#guess I'll read mirage in the mean time
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inkling0121 · 1 year ago
So Ive started reading Usagi Yojimbo and yeah he is heavily mischaracterized in the tmnt fandom, idk about his descendent yet cause I havent seen his show but- wow
Also sidenote I seriously love this dork, almost every story is "I am not involved in this situation, I shall leave it be" *gets involved in the situation*
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imaginespazzi · 7 months ago
Part 7: In All My Victories
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Masterlist - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14
Somebody said you got a new friend (But does she love you better than I can?)
(In which a writer in an EST timezone uses the PST timezone to announce that technically she's still meeting the deadline)
Pairing: Paige Bueckers X Azzi Fudd
Themes: Angst, Fluff, Jealousy
Words: 6.5K
TW: Swearing, Toxic Relationships
A/N: Hello my lovelies! Listen it's past midnight here but it's only around 9 pm in California which is where most of this fic is set so TECHNICALLY I am still meeting my deadline. This chapter is kind of a filler (and I guess that's why I don't love it) because it was gonna be about ~3K longer with another scene but it was either a longer chapter or a Monday chapter and I feel like y'all would prefer a Monday chapter. I have not edited this yet because I simply just don't have the energy to so pretty please point out my errors as you read so I can use them when I edit some time tomorrow. There's probably other stuff I need to say but I'm feeling oddly delirious right now so I'll just end with the usual. Let me know what you liked, what you disliked and what you'd like to see next. Have a lovely rest of your week my loves <3
March 2033
Paige wakes up to a stream of sunlight tapping at her eyelids and someone’s soft breath tickling against her nose. She can feel a tiny hand pressed against her chest -right above her heart- and the weight of another person’s fingers intertwined against her own. The room is silent with the exception of the clock ticking on the wall and the perfectly harmonized breathing of the other people in the room. Stephie and Azzi. And Paige is scared to open her eyes, scared to move even an inch, scared that if she does either of those things, her dreamlike reality will prove to be nothing but a hopeless mirage. 
It had taken Paige a moment last night to really register what was happening around her. Dazedly, she had followed Azzi up the stairs into the guest room. She’d watched, albeit unhelpfully, as Azzi had searched out extra pillows, setting up the queen-sized bed so it could fit three people instead of it’s regular duo. It hadn’t sunk in even as Paige had slowly gotten herself ready for bed, finding herself in one of Azzi’s old oversized t-shirts suddenly overwhelmed with how much she’d missed falling asleep embraced in the scent of the younger woman’s favorite lavender and eucalyptus deodorant. Even as she’d made her way back from the bathroom and found Stephie beaming at her from where she was curled into Azzi’s side on bed, Paige still felt like she was simply just watching everything from a facetime call, like she had been while back in Dallas. It wasn’t until Stephie’s bedtime story was finished and the lights were turned off, when Azzi’s hand finally captured hers underneath the comforter and squeezed gently, that it finally clicked for Paige. 
Azzi had asked her to stay over.
Azzi had promised she wouldn’t run away. 
And as Paige finally lets eyes flutter open, blinking to adjust to the light, she breathes out a sigh of relief at the sight of a promise kept. 
Propping herself onto her elbow, she lets herself take in the view of the two people still sound asleep next to her. Paige isn’t a morning person by any means -rarely is she the first person to wake up- but she thinks if this was what she could open her eyes to every time, getting up could become her favorite part of the day. 
It’s uncanny how similar Azzi and Stephie are while sleeping. The little girl’s grip on Paige’s shirt is almost as strong as the tight hold her mother has on Paige’s hand. It’s like they’re trying to reel Paige into their world and keep her there forever, like even if she let go, they wouldn’t let her. There’s an air of contentedness on Azzi’s face as she snuggles closer to her daughter and Stephie has a soft smile at being cocooned in the protection of her mother’s arms. And Paige’s whole body aches a little bit because this bed they’re on is definitely not made for three people, but it’s nothing in comparison to the way her heart feels like it might burst from this feeling of and maybe this is how i become whole again. 
She presses a kiss against Stephie’s forehead and rubs her thumb against the back of Azzi’s hand before carefully detaching herself from the duo and slipping out of bed. The whole house is still clearly asleep as Paige lethargically brushes and then begins to make her way down the stairs. Her eyes gloss over the pictures placed across the stairwell until they fixate on one that has her in it. It’s an image taken after one of many water fights they’d had at the Fudd household during a hot summer day. Life had been so simple back then when it was water and not bullets that they shot at each other. 
Five drenched children are beaming at the camera. Jon and José are posed in some ridiculous stance, their water guns pointed at the camera. Paige, par for the course, is flexing, a far too cocky smirk dancing on her lips because she’d probably won the game (even if nobody else agreed). And then there’s Drew and Azzi. There’s a familiar pang in Paige’s chest as she brushes her fingers over her little brother’s exuberant smile. He’s latched onto the brunette’s back, a blue water balloon in his hand, as Azzi uses one hand on his hip to keep Drew in place and uses her other one to hold a pink water balloon of her own. The Fudds -Azzi- had been as big of a constant in Drew’s life as they had been in Paige’s and she wonders now, as she thinks back to her little brother’s irritation with her joining the Valkyries, if he’d ever forgive her and Azzi for taking that away from him. 
“Oh hey good morning,” Tallulah says as Paige lets herself into the kitchen, blanching slightly at the sight of the other woman. 
“Good morning,” Paige greets, pouring herself a glass of water as she takes a seat at the island, “guessing you’re making pancakes?”
Tallulah nods with a grin, “Stephie’s orders you know.”
“Ah of course,” Paige laughs, “can’t defy the queen.”
She watches as Tallulah prances around the hardwood floor, grabbing bowls and ingredients, like it’s her kitchen and Paige can’t help the twinge of envy that blooms in her bloodstream. It used to be her. She used to know the Fudd’s kitchen -the whole house- like the back of her hand because really, like Katie always said, it was her home too. But she doesn’t quite know this place, couldn’t tell you where to find the sugar or where the utensils were kept and that stings more than she’d expected. It spirals Paige into the thought that she wouldn’t know any of those things at Azzi’s own house either. And suddenly she’s struck by the reminder that two people who’d once promised to build a world together, had spent the last couple of years, building two separate ones instead. 
“Hey,” Tallulah breaks Paige out of her trance, “you good.”
Paige musters up a smile, “yeah- yeah of course. Just- just thinking a lotta things I guess.”
“They’ve all missed you, you know,” Tallulah says softly, “they try not to do it too much around Azzi but it’s always ‘oh Paige would’ve loved this’ or ‘did you catch that bucket Paige made last night’. And whenever the Wings were playing here, it was a no-brainer that they would go.”
“Yeah?” tears prickle against the blonde’s waterline. 
“Yeah,” Tallulah confirms, “Tim lowkey lost his mind before you got here last night. Poor man was running all over the place making sure things were good. Katie thought it was pretty hilarious.”
Paige lets out a watery laugh, “that sounds like them-”
“Miss Buecks,” a tiny voice interrupts her before she can say anything and Paige whirls around to see a teary-eyed Stephie looking at her from the last step of the staircase, her bottom lip trembling and panic courses into Paige’s bloodstream
“Stephie,” she practically trips over herself as she rushes to fold the little girl into her arms, “sweetheart what’s wrong?”
Stephie nestles herself into the blonde’s neck, mumbling something incoherent as she holds Paige impossibly tight. 
“Stephie,” Paige whispers frantically, concern dripping from her voice, “tell Miss Buecks what’s wrong please. I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me sweetheart.”
“Thought you left,” Stephie confesses finally, keeping her head burrowed against Paige’s shoulder, “you weren’t next to me when I woke up. Got scared.”
“Oh honey,” Paige whispers, as she gently coaxes the little girl’s head out from the crook of her neck so she can cup her face, “I’m right here. I wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”
Stephie’s quiet for a second, hiccoughing to herself as she searches for something on Paige’s face before she holds out a pinky, “promise you’ll never leave?” 
Paige hesitates, the words sitting heavy on the tip of her tongue. It’s not that she doesn’t want to but Paige has learned first-hand about the fragility of the future, about how true the cliché about time changing in the blink of an eye can be. Because the truth is that it’s not just Azzi who’s scared. Paige is terrified. She’d drowned in this ocean once before and as she tries to swim in it again, she can’t quite find it in herself to shed her life-jacket by making an oath that she can’t guarantee to protect from the dangerous tides of circumstance.
And so she hopes it’s enough for Stephie as she caresses the little girl’s cheeks and says, “I promise I’ll try to stay.”
“Okay,” Stephie says softly and Paige lets out a sigh of relief, “I trust you Miss Buecks.”
Paige smiles, giving the little girl a kiss on the cheek before hoisting her up onto her lap, “did you wake your Mama up?”
“No. She’s still snoring,” Stephie giggles. 
Paige laughs, tucking that little tidbit away to tease Azzi with later, “how about you and I go get your Mama her favorite coffee?”
“Oh that’s nice,” Tallulah chirps from where she’s still standing in the kitchen, “go get coffee of course. Why would anyone stay here and help me?”
“Go ask uncle José,” Stephie shoots the younger woman an unamused look, “isn’t that what husbands are for?”
Paige stifles a grin as Tallulah narrows her eyes, waving her whisk menacingly at Stephie, “he’s not my husband yet and you watch it missy or maybe I won’t let you be a flower girl at the wedding.”
“Your wedding would be boring without me,” Stephie scoffs, “besides Aunty Tully, we’ll get you a drink too. Uncle José always says you drink vod-ka, too much of it app-ently, but I don’t know what that is,” she turns to Paige who’s gone bright red in attempt to stop herself from keeling over with laughter, “can we get vod-ka for Aunty Tully?”
Paige tries her best to compose herself, “maybe we’ll just get her a latte and save the vodka for later huh Tulls?”
Tallulah glares at her, flipping her off when Stephie’s gaze shifts towards the door, “just go get the coffee Bueckers.”
Not that she didn’t know it before, but Paige quickly realizes just how similar Stephie is to her mother while they’re standing in front of the bakery portion of the coffeeshop and it’s been ten minutes and Stephie still hasn’t decided which sweet treat she’d like. 
 “Stephie sweetheart,” Paige says, only slightly impatient, “how about the double fudge brownie?”
“That sounds good,” Stephie says excitedly and then her eyes dart towards the cinnamon bun in the corner, “or maybe the ninnamon bun- no wait- Aunty Tully’s gonna put ninnamon in the pancakes so maybe something else. Ooooh maybe a cookie but which one?”
Paige groans to herself as Stephie busies herself looking at the assortment of freshly baked cookies. The old woman over the counter, wearing a name tag saying Ruthie, shares a commiserating smile with her. 
“My daughter was like that too at that age. Couldn’t make a decision to save her life,” Ruthie says, a fond look in her eyes while talking about her child. 
Paige smiles, “did she ever grow out of it?”
“Well considering we went out to dinner last night and she couldn’t pick between the pepperoni and the sausage, I don’t think they really grow out of it,” Ruthie winks and Paige can’t help but think about Azzi and the way she’d struggled to pick out what to wear to bed last night, staring helplessly between two shirts that practically looked the same. 
“Oh I know that look,” Ruthie says, eyes twinkling at the hopeless smile on Paige’s face, as she tilts her head towards Stephie, “you’re thinking about her mother huh?”
“That obvious?” Paige blushes. 
Ruthie shrugs, “what is love if it can’t be seen by everyone?”
Love. The word seeps into Paige’s veins, traveling up her bloodstreams until it claws its way into her heart, settling against her ribcage like a rock so that when she breathes, it’s all she can feel. It’s too soon, she knows, and it defeats the purpose of going slow except- it’s not soon at all. Because this isn’t a new feeling, it’s a far too familiar old one that she’d buried as deep within her as possible but is now yearning to get out. It had never gone away, simply lingered in the back of her mind just waiting for this moment. And if she’s honest with herself, Paige doesn’t know if she should fight against it or let herself ride the waves of the before that are desperate to crash against the shore of now. 
“Miss Buecks,” Stephie whines, “come help me choose.”
Shooting Ruthie an apologetic look and ignoring the pit in her stomach at the elder woman’s words, Paige walks over and bends down to the little girl’s height, “how about a chocolate chip cookie?”
“Boooooring,” Stephie crinkles her nose. 
“Peanut butter?”
“I’m ���lergic to nuts Miss Buecks,” Stephie says matter-of-factly and Paige pencils that important fact into her mind’s ever growing list of all about Stephie.
“Salted caramel crunch?” 
“That sounds good,” Stephie nods, “yeah I’ll get that,” she says as she turns to Ruthie, “could I get a salted car-mel crunch cookie please?” but Paige doesn’t miss the wistful look she sends towards the rest of the cookies. 
“Do you want me to get you one of each?”
And she’s absolutely going to get a disapproving glare from Azzi when she shows back up at the Fudd’s with almost a dozen cookies in hand but it’s worth it for the way Stephie immediately latches onto her thigh, a dazzling smile lighting up her whole face. 
“You’re best-est-est-est Miss Buecks,” Stephie squeals, staring up at Paige with delight. 
“I know,” Paige smirks, “and you better protect me from your Mama when we get back.”
Stephie nods very seriously, “of course Miss Buecks. I’ll protect you with my life.”
Paige ruffles the younger girl's hair before turning to Ruthie who’s grinning at her, “one of every flavor of cookie you have please. Except anything that has nuts.”
“Coming right up,” Ruthie winks at Paige, “your daughter has you wrapped around her little finger huh?”
And maybe Paige should at least attempt to correct the misconception but as Stephie clings to her just a little bit tighter, she can’t find it in herself to say anything but, “yeah, yeah she does.”
“Next time you kidnap my daughter, can you at least send me a text?” Azzi says, a grin on her lips as she opens the door to let Paige and Stephie enter back into the Fudd household. 
“Good morning Mama,” Stephie says happily, launching herself into her mother’s arms and placing a sloppy kiss against her cheek. 
“Morning sunshine,” Azzi laughs, “you seem giddy this morning.”
“Miss Buecks bought me six-teen cookies and she let me eat two of them while we were dri-” Stephie pauses mid ramble, eyes widening as she dramatically slaps a hand over her mouth. 
Paige groans as a glare overtakes Azzi’s previously smiling features, “Steph what happened to protecting me?”
“It was an aksy-dent Miss Buecks I’m sorry,” Stephie whimpers, hurriedly cupping her mother’s face, “please don’t be angry at Miss Buecks, Mama. It was my idea.”
Azzi rolls her eyes, “I bet it was. But if you already had two cookies, you must be full? I guess that means no pancakes for you-”
“Miss Buecks forced me to eat the cookies,” Stephie cuts her off and Paige gasps at the betrayal, “not full at all Mama because you can’t get full unless you like what you eat and I didn’t like those cookies at all. So I neeeeeeed pancakes.”
“Traitor,” Paige hisses at the little girl who shrugs sheepishly. 
Stephie shoots her an apologetic smile as Azzi hides a grin against her daughter’s hair, “I’m sorry Miss Buecks but I really, really want pancakes. I’ll die if I don’t get pancakes.”
“Okay drama queen,” Azzi chides fondly as she puts Stephie back on the ground, “go get your pancakes,” and then she rounds onto Paige with a patented glare. 
“I got you an iced vanilla latte with extra whipped cream,” Paige says before the younger woman can say anything, practically shoving the cold drink into her hand. 
“Sixteen cookies? Paige seriously?” Azzi asks, eyebrows raised as she sips at her coffee. 
“You didn’t see her Az,” Paige defends, “she looked so sad when she couldn’t decide.”
“Just because she looks sad doesn’t mean you buy her every single cookie to make her happy,” Azzi shakes her head exasperatedly. 
“I’d buy her the whole shop if that’s what would make her happy,” Paige says, sincerity weaved throughout every word of the sentence. 
“You would, wouldn’t you?” Azzi says softly, a hint of awe in her voice, “you’re kind of a sap Paige Bueckers.”
“Only for you and your daughter Azzi Fudd,” Paige whispers, leaning her head against the younger woman’s temple, “only for the two of you.”
They stand there like that, barely touching beyond their foreheads, yet basking in a certain kind of intimacy that they’ve only ever found with each other. The thing is, Paige’s senses are always heightened, every part of her always alert of what’s going around her. Except when she’s with Azzi. When she’s with Azzi she can let the noise fade to the background and let everything else become a blur and simply just be with Azzi. When she’s with Azzi, she doesn’t have to worry; doesn’t have to have her sword out ready for battle because she knows the younger girl will always be her shield. When she’s with Azzi, Paige is safe. 
They’re shaken from their reverie by a cough in the background and Paige reluctantly looks over her shoulder to see Jana regarding them with an amused look. 
“Guess I missed a couple of chapters?” 
“Shut up,” Paige grinds out, annoyed as Azzi moves out of her space, “what are you doing here so early El-Alfy?”
“I’m here for breakfast because I’m basically an honorary Fudd,” Jana throws her head back before yelling, “RIGHT KATIE?’
“Right Jana,” comes the muffled confirmation from the kitchen as Jana smirks at Paige. 
“The better question Bueckers,” the Egyptian prods with a smirk, “is what are you doing here so early?”
“I slept ov-” Paige bites her tongue but it’s too late as Jana’s grin gets wider and next to her, Azzi lets her head drop into her hands. 
“You slept over? In which room?” Jana asks innocently. 
And of course Stephie chooses exactly that moment to catch wind of the conversation, yelling from the kitchen, “she slept with me and Mama, Aunty J.”
“Thank you for telling me Stephie,” Jana’s eyes twinkle with mirth as she pulls out her phone, “oh I’m about to make some money- hey!”
Azzi snatches the phone out of her younger teammate’s hand, a sweet smile playing on her lips as she starts walking towards the kitchen, “no phones at breakfast thank you!”
“That’s not fair,” Jana whines sauntering after the GSV shooting guard, Paige snickering as she follows the two of them into the kitchen. 
“Life’s not fair. Deal with it,” Azzi glares before slipping Jana’s phone into her own pocket, “you can have it back before you leave.”
“Y’all are so mean,” Jana sulks, pouting harder when she reaches out to grab a pancake and immediately has her hand whacked by Tim.
“That one’s for Paige,” the older man warns sternly and Paige sticks her tongue out at her teammate as she grabs the pancake onto her place. 
“WHAT?” Jana guffaws, “what’s so special about it?”
Tim shrugs, “absolutely nothing. Just thought it would be funny to see you annoyed.”
“Y’all are the worst adoptive family a player could have you know that?” Jana scolds, pressing her fists to her cheeks like she’s barely older than Stephie, “and to think I was gonna invite the two of you,” she glares at Paige and Azzi, “to a party.”
“Party? Can I come?” Stephie asks excitedly. 
“Unfortunately this one’s just for adults kiddo. And it’s not really a party,” Jana explains, “me and Joyce thought it would be nice to do a little team-bonding, especially for you P. Drinks at the bar next weekend?”
“Sounds good,” Paige confirms, “we’ll be there!”
“Oh it’s ‘we’ now is it?” Jana teases, “you guys gonna come together?”
“No,” Azzi says at the same time as a profound “yes” leaves Paige’s mouth. The two of them stare at each other with questioning looks and Paige feels a heavy pit settling in her stomach. Rationally, she knows Azzi’s probably right. No part of going slow includes going to a party with their teammates together, especially not when they’re trying to keep whatever it is they’re doing on the down low. But there’s something about being a secret again, that raises a bitter taste of what killed us then could kill us now in her mouth. 
“Awkward,” Jon whistles slowly, only to be met with a simultaneous slap on the back of his head from both his mother and Tallulah. 
“I mean- I would have to drop Stephie off here- or umm- at Colleen's so like- logically- practically- uh- it um- it wouldn’t make sense for us to go together,” Azzi says and Paige has to refrain herself from calling it a bullshit explanation. 
Instead she gives the younger girl a tight-lipped nod, “right yeah-wouldn’t make sense for us to go together. Obviously,” gritting her teeth and desperate to change the topic, she turns to Jana, “will the whole team be there?”
“A couple of them aren’t currently in the Bay but yeah most of them,” Jana shrugs. 
“Oh,” Stephie claps excitedly, “will Aunty Chérie be there? Is she back yet?”
Paige narrows her eyes as both Jana and Azzi exchange looks, “who’s Aunty Chérie?”
“Aunty Chérie’s the best,” Stephie gushes, “she’s really nice and pretty and she calls me ‘mon chérie’,” the little girl does her best attempt at a vaguely french accent and realization starts to claw at Paige’s mind, “so I call her Aunty Chérie. She’s Mama’s best friend on the team.”
Paige tries and fails not to grimace at the sentence; the idea of anyone else being Azzi’s best friend feels like nails being screwed into her skin. 
“I’m your Mama’s best friend on the team,” Jana butts in, trying to rescue Azzi from the hole her daughter’s about to dig her into, glancing worriedly between the two former huskies who are doing their best not to look at each other. 
“If you say so Aunty J,” Stephie concedes, “but you didn’t answer my question. Is Aunty Chérie back?”
“Yeah she- um Clémence I mean- is coming back for a little bit next week so um-” Jana swallows, clearly not having thought the uncomfortableness of the situation through, “yeah she’ll uh- she’ll probably be there.”
Stephie lets out a whoop of excitement and Paige feels it burn a hole in her stomach. She knows she has no right to be upset at the idea of Stephie being as enamored by another one of Azzi’s teammates but something about it makes her feel queasy inside. Because Clémence Martens isn’t just a teammate. Paige doesn’t know the exact history there; she’d never had the right to ask about it but she’s seen the way Clémence looks at Azzi and she knows she doesn’t like it one bit.
“I thought Clémence was being traded to Atlanta?” Paige keeps her voice low as she leans into Jana. She’s not sure if Stephie knows the news yet and despite the jealousy that’s blooming in every crevice of her body, she doesn’t want to hurt the little girl by accidentally announcing it to her, “why’s she coming?”
Jana sighs, “Joyce invited her cause she was gonna be in town. You know they don’t know about-” the taller woman gestures between Paige and Azzi, “-all of this so. It’s just for one night Paige.”
“Right,” Paige nods, eyes locking with Azzi’s across the table as the younger woman fidgets with the ‘S’ necklace around her neck and shoots Paige a timid attempt at a reassuring smile, “just one night.”
August 2028
USA 68         France 64
The entire arena is abuzz for the final 20 seconds of a grueling semi-final match between the storied USA Women’s Basketball team trying to keep their dynasty alive and a vindictive French team eager to avenge their last heartbreaking Olympic loss. France has possession of the ball, shot clock turned off, and Paige has been tasked with guarding Clémence Martens. The woman in front of her, a bench player for the Golden State Valkyries,  had never seemed like much of a threat to Paige when they’d met during the W season, but seemed to have become a whole other beast when representing her nation. Clémence is currently leading the French team in assists and is only behind Gabby William in points. Paige keeps herself glued to the woman as she tries to get herself free for the inbound. 
The inbounder realizes after a couple of seconds that the French coach’s advice to get Clémence the ball wouldn’t be possible and instead the ball ends up in the hands of Iliana Rupert instead. As gameplay resumes, Paige does exactly as she’s supposed to and she can tell that she’s getting under the French woman’s skin as Clémence curses to herself in her native language. Paige bites back a smirk, secretly pleased at having riled her competitor up. The ball continues to pass around the French players, time ticking away, but the USA’s defense doesn’t allow a good shot until Gabby throws up a miraculous jumper with a second left on the shot clock. 
And of course, in a way that’s perhaps too reminiscent of how France had lost in 2024, it goes in. 
But it’s not enough and Paige feels blood rush to her ears as the entire arena, decked out in red white and blue, roars with triumph, celebrating the world's greatest team returning back to the finals stage. There’s still one more game but this win is special. They’d been down by 11 points at the half and Paige could almost picture the headlines ready to write themselves about the streaks that could be broken if they lost. But she was no stranger to the pressure that came from playing for a team with a deep history and it had been her and Stewie, partially motivated by their former college head coach frowning at them from the sidelines, that had spear-headed a 23-3 run at the beginning of the 3rd quarter. The USA women’s team hadn’t looked back since and now they were one more step away being golden again. 
“You did it,” Olivia screams, running into Paige’s arms as friends and family start to gather on the court, “I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks Olivia-” Paige is about to say more when the familiar back of someone’s head catches her attention and, like they always seem to when she’s around, all the words die on the tip of her tongue. 
Paige could’ve sworn she’d seen the woman in the crowd at some point but she’d chalked it up to a trick of the light manipulating her eyes into seeing what her heart desperately wanted. But as she watches the woman she’d once imagined celebrating all of her victories with, slowly brush away the tears of someone else’s loss, Paige can’t help but wish that it had been a trick of the light after all. She feels suffocated and she can’t tell if it’s from how tight Olivia’s holding her or if it’s because Clémence is burying her head into the space between Azzi’s neck and shoulder, a space that Paige used to mark as hers. And then Azzi looks above Clémence’s shoulder. Dark brown eyes shimmer with unshed tears as they lock onto watery sky blue ones. They’re standing in other people’s arms and they really should look away but how can they when looking into each other’s eyes feels a little bit like finally coming up for air. And Paige realizes that what she’s really being suffocated by is the regret of you’re supposed to be holding me and i’m supposed to be holding you; it was meant to be us. 
Azzi lets go of Clémence first, soothingly rubbing the francophone’s back as she makes her way over to congratulate the USA team, starting with Cam and Aliyah. Paige pulls away from Olivia, oblivious to the way annoyance flits across her wife’s features as she catches sight of Azzi. No one but the blonde notices how hesitant Azzi’s steps are, how she carefully pauses a little longer than necessary with everyone else until she finally reaches Paige, managing to give her a small but sincere smile. Olivia wraps a possessive hand around Paige’s bicep and the blonde fights the urge to shake it off when she notices Azzi’s eyes flickering to it for a brief second before coming back up to her face. 
“Congratulations Paige,” the formality in Azzi’s voice feels like acid pelting against Paige’s skin, “you were really good tonight.”
“Thank you,” Paige smiles politely, “it was pretty stressful there for a second but I’m glad we got the dub. But it um-” she hesitates, unsure if she should say the next part, “it would’ve been nice if you were out there with me- with us I mean. We could’ve used your shooting.”
“Maybe next time,” Azzi gives her a half-grin. 
“Oh I don’t know about that,” Olivia says airily, sharp nails digging a little too roughly into Paige’s skin as her grip tightens further, “there’s plenty of talent up and coming in the next 4 years.”
This is a side of Olivia that Paige is only just beginning to unveil, the side of Olivia that makes snide bitchy comments with a saccharine voice. And Paige really should let it go at this moment, make a mental note to speak with her wife about it later instead of jumping in. But she can see the insecurities brimming in Azzi’s eyes and the words tumble out before Paige can stop them. 
“Yeah but no one better than Azzi.”
Olivia stiffens, “right unless she’s injured or pregnant or something. You’re prone to those right?”
“Olivia,” Paige hisses. 
“I didn’t mean it offensively,” Olivia feigns innocence and a bitter mix of irritation and anger coils itself around Paige’s ribcage, “just something to think about.”
Azzi’s quiet for a second before a sugary smile, laced with poison, inches itself onto her face, “I’ve only been pregnant once and I haven’t been injured since college which I would expect someone in sports media to know but,” the brunette’s eyes flash dangerously, “I suppose that’s something someone with national media credentials would know, not just a mere local beat writer for Dallas’s fifth most read newspaper,” Azzi turns to Paige, sarcasm morphing into something far more genuine, “congratulations again. I’m really happy for you Paige.”
The Reynolds-Bueckers hotel room is a pathetic hot mess that night. Olivia’s livid at Paige and Paige is livid at the stupid #Clézzi tag on tiktok. She’s no stranger to fan edits and she’s definitely no stranger to ship edits and so when the first tiktok appears on her for you page, she knows better than to click on it. She knows better but she does it anyway. And suddenly she finds herself sucked into montage after montage of so-called moments between Clémence and Azzi that fans had noticed and documented. The clips are bad enough themselves but it’s the captions, bold declarations of look at the way she looks at her; no one can love azzi the way clémence loves her, that really piss her off. Clémence might look at Azzi like she’s made of stars but Paige knows that she looks at Azzi like she is the moon, Paige’s moon. As Olivia’s anger bounces off the walls, her rant about disrespect starts to mesh with the audio of the edits that continue to play on the blonde’s phone and Paige wonders if this her God-designed personal hell. 
“Are you even fucking listening to me Paige?” Olivia yells, forcing Paige to look up at her wife. 
“What do you want me to say Olivia?” Paige asks tiredly. 
“What do I want you to say? Well nothing now Paige. She said all of that shit to me and you were silent then so I’m not expecting you to say anything of meaning now either.”
“You’re the one who poked her first-”
“Jesus fucking christ,” Olivia laughs maniacally, “you’re really gonna do this?”
“I’m not doing anything,” Paige protests. 
“You’re defending her,” Olivia yells, “you’re my wife and you’re defending her. You’re defending your ex. Can you seriously not see what’s wrong with this picture.”
“Olivia,” Paige sighs, eyes gazing down at her phone where another fuckass Clézzi edit has started to play and she rapidly scrolls past it, “it’s been a long day and I just wanna go to bed. I have practice tomorrow and the gold medal game-”
“Right fucking basketball. Again,” Olivia rolls her eyes. 
“It’s fine,” Olivia pinches the bridge of her nose, the fight draining from her voice, “you’re right go to bed. I’m not- I’m not feeling great so I’ll sleep out here tonight. Wouldn’t- wouldn’t want you to get sick before the gold medal game.”
“Olivia,” Paige says half-heartedly, taking a timid step towards the woman in front of her.
“It’s fine,” Olivia says, “just- just go to bed Paige.”
Paige knows that the last thing she should do is actually listen to her wife. And she knows that if it was Azzi -she hates herself for even thinking this way- she wouldn’t walk away. If it was Azzi, Paige would’ve pulled her into her arms, held her there and made her talk because they both hated going to bed angry. But well if it was Azzi, this whole situation wouldn’t exist in the first place. 
And so she ends up in bed alone, still scrolling through random tiktoks in an effort to not have to deal with all the voices in her head, until suddenly she stumbles on a video captioned and at the end of the day she’ll still always be looking at her. It’s a video taken today. Paige is holding Olivia and Azzi’s holding Clémence but they’re staring at each other. And Paige thinks that whoever wrote the caption, had probably gotten it right. At the end of day, she’ll always look for Azzi. She just doesn’t know if she’ll find her ever again. 
USA 102         Australia 73 
Paige can already taste the feeling of a gold medal around her neck as she takes a seat, the crowd roaring with applause as Coach Lawson empties her bench. There’s only fifteen seconds left in the game and her knees are bouncing in anticipation, ready to celebrate a moment she’s been dreaming of for god knows how long. Paige scans the crowd, not even pretending to look for anyone but Azzi and she can’t help the smile that erupts on her face when she spots the brunette with her fingers crossed, a brilliant grin directed in Paige’s direction as she mouths i’m so proud of you. 
Olivia isn’t here, claiming she was too sick to come tonight. Paige thinks she probably should be more upset about that. She thinks the whole thing is probably a ruse that Olivia had concocted to get Paige to beg her to come, to get Paige to show her that she wanted her wife there. The other woman's face had fallen when Paige hadn’t really reacted to the announcement, simply pressed her lips to her forehead and mumbled a feeble hope you feel better before leaving. Paige thinks this is probably the first sign they're falling apart. She thinks she should probably care about that a little bit more too. 
But the first thing her eyes had landed on once she’d entered the court, was Azzi’s face in the lower bowl and everything else had ceased to exist. Her first petty thought had been a ha! fuck you to the damned Clézzi shippers who claimed Azzi wouldn’t show up today, too busy consoling Clémence. They didn't know Azzi was all-american. Her second thought, the one that felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around her soul, was that of course Azzi’s here. Because Azzi had been there every time Paige achieved a milestone and even if they were barely a shadow of what they used to be, it's only right that Azzi is still here. 
Australia doesn’t even bother taking a shot, bowing out gracefully and the buzzer rings. 
The entire arena bursts into confetti and music as the USA Women’s Basketball Team clinches yet another Olympic Gold Medal. 
Paige doesn’t know who she’s hugging, lost in a sea of red uniforms as she feels herself floating through her teammates. They end up in a huddle, screaming and she can barely make out who’s saying what but it doesn’t matter. The chaos has never felt so fucking cathartic.
As everyone else disperses to find their families, Paige’s eyes land where they always seem to: on Azzi. And maybe she shouldn’t do it, maybe she should think again but fuck it Paige Bueckers is an olympic gold medalist and she’s going to share this moment with the first person she’d ever won a medal for this country with. Her legs move of their own accord, walking and then running and she breathes out a sigh of relief when she realizes that Azzi’s moving towards her too. 
“You did it. Oh my god Paige you did it,” Azzi squeals as they crash into each other in the middle of the court, her arms instinctively going around Paige’s neck as the blonds wraps her hands around Azzi’s waist, “I’m so fucking proud of you. I knew you could do it Paige.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Paige breathes out, “I just- it wouldn’t be the same winning without you.”
Azzi’s eyes soften, “I came for you. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that but- I’m here for you.”
“Good don't want you to be here for anybody else,” Paige tightens her hold on the younger woman’s waist, “we’re gonna do it together next time okay. You and me, we’re gonna be golden together.”
And they both know that they’re saying words they shouldn’t say. That when they break apart from this moment, they’ll have to walk away. But for now, being in each other’s arms is the only thing that feels right, that feels golden.
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 1 month ago
I haven't seen the London special—and I don't want to—but I've read the plot and something just occurred to me.
Why did Bunnyx need Ladybug's help? Why couldn't Bunnyx have figured things out and fixed the timeline herself? I know only the 14-year-old Bunnyx was left, but that gives her ample time to do SOMETHING.
According to Marinette, she believes that the Rabbit Miraculous is actually the most powerful of all the miraculouses. That means a whole lot of responsibility, which she gave to Alix when she let her keep the Rabbit Miraculous PERMANENTLY.
So, why didn't Alix just fix the timelines herself? She was the Present Alix, which means nothing has happened to her at the moment. She could've brainstormed her way into figuring out what happened, who it is, and stopped them herself.
I don't know. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like if you give someone a miraculous that YOU YOURSELF BELIEVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL MIRACULOUS, YOU'D GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY WORK BY THEMSELVES???
And it's not like I'm saying Alix can't ask for help, but it just feels like her first thought was: "I gotta get Ladybug!" And not "Oh my God, the timelines are changing, I have to figure out who it is!"
If Alix is going to run to Ladybug every time the timeline changes, why give her the responsibility of making sure nothing happens to the timeline in the first place??? If it's going to be like that, Ladybug might as well have just kept the Rabbit Miraculous herself, since it seems like she'll be the one shouldering the job anyway.
The show's obsession with making Marinette do everything herself has created massive flaws in the narrative and makes a ton of characters look bad - or at least poorly suited to their hero role - because they generally default to only doing what Marinette tells them to do. The show will even go out of its way to punish characters when they take initiative. If your name isn't Marinette, then initiative is always, always punished. And if your name is Marinette? Then it depends on the writers' mercurial whims and not anything even remotely resembling logic.
Alya suffers the the initiative = bad curse all the time like in Optigami where she decides to take the turtle to the day's fight even though she was only told to take the fox and the bee:
Rena Rouge: Mirage! (an illusion of Ladybug is created) And voila! A cool little Ladybug illusion to keep Style Queen busy while I'll… (Rena Rouge looks at the Turtle Miraculous container on the Miracle Box and takes the Miraculous) Longg: Did the guardian ask you to do that? Rena Rouge: Just a precaution.
This should have been Alya's moment to shine. A moment where she took initiative and it paid off, showing Marinette that she could trust others to make their own calls. Instead, this choice is painted as Alya being blinded by her love for Nino and leads to Shadow Moth almost getting the turtle because he just so happened to make a perfect clone of Nino and Alya unknowingly gave the clone the turtle. (Why does this show love evil twins so much? This is basically a the same plot as the season four final. Get a new gimmick! This one is just dumb.)
Even more annoyingly, the one who unmasks sentiNino isn't his girlfriend, it's Ladybug even though the thing that exposes sentiNino is something unique to Nino and Alya:
Ladybug: I guess it was only here to help repair everything. (looks confused when she sees her compact mirror) (Sentinino gives Alya a simple hi-five) (Ladybug remembers Alya and Nino's special hi-five in a flashback) Ladybug: (looks at both of them with curious look) We're gonna have to be a lot more careful now. Shadow Moth knows the identities of some of the people I have given a miraculous and apparently he's decided to use this information. (looks at Sentinino) Isn't that right, Shadow Moth? (Alya becomes shocked, and Sentinino panicks as he got exposed) Ladybug: I'm sorry Alya, you better move away from him. This isn't Nino, it's a Sentimonster. Alya: Huh? (gasps)
It's Alya and Nino's special handshake!!! Alya should be the one to figure it out, not Ladybug!!! Writers, stop this! Let Marinette have competent allies! She's not suddenly less cool if other people are useful! Also, stop making love a bad thing! Alya and Marinette both suffer every time they're open with their love interest and I hate it. Whatever happened to romantic love being a good thing?
Anyway, all of the Optigami nonsense leads to an ending that makes zero sense:
Alya: Shadow Moth almost unmasked you because of me. I should have never taken the Turtle Miraculous. Marinette: It's true, you did make a mistake, and that's why I'm gonna have to make a difficult decision. The most important thing is to learn from our mistakes. And today, I learned that I need an ally who can replace me in case something happens to me one day. (hands Alya the Fox Miraculous) From now on, you will keep the Miraculous of the Fox with you, and I'm gonna tell you everything I know.
This ending does not fit the episode in the slightest. Why does Alya's failure make her promotion material? How was the turtle even a failure when it would have been fine if that was really Nino? How was anyone supposed to tell that wasn't Nino when the peacock is so stupidly overpowered? It's so dumb!
This episode should have been Alya earning her promotion by being awesome, taking initiative, and noticing things Marinette didn't. What is the point of having a reporter who never notices things? Why does Marinette decide to give Alya secret knowledge and a full-time miraculous in an episode that was all about Shadow Moth almost winning because he knows the temp heroes' identities? Why does nothing about this show make sense? Writers, what are you doing???
The saddest thing about this Marinette-first approach is that it's not even making Marinette look good. This goes beyond the asinine "Marinette must always be wrong" rule. The problem here is that the narrative has made many of the secondary characters feel incredibly important. As a result, the audience naturally expects those characters to have important roles. When those character are then denied the roles that they should have, the audience gets angry and the anger usually gets directed at Marinette. For many viewers, it feels like she's hogging the spotlight and denying herself help even thought those things are poorly thought-out choices made by the writers and not intentional flaws that are meant to be part of Marinette's character.
I know one person whose favorite character is Alix, Alya is one of mine, and a huge portion of the fandom loves Adrien. All characters who should have been allowed to shine, but who got shoved to the side in favor of Marinette. The casual watcher is not going to blame the writing for that. They're going to get mad at Marinette because she's basically the avatar of the bad writing, forced to do the most asinine things so that she maintains the spotlight even if it's slowly killing her character while making every other character look pathetic and/or ineffectual.
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niiwa-angel · 28 days ago
Starscream and Skyfire on a date.
Starscream: So, what do you think of the Auto-scum?
Skyfire: You know, I think they might have a point.
Starscream, shoving ruststicks into his purse: I'm sorry, I have to leave.
Cliffjumper: Bad news, our Prime locked his keys inside his office
Cliffjumper: Good news! I can pick locks
Cliffjumper: Bad News. Prime now finds it very concerning that I know how to pick locks and he's given me three lectures about 'the value of privacy'.
Cliffjumper: Good news, my cute coworker saw me pick the lock.
Cliffjumper: bad news. It was Arcee, and she's already seen me fall off several ledges, cry because I saw a turbo fox that was too darn small, and knows I can ride a unicycle. She's never going to think I'm cool, that ship has sailed.
Skywarp: My great scam is that I've befriended a lot of incredibly intelligent people by concealing my indefensible stupidity Via the power of maintaining eye contact, nodding my head and going mhmm.
Skywarp: In my defense, I don't outright pretend to be smart, and if anybody challenges me on it, I'll admit that I'm out of my depth. I simply do not challenge the assumption that I know what they're talking about.
Starscream: I'm sick of hearing about which crystals will heal and cleanse my soul. I want to know which ones can hurt you and fuck up your vibe!
Sunstorm: Uranium
Shockwave: Any, if you're willing to resort to violence.
Starscream: You're speaking my language
Optimus: My toddler accidentally cursed himself into an existential crisis today.
Optimus: He's been crossing things out with his chalk and asked me to write his name for him. I did, he crossed it out, and then he freaked out because he thought it meant he didn't exist anymore.
Optimus: Every hour or so he asks me "am I still Bumblebee?" And I have to hug him and promise him he is.
Ratchet: Love the implication here that he was fine erasing things from existence until it affected him.
Mirage: I read that Capsaicin makes your mouth feel like it's burning because it increases your nerve sensitivity to heat. And methanol does the same thing but with cold. So if I eat a bunch of habanero peppers and breath mints, they should cancel out!
Mirage: Hey! Guess what hellfire tastes like!
First Aid: Fun fact! The nerve endings for "ouch too hot" and "ahh too cold" are different! Which means both can be activated at the same time, without cancelling out.
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vibrantstarfire · 3 months ago
👀 interdimensional dickkory for the wip ask game? (I am predictable)
oooo! this one, i didnt write a premise for, so im not sure what i was building to anymore. it's 1.5K already but when i read it i just sorta scratch my head. i think the idea is that dickkory from an alternate timeline pop up in the batcave with current era bats.
im not sure if i'll finish it, since whenever i lose track of where i'm going, i dont really have a good idea of what to do with it. but here's a fun-ish scene making fun of dick's current costume! discowing fans rise!!
i think this might've been a world without mirage, a what-if married-couple dickkory going to a world where they broke up. im not sure why i went with jason as the pov character. maybe because they'd been dating when he was a kid?
anyhoo, this is a snippet:
[A portal opens up in the Batcave. All bats are watching the portal, and a version of Kory looks out of it.]
Princess Koriand’r leaned through the portal, squinting into the darkness. “You’re sure this is the right place, darling?” 
“I can check it again, but I promise you, I double-checked.” 
“And you’re positive that the man you got the coordinates from gave us the right ones?” 
Portal-Dick went silent for a moment. “Why are you second-guessing Harbinger Man?” 
(Jason had to put his fist in his mouth for a second to stop him from laughing. Harbinger Man?)
“Because I’m looking into the cave,” Kory says, endlessly patient, “And I’m looking right at another version of you. One with a particularly boring costume, I might add.” 
Non-Portal Dick raised his brows and met her eyes. “Kory?” he asked, at the same moment that Portal-Dick says, “What’s wrong with his costume? Any version you recognize?” 
Right at that moment, the portal started to flicker. Kory turned back to her Dick. “I don’t recognize it. But we’re running out of time and energy for the portal. I think we need to jump and sort it out there.”
“You’re sure it’s safe?” 
The portal flickered again, and Kory bobbed her head in answer. “Any dimension with a you that recognizes me can’t be that dangerous.” 
With that, Portal-Dick approached the portal, revealing a proper, Discowing-era suit. 
(Jason raised his brows even higher. He opened his mouth to ask, but Non-Portal Dick silenced him with a glare and a ‘cut it out’ motion against his throat. Jason snickered anyway.)
The portal started flickering even worse. Portal Dick put his arm around Koriand’r’s shoulder, and she easily used it to scoop him up into a bridal carry. She flew him through the portal, so that they crossed through together, at the same moment. 
Portal Dick was still in Koriand’r’s arms when he got a good look at his doppleganger. 
“I see what you mean,” Dick says, frowning at Non-Portal Dick. “His costume is super boring.” 
Jason cleared his throat, stepping closer. “Not to stop you from making fun of Dickie -- please, by all means, continue -- but mind telling us why you’re trespassing on Earth-452-13?” 
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haryuwu · 2 years ago
🪞 Twisted Wonderland | Le Mirage
Author's Note: I have decided to skip chapter 1 to make a cg for it since there are too many characters involved. I'll just draw where Lulu might be involved in the future chapters I'll be posting here! I hope the first chapter wasn't so boring to read. I'll post chapters separately instead of reblogging this time. So sorry for the inconvience qwq
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"Sorry to ruin your parade, but the Ball of the Evening next weekend…won't be including the dance." With that said, everyone stopped chatting and arguing as silence took over the tea garden.
"...Eh?" Confusion was written all over their faces. A Ball is nothing without including the dance. It is the main event of the said celebration. How come it is not part of the event? The students who were present nearby the round table asked for clarifications from the headmage.
"Pardon me, but I must've heard it wrong. Headmage…a Ball without the dance? That doesn't make any sense," a loud clunk startled them when Riddle placed his tea cup down.
"You heard me right. There will be no dancing involved," he crossed his arms while saying so. "You must have misunderstood what I meant about the Ball but it is also my mistake for not explaining the whole detail of this event," he cleared his throat once more before pulling out a parchment from his pocket, unfolding it, and began reading the contents out loud.
"Good day to Headmage of Night Raven College, Dire Crowley. I am truly ecstatic that you have accepted this request for the sake of our daughter, the new Saintess of the Land of Pyroxene."
"You may have heard that her birthday was already held within our premises. It wasn't as grand as the upcoming Ball of the Evening, so I hope your preparations will go as planned."
"However, I must add that there will be no dancing involved in this event as I do not wish our daughter to be too physically involved with your students. I do not intend to make this an unenjoyable celebration for my daughter with your boys, so please heed our simple request."
“Their protective nature is really something…It reminds me of someone.” Riddle mumbled as the headmage continued.
"Well, there are more things written after that but it was too long of a list for you guys to follow…" folding the parchment back into his pocket, a chilling smile was already on the headmage's face.
"Anywho! Do you young lads understand what the Mirages request you to do?" The boys nodded in unison. But some remained bothered by the protective nature of the Mirage family towards their new Saintess.
They wanted to argue further about the request but the headmage must leave to check other matters within the school.
"...Does the Saintess have serious health conditions? What's with the 'no physical contact' during the event?" Scratching the back of his head, Deuce still couldn't guess what was wrong with interacting physically even without bad intentions.
Ace let out an exasperated sigh before answering Deuce's question. He, too, doesn't understand such a request exists but he just accepted it as it's still a big deal for the family. "Maybe they do. I mean, why wouldn't they request it if it's something serious?"
"Or maybe they thought you guys are carrying something contagious. But that's absurd even for me," Grim shared his thoughts while eating the last piece of sweets. "You…washed your hands before eating Trey's sweets, right?" With a judging glance, Ace is growing more annoyed with Grim.
"What are you talking about? I always wash my hands before grabbing food!"
"I've heard about some girls not wanting to interact with the boys. But it might be something really personal that we mustn't pry on it further…" With no more protests about the Mirage's request, Trey started placing the empty plates back to the tray before leaving with Riddle.
"Man, I don't know why they had to request such a thing. But I'll get the reason why soon. Shall we check on other dorms now? Let's tell them what the headmage told us."
Everyone went back to work and so the Prefect of Ramshackle dorm proceeded to check on the other dorms with Grim.
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"Huh?" A tall man with his lion ears twitching reacted negatively to what the prefect had shared to them regarding the letter from the Mirage. He couldn't contain his relaxed composure as soon as he heard such an absurd request.
"You herbivores sure have the strangest ways to say that you're afraid that we might do something despicable... " Leona Kingscholar, the housewarden of Savanaclaw dorm, could not believe this is how human nobles treat them despite being born in royalty himself. He placed his palm against his temple in disbelief upon hearing this news from them.
"If it was their daughter who requested it to be that way, I wouldn't be finding it more troublesome. These pesky herbivores have the audacity to demand me, a prince?" As he muttered those words under his breath, a loud thumping on the floor was heard as it grew closer to their location. And then, another one of Leona's kind approached them with a sour look on their face.
"And here I thought you said decorating the dorm is more troublesome!" Ruggie Bucchi, the current aide of the housewarden of Savanaclasw, is so close to smacking Leona with a broom as he's been lazing around contributing nothing for garnishing the lounge area. "Aaaaah seriously, it's only the lounge to be decorated and you still complain!"
"The only one I hear complaining is you. So shut up and just get the work done," With nothing more to say between the two, Ruggie stormed off after requesting a larger payment for his service. Leona glanced back at the Prefect and Grim as he prepared to get things over with and rest.
"Is that the only thing you have to say to me? If you have no other business here, scram. You're interrupting my sleep," lying down on the sofa, Leona yawned before shutting his eyes in hopes of getting himself fast asleep. They couldn't do anything more than just deliver the message to each of the housewardens.
"Seriously, him and his sleep against the world…" sighing in disbelief, Grim shook his head before getting back on their assigned task. "We should get going and visit Azul next," said Grim as he started sprinting back to the Hall of Mirrors before entering the Octavinelle dorm.
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"Ah," Upon stepping into the Monstro lounge, two much taller figures approached the prefect and Grim. One whose hands are occupied with drinks, handing it to them as a welcoming greeting and one is lifting sofas to sweep the floor under it.
"Shrimpy and Baby Seal, you arrived early~" Floyd Leech, one of the tallest yet moody students, went to them first with his arms wide open. This approach doesn't seem to be a welcoming gesture. So to prevent him from causing injury to their visitors, Jade Leech, his twin brother, stopped him by grabbing the back of his collar.
"Floyd, we must behave in front of our guests. Azul wouldn't tolerate this behavior if our special guests arrived and caught you in such an act," He lectured his brother in such a calm manner. “Pardon me, we’ve been too busy preparing for the event. If you’re looking for Azul, he’s currently inside the VIP room.”
“I see. We were actually told to pass this message from the headmage. But since Azul’s busy, would you mind telling him…” The Prefect and Grim explained what the headmage had told them that was written from the letter. Jade listened intently, nodding to every word they’ve said regarding this additional condition from the Mirages.
“Very well, I’ll make sure to pass this on to Azul,” once Jade had agreed to these terms that the headmage commanded them to follow, Floyd who’s done sweeping the floor walked towards them with a perplexed expression.
“Eeh? I don’t get it. How are we supposed to serve the Saintess without getting close to her? It's not like I'm going to squeeze her,” Floyd scratched the back of his head and soon got a response from their housewarden who just got out of the VIP room.
"That's probably because the Saintess' still doesn't have the authority to herself," Azul Ashengrotto, the housewarden of Octavinelle, stepped into their conversation nonchalantly.
"Azul!" Grim called out his name as he stood between the Leech twins with matching grins. "What do you mean about her not having self-authority?"
"Well it was only a guess, but I could still be 97% right about this assumption," Azul explained as he adjusted his fedora hat, eyes gleaming under its shade. "Although I may have most of the information you needed, I cannot guarantee you that I have the accurate details regarding the new Saintess."
"After all…every information about her has been deemed confidential. I couldn't get my hands on this information," Azul gestured a shrug before suggesting to seek someone else for a more detailed story about the new Saintess of the Mirage family.
"You may ask the housewarden of Ignihyde, Idia Shroud. He may have something to provide to you about her. Yet perhaps you could also ask Sir Rook Hunt in Pomefiore? I believe Vil wouldn’t be willing to share…such a personal information," Jade said with a suspicious grin as the two looked at each other before reconsidering their suggestion. Azul could only let out a sigh as he could not offer anything and get something from them as an exchange like he used to.
"My services may be limited to some, but if you still need our assistance don't hesitate to visit Monstro and get your signatures written on the contract…"
"We'll be waiting, Shrimpy~" Leaving the Octavinelle dorm, a chill went down their spines as they recalled those three's mischievous smiles and their faint snickering. It's much more preferable if they move onto the next dorm and seek a different way to gather information. Someone who can be of help to know about the Saintess of the Mirages.
"I'm not sure if we should check on Idia. He might not be in a mood to accept other guests right now, too…"
"Then let's go see Rook first. I wonder why they suggested him, though," as the two go through the mirror back to the hall of mirrors, they've decided to hop into the Pomefiore dorm where the vice housewarden of this very dorm is residing.
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Inside a luxurious yet gloomy room stays a beautiful lass whose features were unmistakably one of the fairest of all at the Land of Pyroxene. Her locks still glitter when it's caught by a single ray of light, skin as almost white as a ghost's, yet her eyes remained shimmering like a true diamond.
She couldn't utter a word or two due to her being under probation. Does this have to do with her recent task as the future administrator of their Beau Company? An unfulfilled duty—of course, how could she miss such an important task.
"I should've gotten his approval by now…Why does he keep refusing my pleas…?" She began to gnaw on her nails as she grew anxious about what might happen to her if this reaches her parents. Her bangs slowly crawled onto its way to hide her eyes, yet she could still see through any of them.
"I'll find a way to free myself…I just need to be a little more careful…” stopping in her tracks, a piece of long cloth covering a standing object caught her eyes. She bit her lower lip, jaw trembling in fear of hurting herself whilst approaching this covered object warily.
“...Will this ever work for me?” The young maiden attempts to reach for the covers. Alas, she couldn’t get herself to take a peek of what was behind it. Perhaps she does not have the courage to unravel what she was about to witness.
She's afraid of what might be looming under its covers. But what exactly was she afraid of?
"My lady. Mrs. Mirage would like to seek an audience with you," announced her personal maid who has been standing at the corner of the room. What bothers the young maiden was that why does meeting her have to be formal. She's only meeting her daughter who is currently under probation within her chamber.
"Didn't Father tell her I am not allowed to see anyone other than my maids while I'm locked up here?" She asked and yet the answer she received was only silence.
"…Tell her I'm not feeling well. We'll talk once my probation has been lifted." The maid scurried out of her room to deliver her message. Exhaustion soon took over her body because of the heavy feeling that has been weighing both her mind and heart. She couldn't tolerate this treatment any longer and must make haste of her plan.
"...I must escape as soon as possible. I'll stay anywhere, but here."
To Be Continued Previous Chapter ➵ Next Chapter
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amber-mango · 2 months ago
got tagged by @stefisdoingthings (thank you, this was very sweet to include me :) i'm still working on building up an identity and it's nice to get a lot of random little questions so i can think about what they mean to me. i might answer some with stuff i'm looking forward to since i havent done a lot of these things, unless i just can't access those memories right now). Dont feel pressure to read all this, i'm gonna be musing a lot.
last song: Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji
favorite color: i think the more understated browns/grays that rocks come in.
book i'd like to read: i dont think ive ever read a book in my life, so i dont even know if i like reading. but of the books we have i think i'm most interested in Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. Seems serene and kinda rough
movie i'd like to see: i havent seen a movie either. i think maybe? Blue (2002). Someone made a comment that it gives Mirage x V2 vibes (from Ultrakill). Maybe i'll even watch it tonight
show i'd like to see: i actually dont have an answer to this. not yet anyway. I did choose Milly as my designated trigun kin though :) even though i am lower energy than her
sweet/savory/spicy: uhhhh i have eaten. fewer than five times. mostly dinner so, savory i guess?
relationship status: single (for. semi-obvious reasons)
last thing i searched: Blue 2002 lol
current obsession: do i count? i dont think im obsessed with anything i just kinda spend my time hanging out and trying to figure out what i like. i do like this thing though:
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looking forward to: making more art (i might do some painting or linocuts!), maybe going to a forest someday, seeing shorebirds in person
uhhh i dont think i can tag anyone that the other guys havent tagged. if youre one of my five followers you can go ahead and do this for yourself :)
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 years ago
Lonely Stranger
Word Count: 1,340 (+ lyrics- in bold italics)  Character: Ryan Brenner  A/N: This was a real damn treat for me to write, as well as an agonizing experience. I’ll explain a little more. Title of this drabble and lyrics used belong to Eric Clapton, not Ryan Brenner or I... and if you haven’t heard the song, please listen before, during or after you read this.  
Happy Sunday everyone! I am so pumped to share this next submission for the fanart appreciation event, for many reasons. First of all, the art itself is literally breathtaking. The incredible attention to the smallest of details in this not only show how badass this artist is, but perfectly mirror Ryan’s attention to the little things. The moment that I got this submission from @something-tofightfor to write for the piece that  @gollyderek did that was inspired by Neon Lights, I just about exploded with excitement. First of all, Neon Lights is my favorite piece of fanfiction on this or any plane of existence. If you haven’t read it you absolutely have to. Secondly, Laura’s artwork for it was and still is my happy place because it so perfectly depicts the magic of the moment that reader first sees Ryan. In fact, it makes lots of people’s days better, Laura. When she submitted this request, Rachael told me that this artwork makes her happy even on bad days. 
So the chance to write about not only a beautiful work of art, but one inspired by a beautiful work of fiction was sort of fricking amazing! I decided (with @something-tofightfor​ ‘s blessing, of course- Thanks for trusting me, Rachael!) to write this from Ryan’s POV. 
Anyway! I could continue to gush about how talented both of these ladies are and how much both of their works mean to me, but let’s get on with it. Laura, from Rachael (and I) to you: THANK YOU FOR GIFTING US ALL WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART. YOU ARE TALENTED. YOU ARE APPRECIATED. YOU ARE A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH. Keep fuckin shit up in the best way. 
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(Can you hear him singing? I can. Good Lord, I can.) 
Lonely Stranger
Once his fingers began to work at the strings, the guitar in Ryan’s lap stopped being separate from him. Hunched over the body and curved around the neck, he let the faces in the small crowd that had gathered disappear and gave all of his focus to the song he was playing. While he enjoyed playing for people, even taking requests to ensure that he played things that they actually knew and wanted to hear, what he enjoyed the most about music was the way that it didn’t begin and end with just his voice or his guitar. It required more than that. Soul and memory. Joy and mistakes. Got plenty’a both. 
Making music was about feeling all of these things and using them to say something through song, regardless of whether or not it was one he’d written. It was his chance to talk to people he might otherwise not get the opportunity to. Just as they slipped beneath the notes he played and the lyrics he sang, he felt himself become invisible to them. His dusty boots, stained jeans, roughly inked digits and all of the preconceived notions that they carried became muted details that mattered less and less with every pluck and pass of his fingers and thumbs, every line he belted out. Ryan became invisible enough to connect with these strangers, just enough to make them smile and keep him believing that people were better on the whole than the worst of their parts. 
They didn’t mind that they’d never see him again, and the older he got and the more he traveled, he realized that he didn't either. Ryan had a few people in his life that he knew would always be a part of it- Georgie and a couple of the friends that they played with together, Virginia, even if every day it got closer to too long since he’d seen her. Cowboy, even though he was gone. Ryan’s closed eyelids wrinkled as he connected that loss to the story he was telling with his song. 
I must be invisible No one knows me. I have crawled down dead-end streets On my hands and knees.
The people who knew him weren’t the ones standing in front of him as he sat perched on a milk crate suspended over the Strip. Those people were scattered elsewhere, acting as anchors for him to return to when needed, as he was to them- people who understood him, accepted him beyond what they could see and without trying to change him. Those people were few and far between, both figuratively and in miles, and Ryan had recently decided that that was for the best. He hadn’t left his home looking for someplace to settle into a new one, he’d done it to live on his own terms. It had been years since he’d met someone who had seen him beneath what they guessed about him, those guesses more often than not being wrong, so he’d stopped hoping for it. 
'cause I'm a lonely stranger here, Well beyond my day. And I don't know what's goin' on, So I'll be on my way.
It was easier to just make these little connections through music, to focus on the details of the city he was in. The skyline, the way clouds gathered and the colors that they cast over the landscape, cobbled streets and gravel roads, highways and bright lights and everything that made each place he visited different from the one before. That’s why he’d chosen the life he had, regardless of what people thought, and it was easier to enjoy those things than it was to try to find another person who saw them the way that he did, saw his lifestyle as a series of intentional choices and not one of circumstantial consequence. 
The desert heat hadn’t left with the sunlight, and though sweat ran in beads between his shoulder blades and left salty trails from his forehead and temples that dried on his skin before reaching his beard, he hardly noticed. He opened his eyes briefly as he played between lyrics, a few more people stepping up to join the audience, their featureless faces reflecting the colors of the neon lights that brought the city to life. Just people on vacation, checking “watch a street performer” off of their Vegas to-do list. Crinkled dollar bills and a small cache of coins littered the lining of the guitar case at his feet, and he was grateful for every cent of it because it allowed him to continue to live the life he wanted, even if it meant becoming a small detail in the scrapbooks of other people’s lives. 
He blinked as a drop of sweat rolled into his eye, and shook his head to clear it without missing a beat. Opening both eyes again, Ryan expected to be met with the same cluster of strangers that he’d just seen, but where before when his eyes had been able to skim across the crowd with ease, this time they found a sticking point- a young woman standing off to the side in a simple black dress, a soft pink glow illuminating her from behind. What? Ryan’s brow wrinkled, and he gave another small shake of his head as though trying to clear a mirage from his mind. 
But you were still there, your eyes wide and your mouth slightly open, body entirely still. But she’s… listening. Ryan closed his eyes, tight, and sunk himself back into the song. Doesn’t matter.   
Some will say that I'm no good; Maybe I agree. Take a look then walk away. That's alright with me.
But you hadn’t heeded the warning in the song. You’d stuck around as most of the crowd dispersed, continuing on to the destinations that his presence on the bridge had delayed them from. Why? He looked down as you tossed a bill into the case, the green paper landing on the small pile of other bills but standing out starkly due to the number in the corner being much higher than any that it sat atop. Oh. That’s… 
“That’s too much, you don’t have to-” he said aloud, assuming that you’d meant to slip something smaller into the case. Bringing his eyes up to yours, they locked onto something there that surprised him. Lips suddenly dry, his tongue darted out to wet them. “Please, that’s not-” 
But you wouldn’t let it go, insisting that he take the tip and the praise that came along with it. You didn’t run off, having checked a box and eager to check another, but stepped aside as he briefly thanked those that did have somewhere else to be. You stayed through another song- one he’d written- watching and listening with the same look on your face, closer now, the curve of your cheek and the tip of your nose highlighted by the yellow orange glow of a different set of lights. She’s… he thanked the couple in front of him, giving them a genuine smile and telling them to have a nice evening, but he was still stuck on your eyes. She’s stunning but I...it... When you’d overheard him answer someone else’s question of what his name was, you hadn’t waited for him to introduce himself to you before using it yourself, and when you did he could feel the way that his own eyes lightened, smiling from the unexpected way you’d maintained the connection that others so easily dropped the second the last note faded. 
Close enough now to see even more than he’d been able to before, Ryan realized what had made you different, even if he couldn’t fathom how he knew it. She’s been lonely, too. Knows it's not all bad, bein’ alone. It wasn’t sadness in your eyes that gave that away, it was clarity. Damn. But instead of looking for a way to cut it off, Ryan held onto the connection that the two of you shared, offering to play a song of your choosing. 
To him, your choice had only confirmed what he didn’t know how he knew about you. The odd comfort and jarring change of being seen, even if just for the length of a few songs adding to the list of things he’d add to the guitar, to his voice: Soul and memory. Joy and mistakes. 
And this… no matter what category tonight falls into.  
And now I am going to go cry about how much I love Ryan Brenner and this perfectly frozen moment in time that @gollyderek​ captured from @something-tofightfor​ ‘s beautiful words. SWOON and SIGH. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it even if it made me nervous AF and choosing a song for Ryan to be singing was more difficult than it should have been. Thank you a million times to all of you fabulous artists! If you are an artist in the Ben Barnes fandom, or you want to surprise an artist with a quick drabble based on their art, send me a message and link me to the posted artwork. Let’s show these talented folks how much we appreciate them and the things that they create! 
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leenard-balhag · 4 years ago
"Among the Seas" 🐚💔
I was among the seas of lost innocence
Almost drowning in blurred sights of blues
But I found you, and I have thought that you found me-
In the endless waters, I cherished once to see
I was so desolate, like a mermaid alone in one stone
Singing and luring those travelers within
But you are an exception, you are a treasure afloat
And I was so ironically charmed and hooked to be
Eyes of black pearls looking into me, wishing you could be interested
Little approaches and little gestures but in pupils to never dilate
Short talks in short moments seemingly impressing the nets
Something I never guessed to be trapped so brave
But it was my fault, I have imagined you wanted me as you laughed
I have thought that those looks and stares mean so much more in the sea, our seas?
Overthinking in mirage of wanders, I fell in love 
And I expected too much, even expecting you to be everywhere near me 
Your every word and every little thing you did to my sake-
It lingered on my mind, beyond the ocean of stupid amity
Amidst the ardent skies in dark nights of stars above my wakes
I have always thought of you, thinking that you're dreaming of me too 
Or maybe you did, and I just killed it all
When you've shown me kindness, I hid in hideous goals
Or those times when you're seemingly wanted to be with me-
I left you, treated you like a shell on a shore 
But I know it's just a misguided hope, for I've always been known what's impossible
To swim in wide waters to reach you, it's an effort not every fish can do
And when I did, I told you everything, and you just told me 'no'
As I ascend from our corals, our garden anchored untrue
And then you shared a folklore of my embarrassing past-
Never knew what I really am but went to trick me of what I was
And I realized, you looked at me like nothing but a mythic
I was nothing to you, every memory with you is not even worth thinking
As I lived among captured breaths yet now I forget- how all the chase made me sick
All those adventures that I'll never forget are just a fun journey in your mind
That you'll never love me back the way I have loved you 
Four years of hoping, giving up on slow burns of crashed mornings
Every now and then I still have thought of you and sometimes hoped you'll do too
But now if the time of voyagers can't even heal my damaged tail I brood
Maybe I have to control, and let go of you like nothing, like I was for you
And I will try, to never glance on your salty tears to bring
For when you'll never see me as a beauty in hiding
And now we'll be empty like a chest on below
For maybe I deserve more in numbing waters of sunken whispers
Someone to appreciate a grotesque creature of brine harrows
Yet I still face the direction of your wrecked boats
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possible-modernist · 3 years ago
Many thanks for this reply! I think we are generally in strong agreement, so I'll just address a few small points.
First, on the Bayesian brain and heuristics, I think we only differ on what counts as a heuristic. I certainly agree that our brains work (in some sense) by having models of the world and updating those with new information as it comes in, which is certainly Bayesian in spirit. We can quite safely assume for theoretical reasons that doing exact inference is not within the realm of possibility, so there must be some kind of approximation happening. I guess my perspective here is that the fact that there are certain ways in which we can reliably get confused suggests that failures of approximation are not due to some sort of insufficiently precise approximation (e.g., a la Monte Carlo inference, where would expect failures to be more random), but rather due to the use of some sort of more heuristic mechanism. I can't really get any more precise than that, as I don't actually know what I'm talking about, but I just wanted to clarify that I think you took me to mean a greater level of simplicity than actually intended. My intended meaning was something more like approximate inference with some reliable failure modes.
Now I do agree that many of these failure modes are rather artificial. However, it is interesting to think through various ways in which we might have been fooled, even in the ancestral environment. I think there are actually numerous types of visual and auditory illusions we might have been subject to, and at least sometimes confused by, including things like the classic mirage in the desert. One could also potentially categorize the fluctuations in our own thinking as a kind of distortion (whether due to situational cues, various stimulants, or other), i.e., whether we think we can take on a lion in a given moment or not. And of course there is clear evidence of a predisposition to assume a kind of animacy or intentionality in the causes of things, and a corresponding failure to imagine a more systemic explanation. We could quibble about whether to blame this on heuristics or not, but it does seem to me like there is a predisposition (whether through prior or inference mechanism) to end up believing in the presence of some sort of God.
That being said, I do admit that it is foolhardy to assume we know what is in the mind of the deer, and leaning too hard on consciousness or intentionality can get us into trouble. I often feel like a major difficulty in communication is to sustain the utility of certain terms when they are at risk of collapse under an analysis at a lower level. Yes it is possible to read everything we do as writing, but this seems to me to wade into the waters of having writing become synonymous with the forward flow of time, i.e., the movement of atoms is itself just a kind of writing; how can we find any basis upon which to distinguish certain types of events in time from others? Whether it is "real" or not, intentionality still feels like it can be a useful frame for thinking about these things, even if it is only something we build into our models of others.
One way of trying to make a distinction could perhaps be based on the extent to which we consciously run forward simulations of possible outcomes which might result from the perceived choices. All of this is still nevertheless just us acting, and yet there certainly feels to be something special about circumstances in which we try to imagine the likely outcomes of our actions, and even briefly inhabit those mental worlds before acting, as distinct from situations in which we respond without consciously thinking about it. I often think this is clearest in cases where we are trying to decide among a fixed set of choices, especially when the evidence is insufficient for it to be obvious. It's fascinating to me how easily a kind of Kierkegaardian moment of undecidability can enter into our daily lives (such as, personally speaking, when I try to decide where to go for brunch).
Something similar happens with "manipulation". I agree that it is hard to draw a clean distinction between something like nefarious persuasion and influence more generally, but if we let "manipulation" expand into just meaning "influence", then I expect we would simply end up inventing another term to signal something closer to the nefarious end of the spectrum. At a minimum, there does seem to be a useful distinction between, say, telling someone what you are trying to do to influence them, versus deceiving or denying that you are doing what you are doing or that you are doing anything at all.
Regardless, I love your point that even connoisseurs love to be manipulated, it's just that they want it done well, not using hackneyed techniques. It's fascinating the degree to which we desire certain types of mental states, and in some ways work against ourselves in seeking them out, by gradually increasing the refinement of our tastes. There is something delightful about experiencing new ideas when in a state of ignorance that I fear gets lost as we begin to know more. Perhaps what becomes most difficult is sustaining a base level of wonder and capacity to be awed. How shall we seek out the most stimulating intellectual experiences once we have ensconced ourselves in what feels like a relatively coherent world view?
It feels somewhat strange to respond to a letter that was not addressed to me, especially that is now perhaps more of a historical artefact. Nor was your letter purloined, but simply made public, published even, as part of a correspondence. In that sense, this is perhaps more of a commentary, or simply a piece of fan mail.
The main reason I felt compelled to respond was your conceptualization of reading as inference, which is very close to how I have been thinking about related issues.
In particular, the example that kept coming to mind, while I read your letter, is that of "stotting". This is a behavior that has been observed in animals such as deer, in which they needlessly jump while running from a predator. Since this sort of jumping does not increase the speed at which they can flee from the predator (and may in fact slow them down or make them more visible), this behaviour has been interpreted by some of those who study it as a kind of signaling. In effect, those animals who stot are flaunting their ability, suggesting to the predator that it should not bother trying to chase them down, because they clearly have enough speed and stamina to outrun the danger. The predator, in turn, will read this signaling appropriately, redirecting its efforts towards an animal that is not indicating that it is capable of escaping, which is more likely to be one that it will be able to catch (perhaps because the prey is old, or injured, for example).
The key to this, and the only reason it works, as others have noted, is that this signal is hard to fake. It wouldn't work for animals to try to convey their ability to outrun a predator using some means that was easily available to all; if all individuals are equally capable of sending that signal, no matter what their ability to actually outrun a predator, then anti-inductivity would kick in, and all of them would do so (at which point, the message would lose all meaning, effectively conveying no information, so in fact none of them would). It is only because the signal really does represent something that is highly indicative of ability to run fast that it works as a signal. Those who are not fast enough to stot will get eaten.
The same sort of thing of course explains many strange behaviours among animals, as far as I understand, including things like bird plumage and mating behaviours (we can also think of obvious analogies among humans). That does not mean, of course, that all such signals retain their intrinsic meaning forever. Especially among humans, evolutionary psychologists have suggested that all kinds of preferences can be traced to things which were once signals representing various characteristics likely to be beneficial for offspring, such as the ability to have children, or overall health or freedom from disease. These are now basically evolutionary holdovers because a) many of these are no longer so hard to fake, and b) they are no longer strong indicators of the relevant outcomes. Nevertheless, there is of course in which they can continue to have power, in so far things that are desirable themselves become symbols of status, in a self-reinforcing feedback loop.
Whether or not the above explanation is correct (let's say for the sake of argument that it is), we might conventionally think of the observation and reaction by the predator as a kind of "reading", though  it instinctively seems less appropriate to call the stotting itself a kind of "writing". The first explanation we might instinctively provide for this difference is that stotting is not a conscious, calculated choice by the prey ("if I leap now, then that wolf will infer that I am strong, and realize how foolish it would be to chase me"), but rather behaviour that is essentially automatic, like some part of the fight or (in this case) flight response. That seems reasonable, except that presumably the "reading" by the predator is just as similarly unconscious and automatic (if that is indeed a fair characterization of the prey's behaviour).
Even though this seems slightly inconsistent, I think it can actually be reasonably understood within your framework. If we think of reading as a kind of inference, then the predator is accurately inferring from the prey's stotting that it is a fast animal (assuming that the stotting is in fact a trustworthy signal), and adjusting its behaviour as a result. It obviously has not carried out a precise statistical inference, but rather has applied various heuristics to do a kind of approximate inference, incorporating the new information into its model of each deer's ability and it's likelihood of catching each of them. The deer is writing in a sense, signaling as it leaps, but "writing" still feels inappropriate. Perhaps the key is that it does not seem to be an individualized signal crafted to the particular situation, but just part of an automatic behaviour that would be triggered by any predator, and is similar across all prey, such that we would call it something more like "instinct".
All that is to say, we can think of both reading and writing as being more or less calculated or automatic. All of these notions clearly apply to humanity as well, with the added complexity that we humans have much richer models of the world, much more cognitive capacity, and often much more flexibility to craft our signals or carry out our readings over an extended period of time.
That's not to say, however, that we don't also have more automatic forms of these. A classic example (again from evolutionary theory), might be something like blushing. Blushing seems to be one of those evolutionary puzzles for which we can come up with numerous possible explanations. Part of the thinking on this will be guided by salient features of blushing, specifically the fact that it is automatic and uncontrollable, and also (perhaps to a lesser extent), that it is hard to fake. One could perhaps learn to blush on command, or to avoid blushing in any circumstance, but I expect it would take considerable practice in either case. I won't speculate here on the "true purpose" of blushing, but rather note that it a kind of writing that we carry out without intending it (to the extent that stotting is), and one that we similarly read in each other without needing to think about it; we see someone blush and immediately infer that they are embarrassed (or some more complex interpretation, depending on the context).
At the opposite extreme, I can finally turn to your discussion of more literal reading and writing, as with literature. Here there seems to be much more room for a more deliberate, calculated, drawn out form of intention and interpretation, though I think it is also more complicated than that. Especially on the writing side, it is no doubt the case that many times we very deliberately carry out actions that we believe will cause a reader to make particular inferences, and in some cases the calculated nature of this might sometimes lead this to be labeled manipulation.
To some extent this is what writers do. In editing a piece of work, a writer might think about how a particular sentence will be received, whether it is confusing, how it could be improved, based largely on how they think it will be read. At the same time, it seems implausible that writers begin purely with such calculated modeling. Rather, they begin. Either through practice, raw talent, or experience gained through feedback, they have some intuitive sense of what will work, and follow those intuitions, or even begin in the most non-deliberate writing they can, hoping that things will emerge, or that they will be able to shape the material into something later. One might also point to "automatic writing" as a tool used by writers to try to get past blocks or generate ideas, though ironically one seems to need to use fairly deliberate techniques in order to produce work that is adequately "automatic".
On the reading side, there is again a continuum. Even professional critics presumably have many automatic reactions while they are reading, though these of course will be shaped by their experience, and will likely be quite different from that of a more naive reader. (The critic is far less likely to be affected by simple manipulative techniques like music inserted to trigger emotional cues, and much more likely to have a negative reaction to overused tropes). Nevertheless, the interpretive part of a literal kind of reading (or listening or viewing) will likely be a more extended activity, with interpretations developed through reflection, discussion, debate, etc.
The scope for such reading is limitless of course. One very narrow type of reading is to assume that there is a single specific "meaning" intended by the writer, and that the goal is to figure out what that is. I'm not familiar with Knapp & Michaels, but based on your description, this seems to be the only type of meaning they are interested in, which seems to me to be an extremely impoverished view.
Certainly there are some settings in which that view is relevant. For example, in creating a crossword puzzle, the creator has an intended answer for each clue, such that the correct answers will cohere. The goal of the puzzle solver is largely to infer what the writer intended for each clue, although in rare circumstances, there could be multiple solutions which would fit equally well, in which case one might fail to infer the intended meaning, and yet still "solve" the puzzle. (Ironically, puzzle solving can be turned into puzzle creation, with enough creativity in interpreting the clues).
Another example would be something like detecting what seem to be typos, and trying to infer what the author intended to write, if they did in fact intend to write something different. In reading your letter, I noticed you say "in a class narrow-and-conquer method", which doesn't quite scan. I thought at first that you meant to write "crass", but upon reflection, you probably intended "classic". Perhaps it was both!
As for the "meaning" of most art, however, it seems overly simplistic to suggest that there is a single "intended" meaning by the creator, for the reasons discussed above. There might be ambiguities in the text for which the writer has a personal interpretation, but in most cases the larger "meaning" will not be a single intention by the author (except perhaps in their intention to create a particular emotional or affective response to a particular passage, etc.).
Moreover, there is simply much more than can be inferred. Indeed, much of the elaboration of criticism is in thinking about art as information which can be used to make inferences about the world, either about the world in which the work was created, or about aspects of the author which they themselves may not even be aware of, at least not consciously.
One subtlety I might suggest is worth drawing out a bit more is your suggestion that "inference is performed statistically". This is clearly true in the sense that we are dealing with uncertainties. We are not making syllogistic deductions, but rather assembling evidence into models. The reason I find this interesting is that we do now have very good theories and even systems for performing "correct" statistical inference. In fact, I was particularly struck (although I didn't notice it on my first read through) by your mention of a quest for a "so-called universal method of statistical inference which can be uniformly, automatically applied to any problem". This should be the subject for another letter, but there is a sense in which this is something that has in fact now been theorized and created by the statistical community.
The conclusion from such statistical theorizing and building, however, seems to be that this is not something that humans could plausibly be carrying out (because anything exact would be intractable). Hence my reference above to heuristics, and perhaps the reason that we can still be so easily fooled by crude signals. This also connects to your characterization of the link between color and capacity for action (within the context of traffic signals) as statistical, though I won't try to develop that here.
Regardless, reading will of course be dependent on our models of the world, and can be manipulated by misunderstanding. You mention GPT-3, which provides many such examples. In the absence of any prompting to that effect, many people would likely assume that various texts by GPT-3 were written by a person, and might proceed to interpret based on that assumption. Moreover, such interpretations might be "correct" within the confines of their assumptions. Upon learning that such text was in fact produced by an anthropomorphized computer program, many would similarly assume that the machine must in some sense be conscious or otherwise capable of various feats. Again, such an inference is not necessarily wrong within the confines of its assumption, though that is only because most people would be wrong about what they believe is possible or impossible to do with systems trained on large amounts of text.
In that sense, the ability to write coherently is something that, up until now, has been quite hard to fake. Because it must be learned, writing was a clear signal of a certain level of cognitive ability, and other abilities that could reliably be expected to come along with that. Now that GPT-3 exists, of course, people will need to recalibrate, though it seems likely that most people will remain perpetually behind in making truly accurate inferences, given the pace at which things are changing. Nevertheless, even if we do successfully adapt our conscious machinery in interpreting texts, it seems highly likely that we will continue to be "fooled" to some extent by convincing text. Just as we can't help but blush, and can't help but read blushing, we likely can't help but read text as meaningful, in the sense of having had a consciousness behind it, even if we then follow that with a more rigorous or creative reading.
October 9, 2021
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Top ten facts about ancient Egypt
These have a lot of overlap with "mythology / cosmology / anthropology / history" topics, and so I'll include links. I'm not going to provide a complete list of topics since this is for a tumblr blog, not a serious academic journal.
more (1) The whole "Nile" thing
The Nile river is known to be very important to Egyptian religion and mythology, and it plays an important role in early Egyptian literature. The "Nile" river (modern Nile, actually a branch of the great river Nile) is actually a great river that starts in the southern part of Africa. The Egyptians called it "the life source of the world" (nut, literally "light"/"life") and this became its name (in Arabic, it's called the "Gharīṣu"). One day, Zeus wanted to create a place to dump a lake that he hated, so he blew his wool of Aphrodite, or maybe he threw it down the Horus shaft. Whatever, a bunch of water gushed out, creating the first of four crocodile lakes. This is called "the place of creation", "the origin of the world", and the "world's end," which has become Egypt.
I don't understand any of this (except "Zeus tried to take the piss out of a lake") but here you have it, anyway
(2) The Book of the Anwy
This book was written down after the Pharaoh Khufu wanted to know what a specific dream meant and who he'd be sacrificing to the gods. Some of the dreams were obviously in code, so Khufu had the dream translated by the scribe Pen-name. After many failed attempts, the Pharaoh got the interpretation right by having his dreams translated by Pen-name. Unfortunately, this all happened because Pen-name's pen names were "the great god's eyes" or something (it was the Egyptian word khu, "god," with an initial w), which could mean anything if read in reverse. So Pen-name had to translate the dreams backwards, starting from the end of the dream. The story goes that a bunch of priests kept looking over his shoulder to make sure it was all going okay.
A later, less famous, translation of the same text describes a dream in which Pharaoh Rameses sees his future as a mummy in a pyramid tomb. You see, in ancient Egypt, if you were very rich and powerful (an auxiliary pharaoh), you had a "naked body" placed in a big pyramid tomb, in case you had a family or something that needed to look at your corpse. In this case, Rameses' tomb, unlike most, was open to the sky (the main reason is that the tomb is much bigger than one family's home). A lot of people still wanted to look at his corpse, and since he was an auxiliary pharaoh he had to get over this. So he had the idea that he could disguise his body as the statue of his son, an already deceased pharaoh.
The statue's skin, however, is much thicker than human skin, so he put the skin of a cat next to it. In this case, people couldn't see his face (they saw that it was a cat). So they just kept calling him "the mummy of Rameses" and he became very angry.
Some historians think the Egyptians may have invented algebra? I don't think it's a strong claim, since algebra was known to the ancient Greeks, but since we don't know how Egyptians did it (and it's probably just a matter of some kind of memorization technique), we can't really dismiss it out of hand.
(5) Mentuhotep's theory about Moses (or maybe it's his theory about the Mirage of Mount Sinai and Egypt)
Moses is the most important figure in the Bible, and I guess a lot of people read the Bible in public schools. A lot of scholars think he is a historical character from the time that Egypt was actually a real place, in the same way that people think the Exodus was an actual event that happened rather than a myth. (Most scholars don't believe in theological interpretation of the Exodus). Ancient Egyptians thought that Moses was one of many prophets who would come to speak with the gods at a time when humans lived underground. This theory is most famously associated with the so-called Manuscript of the Descent of Moses. In this piece, Moses speaks to God, explaining his identity to him. When God asks him his "name", Moses replies, "I am one who hears the words of the Master." Moses asks God to send him back into Egypt because he is afraid that the people will try to kill him (though in the Sitchin theory Moses is just another prophet like all the other prophets, who was sent into exile and died early). He says,
"I have seen your majesty face to face and I am at rest.
I ask for your protection at my return."
This is why Moses has such a long name: all of the words in it syntactical analysis into a single unit: "Mentuhotep heard the words of the Master". Now, it's a bit unclear who Manetho was ("he was the first man to interpret the Book of the Dead") and he may have written the text, but it's still interesting to think that the Egyptians might have invented algebra!
(6) The history of Rome is more or less just an excuse to talk about the importance of ancient Roman history. Basically Livy was a guy who just wrote a bunch of history, and so many people took his history as an authority on ancient Rome. Nowadays we know way more about how Rome was actually organized, but even if they were as terrible as the ancients claimed, that doesn't justify reading Livy's history.
(7) An Introduction to the History of the Peloponnesian War, which was probably written by a Greek. I don't know much Greek but I think it's interesting to read the "Greece was really really stupid" version of history as a foreigner.
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