#grogu and the beroya
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htonl-writes · 5 months ago
He hoped the Jedi wasn’t in the town, so they could get out of there fast.
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m00ntunaart · 12 hours ago
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Mandalorian characters as Wings Of Fire dragons? Uh, YES PLEASE.
Welcome to stage 5 of "MoonTuna draws the most self indulgent nonsense that no one asked for".
But anyways, yeah! My rambling thoughts on the characters and this AU:
Din Djarin (NightWing):
I imagine Din as NightWing because in this AU I picture the Death Watch/Children Of The Watch as the NightWing Tribe. And after the Death Watch’s war against the other Mandalorians, they go into hiding on the volcano island (like the NightWings do in the WOF books).
And Din is the tribe’s Beroya (Hunter), so he’s one of the few selected from the tribe to leave the island through the hidden tunnels to go back to Pyrrhia to hunt food for the tribe. 
During one of these trips I imagine he find Grogu! Who in this AU is a human (scavenger)! Because if everyone is dragons in this AU, then it just makes sense that Grogu is the human instead lol. Plus then Grogu is still small enough to be in a satchel Din carries around, like in the show.
But Grogu still has his Jedi powers in this AU. Which has never been seen before in humans. Thus ‘The Mandalorian’ type shenanigans where Din takes Grogu around trying to figure out WTH is up with this infant human.
(Also side note: in this AU I still picture there being Jedi/force sensitive dragons (the Jedi Order probably works similar to The Jade Mountain Academy. Where the Jedi are from all the tribes and live in the Jade Mountain. 
Also in this AU NightWings DO have their mind reading/future seeing powers. But like in the books, they loose them once they move to the island and don’t know why.
ALSO ALSO Animus still exists! But they work more like Force Sensitive where it’s just born in some dragons, and isn’t necessarily hereditary. And it’s SUPER rare. So rare that many believe Animus’s don’t exist. (I imagine Anakin Skywalker is the first Animus in centuries))
Cobb Vanth (Sand Wing):
Cobb is super straight forward. He’s a SandWing because he’s a cowboy from Tatooine. Of course he’s SandWing. Though in this AU I imagine he’s a lot like Thorn from the books, in that he’s the Marshal/leader of a town (Freetown) in the desert that isn’t under the Sand Kingdom’s rule. Also I imagine he’s one of the first dragons Din meets when he goes out on his journey to find information on Grogu. (Since the tunnels from the NightWing Island to the Rain Forest to the Sand Kingdom are all connected basically).
Boba Fett (MudWing):
Okay so Boba just had to be a MudWing. He had to be. Though it was less because of Boba’s character and more because he’s a clone. The clones all being close to each other, having battalions, and calling each other brothers? Uh, that’s like MudWings in the books to a TEA. So yeah, the clone troopers in this AU are MudWings, hence Boba also is a MudWing lol. Though I also liked it because older Boba Fett (and the older clones we see in the shows) are a lot bulkier and muscled with age. They get DILF bodies is what I’m saying lol (except for like Hunter apparently, he gets to keep his twink dad body). So the big MudWing body type works well for Boba and the clones. 
Fennec Shand (RainWing):
Fennec to me was a RainWing MOSTLY because as an assassin, her being able to camouflage and make herself look like other dragons was super RainWing coded. Plus having the subtle but deadly RainWing venom just matched her energy so much. Plus I love the idea that Fennec is kinda a “outcast” in RainWing society. Her ‘resting’ colors are dark, she knows how to fight and kill and LIKES it. She left the Rain Forest because the RainWing life style was nothing like her personality (very Glory from WOF like). Plus it plays into the idea that no one expects her to be dangerous or competent because she’s a RainWing, and then she murders you violently while still looking like a goddess (is my Fennec love showing yet? lol). Plus it’s why she and Boba get along, he treats her from the start like the dangerous criminal she is, and not like some ditsy RainWing. Also idk how Boba and Fennec taking over Jabba the Hutt’s palace works in this AU, but if so Fennec is definitely the one mainly running the show from behind the scenes. She was born to micromanage.
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writerlyhabits · 2 years ago
Ration Packs
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: based on this request...
“I’m guessing it’ll be ration packs for dinner?” you added, nodding towards the empty satchel hanging from his hip.  “There wasn’t a market on the way back to the ship,” he almost pleaded, trying to explain his intentions, but you simply gave him a tight-lipped nod in acknowledgment.  “I’ll get the packs started so it's ready by the time you’ve unloaded.” Your voice lacked its usual kindness. This shift in the conversation had you speaking with him as if this were all just… business. Had he pushed you too far? Were you trying to remind him that he had hired you to be here? That he should be keeping things… professional? Fuck. This was why he worked alone.  
Warnings: mild language, miscommunication [but not in a horrible way, don’t worry, I’m better than that], young dumb in love din djarin, mild angst, angst with a happy ending, everything is in Din’s pov because i love his dumbass train of thought, idk it’s pretty soft
AN: oh my god i’m back from the dead! I told you guys i’d be back 😂 This request has been sitting in my inbox for probably about a year… and I have no end of apologies, but i’m finally done and it’s a miracle I don’t hate it 😂 I did change the prompt a little… the idea of them putting Grogu to bed was cute, but I had an idea for a younger Din and just fell in love with it, so i ran with that. I hope you guys enjoy 💖 Thank you @deceiver-of-gods for putting up with me all this time, ily 😘
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Din had traveled through the toughest parts of the galaxy without batting an eye. He’d run with a mercenary group and proven himself to have more skills, more hits, more value… and more of a moral compass than anyone else in the group. After fighting his way out of their grip, he had taken out high-level targets with ease to earn his way into the Bounty Hunters guild. Din continued to be not only one of the youngest of their ranks, but also the most highly sought after. And after all of that? 
You were his greatest challenge. 
His Razor crest had taken one too many hits for him to be able to repair on his own, and the costs of repairs on his pre-imperial ship were starting to eat into the funds he usually gave back to his covert. Not providing for them was not an option; the Beroya was supposed to send their spoils back to the covert to provide for those in hiding. This is the way…
So when he landed on a planet with lush, colorful flora, and a generally trusting local people, he least expected you to strike a bargain with him. He needed a mechanic, and you wanted a ticket out. Free boarding and transportation in exchange for a live-in repair crew, he just had to get you the parts. It was his perfect solution. He hired you on the spot and scheduled to ship out as soon as the Crest was back in working order. 
On that first day of travel, Din had only just entered hyper-speed when he became overly critical of his ship. The cold, metal surfaces of the hull were uninviting, full of sharp edges, and devoid of any personality. It didn’t take him much longer to realize that, to an outsider, his armor looked much the same. 
But he’d never seen it that way before. To him, the Mandalorian armor was a sign of home, of belonging. It had been his savior in his childhood, and a beacon of his people as he grew into his own. He had tucked away into coverts where the blank metal lining of their ships and their walls meant protection. 
But you were not Mandalorian. You hadn’t grown up around sharp edges and cold surfaces. The place you called home was filled with warm colors and soft curves, the buildings made to flow with the organic structures of the nature around them, letting in the bright sunlight necessary for its growth. You yourself walked with an elegance Din was unfamiliar with, treading softly on the ground and smiling brightly at him each time your kind eyes met his dark visor. You had shared your warmth with him since the moment he’d met you, despite the coldness he was certain he portrayed, and it surprised him how much he found himself drawn to it. Drawn to you. 
You were everything he wasn’t. But Din would do everything in his power to make sure you never came to regret agreeing to this strange setup, that you never felt isolated or alone because you’d chosen him – a walking wall of cold beskar – as your traveling companion. 
At first, he’d merely wanted to bring you things that reminded him of your home, things he thought might do the same for you. Anytime he was in a market passing through, either on a supply run or with a bounty in tow, he found something colorful to bring back to you. The first few had been small trinkets, things you could keep in the small cupboard you had decided to call your quarters, or delicate pieces of jewelry he would later catch you wearing around the ship. 
The feeling Din got seeing you wear something he gave you made something warm swell inside of him… It made it hard to come back to the ship empty-handed, especially with the promise of your soft smile when he held his hand to you with a new gift. 
On one of his trips, he’d brought back a woven tapestry; the craftsmanship had been beautiful, and the colors matched those of the outfits you wore the most around him. Din was about to launch into an apology when he first gave it to you, not having thought about where you would even be able to put it, but his statement was cut short when you happily grabbed it from him and turned on your heel to find something. 
Not even a few moments later, you returned with a handful of powerful magnets you’d picked up on a market a few planets back, and he watched as you excitedly hung the artwork from one of the walls in the Crest’s hull, creating a curtain in front of one of the panels on that wall – you must have thought it was as ugly as he did. 
“What do you think?” You had asked him, and he watched self-consciousness start to creep in now that your initial excitement was starting to wear off. 
“It looks good,” he’d replied a little stiffly, still having a hard time finding the courage to speak around you. A bounty hunter, with hundreds of captures under his belt, was still too shy to talk to his mechanic… he at least wasn’t dumb enough to miss the irony in his own predicament, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t his truth. 
Since then, Din had started bringing back more things you could use to decorate the ship with; tapestries, blankets, and cushions accompanied the trinkets and jewelry he brought back with him. He could tell that your favorite of his gifts had been a soft shawl he’d seen hanging at a market in the rural areas of Naboo. The politician’s son he was paid to deliver back home had gone on about the luxury material it was made of, something about ancient processes and unique resources… All he knew was that it brought out your natural beauty when you wrapped it around your shoulders, and he felt his cheeks get warm under his helmet when you did. 
The two of you started to fall into these new routines fairly easily, and with all of your redecorations, it was becoming a welcome change. In the evenings – or at least what you thought was evenings in the darkness of hyperspace – you would prep a set of ration packs for the both of you. It was always two of the same kind so that you could feel like you were “sharing a meal,” a concept he had very little experience with. At least, he hadn’t for a very long time. 
Since eating required removing his helmet, Mandalorians often took their meals in solitude, or within the confines of their family. You, on the other hand, were used to shared meals in dining rooms with someone at every seat, and communal dining halls bustling with people. At first, Din was afraid you might take offense to him leaving during meal times, never quite sure how to phrase his dilemma. 
Luckily, he never had to. 
You caught on pretty quickly to his predicament, handing him a warm ration pack with a smile before turning to let him eat in peace. He always rushed through his meals in order to join you in the hull, to thank you for your silent understanding by coming down to talk with you as you ate yours at a leisurely pace. 
As the weeks went by, Din picked up on some of your silent requests as well, memories of food that didn’t need to be rehydrated before you ate it. He began looking out for other booths at the markets, and fresh ingredients began coming home in place of some of the gifts and trinkets he always brought back with him. Each time he did, a home-cooked meal would follow, and Din always made sure he expressed his gratitude when he came back down to join you for the second half of your meal. 
Your routines continued like this for a while, silently assessing each other’s needs, and wordlessly adjusting to accommodate. And it worked. The Razor Crest felt more and more like a home rather than the metal casing of a ship, small traces of your personal touch nearly everywhere he looked. The food had been better, the companionship had been better, far better than the cold silence he’d had to put up with before you came to him. 
And Din started to catch on to just how much his own feelings revolved around you. 
He craved your warmth at the end of a rough day, he sought to provide your happiness, to get your approval… He tried to be better at actually opening his mouth, being able to express more of his feelings for you outside of your usual, quiet understanding of each other. He tried asking you more questions, wanting to not only hear about the events of your day but to actually get to know you better, showing you how much he genuinely cared. And Din was elated when you started to do the same in return. 
After he came back to the ship from a particularly taxing hunt, he heard your soft footsteps descending the ladder from the cockpit while he secured the unconscious bounty into the corner of the hull you had affectionately deemed “time-out.” The most uncomfortable chair had been secured behind some of your tapestries, acting as a set of curtains that kept the bounties from view. 
When Din emerged from the hanging fabrics, he could feel some of the tension leave his body at the sight of you in your work clothes, a warm smile dancing on your grease-stained cheeks, wiping your hands on the old flight suit you’d brought with you from home. No matter how difficult his hunts had been, being able to debrief with you upon his return always made him smile beneath the helmet. 
“Hey!” you lilted. 
“Hey,” he responded, still a little awkward despite how long you’d been working together. He was getting better, but it could definitely still use improvement. 
“How’d the hunt go?” you asked, gesturing to the closed curtain beside him. “Obviously successful if you’ve got someone in time-out.” Din chuckled under his breath at your quip, mulling over the events of his day before he replied. 
“It was fine.” You looked at him expectantly for a few moments, waiting for him to continue. 
“Just… fine?” you half giggled, one brow raised in question while you donned a crooked grin. It hadn’t really gone bad, he did have the bounty in hand. It could have gone better, but nothing that came to any detriment in the end… 
He nodded. “It… went well. There’s nothing to report,” he shrugged, unsure what else you were looking for in his answer. 
But your face fell. Only for a moment… but enough for him to see it. 
“How are your repairs coming?” He tried, hoping to stir the conversation again, to fix whatever had caused your sudden change in attitude. 
“Fine. There’s nothing to report.” Your answer was short, both in your words and your temper. You usually volunteered the finer details of your projects, explaining with a dramatic flair all of your trials and your victories, stories that Din was always happy to be an audience to. 
Why hadn’t you done so this time?
“I’m guessing it’ll be ration packs for dinner?” you added, nodding towards the empty satchel hanging from his hip. One that usually carried whatever gift he had brought for you. Dank farrik… he already hated coming back empty-handed – something you had never made him feel guilty for – but right now it was only making him feel worse. 
“There wasn’t a market on the way back to the ship,” he almost pleaded, trying to explain his intentions, but you simply gave him a tight-lipped nod in acknowledgment. 
“I’ll get the packs started so it's ready by the time you’ve unloaded.” Your voice lacked its usual kindness. This shift in the conversation had you speaking with him as if this were all just… business. Had he pushed you too far? Were you trying to remind him that he had hired you to be here? That he should be keeping things… professional?
Fuck. This was why he worked alone. 
One of the downsides of having grown up around the Mandalorians was that his concepts of interpersonal relationships were skewed. The two of you were operating on completely different sets of rules, and where you had been able to read each other incredibly well… Now he was left to try and figure out where he’d gone wrong. 
With Mandalorians, he knew where he stood. They spoke with purpose, meaning exactly what they said. Even growing up constantly harassing and sparring with Paz, Din knew where his sentiments came from; competition, comradery, and a deep passion for his people. But outside the covert… Din was still finding his footing when it came to the beings he interacted with. Riding with the mercenary group had at least taught him how to weed through the tangled lies that spewed from their mouths, trusting them only as far as he could throw them – if that. 
But you were nothing like those slimy low lives. He didn’t know how to start friendships, how to engage in small talk… and he had no idea where to start when it came to the way you made his heart rate pick up. You made Din nervous, but you were also a comfort. You were new and familiar all at once, a new adventure as well as a place of rest. 
You meant so much to him… and he’d managed to drive you away just as quickly as he had let you in. 
The fog of uncertainty hung around the ship for days, and with it, the cold emptiness he had been so accustomed to in his solitude had returned. But after the warmth you had brought to his Razor Crest, being without it was almost suffocating. Din missed you. 
That was a fact he was trying to wrap his head around, seeing as you still lived with him on the ship… but it wasn’t the same. You stopped humming while you worked on different panels across his ship, blanketing the hull in silence. Any questions Din tried to ask you were met with short, quiet responses. Surprisingly, you still made the effort to prepare a ration pack with yours during meal times, but when he rushed back down from the cockpit in record time to join you, you were nowhere in sight. 
There was nowhere to go inside his ship. That was one of the things he’d liked about it; there was room for him to live on board comfortably without giving his bounties anywhere to hide. And yet, you still managed to avoid him. When he entered the hull, you escaped to your room. When he climbed up the rungs to the cockpit, you would make some quiet excuse and scurry out the door behind him. No matter where he went, what he said, or whatever measures he took to try and catch you off-guard, you were gone before he could even open his mouth. 
He was fucking sick of it. He had made a promise, when you came aboard, that he would make sure you never came to regret choosing this life with him. That you would continue to choose to stay with him, to choose him over the home planet you were so desperate to leave. He made a promise, and he intended to keep it. 
After landing on Nevarro a few days later to return his bounty, Din’s plan began to unfold. He walked out of the run-down cantina Karga liked to meet up at – insisting that he was going to fix it up and make it ‘a place of gathering’ – the spills of his hunt clanking against the mechanical chip he had tucked away in the satchel that sat on his belt. A chip that, if missing, would cause systems in the cockpit to go offline. 
Something his mechanic would find during her daily diagnosis check. 
Din felt a pang of guilt at the thought of you being buried arms deep in the underside of the control panel with no hope of finding the repair, because he was the one to take it from you... But then he thought about the worser fate; what if you figured out what was missing, and had more reason to dislike him than before? His guilt quickly turned into slight panic, making haste to get back to his ship to enact his plan before your clever brain could figure out what he’d done. 
When he returned to the Crest, the harshness of the metal hull was almost overwhelming. You had started taking down your tapestries and decorations, save for everything but the “time-out” corner, and it felt cold. You didn’t come out to greet him or welcome him back, let alone acknowledge him at all. You hadn’t done so since the time your conversation had taken a turn for the worst. He did, however, hear a loud metal clang and your familiar grunt of frustration from exactly where he assumed you would be. He wondered if you had even heard him come on board… 
Din quietly discarded his weapons before stealthily moving to the ladder just below the cockpit, stopping in his tracks when he heard a slew of colorful curses leave your lips. He waited a few moments until the sounds of your hard work continued, none-the-wiser to his oncoming ambush. 
By the time he reached the top of the cockpit, he took a moment to assess the situation and figure out the best approach. You were exactly where he thought you would be, laying on your back just to the side of his pilot’s chair, agile hands fiddling with different cables and boards inside his instrument panel…
And your head snapped up to look at him when he made the door to the cockpit slide closed behind him. 
You stared at Din for a couple moments before you opened your mouth. “Did you… are you cornering me?” When you put it that way, this was not going quite as he’d imagined, despite everything going according to plan. He had to keep going. 
“You’re ignoring me,” he said firmly, his tone reminiscent of one he took with his bounties. 
“Fucking maker, did you hunt me?” You asked with furrowed brows, and your slightly agitated tone made him fairly certain you didn’t actually need his answer. “I live on the same kriffing ship, and you had to treat me like one of your bounties just to say something to me?” 
“I had to talk to you. You wouldn’t let me,” he pressed, keeping his voice steady. You gave a huff of indignation. 
“I don’t have time for this, Mando, I have to fix your ship,” you threw at him before your body thumped dramatically on the ground as you went back to your work. 
“So you are angry at me,” Din stated, sounding more like an observation than a question. He could work with angry. You shot him a glare without moving too much from your position, and he took that as a good enough indicator to continue his interrogation. “Did I do something to upset you?” 
“Mando…” you started, his moniker leaving your lips in an exasperated sigh, not without a flame of annoyance lurking behind it. 
“Don’t make another excuse. I’m tired of avoiding this.” He watched the bluntness of his words hit you, not surprised when you furrowed your brows as you started to slide out from under the console, sitting up to scowl at him properly. 
“Another- what? I didn’t make any fucking excuses, I’m not avoiding anything,” you fired off, your tone indicating the exact opposite of what you were saying. 
“Then why have you stopped talking to me?” Din expected another fiery response, but instead a split-second of realization crossed over your face before it was replaced with one of irritated confusion. It made him — him, the stone-cold Mandalorian bounty hunter — shift on his feet. 
“I stopped talking to you?” You countered, and you waited a moment to let him respond… but he didn’t know what you expected him to say. “Right, because you’ve been super talkative after ‘there’s nothing to report’,” you mumbled, and it caused those same words to ring in his head from the night everything went wrong. You had said them so coldly…
After he had said them to you. 
“I- I meant no offense,” he tried a little lamely, still not understanding where he had gone wrong, but wanting more than anything for you to understand that he was willing to fix it. “I didn’t have anything to say.” You gave another sigh, but this one was softer, like you were about to level with him. It was progress, if nothing else. 
“Nothing? You couldn’t give me the details of your hunt the same way I tell you about the market? I mean, it’s not as exciting as I make it out to be, I just... “ You trailed off and looked away from him without finishing your sentence, but he wasn’t going to let that happen. He was finally getting answers out of you, he was going to get to the bottom of this, and make good on his promise to keep you happy. This was the way. 
He was quick to kneel in front of you, trying to get closer to your level to get away from his interrogation tactic, and communicate that he was willing to listen and receive. “You just what? Help me understand.” 
You scoffed a laugh as you shook your head. “There’s not a lot to understand. I like talking with you, I like when we share stories. I just… I wanted to be close with you.” 
Din wanted to bang his head against the wall. With or without his helmet. This all started because he was an idiot who didn’t know how to talk? He was a bounty hunter, he should have been smarter than that. He should have been able to tell what had caused such a shift, and been able to fix it before the mission could go sideways. 
But, in all fairness, he was a bounty hunter who was used to being alone. 
Before Din had lucked into having you travel the galaxy with him on his hunts, he came back to an empty ship. There was nobody else to talk about the day with. And after living amongst the Mandalorians, a people of few words, he wasn’t exactly in the habit of speaking to himself or others. Before you, everything that surrounded Din was just… quiet. 
“But… this is just professional, I get that now. I’ll stay out of your way, and I won’t pry. It is your ship, after all.” 
And he was about to get himself into even more trouble if he didn’t figure out how to speak right fucking now. 
“No,” he started firmly, desperately catching on to the tail end of your admission, but not entirely sure what was about to come out of his mouth. “This isn’t- I don’t… I’m not good at talking.” Strong start Djarin. 
“What?” You asked softly. If anything, you pretty much justified his statement. He took a breath to try and steady himself, to dig through the chaos inside his head and find a half-way coherent string of words to offer you, to clean up his mess. 
“Mandalorians are quiet. Bounty Hunters keep to themselves. I’m not used to talking,” he reiterated, and he watched your confused expression shift gently into one of intrigue, your sign for him to keep going. “I wasn’t trying to shut you out, I just… didn’t know what else to say. I’m used to sparing people any details that aren’t deemed necessary. Now I know that I shouldn’t do that with you. I’m sorry.” 
Din was pleased to find a small smile growing at the corners of your mouth. “I mean… You don’t have to give me every detail. Just the good stuff,” you smiled, making Din’s heart feel warm. He didn’t realize how much he missed the radiance of your smile until now, feeling like he was finally stepping into the sun after spending so long in the dark. 
“Just the good stuff… So I’ll tell you how much blood there was when I-”
“No, no thanks,” you cut him off quickly, making a fake gagging sound as he laughed under his helmet. “I take it back, let’s go back to no more talking, I’m good. I’ll just stay up here with all my busted circuits, thank you very much.” 
“Please don’t, I can’t go back to quiet,” he said quickly, the smile still plastered on his face as the weight of his words hit both of you.
I can’t go back to quiet.
It was true, he couldn’t. The past few minutes talking with you again, even when you were angry and yelling at him half of the time, had him feeling better than he had in days. 
“Oh yeah?” You offered, and he could tell by your knowing smile that you had come to the same realization that he did. You knew how much he had come to need you. “You don’t want a break from all my rambling?” 
“Never,” he admitted. Din watched your shoulders relax and your soft smile get brighter as his answer left his helmet, and he realized how much you needed him in return. It made a warmth bloom from deep within his chest, warming him all the way out to the very coldest parts of his Beskar armor. “Never stop. I want you to fill this ship with all your stories, real or exaggerated.” 
It caught him by surprise when you leapt up from your spot on the ground to meet his height, flinging your arms around his neck as you held him tight, fitting together perfectly even as you knelt on the floor in front of each other. With only a little hesitation, Din wrapped his gloved hands around you, arms circling your waist and pulling you flush against the plates of his armor, and soaked up everything that was you. 
This is the way. 
Sooner than he would’ve liked, he felt your grip around his neck loosen, and you leaned back to lock you gaze with his dark visor. 
“As much as I’d love to catch up, your ship is driving me crazy and I have got to figure out how to get these control panels back online,” you explained, and Din slowly started to realize he hadn’t thought this part through. 
“Well, I uh…” 
“You’re welcome to stay and chat, if you’re in the talking mood. I’d love to hear about your meeting in town,” you offered playfully, sending him a wink as you began to shuffle yourself back down under the open compartment of his shift. 
Instead, he got down on the ground and laid himself next to you, as if he was going to look at what you were doing with the repairs. Your hands stopped mid-action as you looked at him, and he enjoyed the airy laugh that escaped you at his actions. 
“Or you can watch from here, that’s fine, too.” 
“I was actually going to offer a suggestion,” he started timidly. You turned away from him as you focused on the wires in front of you again. 
“I'll take anything you’ve got. I haven’t seen anything like this in ages… I’ve only got one idea left, but I doubt it’s right. It’s like the reactor chip is missing, but the only way that thing would’ve even budged is if someone-” You stopped in your tracks as Din lifted a gloved hand into your peripheral view, the small reactor chip held between his fingers for you to see. 
You paused a moment before turning your head dangerously towards your companion. He could see the corners of your lips twitching as you did everything you could to avoid a smile, and he remained grateful for his helmet as it hid his beaming face from view. 
You snatched the chip from his hand and looked back to your circuits. “Get out of my cockpit,” you said quietly, the last few words of your threat lost to your laughter. Din couldn’t stop his own laughter from coming through the modulator as he began getting up from the floor to do as he was told. “You’re making the ration packs tonight,” you added, the smile on your cheeks evident in your voice. 
"This is the way."
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Thanks for reading!! If you’d like to be notified when I post a new fic, be sure to follow @writerlyhabits-library + turn on post notifications! 💛
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fic-inspo9000 · 4 months ago
Fic Inspiration
Fandom : Star Wars
Sub-Fandom : The Mandalorian
Inspo :
To most of the Galaxy he was Mand'alor the Unifier. To most other Mandalorians he was the man in all beskar and a hope for their people. To most of his friends he was Din Djarin, Grogu's buir and Mand'alor the Reluctant.
To a select few, he was the man with blood on his hands. The man that always did what he had to.
( WHAT HAPPENED ON ALZOC III??????? I just find the concept that Din is the only beroya that we know of in this relatively small covert very interesting. He was like the main breadwinner. I just feel like when he was younger he was brutal, like Grogu and being Mand'alor really mellowed him out. Give me outside pov of Din being an absolute menace. Examples include : Goran, Paz, Greef, random villager 1, random bounty hunter 15. Even better if it's then looking at this exasperated man with a throne and a child versus who they used to see/know)
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darlin-djarin · 1 year ago
I'm thinking about Din Djarin from before s1
the thing that keeps being on my mind is his job. He could've chosen to buy any other job that'd help him bring food to the table and fuel his ship, but he has chosen to be a bounty hunter.
Maybe because he's good at fighting and dealing with criminals yes, but I like to think that he has this love for exploration
he has this feeling of pure wonder and joy when he gets to visit a new place for his job
maybe he mournfully thinks that the younglings, the kids back at the covert would've loved it there, maybe he has some dreams about moving the covert to a safer, more spacious place with his earnings from the jobs (which are sadly never enough), but he always keeps his family in mind IDK JUST SOME BRAINTHOUGHTS ABOUT DIN
OUGHHH OUGH OUGH AGHHH YES!!!! din doesn't give a lot about his personality in the show, but analysis like this are SO GOOD!!!
i also think it's because the covert needed a beroya to provide for them, and i've mentioned before how his creed is basically everything to him (other than grogu) and so i think that din, this little boy so full of wonder, wants to help the covert as much as possible and he sees the opportunity to be a beroya for them and he instantly takes it. and i feel like, as a young man, that probably scares him a lot, going into bounty hunting, being alone without a community that is so tightly knit together, and possibly never returning one day to the covert. but also i think, to him, the pros outweigh the cons and that he is able to explore and learn new skills while also providing for the covert that he loves so much, and that means SO much!!! TO ME !!!!! 😭😭😭😭
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wondersmithofastronautalis · 4 months ago
I have a very important question regarding your GFFA…
Did Kelleran Beq escape with him during the Fall of Coruscant and they just haven’t found their way back to the fleet?
Speaking of, is Din Djarin around in your universe? I know Ursa Wren goes to ground in the second story, so I wonder if she found her way to Mandalorian covert and is chilling with a bunch of Children of the Watch while she figures things out?
Oh dang, I didn't really have plans regarding Grogu and Din, but I feel like I could work with the stuff you're laying down. It would just make sense if Ursa ended up hiding with the Children of the Watch, and when she eventually has to square things away with Sabine regarding what happened, she maybe has a promising young beroya with her...
Grogu - hmm, I want to say he and Kelleran make their way back to the fleet, but then that would contradict the canon that the Order didn't have any younglings until the raid on Dromund Kaas. I suppose they'd have to be wandering; they probably got stuck deep in the Empire, and with Grogu clearly looking like Master Yoda and the Inquisitorius being much more beefed up compared to canon, it's probably harder for them to move from safe spot to safe spot.
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purgatory-of-assbutts · 2 years ago
I had a few thoughts about the pog soup I wanted to get down before I forgot
1. I legitimately thought she called it porg soup at first lol
2. Bo-Katan said that Mandalorians were raised on that since childhood. Does that imply that
She deliberately packed this for her rescue mission because it was a comfort food and she wanted to provide that for Din, who would have been her subject and therefore her responsibility as a ruler. Despite all she says, she does still hold some faith in All That
She packed this for herself as a way of remembering those she lost. We know that taste can be pretty powerful as far as invoking memories goes and honestly apart from her armor and castle and other legacy things, memories are all she has left of her family. This, in particular, would probably have had a more emotional callback than possessions anyway if you consider the ties and implications that sharing food has
3. Din sharing w Grogu is obviously partly bc the guy’s wrapped around Grogu’s finger. But like. They’re both foundlings and unlike what we’re seeing in his upbringing rn, we can assume that Din was brought up in a more community-based structure as part of the covert. Even before Din was ousted, they weren’t ever really part of the the tribe bc of both the bounty and the fact that Din is a beroya and would’ve lived according to that lifestyle regardless. Anyway. All I wanted to say was that Din sharing his soup with Grogu might’ve been a bit of Din wanting his child to experience something Mandalorian that he couldn’t provide, nor that he even knew about iykwim
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year ago
Different Mandalorian Houses (Canon and Legends):
modern day, only Canon clans:
* House Viszla
- Tarre Viszla - creator of the Dark Saber
- Pre Viszla (Death Watch Leader)
- Paz Viszla (Children of the Watch)
- Ragnar (Children of the Watch)
* House Kryze:
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Nite Owl)
- Satine Kryze (during clone wars, Duchess of Mandalore. New age)
- Korkie Kryze
- (Bo-Katan’s father, mentioned in The Mandalorian show season 3)
* House Kast
- Rook Kast
- Veraslayan Kast
* Clan Wren: (first loyal to the Empire)
- Sabine Wren (Ghost Crew, Rebels)
- Ursa Wren
- Tristan Wren
- Alrich Wren
* Clan Saxon: (loyal to the Empire)
- Gar Saxon (killed by Ursa Wren)
- Tiber Saxon
* Clan Eldar
* Clan Rook (vassal of House Kast)
- Rook Kast
- Tayari Rook
* Clan Awaud: (eventually rebel alliance ties)
- Nam Beroya (leader)
- Vera Beroya (leader)
- Aga Awaud
* Clan Mudhorn
- Din Djarin
- Din Grogu
Legends clans/dissolved clans:
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Bralor
- Neth Bralor (leader)
- Jogo
- Rav Bralor (hired by Jango Fett to train the clone armies)
* Clan Cadera
- Jicoln Cadera (leader)
- Torian Cadera (leader)
* Clan Beviin
- Dinua Jeban (adopted)
* Clan Beroya (tied to clan Awaud later on)
* Clan Carid
- Baltan Carid
* Clan Deshra
* Clan Detta
- Suvar Detta
- Cham Detta
* Clan Kaja
- Kaja Honn (leader&founder)
* Clan Chorn
* Esok’s Clan
- Esok
* Clan Farr
- Ceta Farr
- Yenko Farr
* Clan Fett (mainly legends)
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
- Cassus Fett
- Arla Fett
- Sintas Vel
- Ailyn Fett
- Makin Marec
- Mirta Gev
- Vorten Fett
- Khomo Fett
- Melvin Fett
*Clone Troopers were not considered a part of clan Fett although they shared Jango Fett’s DNA*
* Clan Gedyc
- Lorka Gedyc (once head of Death Watch)
* Clan Ha’arangir (named after Mandalorian war God Kad Ha’ariangir)
- Kur Ha’arangir (leader)
* Clan Itera
* Clan Jeban
- Dinua Jeban
- Briika Jeban
* Clan Jendri
* Clan Jennis
* Clan Kelborn
- Merrk Kelborn
* Clan Keldau
* Clan Lok
- Artus Lok
- Mirli Lok
* Clan Lone
- Zadik Lone
- Akaavi Spar (left her clan to be with Lone)
* Clan Ordo
- Canderous Ordo
- Chernan Ordo
- Jekiah Ordo
* Clan Priest
- Dred Priest
* Clan Rodarch
* Clan Shale
- Arla Shale
* Clan Sharrat
- Kassor Quade
* Clan Skirata
- Kal Skirata
- Munin Skirata
- Ruusaan Skirata
- Jaing Skirata
- Ilippi Skirata
- Tor Skirata
- Ijaat Skirata
- Kad Skirata
- Jedi Bardan Jusik
- Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan
- Omega Squad- Niner Skirata, Atin Skirata, Darman Skirata, Fi Skirat
- the Nulls
* Clan Sornell
- Koblus “Ko” Sornell
- Haarm
- Gheedor
- Two unnamed Sornell children, and expecting one
* Clan Spar
- Akavvi Spar
* Clan Tenau
* Clan Varad
- Mavrix Varad
- Tyrus Brokenblade
* Clan Vevut
- Novoc Vevut
- Ghes Orade
- Mirta Gev
* Clan Nerak
- Ballag (leader)
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hinderr · 1 year ago
So in the role swap scenario, is Grogu still a Jedi or is Din the Force-sensitive child? Is Grogu in his late 400s instead of his early 50s? How old is Din?
AHAHAHSHHWA i saw your other ask, no worries abt the tag reading. Im gonna use this as an excuse to TALK abt it cause holy shit they are rotating the brain.
Grogu Djarin is a mandalorian warrior probably abt 150 years old. He rarely answers the 'how old are you' question tho, and even if he DOES he always changes it. He's not force sensitive!! He's been the covert's beroya for as long as there was a covert. He respects the Armourer's authority while she respects his experience
Din is a force sensitive kid hiding out in Aq Vetina!! He's not a Jedi in the sense he'd ever been trained for it. He's deaf and uses Aq Vetinian sign, so when Grogu first meets him they still have that language barrier. Obviously he's a very quiet kid but he's SUPER in awe of Mandalorians (from the stories) so when Grogu finds him he leaps for the opportunity to trail along. Too bad this Mandalorian isn't really how he expected (where's the heroism?? Where's the invincibility??? More importantly where are you going-?)
Grogu probably tries to bring Din back to Aq Vetina after he rescues him. Too bad the Imperials got there first (nothing left for them there). Din manages to teach Grogu Aq Vetinian sign so they can communicate!! Eventually the Armourer instructs him to find a Jedi to teach Din how to use his powers. Grogu does, and Din leaves with Skywalker
And that's that
And. That's. That.
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morganwrites-starwars · 1 year ago
Time Waits for No One
A Sequal to Time is a social construct.
Summary: What do you do when you time travel 50 years in the past with your Jedi son, accidentally adopt 3 more kids, and become Mand’alor? Din figured stopping a Sith uprising was a good answer. He just has to unite the Mandalorian factions, repair relationships with the Jedi, and stop a galactic civil war. Easy.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when Din was alone in bed, he wondered what his parents thought of the man he’d become. Would they be proud of their son? A little boy from a backwater planet becoming the leader of an infamous warrior race (and that’s not even taking the time travel into account). Or would they be disappointed that Din had fallen so far from whatever future they’d envisioned for him? Din liked to imagine they would’ve loved their grandchildren, if not be a little concerned about how he acquired them. Din’s buir definitely would’ve been proud. No longer was he the beroya of a tribe that hid in the sewers. Din was the kriffing Mand’alor. What Mando’ade wouldn’t be proud of their child in that case?
These ruminations only caused Din to spiral as he grappled with his reality. Baby Din Djarin hadn’t even been born yet. Would Din try to convince his parents to come to Mandalore when he was born, or would this Din get to live a normal life with his parents? Din’s mind would run itself in circles with paradoxes until the sun crept past the spires of the stronghold. Din hadn’t been sleeping well lately. It made council meetings particularly tedious and painful. There was less useless back-and-forth arguing in Din’s council than Satine’s because Din didn’t have the patience for it. His followers (and it was still weird to think of them as such) appreciated that about him. Jango was impressed at his Mando wrangling skills. Din attributed it to the fact that half of his kids were Mandalorian and the other half were Jetii. 
Satine and Bo-Katan lived part-time in Sundari- it was still their home even if Din had relocated to the city of Keldabe. The city was still being rebuilt, having fallen into a state of disrepair after most of its occupants, who had been Haat Mando’ade, left the planet. Grogu stayed with Din. Jango babysat the kid when he got bored during meetings. Din was starting to suspect that half the time Jango whisked Grogu out of meetings was due to Jango’s own annoyance with politics. Jango was doing a great job at helping reconstruct the ori’ramikad, but he still got dragged into some meetings as a representative of the Haat Mando’ade.
Obi-wan was the only one of Din’s ade he didn’t see regularly. He and Qui-gon traveled the galaxy for their Jetii missions, often being out of contact for days at a time. The temple had been very helpful, sending updates about Obi-wan’s missions and grades. Din had been in touch with a Jetii from the EduCorps to ensure Grogu had the Force education he needed. Dealing with Jetii was the easiest part of Din’s days, an irony that was not lost on Din.
Take where he was now, for example. Trying not to slump down on his throne- because apparently he just had to have a throne for his image- as he listened to grown Mando’ade argue over land claims on different planets in the system. Din had wanted to tell them to fight it out like the toddlers they were acting like, but that wasn’t conducive to the cohesive society he was trying to make. A shame, really. 
“Kalevala has been the home of the House Kryze for centuries, and as such, all the land on it is under the jurisdiction of the Duchess!” argued the Kryze representative, a young man named Almec. “It is an oasis for the New Mandalorians, who are uncomfortable with the sudden reappearance of armor and weapons in the cities. No offense, of course, meant to you, Mand’alor.”
Din waved his hand in acknowledgment, knowing fully well that Almec definitely meant at least a little offense. 
“And our clans have been living on the planet for even longer!” exclaimed the other representative, Sainn. She was mostly human, with tan skin patched with light blue. Din thought she was part Twi’lek. She wore partial armor- her arms and legs were covered with purple and blue armor. She was from a group of clans that didn’t claim one of the bigger houses and had primarily been independently governing themselves since before the New Mandalorians’ rise to power. They finally decided they wanted to join Din’s Mandalore-which was flattering- and wanted the rights to the land they lived on.
They were asking for less than 10% of the planet's land, so Din was inclined to grant it. Satine had decided she was okay with it, but Almec and some other New Mandalorians were not fans. Din preferred to come to a settlement everyone was happy with instead of ordering the land to be given to the clans. Less chance of unhappy politicians.
Din stood up as Almec opened his mouth to argue back. “Why do you want to keep the land so bad, Almec? No one in your house has used it in a long time. There’s no money in it, and the people living there now aren’t going to leave regardless.”
Almec seemed shocked at Din’s question. “It- it is a matter of principle-“
“What principle?”
“Having two different governments on one planet is asking for conflict-“
“You both will be under the same overall government. Bring any conflicts here. Unless“- Din tilted his head in a fashion he knew was menacing-“you were planning on making your own rules.” The hall was filled with a tense silence. Almec didn’t seem to know what to say in response to Din’s statement. Din nodded and sat back down. “One week, come back with an agreement in one week, or I will make a decision for you.”
Sainn and Almec brought their fists to their chests and bowed their heads. Din made a note to talk to Satine about Almec. There was trouble brewing there, and Din had more important things to worry about. Mainly, at that moment, whatever Silas was approaching him about. 
“Message from the Jetii council,” Silas muttered so the rest of the hall couldn’t hear. “They want to send some Jetii that can see the past or something. They want to see what they can find about the Zabrack that attacked you and Obi’ika. With your permission, they can be in Sundari by the end of the week.”
Din grunted in understanding. The Jetii had exchanged worried looks when Obi-wan had recounted their fight with the Zabrack. Obi-wan had explained to him that a red lightsaber was a Sith’s weapon. It was concerning that Din was apparently already a Sith target, and he hadn’t even done anything to antagonize them yet. The Jetii said it was likely the apprentice that had attacked them. If they could glean any information about the apprentice, it may lead them to the master. Din thought it was an inefficient system, a master taking an apprentice whose main goal was to kill the master. 
The rest of the day went by slowly, but Grogu spent most of the afternoon with Din, which was nice. After latemeal, Din called Satine and Bo-Katan to inform them about the visiting Jetii.
“Are you coming too?” Bo-katan asked.
“I’ll try,” Din answered. Silas had already taken to rearranging Din’s schedule to fit in the visit. This was also something Din was still adjusting to, having a schedule full of people who wanted to meet with Din. “Have you been practicing the forms I showed you last time?”
That night, Din lay in bed listening to Grogu’s soft breaths. Even in a stronghold full of capable warriors who would protect the child with their lives, Din still felt a twinge of worry every time his ad was out of sight. And while this time was safer for Grogu, there were new and unknown dangers around every corner. Sith, greedy politicians, and the remnants of the Death Watch lurked around every corner. It was a complex game that Din was still learning to play, and each move was shadowed by doubt. Even with his new friends, Din couldn’t stop worrying that he would make a wrong choice that would inevitably hurt one of his ade. It was just like the first weeks with Grogu, suddenly alone with a magical child and having to care for and protect them. Except now, Din had four ade. But he wasn’t alone. 
A few days later found Din in the familiar palace of Sundari. The damage from the Death Watch attack had been repaired, and a memorial for the Mando’ade that had died had been erected in the central garden. More people wore armor and carried weapons, but the city was still home to a large number of Mandalorians who preferred not to fight. Something Din didn’t care about. As he’d said a number of times- nothing in the Mandalorian creeds specified having to fight. There were many ways to protect ade and serve the Mand’alor. 
Bo-Katan was currently talking Din’s ear off about her classes at the newly established school that catered towards Mandalorian values rather than Coruscant ones. Satine added her own tidbits as she carried Grogu. They were waiting by the landing pads for the Jetii to arrive. Grogu had been excited all day, babbling and cooing. Din wondered what he was saying. Was he talking about how excited he was to see Obi-wan? Or maybe he was just telling Satine about a particularly interesting bug he’d seen earlier. The joys of having a magic toddler. 
The Jetii ship landed, and Obi-wan bounded off the ship with a large smile. Obi-wan skidded to a halt in front of Din, giving a bow that Din was sure wasn’t regulation, not that he cared. Grogu screeched joyfully, jumping out of Satine’s arms into Obi-wan’s.
“Hello, Grogu,” Obi-wan greeted fondly. Grogu babbled to him, and Obi-wan nodded in understanding. “And I have missed you too.” Obi-wan looked at Din, Satine, and Bo-Katan. “And you guys as well.”
Satine smiled and hugged Obi-wan, careful of Grogu still in his arms. Bo-Katan followed her sister’s lead and latched onto Obi-wan’s side, briefly throwing the little group off balance. Din fondly shook his head at his ade before reaching out and ruffling Obi-wan’s hair. The boy sputtered, and the girls released him as they laughed. Din noticed that Obi-wan had grown some since the last time they’d all been together. 
Qui-gon approached their group, two other Jedi following behind him. The younger boy, another padawan if Din had to guess by the braid resting on his shoulder, had a large grin and wore a sleeveless shirt. It didn’t fit well with the regalness of the man Din assumed was his Master. 
“Mand’alor,” Qui-gon greeted with a formal bow. His lip was quirked slightly. It was funny to think that Din had been considering throwing the man off the highest spire of the Sundari palace only months ago. Now, they were co-parenting a teenage Jedi who somehow got into more trouble than the tiny green one Din had taken in. It's funny how these kind of things work out.
“Master Jinn,” Din greeted, tipping his head in greeting. “Any disasters recently?”
“Only of the usual variety,” Qui-gon said, looking at Obi-wan, who was giving his best innocent face. It was ruined by Grogu giggling manically, probably sensing the bullshit Obi-wan was pulling. “Anyways, may I introduce you to Master Tholme and Padawan Quinlan Vos.” The two Jedi bowed. The padawan, Quinlan, looked confused as he looked at Din and Grogu. Din figured it had something to do with their ‘air of weirdness’ in the Force that Obi-wan said they had. Evidently, time travel did weird things to one’s aura. Din didn’t feel like he had an odd aura, but he wasn’t the expert.
“Su’cuy,” Din greeted. “You’re here to…read the past?”
“Quin has the ability to see the past when he touches objects. Memories, emotions, and such,” Obi-wan explained. 
“The council thinks I might be able to find out more about your Sithly attacker,” Quinlan added, still impishly smiling. “Is this the baby Yoda?”
“Your cooperation is very appreciated, Mand’alor,” Master Tholme said, not so discreetly tugging on his padawan’s braid in admonishment. Quinlan didn’t look repentant. Grogu crooned at the acknowledgment. 
“His name is Grogu,” Din said. Grogu cooed again at his name, signaling to Obi-wan to set him down. Grogu waddled to stand on Din’s foot, holding onto Din’s greave for balance. “And your help is appreciated. Sith aren’t our area of expertise. Mandalorians tend to get jumpy when they have an unknown enemy.”
“And jumpy Mandalorians are good for no one,” Qui-gon added. 
Satine cleared her throat and gave Din a look that meant that Din had forgotten some etiquette. She gestured between herself and Bo-Katan. “Oh, right. These are Satine and Bo-Katan Kryze. My two other ade.” The girls pulled their best courtly smiles, Bo-Katan’s only slightly forced looking. 
“It’s a pleasure to you both,” Satine greeted, “And your help is greatly appreciated. The whole situation has been…”
“Traumatizing?” Bo-Katan offered. Satine slapped her arm. “What?”
“Making sure this Sith is taken care of will be good for everyone’s mirjahaal- peace of mind,” Din said. He went to continue, but noticed Jango slowly walking towards their group. He seemed wary of the new Jetii- while Jango had gotten better about his Jetii hatred with the help of a mir’baar’ur. He was still uncertain of new Jetii, especially older ones that could have been at Galidraan. “Um, why don’t you ade show the Jetii to their rooms. I’ll meet you in the dining halls.” 
His ade agreed, and Din picked up Grogu to hand him off to Bo-Katan. Din said his goodbyes and went towards Jango. 
“Mand’alor,” Jango greeted, quickly pressing his fist to his chest. Din just sighed loudly. Jango grinned for a brief moment before his expression sobered. 
“Jango, I thought you were going to stay in Keldabe?” Jango had offered to keep things running with Silas. Din suspected it was less out of a desire to help and more out of some misplaced sense of guilt he’d developed about getting Din into this whole Mand’alor mess in the first place (Din held that it was his own decision, and fleeting moment of righteousness, that got him there in the first place.) 
“I was, but we got sensitive information that we felt was better relayed in person than over comms,” Jango explained. “Can we go somewhere private?”
“I have an office here,” Din said, beginning to lead the way inside. 
“You might want to call one of those Jetii, too,” Jango said grimly. “This is about the dar’jetii.”
After an unexpectedly long break, I'm back! Turns out that between working, clinicals, and senior year I've been too busy to write much. So updates might be sporadic until next semester.
Mando'a translations:
beroya- bounty hunter
ori'ramikad- supercommandos (elite special forces)
Su'cuy- a greeting
mirjahaal- peace of mind, a general term for emotional well-being, especially after a trauma
mir'baar'ur- baar'ur for a healer, mir' as a prefix for mind/brain/mood, so a therapist
dar'jetti- sith
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htonl-writes · 7 months ago
i wrote 1000 words over the last 3 days!! hopefully i will keep this up :)
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wonderlandsakura · 2 years ago
Mandalorian season 3 episode 2 spoilers ahead
Our gorgeous, pathetic, unwilling baby (Din, not Grogu) slips and falls all the way down the deep end (like he did into becoming the Mand'alor, he took a few steps in and then got completely sucked into it, omg) and falls unconscious (cause you can't let him know he's the chosen one, he'll completely freak out and run away), the poor dear.
The unconscious part is also potentially symbolic of him not knowing what he's doing, not knowing how much of a Mand'alor he is being, and plainly just not knowing what he's doing, btw.
Anyway, Bo-Katan (who is not unconscious and also actually knows what she's doing and how to lead as a Mand'alor and that Din is super the chosen one) comes down to get him and carry him up to the surface (cause gosh is he going to need help, and she's the most uniquely qualified for the job) ...
And they (Bo-Katan) see a mythosaur.
The mythosaur cracks open it's eye to look at them.
(btw, it's also saying "yes I'm real Bo-Katan, so please help the pathetic mess that is our Mand'alor out, cause yes, he does actually deserve the title, and is in fact the actual chosen one, come to bring a new age your people, cause I do actually exist and approve of the idiot, thank you very much")
So yeah.
Also the fact that Din's super strict Creed is actually called the Way of the Mand'alor??? And he actually follows it super strictly, like without it he's nothing??? And only breaks it for the benefit of Children, which in Mandalorians Creed "are the Future"?????
LIKE HOW MUCH MORE FORESHADOWING DO YOU WANT TO PUT INTO THIS DUDE (it's like wolf wolf, son of wolf, if you know what I'm talking about)
1) Way of the Mand'alor
2) Children are important above all else
3) full beskar armor (which is, btw unpainted, a blank slate, a new age, it's perfect!) (1st tenant of Creed)
4) incredibly skilled as a warrior/hunter/provider, is an actual beroya, for his tribe and people, even those who are practically strangers to him (Bo-Katan, Boba) (5th tenant)
5) respected by the head clans of the 3 factions (they would come if he called them, and since he's the Mand'alor, that's the 6th tenant for them)
6) willing to listen, respect, and learn about the creed and history of those who follow different ways (very good, since Mandalorian society previously collapsed partially because they were arguing over whose creed was the best)
7) Would fight, kill, go out of his comfort zone, and even violate his creed for his family (Grogu) (3rd tenant)
8) Can speak not just Mandalorian, but also a variety of other languages, including at least one form of sign (very useful for communicating with his scattered people (2nd tenant)
9) literally teaching Grogu about mandalorian culture now that he knows he accepts him as family in return (4th tenant)
10) follows the resol'nare (the 6 tenants) in his every action, seemingly without having to think about it
11) being re-baptised in the living waters (like Jesus) (btw the symbolism of being reborn again as he is being denoted as the person who will bring a new age)
12) the Fucking Mythosaur
Like Din? Get some self-esteem. And self-care while you're at it.
Anyway I can't wait till Saturday (today's a Thursday for future readers and those across the world) when I can continue watching Din stumble (or fall) deep deep deep into Mand'alor-hood unwillingly and unknowingly
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purple-goo-writes · 1 year ago
Going through my blog found this BobaDin post and hit with sudden inspiration.
You see Mando'ade literally adopt any unattended child (at least in fanon but well also canon).
Mandos have a history of adopting ade/children.
Danny has a history of loving Space and ending up through random portals.
Din meets Lost Danny before the events of the Mandalorian.
Din has new son.
Din raises new son, who has powers but eh if a Mando can be trained to fight magic space wizards, perhaps said training can help train magic space wizard.
Yes din thinks Danny may be a Jedi child, he has no context for otherwise and well kinda a hypercompetent himbo.
By the time the show starts, Danny has found a way to at least access the Ghost Zone, though doesn't go Home cause perhaps the reason he was lost was cause Home no longer exists. (Good Parents Au where the Fentons go scorched Earth to protect their wounded son, and we all know how much of an asshole GIW is in fanon and canon.)
Danny is also like may 20-26 now.
But, Danny does find a semi stable portal to the DC universe. He may have been doing freelance work here as a bounty hunter/part time hero.
And well, he may or may not be courting the cute speedster, (Wally!Flash). Actually correction he is courting the cute speedster, very seriously. But he is doing it Mando style cause he may have forgotten how Earth dating works and only has Mando or Ghost to fall back on...
Which honestly aren't too different but Ghost usually involves more trying to kill each other instead of simply trying to show off via sparing/fighting together.
Now whilst this is happening, Danny doesn't keep in contact with Mando-Dad. Or ManDad as Danny likes to pun. Turns out the GFFA is in the same universe as DC just light years away, explains why they didn't know Star Wars. Makes getting a signal out a bitch at times but he had Technus do some upgrades to his armor which help.
Plus Danny needs Courting Tips from Dad at times. Din has seen some of the holos Danny made of the JL fighting invasions and wonders why his sweet ad/child choose the speedy one and not the heavily armed tank (Batman) at times. But love is love as he understands plus some Mando'ade seek partners whose fighting styles complement their own and the speedy one does fight well with his son. (Grumbling parental approval, Danny is over joyed!)
The Mandalorian Events happen, largely the same. Just With Danny making a few cameos, and Din more used to raising a super powered kid. At least this one can't phase through walls. Danny now sporting a mud horn crest cause Clan of Two is now Clan of Three.
At this point Danny and Wally are dancing around each other in a Will They or Won't They situation.
Perhaps ManDad seeks to lay low a bit with Danny to repair th Razorcrest? JL is briefly confused when next invasion Mando shows up with another Older Mando...and they both go by Mando?
Until Danny explains its a culture thing, Outsiders can't know our true names sorta situation. Just call his dad Beroya, since that's his main job title in the Tribe. Plus it's pretty easy to tell them apart considering Dins armor is very shiny and Danny's is painted black with white accents and some orange. Also the height, Danny is well Dan's height now if leaner and his dad while nearly 6ft is Short in comparison to his tank son.
(Grogu is there just not noticed yet)
So anyway, Wally and Danny are surrounded during the invasion. Both injured.
Danny says the line, "I'm with you until we Both Fall." And They both start kicking ass.
when invasion is over and everyone is in medical, Danny is helping his Dad clean his wounds in a curtained off part. And the press is taking about the invasion on the TV, somehow managed to catch the Line during their footage via drone cameras. Din chokes loudly causing everyone to look over to the curtained off area as suddenly there is a whisper/yelled conversation in Mando'a.
Danny may be trying to keep his dad from leaving the cot to strangle Wally. Overprotective Buir/Parent lol.
The JL want to know what was said.
If "I'm with you until we Both Fall." Isn't the most Romantic and Mandolorian thing to say and isn't a Fucking Proposal, then Romance is dead.
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newpathwrites · 1 year ago
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Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
I. Lost and Found
Din wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he opened the door, but it wasn’t this - a tall, skinny Mandalorian in ill-fitting, chipped armor backing into the corner of the room and trembling in fear - at the sight of him…
“Beroya…” Jai released the words in shock and terror as they realized who’d been called to help them. They looked at Cara and back at Din again. “No, please… Please don’t let him kill me!” They were frantic, panic ringing clear in their voice. Maker, what happened to this kid?
Summary: Din learns of a struggling, teenaged Mandalorian from his former tribe and steps in to help, showing them a different way.
Note: The teenaged mandalorian OC is Jai who is ~15 years-old.
Since the tribe had to flee the covert quickly in the first season, I think it’s possible that some were separated, maybe even some younger members. I think if Din knew about one of them, he would feel obligated by creed and by his guilt to help them in any way he can. And I think knowing what he does now, he might even be compelled to enlighten them about the reality of their tribe and show them a new way.
Warnings: Child homelessness, implied and threatened child harm, fear.
Read on AO3
“Dune… haven’t heard from you in a while.  Still drinking Karga under the table?”
Cara laughed on the other end of the holocall.  “That I am.  How’ve you been, Mando?  Grogu’s behaving himself?”
Din chuckled.  “I can’t keep up with the rations he’s going through - he’s an endless pit, I swear.  But he’s a good kid - doing great controlling his powers, too…”  He paused - she never called just to shoot the breeze.  Something was going on.  “Everything all right, Cara?”
“Uhhh… yeah… I have a favor to ask you… as a Mandalorian.”
Oh no, this was going to be trouble, wasn’t it?   “Go on…” he said cautiously.
Cara took a deep breath.  “So a few days ago, a kid in Mandalorian armor showed up in town.  Very skittish, wouldn’t let anyone talk to them.  I assume they’ve been sleeping on the street.  Well, this morning they stole food from the cantina… and now they’re under arrest in my office, and I have no idea what to do with them.  They said they grew up in Nevarro.  Any ideas?”
Din sighed.  As much as he hoped to get to his planned destination, he simply couldn’t bring himself not to assist a fellow Mandalorian.  Besides, his creed demanded it.  “They have a name?”
Cara breathed out a sigh of relief, realizing he was agreeing to help.  “Wouldn’t give me one… Armor is very banged up but painted in blue and green I think… looks too small, like they haven’t upgraded in several years.  Din, this kid can’t be more than 14 or 15 years old.  And they’re skin and bones, must be starving.”
Blue and green armor.  Dank farrik - it was Jai, one of the foundlings who scattered the day the Empire invaded the covert.  They’d been not more than 10 or 11 years old then.  Had they been on their own all this time?  “Cara, I think I know who it is.  Just keep them there and get them something to eat - it’s on me.  I’m a few hours out, but I’ll get there as fast as I can.  Thanks for calling.”
“No problem - I just want to get this kid to a safe place, but I don’t think they’ll trust anyone else.”
The guilt hit Din sharply as he terminated the call.  Jai’s plight - losing their home a second time before they’d even reached adulthood - it was his fault, and somehow it led them to this point.  He had to fix this.  And so he made another call - to the person he trusted most, who always seemed to know the right thing to do in these situations - the person he’d been hoping to see by second meal today.
“Din, just bring them here until you can figure out how to reunite them with the tribe.  We can give them a warm place to sleep and make sure they’re well fed.  It will be easier to get them back on their feet if they feel safe and secure.”  She paused, smiling.  “Besides, Grogu was counting on being back with you today… and so was I…”
He smiled behind the helmet in spite of himself.  “Alright.  I’ll do my best to convince them to come with me.  Thanks, Omera.  I’ll see you tonight… hopefully.”
Karga looked up as Din entered the offices, rising from his seat to take the armored man by the forearm.  “Mando, my friend!” he boomed in his usual boisterous way.  “Stars, is Cara going to be happy to see you !”
Din got straight to the point as usual.  “Good to see you, Karga.  Thanks for watching out for this kid.  Cara’s office?”
“Sure thing.  Right through there.  Kid’s terrified - I think they’ll be relieved to see you.”
Din wasn’t sure what he’d expected when he opened the door, but it wasn’t this - a tall, skinny Mandalorian in ill-fitting, chipped armor backing into the corner of the room and trembling in fear - at the sight of him…
“Beroya…” Jai released the words in shock and terror as they realized who’d been called to help them.  They looked at Cara and back at Din again.  “No, please… Please don’t let him kill me!”  They were frantic, panic ringing clear in their voice.  Maker, what happened to this kid?
Din approached slowly with his hands raised as Cara pleaded with the terrified teenager to just calm down.  But they couldn’t, certain in the belief that the beroya had been sent to murder them.  Din kept his voice soft and calm, thinking this was strangely how he might talk to Grogu during a meltdown.  “Jai,” he whispered soft enough that Cara wouldn’t hear their name spoken.  “I remember you.  I’m not here to hurt you.  I just want to help.”
“No!” they yelled.  “The armorer sent you, didn’t she?  Please, I beg you - just let me go, and I’ll give you the armor to return to the tribe.  But I don’t want to die… please…”  Jai was sobbing now.
Din turned his head to gesture to Cara.  “Marshall, why don’t you disarm me?”  He looked back at Jai, keeping his hands up, as Cara began removing weapons from his person.  “We’ll just talk - you can tell me what happened, and we’ll figure out what to do.  I have a safe place I can take you if you’re willing.”
Jai spoke through tears, still trembling.  “You don’t know.  You’ll want to kill me when I tell you what’s happened.  My creed is broken.”  Din’s heart broke as Jai crumpled to their knees on the floor, overwhelmed with fear and sorrow.
Now entirely disarmed, Din came closer, coming to rest on his knees, as well, and slowly reaching one hand out to rest on their shoulder as they flinched at the contact.  “Jai, I’m not going to hurt you.  My creed is broken, too.  I only want to help.”
From somewhere behind them Cara’s voice cut in.  “He’s telling the truth, kid.  I’ve seen his face myself.”
Jai looked up in surprise, staring into Din’s visor, suddenly coming to the rational understanding that the older Mandalorian really wasn't going to hurt them.  “Beroya… I’m so scared.”  Din surprised himself then, pulling the frightened teenager into a comforting embrace, softly sharing reassurances in Mando'a as the trembling finally faded away.
Cara looked on the scene with shocked curiosity.  Din Djarin never ceased to surprise her - a natural father under all that metal, despite his rather emotionally constipated and overly serious nature.  But this was a little awkward.  She had two Mandalorians hugging on the floor of her office… it was probably a good time to excuse herself.
By the time she made it back with a tray of food and drinks, Din had managed to get Jai off the floor and into a chair and was pulling his own up beside them.  As Cara lowered the tray to the ground nearby, she briefly touched Din’s shoulder in encouragement, rewarded with a small nod of recognition.  Jai was starting to trust him - or was no longer scared of him, at least.  He just needed to convince them to come to Sorgan - get them to a safer, more neutral place where they could think through things rationally.
“I’m going to step out so you two can have privacy to eat and have a good chat.”  She turned toward Jai.  “Don’t worry kid, you’re in good hands with him.  I’ll just be down the hall if you need anything.”
Jai watched her go apprehensively before finally turning to fully face Din, still sniffling.  “She’s a friend?  Mandokarla?”
Din couldn’t suppress a small chuckle.  “I don’t know if I’d go that far, but she’s trustworthy and loyal and has good intentions.”  
Din took a moment to prepare himself for what lay ahead.  Stars, he wished Omera was here.   She was so good at these delicate conversations.  This kid was already very on edge, and Din wasn’t exactly the best with words.
“Jai - tell me what happened since the last time we saw each other - besides you growing a good foot taller…”  Maybe humor would be less intimidating?
Jai snickered softly, running a hand up the front of their visor to wipe the residual tears from their face.  “A bunch of us were together after the stormtroopers came - mostly foundlings, but a few adults, too.  We hopped planet to planet for a while, and the older kids took some mercenary work with the adults here and there for credits.  Some people were willing to offer us shelter for a bit, but on most planets, they weren’t friendly.  When we ran out of credits and couldn’t find a place to stay, we started losing the adults one by one, murdered for their beskar.  It was just the foundlings left then.  By the time we tracked down the armorer, it was just three of us.  We were attacked on our way there - and then there was just me.  I managed to get away, but only after they’d pulled off my helmet.”  
Jai paused, voice becoming emotional again.  “When I made it to the armorer, I thought she’d be proud that I had survived those odds and understand what led to breaking my creed.  But she turned me out, told me I was no longer a member of the tribe.  When I argued, Paz Vizsla threatened to kill me ‘like I deserved’.  That’s why I thought you were here to finish the job.  Anyway, I decided to get myself back to Nevarro, the planet I knew best, see if I could find any friendlier remnants of our covert…”
“But the tunnels were empty,” Din finished for them..
“Yeah… so I was on my own still, and I was sure I would die, anyway - no work, no credits, no food.  And that’s how I ended up in Marshall Dune’s office.  I really don’t know what to do now.”
Din found his own voice cracking, overwhelmed with the knowledge of what this foundling had been through.  “Jai, I’m so sorry - for everything.  I promise I can keep you safe if you agree to come with me.  I have people who you can stay with until we figure out what to do - they’re friendly to our kind.  It’s your choice, but I hope that you’ll let me help.  I owe it to you.”
Jai looked down at their lap, still not entirely certain of the beroya’s intentions, traumatized by Paz’s threat of harm.  But they’d always known Din Djarin to be kind despite his gruffness with the children of the covert, often bringing them small treats and indulging in their silly games when he’d return from a hunt.  And the unexpectedly friendly Marshall seemed to know him well and trust him, too.  Maybe going with him was a good idea - not that there were really any other viable options.
“Could I talk to the Marshall first?”  Jai asked cautiously.
Din nodded. Jai was wary, as they should be.  Nothing personal.  “Sure, of course.  I’ll straighten out the charges for you and send her in.”  He gestured to the food tray on the floor.    “In the meantime, you should eat.  I’ll lock the door so you can have privacy.”
Jai tipped their helmet in understanding as Din stepped through the door, quietly locking it behind him.  Cara materialized from the adjoining office almost immediately.  “Any luck?”
“Yeah… I think so… Anything I can do about the charges against them?”
Cara was thoughtful.  “Well… I still have to put it in writing since the cantina owner is pretty upset, but they can walk free with a fine if I can release them to your custody.”
Din nodded vigorously.  “Absolutely, I’ll take full responsibility.  What information do you need?”
Cara looked down at her notepad.  “Name and date of birth?”
“Is ‘Mando’ alright?  I don’t think they’d want to share their real name.  Age is about 15 - you’ll have to make up a birthdate.  They were too young to know it when they joined the covert.”
Cara nodded.  “Gender?”
Din was silent for a moment, unsure how to handle that one.  “Could you just write ‘none’?  They don’t identify with any gender - asked us to use gender neutral terms when they were quite young.”
“Okay, sure.  Human?”
Din paused again, trying to remember the image of a very young Jai before they took the creed.  “Yes, human… I’m pretty sure.”
Cara smirked.  “Kriff, Din, your kind make yourselves very difficult to book - no name, no birthdate, no species.  How does anyone even know who you are?”
“That’s the whole point, Cara,” Din replied with uncharacteristic sadness.  “You’re not anyone.  You’re just a Mandalorian.”  She looked at him with concern, and he shook off the conflicted feelings that had been plaguing him since he heard Jai’s story about the armorer.  This wasn’t about that.  It was about keeping a kid safe.  “They want to talk to you before they agree to come with me.”
“Alright.”  She pat his shoulder kindly before knocking on the office door and letting herself back in.
“Hey, kid.  Din said you wanted to see me.  What can I do for you?”  Cara watched them expectantly, hands on her hips as she awaited a response.
Wait a minute.  She knew his real name?   Jai was growing more confused by the minute about the nature of this situation.  “How… why do you know his name?”  They settled on the direct route.
Cara sighed.  “Look, kid.  Things aren’t always as they seem - I’m sure he’ll enlighten you at some point.  If you must know, I learned his name by accident.  Kriffing imperial … But it was only after he broke his creed a few years back that he gave me permission to use it.  You can only meet so many Mandalorians before calling them all ‘Mando’ gets confusing.”  She shrugged. 
Jai was flabbergasted.  How many Mandalorians could one auretti know?
“How did you become friends?  You seem to know each other well.”  Jai couldn’t help the accusation in their voice, worried this whole thing could be a well-orchestrated ploy between the two adults.
Cara snickered.  “If you’re implying something, you can quit it.  We met on Sorgan when he was hiding out with the child he rescued.  When I found out the empire was after them, I helped like any good rebel would.  Since then, we’ve done each other many favors that require certain… skill sets.”
Jai considered for a moment.  The story made sense.  She seemed genuine and at least appeared to be trying to help.  “Do you think I should go with him?”
Cara didn’t hesitate.  “Yeah, kid, I do.  Look, I know he has a tendency to be a little… serious.  But I’ve only known him to be honorable - to a fault, really.  And he’s got a big soft spot for children.  I know you’re not a child anymore, but that’s how he remembers you.  He won’t rest until he knows you’re safe.”
Well, Jai guessed there wasn’t much other choice than to trust the Marshall’s judgment at this point.  “Okay, then.  I’ll go with him.”
“So… Beroya… Where are we headed?”  Neither Jai or Din was well versed in the art of conversation, but the silence was awkward between the pilot and rear jump seats - and Jai had so many questions.
Din faltered a bit before responding through the built-in audio system.  “Uhhh… Sorgan… It’s not on most maps, and I have… friends in one of the villages there.  They’re very welcoming, and they’ll accept you without question.”  Din paused awkwardly, clearing his throat.  “You know… you can use my name.”
Jai grunted.  “I’m used to addressing my elders by their titles.  Habit.”
Din replied quickly, “Well, I’m no longer a bounty hunter or a member of the tribe, so I think I’ve probably lost my rights to the title of Beroya.”
That’s right - he had his own broken creed.   Jai was dying of curiosity - to know why and how this otherwise devout Mandalorian had done such a thing… and was still donning the helmet and armor, apparently several years later.  “Uhhh… Din … May I ask what happened… with your creed?”
Din chuckled lightly.  “Well, you can certainly ask.  But it’s not a simple answer… and a very long story.  For now, let’s just say that showing my face in a room full of imperials was the only way to save my foundling.  And preserving my creed… while losing him … There was no choice there.  He’s more important.”
“And why do you still wear the armor?”  Jai wouldn’t fool themself.  They recognized that seeing Din Djarin continue to follow Mandalorian custom after breaking his creed and being cast out of the tribe did give them a glimmer of hope for their future - one where they may not have to give up the only way of being they’d ever known.
“That’s a very complicated issue.  But in short, I met another group of Mandalorians who follow a different creed, and it made me view our tribe and our ways in a different light…”  Din paused, taking a deep breath.  “I understand how you feel right now, Jai.  That moment when another person laid eyes on my face for the first time was… absolutely terrifying… And being cast out by the armorer was probably the most devastating moment of my life besides losing my parents… But everything turned out alright.  I might even say that I’m actually happy.  I’ve found a different way.”
Jai needed to know more - suddenly the retired bounty hunter felt like their saving grace.  “Different how ?” they asked with great interest.
Din laughed out loud.  “You’ll see for yourself soon enough.”  What did that mean?  And that cryptic response was the end of the conversation… for now.
Thanks for reading!
Next chapter
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honeydjarin · 2 years ago
Din is a mountain, unmoving and cold. He doesn’t know how to soften his edges, but he will try for you.
genre: fluff
word count: 888
a/n: have some more of Din’s perspective! My main project right now is to the bone, but I still will try to get a little something done for this each day. It’s nice to have something fresh to work on
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Tenderness is something that has never come naturally to Din. It took a long time for him to remember how to show compassion to those outside his covert. Respect was always easy, but true kindness simply for the sake of helping another, for doing what’s right, is something he pushed aside most of his life. He was his tribe’s beroya. There was no room for compassion when so many relied on him to survive. 
But now he has the kid to look after. His new role as caregiver has forced him to change, to soften around the edges just a little. His sole responsibility no longer lies in completing the job. He needs to set an example, to be a father.  
And then there’s you.   
He brought you into his life without realizing just how much you would change everything he knows. He didn’t even realize it was happening until it was too late. You make him want to do better, to make sure those under his care are safe and happy, no matter the cost. But tenderness does not come easily for Din. It takes practice. 
The three of you are in the middle of the town, having been invited to join in a night of drinking and dancing beneath a sky of burning stars. It seems your group has been around long enough for locals to realize that you aren’t an actual threat, just a little reclusive. 
There isn’t a real reason to celebrate tonight, the festivities don’t coincide with any local or galaxywide holidays. It is merely a way to keep spirits high in a season of frost and darkness. It’s a chance for people to come together as a community.  
The snow has been shoveled away from the town square, allowing people to walk and move with ease, no longer afraid of slipping. There is a bonfire raging in the center of it all, the heat radiating far enough to reach the walls of the nearest buildings, sparks billowing up into the sky until it’s unclear what is fire and what are distant suns. Around the fire people are dancing, including you. 
When the three of you first arrived, you took Grogu into your arms, spinning and jumping and twirling to music played on instruments both handmade and imported. One moment you were there and the next you were gone, but before Din could panic, you came back around the other side of the fire, lips splitting in a grin, unharmed. 
As you came and went, the child laughing in your arms, Din allowed himself to relax, settling into his spot outside the circle. It didn’t take long for you to return to him, the child growing hungry and tired, you slightly mussed and out of breath. 
Several carts sit outside the crowd, selling hot food and beverages. The three of you made your way towards them. The child made a mess of his food while you downed several mugs of steaming berry wine. Din kept watch over your group, only chiming in when you asked him a question or the kid tried to eat too much at once. 
You laughed as you finished your wine, stating, “It tastes like summer, and burns like it too!” 
Then you were off again and Din returned to his spot on the edge of the circle, where he watched you. Even now he watches you, the child tucked safely into the crook of his arm and wrapped beneath his cape for additional warmth. 
You move like the flames, and glow just as bright, your joy clear to see. It brings a light to every space you occupy no matter where in the galaxy you may be.  
Din doesn’t eat, nor does he drink, not willing to risk being seen while lifting his helmet around anyone. He doesn’t tap his foot to the beat of the music, or join in the laughter. He stands, silver and cold like a mountain, and just as unmoving. That is what he has always been, the thing he knows best. He wishes he could join you, but Din doesn’t dance. 
Resin cracks. Sparks and smoke fly, and bring you back to him. You stop for just a moment, panting, and Din tilts his head your way. 
Tenderness is something that has never come naturally to Din, it’s a learned thing, something that takes effort. So he makes an effort. He reaches out, takes one of your hands in his own, brushes his gloved thumb over your knuckles just once, and he melts a little. Then, after a moment, he lets you go, unwilling to keep you from your fun. 
You return to him, time and time again, and he can’t help himself. He holds on, just a little tighter, a little longer, and each time you laugh, smile up at him, and squeeze his hand gently. 
Grogu’s eyelids are drooping, hanging at half mast. He’ll need to go to bed soon. Din tells this to you when you return once more, speaking just loud enough for you to hear him over the noise. 
“If you’d like to stay longer, you can,” he offers, but you just shake your head, looping your arms through the one not holding the child and pulling yourself close to his side. Din melts just a little more.  
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Taglist: @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis @itzagothamcitysiren
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sytortuga · 2 years ago
SYTortuga's masterlist
The Mandalorian artlist
My personal favourites
-"Under pouring rain"
-”Kriffin' Jawas"
-"Dark Din"
-"Ni kar'tayli gai sa'ad, Ragnar"
Screenshot studies
-”Kriffin’ Jawas”
-”I disintegrated a few of them”
-”Mand’alor Din Djarin”
-"There, Concordia"
-"We are Mandalorians!"
The whump collection
-"Merely marching away"
-"We'll be alright"
-"In the debriefing room"
-"Under pouring rain"
-"It'll be fine, ad'ika"
-"Lost everything"
Fanfic inspired
-"Yluuk", OC from my fic "Silent help".
-"Naya, Mandalorian medic", from "For Only the Strongest shall Rule" by @the-kittylorian.
-”QM-5”, from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
-”Rebirth”, from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
-”Brothers”, from “We are Mando’ade” by POTFFAN (@novemberrain-writes)
-”Chilling out in Sorgan” from a fic of mine, “Final Sacrifice”
-”The galaxy is a dangerous place” from “A heart for a heart” from TheHeartofAMandalorian” (@foxlace)
-”Mir’shupur”,  from “You are not in this alone” series by @itzagoodthing
Mando x Omera
-”Anything for our children”
-”Been thinking about you”
-”Welcome back Keldabe kiss”
Mando and Grogu
-”Where do we go now?”
-”Aliit ori’shya tal’din”
-”It will be fine, Ad’ika”
-”I choose my buir”
-”I’ll see you again, I promise”
Din Djarin
-"Dark Din"
-"We'll be alright"
-”Bounty hunting is a complicated profession”
-"Under pouring rain"
-”Have you ever removed your helmet?”
-”Encounter in the living waters of Mandalore”
-”Long live the Mand’alor”
-”Meeting the Alor”
-”Lost everything”
-”Rally for the Mand’alor Din Djarin”
-”Duel for the Darksaber”
Paz Vizsla
-"Ni kar'tayli gai sa'ad, Ragnar"
-"Merely marching away"
-"Paz Vizsla lives"
-"Paz Vizsla"
-"We are Mandalorians!"
-"Rescuing Ragnar"
-"Ragnar enters the covert"
Boba Fett
-”From orphan to crime lord”
-”Boba Fett returns”
The Bad Batch artlist
Republic Commando artlist
I have my Republic Commando artwork totally neglected, sorry for that, but more stuff to come soon!
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