#grump grump
loneliii-aura · 2 years
I'm gonna say it! The thing that made me grumpiest about wtnv fandom back in the day was the belief that Cecil buys into the propaganda! He does NOT! This man is looking you dead in the eyes and saying "do not look at the mountains. The government denies ALL EXISTENCE of such mountains. The mountains are not real." You think he gets sent to re-education every six weeks for FUN?! He is a journalist frantically trying to get around censorship! The government would like to strangle him for talking about this! COME ON!
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cosmogyros · 18 days
It's fucking weird how rude people are about immigration sometimes. And I don't just mean bigots being biased and stuff. I mean that, on a REGULAR basis, people ask me if I'm thinking about "going back to the US". And I'm just like... no? What do you mean "back to the US"? I live in Germany. I LIVE IN GERMANY.
I literally fucking started learning German and obsessing on German culture in high school, then I went to college in the US and majored in German Studies, including two study-abroad programs in Germany, then I moved to Germany for grad school and lived there for three years and worked in various German-speaking jobs while studying, then I had to temporarily return to the US but found a German-translation-based job at the US branch of a German company, and made a bunch of German or at least German-speaking friends in my new US city, and then a few years later I was able to move back to Germany, where I got a work visa sponsored by my employer and a full-time salaried job, and after a few more years I acquired my permanent residency, and soon I'll be applying for citizenship.
And people still sometimes ask me whether I'm considering "going back to the US". Like... dude? Would you ask a Mexican living in the US about their plans for "going back to Mexico"? That is rude as fuck.
Immigration is fucking hard. Why on earth would I have gone through all this shit just to throw it up in the air like "Oh well, never mind!"
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 10 months
Can Pia please come and run my life? Look at her! So competent. Rawr.
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Goddamit Boss! Look at what you did to Tul. Now he thinks you were faking your interest. You made a very sexy man think he is not sexy!
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Speaking of sexy...
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These two are so damn cute
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and I just love their aesthetics together.
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You know, I just can't say enough for Tinn's portrayal of Tul. We've gotten zero backstory, but the way his pain is just seeping through as he talks to Boss...
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This is a man who has such a core of loyalty, yet you can tell he has been abandoned before and thinks himself unworthy of love. And despite his resistance to Boss' flirting, he was clearly weakening, and starting to feel wanted.
I'm also 100% on Tul's side here. Regret and apologies are a good start, but people have to show they are sorry via action & behaviors or it means nothing. Get to work Boss! Gotta prove that love! Tul deserves it.
Hmm, interesting that they're giving us backstory on Kenji.
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So presumably the psychopath was always underneath, and came out once he had a bit of power... definitely a big contrast to Tul, and how despite having reasons to be loyal to Tew, Kenji only sees him as competition.
Oh ffs Tew. You're a gangster, and you didn't make sure he was dead?!
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Also Wahl is being super sus here. I do not trust.
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Hmm, Wahl, almost like the two you DON'T ALIGN!?!
Oh goddamit, this is one of the tropes I hate the most!
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Blerg. Love in Translation did this too. I loathe the "I'm going to fake being an asshole who doesn't love you to protect you" bullshit, because 1) it never fucking works to actually protect the person, and 2) if you were honest and talked it all over with your allies you could actually come up with a decent plan to deal with your problem.
Oh, goddamit Boss!
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I'm not going to get super mad here, because abuse dynamics are complicated and I get that Boss has been Kenji's victim for a while. But I'm still annoyed on Tul's behalf. That man deserves someone who will fight for him.
Also, dammit Wahl! I was so close to giving him some credit for acting like an actual friend.
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and then you had to start moving in for the kiss. You don't do that when your friend is vulnerable, you little shit!
Guy needs to just go hang out with the gaming crew, screw both Wahl & Tew. Poor innocent little muffin. He just wants to love and be loved.
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cypresstrees · 3 months
unfortunately i am incredibly grumpy and i cannot grump to anybody bc my usual options are a) inadvertently the cause of my grump in a circuitous way and also ill and b) more directly the cause of my grump by texting me a stressful cliffhanger text and then not texting me back despite me asking not to text like that
so instead i’ll be grumpy to strangers on the internet
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anthropwashere · 4 months
heyyy in that post about fashion designs supporting palestine those are ALL ai generated. look at the text on the wall behind the models
Ah hell, I'm usually better at catching that. Thanks for letting me know
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louisinart · 2 years
Away day!
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prokopetz · 4 months
I've seen posts going around claiming that petting animals is basically tricking them into thinking they're being groomed, and it's bugging me because, like, there's no trickery afoot. Petting and scritching are grooming activities. They help to dislodge loose fur and foreign objects and more evenly distribute protective oils, among other things. Primates are social groomers, and the human impulse to scritch is the legacy of our primate ancestors. We see an animal we like, even a dangerous one, and the monkey brain says "groom that thing".
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elegomez · 10 months
There was a post circulating around recently. It's two photos of the same man, one is captioned "butch" and the other "femme". "Butch" is of the guy in a dark suit, arms crossed and expression stern. "Femme" is of the guy with a white suit and open, friendly expression with his arms open.
Do you see where I'm going with this?
I'm...really tired of watching people assume behavior+clothing color is masculine or feminine. It's the exact same framework that leads people to mock men who express emotion as 'fairies' or women with closed off body language as 'frigid'. Most of the people reblogging the post aren't assigning terms like those, of course, but I think we would be better off just...not gendering behavior.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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a little victorian boy and his elderly maiden aunts
[i love @pangur-and-grim's weird cats and wanted to draw them beatrix potter style]
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strawberri-draws · 2 months
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lol. Lmfao even
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cosmogyros · 4 months
I am so bad at singing. I sang a little too intensely today and fucked myself up so bad by doing so that my throat is still aching, hours later. My neck feels hot when I touch it, and even when I drink warm tea or eat cold ice cream, nothing soothes the pain. And because my nose and throat and ears are all weirdly linked together, my ears feel very blocked now too and I keep swallowing to try to unblock them, but it doesn't work. ARGH
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ahfrickenfrick · 5 months
the batkids decide play a new game on patrol where they try to yell the most outrageous thing jumping into a fight
bruce bans the game after stephanie runs into a crowd of bystanders and muggers yelling
‘bienvenue power bottoms!’
and it causes jason to crash into a power pole from how hard he was laughing
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rose-colored-tarot · 6 months
Personally I've never been a fan of the "magic is a beast that needs to be tamed" metaphor. Magic is more like the ocean: powerful, terrifying, capable of unbridled force. But at the same time, it is gentle, warm, the lifeblood of millions of people. The folk who know the ocean know you cannot harness it's force, you must work within or around it, lest it destroy you. Similarly, magic is great and terrible and gentle and kind, all at once. And those who work with it need to work WITH it, not reign over it. Because the primordial forces have no rules about biting the hand that feeds you.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 month
Bruce: As you know, I keep a list of all my friends in order of how likely they are to betray me. We've established this.
Clark: Where am I on the list?
Bruce: Well, I can't tell you that because then you'll quickly move up or down depending on your reaction.
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moksutinn · 6 months
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is this how i'm overcoming the art block which i've been having for several months
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runningwithscizzorz · 5 months
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Hey chat, the worms are winning (okay I’ll actually try to start posting again I promise🤣)
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