#lra: gundrun beaker
simstationdance · 2 years
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Ever the optimist in spite of dreadful circumstances, Bjorn Beaker was excited to move into the family’s new house. The rest of the Beakers, on the other hand, were... a little less enthused.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Loki could hear the singing and the cheering from here. Needless to say, being a lover of peace and quiet, it was terribly distracting. He hated it. He hated her.
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But just as the thought crossed his mind to take his homework upstairs, the party was over.
Erin grew into a child with only a brief moment of fanfare, and when the room went silent again, Loki thought he’d finally have a moment to focus.
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Erin: Hiya, Loki! Loki: ...Hi, Erin.
He was wrong.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Just as Loki picked himself up off of the floor, Gundrun hurried into the room.
Gundrun: What’s going on in here? What’s wrong? Erin, breaking down: L-Loki ruined my dollhouse...! Gundrun: ...Loki, why would you do that?
Loki... didn’t have an answer. He couldn’t even form words. Seeing his mother run to Erin’s side... he felt tears form in his eyes, his face burning up and turning red with rage. And his mood rapidly worsened with his mother’s demands, “Don’t just stand there, answer me! Now!”
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Loki: Because I hate her, okay?! I hate her! Gundrun: Loki, I know you don’t really mean that-- Loki: SHUT UP! Gundrun: Don’t speak to me like that!
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Erin tuned out everything after that, running out of the room as fast as she could.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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At this point, Loki might as well have to get used to the sound of his parents either obnoxiously arguing or flirting while he’s trying to do his homework.
Just life as usual in the Beaker household...
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Bjorn was so happy to be allowed to sleep by his wife’s side again.
Gundrun, on the other hand, was lost in thought as she dozed off, as is typical when someone is left alone with their mind in the dead of night.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Bjorn winced at his wife’s remark, deciding that enough was enough.
Bjorn: ...Hmm. Listen, darling, I feel like... an apology is in order. Gundrun: I’ve told you this before, you-- wait... what? You’re... apologizing? Bjorn: Yes. Thinking about how much I’ve hurt you has been killing me. I should never have tried to... supplement our income the way I did. Could you ever forgive me? Gundrun: ...
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Gundrun: ...I guess I can try.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Gundrun: Bjorn, we need to talk. Bjorn: What about, love? Gundrun: I’m concerned for Loki. I heard him screaming at Erin upstairs, and found that he’d smashed her dollhouse to bits... Bjorn: Well... we both know he’s always been a little... short-tempered. You understand.
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Gundrun: But that’s just it, I don’t understand. I know he’s had issues in the past, but something like this has never happened before. Bjorn: It might just be the move making him agitated. Kids don’t take well to big changes like these. Gundrun: ...Right. Changes that wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Gundrun: Bjorn, wake up. Now. Bjorn: What- what’s wrong? Gundrun: You remember what I said about sleeping on the couch? I wasn’t kidding. Couch. Now.
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Bjorn: Oh come on, darling, let’s just calm down and sleep on it together- Gundrun: NO! You listen to me and you listen well, Bjorn! No amount of smooth talk, compliments, or grilled vegan cheese sandwiches will ever be enough to make up for what you’ve done to our family! Bjorn: I-- Gundrun: Rather than face the consequences for illegally printing Simoleons, you’ve just run away from your problems, like you always do! And this time, you’ve dragged me and our children into it! If you expect me to forgive you so easily, then you are truly deranged! Bjorn: ......Have I ever told you how much I adore your way with wo- Gundrun: COUCH. NOW.
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Though he wanted to remain optimistic about the chances of their marriage surviving this, Bjorn’s confidence was starting to waver a bit.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Mom, mom, look! Look at what I can do! Watch this! Did you see me?
...Were you even looking?
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simstationdance · 2 years
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So much for hoping his parents would be proud. Loki got perfect grades on his report card today, but Gundrun was distracted by getting everything ready for Erin’s birthday celebration. She told him “that’s wonderful, sweetie,” without even looking at him.
It was so... infuriating. Ever since Erin was born, it was like Loki didn’t even exist.
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And worse yet, Loki knew that his parents were angry at each other. Or, they were. But when dad came home from work, mom was all over him, hugging him, asking how his day was... Disgusting.
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He guessed it was because they had to put on a show for their little darling Erin, for her birthday party. All the while, he was slaving over his homework. By himself. Miserable.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Bjorn would tell Gundrun all about Erin’s breakthrough tomorrow. For now, however, he was looking forward to laying down to sleep next to his beautiful wife in their brand new bed.
Gundrun, on the other hand, was not.
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simstationdance · 2 years
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One of the ‘top ten ways to show your wife that you love and appreciate her’ was to cook a meal with love and care. Bjorn knew what he had to do...
Bjorn: One delicious platter of grilled cheese, coming right up! Gundrun: ...I’m a vegan. We’ve been married for years, you know I’m a vegan. Bjorn: Don’t worry, darling, they’re made with love-- I mean, vegan cheese.
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Bjorn: So... how is it? Is it incredible? Does it reignite your love for me? Gundrun: It’s... alright. Bjorn: ...You’re still mad at me, aren’t you? Gundrun: What do you think?
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Teaching Erin to talk was going about as swimmingly as everything else in Gundrun’s life right now - which is to say, it wasn’t going well. 
At least Erin learned the words to express that she was hungry, even if all she could say was ‘hungy’ over and over. That was progress, right?
Gundrun: It’s alright, Erin, you’ll learn it eventually. Loki: She’s never gonna say it right.
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Gundrun: Why do you say that, Loki? Loki: It’s ‘cause she’s stupid. Gundrun: Hey, don’t talk about your sister like that!
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Bjorn: So, how do you like our new house so far? Gundrun: Well, this couch is nice... Bjorn: Uh huh? Gundrun: I’m sure you’ll be comfortable sleeping on it for the foreseeable future. Bjorn: ...Ouch.
Bjorn hoped that his wife would warm up to the idea by now, but it was clear that Gundrun was still angry about having to move to Strangetown in the first place.
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