#greg lestrade rp
tenantof221c · 3 months
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Ad Astra Per Aspera
Name and meanings: Sierra: saw or mountain range; Sonata: sounded or played
Nicknames: Tex/Texie (by everyone), Clover (by Jim).
Age in S1: 31
Pronouns -> preferred: xe/xem/xyr/xyrs. liked: they/them. tolerated and given to strangers/coworkers: she/her
Neurodivergency: autism spectrum, ADHD
Orientation: Agender, Asexual Aromantic
Nationality/Ethnicity/Race: American (Texan), Mexican-American, mixed race (Latinx, White).
Physical description: 5'0". Sonata is a POC; xe has caramel brown skin and indigenous Mexican features in the form of xyr strong nose. Xe has heavy lidded dark brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair that curls at the ends and reaches xyr lower back. Small scar on right side of jaw along xyr chin. Small cupid's bow lips. Dark brown freckles occasionally dot xyr skin in constellations along arms. Hourglass figure.
Outfits description for work: high waisted slacks, button down dress shirts, waistcoats, ties, brown trench coat (for cold months), argyle jumpers, sock garters, belt, colourful socks (hidden) Oxford shoes.
Outfits description for casual daily wear: high waisted slacks/denim jeans/capris/ shorts (for hotter seasons), tucked in Hawaiian shirts, baggy jumpers with designs, colourful socks (on display), dresses, skirts and blouses, open vests.
Home: 221C. Between the events depicted in Ep1 and Ep 3 of S1, Mrs. Hudson renovates 221C thanks to the combined income from Sherlock and John and Sonata moves in long before the events depicted in Ep3.
Occupation: D.I. working for Scotland Yard. Answers to D.I. Lestrade. Has some training as a profiler.
The Peacemaker. Sonata is often seen listening to others, offering interpersonal advice, acting as a mediator between arguing characters when xe is in the room, and often assists more prickly characters to express their emotions more concisely and tactfully.
The Cupid. Sonata is seen often playfully teasing and sincerely attempting to assist certain characters in confronting their feelings about another. In the series, Sonata nudges at least two couples together and helps a third in finalising their relationship.
Personality in five words: Cautious, Earnest, Macabre, Playful, Curious
Six positive traits: Observant, Cognitively & Emotionally Empathetic, Polite, Trustworthy, Tactful, Kind
Six negative traits: Judgemental, Quick to Annoy/Anger, Stubborn, Slow to Trust, Secretive, Quietly Delights in Xyr Own Violent Intrusive Thoughts (although xe doesn't act on them).
Hobbies: painting, letter writing with wax seals, photography, stargazing, drawing, reading, writing poetry, chess, exploring London museums and art galleries, feeding the local magpies, cooking/baking.
Idiosyncrasies: hums/sings when xe thinks xe is alone, bounces leg, bounces on balls of feet, fiddles/gesticulates with hands, plays with the curled ends of xyr hair, doesn't make much eye contact, is prone to staring, shies away from touch.
Character playlist:
Grimm!verse: Sonata is a Grimm (slightly superhuman, basically a natural born predator to creatures/beings/entities with an innate drive to protect humans from them and vice versa).
Dynamics With Other Characters
Note: below are Sonata's relationship dynamics spelled out with each character and includes reference to canon and canon divergent depictions of canon ONLY to give backstory to each relationship and offer insights into potential rp dynamics.
I am rather flexible and am happy to start from scratch with Sonata's relationships although the dynamics themselves are pretty fixed.
Sherlock Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Sonata and Sherlock have a sibling-esque relationship, with the former often pestering the latter to take better care of himself, be nicer to others, and enjoys helping him with his experiments no matter how grotesque and macabre they get. Xe also enjoys teasing Sherlock about John and acts as a soundboard of what Sherlock should and shouldn't say to John when Sherlock manages to swallow his pride and ask for xyr advice.
John Watson
Platonic Ride Or Die. Sonata is John's emotional safe harbour, someone he enjoys coming home to visit with and unwind with in front of the telly while they exchange banter, vent about work or Sherlock, take the piss out of what they're watching, and plan trips to just get out of the house. They often go out for ice cream regardless of the weather outside and bring some back for Mrs. Hudson and Sherlock.
Molly Hooper
Best friends for 9 lives. Sonata platonically falls head over heels for with Molly upon first meeting her and quickly becomes fiercely protective of her, going so far as to snap at Sherlock and chew him out for being rude or dismissive toward the doctor. Sonata spends every chance xe can hanging out with Molly, watching horror/romcom, going shopping, having sleepovers, and helping Molly boost her own self-confidence ♡
Mycroft Holmes
Found Family Adopted Siblings. Mycroft kidnaps Sonata just as he had kidnapped John. Being prepared for this by John, Sonata surprises him with being calm and collected, deeply moved by how far he is willing to go to ensure his brother's safety. Mycroft offers the same monetary deal as he had John and like John, Sonata rejects it before offering to give him updates via face-to-face meetings where xe can learn more about Mycroft too. Amused, he accepts and they begin meeting up at different places to talk and spend time together where Mycroft eventually begins to use xem as an emotional soundboard and xe uses him to reassure when xe is being rational about xyr feelings and when xe isn't.
Gregory Lestrade
Between Boss, Friend, and Parental. Sonata respects and admires Lestrade, enjoys practicing speaking French with him, trusts him as a leader and superior, and enjoys the way he speaks a little more gently to xem than everyone else. Lestrade appreciated and admires how well Sonata can keep up with Sherlock and work with the abrasive consulting detective-- the main reason why Sonata was hired was because xe showed promise in being able to handle Sherlock. Lestrade often checks in on xyr mental wellbeing and Sonata often does the same-- both struggle to open up but it's easier when they're at the local pub together and their eyes are focused on the fútbol match.
Jim Moriarty
Complicated (Sierra "I wish I could quit you" Sonata x Jim "shut up lol you know you love me ♡" Moriarty). Moriarty targets Sonata to emotionally manipulate instead of Molly months before the events depicted in The Great Game to get close to Sherlock and revel in the eventual emotional carnage that would follow betraying him and everyone else close to him. Unfortunately for him, Sonata is a hard target and his method acting in wooing and romancing the reclusive, cautious detective eventually gives way to real feelings, although the revelation doesn't come until the last minute and after he's revealed himself as the villain all along. When he fakes his death, Sonata secretly mourns him. When he returns, xe not-so-secretly wants to kill him and must prove why xe shouldn't.
Note: this pairing is macabre, twisted, dark in nature underneath layers of banter, fliration, and playfulness; it involves levels of unhealthy obsession, emotional manipulation, psychological manipulation, and subtle attempts at gaslighting from Moriarty's perspective. While there is love between them, it's a very vicious kind of love. Jim RP blogs must be 18+ and are encouraged to reach out to me to discuss the dynamics further.
Mrs. Hudson
Adopted Grandmother. Sonata sees her as a grandmother and often helps her around the house. When her hip is not bothering her, Mrs. Hudson likes to invite Sonata to go on strolls with her and teach xem baked recipes. Often, they enjoy sitting down with some tea and watching telly. Sonata thoroughly enjoys listening to Mrs. Hudson talk about her girlhood and likes writing down her stories. Sometimes, they secretly feed the squirrels in the nearby park when Sonata goes to feed the magpies.
How this blog works
I (call me Sunday) am an ADULT and will be posting blog entries that highlight key events that take place in my au and other aus from Sonata's POV. I'll also be RPing for xem in different AUs as I pick them up haha. They'll be tagged accordingly.
Sonata will sometimes RB posts tagged with #Sonata aesthetics for xyr own amusement and is a great way to get a better glimpse into xyr mind besides what's been listed already.
I will also be posting RP beginning prompts in 1st and 3rd person for anyone who sees my writing and after consulting this post, wants to rp with me :). Ask box will be open, and if someone wants to RP, I will happily answer in whatever POV you start the writing in whether it's 1st or 3rd person :)!
Always feel encouraged to tag me in your rp prompt posts ♡
Have any questions? Please drop an Ask or DM and I'll get back to you ASAP.
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di-greglestrade · 4 months
Did you ever have any big problems because @consult-sherlockholmes stole one of your badges? I imagine he could cause a lot of chaos with it if he wanted to.
Other than my name appearing a suspiciously large amount of times for various "routine police stops", he has actually successfully snuck into a fairly large press conference about a particularly grueling case with my badge. Nearly got me sacked but he knew what to say to lure out the suspect of said press conference. God knows we need the help, and he gets results, but sometimes...
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inspectorgreglestrade · 4 months
Hello, everyone! I am Inspector Greg Lestrade. I'd prefer it if I'm called "Inspector Lestrade" and welcome to my humble blog page where I post updates and such. I am still new to this whole "blogging" thing but I have seen Doctor Watson do this. Nobody at my workplace except @mollyatthemorgue uses this app so she helped me set all this up.
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jaymesyourplaything · 4 months
hi i'm jay; i mod jim moriarty @criminalisticonsultant.
i'm listing the "official" characters of this roleplay in one spot (:
Sherlock: @consult-sherlockholmes John: @consult-johnhwatson Mycroft: @mycroft-h-holmes Jim Moriarty: @criminalisticonsultant Irene Adler: @twireneadler Molly Hooper: @pathologistmollyhooper Greg Lestrade: @di-greglestrade
if anyone wants to talk about being a member or if they pop up and, want to be added to the list? just contact us! (:
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Sherlock give it a break, I've been barking up that tree for years.
Maybe you should turn into a bird then and fly into the tree, if the dog barking approach did not work.
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mycroft-h-holmes · 1 month
Mister Holmes, have you seen Greg's banner?
Clearly, photoshopped. That man does enjoy such unprofessional displays. I will never understand.
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zoologayy · 5 months
Hello, I haven't been on tumblr in 84 years but, I'm in search of role play partners for Mystrade BBC Sherlock. I'm totally easy on character, I enjoy writing both.
21+ only, literate paragraphs with back and forth, no god-modding. Preferably on Discord!
Cheers ☺️
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atamh · 2 years
@di-greglestrade Fancy a trip back to the country side?
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dumblittleladman · 1 year
I am begging, crying, pleading, I am on my hands and knees.
I want to rp Mystrade so bad, someone rp it with me.
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roleplaylogs · 11 months
RP Hunt!
Hello! Long time no see. I’m back in the world of searching for roleplay partners now my life has calmed down a little and I have a lovely work from home job. I currently have one long term writing partner (writing together for probably about 4 years now… jeez) but I’d love to expand my horizons. I’ve done these call-out posts before but if you’ve commented/sent me a message before and I haven’t responded due to my own inactivity, please get back in touch! I’d love to chat and do trials with as many people as possible.
For my preferences, I am 25 so I definitely will not write with anyone under 18 (though I prefer 21+ just so I don’t feel so old). I tend to be an email role player these days but I’m probably going to kickstart my Discord again so am more than happy to write there.
I am fine with NSFW and dark themes as long as everything is discussed beforehand. I always have my own plot ideas but love it when my partner is into planning things out too. I can RP in text format and also literate, my responses tend to be between 1-3 paragraphs but I am happy to match length. Creative writing is a hobby for me and now I have time I’d love to flex my writing skills again.
Here are the fandoms and ships I’m currently searching for. The characters I write are in bold and I’ve put an asterisk next to those I am particularly interested in.
Stucky - Steve Rogers/James Barnes
Stony - Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Bishova - Kate Bishop/Yelena Belova
Stevetasha - Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanoff
Winteriron - Loki/Tony Stark
(I am open to most marvel ships/multi shipping, so try me if you have any of your own ideas)
Hannigram - Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Harry Potter:
Drarry - Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Dramione - Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger (a new one for me but I just finished reading Manacled so blame that)
Wolfstar - Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (another new one I am interested in exploring)
Good Omens:
Mormor - Jim Moriarty/Sebastian Moran
Sherstrade - Sherlock Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Sheriarty - Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty
Hamish Watson-Holmes/Alexander Moran-Moriarty
And I think that’s it! DM me, or leave a note and I’ll send you a message and we can chat. Thank you for reading.
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di-greglestrade · 6 months
Hello, I am officially speaking out right now. There's not much behind the scenes, at least for me. Thank you to @bewitched-bullet for being so patient and understanding, and all you stand for. You are inspiring. :)
Here's most of my statement. I will screenshot and post here, regardless. Screenshots of my statement under the keep reading.
This is as far as my experience goes, so I have nothing else to add after this. I hope everyone learns better communication so they can go back to having fun. It's just not working with me.
Under the keep reading I have 1 other statement based on an ask, but then it goes into my screenshots of my original statement.
First, to comment on this:
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If this was a stand alone blog, I agree we don't necessarily have to communicate. Since there is already established lore of a relationship between Mycroft and Greg, I tried to communicate. Since people would ask me what happened at events I was included in:
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I attempted communication. I received none back, so I stopped roleplaying. (Sure, I could make up something for the new years party, but what am I to say about the toxicology report on a fanfiction someone else wrote without me?) Simple and nothing dramatic.
Here are the screenshots of my statement:
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inspectorgreglestrade · 4 months
I've heard that @consultjohnwatson and @artofdeductionbysholmes are involved in another case. Good luck, gentlemen. If you need any help, I'm here.
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hi! I'm 28 and looking for preferably 25+ but 21+ minimum RP partner for the BBC Sherlock fandom.
Looking to write Mycroft Holmes x Greg Lestrade and I'm happy to write as either character. I do strictly write in third person. I do novella paragraph rps but I do also like having fun with quickfire 'text' rp too.
I'm happy to include other characters or write a few others but that's my main pairing interest.
I write on discord so send me a message and we can set up a server if this sounds like something you'd be interested in!
Cheers x
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Are you sure Lestrade @di-greglestrade and your brother are not on speaking terms? Because it seems they had dinner together and was all hugging and smiling based on the photo on his blog.
They did what? They had dinner? Hugging and smiling? I didn't even think my brother is capable of such things. So I doubt whether those claims are true. But I am not my brother after all, I don't stalk my siblings and surveil them every second of their life, so luckily I do not know what my brother does in his free time. So it could be possible I missed that, and I would rather continue to not know about such things, or talking to Lestrade would be quite uncomfortable in the future.
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Misc ask meme - What's their favourite food?
"I mean as a rule I'll try pretty everything. I am a bit wary around like eels, squid, oysters that kind of fish, after a bad experience with oysters."
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"Generally I like hearty dishes, big roast dinner, fish, chips and peas, lasagne, shepherd's pie, curry, all that kind of stuff. What's the, is it, I think it's like the American south maybe New Orleans, Jambalaya?"
"Favourite though, ooft, uhm, there was this chippy in Scarborough. I used to take the kids to a holiday park there. Maybe it's the memory and the time with the girls that made it so good but last time we went it was still the best fish chips and mushy peas I've ever had."
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williamhamish · 4 years
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      "I's don' like these ones ..." the little boy complained, picking at the chicken nuggets with his fork. Apparently the shops had run out of his favourite dino shaped nuggets, so here he was being served the boring, oval shapes instead.
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