#green eyed flower bee
nonuggetshere · 1 year
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FINALLY bit the bullet and drew some concept designs for the other fankids
They're gonna get updated as I draw more of them but these are a good start
(Feel free to check the tags for more info on them)
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herpsandbirds · 1 year
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Green-eyed Flower Bees (Anthophora bimaculata), entering a next hole, family Apidae, Europe and northern Africa
Photograph by Andy Johnson
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saltofmercury · 2 years
The Garden
Pairing: König x reader
Authors note: this was based on this skin I saw on him I just picture this guy having a garden or being a bee keeper.
"The Garden"
It had started with poppies. Red, orange, and pink. As if it were a routine every Sunday morning he would come in, flowers behind his back, a coffee on the other hand, and kissed you deeply. He would then present his assortment from behind his back.
You gushed at the small bouquet, wrapped in the comic section from the newspaper, colors of the comic making the petals stand out more. It was small things like that, that made you wonder more about him. As secretive as he was about his job, bits and pieces of his true self came out too.
Then, his second attempt was to bring you flowers you’ve never seen before.
Pink orchids, perfect storm hibiscus, ranunculuses, in different shades you couldn’t believe. 
“It’s not my birthday…” you sighed, exhaling in adoration. Surprised by his generosity every time.
“It is for… just because” he smiled, seeing your eyes roam the petals, the smile on your face growing slowly, making his heart melt.
You wondered, what farmers market was he going to that you couldn’t find?
It wasn’t until one weekend that you over welcomed your stay that you uncovered his secret little hobby.
You had woken up, startled that his side of the bed was cold. You huffed, upset that he had gone to the gym. You stretched and slumped down the hallway to get started on breakfast.
Or so you thought.
You saw König through the window in his backyard holding a soil bag over his shoulder, his face covered by a towel, and a bucket hat.
He had been up at six in the morning, dressed in a white t-shirt, denim overalls, and green rain boots. What was he up to?
You walked over to the window, knocked on it. It was so cute seeing him turn around, his face a shade whiter because of the sunscreen cast, then a smile appearing on his face. You waved at him, and he dropped the soil bag, walking over to the door.
“Schatzi… you shouldn’t be up at this hour” 
“It’s 9:30 in the morning…”
“Exactly, it’s way too early for you.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“I didn’t know you.. tended a garden.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes.
“It’s nothing, I don’t like a messy backyard.”
“Yeah yeah,” you paused, he had taken out many tools, laid out in front of a gate.
“Since when does the military show you how to garden?”
He laughed at you, and swiped a finger on your nose.
“I’ll be done in one hour, and we can go to breakfast.”
You ignored his proposal, wanting to see more of him in action.
“No, let's stay home today, I can eat here, you finish gardening.”
He side eyed you, thankful for not disrupting his hobby, and shrugged.
“Okay schatzi I’ll be outside.” He turned back to his garden.
The entire morning you had watched him bent over, on his knees, poking, prodding, cutting, digging, pulling, planting, watering, and spraying his entire backyard. You sat by the window, sipping your third cup of coffee. He had finished by eleven in the morning, just in time for lunch.
He came in, drenched in sweat, stomping his way to the kitchen. He poured himself a huge glass of water, and proceeded to chug it down.
You had been preparing lunch, eyeing him from the window, waiting for the meat to cook. He had peeked open one of the lids on the stovetop.
“How come you never ask me to help you?”
He had choked on the water, coughing it up, and then regaining composure. 
“Schatz, jesus christ… Announce yourself!” 
He cleaned up the water from his chin, inhaled and exhaled, and came over.
“Help me in what? You mean outside?” He said it surprised, he never told you about the garden, thinking it would be “too feminine” as his father told him as a child. He looked at you nervously.
“Yes outside, I never knew you had a garden! I just knew about your jacuzzi from that one night.”
You weren’t sure if he was turning red or just red from outside, but he had taken the towel off his head, wiping away at his face.
“It’s just my hobby, but if you insist I'll show you.” He sort of had no choice, he was excited to show you this part of him, and for the safety of his garden being picked or prodded at by you, he extended his hand out and guided you outside.
You couldn’t keep a plant alive to save your life, you never understood “plant” people constantly buying plants to keep in their home. You remembered your mom having a vine type of plant hanging off the ceiling in your apartment, but that was the extent of your knowledge.
Flowers were about as close as you got to keeping something alive, but happily and greedily letting those die because they had no source of life connected to them.
Now you were walking to the extra plot of land König had saved in his backyard.
What seemed to be bushes of green surrounding the entrance, had mesmerized and lured you in.
There were rows of planter boxes on the ground, silver metal archways inside some of the boxes, vines connected to them. He had small fruit trees in one corner, in the other corner he had plants, actual green plants growing, blooming, and thriving in the sun. 
There was a place and order for his garden, just like his house.
You couldn’t keep a plant alive, but König could probably feed you two through the winter.
He excitedly pulled you around his garden, telling you what he was growing.
“You see, schatzi, this is where I grow my crops. I have some eggplant, tomatoes, broccoli, and small peppers.”
He had pointed to the small crops growing, their colors vibrant, his produce huge just like him. It was outstanding.
He tugged you to another planter box.
“This is where you have your leafy greens. I only do kale and sometimes lettuce here, but I am not a fan of salads.” 
You laughed, the bunches of kale growing a deep shade of green, their leaves crinkled and huge. Some of his lettuce heads had holes in them, probably from pesky critters.
He walked you down to some of the plants he was growing.
“My grandma always liked to grow new life, so this is her corner of the garden.”
Vines, sage bushes, and lavender, growing in one end of his garden, Colorful shades of green, purple, violet, and deep green growing and surrounding this area. The fragrance hit you, reminding you of your childhood. It felt nostalgic, smelling these plants.
He had quietly said,
“All things grow with love and patience.” he paused, “That’s what she used to tell me.” A small reminder that she used to tell him when he was worried next to her in the garden, his plants wouldn’t grow (like him) and they would die.
He brought you to the other corner where he pointed at a couple lifeless trees.
“I hope by December, this little guy will bloom pomegranates.”
“Yes schatzi, I’ve had so much trouble trying to grow this tree, I saw some improvement last fall, but had only produced maybe four small fruits.”
“They were only four, but they were a brilliant red, and so juicy!”
You heard his determination in his voice, how proud he felt that he grew and produced fruit. It was a side you never seen before, let alone heard. He had touched one of the branches drooping down toward him, he caressed the branch and its leaves, being ever so gentle, and then releasing it, making it wobble up and down.
“Over there are the grapes, they aren’t ready yet, but I promise you by July, we’ll have so many grapes we will be sick of them.”
A jungle of small green grapes had appeared by one of the silver archways he built, tangled in huge leaves and thick vines.
“Wow, you have grapes too?” was all you could say.
He turned his attention towards you, grabbed your hand again and led you to another corner.
He had got nervous, let go of your hand, began cracking his fingers, a nervous fidget he had grown accustomed to when it came to showing you things.
“This corner here… is uh.. Well you know what it is.”
You never thought of König as a romantic, but you think deep down, somewhere at the bottom of his heart is where he hides it, it’s where his love for you has blossomed, pouring love into this small corner of his garden.
The flowers that you never could find, that he always brought to you on Sunday mornings are grown here, in his backyard. This small little garden plot, he had dedicated to you, filled with almost every color imaginable, petals of different shapes, hues of orange, red, yellow, pink, purple, and even blues surrounding you, comforting you.
He peeks over to where you are, his face pooled with admiration and love, when he tells you “This is your corner of the garden.”
“You grew all this for me?”
“Yes.. I did”
He looked like a boy, innocently smiling super big, his hands in his pockets, watching you, take all the colors in.
“I never knew what I would grow for you, but I figured it would be flowers, who doesn’t like flowers.”
You had bit your bottom lip attempting to hide your smile.
“I’ll have sunflowers by summer too. I know you said something about Van Gogh, so I started early last month.”
You smiled, remembering that you were talking about the exhibition of Van Gogh, not the flowers. You turned to him, praising him.
“Thank you, I just, I don't know what to say.” And you didn’t, there wasn’t any grand gestures from him before. Especially in your relationship. Sure he had ordered hundreds of roses when you guys fought, but you think maybe this was his way of showing how much he really did care, giving you your own corner of love.
“So when can I help?”
König’s eyes widened, before peering down at you, bending over to kiss your nose.
“Whenever you want.”
Saturday morning you’re standing in his garden again, ready to help him.
He’s slathering on sunscreen, before putting a cool, damp towel on his head, secured by his bucket hat. He then comes to you, rubbing sunscreen on your nose, neck, and ears.
“Schatz I get you like the sun, but trust me, sunburns are painful.”
He knows, after being on a dangerous mission in the desert, taking no precautions how powerful the sun is.
He hands you a basket filled with tools you’ve never seen.
“Ready? It's a two hour work day.”
He leads you to one of the boxes, instructing you to pull the weeds out. 
“These are clovers, they’re good luck.”
“They will sprout white flowers, not good for this area.”
You begin to pull them out, kind of upset. You always liked clovers.
He turns to you again, seeing you pout.
“Come on schatz, clovers are weeds.”
You smiled at him, “but they looked so cute.”
“Did you know my grandma used to tell me stories about clovers?” he looked over at you.
“She used to tell me, ‘little clover bunches bring small creatures from the woods, they’re the ones who steal your crops.’ He looked up at you again, where he was finishing up his own side of the bed.
“And… when you see a circle of mushrooms it’s fairies, coming to keep you awake at night, which is why we must pick them out.”
You two had finished the bed, working on the other two, then watering the beds.
He looked so at peace here, tending to his garden. He looked like he had possibly been a farmer in Austria, with all the extensive knowledge he told you about soil, plants, which things to grow when, and how much water everything needed. He turned to face you,
“you just turned three different shades of red in the last 5 minutes… did you reapply?”
“Go reapply and i’ll show you how to water your corner.”
You stomped to the porch again, slathering on sunscreen, then came back.
He pointed the hose at you, then showed you which dial to use on it.
“See, if you go to this one, it won't ruin your petals, just give it a nice mist.”
He modeled it for you, then gave you the hose. “Gentle schatz, these are your flowers.”
You sprayed lightly over the rainbow of flowers, hoping you weren’t going to drown them, or worst case scenario, kill them. Once finished, he asked you for help on the arch trellis.
“Arch trellis?”
“This arch right here.” He pointed to the silver metal arch you had seen last week.
“With this, I think I’ll be able to have the grapes hang over for easier access this summer”
You two worked, untangling and tangling the vines into the arch, being so careful because the grapes were still in their early season to mess with. Then let the small green grapes hang, cutting off a few big leaves.
You had enjoyed it, you didn’t expect to be left on a high helping pull out weeds, water some flowers, or untangle some vines. He picked up his equipment, held out his hand, and walked inside. 
The fatigue of being in the sun all morning weighed on you as soon as you entered the house. He placed his tools in the sink, then took off his clothes. He plopped himself on the couch, pulling you in.
“This can be our hobby, you know, I have many things to show you.”
You had been undressing yourself too, to just your underwear, then plopped right onto him. Both of you sticky from the sun.
Excitement filled your stomach, ready to help him with anything.
“Whenever you’re ready to start”
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie graduated and you can't not go tell his mom.
Warnings: a bit of angst, fluff
Part 1
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Eddie's gaze fell on the flowers on the desk in your room as soon as he entered, and he immediately froze a few feet away from the door.
They were potted with water and tied by a thin blue rope.
They were pretty.
This meant that someone other than him had bought you flowers and the thought immediately caused him a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Was it someone from school?
Was he the blond guy who always smiled at you when you entered class? Was he the blue-eyed guy who always waved at you in the hallway? Or maybe it was the jock who was always staring at you in the cafeteria?
Did you accept flowers from them? From someone other than him?
"Who got you flowers?" He asked much more shyly than he would have liked, almost as if he expected that one day you'd find someone better than him.
"Oh, no. That's not what it seems." You started explaining, getting up from your bed and walking towards him.
Eddie looked at you suspiciously. "Who?"
"Me. I bought those flowers."
"For who?" He asked again, even more confused.
You rolled your eyes. "Since when you don't trust me?"
"Sweetheart I trust you, the thing is-"
"For your mom."
Eddie suddenly stopped talking, staring at you with those big chocolate brown eyes that you started loving the moment you first saw them.
Did you really buy flowers for her?
"I wanted to talk to you about this...I wanted to ask you if you wanted to visit her again, it's been a long time since we've been there together and I thought we could go and tell her that you graduated. Because I know she would be so fucking proud of you. But only if you want too, of course."
Eddie stood silent and you immediately feared you might have said the wrong thing. "We don't have to, really. I thought maybe you'd like it but we can do another day or if you want to go alone it's more than okay and-"
Eddie suddenly took two big steps towards you and wrapped his arms around you, almost lifting you off the ground in the process, and pulled you close to him.
A smile appeared on your lips as he buried his face in the crook of your neck and in your hair and inspired your smell, closing his eyes. "I love you fucking so much."
You giggled at the way he was basically collapsing onto you and caressed his back with your hand, tracing imaginary patterns and running it up and down his spine.
"Does this mean you want to go? With me?" You asked after a few moments.
"Of course I want to go with you." He whispered without letting you go.
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Eddie was holding your hand when you arrived at his mom's grave.
You looked down at the bunch of flowers you were holding, watching a bee fly over them and land on a petal.
You passed them to Eddie as the bee flew away.
He looked at them for a moment, without taking them, then he nodded towards the grave as if giving you permission to leave them in front of it.
You took a step forward, without releasing Eddie's hand and placed the flowers in front of the headstone, murmuring a "Good morning Mrs. Munson" before you both sat down in front of it, like last time.
"Elizabeth." Eddie said.
"What?" It was his mom's name, you knew that. It was engraved in the stone, you only found out about it the first time Eddie brought you there because he didn't talk much about her.
"You can call her Elizabeth." He added holding your hand a little tighter.
You ran your thumb over the back of it, tracing a few circles. "Okay."
"Well, mom...not much has happened since we last been here. My band isn't famous yet. I haven't found a job yet. I haven't-"
He rolled his eyes.
"Focus on good things."
"I graduated. It was about damn time. They made us wear those awful green tunics and we had those stupid hats on. But I went over it, because I finally graduated. Now I really need to get a job though. My band don't make enough money when we play to five drunks and-"
"Eddie, good things." You scolded him in a playful tone.
The atmosphere was less sad than last time. It almost sounded like a normal conversation you could hear every day.
"Good things..." Eddie repeated, thinking about it.
"Y/N is still with me." He finally said.
"I'm sure you can find better things."
"But you are my best thing."
You smiled. He had said it in a joking tone but he really believed it, you knew it.
"And it's really weird that she's still with me. I mean, she must be really crazy. With all the people out there she's still with me. Taking care of me. And Wayne. And now she's buying flowers for you. Really crazy. And I love her for that."
You brought his hand that still had his fingers intertwined with yours, to your lips and left a kiss on his back. "I love you too."
Eddie smiled. "What did I tell you? Out of her mind!"
You chuckled shaking your head. "It takes one to know one."
A gust of wind blew some dry leaves in front of the tombstone, near the flowers so you reached out to gently sweep them away.
"Thanks for coming." He said after a moment of silence, his brown eyes were soft when he looked at you.
"It's a pleasure. We can come back here anytime you want." You said before your eyes landed on the photo of the woman on the tombstone.
"She looked so much like you, you know?"
You saw Eddie's body tense slightly and you immediately feared you might have said the wrong thing.
"When I was little everyone said I looked like my father." He started. "They said I had his smile, even though he wasn't a big smiler." He added the last part with a bitter laugh. "They said I had his nose. And that I was as rowdy as he was. Growing up I always wished that wasn't true. I always wished I got something from my mom too."
"People must not have given you a good look. I mean, you don't have her hair, she was almost blonde. And you don't have her smile, that's true. But her eyes? You definitely have her eyes. I'd recognize anywhere your beautiful, kind, brown eyes and you got them from her, trust me.”
"You" He said pointing his index finger at you "I know what you're doing, you're trying to make me cry again. And it's not going to happen, okay?"
You laughed at his words as he pulled you towards him to kiss your forehead before whispering a soft "I love you so much".
Then he slowly got up and held out his hand, helping you up to leave the graveyard.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him.
"I love you too." You said raising your head slightly towards him just to catch a glimpse of the smile on his lips.
He turned towards the grave before starting to walk away. "Bye mom." He said in a sweet tone.
You turned around one last time too. "Bye Elizabeth."
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Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten
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vijayasena · 8 months
Abhi na jao chod kar ke dil abhi bhara nahi.....
[ ram x female reader ]
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summary - when your husband loves you too much that it started to get visible in every action of his and the heart cherishes the feeling of unconditional and hopeless long lasting bond you both share... [ fluff lots and lots of fluff ]
No one's p.o.v.....
The sun started to set earlier than the usual in Delhi these days.
winters striked the capital quicker and the atmosphere was causing the bones to get freezed in the chilly air. it looked like mother nature was having mood swings these days.
the greenery of the distant rooftops shined because of pearl drops of dew covering them.
Green plants looked refreshed and newly bloomed flowers attracted bees in such a surreal way that the atmosphere looked heavenly .
Sun provided enough warmth but not that enough to get rid of the cold that was threatening to put the body on freeze.
Distant rooftops glowed like blush pink loaves of bread scattering the hue of reddish and orange tint across the wet pavement of the roads shined through the street lamps illuminating the wet cold roads, as if making it look like engulf in flames.
the faint noises of kids playing under the giant black sky .
and the mothers and women of houses wrapped up in warm shawls shared evening talks with a cup of chai in their hands while watching over their kids.
the capital looked quiet peaceful and it looked like everyone was contented and happy as a peaceful environment engulfed everything and everyone.
whereas the men were engrossed in talking about how the world was changing and the politics was taking place in the changing world of cultures and traditions.
the brown eyed man walked silently sighing taking a deep breath lost in the void of his mind the never ending silent thoughts of his made him get trapped inside his own head. as he came across the door of his house as he stepped inside taking a small shaky breath a sense of calm and serenity passed his quiet yet loud mind .
the smell of sandalwood and jasmine hit his nostrils making him feel very calm and relaxed all of a sudden as a big yet tired yet so beautiful smile spread across his face, as if his soul found its solace all of a sudden the smell always ready to send him in comfort providing so much comfort and warmth that he just wanted nothing but to immerse himself in it.
his exhausted eyelashes closed as his irises dilated a bit searching for certain someone he needed after such a tiring and bad day that was the person his heart craved the presence of and soul surrendered to. passing through the living room he sighed as the familiar warmth of his home the essence of his comfort zone fit in a comfortable silence echoed inside the walls of his house.
his eyes desperately and impatiently searched for his wife.. as he came inside the another room and passing through the dining hall he found her and his steps halted a bit, and breath hitched in his throat.
as if every time he saw her he fell in love with her all over again it was always visible in his actions and behavior that how much he loved his wife his ardhangini his better half and his forever.
he loved her so much that sometimes it physically hurted sometimes she was his heaven on earth and his only thing to be his everything. he always prayed and wished to vishwanath watching upon him to keep his wife safe and healthy he always prayed for her well being because she was all that mattered .
that always made sense' that only made and keep him sane no words in the world were capable and beautiful enough to describe the love Ram felt for his wife, if he could give her one thing in life it was always going to be the ability to see herself through his eyes only then she could be able to realize that how special she was for him. and what her existence meant in his life.
because at the end of the day she was the person he wanted to come home to, the person he wanted to tell how his day went, the person he wanted to share his happiness, sadness, the frustration and success the sorrows and everything with she was his comfort place after all.
they were arranged it was all just awkward and strange in the start but she was enough she was the one he always needed she was doing amazing things to him.
she had a smile that could easily change the world, that could do more than she could ever think of and more she was always more than she thought.
he knew he might not be able to tell her everyday but she meant the whole world to him the day she stepped her lakshmi like steps in his life changing everything for forever for something meaningful and beautiful .
he never realized how much she felt like home to him until he found himself thinking about ho much he wished she could be with him the times hadn't been.
thinking about how he wanted to experience every damn kind of emotions ups and downs and problems and adventures of the life, the fight he had for his land for his people for his nation with her by his side the saying -
" home is whenever i am with you" had never been more clearer to him . she as his home and he was homesick without her.
She made him feel human again, her touch, her laughter her breath everything showed him what it was like to be a person a living breathing human being.
she came into his life at a time when it looked like everything was going to be finished when everything was against him, everything would kill him. She showed him everything he had to live and fight for.
In that short period he called her his she made him feel like there were galaxies in his veins, and the stars made their home in his eyes.
He was forever grateful for the universe and the Vishwanath for bringing her to him for being his wife his better half his everything.
his hopelessly in love with my wife demeanor was factually visible in that sweet smile of his, the loose lazy relaxed walking and a calm look in his chocolaty brown eyes.
that seemed to shine even more now seeing his priyatama looking like an enchanting apsara.
she looked like a blooming flower refreshing and soothing despite coming from such a cold weather just entering in the house seeing his wife made all his senses wash away.
like a wave of sea taking away everything ready to hold him in the home of her arms kiss his forehead lovingly and hold his hands in hers never letting him go. saving him from the world saving him from himself. from the demons inside his own head.
"Ram?" he snapped out from the reverie of his thoughts upon hearing the sweet soothing voice reaching to his ear like honey being poured right into his ear drums.
he was definitely unconditionally, irrevocably, and hopelessly so in love with the woman standing there in a red saree.
he gave her a big beautiful smile of his which was only reserved for her to see. because no one else in this whole world had the capability of making ram feel such way the way his wife made him feel.
his heart swelled with joy, seeing her lips stretching in the same grin as soon as her eyes found her husband .
The one her heart and soul yearned for and the one she was surrendered to.
The red cotton fabric hugged her body as if the cloth was made only for her. increasing the vibrancy of her soft tan skin shining under the golden bulb of their bedroom.
And her eyes looked like flames engulfed in fire urging him to lost himself in those kohl decorated beautiful eyes.
putting the clothes down she was folding on the bed .and keeping the already folded ones in the closet she smiled softly at her husband.
walking towards him as he sighed taking a deep breath oh how he could do anything in his power to make her smile like that every moment for his life.
that damn smile his most favorite thing to witness in the whole world whenever she smiled it was like the universe was in peace.
" how was your day bangaram ?" he smiled softly before engulfing her in a sweet tight embrace closing his eyes taking a contended sigh.
the meaning of this hug was unexplainable as it held the emotions he was so bad at expressing sometimes, but was able to make her feel what he actually held for her in his heart.
the sweet smell of gandharraj and sandalwood the smell of her. that scent that was the reason for his peace of mind and there he stood holding his everything in his arms.
" shouldn't i be asking that question ?" she chuckled hugging him back with the same love and willingness that he did sighing in peace closing her eyes as well. The hug.
This hug... ram held her more tighter he had once read in a novel that it was just about one person . and one day there would be a person who was going to hug him in such a way that all his broken pieces would be fixed back together.
the female was sure of one thing nothing was more right nothing felt more home than being in his arms.
she had seen him she had been with him since day one . though it wasn't like same as now but still he was someone she could tell without doing or saying anything that she was blessed to have him as her partner. if he really thought that he could bear her for the rest of his life she as ready to surrender her soul that was his.
in his eyes she could see ruins of scarred heart mystery tragedies. but for her that was what made him beautiful the way he could bear replicas of his yesterdays, the way he put it in display making him present more vibrant and astonishing and as he was amidst every chaotic day. the one thing she was always fond of was his eyes.
Ram's eyes... those brown almond eyes, he had wonderful eyes not the type which always drowned her in, but the type which made her feel a little more alive.
the one's which always looked cold but deep inside give warmth they were beautiful they made her beautiful . but sometimes beneath those long lashes and brown irises she could see the emotions or the things which he never told.
some fears, and some regrets the silence narrated stories with the soft roaring waves, it held so many secrets so many lies as well which he hated to tell as well.
something that was imperfectly perfect for her she found herself falling like never before . she found something in his nothing something she needed to hold on some fears some tears and some illusions maybe that she never wanted to end.
she held him letting him take his time she knew he didn't like speaking all together but took time in pieces. so she just hugged him not saying anything letting him hold her. she caressed his hair locks running her soft fingers through them.
" had a bad day ?" she whispered softly rubbing his back soothingly while he just sighed nodding a bit pulling her more close if possible the woman in red smiled a bit " its okay you are okay everything is fine" she smiled.
her words calmed him down actually as he broke the hug holding her shoulders giving her a soft nod " what about you ?" he asked she knew he didnt wanted to talk about it, so she didn't forced him to.
that's the thing Ram admired most about her she never forced him or pestered him to do something he didn't wanted to, and always supported him in every decision of his . she knew when to stay silent when to not ask much about anything and when to just listen to him.
" working on a new article they are confiscating the plantation fields of farmers in eastern side making estate businesses for the company illegally that's what i am working on. "
she told him smiling a bit her eyes were tired but an exhausted smile still played on her lips. this was the another thing Ram loved about his wife she was independent.
and she knew to speak about bad and unjust he always supported her decision of working even when society didn't liked and let women work outside of the house.
so being the senior editor in newspaper publications . the male couldn't be more happier and proud of his wife. she was perfect in every possible way and working for better causes for their motherland in fact even encouraged other women as well .
he frowned a bit " are you tired bangaram ? is the work being too much ?" he asked in a soft tone caressing her cheek looking down at her.
she shook her head shaking her head " no i am fine don't worry " she chuckled giving him a reassuring look patting his cheek as he nodded a bit he knew she could get exhausted by working all day, and then doing the house chores as well .
Ram was never a person who acted like that dominant husband giving orders to their wives he was always so supportive and helpful.
he always helped his wife in household work and that increased the love and respect she had for him . More than she could ever imagine from cooking and cleaning to everything he always was a big help and the female couldn't be more lucky for having such a perfect man like Ram.
" you get fresh i will serve the dinner " she nodded walking towards the kitchen to serve the dinner, but he caught her wrist pulling her back shocking her through the core as she baffled looking at him with wide eyes .
" ram!' she exclaimed in surprise and shocked tone not expecting this from her usually shy husband he chuckled wrapping an arm around her waist .
" stay for a bit ?" he asked softly looking in her eyes giving her a tender smile before laying down on the bed putting his head on her lap. she looked down flushing more red sighing taking a deep breath running her hands through his hair giving him a smile .
" guess we both are tired ?" she asked looking down at him while he hid his face in her torso as her saree felt so comfortable isn't that what he wanted to live for all his life?
he felt so serene and calm . " we do" he nodded muttering softly while she chuckled " well my husband i need to prepare dinner let me go" she tried cupping his cheek .
while he looked up at her smiling looking at her with so much love and affection, that she turned away smiling slightly shaking her head as her cheeks turned a shade of red .
" god you look so beautiful when you blush " he whispered making her sigh " stop it now okay ?" she look at him as her lips threatening to break into a shy smile.
" can't help it when i got such gorgeous wife ?" he said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear going all in awe with the beauty she possessed.
" ram please god " she looked at him giving him an amused smile " okay okay fine" he chuckled getting up sitting and looking at her . " go and get fresh i have put your clothes on the nearby cabinet of washroom" she rushed out so as to not show her blushing face making him laugh .
these small moments were the one's he always cherished . with all his might these moments were the one's that made their life more beautiful and she was the only thing that gave him a reason to live .
oh how his heart always started to throb in his chest whenever she was around and near him she was all he needed to live and survive.
" oh come on its nothing its just some vegetables i can cut them will you stop now ?"
The female put her hands on her hips shaking her head t her husband because he was so stubborn he never listened "its okay let me help its just some vegetables right ? Then what's wrong if I help?" he took the knife and plate from her as the brown eyed female huffed.
She knew he would never listen so she turned back towards the kitchen to fry the fresh pooris.
" You know I like helping you in household chores" she heard him saying as she sighed shaking her head with a smile " and you amuse me sometimes because of how good you are ?" She chuckled kneading a dough of the flour.
When a hand came to get her strands of Hair behind her ear a kiss was being planted on her right cheek. " I am no good I am just doing a normal thing and helping your wife isn't a big deal." he smiled as she turned to look at him her eyebrows raised.
The usual shy husband was acting so bold of a sudden what's wrong suddenly?
Her breath hitched in her throat as her hands stopped their moments and she turned to look at him only to find him already staring shaking her head at his antics. " there is something seriously wrong with you today "
she sighed as hearing that hearty chuckle erupted so many butterflies in her stomach she admired him for a moment. .
" I don't know just found you so pretty today" The female was compelled to roll her eyes to mask her blushing face at that moment . as she put the dough aside giving him a look and turned towards the cabinets to take some other stuff out.
" what do you mean? I don't look pretty any other day then?"
She bit down her lip to not smile as seeing his expressions changed all of a sudden she knew what he actually meant . but wanted to have some fun as well and tease him a bit.
he immediately shook his head in no " no ban-bangaram that's not what i meant" his voice was a bit shaky as the female in red chuckled .
" oh yeah ? then what did you meant ?" she turned to look at him raising her eyebrows leaning against the counter.
Ram's heart throbbed loudly against his chest this was the effect his wife had on him which always took him by surprise.
he sighed looking down opening his mouth to say something again but nothing came out that was when he heard her magical laugh. oh! that laugh he could die to hear that laugh again and again. as it felt like music to his ears.
this was the time of the day when he could easily forget the reality, the guilt, the self hatred, the disgust, all he had for himself. and just melt and surrender himself in the arms of his wife in such a way that reality used to fade like fog somewhere from where he didn't wanted to jump back in.
because that was the life he hated the reality. in which he was being a facade being something he didn't wanted to doing something he didn't had to, how much it took to be that. and how easy it was for the woman in front of him to accept him the way he was and made him feel human and alive again.
" i was pulling your leg jaan relax"
she chuckled shaking her head as a smile broke on his face as well . he didn't even remembered if he smiled as much as he as he did with her ever before.
his life was too much in a dark turmoil before her but she was there to save him to be his sun when he was drowning in rain.
she was mature, independent had a confident aura and a kind smile the most beautiful eyes and most generous and sweetest behavior he really was so lucky that he got a wife like her .
did he needed anything more when he had her ? The answer was no.
the sweet chiming of her anklets echoed in the atmosphere . as she silently served the dinner for both of them. while Ram help her set up the dinner table.
even after she said no countless times her husband was too much of concerned about her that he didn't even let her do the dishes.
all time she just wondered why he was so perfect ? and what she did to deserve someone as perfect and amazing as him.
standing near the window staring at the sky she wrapped her arms around herself .
when he came and hugged her from behind she smiled softly as soon as his arms wrapped around her waist and he put his chin on her shoulder " what is it that my wife is so lost about ?"
she leaned more on to him cupping his cheek from one hand . closing her eyes feeling all the love at the moment his arms were her home as well. whether he liked that or not but she always crave these long hugs.
" that how i got so lucky to have you as my partner of life ?" her voice so soft and slow while her heart increased its pace.
" isn't that something i should be thinking about?" his grip tightened while tone got more calm as if the universe was asleep.
" maybe we both should be thinking about that ?" she whispered turning in his arms putting her hands on his shoulder he took a deep breath before planting a sweet kiss on her forehead giving her a smile " maybe" he answered feeling bliss.
" maybe" she said back hugging him as well. and that was the moment she realized his love was visible in every action of his. and maybe she was just a little more lucky than him.
Tags : @mad-who-ra @kaalakanya @natures-marvel @bhalare-vichitram @budugu @btw-its-tamanna @belligerentmistletoe @vidhi-ka-vidhaan @vardhamannartitties @vellhighbandi @vellipo-mellaga @chaanv @carminavulcana @childofthenight2035 @lite-teesko @livelaughlovechai @lil-stark @luxshine @lite-teesko @khwaahisheinn @kanhapriya @kanyasstuff @krishakamal @khalnaayika @jrntrtitties @jezebelgoldstone @hum-suffer @hissterical-nyaan @dumdaradumdaradum @sada-siva-sanyaasi @stars-in-the-distance @ma-douce-souffrance @ambidextrousarcher @akshinayak @amritkimohini @apsxra-aali @astrafangs @oldersiblingcurse @alhad-cleopatra @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @yehsahihai @trashmeowcan @ramcharantitties @rambheem-is-real @rambheemlove @ek-ladki-bheegi-bhagi-si @voidsteffy @eenadu-varthalu @whimsicalfaeries @willowwhispers01
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Creating a Backyard Land Spirit Profile
Working with land spirits can help connect you with your local ecosystem, and for some practitioners is a crucial aspect of bioregional magic. Some folks, like myself, consider themselves to be initiated by one or more land spirits.
When I use the term land spirits, I am referring to a few different things. First are the collective spirits of various plants, animals, and insects present in a specific bioregion. An example of collective, in this context, means that if I'm petitioning help from the spirit of violets, I am working with the spirit of all violets present in that area rather than a singe flower that grows in my yard.
The next is the land guardian, which in my practice is a more powerful spirit with claim over a specific territory, like a forest, river, or neighborhood.
Sometimes these two concepts are separate and sometimes they're interchangeable. It all depends on personal practice, culture, local folklore, etc.
One thing that has been extremely beneficial to my practice has been creating a backyard land spirit profile. This method has been useful for spirit work and "green" magic, but more importantly, it's helped me immerse myself in my local ecosystem and I get to meet a lot of cool animals and plants.
Here is an over-simplfied example of my backyard land profile:
Ecosystem: Central Interior and Appalachian: Mixed woodlands, close to possible floodplains
Soil Type: Clay in garden bed, Loamy near/beneath shrubs, Sandy in sunny areas of the lawn
Cultivated- Paradise Apple, Highbush Blueberry, Rose of Sharon, Dog Rose, Black-Eyed Susan, Sundial Lupine
Native - Bloodroot, Wild Strawberry, Common Violet, Wrinkle-Leaf Goldenrod, Blue Wood-Aster, Horseweed, Fireweed, Deer-Tongue Witchgrass, Common Milkweed
Invasive - Round-Leaved Bittersweet, Yellow Toadflax, Creeping Bellflower, Common Mugwort
Naturalized - Dandelion, Broad-Leaf Plantain, Deadly Nightshade
Notes - Various mosses, unidentified mushrooms growing on lawn and lichens found on some trees/shrubs.
Mammals - Raccoon, Opossum, Striped Skunk, Grey Squirrel, Chipmunk, Feral Cats, Deer mouse, House Mouse
Birds - Cardinals, Chickadees, Catbirds, American Robin, Downy Woodpecker, Turkey Vulture, Crow
Reptiles and Amphibians - N/A
Fish - N/A
Invertebrates - Dotted Wolf Spider, Leopard Slug, Tiger Bee Fly, Monarch Caterpillars, Peach Root Weevile, Narrow-Winged Mantis, Fireflies
Ecoregion and Soil Type
The first thing I did was determine what type of ecosystem my yard used to be. In an urban/suburban area this was a bit challenging.
I started by identifying a few wild plants and finding out where they usually grow. Most of them seemed to prefer shady woodlands and rich soil. There were also a couple of pioneer species present in the sunnier and more disturbed areas of the yard.
Next, I took a look at surrounding wild areas. We are close to a mountain and a large river. There are woodlands near and within the city made up of mostly hardwood and conifer trees. I knew from memory that certain areas close to my home are likely floodlands.
After that, I found a bioregion map of my country which showed that my state fell under the category of Central Interior and Appalachian. I searched this region on landscope.org and was able to determine my specific ecoregion (not shared here for privacy reasons).
From there I started making educated guesses. I determined that my backyard was likely a mixed hardwood and conifer woodland sitting very close to what might have been a floodplain.
For my soil type, I took samples from different areas of my yard and used an online guide to determine what kind of soil I had. Most of it was sandy or loamy, but my flower beds seemed to have some clay.
Using all this information, I had a general idea of what kind of plants and wildlife would be present without human intervention. It also helped with deciding which native plants to start growing.
Throughout the year, I went out to the yard with a wildlife field guide and a couple identification apps and identified every plant and insect I found. I grouped the plants into four categories: native, invasive, naturalized, and cultivated. This isn't shown in the example, but I also grouped them by season and the time of year they appear.
Naturalized refers to plants that have integrated themselves into the environment without inflicting damage to the local ecosystem.
You'll notice that under the cultivated section I included a few native plants. This is because those plants were introduced by me and would not be present without my intervention and I wanted to make that distinction.
The importance of native and naturalized plants is obvious, but what about cultivated and invasive? Keeping a profile of invasive plants helped me keep a record of which noxious weeds I need to remove. From an ecological perspective, their removal is crucial to the survival of my native plants and garden crops. From a spiritual perspective, this can be an offering or act of service to the local land spirits. Some of these plants, like Common Mugwort, are both valuable for workings and fine to harvest in large quantities since they are invasive.
Cultivated plants are also important. Many of these plants, like my Blueberries, Apples, and Rose of Sharon, were here before me. The importance of plants introduced by humans is greater than you'd think. First, they are usually crops and flowering plants and provide food for both humans and the local wildlife. Secondly, I live in an urban area, and my land spirits are likely very closely associated with people.
I researched all of my plants and took note of growth patterns, toxicity, medicinal uses, ediblity, native region/habitat, ecological significance/impact, etc. Then I moved onto folklore and symbolism and started working with the spirits of a few plants, performing divination, leaving offerings, harvesting them and including them in rituals and spellwork. I did this in groups to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Please note that you should always properly identify plants and be aware of potential toxicity before harvesting, especially if you plan on burning or consuming said plant. Also steer clear of protected or threatened plants and keep harvest to a minimum even for abundant native species.
My next project was writing down every species of animal and insect that I had encountered in my yard. I grouped them into several categories: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. In real life my invertebrates section is separated into several subcategories (orb weavers, beetles, etc.).
Next, I used basically the same system I did for plants, researching their native range, preferred habitat, behavior, diet, ecological importance. Then I started looking into folklore.
Finally, I started integrating them into my practice and working with their collective spirits. This involved using animal symbolism in rituals, leaving offerings, and performing a lot of divination.
Remember to never interact with or directly feed wildlife. If I'm making offerings outdoors it is usually fresh water, scattered birdseed, and acts of service like creating habitats and growing plants that a specific species enjoys. If scattering birdseed, do so in the morning to keep too many animals, like raccoons, from entering your yard at night.
Side note: Keep a record of what appears in your yard each year! For example one year we had several chipmunks and one year I saw none. One year we had no fireflies and the next our backyard was covered in them.
Tying It All Together
Once I had my backyard profile completed, I started working with the collective spirits of select species. I have an offering schedule, perform communication, and petition these spirits regularly in spellwork. I use certain plants that I harvest for offerings and use for tinctures, infusions, cooking, and crafts. I use symbols of local animals in crafts and spellwork.
After working with the "smaller" spirits, you can start seeking out specific land guardians by using a combination of divination and research of local history and folklore.
On a mundane level, I am now able to cultivate an appropriate ecosystem for the local wildlife and start projects to support it. Examples of this are pollinator gardens, stick and brush piles for fireflies and small animals, growing seed-rich and fruiting plants for birds and mammals, winter shelters and TNR plans for feral cats, and more.
I also like to take notes on plants and wildlife that I encounter in my general area that don't usually make it into my backyard. For example there have been coyotes, foxes, bobcats, and black bears spotted in my neighborhood.
I want to stress that I live in a semi-urban and relatively populated neighborhood and I have a small yard. The brief example of of my land profile doesn't cover even a fraction of the wildlife I have encountered in my backyard. There is so much life in urban and suburban areas in need of our support.
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thestalwartheart · 1 year
the unknown craftsman
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This is a another location prompt table fill that fills two prompts. One from @sweetbabyangels and one from @eleanor-is-fine, who sent me 'The British Museum' and 'a beloved place' respectively. I'm sorry this isn't set at the British Museum itself, but it was inspired by Grayson Perry's exhibition there called The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman. Our beloved place is the MI6 Memorial Wall. Warning for grieving/mourning and (the aftermath of) a Major Character Death.
[Read on AO3]
Under a gnarled tree in a private garden—the kind of garden people rarely saw in the urban sprawl of London these days— sat a mound of earth lay recently disturbed and repacked. It sat at the edge of a neat and well-tended-to memorial wall, and for days it had been drawing a crowd of mourners. 
The mourners were not tourists or flighty visitors. They were sentinels, defenders, worker bees and secret keepers, and they did not lay flowers as most people would. Not fresh ones, at least. 
Instead, they built a frame of objects around the soil. To any outsider, it would look mad; cult-like and strange, but then the man they were remembering was strange too. He would have been—or would be, depending on one’s beliefs—delighted to see the bullets dotted on the ground around him. He would have smiled at the model planes and the innocuous-looking watches and the ripped-apart computer accessories. To his right, a jade vase shaped like a hairless cat sparkled in the sun. He’d never seen it in life. It was a gift planned for a day too late, and it was one of the giver’s deepest regrets that he never got to give it to the man now in the ground. 
One woman, who could not keep her tears in whenever she looked upon the grave, placed a bouquet of steel-wrought roses on top of the fresh dirt. They remained there through rain and shine until a new white headstone arrived, gleaming brightly. 
“He was one of the greatest inventors of our age,” explained a man called Tanner to a crowd of colleagues as the headstone hit the ground. “And no one even knows his name. But you have him to thank for the peace of this country and the lives of our agents, half of whom would be dead without the things he built them.”
Tanner looked to a man at the back of the crowd, whose blue eyes were shining. 
All the mourners raised a toast to that. They were drinking a fine single malt from a small distillery in Wales. It reminded Tanner of the sweeping green hills of Bannau Brycheiniog and of marmalade on rye. 
“To our Quartermaster,” he said. “To Q.” 
“To Q.” 
The whisky went down smooth and warm, and people began to desert the grave in hushed groups. They returned to work with memories of Q flowing from their tongues, stories of technical prowess and nerve and shared pots of tea early on weekday mornings. 
At the end, two men remained: Tanner and the blue-eyed man. 
“No chance your talent for resurrection extends to others?” asked Tanner. Alone with a friend, he slumped with fatigue and grief. 
“If it did, I wouldn’t be looking at a headstone.” 
The man poured Tanner another drink, and they stood for an age in silence. The tombstone in front of them spoke well enough of everything they wanted to say. It read, simply:
Q, the unknown craftsman 1982 - 2038.  A stalwart defender of the nation and a dear friend.
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Hello, it's me again! I plan on adopting a Beeper from @bugsybitties, but first I need some bee bitties for them to look after! I'll take as many that want to come home with me.
As a reminder the bitties I currently own are a lemon berry, two puddle slimes, and a honey slime from you guys, a Snowy from my own shop, and a dandelioness, an umeka, and a Yukiki from @alphamamalioness. And, you know, hopefully a Beeper soon.
- @himesbittycenter
BEE TIME BABEEEEE theres a lot lmao sorry
All of these bitties formed a colony(or a hive) together, and they need a place that’s willing to take them all as none of them want to split up lol
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): This bitty goes by Hicker currently, and he has the Fall morph, making him mostly brown with some spots of orange and red, he's a rescue but has had enough therapy(and a really good support system in his massive hive) that he can handle himself just fine, he does guard his honey but does trust his hivemates around it by now, and knows they wont take to much, as his old owners used to take all his honey, either forgetting or not caring  that he too eats the honey, hes dating Isaac, and has been for a long time, he was one of the main reasons he made it through everything when he was first rescued, his honey is a deep red orange and has a bit of 'bite', it's a lil spicy, not even Isaac knows how tf he makes it spicy, he's 5 inches tall,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): She calls herself Peony, and loves peony and rose flowers, though she likes any flowers pretty much, she has the Spring morph, making her a soft greed with pastel pink, purple, and red flower patterns, along with vines that are a darker green, shes very social but likes to have her own space, and she loves mixing flowers into her honey! Giving it a much sweeter taste! It also has a bit of a purpleish blue tent to it, shes been with Rose for a few months, coming up on a year soon, and they love each other even more than when they started dating, she's 4 inches tall, making her shorter than average,
Bumble(Undertale Sans Bee): He goes by Isaac, and is about your average Bumble, often spending time lounging or making honey, he has eldritch eyes and polycoria, making him look pretty overworldly, though his hive doesn’t care anymore, he's been with Hicker for a long, long time, and loves him more than words can say, they live together and don’t even mind their honey mixing together, though his honey is a light golden color and is a nice sweet flavor, he's 7 inches tall, making him taller than average,
Bomb(UnderFell Sans Bee): Her name is Rose, lovingly named after her girlfriend Peony, though shes one of the sassiest bitties in the hive and has 'bad bitch' energy, but in a sundress bc she things she looks good in them, she loves decorating her and Peony's hive and loves making things to decorate with even more! Her honey is a deep red, and shes proud of that fact! She's 6 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): His name is Parker, and he has the heart eyed and the mask morph, he's kinda like the mail man, making sure everyone is up to date on any info and can fly the fastest out of everyone here, being able to zip around to everyone with ease, and the black mask marking makes it easier for him to see during the day! his honey is surprisingly low in carbs, sugar, and fats, and super energizing! Like, how did he make an energy drink honey?? Even he recommends it for breakfast for a good start to the day! He's 3 inches tall,
Hemi(UnderSwap Sans Bee): She goes by Tera, she has the Beast morph making her much bigger, she's dating Brutis and they are the ones that help make the hives they live in, and she's the queen bee, if anything happens she'll know about it first, she does her best keeping peace, though there are other peace keepers in the hive as well, her honey is a royal purple color it has healing properties and she shares it often, especially if someone is hurt, she's 7 inches tall, making her MUCH taller than average,
Aurico(SwapFell Sans Bee): She's goes by Arura, and has the Off color and Darkbones morphs, making her bones a dark black and her fur/fluff looks like galazies, and she has the Dull eyed morph as well, and she has no eyelights, she's been adopted by Tera and Brutis and thinks very highly of herself, though prides herself most in her almost glowing royal blue honey, it has healing properties in it(she learned out to do that from Tera ofc) and often shares it like her mother, she cares deeply for her and wants to be just like her one day! Even if she has to leave the hive and make her own! She's 4 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): His name is Harlow, and has taken to greeting outsiders of the hive and even foraging outside of their territory, making him one of the main recourse gatherers when it comes to thinks outside of the hives area, he's kind and carring and has brought back many a lost or lonely bitty, though they're always vetted and watched closely, he's kind! But not the best when it comes to figuring out if someone isnt as kind as well, his honey is a nice orangey yellow color, though he doesn’t make as much honey as your average bee bitty, he's 7 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): They go by Alex, and does a lot of watching from high up, they have the best eyesight out of the group, almost comparable to that of a hawk! So they've been appointed to be on watchout! They rarely make honey but when they do it’s a pretty red color and almost tastes like wine, and is actually just as alcaholic as wine, though they make sure no one has to much at once, just to make sure, they're 8 inches tall,
Apis(Undertale Papyrus Bee): It goes by Bark, it is a loner and prefers to be by itself, though it will be affectionate when it wants to, it usually chills in it's hive and makes honey or does some craft or DIY, honestly if anyone wants some furniture they uaually go to Bark for it, he's one of the best carpenters in the hive! If not the best point blank, it's honey is more waxy as it likes to use it to finish furniture, but it's like a nice butter too, depending on how cold it is, it's 7 inches tall,
Fera(UnderFell Papyrus Bee): He goes by Brutis, and he has the Beast morph, making him much bigger, he's the king of the hive by association as he's dating Tera, he's protective of his and Tera's hive, he was a rescue and had an old hive that was wiped out by a bear(they're small bitties! And the bear wanted their honey-) making him over protective of his hive, he has scars though they've healed and he used to work out to the point of hurting himself, though he doesn’t anymore, Tera makes sure about that, his honey is a red hot color, and almost looks molten, it tastes spicy and gives a massive energy boots and gives an effect almost like steroids(though not as bad) so he doesn’t share much, nor make much, he loves the taste! But eating it a lot can be harmful, he's 12 inches tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): She goes by Jennie and has the Beast morph as well as the Crystal morph, her crystals are actually bees wax!! she loves making candles, bitty sized? Sure! Human sized? Give her a bit on that one lol, she loves to mix things into her beeswax to make her candles smell good too! Her honey is usually just beeswax, though she loves making it taste sweet and look pretty! She somehow finds new ways to make it pretty colors every time she makes honey again! She stands at 13 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): Her name is Ethel, and she's Albino! She's a ghostly blue with soft pink spots on the her palms, the bottom of her feet, and on the base of her abdomen(the bee one) and up her spine a bit, and her eyelights are a dull soft pink as she also has the Dull eyed morph, she's super sensitive to the sun so usually just stays inside, her favorite hobby is basket weaving, though she'll also sew and makes a lot of the clothes for the hive! Her honey is a peachy color and she can turn it into a solid, it feels kind of like amber! And she loves basically glassblowing with it making  pretty bowls and vases and things! She stands at 7 inshes tall,
Talis(UnderSwap Papyrus Bee): He goes by Zee, and he has the Clown morph, his markings are black and white making him look like a Juggalo! And he is a Juggalo too, usually listening to music while he woodworks and whittles, he's a total sweetheart but he does have a special interest in things like murder, serial killers, cannibalism, and other morbid things, but he's still just as sweet as ever, his honey is a blood red color and he loves using the red wax it makes for finishing/polishing his wood projects, it tastes a little metallic(he's not a carrion bee- so no one really knows where it gets that taste and he wont tell anyone lol), he stands at 8 inches tall,
Rodo(SwapFell Papyrus Bee): Her name is Anna and she has the Vampiric morph, and makes her honey out of blood because of it, as the center we just give her blood bags(well, they're small- she doesn’t need a massive amount- but still) but she's also willing to take plasma, she can always add something else to her honey to make it taste better anyway, she likes joining Zee on his Juggalo activities, aka listening to music and getting a lil drunk or a lil high, she also has the Off color morph making her a black and red color, and she has the Eyeliner morph as well, making it look like she did some gothic type makeup, which is good since she prefers to dress gothic anyway! though victorian gothic(those vibes at least), Her honey is a blood red of course and tastes metallic, though she can tell that Zee doesn’t use any blood to make his blood lol, her and Rav are lovers, she stands at 8 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): His name is Callen, and he's the resident librarian along with his husband Icker, he also loves to bake, so usually has something like honey glazed rolls or something like that, he loves using his honey in his cooking and baking! Though his honey is just normal honey, but that’s not a bad thing at all! He stands at 7 inches tall,
Corum(Undertale Gaster Bee): She goes by Rav and she has the Halloween morph, making her black with purple web markings over most of her body and orange web like patterns making it look like she has web eyeliner around her eyes, she's dating Anna and she loves her goth girlfriend <3 she also loves to dress goth, though she also loves showing off her markings, so tends to wear more fishnets or just more modern goth in general, her honey is a blood red color as she likes helping make honey for Anna, so it does have some blood in it, though she loves the taste anyway, she stands at 6 inshes tall, making her shorter than average,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Harlem, and is a HUGE true crime fan and loves anything to do with the supernatural, he'd never admit it though, preferring to keep it on the 'down low', till someone mentions his favorite show and he starts rambling again lol, he's a total sweetheart but just hates admitting it, but he's not an asshole to 'make up' for it either, he's 8 inches tall and his honey is pretty normal in color, though he does like adding fruit juices to make it more red in color,
Calatus(UnderFell Gaster Bee): His name is Vance, he's a rescue and is one anxious boio, he tries his best to be confadient but ends up just sticking near Harlem(who he has a massive crush on, but he wont admit it to Harlem), and he usually just goes along with whatever Harlem wants to do, he's picked up Harlem's habit of putting fruit juice in his honey too, though he likes making it purple, but that’s mostly because he likes blackberries a lot lol, he's 5 inches tall as he was stunted due to malnutrition,
Humbee(UnderSwap Gaster Bee): He goes by Jera and is dating Goliath, they've been together for years and he loves cooking for him! Though he likes cooking for anyone, and besides, Goliath loves cooking with him too! He loves to bake too and is usually watching any kiddos that might be around, with the help of Goliath of course, though he's much less scary than his lover lol, he loves mixing things into his honey to make it all sorts of pretty colors and good tastes! He's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): She goes by Vio, and is kinda like Brutis and Tera's maid, though she has as much free time as she wants, all she does is make sure their hive is clean and will sometimes cook for them as well, she's actually the youngest and Tera often treats her more like a second daughter than a maid, and Brutis isnt to far behind her with that lol, so don’t be surprised if they adopt her at some point, she's 5 inches tall,
Frater(SwapFell Gaster Bee): He goes by Esker and is a bit of a loner, though you wouldn’t know that if you saw him near his husband Gregory, he and his husband run a bar and grill, though he prefers baking and cooking for it, liking to use his honey to make the foods and treats sweeter, though he's a little picky on who he likes, but he wouldn’t refuse them service if they arent being rude or something, he's 6 inches tall,
Charcoal(Fell Grillby): He goes by Gregory, and loves his husband Esker enough to 'play nice' with the muffets around lol, he runs a lil bar and grill with his husband and he loves it more than anything(say for Esker of course lol), and is more than happy to just do that, ignoring the muffets, he loves making his honey alcoholic and it's really popular in their hive, he's 9 inches tall,
Bahulu(FellSwap Grillby): His name is Icker, and he is the resident librarian with his husband Callen, He's a bee varient and he's fluffy! Though the fluff is under his fire, he doesn’t care much for honey but happily makes some for Callen, often making it a few different ways so his husband can experiment with it with his baking, he's 8 inches tall,
Coal(Horror Grillby): She goes by Scarlet and shes a rescue taken in by the hive with her boyfriend Tyler, she has trouble making enough honey to even last a week on her own, she used to have to overwork herself just to make enough for one day, and of course that wasn’t exactly something she could keep up with- and her previous owner, who just wanted to use their bee bitties for their honey, didn’t like the lack of honey she could make- so threw her out, she was running around for a few weeks before she met Tyler who took her in, though he ran way from his previous owners, but after they returned to the center they joined the hive they're in today and are doing much better! She stands at 7 inches tall and seems to be stunted,
Gelato(Tale Nice cream guy): He seems to be some bee ice elemental variant hybrid, we arent really sure whats up with that- but he goes by Icey and loves to make frozen honey treats! Usually making more in the summer or when it's hot out, and he usually hangs out with Usirus, who he's got a big crush on, and he tries flirting with him but Usirus is a little oblivious lol, his honey is usually a blue color but will sometimes be flavored and have different colors too, he stands at 7 inches tall,
Burger(Tale Burger pants): he goes by Osirus and has a massive fucking crush on Icey, though he's basically convinced himself that he wouldn’t like him back lol, it has been the reason for a lot of facepalms, he likes helping Icey hand out his treats since it makes him happy, though he doesn’t realize him wanting to help him makes him just as happy if not even more happy lol, he'll sometimes flavor his honey and gift it to Icey as a way to flirt, though Icey is a little oblivious to the fact it's ment to be a flirt lol, he stands at 5 inches tall,
Killer(Killer Sans): He's a rescue and is anxious as fuck, he goes by Frankie and usually stays near his best friend(and crush) Edwin, he's been diagnosed with anxiety and ptsd and therapy has helped him but it's not going anywhere, though he's still in therapy(and can continue for free after adopted with the same therapist), his honey is black and he doesn’t know why, it freaks him out a bit and Edwin has to remind him that it's normal(he doesn’t quite believe him but he trust Edwin), he's 4 inches tall,
Ash(Horror Sans): He's a rescue and goes by Edwin, he usually stays by his best friend Frankie, wanting to protect him and make sure he's ok, one day he hopes he can help his best friend finally relax, he cares deeply for him(and might have a bit of a crush on him) and wants him to just feel happy, he doesn’t think he's seen him smile in years- they both came from a very abusive household so he's taken it apon himself to make sure that wont ever happen again, he stands at 15 inches tall,
???((unknown au) Muffet bitty): We arent sure where she game from- but shes a bee spider Muffet bitty, we have no idea what au shes from, and she goes by Hivy(hive-E) and is a total sweetheart! She loves gardening and does her best to help with it, usually growing bitty sized plants or plants like blue berries so they can actually lift them lol, shes a fluffy pastel pink with pastel blue bands and she stands at 8 inches tall,
Guilt(Fell Chara): They go by Chicho, and seems to be latino?(though that has nothing to with their name, say for them naming themselves after a fuckin churro that they mispronounced once lol), they have tanner skin than the average Chara bitty, they see Ingo, Ty, and Kira as their siblings, often doing their best to help Kira and Ty with their peacekeeping adventures, they stand at 3 inches tall,
Coco(Tale Chara): They go by Ingo, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ty as siblings, they don’t care as much about the peacekeeping as their siblings, but that’s mostly because pretty much everyone gets along well enough that they don’t feel the need to worry about it, they love mixing chocolate into their honey and tends to chill off a bit watching their siblings, but will help if they need to, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Pliant(Fell Frisk): They go by Ty, and see Chicho, Kira, and Ingo as their siblings, them and Kira have taken it apon themselves to be peacekeepers of the hive, though they also help around when needed like with news, gardening, or if someone just needs some help with something in general, they stand at 5 inches tall,
Passive(Tale Frisk): They go by Kira, and see Chicho, Ty, and Ingo as their siblings, they're effectively mute, they can speak if they want to but just don’t, often making small noises instead(one of the only reasons we know they can speak, that and them calling a speech therapist a bitch- that was interesting lmfao), they stand at 6 inches tall,
King(Fell Asgore): He's a bee varient(ofc) and he goes by Goliath, and his dating Jera, he has a massive soft spot for kids and does his best to not spook them, though he has skull and bone patterning in his fur, so it's not the easiest not to spook them- and he's not exactly small at 18 inches tall, being the tallest in the hive(hence his name) and is also very protective of his hive too, though he's even more protective of his lover Jera,
Fluffybun(Tale Asgore): He goes by Tyler and is a rescue, though he found his girlfriend Scarlet on they way before finding the hive, he's extra fluffy and makes sure Scarlet has all the honey she could want, since she has trouble making enough on her own, and before he met her he ran way from his previous owners, who werent very kind, often hurting him and other bitties(he made sure every other bitty got out before he left too, getting the brunt of it as he got caught before getting out), but he's doing much better now-a-days and is still a happy go lucky goof ball, he's extra fluffy and often has to trim his fluff so he can see, though Scarlet usually does it for him now, he's 10 inches tall,
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boombambaby · 11 days
HEADCANON; Treefrogs
As a child, Kuzco has had a number of bad experiences with tree frogs but one incident in particular that almost resulted in him drowning has stuck with him all this time. He was playing in the gardens with his Wompy bear, while a servant watched from a nearby bench. It was a bright, sunny day out and little Kuzco was having the time of his life chasing butterflies and bumblebees around, until he unknowingly approached the edge of his mother’s pond and fell into the water. The nanny who had been watching him hadn’t noticed at first, but quickly recovered and pulled him from the water when she realized what had happened. As she ran off for help, Kuzco found himself surrounded by the little frogs he must have disturbed when he fell in, all of them staring at him and croaking– and one being so bold as to dart its tongue out towards his cheek. Since then, he has an irrational fear of the slimy, smelly little things– having always thought that (somehow) they were responsible for that near death experience. [ DRABBLE ABOUT THIS HEADCANON FOLLOWS, BELOW THE CUT!]
One of his earliest memories as a small child is of him playing outside in the lush garden of the palace, tottling around with his favorite stuffed toy named Wompy in the bright afternoon sun. His maid is sitting on a nearby bench, reading and enjoying the quiet; and Kuzco is free to wander at his leisure. Flowers are a beautiful thing, some as bright as the sun itself and others with a multitude of colors and insects fluttering and buzzing around them. He’s giggling happily as he follows a bee lazily darting through the air, going from bloom to bloom as it collects its nectar. It’s dancing for him, and he’s all too happy to chase it around the garden– – until his little foot hits nothing but air, and he’s suddenly falling. The cold water comes as a shock to his system, and he’s flailing in an attempt to get away from it. It doesn’t help and when he tries to breathe, the cold water fills his mouth and causes him to choke. Wompy is just as afraid as he is, but somewhere in the struggle he lets go of him, and he floats to the bottom out of sight. He can’t see anything, and he can’t breathe and all too soon he can feel himself getting more and more tired, and his struggles lessen. In one second and the next he’s thrust out of the coldness of the pond, sobbing and choking as he tries to cough up the water he swallowed. He’s laying on the ground beside the garden’s pond, and his maid is hysterical, screaming for someone to come help. Kuzco is panting, with ragged heaving breaths leaving him and his head lists to the side, feeling like it’s full of rocks when he notices a small creature sitting beside his face. It’s green, with big eyes and long legs and they’re staring at each other like they’ve never seen anything so strange in their lives. Kuzco is cross-eyed as he stares at it, and just as he’s finally regaining control of his breath, something comes flying at his face. “AHHHH!” Kuzco screams, rearing back in horror as the creature’s. . . tongue?.. hits him on the cheek and then darts back into its mouth, and the creature’s only answer is a low ‘ribbit’ as he hops closer. He can’t get away fast enough, hands scrabbling at the dirt as he backs away from the creature, and it’s only until he hits the side of the pond once more that he stops and closes his eyes, bracing himself for the final blow. That comes in quick succession when the frog darts his tongue out once more and seems to capture something that was on his cheek, and Kuzco is sobbing again by the time the thing finally hops away, satisfied with its dinner. By then the maid is back, swaddling him in a warm blanket and comforting as she tries to get him to stand. In all the commotion, he forgot to tell them about Wompy and he screams that he isn’t leaving until he’s saved! Eventually, Wompy is rescued by other staffers, and the soaking wet Emperor-to-be and his favorite toy are escorted back into the palace to clean up. That day still haunts him, and ever since? He’s NEVER trusted those slimy, smelly little things.
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My Garden Flowers Part 5
All photos mine. The blue flax is edited for colour since the camera didn't catch it and washed it out. The curlytop smartweed is edited for contrast and the scarlet bee balm is edited for colour since that phone camera sucked.
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In order of appearance:
121. Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata) Flowering for the first time this year! I hope she gets pollinated.
122. Blue Flax (Linum lewisii) Finally got this thing to flower. She doesn't live very long and my first two attempts grew just fine but didn't flower and therefore didn't reseed. Here's hoping this one does.
123. Lakeside Daisy (Tetraneuris herbacea) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
124. Fringed Sagebrush (Artemisia frigida) Took me several tries, including the wrong species sent, before I got one to take off but she survived the winter and is doing nicely this summer!
125. Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Sadly she didn't make it through the winter and I'll have to try another area, but she certainly looked nice while she was here.
126. Gray-Headed Coneflower (Ratibida pinnata) Flowering for the first time this year! Also my first successful attempt as BOTH my previous plants were cut where I had them. Two in a fucking row. She doesn't even look that weedy. I don't know what the fuck.
127. Narrow-Leaved Vervain (Verbena simplex) Sadly she didn't survive the winter. Trying her in another place and she seems to like it so far.
128. Pink Evening Primrose (Oenothera speciosa) Well, she certainly understood the assignment to prettify that area, though I had no idea she'd spread so much. My other Oenothera species are much more well-behaved. lol
129. Streamside Fleabane (Erigeron glabellus pubescens) Lovely little thing in the small spot I have her in. An ideal small space plant.
130. Green Comet (Asclepias viridiflora) Now she flowered last year but didn't make pods in spite of all the ants who came to visit. Hoping she'll make pods this year!
131. Spike Goldenrod (Solidago simplex) She looked nice here but didn't survive the winter. I'm trying one in another spot.
132. Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) Not pictured as I haven't got any pictures yet.
133. Blue Leadplant (Amorpha canescens) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
134. Clammy Groundcherry (Physalis heterophylla) She also spread much more than I expected, but I don't mind. Potentially lots of ground cherries!
135. White Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba) A bit leggy as a bush, though that might be due to where I have her, but the flowers are yet again white and lacy and loved by pollinators.
136. Curlytop Smartweed (Persicaria lapathifolia) I didn't plant that, and wish I had gotten a better photo of her because she sadly never reseeded until this year, and her daughter is not quite as impressive as she was.
137. Slender Mountain Mint (Pycnanthemum tenuifolium) She is no longer with us as of this year and I'm not sure why. I've planted fireweed in that spot now and we'll see how she does. Maybe I'll plant slender mountain mint in the back instead.
138. Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
139 Michigan Lily (Lilium michiganense) Every year I end up with more! Springtime flower only and then she fruits.
140. Canada Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis) one of the relatively safe members of the buttercup family. You can pop a flower or two into your mouth for a refreshing sweet snack.
141. Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) Probably the most showy of her genus. Avens flowers tend to be small white or yellow on leggy stalks, but prairie smoke has red parts around white flowers that eventually become fluffy seedheads, hence the name. Plus the leaves turn red in the fall so very nice all around.
142. Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea) She can get leggy in the summer, but the bright yellow flowerheads are nice in spring.
143. Canada Wild Rye (Elymus canadensis) She didn't make the winter. Again I think it was too dry. She may have reseeded, however, or else I've let a clump of crabgrass stay for far too long.
144. Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea) She's another one I had to get from a Manitoba company because no one in Ontario was selling this species (some do now though). She is thriving!
145. Wild Mint (Mentha arvensis) The area I have her in is fairly dry and blocked by sidewalk. She does occasionally get in the cracks but is otherwise well-behaved in her enclosure. The same cannot be said for the one I gave to my friend for her landlady's plant war. Apparently she's taken over the neighbourhood. Well done, native mint.
146. Scarlet Beebalm (Monarda didyma) She lived well for one year in that area and then never again. I'm trying her in a different spot where she hasn't flowered yet but seems to like it.
147. Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) That's a cultivar. I did eventually manage to get the wild type, but don't have a picture yet.
148. Canada Garlic (Allium canadense) In my humble opinion these are much tastier than ramps. They usually don't make flowers, opting to make bulbs instead, but this was a nice exception. They're springtime only, though.
149. Annual Fleabane (Erigeron annuus) I rescued her from a fallow area. Sadly she didn't reseed but I don't feel bad because that area is completely under development now and her offspring wouldn't have made it anyway. I gave her a chance.
150. Northern Bedstraw (Galium boreale) Not pictured as she hasn't flowered yet.
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crewman-penelope · 2 years
From one botanist to another - Part 7
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 Proper Breakfast
There was fresh made bread, still warm, for you. Milky, creamy butter. A honeycomb in a bowl, surely fresh harvest from the bee hives.
And - tea.
Dry tea leaves, in different shades of green and red. You could made out verbene and lemon balm, as also the sight of dried chamomile heads.
The smell gave you an idea of peppermint also. He poured you a cup in an elegant gesture, alas still focused. Your host calculated every of his own body movements. You wondered what it was, until your eyes felt on the knots on his knuckles and the swollen wrists.
You threw him a look and wondered if he would mind your asking. He seemed to be sick. This was more then scars on his skin by an accident. You decided to let him tell you in time and just went with the flow.
Morningstar filled his cup from the same pot and gestured to your tea.
“It is not poisoned. Neither drugged.”, he assured you with a warm smile. To give you reason he lifted his cup and sipped his tea.
“I apologize for drugging you yesterday night. I felt it was necessary after the quite exciting event of your kitnapping. It was not my intention to frighten you, though.”
His voice was calm and apologizing. You looked at the hot beverage, remembering the shock of seeing your surveillance camera pic on your monitor.
You took the cup of fine china on both hands. The heat warmed your palm. The scent calming you down already. A single, dried bloom of a reddish flower swam on the tea.
You sipped careful. Refreshing as hot, a hint of bitterness on your tongue. You eyed the honey. Morningstar followed your glance.
“Go on. Drink. Eat. Get your head straight. And then we talk, Lupine.”
His normally serene tone of voice was cheerful. Something lifted from your heart. Facing him, you could not hide a smile. You reached for a spoon and spiced your tea up with a bit of honey. Morningstar nodded pleased and reached out for a bowl to lift the cover. Steaming white rice in a kind of milky mush appeared underneath it.
“You have a special died?”
He nodded and hold one of his hands up. “Gout.”
It was only one word, but it explained everything. Well, nearly.
And he is used to it, you thought to yourself but dared not to speak up. Instead you honoured the breakfast.
The butter melted on the warm bread, what was cutted in thick sliced because it was so fresh. The honey tasted like heaven. Ambrosia.
A second cup, a second slice, thick covered with honey. Morningstar savoured his rice dish in pleased silence. It was fascinating to watch him eat the rice with chopsticks. He seemed to be used to it.
So was his accent, sounding exotic on your ear, perhaps an asian? You had thought european, maybe eastern. But you were no expert in it. You knew nothing of him.
Eventually the bowl of rice was finished, and you full of bread.
“That was absolut delicious!”, you said, what made him grin.
“I'm glad. You can order different meals also. The kitchen is ordered to fulfill all your wishes.”
You rose your eyebrows. “That sound like I'm staying longer?”
“You will.” Morningstar's voice still cheerful it laid an dark tone under it. “I have plans for you.”
You eyed him suspicious. “What plans? Did you not just planned dinner?”
“And yet you stayed for breakfast.”, he jested grimly.
“I had no other chance, did I?”
“No. You did not.” He paused and avoided your eyes, as he searched for the right words.
“There was something happening. At our first meeting.”, he spoke hesitating. “I - let me be honest, Lupine.”
Morningstar looked on the table, clearly pulling himself together.
“I enjoyed our chats the moment it started.”, he began. “To meet someone, even online, with the same special interests, someone who knew what I am speaking about. And the Cafe? It was years that I spoke of my father, of his garden. But with you I felt save enough to do so. And then - - we just chatted. Greeting us good morning. Good night. I could not bare it. I wanted this. Always. Every day. To greet you good morning. To have you around me.”
He stopped suddenly, straighten his back and catched your eyes. “I'm not good in this. To pour my heart out. But I can speak my mind with you. I feel that.”
It was silent for a moment, as you starred at him. Your face burning.
Before the silence between you both became uncomfortable, you spoke up.
“I dreamed of your garden, even that I had not seen it. I knew your flowers - at least part of it. The one you brought before me. The seetlings. And then I saw you this morning between your plants. It was a dreamy scene for sure. It was like I had imagined.”
Morningstar bend suddenly over the table. “So you did understand!?”
“ I understand there could be a place here. I - I don't know - yet! - if there a a place at your side.” Your mind dizzy from his confession you cleared your throat. “Morningstar. I don't know you. Let me.”
He looked at you with wide open eyes, as if you are something incredibly. And you are to him.
Slowly he reached for your hand to take it carefully in his. You dared not to squeeze it.
He managed to use his thumb to care along your palm.
“That is all I hoped for. Thank you, Lupine.”
Taglist: @lokis-tardis-companion19 @infinitegalahad @koshi-sama @daughterofthesilmaril @cynic-station @ladyl0wkey @elliotmalek @ellen-the-wise @villainworshiper @cuckoo-on-a-string
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deliwrites · 2 years
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐞 // Technoblade
Published: 12th of October 2022 (Original; 22nd of July 2021) Type: Angsty, Fluff, Female reader TW: (semi) panic attacks, disowning (in a way), homelessness, death (bees), depression (possibly) Word count: 7430 Summary: Y/n is the Queen of a bee hive. Overall Queen bees do not leave the hive unless the hive is moving. Y/n has never been outside but she so desperately wants to. When she does, something unexpected happens while on an adventure with two teens to meet up with a certain King. (This is the longest one I've written so far)
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"Alright, guys, I know this is unusual," I announce, flying above my little bees. "But I am going to venture outside the hive," instant mumbling happened among the bees that were sat in front of me. "Now, don't worry too much, I won't go far! I promise!"
After a bit more reassurance to my little bees, I deem my announcement finished and fly back towards my castle within the hive. I was so excited. Ever since I was born, I had never left the hive, not even when I was crowned Queen after my mother had passed. So, now after 3 years of being Queen, I decided to do what I had always wanted. I was 21 now! I should be able to make a least one decision for myself.
I decided to eat first before I decided to venture outside. "Alright, I'm ready!" I said to myself, encouraging myself. With excitement still boosting my system, I flew out the entrance, being watched with careful eyes from my bees. A gasp instantly left my mouth at the beautiful sight of the flower forest. So many beautiful colours graced the horizon, including the sky.
"Oh my god! This place is so beautiful!" I yelled out, flying up into the sky, doing a few flips.
"Did you hear that?" I hear a males voice from somewhere behind me.
"Yeah, I haven't heard that voice before," another male voice said, I heard the rustling of the bushes behind me. Turning around slowly, I tilted my head sideways, awaiting whatever would come out. The bush was pushed aside and I came face to face with two males. One with brown hair and a scar on his face, the other black and white, split directly in the middle, one eye red, the other green. Both of them looked at me in confusion. The brown haired ones eyes, turning wider with excitement, while the other seemed to look at my crown in confusion.
"It's a bee!" The first male said, fully getting out of the bush to observe me as I flew around him.
"Tubbo, I don't think that's just any bee," the other said sounding concerned.
"What do you mean, Ranboo?"
"It's wearing a crown could be the king of a hive or something-"
"Hi! I'm actually Queen Bee!" I said, apparently too sudden for them as 'Tubbo' screamed in confusion and 'Ranboo' just looked at me wide eyed. "What? Never heard a bee talk before?" I asked, now confused myself.
"You can talk...?" Tubbo spoke first, he seemed hesitant as he reached his hand out. Me being my tiny self I flew a little closer and let his hand caress my cheek gently.
"Yes, I can talk," I tell him. "Don't my other bees talk to you guys?"
"I- no, I can't say they do," Ranboo said, still a bit confused. "But, since you're Queen, shouldn't you be in the hive?" He asked slowly.
"Oh!" Did I break one of the ground rules of being a bee by talking to them? "Well, technically yes, but I've never been outside the hive before, and everyone else has. So now that I am Queen, I thought, why not make one decision for myself."
"I am guessing, you really wanted to see the outside world, huh?" Tubbo asked, making me nod. "Well in that case, would you like to join us? We can write down our coordinates and we'll bring you back safely afterwards!"
"Wouldn't I be a bother?" I asked concerned.
"Of course not, let's go! Ranboo and I were just about to visit a friend in the nether."
"Oeh! What's the nether?" I ask in excitement as I follow after them. Flying just a few inches next to them, I look at my surroundings. Every now and then flying up to flowers just to sniff them. They smelled absolutely amazing!
"The nether is actually quite dangerous, but since you can fly, you should be alright," Ranboo starts off. "It could be described as hell in a way. It is significantly warmer than here, there is lava- basically everywhere and creatures that are not really a friend of us."
"Wow, first time outside and I'm already going on a dangerous quest!" I exclaimed in pure excitement. "Okay, how far till we reach this nether?"
"Well, first we need to keep walking- or well, flying for you, for a little while longer. Then we go through a portal. That's when we're in the nether, once there it will be a bit of a walk through it, in order to reach our friend."
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The journey continued with us getting to know each other and me asking questions when I saw things I didn't recognize which was a lot! Soon enough we reached a portal that looked pretty random, and not like it belonged in the area. We were pretty far away from the flower forest now, had walked through two other biomes.
"This is it," Ranboo said, gesturing to the portal. "I'll go in first, then you can follow after me, Y/n and then Tubbo to make sure that you get through okay."
"Alright, let's do this! I'm excited!" I said clapping my hands. Tubbo chuckles at my excitement, Ranboo just shaking his head before he walks through the portal. "Oh! He just vanished!" I gasped when I saw him just - poof - disappear.
"Yep! Now lets, go, you next! Ranboo messaged me, saying it was safe for you to come through. Don't be scared alright, I'll be right behind you."
"I'm not scared," I tell him all hyped up! "I'm going to be-"
Third POV
"Ranboo, where is Y/n?" Tubbo asked as soon as he came through the portal and noticed the excited Queen bee was nowhere in sight.
"She didn't come through. Are you sure you went through after her?"
"What do you mean!? Of course, I am sure!" Tubbo said, confused and concerned. He had promised her that they would bring her home safely and now she disappeared into thin air. A hive doesn't function very well if there is no Queen to lead them.
"Oh! My head!" a voice both the boys recognized was heard. Their head instantly turning to it.
"Y/n? Where are you?" Ranboo asked, not seeing her in front of the portal. "Are you behind it?" When they don't get a real answer besides a groan, the two walk closer to the portal, slowly walking around it. Tubbo is the first to gasp at the sight.
"Oh my god!" He exclaims, quickly walking closer. "Are you okay?"
"I- yeah, I think so," the small wings on the bee Queens back start to flutter, but the bee doesn't lift off the floor. "W-why can't I- fly?" She asks quietly. Her eyes were still closed as her head still hurt a bit.
"Uhm, Y/n, I don't mean to scare you, but uhm... You just turned human..."
Instantly my eyes fly open. I ignore the pain that shoots through my head as I look down at myself, seeing myself dressed in a royal-like dress covering my very much human-looking body. "No! Why am I human!? How would this happen!?" I panic. I pat my hands all over my body, my arms reaching behind my back. A sigh of relief leaving my lips when I feel my wings still there. I try to use my wings again to help myself stand up. It works but as soon as I stop to stand my knees buckled and I end back on the floor.
"Okay, Y/n, I have a potion for you," Tubbo says as I hear the cork being taking out of a glass vial. "I know you're confused, we are too. But you need to take this, it will strengthen you up a bit," I can hear the worry and confusion in his voice as he holds the vial out to me. "I promise you that this will help you," with slight hesitation I take it from him and down the potion quickly.
"Tubbo, I can't go back like this," I mutter, tears forming in my eyes.
"I know, we'll fix this, I promise," he says gently. "For now, though, we need to continue. It's not safe to stay in the same spot for too long. Our friend might actually be able to help us. He's a fantastic potion maker!" He says trying to reassure me that everything will be okay. I sniff slightly and nod, quickly wiping at my eyes to get rid of any tears that might have fallen. With the help of Ranboo I get back up on my two legs. A little wobbly but I could tell that the potion I was given gave me enough strength to walk.
"I'll hold on to you, just in case," Ranboo says gently, his arm around my middle making him hunch over a bit, my arm around his tall shoulders. Keeping me upright and steady. "This is probably very weird for you, isn't it?"
"It is yeah, - god you are gigantic, - but I trust you guys," I tell them with a slight smile.
"Alright, good. Tubbo, lead the way," with a nod from Tubbo we start slowly making our way through the hot nether. As we walked I couldn't help but continuously look down at myself like I would suddenly be a bee again. Yet every time I did I couldn't help but admire the beautiful dress I was wearing. I had no clue how I could have possibly transformed with a dress on as us bees don't wear clothes. The heels, as I learned from Ranboo, were actually surprisingly comfortable. The dress on the other hand was a bit of a hassle. It was a beautiful off white colour, leaning more towards gold. Had a sweetheart neckline with off the shoulder lace sleeves. The dress had a ballgown shape with layers upon layers of tulle. The top layer had beautiful lace detailing on the bottom going up to about midway. The lace on the corset also beautifully connected to the skirt of the dress making it look like a beautiful cohesive piece. Luckily the dress didn't feel too heavy and Ranboo was still able to stand pretty close to me in order to help me walk.
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(So this⬆️ dress but this⬇️ colour basically or just pick whichever you like more)
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"We're here!" Tubbo finally calls out. I look up, having mostly looked at the ground to make sure I didn't miss-step and not only make me fall in lava but also dragging Ranboo with me. We stood in front of a giant door that leads into a beautiful castle. The castle was surprisingly white for the red atmosphere of the Nether. The outside walls fully made of quarts. A pig-like guard grunts in a defensive manner, pointing his golden sword at me. My eyes widen from the action. Tubbo is quick to step in front of me tho.
"We're here to see King Technoblade, he should be expecting us?" Ranboo asks. The pig grunts again then scoffs before grunting and gesturing towards me again. 'How could they possibly understand this guy?'. "This is Queen Y/n, she is our plus one if you will," with one last grunt the guard opens the door and lets us in. Closing the door right after us.
"How did you understand that guard?" I ask in shock as we walk down the long hallway.
"Techno taught us enough piglin language to communicate with the guards," Tubbo explained, making a turn.
"First name basis, and walking around without a care in the world. You guys must be very close friends with King Technoblade," I comment.
"We are," Ranboo says with a soft smile. Tubbo knocks on a door, waiting for an answer, which we quickly received.
"Come in," a monotone voice calls out loud and clear from the other side of the door. Tubbo pushes against the heavy door, it opening with loud creaks.
"Hey Techno!" He says as he lets me and Ranboo in after him, staying by the door to close it behind us.
"Wow!" I gasp looking around the beautiful library we were now stood in. Rows upon rows of bookcases lined either side of the room. The middle had two long tables with benches on either side, one at the front and one in the back. In between the table were two three-seater leather sofas, a coffee table with a fireplace in the middle. On one of the leather sofas sat a giant male, dressed in black dress pants, a white button-up and a blood-red robe with golden chains connected on his chest, white fur outlining the edges. And last but not least, he wore a pig skull mask over half of his face. His mouth not being covered, revealing beautiful pale skin. He had surprisingly long pastel pink hair that was braided loosely, hanging over his right shoulder. He was reading a book, not looking up just yet.
"Who did you bring with you?" He questions as we slowly make our way over to him.
"This is Queen Y/n," Tubbo says already almost next to Techno.
"Ranboo, I don't know how to walk stairs," I whisper, a blush covering my cheeks as I looked down at the staircase. I didn't notice but Techno actually looked over, raising one of his eyebrows.
"She is a bee..," Tubbo added. Ranboo looked puzzled, unsure of how to help the bee Queen down the stairs. Techno seemed to notice and with a sigh, he put his book down. Standing up, with quick strides of his long legs he walked past Tubbo and Ranboo, up the stairs towards me. Standing in front of me he holds out both of his hands.
"Hold my hands," he says, still in the same monotone voice, the demand lingering a bit with annoyance. Slightly startled with the demand, I place my smaller hands into his much bigger ones. Slowly he guides me down the big staircase, one step at a time, him taking one step backwards as I take one forward. My legs are still wobbly but his hold on my hands keeps me from falling.
"Thank you," I whisper, being very grateful for his help.
"It's no problem. Take a seat," he says to all of us, gesturing to the sofas. He rings a bell and within seconds another piglin enter the room, grunting at Techno. "Bring us some tea," the piglin nods and just as quickly as he enters he is gone. The room is filled with pure silence as we sit, Techno staring directly at me but I didn't dare look into his eyes. He gave off this very intimidating aura, so instead, I played with the lace on my dress.
It takes what feels like hours but is actually only a few minutes for the piglin to return, this time with four teacups, a teapot, milk and sugar. He is quick to place everything down, pouring tea into every cup before leaving the room for the last time.
"So, care to explain why you brought a human Queen bee to my castle?" Techno asks after picking us his cup. Leaning back against the sofa, instantly taking a sip of his tea.
"Well," Ranboo starts. Explaining to Techno how they found me, why I was outside of the hive to begin with, all the way to the portal. "So I went through the portal first, then Y/n and then Tubbo. The only problem was, I never saw Y/n come through. Just Tubbo. When she went through the portal she somehow became human."
"Hmm," Techno hummed, from what I could tell he had no facial expression but the sound of the hum made me believe he was thinking. "And let me guess, you guys think I can turn her back into a bee?"
"That- Yeah, that-that is correct," Ranboo stutters.
"I am sorry, King Technoblade, if I had known this would happen I wouldn't have come with them. I am sorry to have become a burden to you," I spoke softly, looking down into the cup of tea, seeing my own reflection. I looked so different yet so similar. But I couldn't go back like this, for one I was human, second I wouldn't fit in the hive and third I would probably be banned from my own hive. I know that sounds stupid but me already venturing out of the hive was bad for said hive.
Techno doesn't respond immediately as he stares at the dejected Queen. He too could have lost his royal status a while back when he turned human. He understood what Y/n was going through.
"Alright, first things first," Techno sighs. "This happened when she came through the portal right?" Getting nods from all three. "Have you tried going back through the portal?" Ranboo seems to instantly facepalm himself at the very obvious idea. "I guess not," standing up abruptly he walks over to the Queen who was sat on the opposite sofa, diagonal from him. He offers his hand to her. "Let's try that first then shall we."
I take his hand as he helps me stand up. Once upright and balanced he hooks his arm around my elbow for a better hold. He takes careful strides as he leads the three of us out of the library.
"I didn't know you had a portal in the castle," Tubbo says as he and Ranboo follow behind Techno and me.
"It's for me and staff in case we need something from the overworld. We don't reveal its coordinates as that could lead to people infiltrating my castle from the inside."
"Smart, smart," Ranboo mumbles. It doesn't take too long before we reach the portal room and the two of us stand in front of it. My heartbeat picking up at just the sight of it.
"Alright, Queen Y/n, I understand that you're nervous," Techno's monotone voice spoke gently. "I'll be right with you, alright. Just follow me in and we'll go through together," I nod in acknowledgement of his reassuring words, taking a deep shaky breath. "Alright, Ranboo, Tubbo, you guys stay here, alright," after getting a nod from the two teens he starts to lead the two of us into the portal. "If it helps, you can always close your eyes," he whispers to me as we set the first foot into the portal. I nodded, gripping onto his hand tighter and closing my eyes.
I could tell we reached the Overworld when the air around me felt a lot colder. I didn't have a massive headache like it did before. Hell I didn't even feel any different. I still had my eyes closed.
"I didn't change, did I?" I mutter quietly. I gentle sigh comes from Techno.
"I'm sorry, Queen Y/n," he says. I open my eyes, staring at the ground. I start mumbling 'no, no, no' quietly and I slightly start to panic. I let go of Techno and go back through the portal, not even waiting a second once I am through, I go back through again and again and again. When I am back in the Overworld for a fourth time, ready to go back through again, Techno pulls me away from the portal. He turns me to look at him, taking away my hands which were covering my face. He gently cupped my face and wiped away my tears that I hadn't realized had started falling from the pure panic. "Y/n, I know you're panicked, but it's going to be okay," he says gently, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. He pulls me closer, carefully pulling me into a hug. I could tell he wasn't really a hugger but he knew I needed the comfort at the moment. "Look, I can't promise you that I can change you back, but I will do my absolute best, I promise you that."
"Thank you," I mumble into his chest. We stay in the hug for a bit longer as I calm down. His hand gently rubbing my back as I hiccup a bit. I slowly pull away from his warm embrace, my hands lingering on his chest. "I'm sorry," I whisper. "Thank you."
"It's okay, don't apologize," Techno gently holds my hand, slowly starting to guide me towards the portal again. "Let's go back alright?" I nod and follow him back through the portal. The warmth of the Nether feeling surprisingly comforting.
"Everything okay?" Ranboo asks as soon as we come back through.
"It will be," is what Techno answers, leading us to an entirely different room. Barrels were scattered all around filled with vials and hay to keep the vials from breaking. Shelves filled with potions, some hidden behind a locked glass case. Different ingredients for potions labeled and organized in chests and barrels. In the middle of the room stood multiple cauldrons and brewing stands. "Alright, I have one potion I know by heart that we can try out," he leads me over to a small wooden stool for me to sit down. I thank him and watch as he gives me a sweet smile before getting to work. He strides around the room getting all the ingredients he needs.
Third POV
Mean while Tubbo and Ranboo stand together, still close to the entrance. Both staring at the King and Queen, watching how the two interact with each other.
"Do you think..."
"But what happens when she's back to being a bee?"
"I have no clue."
The two kept staring as the two royals joked around and got to know each other. Chuckles and giggles filling the room. The two completely forgetting that the two teens were still there.
"Alright, it's ready!" Techno announces after almost an hour of brewing. Pouring the pink potion into a vial, blowing on it to cool it down just a bit. "Be careful it's still warm," he says as he hands the vial to me. I nod blowing on it once more. I give him a nervous look before bringing the vial to my lips and downing the potion. It felt like a magic trick, smoke suddenly surrounded me and a poof sound was heard.
'Wait! Dit it work!?'
When the smoke vanish I looked down and realized I was a lot closer to the floor than before. "Oh my god!" I said fluttering my wings, tho they felt a lot different. "It worked!"
"I- eh, not exactly," Techno spoke with a soft chuckle.
"What do you mean?" I ask flying closer to him.
"You're a pig with wings right now," he says with a grin on his face. "Gotta say, you look really cute like this," he chuckles when I try to growl at him but instead I make snorting noises. "Yep, definitely cute. Hold up, I think I know what went wrong," he goes over to a barrel and takes out a vial of honey making me gasp.
"You better not have taken that without asking!" I tell him with a pointed look.
"I- eh- eh..." I turn my back to him with a huff, sitting down on the stool. Angry snorting noises coming from me. "I am sorry, okay," Techno says coming over to me, kneeling behind me. "You can't really blame me tho, before today I had no idea bees could talk," I huff again. "Hey, please, I'm sorry," I turn my head to look at him. "Can you drink this, please? It's milk, it should take the potion effect away," I fully turn around and let him pour the milk into my mouth, having no hands to hold the glass. Just like before I am surrounded by smoke. The smoke disappears and I look down at Techno, who is still kneeling in front of me, with crossed arms.
"Next time, all you gotta do is ask, alright?"
"Alright, I will," he says sincerely, receiving a smile from me. With that he goes back to brewing, another hour flying by. Tubbo and Ranboo having decided to leave the royals alone and roam around the big quarts castle.
"Is it ready?" I ask when I see him pour the golden potion into a vial.
"It is," he answers simply, handing me the vial. "Keep in mind, that if this doesn't work it may take a while," he informs me. I nod about to down the potion, but he stops me with a gentle hand. "But I don't want you to worry, alright."
"I know, I trust you," I tell him before downing the potion. I look up at Techno when after a while nothing happened.
"Hmm. I genuinely thought this would work," he confesses.
"I- it's o-okay," I said quietly, trying not to cry. "Y-you don't have an e-estimate time, r-right?"
"Of the next potion? Yeah, no. I'm sorry it didn't work."
"It's okay," I sniff slightly. "T-thank you for-for your help. I-I guess I should go home, a-and tell the bees."
"Wait, before you go," he takes out a bell, rings in and a piglin is quick to walk in. "Bring Ranboo and Tubbo back here," The piglin grunts in acknowledgement and runs off to fetch the two teens. "Tubbo and Ranboo will escort you back," he says gently. "Tubbo, what are the coordinates of the beehive?" He asks said teen as soon as he enters the room. Tubbo is quick to give him the coordinates. Techno heading off into a corner of the room where from a barrel he gets out a map, and a compass. Adding something to both items before handing both items to me. "If for whatever reason you need me, this map will lead you right to me, along with this compass," he explains when I open the map. On said map I was visible as a white arrow that showed me the inside of the castle, showing me I stood in front of a pink pig icon which was Techno. "If you tap the map it will zoom in or out," he steps a bit away from me. "The gold line between us shows you the quickest way to reach me."
"Thank you," I give him a genuine smile. I give him a hug before going with Tubbo and Ranboo who bring me safely back to the hive. The walk there is surprisingly quiet, all unsure on what to say or even talk about. "Thank you for bringing me back safely," I tell them sincerely. "I'll go and talk to the hive now, I hope you don't mind giving me some privacy."
"Of course," Ranboo says, pulling Tubbo with him to walk a bit back from where they came from.
Third POV
"What do you think will happen?" Tubbo asked Ranboo as they observed the Queen. She had knocked gently on the hive with her finger as to not startle the bees too much. And two bees came out to talk to her.
"I don't know, she's still human which means she can't enter the hive. Queens aren't supposed to leave the hive to begin with. Only when the entire hive is moving location," Ranboo says, watching closely to how the two bees react to the Queen.
"Techno said he'll continue working on a potion for her that should change her back into a bee. What do you think will happen to the two of them then? I mean we both saw the way they looked at each other."
"I know but I-" Ranboo cuts himself off when he see the two bees enter the hive, leaving Y/n outside with tears streaming down her face. Before he can even address her, she runs off in a random direction. "Wha- Where is she going?"
"I don't know, should we follow?" Tubbo asks following Y/n's dress through the trees. "Or should we leave her for a moment?"
"I don't know, we can follow slowly, giver her time to think," with that the two teens follow the queen. Sadly they loose sight of her pretty quickly.
Techno's POV
With a frustrated sigh I drop the book onto the table. I was back in the library, three stacks of books on the table around me. I had picked out multiple books on potions and transfiguration. Y/n had looked so upset when both potions didn't work, along with the whole portal incident. I don't wanna disappoint her, but at the same tim-
"Techno," my head shot up from the open book on the table. There stumbling down the staircase was the Queen bee. She had tears running down her puffy pink cheeks.
"Hey, what's going on?" I ask concerned, walking over quickly, meeting her at the bottom of the stairs where she instantly falls into my chest. Holding onto my dress shirt tightly. She sobs quietly into my chest and I know not to speak. I wrap my arms around her gently, it feeling almost natural to hold her close like this. I rub her back gently, my other hand moving to her head, caressing her head.
"I'm sorry," Y/n speaks softly it being more muffled by her face being hidden in my chest.
"It's alright," I squeeze her a bit in reassurance. "I told you you could always come here for whatever reason," I tell her quietly, placing a gentle peck on her forehead. "I wasn't lying, I am here for you, alright?" I feel her nod against my chest, she sniffs a few times before slowly pulling away, just enough to look up at me. Her hands staying on my chest.
"I-I.. I don't-don't have a h-home anymore," she quietly confesses. "I- I'm not a-allowed back, unless I am a b-bee," she looks down in - I think - shame. She removes one hand off my chest, she grabs her crown, throwing it on the floor.
"I don't deserve it," she says in a clear whisper. I decide not to say anything, ignoring the voice in my head that want me to mock her for this action. She doesn't need anyone else talking her down, not now, not ever.
"You can stay here with me, alright," I tell her, grabbing hold of the hand that now hangs loosely at her side. "My home will be your home for however long you need it to be," she looks up at me, a sad but thankful look in her eyes. "Would you like me to bring you to your room?" I ask, already knowing exactly what room I want her to be in.
"Yes please, I could use some sleep," she answers quietly. I nod, giving her a smile.
"Alright," I lead her back up the stairs, looking back once, at the beautiful crown that laid discarded on the floor. 'I'll have to keep it safe for her'. The walk is quiet, there being no need to speak. She gently leans on me as we walk, her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile when I felt her head hit my shoulder. Some of the voices panicked, while others were cooing at the cute Queen bee. "This is it," I tell her when we reach the room. I open the door for her and walk her inside. "If you need me for anything, you know how to find me, and other wise, my room is right across from you."
"Thank you, Techno," she says with a slight smile on her lips. "It means a lot to me," she seems hesitant for a moment before she stands on her tippy toes and pecks my cheek just below my mask.
Y/n's POV
Weeks go by and I ended up staying with Techno in his castle. It took me a while to get used to this human body but I loved it. I learned new human things every day with the help of Techno all the while he did his best to combine his kingly duties and making a potion to make me a bee again. I was so grateful of him so I tried my best to make things easier for him. I did so by fetching stuff for him or getting him something to drink. Just anything really. During these weeks me and Techno had gotten a lot closer too. We had fallen into quite the cute routine, I would wake up before him, go down to the kitchen and make him tea. I hadn't learned how to make or cook any foods yet. But Techno would tell me it was fine that I didn't know how to cook, that's what the piglins were there for. Once the tea would be ready I would go up to his room and knock. Usually, he would still be asleep, so I would crack the door open just a snitch to check, before entering the room.
"Techno," I whisper while walking over to the bed quietly. Setting the cup down on the nightstand. Walking over to the windows I open the curtains. There was no such thing as sunlight here, but it was definitely lighter out there than inside the room.
"Always the curtains," Techno complains jokingly from the bed. Giggling, I flutter my wings getting on top of the bed.
"It's morning, time to get up," I tell him whilst sitting next to him. Patting his leg over the sheets in a way to wake him up more.
"The nether doesn't have time," Techno teases, pulling on my hand to make me lay down next to him. Yeah, I loved these moments.
"Did you end up staying up till later?" I ask while I lie next to him.
"Yeah," he says with an expressive sigh. "I think I might have found it," I sit up straight instantly.
"Really?" I whisper hopefully. Techno nods looking up at me with a gentle smile. A bright smile takes over my face as I leap forward wrapping my arms around him. Connecting my lips to his in a kiss filled with gratefulness. I could tell it startled him slightly, but this wasn't the first time we had kissed. Techno slowly sat up, our lips still connected, his hand moving to my cheek. Running his hand through my hair he pulls suddenly making me gasp. He slips his tongue into my mouth, meeting mine they fight over dominance, tho Techno had already won. After a while we pull away to properly breath, a dark blush lingering on my cheeks.
"Alright, even tho I love kissing you, I think we should get up," Techno says, a slight smirk on his lips when he notices my red cheeks.
"Wait, do you want me to brush you hair first?" I ask when he sits on the edge of the bed. I don't wait for an answer, flying off the bed, I walk and grab the hair brush along with a hair tie from a dresser. I sit down behind him and start to gently brush the knots out of his beautifully long pink hair.
"I'm going to miss this," I hear Techno mumble as he lets out a sigh. I can't tell whether its a sigh of enjoyment or of reluctance. So I let it slide for now. Once I am done getting all the knots out, I start to braid his hair loosely, knowing he preferred it that way.
"Alright, done," I tell him after I take his crown off its stand and gently placing it on his head.
"Thank you," he is quick to get dressed in his walk in closet and then we're off to the brewing room. On the way he shows me the book where he found the possibly working potion in. He was going to need quite a few ingredients but we both knew he had all of them in stock.
It takes a few hours to make but we endure it and when its ready I am just so nervous. I couldn't wait to go home! But at the same time, would I ever get to see Techno again?
"Alright, this is it," Techno says once he pored the finished potion into a vial. "Do you want to try it now?"
"Yeah, lets do it," I tell him nervously. Taking my hand, he gives me a reassuring squeeze. Taking the vial I look into his ruby eyes for encouragement. Those beautiful eyes being visible since he had gotten used to not wearing his mask around me. Ever since I spent a night in his bedroom when I had gotten scared of a wither Skelton terrorizing me outside my window. With one last gulp I drink the potion like a shot and wait with closed eyes. "Did it work?" I ask uncertain.
"Why don't you take a look for yourself," hesitantly I open my eyes looking down I notice that there is no dress and instead just empty space.
"Oh my god! It worked! Techno, thank you so much!" I fly up to him and nuzzle his cheek making him chuckle.
"Yes, I know I am a genius," he chuckles. "Let's bring you home now, alright," he takes two more vials and fills them with leftover potion, mumbling a 'just in case'. Grabbing a satchel he places the potions in there. "I need to grab one more thing, stay here and I'll be right back, alright?" I nod and watch as he leaves.
'Would the bees let me leave in order to meet Techno? Probably not. If anything I would probably be forced to stay inside for the rest of my days'
"Okay, lets go," Techno says once he's back, his face now covered with a pig mask. The way to the portal closest to home is quiet as Techno protects me from anything that tries to attack, from Ghasts, Blazes and Hoglins to just regular skeletons.
"I'm going to miss you," I tell him just before we reach the portal. Techno seems surprised before putting on what seems to be a serious face.
"Me too, but you're always allowed to visit, keep that in mind."
"That's the thing, I don't think they'll allow me to leave the hive when I return."
"I'll come visit you then, the potion will most likely work on me too."
"You would?" I ask with a small smile playing on my lips.
"Definitely," he chuckles. Looking back forward we see the portal. Taking a deep breath both of us walk through. Instantly I notice a difference.
"I swear it has to do with this portal specifically," I grumble as I stare down at my dress, me having turned human once more.
"Good thing I brought extra," Techno smiles taking another vial from the satchel and I swear I see something else glisten inside. "It's going to be okay," he says, placing a reassuring peck on my cheek. I nod and take the potion once more, instantly turning to my bee self again.
"At least the potion isn't world related," I chuckle and we continue the rest of the long walk towards my hive.
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"Wait a second," I whisper when we're almost there.
"Wha- why?" Techno asks confused, while my eyes are set on something. Tears already forming in my eyes.
"No...," I mutter, picking up the pace, I fly over to the hive just to see it grayed out and not taken care of. "No, no, no!" Flying into the hive I am met with a horrifying sight.
"Look who we have here," a frustrated voice says. "The Queen who oh so desperately wanted to leave the hive. Look what happened."
"B-but I-... I didn't mean for this to happen!" I tell the only bee left alive.
"Yeah, well, it did," the bee gives me an angry look before heading for the opening. "I wouldn't suggest staying. You're now the Queen of an empty hive," with that he flies out. I land on the floor as tears start freely rolling down my cheeks. I got everyone killed, just because I wanted to see the world. A hive does not function without its Queen...
I stay there on the floor for a while longer just mourning and feeling disappointed in myself. A gentle knock on the hive makes me get up. Knowing its Techno I fly out but turn so I don't look at him.
"I told you I'm not worthy of wearing my crown," I tell him quietly. "Because of my selfish action, I got my entire hive killed."
"Y/n, it's not your fault," Techno says making me scoff. 'As if'. "You didn't know the portal would make you human, no one could have warned you for that either! No one knew bees could talk till you decided to come out."
"Techno, it is entirely my fault! If I hadn't been selfish I would still have a living and thriving hive!" I burst out at him. "A hive doesn't function without its Queen. I left for selfish reasons and it killed the hive up to the last one standing!" Techno stays silent as I rant, definitely not used to me reacting like this. "Do you know who that was? That last bee was James, my personal guard. Someone who always looked out for me and told me I was the best Queen this hive had ever had. I cared so fucking much about every single bee. I was the only Queen to ever learn every single bees name," I cry out, sinking down to the grass-covered ground. "And now they're all dead. Just- ... just stomp on me. I don't deserve to live while they're not here."
"No," is the simple answer Techno gives. I stare at him wide eyed, shock covering my face. "Look I am no bee expert, but no matter what being you are. You shouldn't have to be locked up in one space for the rest of your life-"
"I mean, I could roam the hive-"
"You know what I mean, Y/n! I could tell from the moment I met you, you weren't meant for the bee life. You wanna go see the world, you want to explore, want to go on adventures! Being cooped up in that hive would not make you happy!" I couldn't help but agree. He was right. I did want to do those things. I loved being there for all my bees but the longing to go outside was much, much bigger. "So, I have a proposal for you," he clears his throat, getting down on one knee. "Would you, Y/n L/n, do the honors of becoming my Queen? We'll take care of all the piglins in my kingdom, go on adventures together and explore the entire world and beyond," my eyes grow wide when I see him take out my crown from the satchel, presenting it to me.
"You- A-are you sure?" I ask quietly, looking from my crown up to him.
"Well, preferably in human form, but yes," he chuckles sincerely, making me smile my sad tears replaced with happy once.
"I would love to be your Queen," I tell him with a grin on my face. "You don't happen to have any milk on you, do you?" Techno chuckles at my face before reaching into the satchel and handing me some milk. Drinking it quickly I transform in front of him, sitting on my knees in front of his kneeled being. I look down shyly, only looking up when I feel something heavy being placed on my head. It was my crown. With a bright smile I jump into his arms, pressing a passionate kiss to his lips.
And they lived happily ever after! Going on adventures together to who knows where!
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I hope you enjoyed this long ass oneshot! Let me know what you think and maybe hopefully stick around for a few more!
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🐝Send in a number + Character and I'll draw them in an outfit or as a creature based on that insect🦋
Allotopus Beetle
Apollo Butterfly
Assassin Bug
Atlas Moth
Bald-Faced Hornet
Banded Darter
Banded Demoiselle
Beautiful Demoiselle
Bhutan Glory Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Bullet Ant
Butterfly Dragonfly
Cabbage Butterfly
Cattlehearts Swallowtail
Common Batwing
Common Bluebottle Butterfly
Common Brimstone
Common Rose Swallowtail
Conehead Mantis
Cream-Spot Tiger Moth
Cuckoo Wasp
Death's-Head Hawkmoth
Devil's Flower Mantis
Differential Grasshopper
Drain Fly
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eighteen-Spotted Ladybird
Elephant Hawkmoth
Elephant Mosquito
Emerald Bee
Emperor Dragonfly
European Hornet
European Mantis
Eyed Ladybug
Fire Ant
Five-Spotted Hawkmoth
Fork-Horned Stag Beetle
Fourteen-Spotted Ladybird
Ghost Mantis
Giant Leopard Moth
Giant Long-Legged Katydid
Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect
Glasswing Butterfly
Goliath Beetle
Golden-Ringed Dragonfly
Great Black Wasp
Green Grasshopper
Green June Beetle
Green Snaketail
Green Stag Beetle
Halyzia Sedecimguttata (aka orange ladybird)
Hercules Beetle
Honey Bee
Hummingbird Clearwing
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Impatiens Hawkmoth
Jerusalem Cricket
Jewel Beetle
Lime Hawkmoth
Long-Legged Fly
Luna Moth
Monarch Butterfly
Mosaic Darner
Mud Dauber
Oleander Hawkmoth
Orchid Mantis
Painted Lady Butterfly
Paper Wasp
Peacock Butterfly
Pharaoh Ant
Picasso Bug
Pipevine Swallowtail
Poplar Hawkmoth
Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Question Mark Butterfly
Red Admiral
Rosy Maple Moth
Ruddy Darter
Scorpion Fly
Small Tortoiseshell
Southern Hawker
Southern Flannel Moth
Spicebush Swallowtail
Spiny Leaf Insect
Sunset Moth
Tailed Jay Butterfly
Tarantula Hawk
Thorn Bug
Tiger Mosquito
Twentytwo-Spot Ladybird
Ulysses Butterfly
White-Lined Sphinx
White Witch Moth
Yellow Jacket
Zebra Swallowtail
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devcted · 1 year
if you told her three years ago she would be a single mom before the age of 25 she probably wouldn't have believed you, she'd tell you a she could barely take care of herself but it's funny how quickly life changes and how you change with it. teddy may not have been her son in the biological sense, he was actually her baby brother but bee would raise him as such,telling people the ginger haired boy was hers and teddy had even called her mommy.
it would be two years ago by now since she lost her brother, her birth father and teddy's true mom. a shame considering she'd only gotten to know remus for a short time before he was killed trying to fight for the rights of werewolves everywhere, and it worked, they found some peace but at the cost of the things bee loved the most and being sick of the memories of her old life she packed everything up, took her adoring pets and adopted son before moving onto the farm she inherited by her father before he passed away, he maintained it throughout the years at least enough that it wasn't impossible to take care of when bee and teddy moved in.
she quickly started working on her crops and live stock. bee was able to get the milk and eggs quick enough these things she would sell at the local farmers market, it was a good way to make money but also to meet new faces, one in which was the face of a green-eyed boy. he'd bought eggs off her once and they got to talking, or at least whatever version of talking is her blushing and shyly trying to figure out what english sounded like again because she was so infatuated with his beauty and charm, even little teddy who is usually shy around strangers seemed to like him, showing him the drawing he'd been working on while waiting on his mom to finish selling their goods. he was pretty and she knows she doesn't have time to think like that, especially when astoria has mentioned their parents had intentions to set him up with daphne greengrass. she was the definition of beautiful rich girl of course he would want someone more his status and a single mom who shovel cow manure isn't exactly wife material for a guy like that. but that's not going to stop her from blushing and smiling every time he walks inside the sunday farmers market (even though it's only been two times)
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living in a small town means there's a community and also means there's nothing to ever do around here than host big events that become traditional to the people of the town. one being this spring dance, the girls would wear all white and flowers in their hair and the couples would pair off and dance together. at least that's what she understood when astoria was explaining it in attempt to get bee to come along. which she was happy to agree to, she loved parties or just simple get togethers and it would be good for teddy too. she wears a long white skirt with a white crop top with ruffles on the top being held together by skinny straps, putting white flowers from the field in the farm in her hair. she then dressed teddy in his light blue overalls with dinosaurs on the front pocket and his own flower crown she helped him make this morning "do I look pretty mama?" the small boy asks, trying to secure the pretty crown on his head. bee picks him up, kissing his chubby cheek."you're going to be the prettiest baby flower at the party." she says adoringly as they make their way out the door and to the event that's close enough she can nearly hear the music playing.
however, upon getting there it's kind of quickly she feels like a fish out of water. people paired up with dates and everyone knows everyone, including the farmer girl with a baby and no husband. a few people give he questionable looks but she tries not to notice, not wanting to clue teddy into the fact people were actually pretty judgemental especially when to mothers. she sets her toddler in the grass and he goes off to play with a few of the other small children here as astoria comes to hug bee. "you came! and you look gorgeous...who knows maybe you'll find teddy a new dad tonight with that skirt." the girl says confidently to which be laughs, about to say something in response when her blue eyes accidentally meet with those familiar green eyes she remembers from the farmers market. regulus is here, dressed expensive and looking at her, at least she hopes he is but then again she is talking to astoria and bee is pretty sure their close. she wants to say hi to him but she wonders if she should, he was so lovely and she was at deep risk of falling in love with someone who was apparently supposed to be here with another girl. so she gives the dark haired boy a smile before astoria is bringing her attention back. "you really should come and dance though." the darker haired girl said softly. "I'll think about it." bee says softly. don't get her wrong, she loves to dance but she's not so sure people are too fond of her being part of the community just yet, feeling the odd looks from others including one from daphne herself.
astoria and bee part ways when astoria's boyfriend is calling her over, leaving her to her thoughts. part of her is hoping teddy is getting used to his new home and having fun while her other thoughts stray to regulus black. @princeblack
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floweramongstthecold · 7 months
Character Association
Hachiko Taisho
Sooooooo thiiiis is longger than I thought it was gonna bee... so I dropped this under the cut. Got tagged by @starrysnowdrop so thanks for that. I feel like... this'll end up being updated somehow but I dunno if I'm actually gonna update it. Cause then it'll take forever to finish. XD
Soo yeaaah, here you guys go. Gonna tag whoever else wants to do this. It's pretty cool.
Cherry Pink
Sky Blue
Colibri Pink
Cactaur Green
Sweet Tea
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Subtle perfume
Stuffed Animals
Hand Fans
Tea Pots
Paper Lanterns
Bows and ribbons
Bell Collars
Rocking back and forth on her heels
Waving her arms and kicking her legs when excited
Uncontrollable laughter
Wide, close eyed smiles
Expressive tail movement
Arms tightly wrapped around her lover's arm in public
Eye rolls when annoyed
Not much eye contact when socializing
Rubbing her arms when nervous or embarrassed
Foggy cemeteries
Sun beams through the forest canopy in the Fall
A field of flowers in the Spring
A person in a mask
Fantasy books
Wandering spirits
Silk sheets
Pastel colors
Ball jointed dolls
A heart locked away in a cage
Sphynx cats
A smiling child
Gold by Utada Hikaru
Pink Blood by Utada Hikaru
Flesh by Simon Curtis
Soundless Voice by Len Kagamine
Yoku by Eve
Weight of the World (English Version) from Nier: Automata
Living Idly and Dying as if Dreaming by Eve
Niji Iro Kuma Kuma by Ranka Lee
Diamond Crevasse by Sheryl Nome
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mahayanapilgrim · 8 months
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The Royal Song of Saraha
Homage to the destroyer of negative energy!
The wind lashes calm waters into rollers and breakers;
The kingmakers multifarious identities form out of unity, seeing many faces of this one Archer, Saraha.
The cross-eyed fool sees one lamp as two;
The vision and the viewer are one, You broken, brittle mind!
Many lamps are lit in the house, But the blind are still in darkness;
Sahaja is all-pervasive
But the fool cannot see what is under his nose.
Just as many rivers are one in the ocean All half-truths are swallowed by the one truth;
The effulgence of the sun illuminates all dark corners.
Clouds draw water from the ocean to fall as rain on the earth
And there is neither increase nor decrease;
Just so, reality remains unaltered like the pure sky.
Replete with the Buddha's perfections Sahaja is the one essential nature;
Beings are born into it and pass into it,
Yet there is neither existence nor non-existence in it.
Forsaking bliss the fool roams abroad, Hoping for mundane pleasure;
Your mouth is full of honey now, Swallow it while you may!
Fools attempt to avoid their suffering,
The wise enact their pain.
Drink the cup of sky-nectar
While others hunger for outward appearances.
Flies eat filth, sourcing the fragrance of sandalwood;
Men lost to Nirvana further their own confusion,
Thirsting for the coarse and vulgar.
The rainwater filling an ox's hoof-print
Evaporates when the sun shines;
The imperfections of a perfect mind, All are dissolved in perfection.
Salt sea water absorbed by clouds turns sweet;
The venom of passionate reaction
In a strong and selfless mind becomes elixir.
The unutterable is free of pain;
Non-meditation gives true pleasure.
Though we fear the dragon's roar
Rain falls from the clouds to ripen the harvest.
The nature of beginning and end is here and now,
And the first does not exist without the last;
The rational fool conceptualizing the inconceivable -
Separates emptiness from compassion.
The bee knows from birth
That flowers are the source of honey;
How can the fool know
That samsara and nirvana are one?
Facing himself in a mirror
The fool sees an alien form;
The mind with truth forgotten
Serves a untruth's outward sham.
Flowers' fragrance is intangible
Yet its reality pervades the air,
Just as mandala circles are informed
By a formless presence.
Still water stung by an icy wind
Freezes hard in starched and jagged shapes;
In an emotional mind agitated by critical concepts
The unformed becomes hard and intractable.
The Mind Immaculate by nature is untouched By samsara and nirvana's mud;
But just like a jewel lost in a swamp
Though it retains its luster, it does not shine. mental dullness creases pure awareness' ribbon,
As mental sloth increases suffering also grows.
Shoots sprout from the seed and leaves from the branches.
Separating unity from multiplicity in the mind The light grows dim and we wander in the lower realms;
Who is more deserving of pity than he
Who walks into fire with his eyes wide open?
Obsessed with the joys of sexual embrace The fool believes he knows ultimate truth;
He is like someone who stands at his door
And, flirting, talks about sex.
The windstorms in the House of Emptiness Exciting delusions of emotional pleasure;
Fallen from celestial space, stung, The tormented yogin fades away.
Like a Brahmin taking riceand butter
Offering sacrifice to the flame,
He who visualizes material things as celestial ambrosia
Deludes himself that a dream is ultimate reality.
Enlightening the House of Brahma in the fontanelle
Stroking the uvala in wanton delight, Confused, believing binding pleasure to be spiritual release,
The vain fools calls himself a yogini.
Teaching that virtue is irrelevant to intrinsic awareness,
He mistakes the lock for the key;
Ignorant of the true nature of the gem
The fool calls green glass emerald.
His mind takes brass for gold,
Momentary peak experience for reality accomplished;
Clinging to the joy of ephemeral dreams He calls his short-thrift life Eternal Bliss.
With a discursive understanding of the symbol
Creating four seals through an analysis of the moment,
He labels his peak experience sahaja:
He is clinging to a reflection mistaken for the mirror.
Like befuddled deer leaping into a mirage of water
Deluded fools in their ignorance cling to outer forms
And with their thirst unslaked, bound and confined,
They idealize their prison, pretending happiness.
The relatively real is free of intellectual constructs,
And ultimately real mind, active or quiescent, is no-mind,
And this is the supreme, the highest of the high, immaculate;
Friends, know this sacred high!
In mind absorbed in samadhi that is concept-free,
Passion is immaculately pure;
Like a lotus rooted in the slime of a lake bottom,
This sublime reality is untouched by the pollution of existence.
Make solid your vision of all things as visionary dream
And you attain transcendence, Instantaneous realisation and equanimity;
A strong mind binding the demons of darkness Beyond thought your own spontaneous nature is accomplished.
Appearances have never ceased to be their original radiance,
And unformed, form never had a substantial nature to be grasped;
It is a continuum of unique meditation, In an inactive, stainless, meditative mind that is no-mind.
Thus the l is intellect, mind and mind-forms, I the world, all seeming alien show, I the infinite varieties of vision-viewer, I the desire, I the anger, I the mental sloth - And bodhicitta.
Now there is a lamp lit in spiritual darkness
Healing the splits riven by the intellect So that all mental defilements are erased.
Who can define the nature of detachment?
It cannot be denied nor yet affirmed, And ungrasp - it is inconceivable.
Through conceptualization fools are bound, While concept-free there is immaculate sahaja.
The concepts of unity and multiplicity do not bring integration;
Only through awareness do sentient beings reach freedom.
Cognition of radiance is strong meditation;
Abide in a calm, quiescent mind.
Reaching the joy swollen land
Powers of seeing expand, And there is joy and laughter;
Even chasing objects there is no separation.
From joy, buds of pure pleasure emerge, Bursting into blooms of supreme pleasure,
And so long as outflow is contained Unutterable bliss will surely mature.
What, where and by whom are nothing, Yet the entire event is imperative.
Whether love and attachment
The form of the event is it's emptiness.
Like pigs we wallow in this sensual mire
But what can stain our pearly mind?
Nothing can ever contaminate it, And by nothing can we ever be bound.
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