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inevitablemoment · 11 months ago
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A little incorrect quote set after the courtroom bust. Ray is very much the Boyle to Egon and Cathleen's Peraltiago.
For reference, Cathleen is 34 weeks pregnant with Marie.
Thank you again to @lilysketchingsth for this beautiful work of art! Forever grateful that I came across your blog.
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inevitablemoment · 1 year ago
@ariel-seagull-wings How about you send me some of these prompts for Egon and Cathleen?
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue
First 10 grumpy prompts + last 10 sunshine prompts
"You're definitely the only person I would do this for."
"How can you be this happy this early in the morning?"
"No, it's not annoying. I- It makes me happy to see you so happy."
"We're so different. I wouldn't want to pull you down."
"I'll do it, but only because you asked me to."
"No, no, please don't look sad. I can't handle that."
"You're so excited all the time... it's kind of adorable."
"I'm not grumpy. Not everyone can smile all the time. Except you."
"Why do you always manage to persuade me with your charms?"
"Are you really this happy 24/7?"
"Are you really this grumpy 24/7?"
"Oh, come on, grumpy face, it will be fun!"
"I'm so excited, thank you for coming even though you're not the biggest fan of it."
"You smiled! I saw it, so no denying it."
"It was fun, right? Come on, you can just admit it."
"Will you dance with me? Please, pretty please!"
"I love that grumpy face of yours."
"Everyone should dance in the rain at least once in their lives."
"Oh, your smile is so beautiful! I would love to see it more often."
"Don't look so grumpy, it will be great!"
Grumpy Affectionate Dialogue
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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inevitablemoment · 3 months ago
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An illustration of a scene in the Cathleen Lives version of Afterlife.
A special thank you to @lilysketchingsth for this early birthday gift!
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inevitablemoment · 11 months ago
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inevitablemoment · 10 months ago
Canonverse!Post-Ghostbusters II!Egon and Cathleen Lives!Afterlife era!Cathleen are so "My Green Light"-coded.
@ariel-seagull-wings You need to listen to this song and you will know what I mean.
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inevitablemoment · 2 years ago
Feel fee to drop some of these prompts for the following pairings in my Cathleen Lives ‘verse.
Cathlegon (can still do some angsty shit in the canon ‘verse, too)
Peter x Dana
Startha (Ray x Martha)
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requested by: anonymous
Feel free to use and reblog!
more non-verbal than verbal communication
being the most endearing spouse, even though they're not the 'marriage type'
needing the other's presence, even if they're each doing their own thing, but they have to be with each other
having a shorthand for everything
fussing over the other
being able to predict the other's moves
being able to predict the other's words
having the same conversation in a certain situation all the time
sharing responsibilities
teasing the other just because they can
always arguing about the same things
being a chill couple when there are others around, but getting touchy/freaky behind closed doors
feeling like they're missing a limb when they're alone
playing with their wedding band when they're thinking about the other
always considering what the other would think if they would be there Dialogue:
"I didn't sign up for this."
"Why did I know you would do that?"
"You know what I'll say."
"Who else should I annoy if not my wife/husband/spouse?!"
"Come back! I'm not ready to get up yet. So you aren't either."
"One more kiss, please!"
"Oh honey, come here!"
*staring at their sleepy partner* "How are you so adorable?" *barely able to open their eyes* "I've never looked nastier."
"You can't escape. You're bound to me for life!"
"... You were right." "Say that again!"
"Did you miss me?"
"Not that gain! I can't believe we're discussing this again!"
"Is that my shirt?"
"Don't worry, I'll be there."
"I'm home, sweetheart!"
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inevitablemoment · 11 months ago
What We May Yet Spend
Fandom: Ghostbusters Pairings: Egon Spengler/Cathleen Paige Spengler, Phoebe Spengler/Melody
"You were falling in love with her... weren't you?"
Phoebe looked back up at her grandmother. Though she tried her best to hide it, she couldn't hide both her confusion towards her grandmother's question and her trepidation of how the older woman would react if she answered "Yes."
So, instead, Phoebe responded with another question. "Why do you ask?"
Cathleen smiled at her.
"The look on your face..." she sat back down on the couch next to Phoebe. "That's the same look that your grandfather would have every time he looked at me."
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inevitablemoment · 1 year ago
I'm impatient, so does anyone want to hear any Egon and Cathleen during her pregnancies headcanons?
*no one raises their hands* Okay, here we go... It's all under the cut.
As I've brought up before, Egon and Cathleen struggled to conceive, and Cathleen suffered a second-trimester miscarriage.
After some time to heal and take a break (as well as Cathleen's struggles with alcoholism), Cathleen becomes pregnant with Callie.
They're living in Cambridge at the time, as Egon is studying at MIT, so Cathleen rushes to the campus to tell Egon as soon as her doctor confirms it.
Egon is just... so happy. But he's also very scared, as he's afraid what a second miscarriage or a stillbirth would do to Cathleen, as well as losing another baby.
Cathleen deals with a lot of morning sickness during the first trimester and well into her fourth month. Egon tries various cures that he's either read about or learned from his mother and his sister-in-law, but the most that Cathleen can keep down are water and saltines.
Doctors' appointments are always a source of anxiety for the both of them, but they're always relieved when they hear their baby's heartbeat.
Cathleen steals a lot of Egon's clothes as she gets bigger. By her ninth month, she's usually curled up in bed with a pillow between her legs and swimming in his MIT sweatshirt.
They both KNOW that the baby's a girl, but they still refer to the baby in a gender neutral way throughout the pregnancy.
You KNOW that Egon goes deep into researching everything there is to know about pregnancy. He also keeps logs of Cathleen's symptoms and the size of her growing belly.
He reads about bonding with the baby while they're still in the womb, and talks to the belly before he leaves for the day and when he comes home. He reads aloud to the baby, and Cathleen plays music.
Cathleen mostly craves sweets during her pregnancy, with her favorite being her mother-in-law's recipe for brownies.
Cathleen is a week or two overdue when she finally goes into labor. As she and Egon are leaving for the hospital, her water breaks in the car. Labor is long and grueling, but it's all worth it in the end when Callie Violet Spengler is born.
Cathleen deals with some pretty rough postpartum depression for the first few months of Callie's life. She's convinced that Callie hates her, that Callie loves Egon more than her, and that she's a terrible mother. Thankfully, she has a good support system (especially since she went no contact with her side of the family) and is able to develop healthier coping mechanisms.
In the Cathleen Lives AU, Marie is a bit of a surprise.
Cathleen is 44, not to mention Callie was the only child that she had carried to term up to that point, so she and Egon assumed that their childbearing days were behind them.
So imagine how shocked Cathleen is when her doctor tells that it's not early menopause, she's pregnant.
It takes about a day for her to let it sink in before she tells Egon.
While Egon is just as shocked as her, he is very happy.
Callie, who is nearing her ninth birthday, is excited about the idea of a little brother or sister, which relieves her parents.
Surprisingly, despite being an older mother, this pregnancy seems to go off without a hitch. I mean, she still has awful morning sickness, but there's no dire health concerns.
During the events of Ghostbusters II, Cathleen is very close to her due date.
Egon is pretty concerned with her being out in the field, but she insists that she can take care of herself.
Eventually, the stress of being wrongfully committed and learning that Callie followed Dana to the museum is a factor in sending her into labor, and she has contractions throughout the night.
After Vigo's defeat, her water breaks and she confesses to Egon that she tried to hide that she was in labor.
While Egon is upset that she didn't tell him, that is quickly swept away by excitement and happiness.
An ambulance is waiting outside to take Cathleen to the hospital, and by the time they arrive, she's fully dilated.
Marie Rae Spengler is born half-past midnight on New Year's Day.
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inevitablemoment · 3 months ago
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I found this picture of Sharon Tate and Richard Beymer (aka Tony from 1961!West Side Story), and it just screams "60s!Era Egon and Cathleen" to me.
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inevitablemoment · 1 year ago
Oh, this is giving me Cathleen and Callie vibes, I love it.
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inevitablemoment · 7 months ago
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This is the outfit that Cathleen wears when she and Egon leave for New York in the upcoming chapter of I Want To Know Your Story.
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inevitablemoment · 10 months ago
Chapter Eleven: All At Once, Everything Looks Different (Now That I See You)
Egon and Cathleen attend their school's Halloween party, and find themselves beginning a new chapter in their relationship with each other.
We have arrived, my friends.
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inevitablemoment · 8 months ago
Chapter Fifteen: No Photograph Could Possibly Show The You I Know
Egon returns to Cleveland just in time for Cathleen's high school graduation.
Sorry about the chapter count going down by one, but it was the only way.
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inevitablemoment · 2 years ago
If the fics in my Cathleen Lives AU are anything to go by, Choice C but just add whump.
EDIT: And found family!
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inevitablemoment · 1 year ago
What Else is There to Do When You're Sick on Valentine's Day?
Word Count: 598
Warnings: Sinus infection, sick character
Fandom: Ghostbusters
Pairings: Egon Spengler x Cathleen Paige Spengler
Did I write this while dealing with a sinus infection of my own? Yes.
Did I write the end bit because I want to imagine what it would be like to meet Jim Henson? Yes.
Valentine's Day 1988
Cathleen coughed into her elbow, wincing at the feeling deep in her throat. She reached for her glass of water and took a sip; the cold water helped a bit, but not by much. And it still hurt to swallow.
Yesterday, she had hoped that her sinuses would clear up and her throat would stop hurting. But, then again, she had only started her antibiotic two days before, and she had woken up with a sore throat on Wednesday.
She grabbed another tissue to blow her nose as she saw Egon coming in from the kitchen with her dinner-- a bowl of her favorite stew with a plate of saltines on the side. She tightly wrapped her blanket around her as she tried to adjust herself to a sitting position. She considered taking another bath, even if she had taken one earlier that morning.
"Here you go-- careful," Egon advised as he handed the tray to her.
"Thank you," she rasped out.
Immediately, Cathleen took a saltine and dipped it into the stew. The heat soothing on her throat, and she needed her voice to recover as soon as possible.
Egon brushed a few locks of her hair out of her eyes; her hair had become a complete rat's nest in the last couple of days. And the dark circles under her eyes didn't need to confirm to him the rough time that she had getting to sleep. She had to take two Benadryl along with her night dose of antibiotic to knock herself out at night. Her nose was red and irritated, even though he had picked up the tissues with lotion in them. He hated seeing her so miserable.
Cathleen sighed as much as she could with her stuffed-up nose. Egon had sent Callie to stay with Ray because she had been so excited to spend the night at his place while her parents enjoyed Valentine's Day. Besides, Cathleen definitely deserved a kid-free night.
She was a bit relieved when Egon was so insistent that they cancel their Valentine's Day plans and stayed home that night. She felt too woozy and feverish to put on makeup and play dress-up (as much as she loved that). Staying out past midnight did not sound very appealing when she only seemed to be getting three hours of sleep.
Her stomach let out a growl that sounded as pathetic as she felt as she scooped up more of her stew with a cracker. "Egon, I'm sorry that we couldn't go out tonight."
"I don't mind," he assured her. "Even if you weren't sick, I would've been happy to just stay in. I'm just sorry that you're not feeling well."
"Not as sorry as me," Cathleen told him. "I feel like shit."
She held up a finger before grabbing another tissue and sneezing loudly into it, then blowing her nose again. She took another sip of water. She sneezed two more times before looking blearily at her husband.
"You can't possibly find me attractive right now," she said.
"Of course I do," Egon told her. "Cath, you're beautiful, even when you're covered in our daughter's vomit."
She smiled. "That's sweet to hear-- but, also, a little gross."
After Cathleen finished her dinner and Egon washed the dishes, the two of them snuggled on the couch, watching Muppets Take Manhattan.
"Wasn't it nice of Jim Henson to send us this advance copy after we ran into him filming that summer?" Cathleen asked.
Egon smiled. "Cath, we didn't just run into him-- you actively sought out where they were filming."
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inevitablemoment · 9 months ago
Chapter Fourteen: Wherever You Go, Whatever You Do (I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You)
Egon graduates two years early from high school, having skipped tenth and eleventh grades; with Columbia calling, he and Cathleen work out a long-distance relationship.
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