#gravel makes me want to saw off my feet
theworstcreature · 3 months
Sensory issues not in the “if I wear socks I will immediately die and explode” way or the “socks are my lifeline. Without them, I shall perish” way but a secret third way (if I can even feel anything out of the ordinary on the ground (or honestly just go outside in general), I will burst into flames and need shoes at basically all times or else)
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musubi-sama · 3 months
Papa Mama, Kiss!
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Nanami Kento, girl dad, and how the small commands an almost-2year-old can etch into his heart.
A/N: Thanks @pseudowho for the gentle nudge to write this one out. And for everyone else, if it's not obvious, based on real events.
WC: 1.4K
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Fatherhood, raising and nurturing children to become their best selves. To give them wings and teach them to fly on their own. This is what Nanami Kento dreamed of for years. But almost two years in, his daughter was testing his last thread of patience.
“Papa, milk!” Kento returns with a glass of milk.
“Papa, tea!” Kento blinks, and returns with a glass of tea, finishing off the milk for himself along the way.
“Milk?” Kento sighs. Just as he starts to lift himself from his chair, you put your arm on his.
“Sweetest, could you take a sip of the tea first?” you offer the glass to your daughter, and she happily starts to drink the water, quickly emptying the cup. Sufficiently satiated, she goes back to eating her lunch.
You shoot your husband a soft smile, you’re met with a weary, but loving gaze in return. Features worn by time, bolstered by love, and cut by the effort of child rearing.
You both had done your research, coming to similar conclusions with differing approaches on how to tackle the approaching “Terrible Twos.”
Kento couldn’t understand the parenting blogs, as they made any solutions to challenges seem so…. simple to solve.
“Guaranteed to solve purple crying with one simple trick!” “Sleep training made easy! You’ll have quiet nights in less than a week!” “10 steps to handling a temper tantrum in public. Number 6 will surprise you”
But every solution seemed to be milquetoast, at best, and unhelpful at worst. But almost two years in, he started to get the hang of things. The secret is that his daughter was her own person and required him to think on his feet. And despite the new levels of exhaustion he had reached, especially in the early days, Nanami Kento was euphoric to see his daughter every morning. He missed her in the depths of his heart every second she was at daycare, or even just with you running errands.
Kento was a modern dad, bucking the trend by taking the full year of paternity leave along with you. Reassuring you that there would still be an open spot in daycare once it was time to return to work. And he was right. He helped fill out the pages and pages of paperwork. And choosing the 13 facilities to rank in hopes you were offered a spot at your number 1? Of course, your salaryman husband excelled at sorting the data and organizing the thick booklets of information.
When it came time to drop off your daughter on her first day, and it was only for two hours, you both arrived with big, nervous, first-time parent jitters. And were the only full family there in the morning drop off. The other parents sharing knowing glances at you and Kento fumbling clothes, trying to find the bins you needed, almost dropping the thermometer, and giving maybe one, two, three, too many kisses to your daughter as you handed her off.
The walk to the local coffee shop was filled with dreams of what fun your daughter would have with her class. Kento was hiding his nerves well, but you could see right through him. You saw the tremor in his hand, the nearly imperceptible gravel in his voice. He didn’t hold back for the other parents’ sake; he’d never do that. But he didn’t want your daughter to catch his nervous and scared energy. He knew if she felt his anxiety, it would make handing her off so much harder. He couldn’t bear to hear your cries of separation.
So, when you both returned two hours later, Kento lit up with the biggest smile and the most eager arms as the workers handed your daughter off to him.
“Oh, my love, I’ve missed you! What did you play with? Who did you meet? Please tell me all about your day, spare no details,” your doting husband cooed at your one-year-old. He continued an entire conversation with her, even if words didn’t form from the baby babble.
You spoke with the workers to understand how she fared for the short visit. They told you how she didn’t cry not even once. And how tomorrow your daughter can stay even longer, through the morning snack. It made you so happy to get such fantastic feedback.
After a few weeks, you all settled into a lovely routine. Both of you working from home left flexibility for drop off and pick up. And as your daughter became more capable of bigger play times, Kento would take her out to the local park so that you could make dinner most days. You loved the peace and quiet, he loved the bonding time.
As your daughter’s language built up over the months leading up to her second birthday, she was beginning to string together commands. Able to ask for help, food, drink, toys. She even started to command who could sit next to her and then tell them to “moot (move)” away and a new person would be not-so-gently asked to sit next to her.
“Papa,” she would point to a spot on the ground next to her, in the middle of the playground. And Kento is not the type to ignore the requests of a child. He took a polite squat next to your daughter, waiting with bated breath for the next command she would give.
“Mmm. Ah…up,” she reached her hands up in the air.
“Do you want up?” Kento reached over to lift his little one up in the air with a light, controlled, toss.
You sat on a nearby bench watching, camera clicking over and over, catching the precious moments to share with your friends and family across the world.
That night ran like every other, a well-oiled machine. You took a bath with your daughter, Kento took her for a fresh diaper, clean pajamas, and to help him make, and for her to drink, the nightly milk bottle.
And the final step, you welcomed a sleepy toddler into your weary arms. Tonight, she was laden down with her stuffies of choice, a small Sylveon and Doraemon.
“Okay, let’s cuddle up here, please,” you coax a sleepy toddler into your lap and to lay against your chest. It seems like every day it gets harder as she grows bigger. What happened to your teeny tiny bub?
“Good night, I love you,” Kento leans down to give a kiss to the tiny (well, not so tiny anymore) forehead. “And I love you,” he leans over to your waiting lips as you tilt your head up. Every night you get a soft, but gently urgent kiss from Kento.
“Papa iss?” you both break from the kiss to hear a tired request. Your daughter had sat up from your chest and looked expectantly at Kento.
“Of course,” he leans down for another kiss, this time her cheek. A satisfied smile spreads across her face.
“Mama iss?”
“Yes, love.”
“Mama papa iss?” and you looked up at Kento to make sure you heard her correctly.
“Did she…?”
“You heard her now,” and Kento leans down for another kiss, this time he lingers a heartbeat longer. As he pulls away, in the dim haze of the nightlight he catches your waterline beginning to fill.
“Oh, baby, you’re so sweet,” you coo at your daughter, pulling her into a tender hug.
“Good night, you two,” Kento is standing by the door, soft smile from lips to eyes. He slips out and gently shuts the door.
After you spend a few minutes cuddling with your daughter, you gently lay her in the crib and quietly slip out of the bedroom, leaving her to take the last step to dreamworld.
You sit down on the couch next to Kento. Still feeling the buzz from twenty minutes ago, he reaches over to cup your face.
“How are you feeling?”
“I am going to ride that high for weeks. I can’t believe it,” your eyes can’t hold back the tears of love and happiness. You feel every bit of the dichotomy between the hard moments and the soaring highs of happiness.
Kento could feel his heart grow and swell. The small command would replay in his mind until his dying breath. It would be a story he shared as the father of the bride. An endearing tale he treasured, a memory he could rely on to get him through overtime.
Coaxing you into his lap, Kento presses his lips to yours much more urgently than the last kiss.
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void-wolfie · 24 days
I Can't Live Without You
summary: you and Jenna get into a fight, you get into a car crash before you can make amends [request]
pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
tw: swearing, arguments, drinking, a car crash (i'm probably missing something so let me know if i need to add anything)
words: 2.33k
a/n: one of my longest posts yet, sorry it took me so long to get to this request and even longer to post it. anyway, enjoy the angst :)
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You stood there, frozen in place, watching the pair through the windows of the coffee shop. As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from them.
His hand was up her thigh, shoulders brushing with every passing word, her smile brighter than all the stars in the midnight sky. But that’s not what held your attention. No. The thing that held your attention the most, was the kiss. 
You had no right to be jealous, it’s not like you were dating her. But that didn’t make it hurt any less.
You liked Jenna, you really did… maybe even loved her… And you thought, or at least hoped, maybe she liked you back. But the scene in front of you told a very different story.
The couple sat towards the back of the café in a small corner booth, just against the windows. You probably wouldn’t have even noticed them if you weren’t about to head into the shop yourself. And yet, there they were. Hidden away like two lovers on a secret rendezvous.
You backed away, back in the direction you came from. You had plans for today, but those could wait. Right now, you needed to get away… anywhere far away from that.
Jenna saw you. She saw you turn and walk off in the other direction. There was something about the way you stormed off that caught her attention, it put a knot in her stomach.
Something was wrong, very wrong.
You wiped your eyes, hoping no one would notice if they saw you. You hated crying; it made you feel weak.
You patted down your pockets, looking for your car keys. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find them, and it took even less to unlock the car door.
“What’s wrong?”
Of course… You closed your eyes, wanting nothing more than for the ground to swallow you whole right then and there.
 You didn’t want to talk to her, not after what you just saw.
“Not now, Jenna. Please.” 
You didn’t turn around, keeping yourself facing towards the car. You didn’t want to see her, and you sure as hell didn’t want her to see you like this. 
Jenna was taken aback. You told her everything. When something was wrong, you’d always go to her first. And now you were pushing her away? She couldn’t understand it.
The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty parking lot. Gravel crunched under Jenna’s feet as she got closer. You didn’t move though, you refused to let her see you like this. 
“Seriously, Jenna, I’m not in the mood.” You tried again to get her to go away. But her footsteps didn’t falter or change course… Nope, Jenna was going to give you a piece of her mind, whether you liked it or not.
You wiped your eyes again and took a deep breath, trying to pull yourself together. You didn’t want her to notice what a mess you were… Not like it would matter though, Jenna noticed everything.
Her footsteps stopped next to you. You could feel her eyes boring into you, her concern practically radiating off her. You didn’t budge though. You couldn’t. It almost seemed like the closer she got the faster your tears fell.
“Hey, talk to me. Whatever’s wrong, maybe I can help…”
Fuck… You hated the world. You hated yourself, you hated that boy, you hated everything. Everything but her… How do you even tell your best friend, the girl you’re in love with, that the reason your entire world is falling apart is because of her? She was your everything, and she destroyed you.
But worst of all, she didn’t even know it.
You still had your eyes closed, praying that by some miracle she would go away.
She reached out to hold your hand, anything to try and comfort you. But you pulled away.
Jenna tried to ignore the pain in her chest as you pulled away, the feeling of your fingertips slipping past hers was almost foreign. She knew you were hurting, but it didn’t make the ache in her own heart go away.
“Did I do something wrong?”
You wanted to laugh, you wanted to tell her it was all just a big misunderstanding, that you were fine. But you couldn’t. Instead, more tears fell.
Jenna would never be yours. Never anything more than a friend… The longer the two of you stood there the more the realization crushed you.
“No, Jenna. You didn’t do anything wrong.” The words came out soft, muffled by the air caught in your throat and the weight of the world slowly suffocating you.
“Then what’s wrong? Why won’t you talk to me?” She was getting frustrated now, evident by the tension in her voice and her rising volume.
“Because I can’t!” You snapped, “Because for fucking once, you’re the only person I can’t tell!”
“Why not?!”
“Because it’s not your fucking problem!”
The second the words left your mouth you wanted to take them back. You didn’t mean it.
You never thought you could see someone’s heart break. You always thought that was the stuff of movies and shows. And yet, that’s exactly what you saw looking at Jenna. You saw her heart shatter. You could see the tears welling in her eyes, her hands looked like they were shaking, and her face twisted in anger and hurt. She seemed…
“Sorry I even bothered then.”
You didn’t even have time to interject before she turned on her heel and stormed off. And even if you did, you weren’t sure you would’ve said anything anyway. What do you say to fix a broken heart? What do you say when your own heart is crumbling to pieces?
You finally got into your car, practically throwing yourself into the driver’s seat.
You took a second to breathe and digest whatever the hell just happened.
You ruined it. You just ruined the only relationship that ever mattered to you…
You slammed your hand against the steering wheel. You did it again and again and again, beating the crap out of the poor thing. You kept going till your hand was purple and blue and all the anger had finally faded away. All that remained was your shattered soul and bruised hand.
You’d give anything to take back what just happened…
You stumbled out of the bar door, your eyes struggling to adjust to the pitch-black sky after sitting under the tavern lights for so long.
After your fight with Jenna you decided to turn to the best distraction you could think of; crawling into the bottom of a bottle. All things considered; you’ve been worse off. You weren’t seeing double yet and you hadn’t fallen on your face. Both of which were good things considering how much you had to drink.
You fumbled for your keys, dropping them as you pulled them from your pocket. You bent over to pick them up, your stomach churning as you did so. You heaved, silently begging your body not to barf. It churned again. You nearly lost it, but the feeling seemed to pass as quickly as it appeared.
You looked down at the keys in your hand, quickly shoving them back into your pocket. If the way you nearly puked two seconds ago told you anything it was that you were too drunk to drive home.
You pulled out your phone, trying to think of someone who’d be willing to drive you home this late at night. You clicked the first contact you could think of.
You listened to the dial tone. Once, twice, three rings. Then to voicemail. You didn’t bother leaving a message, instead hanging up. It was crazy to think she’d pick up anyway.
You clicked a different contact, your brother. Once again, it rang only to go to voicemail. You tried your sister, but once again, no answer.
You looked over at your car, contemplating just how drunk you were. Your house wasn't that far away, maybe you could drive?
No. It wasn't worth the risk. You only lived a few blocks away, you could walk. You weren’t gonna be one of those idiots on the news who got a hundred years in prison for killing someone because they drove home drunk.
You headed towards the street, making sure to keep on the sidewalk. You didn’t want to stumble into the road like some drunk idiot, even if there weren’t any cars around. You decided to put on some soft music while you walked, the quiet beginning to make you uncomfortable.
Somewhere behind you could hear the rumble of a car. It was getting close and fast… definitely too fast to be safe. You turned behind you to try and get a look at the car, only to be met with bright headlights right in your eyes. It almost seemed like they were swerving but it was too hard to tell.
“Hello?” Jenna answered the phone with a sigh.
She’d been halfway through pouring herself yet another glass of white wine when her phone started to ring. She was just going to ignore it, but it kept ringing. Eventually, she decided to pick it up and tell whoever it was to call back tomorrow.
She couldn’t stop thinking about the fight from earlier. In fact, it was all she could think about all day. And the more she thought about it the more her chest ached. And the more her chest ached, the more wine she found herself pouring.
“Jenna! Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay?”  It was her mom; she seemed worried, frantic even. She wasn’t sure why she was so worked up, but it couldn’t have been good.
“Yeah, mom, I’m fine. What’s wrong?”
There was a pause. A moment of silence. The tension that seeped into the air sent chills down Jenna’s spine.
“You don’t know?”
“Know what?” Now she was even more confused. Did something happen? “You’re scaring me, Mom. What’s wrong?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, hun. I was worried, I thought you might’ve been with her when it happened and- ”
“With who? What happened?”
“Oh,” she could hear her mom’s voice cracking from the other side of the phone, it only made her more worried, “Sweetheart… There was an accident, a bad one.” Her mom didn’t need to say your name, Jenna already knew exactly who she was talking about.
Her mom kept rambling, but she was hardly listening. Jenna made out some words; drunk driver, life support, critical condition… but all she could think about was you.
“What hospital?” Jenna interrupted. She loved her mom, but the conversation at hand was far from her mind. She needed to see you, she needed to know you were going to be okay. You had to be okay… she wasn’t sure what she would even do if you weren’t.
“The hospital just off of thirteenth street-”
“What floor?”
“The ICU-”
“I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” She didn’t care how many stoplights she had to run or what laws she had to break. She’d be there in fifteen minutes, damn the consequences.
Before her mom could get another word in, Jenna hung up the phone.
True to her word it only took her fifteen minutes to get to the hospital, a feat which should’ve been nearly impossible given how far away she lived. 
Jenna ran up to the nurse’s station, frantic and out of breath, “Where’s-”
Before she could finish her question alarms started blaring. Rapid beeping shot out from the computers, lights began flashing outside one of the rooms, everyone jumped out of their seats. All Jenna could comprehend from the chaos was ‘Code Blue’ and ‘Room 143’.
She watched the nurses rush down the hall towards the flashing lights, she noted doctors and other nurses rushing towards the same room as well. One of the nurses closed the blinds while another closed the door to keep the family from watching from the hall.
It took a few seconds before she realized she recognized the family. She noted your brother, looking pale and emotionless. Your mother, tears streaming down her eyes and holding onto your sister, who was crying herself, for dear life.
The alarms, your family, the term ‘Code Blue’… the realization of what was happening hit Jenna like a freight train.
“No…” Jenna didn’t want to believe it, she couldn’t. “No… No, no, no, no -”
Her legs were carrying her before she even realized what she was doing, her body acting off instinct.
She nearly tripped as a pair of arms latched onto her, holding her back from storming into the room. She tried pushing the arms off, her sights still set on the door in front of her, but it was pointless. Whoever had her wasn’t letting go.
Tears clouded her vision, but she could hear the doctors inside your room clearly; demanding voices talking about drugs and techniques, the sound of the defibrillator going, different nurses and doctors all talking over one another.
She needed you to be okay. You had to be okay.
Then, just as quickly as it all started, everything went quiet.
Jenna’s pleading had stopped, lost to her hoarse voice and sobbing cries. The doctors had all gone quiet, there was no more talk of treatments or drugs. The familiar tones of the defibrillator had stopped, no more sounds from charging or discharging. All that remained were the normal sounds of a busy hospital.
The loudest sound of all though, was the one sound that was missing. Your hospital monitor had gone silent, most likely turned off by one of the doctors or nurses. No alarms, no ticks or beeps, just cold steady silence.
“Time of death, twenty-three fifty-seven.”
Jenna heard one of the doctors say it, almost as clear as day. She never thought one little sentence could hurt her so bad, and yet, having her heart ripped from her chest would’ve been less painful.
You were gone.
Not just gone…
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thesummerpetrichor · 2 months
𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓰𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓼: 𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸
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Stepdad!Javier Peña x afab!fem!reader
Summary: The year is 1979 and it's the summer after graduation. You want to make the most of the vacation, but going to shady dance bars is a lot harder now that your new stepfather works for the DEA.
Warnings: 18+ only minors DNI you will be blocked. Mentions of DEA, cops and raids, stepdad trope and all that comes with, minor DUBCON, big juicy age gap [reader is 18/19 when she meets Javi, Javi is in his mid 40s], reader wears a dress, petnames, mommy issues ™ , alcohol consumption, mean!brat tamer!dom!Javi then soft!Javi, brat!reader, rough sex, “virginity” loss & minor mention of blood, sex in the woods on the hood of Javi’s car, mentions of F masturbation, some reader x oc, Javi gives reader her first orgasm, major size kink [Javi is bigger than the reader, can rough house with her], degradation, dumbification, reader is insanely horny, satanic levels of dirty talk, finger sucking, choking, spanking [with a belt and hand] , a few slaps [as always], fingering, unprotected P in V [be better!!], creampie. Let me know if I missed anything 🫶
Word count: 7.2k
A/N: I am impossibly excited for this stepdad trilogy. This is part 1/3 so it’s only 1/3 the fun and debauchery. Few Easter eggs thrown in.. see if you can spot em 🤭.This is set up after the events of season 2 and before the events of season 3, in a year where Javi is taking a break before Cali, but feel free to imagine otherwise. Enjoy!!
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​​Once I had a love and it was a gas
Soon turned out had a heart of glass
Seemed like the real thing, only to find
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
Once I had a love and it was divine
Soon found out I was losing my mind
It seemed like the real thing, but I was so blind
Mucho mistrust, love's gone behind
You stood at the entrance, one foot tapping restlessly on the wooden floorboards. In an effort to keep your head down you fiddled aimlessly with the clasp on your watch, knowing full well you weren’t going to be paying attention to anything but the time that flashed on its face. An older, blonde woman came stomping onto the patio, swinging the wooden door behind you so hard on her way the rattle it produced when it slammed shut knocked the flimsy “BAR” sign right off. You jumped, then took another step away from the establishment.  
You could almost feel the bass of the engine thrumming in your chest as it got closer. The tires crunched against the gravel as it neared. You still couldn’t see it. You hoped it was her. 
It wasn’t long before a red convertible was nearing, the number plate sending a shaky, relieved sigh hurtling past your lips. Agitated, drunk and anxiety ridden, you ran towards and then jumped into Lorrain’s car– hoping and praying the ride would give you a beat to sober up. 
It wasn’t the first time you’d had to sneak back into your room well past midnight. It was so much of a habit you could sell a course on how to accomplish it with the utmost skill and precision. What was rare, however, was having to perform the task while shaken up so severely. The side of your small, once welcoming home seemed more alien than ever, your bedroom looking far higher off the ground than you remembered. 
Nevertheless, a few missteps and about 10 minutes later you stumbled through your open window, quickly stripping to your underwear and shoving your dirty, alcohol laced clothes under your bed. You cursed your “parents” at the fact that you still needed to do this shit like a fucking highschooler. 
The sound of feet padding towards your bedroom door startled you, and you jumped to pull on your sleep shorts before what you knew was your stepdad coming up the stairs. 
You hoped and prayed he hadn't caught wind of the way you screamed when your foot missed the ledge below your window, or worse, that his partner hadn’t given him a call to inform him of the familiar face he saw at the shack that night. 
No matter how many times you liked to imagine he would bend you over his knee and discipline you, how many times you imagined it was him with his hand under your skirt or head between your legs as some clumsy 20 year old rutted against your thigh, you knew full well if Javier actually ever caught your antics, the consequences were going to be a whole lot less ideal than that. 
As you jumped under the covers you recalled the way Agent Steve Murphy had cocked his head at you back at the bar. The way your stepfather’s partner had squinted his eyes at you in confusion, doing a double take at your skimpy outfit, short dress and boots, the way the men at the bar had their hands all over you. 
You prayed it wasn’t too late before you turned your head away, that it wasn’t too late before you swiftly moved out of that bar, before he could be sure it was you he was seeing. 
Because if he was, there would be absolute hell to pay. 
One summer, when you were maybe eight or nine, you developed an absurd obsession with riding your bike up the slope that led away from your small town. Eventually, the uphill roads veered away, twisting and turning into a thousand different rocky paths that converged at one point only a few hundred metres from the large sign that welcomed people into the town. The singular, welcoming road led straight into the woods. Back then, it seemed endless, providing a warm, hospitable buffer for the hills that loomed over the town with a somewhat protective intimidation. Like the woods were watching over your every move. 
Everyday, for three months, you’d bust out your front door at 18:00 on the dot and make the journey uphill. Exhaustively pushing your bike past that sign and into what was nature's much welcome respite from your mothers neglectful cruelty. You collected rocks by the stream that ran through those woods, leaves and flowers to keep in your room. It was like they were magic. Like they wanted to get to know you, be your friend. The trees formed a canopy over you, like they wanted to shield you from the winds and the setting sun, and most importantly from the town below. 
One day you remember hearing some rustling coming from up the stream. You didn't think much of it, must have been a deer or something of the sort. You continued foraging for little flowers and rocks, that was until you came across something that didn't really belong. A piece of white lace. It looked new, but dirty, there was cotton under half of it. It seemed like it was part of a dress. Someone must have lost it up there. You didn't investigate. Things were calm and quiet again as usual, but it wasn't long before the rustling from upstream got louder, just slightly, and you heard the clatter of a metal rod to the ground, followed by a heavier, louder thud. 
You turned on your heel and away from the stream, it took you four minutes to find the welcome sign to your town again. By 19:00 you were home. 
You never went back to the woods again. That August your mother informed you you were going to school in the city. 
To say you were unhappy to come home from boarding school to the news your mother was marrying a cop would be an understatement, and while you tried not to be too judgy and give him a chance, to say you were surprised when he turned out to be a complete authoritarian would be an even bigger understatement. 
You knew of Agent Peña, he was somewhat of a local celebrity. You’d seen him on your summers home since you were sixteen- picking up beers at the convenience store, smoking cigarettes outside the petrol station. You and your friends would often drool over him, wait for him to show up at a neighbourhood barbeque, or catch him taking a walk around the block. 
Eventually, you grew up, and outgrew your little hallway crush on the, now, mostly tiresome Agent Peña. Because soon you weren't sixteen. And his holier than thou, saviour complex, and affinity for order only made you roll your eyes. In fact he was quite annoying. He made little effort to contribute to the community, still riding his high from his days in Colombia. 
You wondered why those people revered him like he was taking bullets for your town. 
You were absolutely flabbergasted when you found out your mother was marrying him. At first, a little bit jealous for the teenager who once fawned over him, but quickly more concerned for the fact that he was actually someone who you’d have to interact with, and not just a piece of eye candy you could appreciate out and about. 
Hell, he was becoming family, and your stepfather no less. It was torturous. You did not need another person to worry about in your home. 
“So.. What’re you studying?” He crossed his left leg over the right, and asked you. His hand reached out to receive the glass of whiskey your mother poured him. He hadn’t been in your house for ten minutes and you already couldn’t stand his guts. Besides the fact that he was a cop, he had this air about him… what exactly, you weren’t quite sure. A superficial, macho exterior that felt like a bigger slap in the face than the fact that he was sitting on the nice, upholstered, expensive, armchair your father had paid for. 
Unsurprisingly, Agent Peña often indulged you in riveting conversation about the dangers of indulging in alcohol and drugs at a young age as he puffed on his cigarette, and lectured you, in what you knew as truly your mothers fashion, about how young people these days didn't know a thing, and that they must always respect and follow the lead of their elders. 
Much like mother dear, he paid little attention to you other than to reprimand you for whatever it was you weren’t doing correctly; for when you didn’t do the dishes on time, or were staying out too late, as if it was any of his business to even begin with. He seemed to really enjoy the protective dad role. It fit in well with the rest of his pathetic persona. 
No wonder they got along.
You remember almost gagging when he boasted about the college you were set to attend, one arm slung across your shoulder, at the party your aunt threw for your graduation. Like he had absolutely anything to do with it. You excused yourself partly to avoid the embarrassment and partly to roll your eyes. A small part of you enjoyed his proud boasting, but you were not ready to unpack that yet. 
In the time the couple weren’t circle jerking about their views, you were lucky enough to be the recipient of snide comments that were so obviously meant for your late father. To his credit Javier Peña didn’t involve himself in the conversation. You couldn’t say the same for a lot of your mother’s previous lovers. 
Since you were ten years old you had been making your own decisions, doing what you wanted and living on your terms. To return to your home for the summer after graduation, now 18, and have to abide by someone else’s meaningless regulations, was a rather harsh slap in the face. Not to mention this someone had been in your life all of two months, and really enjoyed acting like he knew anything about you, or your family. 
Sometimes, when you’d climb down the stairs of that quaint suburban home, the home that once belonged to your family, in the middle of the night to grab a glass of water or a snack, you’d see him sitting out on the porch, hunched over a whole bunch of shit you couldn’t bother caring about, with his ashtray dangerously close to all that flammable paper. 
His shirt stretched deliciously over his back, his hand reaching out to ash his cigarette every once in a while. You were glad he was infuriating, had he not been such a prick it might have revived the little bit of a crush you had on him. 
Sometimes you felt a little bit bad for rolling your eyes at him, or shutting down his attempts to initiate group plans. If you were being honest you were surprised when he didn’t blow up at you for talking back or being rude– that was when your mother wasn’t around. When she was, he didn’t have to. She would jump at any chance to start a fight. You were even more surprised when Javier tried to diffuse the situation. 
You figured soon enough that perhaps the Javier Peña you met a few months prior was putting quite the show on for his overbearing, obnoxious lover. Of course, you were sure he hardly saw her that way. He was perhaps a lot smarter than you gave him credit for. 
Javier often chided your mother when you spoke back to her, rather unexpectedly calling out her bad parenting and the behaviour she “modelled” for you when you were a child. You overheard them argue after a big blowout, from your room. It upset you that he was even getting involved. He tried to talk to you about it later, but that was the last thing you wanted to do. 
Obviously, you knew your hatred of them both had something to do with your psychologically deprived childhood, but it baffled you how neither of them, especially wannabe father of the year Javier Peña, didn’t realised your isolated anger would perhaps be diminished if they stopped trying to meddle in your life, the one neither of them seemed to care about unless something about it upset them. 
If he really cared about your wellbeing he’d take his wife and get the fuck out of your life. You were an adult, one that wasn’t going to listen to anyone, especially not the mother who packed you away all those years ago, and her hypocritical, infuriating husband. 
Thats why, despite having almost gotten caught and having your ass handed to you less than forty eight hours prior, you were back at the shack, drink in hand, stupidly forgetting exactly what had you scrambling to get out there in the first place. 
Who could have even blamed you? Your mother had been especially annoying that particular morning, and Javier and his buddies had colonised the house for a barbeque in the afternoon. In what even you recognised as somewhat juvenile rebelion, you decided the universe owed you some fun after having to endure their patronising, senseless chit chat all day. 
It wasn’t even that late, but you were already feeling it, the effects of the countless drinks you had downed over the course of the few hours you had been dancing at the bar. Nothing unusual in that, men often offered to buy you drinks, handsome ones at that, and you didn’t have the money to live extravagantly. Besides, if you weren’t going to use your charm what was it even there for? 
Was it Timmy? Tommy? You couldn't even recall his name by the time he was tossing you onto the counter in the bar’s bathroom. To be honest you couldn’t really figure out much of your surroundings, letting yourself get lost in the delicate, dizzy, tipsy haze as his hands slipped under your skirt to squeeze at your thighs. Your regular drunk hookup, or rather someone you disappointingly rolled around with till he finished and left you to roll your hips against your pillow wishing your hands were your Stepfather’s. 
His lips brushed your neck, sloppily planting kisses up and down your skin, nipping at your collar bones as he pushed himself between your legs. You closed your eyes and imagined he was Javier. The thought made you moan and you reached for his collar to pull him closer. He didn't smell like Javi, wasn't as big, his chest wasn’t as firm, his arms didn't envelop you like Javi’s did. 
You felt him swell against you, and you pushed against him, mind once again drifting to Javier standing at the grill in your backyard. His white linen shirt unbuttoned far too low, rolled up sleeves drawing your eyes to his forearms. He’d had a hand on his hip, a sliver of skin right above the band of his shorts just barely visible. 
He smiled at you, and you had worried he’d caught you staring. You revelled in the image. You recalled how he leaned against the edge of the pool with the afternoon sun beating down on his golden skin. You imagined his hands moving under your bra to squeeze your breast. 
You were rather embarrassingly enjoying the little montage of your stepdad that was playing in your head. You had almost forgotten it was tommy, or timmy rolling his hips against yours. If a loud, wall rattling thud hadn’t interrupted you, you would've enjoyed your little delusion even longer. 
To say you were startled was an understatement, you practically leaped right off the counter. Unable to really gather your bearings in time, you barely registered timmy, or tommy, scrambling to fix his shirt, you yourself rushing to cover up and fix the top of your dress. 
From the corner of your eye you caught a hand grab him by the shoulder and shove him towards the door, dragging him out of the bathroom and towards a building commotion outside. You heard people yelling, but couldn’t really make out what was going on. 
When you looked up and found Javier looking dead at you, instead of your little fling, you damn near collapsed. He looked like he was on the verge of a heart attack. In a second he was shutting the door behind him, and flicking the lock. You would’ve ran, but its not like you could go anywhere, besides, hed gotten a good look at your face gawking at him, like a fucking moron. 
It was over. 
“You’re fucking kidding me.” you hopped off the counter and tumbled into his chest.  He took you by the arm and dragged you right to the back of the bathroom, you struggled to remain on your feet but he didn’t really care. Much of your dizziness was thanks to your new found anxiety and had little to do with the vodka you’d been downing all night. This was definitely not an ideal situation. His grip on your arm tightened, and made you wince. You liked the sting, not so much the rest of the whole ordeal. “This where you’ve been fuckin’ going?” he seethed, coming close enough that your noses almost touched, he shook you lightly by the arm as he spoke. 
You tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he pulled you closer. “None of your fucking business.” Sure, you weren’t on your best behaviour, but did he really think he could boss you around? 
“Sure as hell’s my fucking business.” he took a look behind him, then turned back to you and leaned closer. “‘DEA agent’s step daughter dancing at illegal drug club’ sure gonna make a sweet headline.” His fingers dug into your flesh. Only then did it hit you why exactly he was in your dingy shack to begin with. You heard Timmy arguing with someone outside. You felt your palms become impossibly clammier. 
“Just fucking turn me in then, asshole.” you got closer, and you were sure he could smell the vodka off your breath. You wished that sounded as courageous and bold out loud as it did in your head. His eyes jumped to your lips, and he rolled them, huffing in frustration. You felt your own eyes burn, and your vision became blurry. You didn't want to cry in front of that bastard. You looked away. 
“To whom? Myself” his thumb smoothed over your skin, and his grip lightened. “Not gonna arrest you, fuckin’ idiot.” he rolled his eyes, then dropped your arm to put his hands on his hips. He looked down and sighed, massaging his temple and then glancing behind him again. 
“Riskin it all for that fuckin’ looser?” He let out a half hearted laugh, looking somehow both disappointed and smug. You wanted to punch him in the face. You would have, if he didnt happen to be the only thing between you and one dozen other narcs outside. 
He glanced at the ground for a second, then back at you and fixed the strap of your top that had slipped down your shoulder. “Get in the car.” he pointed behind you, and you looked in the direction to see a small, open window. 
“Know you're good at climbing outta windows.” you felt your cheeks heat so much they burned. Your heart hadn’t really recovered from his big, surprise entry yet. You couldn't stand to look at his frustrated, let down face. 
Javi cocked his head and raised his brows, whispering a strained “go”. You had no choice, you turned away from him and towards the window. 
“Where are we going?”
He didn't look away from the road ahead. Hand gripping the steering wheel with a renewed annoyance. “Better stop asking questions before s’ too late brat.” You opened your mouth to speak, but quickly shut it right back up again. You decided it was probably a lot smarter to just shut up and not bother him any longer– regardless of the thousand questions and worries you had swimming in your head. 
If you were lucky, he was going to drive the both of you right off a cliff, because if your mother caught any wind of what you had been doing, your plans for going to college, and living out of your house would fly right out the window. Not to mention the torture that would insue when she demanded to know your whereabouts all day everyday for the rest of the foreseeable future. 
“Don't want ya hangin’ round the countryside, in these barns, nothing good happens in there.” he looked over you momentarily, 
“Oh what? Are the cows joining in on the drug trade?” 
“Newspaper boys, going missin’. Found him in the lake, about two miles from here.” you pressed your lips together. 
The car ride thus passed in a painful, tense silence. Javier was clearly unhappy with the whole situation, but had decided not to immediately blow up in your face? Everything about that unsettled you. He was so shocked he seemed to be in denial. You'd much prefer if he just yelled at you and got it over with. 
What else was there to do? Surely he wasn’t going to turn you over to the cops, he had his chance to do that already. However Javier never missed a chance to reprimand you, maybe he wanted to get a few words in before ruining your future. 
You wouldn’t put it past him anyway. 
The empty streets gave way to a narrow, winding road that cut through the woods. The familiar landscape of your small town faded away, replaced by shadowy silhouettes of trees that loomed closer and closer to the edge of the road. The headlights pierced the darkness, illuminating the dense foliage– closing in around you. The road twisted and turned, each bend bringing you deeper into the night, and further away from any civilisation. 
Beginning to zone out, you kept your eyes ahead, now unable to recognise left from right, and importantly, exactly how far out from town you had come.  It wasn’t long before the “farwell, drive safe” sign that stood at the edge of the woods was swiftly moving past your right shoulder. A pit was quick to form in your stomach, the lowered window by Javi’s side let the cool breeze in. It wrapped around you and made you shiver. The smell of the woods soon overcame you. 
Eventually,the car came to a stop in a small clearing. You watched Javi, but he paid no attention to you. The silence was almost deafening, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves and the occasional creak of branches swaying in the wind. In the distance, an owl hooted, its call echoed through the trees. You felt like a child about to be reprimanded after getting in trouble at school. You could hear the ticking of the cooling engine, each sound amplified in the stillness of the night. The dark woods pressed in on you. 
After what felt like an eternity, he opened his door, stepping out and gesturing for you to do the same with his head. Still absolutely clueless about what exactly he was doing, you decided just to follow along. He wasn’t going to actually kill you or anything. Probably just wanted to scare you. He had always thought he was a lot more scary than he actually was. At least that's what your brain was telling you. Your heart had other plans. 
You watched from inside as Javi began to cross in front of you, for a good three seconds he stood directly ahead of you, facing you in the beams of the headlights. The sight made you shiver. He took a step out of the light. Taking a long deep breath to psych yourself up, after a short moment you opened your door. Javi placed his arm on the top of said door, leaning against it to watch you get out. 
You almost tripped, but Javi caught you by the arm and manhandled you to the front of his truck. Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the light, and when he turned you to face the hood it blinded you. 
The scrape of your shoes against the damp soil, the crunch of the leaves– it was pretty much all you could really register. The moon shone bright, shining through the trees, but your eyes had not yet adjusted to the darkness. “These woods are fucking haunted.” A bug landed on the side of your face and you jumped, shaking your head and swatting it away. Javier laughed behind you and you rolled your eyes. “Ghosts the least of your worries right now, bunny .” 
“Fuckin gross.” He shook you by the arm, his voice now a tad bit more annoyed than it was a little earlier. “Oh really?” He pushed you against the hood of his car, your back now facing it. You couldn’t see his eyes, any part of his face at all, you could barely see anything. You wondered how he moved so confidently in the dark. He must have practice. 
“I ain’t sneakin’ out to be a slut every night.” His hands moved to grab your waist and your heart jumped. You swallowed, feeling more defiant yet sceptical by the second. “Sorry you’re not getting any, but it's not my fault, dirty old man.” Before you could even gauge his reaction your head was snapping to the side, a sharp burn spreading across your cheek as Javier’s hand made contact with your skin. 
“I'm not getting any?” he laughed, then took your face between his fingers and squeezed your cheeks together. You winced, and your vision got blurry. You felt your panties dampen embarrassingly. “I ain't the one lettin’ stupid boys rub up on me, bunny.” He shook your face gently, voice so seething and cruel you whimpered, somehow more desperate for him than you were before. 
“Desperate little slut.” He grabbed you by the shoulders and flipped you around, and promptly told you to “shut that whore mouth” when you screamed that he could fuck right off. His fingers left tender spots all over your arms and waist, and you winced when he manhandled you into bending over the hood of his car. 
He placed a hand on your back to press you down, the other held your waist in a death grip and you felt him press up against your ass. Your dress had ridden up, and surely left little to the imagination. The denim of his jeans rubbed against your upper thighs, and the tips of your shoes barely scraped the ground with how far up the hood of the car he had thrown you. You whimpered and he shushed you with a hand squeezing around your throat from behind. 
You knew you had to be unjustifiably wet by this point. You felt yourself throb when Javi put his hands under your dress and grabbed the waistband of your panties. He pressed his hips into yours and you felt his bulge through the fabric. 
The jingle of his belt sent a shiver down your spine, every hair on the back of your neck standing up at attention. You caught your bottom lip between your teeth, still undecided about how exactly you felt about this entirely new development. 
Your heart jumped when he ran the leather across your skin, slowly, perhaps to catch you off guard when he finally struck you with it. You lurched forward, the pain so sharp a tear was quick to roll down your cheek. He struck you again, holding you down with his other hand. The sound of each slash, and your whines that followed echoed in the distance. 
“Think you’re fuckin cute, don’t you.” It was horribly embarrassing to be bent over the hood of his car, both palms on holding you up as best they could whilst he landed spank after spank on your bare ass. “Like bein a wild child?” Your scream echoed in the woods when his belt made sharp contact with your flesh. Your knees buckled but Javier's hand on your waist held you up before it was retreating to land another slap on your ass. Tears were dampening the neckline of your dress already, rolling down your neck and rendering you a bigger mess with every sharp spank of his belt. 
“Yeah? You get off on all those men touchin’ ya? Like being passed around like a cheap whore?” He gripped your hips so tight you didn’t even bother trying to wiggle out of his hold. “Should take ya to the office sometime, hand ya off to Steve, let him have some fun with you.”
You shook your head at that, there was only one man in the DEA offices you wanted, and unfortunately it wasn’t anybody that could actually be with. You clenched your thighs. 
“Knew you were a fuckin’ nasty little girl.” He wedged his hand between them, pushing them apart and slightly spreading your thighs. His fingers rubbed over your clothed cunt, your panties now damp from all that had ensued. You shivered, then pushed back against his digits. 
His fingers found your clit and you moaned. “Did ya cum?” he asked, referring to your little escapade at the bar. Suddenly, you were a whole lot less bold than you were a few moments ago, it wasn’t ideal to admit what you were going to, and it seemed almost impossible without sounding rather pathetic. 
He stopped moving his fingers and pinched the inside of your thigh. “Answer me.” You whispered a “no” bracing yourself for whatever embarrassing comment Javier was going to throw back at you in response. “Huh.. No one fucked this tight little snatch before? Savin’ yourself for me?” he ruminated on the thought, sounding far more pleased than you would have desired. He wasn’t exactly right, but he definitely wasn’t wrong either. 
When you remained quiet he leant beside your ear, lips ghosting the skin on your neck. “Hmm, that right? “Wish it was me instead of that stupid boy?” You groaned at his smug voice, then when his fingers slid under your panties and between your dripping folds. “Wished his finger’s were mine tonight, didnt you?” He cursed under his breath at how wet you were. “How many times d’you cum dreamin’ bout your stepdaddy fuckin your tight lil pussy…” 
“Haven’t” You pressed your face against the metal of his car, cheeks on fire at your admission. He remained silent behind you for a beat, then gently lifted you to press your back to his chest with a hand around your throat. He pressed a hot, open mouthed kiss against your neck, and the hand that was between your legs slid under your dress to plam your tit through your bra. “Ever?” 
You gasped as he pulled it down, rolling your nipple between his fingers. You shook your head and pressed back against his hard cock. The buckle of his belt dug into your skin and you could almost feel the sting against your ass once again. He pulled you impossibly closer to him, hand returning between your legs. 
He rubbed your clit in slow circles and then pushed two fingers into your entrance. “Full of surprises, aren't ya?” you gasped at the stretch, his fingers were surely far bigger than your own, or any others that had been anywhere near your pussy.  “don't blame ya’ bunny , nothing like the real thing, huh?” 
You bit your lip harder to keep from moaning, already far closer to finishing than you had ever been before, especially when he stroked your walls, mercifully scissoring you open in an uncharacteristic show of thoughtfulness. 
“So fuckin�� wet, bunny .” he curled his digits, reaching that sweet spot inside you as he thumbed your clit. You pushed back against him, feeling yourself continue to gush around his hand. “Gonna slide right in at this rate.” 
He yanked your panties down with so much force you heard a few stitches rip in the silence. Javier groaned, and you leaned back against him when his hand moved away from your pussy to slide his hard cock between your thighs, his hips flush against yours. He squeezed your tit in his palm as he pulled back a little, sliding against your swollen cunt again. 
You felt your arousal smear against your thighs. He muttered a strained “Can’t wait much longer, bunny” . You, yourself thought you might have gone crazy if he waited longer. He pulled his hips back again, notching the head at your entrance and pushing in in a single, slow thrust. 
You winced and then moaned, body unable to adjust to the sheer size of him so quickly, yet still hungry for more. You hadn’t felt quite so full ever before, you could feel his cock deep inside you. Your hand covered his on your chest and you mewled and whimpered when he moved his hips, replicating the sharp thrust again, and then again. 
It wasn’t long before he was pushing you back down against the hood of his car to get a better grip on your hips. He twisted your wrist as you reached out for him, holding both in one large palm as he found a steady rhythm. The almost unbearable stretch slowly melted away into a delicious, burning need, and in only a few moments you were pressing back against him, pleading for him to pick up his pace. 
“You rub your pretty little cunt thinking ‘bout my cock splitting you open?” You moaned a “yes” every part of your body now hot with need as he kept fucking into your warm, wet, heat. 
“How?” When you didn't answer he landed a spank to your ass, this time with his hand, and right over the spot his belt had left its sting on not so long ago. You yelped and surged forward. His hand on your hip pulled you back. You pulled yourself up, craving the heat of his chest against your back. 
“On my- oooh” your palm landed over his, fingers wrapping around one of his larger ones as you cut yourself off with a moan “On my pillow.” The memory made you throb harder, and the hand that was holding Javiers guided it away from your hip and closer to the cut of your thigh, craving the feel of his fingers on your clit. 
He squeezed the flesh of your thigh and chuckled, hot breath fanning against your now sweaty skin. “Thought as much. My little slut. Knew I heard ya..” he took your earlobe between his teeth for a moment, nipped and then licked a stripe up your neck “tryna make yourself cum. Couldn't figure it out yourself huh?” 
You shook your head. “horny little girl, need me to do everything for ya.” You had indeed, countless times rather ashamedly. The thought that he’d possibly heard you long enough for it to be a problem, had likely fucked your mother at the thought, wishing it was you under him in her stead was a thought that would live in your head for all eternity. 
He kissed your cheek, then pushed you back down. “S’why ya keep spreading your legs for the whole world huh?” He put a palm on the middle of your back, holding you down as he continued to thrust inside you. “Chasin’ cock all day long.”
“Can’t help this whore cunt huh? So desperate to cum.” holding yourself up on your forarms you raised your head, turning back to get a look at him fucking into your desperate pussy. 
“Knew it the moment I fuckin’ saw you. Dumb slut got nothing to her name besides this sweet pussy. No one taught ya any manners, how to be a good little girl.” His thumb brushed over the cut of your jaw, fingers squeezing your cheeks. His index and middle fingers swiped your lips, and they instinctively parted to let him push them in. You sucked and drooled around his digits, doing little to contain your moans as he continued to fuck you from behind. The taste of your arousal sat heady on your tongue. “Always knew ya wanted it, stupid little slut.”
“Runnin that whore mouth all day like you're payin’ for the house.” his hips snapped towards yours, his cock buried deep inside you. “But it aint your house, bunny .” With the way your tits were pressing against the smooth metallic finish of his stupid pickup truck you were sure they were going to leave a mark. 
You released his fingers with a pop, and he grabbed you by the hips and flipped you around, hurriedly tossing you onto the hood of his car till your feet were also planted firmly above the bumper. Before you could even register the movement he was slipping back inside you, you felt yourself pulse around his cock. You hoped and prayed no one was remotely near, your wailes and whines loud enough to travel far into the distance. 
“Get that in your fuckin’ head” He tapped his index gently against your temple and you nodded, frantically pleading yes after yes. You felt him throb inside you, each drag of his cock building the tension in your belly. You felt your pussy squeeze around him, and you wiggled your hips closer to chase the feeling. 
Your head turned side to side, your whole body buzzing at the heat between your legs. You don't think you’d ever felt anything like it. Sure, it felt good to touch yourself, but this, the feeling of his cock inside you, against your wet walls, it was entirely different. 
The tension only built in your hips, your skin erupting in goosebumps as you hurtled closer and closer to the edge. Your palms squeezed your breasts, seeking purchase on any part of your body. 
You lay your back down completely, watching the light hit him right in the face, falling against his features to create sharp lines of contrast. You’d take a good long look at him on top of you to save for later, but he was quickly pressing his lips to yours and your eyes fluttered shut. 
The weight of his body on top of yours was enough to make you cum on your own, but the feeling of his lips was what really did it. For how rough and quick he was splitting you open, his mouth moved gently against yours, his warm tongue parting your lips and gliding into your mouth. You moaned against him and he bit your lip, sensing how close you were. 
“Wanna see that face when you cum for me.”  his palm tilted your face upwards, and while the rest of his fingers continued to squeeze around your neck his thumb slipped between your parted lips. Instinctively, you closed your mouth around him, drooling and moaning around his thumb when he hit the sweet spot inside you over and over. Your pussy clenched around his cock and you tried to whimper his name. You felt another word bubble in your throat but you closed your lips around his digit to push it away. Your eyes fluttered shut at the intensity. 
“Cum for me, lil bunny” his words made you tumble over the edge, your cunt squeezing and gushing around his cock, your back arching off the hood of his car. His fingers squeezed around your neck, holding your face in place so he could get a good look at your eyes rolling back into your head. 
It was like a blackout, your ears rang so loud and your lips loosened around his thumb, going slack as you rode out your high. You felt him throb inside you at the sight. You felt the ache deep inside you, all the pleasure bursting in a single climactic second. Your lips fell slack around his fingers, whole body twitching at the sensation. 
Your climax set him off, and it wasn't long before he was burying himself inside your hot heat. His cock pulsed against your wet walls, painting your insides with his spend. He groaned and squeezed around your neck just a little harder. You sucked his thumb gently and heard him curse under his breath. You tried to keep your fluttering eyes on his face, watching intently as the aftershocks subsided and Javier's brows knit closer with his final few thrusts. 
After a few moments he stilled inside you, taking a moment to catch his breath. He pulled his thumb from your warm mouth to brush your bottom lip, then let his own lips take their place. You felt him pull out and you winced at the burn. He put both your legs up on his shoulders and leaned between your legs. 
You watched as his head disappeared between your legs to place a kiss to your inner thigh, and pull your panties back up your hips. You reached for him and he pulled you up to his chest. “Gotta clean up a lil bit, bunny..” he fixed your dress and lifted you off the hood and into his arms. “Ain’t nothing to worry about.” You already knew your painties were ruined for good with a red stain by that point. 
You rested your forearms on his shoulders, quite liking being held in his arms. “Knew you were always to much of a fucking perv to be a good cop.” He smacked your ass again for good measure and placed you on the ground. “You aint’ too much of a slut to fuck your stepdaddy aint it?” 
He stepped aside and you watched him do up his belt again, walking towards the driver's side of the car. You looked behind you and towards the expanse of the woods. The trees rustled, and you heard, presumably, the same owl hoot from the distance. A small crackle in the foliage had you swiftly walking to the passenger side and yanking open the door. You hopped inside and slammed it behind you. 
Javier was reaching in the glove box to stash away his gun. “Please” You swallowed, looking towards him. “Please just don’t tell her. She's going to have a freak out.”
Javi glanced at you momentarily, then murmured a dismissive “yeah yeah” as he started up the engine. That wasn't good enough for you. “Please, she’ll give me hell, I can’t deal with it.” You shook your head, then shifted in your seat. He muttered another “yeah”, checking his pockets for the keys to your front door. God forbid they slipped out while he was fucking your brains out. 
You turned towards him in your seat, both hands on the centre console. “Please.” Javier grabbed the keys, hooked them to his belt loop and dropped his head in a sigh. He turned towards you, taking a moment to reach over and buckle you into your seat. 
“‘Ain’t gonna tell, so stop askin’ before I change my mind.” He knew he didn’t need to ask you to keep your mouth shut– perhaps the most humiliating part of this all. 
“Okay.. yeah..”  The headlights flashed as you began your journey back home, the exhaustion of the day catching up with you. You sank back, twisting in Javi’s direction, now curled up in the seat. His eyes remained on the road ahead. “Don’t do this shit again.” 
“Just wanted some adventure.” your voice grew thick, and you yawned. “Next time ya want adventure watch a fuckin’ hitchcock film or something.” He reached out a hand to cup your cheek, engulfed it and patted it gently. 
”Ain't always gonna be there to save your ass, bunny.” 
In between
What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine
Love is so confusing there's no peace of mind
If I fear I'm losing you. it's just no good
You teasing like you do
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Eeek! Hope you enjoyed!! I’m very excited for this series, and I hope you are too! Please let me know what you think! Thank you to everyone who interacts with my work! Your comments and reblogs keep me writing 💗🐝
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themultifanshipper · 3 months
The crash was horrible. You scared yourself and everyone else when your car hit the wall with a sickening crunch. But the person you scared the most was Sebastian.
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Warnings: Smut, oral, squirting, plot is similar to my other Seb fic (it was based on the same prompt) but this one is more angsty and fluffy and the vibes are completely opposite lmao, but the smut is also disgusting, barely edited tbh
His car had minimal damage, so he was just going to carry on, but the glare of flames in his mirrors was enough for him to panic and stop the car to go and help get you out of the flaming wreck, despite Christian shouting at him to continue over the radio. He just couldn’t leave you, never mind what he portrayed to the cameras, you meant too much to him and he would never have forgiven himself if he’d been that selfish.
But by the time he got there you were already out of the car, being helped across the gravel by a marshal. As he approached, you threw your helmet at him and screamed.
You jumped on each other at the same time, scratching and punching at each other like children, and the marshal was forced to call for reinforcements to get you separated.
Later, during post-race interviews (you'd both been banned from the press conference) you were asked what happened and you got incredibly wound up again just talking about how careless and dangerous Seb’s move was.
Your press officer moved you off quickly to avoid any further incidents, but unfortunately for her Seb arrived at that moment, and you noticed that he looked rather pale, but that didn’t stop him from going straight to the interviewer you were just talking to.
“So, Seb, tell me about the incident, and what do you think of your rivalry with, uhh-” She glanced over to where you were standing only a few feet away, waiting.
Seb looked at you before answering. “She’s a promising talent, and no doubt she is beautiful, but she shouldn’t be in formula one.”
Before you could jump on him and cause another scene, you were dragged away to your post-race debrief before being sent back to the hotel.
Unbelievable! You crashed because of him, ruining both your races. And he had the audacity to say you didn’t belong in formula one? What a fucking joke! To say he was out of line would be an understatement, but of course, if you complained you would just be labelled as emotional, or immature, or god forbid, on your period. That’s one you had gotten once during an interview and the man swiftly ended up with a broken nose, which of course didn’t help your image, but it felt good none the less. What didn’t feel good was how little Seb had seemed to care about what happened. He could have killed you, he could have killed himself.
Hours later, you were still seething with rage when you heard a knock at the door.
The last person you expected to see when you opened it was Seb.
“I have nothing to say to you” You tried to slam the door in his face but he blocked it with his foot, making him wince.
“I know, but I just want you to know that I wasn’t playing for the cameras when I ran to get you on the track, I was worried I had caused you-“
“Oh give me a break! You crashed and saw an opportunity to look like the bigger person and come recue the damsel in distress but guess what? I didn’t NEED you Seb!”
“No, I didn’t crash! Christian told me to keep going but I stopped the car for you!”
You frowned at him, gears turning in your mind. “You stopped the car? Why the hell would you do that?”
He sighed frustratedly “Because I panicked! I saw fire and I was worried about you!”
“Oooh you were worried about me!” You parroted in the meanest tone you could muster, ignoring the beating of your heart at his words “You were worried about me because I don’t belong in this tough manly sport of yours is that it?”
He paused at your words, seemingly hurt at the implications behind them.
“You shouldn’t be in formula one, I stand by that. But not because you’re a woman, or a bad driver. It’s because I don’t want you in formula one. I don’t want you to be in that kind of danger, and I would never forgive myself if something happened to you on my watch!”
Tears prickled your eyes as you took a step back from him. “So I should just give it all up huh? I should give up my dream just because you’re scared of hurting me?  What the fuck is wrong with you? I chose this! I chose motorsports for the adrenaline! The competition! The passion! What I didn’t sign up for was you crashing into me every chance you get because you can’t handle being beaten by a girl!”
Tears were properly streaming down your face by now, and you went to push Seb out of your room, but he caught your arms and pinned you against the door instead.
“Let me go Seb! Get out!”
No! You’re misunderstanding me and I’m not leaving until I’ve said what I came to say! I care about you because despite you being a constant bitch around me, I’ve seen your real personality! And as much as you hate me, I just can’t bring myself to hate you! I didn’t want to save you to look like a hero, I wanted to save you because the thought of losing you was just-” he got choked up and you could see tears forming in his eyes as they stared intently into yours. “It… I-”  He took a deep breath “It would have been too painful.”
You gulped. “Seb, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I love you, and I’ve loved you since-“
You surged forward and kissed him.
He reciprocated quickly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you in closer.
You honestly couldn’t say how long the two of you made out in the dark corner of your room for, but after a while you both ran out of oxygen and had to separate, breathing hard. His hands slid down to your thighs, picking you up easily and carrying you swiftly to the bed.
It became a competition to see who could get their clothes off faster, and you laughed at each other as you struggled to get your race suits off.
Once you were both naked, he climbed over you and started the long expedition over your curves and dips, kissing and marking every expanse of skin he came across. You writhed and squirmed at the attention, needing him to just get on with it. When he finally got up to your mouth, he was hard and you could feel his dick poking at your thigh.
“Please Seb, I need you to fuck me now” you whined, wrapping your legs around his waist to get him closer, but he refused, instead sitting backwards and kneeling between your legs to get a look at you.
“Calm down Schatz, I need to prepare you first, I don’t want to hurt you” he said soothingly, running his hands up and down your thighs before stopping just shy of your folds, using his thumbs to spread you open for him.
“God you are so wet for me” he groaned and dipped a thumb inside before bringing it to his mouth, sucking your juices off and groaning even louder. “And you taste so good, baby, fuck!”
He dipped a finger in gently, then two and pumped them a few times, making you mewl, before pulling them out and sucking them clean.
“I’m obsessed” he panted “I’m sorry baby, I need to taste more.” And with that he dove down and devoured you like a man starved, running his tongue over your lips and clit with gusto. His fingers soon joined and he hit that spot immediately, over and over. You quickly felt an orgasm building in your loins as your thighs tightened around his head and you fingers tugged on his hair.
“Seb, I’m so close baby!”
“I know” he growled and doubled down on his efforts, making you writhe in pleasure as the pressure building in your stomach became too much as he assaulted your clit with his talented mouth.
Your orgasm hit you so hard you couldn’t even get a breath in to make any noise as you came all over his face and chest.
He sat up over you and you saw that his hair was drenched, plastered to his forehead as drops of your cum slid down his nose and landed on your body.
He was grinning like a maniac, ecstatic at having made you come so hard you squirted on him.
“That’s never happened before!” you panted but he just smashed his lips to yours and grabbed your face, spreading wetness all over you both as his chest lay over yours.
It was disgusting.
But so, so incredibly hot.
“Fuck me now, please Seb?”
“Okay Schatz, your wish is my command” and with no further ado, he rubbed his tip through your folds a few times before sinking into you all the way to the hilt.
He was so thick it was hard to breathe as the stretch knocked the breath from your lungs, and you clung on to him for dear life.
It didn’t take either of you long to come, and you did so almost simultaneously, foreheads touching, breathing in each other’s air, wrapped around each other as tight as possible.
You being incapable of walking just yet, he carried you to the shower and helped you wash, giggling as the sensation of his hands scrubbing over your skin made you ticklish.
It’s only when you got out of the shower and looked in the mirror that you noticed the marks he had left from his earlier ministrations. Small bruises littered your legs, hips, stomach, chest and neck.
“Dammit Sebastian! It’s summer and you’ve turned me into a dalmatian!” You shrieked, but he just laughed and smacked your ass on his way back to the bedroom.
“I’m serious! I can’t go out in public like this!”
He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. “Now everyone can stop flirting with you”
You tuned around in his arms “Awww, is my Sebby jealous?” You cooed.
He huffed “I am not jealous, but I am yours” he smiled, leaning down and kissing you.
He finally had you after years of loving you, and he was going to savour every second of it.
Of course the first person you saw the next morning was Jenson freaking Button.
He took one look at you, in shorts and a tank top, dozens of hickeys on display, then at Seb who had just appeared behind you in the lobby, connected the dots immediately and shrieked in laughter, attracting the attention of the few other drivers who had come down early for breakfast.
You were never living this down.
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fuctacles · 4 months
What goes up, needs assistance coming down
For @steddiemicrofic "top" | 510 | G | no cw | established relationship | if you saw me post this earlier and delete it bc i pasted the wrong version, pretend you didn't | Ao3
Sometimes, when Eddie writes a particularly delicious twist in his campaign, he wonders how in hell he had repeated senior year two times.
But then this shit happens.
Because he's been in this exact situation before, and smart people are supposed to learn from their mistakes. Thankfully, Steve is supposed to get back from work any time now. Maybe he loves him too much to make fun of him. After Eddie bears the humiliation of calling out for him because there's no way he'll figure out Eddie's out here.
As soon as he hears the car pull in and the door slam closed, he yells out,
The steps crunch on the gravel, rounding the house, and his worst nightmare comes true. Because he hears more than one pair of footsteps. Double humiliation it is.
Aaand that's Henderson. The last person he'd want to see right now.
"Hey, man. What's up?" he asks nonchalantly his favourite kid, who grins up at him.
"How about you tell me, huh?"
"Oh, because I'm on a tree?" Eddie scoffs at him. "Har har, Henderson, very clever."
His rescuer isn't looking very rescue-y either. He's just standing behind Dustin with a bemused expression, eyeing the ladder lying prone below the tree.
"Why?" is all he asks.
Eddie sighs and points to the coils of fairy lights he had dropped to the ground in his panic after the ladder fell.
"This so doesn't answer my question." Steve raises his eyebrows disapprovingly. "Henderson, put the groceries away, help yourself to the fridge. Your dads need to talk."
"Gross." Dustin makes a face but snatches the grocery bag from Steve. He turns back to Eddie while walking away. "Good luck!" He gives him a toothy grin. Eddie flips him off, but his eyes are focused on Steve, who's setting the ladder back up. Soon, they're at eye level, as Steve leans on the top of it.
"Why?" he asks again. "Why would you do that again?"
Eddie looks away, hoping Steve will postpone this interrogation until after his feet are back on the ground.
"I had this, okay? It's not as bad as the roof. If the ladder didn't fall—"
Suddenly, Steve's face appears in his periphery. His eyes are stern.
"You should have waited for me," he points out.
Eddie makes a face. Okay, here he goes.
"I wanted to surprise you. I saw how you liked the lights around the Wheelers' garden," he explains, hoping the heat over his cheeks is imaginary. Henderson was way too close for him to be humiliated like that.
Steve's face softens.
"Baby," he coos, leaning into his space.
"Please don't—"
Steve ignores him, landing a soft kiss on his lips.
"My sweet boy," he murmurs, and now Eddie's positive his face is red.
"Can you put me on the ground first, please?"
Steve gives him a boyish grin but helps him climb down the ladder without further teasing.
"Thank you—" he barely makes out before Steve's on him, peppering his face with kisses.
"The cutest metalhead in Indiana."
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tacobacoyeet · 3 months
knight in shining armor | b.b.
a/n: my first bridgerton fic! and my first fic in quite a while- i'm sorry! i fear i have fallen in love with yet another fictional character. and his brothers. and his sisters. anyway... enjoy!
warnings: implied sexual harassment (first two paragraphs), benedict bridgerton being the man of my dreams
the gardens are a sanctuary from the noise and intensity of the ball, a place where you can catch your breath and gather your thoughts. the evening had started so beautifully, with chandeliers glittering like a thousand stars and the music swirling around you like a warm embrace. but then that lord—lord berbrooke—had cornered you, his breath reeking of brandy, his words slurred and inappropriate. his hands had roamed where they had no right to go, and his whispered suggestions had made your skin crawl. you managed to escape, but your heart is still pounding, and you can feel the prickling of tears threatening to spill over.
as you take deep breaths, trying to steady yourself, you hear the familiar sound of footsteps on the gravel path. you look up to see benedict bridgerton, your childhood best friend, approaching with a concerned expression on his face. his presence is a balm to your frayed nerves, and you feel a rush of relief.
“y/n,” he says softly, stopping a few feet away from you. “are you alright? i saw you run out and... i was worried.”
you nod, trying to muster a smile, but it wavers. “i am fine, benedict. i ust needed some air.”
he steps closer, his eyes scanning your face. “you do not look fine. what happened?”
you hesitate, not wanting to burden him with your troubles, but the earnest concern in his eyes breaks down your resolve. “it was lord berbrooke. he... he wouldn’t leave me alone.”
benedict’s expression darkens, his jaw tightening. “that bastard. my fist shall have a word with him.”
“no,” you say quickly, placing a hand on his arm. “please, do not. i just want to forget about it.”
his gaze softens, and he covers your hand with his own. “if that what you truly wish. but know that i am here for you. always.”
you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks at his touch, his words. benedict has always had that effect on you, ever since you were children. he’s always been your protector, your confidant. but recently, your feelings for him have grown more complex, more intense. you can’t help but wonder if he feels the same.
“thank you, benedict,” you say quietly. “you’re a good friend.”
he smiles, but there’s something in his eyes, something that makes your heart skip a beat. “i’d do anything for you, y/n. you know that.”
you look away, unable to hold his gaze, and he lets out a soft chuckle. “come, let’s walk. the gardens are beautiful tonight.”
he offers his arm, and you take it, feeling the warmth of his body through his coat. as you stroll through the moonlit paths, the tension in your chest begins to ease. benedict keeps up a steady stream of light-hearted conversation, his wit and charm never failing to make you smile.
eventually, you find yourselves at a secluded bench surrounded by fragrant roses. benedict guides you to sit down, and he takes a seat beside you, his knee brushing against yours. the proximity sends a shiver down your spine, and you wonder if he can hear the rapid beating of your heart.
“do you remember,” he begins, his voice soft and nostalgic, “when we used to play in these gardens as children? we’d pretend we were explorers in some far-off land.”
you laugh, the memory bringing a genuine smile to your face. “and you would always insist on being the brave knight, while i had to be the damsel in distress.”
he grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “well, i couldn’t let you face those imaginary dragons alone, could i?”
“no, you couldn’t,” you agree, feeling a warmth spread through you at the thought. “you’ve always been my protector, benedict.”
he looks at you then, really looks at you, and you feel like he’s seeing right into your soul. 
your heart skips a beat. “benedict…? are you alright?”
benedict moves closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek. “you are so beautiful… an absolute masterpiece,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper.
your breath catches,cheeks turning a deep pink, and your heart feels like it might burst. “benedict, i...”
he looks to your lips, his face impossibly close, and then meets your eyes once again. you nod, ever so slighty… and without another word, he closes the distance between you, his lips capturing yours in a tender, passionate kiss. it’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more, his kiss conveying all the emotions you’ve both kept hidden for so long. it feels as if all of the flowers bloom, his kiss warming you to your very core. 
you lose yourself in the moment, your arms wrapping around his neck as his hands hold you close. the world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you, connected in a way that feels utterly perfect.
the spell is broken by the sound of an angry shout nearby. “benedict!”
you pull back, your cheeks flushed, and turn to see anthony bridgerton standing a few feet away, his expression a mix of shock and disapproval.
“benedict, y/n,” anthony says, his voice stern. “what are you doing out here?”
benedict stands, pulling you up with him, his hand still holding yours. “anthony, we...”
you chime in nervously. “it is not what it looks like!” 
anthony’s eyes narrow. “i do not care what it looks like. you know the rules, benedict. you know what this means.”
benedict takes a deep breath, his grip on your hand tightening. “what if i have wished to marry her all along?”
the words hang in the air, and you feel your breath catch in your throat. did he just say what you think he said?
anthony’s eyes widen, and he looks between the two of you. “you... you wish to marry her?”
benedict turns to you, his eyes soft and filled with a tenderness that makes your heart ache. “yes, anthony. i do. i’ve loved y/n for as long as i can remember.”
tears spring to your eyes, and you squeeze his hand. “benedict, i... i love you too.”
anthony looks at the two of you, his expression a mix of surprise and something else—something like approval. he sighs, running a hand through his hair. “well, i suppose there is nothing more to be said, then. if you both love each other, then you have my blessing.”
relief floods through you, and you throw your arms around benedict, feeling his arms wrap around you in return. “thank you, anthony,” you say, your voice choked with emotion.
benedict pulls back slightly, his hand cupping your cheek. “y/n, i have loved you since we were children, and i shall love you until my very last breath.”
“i love you forever, my dearest knight,” you reply, your heart bursting.
as you share another tender kiss, you know that this is just the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your lives. the future may hold challenges, but with benedict by your side, you know you can face anything.
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bittersw33t-lotus · 1 year
Foot Prints in the Snow
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! Reader
Cw: pregnancy, fluff, ooc! Ghost, cursing? I mean It’s ghost.
An: second Ghost fic and I’ve already succumbed to having a baby fever-induced fic 😔 also this is short so let me know if you guys want a part 2. This is based off a tik tok i saw of this guy making footprints for his girlfriend in the snow so she doesn’t slip🥹
(I promise for you guys waiting for part two of great timing, I swear it’s coming out soon😭🫶🏼)
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“Its just slush Sargent, you’ll be fine.”
“Nuh-uh, I’ve fallen one too many times on my ass Ghost. One more fall and I will break my tailbone.” You grip onto the railing already feeling your feet starting to slide underneath the slushy snow.
Ghost sighs and walks back over to you, he turns back around, his back facing you, before he takes a step and shimmies his foot side to side before lifting it and taking another step and repeating his actions leaving visible footprints on the ground, making the gravel more accessible to get more traction on the ground. You didn’t have to ask your lieutenant what he was doing, he was making a clear track for you to follow without walking in the slush.
You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart skipped a beat when you realized Ghost was putting in the effort to help you out instead of just leaving you to deal with not having to fall on your ass. As you began to follow him setting your foot in the tracks he left, you could see how your foot couldn’t fill his footprints entirely. You focused your eyes on the tracks below and soon enough the tracks lead right up to the passenger side of the car door and leading off to the other side where Ghost made his way to the driver side without sparing you a glance and acknowledgment for what he just did for you, like it was nothing.
“You really should get some boots or even ice cleats to walk in this weather, sneakers aren’t going to help you.” He says unlocking the car.
You smile and open the car door, “Why would I when I have you to help me out now.” You say sliding into your seat as Ghost starts to turn on the car.
You hear him huff out a laugh with but miss the way his gaze lingers on you for a second too long.
“You’re up late.” A deep voice booms through the darkness of the lounge room, the lights off with only the source of light coming from the fridge and moonlight seaping through the windows.
You’re squatted down as you rummaging through the fridges contents, at the sudden intrusion of silence from Ghost you gasp as you jolt and turn around. As you turn around, your eyes try adjusting in the dark, the lighting from the fridge having messed with your vision so it was hard to see Ghost in pitch black nothingness. His dark attire not helping much either. “Jesus Christ Ghost you’re gonna give everyone a heart attack if you keep going that,” You breathed out going back to rummaging in the fridge. “I got hungry and can’t sleep.” Ghost rolled his eyes, turning on the kitchen light before walking to the cupboards and pulling out a glass cup, “Why are you still up?” You ask eyeing him as he pours water into his cup.
“Bold of you to assume I even sleep.” He mumbles lifting up his mask revealing his blonde scruffy beard and soft pink lips, taking the cup up to his mouth and drinking the cold liquid, watching as the glass made contact with his soft lips. You quickly turn your attention back to the fridge deciding on a little snack that Gaz was probably saving but you couldn’t care, before you closed the fridge door. You stand back up and began to eat the food.
Once you finished chewing, you look over to your lieutenant to see the the mask was pulled back down covering his face once more, “When’s the last time you slept sir?” You asked, the silence was long as he stared into his cup.
You began to question if he even heard you until he shrugs and sets the cup down on the kitchen counter. “Probably three days now.” He says, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. He looks away upon seeing your concerned expression at his answer, dismissing your concern with the wave of a hand. “Don’t be surprised, I’ve gone longer that this without sleep.” He says.
“You really shouldn’t continue feeding into the habit Ghost.” You say, however it’s nothing but silence on Ghosts end, you can see his body becoming tense and his eyes tell you enough he’s becoming a little agitated so you back down and shift the topic of conversation . “You wanna go for a walk?”
He looks at you with a raised brow. “What for?”
You shrug and look down at the food in your hand, “I dunno, I can’t sleep and you’re obviously not going to sleep at all- so instead of just being in our rooms, I’d think going outside for a bit would seem better.”
Ghost thought on your offer, “eh,” he breaths out leaning off the counter, “why not.”
The smile that made it way to your face almost made him crack the me himself, “Okay, let me get my jacket real quick.” You say not wasting a second and heading to your room.
Ghost waits by entrance door putting on his jacket and boots when you come out of your room sporting a jacket and the new pair of snow boots you bought. Ghost opens the door letting you go out first and following you, closing the door behind him.
You both agreed to walk near the forests, his flashlight lighting the path, the snow crunching beneath your feet leaving a trail of foot prints behind.
You decided to have some fun and slowly trail behind him and tried your best to walk in his footprints, a small smile on your face as you found amusement in it. Ghost didn’t even need to see what you were doing, this was a little habit you began to pick up ever since the day he helped you. He spaces out with thoughts of you and the little moments he savors with you outside of the field. He sees how you make an effort to talk and interact with him more but he’s honestly holding back in fear of being hurt should anything happen, weather you drift apart, leave the force or join another or even worse… you die.
Ghost wishes he wasn’t so closed off as he was because now it’s back fired on him since now he struggles to break free and open up to others, and he feels bad when he sees how you attempt to conversaré with him only for him to struggle to keep up with the conversation and leave due to embarrassment. As Ghost is lost in thought you began to drift off into thoughts as well.
You felt the walk was filled with a nice silence, but you’ve noticed how Ghost hasn’t even spare you a single glance or peeped a single word to you. Your mind began to wander as your pace began to slow not noticing how ghost was watching you. As you walked you began to think about how he hardly really talked to you, he talks to Johnny, Price and Gaz more often than he did with you maybe it was because he knew them for longer, but you wondered if maybe you annoyed him or you’re just to plain and boring to be around. ‘Is he uncomfortable? Is the silence awkward for him? Should I say something? What if I end up annoying him if I do try and talk? Does he hate walking with me? But If he didn’t want to be near me he would’ve declined my offer and gone by himself or stayed back at base. Unless he didn’t want to seem rude? No he definitely would’ve declined if he wanted to..’
Ghost eventually snapped back into thoughts and took notice at how faint your footsteps grew, he sees you’re a few feet away as you stare at the ground with a blank look, like your spaced out. “You alright?” Ghost spoke, breaking your train of thoughts, you look at him with a confused look before you nod. “You seem to be more present n’ your head then here. You space out a lot when your not in the field.” He said, he didn’t turn to look at you’re dumbfounded expression and opted to keep looking up at the sky.
“How could you tell?” You say as you began to pick up your speed and catch up to him making you way back to walking beside Ghost.
“You always stare at things wit’ a blank stare, and your don’t blink for hours on end like you’ve gotta starin’ problem, and when someone talks to you, you look lost.” He says finally turning his head to look at you.
“Is it really that obvious?” You cringe at the thought.
“Very.” You groan and turn away, feeling heat rush up your face in embarrassment. “‘S alright, I used to do it a lot when I was younger…” he says, his voice faltering a bit at his last words.
You look back at Ghost, “How’d you do it?”
He looks back at you with a confused look.
“How’d you stop spacing out I mean.”
He looks at the floor now, ‘My family died and I focused my entire life and thoughts into the army so I don’t have to think about them-’ He thinks. “I joined the army and set my sights on the military, basically burying myself in work.”
“Huh, seems like I should do that then.” You chuckle at your own joke but Simon doesn’t think so.
“No, wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll end up fucked in the head like me. You won’t be human.” He says.
Silence. Ghost begins to worry that maybe he’s gone too deep.
“You’re not.” You say, Ghost cant bring himself to look at you and looks at what little scenery he can see. “You’re not entirely fucked in the head, you still show us that you’re still a human being. I’ve seen how you act Ghost, you show glimpses of the person- the man you are under that mask. Like right now.”
Ghost hears your footsteps stop, so he stops. He turns around and looks you in the eyes. Your smiling at him and his heart skips. He feels a rare feeling bubbling in his stomach, one he hasn’t felt In a while. ‘The man I am under the mask…’ He thinks.
“You noticed how I act out of work and you asked if I’m alright. When I got shot for the first time durning that mission in France, while we waited for evac, I was loosing my shit thinking I was gonna die even though the bullet was in my thigh,” You laugh at the memory. “You talked me through the pain and anxiety I was feeling and told me I was alright, you taught me the breathing techniques and proceeded to make shitty military jokes all to distract me from the chaos ensuing around us as I sat there bleeding.” Ghost remembers that time, you were on the team for almost a year, a rookie on the team but you were one of the best soldiers Price ever saw and that’s why you made it to the task force, you could handle being harmed by the hands of others, wither it be by their hands, being sliced by knives, pepper sprayed, tasered, or hit with inanimate objects you took it like a pro but you never got experienced the power of a bullet before, so when you finally got shot for the first time, the shock made you hysterical and the anxiety wasn’t helping you. It was just you and him teamed together. Despite seeing multiple things in his time in the army, seeing others shot, including himself, it wasn’t new. He was almost desensitized to it minus the pain that came with it, but when it came to you, he was almost scared. Hearing your scream in pain and fall to the ground he never felt his heart drop so hard in his life. He remembered breathing out in relief seeing the bullet was only in your thigh knowing you’d be okay, that you’d live.
“And there was also that time last year when it snowed and rained, the snow turned into slush, I didn’t have my snow shoes at the time and complained about not wanting to fall on my ass. You made a path of your foot prints from the building to the passenger side of the Jeep for me to walk in just so I wouldn’t slip. There’s times where you worry about the well being of Johnny, Gaz and Price and I during missions, especially when we got separated after the whole fiasco with Graves turning on us. Those are the moments where I don’t see a ghost of a man. I see Simon.”
Hearing you say his name made his heart skip a beat, now Simon knows for sure that he’s in love with you. “Thanks (yn).” He says with a small smile hidden behind the fabric of his balaclava.
This was the first time he’s heard you say his name, after the time in Las Almas when they were set to kill Graves, you were there when you saw his face for the first time and when Price used his real name. You got a glimpse of the real Simon for the first time. His eyes met yours and that was the first time he couldn’t tell what you were thinking but that was the day you knew you were in love with Ghost and Simon, the day you both finally gained each others trust, the day you smiled at him for the first time and made him fall even harder for you without even knowing it.
“Simon I can’t find my shoes again.” You call out from your bedroom you share with Simon. Looking inderneath you bed you can’t find your snow shoes to help you track through the ice.
“I think it’s still in the car with all the snow gear from last week.” He calls out from the kitchen already ready to head to the store but waiting for you to find your shoes.
You grunt and slam your head against the side of your mattress, the cushion bouncing your head. You remembered, last week you and Simon had gone snow boarding with the team, Price, Johnny, and Gaz, as a little gathering since you’re all on leave for a month. You and Simon had left all your gear including your snow clothes and shoes in the back of Simons truck. You heard footsteps thumping behind you, you turn your head around to see Simon entering your shared bedroom.
“Can you get them.” You plead. Simon chuckles before walking back out of your bedroom.
“Fine.” He agrees walking out the house.
You sit on your bed and wait for Simon to come back. After a few minutes pass, you grew confused, ‘Can he not find them? He’s been out there for a minute’ You think which makes you groan. Finally you hear the front door close and hear his footsteps approaching the room. You look back up at your boyfriend and don’t see your boots in either of his hands. “Are they not there?” You ask.
Simon shakes his head ‘No’ throwing his hands up in defeat. “It’s alright though, let’s just go.” He says as you sigh. You follow him out the door and wait beside him as he closes the door. You take a look at the truck when you notice a trail of his foot prints leading up to the passenger side of the truck. “Go on.” He says placing a hand on your lower back.
You stare at him for a few seconds until it clicks in your brain. You smile at Simon and kiss his cheek, “Thank you Si.” You say before walking into the snow, you place your feet in the tracks he’s already placed in a range wide enough for you to walk in, memories flooding back to you to that one winter, before you got your boots. You smile at the memory as Simon stands by the door watching you step in his tracks with a wide smile on his face. You finally make it to the passenger door and turn around to look at Simon and see the smile etched on his face. “Cmon doofus hurry up and unlock the door I’m freezing my ass off.” You laugh out.
Simon chortles a laugh, he presses the button allowing you to open the door and climb into the truck taking your seat on the already warmed seat, Simon opens his door. You turn around to place your bag in the back seat when a certain item caught your eye. “Heyy, my boots were back here.” You say grabbing the boots and looking at Simon, whom suspiciously acted surprised.
“Oh, I’d didn’t see them there. My bad.” He looked away and focused on buckling his seat belt.
“Uh-huh…” you squint your eyes at him before you paused. Simon was outside long enough to check the entire truck, you also remember hearing the truck doors open and close before it was silent for a minute. “You purposefully left them here just to watch me struggle to get to the car didn’t you?” You deadpanned.
You couldn’t miss the small smile that made its way to Simons face, “It’s entertaining to see you walk in my foot prints and as much as I hate saying the word, it’s kinda cute to watch.”
You roll your eyes at him before buckling yourself in, as Simon pulls out the driveway, you take off your shoes and replace them with your boots.
“Simon I’m fine, I walked perfectly fine at the house.” You sat in the passenger seat of the truck with the door open as you watch your husband set out tracks for you on the snow again. The first show of winter arrived yesterday with 5 inches of snow fall over the night. You had an appointment the very next morning to get a check up, but due to the unexpected snow the snow plower trucks were delayed until late morning to arrive at the hospital and the staff couldn’t bother to shovel the gigantic parking lot only the side walks and front entrance.
So Simon ‘forced’ you to stay on the porch as he made footprints for you to follow as you bring out your phone to start recording Simon making tracks, you silently slide off the seat and onto the ground the best you could, placing your feet in his footprints you began. You try to capture your feet but your protruding belly gets in the way, it’s been difficult to see your feet for quiet some time ever since you hit 7 months into your pregnancy. You angle your camera back you to Simon and began to waddle your way towards your husband. He could hear snow crunching and snapped his head back towards you to see you a few feet away from the truck and struggling a bit.
Without a second thought, Simon quickly makes his way to you taking hold of your free hand to help steady you, “I thought I told you to stay on the truck until I’m done.”
You scrunch your face at him as you stop walking. “I told you I was fine, I’m still perfectly capable of doing things Simon. I’m not the baby here so there’s no reason to worry so much.”
He rolls his eyes and grumbles, “I’ll give plenty of good reasons; you can’t see your bloody feet which makes your balance arse, you waddle like a penguin, you walk slow,” He lists off things in a ‘matter of factly’ tone. You glare at him as he smirks and snakes an arm around your waist with the other holding your hand. “Do I need to bring up the amount of times you’ve almost tripped and missed steps on the stairs and little cracks in the sidewalks?”
“Okay, okay- I get it.” You glare at him as he began to lead you up to the entrance, “You’re a pain in my ass.” You jokingly laughed out.
Simon let’s out a chuckle, “Yea? It’s a pain in my ass having to make tracks for you just so you don’t fall on your ass.”
“You have the choice to stop but you don’t, you love me too much to stop.” You purr out giving him a kiss on his cheek.
Simon chuckled and kisses your forehead, “That I do love,” his hand on your waist shifts forward the the side of your belly, rubbing your bump covered by your jacket. “That I do.”
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luvkyu · 11 months
star ( kim jiwoong )
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jiwoong x male!reader
jiwoong spends some late night time with his boyfriend.
content : 1.4k words, fluff, idol!jiwoong x idol!reader, reader is in a different group, woong calls reader pretty
( a/n ) i recommend listening to star by paul kim - was my inspo for this fic and just rly suits it i think <3 ALSO I LITERALLY JUST FINISHED THIS, i'm so sorry if it's another rough one
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"where are you going?"
jiwoong winced at the sound of hanbin's voice. he lowered his hood while turning around in the darkness of his dorm, seeing his suspicious leader standing with crossed arms.
"just off for a little walk," he fibbed. hanbin's brow twitched upwards. jiwoong could tell he didn't buy it.
"only a walk?"
jiwoong nodded.
"alone?" hanbin asked again. jiwoong's expression dropped.
hanbin's face softened, giving his groupmate a smile now.
"i don't care if you're sneaking out at 1am to see someone. i just wanted to make sure you weren't lying to me."
jiwoong quickly let out a breath of relief.
"you scared me for a second."
"sorry," hanbin chuckled. "now go, i'm sure he's waiting."
jiwoong nodded and sent him a thankful smile before raising his hood back over his head.
"thank you, bin."
hanbin shook his head at this, "no need."
jiwoong rushed to finally leave the dorm. after walking for a few minutes, he saw the familiar form of his boyfriend standing in a hoodie. the sight of y/n standing around waiting for him made his heart flutter, especially when y/n finally turned around to meet his gaze.
jiwoong's strides quickened eagerly. he finally stood directly in front of his boyfriend, not hesitating to kiss him deeply.
"jiwoong," y/n paused as the other stole another kiss. they were barely able to exchange kisses properly as it was, both bearing smitten smiles for each other.
jiwoong finally pulled away from his lips and looked at him endearingly before saying a small, "hi."
"hi," y/n returned the greeting. he always found that he could never take his eyes off of jiwoong when he was around. the male's smile was like a small piece of heaven.
jiwoong looked down at y/n's hoodie, particularly one of the sleeves that covered the entirety of his arm. he tugged at the fabric gently before meeting y/n's eyes again.
y/n just looked at him in confusion.
"your hand," jiwoong finally spoke, "i want your hand."
y/n felt a small blush cover his cheeks. he pulled his sleeves up for jiwoong to quickly take his hand and intertwine their fingers before beginning to walk away from the premises of his dorm.
"so how was your day? you had a busy schedule preparing for the comeback right?" y/n asked. he frowned when a large sigh left jiwoong's lips.
"yeah, it was hectic. honestly, i was just thinking about you all day. waiting for the hours to pass 'til i could see you tonight."
"tsk. you need to focus on work," y/n scolded. jiwoong smiled and swung their connected hands as they walked.
"how can i focus on work when the prettiest boy is stuck in my head?"
y/n shook his head at the flirtatious rebuttal, looking away from his boyfriend. jiwoong chuckled at his reaction.
"i put your photocard in my phone case hoping that would help, but it's not the same as actually being with you."
y/n instantly looked back at him.
"you what??"
jiwoong's smile grew while he pulled out his phone, showing the other his transparent case that displayed a photocard of y/n from his group's most recent album.
"didn't your members see??"
"not yet." jiwoong slipped his phone back in his pocket. "hanbin already found out i'm seeing someone, but he doesn't know it's you."
y/n nodded. he looked down at his feet, letting his thoughts run with the sound of the gravel underneath his shoes.
"do you not want people to know?" jiwoong asked.
"no, no.. i don't mind. i'm just a little scared, i guess."
jiwoong nodded. he placed a light kiss on y/n's head and squeezed his hand. "we don't have to tell anyone until you're ready."
y/n nodded as a smile lifted on his lips. he didn't think he'd ever met someone as understanding and patient as jiwoong. he looked over at him again. his face was softly illuminated by the street lights, hair blowing a little in the night wind.
"what?" jiwoong questioned, catching y/n looking at him.
"nothing.. you're just really beautiful."
jiwoong's ears instantly turned red at his boyfriend's words. he rolled his eyes dramatically and clicked his tongue, "tsk. don't say things like that. my heart might stop."
"i'm just being honest," y/n countered.
jiwoong turned his head to argue, but before he could say anything, y/n quickly kissed him to shut him up.
after walking for a while longer, the pair were soon lying in a patch of grass and watching the night sky. stars were hard to see in seoul, but if you were lucky, you could catch a few of them shining.
y/n rested against his boyfriend's chest with a relaxed smile. the sound of jiwoong's heartbeat was the most soothing thing he'd heard in a while. the way his chest would rise and fall with his breathing as y/n laid on him, and the way his hand drifted back and forth on y/n's clothed arm comfortingly - it was incomparable.
jiwoong looked at him, glad to see the grin stretching on his lips. he loved seeing his boyfriend smile, especially if he was the reason.
jiwoong hesitated for a second. he felt a little shy now, but the star he'd been watching above him seemed to suddenly shine brighter, as if encouraging him on. maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him, he thought. his smile grew at this before finally going on.
"i love you a lot.. thank you for being mine."
y/n moved a little to look up at him. jiwoong's eyes were glossed over with the sweetest smile still on his lips. y/n felt a tug at his heart. this wasn't their first time expressing love, but it somehow still meant the world and sent butterflies through their stomachs.
"i love you too, woong," y/n replied with a small frown. "are you okay?"
jiwoong quickly nodded, "yes, don't worry."
y/n smiled in response, grateful for that answer. he moved away from his place on the other's chest to now plant a soft kiss on his lips.
"we should probably start heading back soon. we both have early schedules to get up for."
jiwoong sighed, knowing he was right.
"i can walk you back to your dorm though," y/n offered as they stood up together.
"no, that'll take longer for you since your dorms are the opposite way. i don't want you out even longer because of me, especially when it's alone."
"mm, fine.. do you wanna try to meet for dinner tomorrow?"
jiwoong nodded eagerly at the idea, "yes please."
y/n smiled again.
"okay, i'll see you tomorrow then. g'night, woong."
"goodnight, love. text me when you get home safe."
after exchanging another kiss, they started walking their separate ways.
jiwoong stopped after a minute, turning to watch his boyfriend continue walking. warmth filled his chest despite the cold weather around him; y/n always seemed to do that to him.
y/n's hands were stuffed in his pockets to keep away from the cold. he soon felt his phone vibrate against his hand, pulling the device out to see a message from jiwoong. he smiled - an instant reaction to any message or call from the other.
y/n's eyes scanned over their messages to find the newest one; a photo of himself as he walked away from jiwoong. he quickly turned on his heels to see jiwoong in the distance, who smiled widely at him before typing something. y/n waited patiently as he looked back at his phone.
jiwoong's new message finally popped up under the photo. it was a simple emoji of a star, yet it managed to make y/n's cheeks redden with a light blush. he looked back up to see his boyfriend again. jiwoong waved and showed that same killer smile that could make anyone feel weak, before turning to continue walking home.
he looked back up at the sky while walking a bit sadly. time went by too fast when he was with y/n.
his eyes then found the same star from earlier - the brightest that could be seen in the sky. he felt almost entranced by it.
"tomorrow can't come fast enough," he mumbled quietly.
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jordanstrophe · 9 months
Abandoned whumpee is back
[Previous] - [Next] CW: Captive whumpee, injury, blood loss, medical whump, hurt/comfort, defiant whumpee, intimate whumper
Two guards on either side pulled whumpee through the wasteland. Whumper lead in the front, often craning their head back to make sure whumpee stayed in check.
"This is all pointless!" Whumpee shouted at them. "I'm not giving up my team, I'll be nothing but a h-.. hassle. I just-" Whumpee ran out of breath as their retorting faded. The bandage on their side was soaked in blood as some began running down their waist.
Whumper turned around, immediately motioning for the group to stop. "They're bleeding faster than I thought. Lay them down for a second." Whumper ordered, rushing to them while ripping open a new bandage.
The guards tried pulling whumpee to the ground; whumpee wouldn't bend their knees, so whumper grabbed their legs and pulled them out from underneith them.
"No no NO- I'm fine! Leave it alone!" Whumpee squirmed. Whumper pinned their legs together with their knees and peeled off the dripping bandage.
"I'm going to put some pressure and tighten it, okay?" Whumper explained, wrapping a bandage around their midsection.
"Just le-leave me here. I'm already holding you back." Whumpee rasped, sweat pouring down their face. The guards kept whumpee's arms over their head and wouldn't let them move an inch.
"Thanks for the kind thoughts. Now take a deep breath, this'll hurt." Whumper said. Whumpee glared and breathed rapidly; whumper just watched and waited. Finally out of sheer discomfort, whumpee took a deep enough breath as whumper pulled the two ends tightly against the wound.
Even though they wanted to, whumpee willed themselves not to scream. They groaned and cried behind gritted teeth, their cheeks flushed red and whumper could feel them tense underneath them.
"That's it, you're doing fine. Good job." Whumper patted their leg. Whumpee deeply exhaled with the tiniest whimper behind it. They seemed unable to speak.
"I'll get you taken care of when we get home. Some stitches and a night's rest will do you good. I'm sure you haven't eaten in a while." Whumper shook blood off their hands and stood up. They looked down and realized whumpee was trying to squirm to their feet. They kept collapsing and their legs were shaking.
"Want me to carry you-"
"No." Whumpee cut them off, still trying to struggle to their feet. They began using the guards to try and pull themselves up.
"Come on whumpee, this is pathetic." Whumper crossed their arms.
"I'm- I'm aware. I don't want your help, don't touch me anymore. Please..." Whumpee looked up at them with a furrowed brow. For the first time, whumper saw just how much pain they were in. Mentally and physically.
"Okay I'm picking you up." Whumper said, shoving their arm under whumpee's knees.
"No, no you are nooOOOTT-!" Whumpee shouted as whumper hoisted them up mid-sentence. Whumpee clung to their neck out of sheer adrenaline.
"There we go, not so bad right?" Whumper cooed, continuing onwards.
"Put. Me. Down." Whumpee hissed.
"Would you rather we drag you across the gravel? Just relax. I'm not going to drop you."
"If that gets me put down, they do it." Whumpee kicked their feet. They tried to pry off whumper's fingers from their back leg, but was unsuccessful.
Whumper sighed and rolled their eyes. For the rest of the way, whumpee complained and argued loudly. Carrying them was exhausting, but whumper liked that they could monitor the bandage and keep track of how much blood they were losing.
By the time they got to the transportation, whumpee had fallen asleep. Their head was resting against whumper's shoulder, one arm was folded over their stomach, their other arm hung limp.
Whumper claimed the back seat and laid whumpee across the length with their head on whumper's lap.
"What an unfortunate little lamb. Willing to follow your team to the grave." They whispered, stroking whumpee's hair from the side of their face.
"I truly feel terrible for you."
[Previous] -- [Masterlist] -- [Next]
@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever
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rk-ceres · 1 year
Latenight Antics (+18)
Fred Weasley X _______ X George Weasley
!NO TWINCEST! Just shameless smut
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Daddy kink, dom/sub dynamics, masturbation, double penetration, unprotected sex, Fred and George call _____ puppy mentions of collar, breeding kink if you squint. just sex y'know. etc etc etc.
smut below cut
She huffed turning the pink vibrator she had off unable to get herself off as she loudly groaned and rolled out of bed putting on one of Freds jumpers “I need a man.. or two just to give me endless orgasams and dominate me just. Someone to fuck me til i dont remember my own name” she grumbled opening the door to her room walking to the kitchen of her and the twins shared flat opening the cupboard avoiding the biting tea cups and pulling one down she huffed in annoyance as she put the kettle on softly tapping her fingers on the counter Fred’s oversized jumper riding up her thighs as she waited someone cleared their throat behind her she spun around palms resting against the counter as she leaned on it for support there she saw both boys looking back at her shirtless “sorry. I didnt mean to wake you I didnt think I was being that loud. “We weren’t asleep” George said walking closer to her her cheeks heated up as he hovered dangerously close to her grabbing another mug one for him and one for Fred his free hand rested on the counter beside her “Freddie and I were making plans for a new product to sell” he leaned in further and then pushed off the counter his sweat pants hanging low on his hips giving her a view of his V in she bit her lip “but then…” Fred said putting his cup down on the counter brushing a stray hair out of her face “we heard a light buzzing sound with soft whimpers…. The words daddy please Coming from the thin walls” he brushed a hand down her face lightly touching her George looking down at her with darkened lust filled eyes “a frustrated groan” George continued as he brought his nose to her neck the grip her teeth had on her lip increased the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as he let out a hot breath on her neck “i need a man… or two” Fred continued boxing her in his arms trapping her on the counter “a door opening and closing” george blew on her neck again she gasped “the stove flicking on” Fred brought his face closer to hers “im sorry I… I didnt mean….” “Shut up _______” Fred said in a deep voice “we’re willing to help you if you want us too puppy” George continued “all you have to do” Fred shoved her feet apart putting a leg between hers pressing his hips to hers she gasps feeling how hard he is through his sweat pants “is ask for it.” George whispered into her neck sending a shiver down her spine her hips instinctively ground down on Fred’s thigh she let out a gasp as she tried to back more into the counter “so what is it going to be _______, let us help you like a good little girl…..” Fred started pressing his leg more into her naked heat “or go to bed frustrated” George softly licked her neck “if you wanted someone to dominate you… all you had to do was ask… always wanted you you know. You standing here in my sweater is driving me mad ________ you even wearing anything under it?” the gravel in his voice turning her on further “he’s right. Youre driving me mad wishing it was my sweater you were wearing….. so naughty baby… if I had my way” George pulled her attention to him by lightly gripping her neck and pulling her face to look at him “I would fuck you… til you couldn’t walk for a week… id have you screaming my name, we’d fuck you so well that you wouldn’t want any one else but us that every time you moved you’d be hurting… thinking when the next time you’d be under me or Fred while you suck the other off…. We’d ruin you for every other man because no bloke could ever make you feel the way we do. The way i could make you feel”  he whispered into her ear nibbling on it slightly she moaned as Freds hands came to her hips slowly moving them up and down his leg “you’re so wet baby girl you’re soaking my sweats… tell daddy what you want” he cooed she looked to Fred then to George “good little girls use their words _____” George cooed again “I…. I…. Want…” she wraps her arms around Fred’s neck
smashing her lips to his pulling his hair slightly he groans as his already hard cock twitch in his pants she broke away pulling George in by his shoulders kissing him he, returning the kiss. Chuckled into her lips “such a needy little puppy aren’t you princess” George rasps pulling away from her “we’re not doing anything further until you tell us you want this” Fred presses her down harder “I want you to help me daddy” George turned off the kettle as she was flown over Freds shoulder as he led her to George’s room he flew her on the bed and pulled out his wand “Accio” soon the pink vibrator appeared in his hand he turned it on as George walked into the room again laying next to her kissing her softly “if its too much. Daddy wants you to say the word orange do you understand me?” George’s hand squeezes her neck “yes do you want me to repeat that for you?” she breathed out looking up innocently “yes baby i do” George said “if its too much i say orange and daddies will stop…. And cuddle me?” “good girl puppy if cuddles is what you want. Cuddles is what youll get, are you ready?” George asked “yes” she whines “yes what” Fred slapped her thigh “yes daddy” she breathed “Good girls get rewarded” Fred said as he brought the vibrator to her clit circling it slowly she moved her hips in time with Freds movements she moans as he brings it down harder Georges hands move the sweater over her head “fuck… thats so naughty puppy” he brings his mouth down to her nipples playing with the piercings that adorned each bud licking and sucking lightly Freds looking up to her he takes the vibrator away she whines at the loss of stimulation on her clit making her glance down to him “you cum when youre allowed to cum i want to hear you beg for it _____” he put the vibrator in her pumping it in her at a slow teasing place “yes daddy. Thank you daddy” she moaned
“so polite” George said with her nipple in between his teeth pulling gently he brings one of his hands up her torso around her neck she moaned loudly “you like having Georges hand around your neck dont you little slut” Fred sped up pumping the vibrator in and out of her “yes daddy please daddy faster” she moans George puts more pressure around her neck as he brings her face to his kissing her hard “keep moaning like that im going to have to shove my cock so far down your throat you wont need my hand around your pretty little neck maybe we should get you a pretty pink collar for you to “please” she moaned into the kiss before he could finish his sentence “yeah? You wanna gag on daddy’s cock? Or you want us to buy you a collar” He asked “yes please” she opened her eyes looking at him “please both daddy please want your cock and a collar please daddy want you to own me” she gives him the most innocent look she can muster while getting pounded by a vibrator he stands up pulls his sweats off she gasps at the size of him “think you can take all of daddy?” He asked “i ccan *oh shit* i can try daddy” she moaned “good girl” “daddy i need to cum please can i cum sir. Wanna cum so bad” she whined as Fred sped up in her sopping hole “cum” he commanded fucking her through it “such a whore getting off on a piece of plastic” Fred chastised George pulled her by her hair to his face she quickly moves to her knees “open your mouth” he commanded she obliged as Fred turned off the vibrator and tossed it to the side George brought his lips to her and spit in her mouth she looked at him surprised “swallow” he put his hand around her throat again she closes her mouth and swallows it “now our pretty little pet.. what youre going to do…. Is get on your hands and knees…. I want to watch Fred fuck you like the little whore you are” George started “and i want to watch you… suck George off and eat his cum when he cums… you do” Fred rasped from behind her groping her breasts with a grip so hard it could leave bruises “thank you daddy” she whimpers “what are you waiting for” george murmurs against her lips get down on your hands and knees puppy” Fred called out she dropped down inbetween the two men she loved Fred walked on his knees to her pulling her hips flushed to his he spit in her hole before shoving the tip in slightly she whimpered at the slight strech “please daddy please i need you so bad” she begged “fuck ______” Fred groaned impaling her on his thick long length she moaned loudly “well? What are you waiting for? Suck George off” he demanded pushing her into George in the middle of her shoulder blades “yes daddy” she moaned when he started moving she looked up at George with doe eyes “fuck my mouth daddy please?” She asked in a sweet voice “open your mouth puppy” he said lowly she nodded letting her jaw fall open he fed her his cock going slowly to get a feel of her wet mouth he groans bucking his hips into her mouth she moves her hand to cup his balls Fred starts to pound into her she moans around his dick he cards his hand through her hair pulling her further onto his dick “think you can handle more puppy?” George asked he allowed her to pull off to answer him “yes daddy” she went back down taking him further into her mouth he threw his head back feeling the vibrations of her moans and her hollowed cheeks taking him into her throat “fuck shes so good at this Freddie. You should try it” George groans ad he runs a hand through her hair again tugging on it to keep her there “shes squeezing me so tight i think our slut is close Georgie” fred sped up his hips as she swallowed George in her throat he groaned “im close” he moaned bucking into her mouth
“fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” he groans stilling his hips he spills into her mouth and takes his dick out of her mouth she opens her mouth with her tongue out showing him his cum he put his thumb on her tongue she closed her mouth on it and swallowed it down as Fred pulls out of her she Doesnt break eye contact with George as Fred comes into view she pulls off of his thumb with a pop still sucking as she does “what do you think George, you think our cum slut deserves to cum?” Fred asks him she goes to take Fred in her mouth he moans as he watches her clean his dick off of her juices “how does it taste?” George asked “i taste desperate and needy daddy” she said from around Freds cock as she went down on him Fred threw his head back when the head of his dick hit the back of her throat repeatedly she looked up at him Georges hand going to the back of her head “come on puppy daddy knows you can take more than that” tears sprung to her eyes as her nose pressed up against his lower abdomen she swallowed hard fighting against his hand don the back of her head Fred moaned loudly “Fuck youre right shes such a good girl” he groaned looking down to her “i want you to breathe through your nose puppy. Can you do that for daddy?” He asked she just swallowed around him again Fred replaced Georges hand in her hair as he pulled her hair off of him “i want you to lay on the bed” Fred said with a growl “legs spread nice and wide for me ____” George whispered flicking his wand her arms were tied to the headboard Fred came to the head of the bed stuffing his tie in her mouth he lifting her hips and roughly slamming her back down on his cock she screamed out “fuck daddy so big” tears sprung to her eyes “please let me cum daddy please want it so badly daddy” she begged as his mouth was littering her neck with hickeys as George sets up in between her legs taking her clit in his mouth sucking hard she moans “fuck Daddy” she pants “sound like a dog in heat just waiting to be bred dont you” Fred whispered in her ear kneading her breasts in his hand pinching the nipples “Accio” Fred called into the room a pair of nipple clamps appeared in his hands “i want you to answer me” Fred groaned pinching harder “one more slip up puppy and i’ll clamp your nipples “yes daddy, sorry daddy” George sucks harder on her clit gaining a louder moan she moves her hips in time with Georges mouth he pulls away and slaps hard down on her throbbing clit “did i say you could move your hips?” He spat down to her “No daddy im sorry daddy” George looked to Fred who wordlessly clamped the clamps on to her sensitive buds she whimpered feeling them and the weight of the chain that connected the two together “daddy please… need you both please…. Wanna feel you both” she begged Freds eyes widened as George tugged on the cord gently she moaned at the sharp pain that was felt “yeah puppy you think you can handle us both? Where do you want us hm?” Fred asked sweetly “want you in my ass daddy” she looked him in the eye she turned her attention to George who was waiting patiently “and daddy in my pussy” lust filled Georges features “such naughty words coming from our little whore” George groaned tugging at the cord one last time before grabbing his wand and releasing her wrists he grabbed her hand standing her up Fred puts her in the middle of the bed back facing him George pressing against her front “well? What are you waiting for Puppy. Come here and let us ruin you.” Fred pulled her to them holding one of her legs up George pushed into her heat slowly
“daddy fuck George” she threw her head back to Freds shoulder wjen he sped up hips smashing against hers in hard thrusts slowly pumping in and out of her “fuck” she moaned when she felt Freds wand at her ass filling her with lube shoving a finger into her tightly puckered hole “shit shes squeezing me so good” George moaned bucking faster “im close daddy please” she moaned trying to kiss him “please kiss me” she moaned “yeah? Want me to kiss you baby?” He asked she nodded frantically he smashed his lips onto hers “i love you, Georgie… Freddie… i love you both” she moaned into his lips “i want you to cum on my cock little slut” he growled “show us. Show us you love us and cum baby” Fred cooed bringing his hand to her neck squeezing her throat whispering sweet nothings into her ear shoving his length into her arsehole she screamed feeling the intrusion he waited for her to adjust “Move” she looked back to him Fred roughly sped up his hips one pushing in the other pushing out “daddy please!” She yelled “CUM” Fred yelled as she liquid covered their three bodies as she came her body fell limp in their hands Fred followed her next painting her hole with cum. Slowly pulling out of her he kissed the top of her head “i love you too” Fred repeated to her smashing his lips onto hers “we” George groaned feeling her clench on him “fuck im not going to last like this baby” he muttered biting her neck “please cum in me daddy please” she moaned holding her leg up pushing him in deeper “fuck baby” he stilled his hips he groaned pulling out of her “we love you.” He looked into her eyes “youre ours.” George rubbed her face with his thumb “and only ours” Fred wrapped his arms around her as George went to go get something to clean her up with “Freddie. Lets take her to your room. I need to change the sheets in here tomorrow after we take care of our princess” he kissed her lips Fred nodded
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 8 months
I Can Fix That... Pt. 3 | Jonathan Crane x fem!reader
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notes: And the plot and smut continues hehe. In this installment I used Lady Arkham as inspiration. She is originally a DC character/villian. The backstories that I included here are all based on the original DC comicbook/nolanverse lore. I literally used Batman wiki for additional research.
Summary| Crane brought a woman home. That was definitely not something he ever anticipated that he would ever do. He needs to trust her and she's starting to have second thoughts. Was leaving Gotham the right thing for her to do? Yes, she likes Crane but does she like him enough? What is he hiding from her? Oh honey, he was hiding a lot...
Warnings| Fire, mentions of a gun, drugs, smut- fingering, teasing, masturbation, dubious consent, the word "r*pe" is used once, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving). Violence, death, insanity, overdose (no death), infidelity, murder, police violence, trauma, abandonment, general unpleasantness.
word count: 8086k
Lonely Day- System of a Down 🎵
Love Song- Jack Off Jill 🎶
Superstar- Sonic Youth 🎵
Please please please read warnings for this one- we're going over childhood trauma
The helicopter landed in an open field in the outskirts of the city. She and Crane climbed out and ducked beneath the blades as they crossed the pasture. 
“We’re outside the city now. We’re safe here and depending on how Ra’s plan goes, we can stay here.” Crane looked down at the girl beside him. She watched the helicopter, distractedly, as it rose into the air and flew away. The field around them immediately quieted without the presence of the aircraft and they could hear the other breathe for the first time in a while. 
“Where do we go now?” She looked around them at the expanse of pasture and wild flowers hidden in the dark. 
“Over this hill.” Crane started walking and she followed, staying a few paces behind him. When they reached the top of the hill, she saw an old scarecrow standing in a field, empty of crops. The man was made of burlap and covered with rags. Straw exploded out of the scarecrow’s body. She looked at Crane who’d stopped to look at the scarecrow. Sensing her beside him, he glanced back at her and clenched his jaw. He gave no explanation or story and she didn’t want to ask because she didn’t want to cause him more pain. They walked a little farther and as they did, a large house came into view. Crane pointed it out to her with a sneer, directed at the house, not at her, “and there’s my father’s house.” 
The lights inside the mansion were on and it leaked light across the landscape that separated them. 
“Is your father home?” She asked and he chuckled darkly. 
“No, I had the housekeeper open the house for us. Just like with the helicopter, I find it is always useful to play your cards carefully. I was suspicious of Ra’s because I’m suspicious of everyone, even you,” he nodded down at her and she frowned slightly. “I don’t make friends easily, they often disappoint me.” He smiled at his own self-effacing humor. 
“Have I disappointed you?” She asked him. He turned his icy blue eyes to her and shook his head.
“No but we aren’t friends,” he laughed lightly and looked back at the house in the distance. 
“No? Then what are we?” She pouted a little, looking down at her feet and then to his face. 
“We’re more,” he answered evenly and began to walk again. She blushed and hurried to follow him, hiding her smile. Crane even smiled, blocking out the bad memories of the place they now found themselves in. He was no longer scared of the scarecrow but the memories he associated with the figure in the field did little to comfort him. They walked on until they reached the front gate and Crane typed in a passcode on an elaborate screen. The gates were black iron with sharp spikes fixed to the top and they opened with a long and droning squeak. The driveway changed to gravel as Crane led her up to the front door and he pulled on the lion’s head door knocker, releasing a loud door chime inside the house. One wing of the house, she noticed, was burned. 
“You’re right, I’m starting to realize that I really know nothing about you.” She looked up at the large gothic mansion above her.
“That,” Crane turned his head to her and sighed as if it were obvious, “is what a second date is for.” 
The front door opened and a man in a tuxedo greeted them coldly, reminding her of Crane. 
“Welcome back, doctor.” The butler deadpanned and Crane pushed past, wiping his feet in the entryway. She followed suit and nodded to the butler, smiling excitedly. 
“This is Miss —; Miss Y/N Y/L/N.” Crane gestured his hand carelessly between them and continued on into the reception hall. All the walls were carved from solid wood into even square panels. 
“Welcome to the Crane House, ma’am.” The butler bowed his head briefly and followed them. She nodded her head in thanks and became immediately enraptured by the spooky house. “Shall we serve dinner now or would you like to change?” 
Crane turned and cleared his throat, his eyes trying to focus on the room without his glasses. “We’ll change first, Hobbs.” 
“There are clothes laid out in the bedrooms.” The butler bowed and disappeared behind a swinging door. She turned to Crane and laughed. 
“What the hell is this place?” She asked in a bewildered whisper. Crane chuckled, finding the girl adorable in her amazement. 
“This is my childhood home.” 
“So this is where the famous Dr. Crane was raised. I’m intrigued.” She batted her eyelashes and ran up some of the stairs, her fingers trailing the thick banisters. Crane smiled and followed her. 
“Do you like seeing this side of me? Does it thrill you?” His voice prodded her heart and her legs became wobbly. 
“Everything about you does that,” she stood one step above him and cupped his face. She ran her finger down his angular cheekbone and swiped across his wide chapped lips. She kissed his neck and beneath his jaw before finally kissing his lips. 
“For now,” he whispered as she pulled away. They climbed the rest of the stairs up to the second floor and Crane led her down a tight hallway. Animal heads were mounted on the walls and she studied them with a mixed sense of appreciation. Crane pushed open a door with a crystal doorknob. 
“This is your room,” he swept his hand through the room and she gasped in awe. The one room was nearly the size of her entire apartment in Gotham. The walls were painted with elaborate murals. She stepped hesitantly into the room and twirled, wanting to see every inch of the place. Crane looked on from the door, his lips spread into a smile. 
“I’m glad you like it,” he laughed and she ran into his arms, smiling. 
“I love it! I am officially living out one of my dreams.” She pulled down on his collar and kissed him. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and kissed him deeper, her fingers now brushing across the soft skin on his neck. Crane sighed through his nose and found her waist, resting his hands on the indents of her hips. The excitement of the day prompted a sense of adventure and need inside her and she communicated that through her kiss. She bit playfully on Crane’s bottom lip and moaned (intentionally) against him to fluster him. She felt his body shutter from the suggestive sounds she made against him. Her cunt throbbed wantingly and she could feel her heartbeat in her upper thighs. 
“Mhm!” She hummed and caught her breath as Crane’s hands slipped to the base of her back. 
“You never get tired, do you?” He muttered against her huskily and she shook her head. 
“No, Dr. Crane.” She whispered with a soft whine and licked his bottom lip before kissing him harder. She felt his cock twitch on his pants as he pressed himself against her. 
“Good, because neither do I,” he bit the point of her jaw gently and kissed over the hickies he had already made on her neck the night before. He looked all rumpled and hot in his suit after the action of the day and she desperately wanted to undress him. She wanted to fuck him like a normal couple, not tied down to a mortuary slab where she couldn’t even touch him. God, she wanted to touch him. She dragged one hand down to his crotch and cupped his cock through his pants. She rubbed her hand against the half-hard bulge and moaned pitifully as if she were the one getting touched. 
“You’re pathetic,” Crane smirked and pulled her head back gently by her hair. She nodded with a pleased smile, happy that he saw her for what she really was and what she really wanted. He kissed her hard, taking her breath away, and sucked on her tongue so deep she felt like she might choke. When he pulled away and dropped his hold on her neck, his lips were pink and his eyes heavy with lust. She knew her face was flushed and that it turned him on but instead of acting on it, Crane leaned back against the door jam and jerked his head at the bed. 
“Hobbs laid out some clothes for you. I hope they fit, I went through your closet to find your size but I trusted Hobbs and his wife with the shopping.” He smirked, proud of himself for leaving the girl so horny, it made him even harder. He left the room and closed the door, his erection still pressing against his pants. 
She went down the stairs and looked around for the dining room, turning her curious head left and right. The clothes that had been laid out for her were simple and elegant. A long black dress with a boat neck that she wore with the burgundy stockings set beside it. She’d worn her black mary janes and run a brush through her hair, knowing that would be enough to help her look put together. She followed the sound of a crackling fire and polite conversation through a far door. Crane looked up as she entered and looked her up and down, his eyes sticky against her curves. 
“What do you think?” She gestured to her dress and gave a slow twirl. The butler and his wife stood to the side, watching her with small, pleased smiles. Crane leaned forward, resting his elbows on the white tablecloth. 
“Apparently, my housekeepers have extraordinary taste.” He smirked and stood as she walked to her place at the table on his right. 
“High praise,” she smiled at Hobbs. As they sat together, Hobbs served their dinner of smoked ham. She took a long sip of the gin martini from her glass and swirled the stem with her wrist.
“It’s hard to believe that we were in Gotham just an hour or two ago.” She took in his body dressed in a black suit without his usual tie. His face was clean and he’d refreshed his hair with some gel, the smell was comforting. 
“Tonight could have ended very differently…” he looked at his food. The butler and his wife left the room, going back into the kitchen.
“Thank you for what you said this morning,” she flicked her eyes up to his. He looked back and caught his breath. She looked stunning and he felt the need to pinch himself to remember where they were and how they’d gotten there in the first place. He remembered telling her to do as he said because he wanted her to live and he worried that Ra’s would go back on his word, and as he suspected, Ra’s had, just not with her. 
“I’m just glad that we came to our agreement when we did, before Ra’s. I’ll admit that my desire to keep you alive was more selfish than chivalrous because I needed you for my own reasons.” 
“Like what?” She raised her eyebrow and cut a piece of meat. It melted on her tongue and she swallowed it slowly, watching him. 
“I have plans for Gotham, plans that would involve you,” he cocked his head towards her, adding, “of course. I don’t know yet how Ra’s plans will play out but I suspect that he will fail. Batman will think that he’s saved the city from ‘bad guys’ but,” he leaned in closer, “I’m not so easily defeated and I suspect that we’ll run into each other again.”
“Are you sure that you can trust me with these plans of yours,” she opened herself up to him and stood, looming over Crane in his seat,” these plans that also include me?” She rested her knee on the edge of his seat between his legs, straddling his thigh. Crane looked up at her calmly, unmoved by the position of her knee against his crotch or the heat of her cunt hovering above his thigh. Crane watched her for a moment, letting a heavy silence fall between them before inhaling and shifting his torso closer as if he were going to whisper something to her. 
“Like I told Ra’s,” he started quietly, his eyes dark and harsh at the candlelight table. His hand squeezed the bottom of her thigh above her knee, she gasped quietly, “I’ll make sure that I can trust you…” his hand snaked up the inside of her thigh beneath her dress. He pulled the edge of her stocking away from her thigh and let it snap painfully back against her skin. “Won’t I?” He asked darkly as his forehead creased slightly. She gasped again as his hand found her underwear and stroked her clothed cunt. “Won’t. I?” He sneered and she remembered to nod. “Answer me,” he snapped and brushed his fingers past the crotch of her underwear, spreading the wetness between her legs with the pads of his fingertips. 
“Yes,” she hissed breathlessly, closing her eyes as he rubbed her cunt, creating a dangerous friction. 
“You’re pissing me off, detective.” He growled and roughly began to finger her, shoving two fingers harshly inside. She yelped and looked down at Crane, his eyes flashed. 
“Why, Dr. Crane?” She wrapped her fingers around the base of his neck, her thumb sitting right below his adam's apple. She smiled when his other hand gripped her thigh harder. She moved her hips on his fingers and he watched with interest as she dripped around his fingers. “How can I fix it for you?” She purred against his cheek, moaning softly as he fingered her and teased her clit with his thumb. She began to pant and instinctively moved her thighs together as the pleasure became too much. She squeezed around his fingers and her hands tightened around his throat, about to cum.  
“Behave,” he whispered seriously and removed his fingers before she could finish. She groaned in frustration and held his face between her hands. 
“You’re such a tease, Jonathan.” She scolded him and he smiled. 
“And you’re a horny little slut.” He whispered close to her lips and she shook her head, smiling giddily. 
“I’m just a horny little slut for you.” She ran her tongue across his lips, dragging it up to his nose. She let go of his face and plopped back into her chair, crossing her legs pointedly. Crane rolled his eyes and raised his fingers to his mouth. He sucked her juices from his hand as she watched and then finished his drink, ignoring her when she whined with lust. 
“You’re like a dog,” he rested his elbow on the table, “you think you’ll get what you want if you whine enough.” He delivered the sentence with a knowing look and returned to his food. She didn’t want to admit to herself how much that turned her on. She huffed and tucked her hair behind her ear and finished her martini hungrily. She finally had a moment to glance around the room and when she did, she saw a beautiful fire burning in a stone fireplace. 
“That’s beautiful,” she gestured to the fireplace carved with cherubs. Crane looked and nodded. 
“I think so too. We haven’t had fires in the fireplace since I was a child. You may have noticed that part of the house was destroyed.” 
She nodded.
“That’s because the house almost burned down when I was…” he frowned as he thought, “five or six?” He shrugged and sighed, looking into the blazing fire. “My father never let us use the fireplaces after that. It made for cold winters,” He flicked his eyes up to hers and she shivered. 
“I can imagine,” she thought back to her childhood in the orphanage, freezing at night during any season that wasn’t summer.
“The house will be a lot warmer now,” he said casually and allowed a small smirk to tug at his lips. 
“What happened to ‘behaving ourselves’?” She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow in fake disapproval. Crane chuckled and leaned back in his chair. 
“I have no idea what you mean,” he lied and they went back to eating when Hobbs entered with dessert. 
It was nearly 2am when they finally climbed the grand staircase to return to their rooms. There was a large common room that separated the two wings of the house on the second floor. The wing to their right was burned and stood empty. 
“Where’s your room?” She furrowed her brow as they walked down the hallway, passing the laundry chute. Crane pointed to a room at the mouth of the hallway, near the top of the stairs. Her’s was at the opposite end of the hallway. She smiled and spun around, facing her side of the hallway. She let him watch her walk away, moving her hips as loosely as she could manage. When she opened her door, she turned slightly and gave him a closed-mouth smile, her eyes teasing him. He crossed his arms and leaned against his door, his expression unreadable. She closed her door and did a few extra happy-spins for good measure. She kicked off her shoes and explored the bathroom, finding herself in a mood for a bath after not showering the night before. She turned on the bath’s faucet and filled the large tub with hot water. As she undressed, she spotted a row of cosmetics set out for her use, and included in the assortment was the shampoo that she used at home. A small part of her found it scary that Crane had obviously gone through her home to find the things she liked but more than that, she felt honored that he had planned his backup plan with her in mind. He’d asked the housekeepers to prepare her a room and stock it with clothes and shampoo, all just in case she came with him. He’d imagined her coming with him, and that nearly made her cry. She slipped into the hot water and scrubbed every inch of her body, trying to remove all of the sweat, dirt, and debris that had stuck to her skin over the past 24 hours. She washed her hair with the mint shampoo as Crane had guessed she used correctly before. The suds ran down her hair and between her shoulder blades as her hands worked the shampoo into her head. She ducked her head beneath the water and watched as her hair floated out around her head. When she came up for air, her hair stuck to her back and she sighed pleasantly. 
The bathroom was cold when she left the security of the hot water so she quickly wrapped herself in a thick towel and brushed her hair. She rubbed lotion into her dry skin and toweled off her hair. The housekeepers had given her numerous sets of pajamas in different styles. She guessed Crane had decided against going through her underwear drawer, what a gentleman. She liked soft lounge pants and t-shirts so she changed into the dark blue set they had provided for her and unmade her bed. The wide windows on the side wall looked out on the field and she could just barely see the outline of the scarecrow. The house itself had a strange and suffocating feel. She wondered what Crane may have endured here, what secrets he hid inside himself. 
She bit the inside of her cheek and found the gun that she’d brought with her from Gotham. She hid the gun behind the headboard of her bed and sat with her knees pressed up to her chest on the mattress. She wrapped her arms around her legs and shivered, goosebumps rose on her legs and she rocked back and forth, resting her head on her knee like a child. Should she feel guilty for betraying her precinct? Should she worry about Sgt. Gordon and Gotham itself? What had Gotham given her? How had it protected her? She felt torn between a route of righteousness and one of passion. Crane offered her a path to her own future set outside the laws of society where she could create her own identity. She didn’t want to be the good girl cop anymore, she wanted to be everything else and she wanted Crane. 
Crane was testing her. He wanted to see how badly she actually wanted him, how much she would fight to be with him. He needed her to be obsessed, foaming at the mouth at the thought of him. Maybe he was psychotic, sure (he was). His father certainly was and it usually runs in families. Crane’s manic obsession was her and he needed her, but before he could trust her, he had to be sure that she was totally and completely loyal to him. He knew she had her gun and he assumed she’d suffered more internal dialogue since escaping Gotham (he was a psychiatrist, so of course he knew these things). If he pushed her away would she cling to him more or feel the need to betray him? He had to admit that this test was grueling for him too. He didn’t think that he was capable of love or real attraction, he was a psychopath, literally. He’d studied himself as much as he had the subjects in his textbooks in school and he checked all the boxes but this- this- was a new development that he didn’t quite understand. It almost made him angry when he thought of the power she could wield over him if he got too close. She’d spoken so much of trust and he wanted to trust her. He did. But he’d trusted Ra’s, he’d trusted his father and at one point in his life he’d trusted Sgt. Gordon. Those relationships had not ended well. Then this prissy young detective comes along and confronts him with feelings he didn’t think he could have. That was why she was the subject of his fear toxin reaction. She’d found a way to matter to him and losing her had already become his worst fear. He wanted… oh god there were so many things that he wanted from her. He hoped that it wouldn’t take much longer because he was starting to lose patience. 
She stared at the ceiling above her bed and tried to touch herself. She didn’t have her vibrator and Crane had made a point of pushing her away, so she was left to rough it out with her hands. She hadn’t been stuck with just her bare hands since college. Her vibrator had obviously spoiled her and she felt nowhere near as much pleasure without it, though Crane had come extremely close the night before. She dug her heels into the mattress and bit her lip, concentrating as hard as she could on Crane. She remembered the way he spoke to her as he fucked her, how calm and direct he’d been with her body. They both had needs and desires and he hadn’t let insecurities or formalities stand in the way. Her body was craving a release that she’d teased it with twice already that day and she couldn’t fall asleep without trying to appease it. After ten minutes of heavy breathing and a sore arm she collapsed in frustration across her bed. She desperately wanted him and nothing was going to cut it unless it was him inside her. Something- anything. She groaned into her hands and kicked the blankets off of her. 
The door handle creaked and Crane shifted in his half-sleep haze. The bed moved around him and he was startled awake by the girl, straddling his hips. He kept a smile from his lips as he looked up at her. 
“What the hell are you doing?” He got out before her hand clamped around his mouth. She shushed him. 
“Listen here, Crane. Since we have an understanding,” she used his word for their relationship, “I’ll tell it to you straight. I want you. I need you. I have very few needs because I’m a simple girl, but right now, you’re one of them. I’ll ask you nicely and if you humor me, I won’t cause trouble.”
“Trouble?” His voice was muffled against her hand as he raised his eyebrow. 
“I have a whole round of trouble tucked away behind my headboard.” 
“Nice threat. So, you what? Want to rape me?” He propped himself up on his elbows. 
She hooked her finger around the collar of his black t-shirt and sighed. 
“You have such a dirty mind. Why do you have to make it sound so perverted?” She held his chin tightly in her hand and dragged her other hand down his chest stopping at the waistband of his pants. 
“That’s what it is, detective.” He cocked his head to the side and rested it on his shoulder. “Are you really going to do that to me?” 
“Says the man that strapped me to a slab and drugged me three times,” she held up three fingers to stress her point and shifted her hips on his crotch. 
“We both have problems, what do you want me to say?” 
“That you’ll fuck me,” she started to grind her hips and he withheld his sinful exhale. 
“Oh?” He said instead, “what if I’m too tired? Fucking is hard work.”
“Then let me do it,” she shrugged with a smile, “I’ll make us both feel good.” Crane raised a skeptical eyebrow and smirked. 
“You really didn’t get enough at dinner did you?” He teased and she shook her head. 
“You have no idea.”
He watched her rub herself against him and then slowly allowed his eyes to meet hers. She moaned just looking into his eyes and he laughed. 
“Ok, let’s see how you do.” He allowed her casually and watched as she bounced happily on his lap and scooted down to his knees. She pulled down the blanket and worked her hands below his waistband. He was already hard and she scoffed, pissed that he hadn’t admitted how turned on he was too. He smirked as she pulled his cock out of his pants and rolled her tongue around the tip. When she took him in her mouth he sighed softly, his mouth open as he watched her give him head. She swirled her tongue around his length and she bobbed her head up and down. She sucked and dragged her mouth slowly over him until he bucked softly into her mouth. She felt her stomach get hot with excitement and she worked harder, humming against him as she took him deeper. Crane clenched his fists and groaned. She pulled her mouth to the top of his cock and sucked hard, teasing his climax which she could tell was fast approaching. His forehead was creased and he squeezed his eyes shut, allowing his head to fall back with a low gasp. 
“Fuck alright, that’s enough,” He sat up again and smirked, “get what you want out of me.” He panted and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. She licked her lips and crawled off the bed. Crane watched her as she stepped out of her bottoms and straddled him once more, naked from the waist down. His erection rested against her stomach and he swallowed, staring at her bare cunt. 
“I hope you like what you see,” she whispered and removed her top. Her breasts shifted slightly against her skin as she moved and her hair fell around her in a sultry mess. “Because it all belongs to you now,” she pressed her hands against his stomach for balance and leaned closer. “But this,” she looked him up and down, landing on his beautiful eyes and smiling, “this belongs to me.” 
“Silly girl,” he barely shook his head as his eyes trained on her, “I don’t belong to anyone.” 
“We’ll see about that,” she shrugged and bit her lip as she lowered herself onto his cock. She whined in relief and moved her hips slowly. She was so wet he could her himself move inside of her as she fucked him. Crane’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he released a tight breath. 
“Fuuuuck…” he hissed and she squeezed around him, nearly orgasming just by hearing the pleasure in his voice. She panted breathlessly as she started to move up and down, her hands balanced on his navel where there was a thin dusting of hair. He thrusted up involuntarily and they both moaned. She sped up slightly, moving her hips back and forth. Crane’s hands found the fleshy handles of her hips and dug his fingers into her skin. He had laid back completely making it so that he had to raise his head when he wanted to watch how she snapped down on him. She let her head fall back and moaned loudly as his cock hit the right place each time. The pleasure was so good between her legs that her release felt like the desire to pee. When her climax snapped, her eyes rolled back and she gasped, riding it out and enjoying the pressure of him inside her as it carried her through the high. Her climax triggered his as he felt her cum around her. 
“You’re going to cum inside me,” she panted and whimpered through the sensations. 
“Is that an order?” He gritted out, his fingers leaving bruises on her hips. He was trying to hold off his orgasm but as she nodded and squeezed him again, he let himself cum inside her with a loud groan. She sat for a second longer as he finished and finally moved off. She cleaned him off, sucking his swollen cock and swallowing all of the excess cum and discharge that had collected along his length. He covered his face with his hands as he tried to catch his breath.
“Are you going to leave it in?” He asked in a deep, tired voice. 
“Your cum?” 
“Yes, are you going to leave it in you?” He removed his hands and watched as she crawled up the bed to sit beside him. 
“Do you want me to?” She let her hair fall around them and he twirled the end of one of the pieces. 
He thought for a moment before nodding his head, “yes.” She curled up beside him and draped her leg between his. He exhaled slowly and wrapped his arm around the back of her head, resting his hand on her shoulder. She rubbed her nose against his chest, breathing in the clean smell of his t-shirt. Crane closed his eyes and waited as her breathing became more regular and slow. She started to fall asleep, her hand clasped against his ribs. When she was asleep, he propped himself up on one arm and watched her. Words couldn’t describe how good that was, what she did for him. It was better than their first time when the roles had been reversed. He liked that she could touch him and explore him with a needily innocence like a horny teenager. Crane thought about his cum still sitting inside her, collecting around her inner-thighs. He kissed her as she slept deeply, licking the salty taste from her lips and swallowing. She made a noise in her sleep and he drew his hand around her perfect breast, admiring her body in the dull glow of the moon. Gotham would be no match for them once they were united. No one could stop them, not even themselves. Once they started they could never stop, they had to take everything from each other. His head fell back into his pillow and he kissed the curve of her throat before allowing himself to fall asleep beside her. He’d never slept with a woman after sex. She was the first. 
They woke up late in the morning and dressed warmly, both wearing sweaters and long pants. Crane had traded in his suit for more casual wear though his attire was always oozing with old money aesthetic. After a breakfast of eggs benedict and black coffee, Crane asked if she wanted to see the house. 
“Of course,” she smiled and nodded excitedly. There were some questions she still had for Crane and she had her own list of theories and thoughts that the house inspired inside her. She worried what the house would reveal and more importantly, what it may say about Crane. She wondered if he had lived a childhood similar to hers, one of trauma and violence, even if he had lived in a huge mansion with every monetary item he could ever desire. 
They started outside the house, walking the grounds. The exterior of the house was set in elaborate stone carvings. The roofs were made of dark terracotta, framing widow peaks at the top of many of the towers. Crane watched her reaction as they rounded to the side of the house with the destroyed wing, still black from the burning. She could even still smell the charcoal made from the house’s old paneling. 
“Your father never rebuilt it?” She asked, curious. Crane studied the crumbling structure and shook his head.
“No, he died before making plans for a renovation.” She looked at him quickly and met his eyes. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” 
“But you understand.” 
She nodded slowly, “I was an orphan, I never knew my parents.” 
“So was I.” He clenched his jaw and looked down at the ground. 
“Your mother?” She asked hesitantly. 
“She died, here, in this wing.” He pointed to the second floor of the burned wing. “That was her room.” 
“You were young then too,” she remembered and he nodded. “Do you remember your mother?” 
“Some things but nothing that brings me much comfort. I remember how she died and I remember how my father mourned her.” 
“So she died in the fire?”
“Yes,” he nodded and folded his arms across his chest, “she was trapped inside after the fire started. They weren’t able to save her. My father was never the same after that.”
“When did your father die?” 
“Before I went to college…” he trailed off and they stood in silence for a moment. “He was a chemist, you know.” 
“No, I didn’t know. Did he teach you?”
Crane chuckled darkly, “I guess you could say that. He used me for his experiments.” He scowled. What he had said back in Arkham came back to her mind and she risked asking more. 
“Jonathan?” She started. 
“Yes?” He asked, his voice hard and protective like a layer of ice. 
“What did he do to you?” 
Crane swallowed and turned away from the house, forcing her to hurry behind him to keep up. His hair was tousled by the wind as he walked through the icy field. As the slope curved downwards, he finally started to speak. 
“He was the one who first came up with the idea for the fear serum. After my mother’s death he became obsessed with it and started to test it on himself like a lunatic. It messed with his head and made him relive my mother’s death over and over again until he finally had to stop and find a new subject. His new subject became me.” He darted his eyes angrily around the ground as he spoke, spit flying from his lips. “He would give me the toxin and at the time, it was 10x more dangerous. He used me to gauge the body’s reactions to fear and kept track of what the brain imagined during that state of panic. He wanted to create a cure for fear, a way to remove the body’s reaction to it. At some point he made a breakthrough in the case using people he’d kidnapped and found a way to remove a person’s ability to be afraid. He used it on himself and after that, his natural instincts became mute. When I was sixteen he brought me here,” he stopped suddenly and she looked as he gestured at the scarecrow hanging from its perch, “and he administered the drug one last time.”
“What happened?” She whispered, her blood going cold. 
“I overdosed on the serum and hallucinated that the scarecrow was alive but the fear I felt was multiplied from the large dose of toxin. Your old boss, Sgt Gordon, found us out here having come to arrest my father for kidnapping and murder. Because my father no longer feared anything, he charged Gordon and Gordon shot him. He died where we’re standing… and I watched it. I watched it all happen.” He stared at the scarecrow, his face set. He didn’t show any emotion as he recounted his father’s death, his own trauma. 
“What did Gordon do?” She stepped closer but left him a small circle of space, a safety net. 
“He took me to the hospital and once I recovered, they brought me back here.”
“You were so young,” she whispered sadly, wanting to cry for him. 
“So were you, weren’t you, when you were left at the doors of Gotham’s orphanage?” She nodded. 
“I was a baby.” She hugged herself and stared down at the ground beneath them.
“That’s why I think we’re so similar. We raised ourselves- you and I.” He smirked, “it would explain our similar psychology.” 
“The fact that we’re both deeply disturbed? Sure, I’ll give you that,” she laughed lightly, her nose burned in the cold air. 
“Mm… deeply disturbed,” Crane sounded out the words with a soft hiss. 
“Psychotic?” She offered. 
“That’s not a medical diagnosis I’m familiar with,” he looked down at her, taking in the profile of her ruddy cheeks blistering in the wind. 
‘But not far off is it?” She smiled and looped her fingers in the front of his sweater, her hands brushing the hard muscle beneath. 
“Hmmm, I don’t know. I’ll have to conduct more thorough examinations.. I’d kill to have a look inside your head.” His fingers traced her hairline and pulled gently on her hair.  
“I have a few ideas for other places you could examine,” she teased and he smirked, coming back from his temporary emotional lag. 
“Intriguing offer, detective.”
“Thank you, Dr. Crane,” she returned his smirk and pulled him away from the scarecrow. He followed her. “Why did you choose the scarecrow as your alias?” she brought the conversation back and his forehead creased again as he thought. 
“I was forced to face my fear and after I returned here with just Hobbs and his wife to keep me company. I decided to take back the power that the scarecrow took away from me that day. Embracing my fear made me stronger, more powerful,” He answered seriously and she nodded. 
“Why did you improve your father’s fear toxin if you knew what it was capable of?” She asked quietly, watching for his reaction. 
“I made it because I knew what it was capable of. People like us have suffered, we’ve been wronged, we’ve been abandoned and ignored. There are people in this world who have the privilege of never being afraid because they have nothing to fear. I made it originally to use on the city’s elite, the people who think they’re better than me because they think they’re wealthier than I am, smarter than I am. Ra’s distracted me from my plan and I know now that I was right from the very beginning, Batman and his like need to be dethroned. We can be the ones to do it.” 
She looked into his eyes and kissed him, drawing his face down to hers by the rough collar of his sweater. His lips were dry from the wind. When she pulled away he held her face between his hands and looked at her seriously, his nostrils flared. 
“Do you still trust me after everything I just told you? Do you still want to be with me?” He asked her calmly, a dark glint in his eye. She dropped her head to the side and he caught it easily in his palm. 
“Yes, yes.” She nodded. 
They walked in silence, their hands brushing against each other and their hair blowing in the short gusts of wind. 
“There’s still something you should know,” Crane began as they crossed through the door into the grand entry hall. 
“Like how you learned to ride a horse?” She joked but Crane didn’t smile. His face was hard again as it had been before. Her smile faded slowly and she felt her heart shutter and drop. “What?” She whispered and Crane left without another word, so she followed him hesitantly. He led her down into the basement, taking a stone staircase hidden behind a wall panel that also served as a door. Their steps echoed in the small space, electric sconces burned along the creepy passage. Finally Crane stopped at the door at the bottom of the stairs. The door was made of solid steel and Crane had to enter a passcode to open it. 
“Through here,” he guided her through the door and closed it behind them. The room was large and cave-like, lined with bookshelves and lab equipment. She gave an appreciative gasp, taking in the room that served as Crane’s office and private lab. “This was my father’s lab and when he died, it became mine.” He walked around to his desk and rummaged through one of the bottom drawers, removing a few small folders and placing them on his desk. He rested his knuckles on the cherry wood surface and sighed, finally meeting her eyes since they got back to the house. 
“Back to our topic of trust, I should tell you that I did a little snooping, if you will, into your past when we first started crossing paths. I wanted to know who I was dealing with, which is why I did this and now that we’ve ended up here together, I feel that it’s only right,” the word tasted bitter on his tongue, “to show you what I found. I’ve always told you that we’re alike, that we understand each other but I’ve never explained why. This is why I know we’re alike, Y/N.” He opened the front flap of each folder and pushed them down to the front of the desk. “You should know what happened to you as a child, the things they never told you at the orphanage.” He waited as she swallowed and looked between the papers and Crane. 
“What do you mean?” She whispered, “the things that happened to me?” 
“How the Wayne family ruined both of our lives.” His voice was slow and dark like syrup and it took her a few seconds to process what he was saying, what he was implying. She looked down at the folders again and took a step closer. When she reached his desk, she scanned the documents with blurred vision. “What… what do they say?” She rubbed her eyes and stepped away. Crane took the first folder, his jaw clenched. 
“Y/L/N, Y/N was born into the Arkham family, the founders of Arkham Asylum. Her parents were known to have had numerous disagreements with the Wayne family over the inappropriate use of the criminal justice system by moving people whom the Waynes didn’t like into the asylum. The Arkhams did not believe that the Waynes should have had the right to imprison their political enemies and opponents and tried to inform the public. The message to the press and other government officials was intercepted by the Wayne administration and destroyed, though one draft of the letter was salvaged from the Arkham’s trash and archived in the police station, it was never investigated. The Arkhams, both in their early 30s, were found dead a week later in their home. With no other living relatives, the baby, named Matilda Y/N Arkham by her parents, was discreetly handed over to Gotham orphanage by people closely connected to Wayne following the murder.” He paused, his eyes flicking up. She had gone white and her hand was clamped around one of the shelves on a nearby bookshelf. She looked up at him when he stopped and tried to speak but nothing came. He still waited, giving her time to speak but when she didn’t, he continued. 
“My private investigator found this from government records, including records still housed in Gotham orphanage. They knew this whole time and never informed you even after you became a legal adult. They never investigated your parents’ death and Thomas Wayne, the father of Gotham’s famous playboy, Bryce Wayne, never paid for his actions. He continued to imprison his enemies and without your parents there to run the asylum, it fell into its current state. Nothing I could have done with Arkham would have ever salvaged it after what Wayne’s administration did. So, you see now why I said that we were alike in so many ways. The Wayne’s have too much power even now and someone needs to do something about it.” Crane sighed and walked back to the front of his desk and leaned against it, his eyes lowered to the ground. She inhaled deeply. 
“You said something about Wayne ruining both of our lives. What did he do to you?” She asked him, her face red from stress and emotion. 
“He killed my mother,” he answered evenly and they met each others’ eyes. Her questioning eyes prompted Crane to explain. “He visited my mother whom he’d been seeing for a few months. She wanted to end things because she had me and I was getting older, and her marriage was starting to improve; she no longer wanted to be his mistress. He got angry and locked her inside her bedroom and then he lit a fire, right outside her room. He left before anyone realized what had happened. They found the key in her bedroom door, still inside the lock, locking the door from the outside. They knew that something had happened and the people in the police department knew the rumors, the secret love affair between Mrs. Crane and Mr. Wayne. There was a whole case but the police commissioner closed it and it was never solved. My father was a good man before that day, my mother’s murder drove him insane. For years it led him to do things that he shouldn’t have done. Wayne had a hand in my fate too, setting up my parents’ demise. I would have ended up alongside you at Gotham’s orphanage if Hobbs and his wife didn’t agree to look after me for those last two years before I was old enough to be my own guardian. Thomas Wayne died when I was eleven and yet, he still managed to kill my father from the grave. So, we’re connected by a chain of discord welded together by the Wayne family.”
“Yes…” he whispered and sank down into a dusty armchair. “So my real name is Matilda Arkham?” 
“Technically speaking, yes.” 
“And so that means Arkham Asylum also belongs to me?” 
Crane smiled with his wide lips closed, “technically.”  
Realization clicked in and she couldn’t help but laugh. She covered her mouth with her palms and laughed hysterically. Crane smiled down at his feet and scratched the side of his face. Though she suddenly realized that her entire life had been a lie, she laughed because now, everything made sense. And by some disturbed twist of fate, she and Crane had been bound to be together all because of Thomas Wayne. She pulled herself from the chair and looked at the family picture included in one of the folders. Crane leaned over her shoulder, breathing calmly against her neck. Goosebumps rose on her arms as she studied the picture. Lying in the arms of a woman with strawberry blonde hair, was her. Her father held her foot in between his fingers, smiling down at her with brown eyes. She’d seen their portrait in passing in the asylum and yet she’d never placed why they managed to look so… familiar. They’d been celebrated psychiatrists in their time. She looked at Crane, still leaning against the desk beside her, his blue eyes were trained on her face. So that’s why she had a thing for psychiatrists, she realized. 
“Are you ready to hear my plan now,” he asked her with a smirk, “... Miss Arkham?” 
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Do you need some Vitamin D? (Incubus! William x Oblivious! F! Reader) [Part 4]
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~Hello all! Thank you so much for your support on this absolutely wild fic! Some of you have mentioned how you really like Will being a big ol' bunny when it comes to his mannerisms, so I thought I'd throw more in there!~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@ruh--roh-raggy xp-doggy redbunny03 @marigold-petalz @seviliet @astinkerofarat @iamnotwiddle @imtiredshow
CW: 18+ MINORS DNI. Fluff, age gap (Reader 20's - William Afton 40's(?)), teratophilia, meet-cute, punny pick-up lines, scenes of working out, minor porn-logic, ditzy! reader, could be classed as bimbo! reader?, size-difference, flirting, monster-lover, sexual innuendos, Monster! AU
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There weren't many boxes or bags to move from William's car into his house. Although you had gasped when you saw it coming up the gravel driveway for the first time.
The house was a little older, although you could faintly make out where there had been some exterior additions and renovations, though it seemed that enough time and care had been put in to try and make them blend with the original house as seamlessly as possible. Pale blue wooden siding and a white painted porch, it felt like some quaint little house you might find in a suburbs rather than down a separate road and hidden away by woodland.
"The woods are my land too, actually if you walk about an hour that way," William pointed off to some vague direction into the woods as the sun began to dip lower in the sky, almost obscured by the tree-line. "You'll find Henry's house. He has quite a lot of woodland too, we're both something of...nature enthusiasts." You didn't notice his face dropping slightly as he covered the secret he nearly let slip.
"Do you get many animals around here then?" William shook his head and shrugged as he manhandled two boxes at once, despite your protests.
"Occasionally you hear something crashing about in the undergrowth, probably just a cougar. Stay inside if you hear anything like that though, don't need you getting eaten like the dessert you are." He chuckled, and you stared at him for a moment before laughing and shaking your head.
"Gee, way to comment on how much sugar I eat Mr. Afton! I know I need to loose a bit of-"
"You need to loose nothing, bunny. I think you look pretty just as you are, I'm sure a lot of boys do too." You blushed at the comment, thinking of it as more fatherly than anything else, picking up the bag with your clothes and heading inside whilst William nudged open the front door with his foot.
Inside the house was surprisingly warm and cozy whilst still remaining spacious. High ceilings that could easily have been eight feet tall, wooden beams integrated into the plasterwork across the ceiling to support the floor above, the walls a warm off white and the furniture that could see in the lounge looked well worn and comfy as well as quite large. But you supposed that William Afton was a tall and broad man, everything was sized to him rather than yourself, so of course it looked huge.
"I'll give you a tour around in a moment, but I want to show you to your room so you get settled in. I'll order take-away if you like?" Tilting his head to one side slightly as he observed you, making sure you weren't struggling with the bag you were carrying before making his way up the stairs, leading you up the hardwood staircase and onto the second floor.
"As long as it isn't pizza. Don't get me wrong, I love Freddy's, and the pizza is good but..."
"Oh no, I totally get it, you eat it during your breaks, you take some home at the end of your shift if there's leftovers. I was thinking Chinese food?" You breathed a sigh of relief that he understood and you nodded enthusiastically as he pushed open a door with a sturdy shoulder.
"Sounds amazing, all that would be needed to finish off as the perfect night would...well one, not be being evicted...but a warm blanket and shared popcorn with a cheesy horror movie...and to share some good company." You shyly suggested, biting at your lip as you wondered if William would even pick up on what you were saying, the older man hummed and his nose twitched slightly as he tapped his foot lightly.
"Well, I have plenty of blankets, and you can always invite a friend around if you want. I know you and Claire get on well?"
The room itself seemed a little smaller than most that you had caught a glimpse of as you moved through the house, but it was still pleasant. The walls were pale yellow and the single bed was made up in a white duvet cover like the one you had at your apartment. A small TV was set up on a dresser at the foot of the bed, and it was plenty big enough for both of you to stand in as William put the boxes down carefully. You couldn't help but feel a pang of self-pity that of course William didn't notice you flirting with him, he was older than you, more experienced and probably didn't see you as anything other than a friend at most, just an employee at the most realistic level.
"I'll let you get unpacked, and I'll order us some food. Probably change too, since I'm still in work clothes, oh!" Knocking his head lightly with his rough knuckles as he smiled down at you. "Bathroom is next door, it's a shared one for the floor and the master bedroom, so just...knock? I'll keep the door locked if I'm in there." And with that, he squeezed past you and disappeared back down the stairs, hearing his heavy footsteps on the creaking floorboards and leaving you standing on your own in your new temporary home.
Sighing, your shoulders slumped and you grabbed the bag roughly, setting it on the bed and pulling out the items you had packed to put them in their proper places. It was going to be a long time in the Afton house, of that you felt certain.
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You sat back in your chair at the dinner table that William had set out for your dinner, feeling absolutely stuffed after he had ordered a selection of just about anything you could have thought of and more. William had eaten almost twice as much as you, and you found yourself wondering where he put it all beside the firm looking dad-bod he had always sported. There was little conversation during dinner, both too hungry and enticed by the delectable spread to bother trying to make small talk, but you felt you needed to break the silence.
"Thank you again, Mr. Afton, that was great." Afton gave you a lopsided smile and chuckled as he placed a hand on his stomach. He'd changed into a tight fitting t-shirt and sweatpants, which you had had to tear your eyes away from his broad and strong looking body several times whilst you ate, at least getting away with the flush to your cheeks that he interpreted as somethings being too spicy for you.
It was certainly the most comfortable you'd ever seen the older man.
"Please, call me William when we're alone. I feel so fucking old when you keep calling me 'Mr. Afton'." He groaned playfully, smiling as your own features softened into a smile back. You thought the slight dimples you could see through the salt and pepper hair were rather charming.
"Don't push it, bunny." Shaking his head as you laughed, watching how you leaned forwards onto the table with your elbows propped up, head resting on your hands as you looked at each other down the table. He took the opportunity to look at how your hair picked up the light and affected the colour of it, the way your skin reacted when you flushed red, the soft curve of your features compared to his rougher, more angular ones.
But he could see the tiredness behind your eyes and he smiled softly. Heavy food and the warm conditions he liked to keep his home in making you sleepy as you blinked rapidly, realising just how tired you were from the day.
"Why don't you get some sleep, sweetheart? I'll phone in tomorrow for you if you like, take a chance to get some rest. It's been emotionally draining for you." His deep voice was warm too, and it made you want to curl up and fall asleep to it, you decided that if he could give you one of those hugs like you'd gotten earlier whilst he was at it, you would have been perfectly content.
You knew that was never going to happen though.
"You're right Mr.....William." Catching yourself at the last moment and feeling the heat creeping back into your cheeks as he chuckled, standing up together and William let one of his large hands wander from his side to the top of your head, gently patting your head and ruffling your hair as he gave you a soft, crinkled eyed smile. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, little bunny. I hope that you sleep well."
"And you William."
He hated to see you go, but loved to watch you leave. Watching as you climbed the stairs before he sighed and started to gather up the dishes, putting them into the dish washer if they were empty and packing up leftovers and sticking them in the fridge. Tapping his foot after a moment or two, he ran his fingers through his hair and felt his ears coming back through, letting them hang as he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. He needed to spend a little less time in completely human form.
Heading outside, he took a deep breath in as the cool air hit him. Feeling his fur pressing against his t-shirt as his body relaxed and he lost some of his humanity, or at least his human appearance. Lopsided rabbit ears, his teeth sharp and nails long points, nose flatter and broader as it twitched whilst he shoved his large, rough hands into his pockets and pulled out packet of cigarettes.
Just as he lit one and put it to his lips, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Grumbling to himself, he took a drag before he picked it up and tapped the screen carefully, considering his sharper, longer nails before awkwardly holding it against his ear.
"Well hello to you too, Afton, so nice for you to answer me." William rolled his eyes and breathed in deeply as the end of the cigarette burned brightly against the night sky. Listening to the staticky voice on the end of the line as his ear flickered slightly.
"You've only called once, dickhead, spit it out." He growled, hearing the choking, wheezing laugh before he could almost imagine the smug man on the other end shaking his head.
"Feisty! Well, I would be too if I had such a sweet little thing like that staying in my house, I'd be a little defensive too." The fur on the back of William's neck stood on end and he straightened up, looking out into the dark with his purple eyes, blinking slowly as he let out a low growl. Watching, waiting for anything to move.
"Are you fucking stalking me, Dave?"
"Stalking is such a strong word, William. I prefer....Taking a vested interest." The voice crackled over the phone and William could practically hear the sleazy confidence oozing through as he stamped his foot against the porch, thumping unhappily.
"Take your vested interest and fuck off, if I find so much as a hair out of place on her-"
"Calm, breathe. I can't step foot inside now, your little morsel has protected both you and her from my curiosity." William took another drag on his cigarette before stubbing it out on the porch balcony, twisting and grinding down the embers like he imagined doing to Dave in that moment in time.
"The only curiosity you have is in whether or not she knows about us. And the answer is no, she never will either." William heard Dave tutting and sucking his teeth in return.
"Never is far too definite for things like us, you should know that by now, Afton." The line went dead and William was once again left to the silence and the dark outside of his home. Listening intently for a few moments longer before thumping again and heading inside, nose twitching as his brow creased in frustration with his unfortunate acquaintance.
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You woke up to sunlight streaming through the blinds to your small room, groaning and gently rubbing your eyes with the heel of your palm, you sat up and grabbed the Spring-Bonnie plushie from where it had fallen on the floor during the night, looking up at you sadly from the warm hardwood. You felt almost sleep drunk from how deeply you had slept, but as you put your feet down on the warm floor and padded out, you swore you smelt breakfast.
Using the bathroom to freshen up and heading downstairs, you were quite surprised to see William already up and stood in his kitchen, his broad back turned to you and allowing you a rare moment to observe him in his natural habitat.
He was wearing the same t-shirt from the night before, and you took the time to admire how it hugged the broad curves of his shoulders and revealed the muscular definition in his back. The way the light caught his greying hair and made it look lighter, the slight beard he kept looking slightly like he had recently shaven. You had been right though, you could smell breakfast cooking, mixed with spiced cologne and what you presumed was his shower-gel as he seemed to pause before turning around. Giving you a large, warm smile as he spotted you, his glasses perched on his nose and adjusting them with one finger as he gestured for you to come over.
"Good morning sleepy-head! How did you sleep?" You hadn't painted William Afton as a morning person, but you were happy to be proven wrong as he carefully held a pan with various fried breakfast bits inside.
"Whatever mattress you have is so soft..I don't think I've ever slept on anything that comfy before! How did you sleep?" Watching as William shrugged, running his free hand through his slightly messy hair and slicking it back into more of it's usual position.
"Eh, didn't sleep much myself, bunny, I'm just an insomniac I guess." He smiled, cocking his head to one side and plating up quickly now that you were up and about, he hadn't wanted to disturb you, but his mind had been left all too wired after the phone call the previous night, the slight dark circles under his steely eyes betraying that fact. "Come on, eat up! I thought that you needed to eat something delicious after that shit-show yesterday."
You raised an eyebrow at him, having never heard your boss swear, at least in front of the employees. But you dug in happily and moaned in satisfaction as you tasted it, quickly moving to wolf it down in a way that made William beam with pride that you liked his cooking so much. He hoped that he would be able to take care of you whilst you stayed with him, maybe plant the idea that he could take care of you a lot more if you let him, but he kept his expectations tempered as he chewed his lip, feeling his teeth sharpening a little as he stared at you for a moment in thought.
"What's the plan for today then? I know you're not on the rota, so I was wondering what you wanted to get up to." Tilting his head to one side, you paused for a moment in thought, slowing down your ravenous chewing before thinking of a suitable reply to the question.
"Well, I'm going to enjoy some good company, maybe go to the library and get out a few books, be out of your hair for a while."
"Oh bunny, you can be in my hair as much as you like. I like having my hair touched." William caught himself off guard with how direct he was, but you gave him that sweet smile and giggled like it had gone well over your head again.
"Well, I'm not exactly tall enough to fix your hair." His heart stopped for a moment, was this finally it, the moment he had waited for since he decided to start flirting with you, had one landed?
"It's okay bunny, I'll be happy to get on my knees for you, plus I can imagine the view is very nice down there." Chewing the corner of his lip, he watched your expressions, and feeling disappointment as your expression turned confused.
"I mean...maybe? But it must be nice to see the world from so high up!" Offering him the clueless smile that William Afton had to admit that he adored, even if he knew it was never going to end up as he wanted it.
"You know what? Never mind, how about we get some clothes on and we pick up some groceries and ice-cream for later?"
"Oh, okay! I really like-" spouting off your favourite flavour and your preferred brand as William gently shooed you up the stairs, but not before thumping his foot and twitching his nose behind your back. Frustrated that perhaps he really was the world's worst incubus.
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chelseasdagger · 1 year
Restoring Faith
Father Paul Hill x Reader
Summary: You pay Father Paul one of your midnight visits and he finds himself struggling with his sworn devotion
Warnings: religious themes, sacrilege, smut, oral over clothes (m!receiving)
Author’s Note: This is a late birthday present for @chellestrash​ , my true love of my life, and I hope I’ve done this little idea you love justice :’) I’m absolutely positive I didn’t make it sounds as pretty as some of the other fics, but I hope it will be alright :)
Word Count: 4k
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The cold air sends a shiver down your spine as the gravel crunches beneath your feet. Wrapping your arms around yourself tighter, you keep your head down to protect your face from the wind. You follow the path that connects the great big church to the smaller house just behind it, the trail only visible due to the moonlight pouring down from above.
You’re no idiot, you’re aware anybody could see your somewhat frequent visits to see him. However, you convinced yourself that it was okay to go, so long as you waited past midnight to take the trip. Whether it was actually a valid excuse was a whole other subject. One you didn’t particularly want to think of and potentially use to talk yourself out of doing this.
Stepping up the old, creaky stairs of the small porch, you give one last glance over your shoulder to the abandoned street the church faces. There’s not a person in sight and you raise your hand to knock on the wooden door.
It opens after a moment and you smile at the sight of the priest in front of you. He’s dressed completely in black, excluding the stark white collar that frames his neck. You can’t help your eyes from giving him a quick once over, taking in the dark button up shirt tucked into the form fitting slacks that drape down his legs. His voice calling your name brings your gaze back to his face.
“How…,” he trails off, craning his neck higher and looking past you, “how can I help you?” His greeting is stiff, and you know he’s worried about curious eyes possibly seeing you here. You can’t fight the way your lips pull into a smirk at the idea of him already getting nervous.
“I just had a question, Father,” you begin to explain, and notice him looking at you with cautious eyes. “Is that not what you said? That we can come to you and seek guidance? Ask questions about our faith?” You can admit that it was slightly unfair using his own words against him, but it works all the same. He bows his head before nodding once, silently stepping aside and allowing you to walk inside.
It’s the same as it always was, with the couch being the only real centerpiece to the room. The curtains are drawn closed on each of the windows and it gives the sense of seclusion from the rest of the small island. The three lamps that line the right wall are all lit, painting everything in a warm glow. You’ll never get over how welcoming his home was, how it provided a safe space when you needed an escape. 
The sound of the door clicking shut makes you turn around to face him. He’s standing with his arms crossed over his chest, slightly hesitant as he stays silent and waits for you to speak first.
“Nobody saw me, if that’s what you’re worried about,” you flash him a cheeky smirk. Paul responds wordlessly with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. He steps further into the room, his arm brushing yours as he walks to the small, open kitchen area. 
“I haven’t seen you at Mass,” he finally breaks his silence. You watch as he grabs an empty glass from the drying rack beside the sink before filling it with water from the tap. “Can I get you anything?” he offers with wide eyes, motioning towards the cup in his hand.
“I was sick,” you pick the first thing that comes to mind, “allergy stuff since the weather is changing.” The lie rolls right off your tongue. You watch as he drinks his water down, fixating on the way his Adam's apple moves with each swallow. Giving yourself a mental shake, you answer his earlier question.
“And I’m okay, thanks,” you decline his offer as you lean against the back of the couch. The priest says nothing but gives a solemn look your way.
“I’m… sorry to hear that,” he speaks gently into the quiet room. His dark, brown eyes look sincere, enforcing the truth behind his words. There’s a small pout on his lips and you’re not sure if it’s from your faux illness or if he can somehow sense that you’re not speaking the truth. Either way, he continues with the conversation.
“But I’m glad you’re feeling better. W-What can I do for you?” He sets his glass down on the small counter beside him. “You… um, mentioned seeking guidance? What about?” His eyes are focused onto yours and you find yourself only able to keep eye contact for a few seconds before his stare feels like too much. 
“Well,” you begin with a light laugh under your breath, “I just wanted to have you read to me again.” Your fingers toy with the thick seam of the couch cushion. “Is that okay? It just—it helps, is all.” You’re not certain the explanation makes a ton of sense, but there is truth behind it. His words help; it relaxes you to come and listen to him read, even if you don’t always find yourself secure in the faith you grew up with.
When you look up at him again, Paul is standing with a genuine smile on his face. It’s clear he likes hearing that he can help, and you feel a twinge of guilt shoot through your chest at how he genuinely enjoys what he does. It makes you being here that much worse, knowing how content and devout he is.
“Of course, I-I can do that,” he replies, his voice somehow even quieter than before. “Did you have a certain story you wanted me to read from?”
You think over his question for only a short moment. Deep down, you knew you could listen to him speak about even the most mundane things, including what he had eaten for breakfast. His voice was the thing to calm you, not the words he spoke.
“I don’t really care. Whatever you’d like, whatever we left off with,” you flash him a small smile. The priest nods only once before walking towards his bedroom, disappearing into the shadows of the small corridor leading to the door.
You let out a big breath of air you weren’t even aware you were holding in. Being alone with him felt good, it always did, but you couldn’t deny the guilt once again growing in your chest. Deep down, you knew this was wrong, but it always felt good when the guilt shaped to something else. Something stronger and impossibly difficult to ignore.
There’s only a small moment for self reflection before you hear his footsteps echoing out on the wood floor again. You glance towards the sound and find him returning back into the main room with the Bible wedged between his arm and his side. His fingers are busy, rolling the fabric of his long sleeve up to just above his elbow. As inch after inch of his skin is exposed, you find yourself unable to look away from the veins trailing up the inside of his arm.
He repeats his actions on the opposite side, gazing up at you from under the few strands of hair that have fallen out of place. Your lip finds its way between your teeth subconsciously, your own way of anchoring yourself and ignoring the need to tuck the loose curls back behind his ear.
“In moments where I truly begin to doubt my faith, I…” he trails off, fixing the last roll of his cuff over his forearm. He grabs the Bible and brushes his thumb over the raised letters as he continues, “I like to look back on the story of Job.”
You can’t even stop the exasperated sigh that leaves your body. He looks up at the sound, his head tilted slightly like a confused puppy.
“Job? Really, Father? I’m pretty sure that’s the opposite of restoring faith,” you curl your fingers to create air quotes over the last two words. Paul gives a small smile, lowering his head. He’s dealt with your opinions regarding faith and why God allows things to happen as He does.
“Maybe… maybe to some but I-I find that it’s a reminder,” his voice is quiet and calm, already slipping into his usual pattern of speech when he’s behind the lectern. He steps deeper into the living room and passes by you, making his way to the empty couch.
“A reminder to trust in Him even when we’re not sure of-of the path,” he finishes. You’re thankful he’s behind your back so he doesn’t see the way your eyes roll at his canned response. He must’ve seen the tension in your body though, taking note of the way your arms are still crossed over your chest, because he tries once more to get you to listen.
“You do remember that he was rewarded? In the end?”
“Yeah, but he went through hell to get it… hardly seems fair,” you answer him.
“Well, the Lord, He—,”
“If you say ‘Works in mysterious ways’…” you cut him off with a warning glare as you finally turn to face him.
Paul lets out a breathy laugh, staring down at the thick book in his hands. “I was only going to say that He doesn’t always…” he pauses for a moment, searching for the right words, “reveal His plans to us in a way that makes sense at the time. That’s all,” he finishes with a tight-lipped smile.
There’s a brief moment of silence that hangs in the air as you wait for him to move past this conversation. His quick inhale fills the room as he clears his throat quietly, his arm gesturing towards the couch.
“Shall we?”
“Of course,” you respond softly, your words tucked under your breath. He walks around to the front of the couch, his eyes fixed on you as you follow his path. He sits down as his fingers curl around the blue, knitted blanket that’s sprawled out across the cushion beside him.
“Here, let me—,” he doesn’t finish his sentence before draping it across the back of the couch. There’s a spot for you now, close enough that you knew you’d be touching him if you sat beside him. As tempting as the offer is, you find yourself shaking your head gently.
“Is-is something wrong?” he asks, his big, dark eyes searching yours. They’re wide and innocent, truly worrying that he overstepped. Once again, you’re reminded of how pure the man before you is; you nearly reconsider your original idea that made you seek him out tonight in the first place.
You shake your head as you stand in front of him, silently kneeling down and sitting on the floor. The priest’s expression instantly grows apprehensive. You flash him an innocent smile but his unsure glare never falters.
“I’ll just listen from here,” you tell him, trying to ease his worries. He looks hesitant but eventually swallows before opening the Bible. His long fingers splay out across the thin pages, turning them one after the other before finally stopping on a page.
He opens his mouth to speak, the words flowing effortlessly off of his tongue. His voice falls into the deep, rumbly tone that you only ever hear when he’s reading to you. There’s no audience, no image he has to maintain, and the words are so quiet it seems almost as if he’s reading to himself. You’ve always preferred these moments, when he appeared the most authentic he could be.
The more he reads the more comfortable you feel. Your body begins to relax and an idea strikes up in your mind. As he turns the next page, bringing in a deep inhale to continue the sentence, you let your head rest against his knee.
He immediately stutters over his words, repeating the same sound over and over. He never breaks his concentration though, and eventually pushes through and finishes the sentence. Not before flashing you a warning look as you rest your cheek against his leg, though.
It isn’t entirely inappropriate and would even be seen as a normal, platonic gesture. But given his profession, you knew it was absolutely not appropriate. You don’t pull away however, just keep your body slumped against his leg.
He continues speaking the old words, his pronounced sentences dissipating into muttered whispers the longer he goes on. Admittedly, you felt special that this tone was reserved only for you; there was a faint flare of pride in your chest knowing that you were the only one to hear his words so rumbly it’s as if they never fully left his chest.
At some point though, you begin to grow bored of just sitting there and waiting for him to finish. Usually these late night reads brought your anxiety down enough just to fall asleep on the priest, leaving him in the most awkward position of not knowing how to convince himself any of this was okay. But right now, you’d rather have some fun.
Paul knew something was up the second he saw your hand reaching towards him out of the corner of his eye. The muscles in his leg immediately tense, you feel it from under your skin. But you don’t want to raise his suspicion so soon.
Stretching further towards the Bible in his lap, you spread your fingers and place both palms over each side. Once his view is completely shielded from the printed words, he immediately looks into your mischievous eyes.
“What—what are you doing?” he asks confusedly. His eyebrows are pulled together as he awaits your answer.
“Just wanted to see how much you knew,” you reply genuinely. You knew the man had poured over this book time and time again, searching for meanings deeper than the blatant lessons that were spelled out for the reader. It always sent a conflicting feeling coursing through you, the way he could recite word after word from memory as if he was the one who had conjured them up. Conflicting because you liked the reminder of how devout he was, and isn’t that just a multifaceted guilt trip.
Paul smiles at your youthful game, and mentally accepts the challenge. He parts his lips before the words fall from his tongue.
“And when the days of the feast had run their course, Job would send and sanctify them, and he would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings according to the number of them all,” he begins, never looking away from your face as he repeats them with no hesitation.
“For Job said, ‘It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts.’” The priest can’t stop from chuckling at the end of his sentence, having looked at your own genuine, bright grin. “Thus Job did continually.”
Once he’s finished, he flashes you his own smile before glancing down at your hands covering the pages still. You slowly remove them, giggling under your breath at how he passed your unofficial test.
The priest licks his lips once before clearing his throat gently, continuing again with his reading. As the minutes pass, you find yourself not paying much attention to the actual weight of the words. You just focus on his muttering voice until you're reminded of how sweet his last stutter sounded. And because you just can’t help yourself, you’re determined to hear it again.
Snaking your hand up his thigh, you feel his body grow stiff all over again. That adorable stutter becomes prominent once more, his eyes quickly focusing on your fingers rubbing up the inside of his leg as he attempts to finish the paragraph. Trying to pace your plan, you curl your fingers around his thigh and give him a moment to get used to the feeling.
“What are you doing?” These words are the coldest he’s spoken all night, yet you stay silent and wait. It takes him longer this time to finally react, to give his consent in the smallest agreement possible. It’s so minuscule that anybody else wouldn’t have noticed, but you know him awfully more than you should.
Half a nod. That’s all it takes, and you let your fingers graze lightly over the black slacks. They're taught from how he’s sitting, and you can see the outline of his thigh through the stretched material. His voice shakes now, the tone less steady and sure, as he forces himself to keep reading.
You’ve got to admit he’s doing better than you thought. He doesn’t stop reading, you assume he’s just trying to focus on something else, anything but your hand moving between his thighs. You must’ve hit a sweet spot though, inching near the little alcove where his thigh meets his hip, because the next thing you hear is a shuddering exhale as he halts his reading. 
And there it is only a second later—the outline of his cock showing through the dark dress pants. It never took very long, although this time it seems even quicker than usual. He continues to grow there, until you can see the fabric straining to accommodate for his now swollen head. You’ve barely touched him and he’s already so responsive.
Now that you can physically see the effect you have on him, there’s truly nothing that can stop you. Sure the nagging guilt is still in the back of your mind, telling you that you shouldn’t do this, but you push it away as much as you can. He looks so tempting right now: the loose strands of hair falling into his face, his lip caught between his teeth as he suppresses his groans, the faint twitch his cock gives when he feels your finger lightly drag along the base of his length. You love seeing him this desperate for you.
Your one finger lightly tracing the length of him is truly all it takes for the first twitch to happen in his trousers. The sight makes your mouth nearly water and you finally curl your fingers around him properly. Your grip isn’t too tight considering it’s over two layers of clothes, but it doesn’t stop the choked grunt from finally escaping his lips.
Still you continue, leaning closer until your breath is fanning over the bulge. He feels it, you can tell from the way his fingers clutch the book that’s resting on his other leg. The veins in the back of his hand become more prominent the harder he grabs it. Every part of his body is conflicting itself; he wants it but he knows he shouldn’t.
Still you wait, staring up at him and silently asking again if this is okay. He doesn’t stall as much this time—his eyes squeeze shut tightly before nodding quickly again, forcing another inhale through his nose.
You don’t waste a second and quickly press your tongue flat against the outline of his tip. Slowly licking along the length, you watch his body reel from how hard his stomach clenches at the feeling. He begins to shut the Bible but you grab his wrist before it can close all the way. You shake your head slowly, attempting to convince him to keep it open.
“Y…You know I can’t.”
“I like hearing you, Father,” you mumble quietly in the room. He stares down at you with an expression you can’t quite describe. There’s no emotion on his face, but his eyes look pained, no doubt from the name you referred to him as. He hardly moves except for the shallow breaths that you can only notice because of how close you are to him.
Waiting for his reaction seems to drag on for hours before he finally sighs through his nose and opens the book. You notice the way his fingers shake as he smooths out the page before trying to remember where he left off. Your lips pull into a smile as you hear his strained voice fill the room.
Squeezing the base of his cock tighter, you drag your tongue across his tip again before wrapping your lips around it. The story is cut off with his deep grunt, and you hum around him at the pleasant noise. The priest has his head tilted back, staring at the ceiling as he tries to regain his composure.
You knew this was an awful, sacrilegious act you two were doing, but it doesn’t stop the heat growing between your legs. Leaning closer into him, you work your mouth on him faster, sucking harder through the fabric. His hand closest to you grips the edge of the seat as he seethes through his teeth.
Paul finally looks down at you, staring into your eyes that have never once left his face. You hold his gaze before glancing wordlessly to the book still in his hand. The whimper that he barely slips out is your new favorite sound, replaying it in your head as you shut your eyes.
“A-As long as… m…my breath,” he’s cut off with a shaky inhale. He tries to read aloud, but his voice trembles the entire time.
“Keep going, Father,” you pull your mouth away from the outline in his black trousers to encourage him. There’s a long, dark stripe along the fabric from your tongue, but another wet patch where the head of his cock is straining against the material.
“As long as my-my breath is in me, and t-the spirit of God is in my nostrils—,” he’s finding each word more impossible to speak. You never allow him to give up though, rubbing your hand over his thigh to support him.
“My lips will not speak f…falsehood, and my tongue will not utter deceit.” He manages to finish the paragraph before taking deep breaths, swallowing thickly and trying his damndest to not look at the sinful scene in his lap. But his body betrays him once more, twitching into your mouth when you hum sweetly around him as a reward for finishing what you asked him to.
Pressing your tongue right in the ridge under his swollen head, you hear a new sound escape his pressed lips. It's a guttural, raw twist of your name and it’s unexpected.
“Oh… Oh—Wait,” he tries to warn you but it’s much too late. His release happens without him realizing, his body moving while his mind doesn’t have a chance to catch up. When you feel him pulsing in your mouth you glance up at him and oh, what a sight it is.
He’s completely disheveled, biting down into his hand to muffle the noise he’s ashamed for anyone to hear, and the veins in his neck are protruding just above the edge of his collar. It’s not the first time you’ve seen him like this, but you always make sure to memorize the sight down to those details. To always keep the picture in your mind.
What really catches your attention though, is the stream of white bubbling up through the taught fabric around his sensitive tip. You didn’t realize he would have finished quite this fast, but you definitely don’t mind it. Squeezing the middle of his length tightly, you slowly slide your hand up, determined to get all of it out of him.
Paul’s thighs are beginning to shake from the sensation and you can only imagine how good it must feel for him. You stick your tongue out as you lap up the mess he’s made, and his thighs jolt to close around your body. His sensitivity to your every touch leaves a desire that burns hotly in the bottom of your stomach. You love the feeling of having power over him, admittedly too much.
Once he’s clean, you finally let go of him altogether and sit back on your legs. He’s left panting in awe as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You wish you could see inside his head, try and understand what he’s thinking. But right now his dark eyes are glossed over and he looks as if he’s somewhere completely else.
“Thank you, Father.”
He scrunches his eyes shut tightly the second the words fill the air. It’s silent except for his panting as you rest your head on his knee once more. This time it is a platonic action, your way of showing him you’re there without words. And there you sit beside your priest in the small, old house behind the great big church, with the weight of everything that just happened.
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countrycrackheads · 2 months
Run for Your Life
Bowers Gang x Reader
Summary: fem!reader is being hunted down after discovering who’s been making the kids in town go missing
TW: Murder, blood, implied rape, violence, weapons, death, some small gore I suck at writing. Don't expect this to be amazing. note: as I finish writing this I realize how much I despise dark themes. oh well, I already wrote it. Also, yeah the title is stupid. It's okay.
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“: ̗̀➛did you really think we would just let you off the hook so easily?‿̩̩̥͙̽‿̩͙ˊ⸊ˎ”
Seeing them shove that body into the quarry was the beginning of the end.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been if you had simply made a break for it as soon as you saw it, but how could you? Seeing the mutilated body of Chase Foreman was quite the sight to see, a sight so mesmerizing that your feet had cemented themselves to the ground. Any will to run or scream was paralyzed as your mind screamed at you to escape.
It was only after Belch Huggins had thrown Chase’s body off the edge of the cliff that you found the strength to turn around. But when you did, you were immediately slammed to the ground by Patrick Hockstetter’s hard chest.
"Didn't your parents teach you it's rude to spy?"
Patrick's sarcastic, shrill laughter of joy rang through your ears as he kneeled down beside your body, his knee pressing between your thighs. A large rotting Cheshire grin was on display before your very eyes, the smell of cigarettes assaulting your senses.
Your mouth opened pathetically, ready to sputter out any excuse to spare your life as tears threatened to spill out. Patrick, however, wordlessly put his fingers to your lips, softly shushing you in an oddly soothing way—as soothing as someone like him could sound.
"Don't fret, little bitch. I'll make sure to finish you off quickly. But what's the harm in a little fun?"
His dimly lit face turned up, looking behind her. The moonlight revealed the dirt and blood smeared across his face, casting a sinister glow on the deranged psychopath. Panicked footsteps crunched against dirt and gravel. A shadow came over Patrick and his grin vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
"Just make this quick, Hockstetter." It was Belch Huggins' worried voice coming from behind her. The crunching of dirt and gravel signaled a third presence.
"What's the fun in making this one quick?" Victor Criss mused as he knelt down behind you. He leaned over your shoulder before abruptly gripping your neck, pulling you back into his chest as he observed your face. A choked sob escaped your lips as you gasped for air, while his fingers tightened around you. "She's a looker. Got a pretty mouth too..." Victor trailed off, his tone filled with dark intent. Another shrill giggle came from Patrick as he climbed on top of your body, watching your eyes roll back into your skull.
"I like the way you're thinking, Vic." Patrick suddenly tore Victor's hand off of you, making the blonde grunt in irritation "But if I'm gonna fuck her, I want her to be awake." He looked down at you with that same grin, grabbing your jaw as you pathetically gasped for air. "Isn't that right, little bitch? You better look me in my eyes when I'm inside you."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Henry stood over the boys, watching with disinterest as Patrick eye-fucked the witness to their crime.
"Yeah, yeah." Patrick brushed off Henry's comment. "You're one to talk, Bowers. All high mighty 'cause you never stick it into our girls, huh?"
Henry's eyes trained on Patrick as his nostrils flared. His hands jutted out, lifting Patrick off of you by his collar. "Don't fucking talk to me that way, you goddamn pervert. One more word and I'm making you the next kid on a poster."
Patrick only grinned at Henry's empty threats. "You wouldn't dare get your pretty little hands dirty. That's my job." He had made it a point to get in Henry's face, enjoying how Henry's eyebrow would twitch in irritation. If there was one thing Patrick was good at, it was getting under Henry's skin. His comments had challenged Henry's masculinity, and for this crime, Patrick would pay the price.
It had all happened in mere seconds. Patrick’s body was slammed down, his head violently bouncing off the ground before hitting cold earth. Gasping sharply, he tried to recover the breath Henry had knocked out of him. Henry loomed over Patrick, straddling him with clenched fists. Patrick’s defiant laughter rang in the tense silence, his breath ragged as he laughed at Henry’s pathetic attempt.
Without hesitation, Belch lunged forward, ripping Henry off, while Victor rushed to Patrick’s side. Despite their lack of genuine concern for each other, the gang all understood their unspoken rule: no turning on each other.
Henry kicked and flailed like an enraged toddler as Belch manhandled him. "Get off of me! I ain't gonna hurt 'em!" He shouted, shoving Belch away and kicking dirt in Patrick's direction. The dirt hit Victor in the face, causing the blonde to sputter, spitting out any dirt that got into his mouth.
"What the fuck?" Victor complained, wiping his mouth repeatedly. The blood on his long-sleeve had now smeared across his lips, a stark contrast between his pale skin and the crimson streaks. Henry's rage had moved from Patrick to Victor, sneering at the smaller blonde.
On that cold earth, you laid there motionless, watching the boys through your peripherals. You felt a strange sense of joy when Patrick was thrown to the floor, and an even greater relief washed over you when the boys left you behind to break up the cat-fight. Your body was flooded with fear and adrenaline, and your mind went into overdrive, thrust into a survival mode you had never felt before.
Without a second thought, you pushed yourself off the ground, sprinting into the woods surrounding the quarry. Your absence hadn't gone unnoticed, and as soon as you made it into the woods, shouting ensued. Twigs and leaves crunched under your feet, drowning out the sounds of the boys chasing after you.
The boys you had known since childhood—whom you watched grow up as you went from playing with toys together to wanting to play together—were now hounding you like rabid wolves.
As you ran, a gunshot went off. You flinched violently, causing the bullet to only graze your flesh. Instinctively, your hand shot up to grasp your barely bleeding cheek in shock. "What the fuck!?" you screamed, your legs pumping faster.
Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed the distance in between you and the boys widened, giving you the advantage momentarily. Ducking under thick foliage, you followed a mini trail that would lead you to the barrens. With limited light, you ran blindly through dense woods. Branches and logs snapped against your face, pulling at your clothes, and threatening to trip you as you raced forward.
The shouting continued to follow you, except now it had split. Wicked voices bellowed at you from the surrounding trees, and with the dim light you could hardly tell what was coming from where. Your head tilted up, trying to gauge the sky from the trees, but it was entirely pitch black aside from the twinkling of stars and a melancholy moon.
"I'm coming to get you, little bitch!"
This time the voice was right beside you. Whipping your head to the right, you saw Patrick Hockstetter running, a wild grin on his face as he tried to swoop in closer, weaving through trees to get on your path. You swerved to the left, only to be greeted once more.
"You can't run forever, slut!"
It was Victor Criss this time, his baggy clothing whipping through the wind as he grasped a knife tightly in his right hand. He was weaving in towards you, both boys working together to trap you in between them. Your legs were aching and sweat drenched every inch of your body, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
Victor swiped his knife at you, nicking you in the stomach. A gut-wrenching scream followed as you felt the blade run across your tender flesh. Your hand immediately pressed itself against the bleeding wound, trying to stem the flow. Patrick's laughter drowned out your screams, his voice filled with eagerness as he closed in on you. His arms reached out, desperately trying to latch on.
“Fucking grab her already!” Henry’s voice roared from behind Patrick, filled with a frenzied intensity. His eyes locked onto you like a mad bull. He drew the pistol from his belt, aiming it in your direction. Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, your cramping legs pushed harder, desperately propelling you forward.
The bullet darted out, intent on killing. You instinctively shut your eyes but it never came. Victor's body collapsed on your left, abandoned as the group continued the chase.
"Fuck!" Belch wailed, maneuvering past Victor's corpse.
"Nice aim, moron!" Patrick taunted Henry with another shrill giggle. Henry only roared out in frustration. Your eyes were wide, body racked with fear and oddly enough, guilt. But you kept on going anyway, better Victor than you.
With ringing ears, you weaved through dense foliage and never-ending trees, feeling as though you were in a relentless loop. The constant barrage of Patrick’s taunts and Henry’s angry roars only added to your despair. You wanted to give up. To just collapse like Victor had on the cold earth and rest. God, death just seemed so tempting.
Something you feared for years suddenly seemed so desirable. And wrapped up in these thoughts of sweet death, you had hardly taken notice that Belch Huggins had swung his axe at you, lodging itself into your shoulder blade.
"Fuck!" You bellowed as the blade was pulled back. Your left arm dangled pathetically, blood oozing out as tendons strung your arm to your body. Immense pain took over and you collapsed, screaming as you cradled your arm.
The three boys stalked towards you, watching you intensely. Your sobs echoed through the trees, birds scattering out of trees hearing your screams of agony.
"Fuck, just kill me already!" You pleaded, tears streaming down your face. Belch solemnly crouched down beside you, a look of guilt on his face.
"Don’t take this personally…" he mumbled, glancing down at your bloody arm. Your eyes locked onto his, and you whimpered softly. Despite the situation, you couldn’t help but remember Belch’s kindness from long ago—how he had always been a big sweetheart, even back in kindergarten when you’d share a nap blanket. What happened to that kind soul?
Your eyes lowered to your arm, bile creeping up your throat until you couldn't help but pathetically keel over and vomit. Henry scowled, letting out an annoyed scoff while he panted heavily.
"Good going, tubby." Patrick sneered at Belch. "I can't enjoy her rockin' body when her arm is all fucked up. That's why we wait to cut them up after I've already dumped my load." The psychopath scoffed at this inconvenience, disregarding your dying body as just another dumpsite.
"Shut the fuck up," Belch mumbled, shooting a glare at Patrick. His attention moved back towards you, noticing how you were starting to fade away. He removed his flannel, gingerly put it over your body. He especially was trying to cover your arm. "I really didn't mean for this to happen," he whispered as he covered you.
Henry scoffed, "Don't tell me you're sweet on a dying girl."
Patrick snickered, nudging Belch. "The guilt getting you again, big guy?" His taunting laughter filled your ears.
Your eyes slowly rolled up to stare at the burly axe-wielding bully. With a small scoff, you groaned softly again. "Just fucking kill me..."
"If it's what you want," Henry grumbled, beyond annoyed that he had to run for so long. "Fuck, that's what we've been trying to do this entire time. Dumb bitch." He cocked his gun, aiming it at your head.
"Any last words?" Patrick cooed, his eyes glinting with a twisted excitement. His gaze darted back and forth between you and the gun, a dark smile stretching across his face. The anticipation in his voice was almost palpable.
You forced a sneer, even as your vision blurred to white.
"Yeah, fuck you," you rasped, your voice trembling.
The gunshot rang out, its echo a brutal punctuation to the silence that followed.
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anon-sect · 3 months
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Picture source: @spencer-kicks
PART ONE......
Kevin had a popular YouTube channel where he would show off his shoes and give a review about them, all the positive, and negative notes. He had over 5K subscribers and was approaching 6K. He decided that he would do a special celebration the moment he reached 6k subscribers.
A few weeks later, he reached 6K. He posted a contest to celebrate reaching a milestone since starting his YouTube channel. One lucky subscriber would get to help out with a video review on his channel. After a week, he picked the winner of the contest. The winner was invited to his house to participate in the next video review.
Alex couldn't believe he was selected out of the many that entered the contest. Kevin had really picked him to be in his video. He was surprised when Kevin had paid for his flight out. He was also informed that his hotel arrangments had been made as well. He just needed to catch the flight out to him. He would pick him up at the airport.
When the day came, Alex was curious as to why there wasn't a return flight ticket. It was just a one-way ticket. He was sure Kevin would explain once they finally met. True to his work, Kevin was at the airport waiting on him. On the ride to his place, both him and Kevin had a wonderful conversation. But back at Kevin's place, was when he started to suspect something was wrong.
"I have a question." Alex asked. Kevin nodded for him to ask. "I didn't get a return flight ticket, and what hotel will I be staying at?" He was curious on both questions.
Kevin just smiled. "Actually, don't worry about the return flight ticket. And as for the hotel, you will be staying with me." He paused. "Now, to your assistance with my next video, you will be helping showcase my new pair of sneakers, Nike Air Zoom Flight 95s." He added.
Alex had seen a pair of those sneakers online before. "So will I be doing the camera shoots?" He asked after he was sort of satisfied with the living arrangements. He saw a smile appear on Kevin's face that told him something different he would be doing.
"Actually, you will be part of the video showcasing my new shoes that just arrived today. The reason why you don't have a return flight ticket is because......well......you will see." Kevin explained as he went to his room and came back with a device in his hand. He programmed the transformation. He pointed the device at Alex and hit flash.
Alex saw a bright light flash at him, and there was an instant change. His body felt different. It felt like he was split in two halves. His field of vision had limited light. He also found himself incapable of moving on his own. No matter how hard he tried to move or speak, he was both immobile and voiceless. The only thing he could materailize is the thoughts in his mind.
"As the winner of my celebration contest, you was selected to be my new pair of shoes to be added to my ever growing colletion." Kevin paused. "But you will be my favorite pair, because you are my very first pair of living shoes. I will wear you many times during every week. You and my feet will get to become best friends. As the winner, you will be in my next video featured on my feet. The only thing is that no one will ever know what happened to you. Even those who will watch the video will only think of you as normal shoes. I hope you enjoy your reward for winning." Kevin finished as the put on his new pair of shoes.
Alex was mortified. He did want to in the video, but not as literal shoes. He saw the light blotted out as a pair of feet crushed his insole face with tremendous pressure. He could tell the sock Kevin was wearing was slightly dirty and had a bad odor to them. To make things worse, all of his senses weere increased by almost 1000%. The odor from the sock was intense. Each step was like being crushed by a mountain, extremely painful. Even feeling the ground that he was being crushed against was no walk in the park. It fetl like he could feel the gravel, sand, and even concrete up against his back. To be walked on was mentally crazy, and he was wondering if his mind would survive being stuck this way forever.
Alex could hear Kevin talking while recording the video. Every word was in reference to him as though he was normal sneakers. He mentally screamed for help in a hopeless situation, wishing his thoughts could be heard through the recording. This was not what he had hoped for when he thought he was going to be in the youtubers next video. It all made sense when there was no return plane ticket or list of hotel reservations. This was Kevin's plan the entire time, and his fans were clueless on it. His only hope now was that help would come rescue him from this fate. He only had one hope of seeing his humanity again. It was a good thing he made a backup plan in case something went wrong on his trip.
After recording the video, Kevin loved how his new shoes felt. They felt way better than normal sneakers. He definitely had to get himself another pair like these. Human material does make for better sneakers, the thought to himself. He knew Alex wasn't expecting this fate. Actually, none of his fans would have suspected it. Neither will anyone know what happened to the winner. The secret about his new pair of Nike Air Zoom Flight 95s would just be that, a secret, only between himself and the very sneakers. That thought cause him to laugh at the situation.
Continuation in PART 2............
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