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tertiarycorvid · 3 months ago
I F O UGHH5V . R I S KECD MY GOH DAM N E D L I DC F E . a n d f o r q h at ? T h e S A M E H I V E S ??? T h e s a m e l a w n r i ng s , s a n s E V E R Y O N E I C A R E D ABOUT ? A w o r l d w h e r e o bo d y k n o w s m e, b e ca y s e I j u s t v f u v k i n g S H OCW E D U P??? t h e w o r s e b i t i s e v e r y t h i n g e l s e i s tbh e e x a ct g o g dam n s a m e. N o n e o f i t ea nt A N N6BTHING !! T h i s i s n t f u c kni n g " w i n n i n g " .
N o t h i n t e v e r F U C KI NF CH AN GE S
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titoalber · 3 years ago
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The Collective > Call the active 11 Àsia Graphic Design Triennale 2021 Korea #dissenygràfic #graphicdesign #poster #posterdesign #exhibition #TheCollecive #TheActiveCall #laNegreta #virtualexhibition #InternatinalCouncilOfDesign #theicod #AsiaGraphicDesignTriennale #AsiaGraphicDesignTriennale2021 #Korea #KECD #GuideTour #collaboration #covid_19 #dissenyadores #designers #Catalunya #Catalonia #typography #tipografia #message #missatge #words #paraules #KoreaEnsembleOfContemporaryDesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CWGJBfJM8Eaf4G4YD9pMn7OiJyq9AOz10VOZns0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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partnersrelief · 6 years ago
Faith During Hard Times
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Although, water from the river is gone, 
Although, the mountains collapse,
 Although, the light is gone,
 Although, enemies are trying to destroy us in different ways,
 God is the only wonderful God who will show us the light,
 Nothing can destroy us if we believe and put our faith in him
Students sang this meaningful song as they warmly welcomed us.
During our last trip to the GED Learning Center, we had a chance to visit a new small village, Pa Nwe Poe Klo, which was for refugees and families of KNU soldiers who had returned. Villagers who have once been oppressed by war and who have experienced the extremely difficult life living in refugee camps, are now moving to this village in hopes to rebuild a new, peaceful, life with their families. Most of the villagers daily work as laborers in nearby corn fields. There is one middle school there, which was established a year ago and currently has 50 students from kindergarten to grade 8.  Eight volunteer teachers receive food provided by community members. The school uses curriculum provided by Karen Education and Cultural Development (KECD) and the language of instruction is Karen. These teachers come far away from their homes with hope and passion to provide education to children who are in need. The school building was built with bamboo and wood found by the community members themselves in the nearby forest. The school lacks adequate textbooks, teaching materials, and other facilities. In some classes, only one student may attend and the teacher still continues to teach running the class as normal. Still, they try their best to share their knowledge with a few resources they have and share the love of God with others. I felt overwhelmed by how united Karen leaders and community members are and along with their faith in God they are trying their best to provide education for the younger generation, which they believe will be the greatest weapon against their enemy and the greatest tool for the development of Karen society despite having many difficulties and countless obstacles.
The Bible says:
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
Psalm 46:1-3
Spring Song works as the GED program assistant under Partners Education Department.
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alabama-connected · 6 years ago
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush...
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush…
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush CC | Adobe Creative Cloud on @YouTube
Via Adobe Creative Cloud Subscribe: LET’S CONNECT Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and…
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tennesseeconnected · 6 years ago
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush...
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush…
New video – Share your videos on social media with Premiere Rush CC | Adobe Creative Cloud on @YouTube
Via Adobe Creative Cloud Subscribe: LET’S CONNECT Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world’s best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and…
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listeliyi · 8 years ago
via İşıq qəbzi azərbaycanlı məşhuru ŞOKA SALDI, “Azərişıq” hərəkətə KEÇDİ - FOTO http://ift.tt/eA8V8J “Bu gün aldığım elektrik bildirişinə əsasən, 94,37 AZN məbləğində işıq pulu ödəməliyəm. Məbləğin çoxluğundan şübhələnib sayğacı yoxladım. Məlum oldu ki, 387 kv əvəzinə 967 kv enerji sərfiyyatı yazılıb”. Bu barədə tanınmış şair, yazar Sayman Aruz sosial şəbəkədə sayğacının və bildirişin şəklini paylaşaraq bundan şoka düşdüyünü yazıb. “Yəni göstərilən limitdən artıq pul ödətdirmək üçün 580 kv artıq enerjinin istifadəsi göstərilməlidir. Maraqlıdır ki, bildirişdə son göstərici 54924 kv olduğu halda sayğacdakı istifadə 54344 kvdır. Limitdən artıq olan hissə 11 qəpikdən olduğu üçün 580 kv artıq yazaraq bir növ açıq aşkar əhalini aldadaraq oğurluq edirlər”, - deyə, o bildirib. Elektrik və təbii qazdan istifadəyə görə limit müəyyən ediləndən sonra bu sahədə problemlər də aktuallaşıb. Abonentin “Azərişıq” ASC-nin Yasamal rayon şöbəsi əməkdaşlarından narazılığını və problemini qurumun mətbuat katibi Tanrıverdi Mustafayevə çatdırdıq. Tanrıverdi Mustafayev Publika.az-a abonentin məlumatlarını operativ araşdırdıqdan sonra problemin əməkdaşlarının sayğacın son göstəricisinin oxunmasında səhvə yol verməsindən qaynaqlandığını bildirdi: “Təkrar əməkdaşımız həmin abonentin mənzilinə gedərək sayğacın son göstəricisini dəqiqləşdirib, yeni bildiriş təqdim edərək öz səhvini düzəldib. Bu halla əlaqələr “Azərişıq” ASC sədri də məlumatlandırıldı. Və sədrimiz belə səhvlərə yol vermiş əməkdaşların ciddi cəzalandırılması, hətta işdən azad olunması göstərişini verdi. Belə problemlərlə qarşılaşan abonentlərimizdən bir daha xahiş edirik ki, “Azərişıq” ASC-nin 199 saylı cağrı mərkəzi, Region və Rayon Enerji Təchizatı və Satışı İdarə və şöbələrinə müraciət etsinlər. Müraciətlər qısa zamanda araşdırılıb, həllini tapacaq”.
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partnersrelief · 3 years ago
An Inside Look: Excerpts From Partners’ Project Reports: Karen Education Projects
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Karen Education Projects: January-June 2021
Over the next weeks, we will be amplifying the voices of the IDPs and refugees we work alongside on our social media and breaking down our project reports in an ongoing blog series. Enjoy, and we hope this series encourages you in the knowledge that love in action, no matter how small the step may seem, makes a difference in the lives of children and families. May we walk in this hope together.
For more context, you can read our first blog post in this series here
(Cover Photo: Children at a Karen nursery)
Where We Are
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Our project area is in:
Karen State, Myanmar
Along the Thai-Myanmar Border
Mae Sot, Thailand
Why We’re There
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(Photo: Students at a SAFE school site)
Current and past political, social, and economic hardships endured by Karen communities severely limit the capacity of the community to support their teachers, students, and schools. Even before the military coup, the Myanmar government has not provided support for them.
Poor health, lack of food, security issues, and general poverty all contribute to poor student performance and low school attendance. 
Many students have little or no access to schools that are safe to attend. Schools have been frequently destroyed over the decades of unrest in Karen State and many villages still have landmines on the footpaths to school. 
In light of recent steps taken by the Thai Government to repatriate refugees living in the camps along the Thai-Myanmar border, there is an even greater need to prepare for the provision of educational opportunities to children who will be moved out of the camp areas and into villages in Karen State.
As families in Myanmar have been forced to flee from the junta, many schools have been forced closed or destroyed and children's access to education has been disrupted. Because of this, our boarding homes have received more students this year as hundreds of children and young people are seeking a place for further education and safety.
Looking for more information? For the complete report, you can email us at [email protected].
What We Did
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(Photo: Students at a the CARE school site receiving hygiene packs and masks)
Total # of People Directly Helped from January - June 2021: 2,453 people
Total Number of Students Helped from January - June 2021:  2,279 people (2,001 of whom are children)
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We have 6 sub-projects under the Karen education Project: the CARE project, SAFE project, Community School Support project, Early Childhood project, Bible School Support project, and the GED project. 
The CARE (Compassions and Assistance for Refugee Education) Project:
The CARE project provides safe spaces for children at four boarding homes in Mae La refugee camp along the Thai-Myanmar border. The children who stay at the boarding homes either do not have relatives in the camp or are orphans. We provide monthly financial support for the boarding homes to buy nutritious food and other needed items for the children and caregivers as well as monthly subsidies for the caregivers.
The SAFE (Sustainable Agriculture for Education) Project:
Partners supports six boarding homes located in three districts of Karen State, Myanmar. This SAFE program is administered from the Mae Sot Field Office and support is provided to the homes to cover food and meals, warm clothes, blankets, mosquito nets, menstrual hygiene kits, and general hygiene packs. We provide training in animal husbandry, organic farming, and financial literacy. This project is designed to promote and educate the participants in how to make a sustainable income to meet the dormitories’ needs.
Community School Support project:
As a part of the Community School project, Partners assisted community schools with board examinations and school renovations in Karen State through collaboration with KECD. Due to the pandemic and Myanmar’s internal conflict, we could not hold training sessions for our teachers as we planned. Every year we try to provide further education for our teachers in both their subject material and teaching methods.
Early Childhood project:
The Early Childhood project is made up of four bustling Nursery Schools located in three districts of Karen State, Myanmar. The financial support provided by Partners covers the Nursery Schools expenses for meals, school supplies, personal hygiene items, and the teachers’ salaries. Partners also opened a shop to help provide sustainable support for one of the nursery schools.
Bible School Support project:
Four Bible schools are open for students in the Karen Refugee Camps along the Thai - Myanmar border, as a part of this project. The Bible School Support Project provides monthly financial support for maintenance costs, food, and kitchen supplies for the students. Thirty-six students graduated from the four Bible schools in 2021. Some of them returned to Myanmar to work as teachers and others are working in their churches doing ministry in their communities.
The General Education Development (GED) project:
The General Education Development (GED) program provides educational opportunities for marginalized students from refugee camps around the Thai-Myanmar border and Karen State, Myanmar. It is designed for students who do not have access to tertiary education or further study. Through partnerships between Partners, KECD, and KRCEE, the program trains students to successfully pass the GED official test. Under this program, Partners provides educational opportunities, food support, hygiene packs, first aid, living and accommodation resources, teaching and learning materials, local teacher stipends, and volunteer teachers.
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(Photo: Students’ birthday celebration at a CARE school site)     
Your Part 
Through the difficulties of this last year, as the Karen people have dealt with the pandemic and a violent military coup, we have seen the students and teachers display incredible courage and tenacity. When students were forced to flee into the jungle, classes often still took place on the jungle floor or, where possible, temporary school buildings were erected in their hideouts so the children of the community could continue learning. We are humbled by their examples of fierce hope in the midst of devastating circumstances and are so thankful for the ways that you have supported these children’s access to education alongside us. 
To learn more about the Karen people and our work alongside their communities, you can watch this and visit here.
To support education initiatives and provide critical relief supplies to the people of Myanmar, you can donate here. 
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