#grannies gone wild
stevetwisp · 4 months
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Las Pegasus Girls!!
from season 8's episode "Grannies Gone Wild"
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mlpoutofcontext · 3 months
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livingonthesands · 2 years
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sandwizard9 · 5 months
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ok I see Rick and Morty and that's understandable I'm not sure if it's as or kids cartoon I've never watched it. BUT WALTER WHITE??? SERIOUSLY.
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thewertsearch · 3 months
Familial Determinism
Or: let's make wild, uninformed guesses about the troll Ancestors, based solely on the lives of their descendants!
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As a bearer of the lowest blood on the hemospectrum, Aradia’s ancestor was probably as poor as she is. She may have been an archeologist like her descendant, assuming the field existed in her era, but I'm much more interested in her potential necromancy.
On the instruction of your ANCESTORS, you have recovered MYSTERIOUS TECHNOLOGY from the ruins, and convinced a friend to adapt it into a GAME THAT WILL BRING ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR CIVILIZATION.
See, due to her bloodline, Granny Megido is the most likely ancestor to be behind the Voices. She's the only one who can claim a direct relationship to Aradia, and I think she was probably still around in the modern era - as a ghost, of course - guiding her young protege, as she worked to trigger the apocalypse.
What's your story, Granny Meg? How did a lowblood medium discover the secrets of Sgrub, centuries before it arrived? How much did you know back then - and how much influence do you still have, even now?
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If Alternia's past is anything like its present - and it certainly seems to be - then I can't see Tavros's ancestor surviving there for long. If he survived to adulthood, then it was probably as a peaceful nomad, or perhaps some sort of ranger.
Either way, I don't think he'd involve himself with other trolls, instead preferring to spend time with his planet's wildlife. Basically, I'm picturing Snow White with a mohawk.
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Sollux’s ancestor is undoubtedly still a techhead. I know it's centuries in the past, but this is proto-Sollux we're talking about. He'd invent technology if he had to.
Actually, that might have been his role. He could have been one of Alternia's first engineers, leveraging his Sgrub foreknowledge to contribute to Alternia's technological advancement.
Congratulations, Sollux Senior - you helped turn a nation of pirates into a space empire.
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Karkat's an interesting one. In a more primitive society - ie, one without Imperial Drones - it might have been easier for him to hide his blood color.
...actually, he might not even have Karkat's blood color. It's possible that Karkat's candy red mutation is unique to him, and the other Vantas has yellow-green blood, like his Trollian position implies he should. That would result in an ancestor with a very different social position to Karkat, and the two could be substantially different as a result.
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Nepeta’s current lifestyle would translate perfectly to a primitive Alternia. Her ancestor could easily still live in a cave – and since shipping is probably her calling, too, I'm picturing her as an accomplished matchmaker.
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Kanaya’s situation is rather unique. Jadebloods are rare, and inextricably linked to the Mother Grub, so her ancestor has some of the strongest ties to her counterpart.
We're actually aware of an ancient Mother Grub, who may have been alive in the time of the ancestors - which hints at a relationship between Kanaya's ancestor and the next troll on our list.
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That would be Terezi's ancestor, whose symbol adorns the Doomsday Scale. This device was probably a collaboration between the Pyrope and Maryam ancestors. Its purpose is unknown, but the Gate symbol is proof that someone had Sgrub foreknowledge. Curious.
Anyway, aside from this side hustle, Pyrope was probably a legislacerator. I wonder if the Alternian legal system was as broken then as it is now?
Equius... well, I don't really know, actually. He certainly feels like the kind of guy who’d model himself off his ancestor, so he was probably a pro-hemospectrum horse enthusiast.
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Gamzee’s ancestor could have gone one of two ways. If Sopor Slime existed back in early Alternia, he might have been as docile as his descendant used to be. If it didn’t, he was probably the exact kind of bloodthirsty monster that Gamzee is currently regressing into.
I know which option I'm putting my money on, and it's the one that would make Gamzee proud of his 'Subjugglator' ancestors. Can you guess which?
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Eridan’s ancestor is the Orphaner, which makes me think he has a similar role as a slayer of lusi. My best guess is that he killed the custodians of adult trolls.
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Feferi is an odd case, because her ancestor would probably be an extremely famous historical empress. Fuchsia blood is so rare that Feferi is literally the only modern troll who has it, so I wouldn't be surprised if her ancestor was revered in her time.
What did you do to Alternia, Pexies? Did you help make it what it is, or - like your descendant - did you try to make it better?
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pooks · 7 months
time to nag about my headcanon "Percy has Seer powers" and why that is a great idea
first of all, a little clarification; this isn't common knowledge to the younger siblings. only Arthur, Molly, Bill and Charlie knows. they kept this secret after Fabian and Gideon Prewett died
this implies that they died to protect Percy, who was just this tiny toddler who had absolutely no control over what he could See
the result is to keep his Seer powers secret
some background info; Percy's Seer powers is a rare gift that is apparently passed down from the Black side
Cedrella, aka their paternal grandmother, had it and has taught Percy how to use and control it. that's why Percy had a more closer bond to his granny than the rest of the family.
Arthur did not inherit it, but one of his brothers did. unfortunately, his poor brother is dead (it's not Billius, but someone else cause Arthur had three brothers accourding to the wiki) because he rather die than to let himself being caught by Voldemort and used as a tool.
while he doesn't understand Seer powers too well, Arthur respects it and is trying to be supportive for Percy.
also at a later point, Percy had 1 Bad Incident™ involving his Seer powers and it slightly traumatised him enough to not try to use it again
he takes divination in his third year for two reasons; 1, he also want to achieve 12 NEWTS like Bill. 2, he wants to understand his weird future-seeing power.
Oliver, his roommate (oh my god they were roommates) finds out by accident and keeps nagging him about the future Quidditch match results. Percy refuses cause that's SPOILERS
Percy can look far into the future, but he settles for the fun stuff
he occassionally makes references to memes and vines
his siblings doesn't understand them at all
at least until they're all adults with families in the future
and they be like "YOU KNEW"
and Percy just smiles innocently even though he absolutely isn't
Harry and Hermione aren't safe from Percy's Seer Shenanigans either
everytime Hermione is working with a crossword, Percy's eyes flashes green for a moment and when he opens his mouth, Hermione hits him with a pillow cause he was about to reveal the answer
Harry asked Percy once if his Seer powers was why Fudge promoted him. Percy simply smiled and said "yes, that was the reason. but the idiot didn't realized that i tricked him all the time and sent him on a wild goose chase."
aaaaand some Ministry shitshow stuff;
ofc Percy would be petty af once he figured out Fudge only wanted him because of his Seer powers. which means the fucker looked at the classified information in his personell file. Percy is obvs mad about that, but it's too late to tell his family about it and he decides to be an absolute menace about it without being caught
"getting caught means that you weren't smart enough to get an escape plan"
Percy takes full offense of being treated like a tool instead of a human with rights
he burns several draft-ups for the "updated law for underage magic" because they're fucking awful and he knows the bastard wants to ruin Harry's education. that also means he would ruin his baby siblings' educations.
he also burnt the suggestion papers about giving Azkaban prisoners the dementor's kiss without trial.
the law suggestions about banning human rights for werewolves, wizard hybrids and squibs also got BURNT INTO ASHES
Percy: I decide the future now. >:)
Scrimgeour makes an early bird appearence cause Fudge can't find the law suggestions anymore and he was the idiot to not keep copies.
after investigating privately, Scrimgeour finds out that Percy burnt them up and this madlad explains why.
suddenly Scrimgeour fully supports Percy and says his late uncles would be proud. bonus: Scrimgeour simply says to Fudge that he can't find things that may be gone forever, it's sadly "lost media" now.
Percy, getting the idea from the twints, orders dragon fertilizer (it's dragon dung lol) subscription from norway's dragon research center and sanctuary and sends it to Umbridge, using her forged signature
he's careful to not get caught, so he looks into the future (a bit at the time, though)
feel free to add some of your own ideas/suggestions/headcanon about Seer!Percy Weasley :)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
May I request some headcanons of Barnaby,Sally and Wally meeting a Very Old Goose Puppet Y/n? Just this worn out,Raggedy and Intimidating Goose Grandparent who then absolutely babies them and teaches them self defense tricks,making them soup,maybe they worked as some sort of guard or security! Just pepaw/granny goose caring over these silly puppets.also like they could be going round the forest and a feral bear pops up,Pepaw Goose just turns around and hiss at it and the bear scampers off while Pepaw is like “Anyways-“ (Thoight would be funny because Geese are used as Guard animals)
Have a nice day! ^^ or night if it’s late!
Yeah!! I was genuinely surprised at the amount of Wally x Reader stuff here but I'm all for it!
Also ngl I've been playing a lot of Untitled Goose Game recently so,,, this ask couldn't have come at a better time /pos
Honestly, when this lad first saw you emerge from the woods...he was about to run back home with his tail tucked between his legs. You gave him quite a fright!
You were a goose who was about Poppy's height--if not taller--with ragged greyed feathers and [e/c] eyes that look nearly bloodshot, your legs and bill having stitches, and some loose stuffing falling out of your main body.
All in all...you had a very intimidating disposition.
But when you approach Barnaby, it turns out you're just returning one of his juggling pins that he accidentally flung out into the forest.
"You best keep an eye on your juggling kits, dear." You speak in a gentle, raspy voice.
"Th-Thanks...are you from the barn too?"
"A different one. I used to be a guard for the little gooselings and other farm animals in my prime years but---oh..how about we walk and talk, hm? Do you live close by?"
And that's how Barnaby got to know you! He felt bad for judging you by your appearance, as while you look scary..you're just a sweet ol' geeser (yes he's made that pun a few times and you love it) whose kind heart and soul haven't gone anywhere.
You've come to care for everybody in the neighborhood, especially the big blue dog who sometimes gets into accidents while performing stunts.
In those cases, you always know how to nurse him back to health.
At some point, he and everybody else start to see you as a grandparent, calling you [Pa/Ma]...which makes you especially happy.
When you were younger, you saw her descend to earth, thinking it was just an ordinary shooting star.
You made a wish that you'll be able to find some good friends to spend the rest of your days with. Being a geese guard was a lonely job sometimes..
Many years later, you see that same star--now one who walked and talked--strolling through the forest near your barn. And you were ecstatic, wanting to introduce yourself!
Even though Sally's never met you till now, she's flattered to learn you wished upon her....and even happier to know she made that wish come true!
Your initial appearance surprised her, but she's eager to run back to town and introduce you to everyone!
So that's where you two head to, though as you're both talking (which is mostly her rambling about the next play she's performing tonight), an aggressive bear suddenly leaps out and roars, frightening her-
Until you hiss at it, extending your wings in a threatening manner, which immediately drove the beast back into the woods.
Then you turn back to the gawking star with the sweetest, most apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about that, dearie..do continue."
And she does for a little while, but you end up using that bear encounter as a teaching moment, showing her (and the others once you meet them) how to best defend themselves against possible bear attacks (or any wild animal attack in general). You made it your mission to keep these young folks safe.
Sally would definitely incorporate these lessons into her plays, which you grew to adore, refusing to miss a single one.
It was actually Poppy who introduced you to the gang, since you've watched over the barn she's lived in since she was a little baby bird. She basically considers you her parent.
You helped her out with her anxiety issues and baking mishaps over the years, so everybody warms up to you quick after learning your ties to each other.
Wally's no different. He's not too intimidated by your height nor raggedy feathers (man knows to respect his elders).
If anything, he's impressed that your felt and stuffing are still keeping you together, but offers to help you get patched up.
"Oh thank you, sweetie!" You croon. "You know..this town is blessed to have such a kind and handsome gentleman like yourself here."
Hearing that instantly melted his heart.
Soon enough, you get acquainted with the others and take care of them if they need help with anything.
Within the neighborhood, you ensure no wildlife breaks into the grocery store and makes off with any food (especially apples), always keeping watch.
Wally admires your nurturing and protective nature, knowing you're a very wise bird who offers the best advice..
Whenever he's lost on inspiration for art projects or just...feeling stressed over whatever, you're there to help him how ever you can.
When he got caught out in a rainstorm and got sick one day, you made him some delicious soup that helped him feel better within hours.
And of course, Home's happy to see you taking care of their owner. So you're always welcomed inside.
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mothfables · 6 months
Snail Ch. 3: Doctors Knew Before I Did
The Chain has their first monster battle with little Legend. Also, Wind joins Sky in Legend’s list of trusted people.
Wind is staring.
He knows it’s rude, but he can’t help it! Seeing the Veteran, usually so confident and self-assured, now so quiet, frightened even, is strange.
...Though, he supposes he’d be scared too if he was suddenly small and surrounded by strangers.
But they’re not strangers to him, not really! Which is good, because he’s not sure what they’d do if little Legend didn’t remember them at all. Try really really hard to prove they’re not going to hurt him, probably, going off of his reaction when he first saw them.
Wind hadn’t known what to think when it happened — only that one moment their Veteran was there and the next he wasn’t. Seeing him so small had set off his protective instincts something fierce, though, and he’d torn into the monsters going after his suddenly-defenseless brother. He wasn’t alone in that, either; Twilight, Wars, and even Hyrule were especially vicious in their efforts to reach him.
And then the monsters were gone and they’d barely gotten a glimpse of him before he disappeared into the trees faster than Wind could blink.
When Sky brings him back Wind finds himself shocked. Legend is tiny and timid and shy, clinging to the older hero in a way older Legend wouldn’t be caught dead doing. He’s even smaller than Four, somehow.
At least he seems to trust Sky. The Chosen is hard not to, honestly, with his kind face and soft demeanor. If it were to be anyone out of their group to gain little Legend’s trust, it would be him.
They all introduce themselves at Sky’s prompting and Wind watches his newly-little brother closely. He’s worried about what’s going through that ever-busy mind, violet eyes flicking between them with a wariness he’s only ever seen when facing dangerous enemies. The boy spooks badly when Warriors and Time speak up, little ears pressing flat against his head and eyes going wide-wide-wide. When it’s his turn, Wind makes sure to keep his body language loose and unthreatening, despite how much he feels like vibrating out of his own skin; it seems to help because Legend untenses just the slightest bit. Wind takes it as a victory.
And then: “‘m Legend. I know you.”
Things get very loud very fast. Wind doesn’t look away from Legend and so he sees the way he cowers into Sky, little shoulders hiking up to his ears and hands clenching the older hero’s pants in tiny fists as he trembles and hides his face. Wind is struck by how much he looks like Aryll when she’s scared or overwhelmed, clinging to Granny or himself for comfort.
He watches as Sky murmurs to Legend, trying to figure out what’s wrong. He’s about to step forward and see if he can help when Sky straightens, snapping his fingers to gain everyone’s attention before signing ‘QUIET!!!’
Amazingly, it works. They all promptly shut up and turn to the Chosen Hero and the child plastered to his side. Sky is glaring fiercely, one hand petting soft pink hair and the other resting protectively against a small back.
Time steps forward, kneeling so as to be closer to Legend’s current eye level. The boy peeks out at him for a moment before hiding his face again. Wind catches a glimpse of teary eyes and pale cheeks and feels that surge of protectiveness again. Legend shouldn’t ever have to look like that; he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that look away from his brother’s face in the future.
Time asks Legend about what he remembers and- oh, yeah, that’s probably a good thing to know. His stuttered answer has more than one of them wincing. Wind sneaks a glance around and sees Four muttering ‘...jumbly?’ with a confused expression. Wild looks especially distressed and Wind recalls suddenly the Champion’s own memory issues.
This would be uncomfortably familiar to Wild, wouldn’t it. Wind makes a note to check on him later, or at least point Twilight in his direction if he can’t do it himself.
And then Sky is kneeling down and drawing Legend into a hug. He leans into it without complaint, still obviously overwhelmed and confused and upset. Sky rocks side to side, and to Wind’s amazement Legend calms almost instantly, tucking his face into Sky’s neck with a sigh.
Sky remains there for a few more moments, humming softly and petting his hair. Then he stands and hoists Legend onto her hip with a grunt. Legend doesn’t react beyond a small sound and nestling closer.
“Oof, he’s- really light, actually.” Sky blinks in surprise.
Twilight chuckles, though it sounds a little strained. “Kids’re either lighter or heavier than ya expect. Don’t worry too much ‘bout it.”
“If you say so.” Sky looks doubtful but doesn’t argue. She glances at Time where he still kneels on the ground. “We should probably get moving. I don’t want anything else coming along and taking us by surprise.”
Their leader nods and pushes himself to his feet, groaning. Wind has to bite his lip to muffle a snicker. Old Man indeed.
“Let’s find a place off the road to settle down for the night. We can figure what out to do from there. Does everyone have everything?” There’s a chorus of assent.
“Wait!” Sky gasps. “Does anyone have Legend’s things? I don’t remember seeing them when he ran off.”
There’s a moment where they all scramble to look around for them before Wild speaks up. “I grabbed them after you went after him. His weapons and jewelry and everything are all in the Slate.”
Sky sighs in relief.
“Alright, that’s good to hear. Thank you for doing that, Wild.” With a nod, Time sets off down the road in the direction they were going before everything went to shit and the rest of them follow after. Sky stays in the middle of the group, Legend secure in his arms. Everyone else sticks close, keeping an eye out for more danger.
Wind walks next to Sky, sneaking glances every so often, so he’s able to see how Legend clings tight to the older hero, how he keeps his face hidden. Over time he relaxes and seems to fall into a doze, only to startle awake when someone starts to speak. His ears - which are so small! but still very long, which is something Wind’s noticed to be unique to him - flicker uneasily, listening intently to everything around him. Nothing happens for a few minutes and he relaxes again. Then someone else opens their mouth and the cycle repeats.
Eventually they find a place to stop for the night. Camp is set and dinner is eaten without much conversation. Legend doesn’t once let go of Sky.
It’s only once the boy has fallen into an uneasy sleep that someone speaks up.
“...So, what do we do about this?” Four is the one to break the silence. “Do we let it run it’s course? Or do we try to break or reverse it somehow?”
“Do we even have anything that could undo something like this?” Warriors asks.
“Well, I have my moon pearl, but it’s meant to protect you while in the Dark World or from dark magic. Like Twilight’s shadow chrystal,” they explain at Wars’ questioning look. “I know for a fact Legend always keeps his on him, so it should have protected him if it was that sort of magic.”
Twilight’s guilty wince goes unnoticed by all except Sky and Wind. He watches as she narrows her eyes, glancing between the Rancher and the child in her lap before they go wide in realization. Wind frowns; there’s definitely a story there.
Meanwhile, Hyrule is looking closely at Legend from their place beside Sky, brows furrowed. Their head tilts as they mutter under their breath. Wind, sitting on their other side, can barely make out the words spell, curse, natural magic, and twist, maybe? When they pause to take a breath Wind nudges them with his shoulder.
“Got anythin’ ya want ta share, Traveler?”
Hyrule startles before stammering, “O-oh! Uh, I was just- trying to figure out what exactly, um- caused this?” His voice rises in uncertainty.
“That would be good to know,” Wars says, nodding. “What have you got so far?”
Hyrule hums. “It’s- Well, I think it was originally supposed to be a dark spell? Or some sort of curse, maybe.”
Four narrows his eyes at the phrasing. “‘Supposed to be’? So you’re saying it... changed somehow? How would that happen?”
“I’m not sure, but...” Hyrule bites his lip. “His natural magic might have- I dunno, caught it and... twisted it, is the closest thing I can think of. Or maybe some of his items; they’re filled with enough magic to cause a pretty significant rebound.”
“Perhaps it was a mix of both,” Time muses. “The Veteran does carry a large array of powerful items. It’s possible that something in his inventory had some sort of reaction to whatever it was that was intended to hit him.”
It’s quiet for a moment as everyone takes that in. Then Legend snuffles against Sky’s shoulder and Wind has to bite back a coo.
“You must admit, he’s pretty cute like this,” Wars mutters, like he doesn’t intend for anyone to hear. Wind can hear him just fine, and makes it clear by agreeing loudly enough that Wars gives him the stink-eye from across the fire.
“Yeah, he is, isn’t he? Reminds me o’ Aryll when she was little.”
Wars coughs. “So... Do we have anything that could reverse this?”
Twilight hums for a moment before snapping his fingers. “When I got changed t’ the wolf fer the first time, I had ta use the Master Sword ta reverse it. Think tha’ would work here, Sky?”
Sky chews her lip, absentmindedly running a hand through Legend’s hair as she stares at the fire. “It... might,” she says finally, though it sounds unsure. “If- Fi is made to dispel dark... If what Hyrule said is true and Legend’s magic changed it... It might do nothing. Or it might make it worse.” Time flinches imperceptibly. “Since his memory was so affected by the initial change, I’m worried what trying to undo it might do.”
It’s silent for a while after that. Everyone wants Legend to be okay, of course, but if it’s at the cost of his memories...
“I think...” Hyrule starts quietly, like they’re thinking through the words as he says them, “it might be best if we let this run its course. Or at least wait and see how things go before trying to change him back.”
“I agree. Memories are- delicate.” Wild speaks up. “If we can keep him from losing any or messing them up any more than they are, we should do our best to do that.”
No one objects. After a moment Time clears his throat.
“I suppose we are all in agreement, then? We’ll see how things go and use the Master Sword only if necessary?” There’s various sounds of agreement around the fire. Time lets out a breath before slapping his knees and pushing to his feet.
“I suggest we all get some rest, then. Today was... eventful, to say the least. There’s no telling what tomorrow will bring, and we would do well to be prepared. Captain, would you mind taking first watch?”
With that, they all set about their normal nightly routine. Well... almost normal. It’s oddly quiet without Legend’s standard sarcastic quips and snark, even if he doesn’t always say anything. Just his presence is enough to fill the space.
Now that space is occupied by a tiny, shy shadow of the Veteran’s usual self.
The night passes without any more incidents. Wind wakes the next morning having almost forgotten the events of yesterday, and thus does a double take at the sight of Sky curled around a tiny body, the only part visible a tuft of soft pink hair.
Everyone else is in various stages of awake and gathered around the fire pit. They’re doing a good job of more-or-less minding their own business, though every so often someone will glance over at the lump of blankets containing the Chosen Hero and his charge.
Wild finishes breakfast and is in the process of handing it out when there’s a quiet snuffling sound from the direction of the bedrolls. Everyone looks over in time to witness little Legend sneeze himself awake. It’s nothing like the Vet’s usual muffled sneezes- these are tiny and squeaky and altogether the cutest sound Wind has ever heard.
(Can a sound be cute? ...Y’know what, who cares? This one definitely is.)
The sudden sneezing fit has the bonus effect of waking Sky, who bolts upright with a snort, freeing Legend from the cuddly trap of his arms. The boy tumbles out of the blankets, blinks, and sneezes again.
“Bless you,” Time says mildly.
Wind can’t help himself and coos. “Is it weird ta say that that’s my new favourite sound in any world ever?”
“I wuz gunna say yeah but tha’ is pretty cute,” Twilight agrees.
Sky stumbles to his feet with a yawn. Wild waves at her and she makes her way over to join the rest of them around the fire. Legend quickly follows, latching on to her shirt with little hands. She pauses for a moment at the action, blinking down at him in surprise before shaking it off.
She plops down between Wind and Twilight, giving them a sleepy nod in greeting that they return. Legend hesitates to follow; when she tries to encourage him to sit he takes one look at the Rancher and shies away.
Twilight immediately looks as if his heart has been torn out of his chest and stomped on in front of him. He watches forlornly as Legend inches around behind Sky to her other side.
“Here, I got you.” As if it’s second nature, Sky reaches over and lifts the boy up to set him in her lap. Legend squeaks and goes still, eyes wide with surprise.
It takes a moment for the realization of what she just did to set in, and then Sky is stammering apologies. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-!”
His frantic rambling is brought to a halt as Legend curls up against him with a little hum. His hands hover uncertainly before he lets out a breath and wraps them around the small body in his lap. Legend nestles closer with a content sound.
Quiet footsteps have the older hero glancing up to see Wild coming over, a bowl in each hand. He holds them out with a small smile. “I made oatmeal. I didn’t know if you or Legend wanted anything in yours, so I left it plain. There’s stuff to add to it if you want.”
Sky takes them with a quiet ‘thank you’. He nudges Legend until he looks up and hands him a bowl. “Wild wants to know if you want anything in yours,” he tells him.
Legend stares down at his bowl for a few moments, biting his lip, before he looks up with a shy expression. “Um, I like- I like apples. With cinnamon,” he says quietly.
Wild smiles. “I can do that.”
It’s short work for the Champion to produce and slice an apple from his slate and sprinkle it with cinnamon. He arranges the slices on a small plate and hands it to Legend with another smile.
It’s received with an answering smile and a brightening of violet eyes at the first bite. Legend gives a happy little hum, swaying side to side as he eats. Within minutes both the plate and bowl are picked clean.
The rest of them finish their own breakfast soon after and move to get ready for the day ahead. Legend does his best to help; it’s clear he’s having trouble adjusting to being small again while his brain tells him he should be bigger. Still, he’s stubborn.
Eventually camp is packed up and the Chain sets out. Legend clings to Sky’s hand, trotting alongside him as they walk.
Wind stays close like he did yesterday, chattering up a storm. Legend doesn’t respond much, but that’s okay. He just wants to keep his brother from getting lost in his own head. It seems to work as the boy perks up and doesn’t stick quite so close to Sky.
By the time lunchtime nears, however, Legend is flagging. He refuses all offers to carry him, though, no matter who asks. Over time, he drifts to the back of the group, stumbling tiredly but still stubbornly staying on his own two feet. His hand is still tight in Sky’s.
He stumbles again and Sky makes a worried noise. “Are you sure you don’t want a break? No one would mind-”
“I can do it on my own,” Legend growls. Or, well, Wind is pretty sure that’s what he’s aiming for but it comes out as a tired, mumbled whine. “I managed fine on all my other adventures.” He pulls his hand out of Sky’s.
The older hero looks saddened by the action and Wind feels the same. Legend is so little, like this, and he’s claiming he doesn’t need any help, even though he’s so clearly exhausted. Still, if he doesn’t want help they can’t force it on him. They know from experience it would only end badly.
Up ahead, Twilight pauses, ears flicking as he glances around. “Ah’m hearin’ monsters in th’ woods,” he warns. “Dunno where ‘xactly, but we best be careful.”
“You heard the man, keeps your eyes out for anything that could signal an attack,” Wars calls back to the rest of them.
A few minutes pass and the road stays quiet. Legend falls further and further behind. Wind hears him stumble again and exchanges a worried glance with Sky.
“If he falls I don’t care if he doesn’t want to be carried. I’m picking him up.”
“I’ll help,” Wind offers.
Another stumble and a gasp sound from behind them.
“Okay, that’s it.” Sky turns around. “Lege, I know you don’t want-” He cuts off with a horrified sound.
Wind whips around to see Legend high off the ground in the grip of a huge moblin. The boy kicks and struggles but he may as well be fighting a rock for all the good it does; the monster, completely unfazed, gives him a hearty shake. Legend yelps as his head snaps back at the force of it and Wind feels his heart stop.
Suddenly an arrow whizzes overhead to embed itself in the monster’s eye. It howls with pain and drops Legend who falls to the ground with a sharp crack!
Sky is there in the next moment, scooping Legend off the ground and slicing the moblin in half in a single movement. He bolts back to the safety of the group with Legend clutched tightly to his chest.
The boy is clutching his left wrist in a vice grip, face pale.
Monsters pour from the trees on either side of the path, blades and teeth glinting and sharp. Wind notes moblins and bokoblins mostly, with a few lizalfos for good measure. They don’t even have the good grace to be from the same era.
There’s too many to fight as a group so they split, Warriors barking orders and the rest of them hurrying to follow. Wind blinks and finds himself backed against the treeline with little Legend trembling next to him. Biting his lip, Wind glances around.
The monsters are all in front of him. Now that they’ve launched their attack they don’t seem to care about using the trees to their advantage anymore.
He can work with that.
“Lege, can you climb?” A shaky nod. “Okay, climb one o’ the trees behind us an’ stay there til the fight’s over, ‘kay?”
Legend looks like he wants to protest but a sudden snarl sends him scurrying for the closest trunk. Wind ducks a blow and watches him clamber up surprisingly quickly to crouch on a large branch with his uninjured hand over his mouth and the other tucked to his chest.
The sailor takes that as his cue to start slashing at the monsters surrounding him. He dodges one and stabs another before rolling to avoid a spear jabbing into the ground where his leg was a moment before.
He jumps and slashes, stabs and rolls, all the while doing his best to keep the monsters away from the tree where his little brother is hiding.
A lizalfos keeps him busy for a few minutes before he manages to cut its tail off, making it shriek and flail. Wind finishes it off with a stab through the chest.
Then it’s just a few more bokoblins, thankfully none of which are black-blooded. He manages to take them down relatively quickly while avoiding serious injury himself before turning to check on the rest of his brothers and catch his breath.
Time is engaged with a moblin from Wild’s time on the other side of the path. He seems to be doing fine- with a swing of his sword he lops off one of its arms then bisects it as it howls.
Twilight and Warriors are tag-teaming a pack of bokoblins. One darts in to distract while the other strikes from the side or behind. Together they make quick work of the monsters before turning to find more opponents.
Similarly, Four and Wild are wreaking havoc nearby - Wind winces as he hears the by-now-familiar sound of a sword shattering and Four yelling.
He can’t find Hyrule but he does see Sky, slicing through monster after monster with deadly efficiency.
Soon all the monsters are nothing but dust and the heroes move to regather in the center of the path. Injuries are made note of to take care of once they make camp unless they’re urgent; Wind himself only has a few minor scrapes and bruises, thanks to that darn lizalfos.
He turns back to the tree where Legend is still hiding, holding out his arms with what he hopes is a reassuring smile. “All th’ monsters are gone. D’ya want help gettin’ down?”
A nod. Legend shuffles to the edge of the branch and lets his legs dangle over the side, looking apprehensively between the ground and where Wind stands waiting, biting his lip. The sailor is patient and waits for him to make up his mind, knowing the other boy never does well when pushed. After a minute Legend shoves himself off the branch, making Wind yelp and nearly dive to catch him before he hits the ground. He holds his little brother close to his chest as he tries to catch his breath, feeling him cling back just as tightly.
“Let’s um- l-let’s not do tha’ again... yeah?”
Wind feels him nod shakily, pressing closer and gripping at his shirt as he trembles.
Wars calls over from where he’s doing after-battle checks. “Wind, you okay over there?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah, all good!” He hefts the small body in his arms only to freeze at a sudden pained yelp. “Woah woah, what’s wrong?!”
Legend whimpers and tries to push away, forcing Wind to hold him tighter so he doesn’t drop him. He lets out another pained noise and Wind suddenly remembers the sound he made when the moblin dropped him. He curses and hurries back to where their brothers wait, looking worried.
“Wars, can ya take a look at ‘is arm? He hurt it real bad when th’ moblin dropped ‘im.”
The Captain is already hurrying over, medical bag in hand.
“Set him down, let me see,” he demands as he gets closer. Wind goes to obey but Legend won’t let go. Instead, he presses closer despite his earlier attempts to get down. The nearer Wars draws the more Legend tries his best to meld into Wind’s torso.
The sailor eventually elects to just sit down and hold him in his lap. He wraps his arms around the smaller boy, tight enough to keep him from wriggling away but loose enough he’s not squishing him.
Legend quiets but continues to watch Warriors warily. As the older hero kneels down before them Wind feels him press back against his chest as though trying to hide.
Wars moves slowly and gently, obviously trying not to upset him any further. He doesn’t touch Legend; instead he says softly, “Hey there, bud. Wind told me you hurt your arm when you fell. Is it alright if I take a look at it?”
Legend takes a shaky breath and hesitantly nods. He doesn’t move, though. Wars stays where he is, waiting for him to decide what he wants to do.
It takes another minute before Legend slowly, slowly extends his left arm towards Warriors. The captain gently takes his wrist to inspect it, politely ignoring the flinch it causes. He pushes Legend’s sleeve back and moves his wrist back and forth a few times, pressing lightly to test the bones. Wind can see it beginning to swell already and suppresses a wince.
“It’s broken, alright,” is the diagnosis.
Wars reaches into his bag and pulls out a roll of bandages to wrap Legend’s wrist with, telling him what he’s doing the whole time in a soft voice. He pauses to grab a sturdy stick, breaks it in half, and uses that to hold the limb in place. Then he finishes wrapping it, taking care to keep his movements slow.
For his part, Wind does his best to keep his little brother calm - keeping his arms around him in a hug, rubbing his uninjured arm, even pressing a kiss to his hair when he lets out a muffled whimper at the pain. He thinks it helps.
When he finishes wrapping Legend’s wrist Wars pulls out a red potion and instructs him to sip it slowly. When it’s about halfway empty he takes it back and hands it to Wind, who downs it without complaint. “We’ll leave your wrist wrapped for now, let the potion do it’s job. I’ll check on it again tomorrow, okay?”
He waits for Legend to nod before standing and making his way back to the others. Sky immediately takes his place, looking over first Legend and then Wind worriedly. She doesn’t crowd, though, well aware of Legend’s dislike of it.
“We’re alright, Sky,” Wind reassures. “Wars took care of it.”
“I know,” she sighs, moving to sit next to them. “I’m just worried. That was scary.”
Wind nods. It was really scary; seeing Legend in the hands of that moblin, watching him fall, the crack! as his wrist broke... the fact he’d hardly made a noise the entire time...
It’s a relief when the call to get moving comes. Wind stumbles to his feet and moves to hand Legend over to Sky only for the boy to cling to his shirt with a whine. Exchanging a glance with Sky, he tries again but Legend only clings tighter, burying his head against his collarbone.
“Come on, let’s go!” Twilight calls. “We’re gunna try ta get as far as we can afore it gets dark!”
With Legend clinging to Wind like a limpet he shares one last look with Sky before following after the rest of their brothers.
Thankfully it seems the fight will be the only excitement for the day. The rest of the walk is quiet- well, as quiet as it gets with a group like theirs, anyway.
More than once Wind is asked, mostly jokingly, if he’d rather let someone else carry Legend. He just huffs and continues walking.
“I do have a little sister, y’know,” he reminds them. “I can carry a kid for a while.” Besides, Legend chose him, he’s his responsibility!
He catches Twilight pouting at that but gracefully decides not to mention it. The Rancher will get his turn when he gets his turn, no need to whine about it.
Everyone is still a little wound up from the fight, so instead of stopping for lunch like they’d planned Wild hands out skewers to eat as they walk. Wind eats his fish skewer in record time so he can hold the fruit skewer Wild pulled out for Legend.
It’s eaten slowly, interrupted by the occasional sniffle. Wind doesn’t judge him for it; a broken wrist is nothing to laugh at, especially at his age.
By the time they call it a day Wind’s arms and shoulders are sore. Carrying a kid for so long is no easy feat, but he’d refused to give in and hand Legend over to someone else, only shifting him to his other hip to give his arm a break. The kid in question had fallen asleep sometime after lunch, resting his head on Wind’s shoulder and his hair tickling his cheek.
Camp is made in a clearing a little ways off the path. Wind drops down on a log with a sigh, ready to rest after such a long day. Sky joins him with a yawn and Wind muffles a laugh.
“How is he?” the older hero asks quietly, glancing at Legend where he’s curled into the sailor’s shoulder.
“I think th’ fight an’ everythin’ wore ‘im out,” he murmurs back. “Breakin’ his wrist didn’t help either.” A though occurs to him then and he straightens to look at his brother.
“Sky, earlier when Wars came over an’ set his wrist...” he begins slowly. “Lege got all scared. I-I know he doesn’t like knights- um, big Lege that is. Do you... d’you think it’s somethin’ he remembers from when he was bigger, or-?”
He doesn’t want to finish, doesn’t want to consider what the alternative might mean.
Sky pales as the implication of Wind’s words hit him. “I- I don’t know-”
He’s interrupted by the subject of their conversation stirring awake, blinking open bleary violet eyes. There’s a moment before those eyes settle on Sky. Legend stares for a heartbeat before lifting his hand and giving a small wave.
Sky returns it then clears his throat. “Hey, chick, can I... can I ask you something?”
Legend blinks but nods. Sky gives a wan smile.
“Alright. This... this is a hard question, so don’t force yourself to answer it, okay?” Another nod, this one less sure. “Okay. Wind told me you got scared when Warriors fixed up your wrist earlier. Can you- could you tell me why?”
Legend takes a sharp intake of breath, opening and closing his mouth a few times before biting his lip and shoving his face against Wind’s chest.
“Hey, hey, you don’t have to answer that if it’s too hard. It’s okay-”
“I don’t like knights,” comes the answer, quiet but capturing everyone’s attention nonetheless. “They chase me. They’re bad.” A sniffle. “They used t’ be good but then A-Agahnim cast a spell that made them think I ki-kidnapped th’ pr’ncess even though I didn’t. Th-they didn’t listen when I told them I didn’t do it. Zelda an’ me fixed it after I beat Ganon bu’ then Yuga came an’ made ‘em bad again.”
Wind feels like he’s going to be sick. He knew his brother held a strong distaste for knights, but to know this was why... He swallows and looks away only to see his own horror reflected back at him on his brothers’ faces.
Warriors especially looks stricken.
“This... Agahnim... is he still-? What happened to him?” Time asks. His face has that pinched look it gets when he’s trying not to let his anger get the better of him.
Legend’s voice is numbed and dull when he replies. “He’s dead. I killed him.”
There’s a choking sound. “I- I’m sorry, you what? How old were you?!” Wars sounds almost desperate, like he’s begging the answer won’t be what he thinks it is.
Any hope he has is dashed to pieces when Legend answers, face unnervingly empty.
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smilingangel582 · 4 months
Yo yo... ik I don't take requests and all... but I have my reasons... im really sorry! I just have a lot on my plate! But writing is all I need and I would like to write as much as I want! That's all, thank you 👉 👈
Anyway! Wind breaker is the new hot topic for me! Idk about u guys but im loving the mc
Haruka sakura! Love his name, style, antics, and cuteness overload when he gets flustered and shy!
Possible lers! Suo, Umemiya, Togame!
I want more of these guys srsly!
Ok, so warning spoilers alert! Anime and manga
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Sakura's Dilema!?
Sakura ate Kotoha's omelette rice as usual. She would smile fondly at him throughout and began her unusual newspaper routine about town.
"...so that's what granny sato said..."
Sakura licking his fingers clean shrugged, "Hm, good..."
Somewhat a little impressed, "Your improving. You don't get flustered anymore when someone compliment you?"
Sakura scoff, "That's a hundred years ago... im not that weak"
She smiled warmly, a hand resting under her chin as he looked at Sakura, "Well i guess everyone should compliment you more now, if that's the case..."
A small heat crept up to his cheeks, Kotoha giggled teasingly, "Ah ha! There's that cute blush we all like..."
"S-shut up! So you guys are praising me because you like to see me reaction??" He snapped, getting flustered.
She grinned looking sideways, "Maybe? Or maybe not but... granny said its adorable... and so do I" winking back Sakura gritted his teeth, a shade of red growing uncontrollably on his face.
She chuckles, thinking, "Maybe I should stop teasing him..." Then she speaks with a calmer tone to relax Sakura's tensed embarassment.
"Oh, Sakura... I almost forgot..."
Looking up from his plate, his face back to his normal colour gradually, "Yh what?"
"Ume told me the shishitoren buddies are coming over at Furin high..."
Almost choking on the eggs, Sakura looked up with a surprised frown, standing up with a daring grumble, "Huh? Why? Are they here to pick a fight?"
Kotoha sighs, "No, that's not it... its-"
He cuts in, "Maybe they wanna fight me again! Hah! I'll show them!" He quickly stuffed his mouth with the final bits of rice and eggs, but deliberately ignoring his veggies and sets out.
Kotoha was too surprised to protest as she couldn't even finish, as the bell tinkled upon his leave, "E-eh? Sakura! Hold up! That isn't what I... meant..." she murmured the last part as he was already gone, smiling confusedly, she sigh again, "That idiot..."
Meanwhile, Sakura hurrying towards the school began to notice a large crowd of bofurin and shishitoren looking at each other. Suspecting it's a fight, Sakura lets out a growl, "Oi! Do u wanna fight?"
The others stared, and half of shishitoren lunged towards him. But not in the way he expected. They crowded him like a flock of fan boys.
"That's the first year that beat our second in command!"
"Wow! He's got a funny but cool look!"
"Is he strong? I can feel it!"
So many ushering and laughter comes from the usually wild shishitorens. Sakura gets flustered and shocked. "H-hey, what's going on?"
"Sakura-san, didn't kotaha-san tell ya?" Nirei finally steps forward, smiling as he helped him out from the crowd, "Shishitoren are here on Umemiya-san's orders for a casual get-together..."
Silent, Sakura stared, "Eh... rly? That's it?"
He nods now, grabbing his hand, "Come, they are all at the auditorium!"
Past the hallways, Sakura could tell the room is less tensed than it should be if it's back those days. There... he can see Togame, Toyama, Umemiya and Suo standing in one pack -oh and Sugishita glaring at Sakura.
Sakura smirks, "Well well... I thought it was a battle but its just a silly tea party..."
Togame played along, feigning meance, "Oh? would you have preferred us thrashing your butt, Sakura?"
Eyeing him challengingly, "Ah... the second in command himself, Togame, wants to lose again..."
The older guy steps in with his geta clattering on the ground. He has a much mellower appearance in contrast to Sakura's first impression of him. Sakura says he prefers the other and colder Togame, but... who knows what a tsundere actually says and means?
Togame clapped him in the back, "So, Sakura... how have you been?"
"Hmph! Mr. Sloth himself... what a surprise"
Togame smiles, genuinely happy, as he continues this banter, "Well, you are still that brat who almost got pummeled by me,"
Sakura scoffs, "As if! I never lose..."
"Togame and Sakura have history to share..." Umemiya grins gleefully, and Toyama has his arms around Umemiya, very buddy-like and close as expected. Its ironic to how things used to be. There's more liveliness and strength in Shidhitori.
Everyone had a harmonious atomosphere compared to how they met the first day. Even Sako has a reserved but amiable relationship with Hiragi. Sakura felt somewhat... relieved...
Suo mentions slyly as he crept behind Sakura, "Well, Togame-san? Want to have another fun fight with our grade captain?"
Sakura's ears turn red as he snaps at Suo, "Oi, don't push it..." however he looks at Togame expectantly, "Well, I don't mind a bit of fighting and all..."
Nirei squeaked, "B-but... Sakura..."
"Dont worry, Nirei... look, " Suo pats his back with assurance. They both watched Togame smile more openly, not in the prior meancing grin, "Yaa... It's been too long, Othello-kun. I hope you learnt something from me that time..."
"Oh? You mean other than how I punched you?" Sakura provoked, which Togame narrowed his eyes playfully, "Don't get cocky..."
Toyama brightened up, "Ne,ne Ume-chan, are they gonna fight?"
Umemiya sighs but not in dismay, "Seriously... alright, I suppose, but don't go too far, or else Hiragi needs another stock of gas-kun ten"
Soon, Togame was in his usual stance. Instead of glaring, he was looking forward to it. Nirei grabbed his notebook, and began scribbling on a new page.
Suo asked, "Are you gathering information on Togame?"
Nirei grins, sticking his tongue as he concentrated, "Not quite... It's for Sakura-san as he told me to write down his flaws so he can improve himself, I want to know what's his weak points are, too, anyway..."
Suo gives a brief laugh, "Other than the fact that he's so easily red when someone compliments him?"
Nirei conceded with a chuckle, "Well, yh that too... but something else..."
Togame lunged just the moment Sakura moved. It expected that Togame strives for grappling more and he's more intent on grabbing Sakura instead of punching him
"Ugh, I hate this fighting style!" Sakura sneered as he dodged perfectly. Regardless, their hits are serious despite the playful nature. Sakura could feel Togame grab his shoulders to push him down, but he's too flexible as Sakura slips away.
"Whew close!" Toyama mentioned and Umeniya agreed with a smile.
Sakura managed to dodge and yet...
"Gotcha..." Togame slipped under his arm to judo flip him from behind. Sakura felt the force as he made contact on the ground, yet Togame carefully made it less forceful and used his hand to protect the back of his head. Nevertheless Sakura twisted himself to avoid being pinned down. Instead, he spun himself with his leg wrapping around his opponents waist now switching sides.
Togame slipped a bit but latched on to his waist a bit unexpectedly.
The touch caught Sakura off guard despite it being an obvious grapple. Surprising everyone, Sakura stumbled down on his knees.
This was noted by the shishitoren second in command. Then, getting an idea, Togame slowly poked his waist while using his body weight to pin the shorter guy down, "Hm... interesting discovery..."
"H-hey! Wait! Dohont doho that!" Sakura flinched now, arcing his back as Togame's touch became gentler and swift around his sides, a light giggle slipping out of Sakura's grinding teeth.
"Oh my, is the little delinquent a bit sensitive?" Suo teased from the background, beating Togame from saying a similar phrase.
Sakura gets flustered again, now trying so hard to keep his laughter under control. Togame's nimble fingers began to crawl up his stomach, which made Sakura shriek and quickly scramble away from him, "Ack... NOHO?!"
A frivolous yet sinister grin was plastered on Togame's face. He raised his hands, tauntingly wiggling his fingers, "Uh oh, someone's in trouble... too bad I found out this weakness first..."
Nirei, mildly shocked, immediately began jotting down notes, giving a serious nod to himself, "Intriguing indeed, but a guy like Sakura is bound to be ticklish..."
Nirei flinched when Sakura yelled. Snapping his head with an aghast look, "Huh? Whohoho's sihihide ahahahahare youhuhu ohohohon, boke?"
"Now now, you can't even keep your giggles to yourself, Sakura..." Suo snickered.
"Y-YOHohou bahahastard!" He raised a hand to try and punch Togame and use a leg to kick his face.
Togame took this chance to lunge forward, dodging them effectively. Like the tackle from last time during the fight, Togame pushed himself forward towards Sakura's midriff. He managed to use his strength to get him down again, "You shouldn't let your guard down... even at friendly spars"
"Ah!" Sakura yelped, trying to turn on his stomach to escape, as this is no longer fighting but play fighting, "S-shit!"
Togame instantly grabbed his shoulders to stop him, "Uh uh uh~ Sakura... where do you think you're going...?" He dug his nimble fingers into Sakura's sides, suddenly eliciting a squeal and contagious giggles that sounded so unlikely of the tough Sakura. It went crescendo to decrescando at each sensitive spot he targeted.
"Who said fighting is about fair play?" Togame snickered mercilessly, almost like an evil older brother, "You of all people should know that, little Othello. Plus, it's cute when you lose control..." That earned a beet red blush from the victim as he kicked and thrashed, not even coordinating his defences.
Toyama and Umemiya grinned at this, and the others watched how their bonding went on through this 'spar' session.
Still the leader of Furin sigh, "Honestly it's dangerous if anyone finds out about his weakness..."
Toyama laughed, "Yes! Isn't he like strong as you? It's crazy how he's trying to fight back like this..."
Nirei chuckles, "I never expected this side of him, its... surprisingly cute"
"You mean unsurprisingly Nirei-kun," Suo winked, now pointing towards the fight with a gleeful look. Sugishitha, who's been eye rolling as he watered the plants, took multiple glances back at the little one-sided tickle fight.
Sakura tried to kick him (half-heartedly) but instead felt a suddenly electric tingle spread down and up his leg as Togame sqeezed his knee -whether it is accidental or intentionally was unknown.
Shocked beyond anything...
His laugh kicked a knotch as Togame began to tickle under his knee, unable to use his hands as they uselessly failed. They just hit the wooden floor instead, "AHAHA! NOHOT THEHEHERE! DAHAHAMN IT!"
Togame laughed at that, not stopping as Sakura couldn't place his attacks properly, "Oho? I should've gone for the knees before... It's funny how you got restrained by a mere touch there,"
"Then... what about... heeere?"
Togame used his bodyweight to pin his shins and then squeezed his upper thigh. This made Sakura go wild, "GAH! N-NOO! HAHA SHIT! YOU AHAHAHASS!"
Seeing him slightly going red, Togame decide to give him a break. But... just a break.
Just five seconds at least... Togame thought menacingly.
"Haah haaa..."
"J-jeeheeez, thehehe heheck?" 3...
Togame got ready as he cracked his fingers. 2...
"U-uh eek!"
Sakura's voice hit an octave as he let out a startled shrill when Togame pounced forward to get his ribs, a giggly reaction that melted his heart. It's not as strong as his knees and thighs, at least.
Suo has his usual smile, which stretched widely as he said mysteriously, "I wonder if I can get a turn?"
Nirei gulped, inwardly thinking he should never leave Sakura alone from now on-
"NOOO! HAHAHA, P-PLEHEHEASE NOHOT THEHERE! I TAHAHAKE IT BAHAHAHACK! AHAHA YOHOHOU'RE AHAHA DEHEHEMON!" A surprised squeal from Sakura made Nirei look in bewilderment. Where was Togame tickling to make the tough and cold Sakura to actually beg for mercy?
"Ahhh~ found it... your actually weak in the armpits? How predictable, its so adorable" Togame is, as Nirei will note down, the possible second worst tickle monster... first place being Suo.
Suo chuckles, "You say it's the worst but he's ticklish everywhere"
Togame laughed, still tickling Sakura, "Oh yh... it doesn't matter... his knees are as bad as here..."
Sakura kicked and thrashed weakly, now cackling like a mad man, closing his arms, "NAHAHAA! Y-yohOHOHOU AHAHAHAASS! LEHEHEHehet gOHOHOHo!"
"Mmmm~ nope..."
Panicking instantly, Sakura let out a flustered cry, "FIHIHINEHEHE! FINE! I GIVE UHUHUP!"
His voice raised another octave at the end, and Togame chuckled with amusement, letting his hands leave his armpits, "You are so ticklish there, who would've guessed..." he added with a pinch yo his thighs, making the other squeak weakly jolting, "aaaand there too..."
"It's good enough, that he's a tsundere, but being ticklish one is better," Suo proudly stated.
"Q-Quhuhuiet y-yohou dihihick!"
Evidently, Sakura is catching his breath, still pink in his face, sweating as if he had an actual one-sided 'battle' of blood-lust.
Nirei hummed in consideration as he looked at his notebook, "Hmm, so being ticklish is Sakura's weak point eh? Even I could win against him,"
"Shaddap!" Sakura managed to choke out angrily.
Umemiya gives a laugh, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I doubt you can cuz Sakura will knock you out cold before you could try. He's a proud guy after all..."
"Oi! Quit talking like I'm not here, dumbass"
Sugishita sneered, clenching the water kettle tightly, "That's Umemiya-san to you, weaksauce!"
Getting up on his elbows, Sakura growl, back to his old self, with remarkable stamina, "Ah? Do you wanna pick a fight mop-head? Cuz I'm game..."
"Ma ma..." Suo stepped in between them, elegantly skimming his eyes over the taller guy, "Sugishita-kun, do you want to upset Umemiya-san?"
The tall guy turned to a radiant happy Umemiya and huffed angrily as he backed away easily. Now Suo turned to Sakura with a much eerie smile, "And Sakura-kun, do you want round two?" He mischievously wiggled his finger, "Instead of Togame, I can step in for him?"
Fear struck him, he blushed, yelling as he swatted those fingers, "H-hohow dare you threaten me! Ugh, whatever... fine, I won't pick a fight with him"
Suo heard Togame speak with amusement from the corner, hands restinf behind his back, "and here I thought you were looking forward for round 2 Sakura..."
"W-why would I?"
Suo answers this time, leaning forward towards his ear, "You never resisted... now did you?"
Sakura instantly turned red, eyes widened with surprise, his golden and black eyes dilating like a cats pupil, "H-huh? I was too concentrated! T-to even fight back!"
"Mmm~" everyone hummed teasingly, not believing him obviously.
This time Toyama grinned childishly, nudging Sakura playfully, "So then, does that mean you admit that you are weak to tickling then?"
"Ah? N-no I didn't say that-!"
"Theeeen, you pretended not to fight back and let me tickle ya?" Togame added... the two shishitoren leaders were putting Sakura in a helpless position.
Silent... Sakura looked away, Suo added, "Quite the bind your in, Sakura-kun"
Debating on what was more embarassing... either he should say that he liked being tickled and pretended not to fight or say he's too ticklish to handle it and fight back.
Sakura fumed for good five seconds before replying with a mutter, "U-ugh fine fine, fine! I'm weak to it so I cant fight back! Happy?"
Everyone grinned fondly, Sakura covered his face, both in shyness and rage.
"Good boy!!" Umemiya ruffled his hair, now making Sakura snap and growl like a little savage puppy.
In a corner with Suo, Nirei, however, chuckled to himself, "I bet he doesn't mind it much..."
Suo grinned, looking at the scene with a glimmering passion, "You guessed it... he's our fearless, cute, tough tsundere grade captain... Sakura-kun"
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severevoiddragon · 5 months
I didn't know you were a dm, can I ask about your campaign? :00 /np
Yesyesyesyesyes you can!!!! I can't share too much behind the scenes (as much as I'd love to) BC Alien will most likely see this n Munts may see it too- Putting this under a cut purely BC this is so long bc ive ended up infodump sm-
So, it started w each character getting a letter from someone they know, an old friend for Hecate and Nivaira, and Izumi's half sibling, called Ammon. (All 3 letters were from Ammon just to be clear-) Ammon invited them to his house, as well as 3 others. Eventually, Ammon made it clear that she wanted the group (all 6) to locate an amulet, but that they couldnt SAY where it was bc. Evil can hear. BC you see, Ammon, who is a divination wizard/wild magic sorcerer had been studying the amulet, and got a dream that a great evil was looking for her and got scared. So ran away. The other 2 NPCs also left. There's a lot of plot holes but shhhh-
Anyway the party found the amulet, and the party discovered that Relania, one of the others summoned by Ammon, decided to try and take the amulet, resulting in a big battle which ended with Relania tied up and. Somehow escaping. She's still loose to this day.
The second adventure had the party meet a little girl called Ruby, and her mum. Ruby's mum was exhausted from lack of sleep so told Ruby to go to her granny's house in the woods (no this isn't a werewolf adventure). The party were asked to accompany Ruby, to ensure she got to her granny's safely. The party decided that because this nice little old lady lived in a SCARY part of the woods, she was evil. So stalked Ruby's granny, Winnie. They went down a whole rabbit hole of nettle/false nettle like plants n then decided Winnie was a night hag. And then Ruby's mum died. And so Hecate (the group's researcher), decided to see if there's any way of discovering if someone was killed by a night hag post death. There is! They just needed truesight. Noone had truesight. So, they put up a notice on the community board and hoped someone followed it.
Meanwhile, the Banducci Carnival was coming to town, and the group went to the carnival that night while waiting for the post to be found. While visiting Madame Banducci, the fortune teller (and owner of the carnival), Izumi got a lil. Hypnotised. Although he acted as normal until later :)
The next day, a cloaked figure with a kitsune mask appeared to use truesight as per the notice. They called themselves "Bob" and had an awful deep southern American Etomian (the name of the country "Bob" is from) accent. "Bob" did cast truesight on the body of Ruby's mum, and yeah, it was from a hag. And then "Bob" revealed herself to be Bella Banducci, daughter of Madame Banducci. Who then got Hypnotised!Izumi to steal the amulet for her, and give it to her. The rest of the party didn't notice.
The party went back to Winnie's house, to confront her, but. Ruby and Winnie were gone. They party then discovered how hags reproduce and then went "oh shi-" as they realised exactly what had happened.
Eventually, Hecate, who was in charge of the amulet, realised it was gone, and something happened that I don't remember and eventually Bella appeared like "heyyy I've got the amulet you idiots and I'm gonna sell it BC my mom wants me to but idc who to, so you guys give me 500gp and you can have it <3" the party managed to persuade Bella to join them (she hates the carnival), as they do a 500gp bounty (to retrieve an object)
The party follow the bounty to Sirraux', an expensive artifacts shop, ran by Monsieur Sirraux, a tiefling. It had the object the party needed to retrieve - a dwarf's magic pickaxe - buutt Sirraux didn't wanna give it up. In exchange, it asked the party to collect a sample of an interesting flora on an island far away. It got it's dwarf assistant to bring the party to the island. It was an island that Nivaira knew very well :). It was also infested with mushrooms. Currently they just got to Nivairas hometown, where all the people have been turned into evil myconids (evil mushroom ppl). Fun times!
There's also Eiwin Tamiel, an important NPC who hasn't been adventure relevant yet but will be! Just you wait for the Christmas special!!! He's a human cleric (???) and works in a small artifact / trinket shop. They're also definitely crushing on Ammon <3 Who is definitely not crushing on him back <3 I ship them sm- they write notes to each other in celestial and arghkejrjfkwf i cant share all the cute info bout them bc. Spoilers.
ANYWAY if you read all that well done, I'm impressed-
Now tell me bout your campaign :DDD
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howlingday · 1 year
Jaune's Family: Grandma
Yang: Aw, man... All the good clubs are closed tonight.
Ren: It's Thursday.
Yang: Yeah, which means it would be the perfect night to pre-game! Get me a strawberry sunrise to start my weekend early. Maybe get a table at a casino, too, and get really wild this weekend!
Jaune: You should be careful, Yang. Alcohol doesn't really mix well with, well, anything. Especially gambling.
Yang: Oh? And what would you know about drinking?
Jaune: Well, it makes you really stupid for one. Especially with gambling. I got into a lot of trouble with it a few years ago.
Yang: ...Ooh, backstory unlocked~.
Ren: Wait, when was this? We're barely old enough to drink, let alone gamble, and you're saying you did both before Beacon?
Jaune: No, no, it wasn't me! It was my grandma.
Yang: Aw! What happened? Did she circle the wrong number on her bingo card?
Jaune: Uh, more like start a gang war to get out of paying off her debts.
Yang: Do what now?
Jaune: It was a couple years ago when grandma came to visit. She decided to go out for a night of fun, and I decided to tag along. Her assistant was really not happy about it.
Yang: Aw, your granny has someone from the nursing home to help her?
Jaune: No, no, trust me. The only thing she needs help with is staying out of trouble. One guy tried to grab her, and she broke his face! Through a wall! Into another guy through another wall! She is SCARY strong! Like, stronger than Nora strong!
Yang: Pfft, I bet I could take her.
Ren: So what kind of trouble does she get into?
Jaune: Uh, let's see... Gambling debts, drinking excessively, destructive behaviour...
Ren: The fact you are counting these off is beyond concerning.
Jaune: But ever since she got her new job, things have kind of gone quiet, last I heard.
Ren: What does she do?
Jaune: Well, she's a doctor, for one, but she's also a very important in her hometown.
Yang: Sounds pretty boring.
Meanwhile, elsewhere...
Shizune: For the last time, Lady Hokage; no matter how boring this may seem, you can't just go out to a gambling hall! You have important duties to perform!
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Sheesh, you're no fun... Hah... If only Jaune were here. He'd definitely come out to a gambling hall.
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mlpoutofcontext · 3 months
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
How do you think anthony would react to Hyacinth dating? Or as she would say "hanging out"
Also, what of she refused to introduce her dates to her family?
Okay, but imagine Anthony, walking down the street one day, Neddy holding onto the pram while Charlotte sleeps, Miles on the other side, Newton trundling along at his side and suddenly there’s his baby sister, sat outside a cinema with some lech!
Anthony’s shoulders heaved, “Neddy, Miles, keep holding onto the pram, please, Papa needs to call Granny.”
“Will you tell her about my new shoes?”
“I will definitely tell her, if I have time.” Anthony tutted impatiently waiting for the phone to connect, “Mum! Why have I just seen Hyacinth going into a dark, secluded location with a lech?”
“What’s a lech?” Neddy asked curiously, “Tell her about my shoes.”
“It’s the kind of boy you’ll never be.” Anthony said quickly before he sighed, “Neddy got new shoes today, they’re silver.”
“That’s sweet, tell him I can’t wait to see them.” His mother hummed happily.
“Nothing on your daughter then?”
“Anthony, she’s just hanging out with a boy.” Violet sighed, “Where was this dark place you saw them disappear into?”
“Well, that’s what they call hooking up now, Mum! The youths have gone wild! That entire time at Wimbledon Kate said she and I were Chilling we were doing a lot more than that!”
“Kate’s my Mummy!” Miles said jumping up and down.
“She is buddy, that’s right.”
“Anthony, your sister is an adult.” Violet sighed, “And you still haven’t answered where she was.”
“She was at the cinema.” Anthony said after a long moment sighing, “It’s possible she was at the cinema.”
“Well,” His mother sighed, “Maybe we just mind our own business and take your children to see their Mother practice.”
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busarewski · 1 month
WiP Wednesday - The Dao of Baking
From Chapter 3, Di Feisheng is considering his options, and his past. There was that summer in Germany...
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Granny Li’s stratagem seemed to be working. Di Feisheng had been rather reluctant to put on the deeply v-necked sweater she had brought to the café, but had been bullied into it by sheer force. It was impossible to resist Granny Li when she had made her mind up. 
‘It brings out your eyes, and it’s very deep cut so he will notice those bite-marks you’re pretending are not there. It’s very important to make him jealous and possessive. He is a very observant young man.’
Di Feisheng hadn’t been quite sure she was right, but ended up putting on the sweater for the visit since the material was very soft and he looked pretty good in it. He might not want to admit it to the aunties, but he did want Li Xiangyi to want him again.
Di Feisheng felt that last night had reawakened a forgotten side in him. The teasing, wanting and taking that had gone on between him and Xiaobao had made him realize how much he’d missed sex and intimacy. There hadn’t been a lot of opportunities for it since he came back to China. He’d been so busy fixing up the café and getting his new life in order that everything else had been put on hold. Now his body cried out for more and more. Xiaobao had been an unexpected delight, but the old memories of Li Xiangyi and all they had shared also wanted attention. And then all he had gone through in Europe; his reckless days of trying to find some meaning with life again after losing everything.  
The intense relationship he’d had with Li Xiangyi more than ten years ago had been his first serious attachment. They had known each other inside and out, and exactly how to wind the other one up. Their life together had been all-encompassing, fabulous and the best two years ever. When it ended so abruptly it had been devastating for him. It had taken years of loneliness and hard work in Europe until he had allowed himself to feel anything at all again, least of all happiness. 
He’d then tumbled into a couple of years of quite wild behaviour — trying to fill the emptiness with one-night stands and fucking a lot of inappropriate guys. He’d spent an extremely warm summer with a German chef in Berlin, which had been very educational — though mostly learning about things he didn’t like. He’d never sunbathed naked so much before or after that summer, one of the few things he had enjoyed. 
He’d also learnt how to make an amazingly sensual and both tart and sweet pastry called Kirschtaler that summer. He’d first tried it at a small local bakery, and became so hooked on it that he’d managed to charm the elderly owner to teach him how to make it. The woman was quite gruff and hadn’t wanted to at first, but since he came back practically every day she had finally given in to his persuasion campaign. Luckily his German had improved quite a bit during the summer, thanks to the chef’s bedtime lessons, so he’d managed to follow the recipe and even got to try making them side by side with the owner. She nodded and even smiled when she tasted his last batch. The dough was quite special, made with a mix of German curd cheese - quark - and oil, which almost made it into a puff pastry but not quite. It was quick to prepare, and you rolled them into rounds that you filled with fresh pitted cherries and covered with streusel. Sometimes they were covered with sugar glaze as well, but Di Feisheng thought that was a bit too much. He wondered if Xiaobao had ever heard of Kirschtaler. He would probably love them, and his mouth would taste so good after he’d eaten them. Di Feisheng hadn't thought about those pastries for years, but now he couldn’t wait for cherry season to come. 
Those years in Europe had been an education indeed. He did get better at finding out his own strengths and how to find short time happiness in the liminal world of guest gigs and apprenticeships. He enjoyed making people feel good, and became very good at finding their hidden wants. Bodies were fun to explore, but he’d learnt the hard way not to let them too close to his heart.  
Maybe that was the difference this time? He actually felt quite fond of the puppy, had been for a while. That had probably played an important part in why last night had ended up being such fun. Maybe that was what he had missed all these years. Actually liking the other guy? 
He would have to deal with those pesky feelings soon. But what to do about the puppy would have to be a question for another day. Now he had to concentrate on solving the past, and  get the answers to all those questions he had about it. The man he had loved and lost was standing right in front of him, staring at his neck. Were the puppy’s bite marks coming back to haunt him, or help him? He wouldn’t know until he talked it out with Li Xiangyi.
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ricky-toon · 9 months
Lyrabon appearances: MLP Season 8
The Maud Couple
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Mane 6 stop interrupting Lyrabon's date challenge- impossible
Grannies Gone Wild
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Yep, impossible
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I wonder why Lyra looks so annoyed
The Break Up Break Down
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Exchanging gifts on Pony Valentine's day? There were still people who denied these two were an item when this episode came out xD
The End in Friend
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These two will never be able to enjoy their dates in Ponyville huh
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My other Lyrabon Compilations: Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 9
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lily-alphonse · 28 days
hi! for your rarepair suggestion thing, i would love to see Leah x Alex, idk i just think they’d be fun together
I’m really loving your rarepairs so far, i think the Shane and Sandy one is my favorite so far! Can’t wait to see more!!
Ottterpops I love you. I see you in my notifications all the time and this is the sweetest little ask I love knowing these things like which are people's favorites and stuff wow wow wow 10/10 ♥️♥️ reach out more often my dear I love you
Damn. Leah and ALEX? Ughghapeuwefn 😩 What the hell would they be doing together?
Ok. Ok. Asshole Alex? Asshole Alex. Misogynist Alex. Strong and independent Leah. I'm cooking, let's go.
ITS ENEMIES TO LOVERS TIME BABYYYY 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The crowd goes wild, they're going feral, we love to see it
They're butting heads right off the BAT. Because see, Alex is just coming back after flunking out of university. And Leah just moved to Pelican Town like a year ago. So she's had time to get settled into town, maybe even helps out Granny Evelyn sometimes since Alex was gone.
Actually, she's heard a lot of great things about Alex from his grandmother. She was looking forward to meeting him. The first time she sees him, she thinks he’s super hot. How couldn't she? He's got muscles on muscles and a little dimple in his chin to boot. 
But Alex comes home, feeling like absolute trash after his dreams have come crashing down, and there is a stranger in his house acting like she knows his family better than him. So that goes over GREAT (/s) as you can imagine.
He immediately has an attitude with her, to Evelyn's horror. She apologizes for him while he walks away and slams his door like a moody teenager. (Oh god this would be so fun to do a back and forth with them both being justified in their hatred of each other I'm salivating.)
Alex has also been raised that women should present themselves a certain way, and act a certain way, and Leah is none of that. She wears chunky hiking sandals and no makeup and has arms covered in scars from her work. She does intense manual labor and lives on her own in the woods. She even helped clean the gutters while he was gone, which is another thing on the long list of insults to Alex's manhood that he takes personally. Cleaning the gutters was HIS job.
They have a bunch of tense run-ins from there as he tries to re-establish himself. He sends her away when she comes by to check in on his grandparents. She holds her tongue then out of respect for his grandmother, but she isn’t so quiet on their next run-in. 
He comes across her in the forest on his morning jog and she’s CHOPPING WOOD of all things. Alex hasn't held an axe in years. It pisses him off. He asks her what she’s doing (with an attitude, of course) and she is all too happy to put him in his place with her axe in-hand. She shouts at him and calls him a jughead, among other names.
Alex is silent throughout. Normally he hates being yelled at, it's triggering. By coaches, by his grandpa (reminds him of his dad). But it's different coming from a girl. She’s sweating, muscled arms out, and wielding her axe. It’s… almost kind of hot? He tries to not think about it too much and stay mad, but later realizes he might actually like a girl with fire in her blood. 
He starts actually kind of looking forward to crossing paths with her, to have her attention on him no matter how negative. Throughout this time he’s also working through the grief of his failure, and figuring out a new future now that his gridball scholarship is gone. Evelyn continues to give him grief about how he treats her, and he starts to feel bad about how he came between them. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to have her start coming around again, if anything just to annoy the hell out of her.
She's cold to him when he visits, which was to be expected. She looks him up and down, eyes narrowed and scrutinizing. She has some paint on her arms and fingers. It seems like she wants to yell at him but she's holding it in. 
"Granny okay?" she asks.
He nods, and can barely start saying "Yes" before she is shutting the door. "Wait!"
She opens the door and crosses her arms, taking a deep breath and unleashing her anger on him. She's defending her right to stay here, telling him he's not going to run her out, that she is stronger than he thinks and has dealt with worse than the likes of him. He is once again silent, and a little turned on, until she stops to breathe and he can get a word in.
"I came to apologize."
She deflates. "You... what?"
He shifts uncomfortably, runs a hand through his hair. "I was an ass, when you got here. I was... I was just going through shit and I think you should go back to coming over, if you want.”
She takes a deep breath to recalibrate, and takes a moment to think. She's always wanted things to be okay with Alex. It was incredibly stressful to be at odds with him, and lose the precarious belonging she had found in her new town. 
"Noted," is her eventual response.
"Yes. I don't forgive you, yet."
He nods sheepishly. "Understandable, I guess."
She has him wait there in the doorway and comes back with her phone. She holds it up as if filming him.
"Alright, Jughead. Say 'I'm a dumbass and I'm sorry.'"
He sucks his teeth and shifts uncomfortably. "You're not gonna post this somewhere are you?"
"No. Promise. I won't promise I won't show anyone else though." She smiles for the first time at him, and he has to relent at that.
"I'm a dumbass and I'm sorry," he says, looking at her instead of her phone.
She laughs, and even though its at his expense it makes him smile. She has a good laugh. "And 'Leah is better at cleaning the gutters than I am'," she adds.
He gapes at her. "That is NOT true."
She shrugs and stops the video. "Remains to be seen."
"Am I forgiven now?"
"Oh, this is only the beginning," Leah grins impishly.
And thus begins their romance arc. The teasing is more playful than mean. Sometimes they end up working on something together, and it's not so bad. They help clear the driveway of snow together and end up tossing snowballs at each other. It gets dangerously cute.
Leah sees more of how Alex actually is. He's a good man who has just been through a lot. She could see herself with a man like him. But surely not him, she still has to hold her grudge after all. She's happy things are mostly back to normal though, she doesn't have to consider moving again.
Then Evelyn has a fall or something and they both rush to the hospital together. She can tell Alex is bottling everything, trying to stay strong in the hospital room. Leah takes his hand and squeezes and he doesn't shove her off. Afterwards when they get home she follows him into his room.
"Hm." He's avoiding looking at her and keeps swallowing. He looks to be dissociating.
She takes another chance and hugs him hard. He puts an arm around her weakly.
"Come on squeeze me like you mean it!" she scolds, muffled in his chest.
He makes a sound half chuckle, half sigh, and squeezes her back.
"Harder, I'm not made of glass," she whacks him on the head for good measure this time.
It works, because he chuckles and squeezes so hard she can't breathe. She squeezes him back as hard as she can, and they just hold each other for a moment, partially comforting and partially a contest of strength.
When he pulls back both their eyes are misty and she brings her hand to his cheek. They both kind of want to kiss and are both terrified of upsetting the other person. But as soon as Leah feels Alex leaning in even slightly, she takes full advantage and pulls him down the rest of the way to kiss.
I TOOK THIS ONE SO SERIOUSLY I SPENT SO MUCH TIME ON IT LOLLL I actually ended up rewriting it because I didn't like the first one
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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