#grill cheese
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the-danger-goose · 1 year ago
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bettertwin1 · 9 months ago
U guys ever get hyperfixated on a food or a snack, if so what was it...
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amphibizzy · 2 years ago
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today and yesterdays @inneskeeper grill cheese specifically the dijon mustard route with white cheddar / pepper jack cheese on sourdough
my personal resippy notes lol:
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punkeropercyjackson · 18 days ago
Would your favorite Spider-Verse characters have a grilled cheese party together?
The Spidey Core Four???????They throw them every sunday to deal with the week,silly!!! /lh
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destitut3brute · 3 months ago
I'm craving a sensual and intimate make out session with a woman. Slow and panting against eachother, our breaths mingling and our bodies pressing against one another. Her teeth on my hands in her hair like it's the last time I'll ever touch her again. Anaway craving this like I'm craving a grill cheese sammy yk.
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loserrrrs-pins · 5 months ago
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siamesederp · 2 years ago
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Grille d chese
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theyanderespecialist · 2 years ago
Comfort Rainy Day food, Grill cheese and bean soup!
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blackhakumen · 2 years ago
Mini Fanfic #1078: Emerald and Me (RWBY)
9:15 a.m. at JNPRO's Residence's Kitchen......
Emerald: (Looks Down at the Food Oscar's Cooking on the Frying Pan as her Chin Rests on top of his Head) So that's a grill cheese sandwich your cooking, huh?
Oscar: Yep. While most people, Jaune, would usually make them in a microwave, I grill mines the old, proper way.
Emerald: (Raises an Eyebrow) On a frying pan?
Oscar: This is how my aunt used to make it for me growing up, sue me. But yeah, this is a definite way of make it. (Looks Up at Emerald) You never had one of these before?
Emerald: (Shrugs) Eh. Not really. I've been out in the streets for so long that I don't I could even remember the last time I had a decent meal. And don't even get me started on the Grimm meat Tyrion used to make for us. (Shivers in Disgust)
Oscar: (Eyes Widened at Emerald) They fed you dead Grimm meat?
Emerald: The dead ones we could find or the ones Salem would vaporize whenever she gets into one of her hissy fits. (Rolls her Eyes) Whiiiiich happens i lot more often than you think. ('Sigh') And I thought Cinder has anger issues. At least she didn't try traumatizing us every time we fail a mission.....
Oscar: (Frowns a Bit) Emerald......
Emerald: (Starts Pouting at Oscar) Hey. Don't even think about giving me that look.
Oscar: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) What look?
Emerald: The one you make every time you start worrying about me. It's extremely telling.
Oscar: Well, I mean...can you blame me for being this way? You lived nearly your whole life to look out for yourself with no home and end up dealing with Cinder and Salem's crap afterwards.
Emerald: Yeah, but I STILL made the choice to join them at the last second, especially when I was at my lowest. I was never one of my proudest moments looking back on it and everything else that came after it, but it was all in the past and I'm already willing to do better and move on with my life. (Places her Hands on Both of Oscar's Cheeks) And I want you to stop worrying about me and all that crap I'm going through no matter much i appericate it. And also, to quit losing focus on cooking our breakfast.
JEmerald points Oscar towards the nearly burnt sandwich in front of both of them as he let's out a-
Oscar: AH-
Few Seconds Later at the Living Room.........
Emerald: (Eating One of the Grill Cheese Sandwiches Oscar Made For While Sitting Beside Him on the Sofa Together) ('Mm') Gotta say, Oz...('Mm') This almost burnt Grill Cheese of yours ain't half bad.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Well, I'm glad you like it at least. The taste pale in comparison to how I usually make it.....
Emerald: Oh relax, Chef Pines. (Finishes her Sandwich With One Bite and Gulp)'Least you didn't accidentally set the shove on fire.
Pyrrha: (Pop her Head Out From the Bathroom With a Terrified Look on her Face) Our shove's on fire!?
Oscar: (Quickly Turns to Pyrrha) No, Pyrrha, our shove is fine. I just nearly burnt the grill cheese sandwiches I made for me and Emerald is all.
Pyrrha: Oh my.....You didn't get yourself hurt, did you?
Oscar: Don't worry. Nothing hurt me. Well, besides my pride......
Emerald: Ha.
Oscar: But seriously, I'm fine. Did you want me to make you guys anything?
Pyrrha: No sweetie. The others are still a asleep and I'm more interested in making myself a cup of coffee if anything. I'll be out in a few (Smiles Brightly at her Precious Farm Boi) I love youuuu!~
Oscar: (Chuckles Lighty) I love you too, Pyrrha~
Pyrrha: And Emerald.....Stay out of trouble.
Emerald: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, mom.
The room suddenly silent (ignoring the sound of Nora's snoring in the bedroom) as Pyrrha stares at Emerald for a brief second before giving her a pierced glare.
Pyrrha: Don't.....EVER call me that again.
Emerald: (Immediately Deflated into a Bit of Fear in her Eyes) R-Right. (Starts Frowning) Sorry.....
Pyrrha let's out a sigh before going back inside the bathroom and close the door.
Emerald: (Let's Out a Veru Heavy Sigh) Well!.....That was the most awkward couple of minutes I've ever been apart of....
Oscar: (Turns to Emerald) She's still giving you the cold shoulder, huh?
Emerald: Seems like it. But if I have someone who helped put Beccon down to shambles and killed you off once, sitting in the sofa of your own home, I'd.... probably do the same.....
Oscar: Yeah......
Emerald: (Went Back to Pouting at Oscar) Hey! What did I say about giving me that look?
Oscar: (Glares Back ar Emerald Woth his Habds Out Towards Her) What look?
Emerald: We already had this discussion a few minutes ago, stop acting oblivious here, Oscar Everlyn Pine!
Oscar: Okay, WHO gave you permission to.use my full name in vain?
Emerald: Your girlfriend, that's who! She may hate my guts, but she can be pretty resourceful when it comes to bragging about you in every details
Oscar: (Sighs While Pinching his Nose) Damnit, Ruby-Alright, fine. You got me. I was starting to worried about you. But ONLY a little bit.
Emerald: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really.
Oscar: Yes, really.
Emerald: You're positive? Cause word has that you have a lousy track record of telling legitimate lies.
Oscar (Eyes Widened in Confusion) Legitimate- Who in the hell told you that crap!?
Emerald: Guess.
Oscar: (Immediately Gives Emerald the Deadpinned Look) It was Ruby again, wasn't it?
Emerald: Close. It was her AND Ozpin who told me. (Smirks Playfully) But you still won ourselves a cookie~ Maybe a pack or two of them~ (Rapidly Blinking her Eyes in an Innocent Fashion)
Oscar: ('Sighs in Defeat') I'll get us three when we stop by the store at one point today.....
Emerald: Neat. (Let's Out a Sigh of her Own Before Frowning at Oscar) Listen, I really appericate your concern and everything else you've done for me up to this point. But like I said back in the kitchen, I'm doing everything I can to move on from the past and better myself and I can't fully do that with you getting worried about every single move I make, now can I?
Oscar: ('Sigh') No, you couldn't....Sorry. I'll try and stay out of your way for now on. Promise.
Emerald stares at Oscar for a few more seconds before letting out another sigh.
Emerald: Alright. Come here. (Scoots Herself Over to Oscarand Pulls Him into a Hug) You know I love you to pieces, right?
Oscar: (Chuckles Lightly) What's this? The cold, blunt Emerald Sustrai showing affection? So unheard-of!
Emerald: (Giggles Softly While Playfully Giving Oscar a Noogie) Can it, twerp, I'm being serious here!~ You were the first person to ever gave me a chance to redeem myself, made me see that's there's more to life than following Cinder around 'til I end up dead or whatever. (Blushes a Little) And I honestly can't find a way to thank you more than that, you know?
Oscar: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) There's really no need for you to thank me, Emerald. I'm just glad we had the chance to get to know each other a lot better than we did ad enemies. You're cool in an obnoxious way.
Emerald: (Puts on a Playful Smirk) And you're still nothing but a goody two shoes Farm Boi. Still love ya though. (Gives Oscar a Peck on the Cheek)
?????: Awwwwwww~
The duo turns to see Pyrrha was staring at them this entire time.
Pyrrha: (Eyes Widened Once She Realizes She Has Been Discovered) Oh! (Quickly Bows at the Duo) S-Sorry! It wasn't my intention to spy on you two for that long.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow at Pyrrha) You sure about that?
Pyrrha: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) What do mean am I sure!? You don't believe me!?
Oscar: I do. Not completely, but.....
Pyrrha: (Closes her Eyes in Protest) You're cruel, you know that!? ('Sigh') Anyhow......(Turns to the Girl With Green Hair With a Frown on her Face) Emerald?
Emerald: Yeah?
Pyrrha: I....want to apologize for the way I acted towards you earlier. (Looks Away With Her Hand on her Arm) You're a guest in our home and should be respected as one.
Emerald: (Smiles Sheepishly While Shaking her Habds in Front of Her) I-It's fine, Pyrrha! Really ! It was my fault for not keeping my mouth shut. But uhh....(Starts Rubbing The Back of Her Head Back and Forth Shyly) Since we're....on the topic of apologies.....Sorry for....everything that happened in Beccon. Especially....you know.....
Pyrrha: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Speaking) It's.....going to take a very...very long time for me to accept your apology fully.....
Emerald: (SMile Falters into Expected Frown as She Looks Down on the Floor) Oh.....
Pyrrha: However.
Emerald: (Looks Back Up at Pyrrha) Hm?
Pyrrha: If Oscar says that you're worth trusting....(Smiles Sincerely) Then who am I to not give you a fair chance?
Emerald: (Stares at Pyrrha for a Few Seconds Before Slowly Smiling Back at Her) Right. I won't let you down.
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heartsfortwotpot · 2 years ago
I love your art sm I love your art sm I love your art sm I love your art sm I love your art s
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questionnaire30 · 5 months ago
Grill Cheese
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lunartearrose · 7 months ago
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punkeropercyjackson · 23 days ago
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Breakfast with Los Todd-Kent (Jason is still asleep)
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k-kroomie · 11 months ago
gril chee :3
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gril chee :3
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peepee-magee · 8 months ago
A gift for y'all:
Start making a pb&j sandwich (I use blackberry) - add Swiss (or any other similar cheese) and a couple jalapeño and some bacon. Opt thinly sliced sautéed onions. Close. Butter each side and grill that ish. Eat. You're welcome.
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toyastales · 4 months ago
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Pizza Grilled Cheese
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