#grenade turtle
tallgirl14 · 1 year
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Meet donnies latest creation L.I.L-E
Shes a grenade turtle. Donnie wanted to make a smart bomb so he did. Design base of this little guy I bought at comic con
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L.I.L-E stands for
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excali8ur · 21 days
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Every ROTTMNT gif I could fit in here [only 10 ( ・3・)]
[THEY ARENT MINE GUYS I JUST FOUND THEM] so proceed at your own risk (of lag)
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yorshie · 6 months
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Hm. Yeah. I know a fic I can explore that in.
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hzdtrees · 2 years
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morus-god-of-doom · 1 year
More art
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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South Park, my ass.
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fletcherwilbury · 2 months
@febuwhump Day 13: "You weren't supposed to get hurt."
Warning for Sensory overload, overstimulation, physical violence, physical abuse, overworking, broken bones, blood, bruises
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lueurjun · 9 months
enemies to lovers with soobin.
soobin x reader! in which a single misunderstanding sparks years full of dislike on both ends—or so you assume. enemies to lovers but it’s mainly idiots to lovers really. soobin x reader. i am literally starting to run out of ideas and it’s now 7 am and i haven’t slept but we move — pls cut me some slack if this one is bad. i am in the trenches rn. it’s also really long, i got carried away … my bad
reading the title probably made you giggle
because how on earth could anyone have beef with choi soobin?
the 6ft tall human embodiment of the word cosy
well, the thing is, you don’t actually hate soobin
it’s okay to admit it if you do, it’s not like imma jump you or anything hehe 🔪😐
for legal reasons that was a joke
so now you’re probably all like ‘but soobin would never hate me! he’s too soobin to hate anyone’
and you’d be correct because he actually doesn’t hate you
id jump him too. let that lanky mf admit he hates you and watch how fast i gather the crew ( my crew is the ninja turtles )
somehow, the two of you started this whole fiasco of believing that you hated each other
this dated back to when the two of you were starting high school and ended up falling in with the same group of friends
everything was fine at first and there was no beef with you and soobin
until one fateful evening when the group decided to hang out at the park
squad goals if you ask me. friends that go down the slide together, stay together trust me 🤞
everything had been running smoothly
aside from the fact that beomgyu almost got stuck inside a swing
after his panic attack and yeonjun had stocked up his camera roll with videos of the incident, beomgyu managed to be freed
thank you to taehyun who managed to yank him out
lord and saviour taehyun. saving beomgyu’s since he was in nappies 💪
after the whole ordeal, you sat next to soobin to gossip about how idiotic your friends are
and neither of you had realized just how close you were sitting
until one of your friends so generously pointed it out
fucking little tell tale RAT
which of course sent the rest of the group into a spiral of hoots and hollers
that then lead to the shipping and ‘oh you guys would be so cute together!’ comments
and they wouldn’t be wrong because you and soobin were actually a lot alike
the two of you shared common interests and could talk for hours about nothing
he was easy to talk to and that’s one of the things you liked about him
so, perhaps you didn’t mind the comments
oooooh not you crushinnnnn 😏 y/n and soobin kissin in a tree- sorry
in contrast, soobin’s expression was far from pleased as his gaze flickered from the group to taehyun and then to you, who stood with your eyes focused on the ground sheepishly
“what? i don’t like them. like at all. we’d be hideous together.”
record scratch. moment ruined
of course, he hadn’t meant for it to sound so harsh
and he felt exceptionally bad when he saw your face fall
making matters worse, your friends quickly fell into an uncomfortable silence, the tension in the air so thick you could practically feel it
oh well done! gone and made it all awkward now
from then on, you kept your distance from him
you were hurt by how disgusted he seemed at the idea of dating you
i would literally die for you. bruno mars would catch a grenade for you? jump in front of a train? nah bitch. i’d let a thousand bullets shoot me just because you you asked me to. i’d even step on lego for you-BEAT THAT SOOBIN #imromantic #imbetterthanhim
of course, you didn’t hate him
you could never hate him because he’s damn near impossible to hate
but soobin was unaware, believing his comment had shifted your opinion of him
he wanted to apologize, but you made effort to avoid him at all costs
so, he gave up and just decided to let it be because he wasn’t going to harass you into accepting an apology
which meant he also started avoiding you
so naturally, you assumed he now hated you
both of you jumping to conclusions higher than fuckin snoop dogg at this point-
whenever the friend group would hang out, the two of you would keep your distance
if someone made a comment about said distance, the pair of you just shrugged it off and changed conversation
you kind of just started to co exist
and this went on for quite some time and by some time i mean… the rest of high school
it wasn’t until you were a year into college did the misunderstanding finally get revealed
yeonjun had arranged for a mini reunion since you all hadn’t had much time to hang out in your separate lives
sure, you saw each other a lot but it wasn’t nearly as frequent and the groupchat had kind of died down
the meeting spot just so happens to be the same park where soobin crushed your soul that night
and for a moment, you considered not going
ha pussayy……..i am so sorry
but something deep inside tugged at your heart, and a gentle whisper echoed in your mind, encouraging you to go
so you did
the catchup was nice, and the group reminisced on high school memories
one of them being when beomgyu got stuck in the swing
and that topic opened up a can of worms
“wasn’t that the night that y/n started despising soobin?”
kai had bluntly pointed out, laughing along with everyone else
except, you weren’t laughing
them: 🤣 you: 😐
“despising soobin? i never despised soobin?”
everyone looked at you as though you had grown three heads
because what? what do you mean you never despised him?
“yes you did? when he made that comment about the pair of you being hideous together? you two stopped talking after that…”
after taehyun’s statement, you turned to soobin who looked just as confused as everyone else
“i didn’t hate soobin… soobin hated me?”
you had never seen anyone laugh as hard as the boys in that moment
kai was almost purple
not him almost cosplaying violet beauregarde from charlie and the chocolate factory
with all of them unable to breathe from laughing so much, you prodded soobin for an explanation
“well… after i made that comment, you kinda stopped talking to me and when i was going to apologize, you avoided me so i assumed you hated me and thought it was best to leave you alone…”
so you spent your last moments in high school believing that he disliked you
and he didn’t?
mhm. that’s fine. okay. yeah.
beomgyu, who was finally calm enough to speak, pointed between you
“wait… so… you didn’t hate him?”
and you shook your head
“i was hurt at first and needed some time but i didn’t hate him? i could never. it was quite the opposite really”
yeonjun let out a low whistle.
“perhaps we should leave you guys to talk this out.”
beomgyu gasped. “no? absolutely not! it’s just getting good.”
someone get beomgyu some popcorn
he was hastily yanked away with the group, leaving you and soobin alone in the spot where the miscommunication first took place
you could still hear beomgyu’s cries of protest in the distance
it was silent between the two of you for a brief moment
neither of you really knew how to start
until finally, the curiosity overwhelmed you and the silence was broken
me and the silence are the same fr 😔
“why was the idea of dating me so repulsive to you?”
soobin was stunned by the bluntness of your question, his face conveying surprise.
“i-i really wasn’t.”
“then why did you act so disgusted?”
grill him bae! like he’s a steak! grill him!
soobin looks perplexed for a moment and then his phone dings
you almost can’t believe the audacity of this man as he pulls out his phone to check the text
and then, his shoulders slump and he slides the phone over to you which displays a notification from taehyun
‘tell them the truth, i don’t mind.’
“taehyun had a crush on you back then… he had confided in me and i didn’t want to upset him…”
taehyun had a crush on you?
not you collecting txt like infinity stones
your head was starting to pound
“why didn’t he ever tell me?”
soobin shrugged. “i think it was just a passing crush. he started liking someone else a couple months later.”
thinking back, there was a period of time where taehyun had acted different towards you
you had noticed his lingering gazes and ignored them, chalking them up as nothing significant
and suddenly, his silence during the teasing made a lot of sense
“so… you weren’t repulsed by me?”
soobin shook his head, now looking rather shy
“it was quite the opposite. i’ve always found you quite spectacular.”
spectacular 🤓
“i’m really sorry for avoiding you.”
“me too, and im especially sorry for acting repulsed by you… though if you’d let me, i’d love to make it up to you?”
soobin was timid, his shoulders hunching as the words nervously slipped out of his mouth
you cheeks burned, but you tried to rein in your hopefulness, the last thing you needed was another miscommunication
“how would you do that?”
“well, i’d love to take you on a date if you’d let me… and then many more after that if you’ll have me.”
his question strikes a chord deep within you, instantly soothing away the torment of the past and restoring a spirit of hope that maybe you could be something more
in that moment, the october breeze felt like a scorching wave of lava, scorching your skin
“i think i’d really like that.”
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tallgirl14 · 1 year
Lilly comes over trying to get recognized by Donnie ( her dad). shelldon sees Donnie focused on putting in data so he interacts with Lily instead, acknowledging her good work
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dysfunctional-doodle · 4 months
Which version of Mikey do you think is the most unhinged?
Personally, out of all the ones I've seen, the 2003 one is my personal choice. He pulled the pin of a grenade on a guy's suit and basically just went, "Huh. Neat" when they blew up
This was against the Triceratons, and it's only one instance of Mikey being Mikey
I’ve talked about this many times before, but it’s 2003 Mikey 100%. He literally pulls a pin on a grenade belt of a Triceraton and runs away giggling as the poor guy is left to blow up.
Also in fast forward, he commits multiple counts of aggravated assault over a video game - Leo even says “oh no, he’s got that look!” just before Mikey goes insane, indicating this is a regular occurrence when he’s motivated. Don’t ruin this turtle’s video game fr.
And let’s not forget, Raph and Donny only taking Mikey to the junkyard to try and keep him out of trouble. Donny even says “I’d rather have him not doing anything than be bored” or something along those lines when Raph asks why he’s allowed to goof off. His attention span can and will be weaponised in the name of mischief.
I love him.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Sword Art Online: Kirito Whump
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===SAO Season 1=== 1x02 Beater - Sliced by boss, weak, low HP 1x03 Red Nosed Reindeer - Ambushed, watches friends die, traumatized, cries 1x06 Illusionary Avenger - Watches someone die 1x07 The Temperature of the Heart - Falls from great height twice, low HP 1x09 The Blue Eyed Demon - Intense boss battle, sliced multiple times, punched, sweating, extremely low HP, collapses, makes Asuna cry 1x10 Crimson Killing Intent - Duel, stabbed, talks about trauma, depressed/angry, paralyzed, stabbed multiple times, slowly impaled by psychopath, life flashes before his eyes, intense pain, extremely low HP, arm sliced off, collapses, emotional 1x12 Yui's Heart - Knocked down, unconscious, weak, angry 1x13 Edge of Hell's Abyss - Scared 1x14 The End of the World - Exhausted, intense confrontation, duel, sliced, sobbing, collapse, impaled, emotional, weak, depressed 1x15 Return - Nightmares, crying, depressed, difficulty adjusting, hit in the head, stumbles, shares PTSD with sister, sobs 1x16 Land of the Fairies - Logout PTSD 1x20 General of the Blazing Flame - Intense 1v1, sliced multiple times 1x22 Grand Quest - Outnumbered, died, emotional 1x23 Bonds - Intense battle 1x24 Gilded Hero - Emotional, paralyzed, straining, kicked around, impaled/tortured, pain absorber decreased, intense pain, emotional 1x25 The World Seed - Ambushed, stabbed irl, bleeding, falls, kicked multiple times
===SAO Season 2 (Gun Gale Online)=== 2x01 The World of Guns - Death gun/SAO PTSD 2x05 Guns and Swords - Grazed, exhausted, confrontation, PTSD 2x06 Showdown in the Wilderness - Intense laughing coffin battle, PTSD, panic attack, grazed multiple times 2x07 Crimson Memories - Guilt, emotional conversations about PTSD, sobs 2x12 Bullet of a Phantom - Death Gun confrentation, stabbed multiple times, heart racing/panic 2x13 Phantom Bullet - Risk of dehydration, faster heart rate (bp: 160), sliced multiple times, hug-grenade bomb, irl fight 2x14 One Little Step - Choked, punched multiple times irl, stabbed with poison syringe, panic, almost dies, bandaged 2x16 King of the Giants - Knocked down from blast, low HP, its a trap! or not? it is! help 2x17 Excalibur - Intense fight, punched to the ground 2x18 Forest House - Exhausted, died in a duel
===Sword Art Online: Alicization=== 3x01 Underworld - Shot in the chest, falls down, tackled 3x02 The Demon Tree - Amnesia, exhausted 3x04 Departure - Sliced, intense pain, kicked to the ground 3x05 Ocean Turtle - Attacked irl, injected with serum from GGO, unconscious, heart stopped, emergency surgery, possible brain damage 3x11 Central Cathedral - Imprisoned 3x15 The Relentless Knight - Literally back-stabbed, collapse, unconscious, dragged, thrown, 1v4, shot multiple times, falls, bleeding 3x16 The Osmanthus Knight - Bleeding, collapse, unconscious, falls down building 3x17 Truce - Hanging, pancaked 3x21 The 32nd Knight - Sliced multiple times, bleeding 3x22 Titan of the Sword - Intense fight, impaled, bleeding profusely, cries 3x23 Administrator - Emotional damage, collapse, emotionally paralyzed 3x24 My Hero - Sliced multiple times, arm cut off, bleeding, intense emotional heartbreak, crying, brain breakdown
===Sword Art Online: War of Underworld=== 4x01 In The Far North - Wheelchair, braindead, depressed, knocked unconscious (flashback), carried, bullied, falls out of wheelchair, panic 4x02 Raids - Panic, crawling/struggling, brain shortcircuted already damaged brain, therefore: deactivating brain/no self-concept (5head stuff) 4x05 The Night Before Battle - Willpower tested/dagger launched at him 4x07 Stigma of the Disqualified - Tries to protect friends 4x10 Stacia, the Goddess of Creation - Asuna reunion, twitches, tries to talk, cries 4x13 The War of Underworld - SAO friends reunion, tries to speak 4x16 Code 871 - Tense standoff 4x17 Prince of Hell - Bullied, kicked out of wheelchair, unconscious 4x18 Memories - Fighting mental blockage, faces trauma, intense emotional pain, mental breakdown, intense sobbing, tears open chest, self damage, becomes ultimate form GIGACHAD 4x19 Awakening - Sliced neck, bleeding, cries 4x20 The Night-Sky Blade - Sliced in half, impaled, intense fight, sobs in loneliness, trapped in the world 4x22 Alice - Awakens, weak, was alive the last 200 years, memories erased, obviously depressed, hospitalized, sobbing, PTSD, emotional damage, comforted by sister 4x23 New World - Headbutted, headache
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yorshie · 7 months
I have come to the realization that having moots is simply a game of launching art and turtle shaped grenades at each other to the tune of “whack fuck”…..
And I love it.
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radishhqueen · 3 months
Chapter 10 - almost normal, almost whole
Casey's world is colored in black and white. It's eat or be eaten. All or nothing. "Almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Casey Jones Jr is familiar with losing people. He’s familiar with grief. But what is he supposed to do with grief for the death of a person sitting right in front of him?
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Ex-NZ soldier fighting in Ukraine unexpectedly liberates one of his Ukrainian friends who had been held in Russian captivity for months.
Source: kaneactual - https://www.instagram.com/p/CpqPrh6o5Hc/
This is the surprise conclusion to my last few posts. Unexpected to say the least. We hit a Russian position a few days ago and after a quick battle and breach we started clearing the bunker and basement. "Ya Ukrayinets!" (I'm Ukrainian) a voice said from the stairwell, I stopped the lads from tossing a grenade in and pushed some Ukrainian's forward to interact with the voice. Skeptical, we felt a trap brewing, we pushed forward and I started to go through the search process. I got on him and searched his body and tossed him to his front. Then his eyes met mine "New Zealand! New Zealand!" I looked down. I recognized him, it was my friend who I thought was killed by the Russians when they invaded his house. Heavily starved for two months and forced to drink anti freeze for entertainment, he barely looked like the man I knew a couple of months ago. But it was the best thing to happen to me in this God forsaken war. To be able to save your friends is something that almost never happens but I'm thankful and feel blessed that it was us that could pull him from that Hell hole.
Additional info: His name is Kane Te Tai (code name Turtle), and he is a member of the Foreign Reconnaissance Unit, which is compromised of highly-trained foreign volunteers (separate from the Foreign Legion).
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deliruousmistakes · 11 months
Let Me Take Your Pain Away (Pt. 2)
Missions don’t always go as planned, they rarely do, actually. Thing is, when they don’t, someone might pay the price with their lifes.
But they won’t let that be Mikey’s case.
Based on @cokowiii’s ‘Just Another Day AU’
Part 1 here
Part 3 here
Around them was nothing but debris, and -despite the giant hole in the ceiling- every path led to darkness.
–  “Donnie, what do we know about this place?” – asked Leo over the comms  as he turned on a flashlight to search for marks in the dust (even if Mikey might just have flown through). Cali can barely hear him over the sound of his own running heart.
– “Hardly anything, we didn’t get to talk much.” – Donnie’s words echoed through the walls. – “Mikey thought someone immolated themselves, perhaps with a grenade, hence the explosion. Additionally, as far as I know, no one is living there anymore.” - Leo stepped forward, one hand with the flashlight and in the other one a sword. Cali followed, struggling to match the others fast pace, as cement and metal sank into his feet, with something sticky gluing into his skin.
- “Anymore?” – Cali is reminded of the sewers he he used to live at. Above them were rusted pipes and, to their sides, stained walls grew tall with paint peeling off of them. Who knows how big this place is, it seems to stretch infinitely.
From behind Leo the light isn’t enough to see the chain in his hand. It doesn’t matter, he can still feel the cold biting his hand. Mikey might be anywhere in the building, if he’s even there at all.
Leo stopped abruptly, the light that guides them unfocused. Cali followed his gaze into a stain in the floor: big, greyish dark red and probably dried blood.
In the room in front of them they found the source of the blood. The doctor couldn’t help the sigh of relief that escape them. There were two decomposing bodies surrounded by ripped, dismantled, and stained furniture, but neither one was Mikey.
“Wait.” – Cali stopped Leo from going back, despite the room being a dead end. He snatched the flashlight from the other’s unsteady hands to examine the bodies closely. He could still make out claw and teeth marks on them. No krang dog could have taken Mikey down, though. What caught his attention was the bag beside them. It was Mikey’s, it has the butterflies he embroidered for him.
– “Let’s go, Cali. He’s not here.”
– “Leo.” – Donnie’s frantic voice brought him back to reality  – “I found him. You two need to come now.” – Leo immediately grabbed him like a sack of potatoes and sprinted towards his brothers.
Cali was dizzy with all the sudden movements. After what felt like an eternity, they got close enough for them to see the other turtles. However, he couldn’t feel relief at the sight, just utter dread. Lying there was the love of his life. He started calling him as Leo ran even faster  – “Mikey!” – And then they both stopped, unwillingly floating just above the ground.
– “Mikey, what are you doing. Stop it.” – pleaded Leo. Then, he changed the approach – “Donnie.” – The magic around them felt unsteady and fragile, when Mikey’s powers are all but that.
His eyes stinged and he can’t tell what Donnie is doing, but seconds later the energy around them dissipates. Before they hit the ground they are back on track. When they arrive Cali unlocks Leo’s grasp on him to collapse beside Mikey.
– “Angelo.”- No response, the youngest briefly opened his eyes when he pinched his arm, though. He isn’t answering his questions or obeying orders. He’s making intelligible sounds, which better than nothing. However, the important thing is that he’s breathing, fast and shallow, but breathing; and his heart is still beating. That’s enough, that’s all he needs.
He tells Leo to open the airway and immobilize his neck. Between the three they turn Mikey so that he is facing upwards. Donnie monitors his vital signs.
There’s blood on his mouth and out of both ears, plus, the inferior part of his shell is fractured, there’re thin golden cracks in his fingers, his leg is disfigured, and his feet have burns.
Cali pats him down, without finding anymore sources of blood.
It’s okay. He’s here now, he can heal him. Everything will be fine.
Except he can’t heal everything; he isn’t even sure of what needs healing. Donnie can’t tell him either- Whatever, head and abdomen first, then thorax, and finally his left leg and shell. That’ll do for now. He can do this. He has to.
He grabs Mikey’s hand, colder than his own, and with matching loose chains. Pink fog swirls out of Calimari, embracing Mikey.
A tiny, pale light ignites, mixing with the fog.
“It’s okay,” – answers Cali – “I’ll take it and you’ll be alright. No, it doesn’t hurt. That’s what I’m here for.” - Cali doesn’t tear his eyes from Mikey, until he simply can’t see anymore. His running heart steadies in his chest as his vision goes black and his body limp.
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