#gundrun beaker
lunetaj · 1 year
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little Loki Beaker (1990)
He is the beloved son of Bjorn and Gundrun. They really wanted a baby, but Loki is a little... odd. He threw a lot of tantrums as a baby, but they thought he would get over it. Unfortunately not... He is extremely hot-tempered, destroys toys and is quite unmanageable at times. Even they, as his parents, are sometimes a little afraid of him. Well, he´s still a child, he will definitely be better in the future!
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anamoon63 · 2 years
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"Gundrun isn't seeing things, she's a smart woman, a business genius and a very successful public figure, I don't think she's making any of this up."
"Sure she is. It's with this type of fantasies that she has attracted thousands of followers to her social media."
"These aren't fantasies Dyl, or a story for social media".
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"Gundrun has seen that alien woman with her own eyes, shamelessly flirting with Bjorn; and he didn't seem to dislike her at all!"
"Bullshit. If that was true, Bjorn would have told me."
"Gund has no reason to lie".
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"And Bjorn definitely must have told you about her and the 'abduction', dirty details and all. But being your best friend, you're sure to cover up for him".
"No, seriously, I don't care what Bjorn does with his life, but you - you better watch out for her. That woman is dangerous; she seems to have put a spell on him or something.".
"A spell?" Dylan tried hard not to laugh. "See, I don't know if I'll ever meet this 'alien' girl. Heck, I don't even think she exists at all. And I'm not at the age for such affairs anyway."
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"I think you're exactly at that age."
"Yeah, well, enough gossip," Dylan cut in with a sigh. "Better tell me, did you check Robin's DNA?"
Karen exhaled a sigh too. "Yes, that's precisely what I wanted to talk to you about, I already have a result".
"Well, I was a bit confused with my findings until I came in here. Now I've confirmed my suspicions."
"Suspicions? What suspicions? Come on, K, speak up already."
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kaleiphant · 10 months
Loki Streak: Sort of an Uberhood Challenge
I say "sort of" because I got to the end and realized I forgot about Downtown. There weren't any playable Sims there, anyway.
This was inspired by aledstrange's moonbeam trail challenge and "Stranger in a Strange Land" by pascal_curious.
Content warning: This features some dark topics (human experimentation, domestic abuse, you could maybe say Loki and Nervous were trafficked). I'll put more warnings in future chapters as they appear.
Some Sims believed that money could buy anything.
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A luxurious house,
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the finest foods and fanciest kitchen in SimNation,
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only the best skill-building objects,
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a fancy parlor and library to impress the colleagues,
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very expensive lab equipment for scientific pursuits,
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a test subject for some of the riskier experiments (albeit a supernatural one),
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and even a husband.
Circe Salamis came from a rather wealthy family. While this had its advantages, it also had its downsides, one of which was the annoying tendency for other Sims to call her a rich brat who never did anything herself and only succeeded by the Salamis name. There were also her scientific critics who doubted the experiments' validity due to the strangeness of the test subject. So Circe found a way to shut them all up and get a non-supernatural test subject in one tidy move.
On the other side of Strangetown lived a woman named Gundrun, her son Loki, and her daughter Ermintrude (who insisted on being called "Erin"). The father, Bjørn, had recently passed away and their combined household income was not quite enough for the small family. The younger daughter was still in high school. The son was in the science career track, a noble calling in Circe's eyes, but Gundrun had little faith in his plans to become an inventor. His father had been an inventor and the salary wasn't great. And being new to the country (all the way across the ocean from Norssimskland), they had no family nearby to help out.
Circe and Gundrun struck a deal: in return for Circe's financial help, Gundrun would offer her son as a "lab partner" and husband. Circe would take the invented surname of Beaker (while Loki changed his name from Bjørnssen), so nobody could call her a product of nepotism.
Of course, she kept the rest of the Salamis money. She wasn't crazy.
Unlike Vidcund Curious, her ex-boyfriend, Loki didn't piss himself in fear at the suggestion.
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He dutifully accepted the proposal and endured all that went with it.
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Nervous was freshening up the kitchen and making dinner when he heard the screams. Circe was playing with the sanity vacuum again.
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"Stop struggling," Circe commanded. "You should be used to this by now."
Loki tried his best to cooperate. He didn't want to mess up the experiment, but he was having trouble staying conscious.
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This particular experiment always left him feeling a little out of whack.
He was sure that someday he'd get used to it. He was usually able to recover.
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Every day, Nervous saw everything. The twitching, the drooling, the talking to an unseen psychologist; he'd seen and done it all before.
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Nervous and Loki bonded over their shared plight and each could easily understand the torment the other Sim experienced daily. What Nervous couldn't wrap his head around was why Loki insisted on staying behind.
"We could go any time this week," Nervous whispered to Loki over dinner. "She'll be working overtime at the lab, and I think I've found a way to disable the alarms."
"I'll make something up to cover for you," Loki offered. "She won't suspect you're gone for at least a day."
"What do you mean, you'll cover for me? You're coming with me."
Loki gave a tiny wince of a smile.
Nervous looked Loki dead in the eyes. "Aren't you?"
Loki cast his eyes downward. Every cell in his body, though unthinkingly carrying out its biological programming, wanted to do nothing more than run away with Nervous and never look back at this failed experiment of a marriage.
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But as much as Loki loved Nervous, he could never accept the invitation. Circe had paid a pretty simoleon for Loki. He couldn't back out of his end of the deal.
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Nervous seemed saddened by his refusal to answer. "I know I'm not the easiest to get along with sometimes, but--"
"It's really nothing personal, Nervous. I just can't leave Circe."
Nervous sighed. "Of course not."
Loki glanced around apprehensively. "She's done so much to help my family. It wouldn't be right for me to leave."
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Nervous seemed to understand, but Loki could sense that he wouldn't give up so easily.
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The experiments continued.
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Morale did not improve.
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Loki begged Nervous to leave before they got worse.
"I can't go with you, but I'm sure you've met someone else that you really like enough to run away with."
Nervous shook his head sadly. "There's really no one else. Everyone else seems to think I'm crazy. Except for Pascal and his brothers, of course, but they're not planning on leaving Strangetown any time soon."
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"You're really the only one." Nervous leaned in close to Loki. "And you're the only one I'd want to go with."
Loki hung his head. There seemed to be no convincing Nervous that he'd have a much easier time looking out for just himself, especially without the fear that Circe would retaliate for "stealing" her lab assistant. Why couldn't Nervous see that he'd be better off leaving without Loki?
"Am I really?" Loki murmured, his gaze planted on the stone floor.
Nervous tilted Loki's face up, forcing eye contact. His bony hand lingered against Loki's even bonier cheek. "I love you," he stated bluntly.
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"I love you too." Loki squeezed Nervous's hand, blinking hard. "But they always say if you love someone, you have to let them go."
Nervous let his hand fall to Loki's shoulder. "Then I'll have to give you something to remember me by."
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It was at that moment Loki had his first real kiss.
"You're not getting rid of me that easy." Nervous nuzzled his snub nose around the pointy tip of Loki's aquiline one, causing Loki's twirled moustache to tickle them both.
Loki smoothed Nervous's mohawk. "I wouldn't want to."
I have to split this into two posts and Loki's not even out of Strangetown yet. What did I get myself into.
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ladylauviah-blog · 1 year
Gundrun Beaker became a proud mother of frikkin twins...
Loki and Erin.
I had different plans for this but i guess why not.
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simkermellebel · 2 months
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Master the Athletic skill, master the Logic skill.
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Meet Solange Spoor, my very first sim in the completing all lifetime wishes challenge. I saw MahriRae on YouTube start this challenge, and wanted to do it myself, so here I am! In this MahriRae's playthrough, though, they randomize their sim's traits. I do not. I have decided to choose the best traits for the lifetime wish. So, Solange has the traits Athletic, Genius, Perfectionist, Loves the Outdoors and Heavy Sleeper.
Solange moved into Aurora Skies, a world I have never before played in and am very excited to explore. The very first thing she did was head to the (very sadly looking) gym. There was only one treadmill, so luckily she was the first one to arrive.
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Back home, Solange took a shower and grabbed a logic book and started reading. She went to sleep peacefully on her very first night in her new home, and (of course) got robbed.
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Buddy here literally stole her shower.
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To calm herself after that stressful night, she got into the hot air balloon, because I've never done that before and didn't know you could actually do that.
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This further into town, Solange also found a bigger (and better) gym, that actually had multiple pieces of equipment.
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Having done nothing but focus on working out for a few days, Solange decided to go into town to make some friends and met Fjord Warbler, a fairy who's a musician.
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Later that night, Solange decided to see who her neighbors were. Barely anyone was home, so she ended up at the Olsson household, where she found Emil Olsson; a ghost. Now, in my lepacy playthrough, one of the tasks is to have a ghost baby. I find it very hard to find a ghost in Sunset Valley, also because my sim does not have the time to spend entire nights in the graveyard, waiting for one to show up. So, when an opportunity presents itself... I just might take it.
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The next morning, Solange started her first day at her new job in the army. After working out so much, she realized rent needed to be paid.
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After work, Solange went back to Emil's home and made a move on him!
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With a bit more money now, Solange bought a chess table. In between her practicing chess, she went jogging to explore the town.
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Eventually, Solange got good enough at chess that she could challenge one of Aurora Skies' ranked chess players. She invited Gundrun Beaker over, and won the match.
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On a little day off of working on her logic and athletic skills, Solange went to see a magic show at Mick Master's Karaoke. It sucked.
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That night, after getting a message that Mr. Ghosty didn't have much longer to live (or un-live?), Solange came over and she and Emil Olsson did a little woohoo-ing, resulting in Solange getting pregnant.
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Unable to work out on equipment, Solange went for a little swim by the beach to work on her athletic skill.
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Soon enough, Solange had her child. Unfortunately, by that point, Emil had died. Again. Solange's child, a baby boy by the name of Hendrickus Spoor (my boyfriend named him okay), was NOT a ghost baby. Which made me very angry. What did I do wrong???
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Not giving a f*ck about this child anymore now that it wasn't a ghost baby, Solange decided to go out and find a unicorn. Just because she could. The unicorn didn't feel like talking to her for very long, though.
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Putting all her efforts back into her skills, Solange got back on the treadmill and mastered the athletic skill in the same place where she'd first started this journey: the shitty gym in her neighborhood with only one treadmill.
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Back at home, Hendrickus was being neglected. A lot. Sorry. Shortly after he grew up into a toddler, a social worker came to take him away, finally giving Solange more free time to work on her skills. Also, Hendrickus was ugly. Sorry not sorry.
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Having mastered the athletic skill, Solange put all her time into chess. She invited another ranked chess opponent over, but lost this time! WHAT?!
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Feeling a bit stir crazy after all the sitting at home, Solange decided to go out and visit her friend Fjord at home. Fjord turned out to be rich, and lived in a beautiful home in the middle of the town centre. It had an... interesting interior.
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Back home, Solange got back to her chess playing and invited Simon Adamsson over once again to try and defeat him in a chess match. And this time, she did.
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Fjord invited Solange to a party, and she decided to go. She met some new people, and developed a little crush on the guitar player.
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The next day, Solange put everything into her logic skill. She had almost mastered it, and decided to skip Fjord's next party to get to the end. Just before midnight, on the eve of her birthday, Solange mastered the logic skill.
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She promptly aged up into a wonderful adult shortly after midnight.
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And with that, we conclude the first lifetime wish in this challenge. I completed it in exactly 24 sim days. I certainly hope I'll get to see Solange show up in a playthrough again sometime.
Love only!
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sixamese-simblr · 2 years
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Grundrun wants that werewussy
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Meanwhile, the Strangetownians are surprisingly drama-free. Apart from Circe and Vidcund getting into fights for some reason (I guess unrequited crushes won’t be a problem in this universe!),  Erin nonstop rolling wants about wanting to invite her parents over, and Loki rolling wants about making grilled cheese sandwiches for everyone.
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to-fu · 6 years
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Do dust and air pollution make sunsets more dramatic?
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thesimtraveler · 6 years
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It was well-known in the small and isolated Strangetown that Jenny was smart. And everyone expected her to go to Sim State University to study medicine.
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Honestly, all Jenny cared about at this point in her life was saving up to even get to Sim State and to scrape together enough money for her GCS. 
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So she worked at Beany Business. The only cafe in the small desert town she called home. 
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Its owner is Tango Caliente. He is the flamboyant type who took every LGBTQIA+ individual under his wing. He has taken care of Jenny since she was a child.
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He has also looked out for her half-sister and best friend, Chloe. Yes, Chloe’s skin is green. Jenny is secretly very jealous of her sister, because green was her favourite colour.
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maxismightve · 6 years
Gundrun has a truck-ton of freckles. Just. So many.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Ever the optimist in spite of dreadful circumstances, Bjorn Beaker was excited to move into the family’s new house. The rest of the Beakers, on the other hand, were... a little less enthused.
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kvornantricou · 6 years
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Gundrun took a trip to the future where she inspected giant plants, watched a bird, and got a great photo.
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anamoon63 · 2 years
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That same morning, at the Beaker's house…
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"Well, here we are," Dylan announced.
"Yeah, well, I hope this is all over soon. Juliette should be home by now and I need to call her."
"What for?"
"To make sure she and Rowie are okay."
"I don't think that's necessary, I'm sure they're fine."
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"I need to make sure as well that Robin has returned to his house. I want him as far away from Jul as possible while all this clears up."
"That's also unnecessary, but if you plan to call her anyway, remember not to mention to her anything we've discovered."
"I know that. You don't have to tell me."
"Oh, by the way, Gundrun must not know about our meeting with Sopeha."
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"What? Why not?"
"It's long to explain, but in a nutshell, we don't want this to go public, so I'll appreciate your discretion."
Karen was about to say something else, but at that moment Bjorn's footsteps were heard from the hall.
"Bjorn is coming, we'll discuss this later. Now come on," Dylan said.
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Before Karen could protest, Bjorn opened the door and invited them in.
"Hi Dyl, welcome," he exclaimed.
"Hi Bjorn, thank you, I hope it's not too late."
"Oh no, you're just in time", Bjorn smiled.
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"Karen, I'm glad you decided to come." He added.
"Yeah, well, someone has to watch out for the sanity in this family."
"Karen", Dylan objected.
"It's fine, I don't blame her for being suspicious," Bjorn said. "I know this all sounds a little confusing, but I'm sure once she meets Sophie, she'll change her mind."
"Sophie?" Karen asked.
"I call her that out of affection."
"Yeah? And what does Gund think of that affection, huh?"
"Karen, honey, stop it, okay?", Dylan pleaded.
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"Ah, let her, we've known each other since we were kids, I know how sincere she is when she talks, just like Gund, that's why they are friends; and that's why you and I are friends too, we're partners in sorrow, hehe", Bjorn joked; Karen was not amused.
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tamtam-go92 · 7 years
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This is Gundrun Beaker, daughter of the probably decreased Leif and Ingibjorg Halfdarnson and Bjorn’s wife. She’s the mother of difficult five years old Loki and cute two years old Erin. Gundrun is 32 years old and currently a houswife, but she wants to return to her job as an astronaut soon. 
Traits: Ambitious, Genie, Geek,  Business Savvy
Aspiration:  Fabulously Wealthy
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kealovesbacon · 6 years
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sortasimlish · 8 years
Loki Beaker always thought his mother was lying when she said if “he made that face it would get stuck like that” she wasn’t.
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