#guys i hauve FEELINGS. :(
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someiicecube · 8 months ago
"That Damned Angel..."
part 1
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part 2
"An... Unexpected Reaction."
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capricioussun · 1 year ago
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I am not.taking questions at this time. Thank you.
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moe-broey · 8 months ago
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Okay cool cool cool. And in the MIDDLE of the conversation how are you gonna say This
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Like it is Dawning on me. A slow horror seeping in. He is further clarifying like. This was a really hard thing for me to take on but I do think of you as my Friend. Okay. So we're Friends. That's fucking awesoem dude I love that for us.... like I cannot emphasize enough maybe I'm just blanking on Early dialogues but like. This REALLY feels like the first time he's acknowledging and solidifying the player As His Friend (which is A HUGE DEAL. TO HIM. VERY IMPORTANT. PLEASE TREAT CAREFULLY.)
Hhhow are you. Gonna. End the conversation with This.
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HEY. ALFONSE. QUICK QUESTION. IF. IF THIS IS IN FACT THE FIRST INSTAMCE OF YOU ACKNOWLEDGING THE FRIENDSHIP. HHHOWWW ARE YOU GONNA FUCKING CALL ME THAT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ INSANE FUCKING THING TO SAY TO SOMEONE YOU "JUSY BECAME" FRIENDS WITH??????????????? OBVIOUSLY. We've been here For A While. At least a little while. Certainly not a long while. But oh my god I am now thinking about the timeline for this. When does he fucking say this to the Summoner. Obviously whenever the player gets his 5 star 40 convo. Which is. Whenever. But oh my fucking god my comparison to Alear in tbe start what if this was all in like two weeks. ALFONSE. ALFONSE. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS -- aaaand he's gone. FUCK
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euclydya · 6 months ago
you ever just exist as a fictive but like in the Wrong way according to fandom because you don't fit In with the most popular headcanons about your source self. it sucks here lol
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jotchia · 1 year ago
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hugging isn't enough i need to meld our bodies together like clay
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ponyrepress · 6 months ago
Bitches will be like "damn am I overexaggerating how bad the current landscape is?" And then the top posts in a character tag that's not even involved will be "this post contains filtered tags [ship]"
#cath.txt#on my hands and knees praying either I run out of people to block or everyone shuts up. I don't lose because I'm Cursed.#sits on my porch with my gun whateverrrrr. I can kill everyone.#like you hauve to understand getting into gf again has been so good to me but it's also been “wow this is one of the most sickeningly#familiar depictions of what I've gone through over the past few years that makes me feel uncomfortably seen but also provides me great#solace and hope for my own future and greatfulness for what I have now“ and then I check tumblr and everybody is unironically shipping the#guy who got exploited and psychologically AND physiologically tormented as well as violated with his abuser because it's “funny” and#“they're both terrible” as though one of these people isn't a man who's made a lot of mistakes that made sense in the moment and the other#is a fucking interdimensional nightmare demon that now canonically has ran cults. like ok. thanks guys. and the realest kicker to me is the#fact that people show that three sided fuckhead more sympathy? some fucking how? like ok I see how it is. it's one and I'm tired and I'll#probablyyyy delete this in the morning even though it's buried in my own tags but word to the wise don't have things wrong with you that#make you effectively kin ford at 13 and then reconsume gf seven years later and look at how your life's progressed. like fuck dude one#second you're chilling and the next you get so mad about hearing shit about a book that you realize you're a fucking Stanford Pines irl and#have been for nearly half your life. what kinda sick joke is it that that fucking book was announced on my birthday anyway. come on man.
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little-shiny-sharpies · 1 year ago
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New frames of them got me beating the executive dysfunction slightly!!
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pileofblanks · 1 year ago
Dont mind me, im just wainting for the right time to unleash my old man yaoi blast
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reinabeestudio · 1 year ago
WAITWait wait wait I had another funny thought of Starlo glowing brigther when he's elated and other good emotions💥
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asclexe · 6 months ago
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frothingatthemaw · 7 months ago
me when i watch pretty man serve LOOKS after having a trainwreck of a day
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p-clodius-pulcher · 1 year ago
late roman republic dashboard simulator
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🍒 tripllle
i miss him so much
#do not reblog
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🍯 gaiusluciussmthoranother
it just kind of feels like the bona dea scandal is being blown out of proportions lmao like it’s nooooot that serious
📜 officialmtc Follow
he literally committed sacrilege against the gods
🍯 gaiusluciussmthoranother Follow
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🍯 gaiusluciussmthoranother
#i thought you guys were like. on okay terms????
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🕰️ thesameimageofpompeydaily
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🗡️ sulla_felix
maybe the people I proscribed had bad vibes did you think about that
⌛️ mosmaiorum95 Follow
Your blog is frankly childish, stop glorifying a monster and making light of the tragedies that befell people very recently.
🗡️ sulla_felix
this isn’t a RP blog I’m his ghost
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💜 tyrianpurple
Hannibal Barca would’ve done numbers on this site
#carthage #tyrianpurple #downwithrome
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🪶 lesbiasparrow
link to my newest poem let me know what u guys think!
🌁 mfbpoems Follow
op this is literally just Sappho 31 lmao plagiarism much? also are all your poems about sex??? lol really goes to show the quality of poetry nowadays
🪶 lesbiasparrow
link to my newest newest poem!
#get fucked cuck
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🏵 patrochilles4ever Follow
ngl Cato walking around without a tunic under his toga is like. I think I hauve malaria
👗 felixcatilina Follow
🏵 patrochilles4ever Follow
🐟 fishcaretips
None of these words are in the 12 tables
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little-shiny-sharpies · 1 year ago
Still not back online yet but wanted to share that I thought about Kalec with a fluffy beard and almost passed out
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autisticandroids · 7 months ago
au fics part two: canon-a-little-to-the-left
alright i'm a little late to the current round of @spnficrecfest. on account of I Hauve Covid. that's also why i missed the long fic / short fic round, and i will go back and do that at some point, but not yet. anyway. two fic rec lists for this round. one for true aus, and one for canon-a-little-to-the-left aus.
i may not be a huge fan of traditional aus, but i'm an absolute aficionado of things that relate to canon but put a rather different spin on it. i have been looking forward to this day (rubs my little hands together).
in order of wordcount:
patchwork drapery of dreams by tigriswolf, 1k, chose not to warn
a decade or so later, victor henriksen catches ben braeden. gen.
orison by whereupon, 2k, mcd
after it all ends, cas baptises dean. destiel.
kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep by lise, 4k, chose not to warn
a disturbing little story. it's all in the context. sam/lucifer.
sleepwalking the life fantastic by insanetrolllogic, 5k, chose not to warn
gen. it's 1995 and sam wakes up normal.
cheyenne by deadlybride, 8k, mcd
victor henriksen and sam winchester in the lebanon alternate universe. gen.
the following story takes place at night by beetlebeverage, 12k, chose not to warn
this one blew my socks off. destiel, but very strange. a season two au. the winchesters come across a cult.
i would most especially recommend this one if you're a fan of the first church at the end of the world, which should tbh also be on this list, but it's on my endverse list instead.
the white whale. by orange_crushed, 14k, violence and chose not to warn
generations in the future, cas still works with winchesters.
right of conquest should also objectively be on here but i recced it already [sob emoji].
freakshow by mme_yersinia, 26k
stanford era dean, and an angel in a cage. destiel.
the inexhaustible silence of houses by askance, 31k, mcd
some things are fandom classics for a reason. a destiel haunting.
back road, black road by eden22, 167k, violence warning
so can i confess something? i'm actually only about halfway through reading this, currently. which i feel like is against the spirit of a fic rec list. i thought of trying to put on a burst of speed and finish it specifically to rec it, but it's simply too long for that. and i just can't not rec it, it's way too good.
anyway, this fic is balls to the wall insane. perfect "what if the early seasons actually had the vibes they pretend to" story. specifically, kind of a "what if born under a bad sign was good and also was the entirety of seasons one and two" thing.
sam never made it to stanford, and when dean goes to pick him up, he isn't there. the level of gore and body horror in this fic raised my eyebrows, and you guys know me. i'm no slouch. half is dean pov, half is sam pov. the sam pov is actually my favorite because it's so insane and fucked. oh and it's also destiel.
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goldenderg314 · 1 year ago
Proper pinned post for me! :3
Heavily Prefer They/Them but can suddenly become very flexible if its funny or hot but only if I'm comfortable with it :3 pan/bi, switch/vers. IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANYTHING HERE PLS JUST BLOCK AND MOVE ONNN BABE since this is my nsft/hauve covid acct, here's a picture of me! :3 ask for more pics if you don't believe me! idk why u wouldn't tho!! 3:<
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DMs open to all but the people who act like the worst of cishet guys w/ no clue abt queer stuff, and demanding/entitled doms/subs
very casual, so you can DM me right off the bat with smth funny like a cute unsolicited pic! :3 ;3 :3 (tbh you can say good nasty stuff to me as soon as ur comfy! I'll probably love it, same for the pics ;333) Likes!: CNC, pee, robots, furry, robot furries, robofucking, monsterfucking, planefucking, petplay, mommy/fauxcest (except for a decent chunk of 'dad'/'daddy' stuff, just ask pls)
NOs: sc-t, g-re / non-candy g-re, d1ap3r-stuff
(still 100% support ppls right to have fetishes and kinks I don't like!) (BTW they're spelled incorrectly and stuff because my post was blocked for people who had those terms blocked even tho this post doesn't have!)
"likes" is in actuality probably way bigger than listed but if you're at the point that you're wondering; plz just ask!
if you read through all of this, feel free to come into my DMs and we can call eachother faggy and jack off about it
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jackk-harkness · 4 months ago
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I hauve been trying 2 send letters 💌 And if u are in Chicago u should come find me U can watch me peck corn kernels off the ground like a bird we should do wat feels good im trying 2 respark a connection im different than the guy u knew before so if u could ublock my snap we can reconnect i got cashapp and isnta too 🫶 Lets chill
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