#guys will you be angry at me if for levy day i draw the most blatantly self indulgent hot levy to date….. no promises ill actually post it
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levy shouldn’t get pregnancy trope’ed in her 20s 😭😭 she should be in the clubbbbb 😭😭
#guys will you be angry at me if for levy day i draw the most blatantly self indulgent hot levy to date….. no promises ill actually post it#in case i chicken out and make a tamer one ……..#cough#coughing up blood#fairy tail#onx rambles#levy mcgarden
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Cheese's 100 follower special part 3!!!
Q&A (where I answer your questions :D)
Q: What inspired you to join the bsd rp community?
A: Well, it's actually a funny story. I originally came her on Tumblr to look at Ivan Goncharov fan art, and I stumbled across an Ivan rp blog. I wanted to mess around and interact with them, though at the time, I was shy. I was being silly on my main before finding the Fukuzawa rp blog and wanted to interact as well. So I created Levi one day, and it went from there. I was having fun just messing around as silly anime OCs.
Q: What inspired you to make Nimone?
A: So when I created Levi and gave him his backstory, it involved this big 9 year war somewhat outside of Japan. I didn't want to use a real content or place, so I made one up!
Q: Who's your favorite oc that you have and why?
A: This one is a tough one since I keep changing who's my favorite. But I have a top three. On top is probably Felix III. He's such a try hard and silly. I love playing as him, and he's one of my favorites to draw. Not to mention all the running jokes I got for him as well such as the Raiden Shogun reference or kicking him down the stairs.
My second favorite is probably Cooper. Everyone about his characters developing is just so satisfactory to me and he's just a sweet little guy :3. Who also has a gun.
My third would be Fiona Delgado, because I like playing as an angry Hispanic accountant who will throw laptops at people or turn into a big dragon because she can.
Q: So you have a favorite ship for you OCs?
A: Oh this one is hard (probably because I'm a hopeless romantic). I really like the cute fluffy ones like Levi x Sayaka (not my oc) and Black X Arthur (not my oc) but then there are the funny ones like Felix III x X (my oc but got another mod playing as him). Though my favorite ship is probably Fiona Delgado x Ace. These two argue like a bitter married couple and it's hilarious. It's my brain rot and I love them.
Q: Milk chocolate or Dark chocolate?
Q: What inspired you to make xy and all of your members in it?
A: Honestly, the creation of XY was all for Cooper's backstory. At first, it was just an unnamed criminal organization that I was going to solo as for rps, but someone offered to play as one of the characters, and I was excited. They named it (fun fact, it was actually called XV, but due to miss reading, we called it XY) and I decided that hey maybe this Mafia needs some members other than "unnamed henchmen" so I created a few members and I never thought it would actually get this far which is cool. Its entire creation was almost all unplanned.
Q: What is your process for coming up with OCs?
A: Well, it depends on the circumstance, but most of the time, I always start with the design. I'm more artistic visually, so when I make a design that I'm happy with then I build off of what I want for the character. After the design, I normally give them either their name and personality, and their ability last. Basically, adding anything that would make the character interesting or fit them.
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The Baby Assignment [Lucifer]
I have a list of actual headcanons for demon baby behaviors, but this is not that post.
You and the boys have a baby! (sort of).
You should’ve never told Diavolo about how high schools used to have practice baby classes.
Note: most of the genders and children come from “The Bros as Dads” post.
Cut me some slack on the names. I didn’t really have them planned, haha.
Extremely skeptical. This whole assignment depends on you two standing in a summoning circle and--in a flash of light there’s a KID in the middle of the floor.
It’s a GIRL!
This triggers his demon form on reflex because he’s startled and can’t help but have flashbacks of Lilith. You’re cooing to the little girl and Lucifer feels breathless as he takes in her hair (it’s his) and those big eyes (they’re yours)
His wings flap a few times before pressing close to his body. This has caught the baby’s attention and she’s staring at him with more intelligence than a child should have.
The professor says the child will grow exponentially over the next week or so and she should be able to deliver a report on how competent you are as parents. Their developmental age will be assessed and factored in as part of the grade.
You walk carefully over to Lucifer, eyes shining and a tiny fist in your hand and oh Diavolo, he wants this child to be real right then and there!
The naming doesn’t happen until you’re back at the House of Lamentation with a massive magical trunk that will spawn child necessities. You sit in his study as the baby looks around and points to things. You name them off.
You’re in the middle of walking her over to look at his records and watching her slap things on the shelf, trying to feel them with her fingers, when he gets the idea to name her after one of the human composers he knows (”Marianna.”)
You honestly thought the addition of a literal child would throw Lucifer off but he’s prepared. It’s only then you realize he’s been alive for thousands of years and helped raise the other six people in the house
Enjoy your view of Lucifer wearing a baby sling for the first three days because unless you have a real kid together, this is the only time you’ll see it
The two of you work on a schedule and carve out time to teach the child on top of your other duties. Sometimes you’re hooked up to the sling, sometimes it’s him. He gets a kick out of seeing you tote the kid around and usually catches you tickling her feet.
Diavolo graciously lightens up on Lucifer’s paperwork load (BY A LOT!) in exchange for seeing the child and playing with them
Most of her facial expressions take after Lucifer’s and Diavolo is BEYOND amused
After day 3, Marianna gets distressed seeing Lucifer sit so long, so she’ll toddle you to Lucifer and just points until you do something about it
100% a daddy’s girl and Lucifer has a hard time keeping his pride in check. It’s coming off of him in waves
She says her first words between day 4 and day 5 and Lucifer wants to cry (he does) because the first one is “daddy”
From day 5 on it’s a constant fight to keep her close because the bros want to smother her for being so cute and are bugging her to say their names
Marianna is partial to Satan and Lucifer is secretly glad. Satan acts all smug about it.
She has Lucifer’s insistency for perfection. Mammon was messing with her tea party set up and she bit him for moving her plate in the wrong spot. That was day 6 and she had her pointy baby demon teeth. Marianna got a little whisper scolding that Mammon would’ve died for BECAUSE SHE GETS KISSES WHILE SHE’S GETTING SCOLDED? FOR REAL?! HE GETS STRUNG UPSIDE DOWN!
Marianna hates being fussed over and likes to dress herself. Whatever you or Lucifer fix, she undoes when your back is turned.
One of her favorite hobbies is sitting on Lucifer’s lap and practicing her handwriting. She also likes to brush his feathers. Marianna asks to sleep in them and will try to hide from you in them. The giggles give her away.
By day 7 she has the intelligence of (at least) a 6 year old and has velvety nubs for horns. You learned that demons like to rub their horns against hard surfaces (or loved ones) as scenting and for their growth.
She accidentally scratches you up, not quite understanding you’re human, and goes into an absolute meltdown. She didn’t mean to hurt you.
Goes into a freaking rage when anyone tries to fix you up. Wants to do it herself. This kid is a literal puddle of apologies, please hold her.
She cuddles you for the rest of that day and officially gets her own little desk beside Lucifer on day 8. Marianna pretends to write her own letters but mostly draws. Bugs Lucifer with the random stuff Satan and Levi teaches her but he doesn’t mind.
You’d bring them snacks every now and then and sometimes you’d hear them singing together (ever so quietly). You didn’t know Lucifer could sing.
Lucifer has woken up with a fist in his face, accidentally been punched in the eye, and has been kicked away at least once since she was big enough to sleep in the bed. She takes after Lucifer in the way that she needs you behind closed doors. Marianna doesn’t sleep unless she can feel both of you next to her.
Lucifer officially has bragging rights about sleeping with you (even if he won’t pull that). Secretly gets the best sleep of his life. Really starting to feel the parent thing. A kid with you would be nice.
Marianna gets little fluffs for wings on day 9 and they “air box” when she’s angry. She demands back scratches for how dry and itchy the feel and you figure out she purrs like Lucifer.
She doesn’t always prank Lucifer but when she does, she hides his pens and makes him play hide and seek with her to get them back
Marianna likes to help out in the kitchen and loves setting the table. She gets mad if anyone messes with the napkin folds you guys practice. She makes a tiny Lucifer screech when Asmo gets obnoxious with taking pictures for Devilgram and Mammon nearly breaks his chair trying to run out of it. She laughs like you.
Around day 10 she insists on a family day and Lucifer has this sinking feeling in his gut that she knows she won’t be around much longer. Maybe it’s a side effect of the spell. The two of you spend the day running around the Devildom taking lots of pictures. Diavolo crashes a few of those pictures.
She spends day 11 burning the midnight oil with Lucifer. Around 9 PM he’s trying to send her to bed. Marianna just drags a blanket back into his study and snuggles down. He notices all her old pictures and some new ones she’s drawn. “It’s my book,” she tells him.
“Your book?”
“Yep.” she colors in the lines carefully, the finished pages pushed away and much better than her older ones. “It’s for you guys, for when I go away. And for your school.”
On day 12 you bring her back into the class, she’s dressed in similar colors to Lucifer. She wanted to look good for her presentation and she said ‘dad always looks nice’.
Marianna talks through her book, calling back memories of building blocks and playing hide and seek. She’s very proud of the pictures from two days ago. They’re her favorite. She shows off her horns and the “dad roar”.
You and Lucifer walk her to the circle. She stands in it as the spell determines her final age. She’s about 10, pushing the limits for growth as determined by the spell.
“I wasn’t here a long time, but I had fun.” she hands him the book and gives you a much longer hug than Lucifer. You wonder if it’s her way of apologizing for having a favorite even though she was good to both of you. “Maybe I’ll see you again sometime.” she looks up at Lucifer as she hugs him, her chin pressed into his stomach.
“Perhaps.” Lucifer takes on his demon form as the circle starts to glow, flapping one wing at her. She “air boxes” back before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
It’s a quiet, lonely silence. Very cold. There’s a subtle warmth in Lucifer’s embrace as he guides you back to your desk. It was brief, but you see why she likes his hugs.
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oiiii i have a request for a oneshot or maybe something fun to add to your regrets fic (whatever you find better) I think it would be funny a reader x the scouts drunk and levi finding them and being all cute taking care of reader :3
thank you for this request!! sorry for how long it took, but it managed to pull me out of some writers block that’s been kicking my ass lately. thank you for suggesting it and reading!
as always, much love! <3
Red Wine | Levi x Reader
pairing: levi x reader
themes: fluff
tw: swearing, alcohol use
word count: 2511
True fun and relaxation is not something you typically experience.
Of course, when you signed up for this whole Scout Regiment thing, you weren’t expecting nights out in bars and plush queen-sized beds with wool blankets. You expected exactly what you got: exhausting days and mostly sleepless nights, demanding grief and waking nightmares. One thing you hadn’t expected, however, was how stale it would get. These thoughts are why you ended up where you are now: propped lazily against a wall surrounded by your friends, loud laughs bubbling freely from your ever-smiling mouth, and a bottle of wine in hand.
While the “why” is clear to you, the “how” is a bit more cloudy. Around the complete euphoria in your head stands a thick fog blocking your memory — that, or the fact that your drunkenly dwindling attention span can no longer support a thought lasting more than a second or two. All you know is that you’re here now, and you’re having the time of your life. Your eyes and ears skirt past Eren and Jean arguing without stopping to listen in as you pass the bottle to Mikasa.
For once, you aren’t thinking about how Levi could make this experience better. Although you love being in the company of your boyfriend, you can’t help but imagine his disdain if he were to witness your situation. You can almost feel the ferocity of his razor sharp-glare creeping up your spine as you picture it within your mind.
You lay your head back on the concrete wall that keeps you upright and close your eyes. Although you had shown to be quite social when the bottle first began to be passed, you now wanted nothing more than to take a nice nap — or to go vomit just to ease yourself of the queasy feeling that was overtaking your stomach. Either would suffice. You listen to your friends chatting mindlessly around you, their care to be inconspicuous slipping away with the wine. You watch Connie drain what was left in the bottle, leaving you to curse at the fact that you would be stuck in the uncomfortable kind of drunk that left you a bit nauseous while still conscious enough to be prone to anxiety.
You sit there in a dizzy oblivion for what could have been five minutes or fifty, tuning out the antics of the rest of the people in the room as they laugh and roughhouse. Your stomach stirs and turns, but your mind begins to clear: you notice Connie and Sasha choreographing a dance routine to music only they could hear; Mikasa and Armin sit quietly chatting behind Eren as he and Jean argue over who is more adept at fighting; Ymir and Christa are making googly eyes at each other over their giggles.
“Hey, guys?” you say, your brain lagging behind your mouth by at least a few seconds. “I’m probably about to throw up.” You quickly discover that you’re right, as your gut begins to bubble and your mouth begins to water.
“Oh, fuck,” Connie mumbles as he looks around the room desperately. Sasha looks disappointed as he stops dancing and approaches where you sit against the wall, gripping your wrists in his hands and helping you to your feet; with both of you being drunk enough to show it, stumbles are surely present. Time skips, and you’re kneeled in front of the toilet, Connie leaving to give you privacy — you’re decidedly much drunker than you thought you were.
Just as you start to vomit, you hear Eren defeatedly say, “Oh, fuck me.” That can’t be good.
The space goes silent save your groans. The most imaginative depths of your brain think that perhaps a titan is looking in the window, waiting to bring you all to your doom. How convenient for half of the newest scout recruits to be intoxicated and defenseless. When you hear Levi’s voice say, “Stupid fucking brats. Where is she?” you wish it were a titan instead.
A chorus of voices answer, “Bathroom.” What a bunch of fucking sellouts, you think to yourself. Your heartbeat begins to pound in your throat again as you hear his footsteps grow near; when he taps at the door a few times, you let it all out — out of fear or simple drunkenness you are unsure. “God damn it,” you hear him mumble before the door handle turns and his hands find your hair, pulling it back into a makeshift ponytail.
He rubs your back in a manner you can only describe as passive-aggressive. You can tell he wants to scold you — and you’re definitely in for it once you get to feeling better — but you can also tell that he wants to care for you. That’s why you try to pretend not to hear his curses as he lectures you on responsibility.
“Why the hell are you drinking with these idiots? I wouldn’t be mad if it was a glass or two, but there are three empty bottles on the floor in there. Three. No wonder you’re puking your fucking guts up,” he mutters, voice low enough for only you to hear despite his angry tone.
You feel your eyes watering as your stomach settles for another brief moment. “Levi,” you say, your breathing labored, “now is not the time.” You hear him scoff before you begin to dry heave, his hand moving a bit more caring across your back as he holds onto your hair. Your gut starts to feel a bit better as your brain realizes there’s nothing left. He places his hands under your arms and lifts you gently to your feet before flushing the toilet. You stumble awkwardly to his lead as he escorts you to the sink.
He reaches around you to turn on the water, which is cold to the touch as he holds your hand beneath it. “Clean your mouth out,” he says, nudging his hand around yours until you form a cup. “It’s disgusting.” You oblige him, lifting it to your lips. You feel it drip down your chin as you swish it around between your teeth, looking up in the mirror to see your blushing cheeks and droopy eyes. Levi stands behind you, dressed in no more than a grey t-shirt and some comfortable-looking pants. His hair is neat and combed, which doesn’t quite match the rest of his attire, but you aren’t complaining. He looks as ethereal as always. After you spit, he grabs your shoulder and spins you around to face him.
“You okay?” he asks, brushing the tears that had formed on your face away with his thumbs. You shake your head at him, your eyes trailing down to the ground. Here comes the scolding.
He sweeps you off your feet, to your surprise, holding you bridal-style as he carries you out of the bathroom. You lay your head against his shoulder, seeing the walls of the room and the faces of your friends go blurrily by as he strides to the door; they all look terrified.
“Laps,” you hear Levi announce to your friends, his voice icy. “At dawn. I don’t give a shit if you’re hungover.”
A chorus of groans is the soundtrack for your exit as the door slams shut. The walk back to Levi’s suite is spotty at best; you’re unsure of exactly how long it’s taking. The scenery around you feels more dreamlike than anything — you find yourself hoping that you’re still propped against the wall with your friends, sleeping soundly and dreaming of Levi catching you red-handed. When time jumps and he’s laying you down on his couch, you’re pretty sure you’re awake.
You hear rustling around as you lay there, still half waiting for a scolding. He rejoins you rather quickly, setting some things down on the side table and gently lifting your head. He sits, letting you back down slowly to lay in his lap. “I brought you bread,” he says, taking it from the table and placing it in your hands. “It’ll soak up the alcohol. There’s water over here when you need it.” You inspect the bread lazily before nibbling on it. The very idea of chewing something and swallowing it is enough to make you nauseous, but you trust his judgement.
You feel his hand fall atop your forehead and his fingers draw circles in your hair. You don’t fight the grin threatening your lips. “Are you okay, my love?” he asks, his voice soft. This is the tenderness you had fallen in love with many months ago; the one thing your friends are blind to. He carries himself with such coldness for the public — he is rude, and blunt, and insufferable, and unobtainable. With you, however, he could be kind. He could be loving. The speed with which his gentle voice melts your heart never lessens. This is Levi at his most vulnerable.
“I’m just drunk,” you tell him, your words slurring into each other. “I’m not dying.”
You hear a chuckle barely pass over his lips like a spring breeze, the sparkle in his eyes reminiscent of the way the sun reflects off the surface of a pond. The peaceful nature of your position is a worthy opponent to how your insides wage war on one another: nausea, dizziness, and the beginnings of what will become an absolutely splitting headache all contained within one disoriented body. “I would’ve gone with you, you know,” he says suddenly after a serene moment of silence. “I would’ve known when you needed to stop drinking.” He combs his fingers against your cheek, silvery eyes softening into pools of undeniable adoration.
“You would’ve been a complete buzzkill,” you reply, half joking as you close your eyes and enjoy the rare affection.
You hear a cross between a scoff and a laugh come from above you. “Keeping those brats from getting you so wasted that you start puking isn’t being a buzzkill. It’s called taking care of you.”
“I think I’m not drunk enough,” you say honestly. “We ran out of wine right at that stage where you could go to sleep or start throwing up, but there’s absolutely no chance of having a good time.”
He taps the top of your head with two fingers, prompting you to let him up. You oblige him, using the opportunity to lay down your bread and take a sip from the glass of water that rests on the side table. You watch as he saunters back toward the kitchen, wondering what he was doing somewhat, but mostly just trying to get a grip on your senses. You sit up as you wait on his return, laying your head back against the plush upholstery and taking deep breaths.
He’s back as quickly as he left, both hands behind his back in a feeble attempt to hide the wine glasses as their stems poked around to your view. You feel a smile creep onto your face as he unveils his master plan: a bottle of red wine and a glass for each of you. “Don’t expect this often,” he announces as he sets it all on the table, pulling a wine key from his pocket. He joins you on the couch, scooting in close so that your knees brush before you hear the satisfying pop of the cork and the relaxing swish of liquid on glass.
“You’re expecting me to believe that Captain Levi is offering to get drunk with me?” you giggle, almost nervous to reach for the wine in front of you. He laughs off your comment, reaching in front of him and lifting the glass to his lips; he takes only a sip before looking at you in expectation. You take yours as well, holding it up to his jokingly before you both bring them to your mouths.
After your first gulp, time begins to melt away. A movie-esque montage begins in front of your eyes: the sight of the man you love, once so stoic and so stiff, loosening and laughing the night away at your side; the feeling of typically isolated and scarce hands trailing carelessly along the length of your arms, warm against the sensitive skin of your wrists and your thighs; the smell of red wine spilled innocently on hardwood and upholstery without complaints or uprooting to clean it; the sound of his velvet and brass voice with his uncensored expressions of love, whispered and melodic; the taste of mint and jasmine tea on his unusually wandering lips.
What might be thirty minutes or three hours passes in a flash, leaving you sprawled across the couch with the drunken mess that is your typically reserved lover, legs utterly entangled so that you were unsure where you ended and he began. He’s whispering to you — that much you know — but his words are slurred, and you’re unbelievably distracted by the feeling of wet kisses being peppered along your jaw and ear. He grasps at your back, massaging and caressing and leaving no inch uncovered by his calloused hands as his touch reminds you why you breathe and laugh and plainly exist.
“Levi,” you whisper, your mind a tangled ball of twine save for the feeling of his breath on your cheek.
He hums in response, not bothering to look up at you. You can feel his grin against your jaw.
“We should get to bed, love.”
You’d be left to wonder how the two of you made it into the next room when morning came; rest assured there would be a trail from the couch to the bedroom door made from clumsily knocked-over knick knacks and your discarded clothes from the day to clue you in. If you were sober, you’d care enough about Levi’s wrath tomorrow to clean up behind the two of you; however, you aren’t sober, and you don’t care enough.
The two of you fall into the bed you share, intertwining your limbs like the threads of a tapestry, laying out plainly and beautifully the comfort you find in him. Your head finds his chest and his hands find your lower back, pulling you flush against him as his eyelids begin their threats to close before he is quite ready. He murmurs out your name, his hold on you growing more snug when it passes his lips. “I love you, s—” he falters, nuzzling his face in the top of your head. “So much.”
It’s short — and a pretty common thing for someone to say to the person they love — but it means everything coming from him. “I love you, Levi,” you tell him, praying to whatever is up there that you’ll remember this in the morning.
Soon, the two of you stop stirring and whispering. As you breathe him in, you try to hear his words in your mind as many times as you can before you slip out of consciousness. You begin to drift off to sleep, peaceful and content in his arms as you’ve ever been.
#levi ackerman#levi x y/n#levi x reader#levi x reader fluff#levi attack on titan#captain levi#levi fluff#attack on titan#aot#snk#aot fluff#aot levi#drunk levi#aot fic#aot oneshots#levi oneshot#levi ackerman oneshot#levi ackerman x you#levi fanfiction
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Sweet Revenge (Inexorable AU)
Word Count: 2260 words
Rating: E. They fuck. It’s dope. Don’t read if you’re underage or have objections to explicit adult content.
Summary: Levi and Mikasa have a feud at the school bake sale and decide to get revenge on their PTA nemesis.
Notes: For non-US readers, PTA stands for parent-teacher association, where parents volunteer at their children’s schools to get involved in the school’s activities and influence the quality of their child’s education, usually through fundraisers and other events.
This story takes place 8-9 years after the events of Inexorable and about 2 years after the events of the other Inexorable AU fics, A Scream in the Night and A Minor Dispute About Rain. The only thing you really need to know if you haven’t read those is that Levi and Mikasa have a daughter named Anya, who is basically a grumpy mini Levi, in addition to Hana.
The only thing keeping Levi from running after the PTA president and giving her a hefty piece of his mind is Mikasa’s grip, firm and insistent, on the hem of his sweater.
“You’re going to stretch it out,” Levi snaps at his wife, redirecting his ire at the closest target. Mikasa idly caresses the swell of her belly with one hand and looks at him with one eyebrow raised, silently asking if he wants to argue with his pregnant wife in public.
“I’ll let you go when I’m confident you’re not going to track Joanne down and scream in her face,” she says calmly. “As much as I’d like to see that.”
“She fucking begged us to help out at this bake sale and now she’s just gonna call our lemon bars basic?! We’re not goddamn pastry chefs!”
“Levi, listen to yourself. You sound legitimately insane.”
He sighs, letting his shoulders drop as the tension and rage starts to leave his body. Mikasa releases his sweater and he collapses into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. She joins him, gingerly lowering herself onto the uncomfortable metal folding chair provided by the school.
“I hate this so much. I hate Joanne, I hate being on the PTA, and I absolutely fucking hate bake sales,” he huffs.
"Well, we’re stuck here for the evening. I don’t want to be here either but I’m trying to make the most of it. Mikasa picks up a lemon bar and takes a huge bite. "Besides, fuck Joanne. These are good.”
Levi motions for Mikasa to give him a bite. “Fuck Joanne,” he agrees through a mouthful of pastry and curd.
Thankfully business picks up after that, and Levi and Mikasa spend the next half hour handing out lemon bars to parents and kids, ignoring Joanne hovering around them and observing their dealings with a disdainful eye. When the rush clears, she slowly approaches their table, pretending to be browsing. They both clock her gaze drifting over their mostly empty dish of lemon bars and the small twitch at the corner of her mouth that telegraphs her dissatisfaction with the Ackermans’ success. Triumphant, they share a brief glance, another silent Fuck Joanne.
To their dismay, she approaches Mikasa, staring at her oversized t-shirt dress. “Bun in the oven,” Joanne reads, her cold eyes sweeping over the looped script printed across Mikasa’s abdomen, decorated with a drawing of a smiling roll baking away. “Oh, you’re pregnant, sweetie! Congratulations!” There’s sweetness in her voice, but it’s tinged with venom. Mikasa knows it all too well.
“Thanks,” she mutters, bracing herself for the backhanded part of Joanne’s compliment.
“I thought you’d just let yourself go, but it’s a blessing instead! What a relief!” She laughs uproariously at her own joke. Levi jams his hands into the pockets of his jeans, balling them into tight fists so Joanne can’t see how enraged he is. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Mikasa does not answer, instead focusing her energy on keeping a straight face while she contemplates murder. Levi can sense her tensing up, her shoulders stiffening, fury radiating from her body in waves.
“It’s a boy,” he cuts in curtly. “We’ve already got our two girls.”
“Your oldest isn’t—” Joanne’s voice drops to a near-whisper— “yours, though, is she?”
Levi narrows his eyes, no longer interested in hiding his annoyance. “She’s mine. I’ve helped raise her since she was a baby.”
“Oh, how sweet. What a modern family,” she gushes, cooing with an edge of condescension in her voice. “Well, congratulations.” She then turns and walks off, conveniently waving to someone across the room.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks Mikasa in a low voice once Joanne is out of earshot. Mikasa stares after her, eyes black with rage, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. She doesn’t need to say anything; he already knows the answer is no.
He places a reassuring hand on the back of her neck, massaging her nape the way she does to him when he’s stressed and ranting. “Tell you what, I’ll go out to the car and grab something sharp, we slice Joanne’s Achilles tendons and then get the hell out of here.”
“What? No!” She looks over at him, her expression disgusted and exasperated. “You have to stop watching gore movies with Hana. She’s barely ten.”
“She loves them! We were watching some zombie bullshit the other day and that little monster laughed while watching a guy get his guts ripped out and eaten. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna grow up to be a serial killer.”
Mikasa rolls her eyes. “Well, if she is, she gets it from Eren’s side of the family.” Even though he’s still angry on his wife’s behalf, Levi can’t help but chuckle at that.
“Fucking Joanne,” he grumbles. “If zombies ate her guts they’d spit them back out. Her kid’s an asshole, too.” Mikasa is well aware of that fact: Joanne’s son tried bullying Anya at the beginning of the school year, calling her a midget and pulling her hair until she had enough and whacked him in the face with her math textbook. That was Levi and Mikasa’s first run-in with Joanne before they joined the PTA, and things have only gone downhill since.
A few more kids approach the table, hesitant due to Levi’s scowl; Mikasa shutters her anger behind a calm facade and handles the sales, though she doesn’t say much.
When the latest wave of customers leaves, she turns to her husband. “I think I have an idea to make both of us feel better.”
A look of skepticism crosses his face. “Really? I was kinda hoping for that severed Achilles tendon.”
Mikasa facepalms; she’s had years to grow accustomed to her husband’s awkwardness and his awful jokes, but sometimes he still manages to surprise her. Ironically it only makes her love him more, this odd, cranky man who might literally kill for her.
“Joanne parked next to us, right?” she asks.
“Yeah, remember? I said her car looks like the physical embodiment of vaginal dryness and you laughed so hard you peed a little.”
“You really didn’t have to mention that last part.”
“I dunno, it gives the story flavor. Pee flavor.”
“Look, I have an idea. Get someone to take the rest of the lemon bars, then meet me in the parking lot. If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well and you need to take me home.”
Levi sighs. “What are you planning?”
Mikasa leans in close to him, her lips millimeters from his ear. “Meet me outside and you’ll see,” she purrs.
Five minutes later he bursts through the metal doors at the back of the school to see her sitting on the hood of Joanne’s car, an aggressively beige sedan.
“Come here,” she beckons him. He approaches her and, when he is within reach, she grabs his shirt and pulls him to her. Their lips collide awkwardly before settling into the familiar rhythm of their kissing, slow and deep.
After a few moments, he pulls away. “What is going on here?”
“Revenge,” she says. “I want you to fuck me on the hood of Joanne’s car.”
He ponders the suggestion for a moment, then smiles — and then a giggle escapes his mouth, a sound somewhere between bewilderment and glee, then another, then another.
“Aw, come on, don’t laugh. I thought it’d be fun.” She frowns, embarrassment heating and coloring her cheeks.
“No, no,” he says once he’s able to control his laughter. “I fucking love it.” He kisses her fiercely, growling deep in his throat. “I fucking love you.” Mikasa smiles, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. There’s some maneuvering involved in getting her underwear off, her round belly making the whole process somewhat unwieldy; Levi stuffs them in his pocket then gets down on the concrete, kneeling before her.
“Are you serious?” she squeals, trying to look at him over the curve of her stomach.
“If anyone asks, tell them you went into labor and I’m checking how far along you are.” With a low laugh he gets to work, nuzzling her pussy before licking a firm stroke along her seam. Mikasa bites her lip and lets out a shaky anticipatory breath in the brief moment before Levi lavishes attention on her clit, massaging it with his lips and tongue. She gasps when he pulls away from her a few minutes later, halfway to orgasm and disappointed not to get there.
“We need to be fast,” he says in lieu of an apology, undoing his pants and pulling out his half-hard cock, pumping it a few times in his fist. “I’ll finish you off at home.”
“You’d better,” she replies, a playful threat.
Levi settles himself between her legs then enters her with no warning or fanfare save the soft moan they both make, a low noise of contentment, of wholeness. They have always been a fearsome team, first as colleagues, then lovers, now spouses and parents, and their lovemaking is no different, each of them able to discern angles and positions from sighs, from grunts, from the furrow of a brow or the touch of a hand. Tonight Mikasa slides her hands down Levi’s back, skating over the soft brushed cashmere of his sweater, telling him that she wants him to be gentle with her — for now, anyway. Joanne’s comment must have stung, he thinks, and he resolves to show her exactly how beautiful he thinks she is, pregnant or not. There’s a certain earthy, ephemeral beauty in her pregnant body, something attractive and incredibly arousing about the thought of her creating and building life even as she sits next to him selling lemon bars at a school bake sale. He loves the way her hard edges have softened, the pleasing new fullness in her cheeks, the luminous glow that seems to emanate from within her.
(He has learned since her last pregnancy not to mention that he also loves the growing size of her breasts, and in return Mikasa only rebukes him for staring when he’s open-mouthed and practically drooling.)
Mikasa’s eyes flutter closed as Levi rocks against her, a gentle motion that makes the car bounce in time with his thrusts. A bubble of laughter escapes her lips.
“What’s that for?” he asks with a smile, then kisses her before she can answer.
“I love you so much,” she says against his mouth. “And fuck Joanne.”
Levi stops moving; Mikasa cocks her head, silently asking him what’s wrong. “Don’t say that bitch’s name when I’m inside you.”
“Look, do you want to revenge-fuck me or not?” She isn’t sure if that’s a word, but during sex, when they’re heated and frantic for each other, even Levi’s crude come-ons sound like poetry, so maybe this will work.
It does. “You want me to revenge-fuck you?” he growls, slapping his hips against hers with a rough thrust. She whimpers at the impact, a wave of pleasure rippling through her body.
“Yeah,” she pants. “Show me how angry you are.”
He makes a low hum of approval; though he’s become more proficient at sweet talk and romance in the years he’s been with Mikasa, he tends to favor sex as intense as his personality, grasping hands and heavy eye contact. Mikasa has never seemed to mind though sometimes, like tonight, she needs him to make love to her first.
Levi fucks her hard and fast, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the cool night, her cunt making obscene liquid noises around his cock. Even through the delicious haze of their passion they’re listening out for footsteps, for cars, for the creak of doors opening.
“We should finish soon,” Mikasa pants.
“I’m close.” He slows his pace, grinding against her, sinking into her as deep as he can go, before pulling back and scything into her slick heat again and again, harder and harder, muttering curses and endearments and wordless sounds of effort and desire.
And then he thrusts into Mikasa so roughly that her ass hits the hood of Joanne’s car hard, triggering the car alarm, horn blaring and lights flashing.
“Shit!” Levi yelps, startled by the sudden noise. He jumps back from her, stuffing his stiff, aching cock back in his pants and undoing the fly with adrenaline-shaky fingers.
“We gotta go!” She hops down from the car, landing unsteadily on her feet, pulling her dress down over her nudity. “Do you have the keys?” She scrambles over to their car, pulling at the handle of the locked passenger door. “Come on!”
Levi reaches in his pocket for the key fob, mashing the buttons so the doors unlock and the ignition turns on. Mikasa clambers into the car as fast as she can, slamming the door behind her, and Levi follows soon after. Through the windshield she can see someone coming to locate the source of the commotion and chants, “Drive! Drive!” at Levi while he clicks his seatbelt into place.
“Seatbelt!” he barks at her and she complies, fear and arousal and adrenaline making her feel jittery and giggly and wonderfully alive. Levi remains stoic, but there’s a devilish glee playing at the corners of his lips: he’s enjoying himself just as much as she is. He backs their car out of the parking spot with the precision of a stunt driver and peels off, speeding off into the night seconds before Joanne comes outside to investigate the shrieking car alarm and the strange ass-shaped dent on her hood.
#rivamika#alienheartattack writes#this fic has been in the works for YEARS and i've only managed to finish it today#if you dig through my blog there's a headcanon about this#it's good to be back!#i am working on other prompts - y'all really want some cottagecore arranged marriage stuff#the only arranged marriage AU I have in my head is dark af but I'll probably write it anyway#and I do have an old cottagecore postcanon fic idea i might be able to use#am I just procrastinating writing my novel? probably#btw if you want to know about that plz drop me an ask#i am 165k words in and it's still not done#and yes it is smutty and romantic
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The Weight of Gold
Summary: Imagine if S.Coups was Robin Hood and he takes a nap in the woods but in the woods there were bad boiz.
Genre: Fantasy
Words: 1.5K
Part 1 of TBA
This is for the #caratcreatorwriter event with some buds (new friends). Thank you @seungkwns for hosting, and thank you @coupsnim for being my partner. Please look at their blogs as they are better than me.~
With heavy eyelids our hose-clad protagonist laid down his head to rest. The still and peaceful sounds of the lush woods were too enchanting to ignore. As the wind rustled through the leaves of the Sherwood Forest S.Coups slept.
A simple carpenter's life kept him safe. Like the sturdiness of the nails and wood he worked with, his job gave him security and sureness. Once out in the forest he was a different man. He could finally be a man unshackled from a world where worth was weighed in coins, and if you didn't have enough...
Sherwood Forest offered him a sanctuary. It was a place where possibilities were endless. Around one weathered rock he could be free. Behind that gnarled oak he could live at peace. Life could be different in the woods. The calluses on his hands didn't have to be used to keep him a productive member of society. Instead, they could help him climb the tallest of trees where he could feel the wind rushing through his shaggy brown hair.
It was always hard for him to get a good night's sleep within the bleak walls of town. At night while laying in bed he'd stare at the ceiling with unsleeping eyes. His ears would pick up his own doubts bouncing off the masonry. Thoughts of his humdrum existence would infiltrate the time he could finally escape. Luckily when the daylight shined there was hope that even in the mud-baked village he could be happy. His hard work would pay off. He could live free. With no taxes to pay he could afford an extra loaf of bread. He would have enough money to take a day off of his grueling work and enjoy a good drink with some friends. Tax collectors wouldn't have that happen. Just last week he witnessed a collector, Kwon Soonyoung dressed in expensive furs, push down his neighbour after they refused to give up forty percent of their earnings. Forty percent! It was despicable the way the rich treated the poor and it was obvious that they skimmed the top before giving them to the king. How else could they afford striped animal furs otherwise? Their guilty pockets were lined with the sweat of the villagers. With his sweat. Maybe without the expectation of that heavy levy S.Coups would rest easy in his bed at home.
In the Forest Seungchol slept. Even at midday he could sleep easily under the leafy canopy and the foliage-filtered sunlight danced on our hero, devoid of all worry. How quickly did the peacefulness of nature disarm him? It took only a few minutes of his eyes being closed before our main character was fully and deeply asleep. His shoulders relaxed and his body sunk lower into his leafy bed. With a steady breath and a relaxed face he slept peacefully and soundly. Better than any sleep he could hope to have in his own bed.
The sun moved across the sky but S.Coups did not stir. In the distance a robin called out to its mate but Seungchol did not wake. Bees bobbed from flower to flower, dizzy with nectar but he kept sleeping. Not a single fear crossed his unbothered face. The only thing on our peaceful protagonist that changed were the shadows as minutes and hours passed. Without the worry of Soonyoung demanding his hard-earned wage he could sleep without fear.
There was more to fear in the woods than tax collectors. Though the Sherwood Forest brought Seungchol peace and tranquility it was filled with the unknown. Behind each mossy stone there was the chance of an angry boar, a crazed hunter, or greedy brigands coming and fucking up his beauty sleep. There was the chance he was the second guest to that bed of leaves. With no ceiling to stare at, unknown eyes could instead look at him. Where the only noise was the breathing of S.Coups how could one not stop and listen? In the woods one was not always safe and this soft man with not a single worry on his beautiful face, was definitely not safe.
A flock of fowl fluttered up into the sky as a branch snapped. People were drawing near. The glow of a torch was growing ever brighter as the strangers made their way through the dense brush of the woods. Handsome faces appeared through the foliage, ruggedly sexy but harsh in the glow cast by the fire they carried. Then they saw him sleeping there all peaceful-like. With closed eyes Seungchol didn’t stand a chance to see the equally sexy, and equally hose-clad men draw near. S.Coup’s was too busy staring at the back of his eyelids to see all the shenanigans. It was obvious they were planning something by the way they were whispering and nodding to one another; a plan that was devious at its best and horrific at its worst. With light steps a handful of the group crept up, the soft earth cushioning the sounds of their steps. They closed the distance between them with care, not wanting to wake our sleeping carpenter ahead of schedule.
However the time would have to come when both parties’ fates would forever be intertwined. Our mysterious brigands couldn’t be quiet for much longer. With only a few steps between them and their target one of them made his move. His hands reached forward; one palm covering the inevitable shout that tried to escape S.Coup’s throat, the other hand brandished a short knife which he held to the now very awake man’s neck.
“If one word comes out of that pretty mouth of yours I’ll cut you down faster than you can blink.” said the man. By the way he held the knife, S.Coups was convinced he’d be able to follow through. Not that he could say anything at all with his mouth covered up. He could only nod his head to show he understood and pray that harm wouldn’t fall upon him.
He was wide awake and took stock of the situation.
Seven men surrounded him in total and each man bared a weapon. Most held knives but one man at the back had a bow with an arrow notched, another could be seen with a hatchet. Being woken up this was worse than rude, It was terrifying.
S.Coups couldn’t focus on the others for too long as there was a more pressing issue. That issue was a cold piece of sharpened metal pushed firmly against his throat and the man who held it there. His wide eyes looked up at him and saw a beautiful man staring back. The villain had a long and straight nose and a freckle under one of his eyes. If he wasn’t being held up, S.Coups would think he was handsome.
The firm hand that held him silent softened and withdrew but the eyes of his captor kept him pinned to the forest floor.
“Now.” DK started, moving to a standing position. His partners changed formation and circled S.Coups. “Give us all your money and we’ll let you live.”
This day DK, sometimes called Dokyeom or Seokmin by his friends, stood tall and proud, happy to be leading his crew to victory in apprehending their target. He commanded the band of merry men only by name; the rest of the crew was capable in their own rights and if anything, they all shared responsibility in the group. Truthfully the only reason DK was leader was because he had won a bout of rock, paper, scissors. Luck was with his back then as well as now. They were about to get paid.
“You heard what I said. Give us all your money.” he said kicking Seungchol, laughing all the while. His pals laughed along with him, joining in on the fun.
When you lived in the woods poor and with very little food it felt nice to have power over someone sometimes. Kicking people wasn’t everyone’s definition of fun, but being able to afford a warm meal and a brew under a roof was worth doing some deplorable things every now and then. They looked at the man on the ground expectantly, they were all ready for money.
“I don’t have anything,” Seungchol said, covering his face with his hands for protection from their kicks. “Check my coin pouch if you don’t believe me.” He didn’t want any trouble. He might be able to outrun the average man, or win against one person in a fight, but against seven he stood no chance. All he wanted was to get away out of the dark woods and back to his gloomy, but safe, bed.
DK pocketed his knife, and leaned forward to search S.Coups. “You’d better not be tricking me,” he said harshly. With no pay in hand DK wouldn’t be kind, but even less so if he was being lied to. If there was one thing worth less than a broke person, it was a liar. The crew he was with was permanently broke but they all had trust for one another, and that was a beautiful thing; a group of criminals with no monies that called each other friends.
With no consideration for comfort, Seokmin roughly searched S.Coups, looking for any traces of wealth on his person. It didn’t take long for his hands to find the coin pouch. It didn’t take a genius to see that it was empty. “So, our victim was telling the truth,” DK thought. With a sigh, Dokyeom stood up and turned to his crew.
“Guess this guy ain’t very cash money. Looks like we’ve got to kill him now.”
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Can I request a Levi x reader modern AU where they are high schoolers second year and someone and the reader both have a crush on Levi and Levi acts kinda harsh on the reader when she gets hurt but only because he really likes her but his action makes her think he hates her so she gives up on her crush you can pick the ending
From Cindy: Thanks for participating in my 500 follower event anon! I’m so biased for Levi. This request ended up being longer than most (almost 1500 words). I also had fun trying to adapt Levi to a high school setting. I hope everyone likes how this turned out!
High School AU - (Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader)
The end of September was a busy time for the teenagers at your high school. After a few weeks into the school year, students were getting back into their routine and hopefully becoming comfortable with the new teachers and classes in their schedule. While the carefree memories of summer faded away, the excitement for homecoming season began to build. As a member of the student council, you were even more aware of the importance of this event. Things had been a little chaotic for you last year since you were just a freshman, but now you were a second year and planned to use the experience you’d gained to make your class stand out above the rest.
A small group of your classmates were already waiting for you when you arrived at school an hour early on the Monday that marked the first day of Spirit Week. It was hard to keep your motivation when you had to wake up and get to school earlier than normal, but you knew it would be worth it when the upperclassmen arrived to find you’d already started without them.
“Good! Everyone’s here!” The next person to show up was the student council president himself. Your groggy brain kick started when you saw that Levi Ackerman was with him. You hadn’t been sure he’d participate in the week of festivities leading up to the homecoming dance this year. He wasn’t even really a member of the student council, and he never seemed all that interested in getting hyped up on school spirit. Last year, he hadn’t even gone to the homecoming parade or the dance even though he’d assisted with all the preparations. It seemed all his efforts were done merely out of a sense of loyalty to his best friend who was the student council president.
“Levi is looking gorgeous as usual,” you hear one of the girls in your group lean in and whisper to another classmate standing next to her.
“I guess,” The classmate shrugs, “if you’re into the whole ‘small, dark and mysterious’ thing.” The first girl slaps her on the arm playfully even though it wasn’t an uncommon opinion of Levi. He mostly kept to himself and didn’t seem to have a whole lot of friends.
“He’s not that short!” she defends Levi. “Anyway, it’s his eyes that get me. They’re so intense. It gives me the shivers!”
“Thanks for oversharing,” the classmate lets out a laugh. “If you’re really that into him though, why don’t you ask him to homecoming?”
“Oh! Good idea!” The first girl claps her hands together. “Maybe I will!”
You try to tune out their conversation after that and listen to the student council president explain the tasks that needed to be done before the bell rang for the first class. In a way, it was nice to know someone else had seen through Levi’s tough exterior, but at the same time you’d also been crushing on him for longer than you cared to admit and the thought of having competition for someone who already felt unobtainable was disheartening.
“Be careful on that ladder!” Somehow, you’d ended up having to hang up a banner above the entrance to the cafeteria with both Levi and the girl you’d heard talking about him outside. It was difficult to enjoy the chance to be around Levi with her obvious flirting and him bossing you around.
“How does this look, Levi?” the girl asks from the side of the door opposite from you where she was holding the other end of the banner. “It is even?” Levi’s sharp eyes flick away from where you’re perched for just a moment as he replies.
“It’s fine,” he tells her flatly and then turns his focus back on you. “Hurry up and tie up your end and get down before you end up falling and breaking your neck.”
You do what he says even though you were starting to get your feelings hurt. It didn’t make sense for him to only nag you about safety when the other girl was doing the exact same thing you were. Did something about you come off as especially clumsy?
“Hey, Levi!” the other girl climbs down from her ladder and skips over to him. “I was wondering if you had a date to homecoming yet?” The boldness of her question throws you off, causing you to miss the last step of the ladder and slide the rest of the way down awkwardly. Thankfully, it hadn’t been that far of a fall so it was more of just a startle than anything.
“Idiot!” Levi was suddenly in front of you, looking intimidating and angry. “I told you to be careful!” He reaches down and snatches up your wrist to look at your hand. You’re surprised to see a small cut on one of your fingers. It must’ve been caused by a sharp piece of the ladder when you slipped. But it was hardly even bleeding, so you had to assume Levi’s extreme reaction was born from his apparent dislike for you. You weren’t sure what you’d ever done to him, but it seemed clear that he would never like you the way you liked him. As you made your way to the bathroom to take care of your finger, you vowed to get over your feelings for him since they were obviously one sided.
The satisfaction of seeing the upperclassmen react to the decorations your class had put up around the school lifted your spirits a bit during the day, but you were still feeling a little mopey when the final bell chimed to dismiss you from your last class. You make your way through the crowded hallway and get a bit of a shock when you find Levi waiting for you by your locker. You hoped he wasn’t there to yell at you for anything else
“How’s your finger?” the question comes out sounding impatient.
“It’s fine,” you reply a little awkwardly. “It was just a scratch.”
“That’s good,” Levi sounded just as uncomfortable as you felt, and you wondered why he’d be bothered to ask over such a small thing anyway. Maybe he thought you were so accident prone that you’d found a way to injure yourself even more over the course of the day.
“Okay,” the weird silence made you want to run away. “I’d better get going now.” You get the stuff you need from your locker and turn to make your escape.
“Wait,” Levi calls you back, but after a few moments of more quiet you lose your patience.
“What is your deal?” you throw up your hands in exasperation. “I’m sorry if hurting myself annoyed you or something, but it was an accident.” Levi raises his eyebrows, realizing he was being misunderstood.
“I wasn’t annoyed,” he explains before averting his eyes. “I was just worried that it might be worse than it looked.”
“What?” Your confusion draws his fierce gaze back to your face.
“I’d rather not see you get hurt at all,” he continues. “That’s why I wanted you to be careful.”
“Oh.” He was still dancing around his true meaning, but you were starting to think you understood.
“So, what did you tell that girl,” You hoped it wasn’t too random to change the subject, “that asked you to the dance?”
“I told her no,” Levi says it as if that should be obvious.
“Okay,” you still weren’t sure about asking him to go with you. He was a tough guy to read, and you didn’t want to scare him away. It was possible that he’d rejected that girl simply because he didn’t want to go to the dance. “Are you going to stay after and help the student council make the float for the homecoming parade today?”
“Are you going to be there?” he asks and you nod your head. “Then yes.” You’re thrown off by the possibility of him attending just to spend time with you, and it seemed he caught even himself off guard with what he’d said because suddenly there’s a slight flush of embarrassment on his cheeks.
“Do you want to walk together?” you say and he quickly accepts the offer. You smile and relax a bit knowing that your first assumption that he hated you was wrong. Maybe Levi was a little awkward about expressing his emotions, but you could deal with that as long as you still got the chance to spend more time with him and see where this new friendship might lead.
#Levi Ackerman x reader#aot x reader#snk x reader#Levi Ackerman#High School au#Cindy's 500 follower event#Cindy's Writing
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A Story’s Analyzation Chapter 2 : A New Morning, for Old Evenings...
It seems I completely forgot to add notes (and one more tag) to the last chapter.... *slowly runs away embarrassed* Please excuse me of my mistakes, this is my very first work..... And yes, I don’t have an editor. All the typing and editing is done by me..... so expect some (maybe a lot of mistakes) in my works. As it is, I am posting all the other chapters from ao3 and finally post the new chapter by tomorrow..... I hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a great day ahead! (P.s. I would really like some fic writing advices/suggestions!)
“What is this a set for a horror film?” Mc says looking at the mansion in front of them. It was a big mansion but it felt cold, creepy and too much eerie. “Mc, this the House of Lamentation.” Satan says while looking at them with curiosity. Mc lets out a small “oh”. Mc looks at Lucifer and asks him, “Hey, what about my stuff? You know like clothes, etc. etc.?”
“They are already transported in your room.” He replies as he unlocks the door.
“Eh? Really?”
After entering all the other brothers except Lucifer and Mammon retreat back to their rooms. “We’ll meet each other tomorrow, sweetie!” Asmodeus looks at them with the same sparkling eyes from before. “Yes, we will if you stop trying to get in my pants for a damn second.” They say uninterested not even looking at him. “My how cold!” he continues with very concerning face as if saying ‘Challenge Accepted’. He gives them a flying kiss before finally going back in his room.
“Be very careful with that one, human.” Mammon says while looking at them seriously. Mc looks at with shock, “Aww, it seems u care for me!”
“Wha- I don’t!”
“You do!”
“Shut up, you crazy human!”
Lucifer coughs loudly to get our attention, “We shall now show your room, come follow me.”
“Alright!” They say with a cute face. Lucifer looks at Mammon who is blushing and mumbling how cute were right now.
“This is your room.” Lucifer looks at them with a smile who is ignored by the said human who is excited as a child on Christmas. “Woah! This is so cool!”
Lucifer doesn’t know if to feel offended or to smile at their cute excitement. While being lost at his current confusion, Mc’s voice draws him back to reality, “Hey, is there anything else I need to know?”
“A-ah yes, your RAD uniform and other clothes are kept in the closet.” ‘Di-did I just stuttered?!’ Lucifer thinks to himself. “Tch” he looks at the wall of vines as if to will them on fire for this embarrassment. He then looks at Mammon who was behind him was trying his best not to laugh at his brother. Lucifer glares at him which makes Mammon feel as if he lost 100 years of his life. All while this is happening the human looks around the room. They finally look at the RAD uniform in the closet. “What in the hell is this, monstrosity of a cloth?”
“That is the uniform, stupid human.” Mammon looks at them snickering.
“If this is a uniform, why is it so……” Mc drifts off as they don’t have words to describe the uniform. “Seriously, whose design is this? Most importantly, who approved of it?”
“Stop complaining about the uniform. You will wear it even if you don’t like it.” Lucifer says with ‘oh scary and commanding voice’. Mc sighs, putting the uniform back in the closet. The look at them.
“Uh, guys?”
“Aren’t you going back in your rooms? Because I am gonna change out these clothes.”
Both of them look at them with shock as if they remembered something very important, they forgot. Lucifer says nothing but a small goodnight. Mammon stutters out how it’s the human’s fault he forgot.
“They are quite cute!” Mc thinks aloud after finally searching for their clothes and changing into them. ‘Well let’s see what happens tomorrow……’ they think as finally slumber takes over them.
“Good morning…” Mc says finally coming down in the dinning room from their room and also from finally wearing the disaster of an outfit that is called as the uniform in this place.
“Good morning Mc, Darling!” Asmodeus calls them across the table. “Good morning and please leave me alone if you are still trying to get me on your bed, cause I’m not in the mood.” They say as they take their seat. “Well, good morning to you too, Mc” Satan speaks as he enters the room, they nod at him with a smile. “Good morning, Beel.” they say as the said man in eating his breakfast with a lot of speed. Beel too, nods at them as if say ‘yeah good morning’.
“Good morning, Mc.” Lucifer greets them across the table sitting on the chair like a king drinking his coffee, “the one thing I forgot to mention was that we take turns in the kitchen to cook for our daily meals. Now that you are also a resident of this house it’s only fair for you to take a turn as well.”
“Ah, yes I will.” They say with a tired smile.
“Hm? Did you not have a good sleep?” he looks at them.
“Do you want to hear me complain about the uniform, again?” Mc dead pans at him. Some small snickers and laughs could be heard from the residents sitting the room.
Lucifer looks around the table as if something is missing, “brothers, where is Levi-”
Just then the door opened with a loud bang. ‘Seriously, they should stop entering dramatically with a bang. Does this family have drama in their veins instead of blood?’
“MAMMON!” the new male with indigo coloured-hair is angrily walking towards Mammon who is flustered. “Ah, here comes the tax collector” he says while trying to run. But before he could he the man is already at Mammon’s throat; he goes on about saying how he wanted his money back from Mammon so he could buy a figurine.
“Mammon, Avatar of Greed, what have you done now?” Lucifer asks pinching his nose bridge.
“Avatar of Greed?” Mc asks.
“Yes, Mammon’s the Avatar of Greed and the second eldest.” Satan fills the blank in Mc’s question.
“Second eldest?”
“Yes, we are seven brothers in total. Lucifer the eldest of us, Mammon the second eldest, the guy who is trying get his money from Mammon is Leviathan third eldest Avatar of Envy, me the fourth brother, Asmodeus the fifth brother and Beelzebub the sixth brother……” Satan says with a hushed voice while looking at them with a serious face.
“Wait, but you just said there are seven of you-”
“GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY YOU GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SCUM!” Leviathan….?..... screams at the top of his lungs. This makes Lucifer angry and lash at them “BOTH OF YOU BE QUIET! I’VE TOLD YOU A THOUSAND TIMES NOT TO FIGHT DURING MEALS. IF YOU CONTINUE THIS BEHAVIOUR, I’LL HANG BOTH OF YOU FROM THE CHANDELIER FOR REST OF THE WEEK!” this seems to quieten down both of them and they sit down.
After a moment of silence……
“Aaaah! Lucifer a stranger! Why is a stranger here?!” Leviathan screams yet once again while pointing a finger at Mc. Lucifer holds his head in his hands as if contemplating his life decisions.
This time, Asmodeus decides to fill in Leviathan with the information and explain it to Leviathan in a very excitable tone even talking about how they did not got seduced by him and how ‘he will change that’. Leviathan looks at Mc as if looking at a tiger in a zoo for the first time and trying to ask ‘this one doesn’t bite right?’
After eating his breakfast, he goes back to his room it seems, while the others gather near the front door. Mc asks Mammon if Leviathan doesn’t go to RAD. “……He doesn’t like crowds.” Mammon answers as he looks at Leviathan’s room door with a frown.
“So, how was your rest of the first day here?” Diavolo asks with an excited tone and a giant smile. Currently Lucifer, Mc, Diavolo and his green-haired butler Barbatos who Diavolo finally introduced to Mc are sitting in the gazebo- like place in a garden between the RAD building and the Royal Palace.
“It was good. I am excited for the days to come.” They say as they sip the tea that Barbatos made. ‘I should probably ask him the name of the tea. It’s really nice.’ Regardless, of the first impression that Barbatos had it seemed that he was polite if not a little friendly with Mc.
“Great! Anyways, what do you in Human World Mc?” you can literally see the stars of excitement in his eyes, “Pardon my excitement, its just this is my first time talking to a human!”
Mc chuckles at this, “I don’t do much, I am scientist, I create some magical implements for the officers at the place I work at.”
“Oh? What is this place you work at?” Lucifer asks curious at the mention of magic.
“Was it not mentioned in my file? The student file, I mean.” they look at him with a question mark on their face.
“Ah, no. It wasn't there for some reason.”
“Lucifer that is dangerous you know. I mean what would happen if it wasn’t me but a mob boss or someone dangerous?” Mc tells Lucifer in a slight teasing tone.
“But anyways, what place do you work in?” Diavolo with a bright voice trying to change the subject.
“Hmm….. Let’s say a police force or the Organization but instead of arresting those without magic they arrest the ones that misuse magic for their own good by destroying people’s life in the process. I help them by creating new useful implements and providing with said implements.” They finish as the bring the cup to their lips to drink their tea.
Diavolo looked like he was over the moon after hearing the new information. While Barbatos’s expression was unreadable. Lucifer was between curious and doubtful.
“I do write Novels under an alias as well.”
“Really?! What type of novel? What is your alias?”
Mc smiles at this, “That’s a secret!”
“At what position do you stand in the Organization?” Barbatos asks with a knowing smile.
“Ah, one of the Founders.”
“Founder? You created the Organization?” Diavolo asked excitedly.
“Yes, with my friends to be exact. After graduation my friends and I used to work for another police force until we revolted and things went a little out of control. When things became normal, we created said police force or rather the Organization.”
“Why did you revolt?” Lucifer asks them with an unreadable expression.
“….. Many people died even some my family-like friends too………. that place….. abandoned us to die…..not only that the killed a lot their own officers……we didn’t want more people to die that’s why………” they answer with sad and longing voice.
“Mc…. I’m sorry.”
“Ah, no don’t be you just asked it out of curiosity.” They give him a small smile. He continues to look at them, at their eyes to find an answer if they were really alright. They too look at him with concern in their eyes.
“Ahem.” Diavolo’s voice removes both of them from their trance. “I truly apologize if we resurfaced some not so good memories.” He gives them an apologetic smile.
After that, they talk about everything else to change the topic from the past.
Mc happily talks about their favourite cuisine form the human world, and promises The Fantastic Three, that they will make it for everyone to taste. They also talk about their favourite cake and pastries all while Lucifer looks at them with softness in his eyes. Diavolo of course notices this and smirks at Barbatos.
Barbatos can feel the literal excitement of his Young Master. He sighs internally knowing of what’s to come…
Just then a pair of new people enter in the room. One them speaks “Greetings Lord Diavolo, Barbatos and Lucifer.” While the other one is hiding behind him
“Yes, Good Afternoon Simeon. Mc, this is Simeon one of the exchange students from the Celestial Realm.” Mc extends their hand, “I am Mc, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Simeon.”
“Likewise.” Simeon shakes hands with them and smiles.
“Ah, it has been while, Chihuahua.” Lucifer’s smug voice is heard
‘Chihuahua?’ they think themselves.
“I TOLD YOU SO MANY TIMES I’M NOT A CHIHUAHUA YOU DAMN DEMON!” a childlike voice screams at him as a new person comes in Mc’s view. ‘Wait, a child?’
“Ah, this is Luke the Chihuahua, Mc. He’s the other exchange student from the Celestial Realm.” Lucifer says with a smug expression.
Mc looks at Luke. Luke looks at Mc. Mc walks over to Lucifer-
“Do Not Insult My Child.”
‘Seriously, did they lost all sense by bringing a cute harmless child in such a dangerous game?
Well, this story is quite chaotic….. it seems none them even realize that the Organization’s name wasn’t even mentioned. Well, I shouldn’t complain after all it does gives me an advantage for cutting some slack……
Huh? Who are you?
Oh, I see its you.
Tell me of your day, how was it?
…. Hm? Confused, are we?
It’s alright, I know who you are……….
Reader~. hehehe’
#shall we date obey me#obey me fic#obey me#obey me x mc#obey me lucifer#lucifer x reader#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me diavolo#obey me barbatos#obey me simeon#obey me luke#obey me solomon#book of observation series
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Take Care of Them
Warning: Hmm..? If you’re touchy on religion, I’d advise you to not continue reading. (I wrote this for fun)
If any of the characters are OC, tell me so I can try and adjust it.
Takes place after Lesson 18 but before Lesson 19
Pairings: Obey me boys x MC/Reader
Summary: God talking to MC in a dream or such about the brothers
Part 1-7
Chapter 8
The human jerked awake and looked around their room, their eyes landing on the envelope on their bedside table. Oddly enough, there seemed to be something else peeking out from underneath the envelope. They reached for whatever was hiding underneath the envelope and took notice that it was some kind of portrait.
Tears prickled at the corner of their eyes as they stared at the portrait. It was a picture of the six brothers when they were angels. The human let out a wet sob, their vision blurring as they stared at Mammon tackling someone that looked vaguely like Lucifer. Lucifer looked annoyed but they could see the tenderness in his green eyes as he stared at his younger brother. Asmo and Levi were sitting back to back. Levi had his eyes closed and his head was tilted back against Asmo’s shoulder, his purple hair was slicked back with a couple strands falling against his forehead. Asmo was staring off at Beel and Belphie with a large grin on his ethereal face. Beel was sitting on the ground while his younger twin brother was laying on his side beside him, one of his eyes open as he stared fondly at a woman MC did not recognize.
The woman had golden-brown skin and seemed to radiate happiness. She had long wavy white hair similar to Mammon’s that had hints of orange hiding in the white. Her hair framed her head like a halo and her purple eyes were glinting with delight. She wore a beautiful long tunic with no sleeves and a pair of leggings, as well as a pair of light brown lace-up shoes. Her medium sized dove-like slim white wings hung low on her back. The woman was turned towards Lucifer and Mammon, laughing heartily at the two.
This must be the eighth sibling, my ancestor, Lilith. MC mused as they went back to observing the brothers.
Out of the seven brothers, Lucifer looked the most different. Instead of having his black hair which faded into grey, his hair was platinum blond which was lighter than Satan’s yellow hair and his eyes were green instead of its now red color. Belphie’s hair also was different having interchanged while he was still an angel, the roots were white which bled into black.
The human turned the picture over and saw purple script write itself on the back of the portrait.
Pure soul,
I hope you enjoy this picture. It was one of my precious possessions but I wish to give it to you. I have a feeling that you might appreciate it more than I ever could. Cherish and keep it safe.
Camael, Symbol of Charity
MC hugged the picture to their chest, tears pouring out their eyes and down their cheeks as they choked on their sobs. They lifted the picture to their lips and pressed a light kiss against the image. They hid the picture in their drawer and took the envelope in their hands. They wiped their tears away with the back of their hand as they broke the seal of the envelope.
A smile replaced the frown on their lips as they read stories about Mammon, all about his mischievous ways and his interactions with his siblings especially Lucifer. They were surprised to read that Mammon was respected and loved by his siblings when he was still in the Celestial Realm and he seemed to be so generous towards everyone, almost always putting others before himself. They noticed that Mammon and Lucifer seemed to get along despite Lucifer acting like he didn’t like Mammon. Their smile slowly disappeared as the stories took a turn for the worst the closer it got to the Celestial War. Tears built up in the corner of their eyes when they read Mammon’s determination and contentment to stay by his older brother’s side despite not knowing what would happen to them after the war.
They watched as He wrote a small message for them once again at the end of the letter.
My child,
Stay on guard. Again, continue finding ways to unlock your angelic heritage and practice using my virtue’s powers. I see that Camael gave you a gift. If you wish, I can tell you about Lilith as well so you know more about your ancestor. I can tell you’re hurting for my fallen sons and while I cannot do anything anymore for them, I hope that I can provide you some comfort by telling you about them an in extension, Lilith.
Tears escaped once again before they put the envelope away with the rest of the other letters. They got ready, trying their best to hide the evidence of their breakdown before they left their room. They headed in the direction of the dining room, their head hung low as they entered the room. The chatter amongst the brothers seemed to die down, almost like they knew in an instant that something was wrong with their human, as MC sat down in their seat, slowly piling whatever food was leftover that Beel didn’t manage to get onto their own plate.
“Normie?” Levi called out but it seemed that the human didn’t hear him. The brothers shared worried glances with each other before Belphie leaned over and nudged them. “Oh, sorry. Were you guys talking to me?” They were startled, looking up from their food to see the demons staring at them with concern.
“You okay?” They turned to look at Beel who had his mouth stuffed full. “You…You seem down.” He swallowed before he spoke.
“Darling, have you been crying? Your eyes are swollen.” Asmo questioned, grabbing hold of their chin to turn their head to look at them. MC stared into the fifth brother's alluring peach eyes, tears swimming in the corner of their eyes.
They burst into tears which caused the brothers to panic. Just seeing the brothers worrying over them made them think about how unfair everything was. They didn’t deserve to be exiled from the Celestial Realm especially since it was all for their younger sister, a sister that they couldn’t save and lost because of the war. Just thinking about it made them angry.
They were pulled away from their angry thoughts when they felt a thumb brushing away their tears. They looked up to see a blurry vision of yellow in front of them before Satan’s calming voice cut through their daze, “Why are you angry? I can feel the rage building up in you.”
“I…I…” MC hiccupped, their voice getting stuck in their throat before they threw their arms over Satan’s shoulders. They buried their face into his chest as they screamed their anger and sadness away, their screams muffled by the blond’s uniformed chest but it didn’t stop the brothers’ heart from breaking when they heard the pain in the human’s cries. Satan ran his fingers through their hair, rubbing their head slightly and whispered, “Draw in that anger. Don’t let it control you.”
“I-I’m so s-sorry.” The human sobbed, shaking their head when the brothers tried to get them to explain the reason for their sudden outburst.
They felt a calming pulse coming from their hand and they shifted their blurry gaze to their hand. They saw the two rings on their left hand beating, sending comforting waves towards them. It was like Uriel and Raphael knew they were distressed and was trying their best to comfort them since they couldn’t be there with them. They slowly started to calm down, their anger and sadness dissipating as they shakily took a deep breath in.
They backed away from Satan, their eyes lowered as they whispered with a crackily tone, “I’m sorry guys.”
“What happened darling?” Asmo cooed, standing in front of them as he held their hand. They shook their head, removing their hand from the demon's grip and whispered, “It’s nothing. Just a bad dream.”
They stayed silent for most of the day, not acknowledging the concerned looks that the brothers were shooting them. At the end of the school day, they caught up to Lucifer who was, surprisingly, by himself and asked softly, almost nervously, “Lucifer, is it okay if I go visit Simeon at Purgatory Hall? There’s something that has been bothering me and I wish to talk to him about it.”
Lucifer looked like he didn’t want to allow it but took notice of the pleading look in his human’s eyes. He sighed before nodding, “Okay. Make sure you’re back at the house before curfew.”
“Thank you Lucifer.” MC looked around to see if there were any students loitering around, seeing that they were none around. They threw their arms around Lucifer’s waist, their head resting against his chest. “I’ll be back soon. Thank you so much. Tell the others where I am and don’t let Mammon come get me unless it’s past curfew.”
The human detached themself from the eldest brother before Lucifer could process the sudden hug and ran off, waving at the second strongest demon in the Devildom.
Lucifer shook his head staring after MC with enamor in his gaze before they turned the corner, disappearing from his sight.
Part 9
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Hey, no worries, I'm the angst Nonnie. I was asking about like a brother (in this instance Mammon) catches MC cheating on their brother (lets say, Lucifer) with another demon. I want brotherly support
okie and the brothers you chose were the oldest 4! gotcha!! srry for taking long to make this :( also i made it so only Levi's was on purpose, i didn't have much of the heart to make MC an asshole cheater dhdjdk
You and Lucifer have been going out for a while now but now it seems like he has no time for you.
You understand all the work he has to do for the exchange program to succeed and how much work Diavolo gives him. But still, you couldn't help but feel lonely. He'd sometimes even kick you out of his office even when you weren't speaking or you were just scrolling through Devilgram. It was irritating.
Asmo might've seen you being bummed out and looking lonely lately, so he invited you to go clubbing at The Fall with him. Said you needed fresh air, so of course he went ahead and dragged you along with him. Dolled you up and everything.
At the club, you just sat at a table, a couple of glasses in and you honestly knew better than to get drunk with none of the brothers there to care for you. Sure Asmo was there and promised to be with you but he saw some guy walk into place and now he's probably getting it on in some closet. And now you're alone.
Figuring you could sober out, you decided to dance. Again, this was drunk you speaking so could you really make since of anything?
You felt this demon walk over to you, and now he was grinding behind you. Turning you saw black hair and black and red eyes staring at you. Lucifer? Maybe Diavolo invited him out?
You smiled up at him and began kissing him passionately, even grabbing his crotch. And the male returned every action back and groped your ass all he could.
Just at this moment Asmo walked in through the crowd looking for you. The guy he met was a heterosexual with a girlfriend only wanting clout for trying to hook up with him. And he wasn't gonna be bait. That's when he saw you making out with some weird guy.
"MC! What the hell are you doing?!" he pulled you back from him, looking at this freak. His eyes and hair were the same as Lucifer's but that's where the similarities end. "And what the hell is wrong with you preying on someone drunk, you @$!?&" He yelled even louder.
Out of all his brothers, Asmo has a good amount of patience. Only have you ever seen him snap at Mammon and it's usually when Mammon starts shit up. It's like the alcohol in you washed all away and now you're seeing the entire situation.
"A-Asmo... I am so so-" You sobbed out.
"Quit it. You need to tell Lucifer. He won't be happy but he may appreciate the honesty."
Afterwards, Asmo was there beside you when you confessed to Lucifer. He, once again, kicked you out of his office, and now you were in your room crying your eyes out. Asmo comforted you for a bit but for the rest of the night, he comforted Lucifer. Who hasn't cried as hard as the time he lost his sister. The other brothers, they tried not to hate you. But they also tried not to kill you at breakfast. It would take time to heal all wounds.
Mammon told you he planned out a date. He had you wait outside some restaurant until he arrived and for the time being, you entertained yourself on your phone.
A couple demons have come up to you and asked you for your number but, of course, you declined them all.
Two hours passed and there were no signs of Mammon. You called him, no answer. You called Lucifer, again, no answer. No one answered.
So you stood and as you were going to walk back to the House of Lamentation, an arm grabbed you. "Hello, I'm sorry, but you're stunning. Please, give me your number." And before you could decline, the demon looked up behind you then down at you and kissed you before you turned around.
"MC?!" You turned behind you to see Beel. "A-Are you cheating on Mammon?" the demon turned around and ran off, leaving you stranded.
"Beel, it's not what you think." "You kissed him."
Beel was huge on family. He loved his brothers more than anything, and now he saw you betray his brother. "Why?"
Mammon soon found out the entire situation as he found Beel standing on the street, he gave you the wrong address and was looking for you. His brothers phones either all dead or Lucifer cut their messages off temporarily as punishment again.
While Beel and his brothers understood the situation and how it was forced upon you, Mammon's insecurity went up the roof. And Mammon would rely on Lucifer and Beel to comfort him until he could accept your apology.
You loved your boyfriend. Really, you did. But he spent countless hours behind a computer screen. Always talking to his friends and going on raids. Only talked about Sucre Frenzy and Ruri-chan. No attention towards you.
You were tired of it so you decided to go down to the library and clear your mind of things. A friend you made in class invited you over after hearing how Levi would ignore you sometimes.
Thinking it could be a way for you to get out of the house and spend time seeing more things than what's usually on Levi's screen, you agreed.
This friend, Levi mentioned he felt rather jealous of him. But you reassured him that you only liked him and no one else, that this friend was just a friend. He is the Avatar of Envy, after all.
So after an hour or two, visiting a cafe after a quick trip to the library, you both sat beside each other. He was currently reading a poem to you off one of the books he checked out. And you were leaning onto his shoulder, your mind off somewhere.
"So, what did you think?" he hummed, closing the book. "Mmm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
"Is it Levi? Your boyfriend? Is he neglecting you again?" You friend questioned you. You went off on how Levi would ignore you and gave more attention to his friends online that he's never met before, how he spent thousands of Grimm on some girl group he's seen live once, how he'd much rather marry some drawing of a girl in a poofy skirt and pigtails rather than you.
All the while you friend kept leaning closer to your face. "And it's like he doesn't- Woah, you're close to me." Your friend leaned in closer. No you shouldn't. Don't kiss him. You love Levi. Levi is your one true-
He closed the gap, and you kissed back. You knew it was wrong but you needed it. You wanted some sort of attention. You needed something physical. But Levi-
A cough interrupted you two. Satan was behind you.
"MC, did you and Levi break up? Or have I gone mad and caught you cheating on my insecure brother?"
Satan did tell Leviathan, in fact, he was face timing Levi the entire time. Your boyfriend asked Satan to pick up some treats at the cafe you were unknowingly at as a surprise and apology for ignoring you lately. Instead Satan overheard your conversation and faced the camera the entire time at you.
Afterwards, Levi shut himself in his room, lights off, headphones blasting and tears down his cheeks. He hugged the sweater you left in his room some time ago. Satan did go in to check up on him and he was especially mad at you. They all were. And you were the most angry.
Lucifer sent Satan up to Earth to sort some things out for him.
He mentioned it'd take two weeks but he promised he'd take you out and spend time with you as soon as he got back.
Now, there were three days left until he returned and you were estatic!
Deciding to go out to the store and buy some groceries and prepare him a feast before his arrival back to the Devildom.
Now the bag of special flour was on the top shelf. Demons were taller than the average human, so this shelf was especially high. You turned at a coworker that was walking past you and asked him to fetch you the flour on the top shelf.
Of course, he said yes and easily picked it up for you. "On one condition." He must be Joking. Seriously, dude, I'm a customer, you thought to yourself.
The condition was for a kiss and a date. You shook your head no and before you could open your mouth to say you already had a boyfriend, he pressed his lips against yours and handed you to flour. "Great, meet me at Ristorante Six in three days. 8pm sharp. Tell your folks I'll drop you off at 11." He walked off, smacking your ass.
Seriously what the fu-
"MC, are you cheating on Satan? You know he came back today, right?" Belphie was in front of you now. He knew he heard your voice and he thought of finding you so he could also make something for his twin.
You explained the situation to him. The sleepy boy did doubt you but told you to explain it all to Satan once you all got home. You agreed.
Satan, yes he was fuming, he was angry. Belphie had to remind him that you didn't even consent to a kiss nor an ass smack. And then you remembered he told you to meet him outside Ristorante Six.
Now the grocery store employee WAS there and he was dressed nice. And you were there too. And Satan was there too. Ready to beat the shit out of him. And he did. Satan was still hurt from the entire situation and did need some consolation from his brothers before he could hold you again. He just appreciated your honesty. Belphie, however, did say that if you were to ever hurt his brothers again, he won't hesitate to kill you again.
#obey me leviathan#leviathan#lucifer#asmodeus#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me belphegor#obey me satan#satan#obey me#beelzebub#simeonstanon#mammon#belphagor#srry this was done at 5am im sleepy ;(
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Hi again people who follow me!
I’m bored and I’ve decided to make fun facts about our DID system and the four known alters!
So before I start- Lilith has a bit of a show today, but the body was too tired for her to start anything. Like I feel asleep as soon as I got to class. The reason I know this is because of my outfit and she decided to put on lip gloss (which I never wear personally). She’s not conscious currently, none of the other three are, and I’ll get to that later!
Oh! And just so you know, this is Lennox.
Let’s start with Levin!
Levin is the alter that co-cons often or will switch with me
He knows a lot about our system, but is very secretive about it so~
He is the only male alter in the system that I know of
He also goes by Levi and Lev
He likes more soft songs and songs with a good message
His favorite color is forest green
He’s the only alter that Lilith does not take her anger out on
He’s an introvert with really bad social anxiety
He hates sexual songs (so of course being me, I put two of the worst sexual songs I know in his playlist, he doesn’t know)
He has insomnia and ptsd
He’s extremely competitive when it comes to card games
He likes educating people on animals and wants to do gigs, like birthday parties and events, to teach people about reptiles and birds specifically
His favorite subject is English
He is white with blue eyes and dark brown hair. He’s thin, well more twig like, but whatever. He’s around 5’8 (two inches taller than the body)
His clothes style is baggy shirts with either baggy sweatpants or leggings. He wear plain colors, like pale blues, grays, and black. He, surprisingly, likes boots, even heeled boots
His favorite anime is... probably Durarara x2 any season
He has no sexual desires, but romantic likes girls
He’s 18
He’s very comfortable singing, he loves it. That a major way he expresses himself
His favorite song is... I think LA Devotee by P!ATD (idk why but that what he likes)

^^ What he likes to wear ^^
Next on our list is
The demon queen herself, LILITH
She is named after Adam’s first wife, the demon queen, Lilith (yes she liked to go church, but we stopped going)
She is a bisexual
She’s ageless (she has no age, or if she does she hasn’t told anyone)
She’s an absolute bitch and she knows it.
She has violent mood swings and anger issues (respectfully so)
She is also an introvert, but not because of anxiety, no it’s because she wants to strangle every single person that looks at her weird
She hates Little with the burning passion
She gets repressed the most because no one wants to be expelled from school
She likes cooking
She hates cleaning because of her ocd
She wants to pursue a culinary job
Her favorite subject is science
She rarely fronts and when she does it’s quick or someone is co-con with her (ex. What happened with aleia-clownery)
Lennox(me) has to clean up her messes as always.
Her favorite anime is... The Promised Neverland (she likes Ray a lot)
She likes aggressive songs, or songs that swear a lot
Lilith has wavy black hair with blue highlights. Her eyes are a brownish red color. She’s short, like 5’2, and likes to wear heels because of it. She’s black as well
Her favorite color is dark royal blue
Her style of clothes is black shirts with skulls on them and tight, but comfortable, pants. She also likes a certain denim dress I have
She likes drawing and doodling ways to kill people and I have to say she’s pretty good
Her favorite song is Sarcasm by Get Scared (very fitting for her)

^^ What she wishes she can wear ^^
Next is Little!
She likes to bake
She enjoys going to restaurants, specifically Asian style ones
She’s loves animals and wants to work with them so bad.
She’s an extrovert with ADHD
Little is Hispanic and on the chunky side. She has a caramel skin tone. She can understand it way better than me (Lennox) and she wants to learn Japanese and French (I’m interested in Japanese so we’re probably going to learn it)
Her favorite subject was College Writing Prep and before that was Language Arts, but the writing part of it. She really likes writing
Her favorite color is... honestly black. She likes that it matches with everything and likes the science of black too
Her favorite anime is Ouran High School Host Club (I hate it with the burning passion) her second choice is Black Butler (any season) which we allow her to watch
She likes baking and cooking, tho she prefers baking, she likes the way it calms her, I guess
Her favorite song is Voices in My Head (she listens to a lot of nightcore so I don’t the artist)
I’m not saying much else about her (I don’t want creeps harassing her)

^^ What she prefers to wear ^^
Last, and certainly least, Lennox (aka me!)-
My favorite anime is Kakegurui or... BNA... or BNHA... or Hitorjime My Hero (My Very Own Hero)... or maybe Given? Idk I like a lot of anime...
The first anime I’ve ever watched was Wolf’s Rain. I was seven I think, but it was on YouTube so I didn’t get to watch the whole thing. I recently found it, but I’m afraid to watch it lmao
I like the colors teal and turquoise, as well as blood red and jet black
I like anything P!ATD, Halsey, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boys, Set It Off, Alec Benjamin, OneRepublic, and Nico Collins and AJR(granted so does everyone else but 🤷)
My favorite songs are Control by Halsey and Lonely Dance by Set It Off and Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time by P!ATD and River by Ed Sheeran and Eminem and Not Afraid by Eminem and I’m Ready by AJR and Karma by AJR... I can go on for hours, but I’mma stop here
I’m Non-binary and the only gender nonconforming alter. I’m also pansexual
I hate being touched, I hate talking to people that act ignorant, and I hate this body I’m in
I look like the body so no description for you 😝
I have anxiety and depression. Everything else I’ve been diagnosed with can really be related to DID
I’m a neutral party in everything, so when I say I don’t know, I don’t care, whatever, or not my business, I’m literally saying I have no standing or opinion in this
I like cooking, baking, organizing (not cleaning), writing, reading, doodling, and doing self introduced projects for fun
I like plaid clothing, hoodies, and pride shirts. I like sweatpants and sneakers. I also like things on my neck... it keeps me ground I guess
(Oh my god I’m writing this with Ella, right? I told her to stop clawing at the furniture, right? All of a sudden her focus is on the ground and I wiggles my toes, testing if she was looking at my feet, and I started moving them around. I told her, ‘stop looking at my feet.’ This cat, this puta, liked me in the eyes before looking back down and got in position to lunge at my feet. My heart stopped and I pulled my feet onto the couch. And she was going to do it because the moment I moved my feet, she jumped from the top of the couch she’s on... she scares me sometimes 😣)

^^ What I would wear if Lev was a little shit and let me wear pride stuff and jewelry ^^
Onto how our system works!
Levin and I co-con often. If I’m not in control, then he is
On instances where I get angry, Lilith takes control
Little co-cons with me more than everyone else because she enjoys annoying me
Lilith and Little are both so stubborn and hardheaded, it’s unbelievable. On the other hand, Levs and I are open minded and calm. So we often clash on what we should do as a collective
Lilith is a Christian, Levi and I are atheists, and Little is a Seventh Day Adventist (the religion I grew up with). However Lev and I hold more say, so we don’t go to church
I guess you could say there’s a hierarchy in the system. I have the most important say, then Lev, then Little, and lastly Lilith
Levin and I enjoy co-conning with each other only, anyone else gives us headaches
Everyone loves Nico Collins, Alec Benjamin, Set It Off, and AJR the most
Everyone’s favorite albums are Death of a Bachelor (p!atd), Cinematics (set it off), and American Beauty/American Psycho (fall out boys)
Everyone loves sushi and sushi rolls (California and Philadelphia rolls are the best)
We all really want to try takoyaki and pork Katsudon. When we do try them, I’ll probably make a post about it
We all love Ella and we all want to start a rehabilitation center of all animals and a pet cafe
We love reptiles, like all reptiles, venomous snakes included
I think there are more alters that just aren’t as prominent as the other three, Levin would know but he doesn’t like to discuss our system often
We really want to buy these specific no pierce cuff earrings
Edit: this total slipped my mind- when I’m on my red week (you know what I’m talking about) the others let me deal with it on my own, especially Little and Lev (Lev hates that week and recedes completely)

That’s all I’m willing to share about us (or that I remember)
My part was short because you guys talk to me all the time
Lennox... with a sprinkle of Levin
I’m tagging some people because why not-
@one-pissed-off-child @liveto-100 @madame-ree @martinidrinkingmartin @anon-nom-nom95 @queenzie-xo @scalybunnypapi69 @gogetyoselfsomesoup (still bitter) @cristinaweeb @aleiakit @aleia-clownery (I’m still so sorry about what happened) @studiesboie @bloomyboithatemoji @pumpkineiji @penelopebakugouburrito1
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Tag Meme!
okay, so this is the second try since i deleted the first attempt of doing this tag. after i cried a bit for being so stupid, i’ll decided to write not so much again which is good for yall i guess!
@add-a-teaspoon-of-heroism tagged me for this and I’m so sorry it took me so long, love! But it always makes my day when you tag me somewhere :)
rules: name 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms.
1. Roronoa Zoro from One Piece
I’ve been in love with him since i was 11 or something, so it’s been like... 10 years and counting which is crazy. One Piece in general holds a special place in my heart, but god, this man ruined so many other fictional characters. He’s loyal and a dork and strong and i just love him, okay? okay.
2. Kaminari Denki from My Hero Academia
at the end of this, you will see that i have a preference for characters who can make me laugh. and some other things, but we’ll come to that later.
tbh, when i first start watching bnha, i liked shoto the most, then bakugou (it’s always the emotional unavailable ones, innit?). Now, i also adore kiri and aizawa and dabi, but denki is just... denki. the only character that can compete with him is shinso.
3. Kakashi Hatake from Naruto
Sad backstory, smart, wears a mask which makes him hot like instantly. oh, and emotional constipated, so i just had to fall for this guy.
4. Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
i never knew that i have a uniform kink like men in uniform a lot, but he proofed me otherwise. that man just radiates power when he snaps his fingers and i like men who are strong. and his relationship with Riza? love it. they are easily one of my OTPs.
5. Yato from Noragami
a dork, again. also a man who can handle a sword/blade. you see where i’m going with this? anywho,, i am so happy that the mangaka continued to draw the manga, which is haven’t read yet (i blame bnha for that), bc i can’t. fucking. wait. for. season. 3.
6. Senku from Dr. Stone
to be fair, i only recently started watching this anime, so my favorite character might change, but so far it’s him! he’s so smart it’s not fair. but lemme tell y’all, the first time i understood what he was talking about, i was so proud. like me, understanding chemistry??? what a time to be alive lmao
7. Violet from Violet Evergarden
oh god, this anime played with my feelings so hard, it’s not even funny. the story is sad and it’s so beautifully animated i wanted to cry sometimes. and even tho i lowkey find the relationship between Violet and that dude (you know which one if you’ve seen it, but i forgot his name, pls forgive me) slightly problematic, i still wanna hug her and tell her how proud i am of her.
8. Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan
okay, so i might be cheating a bit when i say his name since i’m not really into aot anymore, but i still do read the manga and i will watch season 4, bc i wanna know what happens to him. he also took up most of my free time last year, so it’s only fair if i name him.
and see? emotionally constipated and good with a sword/blade again.
9. Baymax from Big Hero Six
ngl, i cried the first time watching this movie lmao
he is basically a marshmallo on legs who takes care of other people. HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE THAT??
but fr, this is my comfort movie. if I’m having a rough time and want to just feel better, i watch this movie and laugh and maybe cry, depends on how bad i am. and now i am thinking about how much i love it.
brb, need to cuddle my baymax plushie.
10. Tony Stark from Iron Man
i won’t say much. just know that i love him a fucking lot and that i will never, never, NEVER accept the end of endgame. they did him so dirty in so many ways and just thinking about it makes me angry. Tony, you truly deserved better.
aight, so i think it’s done! in my first try, i actually wrote a lot more, but i think i did okay in this one :)
doing this tag, it also made me realize that all of my favorite characters are men which tbh does not surprise me as i find a lot of female characters horribly portraited, but that’s for another time.
and i think i am supposed to tag 10 people now, right? so, I’m gonna tag @lostfoxgirl and @pixxiesdust (i’m so sorry if you did this already hun or don’t want to do it), but idk anyone else on tumblr :( so if you’re reading this and want to do the tag, pls do!
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A Second Chance Chapter V (Titan!Erwin Eruri fic)
Half-arsed summary: Events from chapter 84 had Erwin been given the serum. Soft and obsessive Levi, Erwin struggles with guilt from those he sent to die for a selfish dream, and everything with Zeke-Marley will be far different under Erwin’s leadership. Erwin will be the one to save the world. Read the whole thing here.
Several weeks passed, and the Survey Corps set their sights on clearing up the rest of the titans inside Wall Maria, as well as progress on Erwin’s experimentation and Eren’s memories.
Unlike before, Erwin spent a lot of his time alone. Normally, he’d spend his time with Levi, Hange as well. When he worked on paperwork, Levi would usually be there, even if silently, just keeping him company.
But after Shiganshina, Erwin wanted to be left alone.
Levi thought Erwin was angry, that he saw Levi as a failure and disappointment, but the truth was that Erwin was trying to find himself.
He was trying to recollect memories, see what Bertolt saw. Know what he knew. Unlike before, he tried to actually get some sleep, because he thought it’d be the best way to meet Bertolt again. The coated man in the dreams he couldn’t remember, he knew it was him. But he didn’t see him again. He couldn’t dream.
Everything was just hard for Erwin.
He was overwhelmed, even though the Survey Corps had done nothing but progress. They earned the people’s love and warmth, while the other military branches’ respect and admiration.
Yet something felt amiss.
What is it that he gained that day…?
He reached the basement and proved his father right. He felt he redeemed himself some for being a stupid child that got the father he adored killed.
But he still didn’t feel whole.
Sometimes, his hands felt dirty. When he lingered too much on his feelings of emptiness, he’d look at his feet and see a pile of corpses. And the very first corpse he stood on was Mike, who always stared at him with his brows slightly creased.
Like he were questioning him.
So, what did he gain…?
Progress for humanity?
At the expense of what?
How were they supposed to fight not one enemy, but the entire world? What was it that he, a man that was exhausted and broken, could do?
If only, if only he could remember something.
But what did that matter? Did Bertolt have any information that was more useful than anything Grisha and Kruger gave them?
Or more useful than Eren’s predecessors?
He took a sharp inhale and stood from his desk. He went over to his bookshelf and grabbed one of the old books he borrowed from Historia’s library.
He sat on his bed, and made himself comfortable as he spread the several journals on the bed, and rested the book on his legs brought to his chest.
“The Fundamentals of the Brain,” it was called.
He grabbed one of the journals, pages yellow from its antiquity.
There were detailed drawings of the brain and the lobes of the cerebral cortex. He alternated between speed-reading the journal and book. He focused on the notes on the hippocampus—the part responsible for memory function.
He grabbed a quill and his own brand-new journal.
He stared at the blank page, lost in thought.
The paths Kruger mentioned… they could almost be defined as a channel of transportation. It links all Eldians, and the central point is the Coordinate. The brain possesses something similar. The axons in the brain serve as a wire that connects neurons from location to location. It’s responsible for transmitting information over a long distance. A neural pathway, so to speak. This pathway maybe could be seen as the Coordinate in the brain. Every Eldian is connected to the Coordinate, so, perhaps we could be seen as axons. If the memories are passed on from shifter to shifter through these paths…
“Hm…” he muttered. “Let’s see,” he now spoke out loud, leaning back on the pillows and looking at the ceiling. “If memories are stored as patterns, and those patterns encode information of an event, maybe a stimulus could cause those memory networks to be activated. But how do you stimulate a brain to remember?”
His head shot to strong knocks on the door.
He stood and headed to it, and opened it. It was late, who wanted to bother him?
He found Levi and Hange.
“… Oh? What are you two doing here?”
“Were you just talking to yourself?” Hange said.
“You heard?” his brows rose.
“You’re just like Eren now!” she jested. “I thought he was weird, talking to himself and all, but you’re the same! Maybe it’s a titan shifter thing. You guys are so weird!”
She grinned and laughed, but she was evidently hiding the sadness in her.
“Why are you here?” Erwin asked.
Her eye saddened. “Because we’re worried about you…” she admitted.
He took a good look at them, and was surprised when his eyes found Levi. The dark circles under his eyes were terrible, and his normally handsome face was plagued with an unspoken emotion Erwin couldn’t decipher.
Sadness? Resignation? What was it?
He frowned in surprise.
“… Have you been losing weight?”
Levi didn’t say anything.
“What do you need?” he asked them.
“We’re just worried, Erwin…” Hange frowned. “About you. We want to know what’s going through that mind of yours.”
“I’m fine,” Erwin said.
“What are you doing?” Hange asked, getting on her tippy toes and looking over Erwin inside his office, catching a glimpse of his book filled bed.
“Reading,” he said.
“Erwin…” Hange frowned, “why won’t you talk to us?”
“What do you mean? I am—“
“Whenever we’re done experimenting or working, you disappear without a trace. You were never like this before. We don’t talk, share tea or do anything together at all. Why…? Why has everything changed so much?”
Because he hates me… Levi thought.
Erwin sighed, and they were surprised by the visible saddening of his eyes and his sudden sincerity.
“I’ve wanted to be alone,” he admitted. “I have much to think about. I don’t need any distractions, but don’t take that the wrong way.”
“Isn’t there anything we can do to help?” Hange asked.
Erwin looked down in contemplation. He glimpsed at the books, then at them.
“Three heads are better than one,” she smiled sadly.
“… Yes,” his eyes softened. “How foolish have I been?”
He fully opened the door and paved way for them to enter. Hange did immediately, but Levi hesitated.
“Levi?” Erwin called.
Levi looked up at him, brows furrowed and eyes sad—and his expression was pitiful to look at. It was childish and pleading, like he were asking Erwin if he was truly allowed to go in, if he was truly welcome.
“What are you waiting for?” Erwin smiled at him for the first time in weeks, and it made everything inside Levi tighten. “You don’t intend to stay there all night, do you?”
Levi silently walked through the door, and stood in the middle of the office, doing nothing.
Erwin walked past him to the bedroom and plopped on the bed. He sat, scurrying back as Hange went over with a chair to sit next to him. After several calls, Levi did the same. He sat next to Hange at the right bedside so they both could be face-to-face with Erwin.
Erwin explained what he was trying to do. Hange nodded intently, and Levi gazed at Erwin with the most pitiful eyes he had ever seen. He tried to ignore it, but it brewed something terrible inside Erwin.
What was wrong with Levi?
“That’s brilliant,” Hange referred to the way Erwin illustrated paths with the human brain. “The brain does behave like a sponge,” she said. “When you ate Bertolt, you said you dreamt about his titan form crying. If what Rod Reiss said is true, and we have no reason to believe otherwise, then a titan shifter never truly dies. Their memories are absorbed by the current holder, certain conditions simply need to happen in order for those memories to surface.”
“But the issue is how,” Erwin sighed. “I don’t know how. After all, I’m trying to stimulate my brain for someone else’s memories, not my own.”
“Hm…” Hange pondered, skimming through the journals.
“Maybe you should cut open my skull and probe my brain,” Erwin smiled.
Hange’s mouth opened. She stared at Erwin, and he and Levi could tell she was contemplating the idea.
“He was just kidding!” Levi yelled, frowning at her.
They were taken aback, since it was the first thing he had said, and he looked panicked.
“I know, I know,” she smiled apologetically. “Buuuuuuuuut—“
“But nothing!” Levi reproached.
“Okay, okay,” she put her hands up.
Erwin laughed, and her eyes darted between him and Levi. She spoke to Erwin, changing the subject to lighten the mood, but she couldn’t stifle the sadness inside her.
Levi was quiet and never said anything about it, but she wasn’t dumb.
She easily noticed the changes in him and Erwin since their last meeting where they discussed what happened in Shiganshina.
The difference is, she could tell Erwin was distant, but Levi…
It’s like Levi had fallen into a deep depression, and she wasn’t sure if it was because of his failure in killing the Beast Titan, or somehow because of Erwin.
She just wanted everything to be fine.
They lost so much during the Battle of Shiganshina. Mike wasn’t with them, she had lost Moblit; the three of them were all they had. And now that Erwin’s time was ticking, she didn’t want anything to get in the way of their friendship.
She abruptly stood up, and they both looked at her.
“Let’s go out!” she smiled. “Tomorrow’s Friday. Let’s go out to the interior! Let’s have a few drinks, let’s go to a cabaret—let’s have some fun! We have earned it!”
“But, Hange—“
“But what?” Hange said. “Are we here just to work? Were we put on this Earth to drown in work every waking hour, and think about the pain we feel during the little time we have to take a breather?”
“Let’s go out!” she repeated. “Let’s get drinks, let’s eat some meat, let’s attend a fun show and just get drunk!”
Levi was too depressed to say anything, or to even contemplate her words.
“You know what,” Erwin closed the book with a thump, “you’re right.”
They looked at him in surprise.
“I can’t remember the last time I relaxed,” he said. “Can you?”
She shook her head.
“And I’m sure Levi is the same,” Erwin said when Levi said nothing. “Let’s enjoy ourselves. I’ll make the carriage arrangements tomorrow morning.”
“Yes!” Hange brought her fist up then down in victory. “Then it’s settled,” she sat back down and wrapped an arm around Levi. “We’re going to have fun and eat,” she emphasised, but Levi didn’t know why. It took him a few seconds to understand, and he looked away when he did.
Erwin frowned at Levi’s utter lack of enthusiasm. His pitiful expression was starting to get to him.
“But for now,” he said, standing up, “I’m going to think for a little longer, then sleep. You two get some, as well.”
“Okay,” Hange smiled, complying, and Levi followed. She bid Erwin goodbye, waiting for Levi, but she quickly left instead when Erwin tugged him back to prevent him from leaving.
Levi looked up at him with those pitiful, hopeless eyes.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” is all he responded.
Erwin frowned, not knowing what to tell him or what to ask him. Why was he so thin?
The Survey Corps had better food than ever now. So, why?
He held both his shoulders and shot him a comforting smile, to Levi’s surprise. “Get some good sleep,” he said. “We’re going to have some well-deserved fun tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it.”
Levi frowned, and it shocked Erwin further when his words had the opposite effect he intended.
He looked even worse, even more distraught.
“… Okay,” is all Levi said.
He turned and left, hands in pockets and tired eyes on the floor.
He turned to look.
“Goodnight,” Erwin smiled.
Levi frowned even more. He said nothing and left, to Erwin’s utter confusion.
This was the last part of the chapter. Read its entirety here. I do suggest you start from chapter I, though.
#snk#Eruri#levi ackerman#Erwin Smith#erwin x levi#attack on titan fanfiction#snk fic#eruri fic#shingeki no kyojin
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Art theraphy (OMOMTRTA)
(This is a story about the latest shall we date game Obey me! One master to rule them all. I don’t own the game just the Oc I made to be the MC Also if you haven’t played the game..back out the hell now.cause SPOILERS LINK TO THEM IN THE BIOOO)
Lucifer was minding his own damn business when he noticed a box. it wasnt a scam box,or the latest weeb, it was a box loaded with art supplies. he knew who it was so he picked it up bending with his knees and took it there. and when he placed it down he began texting.
Lucifer: Christina...Did you order anything?
Christna: Oh yes! I ordered some art supplies to help me with my theraphy. Did they arrive? Ill go get them.
Lucifer: No need they are at your door now. And if you tried to lift them you might hurt your back.
Christina: Thanks Lucifer! Youre the greatest!
This did make Lucifer blush. He did like it when Christina praised him. It was like when Lilith did when she was around all those eons ago. He smiled seeing her door open and her squealing excited at the box and quickly scanning her room for a box cutter. when she found one she was extra careful opening it and began inspection on each item. "Lets see..1 set of scented ink in the colors of the rainbow..check. Water colorss..check. chinese paintbrushes and brushes in a pinstripe tip with a metal case to match..check..Sketchbooks that can tolerate ink and water color..and books on the weather of Devildom...check and check...400 Grimm well spent on theraphy." Lucifer almost cringed cause Mammon and Asmo and their spending habits but,if this was for theraphy and the shopping itself wasnt theraphy he will stomach it. "May i help you with this 'Theraphy' of yours?" He asked. Chrissy made a happy gasp and nods cause the point of it was talking out your emotions while drawing them.
Lucifer sat down and saw her put the things about happily humming and looking at a prompt list on the internet. "So you do this to make you happy? When did it start?" She hesitated and went silent.. "Lucifer...Lord Diavolo has punishments in each area right? The places i cant go i mean." She asked. Lucifer nodded not knowing where she was going with it until she asked "Where do abusive fathers go? I know ive seen people like me here in phases of hell. cause you and your brothers have..fun with them or to me..curse my name being the meaning of purgetory.." she laughed making Lucifer chuckle a bit. "Okay how about as your drawing you tell me what you saw around my brothers. and ill tell you where your father might go." Whoever this dirtbag was he was gonna judge him himself. Didnt he know what a gem he had. Who does he think he is Henry the 8th?! "Welll Asmo gets alot of fan visits...and he has no respect for the thickness of the walls...or the floor..." "NEXT" Lucifer said facepalming. He knew their was gonna be a boom soon no thanks to him. No wonder poor chrissy gets creeped out by him. "Well Beels football team will do somthing nice when i bake cookies to help fund the team. They buy all by cookies before Beel eats them all.Somthing about Dining hall being a Warzone." Lucifer realized she only comes to the house to eat and not the dining hall. Thank hells she didnt see the last food fight. "Oh but you know that Mammon got a job right?" This was a small surprise to Lucifer and looked at her. "It was only for the day..we worked at Hells kitchen for a while..I was a waitress with Belphie and Mammon was a Fry coo-" That did it...Lucifer was laughing..good thing Chrissy was the only person listening. "I-im sorry continue.." Chrissy nodded "Now um i was wondering if my dad can go there since he robbed me,,,treated me like crap...malipulated me..." she went on and on about her abuse and not know Lucifer..even though was listening and was calm..and didnt know jack about this man..wanted to end his BLOODY LIFE.
That was then and nowadays the place was quiet and the men were mopey..Mammon did steal but not that much. Even levi was lonely. That was until their phones were ringing
The house of Lamentation(7):
Chrissy: Hey guys did you miss me?
Mammon: CHRISSSSYYYYY*crying*
Levi: How is it in the human world? You are collecting mangas for me right? And the latest Kpop stuff?
chrissy: I missed you guys too and yes Levi im keeping my promise.
*Shows a picture of her library and there was her normal books and her whole collection of manga and her fairy garden full of minitures*
Satan and Levi: So...many...books.:heart:
Chrissy: And most of them are autographed with notes from the authors and or voice actors. I can give you a tour of my house?
Thus began the video call. so in the call they saw each part of her room starting with well the house and outside. It was an domed roofed Eco manor on 10 acres of land , featuring solar pannels,Silo for her animals food, a inground pool, a nearby lake, a circular driveway with some oddly burned in treadmarks, and a stable. She began getting passionate about her horses and comparing some of them to the brothers. Alll of them wondered if they could they can get her to breed with one of their Hell horses..just to see what would happen. Then she showed inside where they are in her living room/kitchen area. It has leather couch,her gaming systems in a heart shaped cabinet, a flatscreen television and her bass guitar, and is open to the second story with a balcony overlooking the floor below in the living room area.The kitchen had two ways to get in from the living and dining area from the looks of it, a kitchen island, a rainbow of cake spactulas, cooking supplies and more. Beel was loving this room just as much as Levi loved the living room.There was even a Yogurt and cupcake machine!Lucifer was just happy she was following her Keto diet seeing the Keto cookbooks.then they saw Angel, her service dog, and her cat Sir snowball and her trying to calm them. They all did laugh at that and then mammon got excited seeing a beaut of a Mazda decaled with an angry unicorn in space on it. He could also tell it had carbon fiber hoods and roofing. She was MADE to race!
Chrissy: Mammon stop drooling over Winter..
Mammon: But shes beautiful!
Chrissy: And i dont want you Crashing her.
As the tour continues She showed her mermaid themed bathroom with 2 tubs 1 tub for the pets and 1 jucuzzi sized one for herself, A walk in shower raised on a platform, a freestanding hairdryer and a small electric fireplace in the corner that changed color.Asmo was getting ideas but it was cut off by a "Dont you think about it" from chrissy. Asmo pouted. All that was missing was a mini nail salon. Then the best part for all of them..her ROOM. Where she was sleeping for sometime. It features a large loft bed, freestanding mirror, fireplace and 3 full-length windows overlooking the ground below. The walls are decorated with all of her paintings and photos of them in poses she asked them to do which made them have the Feels. Cause they realized in almost every room there were these types of paintings and photos. And they saw her walk in closet that had some clothes all off them gave her and her vlogging gear. She did claim about having guest rooms but they were mostly storage at the moment. In the end of the tour she showed her editing room, Art room and smiled at them sadly when she said she had to go. Most of them whined but lucifer said. "Dont worry guys. she will call back at least we know her theraphy is making her feel alright." Then Lucifer was shocked when she asked "You guys will visit right?" they all nod and Chrissy hung up excited to show them around
#obey me one master to rule them all#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me mc#obey me lucifer#obey me satan
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Tomb of Time Destiny Chapter 22 Part 2
He smiled an eensy smile, just a half-second of a tiny upturning of his thin lips. "I'll return this evening to apply more medicine to your wound."
"Thank you," I said, watching him scurry past Jellal and out the door.
Simon looked at Juvia with a grin. "My cousins and I would be in your debt if you would allow us to bring you out to the games. The people-" He paused to look over his shoulder, as if he could see through the stones-"they won't leave until they see all of you. Especially Juvia, there is much concern over the wounded she-wolf"
"J-juvia does not know if she'll be able to handle it," Juvia said while fiddling with her thumbs.
He took a step into the room, lifting a hand as if beseeching her. "We'll carry you in on a settee!"
I lifted a brow. "That would be quite dramatic."
"Your sisters have already agreed to give a demonstration of their archery skills," he said, looking to Lucy and Levy.
"We hardly had a choice!" Lucy said, raising her hands.
"Nope," Simon said with a smile. "I think it will be the most interesting part of the games. Everyone is dying to beat them."
Juvia and I smiled then, too. "Juvia must attend, then. But only if she and Erza wager a small fortune before the event takes place."
Jellal smiled "You'll have a hard time finding takers. Most want to place their hopes on your sisters' shoulders."
"Except one," Levy said, meeting his eyes.
"Pay Bora no mind," Simon said with a wave of his hand. "He's been the champion when it comes to archery. He needs to learn how to be a good sport when faced with a more skilled challenger."
Juvia and I looked over to Levy and Lucy's direction. They were nervous.
Bora. The creepy, tall guy who hung out with Carmen and her entourage.
"Don't worry! Your days of fear are over. There are only friends among us. Loyal town folks."
We glanced at each other again. We clearly didn't agree with him.
"You will attend?" Jellal asked, his eyes shifting between Juvia and I. Simon looked so hopeful and excited that I felt powerless to say anything but yes.
Light filled his eyes and smiled widely. "Mira will come for you in an hour. There will be shade, and if you feel faint, just lift this," he said, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, "and you'll be returned to your room immediately."
Juvia nodded as he handed her the handkerchief.
"Well, we need to get going there is still a lot of preparations to tend to," Simon said with extra vigor now that he had our assurance that we were attending and with that he and Jellal exited the room.
Juvia POV
"Oh, my...." Levy whispered as we looked at the full-length body mirror after in front of us. We spent three long and tedious hours doing each other's hair and putting on our gorgeous gowns on, and let me tell you, it was worth it.
"Man, you guys, we're.....gorgeous." Erza breathed while walking closer to the mirror as if she couldn't believe it.
"That's a good thing, right?" I asked while tentatively moving in my dress to see if it didn't brush against my wound. It didn't, Gray was very precise about this dress.
"Not when there are two girls out there," Lucy murmured while touching her hair, "barely able to keep themselves from clawing your eyes out."
Erza was silent for a moment before asking out of the blue. "Tell me about Bora."
Lucy and Levy shifted and fiddled their thumbs. Erza and I studied them carefully. Clearly, something had happened based on their nervous reaction
"Levy-" I began.
"We couldn't help it." Levy lifted her big, hazel eyes and stared at us pleadingly.
"What? What'd you do?"
"He was taunting us. Saying that we probably hit the knights in Phantom Lord by accident- that Levy was too short and that I was aiming in another direction."
A dark aura began radiating from Erza but she kept her cool. "And?"
"Some other guy began laughing at us and w-we started to cry-"
"It was either that or draw my arrow and split his head open, I swear," Lucy interjected in anger.
"But then Gajeel and Natsu figured out what had happened and started to get all angry and...."
"What did they do?" I asked.
Lucy and Levy blushed a bit- from embarrassment? Or something else?
"Natsu belted Bora-"
"And Gajeel decked the guy that laughed at us."
"They what?!" We shrieked, totally not in excitement for my ships, of course, that would ve totally unprofessional of me.
"And what did they do?" I asked in full gossip mode, referring to Bora and the other guy.
"Well, the guy that laughed apologized. Bora on the other hand..." Levy trailed off.
"I think Bora's a little afraid of Natsu. He pretended to go after him, but only when he was really sure that others would stop him." Lucy shook her head. "I don't like the way he looks at us. It's like he knows. Or he's trying to figure us out, figure out how he can bring us down."
"Don't let him get to you," I said.
She hesitated.
"What?" I said.
She licked her lips. "I saw him, earlier. He was whispering in Carmen's father's ear. He ate lunch beside Carmen. He's more than friends with them. He's close to them."
"Well, it makes sense," Erza said with a nod of her head. " He was here with Carmen when we first arrived, almost like a guardian or something."
"We should've just left when-"
"We're here. Juvia thinks we should see it through. Maybe with this pain medicine we'll be able to escape tonight. With all the comings and goings of the feast, we'll probably be more successful than last time."
"Last time?" Levy asked.
"Erm, We tried to escape to the tombs to find you guys but we got caught before we could even put a decent amount of distance between us and Fairy Tail."
"And they dragged you back here," Lucy said, amused.
"Well, yeah," I said, with a pout. "But anyway, you can't win today." I looked at them suddenly serious. "Let Bora win. It's not worth it, invoking his wrath."
Levy and Lucy frowned, struggling with that idea.
"B-but argh! he's such a pompous, egotistical jerk." Levy fumed while stomping her little foot.
"I agree, but it's not worth making this deal more complicated. It's already complicated enough with just us being here. Erza pointed out.
"Yeah I guess," Levy said, pretty much giving up at that point.
"Besides, this is probably a historic event anyway, right? We probably shouldn't mess with it." Lucy said.
Cause y'know, it's not like we didn't change their history with our arrival at all.
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SnK 111 Thoughts
If this chapter doesn’t have forty pages of chibi Eren wandering through the woods asking where his nii-san is, what even is the point.
(The point is Drama.
Thanks, I hate it?
So yikes, we have a proper ballgame going and everything is awful leading into the ninth inning. It’s going to be extra innings with Paradis’ chief closer out of commission, up against their rival team. Truly one for the record books, people.
First thing is actually first, where the manga, in a fit of hysterics, gives me something I wanted: Numbers.
Over a hundred people have joined Eren’s side, deserting their posts. The suspicion is that they’ve done this out of the belief that the people with the power to rain down armageddon are maybe the safest shadows to hide under, and hey, with all the waffling their government has done about solving the problem of the whole world wanting them dead, why not?
For the larger groups, everything makes a simple amount of sense.
Eren has power, so people gather behind him.
Eren has power, so Paradis will yield to it for the sake of survival.
It’s a bit of a horrifying story, and one that I always take some joy in seeing. There comes a point where individuals have so much power where the only thing stopping them from changing the world however they see fit is their own boundaries.
Whatever Eren’s boundaries are, they’ve changed. He’s willing to kill children for the sake of his mission.
He is the most powerful card Paradis has, and without him, they have nothing.
Leaving them stuck doing whatever he wants them to.
It’s a similar tactic to the one he uses to drag the Survey Corps into his massacre; they need Eren, so they have no choice but to come support him in the choices he’s made as an individual. Everything else falls away in the face of the power Eren wields.
Yeah, the head of their government has been assassinated by his cult. Along with several other lives.
Does that fundamentally change anything?
Does Paradis somehow need the Founding Titan less now that their command is facing disarray?
For a story so often pointing out that if you don’t fight, you can’t win, it’s pretty damn... something that the main character has all but removed the ability of a party he’s allied with to fight. They can’t resist him, and he knows it, and he’s exploiting it at his convenience.
Putting Zeke’s location on the negotiating table is cute, and a nice stall tactic in theory, but for all that Pixis says it’s not submission, Paradis is powerless.
If they don’t conduct rumbling experiments, they have no protection against the world.
They can’t conduct rumbling experiments unless they let the Yeager Bros come into contact.
If the Yeager Bros come into contact, they can do whatever the hell they want.
Which they have already been doing, so picture all of this, only more.
Pixis’ decision is really the only one he can make if he doesn’t want their people at each other’s throats. They can’t publicize how their one and only hope is willing to dismantle their government. They can’t publicize that they can’t trust their military to be acting in the interests that the government puts forth.
There’s a delicate balance here, with the balance being a complete lie because security has already toppled off and discovered that there’s no net below.
Their only prayer is someone swooping in and placing a trampoline down below before the crushing fall is completed, and there’s no guarantee of even that much happening.
If Zeke and Eren don’t want to help, no one can actually force them.
Zeke is one of two living humans in the world who can power the Founding Titan.
Eren currently has the Founding Titan.
They can’t kill Eren outside of a controlled environment, or else the Founding Titan will go who knows where. With Eren’s pile of abilities he’s nommed, fighting to subdue him will be next to impossible. With the added limitation of doing everything they can to avoid killing him?
Armin brings it up as a point of faith; if Eren has the Founding Titan, it shouldn’t matter what Zeke wants out of it.
Eren now has a cult who doesn’t blink twice at assassinating key government officials. Even if it doesn’t matter what Zeke wants, what Eren wants, or is at least willing to put up with, is heavily alarming.
“No, no, we’re not submitting. We’re negotiating.
What do you mean the only thing we have is something we’d have to hand over anyway to get what we want.”
Hell, man, talk the good game all you want to keep morale up, but you people and your entire society now rise and fall at the whim of a man who has put no effort into making himself look trustworthy.
So, you know.
Other special numbers include thirty soldiers + Levi standing in between Eren and Zeke once Eren finds Zeke, Hange, and three unnamed soldiers who are either about to be very dead, very traitor, or the coolest NPC badasses ever.
Meanwhile, Eren still has a hundred.
Just trailing around after him.
With bombs.
Considering Eren could kill most all of those people (except Levi and Hange) without help, I repeat the theme of this post that Paradis is so beyond screwed it has actually become laughable.
Another fun thing of note that only I care about is that even if Eren can’t get to Zeke, he might be able to get to Historia, and Nile appears to be in charge of her security.
The reason only I care about this is because Nile is in charge of her security, and Nile has been fed the story of Historia and NPC Farmer Guy being totes in love 5evr.
(NPC Farmer Guy has no name and no face. I declare him Red Shirt-san, and also reallllllly fucking dead. Especially if my crack theory of the carriage from last chapter rushing off to Historia was correct, meaning that Pieck, theoretically having tracked the carriages, is going to pay the Queen a visit.
Bye Nate.
(his name’s Nate your canon is invalid))
Briefly defending my descent into self-interest, Historia getting zero panels and barely any hearsay about her is driving me nuts for all sorts of reasons.
Two people (count them, two), in the entire world, are capable of drawing out the power of the Founding Titan. One of them is an untrustworthy dick. The other is Historia.
Historia, when last seen under extreme emotional duress, was of the opinion of, “fuck humanity titans did nothing wrong.”
As we can plainly see from her expression at the end of 107, there is nothing but blue skies and happiness going through her boundless considerations of humanity now, and she is most assuredly, definitely on their side as all of her friends ditch her in the middle of the woods and never visit or mention any concern for her except that one guy who has taken up murdering children, and he possibly did that in active defiance of concern for what problems it might cause her.
What could possibly go wrong.
There are about three people who hold the fate of Eldia in their hands, and we know what none of them are thinking. They also all have a much more casual relationship with murder than most of the rest of the cast.
What I’m trying to say is that Paradis your politics are boring because your livelihood hinges on three catastrophically emotionally damaged people, and all of the story’s energy is going towards keeping those people away from thought bubbles or general illumination.
If Historia, Eren, and Zeke decide that you guys die............ you die.
You possibly should have invested more in strategies that weren’t so entirely dependent on renegade children following orders.
Okay okay, enough pointing and laughing at the futility of government in shounen. Mikasa! How you liking your entire page of dialogue! Does it feel good? Does it make up for the gaping hole Eren being a nutcase is causing?
Of course it does!
I don’t know how I feel about Kiyomi, but I am glad that her relationship with Mikasa is so obvious in its self-interest. Mikasa isn’t being yanked around; she knows this person caring about her blood hasn’t translated to caring about her people.
Whatever Mikasa’s genes, Paradis is her home, and she considers herself as Eldian as anyone on it.
What’s interesting in that conversation is that Hizuru is still doing what it can to avoid being an ally of Paradis. They’re letting this one clan mess around, but unless results can be produced, the whole scheme is dead to them.
You know. Paradis had better start hoping that there’s still some massive secret to the Titans, because with the current knowledge available, they are just... so incredibly screwed on so many different levels.
I’m inclined to think that Kiyomi wanting Mikasa safe is one of the few shreds of honesty she has left. I’m an optimist. A child connected to the days of honor long gone... hey, it’s a romantic concept, even conniving foxes can have one last hurrah in them.
But also, Mikasa just doesn’t deserve people piling more lies on her.
A promise to protect someone calls to her heart. I’m sure Mikasa has thought those words to herself many times; whatever happens to Paradis, her priority has always been her family. Not a blood family, like Kiyomi holds on to, but one bound to her with ties of steel.
Only now her family is at odds.
Mikasa might care more about her family than anything else, but in practice, she’s a compassionate, responsible young woman. She can’t turn her back on the world just because her family has. She’s going to bleed herself dry trying to do the best for both of them.
That’s not a happy thought, because even if Mikasa, with all her strength and ability, fights for anyone in this conflict with all her heart, the concept of winning is a far off dream. Her supernatural gifts don’t make the world turn. Her gifts simply mean she might survive when everything around her explodes.
And also hey, Connie, I love you man, but you turn those angry eyes away from Mikasa pronto.
Then we’ve got the many trials of Nicolo.
Featuring Gabi and Falco.
I don’t wanna. I can skip this part.
Hell, this is a lot faster than I thought this disaster would come out, and it’s a lot grimmer than I really want and in general just ow.
Nicolo is a prisoner of war. He is allowed to cook. He finds light in cooking for people like Sasha. He’s Marleyan, and Eldians are devils, but being around them, his heart softens to them, and his role becomes something more complicated.
As a soldier, fighting the demons of Paradis is just what you do.
As a person, fighting people like Sasha, Jean, and Connie...
With a heavy heart, he can hand off laced wine to their superiors. He can continue to operate as a soldier fighting against Paradis. But the very thought of Connie and Jean being caught up in that sends him into a panic, and he falls back on racist rhetoric to cover it up.
Rhetoric his heart isn’t even in anymore, because more than killing, Nicolo finds himself in cooking. In bringing people happiness.
And Gabi killed the person who shows him that. The person who gave him solace from the hell of war.
It doesn’t matter that she’s a child, or a Warrior Candidate, or anything but the person who killed Sasha.
She cares about Falco’s life. That comes to stand as another condemnation of her. She knows what it is to care about someone? She’s valued enough that this boy is willing to jump in front of a blow meant for her?
Did she think the person she killed wasn’t?
It’s destructive and awful, and Gabi finally has a defense for herself that isn’t just brainwashed rage at the island. That girl? The one she shot? That’s the girl who shot someone she knew. Guards who watched over Warrior Candidates training, in charge of penning up Eldians, but they were still people Gabi saw a home in.
She can’t justify the loss of Sasha, but she can justify shooting back, especially at someone who just clubbed Falco in the head.
But she’s still just a brainwashed child.
Sasha’s father watches two people, profoundly touched by his daughter, ripping each other apart because they’re in pain. Sasha changes Nicolo for the better. Sasha and her path in life is what’s breaking this child.
A child is calling his daughter a devil. She’s been brought into this conflict and all she sees is the enemy, and the good there must be in fighting that enemy.
Gabi doesn’t even try to fight back when Sasha’s father holds up the knife.
She’s bleeding and in tears, and for one of the only times, she isn’t reacting with violence. She’s just a stunned little kid, wondering if the people who’ve fed and housed her on this island of evil are about to kill her. Like she killed the daughter they loved so much.
Of course the man who raised Sasha doesn’t lay a finger on her.
Of course the man who has to physically hold down his child to try to force her to stop eating so she won’t die of starvation later understands how hard the world is.
Horrific things have happened.
He isn’t going to bring one more into this world.
And Gabi... from the very start, she’s been the most passionate about becoming a Warrior. She’s going to follow in her cousin’s footsteps. She’ll commit war crimes, she’ll take on a death sentence, she’ll do whatever it takes. She’s a Warrior.
She’s a kid.
She doesn’t want these kind people to hate her.
Kaya reacts the same way Gabi has to everything so far. She charges in with the only weapon she can find, trying to kill the problem because the emotional strain of what’s actually going on is too big for her young heart to take.
Kaya, who really has been kind. Who’s the reason they’re here. Who’s been trying to get her and Falco home.
Kaya’s in tears, and Falco’s unconscious and bleeding.
All because of what Gabi’s done.
Nicolo sees the same thing.
That’s why he comes clean.
The world is such a cruel place.
They’ve got to spare the beauty where they find it.
I’m not going to touch that plot bomb, because the manga can do it for me in future chapters. Zeke having a bunch of government officials drink his spinal fluid is honestly on par with every other thing he’s done, so. One more point to the Paradis Screwed column.
So last word goes to Mikasa.
I mentioned in the chapter where Louise and Mikasa talked that Louise had seen Mikasa’s strength impact her life, but completely missed the kindness behind that strength. Mikasa is terrifying as a soldier. She’s cold and relentless.
As a person, she will ask the child who killed her friends to see her wounds, and hold her close to keep another child from hurting her.
Mikasa is kind.
Gabi has met so many good people on this island, and all of them are in tears.
It’s funny and sad that Mikasa and Armin take her into the back room to calm down. For all their lives practically, they’ve been looking after a reckless wild child who gets into fights they have to finish for him.
Gabi is as driven and passionate and full of anguish as Eren as a child, and now she’s with two of the people who know that.
Armin and Mikasa might not know how to help Eren, but they can help this little girl.
And Mikasa can keep another little girl from knowing what it’s like to knife someone in the back because they killed someone you love.
Welcome to Emotions.
Where everything is absolutely awful except maybe the people feeling them.
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