#grrm for ts
hellsbellschime · 24 days
I'm sure someone else will also mention it, but have you read George's post on B&C? Angry George is a ton of fun lol. Sadly since he took it down, it seems less likely we'll get to hear the rest of his grievances.
Yeah it did come across my dash, unsurprisingly! And I don't blame him. It's weird, because I realized one of my least favorite aspects of HotD is also something that drove me INSANE in the later seasons of TVD, which is that the show is constantly retconning past storylines and basically being like "oh you thought this was the story, but actually THIS is the story!" And if this drives me nuts I can't imagine how frustrating it'd be if this was my actual writing and intellectual property. Honestly, relatively speaking what he said wasn't that insulting, and I think it's more than fair for him to point out these criticisms when HotD is basically creating the exact same problems GoT created for itself by omitting characters like Maelor or reimagining characters as someone drastically different from their book versions.
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janiedean · 3 months
What do you think of the theory that GRRM is going to announce WoW at WorldCon, because of all of those mysterious yet cheeky 'Words of Wisdom' posts in his not-a-blog?
sorry for the lateness anon!
anyway I went to check on his blog which I hadn't in a while but like I'm at the zen place where I'm okay with him publishing whenever he decides it's time so I'm not like obsessively checking and like... idk if I'm missing posts but I only saw one which I guess is mysterious but tbf could also be boomer shitposting, but most important I scrolled down to the mad max post and
Ah, well.   That’s a problem for George Miller and his team.   I have my own issues back home in Westeros and Essos.   Worldbuilding can be a bitch.
tbf this to me reads like he's still working on stuff and like he's saying he's not done yet
also like... from one person who has been in a writing slouch for way longer than I'd have liked for reasons that are most likely not his but can relate: he's gonna announce it when he has it without dropping hints or fanfare but he's sure that he has it imvho, at the point where you missed the deadline for that long you're probably feeling guilty enough abt it that you just want to wrangle the thing into shape and have it out without hinting stuff so that's my vho but hey if I'm wrong I'll just be glad tbf pls give me that damned book george i want my spoils T_T
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thekeytothenorth · 20 days
asoiaf + t.s. eliot’s four quartets
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the queen’s hand, ADWD
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t.s. eliot, burnt norton ii, four quartets
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sansa i, AFFC
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daenerys x, ADWD
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t.s. eliot, the dry salvages iii, four quartets
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daenerys ix, AGOT
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melrosing · 1 year
When JKR wrote Harry Potter it was illegal to have a gay character in children book in the UK. How the hell do you blame her for that?
The last couple books (prominently detailing Dumbledore and his backstory) were written after Section 28 was repealed, and yet despite claiming he was gay in 2007, and despite many plays and films featuring Dumbledore in the years since, his sexuality was never cited within the story itself until /checks notesss… a couple lines in the 2022 Fantastic Beasts movie that international markets could easily edit out. Nice one
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viscardiac · 1 year
it's been a Dayne day for some reason. you could even say a Day-ne. (ba dum ts). ALRIGHT BUCKLE UP FUCKOS IT'S TIME FOR VISCARDI'S NEW FAVE DELUSION (Dayne edition)
Fire and Blood cuts off at a particular point in Targaryen rule, the end of Aegon III's regency. He rules as king for 20 more years, before an early death. Then, his son, Daeron I, takes over, and The Bullshit™ with Dorne begins. Dornish takeover, which results in Dorne being brought into the Seven Kingdoms by his cousin nephew whatever Daeron 2 (electric boogaloo) later on.
Now. The Daynes are just. Overall. we don't really know jackshit about them. GRRM says he can't divulge their words bc it's a huge ass spoiler. My reasoning is bc they do become relevant later on, esp with the choice of Dyanna Dayne as wife to then Prince Maekar. Shit happens in Dorne and in court and i think that might be the reason why there's a postpone of the release of F&B2, aside from the obvious TWOW ordeal. I do think that's also why the choice of where to cut off might be there and not at the end of the dance or after his reign. F&B2 likely does contain context that helps with some of the unsolved things still going on in ASOIAF.
Anyways. We have Lady Dyanna Dayne, who gives birth, aside from Aegon, Aemon, and Daeron, to the three people of interest for this, Aerion, Daella, and Rhae. According to Aemon, Rhae and Daella have had children, and Aerion has had a wife, his cousin, Daenora, and with her, he had a son, whose "ill fated" name was Maegor. Aerion died guzzling down greek fire as we all know, but the fates of 1) Daella, 2) Rhae, 3) Daenora, and 4) Maegor are unknown aside from "existed" and "procreated" in the women's case. Those four are the only unnacounted for trueborn Targaryens we got. Everyone else was given a final location, like in Saera's case, where she was known to be in Volantis.
We have no idea who do Rhae and Daella are married to, if they indeed do get married. In Maegor's case, we don't even know if he made it past infancy. Daenora herself could have gotten married again, she was young when Aerion got himself killed.
My working theory here is that one of those folks married into house Dayne. Whoever those folks married, they're unnacounted for in the main tree. They were not given the name Targaryen. And it would have made sense to a certain degree that it was into Dyanna's house. It could have been any of them, but I sure as fuck would like if it was baby Maegor because it would be Particularly Funny.
I might be wrong, and i might not be, who knows. Something is UP with the Daynes and it happened after the conquest of Dorne.
Note: I do not account this as a secret targ theory because they're Not Targs. Whoever married into the house had their kids named Dayne and so on and so forth amen.
This has been me for this Day-ne's bullshit. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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zhavorsamayes · 4 months
pinned!: quick info & guidelines for mobile 🐉
Hello! My name is Spark, I’m 30+, and this is an RP and ask blog for Daenerys Targaryen from GRRM’s Game of Thrones series! I am frequently lurking, but pretty slow when it comes to responding to threads and asks, so please be patient! Below are the abridged guidelines for this blog. You can find them in full here.
- This blog is anti-callout. They're easily faked and I really don't enjoy the kind of vitriolic community that callouts foster. I prefer to block very liberally; it isn't personal, it's just for my own comfort.
- Please do not follow or interact if you are under 18.
- This blog is NSFW and contains triggering content including but not limited to: mentions of rape, sexual assault, incest, child marriage, and potential graphic depictions of torture, murder, gore, and sex. Anything that is depicted in the Game of Thrones universe may be depicted here. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, depiction does not equal endorsement.
- My tagging convention for sensitive and triggering content will be #___ for ts.
- I have no triggers and no notable squicks, but please let me know if there’s something I should be mindful of in our threads for your own comfort.
- My portrayal of Daenerys is primarily TV-based with some elements from the novels sprinkled in. And, as I have not yet finished either the show or the novels, Daenerys will currently be S1 canon only. Please be patient with me as I learn about Daenerys and the lore of GoT!
Please give this post a ♥ if you’ve read it! Thank you, and if you have any questions or concerns, let me know. 🌻
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divorceegf · 9 months
highlights of 2023
as a fangirl and in no particular order
leigh-anne solo artist era launch <3
sophie's divorcée era i will never take you for granted
rob's incoming zaddy era
books i enjoyed: tales of dunk and egg (grrm), fractured fables novellas (alix e. harrow)
tv shows & movies i liked: the last of us (2023), titanic (1997)
albums & artists i enjoyed: midnights + speak now by ts, dykttatuob by ldr, a light for attracting attention by the smile, scarlet by doja cat, leigh-anne, self esteem, sara jackson-holman
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thatgaytevinter · 1 year
Reading house of the dragon fics on ao3 and I read helaena's name as safe and sound (TS version of course) came on, and jfc did that send me into a spiral for some gods forsaken reason. So if you don't wanna come down that rabbit hole with me, please avoid this situation at all cost.
Thanks Taylor for decimating my psyche everytime SAS comes on, and fuck you grrm for helaena's whole fucking life. Helaena you're doing perfect sweetie, im embroidering bugs now because of you.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Everything I learn about House of the Dragon wouldn't make me NEARLY so rage-smashy if I hadn't had people shouting at me for a literal decade that both this and GOT were Authentic Medievalism, a message/mindset that proceeded to be taken, copied, and mindlessly replicated by every other piece of "medieval" media in existence. Grrrrrr.
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sansaissteel · 2 years
Grrm has told us shoe shae and show little finger are very different from the books... Yet he hasn't mentioned any of the pov characters being significantly different.
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sheikah · 5 years
I just wanna go on the record right now and say if Dany is supposed to go mad in the books as well, those are cancelled too as far as I'm concerned. GRRM is a MUCH better writer than D&D. A great writer. But he isn't god. He's just another old white dude. And if he takes Dany and drives her mad so he can give all of her hard work and accomplishments over to a man--even if it's different circumstances from the show--he's dead to me, too. I've had enough of the mad woman shtick. I've had enough of it. It isn't original or interesting. I don't care what path he takes to get there. It's not a destination we should be going to in 2019 or later and calling it subversive or good writing. And up through ADWD Dany is, to me, one of the less grey characters. Not someone I could see conceivably doing what Dany did in 8.05. If that happens, even if it takes her years and a slower and more carefully constructed descent into madness, I'm out. Women don't have to be mad or villainous to be interesting. Their trauma doesn't have to strip them of their humanity or turn them into hardened badasses. Dany staying true to herself to the end would be a lot braver storytelling and a lot more interesting to read.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
I'm from the middle east and have been a Dany hater for over a decade so I have to laugh when I see comments like 'anyone who hates Dany is a white bitch!!!' lmao. Also, these stans are hyper fixated on a character and series that is written by a LITERAL white neckbeard (with some WEIRD fetishes btw) that uses the continued brutalization of women and minorities for shock value and to move his meandering, hot mess of a plot along like I guarantee those stans obsessed with you, you are not the problem here lmao. GRRM is so so so incredibly problematic and the fact that he almost never gets called out by stans of the series is hilarious since they're all so woke apparently.
OMG facts, like obviously I love GRRM but people have a downright bizarre POV on his work sometimes, clearly a lot of his content is timeless but he isn't freaking Nostradamus and he didn't predict what the social and political status of the world was going to be A QUARTER OF A CENTURY before it actually happened. GRRM clearly has leftist and progressive leanings but he's a white American guy and these books started coming out in the mid-90s, so "progressivism" at the time that AGOT came out would be considered conservative today.
Some people act like he is some galaxy-brained writer who has hidden his true meaning beneath five different layers of obscurity when a lot of what he writes is just exactly what it seems to be. He likely didn't assume that people would be obsessively analyzing the books decades into the future so a lot of what he says is just what the fuck it is. And yes, there are elements of what he has written that are problematic as fuck, like I'm not here to dictate what people do or don't take from his content and you can examine a text through any lens you want, but some people sincerely tackle his content like it was made yesterday and that GRRM being a white American dude has no impact on what he creates.
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janiedean · 2 years
My tinfoil hat theory about twow and ados is that grrm realized he could potentially end up needing another extra book and that's why it's taking him so long
oh this is extremely plausible and not too tinfoil, ngl my tinfoil theory that he was writing them both at once is probably way less probable but hey a girl can dream right
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him-e · 5 years
Wasn’t Daenerys’s behaviour supposed to be reminiscent of US intervention in countries like Vietnam or Iraq rather than representative of a revolutionary leader? And how is Daenerys a revolutionary in the context of Westeros? She has a claim because she was the last of the dynasty who ruled it and she had dragons because of that ancestery? Her aim was to reinstall a monarchy as her as the monarch, wasn’t it?
You gotta look at the bigger picture, because of fucking course the show wants you to buy the “she DOESN’T WANT TO END TYRANNY SHE JUST WANTS TO BE ON TOP OF IT, EVEN IF SHE’S TOO MAD TO REALIZE IT!” bullshit. But it IS bullshit. It’s a smokescreen to dress up their absolutely conservative political take as a *critique of imperialism and violent political leaders*.
Dany having a white savior trope written all over her storyline doesn’t automatically make her arc a good critique of US intervention. In fact, it makes it twice worse. Because as long as Dany was liberating slaves and ending tyrannies in Essos, the narrative APPLAUDED her. But the moment she began to threaten the western-coded status quo of our very white, very upperclass-coded, very not-in-need-to-be-saved main characters, she suddenly turned into a power hungry female Stalin, whose utopia of breaking the wheel and “answering injustice with justice” was always going to degenerate in a blood bath and a violent power grab because *something something Targaryen grandeur*.
If the show, and GRRM, wanted to make Dany’s story a critique of US intervention, they shouldn’t have made Dany a lonely, misfit, abused, orphaned girl who has lived in exile her entire life and was sold as a slave. They shouldn’t have made her entire army be comprised almost entirely of former slaves and people of color who support her because she gave them a choice, and an identity, and agency, and took them to the other side of the world as brothers and sisters to conquer a place that never gave a shit about them if not to exploit them. If they wanted to criticize the white savior trope, then THEIRS should have been the voices to carry this criticism through. Their voices, and their perspective. But no. They were villainized alongside her. Missandei said Dracarys, and Grey Worm enacted her no prisoners orders without batting an eyelid and even with some personal satisfaction under Jon’s shocked civilized eye. So what are we talking about, exactly?
And no, Dany’s downfall isn’t her arrogance and “Targaryen privilege”. There is no consistent criticism of monarchy as an institution in this narrative. At no point the show challenges the notion that people shouldn’t have a claim on castles and other people because of their birthright. In fact, Sansa’s entire ascension to queenship and later character arc is founded on that birthright. Same as Bran’s becoming king. Same as Jon’s, really—bastard or not, it’s his Stark blood that made the northerners raise their swords and proclaim him the king in the north, and his Targaryen blood that made people like Varys think he could be the solution to their problems. Hell, they even had to shove a cringey scene in the finale to make fun of Sam’s attempt to introduce the concept of democracy. Monarchy is still cool in Westeros, but only when it’s respectful of the status quo and neoliberal-coded. Only when it’s given to someone who doesn’t want it, and doesn’t have to actively fight for it, because it’s always been in his league thanks to his gender and class.
On the other hand you have Dany who starts as a downtrodden among the downtrodden, she has extremely noble ideals and identifies a sympathetic cause in becoming a champion for the poor and the slaves and the smallfolk all over the world, wages war and employs her resources to liberate them from their oppressors, then gets corrupted by her own reiterated use of violence, begins cannibalizing and alienating even her original “intellectual” supporters (though the “base” of her support remains enthusiastic, because, you know, the masses have no critical skills or individual personality), and is eventually rightfully crashed by the moral superiority of western liberal democracy—ooops, I meant enlightened monarchy. um, what does this remind me of.  
there’s an Italian facebook page called “Comunisti per Daenerys Targaryen” and while it’s a satirical account, I’ve seen more accurate political meta from them than from anyone else at this point. Because Dany’s arc tragically fits in a long tradition of american media telling horror cautionary tales about communism and in general radical movements aimed to dismantle the established socio-economical hierarchy. 
And while I can appreciate what the show did (or, to say better, could have done) with Dany’s personal descent into alienating depression and nihilism, or the idea of righteous violence as an inherently corruptive force in an existential, individual sense, when I take a step back and look at the political subtext implicit in her downfall, my heart sinks. Because it’s literally just the same old story about revolutions being bad and heroes defending the status quo because you don’t want innocents to die, do you?
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yennefers-geralt · 6 years
Wildlings: Commit murder, rape, kidnapping, violence, and theft and are a millennia-old adversary of the North.
Jon: *allows them into the North* 
Fandom: This was totally the right decision. They’ll make great allies for the North.
Ironborn: Commit murder, rape, kidnapping, violence, and theft and are a millennia-old adversary of the North. In fact, they just invaded and tried to usurp the Starks.
Fandom: The Ironborn include Asha and poor Theon so they’re good eggs. Theon, who led the capture of Winterfell which resulted in the slaughter or torture or homelessness of the inhabitants, is an honorary Stark.
Dothraki:  Commit murder, rape, kidnapping, violence, and theft and have never had conflict with the North. Unlike the Wildlings and Ironborn, they have dark skin.
Fandom: These people are dangerous! The Northerners will HATE Dany for bringing them to the North where they will surely commit all manner of evil. 
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holisticfansstuff · 5 years
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