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the-mindful-traveler · 2 years ago
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Discovering the Beauty of Deserts: Exploring the Wonders of Arid Landscapes
Deserts are often associated with barren and lifeless landscapes, but in reality, they are some of the most diverse and beautiful regions on Earth. From sand dunes to canyons, deserts offer a unique and breathtaking experience for those who venture into them. In this post, we'll explore the beauty of deserts and provide tips for exploring these amazing regions.
Start with the classics: The deserts of the American Southwest, such as the Grand Canyon and Joshua Tree National Park, offer a great introduction to the beauty and diversity of desert landscapes.
Explore lesser-known areas: Deserts cover about one-third of the Earth's surface, and there are many lesser-known regions that offer a unique and breathtaking experience. Examples include the Namib Desert in Africa, the Atacama Desert in South America, and the Gobi Desert in Asia.
Plan for extreme temperatures: Deserts can be extremely hot during the day and very cold at night. Plan accordingly and bring plenty of water and sunscreen to avoid dehydration and sunburn.
Take a guided tour: Guided tours offer a chance to learn about the history and ecology of the desert, as well as explore hard-to-reach areas. Many guided tours also provide off-road vehicles or camels to help navigate the terrain.
Enjoy the stars: The desert offers some of the best stargazing opportunities in the world. Bring a telescope or simply lie on a blanket to marvel at the vast expanse of the night sky.
Respect the environment: The desert environment is fragile, and it's important to respect it. Avoid disturbing wildlife and follow responsible camping and hiking practices to minimize your impact on the environment.
Deserts offer a unique and unforgettable experience for travelers who seek adventure, natural beauty, and cultural immersion. By following these tips, you can discover the wonders of this amazing region.
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zoopupofficial · 2 years ago
Check out this tutorial on How to pay for your work in milestones
on zoopup.
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traveltipo · 3 years ago
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Autumn😍 Best time to visit Dubai. #dubaipass #dubaisafaridesert #dubai #dubaiwithfriends #thingstodoindubaicity #whattodoindubaiattheweekends #whattodoindubai #guidetours #onlinetickets #dubaicamel #dubaiactivities #traveltipo #traveltips #traveltodubai #travelblog #burjkhalifadubai #dubaimall #theyellowboats #unitedarabemirates #uaelife #cestovanie #vyletnici #vylet #urlaub #ausflugsziel #ausflugnachdubai #ausflugstipp #emirateslife🇦🇪 (v místě Dubai, UAE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU4jG9hNJG8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nepaldmc · 5 years ago
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#trekking www.nepaltravelstrek.com Trekking in Nepal is the long hike, perhaps several days or even weeks long. On account of the wide range of geographical features, the country nurtures a variety of vegetation and landscape. In addition to the natural endowments is the rich Himalayan culture. Thousands of visitors trek to different parts of Nepal every year to experiment with its rustic charm of nature and culture.  #hiking #day #daytours #shorttours #shorthiking #easyhiking #tours #travels #himalaya #guidetours #ladyguide #groupchat #grouptours (at Blue Himalaya Tours & Travels P.Ltd.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlVi_-Hj8L/?igshid=wf28sa8fz48d
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chikakoiida · 2 years ago
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メリークリスマス!湯沢は暴風雪のホワイトクリスマスとなりました。今日は本日オープンの神立へ。だんだんと雪も増えてきていい感じです😊 今年のクリスマスプレゼント。スノーシューツアー用に追加購入していた、スノーシューがたくさん届きました!!!キッズ用のかわいいやつも追加して〜♪今シーズンも、たくさんのみなさんと雪山で遊べることにワクワクしながらクリスマスを過ごしています♪ チッカのスノーシューハイキングツアー常時開催しています♪動物の足跡をたどってみ���り雪上ランチをいただいたり。のんびりゆったりの雪山時間をぜひ。 ツアーのご予約はこちらから https://www.officechicka.net/book-online #長野サンライズヒル いつもありがとうございます。 #unitmfg #スノーボード #神立スノーリゾート #マックアース #スノーシューツアー #ガイドツアー #登山ガイド #バックカントリー #チッカ小屋 #japow #snowshoe #guidetour #snowshoing https://www.instagram.com/p/CmmEuTfPHwd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mynetal-blog · 6 years ago
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travelingnomadtranslator · 3 years ago
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Traveling Nomad translator, traveling the world experience. #travelabout #travel_overtheworld #adventure #guidetour https://www.instagram.com/p/CWrtMDcL7VL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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titoalber · 3 years ago
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The Collective > Call the active 11 Àsia Graphic Design Triennale 2021 Korea #dissenygràfic #graphicdesign #poster #posterdesign #exhibition #TheCollecive #TheActiveCall #laNegreta #virtualexhibition #InternatinalCouncilOfDesign #theicod #AsiaGraphicDesignTriennale #AsiaGraphicDesignTriennale2021 #Korea #KECD #GuideTour #collaboration #covid_19 #dissenyadores #designers #Catalunya #Catalonia #typography #tipografia #message #missatge #words #paraules #KoreaEnsembleOfContemporaryDesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGJBfJM8Eaf4G4YD9pMn7OiJyq9AOz10VOZns0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sevillamagicayeterna · 4 years ago
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➡️ DOMINGO 28 de Marzo a las 17:00 h. Duración 2 horas aproximadamente. Descubre con nosotros el fascinante mundo que envolvió los reinados de Carlos V y Felipe II y conoce cómo fue Sevilla bajo sus reinados. Adéntrate con nosotros en el fascinante siglo XVI, que fue la época de esplendor del antiguo Imperio Español. En esta experiencia viajaremos en el tiempo hacia la Sevilla del siglo XVI y recorreremos algunos de los lugares claves de la Sevilla de la época de los Austrias Mayores: Carlos V y Felipe II. Grandes artistas como Diego de Riaño, Juan Bautista Vázquez el Viejo, Hernán Ruiz II o Juan de Herrera y grandes personajes históricos tuvieron a Sevilla como escenario de sus hazañas... Además, conoceremos la mentalidad de aquella época, su arte, algunas de las historias y curiosidades que envuelven aquella época dorada, en contraste con el posterior siglo XVII, donde tan sólo culturalmente destacó España.... Aprenderás miles de curiosidades como estas: ☑️¿Sabías que el Ayuntamiento de Sevilla fue construido con motivo de la boda de Carlos V e Isabel de Portugal? ☑️¿Por qué hay un relieve sobre la Puerta del Perdón representando La Expulsión de los Mercaderes del Templo? ☑️¿Sabes dónde se encuentra la Cruz de los Juramentos? ☑️¿Qué significado tiene la cruz que hay junto al ayuntamiento? ☑️¿Por qué hay inscripciones en la catedral? ☑️¿Por qué la Plaza de San Francisco se llama así y qué ocurrió en el pasado en dicha plaza? ☑️¿Cuál fue el origen del Actual Archivo de Indias? ☑️¿Cuál es el significado de las cadenas que rodean la catedral? -HABRÁ QUE LLEVAR IMPORTE EXACTO DE LA RUTA. (Llevaremos gel hidroalcoholico). RESERVAS por WHATSAPP al 652597915 (No atendemos llamadas) ¡¡Te esperamos!! PRECIO: 10 euros por persona #Sevilla #rutasporSevilla #rutasSevilla #tourguide #guidaturistica #guidedtours #professionals #profesionales #amorpornuestrotrabajo #pasionpormitrabajo #guides #artandhistory #visitaSevilla #visitseville #Sevillacity #Sevillalover #tuguiadesevilla #guiasevilla #guidetour #guidedtours #guiasevilla #turismoentuciudad #turismosevilla #turismoensevilla #disfrutaSevilla https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsccn5B-N0/?igshid=14y98d9a6h68r
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welcome-matsumoto · 4 years ago
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🇬🇧 Wander through the #japan 's largest #wasabifarm and discover all the secrets of the most famous Japanese plants with our #englishspeakingguide ! -------------------------------------- 🇫🇷 Promenez-vous à travers la plus grande ferme de #wasabi du #japon et découvrez tous les secrets de la plus célèbre plante japonaise avec notre #guidefrancophone ! -------------------------------------- 🇯🇵 #welcomematsumoto -------------------------------------- #guide #guides #guidetour #guidetouristique #englishguide #discoverwasabi #wasabifood #japanesefood #japanesefoods #japanesefoodculture #localfood #localfoods #localfoodjapan #japaneselocalfood #gastronomiejaponaise #matsumoto #matsumotocity #azumino #naganoprefecture #discoverjapan #explorejapan #voyageaujapon #beautifuljapan (à Matsumoto, Nagano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAXKtfRBkGm/?igshid=ik0sd1mvclec
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yenthegeuns · 7 years ago
I made a small video/montage :)
(21/01/2018) Today was great! We had a guided tour through Valencia. Very informative! I don’t have photos this time, but I made a small montage/video to summarize our day better :D
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chikakoiida · 2 years ago
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晩秋の谷川岳。今日は朝から滝雲がもくもくもくもく。ザ谷川連峰的な景色の1日でした。山頂付近の草紅葉は見頃、天神峠付近のブナは終盤、田尻尾根中腹より下の森が見頃なので、お天気が良ければ田尻尾根下山もおすすめです。田尻尾根は、雨の後や雨の日は赤土で滑りやすい道なのと川も増水するのでご注意を。 今回のルート>天神平ロープウェイ始発〜山頂駅から登山開始〜オキトマの耳〜冨士浅間神社奥宮〜肩の小屋〜天神峠〜田尻尾根下山 #谷川岳 #tanigawadake #guidetour #ガイドツアー #登山ガイド #紅葉 #谷川冨士浅間神社 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDvfc6vX8s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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holaguide-blog · 7 years ago
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Local Guides
Are you aware that there is availability of the very best local guides? Local guides are now available and are just a tap away. Indeed, once a destination is selected, the luxury of choosing your very own local guide is possible hence allow us to inform you that we can provide you with the very best therefore wherever the destination, avail of a personalized local guide. The icing on the cake is that you can experience a destination like never before and be rest assured that your sightseeing experience will be heightened tenfold
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tourpackagesdelhi · 5 years ago
Take Wonderful Journey to Amritsar Golden Temple
Amritsar, a thriving city is believed to be laid in the year 1574. It is one of the most popular destinations in India that attracts a large number of devotees and tourists every year. Amritsar has been the most visited place in the state of Punjab as it has the world-famous Golden Temple or Harmandir Sahib. In addition to this, this is the holiest shrine of the Sikh community plus a pilgrimage place. More than 1 to 2 lakh devotees and tourists visit the temple every day and pay homage. The devout centers, monuments and historic sites in the city spread their charm on visitors.
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People who are holidaying with their family & friends can easily rent a car and travel with comfort. Taxis and Cabs are one of the best modes of conveyances while exploring the magnificent past, secular culture, superb present and colorful traditions of this blooming city. However, t if you have only one day to explore the city Amritsar, then you have mentioned a few tips and tricks that can help you add fun to your holiday.
1.See The Sunrise At Golden Temple
Whether you are holidaying for one day or 10 days, Golden Temple must be the first thing on your list. If you pick to catch the sunrise at Golden temple, a gorgeous sight greets you. When the first rays of the sun strike the Golden temple, devotion and faith arises and seem like an eternity. A large number of visitors take a dip in the holy water of Amrit Sarovar to wash away their sins.
2. Explore Gurudwara Bibeksar Sahib
It is situated at the banks of Bibeksar Lake and was built by Maharaja Ranjit Singh. A well and 'Guru Ka Langar' were introduced n 1905, which are of great importance to the local people. You can pay a visit to this famous Gurudwara If you are traveling from Delhi.
3. A Trip To Jallianwala Bagh
Jallianwala Bagh reveals the dreadful memory of the massacre that took place in the year 1919. It was built as a memorial to honor the sacrifice of thousands of people who died on a tragic day. With the bullet marks, a well and a wall have been preserved to date.
4. Majestic Display Of Jingoism At Wagah Border
The international borderline between India and Pakistan, Wagah Border is protected by high voltage fencing. Swarna Jayanthi gate is the main entry gate that hosts 'Beating the Retreat' ceremony every day to make the evenings colorful and appealing.
5. Satisfy Your Appetite With Punjabi Food At Golden Temple
Once you have visited offered your prayers to god at the Golden Temple and taken a holy dip in the tank and now give your tummy the first taste of Punjabi food at Golden Temple. Additionally, the temple provides food to thousands of pilgrims every day and provides simple accommodation, which can be easily availed as well.
Whether you are a small family of 4 or 5 people or a group of 12 to 15 people who wish to visit Amritsar, call a tour and travel company for the most affordable Amritsar tour package. You can search online for the same.
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sevillamagicayeterna · 5 years ago
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➡️JUEVES 6 de Agosto a las 21 horas. 8 €. (1 h 45 min). Se trata de un paseo por las principales calles, rincones y plazas del emblemático e histórico barrio de Santa Cruz, que formó parte de la antigua judería de Sevilla. El recorrido estará marcado por increíbles leyendas e historias arraigadas en el acervo popular que nos harán viajar en el tiempo hasta épocas lejanas donde tuvieron lugar historias de amor, traición y mil sentimientos más. Algunas de las leyendas que descibriremos serán la de la calle Pimienta o la de la bella Susona y la antigua calle de la Muerte. Conoceremos la evolución del barrio a lo largo de los siglos y la importancia que ha tenido. Veremos la famosa reja del Diablo y el emblemático balcón de la Rosina. Y además conoceremos la íntima relación que el barrio de Santa Cruz guarda con los personajes literarios de una de las obras más trascendentales de la literatura española: la obra de Don Juan Tenorio. ¡¡Una ruta llena de encanto plagada de miles de curiosidades!! ✴️¿Sabes que en algún rincón de la Plaza de Santa Cruz se hallan los restos de un gran artista vinculado a Sevilla ✴️ ¿Qué famoso personaje se hospedó en el famoso callejón del Agua? ✴️¿Cuál es la razón de la existencia de dos cruces de madera en la estrecha calle Cruces? ✴️¿Sabes que en la Iglesia del Hospital de los Venerables se hallaba una pintura que inspiró un famoso monumento sevillano? ✴️¿Fue Don Juan Tenorio simplemente fruto de la imaginación de Zorrilla o pudo existir realmente? ✴️¿Qué fuerzas ocultas se relacionan con la famosa reja del Diablo? Reservas escribiendo por WHATSSAPP en el 652597915. (No atendemos llamadas). Precio 8 euros. Menores de 10 años 3,50 euros. #Sevilla #rutasporSevilla #rutasSevilla #tourguide #guidaturistica #guidedtours #professionals #profesionales #amorpornuestrotrabajo #pasionpormitrabajo #guides #artandhistory #visitaandalucia #visitaSevilla #visitseville #Sevillacity #Sevillalover #tuguiadesevilla #guiasevilla #guidetour #guidedtours #planesensevilla #guiasevilla #viajaenespaña #viajarasevilla #vacacionesenEspaña #turismoentuciudad #turismosevilla #turismoensevilla #disfrutaSevilla (en Barrio de Santa Cruz (Sevilla)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd72jAHjov/?igshid=5wu1szmvvig8
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letsdiscovericeland · 6 years ago
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It's time !! Let's go for a road trip with @discovericeland4x4 . https://bit.ly/2ZyNFGj  . #Iceland #roadTrip #jeep #guidetour #photography #Travel #FridayFeeling #icelandtrip #icelandtravel #lostiniceland #wheniniceland #followformore #Travelers #wanderers #wanderlust #likemypost #follow https://www.instagram.com/p/By9--Gig6aq/?igshid=kvjoddqzw302
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