#grandfather egon
ask-sister-solaris · 5 months
Can you write us some Egon as a grandpa happy stuff please 🥺
Of course I can
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Yeah don’t mind the GIF
“The monsters gone and your Grandpas here”
Egon being a grandpa to reader because if I’m honest I dont really know Phoebe that well character wise and I’m not in the mood for angst.
You were only six when you first visited your grandfathers house. Looking up at the somewhat tall building clutching your little backpack in one hand your teddy under the same arm, you hesitated before stepping up to the door and knocked. Egon pushed his glasses up and opened the door grinning at the sight of his grandchild. He knelt down and opened his arms for a hug which you rushed into. You loved your grandpa so much, he was always showing you new inventions when he visited yours or stayed the night. You’d never been allowed to stay at his overnight before because your mother was hesitant. He’d not been there for her when she was younger, but Egon had a reason. Ghost busting wasn’t easy, and it was dangerous to. Even during the five year gap anything could have clung to him, he couldn’t risk harming his daughter.
He led you into the house and closed the door behind him. He took you upstairs to where you’d be staying the night, though unbeknownst to little you, you’d be staying with him for much much longer. He sat you on the bed, the wardrobe was packed with clothes he’d bought you, shoes anything clothes wise you’d need for now. “Now how about you get use to your new room while grandpa makes some dinner hm? I left a few inventions in here for you to look at” he smiled and stood leaving to the kitchen. You looked around and found the inventions he was talking about. One looked like a mini proton pack that he’d shown you a picture of. He told you all about when he was a ghostbuster, about the 100ft Stay Puft Man, about a possessed painting, mood slime that could be charged negatively or positively. It all seemed like a fairytale but his notes and colleagues had confirmed it was indeed true.
After dinner he told you more stories, the one about the first time they caught a ghost and Venkman got slimed, one about how Sal (Rays daughter), Ray, Winston and himself had been covered head to toe in ectoplasmic slime because they’d fallen into a whole river of it. You felt your eyes grow heavy as you slowly fell asleep on his lap. He carried you to bed and laid you down, kissing your forehead gently with a smile. You were so much like Callie…yet…so much like him. He sighed as he headed to bed and sat down rubbing his eyes. He took his glasses off and laid down falling asleep. It seemed like he was only asleep for a few hours before a scream filled the house. He sat up and grabbed his glasses running to your room.
You’d been woken up by a night terror and were currently sobbing and curled up in a ball. Egon pushed the door open and went over sitting on the bed “hey little dove what’s wrong? Was it one of the night terrors your mother told me about?” You hiccuped and looked up practically throwing yourself at him, into his arms. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, his rough but sturdy hand making small circles on your back. You whimpered and the crying died down to sniffling and hiccups. Egon held you close and kissed your forehead again rocking back and forth “the monsters gone and your grandpas here” Egon laid down on your bed next to you and played with your hair gently. He wanted to make sure that those nightmares would never bother you again. A smile spread across his face feeling your breathing return to a clam even pace, looking down you were fast on in his arms. “I love you..so much. You’re going to be a special girl when you grow up.
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stuckasmain · 5 months
Phoebe is her grandfathers granddaughter. It’s no secret, however the connection I particularly enjoy and don’t see a lot of people talk about is her anger/impulse.
She’s what would happen if Egon did not have Peter to hold him back. There’s no one stopping her from lunging at someone or speaking her mind/getting in trouble for it.
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cy-fi-theansweris42 · 6 months
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire spoilers ahead
I've seen some criticism over Phoebe's actions in Frozen Empire, more specifically over the point when she separates her spirit from her body, calling it "a dumb decision", that "she's smarter than that", that it's "out of character for her", and just like.
First of all, remember she's 15??? She's a teenager??
But also I want to argue that it does make sense for her character, especially after everything that happened in Frozen Empire leading up to that moment.
Before we talk about Frozen Empire, we have to remember her story arc from Afterlife.
In Afterlife, Phoebe is uprooted from where they were previously living, and we know she has trouble making friends. Trevor tells her to tell him some of the jokes she's been practicing, her mom tells her to "not be herself" (jokingly/affectionately, but it's still said), and we know that Phoebe struggles to make friends. She struggles to connect with people.
Then she finds out her grandfather was a scientist, like her. He was a Ghostbuster, something that she connects to. She compares herself to Egon and is upset when she finds out her mom didn't tell her that her grandfather was a scientist like her. Then, most importantly here, her mom says that Phoebe "found herself" at the farm.
During Afterlife, Phoebe's story is about finding herself and connecting to who her grandfather was, a scientist, a Ghostbuster.
Flashforward to Frozen Empire.
Now they're in New York, and from what we see even though it's been 3 years since the events of Afterlife, it doesn't seem like Phoebe has really made any new friends in New York, she's still friends with Podcast, but he still lives in Summerville and is only there for the summer. She has her family, but she doesn't have any friends there. Her focus seems to be on being a Ghostbuster because that's where she found herself, that's what she wants to do.
And then it's being taken away from her.
She's suddenly told that she can't be a Ghostbuster because she's too young, and all the while the rest of her family is continuing to go out on busts and leaving her behind. There's things going on, and she's told she can't help, which just throws the fact that the thing she loves, the thing she wants to do, has been taken away from her.
And then, while upset from this, she makes a friend, Melody. It's someone she can talk to, that she seems to enjoy being around. She doesn't know that Melody has an agenda, that Melody is going to use her (not hating on Melody, that's just literally what happens). To her, Melody is a friend and someone she can talk to that distracts her from how another part of her life has been taken away.
Now I don't know if anything has been confirmed, but Phoebe comes off as neurodivergent (honestly I would not be surprised if she was intentionally written that way). One thing when you're neurodivergent and struggle to make friends is like, when someone acts like they want to be around you, to be your friend, you might not catch any signs that something's up.
So with that in mind, remember that Phoebe had no reason to suspect anything was going on with Melody. Before separating her soul from her body, Phoebe just thought she was finding a way to exist on the same plane as her friend. It was a way to just be with her friend for just a couple of minutes. Remember, it was just for two minutes.
So, during a time when Phoebe had something important to her taken away, a part of her identity taken away, she made a connection with someone she trusted and believed to be her friend. Of course she'd trust her, of course she'd try to essentially hang out with her friend for just a couple minutes.
She didn't know what was going to happen next.
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phoebeejeebies · 5 months
thinking about phoebe exploring ray's apartment when she moves to new york city, a few days after her family move into the firehouse. thinking hard about how ray's occult books has remnants of egon everywhere, if you look hard enough. if you squint, there's a memory here and there. amongst all of ray's other memorabilia that means a lot to him. thinking about how ray sees him in her SO much. how her mannerisms are so similar, and yet distinctly phoebe. and when phoebe steps foot into his apartment, it's so distinctly Ray. and there's elements of ghostbusting, mostly memories, everywhere. and if you squint, there's a photo of these young ghostbusters, faded but youthful nonetheless. and if you squint, there's a pile of letters, dated letters with egon's handwriting on it. and she recognises this handwriting, of course she does. she's seen it before when she was in summerville!!! at her grandfathers place !!!!!!!! and im thinking about the cogs turning in her head as she slowly pieces together the closeness her grandfather had with this Mr. Ray she looks up to so dearly.
oh boy i am thinking . . .
(heavily inspired from THIS!!!! fic !!!!)
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jenevawashere · 5 months
This was originally a reblog on one of @phoebeejeebies posts but I'm still internally screaming about it so you can now suffer with us! (if you want more context go read theirs first)
Phoebe takes the chess set with her, knowing no one will be there because it's night time. She does all of this as if it is a routine she does once a week. It doesn't feel like a spur of the moment decision. This is something she has done multiple times since moving to New York.
Now we do need to mention, she is a fifteen year old alone in New York City at night in a park. That is a really stupid thing to do alone in any city at night no matter your age. The repetitive nature with which she does this suggests to me that she isn't worried about this because she knows that she isn't alone.
I have yet to listen to the soundtrack for GFE, but I have an ear for music cues and reprises (Infinity War and Endgame were music goldmines for me and I remember losing my mind at the music choices in the theater, so much so that my silent nerding out annoyed my dad). Somehow, without knowing that the reused the first bit of Chess, I recognized what the tune implied along with Phoebe's actions.
I don't remember who plays first, but when the other chess piece moves, she looks around as if she's looking for someone. Again! Keep in mind, this is a weekly occurrence. She isn't confused because she's playing chess with a ghost, she's confused because Egon has yet to materialize.
When Melody materializes, Phoebe is disappointed that it isn't him. You can see it in her face. This is something sacred that she does with her grandfather once a week. Something her family doesn't know about. Ok, maybe Trevor knows.
If Egon did/does actually come back to visit, you can't tell me he only spent time with Phoebe. He literally helped Trevor fix the Ecto in GA, he was supervising Trev the entire time. There's even a small moment when the Ecto is going through the field that you can see the silhouette of another person in the car through the back windshield. I highly doubt Egon would let his grandson do something so reckless unsupervised. (Yes this was probably a camera man or a member of the stunt crew or something, but if it were, wouldn't they have removed it?)
After being benched, Phoebe needs someone to talk to, someone who will understand, and he isn't there. Instead, there's this ghost of some girl that's on fire and, oh, she's kinda cute...
NOW! IF this is something Phoebe and Egon do regularly (as is implied), why isn't he there?
I think, he heard about Garraka down some spiritual grape vine and knows that the ice age personified can control other spirits, or maybe he read something about it during self imposed watch duty in Summerville. The only reason Melody isn't being controlled like a puppet is because she made a deal with Garraka. Egon would know how dangerous being around the orb is.
These are his friends we're talking about. This is his family! He left to protect them by standing on the front line when no one else would. They are his world at this point. If his being there even as a ghost is what will put them in danger, then he is going to stay the fuck away if it will keep them safe.
The night after everything has thawed, I'd like to think that Phoebe went out at night and went back to the park without the chess set. He was waiting for here there, ready to comfort her in the way he couldn't a few days before.
*takes a deep breath, then screams* AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sillyreallyidk · 5 months
ehh i tend to ramble on my stories on insta but idk i might do both on here and tumblr
anywho, yes i finally watched it. and i actually loved it??? like it felt so nostalgic even though i like watched the originals billions of times with my father. but bro it felt so different just hearing the old ost and ambience dude. like holy shitttt😭. it was so so so so great watching it. nice seeing the spirits/ghosts like shootingv stars in a way? felt so bad when i saw egons death from the chair (rip :(() it made me honestly happy to see phoebe have characteristics from her grandfather like MWAH. ik it’s just curly hair and glasses but idc top notch tbh.
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she so silly though i love her and her jokes. ig the landlord was nice enough to change the locks when they’re out (like that won’t matter for her) made me feel so happy that egon wanted to play chess (or it couldve been some other ghost) and play with phoebe. i wish i got to see it in theaters and not beeen like “wahhh wahhh its a new movie from a older movie that i love its gonna be terrible!!” imd, i saw halloween kills that year and it was pretty decent, so i thought it was just gonna be BLEH or something ig. but Podcast honestly reminded me of Ray ngl like THEIR HAIRRRR‼️
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im sure they did it intentionally but ibjust love it man. and ray knowing podcast’s podcast. LIKE that warmed my heart man😭😭😭. it was honestly sweet that egon was directing with the lights and showing phoebe what to do to fix the proton blaster like awhhhh 😭😭. OH AND THEM FINDING THE GHOSTBUSTERS CAR LIKE AHHHH. but honestly such a cool sweet heart warming story. i sure did miss gozer tbh. big surprise to see jk simmons there tbh😭 and then split in half poor fellow just wanted to rule the world too ig
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just loved it when she said it here too “are you a god?” 😭😭 and then ray had to remember silky ray. but so sweet to see that egon help out phoebe and see thebold gang and hugging his daughter :(((. even though he said like NOTHING it was still so so so sweet. i bet harold ramis would be so proud of this movie if there is an afterlife perchance. i should be like doing schoolwork right now but here i am rantijg to like 2 of my closest friends EVER (ily both so so much if you even read this) or even the internet 😭😭😭 but oh well.
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kinda myv only complaint about the film is that they just deepened the voices ofbthe mom and gooberson when they were possessed by gatekeeper and keymaster and even the eyes were very red like ik it was like that KINDA in the first film but cmon man. anywho rant over. WAY BETTER THAN THE 2016 VERSION.
i think i may watch the frozen empire one pirately like i did with afterlife‼️‼️
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Phoebe Spengler Reader with Platonic Tesla, Beelzebub, other Scientists, Jack, Hermes, Buddha, Hades and Apollo who’s the granddaughter of Egon Spengler one of the original Ghostbusters (If you seen the newest ghostbuster movies)
She’s socially awkward, introverted, has a hard time making friends, a unique sense of humor (Science jokes) but also highly intelligent and has a scientific mind, being able to keep up conversations with the Scientists and Tesla despite being 12 years old (This is set in Ghostbusters: Afterlife)
She’s known for doing her own experiments and inventions, even if they’re dangerous
She’s proud of who her grandfather is, as they’re the same, both being different from others, yet are intellectual geniuses (As knowing who he was made her feel accepted and that she’s not weird)
Her ‘terrible’ science jokes and puns always gives Tesla and the Scientists a good laugh (Why can’t you trust atoms? Because they make up everything)
If you don’t know who this is then it’s okay to ignore this, I love Ghostbusters
Forgive me my dear for responding so late to this, but I haven't seen any of the newer Ghostbuster movies. I've only ever seen the original one and the 1st sequel :(
I apologize but I won't be able to write this as I don't know this character to be able to write it correctly.
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ask-melody-hayes · 5 months
Have u gotten to meet Egon yet weaving in and out of the universe?
Yeah. Hes also watching down on Pheobe, which is sort of sweet to see first hand. . .
He’s really, really proud of her . Based on what I’m seein’, Pheobe is absolutely her grandfather’s granddaughter . No doubts at ALL in my mind about that.
He’s really fascinated by me, asking me all sorts of questions about what it feels like to keep materializing and dematerializing.
He’s given me a few theories of his as to why it’s happening. We both think it’s because of the unfinished business I have with Pheobe.
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ask-phoebespengler · 4 months
Has your grandfather Egon realized you and Melody are together?
I think so? I believe some anon told him.
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inevitablemoment · 5 months
What We May Yet Spend
Fandom: Ghostbusters Pairings: Egon Spengler/Cathleen Paige Spengler, Phoebe Spengler/Melody
"You were falling in love with her... weren't you?"
Phoebe looked back up at her grandmother. Though she tried her best to hide it, she couldn't hide both her confusion towards her grandmother's question and her trepidation of how the older woman would react if she answered "Yes."
So, instead, Phoebe responded with another question. "Why do you ask?"
Cathleen smiled at her.
"The look on your face..." she sat back down on the couch next to Phoebe. "That's the same look that your grandfather would have every time he looked at me."
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pluralzalpha · 8 months
Genuine storylines from episodes of The Real Ghostbusters (part 2):
Egon is turned into a baby.
A Donald Trump stand-in opens a hotel, mistakenly hires it out to a ghost convention (also a dentist convention, they're much worse).
There's an entire episode based on 'Citizen Kane.'
The guys encounter vampires living in archaic villages on two separate occasions. Both times they act like they've never met them before.
They also meet a ghost vampire who sucks slime.
Egon swaps bodies with Slimer.
Yes, gremlins destroy Peter's car. Ray and Egon invent a car that can indefinitely repair and redesign itself. They don't use this incredible invention to secure their fortune. They do meet Aretha Franklin though (sadly offscreen).
Some guy tries to start Ragnarok because his girlfriend dumped him.
The guys go to Paris to fight French ghosts, discover the Eiffel Tower is a ghost containment unit.
They go on a camping holiday and meet Bigfoot, who is from another dimension.
Egon awakens a dragon who belonged to his great-great-multiple-greats-grandfather, who was a wizard.
The guys go to a space station to rescue a crew of Star Trek character pastiches from a giant orange glob monster.
They fight fricking Cthulhu.
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gh0st-busted · 5 months
ꜱʜᴇ ʙʟɪɴᴅᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱᴄɪᴇɴᴄᴇ...
ᴀɴᴅ ʜɪᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʟᴏɢʏ
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General Info:
• Admin is over 18
• Multiship / Multicanon
• Banter and literate rp welcome
• Flirting is welcome
• Rude interactions / mean responses / etc allowed
• See Carrd for rules, basic character info, admin info, shipping info, and links!
(Carrd is really basic stuff, all you've really got to do is be nice I promise I'm not intimidating!)
Tags and AUs:
#modern!Elliot: When talking/posting about modern Elliot, he is around the same age as the original Ghostbusters. This is mostly canon compliant. Tag is #modern!elliot
#Old Gays AU: When talking/posting about the universe where he married Egon between the events of GB2 and Afterlife, the tag I use is #Old Gays AU. I will change if I write Egon as alive or dead in this universe based on the person interacting with it.
Admin's personal: @engiespengie
#Grandpa Elliot AU: @theiz365 and I write a universe tying in both of our OCS, vaguely after the events of Afterlife where Egon is alive and married to Elliot. Their OC, Izzy, is Phoebe's daughter, and both Phoebe and Izzy are referred to as granddaughters by Elliot because he married their grandfather. The tag on this account will be #Grandpa Elliot AU.
Egon rp side blog: @spenglerslabcoat
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lighthouseas · 6 months
ok so. gb frozen empire spoilers below .
-every time finn came onscreen i giggled and squealed it's true. trevor was fucking HILARIOUS in this dude. he's just a massive loser and doesn't really do too much and honestly ? im okay with that. "im 18, im an adult...." and then nadeem asking where the adults were later in the movie was fucking hilarious i care him
-speaking of which nadeem was so fucking funny lmao . literal firebender
-okay tee bee h i would've liked to see more of lucky, trevor, and callie, and i think they should've played a larger role. esp callie. but i guess she had her moment in the first movie. but lucky should've gotten more screentime fs
-sooome of the plot lines were a little awkward but it came together in the end
-SAPPHIC PHOEBE SPENGLER SAVE ME SAPPHIC PHOEBE SPENGLER. her whole thing with melody was fucking insane. LITERAL star crossed lovers. i actually really enjoyed how they did that and cried. it's true. get phoebe spengler a girlfriend
-ray acting as a grandfather to phoebe. yeah um i teared up a little.
-sad that egon was like. only mentioned in passing. that was very sad there should've been more of him
-SAPPHIC PHOEBE SPENGLER. Have I Mentioned Sapphic Phoebe Spengler.
-winston owning the firehouse was so cool good for him!!!!
-honestly mckenna grace totally served the entire time. she's so talented and putting her as a lead in the movie was a fantastic choice
-i have more thoughts im just tired
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ariel-seagull-wings · 11 months
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @professorlehnsherr-almashy @theselfshippingwitch @amalthea9 @slimerspengler @janeb984 @inevitablemoment
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FULL NAME: Noemi Adina Melnitz Spengler and Miriam Sarai Melnitz Spengler.
NICKNAME(S): Nomi and Miri.
FACECLAIM: The twins Drusilla and Minerva from the cartoon The Garfield Show (both voiced by Laura Summer), Madeline and Chloe from the cartoon Madeline, Tommy Picles and Chuckie Finster from the cartoon Rugrats.
BIRTHDAY: September 06th 1988.
SEXUALITY: The only thing they know is that they think two adults kissing is gross.
GENDER: Assigned female at birth (just because their parents it was more easy than calling them "the babies" or "it", but they made sure that the girls can change their gender identity when they're older).
OCCUPATION: Playing and studying.
BIRTHPLACE: Upper East Side, Manhattan, New York City.
LIVE IN: Tribeca, Manhattan, New York City.
Egon Spengler (father)
Janine Melnitz (mother)
Nathan Spengler (grandfather)
Ruth Spengler (grandmother)
Elon Spengler (uncle)
Cyrus Spengler (great uncle)
Joseph 'Joe' Melnitz (grandfather
Miriana 'Mimi' Melnitz (grandmother)
Bella Melnitz (great aunt)
Sabine Melnitz Banner (aunt)
Cait Banner (cousin)
Victor Banner (cousin)
CHARACTERISTICS: Both are playful, hyperactive, caring and protective. Noemi is thoughtful towards the needs of others, optimistic, confident, intelligent, courageous, compassionate, hard working and very persistent, possessing good detective skills and acting as a leader in times of need. While Miriam is pessimistic and easily scared, shy and reserved, but loyal and brave, capable of facing her fears briefly to come through her friends and give them emotional support. They can also both be short-tempered and sometimes act stubborn, specially when they were babies.
LIKES: Playing with puppets, building houses and clothers for their dolls, watching cartoons, singing, helping their father in his lab, drawing, imitate their mother on the reception phone, cooking alongside Slimer.
DISLIKES: When grown ups try to force decisions upon them ( instead of asking for their opinions) and also act smug and talk down in a condescending way to them for being small children, and don't admit right away to not knowing the answer for their questions.
Walkie talkie
PKE Meter
Ghost Trap
Noemi wears green framed glasses and purple hair clips in half up pigtails, and has a hair fringe, while Miriam wears red framed glasses and blue hair clips in high pigtails and has no hair fringe.
Surprisingly, both turned their heads down when Janine reached the ninth month of pregnancy, so their mother decided to have them born in a natural birth instead of a C-section.
As babies, they tought Slimer was a toy, and even bite him. They were only playing, and didn't meant harm, but it took time till Slimer understood that and became one of the girls best friends. Meanwhile, their uncle Peter was just amused of seeing the spud being tortured by the two babies.
They are huge opera geeks ever since their parents took them to watch Engelbert Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel for the first time.
Noemi: pleasantness
Adina: delicate
Miriam: bitter
Sarai: princess
Melnitz: steward
Spengler: metal worker
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erikiara80 · 1 year
A surprising parallel with Ghostbusters
I wanted to see if the mention of the only person who went missing before Will could be relevant. Maybe it is.
First of all, Hopper sleeping with the librarian always felt random to me. But maybe the writers wanted to connect this information to the library.
We know that it’s important. It’s where Joyce and Hopper find Will, and where in S2 he sends the soldiers to die (yeah, I think the tunnels and the animals used as incubators for the demodogs are under the library). And at the end of S4 the library is the convergence point of the gates.I think it is possible that we’ll find out who the person who vanished in the 20s is. Maybe it’s the old skeleton in the library. Or maybe in the library there were some important information on them?
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Anyway, that’s not the cool part.
1923 in other stories ST has parallels with
In Rose Red (parallels here) John Rimbauer, the owner of the haunted mansion that keeps growing like a cancer (like the UD/tunnels), is killed by his wife.
In the 1923 classic horror movie, Warning Shadows, during a dinner in the house of a wealthy count, a Shadowplayer gives the guests visions (here). This reminds me of the dinner at the Creel House. 
The director, Robison, was born in Chicago: in the Creel House’s attic there’s a musical score and the only word I can see is Chicago.
And Robison’s first movie, Night Horror, is about a woman who receives a message from a notary that her grandfather died. Virginia moved to Hawkins after her grand uncle died.
And what about Ghostbusters and Ivo Shandor?
He was the architect behind 550 Central Park West, the building that becomes a portal the god Gozer uses to try to invade our world.
I knew ST has a lot of parallels with Ghostbusters, but then I found out that Shandor completed the apartment building in 1923.
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Who is Ivo Shandor?
In 1920 he became a cult leader (parallel with the cult of Vecna?) and constructed the building using “magnesium-tungsten alloy and cold riveted girders with cores of pure selenium”. The special metal was a conductor that encouraged paranormal activity.
Ray: “The whole building is a huge super-conductive antenna that was designed and built expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbolence.”
Egon: “They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world.”
Shandor thought that the world was too sick to survive, so he began to worship the sumerian god Gozer and wanted it to destroy the world. 
A haunted house. A house with a Shadowplayer, and a cult leader who built a building as a gate for an evil god.
I really doubt it’s just a coincidence. 
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Steve and Dustin put a demodog in the Byers' fridge. The Terror Dog Zuul in Ghostbusters appeared in Dana Barett’s fridge. 
In Ghostbusters, the creatures that opened the gate are the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster
(thinking about all the keys and keyholes in S4)
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Not to mention that Finn plays one of the characters in Ghostbusters Afterlife where (SPOILER) Ivo Shandor appears.
The two Peters
Also. Venkman’s love interest Dana got possessed. We thought this was a parallel between Lumax and Byler, since both Will and Max got possessed/ cursed. But what if it's also foreshadowing of Edward and Henry, whose fake name is Peter?
Two people, Mike and Lucas, playing the same character: Peter Venkman...
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And in S4 we see the name Peter (plural) associated with keys
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Much to think about.  @lilitblaukatz​ (I tag you because this is the most interesting and unexpected connection I found)
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magomo · 1 year
Egon Lindenbaum
Jacob and Nina Lindenbaum's Papa
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"Egon Lindenbaum is said to look almost identical to his grandfather, who took his wife's surname and married into the Lindenbaum family."
👀 Who does he look like? Who's Egon's grandfather, Jacob and Nina's great-grandfather?
If you don't know, yes you do. 😌
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