#guys. i make ocs. i know how hype it is to have ocs to share with other people. this is the whole reason why i used to have rp blogs
Thoughts on people drawing your oc’s with theirs?
Moral and correct and based actually do it and then ramble about your OCs
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Sooo I was thinking of Tomas trying to learn how to flirt because he wants to impress the reader however the reader (who has feelings in return) catches him flirting with another female Shirai Ryu member and mistakes it as he has feelings for someone else, cries about it to Kuai Liang who decides to help the reader out by taking her on a "date" to make Smoke jealous. When Smoke sees them together on their "date", he becomes consume with jealousy that fires him up to tackle Kuai Liang and bluntly tells the reader how he feels. 😅😅
It Should Be Me!
Prior notes: Oooh i like this one. I hope you don’t mind me using my oc as a place holder for the female Shirai Ryu member.
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader, and Kuai Liang is there I guess
Warnings ‼️: Silly goose, there is none! I think
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Who fell harder: You or Tomas? Could be both. You sure do like each other a whole lot.
Conversation that last for hours. Training together even though he should be focusing on the others. Showing each other your favorite genres of music. Oh the memories get you kicking your feet and rolling around in bed. Everyone thinks you two would look cute together. A perfect match really. But one of you has got to confess already. Ah but it won’t be you.
You are brave enough to take a horde of assassins head on. Confessing to someone that you like them takes a whole different kind of braveness. A kind that you have to build up. For now you will carry on with the hope that no one else tries to take your man. Actually, now would be the usual time you would meet up with him. Get to it, honey!
You were about to round the corner until you heard Tomas. You stopped yourself, peeking your head out to see who he was talking to. He was talking to the new girl. There was something strange going on. Her giggling, his closeness to her, that look he was giving her, that tone in his voice. Oh no! He’s flirting with her.
You heard it, compliments about her eyes and how any man would be lucky enough to have a funny girl like her around. You practically felt your heart rip apart. It hurt to hear those words being told to another girl. You always wished he would say such things to you. A wish that may never come true now. To you it was already over. It seemed he picked another girl over you and you’re left questioning what did she do that you didn’t.
Your eyes started to grow watery and the last thing you wanted was for Tomas to see you cry over this. It was his decision on who to date, you can’t change that fact. You silently walked away while you sniffled and wiped your tears with your sleeve. The only person you trusted to share this heartbreak with was Kuai Liang. At least you knew he wouldn’t judge you since he’s not that kind of guy.
But wait! You made a mistake! You didn’t hear the rest of their conversation.
“Ah Tomas, you’re getting better every day with your pick up lines. Soon enough you’ll be getting more girls than Johnny does.” The girl complimented him.
“Aw thanks, Kris. But you know I’m only doing this for you know who.” He whispered the last part, unsure if you were around or not.
“Oh yes, yes, yes. Well I can certainly say that she will fall for your charm easily now, if she hasn’t already done so. When do you plan on asking her out?”
“Tomorrow. There’s a festival going on and I was hoping she would say yes to going with me. When we are there I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend.”
The look of Tomas’ face showed how enthusiastic he was to ask you out. He was clueless to the fact that there was some miscommunication before he could communicate to you. That girl was already hyping him up to go find you and ask if you wanna go to the festival tomorrow. You were already in Kuai Liang’s office when they were done talking.
“I don’t know what happened. I thought he liked me.” You cried into your hands while Kuai Liang just sat there awkward.
Therapist was not in his occupation but looks like he has to play that role for you. He is somewhat confused of Tomas’ actions. He thought his brother liked you a lot considering how much he gushed over you. If his brother changed his mind suddenly he had no idea about it.
Kuai Liang lightly patted your back to soothe you, “I am unsure of what to tell you. Just…please stop crying, it will be okay.”
He wasn’t being mean he just didn’t want anything bad between you guys. Kuai Liang conjured a plan in his head of what to do while still trying to soothe you. An idea popped up in his head. It may have seemed extreme but he wanted to fix the issue fast and effectively.
“Okay, how about this. I take you on a “date” to the festival tomorrow. Someone will tell Tomas where you are and the thought of being with me might make him realize he wants you instead.” He tried to sound confident with this plan like it could actually work.
“Your plan is to make him jealous?” You asked as your crying died down.
“I guess you could say that. Do you have anything better?”
You immediately nodded your head no. Even if the plan didn’t work out at least you could get out for once. Spending time wouldn’t be bad either. You just wished it was with Tomas.
Will you ever recover from this sorrow?
Plans were set into motion. You had your plan and Tomas had his. Tomas was preparing himself to ask you to go to the festival with him. He was all giddy and he came walking up to you with a warm smile on his face. His heart was pumping just thinking about you saying yes. His emotions made him miss the sour expression on your face.
“Hey! I’ve been looking for you. I had something important to ask you.” He started off.
“Oh yeah…what is it?” You seemed dismissive but once again his emotions made him miss that.
“I was wondering if you and I could go to the festival tomorrow. I thought it would be nice. Plus I’d love to go out with a pretty girl like you.”
He thought his flirting would really get you this time. This should have been easy but what you said next shocked him to his core.
“No, I’m already going out with your brother. It’s a date.” You said it so casually before walking off as if you didn’t just crush this man.
How could this happen? This was a joke right? Yeah, this had to be. You were joking with him and you would actually come around later to tell him to come with you to the festival. Oh you’re so silly…right?
Tomas was in a daze throughout the rest of the day which continued over to the next. You saw the plan was actually working so you planned to continue with it. Though it still saddened you that he didn’t try to stop you already or ask why you were doing this.
Have patience, soon he will take action.
He was pacing around in his room, blabbering to the same girl he was practicing his flirting with about how you were just messing with him.
“I mean it just doesn’t make any sense. The two are close but never would I think they were that close. We are the ones who are that close. Oh what am I thinking? I’m sure she will be coming around soon and just tell me it was a prank and then we’ll go out there and I’ll ask her to be my girlfriend.” Yeah, yeah that should be right.
“They’re leaving.” The girl pointed her thumb to the window where Tomas saw you and Kuai Liang leaving for the festival.
Tomas immediately bolted out the door. He didn’t care if he looked crazy to the other clan members for running out into the world, he had to catch you.
You sighed in disappointment. The festival seemed wonderful with warm lighting around and yummy smelling food. If only you could’ve spent the time with Tomas. You kept walking with Kuai Liang, arms locked as if you two were on an actual date. He looked at you with a concerned expression. He was hoped this would go differently but he’ll do his best to make the most of it for you.
“I’m sorry about the outcome. I was sure my brother would come after you once he found out you were going with me.” Kuai Liang apologized since he didn’t want you feeling heartbroken.
“It’s not your fault. I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” Your voice cracked a little when you said that.
Kuai Liang brought you in a hug, having your head rest on his shoulders. He whispered to you that it will be alright and he’ll buy you some food. That should help.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Tomas was nearby watching you two. He really couldn’t believe you were out with his brother. When Kuai Liang pulled you into a hug it damn near drove the man crazy. He could never hurt his brother but this was the first time he has ever felt the need to destroy him. And when Kuai Liang started to rest his head on top of your head Tomas thought he was going in to kiss you.
A blaze of fury ignited in his body. Hell hath no fury like a man who is after a woman. By the gods he was pissed!
When Kuai Liang pulled away from you, Tomas saw that as the opportunity to attack his brother. Kuai Liang had no time to react as he heard the quick footsteps coming right towards him. His brother slammed into him, tackling him to the ground with a harsh thud emitting from the crash. Kuai Liang was in a daze as Tomas grabbed him by the collar of his uniform.
“How could you?! You know how much I like her! How could my own brother do this to me?” He kept shaking Kuai Liang.
Like? Wait, did you hear that right? Did he just say that he likes you a lot?
Tomas turned his full attention towards you now while still on his knees.
“Please don’t do this to me. Don’t go out with my brother. I’m the one who loves you. Don’t you remember all those nights we would listen to music together? I want to have many more nights like those but with you as my girlfriend instead of just being my friend. I love you.” He announced.
You looked down at him with shock. His eyes are begging you to accept his affection. His tone showed he was desperate and possibly even worried you wouldn’t date him.
“Bu-but I thought you were trying to go after Kris. I heard you flirting with her.”
“No,” he started to get back on his feet, “She was teaching me how to flirt. I was hoping to impress you. I just really wanted you to be my girlfriend and I didn’t want to ruin my chances.”
A blush crept onto his cheeks as he felt embarrassed for admitting that. He was also embarrassed that he was caught before and that the incident caused this great confusion.
Knowing the truth, your heart started to flutter as you realized he was doing all that just to get with you. In a way those words that he said to that girl were actually meant for you. He truly is the sweetest guy around.
You practically leapt onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips attacked his lips in a passionate kiss. You were overjoyed by the fact he wants you as his girlfriend. The extent he went through just to better his chances showed he is committed to you. This is like a dream come true for you.
Tomas was surprised by the hug and kiss but happily accepted it. His arms wrapped around your waist. This was a magical moment for him. It didn’t go as planned but he is happy that the outcome still gained him a wonderful girlfriend. He placed you back on the ground while smiling at you. And then he remembered what he just did to his brother. He swiftly turned around and saw his brother wasn’t lying on the ground anymore.
“He must have walked off. Don’t worry, he’s capable of taking a hit.” You tried to calm Tomas’ concerns which luckily worked.
“Yeah, that must be it,” He started looking around, “Well, I would hate to waste this opportunity with you. How about we explore the festival together. As girlfriend and boyfriend.”
“I would like that a lot.” You smiled at him as you two locked arms.
The night ended off on a good note. You enjoyed your time with Tomas at the festival. A warmth enveloped you as you recognize that this is no dream but a reality. A reality where you and him are happy. Just the way you guys both want it.
Bonus ending
“Damn! You got knocked the fuck out.”
Kuai Liang heard a familiar voice speak to him as they grunted from yanking on his body. Warm liquid spilled on his face and when he opened his eyes he saw Kris dragging him while drooling over the grilled squid she had in her mouth. He grimaced as he wiped her drool off his face.
“What happened?” He asked.
“Like I said you got knocked the fuck out. Yup, Tomas done fucked you up.” She responded very casually.
“Kris, please refrain from cursing it’s improper. Now help me up.”
He expected Kris to do as he said but she just dropped him.
“What are you talkin about? It’s not improper. I’m just puttin some fuckin love in there. You can drag your ass back home yourself, grandmaster.”
He watched as she started to walk away, more focused on the grilled squid on a stick. When did she even have time to get that?
“Alright! You can curse. Just help me up.”
She listened this time and yanked him to his feet. Poor Kuai Liang, may the elder gods help him.
After notes: I got a 90 on my asl final yippie! And I should have been working on final papers but instead I was finishing this fic at school. Pick and choose, people, pick and choose. Now I better get my ass to communications even tho I hate it. Adiós!
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heartsforseo · 6 months
Strawhats with a member who likes Sanrio
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A/n: I LOVE Sanrio sm and used to have a Keroppi mirror and Hello Kitty plush (now I have more >:)). The Skincare fic did better than I thought tbh. And I ws brainstorming what fic to write since I ws bored. So pls request :(( also maybe a bit oc??
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⭑Luffy wouldn't understand why you like Sanrio and what's the hype about it.
⭑Yeah, he heard about it from Makino and got a shirt that's Kitty, but that's that.
⭑When you ramble about Sanrio to him, he'd just laugh about it and say, "You really know so much about this, Y/n!"
⭑Especially about your fav character(s), he'd just listen to you, smiling and looking right at you. Though he might doze off from time to time.
⭑And if he ever remembers, he'd tell you about the Hello Kitty shirt he got from Makino.
⭑And if he ever figures out that he had that merch before you, he'd boost about it and talk about it until dinner arrives.
⭑But now whenever you guys stop on a new island, he'd race you on the Sanrio merchandise and steal buy one for you and him.
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⭑Zoro, the best man, would stare at you like you just escaped from the mental asylum.
⭑He really doesn't know anything about Sanrio. He thought that it was some booze at first based on how much you'd talk about it.
⭑But when you finally explained what it was to him he was like://
⭑He noticed your gloomy expression and he suddenly started panicking.
⭑Would try to tell you what he heard from your rambling, but all you could hear were some loud stutterings.
⭑It was honestly laughable how hard he tried. So extra credit for him.
⭑You told him how he acts like Badzt and he was like, "Is he cool?"
⭑But now whenever you guys would stop by a new island, he'd somehow reach the Sanrio stall first.
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⭑Nami would gasp, someone actually knows Sanrio???
⭑When Nami was young, she'd see it on one of the newspaper pages. She'd always look forward to the new chapters to be released.
⭑She'd also hear some of it from Bellemere and would get hand-me-downs from Nojiko.
⭑So when she overhears you ramble about Sanrio to someone she'd butt in and share her opinion.
⭑After the conversation, she'd start noticing how many references and merch you have of your favorite character.
⭑Now, whenever you guys stop on a new island, she'd happen to buy you clothes for your favorite character.
⭑Say your thanks and she might buy you more. (But don't abuse it or make her angry, she'll pull up the bills.)
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⭑Sanji also knows a lot about Sanrio.
⭑Working at Baratie as a server and cook, he'd seen a lot of girls wearing Sanrio bracelets or necklaces.
⭑He'd even gift Sanrio cut flowers with a letter (the dedication of this man goes crazy).
⭑So when he finds out you like Sanrio, he immediately shows you his pile of plushies, posters, cards, stickers, etc.. you name it.
⭑Every day, you gotta expect a gift from him.
⭑And it doesn't help that he gets more creative--day by day. For example, he'd first give you small gifts then start getting bolder and bolder.
⭑He’d also make you a sanrio-themed food/dessert/drink.
⭑Whenever you guys would go to a new island, he'd add a "gift for Y/n" to the list.
⭑And when you all would set sail, the cycle returns.
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⭑Ussopp is also one of the people who knows a lot about Sanrio.
⭑He was just skimming the newspaper and saw Sanrio, now he looks forward to the stories and maybe even gets some inspiration for his stories.
⭑When you told him that you love Sanrio, he told you about his stories and that he met the creator of Sanrio. Even meeting KeroKeroppi.
⭑But fr though, he probably made a weapon inspired by Sanrio.
⭑Ooh, speaking of weapons. He has an inspired Sanrio attack and name.
⭑Now whenever you guys boarded off, he'd look for gunpowder and get some ideas and critiques from you.
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⭑Chopper has heard of Sanrio from the townsfolk and Dr. Hiriluk.
⭑When you told him you like Sanrio he was happy.
⭑He starts talking about things from the past that link with Sanrio.
⭑When you told him that his animal form is like Deery-Lou, he'd whine and say, "I'm a reindeer, not a deer!"
⭑All jokes aside, he likes getting praised and being told by strangers that he looks like a Sanrio character.
⭑He likes sweets so when he saw a Sanrio-themed lollipop he'd start squealing and run over to buy one.
⭑Now whenever you have to go to a new island, you'll see Chopper with 2-3 Sanrio-themed lollipops.
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⭑Robin would also know what Sanrio is
⭑Looking at other children having those kinds of stuff, I'm sure she must have dreamt of having at least one merch before.
⭑But when she was still Ms. All Sunday, I'm sure she kept track of the storyline in the newspapers.
⭑When you tell her about your love for Sanrio she'll say, "Is that so? I have some fair share about it."
⭑She collects the little kinds of stuff. For example, she has a keychain of kuromi and Aggressive Retsuko (it reminds her of Chopper).
⭑Now whenever you guys get off to a new island, she'll maybe buy you a keychain and match with her (if she has time, especially since she's looking for poneyglyphs).
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⭑Franky has heard of Sanrio before.
⭑Especially from Tom-san.
⭑He honestly likes Sanrio. He even tried to make one before, when he was young.
⭑When you told him 'bout your love for Sanrio, he immediately thought of building you one.
⭑AND HE ACTUALLY DIDD!!! It was a life-size Pochacco statue!
⭑If you didn't like the character or have other commissions, Franky would happily do them!
⭑Now, whenever you guys settle to a new island, you don't have to worry about getting the limited's since Franky could make them.
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⭑Hands down, Brook probably knows the owner☠︎︎
⭑This guy is so old he may even helped with the soundtrack.
⭑All jokes aside tho, I'll say that Sanrio wasn't really known when he was still alive. And considering he has been wandering on his own for 50 years, he had definitely missed much of it.
⭑You'll have to tell him what the latest chapter is and what he missed (He's in the corner, crying cuz he missed so much).
⭑He'd probably play a soundtrack he remembers when he first watched it 50 years ago.
⭑But once you fill him in on the latest news, he'll also be fangirling with you!! (Yoohoo new buddy!!)
⭑Now, whenever you guys would settle on a new island, you both would hang out and discuss the latest episode.
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⭑Jimbei I'd say would know the basics
⭑I mean, he has been a fighter so I'd say he hasn't gotten some time for relaxation.
⭑he reminds me of Hangyodon sm :(((
⭑I mean, he's a nice guy who likes the best for others.
⭑When you told him about your love for Sanrio, he'd be like, "Oh I know some of that." but he'd prefer to listen to you.
⭑When you tell him about his similarities to Hangyodon, he'll probably try to learn more about him.
⭑Hangyodon would probably be one of his favorites. Especially since he's the first one he knows a lot about.
⭑Now whenever you guys would leave for the next island, you'd give him some small stickers and ties.
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A/n: Okokokokok so ofc I don't know MUCH about Jimbei yet. And I just got into the backstory of the sun pirates. I'm at like 536. But anyway, I finally finished this fic after 23 hours. Ofc I was bored again so I wrote. My next fic would be the Gaming one unless someone sent a request. ALSO MAYBE OOC
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rockybloo · 3 months
Slightly (or extremely) unrealistic scenario but it’s funny (at least to me) so I’m sharing it:
A random person (preferably a woman) asks Sweetheart and Bitterbat “Do you think I’m pretty?” And, Sweetheart being the sweetheart she is (pun intended 🙂) says “Of course!” Bitterbat on the other hand is like “Yeah, but not as pretty as my girlfriend.” And then Sweetheart just looks at him with a serious face and says “Did you just tear down another woman in the age of the Barbie movie?” Bitterbat confused starts sputtering and before he can say anything else she drags him away saying “We’re having a talk about this when we get home.” Leaving the poor individual just as confused.
…The point is Sweetheart is a feminist no doubt (actually some doubt because you’re the creator so…)
I thought the Barbie movie was cute but...it was def very much 2010s Tumblr feminism for me. As in it just...really lacked dimension for my tastes.
So I don't particularly see it as something that speaks to Sweetheart save for her pointing at Ken during the earlier scenes and telling Bitterbat "Look it's you".
This is a long one so buckle up
In a situation where a woman randomly asked them (while they were their civilian selves) their opinion on her appearance, I imagine this would happen on a mall date where they are probably shopping for make up or clothing. And I imagine this is just someone wanting some outside views on herself to make an opinion on what to get. Or maybe it could even be a random street interaction.
Sweetheart would of course say she looked pretty since...well she isn't called sweetheart for nothing. And she would hype her up some to give her more confidence just for a extra nice cherry on top since she knows how it feels to have low self esteem when it comes to appearances.
Sweetheart also knows her man. She knows he thinks she is beauty herself and no one compares. She can also read Bitterbat's body language and knows he can be blunt as hell. She knows regardless of gender, that man will hurt someone's feelings.
So all she needs to do is give Bitterbat look. A very specific look he knows very well.
It's that "BEHAVE" look.
Bitterbat does what Sweetheart tells him, verbal or not, and he agrees with Sweetheart with a big ole artificially sweet smile. He enters that good ole customer service mode he takes when he knows being "himself" might lead to upsetting Sweetheart, and compliments the woman's appearance enough to send her on her way.
He's a smart guy and he knows his way around emotions very well. It's what makes him dangerous because of how well he can play people.
And once the woman walks away, beaming and happy, Bitterbat drops the act and Sweetheart just gives that amused sigh as she shakes her head some.
"Boy, if you don't stop being mean" But there's a chuckle to it because she finds it somewhat entertaining.
Bitterbat just does that smug ass expression where his forked tongue peeks from his mouth before pecking her on the cheek.
As for Sweetheart being a feminist, I don't really slap labels on OCs save for their race or ethnicity, their sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Labels don't give good enough insight into how a character really thinks so I don't wanna give one to a character and have people misread them.
So, to give her stance on gender based stuff, Sweetheart certainly believes everyone should be equal and that men shouldn't be deemed better than women. She also doesn't believe all men are complete heartless assholes or vilianizing masc things. Nor should more feminine things be deemed weaker and pathetic.
She also loves trans people and believes that women's rights should include trans women as well and that trans rights are human rights. And she believes that change cannot be achieved through the demonization of people just because of their gender identity or sexuality.
If that is what Feminism stands for then yeah, she totally is one.
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artyandink · 6 months
we could be more | interview | 1
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A/N - Since I found no faceclaim name for Ivy, I’m making an OC called Raye McClaren. Enjoy!
“Today we’re here with the cast of Supernatural.” The reporter, Haley, announced with a smile. “We have Jensen Ackles, who plays Dean Winchester, Jared Padalecki as Sam Winchester and the newest addition, Raye McClaren as Ivonne Rainer. How are you guys feeling having completed season two?”
“Do you want my honest answer?” Raye asked with a smirk.
“Like I wanna leave- just kidding.” She giggled after getting a shoulder punch from Jared. “Exhilarating, cause I went into this not knowing whether the fans would like Ivy or not because, you know, late addition, so on and so forth, but she got an amazing reaction.”
“You really worked for that role.” Jensen grinned, nudging Raye.
“Like she actually worked out.” Jared teased, patting her on the shoulder. “Tell ‘em.”
“So,” Raye chuckled, “I got on set around halfway through the filming of season one, and I’m with Diane, the costume executive, and I meet Kripke, and he takes one look at me and goes ‘well…’ Cause Ivy’s a badass, we’re meant to have a-”
“- badass figure.” Hayley and Raye finished together.
“Exactly. So I’m wonderin’ what’s goin’ on and then Kripke just comes out with ‘ok, you’re gonna give us some muscles before your season two debut.” Raye then made a comical expression, which made Jensen laugh. “He gave me six months. I said ‘No, Eric, give me four’. I was that eager to get lean. Yeah, so I buy every exercise equipment thing and new-fangled object because I need to jack up.”
“We were like- are you sure?” Jared cackled, slapping his knee. “Cause she wasn’t an avid exerciser.”
“Now she’s terrifying; she’s a full blown adrenaline junkie, benching insane amounts and doing pull ups like she’s breathing.” Jensen chuckled, hand on her knee. “But we’re proud of her.”
“She’s our adrenaline junkie.”
“I can imagine.” Haley giggled. “And apparently you weren’t actually about to audition for Supernatural, Raye. What changed your mind?”
Raye giggled, running a hand through her hair. “Well, I was actually going to audition for The Devil Wears Prada, which I realise now that I had no chance for if Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep and Emily Blunt are in it, but Jensen called me up one day and told me about his TV show Supernatural, which he was on with Jared and they were lookin’ for someone with my description to play a character called Ivonne Rainer.
“I’d known Jensen since I’d been his colleague in Dawson’s Creek in ‘03 as CJ’s eventual girlfriend and best friend Autumn and again his love interest Alyssa in Dark Angel, so I was hyped to be on another set with him. I told my agent, Carly, to book me an audition and I turned up in the wardrobe which I thought Ivy would wear. I felt so nervous, but thank the stars that before every audition I start method acting - I terrified the hell out of Carly - and I was already in the zone.”
“Think about it.” Jared smirked, gesturing and Jensen. “If he wasn’t here, she wouldn’t be.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s true and you know it.”
“I’ve got a big head about it.” Jensen winked.
“You two won’t let me live it down.” Raye shook her head with a soft smile. Jensen patted her knee, then took her hand.
“Raye and I had worked together a lot and our on screen chemistry was insane, so I had to get her on Supernatural. And after Dark Angel, of course she’s fit for Ivy, and I can’t see anyone who’d do a better job.”
“Aw, Jen.”
“You’re great at what you do. Don’t sell yourself short, y’hear?”
“Loud and clear.”
“So, guys, what was your favourite scene to film so far?” Hayley asked, smiling a bit at Jensen and Raye.
“These two have done too much talking, so I’ll start.” Jared grinned. “Uh, I’d say the play fight scene in Tall Tales. That one was particularly memorable because Jensen and I are just rolling around, Raye pushes us both off the bed- it’s just an amazing scene.” Jensen and Raye shared a knowing smirk, which caught Jared’s eye. “Uh, the look on their faces probably means they have a shared answer.”
“I think we do.” Raye smirked, and Jensen nodded.
“Wanna say it together?” He snickered.
“On three. One, two-“
“The sex scene.” They chorused, then giggled.
“It’s cause while Jen and I had kissing scenes before, we’d never had a sex scene.” Raye shrugged, looking over at Jensen. “It tested our calibre as actors in the moment.”
“Eric Kripke’s only instruction was go intense.” Jensen grinned, his hand sliding up to Raye’s mid-thigh. “And we had to stay as in sync as possible cause a lot of things could go wrong, but we managed to get through it.”
“The fans loved it too.”
“Oh, they went mad.”
“See, these two have something brewing in the fan base.” Jared smirked, nudging Raye. “The fans call ‘em Raysen.”
“But, sadly, there’s nothin’.”
“Shut up.”
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Taking a smol break
Hey guys, nothing big happening or anything here. I'm just going to be taking the next couple weeks to focus on school work since I have a lot to do! So I'll still be active but I won't be posting any new works of mine.
Don't fear, I'll be back around the 18th because classes will be over then! When I get back I have a short story to write, some requests, the next piece of Jaxon lore, and even an event around the 25th so stay tuned for those!
If anyone needs me, of course I'll still be online, I just won't be posting! Smol man needs smol break
But in the meantime you can check out my friends!
@theroseredreaper writes for TWST! Their requests are also open and they write really well! They're so nice to talk to and so fun! I platonically love Mimi like they're so sweet and understanding and we talk for so long about pokemon and stuff. Mimi even wrote me a comfort piece not to long ago and I go back and re-read their things because it's so good!
@starboyshoyo also writes for TWST but isn't taking requests right now but she has an event open with one slot left for a musical song with the TWST boys! Birdie has endured many of my Sebek rambles and encourages them +_+
@azulashengrottospiano requests aren't open right now but if you like Azul, silly random content, or the ikemen series, Auburn has got you covered! Auburn is so sweet and so cool! I love to read her rambles about random things and it's so fun to see all the interactions! Auburn is also the (what I call) fish wizard. She knows so much about the ocean and sea life and you can ask about a specific species and Auburn will fill you in on it and it's so cool
@pyroxeene isn't taking requests right now but she's so lovely to talk to and she writes Honkai Star Rail content right now! She's such a talented writer like a role model to me and honestly the main character in life
@leonistic is super cool! Also probably the biggest Leona fan out there but so understandable. Soru is very nice and even has an event going on right now! But please be mindful and don't spam them with requests for the event! You'll never understand my hype when they followed me back-
@paraccosm is super nice! If you like the spiderverse, she's a wonderful writer who's also taking requests for the spiderverse! She's seriously so sweet and it makes me sad that I don't know the spiderverse stuff so I can't request, but I'll be like the supportive father that doesn't understand a thing but is cheering you on anyway!
@minimallyminnie deserves. more. support. and. appreciation. Seriously they're so kind and supportive of me and my oc Jaxon and there's no words to express how grateful I am to them. They write things so beautifully and are very underappreciated. While their requests are closed, feel free to check them out and explore their blog! Fuyuki belongs to them too!
@spritofthesea is so fun! They have lots of ocs and you may recognize Akuji and Karrigan because they belong to them! While they have a separate blog for their TWST things, they also like One Piece, so if that's for you then feel free to check them out!
@l1ttleclouds my platonic husband <3. He may be a bit busy because he has a beautiful newborn daughter (Congratulations again!), but he takes requests for moodboards and aesthetic boards and they're +_+ so good! He's done a few for me for Silver, Sebek, Mammon, and even my style! He's also the first friend I made on here and I'm so grateful to him!
@officialdaydreamer00 is so cool! Irene currently has an event going on where you can request a drawing of your oc and a TWST boy dancing and it's so cool and their art is so good! Their ocs are so cool too and the lore is scrumptious! Irene is so nice tho
@rose-the-witch1 is so fun and nice! While requests are closed, she posts really cool content and she knows a bunch of anime things! Rosie is a Lilia lover so if you want to share thoughts on Lilia, feel free!
@it-happened-one-fic is such a good writer and so nice like ;-; how? She's super cool and all her works are so good I definitely recommend checking them out! She writes for Genshin Impact and Twisted Wonderland and they're all so good that I just eat up every fic
@thebettybook we don't really interact on Tumblr but she is so nice! She's great at giving writing advice and has delicious writing for TWST, Transformers, and the spiderverse too! The strawberry theme is so cute too!
@animusicnerd is so cool! Ryker approved cool kid right here like omg I'm friends with a cool kid?? She's always so nice and chill to talk to and in a lot of different fandoms like TWST, spider-man, Haikyuu, and Ensemble Stars! We don't interact much on Tumblr but she's super chill and I will be going through her masterlist and rebloging/liking everything later because yummy content-
@xxheartspadexx is such another cool kid! How am I friends with so many cool kids? IDK. Anyway Spade is so nice and cool and involved in a lot of different fandoms. She helped guide me in Honkai Star Rail and I won't forget it also she's really good at drawing +_+
@xxoomiii so nice and a lot like me! They're also friends with Auburn and have been a supporter of mine for so long! I'm so grateful and I still have your request I have to write but I'm sorry it's taking so long! You're super cool though!
Oh my gosh I have a lot more friends than I thought and this somehow turned into an appreciation post for my friends so
A quick message to all my friends: Sorry to bother you with the notification but I appreciate all of you so much like you have no idea and you're all so cool and fun to talk to and kjasbdkajbjk how did you all become my friends??? This smol man doesn't understand but I'm so grateful anyway-
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ruthlesslistener · 2 months
for the ship/don't ship meme: Aeris and his Dubious Decisions Trio (Drifter, Misraaks, Taniks)
(preliminary note: Aeris is aromantic, so saying that I ship Aeris with anyone here defines a close sexual partnership rather than a typical romantic relationship, as he's incapable of anything else. We aroshippin in this bitch)
Putting this under a cut bc its gonna get long and there's going to be talk about sex. Lots of OC x canon stuff in here for the 3 people who are into that sorta thing
Aeris/Drifter: Don't ship, casual fling
Why don’t you ship it?
-Aeris chose Drifter to pop his cherry/teach him how to fuck for two reasons: one, he knew that Drifter was pan and thus actually interested in him, and two, he knew that Drifter wouldn't make it weird or judge him for his...everything. Drifter also thinks he's kinda cute in a weird, awkward, gangly way, so he was more than happy to have a casual fling with him and teach him the ropes
2. What would have made you like it?
-Not sure honestly! I like the thought of Aeris and Drifter being bros who are comfortable enough to fuck if they want it (like how straight men will compliment each other's ass and dicks, but these guys actually mean it), but as an actual pairing they're more just for character development than anything else. I prefer Eris/Drifter QPR too so Drifter is kinda taken in that regard, though Drifter DOES like to crack jokes about fucking both Aeris with an A and Eris with an E to those in the know
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
-Even tho Aeris never really sought Drifter out after he got confident in his abilities to not fuck up a fling, I have a fuckload of fun imagining them going 'nice cock bro' in casual conversation or Aeris showing off in Gambit while Drifter hypes him up. So they're still very much a fun duo to fiddle with but it's not much different from how they were before
Aeris/Misraaks: FWB ship, kinda complex
I'mma count this as 'ship' even though its not too far off from the Aeris and Drifter thing in that a heatmate is just an inherently more vulnerable, intimate position than a casual fling. However, Aeris is still aromantic and Misraaks is someone I view on the ace/demi spectrum, so it comes with a caveat in that its again, not a ship so much as this grey zone of 'I trust you to see me when I'm aching and needy and vulnerable but I don't want you as a partner'- made even MORE complex in that Aeris treats Eido like a younger sibling which gets Weird when you factor in the fact that he's fucking her dad (though obviously the adopted sibling thing isn't literal)
What made you ship it?
-Aeris/Misraaks was the first thing I considered when thinking about fleshing out Aeris's sexuality. Partially because Misraaks is hot, so of course I'd want to throw people at him, but also because his chill, laid-back personality meant he was perfect for Aeris's tendancy to want to experiment with things.
As for how they fit together- it works because Aeris, as the Young Wolf of his universe, already has a history of trustbuilding exercises with Misraaks, so Misraaks knows that he's a very quiet, dependable individual who'd never divulge any personal information and would meet any of his alien eccentricities with curiosity instead of fear or judgement (and that Aeris is brutally honest, so him offering himself as a heatmate because he wants to help + is curious is genuine). Aeris is also in the unique position of being both outside of traditional Eliksni culture while also being feared and respected enough by them to be a Kell's heatmate, so even if something DID come out about them fucking, there wouldn't be any social consequences to it re: hierarchy stuff. Oh, there would be gossip for sure- but how could you tell a godslayer who he could or could not share his body with? Or judge a Kell for wanting someone so strong as a suitable mate? Not to mention not needing to worry about any STDs or pregnancy issues with Aeris, as Misraaks might for any other Eliksni
And Aeris- as he very quickly found out when sleeping with Misraaks- is a size queen and a masochist. So Misraaks doesn't really have to worry about Aeris just gritting his teeth and bearing it. If anything, he has to tell Aeris to slow down before he does something that causes Misraaks irreparable distress, even though Aeris himself can bounce back from any injury. It makes finding relief during his heats all that much easier, even if Aeris can't give him pheromonal relief
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-The comedic relief potential inherent to anyone figuring out that Aeris and Misraaks are fucking. I mean, its a very poorly kept secret if you knew where to look, but...who's looking?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-I literally made Aeris and this pairing, I have nobody to argue with but myself
Aeris/Taniks: Ship. Just outright ship. Aeris is still aro here but honestly I don't think that matters here because the whole thing is a goddamn disaster from start to finish. They're the world's most beautiful car crash
What made you ship it?
-The moment the whole 'OOPS I ACCIDENTALLY MARRIED TANIKS THE SCARRED WHEN GUARDING A NEWLIGHT' moment went down in DnDestiny! I had ZERO recollection of the 'bite to denote marriage' headcanon at the time I decided I wanted Taniks to bite Aeris, so running with the joke was great fun. And then, of course, as soon as you start joking about it is when it becomes serious, so here I am
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
-That it works surprisingly well given the circumstances. Aeris is aromantic, autistic, and a living weapon- he took the 'you are a dead thing made by a dead power in the shape of the dead. All you will ever do is kill' thing that the Witness said to him in the Black Garden waaay too literally, and nothing he had to do ever really disproved that, either. Taniks is undersocialized to the point of being feral, doesn't know what love is, and is only seen as a murderous killing machine by both Eliksni and humans alike, so their character parallels are wayy too fun to play around with. If there was anyone for Taniks to be accidentally married to, then Aeris is probably his best bet. Now he's just gotta get over the fact that Aeris thought it over and actually wants to be tied up with him...gl with that buddy
Also, Aeris has a lot of really, really hard kinks related to his issues with personhood that really only another guardian or someone like Taniks can resolve. And Aeris doesn't get along with other guardians well enough to form a sexual relationship with them, so...Taniks it is then! Works out in the long run anyhow bc of the aformentioned size kink thingy he's got gong on, bc Taniks is a big boy. There's more of a social consequence to the whole ordeal, of course, but Aeris doesn't give a lick of a shit about that
Plus they have the extra fun of 'enemies to...whatever the fuck is going on over there.' 'The only one who can see the humanity in a monster is another monster' sorta deal. Idk they both need therapy for their traumas but they're gonna do it in the most fucknasty gorey way first
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
-See above point about me literally making Aeris and thus being incapable of having an unpopular opinion on a guy very few people know about.
The closest I can come really is that the jokes about him and Taniks getting divorced ain't happenin because uh,,,those bite marks aren't going away any time soon. As in, ever. Idk about Taniks being able to shed them out but Aeris isn't getting out of this one in the slightest
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praetoravila · 25 days
Olive and Logan for the OC ship game? <3
i'm gonna do the first 20 questions for rn, so if you'd like to send questions 21-50 again for a later date feel free to!
1. Describe their first date.
their first date is mid s3! they decide to try and keep things casual, so they go to the movies and then go to a pizza place nearby for a late lunch. they have their third kiss afterwards. 
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late? 
logan is a perpetual early riser. he only ever sleeps in if he’s really feeling like shit. olive on the other hand could sleep her fucking life away if someone let her. 
3. What was their first impression of each other? 
olive thinks he’s a poser, and doesn’t understand the boy band hype. logan think she’s pretty but intimidating. 
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much? 
logan! he’s a cuddly guy, and he likes being affectionate with the people around him and especially with olive. olive doesn’t hate pda, she just never really grew up seeing it, so she’s kind of like oh ew at first. 
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
not really. olive’s working really hard on controlling her anger and her triggers, and logan isn’t typically a confrontational person. when they do fight, it’s usually over jealousy. olive still isn’t the biggest fan of camille and logan staying friends after they break up for good in early s3, and even though she tells logan that it’s fine, he can tell that it’s still bugging her. their biggest fight to this day, was logan accusing her of being jealous of camille and her denying it. 
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument? 
logan usually goes for saying that he’s sorry and then trying to find something to make olive feel better, ie after the big camille fight where they almost broke up, he gives olive one of his t-shirts so she can sleep in/with it while the boys are on their summer tour. olive cuts up fruit and makes snack trays and just gifts them to logan. she’s not really a words girl. 
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
pretty often. logan says it first, but olive says it more frequently, bc as stated above, she’s not a words girl, so she knows it means a lot to logan when she does say the words. she’s also more likely to say it just randomly while logan says it in very pointed moments. 
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
logan loves olive’s passion and her loyalty. he also really really loves her hair. olive loves logan’s intelligence and how self assured he is about it. she also really loves his eyes, especially when he looks at her in a certain way. 
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
logan dislikes how olive will retreat into herself when she thinks she’s fucked something up. he just wants to communicate with her. olive hates how stubborn logan can be, and how he sometimes will outright ignore her opinion because it’s “wrong” 
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together? 
music i guess? they both like a lot of the same indie bands, and they enjoy sharing new songs. they also both like reading, though olive is more fiction while logan’s a non-fiction dude. 
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way? 
olive initially hates nicknames, but she hears logan call her his sweetheart once and is like okay maybe i get why people like this. logan’s nicknames for her are sweetheart, liv, ollie and baby. olive’s are babe, bro and dude. what? bro is totally a pet name. 
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent? 
yes. olive knows it’s part of the deal of dating a band member, but it still sucks. she has a couple of shirts and sweaters of his that she sleeps in, and they facetime a lot. 
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
answered above ^ 
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection? 
logan’s a pda guy. olive is okay with it, but she gets flustered easily. however, in her more risky moments ie post s4 when they are in college, she has been known to climb into logan’s lap for a kiss or to give him a solid makeout session before he has to go onstage. it becomes an ongoing joke for the btr boys that logan can’t sing as well if his tongue isn’t down olive’s throat ten minutes before a show lol! 
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
well, i have an entire playlist for them linked here but their top four songs are, all over again by big time rush, falling over me by demi lovato, ko by the ready set and love me again (uncensored/demo version) by big time rush. 
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
yes! they both get 11.21.11 tattooed, which is the day that btr released all over again, and i hc is the day when logan confessed his feelings for olive. they also both get small heart tattoos on their inner wrists for their 10 year anniversary. 
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
they communicate pretty well, but they have their struggles. olive has a tendency to withdraw into herself after a particularly bad ied episode. logan sometimes pushes too hard to try and get olive to tell him how she feels and when olive snaps, he gets angry at her for being angry at him. 
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick? 
logan goes full doctor mode (even more so after he is… y’know a licensed doctor) and he’s got all the meds olive could need, plus his laptop to watch movies. for olive, she freaks out for a moment bc logan never gets sick, but once she gets her bearings, she goes full mother hen. 
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry? 
yes! olive steals logan’s cardigans and shirts all the time, and she will do so forever. she also steals a couple of his rings. olive gifts logan a silver chain for his 19th birthday that he wears on a regular basis. 
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective? 
lots of cuddling and holding hands. olive likes being smushed by logan’s arms after a long and stressful day. logan just likes being close to her.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
Shit-Nest Anon reporting for anon rollcall here! Well, I ain’t got much to share, but I might as well get in on the fun!
I’m a college student, and ask me again later about my gender once I’ve actually got that figured out. Hobbies include writing, being stressed, being chronically sleep deprived, and watching every horror movie I can get my hands on. I was actually introduced to Hazbin/Helluva through none other than Chai himself, who I had met offsite a year or so before, and found his blog proxy of Satellite. I had started following his blog around the time The Dark Crystal came out and he got me into that, so I figured, “what’s the harm in checking this show out? It’s been out for a while and there was a lot of hype leading up to it, so what could it hurt?”
A lot, it turns out.
I didn’t grow up on Vivziepop the way others did, but Helluva Boss came out during a pretty rough period in my life. To this day, it’s the fandom with the second most OCs I’ve made, and the first one is Pokémon so you can kinda see how dedicated I was. I loved those little buggers a fuck ton, and while I never much cared for the lore (or Stolitz), I watched Helluva Boss purely to see all the unique and interesting species (and to hear Chai’s commentary about it). The only thing I wanted was to get a comprehensive list of Hell’s species— where they came from, how they related to their ring’s sin, their powers— it was a bit of a pipe dream, sure, but a simple list with all the species names and nothing more would have been fine too. It was all I wanted.
And then, well, everything crashed and burned as soon as the thing with the Hazbin voice actors came out, and I’ve been along for the ride ever since.
I ain’t here to dig up dirt like Odd or draw deep and intricate conclusions like Taxidermy. I had a Helluva Boss dream like Metallica that I’m pretty sure was eaten by Chai’s inbox (if it’s still in there, it’s the one about transmasc Fizz), but it ain’t any sorta claim to fame. Honestly, I’m just here to crack jokes, make headcanons and AUs, point out any evidence of Viv’s transmisandry I can find (albeit off-anon), and root for the rest of y’all. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.
Fellow anons, you guys are part of what makes the critical community great. And so are you, Chai! You got way more energy than I could ever have, being able to run something like this. I really admire your dedication to taking Vivzie down and exposing her for the piece of shit that she is. From the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you.
—Shit-Nest Anon
Awww, you guys are the best! I'm proud to know you!
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thefoxtherapist · 2 months
*looks at your username then at aalto* yk.... I feel like I should have realized the fact foxes are your favorite animals lmao 😭
Anyways... Scar my beloved. As weird of a guy he is, probably the best emotional support you will get lmao💀
(Scar definitely gets cuteness aggression often. Like if you own a pet, yk the moment when you just wanna shake them and squish them but in like an affectionate way? Yeah, Scar would do that to you)
Mortefi not caring is king behavior. Now I thought of something silly. Reader could turn like into a whole monster and mortefi would just be chill with it like it's an everyday happening. (I believe mortefi has the worst sweet tooth btw, yes this one was random)
The Aalto one made me chuckle lmao. He's such a loser I love him. Ofc he thought reader is edgy, he has thinkin from experience. You cannot tell me Aalto didn't have some very extravagant phase while growing up. (Also I'm betting and ice cream he's scared of bugs)
Now to ramble on, just because this days I feel like talking too much 💀
Do you draw? Do you maybe have an art work you would like to share with the class about your oc?
Or maybe anything ya could tell about them?
I'm just a curious fellow who loves oc talk 😔
I would show mine if I wasn't a coward anon and also if it wouldn't be a bother lmao 💀
LISTEN I'M ONLY A LITTLE BIT PREDICTABLE OKAY!! (my other fav is Calcharo btw. I'm just. a dogboy guy, I guess. help)
RIGHT?! Scar is borderline fetishistic about it but he's really just like. genuinely hyped. He would loooooooooveeeeee his partner's scars, its probably his favourite thing on a partner. no matter how major or minor. Dude is THERE for it.
AND I AGREE? omg the cuteness aggression.
Scar couldn't help it, taking your cheeks in his clawed gloved hands. Mismatched eyes stared into yours before scrunching up slightly, grin wide and obvious.
"You're just soo cute~ Just.." He leaned forward, gently nipping the tip of your nose. "Edible! Biteable, even." The Overseer giggled in a tone you could not place except for possibly, crazed.
The way your nose scrunched up didn't stop him from squishing your cheeks with his hands, cooing at you when you did your best to puff them. Scar couldn't help but start grazing his sharp teeth all over your skin.
Mortefi entered the room, rubbing his jaw as the familiar sensation of a lack of sweets affected him. It wasn't real, he knew that! But it didn't stop the feeling of strain in his mouth.
Your name fell from his lips, "do you know if we have any more chocolate bars?" But the doctor paused, surveying the less than human form in front of him. He blinked once, then sighed.
"That isn't very helpful in my search.." The man turned around, making a beeline for the kitchen. He would find his chocolate bars, and he would deal with what was clearly his lover in some monstrous form later.
Aalto is just Some Guy of all time to me. Like I know he's sneaky, and he's definitely got intimacy and commitment issues, and not to mention his upbringing was likely abusive given from what we know of his voicelines about his father. But he's just A DUDE. He has no reason to believe theres another reason so, yeah! You're just edgy. Until you aren't.
I really think Aalto in his teenager years had a private detective phase. Noir clothes and all. It's what led him to the path he's chosen<3 in my heart. Oh and his dad died and trying to find an identity was really hard for him.
Aalto's scream could be heard throughout the base you and your fellow Black Shores members had taken up in. You ran into the room, hitting the door as you slid in, weapon at the ready. But you lowered it when you saw the man.
Aalto was only in a towel, grey hair loose and fluffy around his face. But notably, he was standing on the closed toilet, fear visible on his face. You looked around, trying to find what he was screaming about. Your eyes landed on a spider beside the running shower head.
"I went in and it just appeared!! Babe, kill it!" You sighed, setting your weapon on the counter. You looked around, grabbing some toilet paper and rolling it up. You then leaned up from the bathroom floor, crushing the poor spider.
"I got it, wuss."
No I don't draw I've just written a bunch about him :broken_heart: but I'm on a waitlist for one of my favourite artists so mid August I should have art of him that I can share! To nobody's surprise, he is a foxboy.
As for information about him, his name is Esen! He's a Black Shores member, and an Aero Resonator. I really really loved the idea of there being animals with resonance abilities, and even before the current story I was toying with "what if there was second awakenings? why not right?" (looks into camera)
Anyways Esen is a vulpecula(made up in my brain), a vulpes adjacent creature. But he was taken from his home at a young age and ultimately experimented on for the purpose of testing on animals with resonance abilities. This caused a second awakening that forced him into a human form.
He doesn't have much memory of when he was a vulpecula, he just remembers the lab for the most part. I have like a fuck ton of lore written out, voicelines, forte report, ect.
but tldr: He's a funky funny lil hacker guy who upon escaping containment got caught up in a lot of shady shit as a "consultant" for criminals. He caught the eye of the Black Shores, they captured him for an interrogation. Then he stole all their data and tried to escape the island.
It did not succeed, but he was offered a job!
I LOVE LOVE ocs, I'm always happy to talk about mine, or yours, or anyones. So pleaaase tell me about yours I'm so curious!!
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gloomzi · 10 months
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italicized if it's a preference
asteriks if there is a note at the bottom with further context
what i will write :3
canon x canon, canon x reader (if you send a request and want your reader to have specific attributes, tell me, or i'll make it as neutral as possible), canon x oc for friends
readers of any gender (request specific pronouns please! neos, any pronouns, he/they, she/they, whatever floats your boat! if you give no pronouns and no indication of a gender for your reader such as f!/m!/gn!, i will default to they/them or dm you if you're off anon)
queer relationships, het relationships*, polyamory, monogamy, open relationships
dom, sub or verse readers/dom, sub or verse canon characters
most kinks are okay (including stuff like blood, impact play and weapon play) so feel free to get specific in my inbox
neurodivergent or disabled readers (if it's something i'm unfamiliar with i will do research and try my best, but please feel free to leave me pointers in your request to help me!)
oneshots, short series (think 2 or 3 parts), drabbles, headcanons
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what i wont write :3
no rape (dubcon is on thin ice), drugging, abuse*, yandere, pregnancy, pedophilia, student/teacher (even if its a college student) or large age gap pairings
nsfw for underage characters
no scat/piss/emeto, no cnc
no comfort works for csa/sa, self harm or eating disorders (writing this would probably trigger me, sorry)
long x reader series
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further info :3
you must be +18 to request nsfw or interact with nsfw content (you will be blocked if i catch you breaking this rule)
i wont write verbal/physical abuse between the main pairing but i wouldn't mind doing it as something the reader or the canon character have dealt with in the past (whether that be from a parent/ex partner/friend doesnt matter, you can specify in the request). if the canon character has been abused in their source material i will also include this ofc.
i wouldnt mind writing stuff like codependency or like kill for each other type shit, but there's a fine line between like. guy who kills somebody in defense of their partner bc it makes sense for the story/their character (think characters like adrian chase for example) vs making a character who doesn't rly kill people do that bc then it comes across more ooc and sometimes even yandereish...if that makes sense.
please give me an idea of what you want in a request, don't just send "character x reader" (give me a scenario or at least say like "fluff with [insert character]").
im not the fastest writer unless im really excited about a prompt, please be patient. thanks to adhd i can be a bit of a procrastinator, but if you sent a request please feel free to ask for progress updates (just give me the specifics of what you asked for so i know it's yours). depending on how busy i am irl, if i have writers block and how many requests i have, writing might go faster or slower.
i'll try to do things first come, first serve, but if somebody sends in a new idea that really excites me i might write theirs first even if yours came before theirs bc i have adhd brain and i can write things faster when i'm rly hyped about em
erm idk if anyone cares but im a self shipper so yeah perhaps fics with my f/o's will deranged (in a loving way), if you want a list of my f/o's for those concerned with stuff like sharing, here is a list of mine, i don't mind sharing tho <3 my content is aimed towards selfshippers and i wouldn't wanna exclude anyone who shares so much love for the same lil guys as me
some characters i wont write x f!reader/m!reader for, please check this list before requesting (this is not an issue with any straight/bi/other interpretations of these characters, it just has to do with my comfort level and how i interpret that character)
like i mentioned before, i have adhd and i am specifically unmedicated at the moment, which means sometimes i'll write a lot more of one fandom than the others i'm into. this does not mean you can't request a different fandom! i will always be multifandom, i will always love my past fandoms, it just might take me a bit longer to write your request.
at the end of the day i just wanna keep things fun, writing has been a hobby of mine for over a decade now, so pls try to be kind to me and i'll be kind back! if any of these rules are unclear just send me an ask and i'll try to clarify!
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literalite · 2 years
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these are all the music asks i got earlier!! tysm for sending them u guys there’s very little i love more than music just in general and after a pretty trying week? few weeks? on simblr it was really fucking nice to see everyone just sharing music and vibing... ily guys... btw i switched what post type i was using so instead of making it a diff colour i’m just crossing out what doesn’t apply. this is a LONG ass post i was trying to say one line a song but i started getting chatty halfway gfhjk
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@leafrue i thiiink u missed my brockhampton phase shazza HAHA this is gud even tho i aint rlly listen to them anymore
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@swarmtrait I LOVE BEAAA this song was in my 2020 playlist
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@moonwoodcollective a lil more electronic than i usually go for but its nice
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@fizzytoo its like very chill i like this their voices r lovely... i don’t often listen 2 korean music but this fucks
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@judith-ward another very chill one it feels like how champagne bubbles r supposed to taste
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@crsentfairy OH i’ve heard portions of this song before AHHH its so cute... kinda reminds me of my gf highkey- ill look up the chords if i can play it i might cover it who knows...
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@swarmtrait never apologise for more music! and omg this reminds me of one of my ocs... i wanna see the lyrics though if u have a link to that can i see? i can’t find anything online...
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | I REALLY LIKE THIS | downloading immediately | already in my library
@mmusicalwhims IM OBSESSED WITH ALL THE MP100 OPS theyre literally soooo fucking incredible and i’ve loved this season’s op the most TBH ! its so fucking hype literally i will dance to this the fact that it looks back to the s1 op is SO cool
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@deathbypufferfish wait im so intrigued by this im ngl like its not my vibe but is that like throat singing? very cool
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bon iver: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
sun more often: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@velvet-disc asian artists i love u forever... i was a big mxmtoon fan around the time bon iver came out so i have it saved.. somewhere but i haven’t listened in a while. bea on the other hand i LOVE and i actually loved space cadet i think that and beatopia are my fav albums from her
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drugs: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
ghostride: couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@crsentfairy again with the songs i’ve not heard before ty?? drugs is like right entirely up my alley its so good. also after the ask u sent about crumb i actually downloaded all their songs to my 2022 playlist sooooo technically i got it in the library alr LMAO
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@glittermutt for like one single second i was like woah very electronic music idk- and then the vocals kicked in and balanced it all the way out I LIKE THIS im dancin a lil bit
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@moodnamars i could take a nap in the sun to this IN A GOOD WAY im saying that in a good way-
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
@nefarious-sims​ fantastic song name LMAO its a lil too pop for my taste rn but its a vibe
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AND NOW FOR THE ANONS im gonna rapid fire thru these
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
reminds me of novo amor almost n i love novo amor
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
this song got me smiling for like no apparent reason? the beat fucks
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
I LOVE THIS this kinda dgwicfcore tbh.........
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i feel like an asshole but i dont like this singer’s accent that much GTRJFHDBGKDFJS aside from that its a good song tho like its HAUNTING
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
LOVE wrabel his song the village literally is one of my like. im upset and trans songs dgfhjk his voice is so beautiful i should look into more of his discography..
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
OWL CITY LMFAOOOO fireflies is my irl groups collective karaoke song.. this is such a cute song tho awie
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couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
if i heard this song in high school i would’ve related so hard ERM but yeah its too close i guess to the vibes i cultivated in high school to rlly enjoy. nice song tho!
12 notes · View notes
Away from home - chapter 4
Y/N is an actress, filming for her first lead role in the film adaptation of her favourite childhood book, produced by maximum effort.
She bonds with Ryan Reynolds over their share Love of the Korean pop band Stray Kids, and he has a surprise for her.
When she starts missing home and the darkness creeps upon her, her hotel neighbour comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- mentions of depression, self harm and anxiety
Stray kids fan fic
Mainly staring 3ratcha
But the other boys do make appearances it's just easy to keep to minimum of characters lol
Chan x oc
This is my first ever fan fiction so if it's shit soz.
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He's gonna be here in like 20 minutes, so I'm cleaning up my room. Well shoving things into my wardrobe, but that's practically the same thing. I get dressed in some comfy clothes, and organise all my character work and script work on the table. I have a lot of thoughts about Tabby and her story. She's allowed me to tap into something more confident and almost powerful. I need to be more like her.
There's a knock at the door. He's five minutes early. I look through the peephole and there he is. Dressed all in black with his laptop and files. He looks so gorgeous. I hype myself up before opening the door. Don't fuck this up Y/N. You've got this!
"Hey!" I say it just a bit too loud, but he walks into my room ignoring that.
"Hey" He smiles. I lead him to the coffee table and sofa in my room. We sit down, our knees touching. That damned spark again.
"So ive had a read through the script and i think i understand most of the subtext theres a few places where id love your help!" He starts rifling through his copy of the script, hes marked places he thinks would be best paired with something unique. It looks like my script, all covered in highlighter and markings. I cant help but smile at how much he seems to be enjoying this job.
"Can i just ask why you took the job?". I ask, "not that youre not equipped for it, its just im sure you and the kids are always busy." He shifts in his seat to face me.
"I loved doing deadpool. And Ryan asked if we'd like to this film and we read the script and loved it. Unfortunately only the 3 of us could find the time to make it out here. Minho and seungmin have long-standing MCing jobs, I.Ns filming his acting debut," he leans in,"which you didn't hear from me. Hyunjin is creating a fashion line with versace, and Felix has gone back to Australia for a few months."
"Didn't you want to join him? Felix, I mean. Go back home and enjoy being with your family?" I ask
"A part of me did Yeah, but my sister Hannah's out here anyway and I've planned to see her a few times. She may even spend sometime on set with us if I can sort that out."
"Oh I'd love that!! Weirdly enough I actually found your guys music through Hannah's YouTube channel. People kept mentioning her brother so I checked out your music. Think Maniac may have been the first song I listened too." I admitted.
"I was gonna ask you about that actually. I heard you and Ryan bonded over your love of our music?"
"Yeah", I said shyly. "Kind of embarrassing, but yeah. During preproduction rehearsal for the dance scenes we'd blast your music for warm up. We actually almost used Thunderous for one of the dance routines!"
"You were really good before by the way. I forgot to say before. Me, Han and Changbin all thought you could give danceracha a run for their money." I blush. I don't know if this is him flirting but I bloody hope it is
"That's very sweet of you," for what feels like hours, but is merely seconds we hold eye contact. He then looks down at my lips and back to my eyes. I must be imagining that.
"You know what you want?" I break the gaze by pulling out the hotels room service menu.
The next few hours we spend talking about the script and characters. It feels like we've known each other for ages. He's so inspiring with his passion for his job, he's fueling the passion I have for my own. Everything we say in agreement, totally understanding the story in the same way. Dissecting the relationships and themes with such glee.
It's almost midnight by the time he leaves. I walk him to his door, a total of 4 steps from my own.
"Goodnight," i say, "I had a lot of fun!"
"Me too" He replies opening his door. "What time is your call time tomorrow?" He asks leaning against the door frame.
"Keith's picking me up at 9" I reply
"I'll message Sara to say I'm joining you, if that's cool with you?" He queries, running his hand through his slightly curly hair.
"I meet you out here at 8:50?"
"It's a date. Goodnight Y/N."
"Goodnight Christopher"
"I like that. You using my full name."
"I'll keep that in mind". We kind of just hang there in our respective door frames.
"Goodnight....I think that's the 3rd time I've said that." I laugh "ill see you in the morning" He nods and we close our doors.
I go to my bed and ring my mum to tell her about everything that's just happened. She answers but can't stay on the call for long, she's about to head off to work. I hate time differences.
19 notes · View notes
klingykuroo · 1 year
Mirrors: Beauty
Paring: Bokuto x OC
Genre: Angst, slight smut
Warnings: underage drinking, smoking, sexual themes, alcohol, drugs, partying, language, cross-faded, intoxication, abuse of substance
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"I am melting out here." I drag my complaint out to the blonde next to me. Her turquoise eyes turn to me with amusement. Sweat beats down her temple as she smiles. "Yeah, it's hotter than Hades ballsack."
Even though I'm in shorts that barely cover my behind and a spaghetti strap crop top that shows the entirety of my stomach, sweat still covers every inch of my skin. I haven't even been dancing that much tonight but it feels like I've been moving nonstop. Florida heat ain't no joke and the loud tunes from the speakers only make the hot air feel more excruciating.  
Sabrina is clad in much similar clothing as me but her ivory skin is flushed with red as wet droplets race down her neck. "I don't know how Monica is still dancing." She chortles. "She's like a feral animal."
I smirk. "Yeah, I think she stole all the energy when we were in the womb together." Even though I joke, I know I can be as energetic as her when the time comes. The only reason why I'm off to the side is because I'm not nearly as intoxicated or have a boyfriend to grind on like she does.
"Well, Akaashi seems to be enjoying her." Sabrina mutters.
I look at the crowd that's forming around my twin sister. Her caramel skin is drenched in sweat but a smile is plastered along her plump lips. The tight black coils we share bounce as her body moves to the beat of the song that's playing. They bounce so freely it's like they have a mind of their own.
Her eyes are shut momentarily but when they flutter open, her autumn eyes are revealed. They're slightly red from the alcohol and weed she's been consuming but they still gleam with excitement. Her barely covered bottom is pressed against her boyfriend's crotch as his arms are wrapped around her waist. They grind and twerk together without a single care for the crowd that is hyping them up.
Even though we are identical twins, I've always thought Monica was more beautiful. Maybe it's the way she's unconditionally herself, or maybe it's because she has a refined sense of humor—maybe it's simply because I lack the confidence, regardless she's always been more beautiful. Mama always tells us we're equally beautiful, but I think that's a lie. It's evident in the way I'm off in the corner sulking.
"You should join her." Sabrina nudges me. My round eyes scowl at her. "Has the heat gotten to you that bad? There's no way I'm joining."
Sabrina's straight lips curl into a grin. I roll my eyes at her amusement, she loves to see me embarrassed. "Come on, you're just as sexy as Monica. I don't know why you act like you aren't."
"Because I'm not," I mumble under my breath. "It's too hot for that," I say louder. "And I'd rather not melt my face off." I joke to stray away from my insecurities.
I don't know how I have the same body as Monica but can't flaunt it like she does. We both have big breasts that we struggle to fit into bras, wide hips that plenty of girls crave, and voluptuous butts that every guy in Florida dreams of holding. Monica shows hers off by wearing tight shirts and pants while I shun my away under baggy pants and oversized shirts and hoodies. Tonight is one of the few nights I let my body show, but that's only because I didn't want to die from heatstroke.
"Veronica, don't use the heat as an excuse." I look up at Sabrina when I hear her sharp tone. "It could be the perfect temperature and you'd still be off to the side instead of broadcasting the hot body you own." She switches to a sulking tone. "I'm jealous you know. I'm skinnier than a lamppost."
I bite back my giggle. Between Monica and me, Sabrina does look like a lamppost.
"But I want you to stop being so insecure." She resumes her older sister tone. "You're truly beautiful and I want you to start acting like that."
When I met her glaring eyes, I look at my sandals in the sand. Sabrina isn't the type to be disappointed often, so when I see disappointment reflecting in her eyes I can't help but look away.
"Bri...." I stutter. "Don't worry about it. I'll gain my confidence eventually." I mutter as I look back at Monica who has her hands on her knees as her butt bounces on Akaashi's groin. My lips form an "ou" but no sound comes out. My body stiffens when I see a familiar standing in my peripheral.
I didn't think I could get any hotter but I do. My crush since 8th grade is shirtless with black cargo shorts hugging his waist. All the moisture in my throat evaporates into the beating air. I'm not even directly looking at him, but I can see his sculpted abs glistening from the rays of the moon and sweat. His biceps and triceps contract when he lifts his red Styrofoam cup to his lips. I watch as his Adam's apple bobs as he downs whatever is in his cup, probably beer.
I shutter when the substance leaves wetness on his pink lips. Those pink lips plague my brain on a daily. I think about how soft they'd be to touch. I think about how they'd feel on my skin if he were to leave a trail of wet kisses. I wonder how they'd feel on my lips and how his tongue would roam every inch of my gaping mouth. Lastly, I think about how they'd feel sucking on the muscle between my legs.
The thought has me gripping onto Sabrina's arm.
"Girl—what are you—" She stops when she sees my panicked expression. Sabrina has been around Monica and I long enough to know when a crush is nearby. She skims the area before her ocean eyes land on the brute boy minding his business. When did he even get there? I could have sworn I saw him and his friends on the other side of the beach. He's alone which is odd. Koutaro Bokuto is known to have an entourage attached to him at all times.
A mischievous grin forms on Sabrina's face. I can already predict what she's thinking. "Sabrina. Don't even think—-"
"Hey, Bokuto!"
Sabrina frantically waves her arms catching the male's attention. I shoot a look of pure poison at Sabrina. Murder isn't even the proper action to describe what I want to do to her.
My knees wobble when he half turns in our direction. His golden hues seem much brighter as the moonlight cascades onto his flawless face. I'm breathless by the way his sweat glistens in the light. He pinches his gray browns at us and it's so sexy that it should be illegal. Once he deceivers who we are he saunters over.
My nerves race inside my body as I watch his every step closely. Despite my fighting, I'm trapped in a trace as I watch him move. His muscles move effortlessly with his body and I find my heartbeat erratic as his bold eyes bounce between Sabrina and I.
"Hey, you two" I flinch at his deep voice invading my personal space. I don't know if it's because of the atmosphere of the night but his voice seems to cut deeper into me than usual. "Are you two enjoying yourselves?"
When he's looking at Sabrina, I take a moment to look up at him. His silky salt-and-pepper hair is starting to fall across his forehead. It's an unfamiliar sight to behold. Normally his hair is lathered in gel as it sticks up at the top of his head. I guess he's been sweating too much that it's starting to come down. The front strands of his hair hang low, barely covering his eyes making him look more desirable.
I feel like throwing up.
"Yeah," I choke out. "But I kind of want to leave."
The late summer air is starting to feel overwhelming. It only adds to my frustration. I'm frustrated that I'm the uglier twin. With Bokuto standing so close, it only makes that more apparent to me. He's out of my league and I have no chance of being with him.
"What?" Sabrina glances at her phone. "It's barely 10:30. You want to go home already?"
When Bokuto's light hues land on me, I jerk my head to the side. "I didn't say I want to go home," I clarify while shaking my head. "I just want to leave."
I don't want to go home. All I'll do is sulk in my sheets and cry myself to sleep. But I don't have any other place to go. I could go to Sabrina's but I don't want to deal with her younger brother who thinks he has a chance with me.
I can't even go home even if I wanted to. Monica drove us here and I know Akaashi will drive her back to his place. I don't mind spending the night at his place, but I'd rather not hear Monica's moans through the wall.
"I want to leave too." Bokuto's distinct voice cuts through my thoughts. I hold my breath to look at him momentarily. There isn't a hint of sarcasm in his eyes which surprises me.
Bokuto is the life of the party wherever he goes. He could go to a party not knowing anyone and leave with the hearts of everyone. His boisterous personality draws people in and his charisma keeps them from leaving. He's the definition of an extrovert, having no problem displaying himself in front of a group. He's reckless and his friends are the ones that have to drag him away from a party. Him wanting to leave on his own is truly unheard of.
I want to ask him why but his blazing eyes have my lips sealed. Not only that, but he seems agitated. The usual spark in his eyes is replaced with restlessness. Like there's an ongoing war happening in his mind and he's desperately trying to escape. The lines next to and underneath his eyes tell me that he's exhausted which is a contrast to how I saw him twenty minutes ago drinking with his best friends.
Even though there's barely any light, I can see the raging storm in his eyes.
"You don't live far from here, right?" Sabrina interjects with a smirk. I swear I'm going to have her head sometime this week.
Bokuto nods causing a few more strands of hair to fall. He stuffs a hand in his pocket and releases a heavy sigh. The more and more his hair deflates, more anxious he becomes.
"Yeah," He responds flatly. "I do."
My organs halt when his eyes flicker to me. "Do you want to come to my house? I can take you home whenever you want." He offers.
My mouth literally drops. Sabrina stifles her laugh and plays it off as a cough. I'm frozen by his words and I swear my heart has stopped. I've been to his house once a year ago but that doesn't even count. I stayed in the car while Akaashi retrieved whatever he left at Bokuto's house, I think it was a charger--anyways, the thought of being alone with him sends my breath into overdrive.
I almost decline but some unknown force pulls out an 'okay' against my will.
Nodding at my approval, Bokuto gestures his head toward the crowd. "Come on, let's grab my shirt and go." He turns and I mindlessly follow after him. I look back at Sabrina who is grinning and waggling her eyebrows at me.
'You got this girl.' She mouths earning an eye roll from me.
I continue to follow behind Bokuto until we are at the edge of the crowd. His back is refined and I almost reach my hand out to glide my fingers across his smooth skin. It's obvious that he keeps his shape intact by the way his muscles protrude from underneath his skin. I guess it's the body that comes with being one of the top volleyball players in the country.
I stop moving when we reach the start of the crowd. Sweaty, drunk, and horny teenagers are jumping and screaming creating a mosh pit on the beach. I loathe navigating through crowds, especially crowds like these. I normally latch onto Sabrina or Monica as they take the lead but it would be awkward for me to do that with Bokuto.
Sensing my hesitation, Bokuto glances in my direction. I curl my toes at the intensity embedded in his stare. He faces the crowd again and I look down at his fingers. They're motioning for me to come closer and order me to place my hand in his. I don't know how I went from sulking about how I'll never be with him to placing my fingertips into his palm.
Every electron in my body ignites when our skins collide with each other. His warmth sends chills down my arms and suddenly the scorching air feels frozen. He grips my hand and tugs me close. I can smell the cedar from his cologne mixed with the beer from his cup. It's an intoxicating smell making me feel drunk even though I had a sip of Sabrina's beer earlier.
"Don't let go." Bokuto orders and I sheepishly pipe out an 'okay'.
We plunge into the flock of teens and he guides our every step. We push against people but I don't feel their sweat on my body at all. All I can feel is the tiny connection Bokuto and I share with our fingers. Even though people are screeching into my ear, I can only hear the rapid beat of my heart. Kids surround me, but they all fade to black as I focus on the handsome boy in front of me.
I never really looked at him from behind; especially not this close, but it's starting to become my favorite thing.
After fighting against the crowd, we finally emerge on the other side. I take a breath of fresh air realizing how difficult it was to breathe in the cluster of people. I begin to slip my hand from his but he grips me back in. I look at the back of his hand with surprise coating my eyes.
He wants to hold my hand?
He continues to lead until we walk up to his group of friends. They're all sitting in the sand; some hold blunts in their hands, some hold drinks. I recognize all of them as I've shared classes with them over the years. I've always felt intimidated by Bokuto's friend group even though Monica is a part of it. She is dating Bokuto's best friend.
The long ravennette opens one eye at his name being called. He's laying in the sand with his girlfriend resting on top of his broad chest. Gabby and Kuroo have been a couple for as long as I can remember. They've been labeled as 'Bonnie & Clyde' as their dates oftentimes contain them indulging in illegal activities. They both just got off probation recently.
"What?" He responds irritated from being woken.
"Where is my shirt?" Bokuto replies back with the same irritable tone.
Kuroo opens his other eye and shifts the attention to the male to the left of him. "Sugawara is using it as a pillow." He tells him before shutting his eyes and drifting back into his slumber.
Bokuto moves toward Sugawara whose also sleeping like Kuroo. His girlfriend, Maya sits next to his head as she plays with his dark hair. Her glossy eyes seem to be disconnected. She's drunk I conclude when I see bottles next to her. Maya is known to be a feen for alcohol while her boyfriend can't seem to abide by the law. I remember being shocked when his natural gray hair was dyed black after spending a year in juvie. I was even more shocked when I heard Maya stayed with him the whole time.  
Bokuto nudges Sugawara's foot to wake him. "Give me my shirt." He demands dryly.
Sugawara's dark hazel eyes flutter open. "Why? It's a nice pillow." His groggy voice says.
"You leaving?"
A boy's voice presses from the left of Sugawara. Iwaizumi, a light-skinned boy with brown spikey hair and piercings has his eyebrow raised at Bokuto. Dixie, his girlfriend, sits in his lap and mimics Iwaizumi’s expression at me with bloodshot red eyes. I don't know too much about these two. That's mainly because they never appear at school but are present at every party that's thrown. I only ever hear about them through Monica.
Bokuto nods. "I am."
"What!?" A wild female voice hollers from the left of Kuroo. A light-skinned girl with a flushed face and arms wrapped around a skinny blonde boy glares at Bokuto. "You're so boring!! The partttyyyy is just getting starttttedddd."
Michelle and Tsukishima are the only freshmen in the entirety of Anglewood Highschool that have the privilege of hanging with seniors. Especially with seniors as notorious as this bunch. Tsukishima's parents give him a lot of money so he's the one who funds when the group wants to do something. And Michelle...well...she's a drug addict...at the age of 14.
This group is truly dysfunctional and I scolded Monica for becoming a part of it. But I trust her to make smart decisions and threatened Akaashi that if something were to happen to her, he can kiss his balls goodbye.
"You're annoyingly loud, Michelle." Bokuto snaps. "Kindly shut up."
Michelle responds by raising both her middle fingers at him I don't even register it though. I'm too busy focusing on the pool that dripped between my legs at the tone of Bokuto's voice. I know it's wrong to admit but he's so hot when he's mad. His hair is completely down now and I wonder why he doesn't wear it down more often.
"What's up with you?" Kuroo questions. "No need to get snappy."
"Buzz off," Bokuto mutters to his best friend.
"Whyyyy arreee yoouuu wittth Kaashi's girllll?" Maya slurs her words as her eyes gaze upon me. "He gonn beat you up for thattt." She laughs over her words.
"Dummy," Gabby rises her head and laughs with Maya. "That's Moni's twin, Veronica."
Maya and Gabby topple over with laughter at Maya's mistake. Tears roll down their cheeks as they find mistaking me for Monica the most hilarious thing on the planet. It stings my pride but it wouldn't be the first. I hide my embarrassment by shying behind Bokuto. I don't know why but their laughter makes a lump form in my throat.
Bokuto glances behind and scowls when he sees my shy eyes looking at the sand. He looks back at his friends and glares at the two girls. He lets go of my hand and I almost cry at the empty feeling that washes over me.  
He angrily shuffles his feet in the sand as he walks between Sugawara and Kuroo. He bends down and harshly swipes his black t-shirt from Sugawara's head. I hear him grumble a swear word as he does.
"Hey!" Sugawara shouts as he sits up. "What's your problem?" Sugawara rises to his feet and stands in front of Bokuto. "Mad that you couldn't bang Monica so you have to go for her lame twin instead!?"
Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry, you'll only prove his point. I swallow the enormous lump in my throat and clench my fists. I know everyone saw me as the lame twin but hearing it cuts to my core. The little confidence I gained when Bokuto's hand was attached to mine disappears into thin air.
I'm not sad for long before Bokuto's fist is flying through the air. It's centimeters away from connecting to Sugawara's jaw before it's yanked away. Kuroo is swift with his movements as he pulls Bokuto away from Sugawara.
"What the f—" Kuroo curses as Bokuto struggles against his hold. "What is wrong with you, Bokuto!?"
Bokuto breaks from Kuroo's grasp. Maybe if Kuroo wasn't inebriated and high, that wouldn't have happened. Instead of throwing another punch at the juvenile, he turns on his heels and heads for me. My muscles tense when I feel the raging heat surrounding his body. I want to touch him to calm him down but I'm scared I'll get burned.
"Let's go." His tight order has me jumping in my skin. He grabs my wrist and I brace myself for the roughness but it never comes. He's pissed but he handles me with care. He doesn't yank me along, instead, he patiently waits for me to move.
It's so minuscule but it summons butterflies in my stomach. The fact that he was going to fight his close friend for my sake has me blushing on the inside and out.
The walk to Bokuto's house is only 10 minutes but it felt like an eternity. He didn't utter a single word to me. He just kept the lead while his hand stayed intertwined with mine. I wanted to ask what he's so irritated about but my voice is locked away in my throat. I wanted to ask why he defended me. We've only talked a few of times before but that isn't enough reason to throw punches at a close friend for my sake.
Bokuto lives in a lovely beach house on the coast of Panama City Beach. It's in a relatively wealthy area. It's clear his family has money and I wonder why he attends such a trashy school like Anglewood.
The house has the beach as its front yard and from the way it's so quiet, I think his family owns this section of the beach. I'm jealous. I love feeling the grainy sand between my toes as the waves crash against each other. Monica is terrified of the ocean but I love it.
We step inside and he immediately turns on the lights. I gaze upon the various modern decorations and furniture that take up space, making the house feel full. The white and blue theme is scattered across the house reflecting in the couch cushions, the rug, and the ornaments on the walls. When I walk deeper into the house, I see family photos hung on the white-painted walls.
Bokuto has two older sisters but I've never seen what they look like until now. There's a portrait of the three smiling into the camera. I'm assuming the oldest, stands in the middle with Bokuto to her right and the other sister to her left. The eldest has hair white as snow in contrast to the middle sister whose hair is black as night. Bokuto's hair is a perfect mixture of theirs. They all share the same angular eyes with royal hues.
Next to that photo is their parents. The oldest sister shares their mom's pale hair color. It's so white that it looks bleached and transparent. She has a skinny build but she stands tall. Her sharp slanted eyes look foreign to me as they weren't inherited by her kids. Her strong jawline is being held high and her lips are pursed into a straight line. She didn't bother smiling for the photo at all. She outshines her husband who stands next to her with a somber expression. His hair is midnight black and his angular eyes are a direct copy of his children.
Everything about this couple screams money. They were born into it and would fight to the death to keep it. I glance around the house once more before looking back at the parent's photo. Even though their house is open and welcoming, nothing about them feels that way.
I look in front of me at Bokuto whose standing at the entrance of the living room. Bokuto is full of energy and excitement, but his parents are seem so...boring.
"I'm going to wash my hair," he says blankly. "My bedroom is upstairs; it's the last room to the left. You can play whatever you want on the TV. If you're hungry, you can eat what you want from the kitchen." He tells me before disappearing down a hallway.
I question why he immediately directed me to his bedroom instead of offering me the living room. Then I remember how uptight his parents looked. If they were to come home and smell weed and alcohol on their furniture, they'd lose it.
Not feeling for any food, I follow Bokuto's directions to his bedroom. I inhale deeply before I push it open. My nerves come alive as I step into my crushes room for the first and probably the last time. I flick on the light switch and gasp when I breathe in the air.
It smells just like him in here. It's like he's morphed into the air and is all around me. The perfect mixture of cedar and cinnamon lingers in the atmosphere almost bringing me to my knees. His walls are painted orange—which I find ugly, but it's hard to see underneath the wall decorations.
Volleyball trophies and medals hang on his wall. Volleyball truly is his passion, the evidence is in how he displays his achievements and has famous volleyball player posters on his walls. A dark wood dresser is in front of his bed and on top of it is a large flat-screen TV. His room is a little messy with clothes and random stuff sprawled on the floor but I don't hold it against him. He's a teenage boy after all.
When I look upon his bed, a fluttering feeling captures my body. It's a dark wood king-sized bed with dark blue sheets draping from it. The duvet is pulled down and it doesn't look like it's touched often. I smile to myself. He's like me and sleeps without it. Monica says I'm weird for it but I feel suffocated under them. I only sleep with a soft thin blanket and it seems like Bokuto does the same.
I want to fall onto his bed and wrap myself in his sheets. I want to hold what he holds every night close to my body. My imagination spirals; I wonder what he would do if he saw me touching myself on his bed. I know that's terrible to think but the thought of him seeing me that way gets me going.
I won't do it though, I'm too scared.
I walk to his bed and press myself against the sheets. His mattress is soft like a bag of feathers. It's the type of mattress that you sink into as it wraps itself around you and soothes your tense muscles. I wonder how many girls he's brought into this bed. How many girls he's screwed and then ghosted the next day. I've heard of his dating habits and how it's nonexistent.
Bokuto is a playboy. That's why I've stayed away from him. I'd be utterly heartbroken if he were to leave me high and dry.
I'd have no one to blame but myself. I don't have outstanding qualities like Monica that would make him want to stick around. Once again, I compare myself to my sister. The words Sugawara said earlier latch onto my heart and twist it. I really am pathetic and lame but I don't appreciate it being shouted for the whole world to hear.
I take a deep breath in but it's shaky and tears brim around my eyes. I sit in the middle of Bokuto's bed and let my tears fall. I should've just gone home. I didn't want to sulk but here I am doing it anyways.
"I hope you aren't crying because of what Sugawara said."
I jump at Bokuto's gravelly voice cutting through my tears. I quickly wipe my tears away and stutter. "I-I wasn't."
He's changed into black sweatpants that squeeze his waist so seductively that it turns me on even as I cry. He's in a basic gray t-shirt but with his yin-and-yang hair sticking to his forehead, he looks ethereal.
I don't know what force pulled that approval out of me earlier but I'm regretting it. This is so embarrassing. My crush of 3 years just walked in on me crying like a baby on his bed.
He saunters over before he leans, evading my personal space. "Don't lie to me." He whispers into my ear. "I don't like liars."
My breath hitches when his breath touches my skin. I can't tell if he's concerned for me or trying to seduce me. Either way, I like it and I break by telling him the truth.
"Okay," I admit. "I was." I let out an exhausted sigh. "I mean how could I not? The truth hurts."
"Lies hurt too." He leans away and climbs onto his bed. I scooch to give him his space but the grabbing of my thigh stops me. "It's up to you to differentiate between the two. Just because it hurts doesn't mean it's true."
I pause, reflecting on his words. It's going to take more than a piece of advice to build my broken confidence but it's a start.
"Do you think I am?"
"Think you're what?"
"The uglier and lame twin." I blurt.
His eyes connect with me. His rosy lips part and his smokey brows rise. I watch him as his broad shoulders rise and fall when he takes in deep breaths. He blinks at me before his hand is running up my exposed thigh. I breathe air into the back of my throat at the sensation his fingers bring. My blood races when his digits reach the bottom of my denim shorts.
"Not at all." He murmurs breathlessly after what felt like hours. "I never have."
Mama says don't take validation from no man but I can't help it. Bokuto's truths have me believing I can be a vogue model.
He inches closer. I can feel his breath on my lips. The smell of beer infiltrates my nostrils but I don't care. I'll drown in the smell if it means he's close to me.
"Why do you degrade yourself?" He asks quietly. "And why do you stray away from your feelings?"
His hard questions leave another lump in my throat. Gosh, I'm so tired of crying tonight. I have an answer for both questions, I just don't want to say them. For the first one, I never degraded myself first. Someone did and I accepted it as true. And for the second one, all I can think of is Solange's Cranes in the Sky, 'Sometimes I don't want to feel those metal clouds.'  Those ugly emotions being degraded brought me are unbearable. I'd rather run than confront them.
Luckily, his questions were rhetorical and he wasn't expecting an answer. He leans in again and I think he's going to kiss me. He does kiss me, but not on my lips. He dips his head and brushes his lips on my collarbone. I suck air through my teeth when I feel his lips dance against my honey-colored skin.
"Why don't you see how astonishing you are?" He questions against my skin. "I wish I could give you my eyes."
"Why?" I barely croak out when his wet lips trail up my neck.
I feel him smirk against me. "So you can see what I see, of course. Which is nothing but pure beauty."
I not only gasp at his words but at his sucking on my neck. I've never really experienced foreplay before. The guys I've been with jump right into sex not caring about it. I remember Monica saying that her favorite thing about Akaashi's sex is the foreplay and aftercare. She said he makes her feel like a star and I always longed for that.
"Tell me, darling, do you feel beautiful?"
The affectionate name has me releasing a soft sigh. I feel tears forming in my eyes, not from sadness, but from high desire. I'm chasing after the bliss I know he'll bring to my body and it brings tears when I think of how good it'll feel.
When I don't answer he stops his movements. I whine when his perfect lips disconnect from me.
"Answer me." His assertiveness has me clenching my legs together.
I shake my head. "No, I don't." I answer honestly. I haven't felt beautiful since 9th grade.
His languid breaths occupy my space. I can't tell the effect my honest truth has on him. His royal eyes bounce to my lips which are burning to feel him. He bites his own lips before diving in. He captures me in a kiss that takes all my breath away. It takes away every breath I'll ever have away. I grip onto his sheets as electricity courses through every crevice of my body. He bites down on my lower lips and a moan leaves my throat. He tilts my head slightly giving his tongue a better angle to roam my unexplored mouth. He groans when my free hand runs up his forearm.
I feel like my body is the ocean waves outside and he's lightning in a raging storm. When he touches me, my waves push against each other in abnormal way and they can't find the will to stop. The hand that rests on my thigh travels to my cheek.
"Do you want me to make you feel beautiful?"
He looks at me through half-lidded eyes. I see the burning desire resonating in his bright eyes. No one has ever desired me as much as Bokuto does in this moment. When did this desire appear? He's never paid attention to me like this, so what changed?
Doesn't matter, all I know is that I'm nodding my head.
Something snaps beneath his eyes. In a swift motion, his shirt is off his body and thrown to the side. His eyes connect with mine and a seductive brow is raised at me. He licks his lips and my body begins to weep for him.
"Then you better lay down."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Next Chapter: Forgotten
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
Hi! As requested, some (very) random stuff. I am sorry you're having a bad day/week. February can go suck an egg in my humble opinion.
Meta: I was 0 days old when I found out that according to DA lore, there are no dwarven slaves in Tevinter. (because of the importance of the lyrium trade) I was refreshing my memory about Dwarven Ambasadoria and it says so on the wiki but without a source where that comes from. It seems unlikely to me, but ok.
Comic thing (Those who speak) that bothers me mighty: So, in the game, Isabela frees the slaves on the ship she is escorting. Because she agreed to do it without knowing that the cargo were living people. She lets them go. The guy is pissed mighty and that is why she agreed to steal the tome of Koslun in return for him. It's an entire plot! And in the comic... She kills the slaves. What the fuck Bioware.
Character: Varric's necklace has this running joke about Cock-ring necklace Ken. But as much as the makers of the doll didn't have a clue where that fashion came from, maybe Varric too wanted to be flashy! But ended up with a cock ring around his neck?
I was relistening DA2 banter and Varric has a dialogue with Choir boy about Bianca's cocking ring. And I kinda had a thought. What if the necklace is actually a spare part that he kept from the time Bianca made Bianca the crossbow?
Also, dunno why but everyone everywhere claims Varric is ENTP type, but when I sat down and checked it turns out he is very much an ENFP. It matters to me for some weird reason.
Also, Isabela/Varric banter is peak aromantic/asexual humor. I believe that Varric is the embodiment of (insert the no throw! dog meme) No sex! Only sexy!
In the comic (the one where they have a Fade trip) Varric in a dream sequence looks more like a human than a dwarf. (the way he is drawn) until he leaves the "vision" and looks like a dwarf again. Is this like? Intentional? Just a weird drawing thing when someone couldn't exactly figure out proportions?
The new comic (if we are speaking of comics and the way dwarfs are being drawn) has some dwarven ladies. People like the new Varric design. (good for them) I am crying over Dwarven ladies being done dirty.
Dark secret: I am low-key planning to ignore Dragon Age 4. People are hyped. I am like? Annoyed? I have my own canon, whole-ass Inquisition re-write. I don't care.
Also, I never played any dragon age game. I pirated it sure. I managed to create a few characters in a creator but never played further than the opening sequence. My laptop would burn to a crisp. It's really that shitty. I literary watched so many yt walkthroughs and read through the wiki. I often forget that is a weird and not-normal way to enjoy video games.
Another secret: I made a Cadash OC, I had them for so many years. And they are central to the plot of my entire personal Dragon Age Universe. The entire plot of Origins. Appear in DA2 events briefly. Then entire Inquisition. It's an overkill how important I made that character. But it's too late now! I wish I had enough willpower to record it somewhere (drawings, writing) just for the sake of it. Yet I am afraid of how weird it is. Funny, no?
Hope you feel a little bit better sometime soon.
I have no puns. I have a funny video in this trying time I sometimes watch to feel better: https://www.tumblr.com/titkoks/644666319075229696/obsessed-with-the-line-if-i-can-continue-to-be-a?source=share
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER!!!! february does suck!!! march is not looking that much better atm but here's to hoping....
Meta: I was 0 days old when I found out that according to DA lore, there are no dwarven slaves in Tevinter. (because of the importance of the lyrium trade) I was refreshing my memory about Dwarven Ambasadoria and it says so on the wiki but without a source where that comes from. It seems unlikely to me, but ok.
seriously?! i mean i suppose that makes sense but it also doesn't make sense considering y'know. the casteless? wait. what if they (the dwarves from other castes) wouldn't consider that enslavement of their people... that would be really fucked up but on brand for orzammar social politics huh
Comic thing (Those who speak) that bothers me mighty: So, in the game, Isabela frees the slaves on the ship she is escorting. Because she agreed to do it without knowing that the cargo were living people. She lets them go. The guy is pissed mighty and that is why she agreed to steal the tome of Koslun in return for him. It's an entire plot! And in the comic… She kills the slaves. What the fuck Bioware.
i mean, having isabela - a black woman - be a slaver in the worst place is already an extremely questionable writing decision. i also think it was a shit writing decision but the trail of logic seems to be along the lines of like: isabela gets in debt with the felicisima armada -> gets involved in slave trafficking -> gets cornered by the orlesians in the venefication sea -> slaves were killed (to allow the ship to maneuver since it's implied the ship was slow because the cargo holds were too packed) -> isabela vows never to traffic slaves again -> presumably the next time she's asked to do it anyway, she sets the slaves free? which is still not great. bioware's sliding scale of when slavery is or isnt acceptable is really... hm.
In the comic (the one where they have a Fade trip) Varric in a dream sequence looks more like a human than a dwarf. (the way he is drawn) until he leaves the "vision" and looks like a dwarf again. Is this like? Intentional? Just a weird drawing thing when someone couldn't exactly figure out proportions?
this is making me UNWELL. for so many reasons.
The new comic (if we are speaking of comics and the way dwarfs are being drawn) has some dwarven ladies. People like the new Varric design. (good for them) I am crying over Dwarven ladies being done dirty.
YEAH WHY DO THEY LOOK LIKE THAT??? what did they do to evka and harding?!?!?!
Dark secret: I am low-key planning to ignore Dragon Age 4. People are hyped. I am like? Annoyed? I have my own canon, whole-ass Inquisition re-write. I don't care.
yeah i'm checking it out for the vibes but im still digging around in origins and da2 for content so i hope that tells you where MY mind is at
Also, I never played any dragon age game. I pirated it sure. I managed to create a few characters in a creator but never played further than the opening sequence. My laptop would burn to a crisp. It's really that shitty. I literary watched so many yt walkthroughs and read through the wiki. I often forget that is a weird and not-normal way to enjoy video games.
EXCUSE ME MGDFKGJDKSGJKDFGJ this is SO funny you are the ONLY VALID person in the entire fandom and i love you
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Babes you know how much I love Mari, I couldn’t resist this.
Mari and June are so extremely similar, and they would have an absolute ball picking up guys together (at least until Mari meets Rex). They would hype each other up so much and always have each other’s backs. They’ve also both got fiery tempers and are willing to fight anybody who badmouths the clones or their friends.
Keeda and Mari would get along amazingly, too. They would have incredible respect for each other personally and for each other’s work with relief efforts—which would probably often put them in the same circles. And also Keeda would be the one who comes to bail Mari and June out of jail 😅😅
Send Headcanons of Our OCs Relationship
ERIN!!!!!! listen Mari and June are getting drinks from the handsomest hottest lifeforms of all species in the galaxy. They’re getting into fights and taking shots and arguing about Republic politics in bars. They are each others wing women for sure and they’ve slept with their fair share of men…enough to have some crazy stories and lots of experience. They’d be the girls at the bar that turn every head and make the entire night of everyone there. I can’t even begin to explain the crazy adventures they’d get into together. I LOVE their friendship.
Keeda…literally is bringing them space liquid iv the morning after and making sure they’ve been taking their contraceptives and visiting the appropriate doctors to make sure they’re all healthy and what not. She respects Mari’s work the same way Mari respects hers and she’d totally be pulling to her to get the next open spot on the Human Rights Committee with Padmé or Bail. I think Keeda would be her mom friend 💙
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