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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 5 months ago
Do humans ever feel sad that they don't have tails to wag?
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 1 year ago
//pelipper mail for @zoruascanbetrainerstoo! heartbreaking illanero fanart! the post this is based off of can be found here because it broke my heart and now it will break yours <3
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 7 months ago
I reallyreally relate to this, in both species and gender!
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this poem is about being nonbinary.
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licensed2faint · 8 months ago
(@zoruascanbetrainerstoo) Hihi! What's the coolest place you've been to? -Illanero
Aw man, I've been to a lot of awesome places!
I've climbed Mt. Coronet a few times, and both Spear Pillar and the Snowpoint route are breathtaking! If you're looking for really unique experiences, Pacifidlog Town is a collection of houseboats just sort of floating out in a safe spot amidst some very strong currents.
But I think, for my favourite place?
...Have you ever been to Hoenn? If you ever get the chance, find somebody with dive-trained Pokemon to take you underwater along route 134. There's absolutely nothing that compares.
Heck, if you ever come around, I'll take you myself! The archeologists are gonna kill me for telling, but there's some underwater ruins there that I used to explore as a kid. I doubt there's more than twenty people alive right now who've ever been.
There's also some underwater ruins in Undella Town, they're much fancier but not nearly as old!
Thank you for the ask!
I... probably shouldn't say this, but... I've also been to the Distortion World before.
My first trip was as cool as it was horrifying, but nowadays I sometimes go there just to be alone.
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 8 months ago
I just had a reallyreally fun idea for an ask game!
Ask game about regions but it's based on my journeys!
Kanto - What's your opinion on master balls?
Johto - Have you ever woken up somewhere completely different from where you went to sleep?
Hoenn - Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?
Sinnoh - How fast can you run?
Unova - What's the most reallyreally stupid thing you've ever heard?
Kalos - How good are you with loud noises?
Alola - Have you ever seen something that you didn't know what it was at first but then you learned and were reallyreally scared?
Galar - What's the worst mistake you've ever made?
Paldea - What's a time you had to make a choice but wanted to choose all the options at once?
Kitakami - What's a reallyreally cool story you've heard?
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 1 month ago
[A video is attached. Watch it?]
[The video begins with a nervous-looking, snow-covered Illanero emerging from the Gym Mission chamber, and onto the battlefield. A woman in a puffy white coat approaches xem from the opposite side.
"I am Melony," she says, eyes narrowed. "As you can see, I've assembled a team of all ice-type Pokemon."
"Hihi!" Illanero says, though xyr enthusiasm sounded strained. "I'm Illanero! I'm a gym challenger!"
"You aren't sore from all those holes you fell into, are you?" Melony says, concern crossing her face for just a moment. "Even if you are, I'm not going to hold back!"
The video then cuts to after the battle.
Melony briefly looks despondent, but quickly musters a stern expression back onto her face as she approaches Illanero. "You...you're pretty good, huh?" She says. "Of course, seeing my Pokemon lose is sad, but to meet someone so young with such ability is quite grand."
"Yesyes!" Illanero said with true enthusiasm, xyr earlier anxiety gone, at least for now.
"My son could perhaps learn a thing or two from you," Melony says, before holding out something. "Here, take this sparkling Ice Badge!"
Illanero takes the badge, but tilts xyr head. "Why are you bringing your son up?"
"For some reason, I can't help but imagine him challenging you after you become the Champion," Melony says, beginning to smile. "I think you have what it takes. And if that time comes...give him a right thrashing, would you?"
"O...kok," Illanero says, suddenly looking uncomfortable again.
The video ends.]
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 2 months ago
...am I bad?
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 7 months ago
Team Rocket is reallyreally stupid!
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 8 months ago
Davulo evolved into an Inteleon!
I also met a reallyreally weird human named Cara Liss! She says that she can revive fossilized Pokemon, but she needs two fossils to do it!
I have lots of fossils from my journeys! A Dome fossil from Kanto, a Claw fossil from Hoenn, a Plume fossil from Unova, and a Sail fossil from Kalos!
I'm gonna try reviving the Plume fossil and Sail fossil first!
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 5 months ago
I'm gonna be a reallyreally famous trainer!
So, uh, what do those of you who do the whole... adventure thing actually intend to do once that, you know, stops? It's gonna eventually. So, like, you have thought about that at least a little bit, right?
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 7 months ago
I'm still on my way to Goldenrod City, but I've been reallyreally thinking.
The human world is reallyreally different from what I know, with its trainers and gyms and leagues and human teams.
It's reallyreally weird. Humans are reallyreally weird.
I've met lots of reallyreally nice humans, like Wally and Shauna and Lance and Mustard and the old human in Kalos. But also lots of reallyreally mean humans, like Proton and Oleana and the Silph Co leader and Ghetsis and the human with the bent metal sticks in Alola. And lots of humans who are in between.
People keep asking me why I'm a trainer, even though I'm a Zorua. And I reallyreally don't know. I heard about trainers, when I woke up in this world, and I thought it'd be reallyreally fun to try it. And now I'm the champion of three regions.
I didn't expect to get this far. I still reallyreally don't know what I'm doing, even now.
But it's reallyreally fun, being a trainer. Traveling around the human world, meeting lots and lots of different humans. They all look reallyreally similar, but the ways they talk, act, battle, everything, it's all reallyreally different from human to human.
But I haven't met any other trainers who are Pokemon like me. I'm the only trainer I know of who's a Zorua, or any other Pokemon.
It's reallyreally lonely. And sometimes I wonder if I'm not supposed to be a trainer, that Zoruas can't be trainers.
I'm scared of more humans finding out I'm not human. Lance was reallyreally nice about it, and so was N and Wally and Shauna, but Oleana was reallyreally mean about it. I'm reallyreally scared that lots of humans won't like me for being a Zorua.
I don't know how much longer it'll stay a secret. According to Petrel, all of Team Rocket already knows.
What'll happen once everyone finds out? Will I still be able to be a trainer and Champion? Or will I have to stop?
I don't want to have to stop.
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 1 year ago
@team-aqua-official @maximilianmagma
You're both stupid!
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 3 months ago
Us Zors are the coolest!
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 8 months ago
Reblog this post if you're a Zorua or Zoroark or Zor-adjacent!
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 1 year ago
Made it to Motosoke! And I have a new friend, Mintar the Minccino!
[A picture of a smug-looking Minccino. The Motosoke stadium can be seen in the background.]
What's that reallyreally big building?
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zoruascanbetrainerstoo · 7 months ago
Okok, a lot happened!
I got my seventh Johto badge from Pryce then people started talking about radio stuff and I heard one of the signals and Team Rocket was talking and now I'm in Goldenrod City and I'm gonna go in the Radio Tower and stop them!
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