#great estate
kataraavatara · 5 months
“wah wah nesta was spending Rhysand’s infinite money!” real talk…why did she even need it? wtf happened to all the money tamlin gave them??? it just disappeared? was this ever explained
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papastarion · 10 months
Larian making Astarion a magistrate is the best thing they could have done. To me, anyway. It’s so good. I don’t have the words. But I do have headcanons aplenty. And one of my personal favorites intersects with the popular concept of the things he left behind before he died.
I think there’s a 200 year old by-law that everyone who holds any kind of legal or political position in Baldur’s Gate hates. It’s just known as The Paradox. Everyone hates it. It’s the legal version of a reverse Uno card. The original creator of the document’s been lost to time, since the document itself wasn’t kept with great care before finally being archived.
No one can figure out how to undo it or work around it—hence the moniker. It’s the most intricate written law in the system. It’s a game for new members of the government being forced to try to solve it. Like a rite of passage. They always end up crying. Every last one.
Astarion remembers writing it, but he can’t for the life of him remember what the workaround was supposed to be.
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daipeanutsaiban · 5 months
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the little miss baskerville at around 14 years old- a young lady with a mischievous streak 😺. her father makes her wear white as a way to know when she's sneaked out against his orders, because her clothes will be visibly dirty. sometimes she'll disguise herself and klint (and occasionally barok) as east end kids and they'll blend in the crowd for a day. her color scheme is meant to be reminiscent of a candle, both in reference to the headstrong, fiery personality i write her with and to her short-lived existence.
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ying-doodles · 4 months
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in some other timeline...
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
The “Great israeli Real Estate Sale,” an expo selling stolen Palestinian land, scheduled on 3/13 in Flatbush was cancelled. The group, instead, held a Zoom webinar hosted by real estate agent Simcha Lustig, who has made a fortune off of selling illegally built properties (some of which sell for millions of shekels) on stolen Palestinian land. Protesters infiltrated the webinar and disrupted the event by flooding the chat, annotating the Zoom screenshare, and making verbal statements against the sale, amongst other forms of disruption. An email campaign ahead of the event resulted in Lustig’s inbox being flooded with hundreds of instances of “hate mail” (as he calls it). Simcha, we will not tolerate your continued sale of stolen Palestinian land, not in the wake of a genocide that has claimed over 40,000 lives and not ever.
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lloydfrontera · 9 months
oh my god there he is,,
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the laziest motherfucker on the world in person <333,,, and he looks so fucking good!! look at his hair,,, i'm gonna start barking i swear to god,,, was this really too much to ask for,,, was it really,,,, kim hyunsoo i'm crawling on your ceiling rn,,,,,
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Frieza went to hell and started practicing his winged eyeliner. king.
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chiyana · 2 months
Jon: Damian, I have a suggestion that you're going to hate, but I need you to bear with me and seriously consider it Damian: very well Jon: *takes a deep breath* I think we should go on an adventure with our brothers (Kon and Tim) instead of our dads Damian: *visibly vibrating with anger* *deep inhale* ...eXpLaIn Jon: our dads are constantly talking about responsibility and the importance of a well-balanced SuperBat partnership, working together as a single unit and approaching things seriously Damian: they are respected heroes, above reproach in their conduct and two of the three main founders of the Justice League Damian: meanwhile our "brothers", as you say, have a public history of being reckless and idiotic when teamed up together and are regularly involved in inane, useless shenanigans Jon: they would let us ride laser dinosaurs into battle without question Damian: they- Damian: -later- Damian: father Jon and I are going on an adventure with Drake and his clone boy
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mewtwo365 · 2 years
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Herlock Sholmes can now legally change his name
Hope you enjoy, and have an AWESOME 2023!
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
by Noah Pollack
How hard would it have been on Sunday, given the quantity of police on hand, to move the Hamas group a safe distance away from the entrance to the synagogue and ensure freedom of entry and exit? And it’s not just that this was entirely possible—it’s that this would have been the right thing to do, consistent with basic American values. We don’t do heckler’s vetoes here, or mob rule, and we don’t let masked thugs push around good citizens in broad daylight. Or at least that’s what I thought.
It was only in talking to people on the outskirts of the protest that I learned that the event was still on—you just had to find the alleyway behind the synagogue and knock on the right door, and there’d be an armed security guard who would let you in. So we did end up attending—but through the back door. 
In the midst of all this, my wife arrived, and also first tried to go in the front door. She was also stopped by the police and told “You’re not going in and you have to leave this area.”
I guided her via text messages toward the alleyway entrance. It was only as we left the event that the street fighting really picked up in front of the synagogue and, later, in front of Jewish restaurants and establishments along Pico Boulevard. A friend of ours who owns a small kosher restaurant a block from Adas Torah texted us a picture that afternoon of her and her staff standing in front of their restaurant holding baseball bats and knives, ready to protect their business. I immediately thought of the rooftop Koreans during the L.A. riots. Why did it have to escalate like this? Because, as they have realized on elite college campuses and in blue cities across the country, anti-Israel activists understand that they enjoy something like immunity. They can’t murder or severely beat people, but pretty much all other criminality—vandalism, graffiti, trespassing, harassment—will go unpunished. It’s one thing to understand that from watching the news. It’s quite another to witness it—to have to rush your kids away from a synagogue because Hamas supporters are getting violent outside and the police are letting it happen.
The groups organizing and carrying out these regular campaigns of violence across the country are well known. They fundraise for and promote their criminal enterprise openly. They boast on social media about carrying out violence. Their assaults are documented on video from a dozen angles. They routinely break numerous state and federal civil rights and hate crime laws. They could be prosecuted under a half-dozen different statutes. But it never seems to happen. So it is very difficult to reach any other conclusion than this is all quite intentional.
If you think that’s unfair, just look at the statement released yesterday by Los Angeles mayor Karen Bass. She pledged to take three actions in response to the Pico pogrom: convene meetings, increase coordination between the LAPD and Jewish institutions, and ask for more state money for security. Notice anything missing? The mayor of Los Angeles isn’t even pretending that she will ask law enforcement to prosecute criminals who target Jews.
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notbecauseofvictories · 10 months
I'm watching SurrealEstate, because "what if real estate was haunted as a matter of law, and also haunted haunted" is a good premise, even if the show is fairly boring in execution.
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peapodsplace · 6 months
Hey Baba, it seems like you've been seeing a lot of yucky stuff online right now. A lot of people who aren't remembering their manners and are forgetting that there's people behind a screen. I know you like your screen time but please remember that the world isn't all like that okay? Some people are different online and forget their values and let's remember that these days, algorithms perpously show you things that'll make you upset. Yes, yes it's not very fair, is it sweetheart. Please remember to take some breaks and that the world isn't really like that. It's so important to protect yourself. Yes, silly even if you think you don't deserve it; because you do.
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sprout-is-cool · 2 months
does someone have the bootleg for the great gatsby! smiles sweetly and nicely
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the-posh-life · 2 years
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ying-doodles · 23 days
// webtoon spoilers (ep 157)
this episode is so good but it ends on such a tense cliffhanger oml- ∑( 口 ||
to sum it up: lloyd discovers the jewel of truth will cause a giant typhoon once it's complete, javier goes on vacation, and the counts get suspicious about lloyd..
yay for the summons!! o(≧∀≦)o I feel like it's been a minute since I last saw them, especially bibeong since he's always protecting the lake-
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yikes, reading the novel's description of the typhoon was one thing but seeing it in full colour is terrifying,,
so much destruction and power..
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AUGH JAVIER PLAYING WITH THE SUMMONS IS SO CUTE!! MY HEART,, qwq reminds me of the novel illustration nali was talking about the other day-
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lloyd being stressed and javier being sad and wishing he could help lloyd more.. :( but also javier gets to go on vacation yippee-
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aww, javier wondering when lloyd can join everyone else who's thriving and living happily in the estate because of him is so sweet,,
also side note, the little lloyd and javier lookalikes?? hello?? they're so tiny and cute oh my god- 😭 the little pot on little javier's head,,
also also, note that I cut out a fair chunk of this section cause it was just highlighting side characters like bayern and solitas and I only have so many photos I can shove in one post before I'm just posting the entire episode.. (even though I am kinda doing that.. ><") anyways, go read it for yourself if you want to see them lol.
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oh no they're becoming suspicious about lloyd's identity.. although it's only fair since you know, as they say themselves, he doesn't act like og lloyd at all.. ( ̄  ̄|||
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formal attire?? passed down when one becomes the local lord?? this is news to me-
but it would explain why lloyd looks so plain in comparison, og lloyd wasn't allowed to wear it cause of his poor behaviour..
(also I need to draw lloyd in it at some point fr.)
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oh he looks so tired and dishevelled,, :( my poor boy, working himself to the bone once again.. but also the lack of reaction because he's not og lloyd and doesn't care about the clothes? uh oh-
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not lloyd failing to notice the grandfather mention was a test because he was too busy (and tired) to actually pay attention..
I'm obsessed with that panel of him in shadow as he walks away though omg it's so good,, and that growing distance between him and the counts in the next one?? excellent-
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augh javier being restless because he's usually out protecting lloyd is so good,, what good is a sword if it's not being used in battle, really..
side note, I love the counts gardening together, that's so cute!!
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!! the change in their expressions?? them asking about the real lloyd?? AAAA!! *starts vibrating*
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(novel spoilers ahead) I would say I doubt javier will actually reveal anything to them cause they're supposed to find out through suho's letter in the end but also things have changed so much already that it's all up in the air now as to what will happen next-
so now I'm super curious as to what javier will say in response.. where do your loyalties lie sir?? agh now I'm so excited for the next episode,,
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parasprite · 6 months
modern rise in tradwife and its related parenting fads comes as no surprise when you consider that mothers have always been held to impossible standards of maternal perfection and the rise of social media has them being more watched and scrutinised than ever, strangers picking apart their every single decision and calling them terrible mothers no matter what they do — no wonder they shape themselves for the approval of the Most vocal and Most sexist public opinions and end up treating little reighlynne's measles with organic no sugar granola because the keyboard warriors condemn any demon mother who has to resort to pharmaceuticals or whatever the fuck
the parenting advice industry is huge and filled with unqualified opinions, but it's Always been the most extreme, most controversial, most wacko religious parents who rise to the top and get the most attention. and now with tiktok and instagram it's easier than ever for a mommy influencer to get in on this grift, even (or especially) if she forewent formal education, married a rich man and started having babies young. you don't need to know shit about photography or business to point a camera at your biege playroom and make millions going tiktok viral. no matter what a mom does, people are gonna be angry; rage drives engagement and makes more money, so the wider social media trends are always gonna follow whatever pisses people off the most. the christian mom with the Most kids, with the Weirdest names, with the Most uncomfortable cryptofascist messaging is gonna get the most attention. and women who are just struggling and looking for easy parenting advice are going to get funneled into that echo chamber no matter what. and feminist mothers and child psychologists and doctors with anything actually useful to say are going to be underrepresented because they don't have a cloth nappy and peasant dress brand deal in their caption.
tradwife influencers are, at the heart of it, advertisements; they exist to sell products and ebooks and a romanticised, oversimplified lifestyle to their followers, while they simultaneously profit off spectacle, shock and rage from their detractors.
there's a reason why conservatives love the nuclear family so much. it's a multi billion dollar industry.
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