#grand nord grand large
stephanedugast · 4 months
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📌[RAPPEL] J-2 ! 💥 RDV dimanche 2 juin, à partir de 14 heures, un froid polaire va s'installer en plein cœur de Paris ! ❄️ 🌠 Les nuits polaires font leur retour pour mettre en lumière les aventuriers de l’invisible, ceux des terres et des mers polaires, extrêmes, fragiles, lointaines.
📣 Au programme : projection de films, retours d'expéditions et discussions... un brin givrées ☃️ 🗓️ Avec de nombreux spécialistes polaires dont Jean-Louis Etienne (qu'on ne présente plus), Dubreuil Nicolas, Stéphane Niveau, Sophie Galvagnon, Stéphane Dugast...
📎 Rendez-vous, de 14 heures à 20 heures, au théâtre de la tour Eiffel à Paris pour cette journée exceptionnelle organisée par Grand Nord Grand Large, acteur incontournable des voyages et des expéditions polaires.
🛒 Pour réserver votre billet ➡️ https://terdav-evenements.mapado.com/
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reyolivier · 7 months
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Beagle, un canal entre deux océans
« Le plus beau contraste jamais vu entre mer et glace »  - Charles Darwin durant sa navigation à bord du navire Le Beagle dans le détroit qui deviendra le canal de Beagle.
Entre les océans Pacifique et Atlantique, entre l’Argentine et le Chili, le canal de Beagle forme un détroit qui s’étend d’est en ouest sur 240 km de long et relie les deux océans. Ce bras de mer coupe la Terre de Feu en deux : la grande île au nord et un archipel formé d’une multitude de petites îles au sud.
Beagle, a channel between two oceans
“The most beautiful contrast ever seen between sea and ice” - Charles Darwin during his navigation aboard the ship The Beagle in the strait that would become the Beagle Channel.
Between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, between Argentina and Chile, the Beagle Channel forms a strait that extends from east to west for 240 km long and connects the two oceans. This arm of the sea cuts Tierra del Fuego in two: the large island to the north and an archipelago made up of a multitude of small islands to the south.
#argentina #argentina🇦🇷 #argentine #argentinas #travel #travelphotography #travelgram #travelblogger #travelling #instatravel #voyage #voyager #voyageurdumonde #naturerey #summer #summervibes #ameriquedusud #ameriquelatine #sealife #patagonia #patagoniaargentina🇦🇷 #otarie #mountains #montana #animal #animallovers #sea #canalbeagle #ocean #lighthouse
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falmerbrook · 7 months
Snow Elf culture?
*pulls up a chair*
A wee disclaimer that I'm not particularly good or creative with developing cultures or societies, but my brain has just latched on to the snow elves in a way where I can't stop myself. But anyway
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I developed a lot of this because of a big ass draft for a fic I've been writing on and off about Gelebor and Vyrthur, so a lot of my headcanons are religion heavy. I'll start there:
Gelebor seems to place Auri-El and the Chantry of Auri-El as having significant importance to the Snow Elves over the other gods/temples. He's probably got a bit of bias in that regard since he's devoted his life to Auri-El, but in order to differentiate their religion from the other elven ones I like to think that their religion in general worshipped Auri-El as not even just as the figure head of their pantheon, but almost monotheistical, while the other gods (Trinimac, Syrabane, Jephre and Phynaster according to Gelebor) were like minor divine figures or just legendary heroes even more than in Altmer myth, depending on the interpretation. My idea is that if their culture had been allowed to continue on, it would've eventually become monotheistic, but by the arrival of the Nords they were in a bit of an awkward transition period with it.
I also like to lean into the sun motif with Auri-El that they established in Dawnguard and with Auriel's Bow, partially because it's another thing to make their depiction of him more unique, and in part because it makes some very juicy irony for Vyrthur. Some ideas include:
- The more religious folk tend to pray at noon when the sun is at it's highest. - The two biggest snow elf festivals happen on the summer and winter solstices. As far north as they are, the summer solstice is during a time of year where the sun barely sets and the winter one is during a time of year where it barely rises. The summer one is more jovial and celebratory, with a grand feast. With almost 24 hours of daylight, the festivities last up to three days straight, with folks commonly staying awake for over 24 hours. Most of it is spent outside, with the celebration being focused on making the most of the weather and daylight hours to spend as much time in the sun and the light of Auri-El as possible. The winter festival is as large scale but lasts longer and is lower-key. It also involves a feast but features more winter foods and meat and alcohol. It is more pensive. At this point in the year, there is no full daylight, and so this season is seen as a test of one’s faith and mental fortitude. This festival acts as a break from this trying time, taking time to relax, build community (a strong community will allow them to make it through the winter and strengthen their minds), and bond with family and friends. It is about a weeklong break, where leading up to the festival everyone works harder to prepare for it and allow themselves to have the break. There are activities and festivities, but they remain indoors for the most part and are smaller. - I've referenced this before, but with long winters with little sunlight (due to harsh weather and short days), they see that time of year as a reflective test of will and faith.
Due to their proximity to dragons, it was hard to miss the connection between Auri-El (/Akatosh) and dragons, and so their depiction of Auri-El is either much more influenced by the iconography of dragons, or is a dragon (although their depiction of dragon Auri-El is much more benevolent than the Nord/Atmoran one). I got the idea for this one from this Reddit post (i know I dog on Reddit a lot but this one has got some fun stuff in it, even if it's a bit out there)
^On that note, later in the timeline (post Dragon War (the timeline is very fuzzy on when this and the Night of Tear happens. They are both sometime vaguely in the late Merethic Era I believe, but it's unclear which happens first or how long each conflict is)) some Snow Elves see a sort of unreturned, unofficial comradery with dragons, seeing themselves as both on the receiving end of the Nord's/Atmoran's brutality (disregarding whether it was warranted or not in the context of the Dragon War).
Ok here's some more general cultural ones:
I mentioned my reasoning for this in this post, but I like to think their general settlements were not as permanent, with a larger focus on wood and building into the sides of hills (good for warmth), while their temples tended to be made of stone and much more permanent. This is why there are so few identifiable Snow Elf ruins across Skyrim. Their cities and towns were easy to wipe out, scavenged for resources, or were in good places for Nordic cities (perhaps Bromjunaar was originally the site of a Snow Elf city?), and their temples were either very hidden (e.g. the Chantry of Auri-El) or eventually converted to Nordic temples.
I love this journal in general for gleaning ideas for Snow Elf headcanons for, but one interesting this is the use of "Old Ones" and "Young One". They're treated like established titles. From that I like to think they place a lot of emphasis on the respect of those older than you. The social hierarchy and whose opinions are most valued is heavily influenced by age. Folks call anyone older or more revered “Old Ones” as a term of respect, and anyone younger than them “Young Ones”. Old One is almost never used in a demeaning way, but Young One can be (not always). Typically, “Old Ones” is used in the third person (e.g. you wouldn’t refer to someone directly as “old one”) whole “Young One(s)” can be used as an epithet for someone directly or in third person.
When thinking about death/"burial" customs (needed for some scenes in the fic I'm planning), you have to consider that there probably wasn't a lot of land in a place like Skyrim where someone can be buried. Nords intern their dead in crypts or burn them to get around this, and I like to think Snow Elves participated in something akin to sky burials (at least sometimes). After preparation, the departed's body is left outside on a ledge, cliff, or the temple balcony to be scavenged by birds. This is seen as a metaphorical return to Aetherius, while their soul literally returns to it. They do this even in poor weather or deep winter. If it doesn’t thaw and rot/be scavenged until months later, so be it. The length it takes to rot is considered indicative of how long it takes for the spirit to let go and move on (not in a bad way though. It’s interpreted more in the way of the soul or body grieving). It's seen as if they may wish to wait until spring to finally rot if they want to experience one more warm, sunny day.
Food (I mostly wrote this in my notes in the context of the Forgotten Vale and Chantry of Auri-El, but I think it could work elsewhere as well to an extent): Plant-based food is grown in gardens in the spring and summer, and that that is able to be stored is carefully preserved through the fall and winter. Winter foods include some nuts, dried vegetables, and dried and preserved/fermented grains (like wheat, barely). These foods must be eaten slowly throughout the winter to last, and winter diets are more meat based. Summer foods include apples, cabbage/lettuce, leeks, tomatoes etc. Snowberries can be found in the wild out of season of most other fruits, and provide fruit in very early spring. Occasionally, fungus from caves is harvested, but this is seen as a delicacy (foreshadowing).
Ok, that's it for now. I gotta go to bed. Thanks for the ask!!!! :D
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thekingofgear · 7 months
The Smile's 2024 Tour Rehearsal Setup
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On March 5 and March 6, The Smile shared photos taken by Ade B during rehearsals for the band's 2024 tour dates. In the photos, the band are set up in Air Studios’ Lyndhurst Hall. It's a space where Jonny has frequently recorded orchestras, including for the Phantom Thread soundtrack. A photo from circa-2014 revealed that Radiohead’s string arrangements for Spectre (and possibly Man of War) were also recorded in the room.
The Smile’s live setup largely resembles the one they used for their tour dates last year. This isn’t a surprise, since many songs from the band’s latest album were written on the road. However, there is some new gear which seems to be intended for material off the new album. Further down in this post, we’ll list all of the gear, but we’ll highlight the changes first.
Electric Cello
Almost certainly the biggest surprise is that Jonny has added an electric cello and an electric viola to his setup. In the past, Jonny has occasionally played bowed string instruments on recordings, but they were always acoustic instruments, and he's never brought them on tour. Most of the time, Jonny only used his viola to sketch out string arrangements, which were then recorded by other players. And at live shows, Jonny has always bowed his electric guitar or bass to emulate those string arrangements, whether it's the harmonics on Pyramid Song or the col lengo crunch on Burn The Witch.
However, Jonny has started to play the cello more regularly in the past few years. In an interview from the 2010s, Jonny mentioned that he could make noises that he’s happy with on a cello, but claimed his left hand isn’t precise enough to perform with it. Then in 2019, he mentioned that, compared to viola, the cello "feels much more natural to hold and so much easier to make a nice sound on — I only wish I had moved on to it when I was a kid” (The Times). In 2021, he was credited with cello in the liner notes for the Power of the Dog soundtrack, applying banjo-style technique to the instrument. And this year, he was credited with cello in the liner notes for Wall of Eyes. In fact, Jonny can be seen playing his acoustic cello in a couple of polaroids posted in March 2023, during the recording of the new album.
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A closeup of the electric cello (left) and viola (right).
Digital “Upright” Piano
On every tour since 1997, Radiohead have brought an acoustic upright piano on tour. Usually they brought a Yamaha U1, though more recently they’ve favored a Kemble KC121 (essentially a U1 built at Kemble’s factory in the UK, rather than by Yamaha in Japan). The same was true for Atoms for Peace shows in 2010 and 2013. The Smile followed this trend, bringing an acoustic upright along for all of their tour dates from 2021-2023.
However, given how few of the Smile's songs require piano, it’s understandable that they’d switch to a digital instrument instead. The one they chose is a Nord Grand digital piano, which features fairly authentic piano hammer-action made by the piano maker Kawai.
For some solo shows in support of Anima, Thom brought a Waldorf Zarenbourg for sampled acoustic and electric piano sounds. Thom only played it for a couple songs each night, so it was understandable that he didn’t want to tour with an acoustic upright. However, it’s interesting that The Smile are still using their vintage Rhodes electric piano, rather than using the Nord Grand for Rhodes sounds in addition to acoustic piano sounds. Perhaps keyboard action is the reason: the hammer action of the Nord might be accurate for piano, but it’s probably a little heavy for Rhodes playing. Plus it’s clear that the band enjoy having a lot of keyboard on stage to experiment with.
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Closeups showing the Nord Grand in its custom black stand.
Sequential Prophet 6
One benefit of the digital piano is that its shorter stand leaves space for a keyboard to rest on top. For this tour, Thom has brought along his Prophet 6, which he previously used for the Suspiria soundtrack and for shows in support of Anima. This isn’t the first time that the band have mixed piano and synth. Thom did velcro a Dave Smith Instruments Tetra to Radiohead’s upright piano from 2012-2013. However, that synth saw little use, perhaps because of the Tetra’s minimal control layout.
The band now have three Prophet synths in their active setup: the Dave Smith Prophet ’08 beneath the modular, the Sequential Prophet 5 REV4 on top of the Rhodes piano, and the Sequential Prophet 6 on top of the digital piano.
Earthquaker Devices Blumes
In addition to the Earthquaker Devices Plumes overdrive on Thom’s board (note the green), it looks like he’s added a Blumes overdrive as well (the similarly-sized yellow box). The Blumes is intended as a bass-friendly version of the Plumes. Thom was already using the Plumes with his bass guitar for a very punchy sound, so it’ll be interesting to see how he uses the bassier Blumes.
The green of the Plumes and yellow of the Blumes can also be seen on Thom’s backup pedalboard, which is resting on top of one of the gear cases by Thom’s guitar stands.
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Closeups of Thom's guitar and vocal pedalboards (left) along with his backup guitar pedalboard (right).
Eventide Pitchfactor
It looks like Thom has added an Eventide Pitchfactor to his vocal pedalboard. It's in the spot where he had an Eventide H9 on the last tour, so it's likely that he was using the H9 for pitch shifting sounds. The H9 features all of the algorithms from the Pitchfactor (as well as the other Eventide pedals), but it has far fewer knobs so controlling it is more cumbersome.
Jonny's Setup
Jonny's Chordophones
Gibson Les Paul Standard Natural Finish (late-1970s)
Fender Precision Bass Natural Finish (early-1970s)
Electric Cello
Electric Viola
Dusty Strings Ravenna 34 harp
Jonny's Gibson Les Paul Custom and ES-125 are probably on a stand out of view.
Jonny's Guitar Pedalboard
Currently unknown, but likely similar to his summer 2023 pedalboard.
Jonny's Guitar Amplifier
Fender '65 Reissue Super Reverb No1
Fender '65 Reissue Super Reverb No2
Jonny's Bass Pedalboard
Boss TU2/3
Boss DD200 (replaces Akai Headrush E2)
Two Notes Le Bass preamp
Jonny's Bass Amplifier
Ampeg SVT Classic amplifier head (1990s)
Ampeg SVT Classic amplifier head (backup)
Ampeg 8x10" Cabinet
Jonny's Laptop Setup
Apple Macbook Pro
Furman M-8Lx
MOTU MOTU Midi Express XT No1
Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre No1
MOTU MOTU Midi Express XT No2
Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre No2
Radial Engineering SW8 8-channel auto-switcher
Hinton Instruments Z4 Quad Channel Long Haul Converter
Blackstar Live Logic 6-Button Foot Controller No1 (kept by laptop)
Blackstar Live Logic 6-Button Foot Controller No2 (velcro'd to Studiologic pedal)
Jonny's Synthesizers Setup
Sequential Prophet-5 REV4
Peterson Strobostomp HD tuner (for Prophet 5)
Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run delay/reverb (for Prophet 5)
Studiologic MP-117 MIDI Pedalboard (controls Prophet 5)
It appears that Jonny has stopped touring with his Oberheim SEM Pro synthesizers, which he'd used for bass sounds on previous tours. So he's likely either using samples or his Prophet 5 for all of his bass synth needs.
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A closeup of Jonny's setup.
Thom's Setup
Thom's Chordophones
Martin 00-18?
Fender Jazzmaster Black Finish (1963)
Fender Jazzmaster White Finish (1964
Epiphone Casino Royal Tan (mid-1960s)
Epiphone Casino Sunburst (circa-1962)
Gibson SG (1964) No1
Gibson SG (1964) No2
Martin 00-18?
Fender Jazz bass
Gibson EB-0 bass
unknown classical guitar
unknown (semi-)hollow bass
Fender Mustang bass
unknown (semi-)hollow electric guitar
Thom's Guitar, Bass, and Vocal Pedalboards
Thom's current pedalboards seem mostly similar to the ones he used last year (see Thom's pedalboards page), aside from the changes mentioned above and the removal of the Soma Cosmos from the guitar board.
Thom's Guitar Amplifier
Vox JMI Vox AC30/6 (1962)
Thom's Bass Amplifier
Fender Super Bassman head
Fender Super Bassman head (backup)
Fender Bassman 610 Neo cabinet
Thom's Synthesizers
Waldorf STVC
Moog Matriarch
Sequential Prophet 6
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A closeup of Thom's setup.
Tom Skinner's Synthesizer Setup
Tom Skinner's Prophet Setup
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet '08
Roland FS-5U (sustain pedal for Prophet '08)
Tom Skinner's Modular Setup
Boss TU-3S tuner
JBL GO3 Portable Waterproof speaker
Unknown 4-knob Mixer
Elektron Octatrack MK2 (sequences the modular)
Make Noise Strega
Make Noise 0-Coast No1
Make Noise 0-Coast No2
Mutable Instruments Yarns MIDI-to-CV
Make Noise Richter Wogglebug random generator
Make Noise Echophon delay
Vermona twinOUT dual balanced output No1
Vermona twinOUT dual balanced output No2
Some other modules aren't possible to identify from this photo, but they probably match the ones seen in previous photos.
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A closeup of Tom Skinner's synth setup.
Shared Keyboards
Nord Grand (in custom black stand)
Fender Rhodes piano
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chic-a-gigot · 8 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 5, vol. 15, 29 janvier 1893, Paris. 1. Costume de réception et manteau. Modèles de Mme de Mirebourg, 40, rue de Provence. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
(1) Robe de drap de soie aubergine. — Jupe cloche plate frôlant terre, dans le bas baldaquin de velours même ton plus foncé, petit volant de taffetas un peu plus clair. Corsage plat fermant sous la berthe: berthe revers en velours aubergine entourée d’un volant de taffetas finissant de côté à la taille, étroit velours entoure un peu le haut de la ceinture. Manches larges au coude resserrées par deux volants, un de soie, l’autre de taffetas.
(1) Eggplant silk cloth dress. — Flat bell skirt brushing the ground, at the bottom canopy of velvet in the same darker tone, small ruffle of taffeta a little lighter. Flat bodice closing under the berthe: aubergine velvet lapel berthe surrounded by a taffeta ruffle ending on the side at the waist, narrow velvet surrounds a little the top of the belt. Sleeves wide at the elbow tightened by two ruffles, one in silk, the other in taffeta.
Matériaux: 14 mètres drap de soie, 3 mètres velours aubergine, 8 mètres soie.
(2) Grande redingote vague en velours du Nord noir qui semble posée sur une seconde redingote en drap gris dépassant d’une dizaine de centimètres dans le bas et devant. Elle est ouverte sur une bande de velours uni. Double col, l’un droit en drap et l’autre évasé forme Médicis arrondi. Manches bouffantes au coude en velours, de là partent de hauts poignets plats, en drap gris.
(2) Large vague frock coat in black northern velvet which seems to be placed on a second frock coat in gray cloth extending about ten centimeters at the bottom and in front. It opens onto a strip of plain velvet. Double collar, one straight in cloth and the other flared, rounded Medici shape. Puffed sleeves at the elbow in velvet, from which rise high flat cuffs, in gray cloth.
Matériaux: 22 mètres velours, 2 mètres drap, 14 mètres soie pour doubler.
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sciatu · 1 year
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Partendo da Milazzo in autobus, si raggiunge facilmente il lato che guarda verso Palermo di quella lunga striscia di terra protesa verso nord che è Capo Milazzo. Su questo lato, da cui è possibile vedere le Eolie e l’Etna, vi è una lunga spiaggia amata dal sole che prosegue dritta e chiara fino a finire in un golfo formato dal piegarsi verso ovest dell’alta collina che costituisce il Capo. Dopo quella curva, la scogliera prosegue alta e scoscesa, formando qua e là insenature e spiaggette fino ad arrivare alla punta estrema del capo per poi piegarsi verso sud a formare l’altro lato del lungo promontorio. Su questo lato, ricco di uliveti e lunghi filari di uva da cui nasce il Mamertino, solo poche case, immerse in grandi giardini circondati da bouganville rosse o arancione e palme dall’esili forme. La lunga spiaggia sul lato ovest è quindi l’unica parte dove è possibile fare quell’oziosa attività che consiste nel prendere il sole e nuotare nelle acque calde e trasparenti del mare. Dove la lunga spiaggia finisce c’è la baia del Tono o, come è chiamata in siciliano “a N’ Gonia”, parola derivata dal greco che vuol dire semplicemente “l’angolo”. La baia del Tono era la parte terminale della più grande tonnara del lato nord della Sicilia, attività cruenta dove centinaia di tonni venivano uccisi per garantire la sopravvivenza della popolazione costiera. Di tutto quel dolore e sangue che si perdeva nelle acque marine non è rimasto nulla. Pigramente ci si lascia bruciare dal sole attendendo l’ora di pranzo per mangiare a prezzi modici nei vari stabilimenti balneari un delizioso piatto di paste con le sarde o alla norma. Verso sera il cielo si accende in tramonti che tolgono il fiato e stupiscono per l’assoluta bellezza.
Leaving from Milazzo by bus, you can easily reach the side facing Palermo of that long strip of land extending northwards which is Capo Milazzo. On this side, from which it is possible to see the Aeolian Islands and Etna, there is a long beach loved by the sun which continues straight and clear until it ends in a gulf formed by the high hill that forms the Cape bending towards the west. After that curve, the cliff continues high and steep, forming here and there inlets and small beaches until it reaches the extreme point of the cape and then bends towards the south to form the other side of the long promontory. On this side, full of olive groves and long rows of grapes from which the Mamertino wine is born, only a few houses, immersed in large gardens surrounded by red or orange bougainvillea and palm trees with slender shapes. The long beach on the west side is therefore the only part where it is possible to do that idle activity which consists of sunbathing and swimming in the warm and transparent waters of the sea. Where the long beach ends is the Tono bay or, as it is called in Sicilian "a N' Gonia", a word derived from the Greek which simply means "the corner". The Tono bay was the terminal part of the largest tuna fishery on the north side of Sicily, a bloody activity where hundreds of tuna were killed to ensure the survival of the coastal population. Of all that pain and blood that was lost in the marine waters there is nothing left. You let yourself be burned by the sun while waiting for lunchtime to eat a delicious plate of pasta with sardines or alla norma at reasonable prices in the various bathing establishments. Towards evening the sky lights up in sunsets that take your breath away and amaze you with their absolute beauty.
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francepittoresque · 6 months
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14 avril 1912 : naufrage du Titanic ➽ http://bit.ly/Naufrage-Titanic Nous sommes au milieu de l’Atlantique Nord, au large de Terre-Neuve. Le RMS Titanic navigue en direction de New York, sereinement, à belle allure : 22 nœuds, c’est-à-dire un peu plus de 40 km/h. Seulement, le grand paquebot insubmersible va sombrer
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late-nite-scholar · 1 month
Aug 16 (Day 5)-Crown/Gentle
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Being Emperor isn’t easy. In fact, in some ways, it kind of sucks. Part of a Martin Lives AU. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest  
Nord HoK x Martin Septim 
Warnings- pregnancy
Wordcount- ~1300
It was much later than he’d hoped when Martin climbed the stairs up to the Emperor’s Suite, grumbling a little at how many damned stairs were in this tower. It was too late to read Gemille her bedtime story; she’d have been put to bed a good two hours ago now. There were few things he hated more than the way this damned crown took him away from little things like reading to his daughter and tucking her in. 
Once inside the doors of the royal suite and having shut out the rest of the world, he dropped the tall, square-shouldered walk of the Emperor. Ironically, this grand and overly-sumptuous apartment was one of the few places he could just be Martin for a little while. He closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. 
Gentle arms encircled him, a kiss planted on his cheek as a soft voice asked, “How did it go, love?”
“Longer than it should have. But we’ve got the dispute sorted out. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come see the new Blades taking their oaths. I really wanted to be there.”
“I know. Baurus and I handled things, don’t worry. I’m still technically a Blade myself, among all the other titles. I’m a good substitute for the Emperor when needed.”
He turned, reaching up to take her face in his hands. “Aethelfrid! Don’t say that about yourself! You are, among your other titles, Empress of Tamriel. You’re not a substitute, you’re just as important as I am. Considering how we got here, I’d say you’re more important than I am!”
She grinned. “Yeah, but you’re the Septim. Either way, it went very well. Gemille tried to stay up and wait for you, but she had a long day. She barely made it half an hour past bedtime. Come see what she got today.”
They crept over to the door leading into the nursery. Their daughter lay curled up around something wooden, her orange hair a riot around her. As she shifted, Martin got a look at what she held. 
“Is that a wooden sword?” he whispered in disbelief. 
“It is!”
“She’s three!”
“That’s probably when I got my first training sword,” Aethelfrid shrugged. “She won’t do proper lessons just yet, but she can have it and maybe we can do a few small techniques like proper grip. She’s very excited to show you.”
His face softened into a smile again, “She’s so much like you.”
“She’s more like you than you think.”
Once they’d come away from the nursery door, Aethelfrid took Martin’s hand and led him to another door, behind which the large bath waited. It was all prepared, enchantments keeping the water warm and inviting. As Aethelfrid pushed the robe off of his shoulders, he took off his crown, frowning at it. 
“I hate this thing,” he muttered. 
“I know, love. But we don’t need it right now.” 
He put it down on a small table, feeling the weight of it fall away. For a little while, it could. It was these few, precious moments that got him through the day, that made the weight of the crown bearable. He sighed again. 
“I didn’t even ask you how you’re feeling. I’m sorry, my heart.” He rubbed his face with the heel of his hand. 
She was still undoing and pulling off his clothes, and he reached out to the hem of her long tunic, beneath which her stomach had begun to get round again. She giggled. 
“I’m doing just fine. Feeling good. This feels as though it’ll be another strong, Septim child.” She pulled the tunic over her head. “It’s good it’s starting to show. Some of the nobles have been very pissy that we didn’t just have babies back to back to back. I think they just want to keep me busy and out of Council meetings.”
As they settled into the tub together, Aethelfrid’s strong, deft fingers began to message water and soap through Martin’s hair. He leaned back, savoring the feeling. 
“Can I tell you something, my dear?” he asked. 
“Of course.” She planted a kiss on his forehead. 
“I… I wish we could disappear somewhere. Live quiet lives, just you and me and the children. Maybe somewhere near the mountains.” He’d fallen in love with the mountains during their time at Cloud Ruler Temple. “But there’s still so much to be done, even with all the progress we’ve made.” 
Her fingers stopped scrubbing for the briefest second. “I wish we could, too. My family is from Morthal, and it's not too far from there that you could find a little spot in the mountains. Or east closer to Dawnstar. It’s about as far away from everything as you can get.”     
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Let’s retire there. Once the rebuilding’s done and we get everything back on its feet, let’s retire to Skyrim.” 
Martin helped Aethelfrid unbraid and wash her hair next. He ran a gentle comb through the flame-orange waves, wondering if their second child would also inherit this color. They made many grand plans as he worked; discussing the house they’d build and where. 
“I’d love a garden,” Martin admitted. “I had one at the chantry in Kvatch. I miss it.” Kvatch was being rebuilt, but even if a new garden was planted, he wouldn’t have the chance to do more than maybe see it. 
“I need a training yard. We also need a library.”
“Of course. And enough room for our family. You said you wanted a big one.”
“I do. It’s a Nord thing. We always have big families.”
Well, I will build the house myself to your exact measurements.”
Once they’d bathed, they settled down for a late-night supper. More pressing realities took over the conversation; an envoy from Mournhold arriving in two days’ time, a gala planned for the day after that. The trading guild had a petition about a contract to Hammerfell, and builders in the city wanted to meet about their progress. There was also a feast day coming up quickly, and they’d have to find the ceremonial robes to wear to the temple that day.  
It seemed never-ending, but Aethelfrid was as firm in her commitment as he, and it was less daunting with both of them facing it together. After all, they’d faced down the forces of The Dead Lands and its ruler together. Once you’ve done something like that, the mundane jobs of contracts and noble posturing seemed much less intimidating.
After dinner, they retired to their bed with a book each. Snuggling up, they did a little reading, before returning their attention to the other. 
“I’m sorry for being so grouchy,” Martin kissed his wife’s cheek softly. 
“You have a lot on your plate, love. We both do. It’s not easy. It’s a lot of pressure.”
“I really wish we could retire to the mountains.”
“We will. We’ll get things back on track and retire to Bruma. Or Morthal, or wherever you want. Falkreath is very pretty and has less snow.” 
“They’re not going to let us just leave like that.”
“When the time comes, we’ll leave before they realize. You have no idea the hidden places and trails and things I found running around doing Hero of Kvatch stuff. I mean it.”
“I would never doubt you on that. And, I hope we can take you up on it.”
“We will. I promise you that.”
It took Martin a long time to fall asleep that night. It seemed so impossible! That he could truly leave behind this crown and the weight it carried. But Aethelfrid had done the impossible before. Many times, in fact. He had no doubt she could do so again. One day, he told himself, once we’ve got things back in order. 
When he finally fell asleep, he dreamed of a little farm with a garden and a gaggle of flame-haired children. 
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whencyclopedfr · 2 months
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Le Chamanisme en Corée Ancienne
Le chamanisme a été largement pratiqué en Corée depuis la préhistoire jusqu'à l'époque moderne. Il s'agit d'un système de croyances qui trouve son origine dans les cultures de l'Asie du Nord-Est et de l'Arctique. Bien que le terme "chamanisme" ait depuis acquis une signification plus large dans de nombreuses cultures différentes, dans l'ancienne Corée, il a conservé sa forme originale, dans laquelle des praticiens autoproclamés promettaient d'entrer en contact avec le monde des esprits et de l'influencer afin de venir en aide aux vivants. Les chamanes se voyaient confier leur autorité par ceux qui croyaient en leur pouvoir. Il ne s'agit donc pas d'une religion, et il n'y avait ni prêtrise hiérarchique, ni textes, ni dogmes auxquels adhérer. Pendant une grande partie de l'histoire de la Corée, le bouddhisme était la religion officielle de l'État, mais le chamanisme continua à jouer un rôle important pour la population ordinaire, essentiellement paysanne. Son influence sur la culture coréenne ancienne est particulièrement tangible dans l'art, l'architecture, la littérature et la musique qui nous sont parvenus.
Lire la suite...
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kagrena · 1 year
34. bauble
Dumac, who is neither a magnificent king nor a decorated general nor even a particularly celebrated diplomat (yet), but is instead a twenty-four year old legal assistant who stands in shadow to his tedious cousin – as instructed – and slinks between soirées in Bzanth-Vvarden's high spires when he is not giving maverick legal advice – which is not as instructed though largely tolerated – has just been given a gift he cannot receive. It's an awkward position.
"I thought... but this was your gift, was it not?" He looks to the gift-giver, who stands upright like a tower but refuses to meet his gaze. "Was it not gifted to you?"
The gift-giver is resolute. "It is a pretty bauble. The sort you like. I have no need of such things."
The 'pretty bauble' in question is, in fact, an ornate geometric hairpiece spun from glass-woven-into-brass by a Bzanthan master crafter. He is almost certain that it was gifted by the Chief of Crafts themselves. It is intricate, stylish, and - yes, exactly the type of 'bauble' he would covet.
It also is inlaid with a ring of Lzrenti sapphires. The sort that would have been impossible to find during the War of the Mountains.
He sighs.
"This is supposed to be a peace offering. A symbol of harmony between our clans. Would you really turn that down?"
"I don't want peace," says the gift-giver. He is reminded, again, that they are just nineteen years old. "Do you believe the Nords care for our petty disputes? We are all just 'dwarves' in their eyes. They'll slaughter us without discrimination."
Dumac steps forward.
"I understand where you're coming from–"
"No, you do not."
Lzrent is now smouldering ash. Bzanth-Vvarden is not.
"You are right," he says, "but if I may – while 'petty' to you, this gesture means something to the elders here. They'll need help seeing your perspective. Play their game a little, and it will be easier to convince them."
They shake their head.
"I have spent six months playing their games, being placated by diplomats at their ridiculous little events. This city is an extravagant shambles. When the Nords come for us–"
They cut themselves off. They try again–
"When the Nords come for us–"
Their hands crunch into balls. Dumac considers reaching out – but thinks better of it.
"Kagrenac–" he begins–
"I almost think I'd be better off raising an army."
It is actually rather easy to imagine Kagrenac, the bold warrior queen, who unites the clans under a single fiery banner. Brazen and coarse and uncompromising, with all the blood on their hands. It is fanciful image, an almost impossible image, and it compels him as much as it makes him want to recoil. They have already been so many things. A refugee. A daughter of one of the Great Scrollkeepers in Clan Lzrent's Grand Library – reduced to ashes by the Nords less than a year ago. They arrived in Vvardenfell with nothing but rags on their back and pure hunger in their eyes. Sponsored by his grandmother in an act of unabashed self-interest, who seeks to apprentice them as an Architect. They are young and stubborn, they sulk during festivities and bicker with people five times their age. His cousin loathes them. Dumac, who has no younger siblings or relatives his age, for his part, well–
"You would be cut down in less than year," he says, simply. "You have no credentials, no family, and most Vvardenfell Clans have no great love for anyone in the Western Mountains. What little you would gather would be destroyed in a matter of minutes."
"It would be better," they snap, "than another year sitting and doing nothing."
"No, it would not." He wishes he could speak like an earthquake. That he could grasp them by the shoulders and shake them to their core. "It would be a year wasted. And what would that honestly achieve? Who would it serve, except your pride?"
They say nothing to this.
"Kagrena, don't waste your life on nothing. You're worth more than that."
They do not move.
Dumac sighs. "I'll take your bauble and even wear it, if it pleases you."
It takes a moment. Then, they shrug, suddenly, an awkward gesture that doesn't fit with their cutting words or their earlier poise. They place the bauble in his hand.
"I think it would suit you," they say quietly.
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darkmaga-retard · 19 days
The Democrats Plan for Ukraine Is: They Don’t Have a Plan
By Uriel Araujo
Global Research, September 06, 2024
Amid the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Kamala Harris has pledged to “stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies.” With the upcoming US presidential elections, all eyes are on the Democratic nominee Kamala Harris and on the Republican one Donald Trump. If one is to believe the (overwhelmingly pro-Ukrainian) Western press, the Republic candidate will just “abandon” Ukraine altogether thus ensuring its defeat, while the Democrats in turn will do everything they can to “save” the Eastern European country. Things are quite more complex than that, of course.
Firstly, and it is always important to highlight that, the US-led West bears, at the very least, a large part of responsibility for the ongoing crisis in Ukraine since 2014 – arguably most of it.
Secondly, Trump is no “pro-Russia agent” at all – and no “peacemaker” either.
And now to the Democrats. Starting with Kamala Harris, she famously described the conflict in Ukraine as
“Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that’s wrong.”
Beyond this fourth-grade vocabulary utterance, Harris does not have much to offer on the issue, and on any other issue, for that matter. If the incumbent President Joe Biden no longer has had a clear picture of anything due to a senile dementia related condition (which the White House administration conspired to cover up), Harris in turn seems to similarly have no clear picture about most topics – for whatever reason.
Of course, Harris’ much mocked remarks on Ukraine, made in 2022, shortly after the current Russian military campaign began, were her way of responding (a little too literally) to a radio show host guest request to break it down “in layman’s terms”. Be it in layman’s terms or not, she has had not much to say on the matter beyond the usual clichés. With a plethora of her inscrutable aphorisms going viral, much has been made of the Democrat’s nominee logorrhoea (which could indeed be a sign of psychological and neurological disorders, according to experts), but the deeper issue is that the Democrat party itself does not seem to have a plan.
Emma Ashford (senior fellow with the Reimagining U.S. Grand Strategy program at the Stimson Center), and Matthew Kroenig (senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security) have both recently questioned whether Harris has a foreign policy at all. To be honest, the Democratic Party 2024 policy platform does seem to pivot back to Europe (and partially away from the Pacific trend started by Hillary Clinton), but does not offer much more concrete clues beyond that.
As I wrote before, Washington’s foreign policy often reminds one of the swing of a pendulum. More often than not, it oscillates between the notion of “countering” either Russia or China – sometimes attempting to accomplish both things at the same time, as we have seen with  Joe Biden’s dangerous “dual containment” approach.
One thing we can infer from the Democrats platform is that they want to exert much pressure on Russia without engaging in talks and without worrying that much about their own transatlantic allies (we’ve all seen how post-Nord Stream is going, energy-wise). This is no recipe for any kind of peace.
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easa-space · 22 days
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𝗟𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲̀𝘁𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘀. 𝖬𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗄 𝖤𝗅-𝖸𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗋 𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖾 𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖾́𝗍𝗎𝖽𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗋 𝗅𝖺 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾̀𝗍𝖾 𝖬𝖺𝗋𝗌 "𝗌𝗎𝗋𝗇𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾́𝖾 𝗅𝖺 𝖯𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾̀𝗍𝖾 𝖱𝗈𝗎𝗀𝖾." Nous avons tous l’image de Mars en tête : une planète, rouge, rocheuse, désertique. Mais celle que l’on appelle « la planète rouge » possède bien d’autres caractéristiques surprenantes, que les humains essaient de décrypter, en y envoyant des engins scientifiques depuis plus de 60 ans. Voici aujourd'hui mon étude sur cette découverte surprenante. 𝗟’𝗲́𝘁𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗲.
Mars est une des 4 planètes telluriques - on parle aussi de rocheuses - du Système solaire. 
Un désert ?
C’est une petite planète : par rapport à la Terre, elle est 7 fois moins volumineuse et 10 fois moins massive. Nous lui donnons aussi le nom de « planète rouge », car sa surface est recouverte de poussière riche en oxyde de fer, à l’origine de sa couleur rougeâtre (couleur de la rouille). Même si elle ressemble à un immense désert aride, détrompez vous : il fait à sa surface -60°C en moyenne. Il y fait froid parce qu’elle se situe plus loin du Soleil que la Terre : à 228 millions de km (contre 150 millions de km pour la distance Terre-Soleil). Aussi, son atmosphère est très fine, et ne retient pas la chaleur générée par l’énergie solaire. 
La structure martienne en détails.
L’atmosphère martienne est principalement composée de dioxyde de carbone (96%). On trouve également des traces d’argon (1,93%) et d’azote (1,89%). Elle est 60 fois moins dense que celle de la Terre, ce qui réduit son effet de serre, c’est-à-dire sa capacité à maintenir l’énergie solaire sur la planète. Mais il y a quelques milliards d’années, l’atmosphère martienne ressemblait à celle de la Terre. C’est la disparition de son champ magnétique et l’interaction avec le vent solaire, composé de particules chargées électriquement, qui a alors progressivement grignoté cette couche de gaz, la faisant presque disparaître… (Notre atmosphère terrestre a elle été protégée du vent solaire grâce au champ magnétique qui agit comme un bouclier.)
Lorsqu’il y a des tempêtes sur Mars, l’atmosphère devient très poussiéreuse, et le ciel se teinte de rouge : un vrai décor apocalyptique. Ces particules de poussière s’envolent avec un simple souffle car la gravité de Mars est très faible (38 % de celle de la Terre). Elles restent ensuite en suspension car il n’y a pas de précipitations pour les lessiver.
Les plus grands volcans du Système solaire.
Sur Mars se dressent les plus hauts reliefs du Système solaire. Ces formations géologiques sont, pour la plupart, des « volcans boucliers », en référence à leur forme de cône aplati. Le plus large d’entre eux est l’Alba Mons, qui a un diamètre d’environ 1 600 km, soit plus long que la France du nord au sud. Le plus haut sommet est l’Olympus Mons, qui culmine à 22 km d’altitude (presque 3 fois le mont Everest). Le Bassin boréal, situé sur Mars, serait selon certains un bassin d’impact (c’est-à-dire un cratère d’impact de très grande dimension) de 8 500 par 10 600 km de long, soit 40% de la surface de la planète.
Une cousine éloignée de la Terre ?
La Terre et Mars partagent quelques points communs. Sur les deux planètes, on retrouve par exemple de l’eau. Cependant, impossible de se baigner sur Mars, l’eau n’y est présente que sous son état gazeux (vapeur d’eau) ou solide (glace). De par la pression et la température martiennes, il est aujourd’hui impossible de trouver de l’eau liquide à la surface de la planète rouge. Mais les scientifiques ont montré qu’il y a des milliards d’années, il y a eu des lacs, des océans, des mers et des rivières.
Autour de Mars.
Mars possède deux satellites naturels : Phobos et Déimos. Ce sont des petits corps : le premier est 7 millions de fois moins massif que notre Lune, et le second presque 50 millions de fois. Phobos, qui orbite à moins de 6 000 km de la planète, a une forme surprenante, et une surface toute bosselée de cratères d’impact. D’ici quelques millions d’années, cette lune va se désagréger dans l’atmosphère martienne, et former un anneau autour de la planète. La 2ᵉ lune est Déimos, encore plus petite que Phobos. Elle orbite à 23 000 km de Mars, et son look est aussi atypique que celui de sa grande sœur. Dans la mythologie, leurs noms sont ceux donnés aux enfants qu’ont eu la déesse de la beauté Aphrodite avec le dieu de la guerre Arès. Phobos signifie la peur et Déimos la terreur.
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reyolivier · 7 months
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Beagle, un canal entre deux océans
« Le plus beau contraste jamais vu entre mer et glace »  - Charles Darwin durant sa navigation à bord du navire Le Beagle dans le détroit qui deviendra le canal de Beagle.
Entre les océans Pacifique et Atlantique, entre l’Argentine et le Chili, le canal de Beagle forme un détroit qui s’étend d’est en ouest sur 240 km de long et relie les deux océans. Ce bras de mer coupe la Terre de Feu en deux : la grande île au nord et un archipel formé d’une multitude de petites îles au sud.
Beagle, a channel between two oceans
“The most beautiful contrast ever seen between sea and ice” - Charles Darwin during his navigation aboard the ship The Beagle in the strait that would become the Beagle Channel.
Between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, between Argentina and Chile, the Beagle Channel forms a strait that extends from east to west for 240 km long and connects the two oceans. This arm of the sea cuts Tierra del Fuego in two: the large island to the north and an archipelago made up of a multitude of small islands to the south.
#argentina #argentina🇦🇷 #argentine #argentinas #travel #travelphotography #travelgram #travelblogger #travelling #instatravel #voyage #voyager #voyageurdumonde #naturerey #summer #summervibes #ameriquedusud #ameriquelatine #sealife #patagonia #patagoniaargentina🇦🇷 #otarie #mountains #montana #animal #animallovers #sea #canalbeagle #ocean #lighthouse
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nientedenada · 11 months
On the Arrrant Lies of The Septims' Most Deplorable Toady, My Former Employer, Bertrand Rielle, Duke of Camlorn
Apocrypha/Microfic written for r/teslore. Read it here or on AO3.
This angry pamphlet was published in the early years of the Septim Empire, during the reign of Emperor Pelagius I. Our one copy of this text comes from the Archives of the Adamantium Tower, and bears the simple notation "This is most diverting" in the hand of a Direnni scribe. The fate of the author is unknown.
I, Bazile Guimard, am a historian of the First Era, a role which means I am constantly thwarted in my researches by the imaginative genealogical efforts of the Breton aristocracy. Nowhere in Tamriel will you find such a mendacious crew as the nobles of this land. Pedigree means everything to them.
Don’t mistake my meaning here, certainly all nobles boast of their pedigrees. If you’re ever invited to a Summerset country estate for the weekend, I advise you to decline the invitation lest you succumb to the boredom of hearing an enthusiastic Altmer host monologue about his ancestors back to the Dawn. Breton stories of ancestral glory are much more palatable; largely because everyone is aware that most of them are hogswash. There is a tacit agreement among us Bretons not to look too closely into the actual facts of other people’s ancestors. Our friends and neighbours repay us the favour by not looking into our own.
Yes, pedigree means everything to Breton nobles. This does not entail respect for their ancestors. Instead, it means that they make up their pedigrees out of whole-cloth to suit their situation. The frustrated historian is left to sift through the nonsense of centuries to get at the truth.
And still, I’ve never met such an arrant liar as Bertrand Rielle, Duke of Camlorn.
The man doesn’t lack a grand ancestry. There’s been a remarkable consistency in the Rielle rule of Camlorn over generations. Even if they’re thrown out on their ears, eventually they turn up again. I can trace Duke Bertrand’s lineage back to the hero of Glenumbra Moors, Prince Aiden Direnni himself. That, however, does not please Bertrand. Of late years, he has cozied up to the Septim family and with that, reinvented his ancestry to be more palatable to the current fashion. The last time I visited the Duke, he was boasting about his heroic Nord ancestress, Inge Blood-Swan. Bertrand knows damn well that Inge was the husband of the first Duke of Camlorn, Robert Rielle, and that he is descended from that Duke’s younger sister, Yselle. At least Bertrand knew it as late as last year before he met a so-called antiquarian who informed him that Inge could be a woman’s name as well and introduced to Bertrand the lure of a new more Nordic descent. The Septims will surely be impressed by this one!
In this new version of Rielle family history, Inge Blood-Swan, descendant of Ysgramor, (and as Bertrand tells it, most of the other five hundred Companions), inspired her Breton husband Robert Rielle to throw off the hated scourge of elven oppression. How utterly ridiculous, and what an insult to the memory of the First Duke of Camlorn, the wily opportunistic manmer who carved out his own chunk of the Direnni Hegemony.
Bertrand has revoked my access to his archives and disrupted my work of two decades chronicling the rise of the manmer polity of Camlorn. But In an instance of what I can only see as Divine Justice, he has also lost the boot-licking hobbyist who started him down this path. Scarcely a week into his new job, this idiot reportedly borrowed a late-Hegemony Levies Scroll for a bit of light bedtime reading. The servants report they had to scrape his viscera off the ceiling.
Duke Bertrand is in search of a new lorekeeper. Since no reputable Breton scholar will now associate with him, perhaps he can install a travelling Nord street magician next, as is the Septim-approved fashion.
Notes: Inspired by finding out Inge: a woman's name in Skyrim is more often male in Sweden/Norway. And by sorting through all sorts of dreadful amateur genealogy done by folks with big dreams of glorious ancestry and no skepticism or discernment.
The Pocket Guide to the Empire, First Edition, and the complaints of texts such as Frontier, Conquest, paint a picture of a period of Nord Fatherland nonsense in the early Septim Empire. If the Septims have loudly-declared roots in Atmora, would the Breton aristocracy pass up on acquiring some for themselves? The Breton aristocracy has a high turn-over and a strong self-aggrandizing streak. From the PGE1
Today, the social structure of the Bretons has divided itself into a poor middle class and destitute peasantry, a magical elite separate from their squalor, and an often incoherent jumble of nobility and ruling families above them all. It is beyond the small ambition of this pamphlet to address the latter in any better terms, for even the natives have difficulty distinguishing their leaders from one another. Indeed, it is an old joke among the Bretons: "find a new hill, become a king," and many have taken it to heart. Youths of all professions and trades in High Rock spend their free time in knightly pursuits, real and imagined, performing good deeds and the like for all and sundry, in oft-vain efforts to achieve, one day, a noble status.
Once you've found that new hill, you need a pedigree, I figure.
There are two more references to the PGE1 here: Altmer commenter YR's allegation that Tiber Septim hired a fake street magician to run his Thu'um college, and the dangers of trying to read Direnni Hegemony official documents without the proper ciphers.
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bethrnoora · 4 months
🐅 for hiisi and 🎇 for anfisa
yayayyy thank u pria!!
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
for Hiisi sometimes i feel like the question should be what DOESN'T make him angry lmao. i do feel like there is a throughline of authority at large, especially when leveraged against people who have no way of pushing back on that influence. he would never characterize his rage that way as he prefers to keep himself on the unapproachable side to most, but it's part of why he is so quick to take on Aventus Aretino's request to kill Grelod - especially since he was at one point an orphan at the mercy of the people who took care of him.
tamriel and skyrim especially is full of people eager to abuse their positions of power, so Hiisi is DEFINITELY angry often and while it doesn't take a lot to make him blow his lid it hasn't always been that way; as he settles into the role of Listener and travels throughout Skyrim i think he learns to rein things in a bit so as not to end up as explosive as some of the local Nords. so he generally cultivates a general air of quietly-boiling rage - though diehard Imperial or Stormcloak sympathizers, as well as upper-class bigots who hold people under their thumb really grind his gears and make him not want to wait for the Night Mother's word (and on a few occasions sometimes he doesn't wait).
🎇 (sparkler) - If your oc had the chance to start their life over again, what would they change, if anything? How would this change them and the people around them? Would their lives be better or worse? Would they change anything in the first place?
so Anfisa is generally a "keep moving forward" type of person, which makes it kind of hard to say what she would change, if anything. I think that she would certainly not want to start over from the beginning, both because I don't think she would see the point in it and because there are some things that she sees as set in stone, things that would happen in any lifetime no matter how many times it would play out. Transitioning, for one - I think she knows the Hist would be kind to her in any lifetime and her transness would be realized and welcomed by the Hist and her community.
I think by the end of the events of Skyrim she regrets not being able to help a lot of people, not being able to achieve a perfect outcome for the actual citizens of Skyrim during the peace talks, and not being able to dissuade Hiisi away from the Dark Brotherhood in some way - though the last one especially she can't help but feel like fate took him where he needed to be (or would end up eventually). so in that sense the opportunity to go back and change these things would be tempting, but in the grand scheme of things I don't think she would find it worth the risk of altering some yet-unknown future, or potentially preventing her from meeting the people she knows and loves in Skyrim.
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chic-a-gigot · 11 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 340, 29 octobre 1892, Paris. No. 1. — Grands manteaux d'hiver. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(1) Long pardessus en velours du Nord, noir. Corsage et jupe non ajustés sur le devant, ajustés derrière. Broderie en passementerie sur le corsage et sur le bas de la jupe. Manches bouillonnées, en satin gris clair, coupées en dessus par des bandes de velours, garnies de perles. De grandes manches juge, prenant sur l'épaule, retombent bas sur la jupe. Col montant. Devant et bas du manteau en fourrure de martre. Chapeau de velours du Nord, garni de coques de ruban et de riches plumes d'autruche, en pouf sur le devant et tombant derrière sur la nuque.
(1) Long North velvet overcoat, black. Bodice and skirt unfitted at the front, fitted at the back. Embroidery trimming on the bodice and at the bottom of the skirt. Bubble sleeves, in light gray satin, cut above by bands of velvet, trimmed with pearls. Large judge sleeves, hanging over the shoulder, fall low on the skirt. Collar. Front and bottom of the coat in sable fur. Northern velvet hat, trimmed with ribbon shells and rich ostrich feathers, pouf on the front and falling behind on the nape of the neck.
(2) Grand pardessus en velours français, vert-myrte, ouvert. devant, du haut en bas, sur une chemisette de satin de même nuance. De grands revers de satin, recouverts d'appliques de dentelle rebrodée, garnissent les deux côtés du pardessus. Manches de velours, plates, recouvertes par une seconde manche de satin, retenue par un chou à la saignée, et entourées par un dépassant de fourrure. Poignets et col en fourrure. Chapeau de feutre vert, garni devant et sur la nuque par des plumes d'autruche noires.
(2) Large French velvet overcoat, myrtle green, open. in front, from top to bottom, on a satin chemisette of the same shade. Large satin lapels, covered with embroidered lace appliques, adorn both sides of the overcoat. Flat velvet sleeves, covered by a second satin sleeve, held in place by a collar, and surrounded by a fur overhang. Fur cuffs and collar. Green felt hat, trimmed in front and on the back of the neck with black ostrich feathers.
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