#graduate school apps
outragedtortilla · 1 year
It gets so much easier after you stop writing about yourself. Start off by listing off all of the pieces of evidence, skills and traits you want to include in an outline.
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discocleric · 1 year
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just putting these here for my own reference
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Episode 2:
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With these episodes airing in April 2022 and filming sometime in 2021, I'm gonna say for now that they take place in late October. I guess specifically October 2021, but so far I've been assuming Fall 2022 so I'll probably stick with that.
I don't think these are the ones they mean, but just in case:
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ETA: Ahhh I just found the post about Chay's birthday being in July 2003.
tbh I think that confirms the show takes place like October-December 2021.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 4 months
holy fucking shit I thought I had an assignment due on the 31st. It's due tomorrow. babygirl I have not started.
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studentbyday · 7 months
y'know how they say an academic writing sample can be something like an undergrad thesis or journal article? but if a journal article has many authors, how do they know which part you contributed to? or do they just want the part of the article you wrote for the sample? sadly i don't have the option to do an undergrad thesis, so i won't have something that was purely/mostly my own to give...
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gentlethorns · 6 months
lol i got decisions back from all four of my grad school apps and none of them were acceptances. i got waitlisted by one and outright denied by the other three. fuck man
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sincerelyang3l · 4 months
My Goals ~ Mood Board #1
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probayern · 1 year
have decided i probably need to get my shit together a bit
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novadreii · 2 months
I honestly don't think there is greater shonen anime in existence than My Hero Academia seasons 1 & 2. The breakneck speed of the pacing, the MUSIC, the animation, the pure unbridled excitement, the realistic development of everyone's powers especially Izuku's, the emotionality. Shonen is not even my genre typically, but when I think of an anime that captures everything that I think the genre is supposed be I can't think of anything that does it better.
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ificouldhelpyouforget · 8 months
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It's my 15 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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qcomicsy · 2 years
Batman didn't protest about any of his children dropping out of school because all of his rogue gallery are graduate's
Tim: Actually I decided just not go to college.
Bruce having flashbacks of every evil version of Tim taking over:
Bruce: Alright.
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prince-liest · 8 months
i wanted to ask how you just stayed mentally strong after getting through your first round of med school rejections... i haven't gotten an interview from anywhere and it feels as if i'm just behind on the person i wanted to be and i feel a bit lost now... i just wanted some advice since i do feel sad about it all unfortunately :(
Hey, there! I'm really sorry to hear that, I know it's a really tough time to go through. I honestly don't think there was any part of medical school that's been as rough as the application cycle, and it's very understandable to feel sad and rejected.
A lot of it came to my dad's particular brand of supportiveness, which I personally found very reassuring, so I will pass on what he told me and hope that it may offer you some comfort as well:
This is not the end of the world, and there is nothing wrong with trying again. We grow up in this grade school - college - graduate school system where it feels like we have to be doing everything on a specific timeline, and if we don't, we're failures. This is very much not the case with medical school: it is standard and expected to take gap years between college and medical school, only 40% of people who apply to medical school any given cycle are accepted anywhere, and depending on where you get your statistics, anywhere from 1/3-1/2 of current medical students have applied multiple cycles. There's a guy in my class who was 41 years old when he was accepted. You have time, you can try again, and you are not behind because you are not participating in a process in which there are the same standards of "being behind" as you've been experiencing during high school and college.
What you need to do is give yourself some time to work through your feelings with your support system, and then, when you feel like you can, sit down and take a good look at your application to see what there is that can be made more competitive. Is it your grades? I was applying to post-baccs at the same time as my second cycle. Is it your MCAT? I took mine three times before I figured out how to actually study for it properly, and my second score was worse than my first. Is it your extracirriculars? Your shadowing hours? Your essay?
There is no rush, and this is one of those things where putting together a careful plan and following through on it will serve you much better than (like I did, HAH) freaking out, deciding that maybe you should just get a Master's or a PhD instead, and calling up the local state university's biochemistry department in a weird panic to get a sponsor for their graduate school program. (Thank you for talking me down, oh father mine. I don't know how I managed to get that far in like six hours.)
I am a planner at heart, and having these kinds of reassurances and plans in place helped me a lot with feeling like everything was under control. It was also really great to be supported by my family: I'm often so hard on myself that I expected them to be disappointed in me, because my dad especially is very much the, "Oh, a B? Hm... could be better..." type of immigrant parent, but both of my parents were actually incredibly supportive. Lean on your support systems, whatever they may be!
I hope this helped a little bit, anon, and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors! <3 There is always a way forward! Just because it's not the same one another person took does not make it inferior!
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guinevereslancelot · 8 months
why do i have an almost date tomorrow 😬
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fandom-blackhole · 11 months
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flimsyichigo · 9 months
it sucks wanting to be in a relationship when the guys in my school are fucking trash. like most of them are either too old (even worse to think abt since we’re all seniors) and/or fucking weird + racist.
and the girls… i don’t think i even wanna try honestly. none of them are really my type either.
there is like one dude left in my mental roster that i’m willing to take a chance with but like it’s mainly based on pure physical attraction. though he does share a lot of my interests based on what i overheard him talk abt with his friends (not overheard in a creepy ass way. they just sit behind me in one of my classes and they talk so damn much.) the thing is he seems pretty closed off and only seems to stick with his friend group and i’m awful at approaching ppl and making the first move so im not sure if anything’s gonna happen there💀
if it ends up going wrong with the last dude (aka find out he’s a piece of shit in someway or find out he’s a super senior) then i’ll just give on my entire school and pray i meet someone cool at a concert or barnes and noble or some shit
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writingandmybrain · 10 months
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1/100 days of productivity
- Clear off desk ✅
- Tidy room ✅
- Work on u6a1 ✅
Body/Self care
-Exercise 20 minutes ✅
-Shower ✅
🎧: Cynic by Noah Kahan
📖: Home by Whitney Hanson
Today I started the 100 days of productivity. I worked in short bursts on an essay I have been putting off for over a week. I did a quick house reset - I can finally see the laundry room floors, dishes are done, my bedroom is organized. Made sure to practice self care with my body - exercised for about 25 minutes and made sure to eat three meals. Though, I probably drank too much soda. Little things, little things. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but I will definitely be doing more of these little study sessions. The first two went so well, no distractions. I used the forest app to lock out my phone. Will need to move to a private space when family members are home, but that’s the cost of living at home.
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floorse · 1 year
impromptu educational update time but a mf might have a first authorship by april (sexy, hot, powerful) and im gonna be applying to a conference in ottawa to yell abt research and read everyone else's wonderful work.
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