#gw2 springer
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littlefoxgw2 · 3 months ago
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i swear there's a cat on tumblr somewhere i've seen who looks exactly like this thing (not pangur, a different skrunkly creechur)
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astralarias · 1 year ago
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"Their long ears and wiggly noses are charming, but the springer's greatest strength is their ability to make jaw-dropping vertical leaps. Traveling merchants and couriers use them to cross sheer cliffs in the Crystal Highlands, shaving weeks off their journeys."
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lackluster-draws · 2 years ago
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Anet I think it's time to give us necromancer minion mounts, especially with Halloween around the corner 🎃🥩🍖
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madame-cookie · 2 years ago
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therealpactcommander · 8 months ago
my other mounts: beautiful! majestic! stunning!
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my springer:
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bluebudgie · 6 months ago
Never before have i ever been this excited by the prospect of jumping down a cliff and potentially not immediately knowing how to get back up
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tastethepaper · 9 months ago
Some updated pics of my asura Juli Ste and her babies!
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valiant-portabella-pirkko · 7 months ago
so was anyone going to tell me that the fulgurite ridgeback jackal skin comes with all sorts of unique electrical sound and visual effects when it's summoned and teleports or was I just supposed to find that out myself
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khorren · 2 years ago
Someone in the GW2 discord finally discovered what I've been doing to the banner over the past 23 days :D
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Original and first change.
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2nd change, third change.
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fourth and fifth change.
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sixth (final mini springer added), and 1st of the sky eyes...
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2nd and 3rd sky eyes.
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The current version / the one that was first noticed. lmao :D
(more to come......)
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sealpup9 · 1 year ago
Been playing through gw2 core story with a good friend of mine who started playing recently and we beat it tonight. There's something really... Emotional about going back and doing the core story after the dragon cycle's ended and you know how things play out. The little foreshadowings... The ways the dragons work that the pact doesn't know about yet... The sheer amount of joy and celebration throughout Tyria after slaying Zhaitan.
Honestly kindof amazing. And thinkinh about what exactly was happening in cantha during these years is a whole nother can of worms you could get into.
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woolsey-s · 2 years ago
smh they will make a whole series of flightless birds and a cat springer mount skin in gw2 b4 the most sensible, obvious and gigabrain springer skin idea: KANGAROO SPRINGER... this BLASPHEMOUS......
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cruorlupus · 5 months ago
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Arenanet knew about them 😏
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astralarias · 1 year ago
Skyscale Essay aka man I kinda miss the pre-skyscale days
Disclaimer that this is just my personal opinion and I don't hate the skyscale!! I think it's definitely a good mount for ease of access and is my second most used after the griffon! However, I've always felt it does take away from the other mounts quite a bit, so I wanted to go into that a little bit!
After mounts released with Path of Fire, the maps of that expansion and the following Living World 4 were built, in no small part, around the mounts themselves. Considering each mount’s unique ability and movement set led to what I feel was a very fun map design that almost was like a puzzle, and the mounts the missing pieces.
I could jump vast distances on raptor, then see a tall cliff and switch to springer to get up. At the top I might see a sand portal, and use jackal for a shortcut. At the other side of the portal, I could come across quicksand — the skimmer would fit this piece of the puzzle. Even with the griffon, the “prestige” mount, I would use a variety of mounts to get myself to a suitable launching point — and from there, a game with gravity and momentum began.
Although I can understand it may be frustrating to some to have to swap mounts often, I found that to be part of the immersion and fun. It felt like these mounts were not just transport but animals who filled different niches and belonged in the world, had adapted to it. It was engaging to me to look at where I wanted to go and consider not only the best but the most fun way to get there.
Then skyscale released. The change was felt, I believe, in the map that came with it. A lot of the map was just plain awkward and frustrating to navigate without the skyscale. You could get around it without the skyscale, sure, but it was a much less pleasant experience than before.
Ever since this mount was added, I feel the maps have been forced to cater to it, instead of the maps lending themselves to fun use of all mounts. Everything has to be designed with where the skyscale can go in mind. The puzzle-piece feeling of older maps is just gone for me.
Riding your raptor and see a tall cliff where springer would be ideal? Not any more. You’ll likely already be on skyscale, stay on skyscale, which is decently fast on land, and fly up the cliff. It’s efficient, but to me lacks so much of the spirit of GW2’s original mounts. Whilst you could still play this way — and I often do when solo — it’s become inconvenient to use other mounts when doing anything on a timer. Trying to get to an event, bounty, rift, etc? A flock of skyscales gets there first, bypassing any creative level design, and — oh, the event is over.
It just feels to me that skyscales, presumably intended to represent the freedom of flight, are just a roadblock in the way of more fun map design nowadays. The way new players whose only expansion is SotO are given an entire new way to unlock the skyscale, and given a permanent (to the SotO maps) rental skyscale — because the expansion is built around one mount, maybe two if you count the griffon at a stretch, and playing without it would be utter misery. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to give new players easier ways to get stuff at all, I really like it and it's something I'm always happy to see!! My concern is, when you’re fast-tracked to one specific mount, or else the expansion is blatantly unfun…that feels like such a reversal of the philosophy behind the original mounts — doing something new and unique, the idea of joy of movement. What’s joyous about the skyscale’s movement, that you couldn’t find in other games? It is wonderfully animated, but it has none of skimmer’s smooth grace or griffon’s dance with gravity. It just feels so bland, and brings down the map exploration aspect with it. 
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yoiku · 2 months ago
more gw2 stuff
aight, PoF was much better than HoT. partly because it felt like it was more at the core of all things guild wars, with so many familiar characters and places, but also because they definitely learned something from HoT when it comes to map design. I unlocked my skyscale today so i can finally keep up with the pace at event trains, which has been really frustrating to me. It's really not fun to lag behind so much just because you don't have the same means of transport at hand. Really enjoyed the skyscale quest chain though, griffon and beetle as well, even if griffon was a bit much with the gold sink items. I also enjoy how different the mounts feel, they all take some learning and getting used to, but to me that just makes them more fun. even if i have absolutely cursed at my springer&the environment a fair amount by now. Some of the sand jackal "puzzles" and places have been insanely cool to me. I was expecting and hoping to see Livia again, and i did not expect to run into awakened Koss. Getting to briefly chat with Kormir felt nice as well. Gwen's ghost at the dragonfall camp etc. it's been fun seeing familiar faces from such a long time ago. But i've also encountered a fair share of bugs, events part of questlines or achievements being stuck and halting progress. instances glitching out pretty badly. I got disconnected during the underground kralky fight story instance and logging back in the game tried to put me back where I was with it, which was nice if it worked. it had the fight in the right phase but me back at the first platform with all the routes to advance blocked out with no npc's around. logged out and back in again and was at another platform but the portal to fly over to the next wasn't working and the npc's were all just stuck in place doing nothing. Jumped off the side to see what happens if i die, and THEN it respawned me on the right platform... buuut while the npc's were doing stuff nothing was actually progressing. logged out and back in and then everything picked off from where it should've just fine. There's really a lot of issues with the instancing + dc's and from what i've searched they're not all that uncommon. I really enjoy the longer story instances when they work, but at the same time i'm happy they're not as common anymore as they were up to HoT and whatnot, disconnecting is so punishing during those it suuuuucks. At least there seems to be at least attempts to let you continue from halfway through instead of just having to do the whole thing again now. but why aren't those also implemented into the older instances in retrospect? highly doubt it's undoable. I've done my part and sent bug reports when i've encountered something not working correctly. Glad to see the team getting better at what they do but I really wish they would also look back at times to fix problems for past content as well instead of just improving new stuff.
but if there's something i'll give praise to in retrospect, it's Joko.
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aquariusxiv · 2 months ago
Finally I have enough energy to keep going in GW2 and getting through Path of Fire.
Do story quests even require mounts past Springer? From what I can tell the organic way of finding the jackal is "wander out into the sulfurous wasteland" since it doesn't look like it's required at any point.
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foefire-flame · 6 months ago
I want everyone to know I was very brave and used the gw2 LFG to get a bounty for the griffon mount done. Once I get all the eggs in 1 area ill be done w step 1! I just need to find more mastery points bc not having a tier 3 springer is weighing me down
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