#gulsah hatun
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awkward-sultana · 6 months ago
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Magnificent Century + Costumes in 1.22: The Fury
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palaceoftears · 3 months ago
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Mahi thinking about how forming a family outside the palace would be :c and Gulsah not being capable of letting go💔. They hsve been together for 10 years after all, she doesn't know better than serving her, Mahidevran IS her family as much as Suleyman and the rest is it for Mahi, and so that's why both master and servant were ready to do anything to keep their beloved ones, which only turned to divide them even more after their actions threatened not only a rival, but also the familiar in question (Mahi putting poison on Suleyman's table, Gulsah risking Mahidevran's position by attacking Gulnihal). The two of them also overstep their respective positions by doing so. Mahidevran, a concubine, requires from Suleyman the loyalty he should have for a wife, Gulsah wants to be valuable for Mahi but also to make decisions for both or them, equaling her humilliation to her sultana's when she's just her servant (maybe she also sees herself as Mahidevran's wife 👀, this dialogue is kind of confirming that atp she can't see herself as someone else's soo). And Mustafa works as some type of union between both Suly-Mahi & Mahi-Gulsah, ofc he's an stronger one for the first pair, he's their son, but I think his care for Gulsah recovering may also have influenced Mahidevran giving her other chance, she's been shown to be a second (or third, shall we make ibro and gulsah compete for the role?) mother for him after all, in certain way that makes all of them family too.
There's also the fact that Gulsah is someone her sultana can rely on, the only one that she could truly trust for so many time, she knows every little facet of hers and I think in a palace where you have to always put a facade on, it must be a relief. That's why this just comes as a sincere wish from Mahidevran (in contrast to later, when she just wants to get rid of her servant by marrying her off), for Gulsah to escape what she can't, and it parallels her letting go off Nergissah, only that this time she accepts Gulsah's useful loyalty and keeps her at her service, while in s4 she reachs that selfless stage for which she can actually send her closest ones away. Same that she wanted to do to the only one that serves her at that point, Fidan, even if the later refuses (and Fidan is another old woman so there's not many chances for her, similar to Sumbul/Hurrem but even w less posibilities since she's as poor as Mahi). But what both scenes share is Mahidevran's idea of family as a salvation from sorrow, a new start that she can't give to neither Gulsah or Nergissah and Fidan.
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During e25 Mahi herself is trapped in a situation she can't do much against, only staying patient untill she explodes later in the season, while, after Mustafa's death, she's already experienced the happiness of the new start of a family, her granddaughter being all it's left from it... An orphan, in the "spring of her youth", sent to an unknown powerful future husband, whose child she could name Mustafa. It is a little similar to Mahidevran's own story, to the untold part of it and what we know of her before Suleyman's accession to the throne, that she took refuge in his love, they became a family, possibly the reason for her to begin again and never mention her past out loud (and seemingly not even remembering it). And with a new family it comes a new identity, makes a lot of sense Nur refers to Suleyman as a paternal figure for Mahidevran, he's the patriarch of the new household she goes to after all, he gives her life a new meaning, she's his "spring rose"/gulbahar and everything she does has to please him (he even says he's "proud" of her when she gives birth to Mustafa). It caught my attention that, as much as she takes on a maternal role during all of Nergissah's life, she also shows a little bit of that side to Gulsah here, who also shapes her identity in relation to Mahi, dedicating her life to make her happy and proud (and, like Plami pointed out here, Gulsah's name meaning forecasts her ambition for more while ties her all the most to her master). For both women, the struggle is they can't make more mistakes since the families they belong to could discard them (Mahi can send Gulsah outside, she sent her to Edirne once, same place Suleyman warns he could exile his haseki to in e23) but can't truly adapt to the new situation either, what they consider their home it's very unstable and it's doomed to break. As a result, Gulsah will eventually change sides and Mahidevran will redirect her efforts to Mustafa, they're going to become traitors, with the difference Mahi will have the opportunity to begin again far from Topkapi, to form another family with her son, even if once again it will prove to be unstable (tho this time not for internal factors between them, but for external ones).
In certain way, Mahidevran is a nomad through all the series, from an unknown place in the past before she was an slave, to wherever she may have gone to be educated, to Manisa's palace, to Topkapi, to Edirne, Topkapi again, Manisa again, to Amasya and later Bursa. And what's important about that for this post is that everytime she tasted the peace and happiness of family she had to lose it, being it via Suleyman falling out of love with her, the sudden deaths of baby Suleyman, Fatma hatun & Ibrahim pasha or by how the Amasya fam was murdered. She could never rely on the security and the simpleness of the family lives she describes to Gulsah and Nergissah. By the end of the show Mahidevran is symbolically an orphan not only of the parents we don't know, also of the men that gave different meanings to her life inside the system, Suleyman and Mustafa. Still, a little bit of her hope survives with Nergissah escaping this life full of suffering and I find it poetic and very telling that, while we see the damage the succession wars are bringing and Suleyman's obsession for loyalty, Mahi is ready to give up all she has (even if little, but she transfers the servants that remain with her to her granddaughter) for Nergissah to find peace in a new home.
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sehzadeselimsblog · 3 months ago
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Los jardines de Topkapi. ✨
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This brown and blue striped kaftan was first worn by as Hürrem Sultan in the sixteenth episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It was worn again by Gülşah Hatun in the third episode of the third season. The kaftan is used again on an unnamed harem member in the thirtieth and Emine Hatun in the fourtieth episode of the same season. The kaftan was seen again on Şehzade Mehmed's wet nurse in the thirty-first episode of the fourth season.
The kaftan was slightly altered by moving the buttons to the right to create a new asymmetrical closure before it was worn again by Topal Pasha's mistress in the second episode of the second season of Magnificent Century: Kösem.
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garnetbutterflysblog · 1 year ago
Gulsah isn’t terribly smart considering she doesn’t realize that Nigar can’t avenge herself (at least directly) on Mahidevran. Mahi is essentially untouchable as the mother of Mustafa and a favorite (former technically but as far as the harem knows, Mahi gets called to the private chamber). She got away with poisoning a pregnant favorite (she and Sumbul pieced it together, no one can convince me otherwise). Why would she get punished for having Nigar assaulted if she got away with sending poison to Suleiman’s table? Mahidevran is too protected but Gulsah, the pawn, is fair game.
Why do I foresee that a lot of innocent, traumatized, kidnapped women are going to die from being used as pawns by the sultanas?
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tianmicons · 7 months ago
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sic-k · 4 months ago
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I just learned how to edit and i spent my entire afternoon doing this. Its my first time watching mc, i'm trying to avoid bigger spoilers to draw my own conclusions.
Hurrem is a tough character, most of the time I wonder why they made her a protagonist (when I get annoyed by all her drama). She is stubborn, vindictive, suspicious, jealous, explosive and disrespectful.
This scene its on E38, she tried to kill Isabella because she had feelings (and sex) with her polygamous man (which it is something that it will always make me laugh), her monogamous christian spirit must be needing a break after living on a Harem, she literally want to destroy everything related romantically to Suleyman.
I used to see that as such childish thing to do, then i remembered E1 when she was sold as a slave - AS A SLAVE -, went through years without knowing nothing about her family - probably dead - AND THEN, the most powerful guy of their times falls in love with her, it's obvious that anyone in her shoes would grab that love with all their strength.
She was thrown into completely new customs and a system totally different from what she knew. Mahidrevan, Ibrahim and Valide has their bizarre aliance that repressed Hurrem - Daye Hatun, Sumbul, Gulsah too as pawns - without pity or mercy.
Valide shouldn't be surprised at all by her rebellious and vengeful way, In this particular episode she (and the other ladys) are expecting an extreme punishment to Hurrem and when it didn't happened they got sooo mad, they just wanted Hurrem gone so they can do nothing and nothing all day long.
In E38, Valide questions Suleyman about the immensity of Hurrem's power and how powerful the influence of this power is on him… He doesn't even give her a concrete answer, not only because he doesn't want to discuss this particular subject with his mom, but because he doesn't even know how to explain what that ruthena does with his heart, this clips above this text shows that, and yeah, I don't buy that when he said to Pargali that he was calm because he already knew where the princess were.
I want to bring more clips of nigar and Ibrahim, let it out my thoughts about this amazing ship but i read something here that told me that theres more coming soooo.....
If you read til here, please apologize the mistakes, i'm 🇧🇷, english its not my first language
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ottomanladies · 5 years ago
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𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙨 : Mehmed II
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muhtesemyuzyilcostume · 4 years ago
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Hatuns promo pics part 3
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awkward-sultana · 8 months ago
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Magnificent Century + Costumes in 1.20: The Irreparable Loss
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palaceoftears · 3 months ago
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kookooki · 3 years ago
so this is how gulsah dies huh 😭 did not expect it
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mc-critical · 2 months ago
Something about Mahidevran offering Nigar to make her a baş kalfa in E23 and Mahidevran letting Nigar keep her position as a treasurer in E59. One being during one of Mahi's lowest points in the series (Gülşah stabbing Gülnihal while aiming for Hürrem behind Mahi's back and Mahidevran beating her for it, with the risk of everyone concluding that Mahi indeed has something to do with the Gülnihal incident constantly looming over, as everything points to her) and the other being during one of Nigar's respectively (Ibrahim rejecting her, Valide finding out about the affair and falling ill because of it, with the risk of everyone else, like i.e. SS, learning about it too constantly looming over, not to mention the whole deal with the pregnancy). One centered around that one thing only the two know for certain and what should be done in order to make it stay between them, and the other having Mahi completely unaware of anything that's happened around Nigar lately, so their meeting isn't even related to that at all. One is almost like a pact that can't help but tie Mahi and Nigar together, with Nigar leaning close to Mahidevran in a way she never had the chance to up until then and Mahidevran trying her damndest to distance herself, to deny the accusations, to not let them get to her until she caves in eventually, while in the other Mahi is the one to attempt to bring Nigar close, deciding it literally at the very second (the way she carefully observed Fatma while Nigar was "resigning", as if to see if she'd be suited for the position, and then moved to Nigar after making up her mind on her being more appropriate) but the distance between them remains almost insurmountable (albeit with that slightly opened door), as both of them reside in their own worlds in that moment. Both scenes culminate the dynamic between Mahi and Nigar but while one culminates their S01 dynamic, with Nigar finally getting that payback on Mahidevran, prevailing over her after all the fear and intimidation, everything she did to her in order to make her loyal, and Nigar's own arc, with her everpresent wants and ambitions finally getting fulfilled, her arriving at a high point, the other culminates their S02 dynamic that had them often in affable terms (because the bulk of their scenes together outside of the aftermath of the Leo's diary debacle featured Nigar being seemingly loyal to Mahi and Mahi 'appealing' to Nigar) and Mahi's own arc, with her newly emerged wants and ambitions finally getting fulfilled, she is the one at a high point. E59-60 still somewhat circle back to Mahidevran and Nigar's earlier dynamic (Nigar once again mentioning being stuck between two sultanas), pointing to how Mahi's endeavors to "make Nigar serve only her" would finally end then and there (and a turning point between Nigar & Hürrem would occur too; the seeds are planted right here, in E59 - Gülşah learning of the pregnancy). Even though Nigar fought hard for the baş kalfa promotion but didn't even expect to stay the treasurer (love how her being the treasurer in these eps brings her the closest to Daye in terms of position, which cannot fail to sign at Daye's own relation to Nigar's story!), she doesn't last long in both positions due to outside factors that interfere during the high-key leadups to the inception and the reveal of Nigar and Ibrahim's affair, having no idea what will occur in the future.
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This green gold dress was first worn by Gülşah Hatun in Magnificent Century. After her exit from the show, it was used again four in the third season. First on an unnamed harem member in the twenty-first episode, then on a guest of Hatice Sultan in the following episode as well as on Rakel Hatun and lastly on another unnamed harem member in the thirty-sixth episode.
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garnetbutterflysblog · 1 year ago
My heart is going out for Mahidevran here. Of course, she doesn’t want to admit that Suleiman refuses to touch her in the biblical sense. She is still in love with this man. Her pride is wounded enough already. I mean, Suleiman is completely justified in not wanting to sleep with her but, she has also been given false hope by those around her.
And now, as a woman who struggled (and considering she’s in her mid-20s at most, still struggling) with infertility, is being confronted with this rumor of being pregnant when she can’t be for multiple reasons. You can’t convince me she’s not still mourning her lost child. And yes, I’m using “child” because that was a wanted pregnancy. This is ripping open that wound and pouring a mixture of salt and lemon juice inside.
And now she has to endure a pelvic exam then the disappointment of the people she holds dear. To Hafsa’s credit, she does try to comfort her afterwards but I don’t think that can erase how excited Hafsa was for Mahidevran to be pregnant and how in her mind it was a foregone conclusion despite Mahidevran and Hatice’s attempts to caution her. Those words of comfort have to just ring hollow after hearing Hafsa’s excitement.
And Hürrem visiting afterwards was petty. I mean, Hürrem almost produces asexually she gets pregnant so easily. One night is all it takes for her. I mean, Mahidevran did gloat about visiting Suleiman to Hürrem on numerous occasions for sheer pettiness but two wrongs don’t make a right. At least, she faked sympathy and acted like she didn’t want to announce her own pregnancy in front of Mahidevran.
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malitasoledad · 7 years ago
Fatih - Bolum 4
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