#greg Jein
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retroscifiart · 7 months ago
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The Mother Ship model from Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). Built by a team led by Greg Jein. Photos are of the original filming model and some of the fun ‘greebles’ on it
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spockvarietyhour · 2 months ago
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I love how the concept art for both TNG and VOY have vastly different approaches to what a bridge should be, and will also set the tone for both series. The lounging possibilities on Probert's Enterprise bridge is just...spectacular. Meanwhile the cramped-ness of the early designs in Jim Martin's sketches before settling on the twin command chairs.
Both DS9 and Voyager's ship concepts started off as small ships, a beefed-up runabout in the Defiant's case. and you can see elements of the Defiant in this early Voyager sketch by Martin:
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Voyager started off as a bit of a smaller ship, and the proof-of-concept version built by Rick Sternbach shows some elements of the runabout again
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(this version was later turned into an eaglemoss model btw)
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zippocreed501 · 2 years ago
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Fun fact: The late sfx model maker supremo Greg Jein, as well as building the mothership from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind...
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...and models for Star Trek, he also constructed the phallic rocketships of Flesh Gordon!
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thebutcher-5 · 3 months ago
Incontri ravvicinati del terzo tipo
Benvenuti o bentornati sul nostro blog. Nello scorso articolo siamo tornati a parlare di animazione e abbiamo deciso di riprendere con la filmografia della Pixar, portando ancora una volta uno dei loro film migliori ossia WALL-E. Siamo in un lontano futuro e la Terra è stata abbandonata dagli esseri umani perché ormai è diventata invivibile a causa dell’inquinamento e dei rifiuti. Ed è qui che…
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 8 months ago
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1.) George Lucas and an Imperial Stormtrooper on the Tunisian set of 1977’s "STAR WARS."
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2.) "Before Greedo – no, wait, Han Solo – shot first, George Lucas directed this "STAR WARS" scene from the Mos Eisley Cantina.
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3.) "Witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational and electrical-taped battle station, the Death Star."
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4.) "The Millennium Falcon prepares to make the jump to hyperspace."
PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on a handful of behind-the-scenes snapshots from the 1977 American epic space opera film "STAR WARS." Photos from the collection of legendary Hollywood model-maker, Greg Jein. 20th Century Fox.
Source: https://intelligentcollector.com/the-most-revealing-behind-the-scenes-photos-from-the-greg-jein-collection.
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rgf-scenarios · 1 year ago
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Production Visual Effects Storyboard Binder from Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (TCF, 1977). 11.5" x 11" x 3". C/o Heritage Auctions, from the collection of Greg Jein.
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departmentq · 2 years ago
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The USS Gregory Jein, the first of it's class, designed by long time Trek concept artist John Eaves, for season 3 of Picard as well as a tribute to recently departed cinematic model maker Greg Jein...
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...bears a striking resemblance to Cris Rios' former command, the Curiosity-class USS Ibn Majid, seen in season 1 of Picard only in the form of a silhouette on Cris' footlocker.
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stra-tek · 6 months ago
Klingon D7/K'tinga Battlecruiser continuity DEEP DIVE!
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Where it all began in TOS, designed by W. Matt Jeffries. The name D7 was an on-set in-joke between Shatner and Nimoy which stuck.
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When Star Trek rebooted it's Klingons for The Motion Picture, they added tons of surface detail to the Klingon Battlecruiser too. The name "K'tinga" was given in the TMP blueprint pack (although the model was called "Koro class") and it stuck. This was considered the Klingons' equivalent to the refitted Enterprise seen in the movie.
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Deep Space Nine's "Trials and Tribble-ations" crossed DS9 over with TOS' "The Trouble With Tribbles", and the DS9 VFX crew built all-new physical models for visual effects - and Greg Jein chose to add a green tint and K'tinga-style surface detail to the TOS D7 battlecruiser, making us all wonder if they were really meant to be the same ship type all along.
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Voyager's "Prophecy" would show us a Klingon "D7" battlecruiser in the Delta Quadrant. Although called a D7 in the script, the CG model is clearly based upon the TMP K'tinga, with the extra hull detailing.
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Doug Drexler designed this ⬆️D4 Battlecruiser for Star Trek: Enterprise's "Unexpected" as a predecessor for the ship seen in TOS. But The Powers That Be decided the ship didn't have enough windows (yes, really) and requested the D7/K'tinga CG model from Voyager be used instead⬇️ putting it's first appearance 150 years earlier in 2151.
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For the TOS Remastered HD TOS project, the original look for the Klingon D7 Battlecruiser was retained, albeit in a somewhat low-poly PS2-ish form
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The Klingon Warbird, seen during the Kobayashi Maru sequence of the 2009 reboot movie (and more so in the deleted scenes, surrounding the damaged Narada before Nero's imprisonment at Rura Penthe), was literally the TMP K'tinga with extra stuff bolted on and smaller windows implying an upscaling to match the enormous Starfleet ships in the Kelvin universe.
The Pike-era novel Children of Kings would reconcile the huge Klingon Warbird by saying it was a larger version of the Battlecruiser (of course, Klingons are no strangers to upscaling their Bird of Prey) and most feared ship in the Klingon fleet
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Fast forward to 2017. Star Trek: Discovery has rebooted the look of the Klingons again and this time their ships as well, ten years prior to TOS. And in "Choose Your Pain" this ship ⬆️ (called Sech-class in behind-the-scenes art) is called a D7. But then fast-forward to season 2, when 5 concurrent series' of Trekspam were planned out, tying more closely into previous canon and Discovery backpedaled somewhat on it's unique designs - and a "new" D7 battlecruiser (a more modest updating of the Klingon D7/K'Tinga design, upscaled like the Kelvinverse version to match the bigger Discovery/Strange New Worlds ships) was planned as a unified design to united the 24 Klingon great houses, ignoring ENT: "Unexpected" and Disco's own "Choose Your Pain":
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So yeah, the D7 class may or may not be the same as the K'tinga class, and it appeared "first" in 2151 and again in 2257.
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1trilliongrams · 1 year ago
A selection of my favorite items from the Greg Jein auction
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downthetubes · 1 year ago
Heritage Auctions offers more TV Century 21 Stingray and Thunderbirds art
Heritage Auctions is hosting another auction of items from the estate of model designer Greg Jein, which includes a number of artworks from TV Century 21 by Ron Embleton and Frank Bellamy
Heritage Auctions is hosting another auction of items from the estate of model designer Greg Jein, which includes a number of artworks from TV Century 21 by Ron Embleton and Frank Bellamy, and one page from Fleetway’s 1990s Thunderbirds comic by Keith Page. The art is being offered in the The Greg Jein Collection Hollywood/Entertainment Showcase Auction, taking place 29th March 2024, alongside…
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siryl · 9 months ago
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A common type of freighter from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The same model was used for the Sanction in "Symbiosis," the Erstwhile in "The Outrageous Okona," and the Arcos in "Legacy" (and in different configurations it portrayed additional ships in further episodes). The physical model was created by Greg Jein and Bruce MacRae, and a computer-generated model was created by Douglas E. Graves to replace missing footage when the latter two episodes were remastered. That digital model probably formed the basis for these images credited to Fabio Passaro from Eaglemoss' Official Starships Collection.
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rptv-starwars · 1 year ago
X-Wing model used in original 1977 Star Wars up for auction
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The model of the X-wing Starfighter from "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" on display at Heritage Auctions, August 30, 2023, in Irving, Texas.Tony Gutierrez/AP Photo
A long-lost X-wing model used in the original "Star Wars" movie is up for auction, starting at $400,000
Mia Jankowicz Mon, September 11, 2023 at 6:17 AM PDT
A fabled Star Wars prop that featured in the Death Star explosion scene in the first of the original movies is being auctioned off, with a starting bid price of US$400,000.
The model is an X-wing Starfighter, one of four used in the 1977 movie "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope."
Long considered the holy grail for collectors of Star Wars memorabilia, the model was assumed for decades to be lost. However, it was recently found among the belongings of late modelmaker Greg Jein, whose collection is being auctioned off in mid-October.
Visual effects company Industrial Light & Magic made several X-wings — less detailed "pyro" ones to be blown up, as well as four intricate "hero" models that were used for close-ups, including in the trench run scene.
As such, the model has articulated motorized wings, wired lights, scorch marks around its exhausts, and even the dome of a miniature R2 unit behind its canopy.
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This original screen-used X-wing Starfighter miniature from "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" was offered at auction in 2016.Business Wire via AP Photo
According to the auctioneer, which has matched the model to specific scenes, it stood in for Red Leader or Red One — the callsign given to the leader of the movie's Red Squadron — as well as Red Two, and Luke Skywalker's Red Five.
It can be seen in several scenes during the trench run sequence — including when Red Leader says he's going to try to draw the enemy's fire, as well as when Skywalker pulls out of his strafing run, the auctioneer said.
"Without question, this Hero X-wing miniature represents the pinnacle of "Star Wars" artifacts to ever reach the market," the auctioneer wrote.
It's among the items that won Industrial Light & Magic the Oscar for visual effects for the movie in 1978.
Visual effects historian Gene Kozicki was among the group of friends and fellow professionals who unearthed the model while going through Jein's things in order to catalog them, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
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Joshua Benesh, Heritage Auction's chief strategy officer, talks to reporters about Greg Jein's work and collection, August 30, 2023, in Irving, Texas.Tony Gutierrez/AP Photo
"It became something of a mythical 'white whale' — the missing "Star Wars" X-wing," Kozicki told the outlet.
When they spotted a cardboard box, "I knew something was probably in the box, so I started to carefully scoop out the packaging peanuts when the nose of the X-wing showed itself," he said.
It's unclear how Jein ended up with the model since he did not work on the movie itself.
But according to The Hollywood Reporter, he was an avid collector and would have been in a position to easily trade items from his own work, which included props for Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounter of the Third Kind," as well as several Star Trek movies.
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iffltd · 1 year ago
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Note in the image immediately above: the film's original title, "The Vengeance of Khan" made it all the way to the publication of the movie's presskits which must have been withdrawn after Lucasfilm (allegedly) requested Paramount that they alter the title to avoid any confusion with their own release for the following year , "Revenge of the Jedi." Paramount agreed to do so largely because Lucasfilm's Industrial Light and Magic had provided STAR TREK II's strong original visual effects at a very reasonable cost and, more importantly, Paramount had released the biggest money-making movie of the previous year, 1981 's "Raiders of the Lost Ark," and the studio wanted to remain in the George Lucas business. Of course, the title change was ultimately moot after Mr. Lucas agreed with observations that revenge seemed antithetical to the Jedi philosophy as espoused by Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda and changed the title of STAR WARS "Episode VI" to "Return of the Jedi" (which he also saw as a smart and suitable reflection of the title of the third book of Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "Return of the King," as "Rings" was an admitted influence on Lucas' space fantasy).
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Original publicity photos from STAR TREK II The Wrath of Khan from the amazing Greg Jein Collection currently on the block as a set (includes more photos than presented here) from Heritage Auctions.
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rgf-populace · 1 year ago
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Utility belt from Batman (TCF-TV 1966-1968, ft. Adam West). C/o Heritage Auctions, from the collection of Greg Jein.
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antonio-velardo · 1 year ago
Antonio Velardo shares: An X-Wing Model From the Original ‘Star Wars’ Sells for $3.1 Million by Michael Levenson
By Michael Levenson After Greg Jein, an Oscar-nominated visual effects artist, died last year, his friends discovered the prop stashed in a cardboard box in his garage. Published: October 16, 2023 at 02:59PM from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/CcP8Xao via IFTTT
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tvsotherworlds · 1 year ago
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