#gta5 mission
redtoondevils · 4 months
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A drawing of Michael being furious at the Merryweather by raiding his house and threatening both of the girls, that he nearly lost. And I wanted to capture an emotional reaction coming from him. The fact that he nearly lost his wife, and daughter.
Especially his daughter, being held by a head lock. She was seconds away before death. And I imagine that this feeling shook him to his core, later on.
Hope you like it. I was stuck on this piece, it took me ages to draw Michael, at his human biology as accurately as possible. Happy enough, with how this turned out!
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acidheaddd · 3 months
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I did pop into GTA5 for a little bit to mess with my graphic settings.
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time-traveling-fetus · 11 months
Dude I nearly forgot but yesterday the local itasha a second time. I thought I'd never see it again it's probably the only itasha in the whole city. I was so psyched to cross paths with him again by chance. Idk the girl on the side but the name says Inori Yuzuriha
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jtgamingtm · 1 year
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holmesshire · 2 months
WARNING!! RDR2 SPOILERS Greetings folks! Welcome to uh... a beginners experience to RDR2 itself. I HAVE played a bit of the game (8-ish hours fiddling around grabbing the concept of the sandbox-like elements..), but I'll be here to post my daily experience on this game. Without further ado..... Log 01
alright firstly I will admit, before even starting for the day with my intents I had a look around camp. Hosea was teaching Jack to read, Abigail waving Arthur off... .. and (being the curious fool I am) decided I'd eavesdrop on this interaction.
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...needless to say, I don't think they were too impressed. My first mission I took to start Chapter 2 was Uncle's mission. I was stoked to start this... cause.. VALENTINE! (but seriously why is this town so close to horseshoe overlook??? that thought was consistent in my head...). Being the goody two shoes I was I prompted to help the coach with his horse.
disaster struck me soon after.
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SO I HAD TO MISSION RESET... .. not the first time I failed the first part of the mission Eventually though we did get to Valentine. The prospect of the saloon sitting right infront of me nearing this mission had me STOKED. Not to mention when exiting the general store I was convinced Arthur was drunk... (I played GTA5, I'm familiar with when Rockstar wants to throw in the being drunk feature). Alas, he wasn't. So the mission continued!
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"Did you shoot him?" no. kinda wish I did, I don't like seeing a women get disrespected like that :(
The usual went down from there as most RDR2 players probably know -- save Tilly, accidentally knive the guy Karen was having problems with... (that's intended in the game right? cause I gasped when I stabbed him) .. OH, AND THE CHASE!
No pictures I'm afraid but I can clarify, Jimmy was saved. Is that going to cost me? Probably. I mean later on in this gametime Arthur was telling Dutch about Jimmy... that's gotta hold some importance, right? Ahh... I like to be civil.
As I was still in Valentine after Uncle's mission, I noticed Javier was in the saloon so I went in there. Had a good giggle at the "he about to kiss that guy or punch him?" comment and did NOT hold my composure whatsoever when the bar fight itself started.
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never thought I'd get so offended at getting my hat knocked off though........
IT HAPPENED TWICE! yes, I am saying after this first bit I picked up my hat, then Tommy comes in and WHERE IS MY HAT. GONE. VANISHED!!!!!! (I died to Tommy on the first go too... what an absolute loser I am to this. All because I forgot how to block......).. I passed the hurdle on the second go. Felt bad for Arthur being covered in dirt after the cutscene happened, and I nearly lost it into a giggling fit when DUTCH showed up. My thoughts were fixed on it; WHY IS DUTCH HERE?!
Now listen, after my hat got knocked the second time I waited patiently for the lore to settle and the cutscene to finish, and I made a beeline for the saloon. Wasn't leaving without my hat, no sirree...
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this resulted in me finding out about Cigarette Cards! Apparently according to Google there's 144 in total. Uhh... that's another thing on my bucket list! (Alongside completing William's first task with the Harlow's, and Deborah's bone collecting task). Oh, and dumb dumb over here didn't realise my hat was back on my horse back in the camp. Pretty dumb guy if you ask me...
There were 2 "strangers" I met after this mission, both inside of Valentine; The biographer and the homeless vet.
I came across the biographer first, this guy RAVING about a gunslinger. I found the whole thing delirious considering there's a sheriff.. . ain't gunslingers like outlaws? (Talking about the fact Valentine's SHERIFF was nearby. This biographer had a lot of guts rambling on about his tales and actively wanting to track historical outlaws for this biography of his...)
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i'm onto you mister. You shady fella you...
Now in my opinion, the homeless vet had me in a HEARTBEAT. Had me confused as heck at first because his dialogue startled up whilst I was behind the same house he was infront of.... I was crashing into everyone to be generous to this guy. However I found him!
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Believe me, hearing about this guy had me down. The one arm caught my attention first and really, REALLY I felt for this guy. (Of course I gave him the hug, the guy needs it if you ask me...)
FINALLY I made my way back to the camp. All these prompted missions interested me, However it was Kieran who had my attention straight away. The darn O'Driscoll who was tied up? THAT GUY? A MISSION???? How can you not be sceptical of that! Dutch was going to castrate this guy. CASTRATION. CASTRATION?
Yeah, pretty big stuff. Soo... Kieran admits to an O'Driscoll camp. I was reminded of that whole 6 (was it 6?) gangs index you can find index, and generally stuff about overrunning the camp spaces. Of course I was invested... and John being up? I took full advantage of poking fun at this guy on the way there... (in my defence Jack was literally staring me down earlier today. Gotta set my priorities straight.../joke)
The ambush occurred, and uh... things went "smoothly" (that's a lie, our silent ambush went straight to charging). I was sat there questioning everything at one point because both Bill and John were scattering. WHERE ARE YOU GOING? ... .. we did it though.
The kicker where Kieran protects Arthur stabbed me good. I have the clip... "oh my god.. wait WHAT?" -- (me, today)
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or this. This encapsulates my reaction just as well.
My main question though is how QUICK Kieran was to jump on and join the Van der Linde gang.. Kieran... buddy I'm starting to see why Dutch was so eager to castrate you. You my friend have got balls of steel....... I'm suspicious though. Undeniably, the guys sketchy to me.
I'll catch you round on Log 02 when it comes...... hoo boy, we're only getting started and I know it...
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bumblingbee1 · 5 days
As much as I enjoy GTA5, Rockstar fucked up big time when they didn't add a proper "Mission success" tune. I just hope they don't repeat the same mistake for GTA 6
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rensneopronouns · 4 months
hiya!! I'm a lil embarrassed abt this but can I get neopronouns themed on GTA5? I'm like super hyperfixated on it rn and have been brainstorming neos and no good ones r coming to me
GTA/GTAself , Five/Fiveself, West/westself, Santo/santoself, City/cityself, Vee/veeself, Grand/Grandeself, Auto/Autoself, Action/actionself, Corrupt/Corruptself, Game/gameself, Fight/Fightself, Third/thirdself, Blaine/Blaineself, Melee/Meleeself, Star/starself, Rank/Rankself, Mission/Missionself
🚁/🚁s 🚲/🚲s 📞/📞s 🔫/🔫s 🚗/🚗s 💀/💀s 😎/😎s
🤺/🤺s 🧨/🧨s 🕶/🕶s 🕹/🕹s
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cybervom1t · 9 months
can someone please come over and beat the first Trevor mission on gta5 for me please i keep dying and i’m getting FRUSTRATED (i will play with your hair while you kill all the bad guys for me)
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prettykikimora · 1 year
This game starfield set up a bank robbery situation obviously expecting you to intervene in some way. I don't feel obligated to at all, my character says get that bag. It reminded me of a moment in gta5 where I couldn't shop at a certain store until I dealt with the burglars robbing it. They would respawn over and over again. Firstly I see no moral conundrum here, you can steal from these institutions everyday and come nowhere near the amount of theft committed against the working class. Secondly I am putting myself in danger for what exactly? Feel good points for the local corrupt authorities? And 3rd, my character is a career criminal. Who am I to judge someone in this position? In my gta5 game, I as trevor just hit the big score, securing gold bars from the federal reserve, this dude is stealing from a cash register in a clothing outlet store to feed his family. I have 98 million dollars in my bank account. If anything the moral choice would be to give him enough money to keep him from needing to commit crimes in the first place. Instead the game demand I brutally murder them, which I eventually did, I used a flare gun and it was funny.
This entire galaxy and this dirty colony exists because of robbery, the bourgeoisie stripped the planet clean, destroyed its biosphere, and stolen the future for billions. Here I am being asked to stop a bank robbery, I say absolutely not, I'm a space pirate I know what I am, barret is very mad at me, I talked him down but I have the feeling that this game doesn't let you make permanent decisions regarding teammates much like fallout 4 so it really doesn't matter much. I guess my character is a nihilist in this world. She's being tasked with a ridiculous mission she'd never seek out on her own with a prestigious organization that was out of it's mind for letting her join.
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msmagicmane · 1 year
He was a hard boiled egg, and always by the book, until the mission that broke him.
( #OC based heavily on my love of #egonspengler #haroldramis and #gta5 . He is not for sale LOL)
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edgepunk · 1 year
ok so turns out I was right about the character switching between Peter and Miles in msm2. Insomniac confirmed that they'll have missions specific to each character and you can freely switch between them in free-roam,,,so just like GTA5 and AC: Syndicate
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mojoomojojo · 2 years
Aah I forgot about this lmfao, like giving updates, yeah I fucking pissed myself twice in a day so uh 👉👈. I didn't mean to either, just did the funny piss thing too hard.
The first one I'm still in bed. I had two bottles from last night just I refilled before sleep. I decided to work out and I had to keep drinking water to not die. I did one that I basically hang from a bar and pull my knees up. I'm at home, and I almost drop myself and let out a huge gush out of working out and fear. I get down and despite how much I sorta realize how full I am now I'm not occupied. I sit down on my chair and I remember I have some work to do. I like sitting on my chairs backwards and I don't sit normally.
I have my legs forced apart and I'm practically jumping about in my seat. I could barely focus and I practically moaned as another very fast leak got out. Smaller but ohohooohohho. I got up and I haha funny and I refill one of my bottles. Genuinely thirsty and chug it as the sink and fill it again, and I, I still laughing a bit. I walk out of the kitchen and trip, I catch myself so the floor doesn't hurt. I also barely manage to not fully piss myself, just looks like someone poured two shot glasses there.
For me my bathroom is all the way on the other side of the house from the kitchen. Just laid on the floor. I told myself to get up but I didn't. It took like 10 times of 'i should get up before I piss myself' to get up, and I get up, to just immediately feel myself lose it lmao. It wasn't fast, lots of dribbles and me trying to keep it in my best, every spurt longer than the last. I just couldn't get it to stop I just am not used to it doing that like fuck it felt good though. My piss probably lasted long enough even if I got the floor wet I should've just gone but I was so focused on trying to hold it. Felt good.
The second one, I was grinding gta5 (not online ew) and I take all 4 of my bottles out. I just keep getting muchies and chugging down water when my mouth gets dry. I am doing the most painful mission in the game, and, sorry rockstar, it's hard to hide a gigantic truck from the police. Took forever, I got like shaky at that point. I was aware I had to piss but I didn't. I got distracted playing and only sometimes came back. The first hold was early in the morning and I just slowly had to piss more. I eventually get desperate enough I am on the floor, legs together in one scene. I can barely focus and only focus if I wanna try something stupid in game.
I finally leak and I take a minute before realizing. I take my headphones off and I got a message. I opened my phone and checked (I do this every time, friends over toilet) and I have my legs tight together, and I just couldn't hold it. I feel really bad not replying to a friend and I just sat there, it all leaking out. It wasn't fast at all, it was a slow slow dribble and I felt wound up. It sped up by itself and I could hear how fast it came out, opening my legs and embarrassingly just letting it out. Felt so good and I felt like my friend could just me through the phone but they don't know.
Sorry this is long, had a very hydrated day though and I was paranoid of sleeping. I didn't piss in my sleep, that's kinda why I didn't sit on my bed or couch when I got so desperate. I don't like piss couch. I had a (very) close call on the next if you're interested, I won't include it here just because, long. I also have to kinda piss and I'm squirming rn lmao. New addiction/hj. I probably will go. (If you wanna throw your vote in /hj idc)
- 🪩
Oh that sounds like such a fun day! Twice...ahhh.... poor thing your bladder must be wrecked
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So...a funny thing happened. Nothing extremely funny but it depends on what you make of it.
I accidently went to bed early. But how so? And I want to talk about the things I did before it.
Yesterday, I discovered there was MORE in the Modern Warfare 2019 store, but I only bought 20 bucks of COD Points and got the Mace bundle. And after playing two custom games on Shipment, I decided to uninstall MW 2019, GTA5, MW2 Remastered, and Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. Because for two reasons. One because some of those I hardly play, and I also uninstalled Shenmue as well. Two, I swear to God I have unhealthy addiction to MW 2019 in terms of paying shit. I needed that shit uninstalled.
And forgot my other reason. But I was really feeling weird see the storage space not so high at 200 something.
I think I just heard one of my parents go into my bathroom. But I’m keeping quiet. Anyway, I finally played the first mission of MW2 2022, that was alright. And played a bit of Bioshock 2 but went back to MW2 2022 for a bit.
Time to get to the funny part. I decided to play my first disc of Scooby-Doo Where Are You collection, because that disc has been in my PS4 for a long while. Like, weeks or maybe near a month, even when I moved it into my new room. I wanted to lay down in bed for a few minutes or so while it played. And then I would get up, stay late, being on my computer because it’s a Friday to Saturday night.
But alias, my bed is so comfy, I literally go to bed. And wake up at 4:19 am or so...and my PS4 shut off or turned into rest mode and the last episode the show was on was “A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts”...I restarted the disc...I’m on the 2nd episode again.
Yeah, nothing like starting a weekend, lying in bed, watching some classic Scooby-Doo.
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xgeborgenheitx · 2 years
RFA here again! So, I recently just got done playing GTA 5 for the first time, and I recently learned that all of the cutscenes in the game were acted out in real time using motion-capture bodysuits by the actors! I also learned that the intro cutscene for one of the missions was mostly unscripted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWuvwq2anb0&t=25s (Warning: It's GTA so obviously there's some swearing) There WAS a script for it, up to the point of Trevor hopping over the fence. The fall and Franklin's reaction to it were both very REAL, and most of the rest of the cutscene was Trevor and Franklin improvising. Just goes to show how incredible the actors for this game resonated with each other!
Yaya video game fun facts!!!! Love that!!! Hope you had a fun time playing GTA5!!!!
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The fact that these mission pass themes in GTA5 did not get the green light is baffling because they all sound so good. Then again, any unused content and concept art I see in old and current games makes me go, “Wait, why didn’t you use this instead it looks so much better!” ☹️
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axeleponge · 2 months
**"Mission GTA 5 Online : 0,01% d'Infos de Vincent, Comment J'ai Survécu...
je vous emmène dans un voyage palpitant à travers l'une des missions les plus mystérieuses et intenses du jeu. Dans cette vidéo, je vais partager avec vous les 0,01% d'infos cruciales que Vincent m'a révélées et comment ces conseils m'ont permis de survivre à cette mission infernale. Préparez-vous à plonger dans l'univers de Los Santos comme jamais auparavant !
 #gta #gtaonline #gta5 #gta5online #dlc #cluckinbell #axeleponge 
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