#grandbaby au
emthimofnight · 2 months
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Hypothetical designs for Stellar (sonadow fankid) and Camellia's (blazamy fankid) kiddos!! I tried to blend in traits from the grandparents, too.
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ezlo-x · 2 months
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Some Goron studies!! I've been wanting to simplify their designs a bit and grab more canon goron traits
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goodbye432 · 2 months
ok but you know that one post abt adult children threatening their parents with the ‘guess you don’t get to see/meet your grandkids’ and it being d e v a s t a t i n g?? I want that energy between the batkids and Bruce
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sky00asara · 1 year
So, thanks to humans discovering an ancient portrait (commissioned by clockwork until he lost it), they don't mistake Danny as the Ghost King. No, even worse, he's now thought of as the Queen Mother. A widowed Queen Mother or something along the lines of a Targaryen like marriage. (Yes game of thrones will exist if only for my references to work)
Somehow in someway, Constantine is caught slacking and the JLA decide to summon him. Why? I don't know
(An approximation of what I imagine it looks like, I'll draw it once I find the motivation because it seems cool- with star motifs and long-haired Danny with star studded braids and cosmos brocade, baby Dani ,and crowd speculation on game of thrones style siblings relationships or political schemes targeting a lone mother after their king husband's death with a daughter instead of a son and a brother who might not be on their side.) (I don't know why vlads there)
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fauvester · 1 year
If it’s not too much to ask…could we get a garashir grand babbe roll call
Lim and his wife have like.. 5 or 6 kids...... on purpose........ there are many family running jokes about it with varying levels of crudeness. They just want a big family... If everyone was like them the planet would regain its prewar population in a few scant generations. Besides, Lim is a stay-at-home dad and house manager, so there's someone to wrangle them all full-time.
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Jocasta eventually gets married at the spinsterish age of 30 and has a reasonable amount of children. There's such a dearth of young Cardassian men after the war that nobody thought it was too unusual that she took that long, but still, societal expectations and whatnot. Garak is heartbroken when she moves out (last one to leave the nest.) He visits a lot especially after he retires.
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Idk if Idan has kids! Probably eventually. He's a student though, he's got too much to do right now.
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But he is a favorite uncle!
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Also idk if Iskra and Rulada have kids haha I don't know if they're the 2.5 WPF type... but very funny to imagine their Klingon/Cardassian hybrid. WHAT kind of chaotic mommy energy is Iskra going to bring to this endeavor
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fe-fictions · 11 months
I have an idea (although this may be an AU 😅); Byleth is pregnant, Felix is beyond happy and tries to help her when he can. He is extremely jelly his father is even more gentle and seems to know a thing or two (cuz you know, he had two kids xD), until Byleth confronts Felix and tells him that they are all a family
(So I did make it more fluffy than confrontational haha!!)
He was glad that his father was still present, and was thrilled when you revealed you were two months pregnant with your firstborn. Felix was overjoyed, even if his facial expressions rarely showed it. 
Despite that, you knew full well how absolutely thrilled he was. He’d wanted to be a father since before you were married, as it was a topic you discussed quite often. 
The only problem was that he didn’t feel like he was particularly good at it. The baby wasn’t even born yet but he had few ideas of how best he could help you, and worse yet, he was awkward and insecure about trying to find the best methods to care for his expecting wife.
His father, however, seemed utterly natural at it. Having sired two sons himself, Rodrigue was exceedingly capable at providing you with assistance and recommendations on how to make the pregnancy go smoothly. Felix would watch, jealous, as you tittered away happily with the head Fraldarius, enjoying his company more than himself.
Though to admit he was jealous of his father was simply out of the question. He would never do such an embarrassing thing. Rather he would seethe in the background, just as he was doing today.
The Archbishop was enjoying a rare moment of respite, taking a walk through the monastery gardens with her husband and father-in-law. It didn’t take long for the walk to become more of Felix following behind the two of you, glaring sharply and listening intently while you discussed the latest happenings of your pregnancy.
“I fear the swelling has already begun, Rodrigue.” You sounded so tired, which was somewhat upsetting to your husband. “It’s hard to keep focus in meetings when it feels as though my feet will burst from these slippers.”
“They’re not what you usually wear, are they?” His father replied, as gentle and introspective as always. “They seem to be a different pair than what I recall seeing the Archbishop in.”
“They are- Felix bought them for me recently to help with the discomfort.” You nodded back to your husband, flashing him a small smile. “But I fear I’ve outgrown them already; why must they be so uncomfortable?”
“I can assure you, though it may feel akin to your body growing exponentially, it’s simply the sensation that accompanies the mild swelling. Enclosed shoes tend to be restrictive, despite shoemakers’ best efforts to fashion comfortable slippers for those faced with your situation.”
“What would you recommend, then?” You asked, feeling Felix’s sharp glare somehow intensify on your back. He was embarrassed he made a mistake.
“I recall open-toed sandals were a favorite of Felix’s mother, aprticularly when she was carrying him. Glenn was a little gentler on her body, for whatever reason. But having some sturdy, open faced shoes like that should be a marked improvement.”
“Where do you think I can get-”
“I’ll take care of it,” Felix snapped, drawing both your attentions forward. He  flushed slightly, glancing away “I mean, you’re pregnant. You don’t need to go into town. I’ll get them for you, so just tell me what kind of shoes you want.”
“You know I’m not picky,” You started, until you recognized the angry glimmer all but begging you to help him out for a second.
You stifled a laugh. 
“I’ll think up some ideas for sandals, then.”
The rest of the walk was somewhat pleasant although you did share a knowing smile with your father-in-law, feeling Felix pouting behind you.
He was already overprotective, but he wasn’t sure what to think about his father jumping in and giving you some much needed advice.Mostly because he felt like it shouldn’t be coming from Rodrigue at all, but that it was knowledge he didn’t have any experience with at all. 
And he definitely hated that.
“If I may be candid, I’m afraid that’s not the only thing that’s been causing me discomfort.” You continued, earning Felix’s immediate attention.
“Of course, Byleth. I can assure you that there is nothing to be ashamed of, asking for assistance with your pregnancy. And I am certain it won’t be anything I haven’t dealt with, before.”
“All right, well…I have been dealing with some swelling and discomfort in my breasts, too.”
Felix nearly face planted into the path when you said that to his father.
Dear gods, you were telling his father that your breasts were-
“Not to worry. When she entered the second trimester with Glenn, we discovered that she had severe discomfort and pain for several days while we waited for the doctor to come to our home. Thankfully we were given plenty of helpful advice.”
“Father, please!” Felix cut in, all but throwing himself between his wife and guardian, his face alight with an agitated blush. “We can consult with a midwife- the last thing I want to hear is you giving my wife advice about her-”
“We don’t have to summon him and wait days for him to make it up the mountain, Felix.” You cut him off gently, not understanding what he was so upset about (because why would you?). “Please, Rodrigue, continue.”
“Very well,” He laughed, “There are a few surefire methods to easing your pain. I recall purchasing a number of braziers that did not have wiring or lace; the feel of them can cause discomfort at this stage of pregnancy. Something with cotton, or something more firm that can provide better support.”
“Excellent, that’s more than enough-”
“I would also recommend some more loose clothing; I’m certain Seteth would be glad to arrange for a new wardrobe for the expectant Archbishop. And if those things do not help enough, a cold compress rested on your chest will be quite effective- and, ironically, if the cold doesn’t help, a warm bath should be able to help instead!”
“That’s all excellent advice.” You beamed at him, looking far more relieved than before. Felix stared at you, in utter disbelief. “I wish I had written it down…but it shouldn’t be hard to remember.”
“I’ll take care of it,” Felix snapped, “But I think this conversation is over. Byleth, we should go.”
“Oh, but I wanted to ask him about my cervi-”
“We’re leaving!!”
He grabbed your wrist, tugging you away from Rodrigue and all but storming down the path, leaving the man in the dust.
Rodrigue watched after his flustered son with a fond smile; that boy could get so worked up over the smallest things, even all these years later.
You allowed him to pull you along for a few minutes, at least until you were halfway up the stairs and headed back to your bedroom.
He didn’t answer, jaw clenched tight as he marched up the stairs.
“Felix, please slow down. My feet are…”
When you trailed off he paused, shoulders stiff as though he suddenly remembered the state of you. He turned around, checking you over and feeling a pang of guilt when he saw you were panting, clearly uncomfortable.
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” He stopped, kneeling in front of you. He took your foot in his hands, carefully slipping the shoe from your heel and tucking it into his pocket. You watched as he switched to the other foot, working methodically and very, very carefully so as not to press on your feet and hurt them further.
“Thank you,” Your whisper was met with a bashful nod.
“Let me carry you the rest of the way.” He lifted you to his chest, very gently so as not to risk harming you any further. The sigh of relief that escaped was quite involuntary, but it did make him feel a little better knowing he was helping.
He kicked the door shut behind him, lowering you onto the bed. He made sure you were comfortable before he relinquished his hold.
“Is there anything else you need? Are you feeling hungry, or tired?”
“A bit of both, but also…do you think you could get me a cold compress, like your father mentioned?””
Felix hesitated some, his lips drawn into a thin line. “You sure you want that?”
“It sounded promising. And my breasts are more uncomfortable after that walk…I must not have as supportive undergarments as I thought.”
“Y-yeah, well, it’s not like we can just take his word for it, I mean what does he know?”
“He raised two children, of which you are one.”
“That was over two decades ago! His information is outdated, at best. We can’t trust a thing he says! Just let me call a midwife in, and while we wait I can draw a warm bath for you.”
“Felix…what’s on your mind?” You leaned back into the pillows, eying your husband warily. He was clearly upset, as he had been since the garden walk.
His shoulders fell some, and he looked away, clearly indicating that he was indeed troubled.
“It’s nothing. I’m just…I’m just being stupid.”
“Well it’s not ‘nothing’ if you’re bothered by it.” You held out your hand, gesturing for him to come back to your side. “Tell me what you’re worried about.”
With a soft sigh, he returned to your side and took your hand, holding it awkwardly. He sank down onto the bedside, earning a squeeze of his fingers.
“Out with it.”
“I…didn’t like Father talking to you. A-about that stuff.”
“Because it made me feel frustrated. Like I- like I should know those things! I’m the one who’s expecting a baby. I feel like it’s not his place to talk about things like that, especially not with you! If he really wanted to help, he could at least save us both embarrassment and just talk to me directly.”
You covered his hand with both of yours, smiling softly at your agitated little panther. “Felix…there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We are both  new to this. You’d think I would know how to remedy these things, since it’s happening in my body, you know?”
“That’s ridiculous- you’ve never been pregnant before, so how are you supposed to just know how to- …oh.”
He cut himself off when he caught your smile, just slightly more smug than usual. 
“You’re going to be a father for the first time. Nobody expects you to know everything, and I wouldn’t put that pressure on you, either. I don’t want you to get frustrated because you might be unsure. We’re learning together, Felix.”
“I…I suppose.” He huffed, “But…even you have to admit that asking my father about your breasts is incredibly odd.”
The laugh that escaped was bright, enhanced when he shot an embarrassed glare at you. “If it really bothers you, I can ask for a midwife’s help. But you’re going to have to let me consult with him when there isn’t one nearby.”
“Or you can just write down the questions and I’ll give them to him.”
“Or, you know…I can have a little time with my father-in-law and ask him questions directly.” You cupped his face in your hands when his frown deepened, drawing him into your sweet gaze. “But I will reserve more delicate questions for the midwife so you’re more comfortable. Is that reasonable?”
He tilted to kiss your palm, “That is reasonable.”
“Good. Now if you don’t mind, I could really use that cold compress because I’m incredibly sore.”
“Yeah.” He stood, planting a kiss on your forehead before letting you go. “I’ll be quick.”
“Thank you, my love.”
Felix would indeed make quick work to get the cold compress, which did wonders for your soreness. It did give Felix a reason to reach out to his father for a few more tips and tricks, and a bashful apology to his father for being so flustered when he was helpful.
At least, until you received the letter stating the midwife had been called to a sudden birth on the other side of the mountain and would likely be gone until right before your delivery…
Rodrigue being your temporary long-term consultant was a delightful surprise to you, though Felix had to work hard to suppress how mortified he felt. Luckily he was easy to placate; nothing plenty of kisses and letting him put his head in your lap and mope couldn’t fix.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
y'know I'm a little surprised that the Princess Bride reference didn't win, but then again, this one is also a great choice
Sabine’s face is set in determination. “Okay, I’m gonna ask you a really weird question, and I need you to be honest.”
“Completely honest.”
Ezra nods. “Of course. What is it?”
“If I asked you to, would you fake-marry me?”
Ezra stares at her.
“…would I fake-marry you?”
“Yes. If I asked, would you? Because—” She sucks in a breath of air, and he can sense her spiking anxiety. “Because, you’re my best friend and if I had to choose someone to spend the rest of my life with it would be you, and my family thinks you’re great, and—and if we were fake-married then when I go back to the Ghost you could have the bottom bunk in my room and you wouldn’t have to share with Zeb anymore, and it would be fun, right? And—when we’re older, maybe we could adopt a kid, or a Padawan, and let’s be honest, it would be hilarious for the Countess of Clan Wren to have a Jedi son-in-law, and you don’t have to say yes, obviously, this is just random and hypothetical and—okay, it’s not hypothetical, but you can say no and I’d understand, but—”
He interrupts her with a touch on the arm.
She winces and looks away, but Ezra smiles.
“I would totally fake-marry you.”
Sabine meets his eyes instantly. “Really?”
“Really. We’ve been fake-dating for two years; this is just the logical next step, right?” he jokes, but she stays serious.
“You don’t need time to think about it?”
“No. Honest.”
For a second, their gazes hold, and then Sabine nearly tackles him over in the second enormous hug she’s given him that day.
“Thank you,” she whispers, squeezing him tightly for a second before letting go, and she sounds so relieved that it makes him wonder if there’s some bigger reason she wants to fake-marry him. (Probably complicated Mandalorian politics.) “You’re actually kind of great, Ezra Bridger.”
“And somehow it took you this long to figure it out,” he banters back.
“Very funny.” She punches his arm with a laugh, then clasps his hands and meets his eyes and smiles so warmly that he would think there was something more behind it, if he didn’t know there wasn’t. “So, who are we thinking for wedding guests?”
Ezra thinks for a moment pretending to be solemn, then cracks a grin. “Can we invite all the guys who said you were out of my league and pity-dating me?”
“Only if I can paint Chopper pink and make him our flower droid.”
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soraeia · 8 months
@fatestouch replied to your post “Saya Miyahara, Third Consort of Charidynn vi...”:
Cari and Merry: Grandma!!
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"Hello, my little loves.~" She gives them both a hug, though takes a moment longer to cradles Merry's face in her hands, looking for any signs of trouble or illness. "And how are you feeling?"
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wolfofwinchester · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Claudia's mother Máire & aunt Róisín are still alive in Granwy and how they both outlived Claudia in the canon verse. They're very healthy ladies who are going to live a very long time and probably still be kicking into the great grandkids adult years.
I also think about how if Claudia had been allowed to stay with them instead of being folded in with the Phantomhive lineage, she would have lived a long time, too. She may have been sickly, but she would have been much more well-off and have her health taken care of. Perhaps the odd one or five assassins throughout her life who discovered that Lord Phantomhive had a bastard and did not want to see her take claim of the family name, but nothing those three couldn't take care of.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
Do dilf Clarke and Lexa make Madi a big sister?
They doooo 🥰
My idea was that it was planned, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of it being a surprise pregnancy.
Clarke hasn't fully said no more babies at all, but when they talked about it she did seem very uncertain about it, she's has Madi to think about and being in her mid-forties she is wondering she its something she really wants and although Lexa would like a baby, she is very satisfied with being able to be a mom for Madi.
They are protected, although they don't wear a condom Lexa is on birth control and is very careful with her cycle tracking, given how much sex they have. Lexa is taking some pills for a cold she and Madi both got and she forgets the shouldn't take them with her birth control because it cancels it out but she's sick and forgetful and horny and it happens.
Its quite the shock when she starts to feel sick and tired all the time and because neither suspect it, she goes back to the doctor, afraid the sickness stuck around only to find out she's pregnant. Her and Clarke are engaged by now and very comfortable on the routine they've created along side Madi and she's a little scared the baby might mess it all up or that Clarke might not even want a baby. And to be fair Lexa is terrified of the idea of having a baby too but during the drive from the doctors back home, terror turns into excitment. She loves seeing Clarke being a mom, if she ever had any doubt if she was really falling for Clarke, watching her with Madi killed any of them. And now she'll get to see her with their baby too, and watch Madi be a big sister!!
Clarke is understandably shocked when Lexa tells her and needs a second to process it before excitment and joy take over her. Yes, it's unexpected and something that probably would not be in the plans, but Clarke doesn't care about any of that! Her and Niylah had tried for years to have Madi (Niylah had some health issues that affected her fertility, and those issues led to her passing away 6 years later) so having a surprise baby feels even more of a surprise with Lexa.
Madi is so damn excited to be a big sister too, Lexa feared she'd feel like she was being replaced, but she is ecstatic about it, absolutely obsessed with the baby bump!!
It hits Clarke sometimes when she comes home to her pregnant fiancée laying on the couch watching tv with her daughter when only two years ago she was a widowed single mom trting to regain a little bit of herself back 🥰
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bats-and-birds-24 · 2 months
My contribution tothe TimKon clone baby AU would be how differently Bruce and Clark react to becoming grandparents.
Clark's becomes white as a sheet when he hears about it. Straight up interrogating him on how he got someone pregnant. When it's revealed that the kid was a clone, he changes his tune and tries to explain that if he didn't feel like he's ready for fatherhood, it's completely okay. But then when Kon explains that he volunteered his genetic material to Tim, he goes back to yelling at him.
My man went through a rollercoaster of emotions and got a migraine.
Bruce by contrast, admonished Tim for getting someone pregnant, then changes it to taking someone's DNA without permission, to not having a child as a child even if the other party consented to it. He goes through the motions of scolding his kid while secretly planning out his grandbaby's room in the manor.
Pa and Ma Kent were disappointed in Kon, but supportive. They were excited to meet their new great grandbaby.
Alfred wasn't even surprised, of course one of his grandkids was going to inherit the collecting children gene, it ran in the family. He just thought it would be Jason first.
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hero-of-fortune · 3 months
here’s what i noticed in the NEW ZELDA GAME ANNOUNCEMENT WOOOOO
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Sassy little guy. Also that sword…. Lokomo sword??? Could this be new hyrule?
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idk. I’ve never played spirit tracks :(
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Oh that mf is a ganon, probably not a ganondorf. Hmmm. Downfall timeline? Idk. It would be so funny if lu fandom decided to lump this one in with legend’s games. Guys… he doesn’t need anymore trauma
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Let’s go! This was a fucking smart move homie link he’s already earned a spot in my heart as one of my genius scrunkies for shooting the crystal
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YEAHHHHHHHH PLAYABLE ZELDAAAAA SHE LOOKS SO CUTEEEEE i know we’ve had ‘playable zelda’ before in spirit tracks and whatnot, but we’ve never had a ZELDA based game. (At least recently lmao)
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(I see a bombable wall) and a really big castle! BIG CASTLE TOWN??? MINISH CAP CASTLE TOWN???? COME BACK TO ME BABY\
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OKAY GUYS. Top right corner. Consider: kokiri village. if they bring the kokiri back i will scream so loud. I know it’s probably deku scrub houses because they’re also in the trailer, but let a boy dream
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oh no :(((( he left his cloak behind poor baby
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Okay so the triforce is back. Like really. And look at that little fairy what a scrunky duncky! I love her already
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ZELDA IS WEARING LINK’S CLOAK. GUYS I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE IF I SHIP THEM. Look at herrrr also tri is massive. That is a head sized fairy.
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Nothing to say but car on the roof. We got fuckin cats in zelda back. Please let us interact with them nintendooooo
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THAT’S A GERUDO TOWNNNNN MASSIVE WINNNN!!!! Look at their houses they’re so cute
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Um. Yeah. Ummm. @flarree predicted the ‘nice monsters that are on your side’ thing. (Go check out their au it’s really cool) i love this idea so much but i’m also a little sad… i hope they at least give zelda a bow
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That is 100% a sheikah right there. Is that impa???? Please let impa be an old lady who kicks ass for her grandbaby. Also why is she fighting the soldiers lmao. Is this a alttp thing where the soldiers get brainwashed?
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River and ocean zora. Yes babes im fed. You fed me nintendo it was good soup
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Deku scrub selling potions. As he should. Im so glad theyre back it’s been too long babes. Give him his little hat though
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GREAT DEKU TREEEE OUR FATHERRRR look at him <3 he looks a whole lot like oot gdt. Okay maybe it’s not adult timeline bc it looks nothing like wind waker gtd
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Some sort of rock creature coming out of the ground? A boss? Idk we’ll see. Maybe he’s just a dude.
Other things: uhhh i don’t think we saw any mention of any sort of dungeons, which is kind of odd. Unless they slipped my mind. Huh. Maybe that last pic is a dungeon boss. I’m really excited for this one ngl. AND IT’S COMING OUT THIS YEAR????? THIS YEAR???? NINTENDO REALLY???? SEPTEMBER???? DUDE. Nintendo had officially fed me. Gooooood soup. Thanks
edit: yah there’s dungeons im blind lmaooo.
Also, i’m fairly certain it’s downfall timeline. The geography of hyrule, zelda’s dress, ganon’s design, link’s outfit, the presence of the triforce. I’m so glad the triforce is back after being absent in botw/totk!
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lastofthebelmontsrp · 2 years
Trevor, how would you react if you were to meet with a descendant of yours?
Trevor's eyes grew wide and soft at the same time, "I would love that. It would make me feel less like I am the last of my kind and more like I built something. I want to be a great-grandfather and live to see and help raise that generation. I want to be there. I want to see my family."
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babydollmarauders · 4 months
part of the luke’s gf au !
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, and 56,827 others
dolly.notparton life the past 9 months…. thank you for sharing your birthday @/jackhughes 🤍 pretty sweet of you
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jackhughes not like i had a choice, the twins were coming out whether i wanted to share a birthday or not
dolly.notparton i spent the last 9 months of my life making your presents, you could at least act thankful!
jackhughes do they come with a receipt?
jackhughes wtf is a swine?
dolly.notparton god you should’ve gone to college
dolly.notparton oh my god, they can say that and MEAN IT! DYLAN YOURE A GENIUS!
edwards.73 i don’t think anyone has ever said that about duker and meant it
dolly.notparton @/edwards.73 be nice to my dyl pickle
edwards.73 i’d be a lot nicer if you didn’t give me ammo by calling him things like “dyl pickle”
lhughes_06 so grateful for this little family we’ve created ❤️
dolly.notparton i l*ve you <3
lhughes_06 did you just censor the word “love”?
dolly.notparton maybe you would get the uncensored version if you hadn’t left your extremely pregnant girlfriend for hockey? idk, just a thought
jackhughes get him dolly!
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes stay out of this
_quinnhughes dolly and her dolls 🩷💙 i’m so happy for you guys. i know you’ll make amazing parents
dolly.notparton quinny, i love you tremendously. hurry up and finish in the playoffs so you can meet your niece and nephew 🤍
_quinnhughes i love you too but i’m not “hurrying” anything, i’ve got the cup in mind
dolly.notparton so you hate me and my children
_quinnhughes that’s not at all what i just said
dolly.notparton i can guarantee that’s exactly what you just said
lhughes_06 please don’t fight her on this, she’s tired and just pushed out two babies and i know she’ll find a way to be angry at me about this too
_quinnhughes @/lhughes_06 so i should fight her on this? heard. @/dolly.notparton check your texts
elblue6 my babies and my grandbabies 💗
dolly.notparton love you mama el!! can’t wait for you to come see the twins!
curtislazar95 god help us, they’re multiplying
dolly.notparton maybe i’ll make a whole hockey team of them
curtislazar95 20 sarcastic poodle haired bambi skaters with insatiable appetites
john.marino97 congratulations, guys! i’m happy to hear it was a happy and healthy birth story
dolly.notparton they’ll love their uncle johnny because he’s a twin just like them 🤍
john.marino97 i can teach them all about being a twin
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liked by njdevils, nhl, and 64,291 others
lhughes_06 Milo Oliver Hughes; May 14th 2024, 3:16pm
Luella Grace Hughes; May 14th 2024, 3:20pm
tagged dolly.notparton
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dolly.notparton we made those
lhughes_06 fuck yeah we did! we did fantastic!
dolly.notparton and jack tries to say i can’t cook!
jackhughes because you can’t. you burned water. HOW DO YOU BURN WATER?
dolly.notparton @/jackhughes do you see what i cooked up inside of me?! you cried when you saw them!
jackhughes that was between us!
dolly.notparton @/jackhughes and now it’s between us and luke’s 185k followers and probably all of twitter! 🫶
liked by dolly.notparton
markestapa SHOW ME THE BABIES!
lhughes_06 if you’d check the groupchat for once, you’d see the babies
markestapa oh
lhughes_06 thanks stop sign! 🛑
edwards.73 congrats guys 🤝
lhughes_06 thanks eds 🤝
dolly.notparton this is a birth announcement not a damn frat party photo dump, you guys could add some hearts or at least a damn smiley face!
edwards.73 @/dolly.notparton no 🤝
dawson1417 congratulations! can’t wait to meet them next season!
njdevils gift basket coming your way! 👀congratulations!
user20 TWINS 🥹🫶
rutgermcgroarty swimmers be swimming
lhughes_06 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♂️
dolly.notparton do guys think or do they just do?
user85 so not only is luke the youngest hughes brother, but he’s also the only one in a long-term relationship and the first one to have kids… jack and quinn better step it up
user03 they kept this a secret for nine months and then really just pulled a “SURPRISE!” on us?! he played hockey all the way up until the birth— they dropped NO hints
nhl congratulations luke and y/n!
_quinnhughes proud of you two and how much you’ve grown ❤️ not little kids chasing each other around with bugs and porcelain dolls anymore, are ya?
lhughes_06 nope, all grown up. in the league with 2 kids now! thanks bro
dolly.notparton not my fault he was scared of my dolls! have i mentioned that he made me get rid of them when i moved in?
_quinnhughes @/dolly.notparton once or twice a day, yeah
dolly.notparton those were my babies 💔
lhughes_06 @/dolly.notparton i just gave you 2 new babies… the real kind
dolly.notparton luke, you genius! i can get luella porcelain dolls!
lhughes_06 @/dolly.notparton NO! THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
_quinnhughes @/dolly.notparton look in the attic when you get home 😉
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
The Au is Ra has been using the Lazarus pits for so long that causes him to see Danny like a human or his normal Phantom form Ra the only one that sees Danny like that
I love the idea of Deadly Decision getting together but Ra has no idea that Danny is no human he just thinks that Danny has his own Lazarus pit hidden somewhere away from him
Like Danny is full blown glowing white hair, green eyes, Sharp Fangs, an electrical being
Ra point at tall being of Life And Death it looks like he's about to rip you apart: This Is My Wife Danny.
Like sometimes people just ask him if he sees anything unhumanly about Danny and
Ra is like: What Are You Talking About ?
Danny's in the background forming Stars into his hand I'm trying to make himself a new sword
Talia and Dusan we're raised by Danny and Ra they just gotten used to also considering getting to be a normal human they find it hilarious to play along with their other two siblings Dan and Danielle that Mom is human
Slade: I've been meaning to ask what about that monster Ra has locked up back there
Talia: You Mean Mother
Slade: that's your mother I didn't know Ra al Ghul was attracted to on human beings
Dusan: what do you mean unhumanly our mother is perfectly normal he's not even assassin
Danielle walking out of his shadow: Maybe Your Mother Was The Weird One
Dan floating near Talia: Get the hell out how dare you disrespect our Mama
All of them are girlboss, gatekeep, and gaslight people into believe Danny is normal
Damien will give warning that his grandmother does not look like a Human they were all expecting meta not electric being
Danny got so used to Ra al Ghul no his Husban treating him like a normal person when he's like this that he forgot that everyone might not that treat him like that
Honestly? I love this.
And you know what? Danny might need someone like that, who even as his humanity slips away still treats him as human, as not an eldritch creature of Space, of everything Between. Someone who treats him as well, him. Is his and Ras relationship healthy? Well maybe not in human terms, but do either of them count as such anymore?
The idea of the kids playing along is also amazing lol. Especially that Jordan and Ellie? Definitely same hat as Danny. Sure their forms still look sort of human, but that just makes it very uncanny valley. So others and siblings who treat them the same? They need it just as much- if nothing else than to not become so arrogant and uncaring of humanity that they could watch the world end without a blink.
Which, Damian! I bet Danny absolutely adores the grandbaby. I bet he crafts little ice bats and miniature planets to swirl above his crib. I bet he has a literal strip of space and stars on his ceiling. And Damian isn't the only grandbaby too- Dusan has a daughter in some timelines too. Not to mention Ras' adoptive daughter Nyssa, who he gave one of the Lazarus Pits to.
But speaking of Damian, I have to know what that would mean for Jason. Who was practically completely braindead before being thrown into the Pit. Who would have probably met Danny while there because I can't see Danny not also gently doting on another grandson.
Gosh I honestly am just really enjoying this whole thing lol.
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testrella · 8 months
you're my religion priest! s. geto x f!reader pt.1→pt.2
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synopsis: y/n moved into a small and tight knit town to take care of her elderly grandmother. what happens when she attends a sermon with her grandmother, and finds herself lusting over someone she cannot have.
fandom: jujutsu kaisen ⌗ priest suguru geto x female reader⌗ modern au content warnings: mild cursing, smut, head (giving), religious themes(?), slight degrading at the end, angst(?) public sex, NSFW.
author's note: over 11k words, u guys have fun
“..in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. amen.”
father geto finishes off the sermon with the routine prayer. he takes the opportunity being on stage to scan the loyal audience. it was the regular, older people he preaches to. the same people who boast about him being so devoted to God at such a young age. how that when they were his age, they were off sinning. he thinks about the constant praises about being a young devoted follower, but it immediately stops when he sees her. 
a young lady, who seemed to be around the same age as him, sitting in the very back with an elderly woman. even though she was dressed as modestly as possible, the black floor length dress immersed your body in all the right places.
when did he allow his immoral thoughts come to mind
 “oh father! you must meet mrs. johnson’s granddaughter- maybe you can convince her to turn to God.” an elder of the church whispered to the priest. she gently pulled him to the side, off of the stage. 
“as you must have heard by now, edith’s grandbaby is out of control. rumor has it that she’s been caught using multiple different contraband, and premarital sex! can you believe edith would allow this to go on for so long?!”
geto mentally sighs, gossiping was always an issue at church. especially since it was located in a very small town, there wasn't much to talk about. when you were new to town, the locals went wild. fabricating very detail of your life, and spouting that nonsense through their teeth.
“with respect dear mary, the scripture speaks strongly against gossip. i’ll talk to the young lady, but please watch yourself. for there is no greater sin than sin.”
she nods while looking down, unable to meet geto’s gaze. too embarrassed to voice her concern furthermore, she mutters “yes father, please forgive me.”
“i am not the one you should be asking for forgiveness, ask the man above. now if you’ll excuse me, i’ll introduce myself to the newest member of our church.” he smiles gracefully before making his way towards mrs. johnson and her ‘scandalous’ granddaughter. 
he takes small steps towards you, puffing his chest out as he walks with a sense of pride. sure you were a pretty girl, but he was only interested to guide you through your religious journey. 
“father geto, i introduce you to my granddaughter. this is y/n. she’s only 20, and she recently moved into town to take care of me. isn’t she the kindest?”
he loses his train of thought. he's unable to bring himself to utter a single word. you were much more gorgeous up-close. if he were to describe your beauty, he’d be too overwhelmed, and wouldn’t know where to start. maybe he’d start with the way your nose fits your face perfectly. or, how your smile molded perfectly with your faint smile lines. 
geto snaps out of his trance, and quickly introduces himself. 
“i’m father geto. welcome to this church, i hope your stay has been great so far.” he purred. 
you squint your eyes at him. almost as if you already knew the rumors going around. nonetheless, you shake his hand. 
“like my grandma said, i’m y/n. i do hope we cross paths alone in the future.”
he blushes from the way you shaked his hand, but also put your other hand on his. solidifying the handshake more than it needed too. not only that, the last comment you made. crossing paths.. alone?
“my confessional booth is always open before my sermon, and at 9 PM on sundays. if that’s what you mean of course.” 
you puff your chest out and let out a dramatic sigh. taking in your arms, and letting them rest to your side, you open your mouth to speak. he stares at your lips, refusing to make eye contact.
“the sermon did end, i guess i’ll have to see you later tonight.” you assured him before walking over to your grandmother who made conversation with someone else. he watched you walk away, allowing himself to sneak a peek from behind. 
later that day, geto was having lunch. he finds himself unable to focus on his best friend's story, the words going in one ear and out the other. all the plays in his mind is you, and what you could possibly up to.
“satoru, i think i was seduced today after my sermon.” he spilled out, no longer able to contain his thoughts. 
“gross! how old was she? 50? 69? HA, get it? 69?” 
geto rolls his eyes at the blue eyed ‘man’ who acted immaturely any chance he got. maybe he really should have kept his thoughts to himself. it was better than trying to converse it with an actual man-child.
“goodness satoru, no. she was a few years younger than me. 4 years to be exact. she’s one of the elder’s granddaughter, and the way she spoke to me made me feel like i was sinning. i didn’t even do anything!”
his eyebrow quirks as satoru began his sentence. 
“did she have big tits?” 
geto’s face quickly turned from curiosity to disgust. he abruptly stood up from the table, placing both hands on it for support, and got all up in satoru’s face.
“how could you ever speak so unashamedly about a lady like that?! let alone speak like that in front of a priest!”
“well forgive me father, i didn’t mean to offend you and your girlfriend,” satoru said sarcastically while putting his hands up defensively. “i’ve said worse, and you’ve never had a problem with it until now. she must’ve had big tits for you to go all preacher mode on me.“  
as much as geto didn’t want to admit it, satoru was right. there were many time's geto allowed the white haired man to say the most diabolical stuff known to man. even listening when satoru would describe women’s bodies in detail and occasionally his one night stands. why was this any different?
“excuse me, is that you father?” 
there is was.
the seductive voice he met only hours ago. both boys slowly turn their heads to the h/c girl standing right in front of them. their eyes met with the beauty talked about earlier. only now you were wearing a shorter version of the dress you wore earlier. 
“m-miss. y/n? i’m afraid you’ve caught me at a bad time. what brings you here?” 
you only acknowledge one of the two men in front of her, and of course it was geto. your eyes met his, and never shifted away. it was almost like a dance of temptation, daring him to do further than just eye contact. the dark aura coming from you was overwhelming him, or maybe it was just your strong perfume. 
“i apologize for the disruption, father geto. my grandma asked me to run some errands. i guess i’ll have to speak with you later tonight.“ 
before geto could get a word in, you once again walk off. just like before, he once again glances down there. 
forgive me Lord, for i have sinned. 
“dude what the fuck was that..” the white haired man questioned. he also noticed the thick tension that was stirred by non other than you.
“i d-don’t know. i cannot see her tonight. i’m scared she might tempt me into.. into doing something that’s against the scripture.”
he now finds himself in the confessional booth, anxiously waiting for your arrival. it was currently 9:47 PM, you were late. it did not help his anxiety at all. he’d give you until 10:15 for you to arrive. anything later would have to just be scheduled on another sunday. 
he lets out a deep breath before he hears the clattering of heels. geto takes a peak out of his curtain only to be met with a sultry gaze. he quickly closes off his curtain, and subconsciously wipes his sweaty palms on his lap. this was like any other confessional, there was nothing to be conspicuous. 
“father geto? are you there?“ you ask in a voice just above a whisper. 
geto swallows whatever was in his mouth before speaking.
 “of course i am.“ 
“ahem, forgive me father. i have sinned since i first moved into this town. actually, i sinned today after the sermon.“ 
he stays silent. he’s tempted to ask what you’ve done, and if it possibly had something to do with him. but you answer his unspoken questions before he can think about it for too long.
“before moving into this lovely town, my grandmother sent me a picture of her priest. goodness, i didn’t know what to do with myself.“ 
he was determined to stay stoic, and not to speak unless it was to say a prayer. but her hushed voice and the strong tension made it difficult. the air seemed to thicken every time she finished a sentence. geto couldn’t escape your magnetic pull of lust.
“a-and if i may ask, what did you do to deal with your problem?”
“i couldn’t resist myself. after i saw the photo of him, i began to have lewd thoughts. every night leading up to my departure, i’d touch myself thinking about him. then..”
she lets out a small moan, but geto would describe it as a small whine. now he was breathing heavily as his boxers started to tighten up. there was no way he could get hard in the church. it was sinful. but he was here to help you, and allowed you to continue.
“i met him today. after the sermon i started using objects to make myself feel satisfied. but it was nothing compared to his large hands shaking my hand. i can only imagine him using his hands going inside of me instead of holding a bible. even now, i cannot resist his voice..” you confessed as heavy breathing came from your end. 
“..come over to my side dear. let me help you.” he whispered.
you waste no time he notes from the sounds coming from the other side. your heels clacked once or twice before you pulled the curtain from his side. 
he studies your face very carefully. there was a light red tint spreading across your cheeks, and your ears were bright red. his eyes then wander down to your very revealing shirt that showed a lot of cleavage. the shirt was accompanied by a matching skirt, a very, VERY, short skirt.
you walk into the tight fitting booth. before he can get his hands on you, you kneel down in between his legs. your pretty little head lays on his left thigh.
“forgive me father. how can i ever make you forgive me for my sins?” you lift your head and your hands start to wander on the edge of his pants. “tell me father, there must be a way..”
geto feels a bead of sweat going down his forehead. there were many times that grandparents introduced their grandchildren to him, in hopes they get married. or, when satoru would convince him to agree to a blind date. his answer of rejection was always the same. 
‘i am devoted to the man above, i musn’t be distracted.’ 
where was his reasoning of rejection when he watches you pull both his pants and undergarments off? 
you grab his dick and painfully slowly lick the tip of it. leaving any pre-cum on his tip, now in your mouth. a slight moan leaves his mouth. this was a pleasure that he’s never experienced before. devoting all 24 years of his life to God has never brought this much fulfilment. 
where was his reasoning of rejection when you put his whole dick in your mouth without any hesitation?
your sudden move of deep throating him caught him off guard. he’s now holding your head in a gentle manner, as gentle as he can be. geto is lost at words, he can only moan uncontrollably while playing with your hair. the only thing he can fixate his eyes on was your beautiful hair getting tangled into his fingers. 
where was his reasoning when you made him finish in under five minutes even though it felt like an eternity for him?
you continue to suck him off, hollowing your cheeks for a better suction. your hands wander down to his balls, giving it a small massage. you're not sure what you did right, but it worked. geto was now praising your name instead of the lord’s. he feels an unfamiliar knot unwinding itself. 
“y/n.. please i feel..” he lets out a breathy moan instead of finishing his sentence. his eyes shut close to full enjoy the euphoric feeling. why did he want to reject your advances in the first place? he can't seem to remember. 
“father..” you cooed while taking off his shirt. of course, the hot pastor with a big dick was also very nicely built.
“oh geto, why do you hide this from me?”
your hands wander his chest then it starts to follow his happy trail. your movement was haltered when he reached out for your chest.
“the same could be said for yourself. show yourself to me, please. i beg.”
his eyes looked like a puppy who had been kicked. there was no sane woman in the world who would say no to his violet eyes. your hand then reaches out for his, and then place his hand on the hem of your shirt.
“take it off for me, father geto.”
being enchanted with your hypnotic gaze, it drew him like a moth to a flame. he lifted your shirt, taking your bra off as well, and stared with admiration. you had an art of seduction that was compared to no other. he watches you sit on his lap as you lift your skirt. 
this is sin. he was sinning. 
but he didn’t stop you as you sat slowly onto his dick, moaning in joy. he watches you go up and down painfully slow.
“c-can you go a little faster..?“ he moaned into your ear. being too embarrassed by his request, he buries himself on the side of your neck. taking in your scent, leaving small pecks on the spots you sprayed perfume. 
“you’re t-too big geto~” you whined into his ear before you attached your lips onto his. 
he was an inexperienced kisser. an inexperienced everything actually. it was easy for you to take the lead by biting onto his bottom lip. he opened his mouth to let out a small whine of pain and you took the opportunity to slip your tongue in. 
you feel yourself juices slide down your thigh onto geto’s lap as you continue to bounce on his dick. large hands start groping your ass, giving you a smack on one of your cheeks. you yelp in response. it was unexpected from a priest.
“father, use me. be as rough as you want with me.” your hands start undoing his bun, turning his hair into a disheveled mess. 
“i-i shouldn't be so mmm- rough on you.” 
you felt honored by his insistence on being so gentle. his grip on your waist tells you a different story. it was obvious he wanted to go faster than the pace you set.
“please geto, for me at least.”
oh, how could he ever deny your requests? 
his grip on your waist tightens as he lifts you up and rams into you. all pent up sexual frustrations he’s ever had in the past 24 years are being taken out on you. throughout the heavens and earth, you were his only sole purpose in life. the way you took him in so good without any complaints was proof enough. 
marks form on his shoulder and back from the scratches you were leaving. it was the only way you could hold yourself up. if not, you’d fall right into his arms while he’d continue to show no mercy on your pussy. 
geto was starting to feel what he felt earlier when you were in between his legs. his eyes gaze at yours, and gets a site he’d never unsee. small tears started forming, threatening to leave your eyes. your mouth agape as one hand held onto his shoulder, the other groping yourself.
“father geto, i-i’m ahh, i’m so close~”
on sync, the both of you came at the very same time.
geto found it more ironic than disgust when he saw the scene unfold. priest of six years, never had a temptation once in those six years. his lap was now covered in cum from not only his but the new girl in town. the new girl who easily seduced him
“forgive us lord, for the father and i have sinned.” you purred right into his ear, almost biting it. 
he massages your waist before finally putting you on your two feet. you're barely able to stand up without the support of the wall.
"y/n, we can never do this again. never speak to me unless it's about my sermon."
now it was his turn to leave before you could get a word in. he pulls his pants up and swiftly puts his shirt back on.
"you were sent by the devil, and i've failed my lord. stay far away from me you whore."
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