#martin lives
late-nite-scholar · 1 month
Aug 16 (Day 5)-Crown/Gentle
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Being Emperor isn’t easy. In fact, in some ways, it kind of sucks. Part of a Martin Lives AU. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest  
Nord HoK x Martin Septim 
Warnings- pregnancy
Wordcount- ~1300
It was much later than he’d hoped when Martin climbed the stairs up to the Emperor’s Suite, grumbling a little at how many damned stairs were in this tower. It was too late to read Gemille her bedtime story; she’d have been put to bed a good two hours ago now. There were few things he hated more than the way this damned crown took him away from little things like reading to his daughter and tucking her in. 
Once inside the doors of the royal suite and having shut out the rest of the world, he dropped the tall, square-shouldered walk of the Emperor. Ironically, this grand and overly-sumptuous apartment was one of the few places he could just be Martin for a little while. He closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. 
Gentle arms encircled him, a kiss planted on his cheek as a soft voice asked, “How did it go, love?”
“Longer than it should have. But we’ve got the dispute sorted out. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to come see the new Blades taking their oaths. I really wanted to be there.”
“I know. Baurus and I handled things, don’t worry. I’m still technically a Blade myself, among all the other titles. I’m a good substitute for the Emperor when needed.”
He turned, reaching up to take her face in his hands. “Aethelfrid! Don’t say that about yourself! You are, among your other titles, Empress of Tamriel. You’re not a substitute, you’re just as important as I am. Considering how we got here, I’d say you’re more important than I am!”
She grinned. “Yeah, but you’re the Septim. Either way, it went very well. Gemille tried to stay up and wait for you, but she had a long day. She barely made it half an hour past bedtime. Come see what she got today.”
They crept over to the door leading into the nursery. Their daughter lay curled up around something wooden, her orange hair a riot around her. As she shifted, Martin got a look at what she held. 
“Is that a wooden sword?” he whispered in disbelief. 
“It is!”
“She’s three!”
“That’s probably when I got my first training sword,” Aethelfrid shrugged. “She won’t do proper lessons just yet, but she can have it and maybe we can do a few small techniques like proper grip. She’s very excited to show you.”
His face softened into a smile again, “She’s so much like you.”
“She’s more like you than you think.”
Once they’d come away from the nursery door, Aethelfrid took Martin’s hand and led him to another door, behind which the large bath waited. It was all prepared, enchantments keeping the water warm and inviting. As Aethelfrid pushed the robe off of his shoulders, he took off his crown, frowning at it. 
“I hate this thing,” he muttered. 
“I know, love. But we don’t need it right now.” 
He put it down on a small table, feeling the weight of it fall away. For a little while, it could. It was these few, precious moments that got him through the day, that made the weight of the crown bearable. He sighed again. 
“I didn’t even ask you how you’re feeling. I’m sorry, my heart.” He rubbed his face with the heel of his hand. 
She was still undoing and pulling off his clothes, and he reached out to the hem of her long tunic, beneath which her stomach had begun to get round again. She giggled. 
“I’m doing just fine. Feeling good. This feels as though it’ll be another strong, Septim child.” She pulled the tunic over her head. “It’s good it’s starting to show. Some of the nobles have been very pissy that we didn’t just have babies back to back to back. I think they just want to keep me busy and out of Council meetings.”
As they settled into the tub together, Aethelfrid’s strong, deft fingers began to message water and soap through Martin’s hair. He leaned back, savoring the feeling. 
“Can I tell you something, my dear?” he asked. 
“Of course.” She planted a kiss on his forehead. 
“I… I wish we could disappear somewhere. Live quiet lives, just you and me and the children. Maybe somewhere near the mountains.” He’d fallen in love with the mountains during their time at Cloud Ruler Temple. “But there’s still so much to be done, even with all the progress we’ve made.” 
Her fingers stopped scrubbing for the briefest second. “I wish we could, too. My family is from Morthal, and it's not too far from there that you could find a little spot in the mountains. Or east closer to Dawnstar. It’s about as far away from everything as you can get.”     
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Let’s retire there. Once the rebuilding’s done and we get everything back on its feet, let’s retire to Skyrim.” 
Martin helped Aethelfrid unbraid and wash her hair next. He ran a gentle comb through the flame-orange waves, wondering if their second child would also inherit this color. They made many grand plans as he worked; discussing the house they’d build and where. 
“I’d love a garden,” Martin admitted. “I had one at the chantry in Kvatch. I miss it.” Kvatch was being rebuilt, but even if a new garden was planted, he wouldn’t have the chance to do more than maybe see it. 
“I need a training yard. We also need a library.”
“Of course. And enough room for our family. You said you wanted a big one.”
“I do. It’s a Nord thing. We always have big families.”
Well, I will build the house myself to your exact measurements.”
Once they’d bathed, they settled down for a late-night supper. More pressing realities took over the conversation; an envoy from Mournhold arriving in two days’ time, a gala planned for the day after that. The trading guild had a petition about a contract to Hammerfell, and builders in the city wanted to meet about their progress. There was also a feast day coming up quickly, and they’d have to find the ceremonial robes to wear to the temple that day.  
It seemed never-ending, but Aethelfrid was as firm in her commitment as he, and it was less daunting with both of them facing it together. After all, they’d faced down the forces of The Dead Lands and its ruler together. Once you’ve done something like that, the mundane jobs of contracts and noble posturing seemed much less intimidating.
After dinner, they retired to their bed with a book each. Snuggling up, they did a little reading, before returning their attention to the other. 
“I’m sorry for being so grouchy,” Martin kissed his wife’s cheek softly. 
“You have a lot on your plate, love. We both do. It’s not easy. It’s a lot of pressure.”
“I really wish we could retire to the mountains.”
“We will. We’ll get things back on track and retire to Bruma. Or Morthal, or wherever you want. Falkreath is very pretty and has less snow.” 
“They’re not going to let us just leave like that.”
“When the time comes, we’ll leave before they realize. You have no idea the hidden places and trails and things I found running around doing Hero of Kvatch stuff. I mean it.”
“I would never doubt you on that. And, I hope we can take you up on it.”
“We will. I promise you that.”
It took Martin a long time to fall asleep that night. It seemed so impossible! That he could truly leave behind this crown and the weight it carried. But Aethelfrid had done the impossible before. Many times, in fact. He had no doubt she could do so again. One day, he told himself, once we’ve got things back in order. 
When he finally fell asleep, he dreamed of a little farm with a garden and a gaggle of flame-haired children. 
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saragrosie · 1 month
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Sketching while streaming s5...
Jonathan Sims I will learn to draw you (this is my doing. I could draw him however I want and I choose to stick with an image of him in my brain that is difficult for me to draw. Masochism.)
Not s5 Mahtins below I enjoyed drawing cuz hes neat:
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(Edit: I yassified Martin in the do not separate cuz I wanted his hair fluffier)
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starfall-xo · 6 months
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2024 Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees as VHS tapes by @ShawnMansfield
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blackautmedia · 7 months
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Today, 2/26 is the anniversary of when George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, a 17-year old Black boy in 2012.
Much love to Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, his parents and to the rest of his family. You all are hurting far more. Never forget this day.
This should always fill you with outrage knowing that Black children are viewed as inherently dangerous, that anyone can freely murder Black people as they see fit and will view Black children as adults.
It should be enraging that not only is this allowed of citizens it's expected and supported by the state. We've only had increased spending on policing since 2012.
It should be blood boiling that within that, police target Black trans and Black disabled people at even higher rates and both are routinely ignored or downplayed.
Black trans and disabled communities are consistently abandoned. Black trans people often get misgendered and deadnamed even in coverage discussing them.
It is so exhausting.
For Black Lives to Matter, that means all Black lives. It includes Black trans lives, Black disabled lives, Black unhoused lives, Black Sex Worker's lives, Black women, Black children, everyone.
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goryhorroor · 1 year
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horror directors + their most known movie + my favorite
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cult-of-the-eye · 4 months
lena kelley could run the magnus institute but elias bouchard couldn't run the OIAR
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potato-lord-but-not · 6 months
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Jon & Martin posting because I’m a sicko
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mitwodlemi · 9 months
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(Spoilers for seasons 1-2 of TMA) HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!
I got hyperfixated on The Magnus Archives back in November and now I can finally post some fanart for it! Here's my season 1 and 2 dump. I have much more stuff for the later seasons, which I will be posting soon hopefully.
Enjoy my drawings of the Eye's special little boy!!!!!
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Photos during the Civil Rights movement were in Black and White because they were cheaper and because News Papers were in black and white (most of the people taking pictures were taking them to publish them).
So here's some color photos of Martin Luther King to remind everyone that this was recent. This is recent history. This is recent memory for a lot of people. People are alive today that got to witness MLK's speeches.
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pinkravat-art · 1 year
domesticity somewhere else
i missed them ok
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clown-eating-pig · 5 months
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Somehow I completely missed the underlined portion of this conversation until just now 😭😭😭 he’s so funny when exactly was he “trying out” a middle name in conversation with Jon sksjdkcjmskxkskdmcjwjx 😭😭😭😭
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littlecrittereli · 4 months
Why does the concept of a wild kratts and pokemon crossover work so well
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When I asked for suggestions the other day a lot of people asked for pokemon content but at the time I was just doing some sketches. However, I was inspired to take a crack at it a little later! And alas here is Chris' team. (He's a grass primary obviously) (... is it obvious what my favorite gen is.......?)
I feel like he wouldn't be a pokemon trainer though... more like a researcher.... so basically the same exact thing they do in Wild Kratts... except with pokemon in the place of real animals. And their pokemon are considered more of companions and teammates that can help on adventures. (Maybe occasionally helping with villain encounters?) Idk! It's not like a whole AU I wanna dive into but I thought it would be fun to draw as a one-off thing :] Not sure if I'll make it through the whole crew, but I'm definitely working on Martin next. Most of my fav pokemon are water types so I'm really excited!
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ian0key · 5 months
TMA AU (TimSasha Lives) P.6
⚠️eyes-Apocalypse babyyy!!
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Okey, so...
Tim and Sasha also escaped from the institute at the end of season 4.
Neither of them were linked to the institute since they were avatars, but they stayed to protect those who were. (especially Martin)
When Jon and Martin went to ScotlandThey went to a hotel recommended by a ""Sasha's contact""
(which she met during the months after she escaped from the spiral door, but she doesn't talk much about those times)
They spent 3 weeks there, not knowing what to do.
Until their phones stopped working.
They thought it was strange but also that it was a consequence of the spiral. (they arrived at the hotel through the door)
They wouldn't have given it any importance if it weren't for a strange feeling that flooded them both, something had changed, but they didn't know what.
After a while Mikaele asked them to go out for a few minutes.
And the first thing they saw was a giant eye in the sky.
They panicked, looking for a way to contact Jon, Martin or Basira but they couldn't.
After 2 weeks they decided they had to leave, they spent another week preparing for whatever they would find out there.
The first person they found was Helen, the second was Oliver, and the third was Basira, she told them that Jon and Martin were alive and were heading to the Penopticon.
that is their destiny.
Desolation!Tim -> (Part 1)
End!Sasha -> (Part 2)
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(English is not my first language, please let me know if I make any spelling mistakes.)
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spooksicl-e · 5 months
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