#guzma fiction
elbdot · 11 months
So, you and white haired boys, huh?
Oh don't even get me sTARTED...
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Somehow they just keep getting worse and worse EACH TIME, I DON'T KNOW H O W
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coyfsh · 1 month
If being in love with fictional men is a crime,
lock me up.
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sammylatindeath · 1 year
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Reposting this so it can be an original post lol
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Me and the boys lmao
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anoradraws · 2 years
The Jacket
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A Guzma x Reader Short Story
Summary: You travel to the large mansion of Po Town to challenge the boss of Team Skull, Guzma, but after every grunt battles, puzzles, and other obstacles you finally arrive at his throne room at the top floor of the Shady Mansion; but once you entered, he’s not there... except for his jacket sitting on his makeshift throne.
Editor’s Note: This is kinda silly, stupid, and weird even for me, yet I wanted to write this anyway, but hey let me know what you think about it.
⚠️WARNING:⚠️Sexual preferences, explicit language, nudity; read at your own caution!
Po Town was considered one of the most dreary and miserable areas in Ula’Ula Island of Alola; nearly run down to ruins by a band of misfits known as Team Skull, who took over the town many moons ago, with the help of two leaders-- the second in command known as ‘Big Sis’ named Plumeria, and the Boss and founder of Team Skull named Guzma, who is said to be the most dangerous and threatening of the organization.
You traveled there for one purpose though: to challenge Guzma to a battle!
With help from the local police officer, and Ula’Ula Island Kahuna, Nanu, you enter through the walled gates into the decrepit town and begin your pathway to the large mansion located near the edge of the small borough, known as the Shady House, where you were told at some point during your journey is Guzma’s lair. You encounter several grunts along the way as they tried to slow you down, but you pressed onward with you head high as a Sirfetch’d ready for combat.
Finally, you arrive at the mansion; and once you stepped inside you see that it was far more dilapidated than even the town itself. With broken windows and ripped curtains, spray painted and slashed paintings hung on the walls, and several boxes stacked as walls in almost every corner of the main lobby. You didn’t hesitate as you start searching through every available room for clues as well as battled more grunts until you make your way up to the stairway to the second floor, careful to avoid the fallen chandelier as it blocked the second set of stairs of the main staircase.
You repeat the same process as the main lobby, and afterwards you manage to find an alternative route to the balcony outside. It was nearly a more dangerous tread to the other side of the building as the floor and rooftop soaked with the never-ending rain that continued to pour over the town, but carefully you were able to pass through without a scratch or otherwise.
You enter through a large window on the other side of the house after being outside for a steady but short while, and you walk through the large hallway until you finally approach a doorway at the end. In the pit of your stomach you feel this must be where Guzma is hiding; this is it, no turning back now, you take a deep breath and slowly but confidently opened the door and entered the room.
Once inside, you oddly find... no one is here, not even Guzma.
“Huh, that’s weird. Where’s Guzma?” You asked to yourself. “Usually he’d go all ‘big bad whatever’ to see me.”
It is strange; you expected a feeling of a Boss fight cutscene from a video game, but it turns out he’s not even in his room; then, out of curiosity you decide to snoop around for a while before concluding to leave and perhaps try again at a later time.
First, you noticed a large chest of lime green colored crystals called Buginium Z, an object usually given to trainers by Kahunas or Totem Pokémon after completing a trial as part of an Alolan tradition called the Island Challenge; then you rummage through the closet full of Ariados webbings and tattered clothing that looked like suits and dresses that belonged to possibly the previous owners of the mansion before it was taken over by Team Skull. You noticed the King Sized bed across the room, a large cabinet behind it filled with half empty and full bottles of liquor that seemed to be hardly touched, two safes that held the cabinet atop, and you finally spot the makeshift throne which made you roll your eyes in annoyance by how it’s set up. A large worn purple colored lay-z-boy sits atop two large flat platforms with a hallway rug underneath the furniture, two table stands sit on each corner of the platform with one of them having a laptop, and sitting on the chair sits a lone black clothing in which you suddenly took a strange interest in.
You approach the “throne” and slowly reach down to touch the cloth, but a foreboding vibe chills through your spine as a side of your mind is trying to warn you not to touch the fabric; but you ignore the ominous hints and, like a cursed artifact from a sacred temple, with delicate ease you finally pick up the apparel.
You study the clothing and realize it was a black hoodie, but not just any hoodie, it’s Guzma’s signature short sleeve hoodie with the large Team Skull logo on the back and black zig zag patterns with white backdrop on the sleeves and the sides. Whatever possessed you to hold and touch the leader’s coat is even beyond your self-conscience, yet here you are.
You hold onto the hoodie a little longer, feeling the recent warmth that lingers even within the sleeves, and at that moment-- only for that moment-- you felt a forbidden passion about the hoodie, like a warm summer breeze blowing through your hair during an outing, but you instantly shrug off the feeling and finally throw the hoodie back on the chair.
“Okay, I dunno what that was about, but I’m leaving!” you said with a final stomp toward the door to exit the room.
For some reason you stop; just as you reach up to grab the handle of the door, you oddly look back at the jacket, and then back at the door again. Rationally, you want to leave, but a more mischievous side of you is weirdly calling for that hoodie as a playful idea slowly starts to form in that messed up head of yours.
“Hmm...” You pondered and then give a devious grin. “I guess it wouldn’t really hurt to try on the jacket-- just for a little bit, at least.”
So, you unhook your backpack and set it next to the chest of Buginium Z-Crystals, and then you pick up the hoodie once more and easily slip it on, feeling the lingering warmth once again but this time it’s now shrouded around your upper body.
It was larger than you expected, understandably because Guzma himself is quite a very tall man (maybe even taller than your family member you know well of), and while you start to take a liking in wearing the jacket, another idea comes to your mind-- and now you start to mimic Guzma while standing in front of the purple colored chair.
“Oooh, lookit me, ‘I’m da Big Bad Boss who beats ya down and beats ya down and beats ya down blah blah BLAH blah BLAAAH’!” You mocked with a hearty laugh and tuned into a croaking voice to mimic Guzma’s. “’YEAH, big bad GUZMA is here‘!”
You start to run around like a preschooler, imitating Guzma’s slouching, walking, and almost every other gimmick he does to make himself look intimidating to the public’s eyes. “’I use Bug-Types because everything else SUCKS’! ‘Ya boy’s a big bad stinky rotten no good asshat with nothing else better to do than steal people’s Pokemon and knock out bus stop signs because they also SUCK’!”
You laugh and giggle, trot around and stomp around, as you continue to mimic Guzma for only a couple more minutes until you finally settle yourself on the large lay-z-boy to take a break from poking fun of the Team Skull leader. You can’t help but laugh at your jokes, but then that laughter slowly turns silent as you look around the room once more. At that point you start to feel a little lonely, well not quite Cubone lonely so to speak, but nonetheless you feel a bit empty inside.
You study the room for a few more minutes pondering to yourself of how Guzma really does feel when he’s not always ‘Big and Bad’ as he always claims. You shook your head at first as you logically feel the man’s a total menace, a danger to everyone in Alola, and yet... there was something more about him than even you don’t know about. For a moment, you actually felt sorry for him; why it is, you don’t know, and as you try to shake off the feeling it wouldn’t go away. 
The way you taunt him earlier starts to slightly haunt you, almost feeling bad for even poking fun of him, and that’s when you look down at the jacket once more. The hoodie feels so warm around you, with his scent still lingering in the fabric; musty with some hints of a mild cologne brand, and some cocoa. It was a very odd smell, but you seemed to take a liking to it, making you flush a pretty shade of rose on your face.
Admittedly, when you first met Guzma back at Malie Gardens, you thought him as a very terrifying man with the way he talks smack and scares the living daylights out of everyone around him, but over time you weirdly wanted to know him more, as you secretly developed a slight crush on him, that is until one day when the grunts kidnapped a little girl’s Yungoos from the Aether House and you had to go through Hell and back to retrieve the poor thing and take it back to the child. This is actually your second trip to Po Town to be honest, as you felt enough is enough of Team Skull’s harassment among Alola, and wanted to battle Guzma to force him and his gang to pack up and leave.
That was the original plan at first...
However, as of tonight, Guzma’s not at the mansion, and as far as the grunts you battled earlier, are still hanging out at the house but they’re actually not even noticing you’re in Guzma’s room, wearing his jacket and sitting on his throne.
After taking some time to look back on your thoughts, you start to sit back more on the throne to take a little comfort to yourself. You start to feel a slight breeze in the room, probably coming from the cracks of the main doorway, and you feel cold until you pull Guzma’s jacket closer and tighter to you. Then you feel the passion from earlier come back to you, now more alleviating than before, and for some reason you feel like his presence is slowly wrapped around you, keeping you warm, soothing, and loving.
You cuddle within the hoodie a little more, smelling his scent ever so tenderly to your warmth, and that’s when you start to feel a heat inside you, a wanting feeling, even with Guzma’s hoodie dressed on you.
Without thinking, but at the same time you wanted to, you take off your regular clothes and set them next to your backpack against the chest of Buginium Z-Crystals, leaving nothing but your panties on.
You wrap Guzma’s hoodie ever so tightly yet comfortably around your upper body, ignoring the breeze flowing through your bare legs; the lingering smell of Guzma still wafts against your face, and the fabric shrouds you ever so tenderly like he was really hugging you. Then, as you keep stroking the hoodie with gentility, you slowly reach your hand into your panties, imagining it’s Guzma’s as you start to rub against your clit, pleasuring yourself to the thoughts of Guzma all around you while you wear the hoodie like it were hypnotizing you.
After a few minutes, you hardly hear the door of the throne room creak open as you were starting to feel a climax coming soon, and at that moment, that’s when you hear his voice.
“Wow, this is a new one!”
You finally snap out of your masturbating trance after hearing that deep but familiar voice, accidentally scratching your clit with one of your fingernails; you whimper by the graze, despite not being as painful, as you quickly turn around with your legs both feeling a little like jelly and keeping your nether regions covered despite wearing the panties; you also wrap the hoodie very tightly to hide your bare breasts, and finally you see him in the flesh, straight and tall, with a befuddled look about his face-- Guzma!
“OH ARCEUS!!!” You panicked at Guzma’s unexpected arrival. “G-Guzma, I-I did-- I-It’s not what it looks like, I mean-- I didn’t mean-- I-I can explain--”
You feel so mortified by this moment as you feel your whole body flush red, getting caught by the one person you were starting to develop feelings for, and even worst of it all is you’re still wearing his hoodie.
Guzma continues to stare you down with a deep stupefied look on his face after catching you masturbating in the middle of the room with his coat on; at the same time however, in all the months he’s come to know you since your first encounter back at Malie Gardens, he’s definitely surprised to see a daring and freaky side of you, especially in this current predicament.
“I go down to help a couple of the grunts move a sleeping Snorlax from the swimming pool for a couple hours,” He cries with an annoyed tone. “and now I find (Y/N) here, rubbing one out in the middle of MY room, wearing MY jacket like the horny slut she is! This is definitely something I’d never expect from a goody-two-shoes teacher’s pet like you, that’s for sure!”
At this point you just want to get out of this house, go back to your home, and hide beneath thirty blankets on your bed for the rest of your life after what you had just done. You couldn’t help it, somehow you were in the mood, and you didn’t want the moment to stop. Very weird and wrong, especially for you but face it, deep down you actually want Guzma, you never felt anything like this for him or anyone beforehand; now, you just don’t know what to think of anymore or make any excuse to get yourself out of this moment, and perhaps not even Guzma would want to see you the same way again.
“I... I-I’m so sorry...” You apologized as your whole body is still blushed in embarrassment. “I’ll go ahead and leave now, I’m sorry this happened.”
However, as you turned your back to head to the chest of Z-Crystals to get your belongings, Guzma grabs you by the arm and pulls you a little close to him. He looks over you like a leaning tower, studying you and quite frankly admiring you in your current state. 
He chuckles slightly and gives you a sinister grin on his face. “Don’t get me wrong, now I know you couldn’t have just come here to mess with my stuff, but since you’re here anyway and.. I hate to admit... you look pretty cute in my hoodie.”
Your face blushes even redder as Guzma confessed his interest in you; then you smirked nervously and you feel a warming comfort through your skin.
Then, Guzma’s smile widens as he spoke once more. “But... there is one thing that doesn’t go with that jacket.”
“What’s that?” You asked.
Guzma leans closer to your ear and whispered. “Your panties... Take them off.”
Your eyes widen as you thought he must’ve seen your underwear while you try to hide the rest of your body with his coat, but after a moment with your thoughts, you surrender to Guzma’s command and easily take off your panties and push them aside, now fully nude but with Guzma’s jacket still clinging around your upper body.
Guzma gives a lustful look in his eyes as he reaches out to you once more. “Now, c’mere!” 
Guzma pulls you in and finally locks his lips against yours, slipping his tongue inside between the wet and slobbery smooches you both take in. You and Guzma make out for the next few minutes until Guzma picks you up in a bridal fashion and takes you over to the bed, laying you flat on your back and once you hit the mattress the jacket you’re still wearing bounces open to reveal your full nude body for Guzma to gaze in awe as he climbs over you.
“Damn, you’re hotter than I imagined,” Guzma compliments as he dives to your neck and starts nibbling at the base of your skin.
You and Guzma make out a little more until he starts feeling up your breasts, pinching and twisting the nipples, and suckling them while you grasp a hand between the locks of Guzma’s soft, messy, white hair, and breathing out a few gasps and moans in between. Shortly, Guzma makes his way down slowly and tenderly across your stomach, kissing every part until he reaches your thighs; he sits up and takes off his white shirt and throws it to the floor, and then he takes your thighs and spreads them apart, revealing your already wet, shaved nether regions.
Licking his lips, Guzma takes another dive and goes straight to your clitoris, drubbing and engulfing the sensitive area, making you mewl in ways you’ve never experienced before, which at one point made Guzma look up at you to see your squirming in ecstasy, making his eyes glint in delight. In between laps, Guzma reaches a finger into your entrance, thrusting and touching all your more delicate expanse, making you all the more wetter for him, and more eager for his performance.
“Think you can take on my cock now, baby?” Guzma teased as he wipes his face with the back of his hand. 
Hesitantly, you nodded with your eyes bleary in lust, and you whole body already in motion to take anything the Big, Bad Boss will give you at this point.
“Good.” He grins; eyes glowing with desire and his smile as wide as a mischievous Gengar.
Guzma strips of the remaining clothing he had on, slipping out his already hardened cock, which is far larger than even you had imagined, and in a moment he finally yet gently slips inside your entrance. Slowly, he gets you used to the feeling of him inside you while thrusting back and forth, making you groan in delight of this moment; shortly, he begins to take you a little faster and teasing you with more kisses and bites to your upper body.
Both Guzma and you touch your foreheads for a minute as Guzma grinds faster into your pussy, stretching you and filling you with every inch of his cock; you yell his name in the air, begging for more, and he teases you once again while cupping your breasts to rub them in between each pound he takes to you.
“Ahh fuck... fuck, you’re so good! I’m gonna... almost...” Guzma pants as he nears his climax, while at the same time you also reach for yours while holding onto his upper body with your arms, clinging for dear life while Guzma fucks you to oblivion.
You yell out his name once more, and he yells for yours, and finally the both of you cum, both your heads throttle back in the wake of your climax as Guzma fills you with his seed and your juices squirm out alongside his slick dick. Both you and Guzma shortly collapse atop each other on the mattress, taking in each other’s bodies closer in an afterglow cuddle and gazing into each others’ eyes. You and Guzma make out slowly and tenderly once more, taking in another moment to yourselves until Guzma pulls out of you and relaxes himself to take another breather for himself as he lies next to you.
You also relax from the exhilaration of the lustrous intercourse you and Guzma had gone through, not even realizing the jacket your still wearing, but you also gladly didn’t take it off through the whole event. In a while afterwards, you roll yourself atop Guzma’s chest, laying your head about to hear his soothing heartbeat as you rest while Guzma wraps and arm around your shoulder in comfort. Both you and Guzma ease yourselves in a pleasant cuddle, until Guzma breaks the ice once more.
“So... What was that earlier about knocking out bus stop signs because they suck?”
At that moment, your eyes widen in shock; you had forgotten about your mocking Guzma earlier, while pretending to be him as you wear his hoodie. You look up at him and gave him a nervous chuckle, along with a very timid crooked smirk, realizing that Guzma had possibly overheard your previous insults about him before all the sexual pleasures you and Guzma endured.
Something tells you this was going to be a long night.
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me after having over 800 images of one guy from pokémon
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tinyhuman826 · 11 months
A Downpour in Po Town - Guzma Fluff Imagine (Part 1/?)
I'll probably make a part 2 to this at some point if you guys like it
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It wasn't the good side of town. Run down buildings, graffiti everywhere, overrun by a group of troublemakers... Oh, and it's storming. You trudge along the worn sidewalk, weeds growing from the cracks in its foundation. You don't know how you got here in the first place. You were supposed to be home by now.
As the rain soaks your hair and clothes, you grow more fatigued with every step. You look around with a squint, the downpour of rain making it difficult to see even 10 feet ahead of you. Most of the houses had large holes in their roofs, so you couldn't find any decent shelter from the storm. The pouring rain continued to pelt you, leaving chills in its wake as you shudder and hug your arms over your chest. You have to keep going. After a while of looking around, you settle for a small patio, sitting down to rest your exhausted muscles, hugging your knees to your chest and closing your eyes...
"...Hellooo? You hear me?" An unfamiliar voice gradually gets louder as you start to wake up. You slowly open your eyes, groan, and look up at the figure standing over you.
"Huh..?" You mumble, glancing around. The rain stopped, and it was lighter outside. How long were you asleep? You shiver as a breeze blows over your body, your soaked clothes ice cold, and your hair sticking to your skin.
"You deaf or sum'?" The man placed his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry...who are you..?" You slowly come to your senses. He seems oddly familiar. Maybe you've seen him before.
"Name's Guzma. Big bad boss of Team Skull." Great. Now you know why he was so familiar. He offered his hand and helped you up. "So, uh, what brings ya to Po Town? Not really the best place for a midnight stroll, ya know." To be honest, you can't remember. You took a wrong turn...or two...maybe three...shit, how far are you from home?!
"I don't know, guess I got lost.." you said quietly.
"Well you're damn lucky I found ya before ya froze to death out here. What were ya thinkin' stayin' outside during a storm?" He crossed his arms, taking off his jacket and throwing it over your shoulders. It was slightly oversized on him, and it practically went down to your knees, but it was warm and much better than the wind making you feel worse.
"Wasn't a lot I could do with all these broken roofs." You glanced around again, subconsciously pulling his jacket tighter around you. Guzma grabbed your wrist, pulling you along as he walked along the road.
"If ya walked for a few more minutes, ya would've noticed the house with a decent roof." Guzma motioned toward Team Skull's base. It was still run down, but in at least a little better condition than the rest of the town. He led you inside, ignoring the confused glances from the grunts.
"Hey Plumes, ya got any spare clothes?" He called as he led you down the hallway. You heard a response from behind a door.
"Yeah, why?"
"Some dork decided to sit out in the storm." He glanced to you, nudging you ever so slightly. A girl with pink and yellow pigtails came out of the room, holding some spare clothes. "Thanks, Plumes." He called as he took you to the end of the hallway, opening the door and handing you the clothes. "Just, uh... let me know when you're done -" He shut the door, leaving you to change. You slip into the dry clothes, feeling an immediate surge of warmth throughout your skin. You wring out your hair, trying to dry it at least a little, and place your wet clothes in the corner before opening the door.
"So I'm assuming ya don't got a place to stay the night." He was right. You didn't know how to get home from here and couldn't call anyone at such an unreasonable hour. You shook your head in response. "Well, uh... you can sleep in here... or if ya'd rather share with a girl, that's cool too.. I probably won't be in here for a while though, so just holla if ya need anythin'."
"I'm okay in here... thanks for..well, letting me stay. For tonight I mean." You shivered again, sniffling.
"Ya feelin' sick?"
"Just a little cold." He didn't seem satisfied with that answer, gently putting the back of his hand to your forehead.
"Damn, you're burnin' up. You should lay down before you faint." He gently nudged you toward the bed. You lay down on the bed, and he puts the blanket over you. "Sorry, don't got any more medicine. And none of the stores are open, so just... hang in there. I'll send someone in the morning." You nod sleepily as he leaves, hearing faint rap music in the background that slowly fades as you fall into a comfortable, warm, dry sleep.
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triskelion-soda · 2 years
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quick sketch of the king of destruction! :3c
lyrics from 'Defector' by Muse!
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elis-corner · 1 year
Words cannot describe the butterflies I feel watching Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! and the ending of Goodbye and Thank You Alola! for the sole reason of still being a simp all these years later for my childhood crushes.
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baphosimps · 1 year
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I forgot to mention as work and school has already been busy but I lucked out so good and found Guzma jacket!!! Ahhhh, I’m so happy 😭💜
Next thing I’m ordering is this cute ita spider bag that I think I’ll theme around for the other stuff I’ve collected.
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piplupod · 1 year
pleased to announce that i am Back on my bullshit :o)
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onestepbackwards · 2 months
Remember the reader who likes horror games you posted? Well, how about a horror game creator reader? And, I’m talking about reader who makes absolutely terrifying games; on the same level of those scary un-fiction (analoge) videos. Like Lacey’s flash game, The Walten Files, and ChezzKids Archive. Sorry if this is short. I’m just trying to keep it simple as I have a deep passion for horror since I was a kid and I don’t want to go on and on.
It starts off normal of course, not many who are aware poke around too much in your computer. Not at first.
But it's hard to ignore when you log onto your computer to work on your passion project, a horror series. On one hand, it's a bit... concerning and terrifying. They see parts of your game that are mainly complete. What caused you to create this? But, of course, that is harsh to think in the long run or initially. No one has to have a reason to create horror, and it is a fantastic genre to tell a story in, and to experience within a game.
However... It's not so bad when they see you sculpting models and animations from hand, and doing research for your project, and sketching art for it. It's a fascinating process to a lot of them, to see the behind the scenes look at how you create your horror game. No wonder you seem popular online with how much care you put into the project.
Emmet especially is one fascinated with watching you work, as well as a few others, such as Blue, and even Guzma. Though you do have a few folks worried with how hard you work yourself sometimes. No doubt looking at horror imagery, even if it's your own for hours at a time without breaks can have a rough effect. They don't want you having nightmares :(
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sammylatindeath · 7 months
Yo I made this plush of Momo a couple weeks ago and didn’t post any photos until now lol
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(Since there were no zippers or Velcro that I could use his vest has buttons) btw each article of clothing can be put on or taken off
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Honestly cutting out the pieces for the badge is a lot easier than drawing it-
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Bonus photo: flippers :3
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anoradraws · 2 years
Z-Move with a Price (Part 4)
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My first attempt at a P.O.V short story; hope you enjoy!
Summary: ‘While a battle you were forced to engage in pursues, your Z-Move attempt has mysteriously backfired... and now you have to pay for the consequences.’
⚠️WARNING:⚠️ Explicit language, mild violence and gore, slight sexual preferences. Read at your own caution.
The Pokémon Center now becomes a guarded fortress with the exception of other trainers coming in with their own Pokémon needing some attention and care. Several Team Skull grunts are practically covering almost every corner of the building as they were keeping watch over their boss, Guzma, who is staying at the Center for his Golisopod that is currently being treated for an extensive care and is scheduled for surgery soon. All because of you and your misuse of a powerful Z-move that mysteriously resulted in a cataclysmic impact that is now making Golisopod hanging on the brink of death itself.
Then, after an attempted battle rematch to escape, you suddenly belong to Guzma after striking a deal that would result into a madness of jokes and deprivations for you to endure while staying at the Pokémon Center with him. Already, Guzma’s gotten everyone in the building (with some of the Team Skull grunts accidentally in on the jokes) to believe you are on a ‘romantic honeymoon’ with him while staying and waiting for Golisopod to recover-- hopefully-- from his surgery, all as part of Guzma’s ‘punishments’ for you as payback for nearly killing Golisopod. While this is mostly silly, yet humiliating on your end, but it was only the beginning for your suffering under Guzma’s watch.
---------- End Interlude ----------
That same evening, you and Guzma enter the complex at the end of the hall on the third floor of the Pokémon Center; Guzma sets you down on the bed, but as you start to sit up Guzma suddenly grabs you by the throat and pins you back down on the mattress, squeezing you just enough to start choking, and at that moment Guzma speaks with a low and annoyed voice.
“Just so we’re on the same page; while you’re officially mine after our battle I have no interest in you, and I will NEVER forgive you for what you did today no matter how much you keep apologizing to me!”
Shortly, your face slowly begins to turn blue while Guzma continued but with his voice toned down slightly and his grip loosens a bit for you to breathe a little, despite you’re still being choked. “Personally, I don’t want to hurt you, but if you keep up with trying to escape me, you’ll be wishing you never set foot in Alola in the first place. In the meantime, we’re stuck together, for Golisopod to get better and back on his feet, and until then, you will do what I say and what I do with you, and you will pay for nearly killing my boy Golisopod. You got that?!”
You try to at least loosen Guzma’s grip from your neck a little more as you reply with a literal gag in your voice. “(Heave, gag) D-Duly noted!”
Guzma finally lets go of your neck and you quickly gasp and cough to finally start breathing again. Then Guzma walks over to the large window across the room that overlooks the outside of the Pokémon Center, and stands there to collect his thoughts, while you continue to massage your neck and catch your breath you also spoke to Guzma.
“Can I just (gasp, cough) say something?”
“Whatever.” Guzma remarked.
“(Sigh) Look, (wheeze) don’t get me wrong, (cough) you have every right to be angry at me; after everything I did, (cough) I deserve everything you throw at me; but just so you know I didn’t mean to hurt your Golisopod.. or even you for that matter. You may be an asshole, but I never wanted for any of this to ever happen, I was only doing what’s natural and legal when I battled you back at Malie City. Sure, I may have been overconfident when I felt I was gonna win that battle, but I guess that’s what caused the Z-Move to backfire, I don’t know; I still don’t know, really, truly, and this is definitely something I’ll regret forever.”
There was a slight silence between you and Guzma after your speech; momentarily, you concluded after another cough to clear your throat from Guzma’s chokehold earlier.
“You’re right though; (cough) no matter how much I’ll apologize I may never expect you to forgive me. I understand completely, but definitely know this will haunt me, deeply, for the rest of my life.” You explained once more, feeling a deep regret for not only your actions from today’s events, but for hurting Guzma as well. “Trust me, if it were the opposite between us, I’d be just as pissed as you are with me right now. Only, I’d probably take a blunt instrument and bash you until you wouldn’t breathe; but that’s probably just me.”
“(Chuckle) A little dark coming from you, but I weirdly like it.” Guzma chuckled, and then he turned his head to give you a small grin on his face as he feels both you and him care deeply for Pokémon.
Shortly, the door of the room knocks which caught both you and Guzma’s attention. You were about to answer, but Guzma stops you as he pushes you back onto the bed and remarked.
“Stay there.”
Guzma approaches the door and opens it to find Nurse Joy once again as she came by to return Guzma’s Ariados and your Bulbasaur from being healed and treated for the evening.
“Here are your Pokémon, all healed and taken care of!” The nurse says as she hands Guzma the pokeballs containing the Pokémon. “Just to give you a heads up, your Golisopod is resting well in the emergency room and is treated with some potions and proper foods to keep his strength up; we’ll begin the surgery first thing in the morning!”
“Thanks; at least there’s some good news.” Guzma remarked. “G’night Nurse.”
“Have a good night!” Nurse Joy replied as she begins to walk away.
Guzma locks the door of the complex and walks back over to you, tossing your pokeball back to you; and as you caught it, you summon your Bulbasaur back out just to make sure he’s okay. Your Bulbasaur stretches and shakes after being inside his pokeball for quite a long while, and then he looks up at you with a large grin on his face, feeling happy to see you again.
“Toothless! You’re alright!” You cried with relief in your voice.
Suddenly, Toothless pulls out one of his vines from his bulb and smacks you on the cheek; you figured he still didn’t forgive you for what happened at the rematch a couple hours ago when you froze during the battle as your arachnophobia took hold of you. You then apologized, hoping Toothless would forgive you.
“(Sigh) Alright, I definitely deserved that one. I’m so sorry Toothless; can you ever forgive me buddy?”
Toothless still holds the grin on his face, but then jumps into your arms and you hold, kiss, and squeeze Toothless tight in your arms for comfort, hoping this was Toothless’s way of forgiving you.
Guzma chuckles as he watched you hug your Bulbasaur in comfort. “If it makes you feel better, your Bulbasaur did put up a pretty good fight against my Ariados without hearing any of your commands.” He said with a calm voice. “Gotta respect that for a little guy like your Bulbs.”
“He is pretty strong for a level 79 stage one Pokémon.” You replied.
“Damn, you didn’t even evolve this guy yet?!”
“Just didn’t bother, and even Toothless is fine with that, aren’t ‘cha buddy?”
“Bulba!” Toothless barked with a happy grin as he continued to cuddle against you.
Momentarily, you look over at an electronic clock that’s sitting on the nightstand next to the bed you continued to sit on, and noticed the time being 11:48pm.
“Jeez, is it that late already?” You asked.
“Guess we should get some sleep.” Guzma replied. “Y’alright with sleeping next to ya boy here?”
At that moment you almost forgot that you and Guzma are spending the night in a one-bed complex that Guzma himself requested. Why he purposely asked for it was still beyond your mind.
“Personally, I still prefer to sleep in a dumpster.” You remarked with an annoyed expression.
Guzma explained once more. “Well, too bad, I asked for this so I can keep you close and keep an eye on you-- no matter what you do or even try. Remember, you’re not leaving me until Golisopod’s better, and after that, who knows?”
You let out a big sigh as you finally come to terms that you’re stuck with Guzma for the time being. Then, after Toothless hops back down to the floor from your lap, you grabbed your backpack as you headed towards the bathroom area of the room while you commented. “I need a shower then.”
While you entered the bathroom, Guzma walks over towards a dresser located across the bathroom entry as he sets his Pokémon team down on the left corner of the furniture, took off his watch and bracelets, sets his sunglasses down from his head, and unhooked his large medallion. Unbeknownst to you, you accidentally leave the bathroom door half open, as Guzma looks up at a medium sized mirror hanging over the dresser, and sees your reflection, your back side facing the entryway.
Guzma watches as you start stripping your clothes off at a decently slow pace, not realizing he’s watching your reflection of the mirror outside the bathroom. You start as you pull your hoodie shirt off and set it to the edge of the sink, then you begin to unhook your bra, fully exposing your naked back side for Guzma to suddenly raise an eyebrow in admiration. Then you unbutton your jeans and easily push them down to your ankles and then lifting your feet out of the sleeves of your pants one foot at a time, and push the clothing to the side.
Suddenly, before you would reach your underwear to finish stripping, a long vine grabs the door handle of the bathroom door and pulls the knob to fully shut the room! Guzma looks over to see what interrupted the show and sees Toothless was actually the one who shut the bathroom door.
“Bulbasaur!” He gave an annoyed bark at Guzma, indicating him to keep his eyes to himself.
“What? I was just admiring the view, that’s all.” Guzma joked as he heads back over to the bed as he takes off his jacket, shoes, and his sweatpants, leaving him in just his boxers and t-shirt.
Toothless keeps guard at the bathroom door while you showered for the next ten minutes until you opened the door and walked out drying your hair with a towel and dressed in your favorite Gengar themed t-shirt and soft fleece plain grey pajama pants. You look over at Guzma already in the bed as he teases you to come over next to him; you already feel a discomfort in just the thought of laying in bed next to the Team Skull leader in general; of course it wasn’t anything you had planned at all, but here you are. You shake off the discomfort, throw the towel to the nearest chair, and set your backpack to the corner of the nightstand on the other side of the bed from where Guzma’s located.
Your Bulbasaur already takes comfort to sleeping at the end of the bed, while you try to get yourself comfortable as you set yourself on your right side of your body without facing Guzma, and then you grab one edge of the blanket to cover yourself for warmth. Guzma does the same to get himself comfortable, but laying on his left side of his body and not facing you as well. Overall, you and Guzma just settled in bed for the night and finally drift off to sleep.
You awaken to a strange sound; looking over at the alarm clock on the nightstand, which read 4:37am, and then you look at Guzma who is snoring like a Snorlax in a coma, which you figured at that moment is what woke you up in the first place. You try your best to fall right back to sleep, but a side of your brain figured this is actually the right opportunity to finally attempt in escaping Guzma one more time.
Despite you still feel guilty for what you did to Golisopod, the rational side of you just couldn’t handle any more thoughts of you being stuck with Guzma, deal or no deal, you just had to get away.
Easily and quietly, you gingerly slip out of bed and grab your backpack and tennis shoes; you tiptoe around the corner to get Toothless’s attention, waking him and whispering to him that you and him are finally leaving the Pokémon Center. Toothless cocks his head to the side with a worried expression, but he follows you still ever so soundlessly until you approach the main doorway of the complex.
Realizing that the door is locked, you take a very soft and deep breath and gently begin to twist the knob of the locking mechanism with extreme discretion; then silently, you only hear the most faintest and tiniest of clicks coming from the lock after fully turning the knob to it’s open state, which suddenly made you worry of even that particular sound could nudge Guzma to wake up. You and Toothless look back over to Guzma, who is still lying motionless on the bed and still snoring deeply, checking to see if he’d budge.
Luckily, he didn’t.
You let out a very small sigh, but the job wasn’t finished yet. You and Toothless start to sweat with suspense, yet at the same time you start to gingerly grab hold of the handle of the door, turning it clockwise very slowly and tenderly until another tiny clink in the knob is heard and you turn your head once more, seeing Guzma still sleeping on the bed without moving a muscle.
Finally, you easily hold the doorknob in its current position, while taking your free hand and place it palm side down on the flat surface and very smoothly but very gradually open the entry panel.
Without warning, you suddenly see a large hand instantaneously push the door closed!
You yelped in fear, while Toothless also howled in fright and swiftly runs back to the bed, but hides under the furniture this time. You backed yourself against the corner of the wall next to the doorway as Guzma looms over you with another of his annoyed and pissed off looks on his face as he asks while he cornered you.
“Where do you think you’re going at this hour, hm?!”
Nervously, as well as sweating in terror, you replied. “Eh-- uh-- J-Just to get some... f-fresh air???”
Guzma truly doubted you and suddenly grabs you by the neck again, but this time he didn’t choke you; instead he reaches over to his pants which he put away earlier next to his accoutrements on the dresser across from the bathroom. He reaches into one of his pockets as he commented.
“Good thing I’m prepared then.”
He pulls out a pair of silver handcuffs. You figured he must’ve stolen those from Officer Nanu at some point; then you swallowed some air as you had a feeling of what he was going to do next.
- - - - -
You struggled slightly as you rattle the handcuffs tied to the post of the bed; you thought long and hard of what you tried to do after Guzma dragged you back onto the bed and cuffed both your wrists tightly, and come to the fact that you’re officially stuck with Guzma until he says otherwise. It’s a reality you don’t want to face, but you don’t have much of a choice, especially now that you’re handcuffed to the bed for the remainder of the evening.
While you laid in the bed as you try to at least go to sleep again, Guzma in his sleep turns his body and unknowingly wraps an arm around your waist and repositioned his head on your left shoulder. Your face flushes a pure blush red, definitely feeling more trapped at this point and also embarrassed that he’s actually cuddling against you.
At that moment, you try not to get this unexpected twist go through your head anymore, instead you brush it off, give a final but embarrassed sigh, and finally drift off too sleep.
- - - - -
Later the next day, you and Guzma were hanging out at the main lobby of the Pokémon Center; you were on your phone reporting some documents to your mentor back in Kanto, as well as playing a couple mobile games in between work, and Toothless nuzzles beside you to keep company as you also comfort him between work and gaming; meanwhile, Guzma was just sitting close to his prisoner, both keeping his eyes on you and was also in deep thought of Golisopod, and hoping he’s doing well.
You look back up to Guzma as you thought of your attempts last night and felt guilty for it as you spoke. “Listen, I’m sorry I tried to get away last night; (sigh) I guess the rational side of me just wanted to really escape and never look back.”
Guzma looks back and replies with a slight snark in his voice. “Let’s not go through that again, but if you do try again, you’ll definitely be sorry.”
“Yeah, read ya loud and clear.” You remarked with an eyeroll after listening to Guzma’s potential threats again.
You suddenly feel a bit hungry after a few minutes and decide to head to the Center’s café across from the lobby with Toothless jumping off the bench to follow you, but Guzma grabs you by your left wrist as he thinks you’re trying to get away again, and gives you another annoyed look on his face.
“Will you relax, I’ve already learned not to ever escape you again,” You reminded him. “I’m just going to the café to get something to eat; you want anything, I’ll bring it to you. Sheesh!”
Guzma grips tightly onto your wrist as he gets up from the silver bench the both of you were sitting at. He pulls you close as he replies. “No need, that’s why I’m coming with you.”
“Of course you are.” You mocked slightly but shrugged it off as you and Guzma both headed for the café.
For over an hour you two managed to have lunch together while you both continued to wait more for Golisopod’s surgery to finish, which in the nick of time, after finishing your meal, Nurse Joy finds you and Guzma at the café with some paperwork in her hands.
“Excuse me, Miss-- o-or rather Mrs...?” 
You interrupted as you remembered Guzma’s punishment for being ‘married‘ to him and kindly tell the Nurse not to call you that. “Yeah, uh, please don’t struggle yourself with that. What can I do for you?”
Nurse Joy explains while trying to remember if you and Guzma are actually a couple or not, but also tries not to think too hard of it. “Oh, I’m actually here to remind you and your, er partner I suppose, that Golisopod’s surgery is doing well so far, but it may take a little more time as you know his hard outer shell is quite difficult to piece together after how you explained of your Z-Move incident.”
“Which also brings to mind about the bill regarding your stay and your Pokémon's healthcare.”
The nurse hands you the paperwork of the cost for both Golisopod’s surgery and you and Guzma staying at the center for the possible next few days. You take a study through the sheets of paper and struggled to find the right words for the extensive costs that you may have to pay for, after all it’s (no harsh feelings) your fault for Golisopod to be in this mess.
“Pfrkskght!!!” You curse under your breath, but calmed down after looking at the bill then look up at Guzma with an annoyed expression. “(SIGH) I suppose this’ll count as another punishment?”
Guzma giggles while taking a sip of his Tapu Coacoa. “Meh. Call it a bonus on your end.”
You groaned by Guzma’s answer and then you grab your phone to make a couple calls while replying to the Nurse who continued to stand next to you waiting to finish the paperwork. “(Grunt) Guess I’ll have to call Oak and Kukui about my next paycheck if I ever get out of this.”
While you make a couple contacts and continue filling the paperwork, Guzma rolls his eyes and give a sigh, now feeling very bored of the current predicament you’re going through.
Then, Guzma takes another look at you, almost longer than he’d normally do, and then the fuzzy memory of watching you undress in the bathroom through the mirror last night weirdly came back to him. Admittedly, he thought you looked pretty hot the way you undressed, and how beautiful you look in his eyes before he was rudely interrupted by Toothless. Guzma even started looking back to the first day he met you back at Malie Gardens, way back even before Golisopod’s injuries, he took a deep interest in you especially after battling for the first time, and almost after that... he was actually taking a liking to you.
At that moment, Guzma developed an idea to make your current bill paying a little more interesting.
Underneath the table you and Guzma were sitting at, Guzma slips off one of his sneakers and slowly lifts his foot towards your left ankle, lightly taking a brush to the side of your pant sleeve. You haven’t even felt it yet, but then Guzma slouches slightly into the chair he’s sitting in as he continues to lift his foot and slowly but lightly rub up against your leg. At this point you were trying to brush off the unusual touch as you keep your concentration on writing off the bills. Then, Guzma reaches his foot up to the edge of your thigh and lightly presses and rub against it, while you start to feel the sensation but try not to reach under the table as you didn’t want the nurse next to you to see what was going on; so you continue the paperwork instead.
Then, Guzma’s foot finally reaches the edge of where your clit is, and almost instantly, he shoves his toes under the brim of your pants and rubs it back and forth. The shove causes you to accidentally twist your writing hand on one of the papers to leave a large black line with the pen you were holding, and the other hand to grab the edge of the table in a twitch. You held in a scream after feeling that forced push to your nether regions, which at that moment made Nurse Joy notice your shuddering.
“A-Are you alright?” She asked with a worried tone.
You struggled to answer with a squeak in your voice. “I-I’m cool, really! Heh, no problem at all!” Then, you looked at Guzma with an irritated expression as you instantly figured out what was causing those weird touches to your leg, thigh, and now clit.
Guzma gives a sinful grin to you as he takes another sip of his drink, feeling no regret at this point whatsoever.
In fact, he was only just getting started.
He continues to thrust his foot back and forth against your clit, rubbing your jeans very seductively, but you try your best to fight the sensation while continuing the paperwork. Then Guzma lifts his foot up to reach over your thigh again, but this time he extends underneath your shirt, rubbing your lower stomach that starts to send chills up your spine while you continue to resist the urge to make any unpleasant noises.
You try your hardest not to give in to Guzma’s foot playing, but it’s only getting worse to a point that Guzma takes his other foot and starts rubbing against your other leg, repeating the same pattern until he reaches your clit, and starts thrusting his toes against it, which started to make you cringe a little more.
You bite your lower lip as you continue to hold back the moans and grunts you were about to make as Guzma continued to grind his feet against you, and at the same time your free hand clenches and scratches the edge of the table while you try to steady your writing hand to continue the paperwork Nurse Joy continues to wait on. You skirmish a little more, bucking your hips against Guzma as he now takes both feet against your nether regions, approaching to the point where you’re about to come, while you manage to finish off the bills as quick as possible, until finally, as brisk as a Jolteon you hand Nurse Joy the now completed files and you immediately grab Guzma’s ankles to finally stop him from rubbing you.
Nurse Joy goes through the completed work to make sure everything is in order; then she give her usual happy expression as she remarks. “Thank you for your patience and cooperation; I’ll be sure to keep you two up to date on Golisopod’s progress.”
You grind your teeth, sweat nervously, and your left eye twitches as you replied. “Sure. Good to know.”
Within a minute after Nurse Joy gleefully walks away to her work post, you finally snap at Guzma, smacking your hands on the table as you stood up from the chair you were sitting on.
At that moment however, your legs tremble by the sudden sensations after feeling Guzma’s feet under your pants and you feel yourself drop to your knees on the floor while keeping part of your upper body and arms on the edge of the table; you feel yourself come after desperately holding it in for that whole event, leaving your pants wet from Guzma’s grinding.
Guzma smirks after you quiver against the table and remarks with a smug voice. “What, I got bored while you were writing all that shit for the Nurse.”
“Oh like you ever paid a bill in your life!” You replied, deeply pissed than before.
“(Chuckle) Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it either sweetie. I saw a glint in your eyes; you were enjoying it as much as I did.”
You smacked your hand against your face, hiding some of the embarrassment that, admittedly at one point while you filing the paperwork, you did felt the need of Guzma grinding against you with his feet, but at the same time it just wasn’t the right moment and not to mention you were still feeling a dislike towards Guzma.
“You. Are the most. SELF-CENTERED! RECKLESS!! INCONCEIVABLE JACKASS!!! I’ve EVER met in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!” You cried as your face flushed the reddest of blush you’ve ever made and then slam your face against the table to hide your shame; meanwhile, your Bulbasaur, who had no idea what was going on during the whole conversation, notices your flustered enragement and begins to comfort you.
Guzma gives you a couple minutes to breathe out your frustrations and finishes his drink. He gets up from the chair afterwards and walks up to you as you continue to kneel on the floor; he starts to wrap a large arm around your waist while he spoke. “C’mon, I’ll help you clean up.” And while he takes the other arm to lift your legs together, he almost feels your juices bleed through your pants while you wrap both your arms around his neck to hold onto him, burying your face deep within his shoulder to continue hiding your degradation from the public’s eyes, which some of them either witnessed your outburst or ignored them.
“Wow, you really got yourself wet for me, didn’t you?” Guzma joked as he felt some of your extract bleed from your pants while he carried you.
You muffled with an annoyed tone. “Fuck you, I fucking hate you so fucking much!”
“I know you do baby.” Guzma snickers while he gives you a light peck against your head, and then he carries you back up to the complex room.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (You are here)| Part 5 | Part 6 | Epilogue 
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roseboysstuff · 1 year
All the stuff you need to know :
My name is Teddy. I’m 21 with he/they pronouns. I’ll only write x male and x ftm reader. Fem-aligned can interact but don’t comment or ask for x female content. I write smut for ftm readers, which will include the words 'pussy' and 'cunt' for genitals. Fight me I don't care. Requests are open! Just send me an ask! Dark content like yandere or incest may be ahead. I got inspired by a mutual of mine who’s account got terminated to write my own drabbles.
Feel free to express your horny thoughts in my ask box, I'm always itching for new ideas, and I like being horny about fictional men
My masterlist
I am @ftm-fox-prince this is just where I write fanfic drabbles
My character list is below, may add or delete based on my preferences
- Arven, steven stone, guzma
- Keith, Shiro, James, Lance, Lotor
Greek mythology, actual mythology not the hades game
- Hades, Achilles, Patroclus, Hermes, Apollo
FNAF movie
-Mike Schmidt, William Afton
-Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
- Leon kennedy, Anakin Skywalker, Fire lord Zuko -Also, if you have an idea for an OC that you want me to right, then ask away! I love writing for general character archetypes
I write :
- male/ftm reader
- incest
- quite a few kinks just ask
Both sfw and nsfw
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A list of fictional characters I'm dating cause I'll never find a real person to love lol. More will be added.
Cancer Lord (Rage vs. Cancer)
Sans (Undertale / Deltarune)
Pico (Friday Night Funkin)
DJ Subatomic Supernova (No Straight Roads)
Guzma (Pokemon: Sun and Moon)
King Dedede (Kirby)
Marie (Splatoon)
Spyke (Splatoon)
Glep (Smiling Friends)
Max Design Pro / Twiddlefinger (FNF Mod)
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dandyshucks · 10 months
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Dandy/Juno/etc || 23 || they/it || Métis
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hiya hello!! welcome to my silly little blog where I have a little silly fun rbing/talking about F/Os!! F/O list is under the cut way down there ⤵
I'm totally fine with sharing F/Os except for Guzma (if you tag all your posts abt him then you're a-okay to follow, I'll just block that specific tag)!
if you need to block me please just hardblock me - I have several disorders that affect my memory so if you softblock me I will likely just end up following again and I'd hate to be a pest that way!! no hard feelings, do what you gotta do!!
🔞 there might be (very rare) occasional suggestive posts, but those will be tagged accordingly for easy blacklisting! anything Actually nsfw will be over at my 18+ only sideblog @scandydandyshucks ! 🔞
I upload my selfship fics to AO3 now!
I also have a carrd with more info about me and this blog! And I have a neocities where I'm having a lot of fun creating my own site that's mainly dedicated to Guzma :3
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📰 for posts about the ongoing genocide happening, please go to @piplupod my general account. please donate to gazafunds.com if you have the means!
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🚫 People who ship pedophilic or incestual pairings and people who write/draw(/otherwise create) porn of children will be blocked, I have zero tolerance for any of that ! Also, the "fiction doesn't affect reality" crowd is strictly NOT welcome here ! 🚫
If you ever see me reblog from someone nasty, please let me know so I can go investigate and deal with it! ∑ദ്ദി˙◡・)
If you need anything tagged, feel free to ask - even with the memory issues, I'm usually pretty good at remembering to tag for things when asked directly ^-^
F/O list under the cut !!
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F/O list:
Main F/O:
Guzma (pokemon) (tag: "💜so good at being in trouble", ship tag: "💜a boy and his bug🪲")
Other F/Os (from most active to least):
Wardell Hurst (OC) (tag: "🕯the warmth of your doorways")
Shota and Hizashi (bnha) (tags: "🖤napping in class" and "🧡hello radio land!", ship tag: "🖤one lucky listener🧡")
Rum Tum Tugger and Mistoffelees (cats the musical) (tags: "🌟only like what I find for myself" and "✨never was there a cat so clever")
Theodor and Philby (OCs) (tags: "🚪theodor" and "☎philby" and "🚪take me home☎")
Marc, Steven, Jake (moonknight) (tags: "🤍whatever it takes", "🤎float like a butterfly sting like a bee", "🩶the man in the rearview mirror", ship tag: "🌙systems overlapping🪲")
Sun and Moon (fnaf) (QPR?) (tags: "💛lights on!" and "💙nightlight")
Bart (Bartine) Curlish from DGHDA (tag: "🪚inmate qt 3.14")
Shane from SDV (tag TBA)
Senshi from dunmeshi (tag TBA)
Laios from dunmeshi ??? maybe ???? (tag TBA)
self insert tags:
pokemon: junebug🪲
cats: tickitywick⚙️
DL worldbuild: dandy🌻
general F/O posts are tagged with 💗
op tag: "dandy.cmd"
art tag: "doodlebug.png"
writing tag: "dandy.doc"
WIP tag: "doodlebug.jpeg"
vent tag: "vent //"
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