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考古学ジャポニストは、長野県のさまざまな古墳を見ることができる一連の日本の原史時代に歓迎されています。 古墳はすべて松本市にありますので、安心して始めましょう。 - 私が最初に紹介する墓は高望山と呼ばれていますが、どの時期に建てられたのですか? 誰が埋葬されたのですか?古墳は西暦3世紀から4世紀にまでさかのぼります。古墳の大きさは66メートルで、1974年に考古学調査が行われました。 - 彼は現在、いくつかの考古学的発掘調査の真っ最中です。ニュースを知ったら、それをお届けします。 現時点では、誰が埋葬されたかは不明です。 よろしくお願いします。次の章でお会いしましょう。 - 心からのご挨拶と、よろしければ読んでいただきありがとうございます。コメントして共有し、より多くの人が日本の小さな作品を手に入れられるようにしてください。 - Archaeological Japonists are welcome to a series of Japanese protohistory, in which we will see different burial mounds of the Nagano prefecture. All the burial mounds are located in the city of Matsumoto, with that being said, make yourself comfortable, let's begin. - The first tomb that I present to you is called Koboyama. In what period was it built? Who was buried in it? The burial mound dates back to the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. The dimensions of said burial mound are 66 meters and in the 1974 decade archaeological studies were carried out. - He is currently in the middle of some archaeological excavations, when I know any news I will bring it to you. At the moment it is not known who was buried. I hope you like it and see you in the next chapter. - Cordial greetings and thanks for reading it if you liked it, comment and share so that more people take a little piece of Japan.
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pix4japan · 3 months ago
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Rust Red Patina and Chatsubomi Moss of Oshidori-Kakushi Falls 錆びた石とチャツボミゴケ・おしどり隠しの滝
Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 06:49・2024/09/11 Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP 28 mm ISO 100 for 1/4 sec. at ƒ/11
Oshidori-Kakushi Falls, nestled in Yokoya Gorge, is a hidden gem known for its mineral-rich springs. The waters flowing through the gorge are rich in iron carbonate, which oxidizes upon contact with the air, painting the rocky riverbeds in a reddish-brown hue.
In the gorge’s acidic waters, you'll find chatsubomi moss, a velvety green carpet that contrasts beautifully with the rust-colored rocks. The falls themselves cascade gracefully, adding a touch of tranquility to the vibrant landscape.
This stunning palette of colors and textures makes Oshidori-Kakushi Falls a must-visit spot for photographers and nature lovers alike!
Full write-up and references (1-minute read): https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240911-falls3
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calmingram · 8 months ago
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A tranquil stream winds through a traditional Japanese village, nestled amidst lush greenery in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
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djsanconjapan · 1 year ago
白馬 Hakuba Tour まとめておきます😎☝️
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pabel10 · 2 years ago
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hi-technique · 2 years ago
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brylee-w · 3 years ago
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I needed to come back to the 100 year old cedar tree corridor in the winter to see the difference. I loved it more! I never thought of myself as a winter person but Japan may have changed my mind. . . . . . #nagano #naganoprefecture #naganoprefecture #nagano_japan #winterinjapan (at Nagano Prefecture, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaW-td4hMpt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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akihiro-sun · 4 years ago
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2021/04/03撮影。小布施中学校にある「ユキヤナギ」です。 #小布施 #小布施町 #長野県 #ユキヤナギ #obuse #naganoprefecture #japan #fujifilm #fujifilm_xseries #xh1 (小布施中学校) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNOgehyh6GE/?igshid=1xprhmftz76ah
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brunapiig · 5 years ago
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alyaly · 6 years ago
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Can you hear the autumn fairy’s voices ✨✨✨ #japan #autumn #waterfall #naganoprefecture https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLQNwcFf17/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lbydnqsjlmjc
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aradxan · 2 years ago
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Capítulo 2: El camino hacia el enigma - Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos, al siguiente capítulo de las ruinas Weda en el capítulo anterior estuvimos hablando de donde se localiza el asentamiento, cuáles son los ríos que lo rodean el emplazamiento, de cuando data el mismo y cuando se empezó a cultivarse el arroz. También comentamos que había misterios desde los periodos Yayoi tardío al Kofun, ya que había pocos asentamientos continuos, pero sí que hay del periodo Heian. - La primera prospección fue llevada a cabo en 2013, dichos resultados no arrojaron luz suficiente a los restos para una mayor comprensión del asunto expuesto. Habría que esperar a la segunda para qué arroja nuevas esperanzas, la cual se descubrieron restos de viviendas en foso del siglo IX d.c¿Qué se encontraron? Los restos que salieron fueron los siguientes: Un horno de herrería, con una estufa de cocina, ambos restos arqueológicos fueron tanto como un taller y una residencia. - También se encontró una fosa con una zanja que rodeaba el asentamiento, se ha excavado un producto de cobre con forma de pájaro la fecha y el propósito de su elaboración no está resuelto, todavía esperemos que próximos estudios arrojen luz a los restos y al yacimiento. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de arqueología e historia de Japón. - 第2章:謎への道 - 日本の考古学者の皆さん、ウェダ遺跡の次の章へようこそ. 前の章では、集落がどこにあるのか、その場所を囲む川は何か、稲作が始まったのはいつから、いつ始まったのかについて話しました.弥生時代後期から古墳時代にかけての謎���あり、連続した集落は少ないが、平安時代のものはある。 - 最初の調査は 2013 年に実施されましたが、これらの結果は、露出した物質をよりよく理解するのに十分な光を遺物に当てはめませんでした。新たな希望を与えてくれる第二の発見を待つ必要があり、西暦 9 世紀の堀の住居跡が発見されました。出てきた遺跡は次のとおりです。 鍛冶屋のオーブン、キッチンストーブ、両方の考古学的遺跡はワークショップと住居の両方でした. - 集落を取り囲む溝付きの穴も発見され、鳥の形をした銅製品が発掘されましたが、その精緻化の年代と目的は解決されていません。とサイト。 - あなたがそれを気に入ってくれて、日本の考古学と歴史の将来の出版物でお会いできることを願っています. - Chapter 2: The path to the enigma - Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to the next chapter on the Weda ruins. In the previous chapter we were talking about where the settlement is located, what are the rivers that surround the site, when it dates back and when rice began to be cultivated. We also commented that there were mysteries from the late Yayoi to the Kofun periods, since there were few continuous settlements, but there are from the Heian period. - The first survey was carried out in 2013, these results did not shed enough light on the remains for a greater understanding of the matter exposed. We would have to wait for the second one to shed new hope, in which remains of moat dwellings from the 9th century AD were discovered. What were they found? The remains that emerged were the following: A blacksmith's oven, with a kitchen stove, both archaeological remains were both a workshop and a residence. - A grave with a ditch that surrounded the settlement was also found, a copper product in the shape of a bird has been excavated, the date and purpose of its production is not resolved, we still hope that future studies will shed light on the remains and the site. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications on archeology and history of Japan.
ソース写真/source photo:https://naganomaibun.or.jp/research/east/和田遺跡・和田1号塚/
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pix4japan · 3 months ago
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Touched by the Warmth of Dawn’s Light・「夜明けの青々とした木々が温かな朝日を浴びて黄金色に」
Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan Timestamp: 08:04・2024/09/11 Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter ISO 320 for 1/550 sec. at ƒ/2.8 Provia/Standard film simulation
Earlier, I captured photos of Mishaka-Ike Pond during blue hour, right before my border collie and I ventured off to explore the nearby waterfalls. A couple of hours later, we returned, curious to see how the golden morning light would transform the scene.
Unlike the stillness of dawn, when the pond's surface was as smooth as glass, the air now stirred slightly, creating soft ripples that broke the mirror-like reflections of the surrounding woodlands. The scene had shifted from the cool tones of blue, teal, and turquoise to warmer hues of golden lime, olive, and yellow—an entirely different palette.
Full write-up and reference for further reading (1-minute read) with access details by car: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20240911-pond3
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tanukiboya · 2 years ago
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「土門拳記念館コレクション展 土門拳-肉眼を超えたレンズ-」は、展示室内の解説のバナーや作品のキャプションもデザイン。ポスターからの流れで、白、黒、赤の3色を基調としたシンプルなモノ。 市内出身の荻原守衛の彫刻を写した作品群(4枚目)は、安曇野市豊科近代美術館のみで展示されてるノダ。 写真提供:安曇野市豊科近代美術館 #土門拳 #安曇野市豊科近代美術館 #土門拳記念館 #荻原守衛 #安曇野 #長野 #美術館 #展覧会 #写真展 #石川陽春 #デザイン #kendomon #azuminomunicipalmuseumofmodernarttoyoshina #kendomonmuseumofphotography #morieogiwara #azumino #naganoprefecture #museumofart #exhibition #photoexhibition #ishikawakiyoharu #design (安曇野市豊科近代美術館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwNJmVrrjD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hi-technique · 2 years ago
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brylee-w · 3 years ago
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One of the worst snowfalls in a long time and I go to Hakuba. I didn't get to do the yoo hoo swing because of it, but I still got to have the time of my life. . . . . . #hakubavalley #hakubamountainharbor #hakuba #nagano #naganoprefecture #naganojapan (at Nagano Prefecture, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaQUjYjhZW6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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