#gundam 00f
gremoria411 · 3 months
A question I've been half-pondering since you posted some of your thoughts of G-Witch -- are there any series that you think do particularly neat things with design lineages (either aesthetically or otherwise)?
Obviously in G-Witch, you've got this lovely variety in mobile suit design, with each corporation having a different, easily-identifiable style. But there's also things like how both styles of 'suit in Gundam Wing (Gundams and Leos et al) trace back to Tallgeese, so you have a 'progenitor' mecha running around.
Oooh, that is a fun one. Off the top of my head I can think of around two series that do really interesting things with Mobile Suit Design Lineages, Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans and Mobile Suit Gundam 00, but Gundam Wing, Witch From Mercury, SEED and the Universal Century in General all have examples worth discussing.
Note: I hit the character limit here, so this post’ll just be part one, and contains my thoughts on 3/4 of the main units in 00. I’ll talk about the fourth and other series in a subsequent post.
Admittedly, most of these are the titular Gundam’s design lineage, but there’s enough grunts that are worth discussing too.
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First of all, Gundam 00
I’ll fully admit the above graphic is overkill for what I’m going to actually be discussing, but I think the design lineages of the four main Gundam’s is very very good, because each unit is clearly delineated into a speciality. (I’m gonna define them by their Third Generation Entry, since that’s the ones in the first season of the show).
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Exia - Blue, with a focus on close quarters combat (I.E. Swords, to the point its original developmental code was “Seven Swords”).
Dynames - Green, with a focus on long range and sniping.
Kyrios - Orange, a transforming mobile suit that has high mobility.
Virtue - Black and White (sometimes with purple), Initially seems to be the Heavy Weapon Gundam, then later you realise it’s just full of absolute bullshit. It’s great I love it.
The second season, movie and side manga all add to this development line, so you can see how each concept develops over time. It also provides alternate equipment options for the main units, variants on a theme if you will. (I’m going to ramble a lot here, so I’ll identify which unit I’m talking about in bold).
Exia, for example, is the melee Gundam, one of two Gundam’s designed to primarily deal with any traitors to Celestial Being (I should do an analysis post on 00 sometime……, anyway). It accomplishes this by incorporating weaponry specifically designed to get around GN defences which, at the time of its inception, is unique to celestial being (this is why it’s got solid swords in addition to beam weapons). Its immediate predecessor, the Astraea, is probably the most stable of the original second-generation gundams - it’s designed for melee combat and doesn’t incorporate much experimental systems into the mobile suit itself. Because of this stability, it’s typically used for testing weaponry slated for other Gundam’s, such as the proto GN Launcher. This is further evidenced when it’s modified into the Astraea F by the Celestial Being support organisation Fereshte, since it’s the mobile suit of choice for that organisation when circumstances don’t demand a different unit, again because of that versatility. The Exia’s successor is the 00 Gundam (which I habitually just roll into the 00 Raiser, since it’s only around for about three episodes). The 00 Gundam is fitted with two GN Drives instead of the standard one, which should give in a far greater output. In practice, it needs to be fitted with the 0 Raiser, a little stabilisation plane thing, in order to run stably. This becomes the standard loadout for the Gundam, and it becomes the 00 Raiser. The 00 Raiser has slightly less swords than its predecessor the Exia, but makes up for this by incorporating the Raiser Sword, which essentially turns the entire Gundam into a sword hilt. The 00 Gundam’s Variants, the 00 Seven Swords and XN Raiser are essentially the 00 Gundam with even more swords and bladed weapons bolted to the frame (I’d like to specifically call out the Seven Swords for having GN Katars, which is just neat, honestly). As Setsuna’s penultimate suit, we have the 00 Quanta, which dares to ask the question “laser-shooting psychic swords?”, and can also freely teleport, just in case you thought distance was going to make this easier. The 00 Quanta Full Saber is probably what you’d expect by this point - the 00 Quanta with a bunch of extra swords strapped to it. (The ELS Quanta’s not, strictly speaking, a combat Gundam, so I tend to look at it as its own thing). The Exia line starts off basic, but eventually takes the concept of “sword” to greater and more ridiculous levels.
Dynames, is a sniper, but it develops very differently to the other Gundams. The original Dynames and its successor Cherudim were developed for Neil Dylandy, an excellent sniper. However, the Cherudim and its successors were piloted by Neil’s brother Lyle instead. Lyle was not as good a sniper as his brother, and so his Gundam’s were subsequently reconfigured in order to be more effective in large-scale combat - rapid fire rifles and submachine guns as opposed to “true sniping”. So, though the line shares several visual elements and retains a focus on ranged combat, it changes with its pilot.The Dynames was armed rather simply - a sniper rifle and two pistols, with supplemental armour being added. This is likely a direct response to its predecessor, the Sadalsuud. The Sadalsuud is notable for two reasons - it was configured more as an information-gathering unit than a combat machine, and it was notably lacking in armour. The Sadalsuud F incorporated a pinpoint GN Field in order to get around this issue, but the Dynames simply incorporated more armour as a result (likely due to practicality). The Gundam Cherudim, Dynames successor, incorporated missile pods and GN shield bits in addition to its pistols and sniper rifle, with its GWHW/R pack adding GN Rifle bits to the mix, giving the Cherudim far more guns to use. Another equipment pack, the Cherudim SAGA, even went so far as to be a “Seven Guns” counterpart to the Exia’s “Seven Swords” philosophy. Lastly, there is the Gundam Zabanya, which incorporated GN Rifle Bits and GN Holster bits, casting off its original sniping specialisation for a mass battle focus. “You don’t need to be a better shot, you need to shoot more bullets”, indeed. The Dynames line shows the progression from scout, to sniper, to more sniper, to Gundam with a billion guns. This is directly due to the influence of its pilot and the difference between the brothers - Neil’s a Sniper, Lyle’s a Gunslinger and so the line is adjusted accordingly.
The Kyrios is probably the simplest to talk about, since it was piloted by Allelujah/Hallelujah Haptism and was designed to maximise its aerial profile. The Kyrios itself was armed with beam sabers, a beam submachine gun and claw shield, with various optional missile packs, typically used in quick strikes. Its immediate predecessor, the Aubulhool, was barely a mobile suit at all, being essentially a proof-of-concept for the transformation mechanism. Nonetheless, it would also be used as a quick strike craft by celestial being when required. The Arios is essentially the Kyrios but more so - it has a new rifle, and the original beam submachine guns and claw shield have now been integrated into the mobile suit itself. The GWHW/M pack gives it a missile pod and swaps the rifle out for a GN Cannon. The Arios is also unique in that it incorporates a support mech - the GN Archer, which is essentially a smaller, simpler Arios for all intents and purposes (it’s not on the chart, but it was adapted from the Gundam Artemie, the bee-looking Gundam at the top-right). The Arios Ascalon is essentially the Arios fitted with various pieces of equipment originally slated for other units - a GN sword from the Exia, missiles from the Dynames and a GN Launcher from the Virtue. This makes it far more versatile, while still retaining its excellent mobility. It’s another one I’m quite fond of, simply because I find the versatility appealing. That and I think the Arios looks good in red. The last unit in the line is the Gundam Harute - designed from the ground-up as a two-man space superiority fighter. It’s also designed to leverage the abilities of its two/three super-soldier pilots, incorporating the Marute Mode which allows its pilots to fight in-sync (it’s…. Not quite clear how it does this, but 00 runs with the “quantum innovators understanding” stuff quite a bit, so I’m not too concerned). The Harute also incorporates GN Sword Rifles, which are scissor gun-swords (fun), as well as GN Scissor bits and a nice lovely missile container on the rear. Kyrios and its derivatives are largely concerned with doing the same thing - a fast attack plane that’s also a Gundam. It’s a very good, very achievable concept, so it’s neat seeing how the line develops over time. I’d like to note that the Harute is basically a culmination of everything that came before it, but considering I’m quite fond of it, perhaps I’m a little biased there.
I’ll talk about Virtue and other series in a follow up to this post, since I managed to hit the character limit for the first time.
But in essence, I think 00 does interesting things with its Gundam Design Lineages because each unit has a specific role, so it’s interesting seeing how they develop within that role, and seeing how their pilots influence them. The vast amount of other units added in supplemental material further sheds light on the in-universe development patterns and general “goals” of each unit. Exia retains the sword focus, but takes it in more esoteric directions as Setsuna himself moves toward his awakening as an innovator, Dynames undergoes a shift from sniping to gunslinging when its original pilot dies and celestial being replaced him with his brother (which is a very weird process, now that I think about it). Kyrios basically hits the nail on the head first time with its mobility and fast attack focus, with Arios basically just adding armaments, however his eventual understanding with Marie enables the addition of the GN Archer and eventual development of the Zabanya, which raises its mobility to even greater heights. On the other side of the coin, the units seen during 00P and 00F provide context for their successors - what worked and what didn’t, and how they developed.
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holmslice69art · 8 months
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scope-dogg · 2 years
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anzuhan · 5 months
You whine so fucking much about how people don't care about innovades aside from Tieria, but you yourself haven't drawn Grave, Beside, 874, 887, Leif, etc etc even once, lol.
ive not read 00F, N, I etc yet, hope that helps 😭
i did not read them because when i did look out to read them they were hard to find anywhere online (except for one of them, but i did not want to only read one that wasnt even at the start of it all), and i was also not that interested in them all that much either; i know some characters from them are in the sd gundam game that's also on steam (cross rays (?)), but with how much ive been drawing lately & other irl things, i didnt get around to get it. i wanted to first see the characters through that & then try more to find the mangas if i wind up interested in them (my very first exposure of gundam as a whole that even led me to 00 was dwg3) or in worst case scenario just read the entire wiki of what goes on in them. from some friends that have read bits of them or know about them, they didnt like it so i didnt get my hopes up is all. i did like 874 & 887s designs and i was thinking of drawing them at some point regardless
for majority of them though, they have such drastically different of designs from all 00 media we mainly have that its also hard for me to grasp them as fitting in this series (not to say the designs are bad in any way! when i first got here i thought they looked pretty cool, i just think they look a bit off with the rest of 00, at least for the anime) with the introduction of even more dna sequences for some of them afaik 😭 its why ive also abstained from drawing the blue haired innovade appearing in the 2nd season livestage, but i did not cross out the possibility to draw them.
if you so much wanted me to draw any or even all of them that appear in these side stories, you couldve also simply just asked; ive written several times i am always open to requests including innovades
my tldr is i was not interested in those side stories yet to know much about them & i like focusing on drawing those i already know of + i do want to also draw every single background innovade we are shown thruout the anime & movie, despite they've no names
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reversemoon255 · 4 years
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聖神竜合士 Ex Valkylander
More dragons! I’m glad the Avalanche Rex Buster came out between the two Valkylanders, because the build was very much the same (and this is coming from the guy with ten Cores). It’s cool having the separate Valkylander’s robot and dragon modes, and then the more angelic Ex next to them. Having them look more distinct than each other (especially in a display where there are already multiple very similar MS) helps a lot.
The Good: All the non-pearlescent white parts are new, which allowed for some minor fixes between the releases, with the main one being the hair. The Valkylander’s hair polycaps into the back of the head, which has just enough tension behind it, but makes the hair a little difficult to position at times because it’s on a moving peg. The Ex Valkylander’s hair has the head polycap into the hair, which adds a bit more tension to it, but allows for just a bit more wiggle room when it comes to positioning it naturally. All the distinct elements that made the original dragon mode distinct (head, arms, tail, wings, feet) have been replaced, creating a more distinct form in regard to the Ex. And while the robot modes are more similar, there’s a definite sense of improvement, with the horns and chest being more armored to invoke that.
The Bad: A lot of the issues that plagued the Valkylander are still present here. The hip polycaps still like to slide off, it has difficulty supporting the GN Mega Flare Device. The GN-MFD can’t be separated into separate guns now. Also, it would have been nice if the whites matched.
The Details: There is metallic green panel lining on the Ex, but there’s not a lot of it due to the prolific use of other colors. All the gold was repainted, with additional gold detailing done to the cheek spikes, shoulder details, wrists, lower legs, feet, wings, GN Mega Flare Device, and the tips of its hair. The hair has an attempted black wash to it. The translucent red components had their insides filled in silver, the center of the hips is solid red...
And then there’s the metallic red. Almost every part (that wasn’t entirely repainted) has at least some metallic red on it. All those spherical details were done up in red. I did consider repainting the translucent parts and doing it all in metallic green instead to keep with my themes, but the red looks fine.
Oh, and the eyes are stickers. I could have painted the dragon’s eyes, but decided not to since I couldn’t on the robot’s eyes.
Overall, this is a decent upgrade, with a lot of carried over features, some new ones, and a couple lost to its previous incarnation. It might not be worth it if you don’t have the upgraded Valkylander to make them distinct from each other, but I guess it depends on how much you like dragons, too, as they look concisely different. It’s definitely a feel it out situation, but if you like the first one, you’ll probably be fine with this one, too.
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the-stray-liger · 6 years
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Daaamn Nat back at it again with making fanart of super obscure characters!
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zappaslave · 5 years
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Meister 874 ready for duty
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unknown-mecha · 5 years
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Setsuna's words, but coming from a lunatic Meister.
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hypetokyo · 8 years
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Gundam 00F Real Grade : GNY-001 Gundam Astraea TYPE-F [PRE-ORDER]
Release Date : Early-Mid May 2017
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sapphireswimming · 6 years
The Empty Moon Is Now Awake
send me a made-up fic title and i’ll tell you what i would write to go with it
Well this definitely seems like a Gundam 00 fic haha.
But I can’t decide if it would be about the Innovades, centering around Ribbons’ moon base in season 2 and all of the planning and plotting and intrigue and betrayals happening there
Or around Celestial Being’s base at Krung Thep, looking at a lot of background behind the scenes work necessary to keep the strike team running. It would probably focus on the interim through the events of season 2, although it should honestly be a lot further reaching than that, going back to pre-show stuff, to really get the feeling I think it should have to fit this title
But I just don’t know enough about the rest of Celestial Being (or the Innovades either, honestly) to be able ot really flesh this out the way I’d want
At least not yet
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murumokirby360 · 6 years
1/100 Gundam Astraea F Type Review
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kingsgraveicons · 2 years
character: sherilyn hide series: kidou senshi gundam 00F icon count: 67
taken from official manga scans only.  cleaned and slightly edited.
like & reblog if you use. i would appreciate credit somewhere but it’s not necessary. you’re welcome to edit these icons as you wish, but do not whitewash.
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scope-dogg · 4 years
Thinking about that mecha iceberg chart from yesterday and how Gundam was both at the top and the bottom. I think you could extend that down the whole chart. Like, sure, if you’ve only seen stuff that’s popular with normies like IBO, Seed and Wing, sure, you probably belong at the top. You can probably go a level below that if you’ve seen relatively recent stuff like 00 or Age, or G Gundam because that series has held on to a lot of popularity, even if it’s maybe not as much as Wing. Build shows probably go there too because you need at least a little bit of Gundam know-how if you’re going to get all the references and shit even though zoomers are obviously the target audience, and you can probably throw Unicorn in there too, it’s new and popular but it’s still heavily tethered to older shows that you at least have to be aware of if you want to understand everything. If you’ve watched old ass series like 0079 and Zeta then you’re definitely in the “in the know” tier, same as if you’ve seen the less popular shows from the 90s like Turn A, Gundam X or F91 / Victory Gundam. You probably belong amongst the elite if you’ve done all of the above and started building gunpla and buying imported games and merchandise to scratch the itch. By the time you start reading unofficial translations of some of the more well-known manga like Crossbone or Char’s Deleted Affair or watching the really obscure shit like MS Igloo, and the SD Gundam shows, you’re most likely near the bottom of the iceberg or even below it. If you start trying to read the kind of obscure manga side stories where you can count yourself lucky if anyone’s even translated it, like 00P / 00F, Astray, and Gundam EXA, you’ve fallen. If you’re watching G-Saviour unironically, or seeking out and watching some of those bizarre 3D animations they make whenever a major franchise anniversary rolls around, then you’ve passed the threshold of madness. By the time that you’re fully aware of Garma Zabi’s secret army of newtype chimpanzees, you’re in the abyss and beyond hope of return.
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reversemoon255 · 4 years
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GNY-004 Gundam Plutone
So I stopped half-way through my photo shoot to read all of Gundam 00F since I pulled it off the shelf. I didn’t even mean to; I was just thumbing through looking for good poses for the Plutone, and I ended up reading it all. I forgot how much I like Fon Spaak. A seemingly insane criminal who also happens to be possibly the smartest person on Earth? That’s a fun character idea.
The Good: This is definitely an odd beast. The general parts-layout and polycap use feels like it’s trying to emulate the older 00 kits, but then there’s a bunch of modern parts layering and color separation. Considering how long it’s been since a new HG00 kit was released, and despite the attempts to copy the older kits, this definitely looks newer. And that makes sense, as technology has improved. That does mean it looks a little strange next to the older kits because it has a ton more surface detail.
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It has good posability. Those attempts to make this more like the older style impacts the ankles a bit, and the shoulders are a little blocky, but everything else is good. The shield can rotate 180°, all the rubber parts are fairly thick and stay in place, and it has a detachable Core Fighter that utilizes its chest cockpit and GN Drive.
The Bad: It does have those minor posability issues, and the slight discrepancy between kits, but if you pick up a few spare decals it should look great next to an RG. All my longer Beam Saber blades were crazy bent out of the box, but that’s probably just a personal issue.
Honestly, the biggest issue with this kit is it’s P-Bandai. While the kit wasn’t that much more expensive than a normal kit, going through import shipping and middle men brought it up to around $70, which is not something a lot of people are going to pay.
The Details: While most of the panel lining was typical black, those areas near the GN Drive and GN Field ports are done in metallic green. I did a ton of black fill on this kit, from all over the legs, inside the shoulders, in the chest, and the separation between the collar and the shoulder spikes. Any black you see was hand painted. There are a few tiny drops of yellow and red here and there, the most prominent of which being the red on the horns and shield.
Overall, this is a good kit. I’m a big fan of the Plutone’s design, and am very happy with the final product. However, it is P-Bandai and might cost a bit extra because of it, so only go for it if you have an attachment to 00′s side stories.
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the-stray-liger · 6 years
Honestly Im excited for the 00 new stuff!! I am!! but like. A Gundam 00P OVA would've been incredible. Chall Accustica and Marlene Vlady deserve their stories to be told in a way that everyone can see. 
Fam I’d even love a 00F anime even if it means another male protag because Fon Spark is a piece of shit but I love how different it is to have a chaotic, rogue Gundam pilot that doesnt have a moral compass. AND it ties into 00P meaning you could release a 00F anime and leave everyone like *gasp* but what happened to Chall Accustica? And THEN drop the Gundam 00P bomb and sell models like insane and destroy everyone emotionally
Gundam 00 is pretty good to its female characters compared to other anime but they’re still delegated to a very secondary, passive roles and 00P showed them actually being Gundam Meisters and having a leading role in the fight and that is so necessary? ESPECIALLY in such an intense, poignant way. Their stories deserved to be told fam.
TL;DR I like Graham Aker as much as the next bitch but he isn’t that interesting and Gundam 00 already has enough story untold in its past and explanations to give before moving on to the future and Im very salty about the fact that like 3 people and a shoelace know the story of Chall Accustica and Gundam Plutone 
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Barefoot Waltz
Beauty Pop
The Garden of Words
Last Hope
Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin
Scott Pilgrim
Ai Yori Aoshi
Astra Lost in Space
Azumanga Daioh
BattleAngel Alita
Beet The Vandel Buster
Behind Story
Behind The Scenes
Black Cat
Citrus 1
Cowboy Bebop
Disappearance of Yuki-Chan
Dojin Work
Drifting Dragons
Eden's Zero
Eromanga Sensei
Fruits Basket
FullMetal Alchemist
Gunsmith Cats
Gunsmith Cats Burst
Gurren Lagann
Kare Kano
Komi Can't Communicate
Love Hina
Manga Dogs
Marmalade Boy
Maison Ikkoku
Mobile Suit Gundam 00F
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 1
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2
Mobile Suit Gundam The Last Outpost
Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt
Mobile Suit Gundam Endless Waltz Glory of Losers
NTR Netsuzou Trap
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Our Wonderful Days
Shortcake Cake
Steel Fist Riku
Takane & Hana
Tiger and Bunny
Very Very Sweet
Voice of Love
Voice Over
Wild Ones
Another Castle: Grimoré
Captain Victory and the Galactic Rangers
Check Please
Citizen of The Galaxy
Dead Boy Detectives
Death Jr.
Doctor Star
Electric Girl
Frontlines: Requiem
The Fountain
Galaxy Quest
Hellgate London
Highlander The American Dream
High Level
The Jetsons
Kin: Descent of Man
Klaus: How Santa Claus Began
Klaus: The New Adventures of Claus
Klaus: The Life and Times of Santa Claus
The Legend Of Drizzt 1-7
Mirror's Edge: Exordium
Newbury and Hobbes: The Undying
Ravine 1-2
R.I.P.D City of The Damned
Secret Identities
Star Mage
The Star Wars (based on the original script)
Alex + Ada (I own volume one but won't be continuing the series myself. But it is finished.)
Anne Bonnie
Atomic Robo
The Books of Magic (original 90's run, no idea about the new series)
Calvin and Hobbes
Crux: Atlantis Rising
Danger Girl
East of West
Fanboys Vs. Zombies
The Losers
Jupiter Jet
Miracle Man
Splinter Cell Echoes
All Star Superman
Batman Arkham Knight
Batman War Games
Batman War Drums
Batman War Crimes
Batman Year 100
Batman White Knight
Batman Curse of The White Knight
DC Comics Bombshells
Gotham Academy
Earth One Batman
Earth One Green Lantern
Earth One Superman
Earth One Teen Titans
Earth One Wonder Woman
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary
Harley Quinn White Knight
Justice League of America Riddle of the Beast
Justice League: The New Frontier
Kingdom Come
Superman Red Son
Superman Secret Identity
Superman Smashes The Klan
DC ElseWorlds
Green Lantern 1001 Emerald Nights
Green Lantern: Evil's Might 1-3
Superman: Kal
Superman/Batman Alternate History
Stan Lee Green Lantern, JLA, Wonder Woman, The Flash
Fables: Werewolves Of The Heartland
Fables: The Wolf Among Us
Fairest: In All The Land
Jack of Fables
Cinderella From Fabletown With Love
Cinderella Fables Are Forever
1001 Nights of Snowfall
Complete Covers
Jupiter's Legacy
Jupiter's Circle
Lady Mechanika
Lola Wasteland Madame
House of M
Ms. Marvel
Wolverine The End
Wolverine Origins
X-Men The End
Mercy Thompson Moon Called 1
Powers: Bureau
Barb Wire
Brain Boy
Captain Midnight
King Tiger
The Occultist
Secret Files
Sky Man
BloodStain - SFW
SunStone - NSFW
SunStone Mercy - NSFW
Swing - NSFW
Tomb Raider 1-3 (Between Tomb Raider and Rise)
Tomb Raider 1-4 (Between Rise and Shadow)
Tripping Over You
Extra Mini - NSFW
The Unwritten
The Unwritten: The Ship That Sank Twice
I have heard of quite a few of these and seen most of the manga come thru my register at work lol. I can second the Check Please rec (it’s also a webcomic!) and I’ve been reading the newer Books of Magic in the past year or so ironically enough and thought it was fun, was considering fishing some of the 90s out of the dollar bin at a local comic shop but the condition wasn’t good. Calvin and Hobbes is a CLASSIC and I’ve been meaning to get around to Kingsmen cause I enjoyed the movies. DC Bombshells is a GIFT. A Gift. And I adore the Earth One Teen Titans, kinda wished they’d continued it. Kingdom Come is another classic and something I was leant in high school, I was very lucky in high school lol. Lumberjanes is adorable as well! I know you said you weren’t looking to start new stuff but Fence is a good one and has Check Please vibes. The Umbrella Academy is also great when it comes to just weird superhero flavored nonsense. And Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman is a classic for a very good reason. 
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