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isapolvorita · 2 years ago
Im sorry to tell this but
Some of you sound like an old man in the 80s saying that internet is going to make people dumb and originality is going to die with the AIs, like, its a technology, if you use it right its not going to hurt anyone..
Yeah, it use things with copyright. You can also just search an image in google and use it. I dont see the diference. I can search "top tropes for my story" and im going to find a page with that.
Its scary? Obviously, like all the other new technologies we had, but im surprise that the "modern generation" is reacting the same as the old ones.
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onlinemarketingjuice · 2 years ago
SMBs in the Age of AI: Riding the Tailwinds or Bracing for Headwinds?
🧵 Let's discuss SMBs in the Age of AI: Tailwinds or Headwinds? AI has massive business implications, but the forecast isn't so clear for small and medium-sized businesses. This thread will break down the potential benefits and challenges for SMBs.
🚀 Tailwind: Operational Efficiency. AI automation can streamline business operations, freeing up valuable time for entrepreneurs to focus on strategic decision-making. It's not just about time-saving but also substantial cost savings.
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🎯 Tailwind: Personalized Customer Experience. AI has revolutionized customer relationship management. AI-powered chatbots, for example, provide round-the-clock service and can predict customer needs.
📊 Tailwind: Data-driven Decision Making. AI offers SMBs a way to make data-driven decisions that were previously out of reach due to resource constraints. AI can analyze customer data and forecast trends.
💰 Headwind: High Implementation Costs. AI solutions often require significant upfront costs and ongoing maintenance, posing a hurdle for SMBs with constrained budgets.
🔐 Headwind: Data Privacy and Security Concerns. The rise of AI has necessitated stringent data privacy and security measures. Businesses must secure data effectively, as data breaches can result in serious financial and reputational damage.
⚖️ Headwind: Regulatory Compliance and Legal Concerns. AI brings additional regulatory challenges, especially in sectors like finance. Compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA adds complexity and potential cost.
🎓 Headwind: Skills Gap. Integrating AI solutions requires specialized knowledge, creating a significant skills gap. For SMBs with limited resources, competing with larger corporations for tech talent can be challenging.
📦 Headwind: Complexity of AI Explainability. The "black box" problem with some AI models presents another challenge for SMBs. If an AI system leads to a poor decision, it can be difficult to discern why and how to correct it.
🗺️ Navigating the AI Landscape: To harness the benefits of AI, SMBs must understand its implications fully and strategize accordingly. While it can be a powerful tool for growth and innovation, it has challenges.
🎧 For more insights, check out Dror Poleg's 2-week AI tools and trends course, or listen to his podcast episode "AI and the Offline Moat" on Rethinking with Dror Poleg, available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.
Remember, the winds of AI can blow in any direction. But if we learn to harness its power effectively, we can turn even the strongest headwinds into tailwinds.
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llewelynpritch · 2 years ago
https://unitedforclimate.blogspot.com/ https://labradorleadstheworld.blogspot.com/ https://landprotectorshumanrightsmovement.blogspot.com/ https://muskratfallscivilrightsmovement.blogspot.com/  amplification Fighting Climate Change Means Fighting Corruption Llewelyn Pritchard MA and AI Open Source GPT 7 March 2023
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masika1things-blog · 2 years ago
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Бесплатный chatgpt на русском языке от OpenAI для создания качественного контента быстро и легко, наша нейросеть chatgpt предлагает множество бесплатных функций, попробуй AI-GPT.
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brasil-e-com-s · 2 years ago
Brasil é com S e brasileiro raiz não é tonto.
A aprovação da PL 2630 vai nos livrar de muitas coisas, inclusive do abuso das big techs e redes de controlar os usuários, do uso não permitido de apps e provedores que utilizam indevidamente os microfones, a câmera, a localização não autorizada e outras coisas como a leitura de transferência, os sensores de movimento, ódio na internet, bots eletrônicos, da pornografia e dos jogos de apostas empurrados que o usuário não pede nem precisa e principalmente do contato dos jovens sem experiência com a dark web.
Eles enriquecem, enfraquecem democracias e o povo é a cobaia. PL Nelas!
O Brasil não pode mais ser vigiado e cobiçado pelo estrangeiro nem desestabilizado pela delirante 'extrema direita'. 🤨
E milhares de notícias que ele despista, mas os analistas acham. Chega de manipulação. 🤨
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cryptoleon · 2 years ago
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mamund · 2 years ago
"I am now become death..."
Here's another episode in the ongoing series "Ask GPT Chat" ME: Explain this quote: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" in the context of generative AI GPT Chat: The quote "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" is a famous line from the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu scripture. It was famously used by physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the team that developed the first atomic bomb, to describe his feelings after the successful test of the bomb.
In the context of generative AI, the quote can be seen as a warning about the potential power and consequences of artificial intelligence. Just like the atomic bomb, generative AI has the potential to drastically alter the world we live in, for better or for worse. AI can be used to create amazing things, such as new forms of art or even help solve some of humanity's greatest challenges. However, if it falls into the wrong hands or is used without proper safeguards, it can also be used for destructive purposes.
Thus, the quote serves as a reminder that with great power comes great responsibility. We must be careful about how we use generative AI and ensure that it is used for the greater good of humanity.
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dreamschat-dreamguystech · 2 years ago
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Experience the next generation of conversational chat with Dreamschat and CHAT GPT. Trust in the privacy and security features of Dreamschat, including Data Encryption and data privacy controls. For more information, visit: https://dreamschat.dreamguystech.com or Reach us: [email protected] / +91 9942576886
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theinsaneapp · 2 years ago
Microsoft Has Launched Image Creator Feature To Bing Chat
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Read In Detail: Microsoft Has Launched Image Creator Feature To Bing Chat
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kolesar-karol · 2 years ago
Die Einführung von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Schule erfordert eine sorgfältige Planung und Integration, um sicherzustellen, dass Lehrer effektiv in den Einsatz von KI-Systemen eingebunden werden können. Lehrer sind unverzichtbar für den Erfolg der Einführung von KI in der Schule, da sie diejenigen sind, die Schüler motivieren und anleiten und die Lernbedürfnisse ihrer Schüler verstehen. Hier sind einige Möglichkeiten, wie Lehrer in den Einsatz von KI-Systemen in der Schule eingebunden werden können:
Schulungen und Fortbildungen: Lehrer müssen mit den grundlegenden Konzepten und Praktiken des Einsatzes von KI-Systemen in der Schule vertraut gemacht werden. Schulungen und Fortbildungen können ihnen helfen, die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten des Einsatzes von KI in der Schule zu verstehen und ihnen beibringen, wie man KI-Systeme effektiv in den Unterricht integrieren kann.
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehrern und KI-Systemen: Lehrer sollten in den Entwicklungsprozess von KI-Systemen einbezogen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass die Systeme auf die Bedürfnisse und Lernziele ihrer Schüler abgestimmt sind. Lehrer können Feedback geben und die Leistung der KI-Systeme überwachen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie effektiv arbeiten.
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Integration von KI-Systemen in den Unterricht: Lehrer sollten in der Lage sein, KI-Systeme nahtlos in ihren Unterricht zu integrieren, um ihre Schüler in ihrer Lernumgebung zu unterstützen. Dies erfordert eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Lehrern und Entwicklern von KI-Systemen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Systeme den Bedürfnissen der Schüler und Lehrer gerecht werden.
Austausch bewährter Praktiken: Lehrer sollten in der Lage sein, bewährte Praktiken in Bezug auf den Einsatz von KI-Systemen zu teilen, um ihre Kollegen zu unterstützen. Dies kann durch Workshops, Konferenzen und Netzwerke von KI-Systemanwendern erreicht werden.
Schaffung von Ressourcen: Lehrer benötigen Ressourcen, um den Einsatz von KI-Systemen in der Schule erfolgreich umzusetzen. Schulen sollten sicherstellen, dass Lehrer Zugang zu Schulungen, Fortbildungen, Materialien und Werkzeugen haben, um sicherzustellen, dass sie effektiv mit KI-Systemen arbeiten können.
Insgesamt ist es wichtig, dass Lehrer eng in den Einsatz von KI-Systemen in der Schule eingebunden werden. Durch Schulungen, Zusammenarbeit, Integration, Austausch bewährter Praktiken und Schaffung von Ressourcen können Lehrer erfolgreich in den Einsatz von KI-Systemen eingebunden werden und dazu beitragen, dass Schüler von den Vorteilen der KI-Technologie profitieren können.
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princelife24-blog · 1 year ago
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abybweisse · 2 years ago
I want an AI-voice service that I can select to answer phone calls from suspected scam and spam (telemarketing) callers. So the AI can waste the annoying caller's time. It could even make number selections to "speak with an agent", if it's answering that sort of robocall. Then just keep chatting with the fake agent.
But... what should I call it? RoboReply? CallerGPT? ChatterBox? 🤔
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llewelynpritch · 2 years ago
https://lnkd.in/eKDneFBN https://lnkd.in/eTKsnhzP Corrupt colonial Crown capitalism UK CA contains the seeds of its own destruction. A human-centric, holistic, rights-based, advocating regenerative culture educational framework for justice, about the root causes of our cost-of-living-climate-crisis on planet earth. #AI #OpenSource #GPTChat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 28 June 2023 
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dailyrandomwriter · 2 years ago
Day 330
So, I had, on another Tumblr account (because I like to be able to reblog posts without it showing up on my writing blog) already put this information in that reblog, but the more I think about it, the more I think I should write it here.
Especially because, I had heard one of the higher up managers had talked about using AI to help administrators draft things like letters and emails to clients. This conversation came up, because I made the recommendation that as a team we should be having a refresher course on how to do business writing so we don’t accidentally come off as aggressive. 
Topic for another time.
And I told my manager at the time that I was very uncomfortable with this idea. Not because I was afraid of losing my job, but because we look after such a diverse population with a diverse set of problems and barriers, I was worried about the bias that can leak into an AI depending on what has been put into them. A lot of people do not understand that an AI is like an echo. It echoes back our preferences, our beliefs, our knowledge, our words, our information (right or wrong), and everything in between but that’s all it is. It just echos us unable to tell apart right from wrong, good from bad, or a lie from the truth.
I recommend people watch these two videos side by side. While Tom Scott’s “The Sentences Computers Can’t Understand, but Humans Can” is 3 years old, when watched alongside Kyle Hill’s “ChatGPT’s HUGE Problem” it puts into perspective the reason why we have to be careful when we employ AI technology, especially for anything that requires context.
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why-is-it-always-raining · 2 years ago
ok so I know that GPT and most AIs in general learn by using the information on the internet.
but like, does that include Reddit?
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myworldusa · 2 years ago
10 Interesting Facts about OpenAI's ChatGPT
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