#gu quan
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arknights-archive · 1 month ago
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Such is the Joy of Our Reunion now open
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shaxxophone · 9 months ago
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I know I have written a lot, so do not feel obligated to read it all, but if you want to glance through just to see what classes + subclasses I have assigned, please feel free!! Here is a taste of what you will see below the cut:
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This has been a huge labor of love, and I am really not expecting anybody but me and maybe one or two others to have any interest in this, so if you have read them all or even half, thank you so much!!! My intimate knowledge of every single 5e subclass finally has a use, yay!!!
If you wanna talk D&D or TGCF ever, feel free to message me. If you have differing ideas of what classes these people would be, I'm happy to talk about that!!!
Also most of all, thank you @liese1015 for inspiring me to get off my ass and participate in the fandom I love for once! 💖
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honeysweets333-2 · 2 months ago
Results came in, movie sonic x tgcf on the way!
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Lore: it’s pretty much the same, but because the characters are going to be humanoid I’ll add a little backstory to the planet “Xian le”
Characters: This is what I’ve come up with so far, commentary and suggestions welcome!
Sonic-Xie Lian
Amy-Hua Cheng
Tails-Mu Qing
Donut Lord-He Xuan
Pretzel Lady-Shi Qing Xuan
Rachel- Shi WuDu
Randell-Pei Ming
Jojo- banyue
Shadow-Qi Rong (he’s going to be a little ooc but the image in my head is so cool!)
Maria-Gu Zi
Walter’s-Lan Qianqiu (he’s gonna die lol)
Wade-Quan yizhen
That one g.u.n. Lady I always forget the name of-ling wen
Now my main problem is figuring out who is going to be eggman, Gerald, stone, and longclaw. I originally thought about making longclaw xie lian’s mother and MNQ stone, but eggman just doesn’t fit jun wu(I mean I could make it work but I just can’t see it) and I don’t know who Gerald would be +that still leaves yin yu. I could also use lang ying as eggman, jun wu as Gerald, mei nian qing as longclaw, and just have yin yu married to QYZ. IDK what do you guys think?
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Round 2, Match 5: Quan Yizhen vs Mo Xi
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Match 5 is between Quan Yizhen (shixiong: Yin Yu) from Heaven Official's Blessing vs Mo Xi (shixiong: Gu Mang) from Yuwu / Remnants of Filth
Propaganda under the cut
Quan Yizhen:
Obsessed with his shixiong, much to said shixiong's chagrin. Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda, but I just know he belongs here
Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda
Well, okay. So Quan Yizhen was originally a street kid that was taken in as a disciple by the sect master at Yin Yu's (the shixiong in question) request because he was impressed by Yizhen's potential. But all the other disciples hated Quan Yizhen's guts due to a mix of his utter inability to read social cues and envy towards his raw talent, only Yin Yu was nice to him which is why Quan Yizhen's obsession with his shixiong took off. Yin Yu is the only person Quan Yizhen cares for.
Eventually his cultivation led Yin Yu to ascend to godhood and he took Quan Yizhen to heaven with him as a deputy god because he knew he couldn't leave him alone. Quan Yizhen doesn't care about prestige, he only cares about martial arts and shixiong, so he asks Yin Yu if they can't go back and if ascension is really that great to which Yin Yu replies to give it a try: Quan Yizhen does and actually ascends as a proper god.
However because Quan Yizhen is so naturally talented he quickly came to eclipse Yin Yu, which he didn't even realize because, again, he has zero social skills. This festered resentment in Yin Yu who eventually exploded and told Quan Yizhen to go kill himself... while Yizhen was wearing a robe that made him follow all fo Yin Yu's commands, so he almost does kill himself. He was stopped and Yin Yu was thrown out of heaven.
But!!! Quan Yizhen doesn't care about any of that! He still wants to meet his shixiong and is sure it was all a misunderstanding. Quan Yizhen actually beats up his own devotees if they trash talk his shixiong, nevermind that as a god his existance is dependant on said devotees. But he doesn't care about that! He only became a god because of shixiong.
When he finally meets his shixiong again, he recognizes him by Yin Yu's mannerism despite Yin Yu wearing a mask. Yin Yu hits him on the head with a shovel and he still doesn't care!! Quan Yizhen still follows his shixiong like a loyal puppy. When later Yin Yu dies trying to protect him Quan Yizhen cries and apologizes for not being able to protect him despite only being good for fighting. Quan Yizhen carries his shixiong's corpse all the way while heaven if falling apart. The last chapter implies Quan Yizhen is trying to nurture Yin Yu's soul to get him back and in the post-canon extras Yin Yu makes a cameo. So Quan Yizhen was succesful!! Death can't take him from his shixiong!
give it to quan yizhen!!!! his whole THING is unconditional love for his shixiong. No matter what Yin Yu does, qyz will love him forever!!
#i will not have my boy who literally calls out SHIXIONG any time he sees yin yu#and desperately chases after him even after everything#lose like this
#yall better give this to quan yizhen#if there's ever a shixiong fucker IT'S HIM
#yes!!!!!!!!#quanyin#he loves him so much!! it’s unconditional!!#vote qyz#tgcf#svsss
#quan yizhen is a real deal shixiongfucker#admit that every time you see his name you're screaming “shixiong!!!!!” reflexively in your head#polls
#qyz propaganda: wdym this guy was ready to kill and be killed for his shixiong#qyz is the most precious#he fights his worshippers if they talk shit about his shixiong#never minds the fact that said shixiong nearly got him killed#THE SUN AND MOON PAIRING#he's the epitome of head empty only shixiong
Mo Xi:
Mo Xi is an "abstinent" & prestigious general who had a (technically only sexual) relationship with his shixiong, Gu Mang, before Gu Mang defected to an enemy nation. The novel starts when Gu Mang is sent back as a prisoner of war. The amount of sex is shown in the flashbacks is honestly wild, so, like... we know how much of a shixiong-fucker Mo Xi is in excruciating detail paksbekwks
Mo Xi has the reputation to be the most uptight man in Chonghua but then you get into his head and he is only wishing his shixiong would come back to him, even when said shixiong is a traitor. Every time Gu Mang does something, Mo Xi is either on the verge of tears of horny gripping for his life and no in between.
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electricsoul-rpg · 2 years ago
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fc: Quan Yilun (全伊伦)
ethnicity: Chinese
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mediocres-writing-blog · 3 months ago
Mortal Kombat: Enenra's Shadow
Chapter 6: The Not-So Shocking Truth
Viktor, Enenra and Nico ran off back into the woods, running away from the destruction. They walked through the forest carefully to not trip anything off, as they were still in Lin Kuei territory. Viktor then tried to strike up a conversation with Nico.
VIKTOR: So, the flower thing...
He said, turning to Nico.
VIKTOR: Is it all just a bunch of bullshit?
NICO: I really hope not, kid.
Viktor looked down, and then ahead of himself.
VIKTOR: Answer me something.
NICO: Hmm?
VIKTOR: You've been following me all along, and when the time was right, you rescued me. Why?
NICO: I've done this sort of thing before. It's like a calling for me. And I'd hate myself if I let you get killed.
VIKTOR (smiling): Well, that's pretty cool.
The two walked along, and Nico hummed a melody all too familiar to Viktor.
VIKTOR: I think I've heard this song before.
NICO: Seems we got a pretty similar taste in music. It's a small world.
VIKTOR (looking around): Smaller than you'd think.
He said, seeing a sign that said "Hong Kong, 3.3 km."
NICO: I guess it's time we say our farewells.
Viktor, a little sad, nodded.
ENENRA: You know...
Enenra appeared so Nico and Viktor could hear him clearly.
ENENRA: This doesn't have to mean goodbye. You can come back to Bosnia with us.
Nico, a bit surprised, looked away, nervously mumbling something under his breath.
VIKTOR: What did you say?
NICO: Sorry, it's just that... I can't come.
ENENRA: Why not?
VIKTOR: Enenra, don't force him--
NICO: No, it's okay. I can tell you.
Nico got on one knee, and looked up at the boy.
NICO: Listen, this might come as a shock to you, but I need you to know that... I--
VIKTOR: "Am your father?"
Nico looked confused and surprised at this, getting back up on both feet.
NICO: Well, that was quicker than I expected.
VIKTOR: Then WHY DID YOU LEAVE MY MOM ALONE!? Were you just too big of a coward to be a father so you just left?--
NICO: I didn’t WANT to leave!
Viktor looked confused. His voice was lowered down.
NICO: I got into some deep shit the second I left the military. Your mother and I parted ways because there were people out to get me, like that Sub Zero guy. They weren't just out to get me, they were out to get anyone I was related to, including her. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when I should've. And I understand if you hate me right no--
He would be interrupted by a tackling hug by Viktor. 
NICO: ...
Both Nico and Enenra were confused at this sudden change of heart. Nico awkwardly pats his back. He looked at Enenra from Viktor’s shoulder, both of them shrugging.
NICO: You good?
Viktor, letting go, wiped his face.
VIKTOR: Am now. Now then… I can get us a ride real quick.
Before long, Enenra retracted into Viktor’s body, showing that his arm did in fact grow back.
VIKTOR: Huh… how about that. Anyway…
He said, taking out his phone and dialing the number the taxi driver gave him.
NICO: You know what? I changed my mind.
Viktor turned to Nico, looking a little confused.
NICO: I will go home with you. Let me be the father I never got to be.
Viktor smiled, his eyes and his head turned sideways.
VIKTOR: If mom welcomes you back, I’d be glad to call you dad.
The two chuckled, as they stood around waiting for the driver to pick up, until he eventually did.
GUS (over phone): Yeeeee~s?
VIKTOR: Hey Gus, it’s me, Viktor, from the airport. I need you to pick me up. I’m 3.3 km’s west from Hong Kong, in the woods–
GUS (over phone): Say no more.
He said, hanging up the phone. Viktor put the phone in his pocket as he squatted beside the road. Nico squatted next to him, twiddling his thumbs.
NICO: Soooooo… that a cab driver? When should he be here?
VIKTOR: Literally any second. He’s an… “interesting” driver.
NICO: Right… also sorry, I never got to ask for your name.
VIKTOR: … Viktor.
The two sat there, and Nico tried cracking a joke about some of his past experiences.
NICO: That Sub Zero guy back there gave me a run for my money. But if I’m gonna be honest, this one girl I met once on a business trip? A thousand times more threatening than him.
Viktor turned around, seeming quite interested.
VIKTOR: Really? Who was she? Was she a friend? 
NICO: Ehhhh… kinda. Really, she was a colleague. Whenever we spoke for more than two seconds, she’d either threaten she’ll kill me or we straight up fought. She was a bit of a prick, but her heart was golden. She’d never break a promise and in the end, I could say we were almost friends.
VIKTOR: Huh. Cool. I’d like to meet her some day.
NICO: Trust me, you don’t. She’ll wreck your shit if you breathe too hard.
Viktor looked at his father with Enenra right behind him, raising an eye.
VIKTOR: You mean, she’ll wreck “your” shit?
NICO (sarcastically): Ha ha, very funny.
Nico responded, ruffling his hair. Nico giggled, pushing Robin’s hand away from him. Then Enenra jittered a little.
ENENRA: Gentlemen, stand back from the road. There’s a car incoming at very high speeds.
The two got up, and right before them 180’d and stopped Gus Axel. 
GUS: Good evening. Hop in.
Nico looked worried, and he turned to Viktor.
NICO: I’m not so sure about this, kiddo.
VIKTOR: Well, you either got this, or more Lin Kuei.
Nico stroked his chin, looking at the sky.
NICO: Yeah, fair enough.
GUS (Sadistically): Hop in, or you might end up as someone’s roadkill.
Gus chuckled, as the two got in and tied their seatbelts. The car took off, going way past the speed limit. Gus cut as many corners as possible, and then the police started going after them.
VIKTOR: <Oh, fuck me.>
NICO: Oh, fuck me.
GUS: Oh don’t fret, they’ll just chase us until we crash…
Viktor knew something was off. Gus was a bit silly when he first met him, but this was just insane. The boy tried removing his ivy cap to find some kind of branding on his forehead, pulling himself back. Nico saw it too, being more concerned now than he was in the past ten years. Gus started laughing maniacally, as he hit the gas.
VIKTOR: Fuck this! Dad, we’re jumping out!
He said as the two unbuckled their belts and jumped out of the car. Viktor grabbed Nico’s hand and Enenra suited them up before they hit the ground, softening the impact a bit. The taxi driver looked through his window to see them on the ground. The second he got back in, he crashed into a traffic light and flew through the windshield as the cops surrounded his vehicle. Nico, Viktor and Enenra saw this happen, and hesitated to make eye contact.
VIKTOR: Should we go?
NICO: A minute ago I thought the same, but now I think we should run.
He said as the two ran off in the opposite direction. The two exchanged dialogue as they ran.
NICO: Fast thinking you got there, Vik.
VIKTOR: I didn’t plan any of that, Enenra did all the heavy lifting.
ENENRA (in Viktor’s head): Next time give me a heads up before you jump out of a car, jackass!
The two saw the airport, only 100 meters away (yes I’m european, fuck you). Viktor slowed down a bit, as he couldn’t run as fast or as long as Nico, so the two slowed down but kept going.
NICO: You okay, kiddo?
VIKTOR (breathing deeply): I’ll manage. How can you run so fast?
NICO: Military training.
Viktor walked along looking at the ground, wondering who is this man and how is he his father.
NICO: Just gotta ask, did you get here by plane with anyone or…?
VIKTOR: Well uh… yeah. An old man.
NICO: That old man is probably on the same side as that crazy cab. 
Viktor ran along with Enenra glaring at him angrily. After a few minutes, the two finally made it to the airport where they met up with Svenson. 
ISAAC: Good evening, gents–
The old man tried to greet the two but was interrupted by Nico pulling a knife on the man.
NICO: Cut the BS, gramps, where’s the guy you work for hiding?
ISAAC: Woah now, calm down, no need to be hasty.
Viktor dashed in for the old man’s fedora, revealing no branding in sight. The father and son eyed one another, and Red Robin put his dagger away with immeasurable style. The two got on the plane, with Nico still being skeptical of the old man. The three settled down and took off the ground. While Viktor fell fast asleep, Nico stayed up all flight, just in case the old man did something suspicious. The minute the old man got up from his chair, to go to the cockpit (lol), the old robin knew something was up. He tries to wake up Viktor, quickly succeeding and making the sar boy a little grumpy.
VIKTOR (weakly): Whuh…. Did we already land??
NICO: Sorry, but no. I got a hunch that old shit was up to something. He just went into the cockpit.
There was a few seconds of silence before the two chuckled for twice as long.
VIKTOR: Alright, let's check out.
The two went to the front of the plane, opening the door only to find Isaac holding the captain hostage with the co-pilot quivering in fear.
NICO (to Viktor): What’d I tell ya?
Viktor rolled his eyes, as he stared at the situation.
ISAAC: You two seem to be in quite the predicament here.
VIKTOR: Just tell me what you want.
Isaac looked at the boy, pointing the knife at him.
ISAAC: The parasite. For my master, Quan Chi.
Viktor and Nico were both confused, but understood the second he used the knife to cut open his own shirt, revealing the branding on the spot where his heart resides.
NICO: So, not only does Quan Chi control minds, but also people’s very souls.
ISAAC: How very bright you are.
He said, slitting the pilot’s throat, throwing the co-pilot in a panic. The old man threw the knife in the head of the co-pilot to shut him up.
NICO: Welp, looks like we’ll have to kill this guy, Viktor.
And as he said that, the gray man boosted himself off the control panel to jump at Viktor with full force.
Before any damage could be done, Enenra suited up star boy, keeping him out of harm's way. Nico stabbed the old man with his daggers in his back, getting him off Enenra and kicking him into the passenger seats. As Isaac gets back up, he rips out a seat and throws it at Nico. He fully knows he has nowhere to dodge that, so he tries to block, but is instead saved  by Enenra, who grabbed the seat right before it hit Red Robin.
NICO: I’m liking you more and more by the second, big guy.
ENENRA: Maybe you should have been my host~.
VIKTOR (through Enenra): Oh can we not?!
The symbiote threw the chair back at the old man, nearly killing him. Enenra walked over and grabbed the old man by the neck, and menacingly spoke to him.
ENENRA: I’ll ask you a question, and if I don’t like the answer, I’ll kill you. Now, where’s Quan Chi?
ISAAC: I don’t know, he never stays in one place, I’m only his humble servant. And besides, you have other matter–
Before he could finish, Enenra chomped off his head, killing him in an instant.
NICO: Good job, but we got other things to worry about. Like how we are about to CRASH LAND!
He exclaimed, as Enenra grabbed Nico from a distance, punched a hole through the ceiling, escaping and protecting him from any surfaces. The two safely landed in the airport settlement. Nico got on his legs and Enenra unsuited Viktor when they landed. 
NICO: Well, that was smoother than usual–
As he was saying, the plane crashed on the landing strip, causing a loud explosion.
VIKTOR: Nono, go on, finish your sentence.
NICO: … Nah. still calmer than most of my flights.
Viktor rolled his eyes, before seeing a trolleybus on his right heading their way. 
VIKTOR: Hey, let's catch this bus before we get accused of domestic terrorism.
He said, as the three idiots got on the bus and several sirens were heard from a distance. The two sat close to the door, waiting until they could finally get out to the hospital. The two sat there in silence, both a bit scared to start a conversation.
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thekingsavatar-liveaction · 7 years ago
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2018-07-06 电视剧全职高手 (TKA TV Drama) weibo update
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thekingsavatar-fan · 5 months ago
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Happy birthday, Gu Xiye! [wiki]
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kdram-chjh · 1 year ago
Cdrama: Love's Deception (2023)
Full Version | Food fairy and city lord's love crossed in three lifetimes | [Love's Deception 再见君如故]
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6upjl3TXfIw
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musatge · 2 years ago
Wu Ta-yeh enseigne à Palo Alto
Tung Hu Ling (董虎嶺 Dǒng Hǔlǐng 1917–1992)  est l’un des maîtres les plus distingués du taiji quan. Sa mort est la plus grande perte pour le style de Yang Chengfu  (楊澄甫 Yáng Chéngfǔ 1883-1936). Né l’année du tigre, il a été nommé Montagne du tigre – 虎 hǔ dans son nom signifie tigre et 嶺 lǐng signifie montagne. Il est né au  xian de Ren (任县 Rén Xiàn) dans la province de Hebei, près de la ville…
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arknights-archive · 1 month ago
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Such is the Joy of Our Reunion
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eulaties · 7 months ago
omg eileen gu came to congratulate quan hongchan and chen yuxi for winning a gold medal in synchronized 10m diving!! 🥺🥺💓
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amezhu · 6 months ago
Heaven Official's Blessing▪︎
224. BÖLÜM - Dünyayı Tepetaklak etmek - gökyüzünde ateşten şeytani kale ile dövüş
Devasa taş heykel sersemlemiş ve donakalmış gözlerin altında gittikçe yükseğe ve daha yükseğe çıktı. Xie Lian onun harika bir durumda olduğunu gördü hatta önceden yüzü olmayan beyazın kırdığı bacakta iz bile yoktu, mutlu bir şekilde “San Lang, heykeli onardın mı?” dedi.
Hua Cheng gülümsedi, “eğer ta cennete Gege’yi almaya geleceksem ellerim boş gelemezdim. Hadi gidelim!”
Xie Lian kafasını salladı, “Millet, acele edip atlayın!
Ancak o zaman cennet mensupları kalabalığı onun yanındakinin Hua Cheng olduğunu gördüler, neredeyse dizlerinin üstüne düşeceklerdi, “EKSELANLARI, YANINIZDAKİ???”
Feng Xin’in yüzündeki sıkıntı giderek daha belirgin hale geliyordu ki sonunda bağırdı, “JIAN LAN! JIAN LAN!” ama cevap yoktu.
Lang Qian Qiu caddenin köşesinde saklanarak kaçmaya çalışan Qi Rong’u gördü, gidip onu yakalamak üzereydi ki Tai Hua sarayının oradan geçerken aniden sanki içinden bir şey patlamış gibi tüm saray paramparça olup yere serildi. Tüm cennet mensupları ürkmüştü, bakmak için döndüklerinde öfkeli alevler ve molozların arasında başını eğmiş ve sessizce duran bir figür gördüler.
Jun Wu gümüş kelebeklerden kurtulmuştu.
Beklenildiği gibi durdurulamazdı.
Qi‌ Rong aceleyle Jun Wu'nun arkasına koştu ve kalabalığa kendini beğenmiş bir şekilde bağırdı, “SÜPRÜNTÜ! ÇÖP! GÜCÜNÜZ YETİYORSA BURAYA GELİN!”
Sadece o hâlâ kendi ölümünden habersiz, yaklaşmaya cesaret edebildi, hiçbir cennet mensubu konuşmaya cesaret edemedi.
Beyaz zırhlı savaş tanrısın vücudunun üzerinden göklere doğru kapkara bir aura kükrüyordu, beyaz ışık körleşmiş, iki renk sürekli olarak tahmin edilemeyecek şekilde değişiyordu. Cennet mensuplarının hepsi bu Jun Wu’nun son derece farklı olduğunu hissedip ona baktılar ama sert bir şekilde nefes almaya cesaret edemediler. Aynı zamanda o da Xie Lian’ı dikkatlice izliyordu, yavaşça insanların toplandığı yere doğru ilerlemeye başladı. Attığı her adımda savaşın alevleri ayaklarının altını yakacaktı.
İlk başta canlı çıralar halindeydi, kısa bir süre sonra çılgınca her yöne yayıldı ve göklere doğru esen öfkeli alevlere dönüştü.
Bu alevler Qi Rong'u yakalamıştı ve şeytani bir şekilde uluyarak kollarında Gu Zi ile hızla kaçmaya başladı. Quan Yi Zhen, Yin Yu'nun cesedini sırtında taşıyordu, yüzü is içinde caddenin ortasında duruyordu ve Jun Wu'yu gördüğünde onun da gözlerinde öfkeli ateşler yandı. Ona doğru yürümeye başlamadan önce cesedi yere bile bırakmadı ve onu geri çeken Xie Lian oldu.
Bir başka gümüş kelebek dalgası ileri atıldı ve Xie Lian bu fırsatı kullanarak, "ACELE ET! ORADA DİKİLİP DURMA!" diye bağırdı.‌
Tüm cennet mensupları bir anlığına tereddüt etse de sonrasında her biri birbiri ardına seslenişe cevap verdi. Binlerce cennet mensubu siyah bir karıca sürüsü gibi devasa taş heykele tırmanıp göğüs ve omuzlarında yer edindiler. Durmaya yer olmadığında ise eteklerinin uçlarından tutunuyorlardı. Eğer bu şey uçacak idiyse o zaman sadece bereket fenerleri ve gümüş kelebeklere bel bağlayamazlardı, ancak aynı zamanda çok fazla insan olduğundan Xie Lian Hua Cheng’e doğru bir hamle yapamadı.
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Fikirler acil durumlarda ortaya çıkar, Xie Lian rastgele bir cennet mensubunun yanına çekti, onun arkasında Xie Lian, Hua Cheng'in yüzünü kavradı ve onu sıkı bir şekilde öptü.
Aradan biraz zaman geçti ve Xie Lian'ın tüm vücudu bir anda ruhani güçle doldu, paravan olarak kullanılan cennet mensubu tamamen kaskatı kesildi ve şok içinde bağırdı, "SİZ İKİNİZ ARKAMDA NE YAPIYORSUNUZ??”
Xie Lian ancak o zaman insanların görüşünü engellemek için kenara çektiği kişinin aslında Lang Qian Qiu olduğunu fark etti ve zihinsel olarak derin bir pişmanlık duydu. Ne günah ne günah, bu çocuk tarafından görülmemeliydi ve haykırdı, "HİÇBİR ŞEY YAPMADIK! GÖRMENİZ GEREKEN HİÇBİR ŞEY YOK!" Sonra arkasını döndü ve o ilahi heykele bağırdı, "UÇ!"‌
İlahi heykel onun çağrısını duymuş gibi görünüyordu, sanki bir şey harekete geçmiş gibi, kısık gözleri aniden açıldı ve yüzündeki gülümseme derinleşti.
Gümüş kelebekler ve Bereket Fenerleri aniden dağıldı ama o hala gökyüzünde sabit bir şekilde süzülüyordu, uzun saçları, kolları ve etekleri de rüzgarda dalgalanıyor gibiydi.
Xie Lian ve Hua Cheng de ayağa fırladılar ve ilahi heykelin başının tepesindeki yorgun taç platformunun üzerinde durdular ve Xie Lian bağırdı, "HERKES DİKKATLİ OLSUN! SIKI TUTUNUN!
Tam sözünü bitirdiği anda, ilahi heykelin gövdesi önce battı sonra da kuvvetle ileri fırladı! Xie Lian ve Hua Cheng en yüksek noktada durdular ve ilahi heykelle birlikte birçok cennet mensubunu Cennet Başkentinden çok uzaklara taşıdılar. Ancak, yılların birikimiyle Cennet Başkentinde yıllarını geçirmiş çok sayıda cennet mensubu vardı, bu yüzden umutsuz ve kederli bir şekilde arkalarına bakmaya devam ettiler.
Biraz sakinleştikten sonra Xie Lian aniden az önce telaş içinde olduğundan saymaya zaman olmadığını hatırladı ve seslendi, “Herkes bindi mi?” Guoshi nerede? General Pei?”
General Pei'nin başına gelen talihsizliklere yenilip yenilmediğini kim bilebilirdi? Tanıdıklarının orada olup olmadığına bakıyordu ki bağırdı, “USTA!”
Uzaktan Guoshi’nin cevabı geldi, “GELDİM!”
Ancak o zaman Xie Lian biraz rahatlamış hissetti. Tam o sırada aniden birisi bağırdı, “YETİŞİYOR! YETİŞİYOR!”
Beklenildiği gibi! Devasa ilahi heykelin arkasında kızıllara bürünmüş bir şey peşlerindeydi.
Bu cennetin başkentiydi.
Asıl cennet başkenti, hayırlı ve uğurlu bulutlarla sarılıp çevrelenmişti. Şimdi ise bunun yerine savaşın alevleriyle yanıyor, ateşli şeytani bir kaleye dönmüştü.
Birisi dehşetle konuştu, “İmparator… İmparator cennetin başkentini hareket ettiriyor… Hepimizi ortadan kaldıracak…”
“Bizi yakalayacak!”
Ancak Xie Lian bağırdı, “O KADAR DA HIZLI DEĞİL!” el mühürlerini aniden değiştirdi ve devasa ilahi heykelin gözlerinden ışıklar fırladı. Cennet mensuplarının kulaklarını kamçılayan rüzgar daha hızlı esti, deliler gibi uludu, aniden onların peşinde olan kırmızı ışıktan hızla uzaklaştı. Artık ilahi heykel daha hızlı uçuyordu!
Burada işler hızlanırken arkalarındaki kırmızı ışık vazgeçmemiş hızı aniden artmıştı, artık daha yakındı ve bazı cennet mensuplarını panikten çığlık attırıyordu. Bu mesafeyle cennet başkentinin içindeki o figürü artık neredeyse net bir şekilde görebiliyorlardı!
Bu sırada ölümlü alemi neler olup bittiğinden birhaberdi; çocuklar gülüşüp oynaşıyorlardı ki gökyüzünde hızla ilerleyen beyaz bir ışık ve uçup geçmekte olan kırmızı bir ışık gördüler, hepsi ağzını açıp alkışladılar, “Çok tatlı!”
Xie Lian durumun bu şekilde devam edemeyeceğini ve bu şeyi hızlandırması gerektiğini biliyordu ama hafiften başı da dönüyordu. Sonuçta tek nefeste o kadar uzun bir süre uçmuştu ki. Hua Cheng kalkmasına yardım ediyordu ama onlar daha konuşmadan aşağıdan Guoshi’nin bağıran sesini duydular, “HEPİNİZ BURADA NE İÇİN DURUYORSUNUZ? BİR GRUP CENNET MENSUBU HALA KAÇMAK İÇİN HAYALET KRALDAN RUHSAL GÜÇ ÖDÜNÇ ALINMASINA İHTİYAÇ DUYUYOR. KENDİNİZDEN HİÇ UTANMIYOR MUSUNUZ?”
Bazı cennet mensupları bu ses tonunu takdir etmediler ve şöyle haykırdılar, “Sen kimsin? Bize ders vermeye ne hakkın var?”
Guoshi devam etti, “Kim olduğumun önemi yok, buna rağmen ben üst cennetteyken sen hala bir yerlerde kum havuzunda oynuyordun. Mesele şu ki, acele edin ve narin, pamuk ellerinizi bu ilahi heykelin üzerine koyun, hepiniz verebileceğiniz kadar ruhsal güç verin! Ancak o zaman bu ilahi heykel daha da hızlı uçabilir, eğer onun yetişmesini beklemiyorsanız tabi? Hepiniz kenardan izlemeye o kadar alıştınız ki, hayatlarınızın tehlikede olduğunu unuttunuz mu? Hala böyle bir şeyi size hatırlatmama ihtiyacınız var mı?"
Bu hatırlatmayla birlikte cennet mensuplarının nihayet akılları başlarına geldi ve hepsi bu yönteme destek vermeyi unuttukları için içten içe çok utandılar. Böylece hepsi işe koyuldu, ellerini ilahi heykele koyarak bağırdılar.
“Ah, o zaman ben de…”
“Pek fazla yok… ama elimizden geleni yapacağız.”
Yedi ya da sekiz yüz el ve ayakla birlikte ilahi heykel tekrar güçle doldu ve Xie Lian da tekrar enerjik hissediyordu. İlahi heykel bir kez daha güçlendi, bu sefer büyük bir gürlemeyle arkadaki kırmızı ışığı kilometrelerce geride bıraktı!
Cennet mensuplarının hepsi derin bir nefes alarak rahatladılar ve terlerini sildiler.
Aniden Hua Cheng konuştu, “Gege, aşağıya in.”
Xie Lian da nedenini sormadı ve doğrudan aşağıya doğru hareket etti. İlahi heykel bulutların zifiri siyah katmanlarını aştı, ama aşağısı da kapkaranlık, bir parça ışık süzmesi bile yoktu. Cennet mensupları telaşlanmıştı, “Burası… burası ne böyle? Neden bu kadar karanlık? Oldukça korkunç.”
“Ekselansları, neden buraya geldik?”
“Bence burada uzun süre kalmamalıyız!”
Ancak Hua Cheng konuştu, “Burada kalıp hareket etmeyeceğiz. Bekleyelim.”
Böylece o devasa ilahi heykel havada süzüldü, Xie Lian “En. Neyi bekliyoruz?” diye sordu.
Hua Cheng fısıltıyla cevapladı, “Yetişene kadar bekleyip bir tur dövüşmeyi.”
Sözler dudaklarından dökülürken, kara gecenin bulutlarının üstünden kırmızı bir ışık kırıldı ve o da aşağıya doğru indi. Her insan bir kale, gece gökyüzünde karşı karşıya geldiler. Her bir cennet mensubu gözlerini kırpmadan o kırmızı ışığın yaklaşmasını izledi, tüyleri diken diken oldu ve hepsi sorguladı, “Ekselansları, neden gitmiyoruz?”
“Onunla kafa kafaya savaşmayı düşünüyor olamazsın? Kazanma ihtimalin yok!”
“Yine aptallaştı! Biliyordum işte bu adam aptal olmayı seviyor!!! Yüzlerce yıl geçti ama o hala… kim tekme attı?”
“Ben.” Dedi Guoshi, “Bir kelime daha edersen seni doğrudan aşağı atarım.”
O ilahi heykel devasa bir nesne olabilir, ancak Cennet Başkenti çok daha görkemliydi ve eğer gerçekten kafa kafaya çarpışırlarsa, bu devasa ilahi heykelin boyutuna göre kesinlikle ezilirdi. Ancak, Xie Lian'ın Hua Cheng'e güveni tamdı ve tek kelime etmeden izledi. Tıpkı o kırmızı ışığın yarım mil kadar uzağa gelmemiş olması gibi Xie Lian aniden ayağının altında bir şeylerin hareketlendiğini hissetti.
 Aşağıya baktığında, hareket edenin ayaklarının altındaki karanlık olduğunu gördü, sppş, sppş, yükseliyor ve katlanıyordu, adeta... ‌
Xie Lian anında buranın neresi olduğunu anladı.
Cennet mensuplarından da fark eden vardı, birisi dehşetle bağırdı, “Tanrım! Burası sanki… Kara Su Şeytanın Yuvası! Şeytanların yuvasına getirildik!”
Kelimeler söylendiğinde aniden aşağıdan beyaz şeritler karanlığı yararak havaya doğru sıçradı.
Unutulmaz bir şekilde yeşil dört çift göz, hayalet ateş fenerleri kadar büyük devasa sekiz göz ateşli şeytani kaleye baktı, bu kaba davetsiz misafirden son derece rahatsız olmuş gibi uzun ve kötücül şekilde kükredi. Devasa kuyruklarını ile ileri geri savurdu ve denizin binlerce metre yüksekliğinde heyecan verici dalgalarının yüzeyini kırbaçladı.
Onlar dört kemik ejderhasıydı!
Başlarını şeytani kaleye doğru kaldırdıkları anda ağızlarından hızlı bir akıntı fırladı, vurucu gücü muazzamdı ve demir ve çelik duvarlar bile böyle dev bir su tabancası tarafından kırılabilirdi. Xie Lian izlenimini yeniden değerlendirmekten kendini alamadı, "Onları son gördüğümüzde biraz... haha, aslında bu kadar vahşi olduklarını düşünmemiştim."
Denizin zifiri karanlık yüzeyinden dev canavarın yeni ceset kemikleri suları yarmaya devam etti ve balıklar sanki kaleye kayalar fırlatıyormuş gibi vınlayarak uçtu. Cennet mensupları gördüklerinde tamamen şaşkına döndüler. Jun Wu onları öldürmek için peşlerinden koşarken, Hua Cheng ve Kara Su onlara yardım ediyor gibi görünüyordu. Böyle bir sahne gerçekten çok ilginçti.‌ ‌
Dört Kemik Ejderhası o şeytani kalenin etrafını sardı ve ona çılgınca ateş etti ama can alıcı savaş alevleri biraz suyla yok edilemeyeceğinden o kadar da etkili olamadı. Balıklar mücadele ettikçe ateş de o kadar öfkelendi ve sulara giden tüm yolu yaktı.
Kara Su Şeytanı İninin deniz yüzeyinde şiddetli ateş büyüdü ve ateşin ışıkları ile sular vahşice dans etti, aşağıdan, suların içinden gulyabanilerin ulumaları ve feryatları duyuldu. Bir ter damlası Xie Lian’ın alnından aşağıya doğru yuvarlandı, “Kara… Su’yun… bölgesine böyle bir kargaşa getirmemiz sorun olmaz mı?”
“bunları önemseme.” Dedi Hua Cheng, “Bana para borcu var. Nasıl istersen öyle dövüş.”
Xie Lian, “???”
Aniden birisi ileriyi işaret etti, “NE… NE YAPIYOR O?”
Xie Lian da bakışlarını çevirdi ve gördüğünde kalbi de sarsıldı.
MXTX YAZAR NOTU; Kara Su’yun Hua Cheng’e cidden büyük bir borcu var, çok zavallı bir Yüce. Tüm Yüce’ler rütbesinin ortalamasını fena halde aşağı çekti (3 tane olmalarına rağmen.) ama bu çok fazla yemekten dolayı borçlu olunan bir şey değil.
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Current Matches with the Widest Margin
Match 7: Shen Jiu (The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System) vs Gu Feidi (Where is Our Agreement to be Each Other's Arch-Rivals?)
2. Match 5: Quan Yizhen (Heaven Official's Blessing) vs Mo Xi (Yuwu / Remnants of Filth)
4 days of voting left!
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japanb · 3 months ago
1. Khi kể cho ai đó nghe một bí mật, dù bất cứ là ai. Hãy dự trù trước việc chúng sẽ được mang kể khắp nơi.
2. Đừng bắt người khác phải chia sẻ bí mật của họ chỉ vì bạn tự nguyện kể họ bí mật của mình.
3. Khi tham gia vào một nhóm đang bàn tán sau lưng người khác. Sau lưng bạn, họ cũng sẽ đối xử y hệt.
4. Lúc tán gẫu, dù có vui quá cũng đừng vội chen lời. Để họ nói hết câu rồi hãy tiếp chuyện.
5. Nếu suy nghĩ và sở thích không hợp nhau. Học cách tôn trọng thay vì chê bai bình phẩm họ không có gu. Ai cũng có cách nhìn của riêng mình.
6. Khi nói về người yêu với người khác, hãy nói “anh ấy/cô ấy”, thay vì “nó”. Điều đó thể hiện cách bạn tôn trọng bản thân và mối quan hệ này.
7. Bạn bè, càng th��n thiết, tiền bạc càng phải rõ ràng. Họ có thể khao bạn một bữa ăn đắt tiền, nhưng nếu bạn vay họ 20, 30 nghìn, nhất định phải trả đủ.
8. Những việc nhỏ nhặt nhất, nếu tự làm được hãy tự mình làm, đừng nhờ vả quá nhiều. Chẳng ai muốn chơi thân với bạn khi suốt ngày bị sai vặt đâu.
9. Nếu một người đang tự chê trách họ, nếu không thể đưa ra lời khuyên, hãy im lặng thay vì hùa theo.
10. Không phải cứ bỏ tiền mua một ly cà phê là bạn có thể làm ồn cả quán. Mọi người ở nơi công cộng đều có quyền được tôn trọng như nhau.
11. Học cách nói xin chào và cảm ơn với người phục vụ, nhân viên khi bước vào quán ăn, nhà hàng. Bạn sẽ nhận ra quyền lợi khách hàng của bạn được nâng cấp đáng kể.
12. Cởi mởi và sỗ sàng là hai phạm trù khác nhau. Hãy suy nghĩ trước khi nói.
13. “Ăn gì cũng được” không đồng nghĩa với việc “Không gì ăn được”
14. Sự than vãn nên được đặt đúng chỗ và biết tiết chế. Ngoài bố mẹ ra, chẳng ai tha thiết chơi với một người hay kể lể cả.
Độc lập, thì mọi thứ mới rộng mở
Chỉ khi thực sự độc lập, tình yêu của phụ nữ mới có thể trọn vẹn. Không vì không nhận được điều mình muốn mà tức giận, không vì sự bất công mà so đo. Mọi người thường nói phụ nữ dễ bị tổn thương, thực ra, khi thật sự độc lập, mọi thứ sẽ trở nên rộng mở.
+ Hướng nội để tìm thấy vũ trụ riêng của mình
- Một người phải quay về với chính mình, trở lại với bản thân, thì mới có thể tìm được mọi câu trả lời.
- Tôi càng cảm thấy rằng, sự tĩnh lặng một mình là một dũng khí. Liệu bạn có thể an yên trong hoàn cảnh không có gì, có thể tin rằng mọi câu trả lời và con đường đều năm nơi bản thân mình, chứ không phải ở bên ngoài.
Dù thế giới ngoài kia có xáo động thế nào, dường như cô ấy luôn đứng ngoài những lo âu đó. Cô ấy luôn là nhân vật chính trong cuộc đời mình, hướng nội để phát triển, giữ gìn sự trong sáng và năng lượng thuần khiết của bản thân.
+ Tự xây dựng hệ thống đánh giá cho riêng mình
- Đừng tranh cãi, đừng dùng lý lẽ của người khác để trừng phạt bản thân. Dừng lại mọi hành động tự bạ:o hành, đừng là người dễ dàng chấp nhận mà không suy nghĩ.
- Tôi không sợ bị mắng, cũng không vui vì được khen. Sự trưởng thành chỉ là của chính bạn.
- Đừng quá để ý đến lời nói và quan điểm của người khác, đừng sống trong thế giới quan của người khác. Hãy buông bỏ, nhìn mọi thứ nhẹ nhàng, không lãng phí năng lượng vào những lo âu, như trong Đạo đức kinh có nói:
"Sủng nhục nhược kinh, Quí đại hoạn nhược thân." Đừng quá bận tâm đến những đánh giá từ bên ngoài, giữ vững sự bình an và độc lập trong tâm hồn mình.
Chân thành với bản thân và người khác
- Làm một người chân thành thật sự rất hạnh phúc, không lãng phí năng lượng của mình.
- Đừng dễ dàng dùng sự tưởng tượng của mình để đánh giá cuộc đời của người khác.
Khi bạn đối xử với chính mình và người khác bằng chân thành và thiện ý, bạn sẽ thu hút những điều tích cực, và mang lại niềm vui cho bản thân.
+ Chấp nhận và để mọi chuyện diễn ra
- Mọi người đều có những hoàn cảnh không hoàn hảo, nhưng trong bức tranh lớn của cuộc sống, sự hoàn hảo của bạn là gì? Hãy chấp nhận sự không hoàn hảo, chấp nhận điểm yếu và yêu thương chúng, rồi buông bỏ chúng.
Yêu bản thân một cách vô điều kiện.
- Cảm giác an toàn chính là chấp nhận mọi điều xảy ra.
Sức mạnh thực sự không phải là đối kháng mà là sự chấp nhận, bao dung và cho phép.
- Sức mạnh của con người phải như nước, có thế hóa giải mọi thứ. Đạo đức kinh nói: "Trong thiên hạ, không có gì mềm yếu hơn nước, nhưng không có gì có thể vượt qua nước khi đối đầu với sự mạnh mẽ, vì sự mềm yếu không có nghĩa là yếu đuối, mà là trạng thái tiềm ẩn sức mạnh vô hạn
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solitude555 · 6 months ago
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Ở cái độ tuổi 20 mình sẽ rất dễ cảm động nếu một người sẵn sàng hi sinh bản thân, chiều theo ý mình, cho dù điều đó đi ngược lại với nhu cầu của họ. " Anh sẵn sàng từ bỏ công việc này vì em.." " Anh học nấu ăn vì em .." "Anh cố gắng kiếm tiền lo cho em.." . Nghe thì rất ngọt ngào và an toàn nhưng thực tế thì không. Vì họ đang gắn trách nhiệm của mình lên những quyết định của họ. Nếu có vấn đề gì đó xảy ra ( có thể ) họ sẽ khiến mình cảm thấy có lỗi. Kiểu như vì anh đã làm điều này cho em thì em cũng nên làm cái kia cho anh. Và chúng ta phải nên đối diện với sự thật rằng, ai cũng ích kỷ, cũng vì chính mình. Đừng vì ai đó hi sinh cho bạn, cưng chiều bạn, thỏa mãn mọi nhu cầu, tôn vinh bạn là nữ thần mà toàn tâm toàn ý yêu họ, kết hôn cùng họ. Đó có thể là một cạm bẫy thật ngọt ngào. Đính chính lại tôi không muốn ai đó trở nên là kẻ vô ơn. Hãy học cách biết ơn. Một nụ cười. Một lời cảm ơn. Một món quà đáp lại. Không cần nói nhiều. Bản thân mình luôn biết ơn,cảm kích và ghi nhớ những điều người ta đã làm cho mình.
Nhưng cho đến hiện tại và mãi mãi về sau, mình không muốn sống cuộc đời chim lồng, cá chậu nên gu đàn ông của mình là chính trực, thẳng thắn, tập trung trong sự nghiệp, có quan điểm riêng, tôn trọng sự độc lập và biết tự phát triển bản thân. Anh không vì em, em không vì anh, nhưng chúng ta có thể vì nhau mà cố gắng.
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