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Call for Abstract: If you Have something important to present? submit your Abstract now at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024 in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. Submit here: https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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प्रत्येक अंग की विफलता की जड़ आंत अंग में असंतुलन है- डॉ.चन्द्रकांत | Fmd India
डॉ.चन्द्रकांत –“होता य है कि लोग जब कोई बीमारी हो जाती है बुखार आ गया तो उसके लिए तो आ जाते हैं या उसके बारे में तो अधिक से सोचते हैं लेकिन जो गट हमारे बॉडी का एक बहुत बड़ा औरर्गन है इसमें सारे हार्मोस बनते हैं, एक प्रोटेक्टिव लेयर होती है जो बाकी बीमारियों से बचाती है.और जो लोग एक चीज नहीं जानते हैं कि जो गट हेल्थ है वो शरीर के बाकी सारी अंगों से चाहे हार्ट हो,लिवर हो, किडनी हो उनको प्रभावित करती है. सो लोग गट हेल्थ पर पर्याप्त ध्यान नहीं देते हैं.अब क्या बात होती है गट का काम है प्रोटेक्टिव मैकेनिज्म उत्पन्न करना.अगर गट में जरा सा भी इंटेस्टाइनल वल डैमेज होता है तो उससे वो सारे जो माइक्रोबायोटा होते हैं हार्मफुल बैक्टीरिया होते हैं बाकी ऑर्गन में जा सकते हैं. उस ऑर्गन में अगर जाएंगे इंफ्लेमेशन हो जाएगा. वो ऑर्गन अफेक्ट करेगा और व्यक्ति को पता नहीं चलेगा कि गट की वजह से हो रहा है लेकिन गट की वजह से हो रहा होता है. बहुत सारी दिक्कतें होती है अगर गट हेल्थ प्रॉपर हो तो.उनको रोका जा सकता है या कम किया जा सकता है और इस वक्त बहुत सारा साइंटिफिक एविडेंस आया है डायबिटीज के बारे में और अन्य बीमारियों में क्योंकि जिन लोगों की गट में क्रॉनिक इफला-मेटरी स्टेज होती है अर्थात स्लो रेट पर इंफ्लेमेशन चल रहा है, उनको बीमारिया होने की संभावना ज्यादा रहती है. क्योंकि जब क्रॉनिक इफ्लेम मेशन होता है, तो गट की जो वॉल होती है वो डैमेज हो जाती है और उससे जो गट में हार्मफुल सब्सटेंस है वो बाकी इंफ्लेमेशन सिस्टम को बाकी इम्यून सिस्टम को एक्टिवेट कर देते हैं.अब हमारा इम्यून सिस्टम उस बॉडी का एक चीज से लड़ रहा है, गट अनहेल्दी है उससे जो प्रॉब्लम आई है उससे लड़ेगा तो बाकी बीमारियों से कैसे लड़ कैसे लड़गा ? काफी लाइफ स्टाइल डिजीज भी कहीं ना कहीं कनेक्ट हो जाते हैं. गट से एक चीज काफी लोग जानते हैं कि गट में बहुत सारे बैक्टीरिया,बैक्टी-फास, वायरस,फंजा(कवक) सब होते हैं| अब उसमें कुछ हार्मफुल होते हैं, कुछ खराब वाले होते हैं. हमें करना य है कि जो हेल्पफुल वाले होते हैं हा उनको प्रमोट करना है लेकिन जो हार्मफुल वाले हैं उनको रोकना है| हमें गट हेल्थ के लिए जरूरी है कि ऐसी चीजों का इस्तेमाल किया जाए कि जो उसके इंटेस्टाइनल दीवार को डैमेज नहीं करें| साथ में प्रोबायोटिक या जो ऐसे बैक्टेरियम जो होते हैं, जो हमारे बॉडी को हेल्प करते हैं उनकी संख्या को इंक्रीज किया जाए| “
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xx68ptOlwkI
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Targeting a healthy gut microbiota may assist in improving clinical outcomes across a range of conditions, including stress, cognition and mood states.
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Today is #WorldIBSDay. An important day to raise awareness about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, the chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) affecting more than 15% of the world's population. Opening up and talking about #IBSsymptoms has been a taboo, but let's work together to end the #pootaboo and all the other stigmas faced daily as part of the disorder. You are not alone - repost this post in acknowledgement of #WorldIBSDay, together let's #endthestigma #LetsTalkIBS #LetsTalkShit #IBSAwarenessDay #IBSAwarenessMonth #IBSAwarenessMonth2019 #ibs #ibslife #ibsdiet #ibd #gutdisorders #FGID #guthealth #healthygut #guthealthmatters #digestivehealth #fructosemalabsorption #fructosefriendly #lactosefree #fodmap #fodmapfriendly #fodmapfriendlyfoods #guthealthawareness #ibsawareness #tummytroubles #tummyfriendly #tummyfriendlyfoods @repostit_app @fodshopper https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwa7Um5HlE5gkQzlTsRI5lKTmSEmyHsYQmnFFs0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10vo45ixw0smg
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Tgeres nothing better than a good #smoothie ✌ Oh .. hang on .. yes there is 😊 A healthy one 😊 . .. #healthysmoothie #soulsuperfoods #goodhealth #naturalliving #hbnrecipies #riashippyhealth #gutdisorders #liverhealth #kidneyhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPjLsKhFXD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dpkqwi9c8uo0
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~ ~~~ Psoriasis Part 2 ~~~ Psoriasis occurs when skin cells are replaced faster than usual. In normal skin cells the body produces layers of skin over a period of 3 to 4 weeks. However with psoriasis sufferers this happens over 3 to 7 days and cells that are not fully mature build up a lot faster to the surface of the skin leaving it with lesions of red sores, patches of plaque formation that are flaky and scaly. ~~~ It is unknown why this happens, however it is suggested that it is caused by a problem in the immune system/gut. The conditions of psoriasis are quite complex. ~~~ There are a few natural methods in keeping the condition under a certain amount of control, naturally: ▪A change of diet/ eating lots of greens ▪Looking into plant based foods ▪Oatmeal is known to soothe irritated skin ▪Lemons are found to improve digestion due to high forms of flavonoids ▪Meditation and relaxation techniques ▪Maintaining a healthy weight ▪Salt baths ▪Warm bath with essential oils can be quite soothing for the skin ▪In some cases a humidifier can help ~~~ Making sure there's no deficiency in Vitamin D and other nutrients, including minerals. ~~~ If you know someone that suffers from psoriasis, and you think they'll benefit tag them. . . . . #psoriasis #skinproblems #skinhealth #skindisorder #psoriasisawareness #skindisorders #psoriasiswarrior #psoriasisproblems #psoriasishelp #psoriasisfighter #psoriasissupport #psoriasisrelief #healthtips #psoriasishealing #psoriasiscure #psoriasislife #psoriasiscommunity #skineducation #psoriasiseducation #immunesystem #immunesystemdisorder #gutdisorders #greenfood #dietchange #plantbased #plantbasedfood #plantbaseddiet #oatmeal #flavonoids #saltbath (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B45CsWSJ6nS/?igshid=1qse3cdjalnoa
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RT @SkinBodyRenewal: The Recovery Tactics That Help Keep My Autoimmune Disease In Check by @LivingMinnaly https://t.co/pDviqPr1qz - MindBodyGreen#LeakyGut #AutoImmuneDisease #HealthRenewal #FunctionalMedicine health #wellness #gutdisorders #digestivedisorders
— Eddy Bettermann 🇩🇪 (@DrEddyMD) March 4, 2018
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Call for Paper Don't miss the opportunity for your research to gain some much-deserved visibility at the CME/CPD accredited 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual Submit here: https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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Call for Abstract/Presentation/Case Studies/Research Paper Show off your knowledge to the international audience by submitting your abstract to speak at the CME/CPD-recognized 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference, which will be held in Dubai, UAE, & Virtual from December 17-19, 2024. Submit here: https://gastroenterology.utilitarianconferences.com/submit-abstract WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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Call for Abstract! Interested authors should submit their abstract at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference, which will take place in December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. We invite you to share your abstract and for more details, please contact us. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Submit here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
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Call for poster Poster presenters will be allocated dedicated time to showcase their work and engage with conference participate the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/ Virtually Registration Here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/virtual-registration/
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Call for Abstracts! Track 16: Digestive Disorders Do you have ground-breaking research that you’d like to present at 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual? Submit an abstract today! https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/digestive-disorders/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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Track 16: Digestive Disorders Call for Abstract! Interested authors should submit their abstract at the 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference, which will take place in December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. We invite you to share your abstract and for more details, please contact us. WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text= Submit your abstract/papers here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/digestive-disorders/
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How does the Brain connect with the Gut and what is it’s affect on children? By Dr. Anupam Sibal
Dr. Anupam Sibal-“It's important to understand that in recent years our understanding of the Gut Brain connection has increased. The Gut Brain Axis has improved considerably for example the Gut has 100 million neurons which is more than the number of neurons in the Spinal Cord and that's why the Gut is referred to as the Second Brain. So, there's a very strong connect between the Brain and the Second Brain, the Gut and there is a lot of cross talk for example we've all had this Gut wrenching feeling and we've always had this issue where people feel anxious before an interview. I have kids who worried before an exam who have Diarrhoea before an exam and this is because of the connection between the Central Nervous System and the Centric Nervous System. We are seeing more and more functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, irritable Bowel Syndrome, Constipation, Diarrhoea(Diarrhoea alternating with Constipation), Vomiting, feeling Nausea which is because of this Interplay and so it's extremely important for us to understand the deep connection and use it to the benefit in terms of improving the symptoms of children and adults who have these conditions.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1An-kD85n8
Book: Is your child ready to face the world
For more information,
Call us at +91 8800929600
Visit us at www.fmdindia.in
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Call for Abstract: Track 16 : Digestive Disorders Present your presentation/research/abstract at the CME/CPD accredited 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual, in attempt to even further boost the influence of your research by trying to present it to a global delegation. Submit your abstract/papers here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
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A healthy mind needs a healthy body, more specifically a healthy gut and more specifically again, healthy gut microbiota
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