#guess I got a peach 🍑
thetxtdevil · 3 months
Peachy Keen
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Huening Kai x Reader
summary: Having class during the summer is not fun, but energy drinks and a cute boy will help you through it.
content: fluff, college au
the fruit collection
early morning communications class
during the summer semester
you're not happy
you get into the classroom finding yourself a seat
you look over at the small group of students
you notice a guy with his hoodie on his head and immediately judge his choice of attire
it's extreme temperatures and he's wearing a hoodie???
the professor goes on and on about who knows what
you reach into your backpack and take out an energy drink
the loud crack of opening the carbonated drink awakens the room
everyone stares at you
even the hooded boy
you finally saw his face and all judgment faded away
he's really cute...
he smiles at you while he sips his own energy can
you take a drink from the can acting like no one was disturbed
class continues
a few weeks of the class
the students has gotten used to your religious energy drink consumption
one monday you came upon the seat that you made your own and found a can patiently waiting
the can was decorated a bright pink
cold to the touch you lift the can to see it was peach flavor
oh how much you love peach flavored things
you look around to see if anyone left their drink
you made eye contact with the cute student
he smiles and just like before he takes a sip of his own can
when class ended you got the courage to talk to the boy
"now how did you know I like peach?" you say as you sit on top of a desk
"i guess i have good instincts" he smiles
you drop your head trying to hide your blush
"since the professor just wanted to be the only one to communicate and we never got to meet each other,,, my name is y/n"
the boy chuckles at your claim "i'm kai"
"well cheers to summer school yeah?"
kai gives you a smile that makes your heart flutter
he tilts his can towards yours and you tap your drink against it
kai sips his drink
you notice a hint of peach color in his face and hesitation
"humm..." he clears his throat "would you like to communicate more outside of class?"
you giggle at his sentence
"yes, i would very much like to"
authors note: sorry this one is so short :/ i kinda lost motivation with this story and became more invested with my vampire aus, but if you liked this short blurb let me know if you want a full story. ;)
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil 🍑
Taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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swiftllama · 5 months
February Compliments ☀️🔍
[Compliments Masterlist]
And we’re back! Not a lot of compliments for February but still a few so hope this will still be a fun read for you guys 😊
So let’s get into it!
February 2024
Is This Video Offensive?
So in this Flashback they reacted to the classic Molester Moon sketch 🌚 We only got one little compliment in this video but I thought I would still include it :-
They’re introducing the video dressed as moons and give each other a fist bump and saying how they’re ‘ordinary guys’.
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Ian: “Anyway, um,” *turns to Anthony* “You look good.”
Another little moment I wanted to include which I just found silly :-
[talking about the pandora’s boxes that were opened with the creation of certain emojis]
Anthony: “The peach emoji…”
Ian: “Yeah, yeah, for real.”
Anthony: “The eggplant emoji.”
Ian: “Or do you think the creator was like, ‘let’s make it look a little bit like an ass’.”
Anthony: [laughs] “It’s a little bit like a huge, purple dong.”
Ian: “Dong.”
Anthony: “Yeah, I don’t know, honestly, it makes me wonder if they did know because it’s too perfectly ass-shaped. Right? I feel like it’s more ass-shaped than a peach. Peaches are not that perfectly ass-shaped.”
Ian: “I don’t know, bro.”
Anthony: “You seen some pretty good looking peaches?”
Ian: “I’ve seen some pretty tantalising peaches in my day.”
Anthony: [swallows] “Oh yeah? Do you want me to call you by my name?”
Ian: [in a low voice] “I could eat a peach for hours.”
👀 who doesn’t love Ian and Anthony flirting with each other 🤭🍑
What’s Wrong With This Soup? (Culinary Crimes)
So the boys went on Courtney’s new show and it did not disappoint with giving us some complimentary bestie moments :-
Courtney: “So the theme of this episode is foods that are vegan, gluten free, with some other twists as well.”
Ian: “So a lot of nuts, I presume.”
Anthony: “Besties with testes.”
Ian: “We are besties with testes, so.”
Silly but still quite cute, can never resist them calling each other besties even when it involves testes 😅
[First recipe they are given is soup]
Ian: “I have recently became a soup boy.”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Courtney: “You have become a soup boy. That’s why I put you on this case.”
Ian: “Oh, is that right? Yes.”
Anthony: “I have been a good soup boy’s assistant.”
Ian: “Yeah.”
Anthony: “Ian invited me over. I was a little assistant, we made some soup.”
Ian: “We made soup together.”
Anthony: “It was really good.”
WHAT?! THEY MADE SOUP TOGETHER! IAN INVITED HIM OVER AND THEY MADE SOUP TOGETHER!!! ANTHONY WAS HIS SOUP ASSISTANT!!! 😭…. Sorry, screaming over. But that is the cutest thing ever! So after the whole moment in January where Ian dashed many of our fantasies of them making soup together, it ended up actually happening and I am one happy girl knowing it did 😊
Making Of “Would You Push This Button?”
So the BTS of the Would You Push This Button? sketch provided us with a couple moments :-
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Not a compliment or anything but you know, gotta include the high-fives.
Now this other moment is complimentary but the dialogue isn’t that important so I’m just going to give a run down of what is happening :-
[Anthony filming Ian sitting recording voice audio that no longer is getting used for the main video. Ian rambles on about how only members get to hear it and how we’re getting it for free, but not really free cause we paid for membership, and how this audio was originally meant to be used as a Shut Up! intro but it wasn’t that funny, all while Ian is saying this you can hear Anthony laughing behind the camera]
Just another example of the fact that Ian is the funniest person to Anthony ☺️
Would You Push This Button? & MrBeast Copycat Watch Party
Of course to go along with the Would You Push This Button? sketch we also got the watch party livestream, along with them reacting to the previous sketch MrBeast Copycats Have Gone Too Far that they had missed.
[Earlier in the video Ian guesses that Apollo 17 was the last time humans set foot on the moon]
Ian: [reads chat comment] “Oh, I was right with Apollo 17.”
Anthony: “Damn! How did you know Apollo 17?”
Ian: “Just a good guess, I guess.”
Wee compliment from Anthony 😊
Chat comment: ‘What’s the latest soup Ian’s learned to make?’
Ian: “The last one that I learned to make was the African Peanut Stew.”
Anthony: “Oh yeah, that one sounds so good.”
Ian: “So good.”
Anthony: “I was like is that shit vegan?”
Ian: “It was so good- yeah, yeah, it’s vegan.”
Anthony: “Yeah, we got to make that one. We got to make that one next.”
Aw, soup boy’s assistant is wanting to get back in the kitchen with him 🥹
[Boys do a quiz to find out which Bratz doll they are]
Q: ‘What is a personal flaw that your friends accept you for?’
Anthony: “Probably shy and awkward. That’s true.”
Erin: “Do you agree, Ian?”
Anthony: [looks at Ian] “Do you accept me for that?”
Ian: “I accept you for that.”
Anthony: “Okay, thank you.”
Just a cute little one 😝
[Ian taking the quiz]
Q: ‘Pick a fashion icon’
Ian: “I think I’m a Bianca Jagger.”
Anthony: “Sure. That feels right.”
Another little compliment from Anthony cause why not ✨
Q: ‘What’s your favourite relic from the 2000s?’
Ian: “I’m going to do [sings] being young, carefree and stupid.”
Anthony: “That was mine too.”
#twinning #justbestiethings
Q: ‘Which y2k fragrance did you have/would you have on your vanity tray?’
Ian: “I am definitely Princess by Vera Wang.”
Anthony: “Yep. That sounds right.”
Just Anthony agreeing that Ian is a princess 👑
Ian: [on the personal flaw question] “I feel like I’m all of these things.”
Anthony: “You’re a drama queen…”
Ian: “I think my honesty can be harsh. I think- actually I can’t be wild.”
Anthony: “You’ve been wild.”
Ian: “I am a drama queen.”
Anthony: “When are you a drama queen?”
Ian: “I feel like I can be a catty little bitch sometimes.”
Anthony: “But that’s not a drama queen.”
Ian: “Like I love drama. Like whenever I hear that there’s a problem I’m like [rubs hands together] ‘alright, let’s go’.”
Anthony: “Yeah, but I feel like drama queens are also like in the drama.”
Erin: “He’s a little dramatic.”
Anthony: “Is he in the drama though?”
Erin: “I would say so.”
Ian: [laughs]
Anthony: “I feel like he observes it and talks about it.”
Ian: “Sometimes I can be the drama. No, I don’t think I’m- I love hearing other people’s drama…”
Anthony: “Yeah.”
Ian: “But I feel like sometimes my honesty can be harsh.”
Anthony: “Sure, sure.”
Ian: “Sometimes I, you know, like sometimes there’s things that just don’t need to be said.”
Anthony: [laughs] “And you used to have no filter.”
Ian: “Sometimes I say it, I think I’ve gotten a little bit better, where I’ll be like, ‘I- never mind’.”
Anthony: “Yeah, yeah. I accept you for it.”
Ian: “Okay.”
Anthony: “I’ve grown to accept it. I used to be very sensitive.”
Love how this started off as something silly but turned into a genuine compliment by the end of it.
[Ian gets Jade as his answer]
Ian: [reading answer description] “…bold and thinks outside of the box or just someone who’s wild at heart.”
Anthony: “I could see wild at heart.”
Just a little mini compliment from Anthony there
Anthony: [reads chat comment and laughs] “Why is Ian on such a high from getting Jade over Anthony getting Jade?” [Anthony really wanted Jade as his answer as the crew said that’s who he was like]
Ian: Umm, I just didn’t think I was cool, man.”
Anthony: “Dude, you’re cool, Ian.” [pats chest] “You gotta have a little confidence, man.”
A double compliment from Anthony in this little section, you love to see it!
[reacting to the MrBeast sketch]
Anthony: “Yeah, that one was good. Your Mr Beast character, you fucking killed it, man. And going into the horror mode at the end [of the video] was great.”
It’s been a very heavy Anthony complimenting Ian livestream as you can probably tell 😅 not that I’m complaining!
[reacting to the Button sketch]
Ian: [talking about his Mormon character’s wig] “Wow, the blonde really brings out my eyes.”
Anthony: “Yeah, it looks really good.”
We do know Anthony loves Ian’s blue eyes 😉
[Ian dressed as a woman in the sketch]
Anthony: “Your lipstick is poppin’!”
Just another complimentary moment I wanted to include 😄
Chat comment: ‘Ian plays the mother so well it’s scary’
Ian: “That’s because I am mother.”
Anthony: “Ian is mother.”
👀 Okay, Anthony…
And that was it for this livestream!
Making Of “Grimace: Where Is He Now?”
The BTS of the Grimace: Where Is He Now? sketch gave us a couple little moments, not necessarily compliments, but wanted to include them nonetheless :-
First was this moment where Ian and Anthony are looking at each other through a door covered with fake police tape and they reach through and touch each other’s hands.
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(As usual sorry for the terrible gif quality, I tried 🫣)
But yeah, thought this was cute so wanted to make it part of this post 😊
And the other moment I wanted to include was as they were doing the outro to the video :-
Anthony: “Why do we need a fog machine when we have…”
[both Ian and Anthony blow out of their mouths so you can see their breath in the cold air]
Ian: “Wow, I don’t know if that looked cool on camera but…”
Anthony: “Felt cool.”
And then of course, gotta include one of their signature moves…
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The high-five!
There’s A Werewolf Among Us…
So the boys joined in on this Games video along with Courtney, Arasha, Spencer, Chanse and Trevor where they played Werewolf, in which one person is the werewolf and they have kill off other players without being discovered.
[Arasha brings up how she used to play it when it was called Mafia and the others joke around saying that it’s no longer called that because it’s offensive to Italian-Americans]
Courtney: “Angela actually held up a sign in the front of the building, she was like - ‘Please stop’.”
Ian: “Yeah, she picketed us.”
Anthony: “She’s on strike for the day.”
Ian: [laughs] “She’s on strike.”
Love when the shoe is on the other foot and it’s Ian finding Anthony funny, always very cute ☺️
[Everyone saying they think it’s Ian]
Chanse: “I was gonna say, I think I thought it was Anthony, but I’ve changed my mind.”
Ian: “Well, I mean, I would say I trust you two [Anthony and Chanse] ‘cause you didn’t immediately just go along with it. If you were the werewolf you would have immediately just motioned to vote because you’re like, yeah, let’s kill another villager.”
Trevor: “Or maybe they’re trying to hide it…”
Ian: “No.”
Trevor: “Because they already had someone second it. So why would they jump immediately?”
Ian: “Right, but they would need to be to jump in.”
Anthony: “Or maybe there’s no information to even go off of in the first round.”
Chanse: “I nominate Ian.”
Trevor: “Yeah. Vote time?”
Spencer: “Unfortunately, Ian.”
Ian: “All right, I’m just…”
Spencer: “You have made your case.”
Ian: “Okay, all right.”
Spencer: “And it’s vote time.”
Ian: “I think Anthony’s safe. I don’t trust anyone else.”
It’s sweet how Ian says Anthony’s the only one he trusts here as everyone besides Anthony is saying they think Ian is the werewolf. It’s also doubly sweet when you think about the fact that Anthony actually was the werewolf this round and yet, he was the only one Ian trusted 🥺
[Arasha making her case for the werewolf not to kill her]
Anthony: “Why are you giving werewolf tips?”
Courtney: “She’s plugging all the holes.”
Ian: [puts hands up] “I am nominating Arasha [as the werewolf].”
Anthony: [puts hand up] “I am nominating Arasha as well.”
I love when they just follow what each other’s doing 😌
[Anthony’s character dies]
Trevor: [going to raise his hand but backing down and everyone asking what he was going to say] “I just wanted to do it again. I was gonna do it again, where I just make a blatant accusation for no reason.”
Courtney: “It is good, though, for the plot.”
Chanse: “It starts shit.”
Trevor: [puts hand up] “All right, I think it’s Ian.”
Courtney: “The werewolf?”
Trevor: “Yeah.”
Spencer: “All right, does anyone wanna second that?”
Ian: “I think that’s a terrible decision.”
Trevor: “No, not necessarily nominating, I just would like to, you know, cast some doubt upon his character.”
Spencer: “Gosh darn.”
Courtney: “Yeah.” [points at Ian] “You like wolves!”
Ian: “I don’t like wolves.”
Trevor: “You would kill Anthony.”
Ian: [makes a sad/unhappy face]
Trevor: “You would. You hater.”
Ian: “What do you mean I would kill Anthony?”
Trevor: “You’re trying to, like oh, I would never kill my best friend. Oooh.”
Ian: “I never-”
Chanse: “He’s trying to start shit.”
Courtney: [laughing]
Trevor: “See? See? Ian’s like, ooh, they won’t think it’s me because I would never kill my best friend.”
Ian: “This guy talks too much.”
Anthony: [laughs]
Loved this moment, especially how not happy Ian was with the accusation that he would kill Anthony, even in a game. And of course can never resist when it’s brought up that they’re best friends. Also loved how Anthony didn’t say anything and only laughed at what Ian said - the bestie-ism was shining through! 👯‍♂️
And that was it for this video!
With that, that brings us to end of the compliments for February 2024! A shorter one as I said but hope you all still enjoyed 😊
Thanks for reading and I shall see you next time! 🫶
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blackhakumen · 1 month
Mini Fanfic #1225: A Peachy Filled Date~ (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Sonic)
10:11 a.m. at Smash Manson: Mario and Peach's Bedroom........
Peach: ('GASPS') Oh my gosh and stars!~ (Happily Squeals and Mov9ng her Upper Body Up and Down on the Bed Her and Mario Are Laying on Together
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly at How Adorable his Princess is Acting Right Now) What got you in a jumpy mood, dear?~ Saw a new peach colored dress you would want to wear?
Peach: Happily Turns to her Teddy Bear of a Plumber) Even better that, look!~ (Shows Mario a Pink Colored Flyer on her Phone)
Mario: (Starts Reading the Words Written on Peach's Phone Out Loud) "Come, one and all, to a very special event that is making a return of a lifetime: The Peach Harvest Festival 🍑. Starts at 12p.m. sharp, located at the Local Smah Park." Hm. (Smiles Softly) Nice to see this town doing something special for Peach Month for once this year.
Peach: Right? And it's on a very lovely sunny day to boot. (Clasps her Hands Together as She Sighs Dreamingly at the Past She's Reminiscing) I will never forget the day Toadsworth took me to one growning up~ The attractions, the mini rides, the peachy atmosphere, the one of the kind souvenirs, snd the yummy, delectable peaches we get to pick out from the gardens- (Mmm MMM!~) They were so divine!~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) I bet. Sounds like a really fun time.
Peach: ('Sigh') The funnest time in the whole world~ It's been so long since I've attended another one of them- (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) It makes me wonder how much it has changed these days......
Mario: I'm sure it won't change a whole lot. (Casually Shrugs) But I guess the only way to find out is to go there ourselves for the day.
Peach: Yeah-Wait. (Eyes Starts to Widened Before Turning Back to Mario) You want to go to the festival today too? Truly?
Mario: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. You gave me a good enough reason to be intrigued. (Smirks a Bit) Plus, seeing you this happy all day would brighten my day up even more than it already has right now.
Peach: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Awwwwweee honey- Wait a second! (Starts Pouting at her Plumber) Mariooooooo..... Is this your way if saying I'm cuter than you?
Mario: (Slowly and Playfully Shrugs) Mayyyyybe- Yes.
Peach: (Makes Grumbling Noises) How many times do I have keep proving you otherwise, mister!?~
Mario: You can do it as many times you want. It's not gonna help you beat the cuteness allegations anytime soon.
Peach: And no one's gonna help you beat the huggable allegations either- COME HERE!~
Peach pulls Mario into a tight, loving hug before showering him with her kisses, causing him laugh ticklishly very easily.
Two Hours of Cuddle Shenanigans and Getting Dressed and Ready Later...........
Outside of the Peach Harvest Festival's Entrance
Peach: Thanks again for dropping us off here, Shadow. (Happily Hugs Shadow Right Next to Her) You were such a great flyer out there, I'm so proud!~
Shadow: (Starts Blushing a Little) It was nothing, mother. I only took a few of Rouge's lessons and advice by heart and execute them the best I can.
Peach: That's wonderful, dear~ (Forms a Bit of a Smug Looking Smirk on her Face) Told you she wouldn't be as bad of a teacher you think~
Shadow: ('Soghs in a Bit of Defeat') That you did. But I impore you and father not to give her too much credit. (Rolls his Eyes) She'll gloat about it to no end.
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) We'll keep that in mind, son. You sure you don't want to go to the festival with us? The more is always the merrier
Shadow: (Simply Nodded) I'm positive. This is suppose to be your date today, I don't wanna get in the way of that. (Rolls his Eyes) Also, I promised Rouge I'd come back to her with a new fashion magazine and a bag of chips, two things she could easy get herself.....
Mario: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'm sure it's just her way of helping you hone your skills more often, you know?
Shadow: I doubt that. Nonetheless, hope you two have a good rest of the evening.
Mario: Thanks, son. (Hugs Shadow Along with Peach) You too.
Peach: And try being a little more patient with Rouge, okay? She cares about you just as much as we do. (Gives Shadow a Kiss on the Cheek)
Shadow: I know. And I'm forever grateful. Truly
Shadow gives both his parents a kiss on both their cheeks before using his newly found wings to fly off.
Mario: (Waves Goodbye to Shadow Long with Peach) Byeee, Shadow!
Peach: Be safe up there, sweetie!!~ ('Sigh') I miss him already......
Mario: Me too......(Turns to Peach With a Smile While Grabbing onto her Hand) Ready to get this festival date started?~
Peach: (Smiles Back at Mario While Holding onto his Hand) Let's!~
And so, plumber and princess duo embark on their journey the Peach Harvest Festival.
Peachy 🍑 Go Round Ride~
Peach: (Happily Riding on a Giant, Slowly Moving Peach) WEEEEEEEEEEE!~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly While Sitting Roght Behind his Princess) Having fun over there, dear?~
Peach: The funnest in the world!~ (Giggles Softly) I feel like a little girl again, I love it!!~ Ooh! (Turns to Mario From Behind) Mario, you think you could hold onto me for a second? I wanna try something right quick.
Mario: (Starts Wrapping his Arms Around Peach's Stomach and Waist) Like this?
Peach: (Happily Gives Mario a Thumbs Up) Perfect, honey, thank you!~ (Sticks Both Her Arms Out From Side to Side Before Screaming Out.....) I'M THE QUEEN OF ALL PEACHES!~
Mario: (Starts Snickering at How Cute Peach is Acting) What wrong with being a princess?
Peach: Nothing. Just feeling promoting myself today~
Mario: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) Uh-huh. Sure.
Peach Fashion Store
Peach: (Standing a Few Inches in Front of the Men's Fitting Room Door) You're doing okay in there, honey?
Mario: (Inside the Fitting Room) Yeah, I'm fine. Don't know how I feel about this get up you've gotten me though.......
Peach: Oh hush. You're always gonna to look great in my eyes, Mario, have more faith in your physique!
Mario: I have my faith in it. (Walks Out of the Fitting Room Wearing a Fancy, Peach Colored Suit and Top Hat) It's the color scheme of this attire I'm iffy on personally.
Peach: ('Gasps') Are you kidding? You look absolutely dashing in that suit!~ (Playfully Pulls on Mario's Cheek) You handsome little gentleman you~
Mario: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Peach's Antics) Easy on the pinching there, dear.... (Takes a Look at the Fancy, Peach Colored Dress Peach is Wearing) Ooh~ I really like how stunning you look in the dress.
Peach: (Confidently Strikes a Few Modeling Poses) Why, thank you!~ I've always wondered how I would look in a peach colored dress. I feel like a million bucks already!~ (Gives her Hips a Firm Smack, Causing it Wobble Around a Bit)
Mario: (Begins to Blush, Memorized by the Movements Peach's Hips are Making) MamaAh- (Quickly Shakes His Head as Tries to Come Back to Reality) S-So uh- ('Clears Throat') You think we should wear this for the rest of the festival?
Peach: Nah. It's far too hot to do that. Ooh!~ We could save them for Halloween this year!~ We'd be the most peachiest couple of the night.
Mario: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) We could do that.....(Forms a Cheeky Smile on his Face) Or~ We could have our small family dress in fancy, peach colored attires along with us.
Peach: ('Gasps') (Happily Claps her Hands to the Idea) We can be one happy peach family, I love it!!~
Mario: (Proudly Nodded) Mmhmm.
Grand Peach Harvest Field 🍑
Peach: (Holds a Ripe Looking Peach in her Hand for her and Mario to See Upfront) Here it is, Mario. The harvest's very own peach.
Mario: Wowie.....This looks bigger than any peach I've seen so far.....
Peach: The size is impressive to look at, I'll give that, but it's the taste of the fruit that ultimately matters.
Mario: (Snickers a Bit) Since when did ypu became a Peach connoisseur?
Peach: (Playfully Pouts at Mario) Since I was a little baby, no shush!~ (Turns Back to the Peach in Front of Her) The moment of truth have arrived!
Peach takes one bite of the peach and eats it, consuming every last bit of it's taste before swallowing it whole before leaving her surprised and speechless shortly after.
Mario: So..........What do you think?
Peach: Oh....my gosh.....(Puts on the Most Excited Smile She Could Muster as Her Eyes Begins to Sparkle Up) This taste even more yummier than it did all those years ago!!!~
Mario: Really?
Peach: (Turns Back to Mario) REALLY!!~ (Hands Mario the Peach) You have to taste this for yourself, dear. You just gotta!
Mario: Alright, alright, I'm gonna. (Takes a Bite of the Other Side of the Peach Before Widening his Eyes Up Shortly After) Mama Mia, this is the best peach I've ever tasted.
??????: Right?
The couple turns to see a familiar crocodile face eating a picked peach of his own.
??????: ('Mmm') They're so good. ('Crunch') Like, if I could, I would plant and grow myself a tree full of peaches that are half as tasty as this one right here. ('Mmm')
??????: (Walks Over to her Husband While Giving a Soft Motherly) Vector, don't talk with your mouth full.
Vector: (Eyes Widens as He Realizes What He Was Doing) Oh. (Swallows the Peach He Was Finish Eating with One Gulp Before Rubbing The Back of of his Head Back and Forth with a Sheepish Smile) S-Sorry about that.
Vanilla: (Happily Greets the Fellow Couple In Front of Her and Vector) Hello, your majesty, Mario.
Peach: (Smiles Brightly Along with Mario) Vector, Vanilla, hi!~ It's so great to see you both on this fine day.
Mario: How the marriage life is going along these days?
Vector: (Smiles Back at the Couple While Wrapping his Arm Around his Wife's Shoulders) Going as fantastic as ever! Our love for each other keeps getting stronger and stronger by the minute, even before we tied the knot.
Vanilla: (Happily Hugs her Husband) And we couldn't any more happier ti be where we now. Are two enjoying your time at the festival so far?
Mario: (Happily Nodded) Oh yeah, big time. (Points at Peach Beside Her) She been ecstatic about the whole thing since we found out about it this morning.
Peach: (Pumps her Fists Up in the Air in Rejoice) I'M RELIVING MY CHILDHOOD!!!~ (Suddenly Hears her Stomach Growling a Bit) While being hungry!
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) That's wonderful, dear!~ Vector-Kins and I were about to head to the café and eat. Would you like to join us?
Peach: You want us to hang out you two? ('Gasps') Like a double date!?~
Vector: (Casually Shrugs) Yeah, sure. The more, the merrier.
Peach: (Starts Jumping Up and Down, Happily Squealing) EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!~
Mario: She means yes. We'd love that.
Few Minutes Later ............
Peach Harvest Café 🍑 🍽
Mario: Awwwww~ (Looks at a Picture of Cream, Charmy, and Chese Wearing Mini Detective Outfits on Vector's Phone) Is that you're little detective team at home?~
Vector: (Smiles Brightly and Proudly) Damn right! Charmy's already been a junior trained detective beforehand, but now with Cream and Cheese around, these three have been trying to solve their own cases together these days. (Wipes a Single Tear From his Eyes) ('Sniff') Making their old man real proud right now, you know?
Mario: (Smiles Softly) I know the feeling. (Shows Vector a Picture of Hat Kid Wearing a Mini Detective Outfit of Her Ownnon his Phone) Our little girl here was able to solve an entire train mystery all by herself during one of her adventures in spaces.
Vector: (Eyes Begins to Widened Up in Genuine Surprise) Dude, seriously? That's incredible! What kind of mystery is it, if you don't mind me asking?
Mario: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Hmm....Can't say I completely remember what irlt was all about, I can assure you it wasn't murder related!....'Least I hope it wasn't.
Peach: (Watches and Gushes at the Two Boys Talking Among Themselves Along with Vanilla) Ohhh~ Look at our two handsome men over there~
Vanilla: ('Sighs Dreamingly') Such sweethearts indeed~ It's always warms my heart to know him and the boys have been a part of me and Cream's life for so long~ (Turns to Peach) How has your and Mario's family been back home, these days?
Peach: They're still as lively and rowdy as they've ever been. (Happily Clasps her Hands Together) But I still love them all the same~
Vanilla: Even Bowser?
Peach: (Rolls her Eyes While Sighing a Bit) Yes, him too to a lesser extent. Still a headache to deal with though.
Vanilla: (Giggles Softly) Stay strong now, your highness. I'm sure he'll take a hint sooner or later.
Peach: (Starts Looking Inside One of Her Stopping Bags) Honey, he's far too persistent and delusional to take any obvious hints I've given him. But no matter. I'm more than willing to give him a nice, harsh reality check every chance he gets. A-Ha!~ (Picks Up a Sealed Lipstick From the Shopping Bag) I found it.
Vanilla: You brought a nice lipstick there?
Peach: (Takes the Lid Off the Lipstick amd Wind it Up a Bit, Showing Off a More Peachy Like Color) A nice peach color lipstick~
Vanilla: (Intrigued by The Lipstick's Color) Oooh!~ Very lovely indeed~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Kinda me wish I didn't ignore a few of them sitting on shelves somewhere at the shop.
Peach: No worries. (Happily Presents Vanilla Another Brand New Lipstick) I have a spare for you to have if you like.
Vanilla: (Happily Bows to the Princess as She Receives the Spare Lipstick) Bless your heart, your highness, thank you.
Peach: (Smiles Sheepishly) Oh, dear, there's no needto keep being formal around me. Just call me Peach. We're friends now, aren't we?
Vanilla: (Stare at Peach For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back at Her) Yes, of course we are, Peach. Thank you. (Starts Examining the Lipstick in Question) I can't wait to put to use someday. I have no doubt I would look wonderful on the both of us.
Peach: (Starts Looking Back at the Boys Before Putting on a Bit of a Mischievous Smirk on her Face) Why wait when we could put them on for a little run test on two of our targets in front
Vanilla: Our targe- (Immediately Figures Out What Peach is Telling Her Before Putting on a Smirk of her Own) Ohhhh~ I see~
Mario and Vector continues to talk to one another before-
Peach/Vanilla: Ohhh Boyyyyyyys!~
Mario: (Turns his Attention to Peach) Hm- Whaaaa!?
Vector: (Turns his Attention to Vanilla) What's up-Whoa!
The two gentleman's eyes widened up as they see their respective love partners wearing peach colored make-up, staring, blinking, and waving hello at them in a sensual manner before blowing two kisses morphed into speeding love bullets, directly planted them on both their cheeks, leaving the duo wobbling, completely lovestruck.
Mario: W-Whoahohoho~......(Wobbly Turns to Vector) Did you something different about the ladies today, Vector?~
Vector: (Wobbly Turns to Mario) Y-Yeah~ Think they more prettier than usualllllllllll~
And just like that, both Mario and Vector faint and fell down on the ground right on cue.
Later that Evening.......
Peachy Fireworks Show 🍑 🎇
Peach: (Already Memorized by the Fireworks Presented Thus Far, Most Noticeably the Peach Shaped Ones) Oooooooh......Peachy......
Mario: (Sitting on Peach's Lap) Enjoying the show so far, dear?
Peach: (Happily Hugs Mario) Indeed, I am!~ It's such nice way to close the event. (Looks Down at Mario with a Playful Smirk) Feeling comfy so far?~
Mario: ('Sigh') Yes. I am.....Very much so.
Vector: (Chuckles Lightly While Sitting Next to the Fellow Couple Next to Him and Vanilla, Who is Sitting on his Lap) Is that why you wanna sit on her lap? (Forms a Teasing Smirk of his Own) Just to feel comfy?~
Mario: (Glares at Vector) NO! (Quickly Turns his Head Away and Crossses his Arms Before Blushing a Bit) ........I also like to feel slightly taller for tonight.
Peach: He's so cute when he's shy about~ (Kisses Mario on the Head)
Mario: Peeeeeach!
Peach: (Giggles Softly)
Vanilla: (Gives Mario a Reassuring Smile) There's no need to be embarrassed, Mario. There's plenty of advantages to being slightly smaller than your significant other. For instance- (Happily Snuggles onto her Husband's Chest While Giggling and Blushing) This~
Peach: (Gently Surprised by What is Vanilla is Doing ) Oh my!~
Vector: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) Don't mind her. She always do this whenever we're this close together, not that I mind (Chuckles Ticklishly While Hugging her Back) I love her wild, adventurous side~
Vanilla: (Looks Up at Vector With Genuine Love in her Eyes) And I love your sweet, tender side~ Just as much as I love you as a whole~
Vector: Ditto~
The two married couple locked into each other's eyes for a brief second before softly kissing one another on the lips.
Peach: (Watches the Married Duo Make Out with a Smile on her Face) Awwww~ I'm so happy those two are married now.
Mario: Yeah. (Suddenly Let's Out a Bit of a Loud Yawn) They're made for each other.
Peach: Uh-oh. (Looks Back Down at Mario) Getting sleepy on me, dear?
Mario: A little, but not by much. I can hold a little more longer. ('Yawn') Just for you.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) You sweetheart~ You don't have to try and do that for my sake. We'll leave here soon enough. (Starts Yawning as Well) I'm starting to get a little drowsy myself.
Mario: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Roger that. (Smiles Softly) I hope you're having a good time at the festival so far.
Peach: I am. This is one of the best moments of my life that I will always cherish for the rest of my life. (Gently Cups Up Mario's Cheeks) And it's all thanks to you coming here and experience everything here with me.
Mario: Thank nothing of it. I always do what I can to make you happy and that won't stop anytime soon. If anything, I should be thanking you for bringing the festival up to my attention to begin with. I had a great time too.
Peach: I'm so glad. I love you so much, Mario~
Mario: I love you too, Peach. Always~
And so, the two couple finally shares a tender kiss on the lips as the fireworks continues to bright up the clear night skies with the imagery of peaches all around.
Happy Peach Month, Everybody!!
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ribbonetteart · 1 year
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A request for something a little different than usual 🍑👑
Progress stuff below:
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I haven't done progress shots in a bit and I think it's something I want to do more often because I like talking and blogging I guess haha.
Now that I have more experience illustrating digitally, this kind of direct reference drawing is MUCH easier to do digitally 😫honestly this felt like a self imposed challenge lol. BUT I did want to do some more traditional stuff because I feel that I had been doing a little too much digital, if that makes sense. It's nice to play with my markers and color pencils once in a while too!!
Doing the line art on this piece ESPECIALLY felt easier to do traditionally than digitally. For some reason, trying to do line art on a tablet screen feels too smooth or slippery or something. Lining traditionally feels easier, probably because I put so much pressure on the paper in the sketch phase that when the lining phase comes next, it feels like I'm just following the lines on the page like a train on a track ^_^
despite uploading a couple of illustrations colored with marker now, I still feel a bit like a novice when it comes to marker. I got a new pack of markers that I wanted to play with, which was even more motivation to return to paper for a bit. But honestly, I feel like I fudged the window color blending. I watched tutorials and stuff on blending with markers but I guess I still need more practice ^^;;; at least it looks a bit messy to me. This is how this piece came to be a mixed media illustration, since I tried using color pencils to make that transition from blue to green on the windows a little smoother.
I think the pot holding the piranha plant came out a tad too saturated and it's calling too much attention compared to the very light floor and dresser. I was trying to follow the colors on the reference closely as an easy re-intro to traditional art, but next time I do something like this, I think I'll take more liberties with color and see what happens.
Overall, I'm quite happy with how Peach turned out. I don't draw humans too often since I typically draw Sonic characters lol. Sometimes it feels like I have to re-teach myself to draw people as a result. I really liked using the gelly roll for the highlights on her face and the polka dots on her shirt :3 I highly recommend using that pen as my previous experiences with other white gel pens don't compare to this one (not to sound like a commercial I'm just really happy it worked as well as it did!).
And finally, although redrawing a creation from a dress up game screenshot is probably not the most imaginative exercise I could be doing with illustration, I think it's fun and it's pushing me to do things outside of my comfort zone. I'm using new art tools (I'll get better with marker I prommy) and I drew a background! I'd like to do more backgrounds like this as a practice to encourage more original stuff. Maybe. One day. Probably.
If you read all of this until the end, thank you! Have a wonderful day, and thank you for following me and supporting my art :3c 💝
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
~Ranking All Pink Cures in Pretty Cure~
Disclaimer: These are all my opinions! If you don’t agree with them, that’s fine! Just don’t attack me or anything.
Also, I did include Cure Black, even though I personally don’t see her as pink. But there are no other black cures, so I grouped her in here.
‼️Warning: Spoilers for Yes! Precure 5(+GoGo and Otona Precure)‼️
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~🎶18 - Cure Melody🎶~
(Suite Precure)
In very last place in Cure Melody. I’ve already talked about her in my “Cures I Hate” post, so I’ll simplify it here. I personally remember all the fights she and Cure Rhythm had to be started by her. She’s very rude to her as well. Also, I just don’t like her design. I don’t know why. I think it might be the hair.
~💕17 - Cure Lovely💕~
(Happiness Charge Precure)
I never got attached to Cure Lovely. She’s just a copy and paste of a lot of the previous pink cures. But not really, because at least they had personality. She has none. If you held a gun to my head and asked me to tell you one of her hobbies, I’d be dead.
~🍙16 - Cure Precious🍙~
(Delicious Party Precure)
Same as Cure Lovely. Just a copy and paste of previous pink cures. Her only personality trait is food, I think her catchphrase is dumb, and on top of that, she’s just very forgettable. What puts her higher than Lovely is her design. I think it’s really cute.
~📣15 - Cure Yell📣~
(Hugtto Precure)
I know that Yell is a lot of people’s favorite. But I just never connected with her. Like the ones below her, she’s just the basic pink personality. I also found her voice to be quite annoying at times. And don’t even get me started on her singing voice…
~🍑14 - Cure Peach🍑~
(Fresh Precure)
Cure Peach is alright. I think her personality is fine, and her design is cute. There’s nothing I dislike about her, but there are definitely better pink cures. That all.
~🌷13 - Cure Grace🌷~
(Healin’ Good Precure)
Same as the previous ones. Sort of a copy and paste, and pretty forgettable. But I’m currently rewatching Healin’ Good Precure, and she grew on me a bit. I don’t know what it is, but she’s just nice.
~💘12 - Cure Heart💘~
(Doki Doki Precure)
I like Cure Heart. She is similar to other pink cures, but she has a bit of her own special flavor. I love her design as well. And it’s nice to have a break from the super ditzy characters.
~🪄11 - Cure Miracle🪄~
(Maho Girls Precure)
While I’m not absolutely in love with Miracle, she was very entertaining to watch. I think she’s very funny. Her design is pretty good as well. That’s all I have to say.
~⭐️10 - Cure Star⭐️~
(Star Twinkle Precure)
Cure Star is definitely one of my favorite cure designs. I love her silly pigtails. Like Cure Heart, she’s similar to other pinks, but has her own little flare.
~🍰9 - Cure Whip🍰~
(KiraKira Precure A La Mode)
I have no idea how Whip made it so high. Her personality’s nothing special. I guess it has to be her design. I’m a sucker for dessert themes. Her creativity is a plus too.
~🌸8 - Cure Blossom🌸~
(Heartcatch Precure)
What can I say, she’s cool. Her design is really cute, her personality is pretty unique, and her friendship with Marine is adorable. I love her big glasses in her civilian form as well.
~💖7 - Cure Dream💖~
(Yes! Precure 5)
Cure Dream kind of set the mold for the pink characters. She’s a classic, and I love her. I also love her GoGo design. She’s so silly and fun to watch. The only thing that prevented her from being higher on this list is that she married her teacher…
~👑6 - Cure Flora👑~
(Go! Princess Precure)
Flora’s probably much higher on other people’s list. And I can see why. Flora’s great! She’s so lovable! Also, her solo in the second ending is so beautiful. It makes me ascend to God.
~🦴5 - Cure Wonderful🦴~
(Wonderful Precure)
I love Wonderful. For being the first leader cure to be an animal, she’s awesome. Her design is adorable too, and it really reflects her personality. The only thing I don’t like about her though, is that she can be too much sometimes. She also opens her big mouth a lot.
~🌺4 - Cure Bloom🌺~
(Futari wa Precure Splash Star)
You guys might be shocked to see her so high. And I kind of am too. I mean, her design is just so ugly. But I genuinely loved Splash Star so much, as well as Bloom. I know how similar she is to Cure Black, but I don’t really care. I just love her so much.
~🎀3 - Cure Happy🎀~
(Smile Precure)
I’m a bit biased with this one. I(unfortunately) watched Glitter Force as a kid, and so she’s basically engraved into my heart. I love her design and her personality, even though it’s nothing special. She’s just been with me the longest and has helped me through some tough times.
~☯️2 - Cure Black☯️~
(Futari wa Precure)
How many letters are in “Futari wa”??
If Cure Black was real, and she and I were the same age, I’m sure we’d be best friends. I love her personality so much, she’s so cool and funny. Not to mention, she’s one of the og cures. Every time she appears in the All Stars movies, I get so excited. She’s just awesome.
~🦋1 - Cure Butterfly🦋~
(Soaring Sky Precure)
Honestly, I still can’t believe she’s my favorite. I just feel like there are so many better cures. But somehow, she keeps making her way back up to first place. I just find her so lovable, and her design is so beautiful.(Marry me, Cure Butterfly)
That’s all! Let me know what you think of my ranking, and how you would rank them yourself!
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willowisapillow · 10 months
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☂️🍑 Y2K Peach, My Beloved 🍑☂️
jksdjksdwk Istg I need to draw other Mario girls, but I always end up drawing Peach in the end I’m just currently too obsessed with her, plz help me 🥲
Drew this as both a (belated) 18th anniversary to Super Princess Peach (damn, I can’t believe this game is the same age as me 💀), and as a (also belated) birthday gift for one of my buddies from DeviantArt, @therosypinkprincess .
We both really like Peach, so I felt like drawing her a sweet little present. I suggest you check out her art if you have the time, it’s absolutely beautiful and so pretty 💖💕
I wanted to start this before October 20th rolled around, which was the day Super Princess Peach first dropped in Japan (and coincidentally the same day Super Mario Wonder also dropped), but I was starting to get a little burned out after trying to complete a bunch of Spooktober and Blacktober art, so I had to put it on hold. Fast forward to a couple of days ago, I finally had the motivation to continue the art, with a few changes.
I love Super Princess Peach. It’s one of my favorite Nintendo DS games, and I love that Nintendo finally realized that it was time to give Peachy some justice by letting her go on a solo adventure. This time she got to save the day all by herself, and also rescued her mans this time.
Games like this, the Smash Bros. series, Mario + Rabbids, SMB2, and others prove that Peach is more than just a pretty-faced damsel, and is far from a “dumb blonde”, or an, “airhead”. She doesn’t always get kidnapped and is clearly capable of defending and taking care of herself and uses her hyper-feminity to kick ass.
It’s perfectly a-okay if you prefer other Mario ladies over her, but it bugs me so much that she’s so often just categorized as only a damsel because she’s girly, kind, empathetic, and soft-spoken.
Also greatly annoys me how often in stuff like fanart, fanfiction, and animations, she’s always made a punching bag, demonized, or made weaker to make the other ladies look better in comparison. All of that is just no 😃
And regarding Super Princess Peach, I never understood the whole, “sexist” accusations that people were calling the game all because Peach had different emotions in the game. She ain’t the only one who uses her emotions, the rest of the cast has different emotions too, but unlike them, Peach can actually control hers. So, all in all, I just personally find the whole, “sexist” claim kinda goofy ngl
Honestly speaking, I only have one gripe with this game. I wished that they did a little more with my boy Perry’s backstory, because it sadly didn’t go anywhere, and it hints that his kidnapper might be at large. Other than that, the game is still pretty solid, and it definitely holds up. Especially the music, it’s got a couple of bangers.
As you’ve guessed by the title, I wanted to go for a more Y2K feel not just aesthetic-wise, but also fashion-wise. I went on Google, and searched for a bunch of outfits from 2005, the year SPP came out. I went with this outfit I found on Google, and since it had pink in it, I definitely knew that it would be perfect for Peach. There’s also this 2005 Fashion Fever Barbie that also inspired this outfit.
And speaking of which, at the time of sketching the art, I was also watching some Y2K stuff that I grew up with to get me in the mood, and that included some CGI Barbie movies (because Barbie is such a movie icon ✨) such as The Barbie Diaries and Fairytopia. There’s also other stuff I watched like Winx Club, Totally Spies, and the Bratz TV Show.
I wanted to put her hair in pigtails, along with giving her peach fruit earrings because, well… that’s literally what she’s named after. Also included a little easter egg reference to her final smash in the Smash Bros. series if you can figure out where it is 👀
I really loved how this art turned out, though I wanted to give Peach the whole, “down-to-earth, wholesome, sweet girl-next-door” type vibes with her new outfit, with a hint of some girly pop. Kinda similar to characters like Lizzie McGuire, Betty Cooper, and Disney ladies such as Snow White and Giselle. I think I succeeded with it, both her and Perry look kawaii af ❤️
And for those of you who can't read Japanese, the text on the left side just reads, "Peach and Perry-chan!". I just put it into Google Translate, and thought that it would go well with the art.
☂️ 🍑 ☂️
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 5 months
Hi Lemon!! 🍋 nice Ask week🍑 right back at ya!
1. Same question as you asked me, when did you join the ls fandom and what made you join?☺️
2. In honor of your Eid fic for the platonic relationships event (which I’m sorry I haven’t gotten the time to finish and give the love it deserves yet since I got home😫) If you could choose one platonic relationship that got more focus in s5 which would you choose and what would be the storyline surrounding it?
3. Since you’re so good at putting silliness and laughs into the fandom, if Tim and Ryan asked you to write an episode (or just some of it) full of crack and shenanigans that includes at least three out of these 5 things: 1) a stubborn pony, 2) a midieval gown 3) a basket full of peaches 🍑🍑 3) a shit-ton of five-spice and 4) an accidentally unsexy sexy playlist, what would roughly transpire?
(You can choose to answer as many of the questions as you want no pressure)
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend!! - Mar🐟🌼
Hi Mar!! Thank you for this very nice 🍑!
1. I’m not really sure, lol! I’ve been watching the show since the first episode. I used to creep on Reddit. But I found myself getting more and more annoyed that all of the important Tarlos scenes kept happening offscreen. And then Push aired and I got super annoyed with them going from TK waking up to moving into the loft with not so much as a conversation. And I remembered someone on Reddit had mentioned that Tim made a snarky comment about how people should go to fanfic if they want resolution for any of his dangling thread stories so I was like okay I guess I’ll check that out… and then at the end of season four I found myself on tumblr!! 😂
2. Marjan and TK!!!!!! I want more Marjan and TK content so bad!!! I want Marjan’s sister to visit and the three of them to go to the Turkish tea house. Maybe an earthquake hits while they’re out, and Marj and TK have to pull a bunch of people to safety and save some folks and they enlist Sahar to help. And at the end of the episode Sahar comes to Catan night and she and Marjan have a lovely talk about how she really sees that Marjan is living the life she’s meant to live and she’s built this beautiful supportive found family and she’s proud of her 🥰
3. Okay, Tarlos spends the weekend at the Reyes ranch. Carlos takes TK horseback riding but he’s worried about putting TK on an actual horse, due to all the head injuries, so he assigns him a pony named Tator. Except Tator is very stubborn and refuses to take left turns!!! So he walks straight into a lake with TK still on his back. Carlos comes to his rescue and TK tries to turn it into a sexy Mr. Darcy in the lake situation. Except Tator is eating his shirt.
Undeterred in his quest for sexiness, when they get dried off TK goes out to the orchards snd comes back with a basket of peaches and a very suggestive look. Carlos gets the hint and they start to get their sexy on but before they can get too far they’re interrupted by Tator, who has broken out of the stables and tramples their sexy peach picnic.
Once Tator is subdued TK sequesters Carlos in the bedroom and puts on a sexy playlist. But instead of Sade and Barry Manilow, they’re blasted with WHAT’S NEW PUSSYCAT WHOoOOoOOooaaaH!!!!!
Meanwhile, Paul is making his famous goat curry for lunch back at the station. Mateo tries to help but he gets distracted by a woman wearing a medieval gown who’s entered the firehouse with a basket of peaches for the handsome fire captain who resuscitated her after she fell off the pole in her pole dancing class. She tries to flirt with Owen, but is mercifully cut off by the bell. The crew races downtown to a spice factory, where there’s been a malfunction and a machine is spewing five spice everywhere. Judd is red faced and crying about his Scotch-Irish constitution. Being the smallest one, Mateo has to climb inside the machine to shut it off.
In the end, everyone is covered in five spice and they spend the whole trip back to the station crying about how they can never eat Chinese food again 😂
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chadillacboseman · 6 months
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
WATERMELON (I answered this one earlier, but it bears repeating lol)
JJ had a friend while in the service, Jason, who branched off and started his own company, Red Claw, shortly after they got out of the military. But they became more like mercenaries, taking on protection jobs for warlords and dictators and intercepting weapons. In a particular incursion, Red Claw killed some of Falcon Company's men. JJ asked him to meet under the guise of catching up, exchanging business. JJ shot him point blank and never looked back.
That's a good one. He dislikes Kano, but not to the obsessive point Sonya does. Roll the dice on this one honestly. He's made a lot of enemies, and had a lot of enemies in his time. JJ follows the money.
Acts of service, I guess, maybe? As for how kind he really is? To people he cares about, very! To everyone else, they're kinda just pawns. A means to an end. He wants Falcon Company to be the sole defenders of Earthrealm, or he wants Sonya out, but he plays nice as long as he can run his own missions.
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softcarebears · 1 year
bestie what do i do if someone deadass wrote a love song abt me-
i saw your ask but i was too busy and did not get time until now to reply sorryyy😣...(my cambridge igcses start on thursday im scared pls help...im doing food and nutrition first AHHH my practical test for it is next week im scared for my life rn) pls help😭
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DIDN'T Y'ALL START SCHOOL LIKE A MONTH AGO DAMN I'VE BEEN IN THIS SCHOOL FOR 5 WHOLE YEARS AND I'VE NEVER GOTTEN A LOVE SONG OR LOVE LETTER *sniff sniff*🤧and i've been crushing and pinning on a close friend of mine who probably doesn't love me backk😞😣☹️ dang i guess you got THAT W RIZZ💥
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hmm...ok let's move on to the subject...THEY WROTE A LOVE SONG FOR YOU OK HARRY STYLES JUNIOR I SEE U...WELL BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS ABOUT YOU THO? DID THEY TELL YOU? IS IT A SHE OR A HE OR A PYTHAGORAS EQUATION ? ARE THEY CUTE ? i wanna know ...yknow what write a lengthy essay and tell me all the deets hihihi ( *ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) ⸜( ◜࿁◝ )⸝ ٩(๑> ₃ < )۶♡
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honestly i think you should get to know them better first yknow get a little talking stage marinating🤭🤫😏🥵 and all and if you start to get feelings for them GO FOR IT BITCH🏃🏻‍♀️🚴🏻‍♀️🤺 BECAUSE HONESTLY THEY GOT BIG VOLUMPTUOUS JUICY BALLS TO GET THE COURAGE TO DO THAT my "uncommitted and scared of relationships" single lonely ass could never...😣🤡👁👄👁and if you don't feel anything for em just reject them nicely˓˓ก₍⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌₎ค˒˒
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so yea and you also don't know when in your actual lifetime if somebody would write you a love song again...so honestly go for it my snuguflaggus pookie wookie crookie dookie schnooks💗💫
so yea hope you enjoyed my wikihow tutorial (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
welp, i’m on the way to warehouse daddy’s place with a not planned surprise 😅
on my break i was like..”i’m a baddie why aren’t my nipples pierced yet?”
…guess who now has nipple piercings. ngl they don’t hurt, it felt like when i got my ears pierced. like they’re not sensitive at all??? mama go get your nip naps pierced so we can be twinzies
also…. for anyone wanting nip nap piercings and can’t decide. hi, i’m your sign go get them
-🍑 the impulsive simp
OMG PEACH I’ve been wanting mine pierced for years!! 🥴 Ugh this is a sign isn’t it ugggggh I need to know daddy’s reaction please 😩 I can only imagine how I’d react 😵‍💫
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writ-in-violant · 1 year
🍑 [PEACH] for ur guys!!! also i just love peaches... truly the fruit of summer
Oooh, ok! How do they show their kindness, how kind are they really? Vivian - Vivian shows their kindness by giving people resources or information, usually. It's a little more hands-off than by directly caring for people, but it's part of the reason they're a good teacher -- Vivian will (almost) never stop someone from doing something, but they do their best to make sure people can make informed decisions about the things they do (and that includes having a place to stay or resources so they don't have to make a bad decision). They're also very good at complimenting and encouraging people, it's part of what makes them a good teacher -- they're good at knowing when people need to hear they're doing well. Magnanimous is their highest trait for a reason! The problem, though, is they're very broad in who they apply this kindness to; for example, they copied out the Epigrammatic Irishman's book so the Wilting Dandy could keep it but Pages still got a copy and Vivian, you did not need to give Pages a copy. Pages can deal with the disappointment.
Blake - Blake's kindness appears in isolated moments in the dark, and it is unpracticed. He prefers to help people as indirectly as possible -- things that can be dismissed as him only helping himself (he's not hiring this costermonger because he wants her to do well, he's hiring her because she's got a good ear for secrets) or can't be tracked to him (anonymous donations). He was not raised to be kind or value kindness, but his time with Liam -- who was a very kind man -- left him with a deep appreciation of the virtue, and now that Liam isn't there to help people, Blake does it for him and justifies the impulse to himself as part of his faithfulness to his fiance.
Art - Art is, I guess, kind by habit. He's the person who volunteers when someone needs help, and that's the usual form of his kindness -- he's not great with words, but he can help you build a house! He can go get something you need! That said, it's really more of a habit than something he feels a deep need to be doing. Doing things for people mean people like him and it keeps him busy and that's great. But under it all...I'm not sure he's a very kind person. He goes after his own goals single-mindedly and doesn't worry about the consequences to others. Somewhat opposite to Blake, it's when he's alone and in the dark with no consequences that he ends up being callous or going out of his way to be overly vicious. He's rarely cruel without cause, but that doesn't mean he's kind.
Celestine - Oh boy, she's not kind at all. She'll front being kind around her bohemian or society contacts, enough to be acceptable in society, but on her own? Absolutely not. She's in this for herself and nobody else and feels absolutely no guilt about that. However, what she won't admit even to herself is that she is loyal. She won't take the lethean tea and abandon Julianna and Clarabelle -- the Fading Music-Hall Singer and her Sister -- even though that's the most pragmatic thing to do, and even though she hasn't died yet she hasn't abandoned them and gone to the surface. She's not kind. Even in her loyalty she's usually brusque, with sharp words and a chilly demeanor. But if you've gotten close enough that she's loyal to you she is loyal to you.
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duckwithablog · 11 months
The lurker anon reappears! Thank you for answering my questions, and I’d love to hear the backstory of your macaque theme!
Also, I forgot to label myself. Silly me. Mmm 🤔… perhaps peach🍑 anon if it’s free? Because- unrelated to the cute and cheeky monkey man- I really, really love peaches!
YOO hello again!! And yeah, 🍑 anon is free!! I haven't tried eating peaches but they look so aesthetic,, the only peach flavored thing i tried was a peach drink and i ordered it PURELY bcs of LMK HHAHSHSAH
Before this account was made, I actually had a different tumblr account for personal use (I never log into it anymore though lol) instead of writing. I was in the LMK fandom at the time, so I was reading x reader fics EVERYWHERE I could, from wattpad to tumblr to ao3.
And wouldn't you know it, when I was scrolling through the tags on tumblr I saw someone promoting their newly written fic they made on ao3!! I read it, loved the premise, and left a kudos and a comment (I think I left a comment? I'm not sure, I was a lurker as well when it came to reading HSDHSD).
Not too long after, I was scrolling through their blog and saw a post of them asking for any possible writing friends to interact. I thought 'hey!! i can write!!' and promptly sent them a dm. We chatted over our brainrot of the stinky monkeys and we grew to be pretty close writing buddies!! I even got to come up with a ship name for a pairing in the fic (the pairing was Macaque and Y/n, and Y/n in the fic was a baker, so I proposed the ship name 'Mooncake'. Still super proud of that ngl!! I'm pretty sure I made one for Wukong and Y/n too, but I forgot what it was </33 Mooncake was just so iconic to me).
We bounced off ideas from each other, and I sent them posts about Wukong (they were a Wukong Apologist and honestly, slay), and one of them actually managed to influence their characterization for him in a later chapter!! I was even writing my own LMK x reader fic at the time, and while I gave up on it after a while, they were the first person to ever read the first few paragraphs and gave me their thoughts.
Eventually, I had an urge to make a whole blog dedicated to x reader writings because I was inspired by them to make one, and when I told them they told me to go for it!!
Here's where the important bit comes in: This person's blog was themed around Sun Wukong. They're a Monkey King lover, they fucking love that stupid smelly monkey man!! So I told them "hey wouldnt it be funny if my blog was Macaque themed so we could match?" and they went "DUDE"
And boom!! That's the reason why my blog is Macaque themed!! I went through a LOT of custom tumblr themes (you know where you open someones blog and instead of being the regular tumblr blog layout its a totally new one that they customized themselves? Yeah that was me), meanwhile my friend just stuck to a simple 'Wukong pfp + header and orange background'. I think that matched our character themes really well HAHSAHSAH
Unfortunately, I'm sure that my friend is not working/active anymore. Their last post on tumblr was them apologizing for the lack of updates because of art school, and that was it. I don't know how long it's been since I checked up on the fic, but when I did, I found that their ao3 account was orphaned. So it's probably safe to assume that theyre not coming back to their tumblr acc either.
But still... I kept my Macaque theme. Even when my LMK interest started to fade and other media took over my brain, I refused to change it. Idk why, sentimentality I guess? It just felt wrong.
I have no idea where they are now, honestly. I just hope theyre doing okay. They were a super cool person, and I loved their fic and I loved talking to them and I loved being their friend!! Even if they probably wont see this post, I just want them to know how much of an impact they had on me. It was because of them I made this account, and got into writing requests and fics. And even if that didn't work out, they got me back to writing in general! They were an awesome person and they deserve everything good in life!!
Augugh this got sentimental... My bad!! Ngl, I've been secretly waiting for someone to ask me why my blog was Macaque themed, but the chance of that happening was really slim so I held the Blog Lore™ in. BUT NOW I CAN FINALLY SAY WHAT IVE BEEN HOLDING IN FOR YEARS RAHHH
Thanks for asking this, btw 🍑 anon!! Sorry if this was so rambly and long, my mind do be like that (incomprehensible to decipher sometimes). I'd love to see you pop in some more, if youd like!!
Oh!! And since ur a Wukong lover as well, you should read their fic!! It's unfinished, but I think you should give it a shot. The chapters are long, the writing style and interactions between characters are great, and the development and pining is well done!!
I realize that this sounds biased, but ermm..... IDC GO READ THEIR FIC!!! (/nf) Kudos and comment bcs they deserve it!! Even if they dont get to see it, I'd like to at least cheer them up on the off chance that they do.
Here's the fic!! And their tumblr acc too, because they make some pretty banging drawings for their writing!!
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boysplanetrecaps · 2 years
Boys Planet, Episode 6 Recap Part 2a: Gang and Zoom
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Ok, team! It’s time to recap the first two performances of the second challenge mission: Gang (or Ggang) and Zoom. Let’s do it!
We pick up at 1:07:14 with a brief montage of the boys rehearsing.  I know most of ya’ll can’t read Korean so I’ll help you know who said what, especially since often who we see onscreen isn’t who is talking:
Na Kamden: “It was a bit difficult this time. For real.”
Choi Woo Jin: “Everything was all mixed up in my head.”
Park Hanbin: “I wasn’t sure if I could do a good job.”
Yoon Jong Woo: “It was pretty tough for me.” 
Park Hyun Been: “As though I’m burning the last passion I’ve got without regrets.” 
Na Kamden: “The most impactful performance in the history of these programs ever?” 
Keita: “We’ll create a legendary performance…”
Chen Kuan Jui: “...that people would want to see again.”
Finally, it’s D-day! Crowds are lining up around the block, holding up signs and stuff. The boys are getting ready. The 95% female crowd files in, and they are all Kermit-meme level crazy and shrieking like banshees. That’s fun! I bet they had a great time. 
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The boys come in, in order of rank I assume, led by Sung Hanbin and Seok Matthew, who are holding hands. 
The judges are again sitting on folding chairs in that room with the single small window with the broken blinds, which I assume is on Minhuyn’s space station. I can’t get over how the producers don’t even give them a table, so the judges have to keep their clipboards in their laps. Poor Solji wore a short skirt and has to keep her knees super close together the whole time. My inner thighs are tired just thinking about it.
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The judges pretend not to know who the host will be, but it’s still Huta from BTOB, who informs us that only 28 trainees will survive the next elimination. 
Then he explains the live voting system. It’s a bit different this time. The audience members were each given a thingy dingy with two buttons, A and B; Huta say that they can press the “A” button if they think the team did well, and the “B” button if they think the performance was disappointing, and do the same for each trainee. So instead of voting for a favorite, the audience members basically vote pass/fail for everyone and everything. If I were in the audience, I’d be of no use to anyone in terms of assessment because I’d just wear out the A button.
In any case, it’s Time to Shine!
1:11:41 Gang by H1GHR Music 
This is spelled onscreen as 깡, which is better transliterated as Ggang, as opposed to 강, which would be Gang. The little symbol top left is the K/G symbol, and see how there are two of them in 깡 and only one of them in 강? Just your little Korean lesson of the day. The on screen translation on Viki says that “ggang” sounds like the word for “guts”, which is 끈기, or Ggeungi. I guess it sounds similar, sure. 
As the camera pans around, we keep seeing a trainee in glasses and a light green sweater that says Serenity on it, and I was like, who is that -- and it’s Jung Mingyu, better known as “Red House”! Wow, that’s a different look. 
Anyway, on to Gang! 
I’ll remind you that these are the members of the gang: 
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test / Challenge 1 /age final star level
Kum Jun Hyeon (14) Nunu Nana / Backdoor - K /19 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lee Seung Hwan 🍑(20) Mirotic / Danger - K /22 ⭐⭐⭐
Mun Jung Hyun 🧁(23) The Real / Very Nice - K /17 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lee Jeong Hyeon (39) The Real / Love Me Right - K /20 ⭐⭐⭐
Chen Jian Yu (45) Call Me Baby /Back Door - G/ 24 ⭐
And Lee Seung Hwan 🍑 is their leader. I use a peach symbol next to his name partly to help you remember who I’m talking about, and partly because I think he’s just peachy. 
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Left to right, that is Chen Jian Yu, Lee Jeong Hyun, Mun Jung Hyun, Kum Jun Hyeon, and  Lee Seung Hwan.
So, is stylist noona angry at Lee Seung Hwan🍑, or….? Because those sparkly MC Hammer pants are a choice. An incorrect choice. On the other hand, his hair and makeup look amazing. 
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Normally, the host will talk to the leader of a group, but this host talks to my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon. Then again, I think Kum Jun Hyeon would have answered even if the question had been addressed to someone else. 
Huta says, “I heard that the atmosphere was not good when this team was first formed.”
Kum Jun Hyeon yells, “When we got Ggang, I was perplexed. I thought of the opportunity as a crisis.” He almost certainly means that he tried to think of the crisis as an opportunity, referring to that old chestnut about the same chinese character being used for both words, but he gets the order wrong and it ends up not quite meaning what he meant.
And, at 1:12:52 we head into flashback mode. Woobly woobly woo!!
As we recall from earlier in the episode, their whole deal is that this team is mostly people who got kicked out of the song they wanted. Since no one really knew how to make choreo, my little cousin Kum Jun Hyeon stepped up, yelling, “Although I can’t guarantee the quality, if I didn’t do it, I didn’t think anyone else could do it.” 
Ok, this team has a Jun Hyeon, a Jung Hyun, and a Jeong Hyeon, so I’m going to call them by their family names -- Kum, Lee, and Mun🧁, the latter of whom you may recall is my little muffin. 
So, Kum has in fact stepped up to choreograph! That peach, Seung Hwan 🍑, says of Kum: “Jun Hyeon is always shouting, and he says ‘moe moe kyun,’ that’s who he is. But when he started creating and practicing the choreography, I saw a new side of him.” 
We see what he’s talking about -- Kum is taking it really seriously and seems to be doing a good job, not being satisfied with it until it’s perfect. We also catch snippets of his singing and it’s really good, which is something that’s so easy to forget about my little cousin, that he’s actually a really good singer as well as a good screamer. It’s cute to see Kum completing something and being proud of himself. 
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In fact, late at night in the dorms, Kum is still yelling about the choreo with leader Seung Hwan 🍑. He’s thinking about the choreo, yells that he needs to go to sleep, then lies down and keeps doing the hand/arm part of the choreo. Awww. 
But I had to show this screen shot to point out a few things. 
The matching pajamas are gone. Whence did the pajamas originate, and whither did they disappear? 
Kum has given up on sheets, which is such an 19-year-old guy thing to do. 
Seung Hwan has a stuffy of a yellow duck or chicken, as well as a very dapper set of pjs.  
We cut to the big trainee-self-eval day. 
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Basically the Ggang group does a great job. The rapping and dancing are all great, and people especially compliment the “two-jung-hyuns”. The phrase refers to Mun Jung Hyun 🧁and Lee Jeong Hyeon, who are both WakeOne trainees and who will likely (I hope???) debut in the same group as Kim Tae Rae 💖and formerly-blue-haired Park Hanbin.  I mean, seriously, just debut, you’re already perfect. Anyway. Mun and Lee apparently are good friends, but it’s awkward for them since Lee is super talented but ranked pretty low (39) while Mun is ranked 23. Aww. 
Lee is really great too -- all five members of The Real were near perfect in my opinion (including the already eliminated Park Min Seok, who gained a ton of fans as leader of the Burn it Up team but just couldn’t quite get up to #52). I think the thing about Lee is that he’s just great so there’s no… hook? He’s great on stage, he has all the skills. He seems like a nice guy who everyone likes. And he’s good looking in a way that if you think he’s good looking, you’ll also think that a lot of other trainees are good looking. Meanwhile, Mun🧁 is sort of distinctive looking, so you remember his face later. A face like Mun’s or Tae Rae’s is sort of polarizing, I guess -- but at least it’s memorable. Lee could absolutely be the visual member of a group, and yet, it’s by looking for Tae Rae and Mun that you’ll recognize the group when you see it. At least that’s my take on it.So yeah, Lee Jeong Hyeon, I think you’re great and I am so looking forward to being a fan of your group once it debuts. Fighting!!
Seriously, the WakeOne group is the one I’m looking forward to most out of all of this, which is why I keep talking about it. Imagine, the five trainees I mentioned -- Mun, Lee, Tae Rae, Park Min Seok, and Park Hanbin -- plus possibly Haruto, Anthonny, Min, and Cha Woongki. Right? That’s fucking STACKED. You have a main vocalist, many capable lead and sub vocalists, some excellent rappers, some amazing dancers, and 100% lovable fellas. I want to just end the show now and start stanning that group.  
Ok, anyway. 
It’s show day. The boys are back stage doing some pushups before the set, so that their arms and abs will be tired and sore, I guess. Someone in the audience shouts out, “Thank you for giving birth to [Kum] Jun Hyun!” Somewhere, his mother yells, “I didn’t have much choice in the matter!” We also see a young man in the audience -- I think -- holding a sign for Mun 🧁. 
At 1:16:52, the performance begins. They introduce themselves as “Korean Chipmunks,” which is hanguk daramjwi, which kind of sounds like “hundred dollar bill”, which is a recurring lyric in the song. (You hear it, sorta, when they chant their team name.)
The performance
Original song
Apparently pH-1, the extremely alkaline rap judge on Boys Planet, is one of the rappers on this song, which the show never mentions once. Weird. 
Since the boys wrote their own lyrics, I really did care what they were saying, and since the show didn’t give us translations, I had to look them up. These are the translations I found for the rap parts -- they’re a three way blend of several different sources, along with some of my own translation, but my main source is a Reddit post I found.
It reeks of cowards in here
Even if I’m not invited, today I’m a VIP
I wonder if he’s going to die after I pushed him
No need to go back and forth, I’m dogged Hey!
Lee Jeonghyeon (there’s a lot of word play in this verse): 
Hit it and go to the top, No cap (no lies) woo,
Too fast. too fast, brake, Step on it more like it’s broken
Turn and flip over the falling numbers, Starting from the bottom there’s only up,
Chill, like back when I was a kid, Keep it in your heart, Peace
🧁Mun Junghyun:
Yeah the next unexpected start, It’s our time to receive their will
It’s different from the time when I was ignored
Because I’m ready to carry on the will of those who left
We know how to go higher (Higher)
My heart is burning like fire (Fire)
To go higher you need modesty, passion, and style
Kum Junhyeon: 
Give me a song to sing, I don’t want to rap, I’m scared of how I’ll look in the gang, stage I’m whoo…
Sometimes cute, sometimes sexy, There’s something to get from here
Look at how I can make you scream with my skills, here I am alone
You know I don’t wear no new (shoes)
So you know how hard it is to get what I want, shut up
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My take
This was never going to be my favorite performance of the rap and vocal groups because it just isn’t my favorite song. It’s not anyone’s fault -- it’s totally a matter of taste. But overall, this was good. Yeah, some of the dancing was a little un-synced up, and some of the moves were a little boring, but it ended up looking fine. I wish I could appreciate all the word play and other poetic elements, but I can’t, so  I’m not able to really analyze the quality of the rapping. But in terms of delivery, I think that 🧁Mun stood out a bit. I also think 🍑Sunghwan did great as the center. It helps that he’s the most “manly” looking. And every time I hear Kum sing, I am surprised anew at how nice his voice is. I understand why he wanted a song to sing, and loved that that was his “rap.” 
Semi side note: So, I was watching the performance, and at about :37 in, when Mun is in the center, the team does this sort of fall-sideways-down thing, and I said to myself, “self?” I said, and I answered “yes?” and I asked, “Was Kum on the team Very Nice?” As an extremely unpleasant person in my asks pointed out, he wasn't, and I had just thought he was because hours of staring at my screen making these recaps made my vision blurry. But whether he was on Very Nice or not, that exact fall-sideways-down move in Very Nice, so, that’s where Kum got the idea. Please don’t mistake me, I’m not criticizing. If people could never repeat a dance move ever, we’d have run out of dance moves ages ago. He found a good place to put that move and make it work with the overall routine. I just thought that was kind of interesting, to be able to trace it back like that, given that Very Nice has such a different feel overall. 
(Also, I do welcome feedback if I make a mistake! Just be nice about it, is literally all I ask. If you've never said anything kind to me, please don't start our conversation by being mean. I feel like that's not too much to ask, right?)
I did notice Chen Jian Yu in the back having trouble getting up with the rest of the team after they all fell down. Aww. In fact, he was kind of behind the team a lot. Must be hard to try to keep up with this mostly very well trained team. 
Ok, this bit in the middle, where Kum puts sunglasses on upside down and lifts up his shirt to reveal fake abs, I mean, it’s not my sense of humor, folks. Sorry. 
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I bet a lot of people enjoyed it a lot and I appreciate his enthusiasm. If you really enjoyed this, feel free to message me. I assume some people did, right? I hope some people did. It’s just not for me, and I found it slightly irritating, the way I find a lot of what he does slightly irritating. That’s why I call him my little cousin -- he’s irritating but I kind of love him anyway, the same way I love my irritating little cousins. Like, can you NOT, you little shit? But also, come over here and let me give you a hug and $10 to spend on junk food-- don’t tell your mom. 
I’m tender hearted and want to give everyone a passing vote. If I were forced to press B (disapprove) for one of them, it would have to be Chen Jian Yu, who as I noted, seemed to struggle with some of the choreo. But I’d press A for all of them if I were allowed, and overall, the team earns an A for approve from me. 
The editing
The MNET editing is pretty kind -- it doesn’t focus too much on any mistakes, and mostly seems focused on making the four Korean members look good. 
The judges applaud, and LipJ throws down her clipboard in approval. They call out 🍑Sunghwan the most, but also appreciate Kum’s performance. 
The voting
We cut to backstage, where the boys all hope they come in first. Kum yells that he’s expecting first place, and 🍑Sunghwan says he expects that too, but it’s Sunghwan who comes in first, with 700 points. 
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And poor Kum feels dumb for having thought he might win. Aww. We’ve all been there, sweetie! The audience voted for the sexiest one, not the funniest one. That’s how it be.
The team does a final cheer for itself, and Chen Jian Yu accidentally bumps Kum in the face. 
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This is just not his day, huh?
They don’t tell us who scored the lowest on this team.
We end with 🍑Lee Seunghwan, who says that he expected Kum to win, but he’s thankful for coming in first. “I don’t know what the final result will be, but we made a great performance together. I’ll remember our team as a team that brought out miracles.” Aww, you really are a peach.
1:21:55 Zoom by Jessi
Huta introduces the next team, and they come out, looking real…
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…. “urban”?? Is that what we call this style?
God, the stylist noonas must hate them. I mean, can we all agree that idols shouldn’t wear shorts?
Mini rant: 
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Poor Xiumin. Stylist noonas are like, “We’ll make Xiumin look awful so that the other boys will look better.”
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Obviously, Chen is one of the most beautiful men on the planet, but here from the waist down he looks like he’s made of assorted whole fruit shoved into a pair of opaque beige tights. It’s not his fault. WHAT WAS THIS? STYLIST NOONA, WHY? Why do you hate Chen? Why do you hate all of us? 
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So, here is Keita’s team, dressed like “what if Peter Pan’s Lost Boys got lost in the year 1991” and they’re going to put on an amazing show because they’re a great team. Sorry, I should say, “they’re a great team, yo!” 
I’ll remind you that these are the zoomers:
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test / Challenge 1 /age final star level
Keita (8) Conduct Zero / Kill This Love- G /21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Haruto (16) Glitch Mode / Love Me Right - G /18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ollie (28) Kick It - G / Hot Sauce - G /16 🚫
Wumuti (43) UN Village / Love Me Right - G /23 ⭐⭐
Park Hyunbeen (49) GBTB / Hot Sauce - K /17 ⭐⭐⭐
The judges are confident that Keita will carry the team. 
Haruto tries trash talking, but he’s too cute for it to work. 
Flashback time. 
You may recall that they made Keita the leader, and gave the killing part to Hyunbeen, who wants it so desperately that it made me worried that the judges were going to tell his team to give the killing part to someone else. Let’s see if I was right!   
Park Hyunbeen is working as hard as he can on his dancing, but knows he still might be lacking. At the big group evaluation in front of all the other trainees, everyone is excited to see that Hyunbeen has the killing part, and overall seem to really like the performance, especially Keita’s part. But then Hyunbeen goes blank and forget the lyrics and choreo -- oh no!
Afterward, the feedback is mostly good, but there are some harsh words for Hyunbeen, including this: “I don’t know why Hyunbeen has the killing part -- the other team members are much better.” Ouch! Oh no, is my premonition going to come to pass?
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Hyunbeen talks it over with Wumuti, saying that he is worried he’s dragging the team down. Wumuti is honest and says that he himself wants the killing part too, but asks, wouldn’t you be upset if you lost it? Hyunbeen is also mostly honest and says that it would upset him. I say “mostly honest” because the real truth is, I think, that it would devastate him. Hyunbeen isn’t really fully equipped to deal with this show, emotionally. I think most people aren’t, to be fair.
The next day, the boys talk in their training room about whether or not to replace Hyunbeen. Keita asks the team, “if anyone thinks the killing part should be replaced, raise your hand.” There’s a dumb momentary cutaway to the D-day stage, and we see that Hyunbeen is still the center. We go back to the meeting, and see that the boys trust Hyunbeen and want to let him keep working on it and keep the part. He’s grateful and vows to work harder.
The Performance
The lyrics I found online are:
Haruto (mostly in English)
Ay yo lookin at me? Probably wondering what's it like to be me
Just like all the wannabes, keep on talk talk
I’m your boss boss  Out of your league  Sorry you’re Not even close
Baby I was born with everything Do you know what “Know your place” means?
Don't hold back and call me Wumuti-ti-ti  It’s not that hard, then follow me
Back on the stage ready microphone check, Spit out a word and turn a page right away
Guess who's the best, It’s about time, I’ve been stuck studying since When I was 13
Never, You can’t, An unexpectedly talented guy, Without a break, I hit your ears good
Do or die, I’m abnormal when I hit the stage
Now everybody knows me, get out of the way
Ollie (mostly in English)
Get out of the way I’m from the Outer space, Just arrived, Want me out your face
I have no time to lose, so Listen close, Oops never mind Ollie Wonka gotta go
Park Hyunbeen
We gotta go and Kill this track, My braggadocious just gets bigger and bigger
I’m gonna change my Category, Heads, shoulders, knees, toes Swag check
Ooh geez, Everybody say cheese
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My take
Well, this is great. I watched it a bunch of times and enjoyed it every time. First, I just really enjoy listening to their version of the song. The original song has good bones to work with, the arrangement works, and their vocal performance really enhances the material -- so much so that I added their version to my current playlist. But it’s also fun to look at -- their choreo and stage vibe are energetic and fun and expressive, without being cheesy in a bad way. My one negative is that it really kind of grossed me out that Wumuti was eating a lollipop a lot of the time. Just this gross sticky thing in his mouth while he's singing and dancing, that he then throws on the stage where someone could step on it? No thanks. Yuck.
That aside, I liked listening to the song enough that I figured I might as well watch some of the fancams, and doing so really made a few things more obvious. One obvious deduction is that Ollie did not belong in 0 stars, ever. He must have had a breakdown or something the day of the final Star Level test and performed to an uncharacteristically low standard. (That, or he had serious issues with the Korean lyrics.) Seriously -- he’s such a natural on stage. He’s always having the best time and really executing well, with so much charm. I’m not sure he’s 100% there yet but he’s already a lot of fun to watch. On an unrelated note, I’m fairly confident at this point that Ollie speaks English better than he speaks any other language, unless someone can tell me I’m wrong on that. It really seems like English is the language he defaults to.
Keita’s performance is great, to the point that you might watch the fancam more than once, as long as you’re emotionally prepared to look at him in that fucking hat for almost 3 minutes. Haruto also -- he’s such a great dancer. 
I really enjoyed their rapping too -- it helps that a lot of it is English, to be fair. They each brought a different personality to their rapping, and all of it was fun. I liked Haruto’s flow, I liked Wumuti’s sing-rap style, I liked Keita’s power and precision, I even liked Ollie’s cute talk-rapping for whatever reason. It actually kind of gave me Del Tha Funky Homosapien vibes. Stage presence wise, I think Hyunbeen was a little weaker than his teammates, but not in a way that made him or them look bad. I mean, the only thing that made them look bad was their outfits. Seriously, zoom in, camera guy so I can’t see their legs. Then zoom out so I don’t have to see Wumuti’s hat or offputting shiny thing on his lower lip. 
The editing
When it comes to the performance itself, the MNET editing is extra irritating, but also extra kind -- we gets lots of reaction shots of the audience loving it and all the trainees dancing along, along with tons of unnecessary instant replays. They also don’t show Haruto’s awful ending fairy that’s on the youtube video, and that’s all for the good. The performance edit makes everyone look good, and that's rare on this show.
But I wish we knew more about how the boys actually made this track. The sung vocals are clearly re-recorded -- that's not a ding on Wumuti, who sang live as well and sounded great both live and pre-recorded. But when did they record this? To what extent were they involved in the production of the songs in general? How long were they in the studio, and who directed them? I also really want to know who actually wrote the lyrics. Did they each write their own, or did they help each other? I’m asking this now of this team but I should note that it applies to all 12 performances.
Also, to what extent were they involved in the staging? Did they pick out their outfits? their backgrounds? And whose idea was it to have those flashes of light on stage with the first two drumbeats, so that it looked like Hyunbeen had sort of "bounced" the other trainees up onto their feet? That had such an impact on the performance because they started so well and had some room to coast from there. So, whose idea was that? I can imagine a world where it was Keita’s idea, but it also could have been the producers’.
The pre-performance package -- the flashback of them preparing for the stage, etc -- is so focused on Hyunbeen that almost no time is spent on what the team actually did to prepare for the show. I know that the show hardly ever really tells us how any team actually prepared, but it bugs me.
The voting
You know, from the start of this series, the judges basically have never stopped talking about how good Keita 🔥is, and this is the first time I really, really got to see it. I really get it now. He’s as good as you would want an already debuted idol to be, and that’s saying a lot, especially on a show with a few other debuted idols who aren’t 100% up to his standard. So when they get their score, it’s not really a surprise to find out that Keita 🔥won with 736 points.
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It’s really easy to tell who cherished hopes of winning themselves, and who knew Keita was going to win. 
It’s also not a surprise to find out that Park Hyunbeen is (a) the worst on the team but (b) also pretty high scoring, with 656, only 80 points lower than Keita (and only 44 points lower than Sunghwan from team Ggang). Hyunbeen was just “really great” on a team full of excellence. That’s reflected in the scores. 
Speaking of scores, what’s up with finding out the last place score as well here? For the first group, they only showed the first place score, and here it was first and last places’s scores. I guess they had to show Hyunbeen’s score to finish his storyline. 
I really wish they would tell us all the different scores, and I assume that the reason they don’t tell us all of them is that it doesn’t work with their narrative goals in some way. As an example, imagine that Wumuti got a score of 730. Imagine how it would look if we at home just watched that long segment about Park Hyunbeen and then Wumuti scored only a few points lower than the winner. Wouldn’t it be weird? Like, wait, since when was Wumuti important on this show?   
Well, since Keita 🔥came in first and was the leader and all that, surely we’ll hear from him about how proud he is of his team, and how honored he is to come in first place, that kind of thing, right? Oh no, wait, we don’t. We just hear from Hyunbeen again. He’s proud of his performance and thanks his teammates. 
To be clear, I don’t dislike Hyunbeen. Not at all! I think he’s a good performer and a sweet kid, and I think he has a ton of potential and I’m excited to see where he’ll be in a few years. I just don’t think he’s ready to debut, emotionally as much as anything else. Also, we could have been spending time with Ollie and Haruto and Wumuti and Keita 🔥too, getting to know them better, seeing how they felt about things. And we didn’t get to do that. It’s a bummer. 
So, that’s the end of this part of the recap. Thanks for reading! The next one will be about Home and Love Killa! 
And if you’re enjoying the recaps, please share them with other folks :) Thanks!
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Nightshade Chapter 9 Sneak Peeks!
That's right, y'all tied it! I'm in a very generous mood today so I gift you both peeks. Consume them at your own risk 👀
"So," Jake's voice came from the doorway so suddenly I jumped, dropping his leather jacket onto the floor.
"Shit!" I yelped, turning to glare at him. "Don't sneak up on me!"
He chuckled, eyes dragging down my body, fixing on my bare shoulders, the deep plunging neckline of the dress and then finally on my leg, the one exposed by the high slit of the gown. When he finally took notice of his jacket on the floor, his head tilted. "Are you really taking time out of your dinner to sneak my jacket into my locker?"
I scoffed, kicking the jacket behind me with my heel. "No! That'd be crazy."
He laughed, nodding to the still very visible fabric. "Well go on, don't let me stop you."
Fucking… I bit my lip and bent over to retrieve it, fully aware of how he drank in the sight of my boobs threatening to spill out of the corseted top. I turned back to his locker and stuffed it inside, slamming the door shut with a grin. "Did you need something? A jacket perhaps?"
"No, I'm good, very toasty." He replied, taking a step forward, the wicked smug look in his eyes never fading. "So, the hip right?"
"Your mermaid tattoo," he clarified, taking way too much pleasure in the way my face fell with the realization. "It's on your hip."
My hand slapped over the too high slit that did indeed showcase the tail of my tattoo. "God damn dress!"
Jake leaned back against the locker nodding to my leg. "Show me."
"You said you would if I guessed where it was," he argued.
I shook my head, laughing nervously. "I actually didn't. All I said was you didn't know where it was already."
Jake moved even closer. "Technicality. Show it to me."
"Oh come on, princess."
My face burned the closer he got until finally under the weight of those pretty blue eyes I cracked. "Fine, you get five seconds!"
I moved my hand and carefully lifted the slit of my gown to show the intricate mermaid that curved up my hip, tail curling a little over my thigh. In my head, I began to count. One. Two. Th- Warm fingers grazed along the curve of my hip and every thought stuttered to a half. Jake was on his knees, eyes taking in the sight of my tattoo with an appreciative gleam. I could feel his breath fan along my skin as his fingers moved to skim over the inked skin.
“What about Lena?” Her voice carried down from the top of the stairs. Jake smirked at their coworkers, ready to spill all the filthy ways they’d expressed how they felt about her outfit tonight, but he wasn’t at all ready to admit that they were right and bite his tongue to keep from saying the exact same things they had. There standing at the top of the stairs beside the bar Lena descended and Jake’s mouth did with her.
It wouldn’t have surprised him if she’d grown wings right in front of him, wouldn’t have surprised him if she was truly an angel in disguise. She always looked beautiful and hot and everything in between but here, now, in that dress… Jake couldn’t look away. He didn’t want to, not ever. 
The peach-colored dress hugged her body in a way that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her shoulders were bare; the dress was held onto her by two drooping pieces of fabric that caressed her upper arms as she moved to take hold of the railing and the sheer will of god. The corset top was simple, though it wasn’t the top he was really looking at, but rather the deep plunge of the neckline that lifted her breasts ever so slightly and exposed them more than he was expecting. It flowed behind her as her long legs moved down the steps, the fabric bunched at her waist lifting it up to further accentuate the near hip-high slit.
Lena smiled at him as she stood in front of the bar and leaned on it causing her half-down red hair to spill over her shoulder. She tilted her head. “What about me?”
Sasha came to his rescue with a grin that was far too smug. “We were just talking about how badly we wanted to fuck you tonight, Tiger Bitch.”
“Oh,” Lena laughed, the sound only tormenting him more. “Thank you… I think?”
Ari looked at her breasts and shook her head. “No, thank you.”
Nicky shooed the group away from the bar. Jake couldn’t bring himself to move… couldn’t look away from her for even one second. Lena’s eyes trailed down, fixating on his chest. He saw her lips move, but he didn’t hear her the first time. Blinking he shook his head. “What?”
“Your tie’s loose,” she repeated.
“Oh,” he lifted his hands to try and move the stupid thing, but his mind was a blur. All he could think of was her in that dress, was that damn smell of cherries. God, pull it together. It’s just a dress. Just a damn smell. He scolded himself.
Her hands came up to stop him before he could ruin his tie anymore. He hadn’t even noticed her head around the bar. She smiled up at him, sweet and absolutely too much right now. “Here, let me.”
“You’re a guest tonight,” he said, his voice wavering slightly. “You’ll get in trouble.”
“I’ll be quick then,” she replied with a wink. God… fuck!
She was right the other night. She could have him whenever she wanted, however she wanted. Jake swallowed thickly as her bright eyes flashed up to his. He'd take her here in front of all these guests… all their coworkers if it's what she wanted. His whole body hummed at the very thought of what she’d look like, that dress hiked up to her hips, her bent over the bar or even better sitting on top of it so he could see her face. All he wanted was to hear her say the words. He wanted her to want him just as badly as he wanted her.
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cuddlebugzz · 2 years
🍼milk: what’s your little age range?
I don't have a super clearly defined age range, and I don't really know a lot about what kids are like, but I would have to venture a guess maybe 3-5? I looove preschool and kindergarten stuff so much, it's a huge comfort for me!!
🍪 cookie: do you have any little gear?
I have a little but my collections pretty small rn (🥁bu-dum-tss)! I got a super duper awesome paci from @princeminnow !! Its a converted nuk one, which I totally love! Personally, I would love love looove more adult pacis that look like real baby pacis from nuk and stuff, and minnow does that so well!! And it glows in the dark!! I also have an alphabet onesie, but I don't wear it often. I'm still trying to get used to it, I get very anxious about people finding me unfortunately. But I'm working on it, I love the design! Besides that I have bat bear and my baby journal plus my stickers and arts n crafts supplies!!
☁️cloud: do you use diapers?
At the moment I don't, same worries about someone finding my stuff, but honestly I would really like to try them!! They seem very cozy and the concept has always comforted me - I don't talk much about it on my main cuz I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable or go tmi though "^^. But honestly, of everything, I think I would really like pull ups or training pants! They feel really perfect for my regression!
🍑peach: describe your dream nursery (if you have one)
Oooo oo oo fun question!! Honestly, I adore most preschool classrooms, that would be the perfect place to be!! With lots of colorful picture books, and a big old tv to watch tapes of my shows or playhouse Disney, and a big cool carpet with a print I can explore!! Also nice big stuffies to cuddle with, and a nice little bed to nap in with cool sheets n blankets. And I could decorate the windows with my art and crafts!! And there would be a little table to do them at, and a little buggy for snack time. Waaah such a fun idea!!! Here's some pics I've collected that are so totally my happy place ;v;
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Thank you for asking!!
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apocalypticsinn · 1 year
🥑, 🍑, 🍓, 🍎 for the queen themselves ambrosia? :3 @/giransbunnywife
I forgot about the ask and got jump scared by a message in my inbox ahdiasohIOH hellolovelythankyoufortheask ;;
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?: Their previous actions in their old village. No matter what, Ambrosia will defend what they've done wholeheartedly. They don't think they've done anything wrong or bad, and that their horrible deeds were justified by the villagers actions. Also, they won't allow anyone else to try and even harm Black Hat. This is not out of a kindness or show of care, but because they wish to be the one to end his life themself, so even if you know you can do true damage to him, Ambrosia will NOT allow you.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?: This was an interesting one to answer! Ambrosia is a complex character, and it's hard to decide who is 'kind' or not in this world... Depending on what mood you meet them in or the situation, they may be kind or cold. I had to answer this thinking, "If I were to ask Ambrosia, how would they answer?" And their response may be that they look a little surprised at the question. "How kind am I? As kind as I need be in the situation. What you see as kind others may see as cold. It is all about personal perspective, is it not? About if what I do is beneficial to you or what you have been taught." Ambrosia does have kindness in them, and it's reflected in how they treat those closest, or better yet, the things they like I suppose. Ambrosia won't stop to help a starving man on the street, but will gladly take in a young lost kitten and raise it in the greenhouse. They've calmed down Black Hat's unnecessary explosions on his underlings a few times, and stopped him from hurting a civilian for no reason or Dr. Flug and 5.0.5.. They've healed an injured birds wing, or brought flowers back from the brink. They've invited an underling or two to tea in their chambers, being the one themself to mix the blend and pour it for the guest. And if you're close with them, they've even been seen handing out charms for different protections or enhancements. So I guess they're right, it's all about perspective! This is a question that's up for others to decide, and Ambrosia does not care about the answers.
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?: Ambrosia actually likes cute things! When it comes to animals especially, they make them smile. Ambrosia is the type of person when walking to say hello to people's dogs LOL This is also because as a witch, animals are naturally drawn to them, but they also just love little creatures haha. They do enjoy 5.0.5.'s company a lot, and do call him cute. If you were to show them something like Sanrio characters, Ambrosia may let out a little, "Ha! How... Silly." with a small smile. They've never had the chance or been given such a gift, but if they were to receive a cute stuffed plushy like a squishable, they would actually cherish it and keep it on their bed or shelf.
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?: OhHHHH Who? Interesting... Their mother, Juniper. Despite her passing hundreds of years prior, Ambrosia still speaks to her and prays to her. Every major decision Ambrosia makes, a small part of their mind calls out to their mother for strength and comfort. They love their mother more than anything, even to this day. They committed their previous atrocities 'in her name'. Thy believe they are where they are today from their love for their mother. If not their mother, a very close second would be their (future or current depending on when this would be asked lol) children, Nyx, Anubis, and Abysmal. Despite who their father is, Ambrosia is still fiercely protective of their children, and would stop at nothing to ensure their safety. When their children each come into this world, Ambrosia changes slightly, as a new parent does, and they begin to focus on their children more than killing Black Hat (for a short period of time when they are each very young and still reliant on Ambrosia). Their children's lives and happiness is all that matters to the Queen, nothing else. (Although they still say that even when they and Black Hat die, they don't mind to leave their children behind, so that's an odd thing... Take it as you will LOL)
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