spiritedkitchen · 8 years
Pesto and Cream Cheese Panini
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I have started running since past last week and it's been incredible so far. Once I get myself to the park then there is no stopping. I have this running app that I am quite fond off, I have signed up for the 10k run, 8 week program and this is my week 2 day 2. It's an interval running program with walking and running in intervals. Today's run was a bit challenging for me as I was a bit short rested but still pushed myself and after completing it the feeling was so surreal . That moment when your app says congratulations you have successfully finished your run and the cool down post that is the best feeling ever. So happy I pushed myself and didn't give in , so this calls for a treat. And my treat is this pesto cream cheese panini that I am going to have for lunch with some yesterdays left over tabbouleh salad for lunch. Ingredients For the pesto 1 cup Basil sprigs 2 tablespoons pine nuts 1/2 cup Parmesan 5 cloves garlic 6 tablespoons olive oil Salt to taste For the sandwich 4 slices Multi grain Italian flat loaf bread 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes cut in half 1/2 cup boiled corn 4 teaspoon Cream cheese 2 teaspoons of butter milk Method Take all the ingredients related to the pesto and grind it in the mixture and make a smooth paste. Then take the pesto out in a small bowl take 3 big tablespoons of pesto in a another bowl add 4 teaspoons of cream cheese a bit of salt and mix it well. Then add cherry tomatoes and the corn and mix it well. You can add 2 teaspoons of buttermilk if the mixture is too thick. Mix the tomatoes and corn with the paste. Take 2 loaves of flat bread. Apply olive oil using a brush on both sides generously. Spread this mixture in the centre and spread it out on one side of the bread and cover it with the other. Apply olive oil on both sides of the other bread as well. Toast it on a toaster till the light comes on or in an oven till the top part is golden brown. Cut into two slices and serve immediately
Serves 2
Calories per serving 487
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“Can I borrow a chip bruh?”
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lucyroseeats · 8 years
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A tasty lunch at Sunset House
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mboug828 · 8 years
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Okay, so usually I would not post that I know how to make a grilled cheese and to slice apples for lunch. Yes, I made a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch BUT I heated up some of the left over sauce from the Drunk Beef and holy crap, it took my grilled cheese to the next level y'all.
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false-euph0ria · 8 years
All I've ever needed in life is a guy who makes me grilled cheese. And I got him.
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joerandomart · 8 years
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A drawing I drew of a friend of mine who said something that really stuck with me lol
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Toasted Ham Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwich
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Step up your sandwich game! Grilled cheese tuna with crunchy celery & fresh black pepper!
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“Creativity & Her many Faces”
During a business dinner not long ago Carol made this craaazzzy statement that I was the creative one and that she is not a very creative person.  I was flabbergasted !!!! I immediately reminded her that regardless of her organizing talents, keeping us on track, “translating” our recipes from our chicken scratch  to the recognizable ones you read. I said: Carol... Over the last five plus years you've mastered the art of food porn recognizable in our recipe photo shoots, co-supervised layouts, editing and literary production, conceived and executed almost one hundred recipes from scratch, we conceptualized branding that has become household tools. In short, this was one of those rare moments that she told me i was right!  I was now the recipient of Rule #1!
While Ken made his points very clearly and much appreciated, I must explain my mindset.  My statement that Ken is the creative one is true.  He has the ability to transform one of our recipes to another level.  Ken is a true artist with paint as well as food.  All of the ingredients in a recipe are like the paints that he uses in his artwork.  He can “paint” a recipe as well as his paintings.  We collaborate very well together as we create a recipe but that is where I felt my creativity stopped. I guess I did not realize that transcribing the recipes, editing photos and text for the cookbook is also being creative.  
Seems the moral to the story kiddos is to choose very carefully the souls you surround yourself with. Inspiration is a beautiful form of love and love makes the world go round, fills our bellies with light and paves the way to a life of success, wealth, and Health!
Reflections of inspiration bring us to a night when the only recourse for a tumultuous time was to create our tukhus’ off!
For your enjoyment please try the following dish for inspiration and clarity:
HERBED GRILLED CHEESE                                                             Serves 4
We did not know that more poetry could be made from a grilled cheese sandwich . . . but we did it. Delicious! An amazing Juice & Essence meal with no meat involved!  The fun in this was making the perfectly balanced herb butter to slather onto our sprouted multi-grain bread and adding paper thin slices of pear just to stun your taste buds while adding to the nutritional benefits.
The magic of this dish is in the bread and herb complex. Herbs like marjoram benefit the spleen,lungs, and stomach which will assist with clearing summer heat, water retention, lack of appetite, bad breath (halitosis), bloating, and food accumulation.  The wheat found in most multi-grain breads helps to tonify the kidneys, builds yin, and calms palpitations. It also helps with insomnia, irritability, menopausal difficulty, and emotional instability. Grains in their whole state are generally beneficial in the treatment of cancer and other serious degenerations. We chose to use sprouted multi-grain bread due to the very special digestible nature. When wheat or any other seed is sprouted, it seldom produces an allergic reaction. Depending on how far a seed is allowed to sprout, it develops from a protein or starch to a leafy green or low-starch vegetable. Sprouted grains also have a cooling and cleansing nature. Cheese is a kidney yin enhancer by rectifying kidney yin deficiency and based on this function cheese may aid in correcting complaints of dizziness, ringing in the ears, dry throat, dry mouth, fever, low backaches, weak legs, and spontaneous sweating.
• 1⁄4 cup salted butter, melted
• 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
• 3⁄4 teaspoon minced fresh marjoram
• 1⁄2 teaspoon minced fresh rosemary
• 3⁄4 teaspoon minced fresh thyme
• 1 cup shredded Irish aged cheddar cheese
• 1 cup shredded Swiss raclette cheese
• 1 cup Irish Blarney Castle cheese (gouda style)
 • 1 D’Anjou red pear, sliced paper thin
• 8 slices sprouted multi-grain bread 
• In a small bowl, combine the butter, mustard, marjoram, rosemary and thyme. 
• Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat.
• Spread one side of each piece of bread with the herb butter.
• Place four slices, buttered side down, in the heated grill pan
 • Top with a mixture of the three cheeses, using half of the cheese. 
• Place some of the pear slices on top of the cheese and put the remaining cheese on top of the pear.
• Top with the remaining bread slices, buttered side up, pushing down lightly. 
• Grill for about 5 minutes on each side or until nicely toasted and all of the cheese has melted.
• Remove from the pan and let rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving.
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joelloza-blog · 9 years
A Quesadilla is just the Mexican version of a grilled cheese sandwich @just-shower-thoughts
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wozzit-blog · 9 years
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Corned beef and gouda with a ginger-infused HP dipping sauce.
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