#guys the sad little block men got to me ok?
jeena-says-hi · 2 months
This came to me in a vision
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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"Hello, vlog. I'm currently in the kitchen. You can obviously see that if you have fucking eyes. I'm sorry, sometimes people will be slow. So, a couple of things have happened, first being I got MARRIED." Lyric says while smiling at the camera. "I've just been sitting in my house, living life. I got married in January, so it's been like a couple of months and I know what you thinking your this man done turned our girl into a fucking housewife. No, well shit I mean, the dick is good soo." I laugh while walking towards the refrigerator to grab out the ingredients for the pasta dish I'm making. Just a little simple meal, because I mean you got to save the best for last am I right. Yall know I'm right.
I managed to score me a 6'2, beautiful ass model and actor combined. Yea, that shig was definitely on my bucket list, I mean I was thinking more of a tall women like that video game with the zombies but, shit it's not like I fell short or anything. I met Byeon during Paris fashion week, during a bathroom accident. And by that I mean I walked into the wrong fucking bathroom because I was distracted and lost as fuck. I turn about towards the camera after explaining the situation. "I mean, I'm pretty sure that shit happened to everyone before to all of you. Agree with me, please. The sad part is this isn't the first time I've walked into the wrong bathroom. Let me live, ok. So, back to the story."
"Omg, I'm going to fucking piss my pants. I'm too old for all this running and shit. A bitch is about 4'11, therefore I'm not athletic enough either. Sir fucking move." I practically scream at the random man blocking the entrance, ofc he tries to stop me but I pay him no mind, and immediately run into a stall. "This stupid fucking dress." After about what felt like 12 minutes I was able to use the bathroom. I walked out only to walk face first into a door, I looked up and saw a face. "Shit, dude, you are basically built like a wall. Wait, isn't this the women's bathroom, or do you identify as a women. If so, I'm totally sorry, ma'am." He looks down at me smirking before I notice this is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. "Shit, dude, you look like you were made by AI, I mean young lady."
It takes me a moment to realize he is speaking to me. Fucking beautiful specimen. I know his dick is big. Wait shit no what's wrong with me. Well, I'm obviously horny as shit and he could totally fix that issue. "This is the men's restroom, or you lost?" I look up at him basically staining my fucking neck shit this dude is tall, he could totally break my back. Wait, stop it. This is the men's bathroom, which explains why that dude tried to stop me from coming in here. "Yea, I am lost, sir. I was trying to find the womens bathroom, though that's obviously too late since I've already used the bathroom, and well, you know."I should walk you back them, just in case you get lost and wander into another's men's bathroom and some other guy gets the chance. Strange girl." I blush while looking around the bathroom." "Yes, you should be kind, sir."
I start mixing all the ingredients while I finish telling the story, smiling at how the memories make me feel. "So. I'm just gonna let this cook for 30 minutes, and it should be done. I had already prepared the recipe last night, so everything is pretty much good. Anyways, how yall doing? Oo shit, this is a vlog, not a live video. Yea, I'm just gonna edit that out. I don't need yall thinking I'm slow and shit." As I finish speaking, my phone starts going off, and someone is literally blowing up my phone. "Acting like I owe child support in this bitch. I don't claim any foreign. Oo shit yall it's just my MAN." I smile once I see the contact.
Myman- Hey baby, are you busy ?
Mymam- Are you even up, I know you don't wake up til like 4 in the afternoon.
Myman- I was just checking in, baby. We got a break on set, and I told the staff that I had to speak with my wife.
Myman- There is this random girl that kinda won't leave me alone, not that you need to worry, though. I handled 👏 it.
Babycakes- I'm up
Babycakes- Who tf is bothering you, baby? If I need to come out there and check a bitch I will.
Myman- No, baby, nothing like that, I promise, just a little flirting.
Babycakes- Say no more say no more say no moreeee
Babycakes- I'm on my wayyyy
I gathered everything and headed to the car, and before I knew it, I made it on set. "So, since they still kinda filming, I can't bring yall. We'll I can I just like can show yall shit to be honest. So, I mean yall can we my man. My husband. So, let's go." I get out of my car walking up the security guards who greatly remember me and allow me in without a fight. "Omg, yall I thought I wad gonna have to be the anger black women in this bitch, anyways let's find our target." I walk pretty much all over the set saying him to everyone including Lee Yoon-mi. "It's my favorite strong girl. Guys, look at my girlfriend." She laughs hysterically at my comment. "Hello, to Lyrics vlog, stop saying I'm your girlfriend before your husband tries to take us apart." I kiss her cheek while hugging her, asking where would Byeon be right now. "He should be in his trailer. He heard you were coming and got all excited and locked himself in there, saying he was waiting patiently for his love." I laugh at how dramatic he is before telling yoon bye, leaving to finally get to him.
I spot the trailer that lists his name on it before knocking. "Are yall excited to see him, I mean, I am." I wait a while before I hear him at the door, "I told you all. I'm kinda busy." He opens the door staring at me wide-eyed. "To busy for me, sir." Byeon immediately grabs me and yanks me into the trailer, turning off my camera before I could introduce him to everyone. "I fucking missed you so much," I stare at him shocked since he is literally smelling me right now. He grabs my ass while pushing me further through the trailer, "You look so pretty. It's too pretty to walk out of the house. Fuck other people probably saw you didn't they?" "Ofc, they saw me baby I had to ask for your location, duh? What's wrong?" He grabs my jaw while pushing me against the Makeup table. "Don't sass me right now, I've been waiting forever. Sitting here hard thinking about fucking you until you can't walk. Seems like I didn't do a good enough job last night. Let's fix that."
"W-wait baby, we can't do that here," though it seems like my voice means nothing to him because he has already pushed me down bending me over. "But what if they hear, and I'm pretty sure you have to be on set soo- "Come on baby, don't make me beg. You know you want it to, and that's why you came here dressed up for me. All pretty for me." Before I can protest further, he starts fingering me slowly, causing me to moan out loud, and he stops. "Your sensitive baby, why are you sensitive? That would mean you were touching yourself earlier. Shit your already about to cum. I'm gonna have to punish you for that."
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imsogayyippee · 2 months
playlist anon back again here's the highlights
Butch 4 Butch - Rio Romeo
I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Will Wood (you ever see those videos of cosplays where one person is sitting on a chair and the other person is walking around them kinda pushing them around while this plays? Yeah that.)
Baby Hotline - Jack Stauber
Trees II - McCafferty (this is just vibe but I think it makes sense)
Choke - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME (my friend says this is THE timlex song)
505 - Arctic Monkeys ("I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" / "or I did last time I checked")
Milk Carton - Mercy Necromancy
GAHHH sorry im gonna yap about butch 4 butch n more gay shit i hope youdont mind.
"My sweetheart's piano is rat filled/And mine is infested with bugs/The music we make is unnatural/But it sounds just like falling in love"
"Tomorrow we'll dig through the garbage/And we'll fish out all kinds of neat trash/And when we go back to my apartment/She'll probably kick my fucking ass"
"I sing her songs in my garage/And make her fall in love with me/And once we're done/The sun is gone/We both just sit so nervously/I talk real slow/And speak real low/Hoping she'll lean into me/But we just laugh cause/What was that/We can't take ourselves seriously"
"She makes me go weak in the knees/But I can't let her see me swoon/Or else she will think I am sweet"
anyways. i love you like an alcoholic
"Cast that first glance: your smile, my veins"
entry 84. it was love at first sight btw. yeah im right it's canon.
"Kissed that first night/And then the rain opened up the sky to get"
RAIN??? LIKE ENTRY 54? 😦😦😦😦
"I need you like I need a broken leg"
adding this cause it's funny
"Some handsome dark stranger/You were standing there on the corner/You had those compelling magnetized/Eyes you must have lost when you got older"
um. what role did alex immediately give tim when they met. yeah
"Seven blocks in, my fingers brushed your hand/I blushed and you laughed/But you seemed a little sad/I ain't one to jump a ship/But I absolutely knew/I was six steps in when I fell into you"
anyways i listened to laplace's angel (i didn't remember which song it was even if i had heard it bfore. btw no i havent seen those videos sorry 😭😭) and um. kills them with my mind
"Could you take a look at me?/Am I bad, am I bad, am I bad, am I really that bad?/And now we're singing, ooh, whatever you think of me/If you were in my shoes, you'd walk the same damn miles I do"
"It doesn't take a killer to murder/It only takes a reason to kill"
"The only ones in need of love are those who don't receive enough/So evil ones should get a little more"
"If you were in my shoes, you’d see I wear the same size as you"
sorry i would talk about baby hotline but the kind of lyrics it has are kinda hard to "analyze" like im doing with other songs 😭
"Cute guy, nice face/Wrong time, wrong place/I knew in a matter of a minute/His face was smashed/His skin was burnt/His shirt was torn in the dirt"
oh. ok then,dies
"I need you more than you need me/You're beautiful and smart and kind/While I am ugly, full of lies" "And I can't be with you anymore/I can't live like this anymore/I can't hold your heart anymore/I need you to go on without me"
read the lyrics of choke um. yeah i see it. all i have to say is toxic old men yaoi except theyre not old
"I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck/Or I did last time I checked" "But I crumble completely when you cry/It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye"
"When you put a knife to my neck/My stomach doesn't fill with dread/It's fill with butterflies instead/And when you threaten to do things to me/I don't scream"
anyways. that's it i hope yuo liked me talkig about gay peopel like and subscribe for more!!!!!!
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expensive-rainbows · 28 days
cw: SA, intrusive thoughts
ok so i know ive told yall some of this but idk how much ive told yall. so bassically three years ago there was this man who would hold the door for my bus since we always got there late so we would get locked out. keep in mind i know i shouldnt feel obligated to share what i was wearing but i cant help but feel that might be part of the reason why he targeted me. my favorite shirt was a sheer blue shirt that you could see my bra through if you looked close enough. this was during winter and i took my coat off on the bus since i didnt want to deal with it at school. he would ask me if i was a Eskimo (im mexican) and i would tell him no and keep walking. he had jolly ranchers and would give everyone some, but he gave me more than everyone else. he would give me double sometimes triple what everyone else got. i found it creepy so i never ate them, i just put them in my backpack and threw them out at the end of the year. everyday, when he held the door for me, and i watched how he treated everyone else and it was only me, he would take up more and more of the doorway everyday. like the first day he would take up a little, the next he would take up a little more, until he got to the point where he wasnt touching me (since im pretty sure its illegal) but that i knew he could if he wanted to. at the same time he would wait outside my fifth hour while we all waited in a line since my teacher went to the bathroom before class. he started by standing in the center of the hallway, and didnt leave until i made eye contact with him. everyday he got closer, until again he didnt touch me, but he was less than a foot away, and he had me cornered. i knew he could do whatever he wanted and no one would see. this lasted about two weeks and ended on december 16, 2023. I remember because it was a thursday and i was so happy the next day when he disappeared. idk if it was just this or something else that ive blocked out, but im terrified of men. like just in general. its been three years and i cant look my band teacher in the eye. ive had him for three years. i couldnt hug my dad for the first three months. my dad is one of the nicest people ive ever met. i know he would never knowingly take advantage of someone. i cant talk to my english teacher alone, i need my friend to go with me to ask to go to the bathroom. but dont worry this is a happy story. so sorry but im gonna give yall even more context. so my school take all the music kids of my grade to a like smaller amusement park, which isnt near us, its a good drive to get there. its kind of a big deal. plus we have one in our town, but its a lot smaller than the one we went to. so anyway the trip was today, and the band group took a picture together. i was in the back row, and idk if the guys in front of me knew i was there or how close i was to them but i was pretty close. like i could see the creases on the back of one of their necks. i could smell him. (he had some sort of cologne on, not axe body spray but close) but i didnt freak out or anything. like i noticed, but i didnt go home and have a panic attack or anything, i wasnt convinced that he was gonna r@pe me, nothing. i was fine. do you have any idea how long its been since i could say that. since i could say that i was fine and mean it. i didnt have a panic attack, didnt hurt myself (i did break my streak a little big ago, but thats because since were at the end of the school year im very sleep deprived and i have exams and i started working plus taekwondo so im busy and tired. and when im tired i take everything personally) its been three years since i could say i was fine and truly mean it. i still get a little weird around guys/men, but its getting better. now its only physical proximity, i can look them in the face! i know this probably sounds sad but im honestly happy. also quick question.
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angeltreasure · 1 year
Hi! I really need advice or prayer because I’ve been emotionally on the edge lately. I spent almost a year with the man I genuinely believed I was going to be with forever. He broke my heart and broke up with me out of nowhere but when I looked back I realised he constantly made me feel like I didn’t trust God, like if I was sad I he told me I wasn’t looking to God or praying enough and made me cry on my birthday and other special occasions. I know I did wrong too though. It was so hard going to the same church but we worked through it and ended up being friends as we have the same friends in church etc and it seemed fine. Then out of nowhere, he tells me he doesn’t want to know me basically and the day before our church prayer day and in short, he told me that he wouldn’t go if I went and if I didn’t go then he would go so he didn’t even want to go to the same place as me :( I feel so angry, sad and mentally drained and I just don’t understand why and it’s like he doesn’t even see how he makes people feel (there have been other people he treated badly) and I’m just struggling with it
I sorta had a similar experience when I met this guy who I foolishly thought was “the one” a while ago. We were like best friends and had so much in common but he became too demanding of me and then too clingy with these crazy mood swings. I still remember the night I wanted to spend time with God in prayer to take a break from texts for a little bit and he got so mad. He sent me this big, long angry text telling me that I didn’t need to pray and if I did he was going to tell me when to pray and that my parents were choking the air of our space etc etc. I was so shocked he even said that so after a few back and forth trying to calm him down and sort it out, he got even more mad and blocked me. I was not going to give up God or my family for him. I know how it feels to be sad, angry, shocked all at the same time. Looking back, I don’t even know why I bothered to go out with him after the concert. I was treated more like an object, not like a person. The best thing we can do is pray for that person and pray for God to bless them. We have to place that person in God’s hands and place our entire trust in God. It’s ok to be sad for a little while, but then we have to move on. Satan wants to see us cry and be in despair. If these men really loved us, they would never treat us like this to the extents that they did and they would not see God as someone in the way. A real Christian man loves God above all things and respects others because people are temples of the Holy Spirit made in God’s image. Remember to give yourself self care and if possible, you may want to look into getting counseling. Don’t be ashamed for reaching out for help to sort out these situations! If you are Catholic, remember that you also have the Sacrament of Confession. Don’t stop praying.
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exovapor · 3 years
I'm OBSESSED with your writing. Can you try.. Maybe, Donnie being a filthy boy being an 'stalker-ish' of his long time crush? Be checks their FB for new posts, saves every picture of them he finds? He doesn't mean to be a creep, feels guilty, but just doesn't know how to ask for more than friendship?
Good afternoon Anon. Here is my short story in relation to your ask.
I wasn't sure where you wanted me to take this, so I had to do a bit of guessing on my part. I hope this something like you were wanting.
I will admit that this ask was a bit of a struggle for me, not knowing a clear direction to take it outcome made me a little unsure of my writing and guessing abilities LOL. However, I will admit to crying along with the characters in this story more than once.
Thanks again for the ask and the initial compliment. I hope to continue to earn your favor in future posts.
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· Stalker [noun]: 1a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention. 2a person who hunts game stealthily.
· Donnie stared at the definition on his one of his monitor screens while his various other screens were busy flashing receipts of files downloaded, text trail streams from your phone, notices of any social media post/update/like/heart/emoji, a GPS line grid of your routes today (overlayed over the routes you’d taken previously), and data search hits of anything and everything that pertained to you.
· At this point, the boy had literally every picture you had ever posted, anywhere, of yourself. In fact, he had all the pictures that other people posted of you in them. He had even gone through the effort of designing a face recognition program that picks you out of the background of total strangers’ pictures and, yeah, he had those in a file too.
· He has special file folders that compile things that you like, things you don’t like, things that make you happy, things that make you sad. He is your own personal Pinterest and you didn’t even know it… and maybe that is the part that keeps bothering him so much.
· He sits staring at that word and definition and chewing his bottom lip. True, he knows the word and the meaning, but he needed to LOOK at it, analyze it, mull it over in his guilt ridden brain.
· He just KNEW the word Stalker couldn’t apply to him.
· After all, he isn’t harassing or persecuting you, you don’t know! So, it isn’t necessarily ‘unwanted attention’. It is just…unknown attention.
· Stealthily, hmmmm, did that part apply to him? Well, He isn’t EXACTLY being stealthy.
· If you knew about technology like him, then you would probably see his programs running on your devices and be alerted to his activities. AND, if you shared his love and view of technology, then you would probably be more understanding of his activities and not consider them stealthy…just data mining. In fact, you might applaud him.
· ‘Ok, that was taking it a bit too far’, Donnie thinks to himself and he feels a band tighten and squeeze around his infatuated heart.
· He is almost certain that you would be shocked to learn of his extra curricular activities and how they revolve around every aspect of you.
· Regardless of how he tried to spin the truth and wiggle out of the definition of stalker, Donnie still felt guilty for invading your privacy. However, he honestly couldn’t help himself…at least not anymore.
· He has fought the urge, the nagging thoughts and the burning need, to know more about you for what seemed like an eternity.
· Listen to him, he is starting to sound dramatic like Mikey! What is his turning into? He is losing his rational edge!
· To be accurate, it hasn’t been an eternity. In fact, he has known you 1 year, 36 days, 14 hours, 11 minutes, and 23 seconds to be exact. However, you started occupying space in his mind 2 minutes into meeting you and your claim over his mind has grown exponentially over time.
· You were quiet and reserved during that first meeting, so there wasn’t much to go on. It started as a simple visual interest with a thought of ‘Oh. She’s pretty’.
· However, then you started talking and that changed everything.
· You opened up more and more each time you hung out with their little group, revealing layers and layers of interests and personality. You were fascinating…and that’s when his thoughts about you really started to snowball and spiral out of control.
· You went from being a simple pretty face to being a walking embodiment of everything he seriously ever dreamed of having in a mate.
· Early on, there were three sticking points that really made Donnie’s feelings problematic. 1. He was a nearly seven foot tall walking talking turtle and you weren’t. 2. You had a boyfriend that you were deeply in love with and adored. 3. Donnie was too insecure about #1 and how you felt about inter-species dating to let you know that you had started to OWN his heart.
· Now, thanks to his surveillance, there were only two sticking points….#1 and #3.
· He still remembers the feelings of that day, 44 days ago, when the blip of information popped up on this screen alerting him to the fact that your boyfriend was starting to stray.
· Donnie had severely conflicting feelings bombard him at once and it was overwhelming.
· The initial knee jerk reaction was elation, one of the problems blocking him from you may soon be null.
· However, the feeling of elation only lasted for a second or two before the intense anger and sadness set in. Donnie was honestly shocked at the depth of his anger, he didn’t even know he had that level of malice in him. Had he been in physical proximity to your boyfriend at that moment in time, Donnie isn’t sure that he wouldn’t have hurt your guy…or worse.
· How COULD this guy do this? WHY would he? He HAD YOU! What the heck was this guy thinking? Not only did he have you, but you thought the world of him. When you spoke about him you would smile so genuinely, your eyes would shine and gaze off into a bright imagined future. Donnie was always so jealous to watch it happen, he wondered what it would be like to be THAT GUY. And here the idiot was throwing it all away and meeting up with another girl!
· WHAT THE…(yes, this called for a curse) HELL…IS WRONG WITH HUMAN MEN?
· As the anger set root in his heart, the sadness engulfed Donnie like an all-consuming wave. He realized he was going to have to share this information with you, somehow, and that he was going to have to watch as it destroyed you.
· At first, Donnie had a plan to try and save you both from that fate. True, it would hurt him more to save your relationship, but he would rather be the one facing the pain and not you.
· He TRIED to circumvent the situation. He sent anonymous messages to your boyfriend stating that he knew about the infidelity and that he would tell you if needed. However, it didn’t seem like your boyfriend cared because he sent messages back stating Donnie could, basically, go fuck himself.
· Life had cruel sense of irony, thought Donnie, that is exactly what I do since this moron has the woman that I love.
· So, after trying for nearly two weeks to stop what was happening behind your back, Donnie had no choice but to let you in on the secret.
· Donnie couldn’t come right out and tell you that he caught your boyfriend cheating by hijacking your data streams and the data streams of those around you. So, Donnie intercepted some texts between your boyfriend and his mistress and he then sent you a text, under the guise of your boyfriend, telling you to meet him at a specified restaurant for a date.
· It had been a gut wrenching night for Donnie. He remembered watching it all play out on camera feeds from around the restaurant and street outside. He watched you dressed up in your pretty dress get out of your cab in front of the restaurant. You had such a lovely smile on your face, you must have thought you were in for a romantic evening.
· He watched as you walked inside and how the hostess got flustered and confused by a 2nd girl showing up for your boyfriend’s seated-for-two table.
· Donnie stopped breathing as your eyes found the new couple holding hands and giving each other sweet kisses across the table. Hands and lips that were supposed to be yours were touching some stranger.
· Donnie watched your smile and eyes die…the light of your inner sun go out…
· …and it killed him.
· He’s not sure who was crying the hardest, you standing there in that restaurant witnessing the scene or him back at the lair watching your world crush around you on his monitor.
· It had taken a while for you both to recover from that night.
· His brothers noticed his melancholy mood for a couple of weeks but Donnie wouldn’t tell them what was bothering him. And you stayed in your bed, refusing to face the world, for nearly as long.
· Eventually, the group began to notice your silence and absence, so April stopped by your apartment to check on you. She was the one to pull you out of bed, get you to shower and eat. She visited everyday and made sure you had someone to vent to and a shoulder to cry on.
· Donnie was glad that April could be there for you when he couldn’t. He didn’t think it was appropriate for him, a male, to be your confidant at that time. Especially since he felt so much guilt over having to be the one to expose you to that pain.
· No, he didn’t CAUSE the pain, but he did have to make you face it and he didn’t like not being able to protect you from it. You were such a rare, precious creature and watching you in pain felt like he was suffocating slowly.
· There were some points during those first few weeks that he questioned if he did the right thing, but logic told him it would have eventually come to pass with or without his involvement. It was better to rip the bandage of quickly and let you start to heal than it was to let you linger and drag out the inevitable.
· Donnie did secretly check on you every single night during patrol. And, of course, his surveillance feeds were always running. He watched from a distance as his beautiful phoenix burn down to ashes and, eventually, started to rise again.
· Now, it’s been over 3 months and you’ve begun to be more like your old self. Donnie can tell there is a silent sadness there, but you are able to laugh and smile with the group during your get togethers. And each time you two are left alone, his mind nags at him about those last two sticking points.
· Would you be at all interested in him? And HOW does he go about telling you that you have become the center of his world?
· Still staring at the monitor and the Stalker definition, Donnie sighs and rubs the bridge of his snout to release of the pressure now pushing against the inside of his head. The memories of what has happened, the emotions of what was and what is, it was all starting to be too much.
· “Bro, what’s all this?”, Mikey says standing behind Donnie’s chair, talking around a mouth full of pizza.
· “NOTHING!”, says Donnie, voice breaking from the stress of being caught. A startled Donnie quickly taps some keys on his keyboard and the screens revert back to the standard lair camera feeds.
· Mikey may look or even come off as naïve at times, but he’s no fool, he can sense that his older brother is trying to hide something. “Dude, seriously, what was that? I’ve been standing back here reading the screens. I saw Y/N’s name and that looked like her phone number on that other file…, you know the file that looks like texts messages. And why is there a plotted map of the area around her apartment, her work, and to the lair? What’s up?”, Mikey said giving a disapproving look at being thought a pushover.
· “Just standard surveillance, Mikey, nothing to worry about.”, Donnie says trying to placate Mikey’s curiosity. Donnie hates lying, especially to Mikey, but he’s feeling so guilty about being such a…(inward sigh)…stalking creep that admitting the truth is hard to do.
· Mikey stands there staring at Donnie and, as he does, Donnie begins to fidget with his computer chair armrests.
· Mikey stuffs the remnants of the pizza slice into his mouth and does his best Leo impersonation by crosses his arms and staring down at Donnie as sternly as his jolly face can achieve, “Dude, I’m not going to ask you again. You’ve been weird for months. We’ve let it go for the most part but now you are hiding things from me…from ME, dude! You and I, we’re like peanut butter and jelly, we’re ice cream and chocolate fudge, we young dudes have got to stick together. Trust me, bro, I’ve got you!”.
· Donnie stared at the floor, too ashamed to meet Mikey’s eyes any longer. He gave a heavy sigh and reluctantly started to speak, “Sorry Mike, I…I honestly don’t know what’s come over me lately. I’m doing things I never thought I would do, I’m feeling so guilty about it, but I don’t know if I can stop doing it either. I feel…lost.”.
· Mike relaxed his leader stance and leaned against one of Donnie’s lab tables, “Bro, I can tell you’ve been carrying some heavy stuff lately. You need to let it out.”
· Donnie felt the heat rise up through his body like he was suddenly being consumed by a fire and he ripped his glasses off his face and drew them down on the desk in frustration, “Mikey, I’m in love with Y/N. I have been for a while. I have been…”, Donnie hangs his head in shame, “…tracking all her digital foot prints and watching her. In fact, I’m the reason she found out that asshole boyfriend of her's cheated.”
· Mikey’s mouth drops open at Donnie’s demeanor and use of the word ‘asshole’, “Whoa, dude, why didn’t you say something earlier?”.
· Donnie can feel a stinging at the corners of his eyes, this was so embarrassing, so frustrating, so…..so many things at a once. He didn’t have a response for Mikey, all he could do was shake his head.
· Still with his head hung down and staring at the floor, Donnie starts to hear Mikey chuckle. Donnie looks up to see Mikey’s eyes on him and for some reason they are full of merriment at his painful dilemma. Donnie stares at his, normally, very considerate brother in astonishment, this isn’t like Mikey at all!
· “Mikey, I’m more than serious here, now is not the time to make fun of me. What is so funny?”, Donnie asks exasperatedly.
· Mikey shakes his bald head and claps his brother on the shoulder with his green hand, “Bro, she thinks you’re cute.”.
· “W-What?!”, Donnie stammers out.
· Mikey, still chuckling, says, “Yeah, dude, that’s why I asked WHY you didn’t say something about liking her sooner, she’s always thought you were cute. She and I talk about it all the time.”.
· Donnie just stares at his jolly brother in silence. His mind is too blown to form a sentence.
· Mikey turns to leave stating, “And by the way, dude, stop watching her like that…that’s just creepy.”.
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl @kokokatsworld @nittleboo @the-second-circle-of-shell
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!eunwoo
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a/n I LOVE HIM !! I WOULD LITERALLY RISK IT ALL FOR HIM !! also rip to the disappointing hookup experience I had that made an appearance in this headcanon...yes I’m still angry about it.
→ pairing: eunwoo x f!reader
→ genre: smut, fluff, fwb to lovers
→ tw: hookup culture, mentions of drinking and drug use, implied almost SA, this is a bit heavy compared to the other ones like please be a cautious a little when you’re reading this
→ word count: 5.6k
here we go ladies and gents
i had something completely different planned for this
and it was super angsty and dramatic
but i had a monumental experience last night so I’m changing this up
and okay okay
i usually try to write all my stuff gender neutral but bc of the idea I have for some of this plot, it’s gonna be a female reader
im sorry to all my male identifying loves :(
and back to our regularly scheduled program
cha motherfuckin eunwoo
lee fuckin dongmin
he doesn’t go by dongmin, he prefers to go by eunwoo, only his family calls him dongmin
as soon as he stepped foot into the university, everyone knew him
and I mean everyone
he’s so attractive
but don’t get it twisted, eunwoo’s the humblest, sweetest bean
he gets very embarrassed when people compliment him for his looks
applied for random roommates his first year and got paired up with swimmer!bin
he and bin become besties and end up rooming together their entire college career
major: music performance, specialty in piano
most people (besides those in the music department or astro) would have never thought eunwoo was a music major, especially since he was incredibly smart and athletic too???
usually gets mistaken for a STEM major
often helps the boys (especially rocky and sanha) with their studies
and oof when he tries out for–and makes it into–the basketball team
everyone ???? floored
eunwoo has game on the court...now with dating??? eh not so much
(at least not sober shh)
he’s tried dating before, at least in the first year or so
the basketball team kept trying to set him up with people
but it never got anywhere substantial and eunwoo always trusted astro to really give the vibe check and no one ever passed
and so he settled for hookup culture every now and then
his emotions are guarded :’(
yes he’s very easy to talk to and always so nice and well mannered
but he’s only himself with astro
now, where do you come into this???
you’re a cheerleader
you and eunwoo know each other by association
you cheer for his home games, you’ve been in a couple of classes together, you’ve seen each other at parties
but would you call yourselves friends?? not really
now you know it’s highly unlikely for you to have a lasting boyfriend in college, especially with your affiliation as a cheerleader, so you also opt for hookup culture
less messy feelings, less drama, less commitment, all that fun
so the first time your paths really intertwine with eunwoo is at a party
the basketball team won a big game and they were out celebrating yuh
and ofc since it’s his team, eunwoo popped out
he only really attends parties hosted by the basketball team bc he feels a bit obligated to go LOL but he always brings swimmer!bin for support 
and it’s chill bc bin is also an athlete–yes it’s exclusive like that
but this time, bin couldn’t go so it’s just eunwoo hanging with his team
and yes, you can guess it, you and him get partnered up to play beer pong together!
that’s so cliche omg
but ah ha you hear your opponent, one of eunwoo’s teammates say to one of your fellow cheerleaders: don’t worry baby, I’ll carry you through this game
and you cringed a little ugh men
eunwoo turns to you like: ah sorry if we lose, it’s all luck with me. The guys usually pick to play me bc I’ll probably lose. I’ll drink the cups for you though if you want me to.
you get a little fired up, like aw why do they pick on him that’s not fair
you: well I’m not horrible at pong, so let’s try to crush em
he played pretty well ok! you both got balls back twice in a row right in the beginning
your team was on a roll
you and eunwoo won three games back to back
you were feeling a bit bloated and hazy from the beer that you and him had to drink, but you were still pretty self aware
and you and eunwoo were just chilling after playing the games, you two were on a pretty good wavelength and you wanted to continue it after joking around in between plays
alright now obviously you don’t go into these parties just strictly looking for a hookup, you go to have fun and let loose
but if the person and situation arises??? you wouldn’t necessarily turn it down, especially if that person was cha eunwoo
and yeah, eunwoo was entertaining the idea too, it’s been a while since he vibed with someone like he has with you
basically by the end of the night, you brought him back to your place–you’d rather eat shit than hook up at the basketball house, it was messy and musty and just nope
your place was closer than his
and ~yuh~
it was pretty damn good
he didn’t stay the night, bc well this was a hookup, so after you both had your fill it was a casual alright see you around!
oh lord the fuss your cheerleading team gave you at the next practice asking how your hookup with eunwoo was
the news spread like wildfire
eunwoo didn’t hook up very often so every time he did, it was like breaking news
which is honestly a bit fucked up, but seriously this is how college is
alright so your sex drive skyrocketed after fucking eunwoo 
you hook up with another guy at one of the following parties
but it didn’t compare to eunwoo rip so you were pretty disappointed
and you were sorta wondering like hm? should you hit him up? but decided against it 
and then! you saw him at the gym working out with literally all of astro
bin probably forced the other 4 to come with him and eunwoo sksksksk
and you were like shit why does he look so good
not gonna lie, just in case he was looking over, you tried to make your ass and tits pop out a bit more, you know squats and shit
unfortunately, it caught the attention of other guys at the gym and not eunwoo grrr
and you were literally just planning to stop being a coward and go up and talk to him, but a guy blocked your path
and he was lowkey being very creepy and way too close for your liking
but you weren’t having it, hell no you ain’t a damsel in distress
being a cheerleader taught you how to defend yourself against predatory men
so you were basically telling him to fuck off and leave you alone, but he was being really damn persistent about it
and just as the guy was about to put a hand on you, eunwoo steps in and he’s like: dude, she’s clearly not interested, fuck off.
after a bit of a stare off, the guy leaves and wow you’re face to face with eunwoo again hehehe
his eyes switch from a glare to a soft worried look and he’s like, hey are you okay?
and you’re like a little giddy, maybe also a little bit turned on bc he’s still like fresh from a workout, his hair was brushed back revealing his forehead, his arm muscles were really defined right now, and just he’s so hot? 
but you smile nonchalantly, you genuinely could have just slapped the shit out of the guy or kicked him right in the baby factory, but eunwoo stepping in was also a pleasant surprise, you weren’t complaining
you: yeah. I could have handled it, but thanks for helping
and he just grins, your confidence?? attractive
the two of you just like look at each other for a couple seconds and you’re yelling at yourself in your head like don’t cop out this is what you were waiting for !!
you: so...you’re here with your friends?
eunwoo: yeah, me and my roommate forced them to come work out with us haha. did you come by yourself?
you: yeah, I usually work out with my teammates, but I decided to come alone today
eunwoo nods and you see him like look at your neck and you immediately get a bit shy bc you knew there was a hickey there from your last (very disappointing) hookup: you’ve been having fun recently?
your face flushes: the last one was embarrassing really, so honest to god no
eunwoo: why was it embarrassing? if...you don’t mind me asking
you immediately facepalm: no, yeah I don’t mind telling you...ugh, eunwoo I was literally catfished. this guy really talked mad game about his dick and then when I agreed to hook up, he asked me to suck him off and it literally only took him less than ten minutes. and after he came, he just pulled up his pants and said “damn you give really good head” like the fuck? he didn’t even offer to return the favor or anything, and when I asked him “wait, are we gonna fuck?” he just said “maybe next time.” maYbE neXt tiMe?? I was played so hard, you have no idea how pissed I was, eunwoo. and now I have to wait for his dumb fucking hickey to heal so that I can literally just repress that hookup even happened.
his jaw literally dropped: he didn’t give you anything?
you shook your head, you were getting pissed again 
eunwoo couldn’t believe his ears, he glances back at astro for a second and then he clears his throat: well...what are you doing after the gym?
you: nothing, just going home and taking a shower. My roommate’s not gonna be home tonight so I’m probably gonna wallow in my sorrows about that hookup again
he laughs: well sounds like you have a fun night planned, but if you want some company?? I’d be more than happy to come over and help you forget about the sad disrespect of that hookup.
who said eunwoo couldn’t flirt ???
and he was thinking about hitting you up again too before but he didn’t wanna seem like a fuckboy or anything
but seeing you defend yourself against the guy?? lowkey was a bit of turn on for him
obviously you agreed hello
eunwoo going up to astro: so uh...imma head out first...I’ll see you guys later. :)
sanha: hyung so scandalous *O*
you and eunwoo fuck again
and after this time, the two of you have a little bit of pillow talk
basically you tell him that fucking him ruined all other guys for you bc he was just that good
and eunwoo usually gets shy from compliments, but his ego with this one??? he felt a bit proud ohohoho
and he’s like: honestly, you’re the only person I’ve fucked in six months, but I gotta agree that our sexual chemistry is pretty good
so where do you two go from there?
friends with benefits baby, full on fuck buddies
you both talk and agree that you two weren’t looking for relationships at the moment, but the sex was good
i’m gonna get into specifics later, but for now a little more plot
obviously, you and eunwoo talk a lot more now that you two were basically fucking each other at least once a week
the guys notice that he’s so much more?? carefree?? less stressed out?? ever since you and him started your little agreement
and they’re already scheming by themselves, like eunwoo would not get into a situation like this unless he trusted you as a person
and at first it was really just, call each other over, have sex, stay for a little bit longer, then leave
neither of you ever stayed the night bc that’s just an unspoken rule
until there was this one party, a group of people were in one of the rooms at the basketball house and they told you to come join them and ~do drugs~
don’t dabble kids, I’m serious
and you were chilling with eunwoo and bin for a bit until they called you over and you were like: wanna try too?
eunwoo and bin didn’t do it obviously, but you were curious so you went and told them you would be back in a bit
eunwoo was worried about you, bin could see it from a mile away
he kept glancing back at the room and one by one people started to come out, but none of them were you
bin nudging eunwoo: go check up on her
eunwoo opens the door to see you being like pinned down on the bed and he turns livid
he pulls the guy off you and punches him right in the face like: what the fuck do you think you’re doing? what did you give her?
you’re noticeably out of it, sobriety? not there
the guy basically laced something in the drug he gave you, omg you were roofied??
bin comes in and he literally has to hold eunwoo back from beating the shit out of the other guy
the two take you back to their apartment and were making sure that you didn’t die or something shit
literally cannot believe the first time you slept over at eunwoo’s place was when you were drugged up
you wake up the next morning, nauseous, body weak, and confused
eunwoo also wakes up because of your movement: hey y/n, are you okay?
you: eunwoo...what...what happened last night??
he sits up and gives you a recount of the party and you just like hug your body tightly when he brings up the drugs and start crying
he’s a bit shocked when he sees your tears, but he just pulls you in for a hug to try and comfort you, obviously that must have been a bit traumatic
eunwoo: hey...it’s okay...I’m just glad I checked up on you before something worse happened
you: I’m such a fucking idiot...I can’t believe I let myself get put in that situation again...no wonder people think I’m a just a dumb whore.
you and him spill your deepest darkest most traumatizing secrets that morning and you just feel more connected to him
you: I honestly never really told anyone...thanks eunwoo, you’re a good friend.
he feels more protective of you after that??
you start hanging around with him and astro more
and the guys really like having you around !!
you’re very easy to get along with, you also joke and tease eunwoo with them, they love you !
you even become really friendly with the other guys’ partners
about half a year into your fuck buddy relationship with eunwoo
everyone: why aren’t you dating y/n yet?
eunwoo: what do you mean?? we’re just friends...with benefits??
before you even know it, you’re spending literally all your time (when you’re not training or practicing or at class) with eunwoo and his friends
you sleep more at eunwoo’s than you do at your own apartment
honestly you two are already acting like a couple
except for the fact that you only kiss each other when you’re fucking, or you don’t hold hands in public, or you don’t say the L word to each other obviously
but the cuddles? the jokes? the hanging out? if you two are seen together there’s still a little form of physical touch––like a hand on the waist, or resting his elbow on your shoulder––something that tells other people that you two are a bit exclusive to each other
and maybe it’s because both of your emotional capacities when it comes to relationships are akin to a pubescent thirteen year old, but you and eunwoo?? don’t really realize that you’re both basically in love with each other
and it’s also the fact that catching feelings in a friends with benefits?? forbidden
but what if both people catch feelings?
you don’t realize you like eunwoo until a year of fucking each other
damn a year?? y’all really suppressed those romantic feelings hard
you and him were hanging out, per usual, but in the piano rooms of the music building
eunwoo had to practice his repertoire for an upcoming performance and you were free so you decided to come along and keep him company
you knew he was a music major and that he played piano, but you never actually heard him play
you were just chilling by the window, scrolling through your phone, and then he just starts playing and your jaw?? literally dropped
it was so intricate and fluid and elegant, you looked over to the keys and his hands just moved so expertly over them
you were put in a trance, it was so beautiful??
and then you look up and his concentration? seriousness? he has honestly never looked more attractive to you than in that moment
and then eunwoo meets your eyes and he smiles a little: is it bad?
you: no, you’re amazing actually...
and your stomach does a triple somersault and your cheeks start heating up, like why is your heart going haywire???
you start spacing out and obviously he notices
eunwoo calls your name and pats the space next to him on the piano bench
eunwoo: what are you thinking of, hm?
you: n-nothing. keep playing, I wanna hear more
and so he does and your heart just won’t chill out, especially now that you’re literally sitting mere centimeters apart from him
he’s still playing and you just can’t stop thinking about how much you want to kiss him–and not in a sexual way
and that honestly scared you, so you panicked and put your hand near his crotch
eunwoo jolts in surprise, but he doesn’t say anything, he just chuckles and continues playing
do you have sex in the piano room to try and distract yourself from whatever you were feeling? yeah
you hide your feelings for a little bit, but the more time you spent with him, the stronger they got, and you honestly didn’t know what to do
so you tried distancing yourself, you gave eunwoo the excuse that cheerleading competitions were coming up–which they were, so it wasn’t a complete lie–and you needed to focus and have time to yourself
it was so weird for you not seeing him and astro all the time, you barely responded to his text messages or calls, and when you saw him around campus, you would immediately try to avoid him, and it hurt but you were ~scared~
eunwoo’s a smart boy, he knew something was off with you
but after a week of trying to contact you, he didn’t wanna seem annoying or a bother, so he tried not to
even though all he wanted was to see you or talk to you, like it was beyond sex at this point
he missed you, he thought he was going to go insane
he didn’t realize his feelings for you until he saw you talking to a guy in the athletic building
he had basketball practice, and you just finished your cheerleading practice
you were talking to this one guy from your philosophy class, basically joking around and talking shit about your professor
and eunwoo saw you smile at something the guy said and he just felt jealous
his fists clenched, he hated seeing you smile and laugh with the guy like how you used to do with him
and it also didn’t help that you and him haven’t really talked in two or three weeks and he just missed you so much :(
he tried not to think about it during his practice, but it didn’t work, he was off his game for this one, even his teammates and coach noticed it
he went back to his place after practice and called over the boys and basically vented his frustrations
jin: eunwoo. you like y/n
eunwoo: I know...fuck what do I do
bin: tell her, obviously
eunwoo: and risk our?? friendship??
myungjun: you’re a fucking idiot if you don’t see that she likes you back
rocky: yeah...I mean why else do you think noona started distancing herself from you?
eunwoo: maybe I’m just feeling like this because we haven’t met up in a while and I saw her talking to that guy and I don’t know? I’m horny?
sanha: hyung...you sound indenial and jealous.
bin: you like her. we’re surprised you didn’t realize this earlier.
anyway, the day of the competition comes, and the guys and their partners decide to pop out and support you
and seeing them actually made you feel so warm, you wave at them brightly and you meet eyes with eunwoo and you smile at him even though the butterflies are back and at full force
the group is so proud watching you and your team compete, their cheers are debatably the loudest and you literally have to stop yourself from laughing in the middle of your routine
your school places first yuh
and after talking with your team and discussing celebration plans, you go to the group
you were having such an adrenaline rush, you immediately run up to eunwoo in a crushing hug and you kiss him
eunwoo doesn’t even hesitate to kiss you back
astro and them: ohohoho hey
you: I’m so happy you all came! I can’t believe we actually won!
you were going to celebrate with your team bc you knew they were throwing a party, but celebrating with eunwoo and astro/their partners seemed way more appealing to you
you all go out to dinner and drink a little bit casually and it’s all such good vibes
you missed hanging around with them all and it just felt so right
eunwoo rested his hand on your thigh the whole time throughout dinner, he missed you alright, and just seeing you so happy with all his friends? he was hooked
when the group parts ways, it’s just you and eunwoo heading back to his place bc bin is spending the night at his partner’s apartment
and honestly the tension is so thick between you two
you barely make it past the door before you’re both latched onto each other, making out and all that steamy stuff
after you have sex, the two of you are having that post-sex cuddle in his bed and your heart is pounding so loud
you: hey...I’m sorry if it was weird that I kissed you earlier at the venue, I don’t really know what came over me, I was just so glad to see you guys
eunwoo: you don’t have to apologize for that y/n...I missed you
you roll around so that your back is to him bc you do not have the strength to look at him in the eyes right now
eunwoo hugs your waist and pulls you in his chest, he’s spooning you and he has no plans on letting you go any time soon
you: uh...eunwoo, I-we-uh maybe we should stop this...thing from going any further
he literally freezes: ...did I do something wrong?
you: no! it’s...I...fuck I don’t know how to say this...I know we’ve been hooking up for a year but just recently I...think I have feelings for you...and it’s not fair for either of us to continue this if we’re not on the same page.
eunwoo: y/n, I–
you’re rambling now, you’re scared of what he has to say: and honestly you’ve become someone I really don’t wanna lose in my life. You’re an amazing person and friend, and I don’t wanna fuck that up by having feelings for you, especially since you probably don’t feel the same. I just...can’t have casual sex with you anymore...I’m sorry, it would break me.
you’re like trying to get up and you tell him that you’re going to go to the party your team’s hosting but he just tightens his grip
eunwoo: don’t go...please
you: eunwoo, I can’t stay here–
eunwoo: you don’t even know what I feel, y/n...why are you so sure that I don’t feel the same way as you?? because I do...honest to god, y/n, I like you so fucking much. the month that you didn’t talk to me was like hell and I don’t ever wanna experience that again. I missed you so much I thought I was going crazy...please don’t go.
you roll around and face him again
you: y-you like me? you’re not just saying that because you want to keep having sex?
eunwoo: I’m not just saying that because of the sex...I promise
you: so...what does that make us now?
eunwoo: well would you do me the honors and be my girlfriend?
god finally you two are dating
you realize that not much really changes after the two of you make it official
the pda does increase though, you actually hold hands and kiss each other in public now
and you two are more cutesy with each other
yes astro pretends to gag whenever they see you act all coupley
petnames!! you call each other baby, sometimes you call him minnie!! as in dongminnie !! im screaming!!
a poster couple, the basketball player and the cheerleader
literally when you’re both wearing your uniforms and you kiss each other, it’s like one of those teen movies
lots of forehead kisses especially right before bed
eunwoo’s a clingy cuddly boy, especially now that you two are together
lots of study dates?? he is a scholar after all
you’re each other’s biggest supporters !! you always go to all of his recitals and basketball games, he always goes to your competitions
he’s very soft okay, will never stop showing you off or telling you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you
the first I love you came shortly in the relationship, and that’s because you’ve known each other a year prior and the feelings were really just building up since then
you were in the piano room again and he was just playing for fun, but you always loved hearing him ~tickle those ivories~
he was playing a song and singing along and you swear you had heart eyes for him, his voice was so soft and gentle and just wow
you’re sitting next to him and you just hug his waist while he’s playing
eunwoo’s smiling so wide and then he’s singing to you 
he doesn’t even get to finish the song, because you’re grabbing his face and kissing him 
he’s laughing in between kisses and you can’t help but laugh with him
grrr he’s so cute!
and then you two are just looking at each other
eunwoo: hm? 
you: I love you, minnie
he doesn’t miss a beat: I love you too, y/n
you and him have a lot of deep talks together, especially right before bed
it’s the time when he can just let out all the frustrations of the day and just be with you
he actually holds a lot of pressure and worries, but knowing that you’re by his side, comforts him a lot
the two of you have so many pictures together it’s so cute
eunwoo’s a bit possessive alright, not in the toxic way, but will he tighten his grip on your waist if a guy seems to be getting a little too friendly with you? yeah
not gonna lie, you get possessive too, it’s hard especially if your boyfriend is cha eunwoo, he’s the fucking perfect package god dammit
you both tell each other that you don’t have to worry about other people bc y’all are just both so whipped for each other
but it’s still cute when either of you are jealous
he’s actually pretty into couple items, but it has to be like minimalistic-style
like matching plain color hoodies or matching pajama sets
will not wear a “he’s mine, she’s mine” shirt or something
but it’s okay bc neither would you sksksk
will he wink at you if he makes a three pointer during his game? yeah.
literally loves when you wear his clothes or fuck, his jersey?? a turn on
and here we go !! I’ve been talking about sex so much but let’s get into it !!
in the beginning, like before you two started dating, when it was just your fuck buddy friendship, it was sexy
and not saying that it’s not sexy now that you two were in a relationship, but before it was just lust
eunwoo’s a freak alright, you can’t convince me otherwise
he’s a little kinky
definitely into food play, you two use whipped cream during foreplay a little too much...
100% into anal
you know how much he loves ass, has a very nice ass himself
and we already been knew, but yes he’s an ass guy
s p a n k i n g
eunwoo seeing you in your cheerleading skirt? immediate turn on
will literally fuck you while you’re wearing your skirt...just your skirt.
alright alright, you have a hand kink...was it awoken by watching eunwoo play piano all the time? yes
does eunwoo use that to his advantage? yes
the amount of times he’s fingered you??? vaginal and anal??? lord have mercy
very much into overstimulation, will keep fingering you until you squirt
and yes im bringing back my the choking kink
literally if his hands make any contact with your neck area, even when he’s just kissing, you will drench
but ugh you and eunwoo making out and you know how he like cups the back of the neck?? i know y’all have seen it from the true beauty kiss scenes, and then it gets heated and his grip just moves to the front and squeezes and when your mouth opens in a gasp, he shoves his tongue down your throat
that’s so sexy
do you like choking on his cock? probably more than you should
does he make you deep throat until tears are literally streaming down your face? most definitely
he loves marking you?? it’s just a tell tale way to show everyone you’re his
he’s a bit feisty...will he manhandle you during sex?? yeah
eunwoo is a dom. I am 100% convinced that he is a dom, you won’t be domming him honey
daddy and babygirl kink...I said it...
okay he’s a bit of an exhibitionist...would probably be down to have sex anywhere as long as you don’t get caught
piano room sex? locker room sex? library sex? movie theater sex? restaurant bathroom sex? yes you’ve done it all
will he finger you while you guys are having a movie night with the guys? yeah
eunwoo’s a tease, he’s a little shit, will tease you until you’re literally in tears begging for him to just do something
favorite position is doggy, it’s the view of the ass for him
although you two both do like experimenting different positions, especially if it has to do with “training your flexibility”
will pull your hair while he’s fucking you from behind, and will plug your asshole with his thumb–don’t knock it until you try it...it’s...a pretty good feeling
sometimes wakes you up by eating you out
very much a giver ugh king
the type to grip your thighs tighter when you try to push him away from overstimulation just to force another orgasm out of you
believe it or not, he’s a gasper/grunter/groaner
nothing is hotter than hearing eunwoo groan right when he’s about to cum oooof grrrr bark bark
okay but soft gentle sex with eunwoo is so passionate
all you feel is the love and sincerity, especially when he’s just looking in your eyes
the love making happens a lot more obviously when you start dating
he’s just so in love with you alright
gives the best and sweetest after care ugh
cleans you up, gives you massages especially if it was a rough session, cuddles you, draws you a bath, brings you water, everything
always makes sure to tell you he loves you after sex
i would risk it all for eunwoo like please ruin my life
ugh I just wanna put the idea of protective eunwoo during a party in your head
his hand is always on you. waist, thigh, shoulder, anywhere casually
you don’t fight?? but you do argue
arguing is healthy, and you both would rather let it out and bicker with each other in the moment than let it bottle in and build up into something worse
but when you do have a disagreement, no matter how big or small, you two always make sure to never go to bed angry with each other
communication is very important for the both of you
you’re his better half :’) all the things eunwoo struggles with, you help him with it and vice versa
he figured out you were the one for him during one of your deep late night pillow talks
he was worried about what he’d do in the future after graduating, like he was genuinely having a crisis about it
but you just talked so calmly to him: baby, no matter where you end up after graduation or what you end up doing, you’re going to be fine. You’re such a hard worker and I know that you’ll succeed...no matter what, I’ll be here for you minnie. I believe in you, you’re future is going to be great.
and he just kisses you so sweetly: will you be in my future, baby?
you’re smiling and you just giggle at him: if you want me to be...I’d love to be a part of it.
ugh y’all are so whipped for each other !!
astro always teasing you two, even when you’re all older
you and eunwoo are equally ticklish so basically y’all are fucked when they wanna mess with you
both of your families love you and him instantly
they push marriage immediately after you both graduate college
even astro’s like: we know you two are probably gonna tie the knot first...when’s the wedding?
not gonna lie, you and eunwoo probably get married probably 2-3 years after college, pretty young age
sidenote: eunwoo 100% cries at your wedding, especially when he sees you walking down the isle in your dress
and he has huge baby fever so you bet y’all had kids fairly young too
the best dad !! ugh he loves kids !! ugh so domestic
im just gonna say, y’all have beautiful children
trusts bin and jinjin to babysit your kids the most...he’s scared of the rest of the boys watching over his children
anyway eunwoo literally deserves the world and I just?? love him so much?? happy ending yay hehe
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disturbedbydesign · 3 years
The Widow and the Wolf - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x dark!exWidow!reader
Summary: After Natasha Romanoff took down the Red Room, the former Widows scattered to the wind. Raised to be a killing machine and released into the world with nothing and no one, you decided to use your newfound autonomy to take down the bad guys of your choosing. But now Natasha is riddled with guilt for leaving you on your own. She wants to recruit you, rehabilitate you, make you part of a team again. But the rest of the squad has reservations, and no one is more against you than Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Graphic violence; Mentions of domestic violence, rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, child sex trafficking; eventual Dubcon (not Bucky); eventual smut; slow(ish) burn enemies-to-lovers. [More warnings will be added as necessary but these are the Big Bads.] 18+ only, no minors.
If you prefer to read on AO3, you can do so here.
Chapter Three
If you had a home, it would be Bucharest, even though you despise the place. It was the first place you went when you got free, because you know he’s here somewhere, conducting his evil machinations from the shadows, shielded by layer after layer of vile men across the globe doing his dirty work. There are plenty of men out there deserving of your particular brand of justice, but no one more so than the Viper. Sometimes you think that, if you can just find him and take him out, you might be able to move on—try to make a normal life for yourself, whatever that looks like. You don’t allow yourself to think about what will happen if you finally achieve your life’s goal and it’s still not enough for you.
You remember everything about the day you learned of the Viper’s existence. You were just 7 years old, one of many little girls packed into a shipping container. You had no idea how long you’d been in there or how long you would be in there. It smelled rancid, and there was never a moment of quiet. Most of the girls were screaming or crying, but a few (like you) were silent, just observing. You don’t know who sold you from your orphanage and shipped you off to Dreykov and you never will. What you do know is that you had no family to miss and no one to miss you, so you didn’t understand what the others were so upset about. From the very beginning, you adjusted to life as a Widow almost effortlessly, which is its own form of tragedy.
Others, though, they were stolen away from people who loved them. This seemed a foreign concept to you when you heard about it from the tiny, sobbing girl huddled next to you in the shipping container—the girl who told you about the Viper, the girl who would become your first and only friend until Dreykov took control of all of your minds. Once you were given the serum, your memories were locked up inside your own heads—none of you could have talked about your past lives even if you’d wanted to. Your words were not your own. You didn’t know what was real and what was planted there. Sometimes you still don’t, and nothing terrifies you more than that.
You have no idea how many little girls the Viper funneled to Dreykov over the years, but it was probably a decent amount. His real bread and butter had always been sex trafficking, and he’s still doing it—on an even larger scale if your intel is correct (which, of course, it is). But he won’t be operating for much longer, not now that you’re so close you can almost taste the venom. You were barely 8 years old when you decided you would kill him, and now you have your chance. You are so close, closer than you’ve ever been, but he keeps slithering out of your grasp. And so you’re in Bucharest, again, looking for answers, again. But you have other business, too—almost as important, if not more so.
You head to the safehouse on the outskirts of the city. The building doesn’t look like much on the outside, but you’ve made sure the inside is comfortable enough for the women and children who live there. The matron greets you at the door and you hand her this month’s envelope, which contains enough cash to feed everyone for the next two months, keep the lights and the water on, and some extra to fix the plumbing issues that have been plaguing the building since you bought it.
The building can house about 40 people comfortably—it’s not nearly enough, and you’re determined to create as many safe spaces as you can, but it’ll do for now. For now, you have to select your charges according to a very strict criteria: they are all women and children (and the children of women) who have been bought and sold by the Viper. Some of them escaped on their own; some of them had assistance from you and the very few people you trust in the city. But all of them have suffered, and all of them have information that you need. Individually, it’s not much, but the more women you talk to, the more pieces of the puzzle you have to work with.
Besides for the cash drop, today you’re here to see the newest resident: Irina, a 19-year-old beauty your Bucharest contacts had managed to snatch from one of the sex clubs. Irina was delivered to the Viper at 12, and her life since then has been an endless nightmare that you can’t think about for too long without feeling physically ill. She’s sitting by the window in the living room, cupping a steaming mug of tea, when you approach her. You walk towards her slowly, and when Irina looks over at you, there is recognition in her eyes even though you’ve never met.
“You’re the Widow,” she says.
“Not anymore,” you reply. “But if that’s what you’d like to call me, go ahead. May I sit?” She gestures to the seat opposite her and you settle in for a chat. “I’d like to ask you some questions, Irina. Is that ok?”
“The others told me you’d be coming.” She speaks softly, her voice hoarse from screaming or crying or both. “I know what you’re trying to do. You’ll never catch him, you know.”
“I disagree,” you say, “but I need more information.”
“Alright,” she agrees, “if you think it will help,” and you begin the gentlest of interrogations.
Irina tells you that for the first several years after she was taken, she hadn’t heard anyone mention the Viper. She thinks that a lot of the girls probably knew about him or came directly from him, but no one would talk about it because it was too dangerous or traumatizing (or both). Things were different at her last club, though. When you ask her how many of the girls at Delirium knew about him, she tells you that several of them had passed through him somewhere along their journey. One of them—one far too young to be working there—even admitted that she’d been with him only two months earlier.
Finally, after all this time, you’ve got a clear line from point A to point B. You feel it in your bones that Delirium holds the answers, that if you can just get in and poke around a bit, you’ll be able to find him. You take Irina’s hands in yours and thank her for her help, and then you hear it: heavy footsteps coming down the hall. No woman or child in the building weighs enough to make a sound like that, and no men are allowed on the premises. You know who it is before you see him.
Bucky watches you enter the building from his position on the roof across the street. His contact had told him that there were whispers of a Widow safehouse at this address, though no one would dare set foot within 10 blocks of the place to find out. Bucky doesn’t believe the rumor, though. He knows you work alone, that you pride yourself on it. He assumes this is just one of many places where your targets meet their ends, and he knows enough about Bucharest to know that there are a lot of men in this city who fit your modus operandi.
Still, something is off. It’s not an empty building. There have been women and children coming and going all morning, and nearly all the apartments seem occupied. Why would you choose to do your dirty work in a place with so much activity, with so many innocents around? That seems not only impractical but beneath even you. He’s lost in these thoughts, checking each window with his binoculars, when he settles on a beautiful young girl staring out the window, looking desperately sad. She turns to look at someone he can’t see, and then he sees you emerge from the shadows and take a seat opposite her.
There’s a softness to your face—a gentle kindness—that knocks the wind out of him. Bucky can’t take his eyes off of you, analyzing your body language and facial expressions to try to figure out what the hell is going on. This is the last thing he expected to see, and he tells himself that this woman must be hiring you for a job—except the woman is nothing but a broken child and doesn’t look like someone who would be taking out a hit on somebody (and certainly not someone who could pay for one).
It’s unnerving, watching you this way, and Bucky is no longer sure that what he’s doing is right. There’s something about your interaction with this girl that makes him feel like a voyeur, witnessing an intimate moment that he should not be seeing but that fascinates him nonetheless. Still, he’s here, you’re his mission—albeit one he took upon himself—and he needs to finish it. By this time, Natasha and Steve are almost certainly on their way, and Bucky needs to get to you before they show up. He went rogue and committed to this plan; now he just has to execute it. He’ll deal with the consequences later.
Bucky makes his way across the street and around the back, where children’s toys litter the small yard of weeds and dirt. When he gets to the back door, he notices that it isn’t the usual ancient rusted lock that one finds on the old buildings in this neighborhood; it’s brand new tech. There’s a pretty decent security camera setup around the building, too.
What the hell is this place?
Bucky has two choices: he can rip the door off the hinges, or he can scale the building and climb in the open window on the top floor. You’re going to be homicidally pissed either way, so he might as well not destroy any property—you may be a monster, but the other tenants here look like civilians, and he doesn’t want to sacrifice their security in his quest to bring you in.
Bucky makes it into the building and weaves his way through the hallways. Along the way, he runs into a few women, and each one of them freezes when they see him. They are shocked and deathly afraid—a look he knows far too well—and they scurry back to their apartments and lock the doors. With his hair cut short, baseball cap pulled down, and leather jacket and glove hiding his prosthetic, it doesn’t seem possible that all of these women would immediately recognize him as the Winter Soldier. That’s what it feels like to him, though, and it’s a gut-punch sensation he does not like at all.
When he gets to the sitting room, the girl you are with has the same look of terror, and for a moment, so do you. But you snap back to yourself quickly—having gone from soft to terrified to hostile within a span of about 15 seconds. Before he can react, you stomp towards him, grab him by the jacket, and hiss, “Not here.”
Bucky hears you speak to the girl in Romanian, “Don’t be afraid, Irina. He’s a friend,” although he knows you think him anything but.
The second you get him into the hallway, you’ve got your knife to his throat. Even with your cold blade nicking his skin, Bucky fights the impulse to disarm you. He doesn’t want to fight you. He knows that he’s intruded on something here, though he doesn’t know what, and he actually feels guilty. He could break you in half if he wanted to, but he lets you pin him to the wall—lets you feel like you’re in control.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you growl.
“You know why I’m here,” Bucky replies, but he doesn’t know—not really, not anymore. “What is this place?”
“It’s somewhere safe,” you say, “or it was until you showed up. No boys allowed, Soldat. Time to go.”
You catch him off guard when you flip him around and throw him through the nearest door, and before he can regain his balance, you kick him straight through the window and into the yard two storeys below. The fall is nothing to Bucky, and he knows that you know that, but it certainly made a statement. He looks up at the broken window he’d just crashed through and sees you peering out with a satisfied smile on your face.
Bucky calls up to you, “I just want to talk.”
“Bullshit,” you snap.
“I mean it,” he says, and he actually does. “You can pick the place.”
He watches as you consider his offer, weighing your options—you obviously don’t trust him, but it’s clear that the sanctity of this location is important to you. Now that he’s violated it, you can’t just let him wander off. You agree to meet with him that evening—in public, at a club in Old Town.
“Come alone, Soldat,” you call down to him, “and if you tell anyone about this place, I’ll throw you out a higher window.”
Bucky tries to hide his tiny smile but he knows you see it, just like he sees the little quirk of your lip just before you disappear. He hoists himself off the ground and brushes himself off. When he turns to leave, he sees a little girl holding hands with her mother. He has no idea how long they’ve been standing there, but the girl is pointing and giggling at him.
The little girl asks, “What happened to him, mama?”
“The Widow’s bite,” she replies.
“He’s not going to hurt her, Natasha,” Steve says as he prepares the Quinjet for landing.
“She might not give him a choice,” she replies, strapping herself in. “What the hell was he thinking coming here alone?”
“I don’t know,” Steve says. “There’s something about this girl that’s really gotten under his skin.”
Natasha looks at Steve, asking the question with her eyes she wouldn’t dare say aloud, and he picks up what she’s putting out.
“He’s not the Winter Soldier anymore. All of that programming… it’s gone. You know that. He’s just Bucky now.”
Natasha nods in agreement, but a part of her still has questions—not whether the deprogramming worked, she knows that it did, and she trusts Bucky with her life. No, Natasha’s concern is what is going on inside Bucky’s head. He was doing well, he was adjusting, he was finally ok, but the existence of you seems to have triggered something in him that the words never had. The words made him cold and empty and ready to comply, but you—you make him think, and Natasha knows how dangerous it can be to dwell too much on things you’ve left in the past.
When Steve and Natasha arrive at Bucky’s old apartment, it’s empty, but there are small signs of life—the indent of a head on the pillow on the floor in the corner, an apple core just starting to brown. He’s been there, and recently. Natasha and Steve don’t know who he would still have contact with in Bucharest, so they are left with nothing to go on. Bucky knows how to cover his tracks, and he left them just enough crumbs to get them to Bucharest but not enough that they could find him when they got there.
“He wants us to trust him,” Steve says, “to wait for him to bring her back here.”
“I can’t just sit around waiting for something to happen, Steve. I have a really bad feeling about this.”
“So what do you suggest we do?” Steve asks.
Natasha sighs and looks out the window. “I have no idea,” she replies, and that’s when she sees it: a piece of graffiti spraypainted on the wall of a building down the street—a coiled snake ready to strike.
The memory hits Natasha like a freight train. She knows that symbol. She knows what it means. She knows exactly who you’re looking for and it seems absurd to her now that she hadn’t thought of it before.
“Let me make a call,” she says. “I think I know why she’s here.”
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 1
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Nick Fury and Maria Hill
Summary: The Guardians have pissed off some really dangerous people and need to lie low. Apparently your home is the perfect place to keep them, according to Fury.
Part 2 Here
Author’s Note: This will be multiple chapters, I already have so many scenes for this in my head. I hope you guys like it!
Word Count: 6,610
You had been called into a sudden emergency meeting one afternoon, and walked in expecting to be sent on perhaps an urgent but still run-of-the-mill mission, or briefed on a sudden change to an existing case. You didn't expect to essentially become the babysitter for eight aliens. Well, one of them was human, but still.
You waited in the briefing room with five other agents and Maria Hill. One of your fellow agents, you thought her name was Stacy, tried asking what the meeting was about, and Maria would only reply to wait for Fury, and that he should be there soon.
Admittedly that made you a little nervous. It wasn't often that you didn't get any information before a meeting, but you tried not to think too much into it.
Fury arrived a few minutes later followed by six people you had never seen before.
Two of the men looked normal enough- that is to say, human- but they were the only two. One with red hair and another with strange tattoos on his neck. Then there was a large shirtless greenish/greyish man with what looked at first glance to be many swirly red tattoos covering his body. He had what you thought was a raccoon holding a wooden doll sitting on his shoulder, until the raccoon jumped down onto the table and you saw that not only did the raccoon walk upright, but the "wooden doll" was actually alive, and walked around as well when set upon the table. The other man was a rough looking type, and he was as blue as the sky with what appeared to be a red metal mow-hawk. There were two women with them as well, a taller green one who looked like she could kill you without blinking, and a smaller paler one with antennae who actually looked kinda scared to be there, as she was all but hiding behind the larger shirtless man.
Now, with your line of work you were of course aware of the reality of aliens, but these were actually the first you'd seen up close other than some of the Skrull people Fury worked with.
This group, however, seemed a little... dysfunctional. The red haired man said something snarky to the raccoon, and to your surprise the raccoon spoke back, saying something equally snarky in return before snapping at the red haired man's hand. The man then mimed smacking the raccoon across the room only to then be smacked in the back of the head by the green woman, earning snickers from both neck-tattoo guy and the blue man.
Fury loudly plopped a folder on the table and looked at the group sternly, prompting them to silence. He then turned to you and your fellow agents. "You're probably wondering why I called you all here." Not waiting for an answer he continued, "In simplest terms, we need to provide sanctuary for this lot because they went and pissed off some very dangerous people, and the Nova Corps urgently insists that they need protection."
An agent to your right, you didn't know his name, spoke up. "Then why aren't they hiding them? Why pawn them on us?"
"This is their way of hiding them. Earth is considered primitive by the rest of the galaxy's standards. We have virtually no contact outside this planet, and Nova figured this would be one of the last places anyone might look. Buy them some time to diffuse the situation with the people after these guys before they blow them to pieces."
For seemingly no reason, the red haired man then flicked the raccoon, only to fall on his ass when the raccoon lunged at him, receiving many annoyed looks from the rest of the group.
The same agent spoke again, confusion on his face. "Pardon me, but why is this Nova Corps putting all this effort into hiding... them?" The inflection was clear. What was so special about these dumbasses?
Fury, after witnessing the buffoonery, pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, in addition to them being idiots." He punctuated the sentence with a sharp look toward the group, making the man and raccoon attempt to straighten up. "They've also managed to save the galaxy on more than one occasion. Nova is understandably less than willing to see them come to deadly harm. This is where you come in. We can't keep them here, so we need agents who can house them until everything blows over. Now, we're considering dividing them them among the five of you-"
"Wait! Whoa whoa whoa! You never said we'd be split up! We're a team! You can't split us up!" cried the red haired man. The rest of the group seemed agitated as well, and started to argue with Fury.
You heard a couple agents to your left whispering that they were in no way going to house any of them, and you couldn't help but agree as you watched the scene in front of you.
The blue man had the red haired man by the arm, irritably telling the younger to "Calm down, boy!" as the red haired man tried to pull away, yelling and pointing at Fury about how "This wasn't the deal!" The green woman was also yelling at the red haired man, something about having no choice if they wanted everyone to be safe, as the neck-tattoo guy just stood there, almost as if he didn't know whether to be angry or sad. The woman with the antennae looked even more frightened, now burying her face into the chest of the large tattooed man while he simultaneously patted her head comfortingly and somehow also managed a deadly look at your director. The raccoon had now hopped back on the table to comfort the little wooden creature, which was now crying, soothing it and saying, "It's ok, buddy, I'm not gonna let them separate us, I promise. Look at me, it's gonna be fine."
That's all it took, and you cursed yourself.
You rubbed a hand down your face. Damn it. "I'll do it." you said, voice raised just loud enough to be heard over the commotion.
Loud enough to capture Fury's attention. He turned away from the now quieting group and shared a brief look with Agent Hill. "What was that?"
You sighed, a voice in your mind yelling at you to reconsider. "I've got a place. Out of the way." Wait, what the hell are you doing? "I can take them." No. Turn back! It's not too late! "I mean, people will have to double up in the bedrooms, but I have the space to take them all." Dammit! What's wrong with you!?
Fury nodded. "Where do you live?"
"In the interest of security, sir, I think that's a conversation best had in private."
Fury smiled. "Good answer."
After Fury dismissed the other agents and discussed the whereabouts of your home and its security, he surprised you by declaring that you'd all be leaving within the hour.
You were taken a bit aback, having assumed you'd have some time to prepare, but agreed, assuming that time must be of the essence. Preparations could be made as you went, you supposed.
The ride to your home was a bit awkward, to be honest. Fury split the group between your car and a larger black SUV that he would be driving. In your vehicle you transported the red haired man and the green woman, who's names you learned were Peter and Gamora, along with agent Maria Hill in the front passenger seat. You assumed she had been assigned to ride with you rather than Fury for security purposes, but you didn't ask. Fury transported the rest, which you were sure would have been an interesting ride to say the least.
Your journey, however, was quite quiet. Peter kept trying to make conversation, but it never went much further than a couple-word answers from you or Maria. Reason being that you honestly just didn't know what to say, and you weren't exactly the most open book, and you'd never known Maria to be much of a conversationalist while on the job, though you two usually got on pretty well together.
Your home was an old double storey stone farmhouse set in the countryside, miles away from the nearest house, and even further away from the nearest town. The back of the property was a decent sized lot that emptied into a forest that also shielded around the sides, and at the front there were hedges and tall trees blocking the property from the sight of nearest road. It was easy to miss if you didn't know where to find the drive path that turned off the main road and winded up to the house. For all intents and purposes, to any average person taking a country drive, it was as if it wasn't even there, lost among the vast amount of trees.
Therefore, when you did finally arrive at your home a good bit later, you were more than surprised to find three black vans already parked in your drive. You were first alarmed, worried that somehow your location had already been compromised. You stayed behind the wheel for a moment, unsure of what to do, until you looked in the rearview mirror to see Fury and his lot exiting his vehicle. You looked to Maria in confusion.
"Yeah, there may be a bit more you need to be briefed on." she said in reply to a question that hadn't left your lips, smiling apologetically.
You got out of your car, followed by the rest of your passengers, and walked over to Fury who was standing in front of his passengers as they stared up at their new (hopefully) temporary lodging.
"What's going on here?" you asked when you reached him, gesturing to the men coming out of your house.
"Slow workmanship. They should have been done and gone 30 minutes ago." Fury said flatly, gazing at a man who nodded apologetically to the director and spoke into his walkie for his men to wrap up.
"Fury-" you say, your tone unamused.
"Agent Hill was supposed to brief you on the way over." he said, looking past you to Maria with a raised eyebrow.
"I considered that it might be better to wait until we reached the destination, sir, rather than inside of a moving vehicle, considering."
Fury half nodded as if in agreement, then turned to look back at your home. "We already scoped your place out a week ago. You're right, it was nearly the perfect place."
"Excuse me?" you say, eyes widening in confusion and surprise. What the hell did he mean he had already scoped it out a week prior? You had been under the impression these people had just been spontaneously dropped in Fury's lap.
"Your home," he said as if that would clarify things. "We had already looked into it, and other than needing a few adjustments, it was the perfect safe house to hide them."
"You- How-" you sputtered. You took a moment to gather your thoughts. "You mean to tell me that this was all already decided before you ever called that meeting?"
"Of course. It would have been irresponsible to drop them off at the first place we found."
"Then why call the meeting? Why the damn charade if this wasn't really my choice?" You were fighting not to raise your voice too much, but it still came out irritated. You threw an accusatory glance at the group, who were clearly listening in on the conversation, not like you had been quiet enough for them not to hear if they hadn't been. "Were you lot in on this?"
Peter held up his hands and shook his head defensively, as did a few of the others. You only narrowed your eyes and turned back to Fury as he spoke.
"Oh, you always had a choice, I just wanted to make sure you'd be willing." Fury said calmly, only now turning to look at you. "I knew you'd say yes."
"How could you possibly know I'd say yes!?"
"Well you did, didn't you?" You could almost hear laughter in his voice. The fucker practically seemed pleased with himself. You could feel your blood boiling.
"Oh yeah? How do you know I won't take it back after this stunt?"
Fury turned back to watch the vans turn around to exit the drive. "You won't. I know that well enough."
"How can you be so sure?" you say defiantly.
The Guardians look to each other worriedly. What if you did take it back because this Fury guy pissed you off? Would they have to be separated? Would they have to find a whole new planet to hide on?
Yondu eyed you as you asked your director how he was sure you wouldn't take back your offer, expecting him to say that he would be paying you too much to refuse, but he didn't expect the answer that actually came out of Fury's mouth.
"Because you offered with asking how you'd be compensated, and you still haven't asked. That, and I read your face like an open book." He now grinned as he looked at you, saying much softer, "You don't have it in you to turn them away."
You felt your face grow hot and you stuttered a bit before looking up at the sky in defeat, sighing at the darkening clouds beginning to gather overhead, a testament to your torment, to be sure. "Fine." you say. Suddenly remembering what he said, you looked back at him, "What did you mean by adjustments?"
Maria smiled at Fury as she placed a hand on your back and guided you towards the door. The other's followed.
"I know this seems like an intrusion, but we promise we didn't hurt anything. We simply added a couple beds, stocked the pantry, and updated the plumbing and wiring."
"The plumbing was fine," you grumbled, "and I was working on the wiring."
"Your home is just over 200 years old. The plumbing might have been fine when it was just you here, but now you'll be housing eight other people. I think you can understand why we would consider improving it." Fury stated, almost like a reprimand to your stubbornness. You eye him, wondering how he could know how old your home was, but you supposed he knew that the same way he knew where to find your home a week before you ever told him where it was.
Because he was Fury.
Looks were exchanged among the Guardians as they entered the home behind you, surprised to hear of the age of your home to see it in such nice condition. Though, if you had been living here they supposed it shouldn't have come to much surprise that you would have cared for it.
The front door opened up to a large hall featuring a staircase to the left. On either side of the entrance were two more doors.
Maria lead you all through the door on the right into the kitchen to briefly show they had stocked the pantry with some foods they, The Guardians as you heard them referred to as, were used to, to make the transition to Earth foods easier. They would be making bi-weekly supply drops to your home to keep the pantry stocked to feed all of them, but the food would soon be coming only from Earth, as it would be both expensive, and a possible security risk to try and keep importing foods from outer space.
You all then exited the kitchen and travelled up the stairs while Maria explained that everyone's bags had already been placed in the rooms based on what they assumed would be the correct sleeping arrangements. Of course, everyone was free to switch it up at their discretion. Once at the top of the stairs you instinctually step forward and reach up to pull the string for the light, as the hall was a bit dim due to the fading light outside, but you find it missing.
"Where the hell did-" you think softly out loud, looking up to see the whole fixture had been changed. The light then came on by itself and embarrassingly resulted in you startling in surprise. You turn to see Fury grinning slightly while shaking his head, his finger still near a switch that definitely wasn't there before you left the house that morning.
"Man, they weren't kidding when they said you Terran types were primitive, eh Pete?"
You shot the raccoon an offended look before Fury reminded you that they had updated your wiring. You blushed and looked at the new switch suspiciously, wondering how they managed to rewire your house so quickly without destroying the walls, but resisted the urge to sarcastically accuse him of witchcraft lest you give these 'Guardians' the idea that you were actually scared of electricity. Not that you cared what they thought, or anything.
Maria motioned to the first door on the left of the landing, and said to you that they naturally assumed it was the one you slept in, as it appeared to be the only one currently being inhabited. You nodded that she was correct and she continued, opening the door and informing you that they had added an extra bed and had placed Mantis's bag inside. She pointed to the woman with the antennae, indicating that's who she was referring to.
You silently nod again, a gesture that you were accepting of this arrangement. Of everything else they had done, this was one of the lesser intrusive things, next to the pantry. The woman seemed like one of the least annoying of the bunch, so you weren't going to argue. Could be worse. They could have put the raccoon or the dude with red hair in there.
You didn't see, but Mantis let out a sigh of relief at this knowledge that you weren't going to be angry about sharing your room with her. Her mood immediately brightened, convinced she was about to make a new friend.
You peeked into the room as the others pushed forward with Maria. Inside was your wooden framed single sized bed, only now pressed against the right side of the room from where it had previously been centered beneath the window. A new bed had now been set up on the left side of the room, opposite corner from your own, to leave clearance for the attic door. This bed was a black metal framed single, already fitted with grey and white sheets.
You naturally assumed Fury's team decided to add similar beds to the other rooms while also making use of the remaining beds that were already there, and so you didn't follow the others to see. You didn't really care to see, hadn't been in those rooms much in years for a reason.
You just crossed your arms and leaned to rest back against your doorframe and watched on as Maria sorted them into the rooms and Fury took to standing in the corner opposite of you, watching everything.
Fury's team had apparently placed the belongings of the blue man and the man with the neck tattoos in the room directly across from your own, and you learned their names were Yondu and Kraglin, respectively.
They placed the large man, raccoon, and wooden child all in the room further down at the end of the landing on that side, and you learned the large man was called Drax, the raccoon was Rocket, and the tiny wooden child was Groot. Something twisted in your belly seeing the little wooden child shyly peek into the room from atop Drax's shoulder, but you forced it down. No time to think about who previously owned that room right now.
The raccoon could be heard complaining, "You're seriously gonna make me sleep in a crib?"
The twisting came back, and you looked at Fury, ignoring the snickers and banter from the raccoon's friends as they both teased him for his misfortune and told him to get over it.
"We might have taken advantage of some furniture in the attic." Fury said, shrugging.
"It was locked." you say, your eyes narrowed. How would he even know to look up there? Did they literally go through your entire house when they 'scouted' it?
"So was the front door."
You sigh bitterly, only eyeing him in response.
"Is there a problem?" Fury asked, not altogether sincerely.
You shake your head and break his gaze. "It's fine."
Directly across from the previous room, Maria informed the ones you now knew as Gamora and Peter that that's where their belongings had been placed, Maria stating that they hoped they weren't being forward in assuming the pair were a couple. Gamora only nodded and said it was fine, while Peter gave her a cheeky grin that made her roll her eyes. Them being in that particular room meant you'd be sharing a wall with them, and with the knowledge that they were a couple you hopped it wouldn't mean you'd wind hearing any... 'special' noises at night while you were trying to sleep.
Once everyone knew where they'd be sleeping and seemed happy enough with the pre-arranged sleeping arrangements courtesy of who you were now mentally dubbing Intruder Fury, neck tattoo man-Kraglin- looked at Maria and asked where the restroom happened to be.
You lowered a hand from where it had previously been crossed over your chest and rapped twice on the wall, getting his attention, and pointed to the only still closed door to your left, centered in the wall across from the opening to the stairs.
He nodded in thanks, seeming slightly embarrassed that he had forgotten that this was, in fact, your house and not Intruder Fury's or Co-Intruder Hill's.
Fury gave you an unimpressed look that you read as, "Use your words." and you spoke up saying there was another bathroom downstairs if anyone else needed it. Peter spoke up saying that he could use it, and so you nodded your head towards the stairs in a "come on then" gesture and lead him as well a couple others downstairs to point where it was, down the hall towards the back of the house, past the kitchen. It was the only door at the end the hall that could be seen from where you stood, so he couldn't miss it.
Maria and Fury met you at the bottom of the stairs behind the rest of the Guardians, sans Kraglin of course.
"We trust everyone will settle in nicely," Fury said, turning a pointed look at the Guardians as he said "and will be on their best behavior." This earned a few nods from the group and he then turned to you, adding almost jokingly, "Would you like to finish the tour?"
You pointed towards the kitchen and spoke flatly, "Food's in there, so is laundry," you pointed towards the bathroom Peter had disappeared into, "Shower and toilet's in there," you pointed upstairs, "Sleep's up there," you opened the door to your left, the only room not yet explored that you were willing to open, and pointed inside, "Sitting room is in there. Watch TV, read, knock yourselves out."
Fury spoke first. "I get the way we went about this situation may seem less than ideal to you, but I assure you there's no need to be testy."
"I have every right to be 'testy.' You couldn't have just asked? If you really somehow already knew I'd say yes than why go through all-" you waved your hands around, trying to find the words, "You had to go and be all... you?!" There was an edge to your voice that drove the message. He had manipulated you, if that were even the right word for it. He had this all planned out in advance, made you a puzzle piece, you fell right where he said he knew you would, and you were meant to what? Smile about it?
"I could have," he conceded, looking thoughtful, "But that's not how I do things."
"You shook your head. You're a real piece of work, you know that?"
Fury only nodded once in response before asking, "Do you have any further questions?"
You look out the door window briefly to see the clouds had gotten much darker. "Looks like rain, director. Better hurry, wouldn't want you to get wet." The edge to your voice got sharper. Fury simply nodded with a half smile. Message received. Get out.
The Guardians, who hadn't gotten your hint to go shoo off someplace, remain stood in the hall, glancing at each other awkwardly. It surprised them that a man like Fury, and the way he seemed to be, would be seemingly so cool with the way you were speaking to him.
You spoke again as he reached for the door. "See you tomorrow. Ottawa case, right?"
Fury stopped. "Actually no. You won't be coming in tomorrow."
You blinked. "Excuse me?"
"You've been moved off that case to this one, we won't be shipping you off to Canada. In fact, you're off all further cases for the foreseeable future."
"Am I being punished for something, sir?" you ask, the edge still not having left your voice, but it was now softened by confusion.
"No." Fury replied, "If anything, consider it a vacation."
"I did not ask for a vacation, sir." you say, trying to bite back the irritation in your voice. "I have no desire to just stay home."
Maria looked at Fury with a 'told-you-so' expression, stating to him that she had known you wouldn't have taken this well.
Fury looked at you firmly. "You're due for one, and we need someone to stay and guard them. You already live here, they're staying here- Two birds, one stone."
Your face hardened in indignation. "So I'm a babysitter now? Look, if you're retiring me just say so."
The Guardians still stood there awkwardly, Kraglin finally coming down the stairs to quietly join them, eyes wide and wondering where all the tension had come from. Maria tilted her head toward the sitting room, hoping they might get the hint. They did, awkwardly backing into the room, not wishing to interrupt your argument with Fury.
"You're not being retired-"
"Good. Then I can keep working. There's literally no reason why I need to stay home."
"You haven't taken a vacation in five years." Fury said, the authoritative tone in his voice rising, "This isn't a request. It's an order."
Peter then exists the bathroom, saying "What did I miss-" and almost shrinking back inside when he notices his friends are gone and the tense looks between you and Fury. Mercifully, Agent Hill gestures him to the sitting room and he sidesteps his way past while you ignore him, too focused on trying to burn Fury with your eyes.
Knowing you had no options and could make no further arguments, you angrily yielded. "Yes, sir." you say bitterly.
"That's better. If you need anything you know how to contact me or Agent Hill." With that he bid you goodbye and opened the door.
It was now beginning to rain outside.
"Warned you about that rain." you snarked as he made his way out the door.
Agent Hill looked at Fury as they entered his vehicle, the rain coming down harder now.
"Stubborn as hell, that one." Fury remarked, turning his key in the ignition.
Maria agreed, but also stated she thought this might be good for you as they drove away.
You stood there in the hall for a good moment before Gamora asked if everything was ok from the doorway of the sitting room. You looked at her, and she went on to apologize for their intrusion in your home but also said they were grateful you allowed them to stay.
She started to say something else, probably was going to be more apologies border-lining on 'please don't change your mind,' but you raised your hand and cut her off, "Don't worry about it. It's not you guy's fault he's an asshole," you say. You look at her and you can see she is tired, probably both from lack of sleep and worry. You try to be more gentle. "Look, it's fine. Just... settle in. I know it's late, but there's food in the kitchen if you guys are hungry, I'm- I'm gonna go clean something." You break eye contact and head into the kitchen, sure there was at least a plate or glass in the sink you could tend to.
Sure, enough, once you got to the sink you noticed a few dishes from the morning, and so you turned on the tap. You decided cold water was good enough, not feeling like waiting for the immersion to heat up, but you turned the knob for the hot water anyway out of habit. Realizing you had thrown the old dish rag in the laundry without replacing it, you allowed the water to run while you searched the drawer for another.
You heard footsteps entering the kitchen as you returned to the sink, and assume someone must have finally decided they were hungry. Not turning to greet whoever it was, you absently run the cloth under the tap to get it wet- only to immediately rip it back with a, "g-OW! Damn! Fuck!"
You doubled over, holding your burning hand.
"You ok? What happened?"
You look up, squinting through pain, to see Drax had asked the question, standing in the doorway with Mantis and Gamora, the little tree child sitting on her shoulder.
You breathed. "Yeah. One of those fuckers must have turned the immersion on and left it." You straighten yourself, your hand still smarted but you knew it'd be alright, and turned off the tap with the dishrag. "I'll check it out."
You exit the kitchen through the other door at the far end of the room to check the hot press to the right of the cellar door behind the stairs, intent to turn the immersion off, and bitterly wondering just how long it had been left on for. However, once you opened the door your immersion was nowhere to be seen. You stared in confusion at the new pipes that now ran straight through the floor into the cellar before noticing a note taped to the back wall that only said "Upgraded to boiler. Check basement. ♡ Maria."
You narrowed your eyes and opened the cellar door, already pulling out your phone as you descended the stairs. You quickly located this new boiler fairly quickly. It was cylindrical in shape and black in color, and much larger than your previous heating unit, probably why it was now in the cellar. You dialed the phone, the first word out of your mouth when you got an answer was simply, "Why?"
The other guardians in the sitting room had also heard your swearing and peeked out of the room just in time to see you walking very cranky-like across the hall. They looked at the three standing in the kitchen doorway and they only shrugged in response to their quizzical glances.
Curious, and hearing you walk down the stairs, Peter and Kraglin tiptoed over to the Cellar door to see what was going on, standing just off from the door. They caught bits of your end of the conversation.
"Why?" ...
"Well, yes I can understand that, but-" ...
"Well you could have warned me! I just about burned my hand off!" ...
"Fine. How does it work?" ...
"No, I'm not going to-" ...
"Yes, I know they-" ...
"You know what, I'll figure it out. Bye."
They hear you start to climb the steps and scurry back to the sitting room, not wishing to make it apparent they were eavesdropping on their new host.
You re-enter the kitchen and grab a glass of milk to soothe your nerves, seeing as it was now raining buckets and you couldn't be bothered for a walk as you would have preferred.
You sit at the table and look to see the three still standing in the doorway. You raise an eyebrow. "You alright there?" Thinking bizarrely that they must be shy you gesture towards the pantry. "Food's over there if you're hungry."
Drax merely shrugged and took up the offer, guiding Mantis over with him, but not before accepting Groot from Gamora.
Gamora stepped towards the table and took a seat across from you. "I couldn't help but notice you seem less than happy about this arrangement, I'm sorry-"
You cut her off once again. "Don't be sorry. I already told you it's not your fault Fury can be a dick. It's just a lot of new all at once and I wasn't expecting it. You're fine." You take another sip of milk, finally realizing what it was that she was actually afraid of. "You don't need to be scared that I'll send you back or anything."
She actually seemed to relax a bit. "Thank you. If there's anything-"
You set your glass on the table and fold your hands. Sentiment made you uncomfortable. "Look, as long as you guys clean up after yourselves and don't destroy my home, we're fine." Looking for a change of subject you said, "Why don't you introduce the rest of your friends. It couldn't hurt to get to know you a little."
Gamora smiled slightly. "Well, that's Drax and Mantis." she said, pointing to the two who were now coming back to sit down with their snacks. "And this is Groot," she added once Mantis sat the child on the table.
You smiled. "Cute little bugger, isn't he?"
"I am Groot!" he said excitedly, taking a bite of a food you didn't recognize. Must have been one of those outer-space types.
"Hello, Groot. How are you?"
"I am Groot."
You raised an eyebrow. "Um.." Maybe he misunderstood you?
Before you could ask again, Drax speaks up. "That's all he can say. He means he's ok."
"Oh." You nod slightly and take a sip of your milk, bemused. "I see."
The four of you conversed for a little bit. You learned that Drax liked knives, and he seemingly took everything very literally. Mantis was sweet, and she was convinced you two would be friends. She also said she was excited to share a room with you, because it would be like a sleepover. Gamora gave you a smile that seemed to say "forgive her," but you honestly weren't too bothered. It was almost sweet. Before you could ask about Gamora though, she stood up and asked if you'd like to meet the others.
You shrugged and nodded, placing your now empty glass in the sink before following her out to the sitting room where the other men were.
You walked in and saw Peter sitting in an armchair listening to a music player, seemingly ignoring the other two men as they stood looking weirdly at the TV. The blue man tilted his head at it, a hand to his chin in thought, while the other waved his arms slowly in front of it saying, "I dunno. Maybe it's broken?" He looked ridiculous.
You stifle a laugh and asked, "What are you doing?"
They turn to you, the blue man speaks. "Tryin' to figure out how to turn on this Terran TV of yers. Rat says they're motion activated, but nothin' we do is workin.'"
You give him a strange look. "Motion-? No- You just use the remote."
Then you hear a snickering and find it's coming from the raccoon, perched on the back of the couch. "Rocket." Gamora says in a mix of scolding and accusation, and he starts laughing harder, jumping down on the cushions to retrieve the controller from between them. "You guys looked so stupid! Ahaha!"
Yondu glares and Kraglin snatches the remote, flipping the television on and raising his hands in an annoyed "There we go!" gesture, sharing an annoyed look with Yondu at Rocket.
You motion to one of the game controllers on the coffee table, stating they'd want to use one of those if they wanted to actually watch something, as the first controller only turned the TV on.
Before you could offer to show them how to use Netflix, Gamora started introducing the remaining guardians.
Peter removed his earbuds and greeted you, standing to shake your hand, only to be shot down by you saying there was no need to be so formal, keeping to yourself the fact that despite working for Fury, you hated formal with a passion. He held up his hands and sat back down. "No problem there. We're probably the least formal people you can get." he said with a smile. You didn't see, but Gamora gave him a warning look that kept him from putting his feet up on the table.
The other two men and the raccoon seemed to agree with Peter, and nodded their greetings to you instead when introduced.
"Say, just curious, but how come it's just you living in this big ol' house by yerself?" came a question from Yondu.
You probably should have expected that question, but you didn't like it all the same. You were trying to decided if 'Don't worry about it' would be too rude of an answer when Peter notices the change in your expression and adds his own question out of fear that Yondu had offended you in some way. "How long have you been here? Fury said this place was old."
You chose to answer Peter's question instead. "Grew up here. House has been in the family since it was built."
"Oh. Cool." said Peter.
Not looking forward to any more possible questions about yourself you looked up to the clock and found your way out.
"Well, it's nearly ten, I think I'll turn in early." you say, excusing yourself.
Just then a loud thunderclap sounded and you heard a squeal from the kitchen.
"Kid scared of storms?" you ask, looking to Gamora.
The lights go out. You hear a scream.
"Nah, but apparently Bug is." says Yondu.
Realizing he likely meant Mantis, and that Mantis was your new roommate, you sigh. "I'll get a flashlight."
The lights flickered back on.
Everyone pretty much decided to go to bed after that, Mantis shyly shuffling into the bedroom a few minutes after you to retrieve some items from her bag and coming back dressed for bed as you scrolled through Tumblr, having already washed up and dressed for bed.
She crawled into her bed, pulling the covers up to her chin.
Thunder cracked again and she whimpered. You honestly felt a little bad for her.
"Do... does this happen often?" she asked.
"The storm? No." you answered honestly. "It'll be over soon. Just try to sleep." You stand up to turn the light off but pause, turning back to the curled up form on the bed opposite of your own, your face softening. "Would you like me to leave a lamp on?"
Mantis nodded.
You click on your desk lamp before turning off the overhead light and crawling into your own bed. You heard her say goodnight to you from across the room.
"Night," you return, turning toward the wall.
They were an odd lot, a bit dysfunctional, but you decided they were ultimately harmless. 'This whole ordeal will be over before I know it,' you thought as you closed your eyes.
You'd find out soon enough that you thought wrong.
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demivampirew · 4 years
Birthday party
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Captain Syverson x Reader - SMUT one-shot
Triggers: Smut (oral sex, penetration, talking about body fluids, unprotected sex); drinking; family issues (talking about custody battle).
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient​​ @henrythickcavill​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @mary-ann84​ @desperate-and-broken​ @peakygroupie​ @summersong69​ @ivvitm1109​ @madbaddic7ed​ @iloveyouyen​ @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog​
"Come in, Sir," your mother said inviting the man inside your house. He immediately caught your attention. He was tall, broad back, muscular; his head was shaven and he had a bushy beard. "Captain!" your brother exclaimed as soon as he saw him and stood up from the table full of food and approached the guest giving him a big bro-hug. Your brother's superior handled him a gift bag, which contained an expensive bottle of whiskey. It was the third alcohol item your bother got as a birthday present, but this was the most expensive of all of them by far, "what is it with men that the only gift they can come with is alcohol?" you wondered and rolled your eyes. "Hey y/n, go grab a beer for Sy" your sibling ordered you and you smiled and did as he told you. Before going to pick up the beverage, you noticed that he observed you as your brother gave you a task and you could see that his eyes were blue as the ocean and the way he stared at you, there was something there you could quite decode.
Your soft skin accidentally stroke the Captain's hand as you delivered the beer and you felt chills running through your back. You went to sit with your parents, uncles and aunts on the other side of the room, leaving the table full of military men laughing and cheering.
You sighed after the eleventh time that your brother commanded you to grab something from the kitchen, but you stood up and went anyway. As you did, your mother gave you a sympathetic look and asked you if you wanted her to do it but you told her it was ok. This time he wanted you to bring more food. You were filling a bowl with chips and other with nachos as you wanted for the cheddar cheese to melt. As you were grabbing other things from the fridge, "Sy", as your sibling called him, had entered the room.
- Sorry, it wasn't my intention to scared you.- he apologized after he surprised you when you were closing the fridge's door.
- Oh, don't worry, it's ok.- you assured him with a smile. - Can I help you with something?-you questioned.
- I came for a beer.- he explained with a smile.
- Oh, you could have asked me for it so you wouldn't have to come.- you told him as you opened the refrigerator again and picked up the drink.
- It's ok, I didn't want to bother you.- he said smiling.- Do you need help? I can carry some of these for you- he offered.
- It's ok, I can do it.- you replied.
- Your brother is always like this to you?- he asked curiously- If you want I can have a talk with him and point out that he should be more polite to you.- he suggested and you chuckled.
- He's actually quite nice. That's the only reason I keep doing what he asks me without question. I think he's acting like an asshole because he wants to impress you. I know how you guys are all though and manly men and the manlier you're, the better. I think he wants to be respected, more now that he's becoming a Sergeant. What, am I wrong?- you asked after he gave you a playful smile.
- No, I guess you're right.- he admitted- I'm glad to know he's a good kiddo.
- Yes. And don't worry, tomorrow after his hangover is gone I'm going to kick his ass for being so bossy today.- you assured him and he laughed again. - By the way, how old are you? You called him kiddo and he's in his twenties.
- I'm close to being forty. How about you?- he questioned raising an eyebrow.
- Close to be thirty.- you answered.
- So you're the older sibling.
- Yep. I'm older than him. And, to be honest, probably the reason he got in the military.
- Really?- he asked curiously.
- Yes, probably he wanted a good reason for me to stop kicking his ass and fighting in wars it was the best way for him to do it.- you replied laughing and he did the same.
"Y/N where is the food?!" your brother shouted from the other room, "Bring us more beers as well" he added. You rolled your eyes and Sy chuckled. He grabbed more drinks and brought them to the table as you delivered the food.
This time, you sat at the table opposite to the Captain. He kept his eyes on you, peeking from time to time to the others to make sure nobody noticed that he was looking at you. You grabbed your hair and pulled it back pretending to it bothered you when in reality you wanted him to put attention to your breasts.
You drink a soda slowly, purposely letting a few drops on your lips for you to lick them.
After two hours, you excused yourself, explaining that you had a lot of things to do in the morning, so you had to leave. Before going outside, you gave Syverson a look, expecting him to understand your secret message. It was a dark summer night. You waited outside for a while waiting for him to go out but nothing happened. When you realized that he wasn't going to come out, you sighed and started to walk. You cursed yourself for being a total idiot and not bringing your car and instead of letting your aunt and uncle to pick you up. Of course, you planned to stay in your parent's house for the night, but you needed an excuse to leave to have a moment with your brother's hot superior without nobody finding out and you didn't think that he wouldn't come out and going back wasn't an option.
After two blocks, a silver Range Rover 4x4 stopped by your side and the sound of the vehicle's horn caught your attention. You looked at it was him, Syverson, opening the passenger side's door for you to get in. You smiled and accepted the ride.
- I thought you might have not caught the sign.- you told him looking at the road.
- I did. But, just as you left, one of the guys suggested making a toast for your brother in honor of his birthday and promotion and everyone looked at me for a little speech. I ran out of there as soon as I could, but when I was outside you weren't there. Then, I started to drive and I saw you walking from a block distance and my heart started to pump like an excited teenager.- he admitted chucking. You did the same. - Your place or mine?- he asked.- Yours.- was your answer. You were dying to know how was the place of he lived in.
When you parked outside his house, you shared a moment in which you looked at each other. Your mouths were shouted for your eyes were doing the talking. No words were said but hundreds of emotions were shared through the mutual staring.
It was you the one to make the first move. You moved, putting yourself on top of him, with both legs bend on each side of him. Your short flowery princess cut skirt allowed you to move freely. You grabbed his face and started to kiss him with a burning passion. One of his arms grabbed your waist and the other was placed on top your back while his hand was on the back of your head. You've never liked men with beards, but in this case, excited you even more. Minutes after, you felt the touch of his hand on your thigh and you couldn't even begin to explain the marvelous feeling of the contact of his skin on top of yours. When you felt his erection grown, he stopped you, pressing his forehead against yours and grabbing your chin with his hand he asked you to wait until you were inside. You nodded and opened the driver's door and got off the car. After making sure the vehicle was correctly closed, he walked you to the house. When you were inside, he explained that he had to be careful his neighbors didn't see him doing anything that could be considered inappropriate because he was on a legal battle with his ex-wife for the custody of his daughter. He explained to you that she had anger issues and treated his kid badly and was fighting to get full custody of his little girl, but it was complicated because her father was a respected lawyer and good at his job and made matter difficult for him. You felt sad for him because you felt his pain. "I ruined the moment, didn't I?" he asked you and continued by telling you that it was ok if you wanted him to drive you home. You walked closer to him, placing your hand on his face to caress it. He closed his eyes, fully taking in the pleasant feeling of the touch of your silky skin. You started to plant kisses on his other cheek until you reached his mouth and continued with the hot make-out session. Honestly, you weren't sure if the desperation with which he grabbed you was because he felt something special for you or because it has been a while since he touched a woman. For what he told you, probably going to meet ladies wasn't something that frequently occurred.
"Where's your room?" you asked and he pointed out to the one at the end of the hallway. You grabbed his hand and walked back towards the room as he came closer to kiss you.
You laid on the middle of the bed, with your head pointing at one of the sides of the bed and your legs bend over the bed placing your feet on the edge of the mattress. He took your panties off and went straight to business. All the kissing, from the car to the bed, had you wet enough for action. You felt his tongue explore you. He seemed to enjoy the taste of your body fluids. While he sucked your clit, his hands caressed your thighs, sliding up and down.
How could be possible that you felt almost out of breath by just he giving you oral? You sat down when he got up and moved yourself to the edge of the bed. After he took off his shirt, you explored his chest with your hands. You've been with both hairy and hairless man, but no one like him. He had plenty of hair and his upper side and a bit in the lower region, but in his was extremely flattering.
You kissed his stomach as you unzip his pants and took them off. The same thing happened with his briefs. He hard but his erection wasn't full yet. It surprised you the girth of his member. Your hand surrounded it and you started to lick the top slowly as you locked eyes with him. When he closed his eyes to better enjoy the sensation of your tongue dancing around his cock, you started to pick up the pace. Making sure he felt your soft lips all around the head of it, you sucked with more pressure and speed as your hands played with the base of his manhood. You took it deeply, feeling it reach the limits of your throat and after a moment you took it out, kissing it on its entirety. He bent over and kissed you. "I want you so badly," he said as he placed his forehead against yours.
You stood out and made him laid on the bed and you topped him. You put him inside of you and started to ride him. You stopped momentarily to take off your skirt and the blacktop you had on. He'd cup your breasts with his hands and then put them inside his mouth.
Your fingers were entwined with his. You took his hand closer to your mouth and kissed it. That seemed to cause and strange reaction on him and soon enough he had you on your back with him being on top, kissing you desperately.
He pounded you harder and harder, kissing your neck, grunting and moaning as he felt the tightness of your insides and your nails scratch his back. After a while he came, leaving his body fluids on the outside of your pussy.
After some kissing, you went to the bathroom to clean out and came back. He was lying on the bed, with both hands on the back of his head, enjoying the beautiful view of your naked body with a huge smile on his face. You asked him if he wanted you to stay or leave and he looked at you confused as if you asked him a silly question as how much is two plus two. You climbed into the bed and laid there with your head on his chest. He started to play with your hair and tenderly stroking your shoulder and arm. "You asked me if I wanted you to stay or leave," he said after a long silence "Aham" you replied and then looked up to meet his eyes; "I feel like I'll never want you to leave" he finished. You smiled and he kissed you.
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Just a friend
 Warnings: Just fluffy 
WC: 869
Enjoy x
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You couldn’t put your finger on what had happen. You felt amazing in your in your little black dress that hugged at all the right places, but yet Nick took no notice of you from the moment he seen you walk down towards the dock. You were sure something was going to happen between you both tonight, the flirting had been in full swing all week and yet here you were leaning over the rail of the boat watching as the water rolled under it as the boat headed back towards the dock with your best friend standing next to you.
Work had been going well and as a treat Liv had booked dinner on a boat for you all so you could celebrate. The tickets were pre-booked and Rafael had to pull out last minute. You were the only one that managed to rope someone in last minute, inviting your best friend Luke who could never say no to you,
“Come on honey don’t be so sad” Luke nudged your side and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
“I don’t get it, yesterday in the on call room he almost kissed me and yet tonight he can’t even look at me” you sighed “what a waste of a dress”
Nick was inside with Liv, Sonny, Amanda and Fin sitting at the table, the music blaring through the room, looking out the window directly at you and Luke. His jealousy bubbling as he watched Luke pull you into his side, his hand ran up and down your back and your head rested on his shoulder.  
“Why do you look so miserable tonight?” Sonny lent over nudging Nick.
“Nothing” Nick narrowed his eyes at you before turning to give Sonny a small tight smile.
The boat was finally docked and as Nick and Sonny moved to walk out the door followed by everyone, he could see you and Luke at the front rushing off. He shoved his hands in his pockets so no one saw him ball his hands into fists and started to follow the crowd as they walked off the boat. Nick kept his eyes on you as you walked up the dock to the path, your arm linked with Luke’s. Nick tried to pay attention to the conversation between Amanda and Sonny but his eyes were glued on you.
Nick seen you and Luke stop just at the top of the boat ramp and another man walked up to you both. The man gave you a tight hug and then moved away from you giving Luke a hug and a passionate kiss and his cheeks blushed as he realised what a mistake he made. All night he had through you brought Luke along as a date when really you had just brought a friend along to take Rafael’s place. He saw you talking, the other man gave you a sad look, grabbed your shoulder and kissed your forehead. You turned around to face the crowd catching Liv’s eye and waving bye to them all before turning around and starting to walk off with the two men,
“I’ll see you guys on Monday, Night” Nick didn’t even wave, he ran off from the others running to catch up to you.
You, Luke and Kyle were just about to walk around the corner to head to your favourite café when you heard your name being called out. You all turned around and seen Nick running towards you all,
“You guys go ahead I’ll meet you there”
“You’ll be ok?” Luke looked over at you and you nodded “We are just down the block if you need us” both men kissed your cheek and walked away.
You turned around just as Nick got to you,
“Y/N” Nick said puffed out.
“What’s up?” you said coldly crossing your arms across your body.
“Is my best friend” you snapped “Yesterday- and then you don’t speak to me all night?”
“I thought he was your date”
“And instead of asking me you shut me out” you snarled “If I had known you were going to do that, I wouldn’t have come”
“Y/N” Nick stepped forward wrapping his arms around you pulling you into him, your eyes connecting with his and you saw his face soften “I’ am sorry, I done what I always do, react first and think later” you scoffed rolling your eyes “I should have spoken to you, but I was jealous. I don’t want you to be with anyone else’s, I want you to be mine” You looked up at him narrowing your eyes and trying not to smile “What do I need to do?” Nick pulled you into his body even more.
You lent forward your lips almost touching his,
“A kiss would be a good start” you purred
Nick surged forward his lips landing on yours, it deepening almost instantly as you uncrossed your arms resting your hands on his chest. After a long moment you both broke the kiss panting,
“What else?” Nick kissed your cheek.
“Luke and Kyle are around the corner come and meet them and then you can take me home and make me yours completely”
 Tags: @beccabarba @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @amorestevens​
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Steve Rogers, Peggy, Loki, OC Vera
Warnings: Fluff, Violence, Angst, Me being sad writing this, we’re officially in Captain America the First Avenger now… So I guess spoilers? :( :( :(
Note: Omg.. When I tell you I have been dreading writing this part.. But like actually dreading.. Before I started writing this series I wanted it to be no more than 8 parts.. That obviously didn't work out
When I am writing and particularly writing about Bucky and y/n meeting again or them just being in love I always listen to Pirates of the Caribbean to the theme or Will and Elizabeth and I thought it would be good to share that with you guys. To get in the feels. Right now it jumps from POTC One day and the last minute or so from Drink up me hearties yo ho. I know it is so random, but I cannot get it out of my head.
Series masterlist
Part 13
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It took me a minute to get here, but I was now in the Swiss Alps. I got word that this would be the next place the Howling commandos would go to. They think I'm dead, rightfully so, I fell off a train. Thinking about falling off that train with Bucky hurt, like someone was squishing my heart and I couldn't breathe. How was I gonna explain all of this. I should be dead. What are they gonna think of me being here, but Bucky is not. I sighed and brushed away a tear I felt rolling down my cheek.
I came here to help Steve, so that's what I'm gonna do. Ignore the pain for a second and help out.
I was hiding between the trees with a good out look on the headquarters. Nothing was going on yet. I knew Steve was gonna come soon, I just don't know when. I would need to tell him the truth about me. He's gonna hate me. I couldn't safe his best friend, but I'm alive.
These are times I really wished I was not immortal. Even Loki and Thor are not. They aged since I've met them, but me I'm still the exact same as I first was when I touched the stone. That stupid Life stone, but all I've seen is death. Sometimes I wished I never followed that man that gave me the box or I just had never opened the box.
I sat down against a tree and sighed again. What if all of that never happened? I would be with my friends and family. I have not seen them in almost a thousand years. I am not sure if I even remember their faces. I know I look like my mom, but now I can't imagine what she looks like anymore. It is awful. I am not even sure if I would recognize my own mom if I walked past her.
And the worst part of it all, the most selfish part. It hasn't even happened yet. Nobody is worrying about me being gone. Nobody is looking for me. Nobody is sad that I'm gone. Nobody even knows that I'm gone. I got blasted to the past in 2010 and it's 1945 now. In the mean time I have lived for a thousand years, but no one knows, No one human.
I'm not even sure if I want to go back to Sweden in 2010. Because I know I am not the same person I once was. I know I am not the same person they saw on my last day with them. Maybe one day I will go back to them, but certainly not the same day I had left them.
I shook my head. This was absolutely ridiculous. Of all people why me? Why let me be the protector of Life, yet I am always surrounded by death. Maybe it was time to fully use the Life stone. It has been under a protection spell from Frigga for hundreds of years so I won't be a beacon of power that attracts the wrong people. But because of that spell I never really found out what I could do exactly with my power. Sure I am still strong and I can heal wounds, but what is the extend of my full power? What if I could've helped Bucky... "These Hydra people." I scoffed to myself. Another thing that made me angry. Hydra. Before I got zapped back in time I studied history and never once was there anything mentioned about Hydra. But why? They have done all these horrible things, yet I have never heard anybody say a word about it. How is that even possible..-
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud explosion. I looked up and saw Steve zoom by on his motorcycle. Immediately the bunker started blasting at Steve as soon as they saw him. I kept looking at Steve ready to jump in any moment, but he pressed a button on his motorcycle and made the canon of the bunker explode and he got in with ease.
Steve was doing an amazing job fighting everybody off. He made men go down with ease until he was outnumbered. "Shit." I muttered to myself. I made a move to stand up hand grabbed my shoulder. I swiftly turned around ready to hit whoever grabbed my shoulder, until I realized it was Peggy.
"Y/n?" She said with shock in her eyes. Behind her I could see the colonel and soldiers. This was part of the plan. "How.. How are you alive?" Peggy stammered. I wasn't sure if now was the right time to explain everything to them if they were in the middle of their plan. So I decided to leap forward and embrace her.
"I'll explain everything later, but right now tell me what to do." Peggy let go of me and started to quickly explain that they had caught Dr. Zola and he told them that they were going to drop bombs and we needed to prevent that from happening.
"Move out!" Colonel Philips yelled. He gave me a gun indicating I was gonna fight with them. I followed after them and left and right people were being shot at by Hydra and vaporizing into tin air. Peggy was running next to me. We were both trying to shoot anybody that was a threat and they were trying to shoot us. The closer we got the bigger of a target we were. One Hydra agent got a little too close to Peggy and tried to shoot her, but I quickly moved my arm in the way and my bracelets that covered my lower arms caught the blast. I quickly looked up at Peggy who was looking at me in utter shock. But I turned back to the Hydra agent and ran towards him. I leaped forward and kicked him in his chest, knocking him out.
Peggy came running next to me. "You'll explain later?" She said with a smirk. "I'll explain later." I told her as I grabbed the gun from the soldier.
We both ran inside the facility taking out other Hydra agents while also losing some of our soldiers. The Hydra agents that were blocking our way were almost taken out when one spoke up. "Cut of one head, two-.." And I shot him. "Sorry? What was that? You didn't finish." I said with a smirk.
"Alright this way y/n." Peggy told me. "No, you go. There are more of them here and I'll make sure nobody will surprise you from behind. Now go!" I yelled as I ran the other direction.
And on que more agents emerged. I shot at them and one by one they were all turning into dust. For a second I looked down at the gun. I was amazed that this gun was powered basically by a grain of sand that was from the Tesserect. Only gives me more reason to find the full Tesserect. I shook my thoughts away and started looking for it. The Tesserect might be in a lab and if that ugly red skull is there as well it would just be a bonus. As I started running I realized something.
"SHIT!" It's not gonna be in some lab. Hydra is gonna bomb cities in a plane. He and the Tesserect are on the Goddammed plane. "FUCK!" I yelled to myself as I turned around and started running into the direction Peggy went.
How could I not have thought of that? My mind is so distracted I need to focus. As I ran through the hall I saw soldiers laying on the ground. It pained my heart seeing them. But I will not let their lives be waisted. They can't win, Hydra can't win.
I ran though a big door and ended up in a enormous hallway. This is probably where the plane was, but it was gone. People were still fighting.
"Y/n?" I heard Gabe yell from behind me. I turned around and saw him fighting off a Hydra agent. I ran towards him and kicked the agent off and he slammed into the wall. I put my hand up for Gabe to grab and he did that. "I thought.. Steve and I both thought you and Buck-.." I looked down and shook my head.
"Your ok I see." He said as he gave me a quick hug.
"We still got some things to do. The hugging can wait." Colonel Phillips said as he stepped out of a car with Peggy. I let go of Gabe and walked over to Peggy following her. "Where's Steve? I thought he was gonna be with you." I asked her, my mind running with all the things that could have happened to him.
"He is on the plane. He is going to stop it." She told me while having a quick pace.
We all went to the control tower waiting for a response from Steve. It was all nerve wrecking. Steve was up against someone alone in a plane. And in the mean time more Hydra agents had showed up. Colonel Phillips had ordered the soldiers to fight them off while we waited for a response from Steve.
All the wile I could only think that we could not lose. So many people have lost their lives. Because of this stupid war, because of Hydra. So many innocents. They need to be avenged. And Steve has the power to do that. He needs to stop that plane and prevent more people from losing their lives.
"Come in this is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?" We heard over the radio. Peggy immediately went over to the speakers.
"Steve is that you? Are you alright?" Peggy asked in concern. "Peggy, Schmidt's dead!" Steve said over the coms. Relief washed over me. It is done then, we won.
"What about the plane?" Peggy asked Steve. "That's a bit tougher to explain." Steve answered back. There has got the be some place where he can safely land.
"Give me your coordinates, I'll give you a safe landing site." She pressed on. My heart was pounding. We won right? I was a bit unsure now. I didn't like the way this was going.
"That's not gonna be a safe landing, but I can try and force it down." Steve explained. Colonel Phillips tapped my shoulder and pointed to the door. I closed my eyes. I knew where this was going.
We walked out of the room and everything started to blur. We had to win. Steve coming back alive is us winning. We had to win. Everyone in the hall was quiet, besides the gunshots you could still hear from outside. I think we were all trying to listen to what the conversation was with Peggy and Steve.
In just three days time I can not lose.. I can not lose two people I care about. "Please live Steve." I whispered to myself as I looked down.
"This is my choice." I heard Steve say faintly over the coms. "No." I whispered as I shook my head. My heart was pounding so fast I could feel it in my ears. I felt so powerless. Please live. I thought to myself again and again. "Please live, you're a good man Steve." I said quietly to myself again. Anticipating what would come next.
I heard them talk about a dance. Scheduling a date.
"I'll show you how. Just be there." Peggy said her voice wavering.
"We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your..." Silence.
I took a few steps back until I was leaning against the wall and closed my eyes for a second. We won, but what did we lose? I let out a wavering breath. I felt myself turn hot. Again I thought of why this was not in any of the history books. I never learned about Hydra, Captain America or the Howling commandos. Was this all for nothing.
My anger was boiling inside of me. All these lives lost.. and for what? I failed, I failed to do the one thing I was supposed to do.
Then something clicked in my mind. If all of this was not important enough to be written down and remembered in books, I'll make sure there is nothing to remember. I am going to kill all the Hydra agents, every last one of them.
I took a deep breath and stood up right and started to head towards the gunshots that were still going on outside.
"Where are you going Ironside?" Colonel Phillips asked.
"To do something I should've done right from the beginning." i yelled back as I went for the door.
As I came to the entrance our soldiers were taking cover. We had the facility. But the Hydra agents were still shooting trying to get through and there were a lot more than I initially expected.
"What are you doing here?! Take cover!" Gabe yelled from his hiding spot at me. I gave him one look before ignoring him and walking straight into the line of fire.
My hands started to glow and I put them in front of me to catch all the blasts that were coming my way. Their guns were strong but I was stronger. Soon everybody from Hydra was shooting at me while I still walked forward. I wanted to be far enough away from my soldiers.
"Y/n!" Gabe yelled after me.
The magic glow started to slowly surround me doing it's job of protecting me.
When I was far enough I closed my hands making fists. "You get what you deserve." I said quietly. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on my power. Where it was coming from and where I wanted it to go. I felt it the power all over my body, but it was the strongest by my heart. I felt it was contained, caged almost. I took a deep breath.
And in one swift motion I opened my hands and put my arms up to my side.
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Gold and white glow blasted out and swirled all around me, it made me slowly float in the air. It became bigger and bigger quickly and as soon as it hit the agents it vaporized, leaving nothing behind. In seconds the Hydra agents the were attacking us were completely gone.
This power felt great. Finally it was being let out after so long. They were getting what they deserved. All of them.
"Y/N! Y/N!" I heard someone yelling from behind me. I turned around. It was Peggy with fear written all over her face.
"Love, you are losing yourself with all this power. You need to control it or it will control you." Loki told me with seriousness in his eyes. "Look around you. Look what it is destroying." I looked up at him. His eyes looked full of sorrow. He was right.
I turned around. Kattegat. All the memories I had here. It was all gone now.
To be continued
Next: Ævi - The Battles That Are Fought
Let me know what you think :)
Sorry it took so long with this one, I had a busy few weeks :(
Let me know if you wanna be tagged!!
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia Ch 13
Waking up late was so not the plan for today.
What was supposed to be a nice lovely day is slowly turning into your personal hell. Racing around the kitchen trying to keep an eye on your potatoes as you cut up the other veggies for the pie. So you can shove it into the oven then get ready.
Christ why hadn't you thought to prep your ingredients earlier?
Thankfully the cobbler was super simple tossing the sugar and flour into the bowl followed by the a cup of lemonade. Perfect cobbler base. After the batter was creamy you threw in the freshly washed blackberries. They bled a deep red into the batter around them. You had high hopes as you topped it with butter and threw it into the oven.
Both dishes had very quick bake times so you weren't too worried or stressed about them taking forever. In all honesty the only reason you were frantically running around your kitchen was prepping the inside of the forager's pie. And giving the mashed potatoes an essence of rosemary and garlic as if you were a chef on par with Gordon Ramsey.
Should you do dishes?
No, there's no time to worry about that.
Soon the cobbler is out of the oven and you have replaced it with the two pans of forager's pie. You don't give the cobbler any time to cool as you place the aluminum lid to the pan so the heat stays.
With that taken care of you speed off to your room and grab your outfit. The mini pencil skirt you'd purchased yesterday paired with some shorts so you didn't have to be careful with your movements all day. A plain block colored shirt in a cute primary palette. Finishing with yellow converses.
Changing doesn't take long but you do take some extra time on your hair choosing to style it a bit different today. As you're debating on if you should put the time into a fun makeup look your neck snaps harshly to the right.
There is no crack but it did hurt like hell.
As if that had been a sign from God you opt for your normal look. There will be other events and times for you to do fun looks, but not today.
The oven beeps as the timer goes off letting you know the pies are ready. Just a sprinkle of cheese on top before you cover them with the lid and you are all set to go.
Checking the time you see it's nine-o-two, and while the picnic was scheduled for ten thirty you are a committee member and should be there early to help set up. So without anymore hesitation you are flying out of the house and into your car.
You rush back from placing the food in the backseat to make sure your door is locked.
It is and you are free to enjoy the day...you hope.
Speeding would be the biggest understatement of the year. You were practically at the lodge in fifteen minutes and bustling up to the door. Opening it you rush in ignoring anyone you pass by in your mad dash to the kitchen.
“Hello to you too.” Barclays voice carries from the stove as you whisk past him to place two of your pans on the counter.
“Hi, Tim?” you say out of breath from your one person marathon. Practically vibrating in place unwilling to loose your momentum despite your need for a second wind.
Barclay just points to the den and you're out of the kitchen just as fast as you had entered. Most patrons in the den don't spare you a second glance used to your whirlwind mannerisms when your trying to follow a deadline. As self appointed as it may be.
There is one trio however giving you a mix of concerned and amused looks. Which quickly turn into concerned and interest when you make a bee line straight for them.
“Hi,” you say to Toby and Brian before looking at Tim and pushing the cobbler at him, “Thanks again  for last night.”
Tim can't even get a word out because as soon as he grabs the pan you're already back off to the kitchen. Determined to help Barclay with something before everyone starts moving to the Archway. You hear the chorus of chuckles coming from everyone as you leave a confused Tim, who now has to answer to the questioning glances of his friends, in your wake.
Barclay needed no help as you guessed but he was however open to you covering the food and stacking certain items together before helping to load everything into crates for easier transport. It wasn't long before the others start to make their way into the kitchen to get briefed on the plan.
You notice the trio being motioned in by Jake who holds the door open for them to make their way in too. Brian politely takes the door from Jake as Tim steps in place in front of him and Toby. The jerky movements of Toby's eyes as he scans the room is really hard to ignore. But it doesn't seem like he's looking for anything just taking note of who is in the kitchen and where they are.
“Ok, first thank you all for helping set up the picnic today. I really appreciate it.” Barclay's baritone voice says jostling you out of your thoughts to focus in on him.
“Second, we really don't have much to do for set up since most guests already have their baskets with them. We do have a few spares to lay down though. We'll be splitting off into three teams.” Barclay then points at you, Hollis, Jake, and Kirby.
“Team A is in charge of setting up the spare baskets.”
After getting your group's approval he continues down the line.
Team B consists of Brian, Tim, Toby, and Indrid. Their group is to bring out and set the tables that'll hold the food. Team C is Barclay, Aubrey, Dani, and Madeline. Team C will bring the main courses along with the heaters to keep everything warm.
With teams set and in place you all take to your positions and get a move on before the public arrives. You vaguely wonder why the Hornets aren't here yet but remember most had decorated and cleared out the Archway over the past couple of days. Pushing the thoughts away you grab two baskets and follow after your team. Thankfully there were only a few left over baskets, eight if you include Jake and Hollis' and then your own. Each member of your team carried two baskets through the thicket of trees until you reached the clearing of the archway.
It looked amazing, you'd only been out here one other time back when Bambi was still around. She took you out at night and the two of you just talked about anything and everything, including theories about the giant archway that towered over the clearing and just how it may have come to be.  Back then it had been a field of long grass and purple wildflowers. The grass was so thick the two of you used sticks to move it and insure there'd be no snakes harmed in your late night hike. Now though the grass had been cut save for aesthetically calculated patches of wildflowers and clovers here and there. The field was absolutely perfect for the event, and with the gorgeous blue skies partially clouded the scenery really seemed to pop out.
Especially the small lake glittering just past the archway. You'd never noticed it before but then again you came here in the dead of night.
Getting back to work you set out on placing the spare baskets a reasonable distance from the others. Close enough  to other blankets to feel included but far enough away to have their own space if that was their thing. When you had finished you take your own basket and join Hollis and Jake who finished placing their four baskets down faster with two people. They'd been setting up their own blanket on the outer rim of the perimeter, closer to the treeline than to the Archway. As if they were going to overlook the even and keep an eye out. Which they probably would be, just to ensure that everyone had fun and stayed safe.
Seeing you standing just a few feet away from the blanket Jake gives you his patented superstar smile.
“C'mon, join the party YN.”
With the easy going invitation you fix your blanket beside theirs. This way at one point or another you'd see a majority of your friends today as you knew for a fact they'd come over or be dragged over into seeing the couple beside you.
Kirby joins you three after lazily placing his baskets side by side closer to the archway. With the hustle and fuss of your prep work being done you can take a moment to take everything in.
“I love the shirt.” you say looking at Kirby's 'I'm not Allo but 20$ is 20$' shirt.
He gives a grin before presenting a folded up shirt out of his messenger bag.
“Thought you might...don't wear it now though. Don't want you copying my style, that'd be sad.” he jokes.
“Pfft, please everyone would know it's you who copied me.”
Jake and Hollis watch as the two of you continue your playful banter. Occasionally voicing whose side they were on, Hollis took Kirby's while Jake took yours. It was a fun way to pass the time as the other groups finished setting up.
Especially since you had Mr. Cool Guy himself on your side. How could you possibly not be the trend setter sibling with his vote.
Before long the other groups were also setting up their own baskets, which had been brought out by Barclay and Indrid a few hours earlier. And some Hornets started showing up not too long after that. Either rushing around trying to set up their baskets or sit down with friends after placing their food away. Though the event hadn't really started yet you could hear Aubrey starting up her music a few blankets away. She'd already gathered a small crowd that was chittering away.
Taking it all in you notice a certain trio looking incredibly awkward and out of place. You get up and make your way over to the men ready to invite them to sit with you. After all it's an eight person blanket it'd be a shame to sit all by yourself next to another full blanket.
Toby's dark eyes lock on to you first, you really suspect this boy has ADHD with his quick reflexes and spacial hyper awareness. He actually seems to deflate a bit, like the tension in his shoulders started to disappear the closer you got. You apparently weren't the only one to notice the subtle change in the brunette as Tim focused in on Toby. Meanwhile Brian clocked you just before you were within ten feet of their little group.
“Hey I have an empty blanket if you guys wanted to join.”
Just getting straight to the point was your thing. Most see your bluntness as rudeness but you just don't see a point in dancing around your message.
“Yea, that'd be nice.” Toby spoke before the other two could.
Smiling at him you hold a hand out for him to grab. You aren't really sure what possessed you to do that, but figure you must be in a rare tactile mood. Unlike when you're touched if you initiate the contact it doesn't hurt or squick you out. He grabs your hand and you can feel the scratch of his callouses. You remember Hollis said something about him being a mechanic, that would explain the tough hands.
You lead the trio over to your blanket where only Kirby sits, seems like didn't bring his basket and was going to share with you. Not that you mind at all, in fact this was the perfect time to introduce one friend to another.
“Kirby time to make a good impression.” you call out gaining his attention.
He takes a moment before taking note of the group you're guiding over. Kirby stands up to greet you all.
“Kirby this is my friend Tobias, and his roommates Tim and Brian.” you motion to the other two with your unoccupied hand.
Noticing for the first time that they have their hands interlocked. Not holding like you and Toby are but a more intimate hand hold.
'These bitches gay...good for them. Good for them.' is just playing on repeat as background noise in your head. Ignoring the loop in your brain you continue the introduction.
“This is Kirby, my brother or whatever.” Kirby snorts at your short introduction.
“I'll take it, 's a step up from gremlin.” he turns to the trio hand extended, “Nice to meet you guys.”
After the weird neurotypical ritual is over the five of you sit down and talk while you wait for the festivities to begin. Tim and Kirby dragging Brian along for the deep dive of god awful horror movies.
“You didn't mention a brother.” Toby says fiddling with your hand, someone really needs to get this guy a fidget toy.
“Huh? Oh no. No, not like that Kirby's more like a brother than my biological brother.” you pause while thinking how to explain this more articulately.
“We're just really similar and people thought we were dating, I guess, before we started calling each other 'sibling'.” it's really weird that that was even an issue. At least to you but Allos tend to be weird about mixed gender relationships.
For instance Brian and Tim can get written off as the best of best friends. But you and Kirby decide to sit next to each other for one Saturday Night Dead and the town is already waiting for wedding invites. Maybe this is a small town thing...you'll still blame the Allos.
Toby nods along, whether he actually understands or is trying to move from the topic you can't quite tell. You look down at his hand that's bending your fingers into your palm. His nail beds look better than last week you hope it means he wasn't picking at his skin. It's really not a great coping mechanism.
You let out a small sigh as you get lost in the feeling of Toby playing with your fingers. You're trying to think of something to talk about but the motions are kind of drowning out your thoughts. You can see why this might've been helpful the for Toby last week in the forest.
“...We're friends?” you aren't really sure if that was a question or a statement.
“Yea! Well at least I'd like to be. It's fine if you don't want to though.”
Toby gives a small smile to that, and releases your hand. It seems his anxiety has gone away for the most part. Maybe having the reassurance of another friend is all he needed. Just a little more moral support to get him out of his shell.
You smile back at him as he leans back on his hands. It's nice that you both can enjoy the day without your masks, even if you do feel a bit naked without yours. You wonder how Toby's been holding up wearing only the bandage over his scar. But you know you probably aren't at the friendship level needed to question him about it. No matter how nonchalant he'd been about eating in front of you that first day.
“How're the repairs coming?”
Toby rolls his eyes and lets out a frustrated groan, and for a moment you're concerned you upset him.
“It's a fah-fah-cuck...king rust bucket. Like Jesus fucking Christ first the AC blows out so I check the compressor...” he pauses and squints his eyes at you, “do you know cars?”
“Dad's a mechanic so I know enough. But you're talking about an RV unit and not a regular cabin AC might get a little lost but I can at least lend an ear. Like a rubber duck.”
The right side of Toby's mouth pulls a confused sneer, but his attention is soon turned to Brian who's chuckling having heard what you said.
“'s a coding thing Toby.”
“Uh...okay?” Toby just resigns himself to not understanding this particular topic and continues on.
“Yea so sorta the same basis, I guess. The units still pull air from outside into the vents and use a refrigerant liquid to cool the air it pushes out.” he pauses to make sure you're still following.
After you nod he continues to explain how it runs so the fans and circuits seem to be in order. There isn't a leak in the coils and the liquid's been replenished but it still isn't running cold. You nod while giving him a patient smile as you let him tear through his rant about the “piece of shit unit” because it seems this has been building in him for the past few days.  When he comes to the end of his rant the only thing you can really think to say is.
“That sounds rough.”
Not the most eloquent thing but Toby seems to come down from his vent high, after a few deep breaths.
“Yea it mrrow was. Well is.” he cuts his eyes back to the trio across from you noticing how they all seem invested in their own conversation now.
“Why'd you give Tim a cobbler?” looks like you two will be playing twenty questions today.
“He scared off the creep for me last night.” you shrug causing your neck to jerk to the side.
“'the' creep? Wait! The one that drugged you?” Toby is so lucky he can't feel pain because even you felt that crack that ripped through his neck as he whipped his head towards you.
And honestly you're kinda surprised it didn't draw anyone's attention to you two.
“First I don't think I was drugged, he might've just sent me into a panic attack.”
“Oh sorry the creep that sent you into a panic attack.” you really hate when people interrupt you like that he's really lucky you understand he's actually just paying attention to you rather than talking over you. You'd punch him if it wasn't the case. Punch him right in his cute snarky face.
“Bitch.” You do punch him, in his arm, he lets out a monotone 'ow'. You decide against punching him again for that, it was a hard choice though.
“Anyway, second yea same one. I just really don't like the guy and last night he'd been bothering Ronnie when I stopped by the gas station. She'd apparently forgotten Tim had gone on break and when I tried bluffing that he was there well...”
You took some time to explain the situation last night to Toby. Leaving out the parts where Not Tim showed up. After thinking on that you figure there was a possibility of Tim having an alter that he may or may not know about. And you aren't sure what the etiquette is for this sort of thing, like if Tim did know were you suppose to let him tell you or should you let him know you'd technically met his alter. Judging from Toby's face, the guy really wears his heart on his sleeve, he seems confused about something.
Maybe Tim  didn't remember last night and Toby was asking for him. That does put a bit more weight on your alter theory. And it seems to have more traction as something seems to click in Toby's head. He doesn't share whatever is making him nod. So you leave it be.
Before you know it an hour has past the field nearly full of town residents and Barclay, with his mighty megaphone, start calling people over for food so you all grab a plate from the basket.
“I want purple.” Kirby tells you.
“I could literally hand you any of these and you'd tell me 'thanks'.”
“That's pretty fucking ablest YN.”
You pause and look at the other three on the blanket.
“Is being colorblind a disability?”
A “Yes” from Brian followed by Tim and Toby's deadpan expressions and “No”s.
“Three against two, not ablest just honest...this is purple.” you had half a mind to hand him indigo.
Your group goes and gets food, debating the legitimacy of colorblindness being a disability, before heading back to your blanket. No sooner had you sat down are you body slammed into the ground. The familiar weight of an overexcited eleven year old smothering you.
“Hi can I sit with you?” before you can reply the rest of the Cowell family finds their way over.
“Josephine Cowell, I'm so sorry YN she's just been so excited all weekend. Josephine get off of YN you know they aren't very tactile.” Dia called.
Unlike her husband's hulking form Dia was a petite frail woman, you honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jo towered over her mother in a few years. And though she was small she had a fierceness to her that normally kept both the Jos in line.
“It's not a problem Dia. Jo I think you should eat with your parents first, we have all day to hang out.” Her eyes seem to sparkle with excitement and you can see her mother's apologetic expression just past her.
Understandably Dia is concerned with Jo taking up your personal time. The young girl sees you as an older sibling and wants to spend any second she can with you, but you aren't family. You're a young adult who has their own life to live. The last thing you need is to be babysitting the tween while you tried to relax with your friends today. Dia would do her best to have Jo give you some space.
“Hey you guys can just drop your blanket over here, we don't mind.” Janette, local mean lesbian, calls from Hollis and Jake's blanket.
Jo looks ecstatic at the thought and rushes to her father to pull him over to the area so they can place the blanket down. Booping her nose occasionally in her excitement.
“Hey Dia, Marnie's coming in an hour or so, soccer game got rescheduled. Jo will have someone her age to bug.”
“Marnie's coming?” leave it to a tween to finish setting up and get a plate of food all in under five minutes.
She's not even trying to be on her family's blanket as she plops down next to you. Taking notice of you staring she gives a wide grin practically buzzing with excitement. A bit too much excitement as she starts rapidly blinking, triggering your own as well. At least you have practice eating like this, unlike Jo who only just developed this tic.
After your tics subside Jo eats with you and just goes on into her usual tween drama stories. She's got to keep you up to date after all. It's like a soap opera just less adult topics and no evil clones. Kirby and Nate catch up and somehow rope Tim and Brian into their conversation as well. Toby just sits quietly eating and giving you amused looks every time you lock eyes.
You can't help but feel you're forgetting to do something every time you lock eyes with the brunette. The issue seems to resolve itself when a 'mrrow' slips from Toby as he takes a drink, causing him to cough from swallowing wrong.
An unconscious effort on your part, you lean and rub small circles into his back. Trying to calm his coughs. A mistake as the tween in front of you zeros in on the man as if she's just noticed he existed.
“Hi! Who are you?” if her eyes could turn into stars they would.
“uh...” Toby looks to you for help, as if the child talking to him was an alien species. “Toby...” he says uncertainly after receiving no input from you.
“Are you YN's boyfriend?” Toby wishes he had an excuse to cough now.
His face flushes at the question and before he can sputter out any tongue tied response another 'mrrow' rips through him and his head harshly tilts back. Jo's eyes widen at the tic, she excitedly looks between the two of you. And you aren't sure what's going through her mind at the moment.
“OMG Do you have tourette's? Does he have tourette's or is he like you?” she's practically vibrating as she bounces between questioning both of you.
“umm...touretter's?” you say in Toby's place as the man beside you can't function a sentence right now.
Jo literally squeaks in excitement at the new development.
“I'm Jo Cowell, YN's self appointed sibling. I have tourette's too, I've had it since I was five. How long have you had tourette's?”
It felt like Jo's never ending barrage of questions was just that never ending. Toby took everything in stride, aside from the awkward dating questions. And for how worried she was about her daughter bugging you today every time you tried to catch Dia's eye she was somehow wrapped up in another conversation or her husband. Your saving grace came in a four foot two package wearing a dirty soccer uniform and sporting a fresh black eye followed closely by her frazzled step mother.
“Yikes, ball to the face or fight with the other team?” Janette asked her daughter as she walked towards the blankets.
“Fell off the bleachers.” fucking how? “Jo want to run some drills with me?” Marnie asked with a grin missing her front tooth, and before you know it your blanket was down an occupant and Toby was free of the never ending hell he'd been placed in.
“Do...do you want to take a walk? Get away for a minute.” you asked looking at the positively ruffled man next to you.
He nods numbly and follows after you into the tree line. You both just walk for a bit until Toby's complexion looses any rosiness. When he's back to his normal greyish cool tones you stop to rest. Leaning against a tree Toby follows your lead but slides down the base resting his arms on his knees as his head hits the tree behind him.
“Sorry about her, Jo can be excitable.” you'd remembered as soon as her tirade began that you should have warned him she'd lock on to his tics.
That was a near replica of your first encounter with the tween. Too late to change that now.
“I didn't mind,” he gives a boxy grin up at you “'s just how siblings are.”
There's a fond tone in his voice as he says that. And the gleam in his eyes tell a story of experience with that sort of thing.
“You've got siblings?”
“Yea, an older sister.” he sighs and looks down and the grin falls into a neutral look.
There's a story there, but you aren't one to pry. If he wants to indulge you or even himself he will in his own time. However, a joke should be able to disturb the tension that threatens to darken your moment.
“Oh I bet you were an absolute menace to her.” giving a good natured chuckle, one Toby returns as the fond look in his eyes came back.
“For your information I was a delight as a child.”
“Pfft yea I bet. And just how many times did you break an arm falling out of a tree?”
Toby looks stunned for a moment. Was that something weird to say? You remember the summer nearly everyone in your grade broke their arms falling out of a tree. Hell you would've too if you hadn't landed in a bush, all you got were some gnarly bruises and a few thorns stuck in you. Then you swore a vow to only climb thick limbed trees.
“Like twice...but..how did, how did you know?”
“It wasn't a universal thing? I just figured since we were both from Virginia like your class would've also had like sixteen kids break their arm or something over the summer.”
“Well I was home schooled so I wouldn't know.”
“Wait, like home schooled home schooled, or church home schooled. There's a difference.” giving you a sneer he just shrugs.
“Fucking home schooled home schooled. Don't see how that makes a difference.”  he pops his knuckles. Jerkiness of the motion indicating his tic rather than his choice.
“One you're supposedly taught science and the other you're told Jesus loves you.” you deadpan as you slide down the tree mirroring Toby's position.
“I had two friends, they were twins, who were church home schooled until high school. Nice girls but only so many times I can pretend to know what the hell a veggie tale is.”
Toby snorts and shakes his head. This is probably all you'll get from him about his early life. But he's not dancing around the questions as much as he was a few weeks ago. The quiet is nice and you could honestly just spend the rest of the day in the forest. A cool breeze blows through the trees and you catch the smells from the picnic. For some reason it seems to make you queezy, you'll probably stay here a while longer. You might be getting overstimulated.
“What...what was public school like?”
The question sort of shocks you breaking the moment. And you just stared at Toby for a while before you actually thought of an answer. The answer you wanted to say was “hell, it was straight hell”. You don't think he's talking about the institution itself and more the experience. So you tell him.
You start to weave together a picture spanning twelve long years for Toby. Telling him of pranks or jokes learned, older siblings bugged, holidays celebrated, tearful goodbyes, joyous reunions. Paint pictures of gossiping friends, Jane Austin worthy rumors, unified students banding together to change outdated rules, snowball fights in the courtyard, Snapchat stories shared through the school. The distance that gets put into place the second you aren't legally required to spend all your time with people. The feeling of emptiness as you try to navigate a world you were never prepared for...and doing that alone.
You tried to condense it but you went off into a lot of stories and probably gave him way too much context for everything. But Toby sat there and absorbed everything you had to say. When your mood dropped as you finished he only had one thing to say.
“Sounds like it sucked.”
Looking at him you could see the worried brow and small half smile on his lips. It was reassuring in a sense.
“Yea, yea it did.”
The two of you sat and stared at each other for a bit. A sort of connection being formed from a not so similar but not quite unsimilar schooling maybe. Or the acceptance that someone didn't have to be just like you to get you.
There isn't really a lot of time to dwell on that as a pop is heard followed shortly there after by a crack and sizzle. Soon Toby's face was bathed in a blue glow, as was the surrounding area. Another pop came and the crack and sizzle followed after. Bathing the forest in a neon green hue. Looking up in time to see a third and fourth flare go up and watching them expand in a firey orange and yellow burst. Fizzling out as they made their way down.
“I didn't know there'd be fire...fireworks.” he's tense at his tree as he swallowed the lump that you clearly heard in his throat.
“Yea I...I didn't either.” looking back to Toby you hold out a hand, “Wanna head back to the lodge?”
He pulls his dark eyes away from the sky to look at you and your outstretched hand. Not a moment later he has grabbed your hand and is yanking you into a standing position with him. Leading the way to the lodge as if he were a bat flying out of Hell. His ability to lead you both deftly through the dimly lit forest with barely any sunlight was pretty impressive. At least it would've been had you bee able to focus on it rather than cringing from the noise.
When you get to the lodge Toby doesn't say anything, nor does he let go of your hand. You feel like he's completely forgotten about you even though you're literally joined together. Toby pushes through the doors and makes his way up the stairs. Without a word you let him lead you to where ever it is he's going.
Based on his behavior you have a pretty good guess. When Toby pulls out his room key with his other hand you know you're correct. And that waiting inside would be a very good boy.
“Connor pressure.” are the only words out of Toby's mouth as he flings open the door and falls back onto the ground.
Thankfully he'd let go of your hand. Since he all but dragged you here you figure he could use the company. Closing his door you go over and sit beside his prone form. Not saying a word to each other, just waiting for the others to get back from the festivities.
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ahsk1nk · 3 years
You’re Not A Freak- Jimmy Darling X GN Reader
A/n: I’m not a Jimmy fan, but I thought about this when I was in class so....Also I believe this gender neutral but lmk if I need to fix something.
Summary: you find Jimmy in a very scary situation and you help him
Warning: bullying, fluff
Tumblr media
The night was cold and the wind made you shiver every time it passed you. Jupiter was a quiet place, and on a weeknight most places were closed at 7 pm. You loved walking through the small town, it was safe, crime was very rare and the streets were always empty by 5 o’ clock.
You felt so at peace that you started whistling a tune you heard earlier that day, but as you were about to turn around to go back home, you could hear men aggressively grunting nearby. You followed the noises, and as the voices grew louder you could hear more clearly of what was happening.
“You’re a freak! You always will be a lobster boy! Everytime you think about getting near this diner, I want you to remember this moment! I want you to picture my face! Next time I see you in public, I’ll kill you! I swear it!”
You stood back, hidden behind a corner, watching the group of big men beat and kick someone on the floor. The person on the receiving end was crying and begging for them to stop, as you continued to watch, the anger within you rose. You were never the type to be a bystander, you stepped out of hiding so that they could see they had an audience.
“Hey!” Your voice was louder than you expected, catching everyone’s attention. You marched over to the crowd, “You leave him! Or so help me, I will call the police and make sure your face is forgotten!” You were proud of how clear your message was.
The men chuckled as they looked at you and each other, the biggest man spoke, “Oh yeah. Listen I’ll give you the chance to run along and shut up.”
You looked down at the person laying on the floor, he was crying and bleeding from his face. His hands were deformed and you furrowed your eyebrows because of how sad this whole situation was. You returned your look at the men, “You know what,” You noticed some broken glass on the floor, you picked up a piece, as you firmly grabbed it in you hand, your palm stung from a cut the glass gave you. “Who needs the police, they’ll just get in my way.” You held the sharp object up to the big guy’s face, so close that you could cut him right there. To your surprise, he held his hands up and slowly backed away from you. He ran away, and all of the others followed one by one until there was no one left except the bloody man.
You knelt down so you could get a better look at his face, the man sat up but didn’t look at you. “Are you alright? Let me see your face so I can help you.” You grabbed his chin so he had no other choice but to make eye contact. You gasped at the sight.
The area surrounding his eye was purple, his eyebrow bleeding, his cheek swollen, and his lip busted. You stood up, extending your hand to offer him some help standing up. He took it, which gave you a better look at his hands. He winced, grabbing the right side of the stomach. “Do you live nearby? I could walk you there.” You wanted to make sure he was going to be ok.
He was finally up from the floor, “No ma’am/sir.” You tried to think of other ways to help him, “Well… um… do you have a car? I’ll drive it.” He shook his head with sadness and a look of disappointment, “No, I got here on my motorized bike.”
There was only one option left. “Well my house isn’t too far from here, do you think you can walk, it’s only a few blocks.” Once he agreed, the whole way to your home was quiet. You opened the door, and once you stepped inside he followed you.
“Here, why not you go ahead and sit on the couch, I’ll bring my first-aid kit.” You ran to your bathroom, rummaging through your drawer, trying to find where you last placed it because you don’t use it often. You hurried to the living room when you finally found it, and grabbed a clean rag from the kitchen.
You sat on the couch beside your injured guest, observing all of the contents in the red case. Band-aids, alcohol swabs, antibacterial cream, medical tape. You grabbed the alcohol swab, and opened it, “Ok I’m just going to clean you up, but it’ll hurt just a little bit. Here grab this tightly.” You passed him the rag.
“Thank you. You saved me, invited me to your home, and now taking care of me. I don't know how I’ll ever repay you.” You looked at his eyes and saw shame. You applied the swab to his eyebrow, he grunted at the pain. “I wish I got there sooner, you might have been in better condition. I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
You continued to clean him up, “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name, sweet lady/man?” You chuckled at your new nickname, you pulled away from his face, to look at him, “It’s Y/N. What’s your name?”
“Jimmy. Jimmy Darling.” He stopped to look at you, and you didn’t dare to break the eye contact, you felt connected to him. You leaned in to kiss him without even realizing it, and he kissed you back. You grabbed his face with passion, intensifying your kiss, but he kept his hands on his lap. “What’s wrong Jimmy?”
“I just don’t want to freak you out, those boys took my gloves, and I know you won’t like my hands on you.”
You reached to his right hand and put it on your cheek, “Listen, you aren’t a freak. I don’t want you to be insecure of your hands.” He pulled you in closer and continued to kiss you sweetly. “Do you think it would be alright, if I asked you to have dinner with me tomorrow?” You smiled at his question and how shy he seemed to be.
“It’s a date.”
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Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 8: Woodpecker
Facts about woodpecker behaviours
They live solitary lives
Highly antisocial species that are aggressive towards their own kind
But some of them still live in groups
Will defend their food stash, drive away others, return frequently
Aggressive behaviours include bill-pointing and jabbing, head shaking, wing flicking, chasing, drumming and vocalisations.
Morse code like territorial drumming
Also, just for clarification 93-10-01 = Tommy 83-11-03 = Hannahxxrose 27-10-01 = Sammygreen 93-08-02 = CupToast/Crumb 12-11-04 = TimeDeo 09-10-01 = Purpled
CW: Child Fighting Ring (nothing gore-y), food (<-- for those that want that warning)
After being kidnapped on his walk from Tubbo and the Sweet Shoppe and Bakery in District 87 to his and Ranboo’s place in District 93, he was taken into the back of a van that already had four children inside.
Before getting into the van, the two men that took him tried to take the cupcakes. Tommy did not take kindly to this. He might have bite one of the guy’s arms and kicked the other in the groin.
That was when the driver came out of the van and held Tommy harshly into his chest. Tommy was shouting about the cupcakes still. He ripped himself out of the man’s arms and stood protectively a few feet away.
“You gonna run kid?”
Tommy mutely shock his head. “That guy has a gun.”
“You bit my arm fucker!”
“You tried to take my cupcake!”
The drive sent him an incredulous look. “We’re trying to take you?”
“Yeah? Well I can control the safety of my fucker cupcakes dick.”
The man with the gun pulled it out.
“Please don’t shoot me over a cupcake.”
“Get in the van kid.”
“Please open the door.”
The driver opened the back door and Tommy steps inside. He notices another four kids on the van floor. Tommy sits down and curls up as the door closes behind him.
The car jerks forward, and Tommy splits his cupcake between the four others. He didn’t think he’d be eating one anytime soon, but he knew he should probably make nice with others.
- - -
They arrived at the cite and the children were taken out of the can and into a room. With Tommy there, the other kids followed this confident ten year old into the den. Tommy was a little sad to see them so trusting, but if he had learned anything from his two years on the streets of District 93, and others, it was to comply with the wronguns.
The men took any belongings the children still had on them and gave them serial numbers. District-Age-Number, Tommy became 93-10-01.
The girl with roses on her shirt became 83-11-03. The boy with a green fringe became 27-10-01. The girl with her cat face fingerless gloves taken away became 93-08-02. And the boy with a knitted Christmas sweater became 12-11-04.
Once they were given bead bracelets with their identification, the five children were taken to what amounted to a boxing ring.
93-08-02 took a step behind Tommy, trying to hide in his shadow.
All five of them were taken into the boxing ring one at a time. They were up against kids their ages from different districts.
93-08-02 was in tatters. It was as if everything was catching up to her and she was not doing well. Tommy didn’t manage to watch 83-11-03, 27-10-01, and 12-11-04 fight while the kidnappers assessed their skill; the criminals weren’t going to make their fighting kids fight someone way above their skill level. Tommy spent that time calming 93-08-02.
Then the men came for Tommy. “93-10-01. It’s your turn.”
Tommy looked around. He couldn’t see 83-11-03, 27-10-01, or 12-11-04. He assumed that they had been taken away. Tommy saw a group of kids his age and older, as well as another group of younger children.
“Think Crumb could go first?”
The man gave him a blank stare.
Tommy grasped her wrist can read her bracelet. “Could 93-08-02 go first? I think she’d like it if someone she knew was in the crowd.”
The man gave him a cold stare.
The man roughly grabbed 93-08-02 by the arm. She shrieked and looked to Tommy with wide eyes.
Tommy reminded himself that it was better for everyone if they complied and didn’t cause trouble. He gave her a tight smile. Another woman pushed Tommy to the edge of the boxing ring.
Tommy tries to keep his face neutral, but can’t stop the winces. He watches 93-08-02 Crumb try to fight. She couldn’t really fight, but didn’t get completely beat up.
The man from earlier then took Crumb away. She screamed and shouted and wanted to stay with someone she had started to trust.
One of the other kids that Crumb fought grabbed her by the shoulders and told her to calm down. Crumb took a deep breath and waved to Tommy goodbye, slightly more content that someone her age was around.
Tommy stepped into the ring. He was forced to fight the kid, he dodged and weaved and escaped the other kid. Tommy was stupidly tall so he had the reach advantage. He managed to kick and punch were it hurt the other kid in order to win.
Tommy was unscathed, and the people kept dumping other kids on him. Tommy kept dodging as the kids dumped got more feral and desperate to win. Then the woman told Tommy to get out of the ring.
The drive from earlier had a cupcake. He held it out and Tommy snatched it. “Follow me.”
Tommy followed the dude to a cell down a hallway. The door was opened and Tommy entered without fuss.
The door closed behind him.
“What was with the cupcake?”
The man walked away.
- - -
Tommy had been there for a week. It was a tough, fucking terrible, week, but a week nonetheless.
He very quickly learnt that these people were using kidnapped children for an illegal fighting ring, where people bet money on who would win. Tommy spent to much time dodging that they started putting him in the ring with three to five other kids.
The kids were only allowed outside of their cells from an hour before their fights to an hour after. Tommy was allowed out of his cell more than others because Crumb refused to fight without him in the roof, and he was on kitchen duty. Tommy would help prepare food for the other prisoners children.
One day one of the ladies in charge of dishing out the food approached him with a tray of food, a key, and a cupcake. “Take this to room 322. Down the hall and to the left. You’ll have to hand feed the person in there.”
Tommy took the cupcake. He was definitely being bribed for something with cupcakes. “Okay.” Tommy took the tray and key, leaving the wrapper on the counter.
He walked down the hall to room 322. He entered the room and saw a blond kid his age chained to the wall will enough slack to move around. There was a cot with a nice pillow and a blanket.
The kid whipped his head around to the sound. “Food?”
The kid gestured to his shackled hands. “Need someone to help me eat.”
“Oh. Yeah. Okay. You gonna hurt me?”
“And not eat?” the kid tried to joke.
Tommy sat down near the kid and twirled some spaghetti onto the fork. “I’m Tommy.”
Tommy pulled the fork away in surprise. “Purpled? Punz’s brother?”
“That’s why—“
“That’s why I’m in a separate room.”
“Gotcha gotcha. Better set up than what I’ve got. You even have a blanket!”
“What do you have?”
“A cage and a concrete floor.”
“Eh.” Tommy finally gave Purpled a mouthful of food. “I’m sure it’d be worse for you than me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“People know Punz. He’s getting big at the Hero Academy.” Tommy scoffs. “Good on him. But y’know. District 9 kid. District 93 kid. Pretty sure you’ve had a bed for your whole like.”
“Yeah? What of it bitch boy. You got kidnapped just the same. And I’m sure you have better security than the nothing I got.”
“I’ve never met someone from below District 34.” He chewed on another bite of food. “Well. Sapnap patrols 43, but he grew up with my brother.”
“Well now you have.”
“Actually. I’ve met Eighty-Seven.”
“Eighty-Seven? You mean, someone from 87?”
“No. That’s what we call him, Eighty-Seven.”
“You guys are dicks.”
“He’s fine with it.”
“Is he?” Tommy gave him another bite. “Does he have a name?”
Purpled tilted his head and chewed thoughtfully. “Eret..?”
Tommy startled slightly. “Ok.” He gave Purpled another bite.
“You know him?”
Tommy thought about the vigilante he’d seen in District 87. Then remembered that Purpled was from District 9 and probably didn’t have good connotations with vigilantes. “Not really.” Tommy went to roll another bite when the stainless steel hit porcelain. “Well. That was nice. We’ll talk next time I get to feed you.”
Purpled sobered and looked at the floor, like he had just remember that he was being kept hostage.
Then there was a knock on the door. Tommy and Purpled both froze. The door opened. “Is 93-10-01 here?”
“Come on big man, use my name.”
Purpled winced at the jovial tone Tommy took to their captors.
Tommy seemed the faultier slightly under the harsher gazes of the men. “Ok. We’re done. Just chatting about how much nicer his room back home is. I’ve never had satin sheets.”
Tommy scurried out of the room. The man followed him all the way to the kitchen where he returned the tray. He was about to dip away back to his cell when he registered the cupcake on the counter. He looked to the man block the door with a questioning look.
The man gestured to the cupcake. He gave Tommy a have smirk when he grabbed the cupcake. “Don’t tell the others about “09-10-01 okay?”
“Okay.” Tommy took a bite of his cupcake. He polished it off and then the man moved from the door. “You have a fight with 12-11-04 this evening.”
Tommy’s stride stuttered. “Got it.”
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: The Honey Trap (4/?)
Distribution: AO3 Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary: Peggy’d lost count. She wasn’t sure if she was a double or triple agent at this point, and in the end, it didn’t matter. What mattered was getting out of this alive.
Chapter Summary: She almost couldn’t breathe sometimes with how much it hurt to sit and wait, knowing her coworkers were now snickering behind her back at the made-up stories, and knowing none of them understood how much she cared for that 98 pound man who’d stuttered at her in the backseat of a car as he called her beautiful.
Chapter A/N: Again, eyes to the time stamps. :) Progress will be slow and steady with this, and likely interrupted by Steggy Week on Tumblr, but it is far from abandoned. Thank you for all the support with this so far.
Chapter 4: The Theatrics
October 1944
Peggy pulled the door of the bathroom shut behind her, finally letting out a shaky breath as she flipped the lock into place. She nearly stumbled to the sink, leaning her hands on the cold porcelain.
She needed something to ground her.
She looked up into the mirror, and knew it was a mistake.
Her eyes gave it all away, at least to her. They told volumes of how much it hurt, how much she was lying. She needed to get that under control, and fast, or the last four weeks of work were lost.
It hadn’t been difficult, at first, to slip into the typing pool. The work was boring and tedious but necessary, and she at least could make herself feel somewhat better knowing she was still doing important work for the war effort while she sat and waited for Wallace.
But after a few days, word got around and her co-workers got bold.
First it was Mary, at the next typewriter over, asking casually if Peggy had a beau. Then Florence from across the aisle piped in that she’d heard Peggy knew Captain America. She couldn’t exactly deny it, she needed word to get around so Wallace had a reason to talk to her, to pull her into Hydra, so she tried avoiding it. She hemmed and hawed, tried to look both lovelorn and sad.
She found that wasn’t too hard: she missed Steve terribly and the last image she had of him was burned into her brain. His sad, broken blue eyes watching her leave after smacking him wouldn’t leave her.
But then some of her co-workers got audacious.
She’d been under cover before, even deep cover where she’d had to say and do things she didn’t believe in or would have never done as herself to get information or to get what she needed. She knew this was no exception. But she’d never been in a situation where what she was lying about was so close to the truth. Pretending to betray crown and country was part of the job. She’d believed this would be no different.
Except the first time she heard one of the guys in the mailroom joke about her ‘serving under Captain America’ she felt all the air rush from her like she’d been punched in the chest.
The jokes and insinuations got bolder and filthier and just like every other female in the place, she didn’t have much she could do about it besides take it.
But every comment hidden in a joke, every insinuation that she was easy, every filthy wink and every invasive question kept the wound of leaving Steve fresh, kept the fear of him not waiting for her, of him eventually believing her betrayal, wide open.
She almost couldn’t breathe sometimes with how much it hurt to sit and wait, knowing her coworkers were now snickering behind her back at the made-up stories, and knowing none of them understood how much she cared for that 98 pound man who’d stuttered at her in the backseat of a car as he called her beautiful.
She tried to separate it, to tell herself that she’d fallen in love with Steve, that he was the man waiting for her and missing her, and that the Peggy Carter she was playing had been betrayed and played by the famous “Captain America.” It rarely worked, though.
What she did know was that it was easy now to look sad and lost and just a little bit desperate as she struggled to make friends in the typing pool. She’d come into it thinking she’d have to be standoffish, that she’d have to force the story Wallace so desperately needed to let them infiltrate Hydra, but she was sickened at how easy it was to simply let it happen and how well her co-workers played into it.
Peggy ran the cold water and let her wrists sit under it until it was almost painful, enough to recenter her and bring her mind back into focus. She’s seen Wallace around the building, but he still hadn’t made contact.
There was still so much to be done, and no room for her own life and needs to get in the way, not with Hydra still a threat.
November, 1944
She strolled the street, arm in arm with Wallace. He was rambling on about taking her somewhere to dinner, but she just kept a tight smile on her face.
She couldn’t let him know her heart skipped a beat every time she saw a set of broad shoulders and blonde hair on every GI that passed them in the street. She couldn’t let him know she was both terrified and excited about maybe seeing Steve because she knew the 107th was in London.
His voice, and concerned gaze, shook her out of her reverie. She still didn’t answer to Maggie right away, but she’d asked him to call her that. Sometimes his tone was just a little too close to Steve’s and it made her heart ache when he called her “Peg.”. She smiled up at him. “Sorry, lost in the clouds for a second.”
He hid his concern well, but she could still see the quick flicker of his eyes. “Ah, that’s my Maggie.” He laughed it off, knowing they were being watched by Hydra. He’d been romancing her for two weeks now, and Hydra was still unsure if they could trust her. Wallace was trying to keep from pushing too hard, and she knew she needed to make a convincing sell to the men who were listening to their wire for the next few dates. “Always got her beautiful head in the clouds.”
If he’d been a real suitor, she would have stepped away, unlinked their arms, and marched herself right home. As it was, she could only smile. “Oh, you know me so well.” She tried to make her voice light, but she knew it was still tight and clipped. “What had you asked?”
He turned her down the next block and pointed at two restaurants only a few doors down from each other, smiling. “Pub or French Bistro?”
They went to dinner here often, the Hydra surveillance team was centered in a building on the corner, and it made it easy for them to listen in. Peggy bit her lip and pretended to think hard between the places after she saw the curtain on the window at the corner move. She hated being watched. Though she liked the idea of wasting Hydra’s money and resources on a French bistro, she knew the poor place had just as few resources as the pub, and at least at the pub there might be more noise, more distraction. She couldn’t make it easy, though. “Oh, Richard,” she started, sounding exasperated and pulling at this coat, “We’ve come down here for dinner nearly every time we’ve been out. What about the little Italian place a few blocks down? Or a good old fish and chip?”
Richard Wallace smiled. He was a good sport, and great undercover agent. Despite her anxiety, she felt safe working with him, and he always seemed to know exactly which tactic she was taking right when she was taking it. “Aw, Mags, I was just…” he laughed anxiously, but his eyes glinted. “I know I get a little predictable sometimes, but maybe next time, ok? I was hoping you’d say the bistro this time, and maybe we could have a nice dinner, just the two of us.”
She looked at the bistro façade sadly, her eyes catching the movement in the apartment window again. She squeezed his arm and he squeezed back. “I just… what with the rationing, it just makes me sad every time I go in and it doesn’t taste the same.”
“I know,” he turned, pulling her back against the brick behind them to allow other pedestrians to pass, nodding his head. “And a Sheppard’s pie always tastes the same, no matter what.”
“Quite,” she finished with a smile.
“It’s just…” he reached down and held her hand, then tapped out a few letters in morse code against her palm as he took a slow, deep breath for their eves droppers to hear. Say no he tapped out, smiling at her. “I was just hoping if I romanced you a bit, you’d see how serious I am about you. That I’m ready to take everything to the next level.”
She didn’t have to feign the distraction, the way her eyes turned sharply from his across the street. It wasn’t Steve, but Barnes and Dugan who drew her eye, the laugh of the latter ringing out bright on the dreary night. They didn’t see her, but it was enough to send her into a tailspin.
“Maggie, are you…”
“The soldiers…” she bit out quickly, turning back to him. “There are just so many tonight. Why are there so many?” She used the anxiety, let it fuel her as she pressed forward. “Do you think there will be an attack?”
“Maggie, I…”
“I’ve been so nervous all day,” she clutched at his hands, squeezing tight. Up close, as she was, she could see the concern in his eyes for her. “When I was on the front, I knew what was coming. But now? Now I know nothing and I can’t stand not knowing and all you want to talk about is dating and duck a l’Orange?” She huffed, turning on her heel. “Richard, I—”
“I’ll take you home,” he interjected, turning her swiftly and moving her forward. “I didn’t mean to push.”
“No, I- I’m sorry. I’ve just been so nervous.” She stopped and took his hand gently. “I do like you, Richard.” She swallowed hard, but said the words she didn’t want to say anyway. “I was hurt, badly. And so very, very recently.” She looked down and away, with her head at just enough of an angle to see that their audience had ceased trying to hide and was watching inconspicuously from the window. “I just don’t know if I’m ready for that again.”
He lifted her chin with his hand, looking at her. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Maggie. Not like he did.”
She stared at him for a moment, then squeezed his hand. “You’re right. I think it’s best I go home tonight.”
“I’ll walk you, then,” he replied gently, moving them forward slowly.
You ok? He tapped out on her hand gently as they moved along the sidewalk.
Fine. She tapped back, head held high and straight forward.
They both knew it wasn’t the truth.
That Night
Dugan sat across from Barnes in the small Pub, eyeing his hat as the two men waited for their drinks. “You saw her, too, didn’t you?” he nearly whispered.
“I’m pretty sure it’s why Stevie didn’t want to come out tonight. He knows she’s here. Didn’t want to bump into her.” Barnes smiled up at the waiter as he dropped the mugs of beer off, pulling one towards him and taking a long pull. He winced at the warmth, but took another sip as warm beer was better than no beer.
Dugan winced himself, but was likewise undeterred. He looked at Barnes and folded his hands. “You ever get a clear story outta him about what happened?”
Bucky shook his head and looked away, smiling at a woman standing by the bar with her friend. “No.” He turned back to Dugan when another GI stepped up to the girl and her attention was pulled elsewhere. “No, I—” He sighed and stalled for time with another long drink. “Same bullshit he’s telling everyone.”
“Which is bullshit,” Dugan added, leaning on the table. “We both know the two of them weren’t just some… some…”
“She’s not some two-bit hussy sleeping with soldiers and Steve’s not an idiot.” Bucky bit out, remembering her face as he left her behind the mess, eyes wide with hurt and betrayal. “Stupid,” he mumbled, taking another sip, “but not an idiot.” Bucky shook his head and winced. “And neither is Phillips. No way the old man missed that clip in the newsreels.”
Dugan laughed, running his finger up and down the side of the mug, playing with the condensation. “Right? I was shocked as hell he let that get through.”
The two men were quiet for a moment, content to sip their warm beer and be anywhere other than a tented army base.
Bucky leaned back, spinning his empty mug and signaling for a refill. He let out a harsh sigh and shook his head as he pulled on his ear. “You don’t think… nah.”
Dugan chuckled and leaned forward. “That Phillips let that slip for a reason?”
Bucky leaned forward on the table in a flash, whispering. “It’s the only thing that makes sense- But, why?”
The men leaned back, silent, as the waiter dropped two more mugs on the table and took away the empty ones. They were ready for the warm, flat beer this time as they each took a sip, waiting and thinking.
“She is a spy,” Dugan started quietly. “Maybe she needed an out, or a cover, or something like that?”
Barnes shook his head, cradling his beer close to him. “But why drag Steve into it? Why all the theatrics?”
“She, uh…” Dugan swallowed hard and seemed a little uncomfortable bringing the obvious up. “She was with some guy. They did seem… close.”
Barnes slowly swallowed a mouthful of the beer, face sour. “I don’t like this at all.”
“The beer or the situation?” Dugan asked, trying to lighten the mood.
He winced. “Neither of them, any more than you like it.”
In one swift move Dugan drained the rest of his beer and stood, setting his bowler on his head. “C’mon. If she’s out an about, we better go keep him company inside somewhere before he gets into trouble.”
Bucky stood and drained his own mug, following out as he mumbled, “Stupid fool always seems to be getting himself in trouble, no matter what I do.”
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