#grand admiral
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purringysalamiri · 2 months ago
thrawn hand motions.
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heirofazure · 2 months ago
Thrawn’s Musings: 2
A Mother’s Sacrifice
Summary: Sad!Thrawn shower thoughts. I wanted to explore what a Chiss mother’s lullaby would be like considering their culture of rematching to new families. Are they conditioned from childhood that one's birth family may not always be there? Is it taboo to speak of one's past if rematched to a new family? Do Chiss keep in contact with their former/birth relatives if they are rematched? Does a birth family only refer to one by their new name, or a variation of one's core name since it's the one that follows the Chiss for the entirety of their lives? I’d love to see more people exploring this.
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Precision, precision, precision was Thrawn’s mantra as beads of sweat streamed down his face and onto the floor of his private sparring gym. Of all the private amenities provided to him as Grand Admiral, this had to be the one he was most thankful for. The vibroblade gripped in his right fist thrummed with energy as he wielded it with brutal efficiency, the blade flashing as it made contact with the Imperial sentry droid’s black plating. He swiftly lifted his left forearm to block a rapid punch from the droid, the vibroblade’s hilt dragging along his chest and plunging forward into the droid’s alloy abdomen. Energy crackled along the plating and caused the droid to seize, granting Thrawn mere seconds to catch his breath. Fatigue was beginning to take over, and when he glanced at the crono on the wall, he realized he had been sparring for over 30 minutes. If he continued, his form would become sloppy.
Absolutely unacceptable. 
“Override...Code Ruhk,” Thawn said between ragged breaths. The droid immediately shifted into attention stance and powered down, Thrawn’s reflection becoming clearer in the sudden darkness now occupying its dimming red eyes. He swallowed as he took in his appearance, noting his own red eyes hooded with exhaustion, and his blue skin a shade paler than usual. 
His reflection was the only Chiss he’d laid eyes upon in the years since he’d entered Imperial service. It had never bothered him before, but for the past few months, it had begun to weigh on his mind. A reunion with Admiral Ar’alani was anticipated in the future due to unusual events occurring within the borders of the Empire, but it had yet to come to fruition. Had he even spoken a word of Cheunh in the past standard year? A hollow feeling began to expand in his chest. His exercising garments, now saturated with perspiration, felt too tight as the sensation spread throughout his entire body.
Melancholy. A feeling he was never fond of but currently permeating every fiber of his being. He shook his head and exited the sparring gym. Light followed his movement as motion sensors tracked his path from the gym to his shower. The thought of warm water and soap washing away the sticky sensation he felt all over brought a smile to his face. Surely that would make him feel better. He strode into his refresher, settling on the fact that of all his private amenities, his spacious shower ranked second. He began humming as he removed his garments and entered the stall, stark white lights illuminating the space. Soaps from distant planets housed in a variety of containers lined the wall, each a unique piece of art that made his cleansing space akin to a private gallery of all his intergalactic travel.
He was still humming a tune as he pressed the buttons to activate the shower, releasing a sigh of satisfaction when steaming water hit his skin from various jets clustered along the ceiling and walls. However, as the realization of what he was humming began to process through his mind, the smile that was plastered across his face slowly shrank. He pressed his lips together and closed his eyes, tipping his head back as water ran through his hair and cascaded down his back. 
Rentor. His home planet. The melody? His mother’s. He could still hear her voice echoing within his mind as he stood under the jets, his humming increasing in volume as he remembered the words of the old Chiss lullaby.
Deep in the Chaos,
Far, far away. 
Cold unforgiving,
Our Ascendancy brave.
Resilient hearts,
Traditions of old. 
Fortune be with you,
Warrior soul.
Thrawn felt the weight of his sadness from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. He wondered if it was possible that his own reflection made him recall the characteristics he inherited from a woman he never spoke to again after rematching to the Mitth. The woman who gave him life.
Your name may change,
And your life may lead,
Down paths I can’t follow,
To places I won’t be.
He had never reached out to her. Although it was frowned upon, birth family contact had never been explicitly prohibited by the Mitth. As he lathered dzisnir herb soap on a cleansing cloth and began scrubbing his torso, he felt the reason for his choice rise from the depths of his mind. There was no question about the pain this topic held in his birth home. 
Vurika’s disappearance. Being an inquisitive child, a young Vurawn constantly asked about his older sister after she vanished. There were never clear answers from his parents, although he would catch a pained look sweep across his mother’s face if Vurika was so much as mentioned. After countless attempts, he at some point stopped asking. However, he always ruminated on it, hoping to solve the reason for her disappearance as easily as a tactical dilemma.
Oh, how naïve he was.
As the years passed, Thrawn did his best to excel in his studies and remain obedient to his parent’s wishes, if only to not be the next child that disappeared. In hindsight, he realized his parents could have never revealed such sensitive information as to Vurika’s whereabouts, even if they had wanted to. 
Even if the silence hurt them as much as it hurt him. Even if he had vanished as well.
But you, my dear child,
Remember in your heart,
That if I live in your memory,
We’ll never be apart.
As he rinsed off the last of the soap, Thrawn felt his throat tighten with raw emotion. His mother had not lost just one child, but both her children to the needs of the Ascendency. More so, his passion for art stemmed from her influence. The fondest of his childhood memories were those seated next to her easel, watching her blend colors and bring to life the faces of children she would never see again. Had she had more children? Had she sung them that lullaby? Had she seen his successes and failures on her Questis news feeds, reading about a son who no longer acknowledged her existence? Was she still alive? 
There was no way for him to answer these questions now. Unlike everything else in his life, he had never planned for this. 
He had never planned to think of his birth mother, let alone miss her.
He found he couldn’t bring himself to exit the stall as he shut off the water. The light around him seemed too bright, and his breathing was shallow and quick. He closed his eyes for a moment to settle his senses, and was stunned to see his face- her face, peering at him from the earlier reflection in his training droid’s eyes. 
In that moment, a sudden tremor emanating from the core of his being overcame all his logical faculties like a massive explosion; emotions that had been suppressed for survival finally erupting on the surface. He roughly grasped the handlebar along the wall with one hand, and a pitiful whimper escaped his lips. Then another, followed by another. He could feel the tears roll down his face as shudders racked his entire body. He had given everything to the Ascendency, and so had she. 
So had she.
Although I don’t know,
What harms you will face,
My love for you transcends,
Both time and space.
So go far, my child,
And if you seek me,
Within your reflection,
There I will be.
And as Thrawn finally cried for the mother he once had, he allowed himself to wonder if all their sacrifices would be worth it in the end.
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Thank you to @stars-n-spice for the Thrawn divider!
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the-hidden-empire · 1 year ago
Thrawn NSFW alphabet:
18+ warnings: breeding kink, mating cycle
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A/N: I know I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but guess who’s back🫠 decided to take a break from college (parents have no idea yet), so I have some more free time to write.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Quiet but loving. He’s a busy man so you don’t get to cuddle him often afterwards, but you’ll shower together before he goes back to attend his duties. You’ll also help him fix his uniform, always fixing his collar, to make sure there is no evidence of you’re sexual acts that take place between you both.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part on you is you’re eyes, there is something mesmerizing about them. Those eyes could trap any man or woman in his opinion. That seductive look you give him, drives him crazy. He’s ready to bed you there and then.
His favourite part of himself is his hands, he loves how petite you look while he holds you in them. They are strong and rough, so he loves the feeling of you’re soft delicate ones in his.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Doesn’t enjoy messes, he’s a very neat man. So creampie all the way for him. He not so secretly wants to see his seed taking inside of you as a result of his actions. He loves the risk, and the idea of impregnating you. But something in him desires to fill you to the brim with his seeds.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Again not so secret not so secret to you, he wants to impregnate you, he enjoys the idea of you’re body growing to accommodate his child. The idea of you’re breast growing swollen as a result. Knowing he’ll constantly have to satisfy you’re sexual cravings as you’re child grows in your womb and you’re hormones become untameable.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He has some experience, but he definitely knows what he’s doing. He also knows you’re body better than you do. So once you’ve slept with him, he’ll constantly mapping you’re body out in his mind for next time, because yes there will be a next time. He is sure of it.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position where he’s on top and in control. He is power hungry in the bedroom. He also doesn’t mind you riding him on occasion as long as he has some kind of control, such as holding you’re hips and helping you move/ momentum.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Definitely not the humours type in general, let alone in the bedroom. But every now and then he’ll let out a comment that one would consider as dry humour. Or will occasionally smirk at a comment you make. But he takes his sexual activity with you serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
When he came out of exile, he was not well groomed. He became very well groomed as he became a member of the empire.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Surprisingly intimate. You are his top priority, his better half. He likes to imagine that you both become one, during sexual intercourse. He enjoys maintaining eye contact during sex. Holding your hips, while drawing small circles on your hips lightly. But is still in charge and on the rough side with his thrust. But he’ll make you feel special with the words he spews from his mouth as he loses control of his senses, his body will take over as if on auto pilot mode and will encourage you along passionately.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he is away from you, he may on occasion. But it’s only because he can’t focus with you on his mind. He’d much rather the actual act though.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Definitely has a breeding kink, and a lactation kink. Seeing you’re breast create vital nutrients for his child to survive and feed off does something to him. Especially when they are swollen leak through you’re clothing.
He also enjoys taking you on his desk while he’s fully clothed in his white uniform, it gives a power trip that he lowkey enjoys. Reminds him what he’s fighting for, and the power he holds within the empire. And how he’d do anything to protect you and his native people.
He definitely enjoys dominating you, he loves seeing you obeying his commands.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
His office, or his room. Has to be somewhere private. He doesn’t like to be interrupted. And he’s unwilling to let anyone else see you in such a intimate situations (or you’re body, it’s for his eyes only)
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M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you take control/ taking matters into you’re own hands. Or when you help him dissect a piece of artwork.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sharing, he defiantly would not share you under any circumstances. You are his prize, and his prize alone. No one else’s.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Quite enjoys receiving, especially with the things you’re mouth can do. Can be greedy, but will gladly give back in return. He knows how to use his tongue well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough for sure, he has a lot of weight on his shoulders and it helps him relieve his frustration and anger. But he definitely is sensual. He enjoys the sensuality, it helps with you’re bond.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
As grand admiral, he doesn’t get a lot of free time. So quickies happen more often than not. But he makes sure to leave you full satisfied.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He enjoys the risk of fucking you while he is on a hologram with others. He enjoys the risk/challenge of keeping you quiet while he burrows himself in you. He knows he won’t get caught, but still enjoys the thrill of getting caught. Even though he says he states he doesn’t want to get caught.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This man has incredible stamina, much more than any normal human. He will last longer than you, but he’ll hold you while he continues to impale you with his cock. He recognizes that humans don’t have the stamina that Chiss have, so he’ll warn you before hand that it will be a lot for you to handle. But you enjoy the challenge, and he enjoys seeing you collapse from exhaustion, as be rubs you’re back and encourages you to continue and take him. He enjoys watching you struggle with it, makes him laugh silently. You definitely are meant to be his.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I can’t see him being into toys, but I can for see him being open to any idea that’s not going to hurt you. Maybe some bondage.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a tease even when he is not trying. But he knows exactly what makes you’re body react. He also knows what to say. He gets amused ,seeing you’re reactions, so he enjoys being a tease. He won’t admit it though.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not a very loud man in general, which means he carries the quietness into the bedroom. But he makes lots of low grunts and moans, can get breathy, and he’ll whisper dirty notions into you’re ear as he completely destroys you’re insides.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Chiss definitely have a mating season/ cycle. Male Chiss testosterone hits a high once every few cycles. So those periods he will go into a phase of extreme sexual desires. Only you can satisfy him during those days. He usually spends the day rutting into you. He makes himself scarce during this time, as he spends his cycle mating you. It can be hard on you, he even warns you before hand that it won’t be easy. But you enjoy the challenge.
Also when something goes wrong/ bothers him, he’ll use sex as a means to release pent up anger. During those times he’s less soft, but very dominant. He’ll vent to you as he rearranges you’re insides. only allowing you to see him like this, and no one else. He does not want his crew or adversaries to see him distraught. He uses you’re body as a tool as a coping mechanism for him. You’ll hold him after, and comfort him. Don’t forget he’s going to be more harsh than usual.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Very large, Chiss men have larger penises than most species. It takes you a while to get used to it, you’re body still struggles to take it though to this day. He understood right away that he was going to have to be careful as not to hurt you. It takes a lot of waiting and patience on his part. He knows he can’t just move away right away. But he didn’t realize that actual size difference between you both till that moment. He has to start off slowly, as it can become very difficult for you to handle.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High! But he is very much cool and collected at all times. Others would never know how much sex you both have had, its quite impressive. Most men would be envious if they knew how much sex Thrawn has with you. Even as he ages, his sex drive definitely doesn’t slow down. He just becomes more experienced with time
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you are both going to bed for the night than he will likely sleep right away, due to his early morning schedules. But sometimes he’ll stay up and finish work while you dose off with him keeping an eye on you while he works. He’s not much of a sleeper.
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chinoygeek · 1 year ago
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Rebels and Clone Wars
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glupshirto · 1 year ago
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Here’s some art I did of the heir to the empire
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lgirgeielni · 1 year ago
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Practice but based on an actual comic
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germie2037 · 10 months ago
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I honestly do not know if I ever gonna finish this so have some Admiral in the field <3
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ambitious-off · 6 months ago
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There's my official rank system between Normal Royal guards and the Navy royal guards:
-General: The top rank of all army ranks, with four stars in the rank system.
Mettaton is the only one with this rank, which gives him permission to give orders to subordinates such as Undyne, muffet, papyrus, etc.
-Admiral: I know that in some navies the two ranks, both admiral and general are on the same rank, but in other navies the rank of admiral is higher, albeit slightly, than general.
The strongest and ablest of the 6 admirals in Xtale, Haniel murazaru (purple monkey in Japanese, like his inspiration of kizaru from One piece manga drawer by Eichiro Oda), and him with other two admirals (Bossol, Mirko) are the one who gives the orders from vice admirals on, plus he can, only under the permission of the Grand Admiral, command a fleet of or 4 ships
-Grand Admiral/Fleet admiral: The highest rank in the Entire Navy System, achieved only by the fifth prince of the Dreemurr family, Joseph Dreemurr.
Although its abolition from all military navies, the rank of Grand Admiral represents the highest authority in any sphere, and can give commands, only in emergency circumstances, even to the general.
There would also exist the rank of admiralism, a higher role to the grand admiral founded and abolished after WW2, but since it is not present in other navies apart from the one from which it was founded, Japan, it is nonetheless and invalid, and deemed almost "illegal" as a rank.
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sudden-stops-kill · 2 years ago
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grand admiral thrawn
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enaelyork · 2 years ago
BLUE - A Thrawn x OC fanfiction
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Agent E. Tarkin X Grand Admiral Thrawn
[+18 ONLY]
Empire is ruthless. It absorbs, grinds and spits out every life it possesses.
Yet it is this elusive machine that has attracted and fascinated Thrawn since his arrival. Despite his considerable differences, he manages to rise to the rank of Grand Admiral and win the loyalty of his soldiers. In a short time, he came to be considered a genius military leader, impressing officers with his extraordinary strategies.
But he still has a battle to win. The one he leads against Eléanore Tarkin since their first meeting.
Undercover agent of the ISB, she is the one that everyone tries to forget - including her father - without succeeding.
She's the one Thrawn needs for a high-flying mission and he's going to have to use all his wits to convince her.
Because no one is capable of tame a Tarkin. Or so she thought.
1- 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
[Ask for tag]
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ravenite-void · 1 year ago
Please look at this blue baby boy I drew. I want to hug him, I want to put him in my mouth like a hamster its snack and protect him, he's so precious
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Also since when does tumrbl have filters?
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purringysalamiri · 2 months ago
Legends! thrawn information in the book of 'essential guide to characters'
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heirofazure · 2 months ago
Thrawn's Musings: 1
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To attain the rank of Grand Admiral, it is necessary to have confronted a plethora of conflicts and, regardless of the outcome, articulate the circumstances that led to it. At times, failure may bring great shame, but also significant intelligence that can be used later. Victory, on the other hand, cements one's authority in a sector, yet leaves a leader vulnerable to complacency and repetition. That is unacceptable, and can lead to disastrous results in the theater of war. I have had to learn to walk the thin line of both outcomes. The consequences to my career have been dealt with accordingly, but those around me have suffered.
Such as Eli Vanto, my confidant and friend.
Now, he is gone, serving the Ascendancy with his innumerable talents. Talents that peeked through as he taught me the ways of the Empire, the stories of his people. As difficult as it is to admit, sending him away was an obligation rooted in my devotion to the Chiss, but how I wish it could have been me on that shuttle.
My people, the epitome of culture and light, clouded by a lack of understanding toward my purpose: to defend our way of life by any means necessary. I have exhausted all attempts to understand the decision of the Aristocra over the years, but I acquiesced gracefully to the exile. I suffered during my time of isolation in the unfamiliar territory where I was deposited, not because of the conditions, but because of who I missed.
Who I longed to see. Who I loved, and still love.
I can still feel the warmth of a metal spoon against my lips as they part to sip on the warm, spiced broth I ordered on that cold day, Thrass chuckling as he retells the story of a syndic who had committed a serious blunder during a hearing. Even with the cold surrounding us, the frost clinging to drooping foliage at the entrance of the Bistro we frequented so often, Thrass is...was sunlight incarnate. No matter what was occurring in either of our professional lives, my brother always made me feel as if my differences were nothing out of the ordinary. I was just Thrawn. He was everything I was not, and his wellbeing consumed my thoughts as I made perilous decisions to protect my people. To protect my lost sister, wherever she may be. To protect him.
Now, he is gone. A subject no longer to the Aristocra, but to the stars that surround us all.
I shouldn't dwell on these things. On the people I miss. On the screams Che'ri would belt out as nightmares flooded her mind during slumber; the giggles as she discovered the liberty of flying among the stars. On Ar'alani, her eyebrows arched in incredulity until understanding illuminated her eyes, and a conspiratorial smirk graced her lips, ready to take on the next threat. On Thalias, with her ability to persevere against all odds, even if she was terrified. On so many others who crowded the assembly chamber as the decision was announced, as my life was irrevocably changed. On those I have lost, and those I have given up willingly for the greater good.
I miss them. I miss home. But a warrior never loses his focus on the mission at hand, or accepts defeat, even as a melancholic blade is twisted into the depths of his being by his very own mind.
Therefore, I will serve my purpose until the stars call me home.
Until my brother calls me home.
Thank you to @vibratingskull for inspiring me to try my hand at writing about my favorite Star Wars character.
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the-hidden-empire · 1 year ago
Part.2 Reuniting with Thrawn and daughter:
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• you’re daughter was torn about leaving behind Shin.
• The pair had developed a kinship. The only friend you’re daughter has ever made, was soon going to disappear from her life like you had.
• But there is no place for friendships in a time of war, her father would gently reminded her.
• The moment they both had planned so long for was finally becoming reality.
• But he needed her to navigate the Chimaera through this dangerous new galaxy safely as possible.
• He put his faith into her, and motivated her to believe in herself and trust in her force abilities.
• Would tell her stories of the Chiss Skywalkers, and how vital they were to the Chiss.
• She was in command of the Chimaera’s for the time being while he oversaw her actions.
• He knew it would be a challenge for her. But she was his daughter, and she was more than capable of this task.
• She safely guided the large ISD back into its rightful galaxy thanks to her abilities and her strong bond with the force.
• He was a proud father, watching his daughter become more and more capable of her abilities.
• He took back command once they arrived. It was now his task to track you down.
• Entering the planets atmospheres was the Chimaera.
• As the planet’s inhabitants panicked below the looming isd, you took the opportunity to take a shuttle to meet the ship.
• You didn’t believe it was them, it was a cruel joke played by the galaxy.
• You ignored there force signatures as you’re ship docked in the hanger.
• Stood in front of you, stood you’re thought to be deceased husband and you’re now grown baby daughter. Behind them was Captain Enoch, ready for a fight.
• You shook you’re head as tears swelled in you’re eyes. But you refused to let the fall.
• “This is not real.” You angrily shook you’re head at them.
• You’re daughter looked saddened by you’re reaction. And used the force to disarm you.
• Her powers were strong with force, you could feel it, the same feeling you had when she was just a baby.
• You knew it was her. The mother/daughter bond between you both was undeniable.
• Thrawn proceeded to make his way over to you, reminding you that him and you’re daughter were very much alive and well, and that they were real, and not just figures of you’re imagination. He wanted to prove that this was all very real.
• He placed his hand gently on you’re cheek as if you might break if he held you to hard, and one on you’re waist, “My beloved, this is not you’re mind playing cruel tricks. We have come for you, to return you to you’re rightful place as mother to our child, and as my dear wife. Let us not deny ourselves what we deserve. We shall not allow any more precious time to slip away from us.”
• You smashed you’re lips into him, before turning to you’re daughter and embraced her.
• The last time you held her, she was tiny enough to fit into one arm. She certainly didn’t loose her fathers looks. As much as she had grown, she was still you’re baby. She was growing into such a beautiful young woman.
• It took time adjusting to being a mother to a now a young teen.
• But she knew you were trying.
• Thrawn had raised her into such an extraordinary young woman. You doubt you could have done as good as a job.
• She held so much wisdom and maturity. She was a female version of her father.
• He knew this guilt ate at you, but he reminded you that you were the reason she has become so strong, she wanted her mother back. And you will always be her mother, no matter how much time passed.
• But he also made it clear that it was never to late to raise another child, this time together. He knew his daughter also wanted a sibling, after being alone by herself for so long.
• Didn’t take you long to start trying for a second.
• You asked you’re daughter first though when her father wasn’t around one day.
• She eagerly agreed as she was tired of being alone. She didn’t want to be alone when the day came you both would cross over.
• As Thrawn grew his empire, you grew you’re family back together. As if nothing had ever happened. You stayed away from his plans due to not wanting you or you’re daughter involved. You loved him but you still held onto you’re Jedi roots.
• You also started training you’re daughter in the way of the force. And you taught her to use you’re lightsaber before she revived her own.
• Eventually she would have to decide between the ways of her father or the ways of the Jedi.
• Till that day came, you reassured him that she would always follow him. No matter what path he took unfortunately.
• As long as they didn’t mistreat the force, you would continue her lessons.
• Used her force abilities to show you everything she and her father had been through, and everything that lead up to you’re family reunion.
• You hugged her as if she would disappear if you let her go.
• you’re husband had kept her safe and returned you’re family together.
• Now you need to deal with his ambitions.
• You’re daughter would eventually become heir to the empire for better or worse.
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heirofazure · 2 months ago
Thrawn’s Musings 2 definitely took place after frame 2…now I just have to write something for the bottom frames.
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Night Routine.
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welcome-to-the-holonet · 9 months ago
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Little sequel to this
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