#greed will end us
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thepictorialist · 2 years ago
"Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless."
“...  But is the spirit of the people an infallible, a permanent reliance? Is it government? Is this the kind of protection we receive in return for the rights we give up? Besides, the spirit of the times may alter, will alter. Our rulers will become corrupt, our people careless. A single zealot may commence persecutor, and better men be his victims. It can never be too often repeated, that the time for fixing every essential right on a legal basis is while our rulers are honest, and ourselves united. From the conclusion of this war we shall be going down hill. It will not then be necessary to resort every moment to the people for support. They will be forgotten, therefore, and their rights disregarded. They will forget themselves, but in the sole faculty of making money, and will never think of uniting to effect a due respect for their rights. The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.”
~ Thomas Jefferson, Excerpt from Query XVII, Religion, “Notes on the State of Virginia”, c.1781
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politijohn · 3 months ago
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A seemingly mundane topic but this is how corporations eat away at our livelihood…One product at a time.
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victusinveritas · 2 months ago
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wazzi2ya · 1 month ago
That line in Merry Sinsmas that goes "I would travel every ring of Hell/Just to see if you'll be mine" has me thinking how Blitzø has indeed been to 6/7 rings and most of those trips were Stolas-related in some way.
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fertilizerforflowers · 1 year ago
Hozier really said to future generations, it’s not your fault. You can’t “work hard” and get what you need and want. It’s not your fault that the dreams of fifty years are now unrealistic and unattainable without breaking your soul and maybe not even getting it. You were fucked over before you came into this world, and they continue to fuck you over so much that it’s better to live your life as you see fit. It would be easier because being young and living as you want won’t ruin you but abiding by the systems most likely will.
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months ago
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America: See it before it ends.
(All the other memes I’ve made..)
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pinacoladamatata · 9 months ago
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 1 year ago
Emotional damage aside
How do you think buggy arc, assuming we will get one, can play out without him interacting with shanks? And do you think buggy just getting over his past friendship would be having equally satisfying impact on the story as them becoming close again?
well, my shuggy bias is 100,000% at play here, but i think a version of buggy’s arc that doesn’t involve shanks in the end just can’t be as satisfying as one that does involve him, whether it’s a proper reconciliation or just confrontation/closure. the way buggy thinks and feels about shanks has been such a huge part of the way buggy talks about his life and thinks about his goals, it would feel imbalanced to me if he wasn’t there at the end, somehow.
but what could a buggy arc without shanks in it look like? that’s an interesting question. two options (one a hurt no comfort version of my lt fic still pretty shanks-oriented, one an honest attempt at a shanksless buggy arc) below the cut.
if we’re just saying no interactions, shanks can still be part of buggy’s story in absentia, as he has been for much of canon. something to strive for, the measuring stick of buggy’s life, always frustratingly out of reach… until now. now buggy can practically taste the look of shock and awe on shanks’ face when buggy beats him to the one piece! it’s gonna be so good, getting everything he wants and rubbing it in his stupid face. but then shanks dies. shanks is dead. he never got the one piece, and he never got to see buggy get the one piece, and buggy’s never going to see him again, and— the one piece is within buggy’s reach, and so is the person who killed shanks. what does buggy want more: riches or revenge? what does he value more: treasure or an old friend?
buggy wants the one piece for two reasons, right? one: because it’s the biggest most valued most legendary treasure on the planet, and buggy loves treasure. and two: because it’s captain roger’s treasure, and buggy wants to inherit that legacy, if shanks won’t do it. so i think we could manage a satisfying no-shanks arc for buggy if it involves him proving himself worthy of roger’s legacy. not by getting the one piece—i may be engaging in buggy-centric speculation but i think we all know that thing’s meant for luffy—but by gaining the respect of cross guild, and of the other emperors, and of the wider pirate world. the marines are wary of their misapprehension of buggy’s charisma; let’s see his real inspirational ability used for a good purpose. let’s have half the world call him a hero and half call him a monster, and either way mean that they consider him roger’s successor! let’s have rayleigh show up and tell buggy he’s proud of him!!!
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gifti3 · 1 year ago
Honestly mammon is so generous cause no way im sendin my crush to comfort my older brother who also has a thing for them
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aro4aro-t4t-gabv1el · 1 month ago
oh my god i hate this game. after i got past the day after unlocking all of skin prophecy and king of greed's info i tabbed out to look at singing machine's info (and i really need an instinct trainer) and when i went back in i accidentally clicked on scorched girl. and having another he in my facility wouldve been REALLY useful
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littlestickfish · 8 months ago
I had a dream that I had found another Mark Twain song like the New Battle Hymn of the Republic
But it was written in vegetable pizza--all my favorite vegetables, mind--and I was trying to eat it... but it wouldn't all fit on my fork. And I said to my mom, "If I had to rate this song on a scale of Fuck You, 1-10, it would get an 11." And I think I was probably right
And then I tried to remember the words to the New Battle Hymn of the Republic, but I can only remember the first and the last
Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the sword
He is searching out the hidings where the strangers' wealth is stored
He has loosed his doomful lightning and with woe and death has scored
His lust is marching on /
I have read his bandit gospel writ in burnished rows of steel
As ye deal with my pretensions so with you my wrath shall deal
Let the faithless son of freedom crush the patriot with his heel
Our God is marching on!
I used to know all four verses. I used to sing them in my 20s while I was doing yard work, back in my 20s when I could still do yard work. That seems... like another life, now. In a way that makes the world tonight feel like the unfinished dream, not what I just saw
Happy July ig
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years ago
tumblr has dropped from 4.8 to 4.0 on my phones apps page (android) in the past two weeks since I left a review, so hopefully theyre going to get a hint soon. or theyll continue to crash 🤷
I think the hard thing is that a vast majority of people here don’t want tumblr to crash and burn bc it is a niche and special place we can’t replicate on other websites. And I think a lot of the actual staff members understand this. The call for these unnecessary changes are coming from high up.
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solomiracle · 1 year ago
i NEED to develop my teen mc more she is so silly. like 3 days into the exchange program lucifer told her to do something and she said she couldn't and he was like "tf???" she revealed that she already had a job bc she wants money
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whattheheckisatazelwurm · 2 years ago
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cantquitu · 2 years ago
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coles-scythe · 2 years ago
Not asleep yet, I was playing DQXI earlier to work on getting all the extra outfits and now my brain is filled with thoughts of Erik. Also how dirty they did him (and everyone but the Luminary) in Act 3.
EDIT: I realized I went on a very long rant in the tags. Spoilers for the game and it's post-game content in the tags.
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#i have a love/hate thing with this game#acts 1 and 2 are phenominal and i love them so so so much#act 3 however makes me so dissapointed#i generally dislike when stories use a timeline reset trope to fix all the bad stuff that happened#and i particularly HATE how the writers and devs executed that trope to make act 3 happen#the idea of reseting back to act 1 isnt inherently a bad thing#but the fact that the party eventually just gets all of their power from before the reset shortly after act 3 starts is terrible#in act 2 the player explores just how deeply each party member is affected by their respective traumas#the player stands by the party and helps them through it and make things as right as they can be#not perfect but realizing that things will never be perfect is part of the journey#with e.rik in particular he has to cope with fact he coulsnt save his sister fast enough before she was tainted by evil and greed#the player helps free his sister but he still has to live with the knowledge he couldnt be there for her when she needed him most#its painfully emotional and hits all the right notes for me#act 3 erases all of that and prevents that trauma from ever happening by giving him and his sister a storybook ending#she's saved by main protagonist privilege and now the player is best bros with e.rik for life#i have no words for just how much i hate this#its so bad that ive never actually beaten the game largely bc of it#that and my will to 100% as much of the game without going into new game+ has been sapped dry until recently#the ONLY good thing to come out of act 3 is that the l.uminary is the only person to remember everything from act 2#and now he has to live with the knowledge he is an anomaly and has 0 other people who expierenced the same trauma as him#despite those people who experienced it alongside him are still in his party#v.eronica DIED in act 2 and now shes alive again in act 3 that HAS to be terrifying to the l.uminary bc shes like a dead girl walking to hi#im getting so off topic#this is supposed to be abt e.rik#uhhhh e.rik is best boy and im somehow gonna retcon all of act 3 in my au bc its stinky bad#🗡 Catch Me If You Can
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