal bars against his skin, the way his body could once again in a small way feel the weight of what his sword used to be in his hand. He incorporated a few old techniques he'd used to maintain his knightly duties and physique. His body wasn't quite in the top condition it once had been, but he liked to try to maintain a certain level of strength, just in case anything happened. And the way things had been going, it was all the more reason to do so.
He focused on the movements, the rhythm. Count the reps. Breathe. Rest. Switch sides. Repeat.
By the time he got to the backtrackers' local secret facility that day, it was late morning. There was a briefing, and a few rounds of status reports. 
Xavier was a brilliant leader, sharp, and assertive. Anyone of his upbringing was taught a great deal of strategy, negotiation, and war tactics. How he applied those skills to the missions and leading their group was no different. But he wasn't perfect, and lately the group tensions were high. Jeremiah assisted wherever and however he could. For as long as he could remember, that's how it had been. For everything. 
The kinds of power, positions, and pressures that Xavier held had never been desirable. There was never due cause to envy him. Jeremiah, being  confident in all that he was, had always garnered enough likability to never feel the need to strive after it. Even back in school, his position as a vice captain had even garnered enough attention to have him surrounded by girls at lunch hour, eager to hear his stories. The little bit of popularity, leadership, and respect of peers had been enough. Xavier, for all the power he carried, he noticed was often alone, and often purposefully so. Either because of his title, his protectors, or personal desire to keep people at bay.
That had changed a little when he'd met her. She had a way of always being in his business. He had a way of letting her in. Jeremiah knew immediately that they were each others' weakness. For a time, it was a fun thing to explore and exploit, on both sides. He never once thought to be jealous of it.
He'd never once felt he could be jealous.
So he couldn't explain the way he felt now after the meeting, standing on a balcony of a cafe with Xavier, the bite of ice in his veins when glancing over at Xavier's phone he saw several notifications from her.
Jeremiah swallowed hard.
"You know Xav, a new barbecue place opened up. You should take her sometime.”
"I'll suggest that. But why are you bringing that up to me now?"
"We discussed this. You could... you know." He wasn't sure why he hesitated. "Start letting her in to your life again. She's different here but it's good, she's amazing and-"
"Do I spy a plant that needs pruning?"
"Nope! Nope." He lifted his hands defensively. "I'm just saying. You know you need each other."
"You know about the non-interve-"
"Screw that! You obviously don’t care. Think about it." He spat in irritation. "You're not the only man in her life."
Xavier's eyes darkened. "What exactly do you mean by that?"
Jeremiah looked away at the crowds over where they stood on a balcony, suddenly feeling panicked. "I mean- she hangs out with other guys. Often! First of all that weird painter she bodyguards for on occasion. Slippery, that one. We’re keeping an eye on him. She also goes out from time to time with, uh, some guy? I’m not too sure. George it was her doctor but I find that hard to believe. I'm just saying, Xavier..."
His friend's lack of reaction paired with the steely blue eyes that seemed to be scrutinizing him made him shake his head, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Never mind. I just don't want to see her get hurt because you decide to play too carefully."
"Lauren was good for you, you know." Xavier nodded with a sad smile, the sudden shift in topic almost startling to Jeremiah.
“What?” Jeremiah felt his arms cross a little tighter, unable to help his thoughts from going to the few days prior at the Linkon memorial. “That was a long time ago, Xav."
Seeming to ignore him, Xavier looked out at the sky. "I told you before. None of us could have known." The breeze rustled the blondes hair. "I want you to find your happiness again. I don't like seeing you like this. I didn't like carrying you out of the shop that day."
A pang of guilt hit his chest at the memory of pacing all night. Of feeling sick to his stomach and how weakly he’d called his friend that morning. “Yeah? Well. You didn’t have to come.” 
“But you asked me to.”
Jeremiah found his shoes very interesting in that moment, using the edge of his heel to smooth out dirt smudged there. “Thanks.”
A few unspoken words burned in his mind.
I just wanted what you had; I wanted someone to look at me like that –like I was worth existing for. 
The fear of it was something he’d been pondering over the years. Would things have worked out? Did he rush in because he loved her, or because he wanted a love like someone who was so endlessly devoted to wait for centuries. 
It wasn't until she appeared again that he began to feel that dull ache of desire again, as if the wound had been re-opened, the desire to be wanted, or at least less lonely. It was like a spreading disease. The more time he spent around her, the more the ache grew.
He had considered a dating app, entertaining the idea of making himself more available, even just around the few places he frequented, considering possibilities. And for what? The looming prospect of his future here haunted him as much as it did back then. Xavier was right. Human lives were futile. To outlive them was worse.
As he brooded, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Xavier had a terrible memory, but when it counted, he remembered, and he could be surprisingly thoughtful. 
A familiar bartender walked over and gave him a nod. "You two want some of the real stuff?"
Jeremiah laughed, nodding at the fellow Philosian. "I didn't think you had any left."
"I keep some around."
In response, the brunette grinned, shrugging a shoulder up at his friend. “What say you, Highness. Should we splurge?”
Xavier made a face at the mocking tone, but there was warmth there. “Why do I have a feeling this tab is on me?”
A few minutes later, the men had followed the bartender down the descending steps into the familiar speak-easy area. They seated themselves at the bar stools, and the bartender reemerged holding two small shot glasses with a flask of shimmering golden liquid.
"Bottoms up.”
Both men took it, clinking glasses together, tapped their glasses on the counter, and knocked it back. The liquid consisted of Philosian flowers fermented into a sweet liquid, glittering in a way that earth liquids could not. It felt like home. Already he could feel the warmth of the liquid in his chest, and the tingling in his head. Nothing like the gross, weak earth stuff that he’d sworn off. 
"Hey," Xavier mused, a question in his tone, after the bartender had left to tend to others approaching the bar.
Jeremiah gave a nod. “What’s up?”
“How often do you see her?”
“See who?”
“You know who.”
“Oh.” Jeremiah swirled the empty glass, trying to look like he was ruminating. “Not often. She’s a busy huntress you know.” It wasn’t a lie. It just happened to be that he had seen her recently, so it almost felt like one. “Why?”
“Just curious. She asked about you the other day, that’s all.”
Jeremiah wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the topic but his heart was beating. “Weird.”
Xavier ordered another round, ending the tab there. “I thought so too."
He took the second glass and knocked it back, then stood. “I should get going. I think I’ll take her to that barbecue place you mentioned.”
Jeremiah nodded. “Thanks for today. Good luck.”
A sick feeling returned to his stomach. The dream from that morning returned to his mind and he tried to wash it down. It wasn’t like him to feel jealous. It wasn’t like him to have dreams like that. So why now?
And why not? She’s not with him. No. Stop this. Don’t think like that. 
A photo came hours later. The two at the restaurant, and Jeremiah felt his stomach twist. She looked happy. He looked happy.
So Jeremiah shut his phone off and went to sleep, hoping for dreams that wouldn’t make him wonder in the morning about how things would be different if he wasn’t such a devoted friend.
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