#gpt store explained
reallytoosublime · 7 months
Welcome to the GPT Store, where innovation meets imagination! Nestled within the bustling heart of the digital marketplace, the GPT Store stands as a beacon of cutting-edge technology and limitless creativity. As you step into our virtual emporium, prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of artificial intelligence and linguistic prowess.
With its sleek interface and intuitive design, the GPT Store offers a seamless shopping experience like no other. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a curious enthusiast, or an avid explorer of the digital frontier, there's something here for everyone. From advanced AI models to bespoke language tools, our vast collection caters to a diverse array of needs and interests.
At the heart of the GPT Store lies our flagship product: the renowned GPT series. Powered by state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and trained on vast swathes of data, these AI models represent the pinnacle of natural language processing. Whether you seek assistance with writing, coding, or creative endeavors, our GPT models are your ultimate companions in unlocking new possibilities.
But the GPT Store is more than just a repository of AI models. It's a vibrant marketplace where ideas flourish and innovation thrives. Browse through our curated selection of plugins, extensions, and add-ons, each crafted to enhance your AI experience. From language translation tools to sentiment analysis plugins, these resources are designed to augment your productivity and unleash your creativity.
So, whether you're a seasoned AI aficionado or a curious newcomer, come discover the wonders of the GPT Store. Unleash your imagination, explore the limitless potential of artificial intelligence, and embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of what's possible. Welcome to the future of innovation.
GPT Store: How To Use and Make Money Online 2024
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youtubemarketing1234 · 7 months
Welcome to the GPT Store, where innovation meets imagination! Nestled within the bustling heart of the digital marketplace, the GPT Store stands as a beacon of cutting-edge technology and limitless creativity. As you step into our virtual emporium, prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of artificial intelligence and linguistic prowess.
With its sleek interface and intuitive design, the GPT Store offers a seamless shopping experience like no other. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a curious enthusiast, or an avid explorer of the digital frontier, there's something here for everyone. From advanced AI models to bespoke language tools, our vast collection caters to a diverse array of needs and interests.
At the heart of the GPT Store lies our flagship product: the renowned GPT series. Powered by state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and trained on vast swathes of data, these AI models represent the pinnacle of natural language processing. Whether you seek assistance with writing, coding, or creative endeavors, our GPT models are your ultimate companions in unlocking new possibilities.
But the GPT Store is more than just a repository of AI models. It's a vibrant marketplace where ideas flourish and innovation thrives. Browse through our curated selection of plugins, extensions, and add-ons, each crafted to enhance your AI experience. From language translation tools to sentiment analysis plugins, these resources are designed to augment your productivity and unleash your creativity.
For those seeking personalized solutions, the GPT Store offers bespoke services tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need custom model training, API integration, or specialized consultancy, our team of experts is here to help you realize your vision. With their unparalleled expertise and dedication to excellence, they'll guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your AI journey is both rewarding and transformative.
GPT Store: How To Use and Make Money Online 2024
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mariacallous · 4 months
ChatGPT developer OpenAI’s approach to building artificial intelligence came under fire this week from former employees who accuse the company of taking unnecessary risks with technology that could become harmful.
Today, OpenAI released a new research paper apparently aimed at showing it is serious about tackling AI risk by making its models more explainable. In the paper, researchers from the company lay out a way to peer inside the AI model that powers ChatGPT. They devise a method of identifying how the model stores certain concepts—including those that might cause an AI system to misbehave.
Although the research makes OpenAI’s work on keeping AI in check more visible, it also highlights recent turmoil at the company. The new research was performed by the recently disbanded “superalignment” team at OpenAI that was dedicated to studying the technology’s long-term risks.
The former group’s coleads, Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike—both of whom have left OpenAI—are named as coauthors. Sutskever, a cofounder of OpenAI and formerly chief scientist, was among the board members who voted to fire CEO Sam Altman last November, triggering a chaotic few days that culminated in Altman’s return as leader.
ChatGPT is powered by a family of so-called large language models called GPT, based on an approach to machine learning known as artificial neural networks. These mathematical networks have shown great power to learn useful tasks by analyzing example data, but their workings cannot be easily scrutinized as conventional computer programs can. The complex interplay between the layers of “neurons” within an artificial neural network makes reverse engineering why a system like ChatGPT came up with a particular response hugely challenging.
“Unlike with most human creations, we don’t really understand the inner workings of neural networks,” the researchers behind the work wrote in an accompanying blog post. Some prominent AI researchers believe that the most powerful AI models, including ChatGPT, could perhaps be used to design chemical or biological weapons and coordinate cyberattacks. A longer-term concern is that AI models may choose to hide information or act in harmful ways in order to achieve their goals.
OpenAI’s new paper outlines a technique that lessens the mystery a little, by identifying patterns that represent specific concepts inside a machine learning system with help from an additional machine learning model. The key innovation is in refining the network used to peer inside the system of interest by identifying concepts, to make it more efficient.
OpenAI proved out the approach by identifying patterns that represent concepts inside GPT-4, one of its largest AI models. The company released code related to the interpretability work, as well as a visualization tool that can be used to see how words in different sentences activate concepts, including profanity and erotic content, in GPT-4 and another model. Knowing how a model represents certain concepts could be a step toward being able to dial down those associated with unwanted behavior, to keep an AI system on the rails. It could also make it possible to tune an AI system to favor certain topics or ideas.
Even though LLMs defy easy interrogation, a growing body of research suggests they can be poked and prodded in ways that reveal useful information. Anthropic, an OpenAI competitor backed by Amazon and Google, published similar work on AI interpretability last month. To demonstrate how the behavior of AI systems might be tuned, the company's researchers created a chatbot obsessed with San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. And simply asking an LLM to explain its reasoning can sometimes yield insights.
“It’s exciting progress,” says David Bau, a professor at Northeastern University who works on AI explainability, of the new OpenAI research. “As a field, we need to be learning how to understand and scrutinize these large models much better.”
Bau says the OpenAI team’s main innovation is in showing a more efficient way to configure a small neural network that can be used to understand the components of a larger one. But he also notes that the technique needs to be refined to make it more reliable. “There’s still a lot of work ahead in using these methods to create fully understandable explanations,” Bau says.
Bau is part of a US government-funded effort called the National Deep Inference Fabric, which will make cloud computing resources available to academic researchers so that they too can probe especially powerful AI models. “We need to figure out how we can enable scientists to do this work even if they are not working at these large companies,” he says.
OpenAI’s researchers acknowledge in their paper that further work needs to be done to improve their method, but also say they hope it will lead to practical ways to control AI models. “We hope that one day, interpretability can provide us with new ways to reason about model safety and robustness, and significantly increase our trust in powerful AI models by giving strong assurances about their behavior,” they write.
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
Re AO3- Politely inquiring as to why you aren't worried, oh Cinnamon One? Thanks! Xoxo
1 part "that's not how it works" and 2 parts "LLM-generated writing has nothing to do with fanfic writers"
some quick context for anyone who's confused-- generative-AI is trained on large datasets, and a lot of training datasets for these LLMs* include data scraped from AO3. i know that the generative-AI Sudowrites has been specifically referenced in socmed posts encouraging AO3 authors to lock their fics, but i believe the AO3 announcement on AI & data-scraping was prompted by current events and debates on the presence of generative-AI in day-to-day society vs any specific situation/event/etc
*LLM stands for 'large language model' which is the type of AI we're talking about here
my first note here is that if locking fics makes you feel more comfortable posting fanfic, do it. it's a fantastic security feature and no one needs a reason to lock their fics beyond "i want to." if you're doing it specifically to stop data scraping for AI, beware it doesn't actually stop that from occurring, it just acts as a deterent (AO3 has said they've done some backend work to prevent data scraping from occurring again in the future, but there's no way they'll ever be able to stop it completely)
but there's also been a lot of...well. i'm not sure misinformation is quite the right phrase here, but a lot of misunderstanding on how LLMs work that's resulted in a lot of outraged or indignant posts on LLM-generated writing in conjunction with AO3, and that's resulted in some fearmongering in regards to the issue that doesn't help anyone :( so, why i'm personally not worried about this issue;
1 part "that's not how it works"
first things first: i don't think people appreciate the sheer scale of LLMs. to refer back to a name that's been mentioned several times in these posts, Sudowrites is a generative AI based on GPT-3, which is a LLM based on 175+ billion parameters. GPT-3 requires 800GB just to store it. GPT-4 is based on 500 billion parameters. these are two of the big LLMs, but even the small LLMs are working off of 3-7 billion parameters. LLMs are fucking huge.
i think it might surprise some people to realize just how long AI has been around. the first recognized AI was made in 1943. neural networks (the "brains" of AI) were first developed in the 1980s. people have been working on generative-AI specifically for almost 20 years now. but it took 3 big factors before generative-AI was even possible:
1- neural networks that could do unsupervised learning,
2- hardware that could handle the computing requirements and neural networks needs,
and 3- the development of the internet into what it's been for the past 10 years, and the sheer scale of information now stored within it
so here's my point: LLMs weren't "trained on data from AO3"--AO3 is a database who's stored material was pulled alongside data from online journals, literary magazines, library databases, newspapers, video transcripts, blogs, Wikipedia and so much more than i can ever list to make these training datasets. individual AO3 writers are drops in a pool and AO3 is a bucket in an ocean of information. AO3 as an own individual entity has negligible impact on how LLMs were trained or what they do, nevermind individual stories.
honestly, this alone should be a huge relief for some people--i saw posts going around where people were appalled at the idea of their fanfic being used to train a generative-AI that could hurt professional writers. so great news! your fics have no meaningful impact on any of this in any way that conceivably matters! you can post your fics for anyone to see and read and even download with absolutely zero guilt for how generative-AI is affecting jobs.
2 parts "LLM-generated writing has nothing to do with fanfic writers"
if you want to learn how LLMs work, do it outside of tumblr, it's too complex to explain here (this dive into how ChatGPT works is a good starting point for anyone interested, personally i learned a lot looking up lectures on 'deep learning'). but for a simplified overview of it for anyone who doesn't care, LLMs are just figuring out what word comes next in a sequence. basically, you give a LLM a prompt. from that prompt, it determines what your topic is, then it spits out the first token (tokens are the 'language' of LLMs, in this case it's spitting out a word or short phrase). then the LLM spits out the second token based on the first token. then spits out the third token based on the first token, second token, and combination of the tokens. and so forth, until it's reached the end of the prompt.
LLMs are just writing sentences word-by-word. i remember doing something very similar when i first started analyzing what i loved about my favorite writers--i had a notebook where i wrote out sentences that i especially loved, usually looking at description or a funny piece of dialogue, with the goal of figuring out how to write like them. this lasted for maybe a month before i moved on to analyzing story structure, narrative pacing, etc because sentences are just lines of words. anyone can put words into a nice sounding sentence. they can even put several words into nice sounding sentences that sound nice when read together. but writing, and everything about it that makes it special, is so more than writing nice sounding sentences. giving an a concept a narrative, or creating distinctive characters with their own voices, or building a setting/world, or connecting ideas to themes--generative-AI can't do any of that. it's just determining which token comes next after the previously generated ones. it can do that with a lot of variety--baby writer me was working off a bookshelf, LLMs are working off things like the entire internet--but that's still all it can do: write nice sounding sentences.
there's another aspect to generative-AI at play here too--in every example you've seen of LLM-generated writing, did you notice that they're all limited to less than 500 words? prompts shown in newscast articles/segments are usually 300-500 words, Sudowrites only offers written passages of up to 300 words, and even ChatGPT recommends keeping responses limited to under ~800 tokens (even tho it offers responses of up to...4000 tokens i think?)
this is because each generated token comes with an error value. i don't want to bog down this already long response with how that exactly works, but let's say the first token comes with an error value of 0.0002 (*im picking random numbers for this). that error value carries over to the second token (which can have its own error value of let's say 0.0007). then that combined error value carries over to the third generated token, which also has its own separate error value, and so forth. and while each individual error value is negligible, they add up with each additional token and eventually the overall gained error is too high and the LLM cannot properly/accurately produce the next token (this is called error propagation, and it's non-linear in the case of LLMs)
i will stop torturing people with math nd statistics concepts, but the long and short of this means that after a certain number of words are generated, the LLM's response starts breaking down. maybe at first it starts sounding a little stale or the wording gets awkward, but if it keeps going, the LLM starts spitting out gibberish, and you have to end the prompt and start a new one. this is why those generative-AI writing examples have a word limit to them, the LLMs can't write more than that small section of writing on their own.
so, add up all of that, LLMs already aren't going to replace story writers any time soon. they just can't do it. furthermore, the response you get from an LLM is only as good as the prompt you give it and it's working off such a huge dataset, that responses are going to be really broad. if you want a more tailored response, you have to feed it extra context alongside the prompt. and in the case of fanfic specifically, fic is entirely based on previously known context. it's written with a very specific context in mind, it expects readers to enter with at least some level of knowledge on that specific context, and works within that level of context even in the cases of AUs. fic writers play in someone else's sandbox, which is not something that LLMs are naturally capable of doing
but frankly, even if they did, they still have zero relevance to fic writers
the people currently affected by LLM-generated writing are journalists, who jobs have been under fire for years. the editors in published magazines getting slammed with LLM-generated writing because it was sold as a shortcut. writers rooms for shows, which act as an important stepping stone but execs have been trying to reduce and cut out for years. and even more that i'm not listing.
these are people's livelihoods that are being impacted by generative-AI. situations where managers and executives don't care about the fact that LLMs can't write like people do because they only see a money-saver instead of art.
like, 100%--if locking your fics feels more reassuring to you personally, absolutely lock them. that's the point of the feature. but the attitude of acting like AO3 has any relevance how LLMs are trained or that generative-AI has any meaningful impact on fic writers is just such a self-centered view of the actual issue at hand. and, if you will excuse me getting a little snarky here, anyone up in arms over AO3 being one of the many databases getting scraped is about 20 years too late to worrying about internet privacy.
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philosophersystem · 16 days
From M[0] & S
We made this mainly to find out if we're suffering from C-PTSD instead of PTSD. We wrote for hours on end on this. Especially the fact checking was intense. We constantly cross-checked the information with "Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation" by Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart (2011). In the end we even let chatGPT Scholar AI, a GPT that we're using to access recent scientific papers, books and patents, check it for potential errors and it didn't find any. We also included book and study citations that support the mentioned knowledge. We hope this in depth analysis of Complex PTSD will be helpful to those of you that suffer from it.
If you have want us to expand on parts of this analysis or if you want us to correct any information, please inform us about it through Ask a Question or through commenting. We want the information we provide to be absolutely correct and based on actual modern research and well peer reviewed research so that it'll be most helpful to everyone.
_______________________________________________ Trigger Warning: This article discusses trauma, abuse, PTSD, and related sensitive topics that may be triggering for some readers. Please proceed with caution and take breaks as needed.
Understanding Complex PTSD: Causes, Symptoms, and Modern Approaches to Healing
Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) is a psychological condition that develops after prolonged exposure to trauma, such as childhood abuse or domestic violence. It involves chronic emotional dysregulation, dissociation, relational difficulties, and disturbances in self-organization. This blog delves into the causes, symptoms, triggers, treatments, and advice for survivors, drawing from Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists by Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart (2011), alongside recent scientific literature.
Causes of C-PTSD
C-PTSD arises from sustained, repeated trauma. Unlike PTSD, which often stems from a singular traumatic event, C-PTSD results from long-term exposure to situations where escape is impossible.
Childhood Abuse: Repeated physical, emotional, or sexual abuse by caregivers fragments the child’s personality into dissociative parts. Emotional Parts (EPs) store trauma memories, while Apparently Normal Parts (ANPs) perform daily functions. The division of self into EPs and ANPs is central to Structural Dissociation Theory, which explains how traumatic memories are split off into EPs to protect the ANP from being overwhelmed. While this theory remains widely accepted, recent research critiques its emphasis on childhood trauma as the sole cause of dissociative parts, suggesting more complex, multifactorial causes of dissociation ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 12-13]; Hans-Peter Kapfhammer, Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 2018).
Domestic Violence: Continuous exposure to domestic abuse leads to chronic activation of dissociative coping mechanisms, as survivors struggle to process ongoing trauma. These mechanisms can include emotional detachment, hypervigilance, and intrusive memories ([Valerie Valdez, Brenda Greenfield, and Margaret Ellis, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2019]; [Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 14-15]).
Neglect: Prolonged neglect in childhood can lead to dissociative defenses, where the child emotionally detaches to survive, often resulting in severe attachment issues and emotional dysregulation in adulthood. Recent research highlights the importance of recognizing various forms of neglect and their long-term consequences (Vera Rüfenacht, Stefan Gerlich, and Richard Lally, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 2023).
Detailed Symptoms of C-PTSD
The symptoms of C-PTSD can be broken down into several categories:
Emotional Dysregulation: Individuals with C-PTSD often experience overwhelming emotions that they find difficult to control. These emotions can include anger, sadness, or fear. Dissociative parts may take over in moments of stress, leading to impulsive behavior or detachment. This emotional overwhelm is often driven by EPs holding trauma-related affective states, while the ANP attempts to manage daily life. It is crucial to understand the roles of EPs and ANPs in emotional regulation and how this division influences daily functioning ([Ellert Nijenhuis, Onno van der Hart, and Kathy Steele, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 2005]; [Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 101-102]).
Dissociation and Fragmented Identity: Structural Dissociation Theory explains how trauma fragments the personality into dissociative parts. EPs are fixated on trauma, while ANPs handle day-to-day tasks, avoiding trauma reminders. This disconnection can make survivors feel detached from their emotions and experiences, contributing to difficulties in both personal and professional spheres ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, p. 140]; João Machado, Pedro Carvalho, and Ana Lima, Revista de Psicoterapia, 2022).
Relational Difficulties: C-PTSD survivors often experience significant difficulties in forming and maintaining trusting relationships. This is due to dissociative parts, particularly EPs, interfering with emotional vulnerability and intimacy. Survivors may experience emotional withdrawal or heightened mistrust, leading to relational isolation. These challenges in relational dynamics often worsen without intervention ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 172-176]).
Negative Self-Perception: Feelings of guilt, shame, and worthlessness are common in individuals with C-PTSD. Survivors may internalize their trauma, believing they are responsible for the abuse they experienced. This negative self-perception is often held by EPs, which retain the emotional weight of the trauma. Survivors may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and self-blame, which can be exacerbated by dissociative processes ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, p. 250]; [Hyland, Andrew, Scally, and Benner, Psychological Review, 2023]).
Somatic Symptoms: C-PTSD often manifests in physical symptoms, including cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, and immune-mediated disorders. These somatic symptoms are thought to result from the body’s dysregulated stress-response system. Dissociative parts may cause a disconnect between the survivor’s mind and body, leading to difficulties in recognizing or addressing the physical manifestations of trauma ([M. Gupta, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2013]; [Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 170-175]).
Loss of Meaning: C-PTSD survivors may experience a profound loss of meaning and purpose in life. Dissociative parts often hold conflicting beliefs about the self, the world, and others, complicating the survivor’s ability to find meaning or direction. This internal conflict often presents as existential crises, especially in relation to their sense of identity and purpose ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 240-250]).
Discussion on Somatic Symptoms in C-PTSD
Somatic symptoms in Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) often manifest as physical discomfort, chronic pain, and other bodily issues that reflect the mind-body disconnection caused by prolonged trauma. These symptoms are particularly challenging for survivors because they are both psychological and deeply embedded in the body’s stress-response systems.
1. Connection Between Trauma and Somatic Symptoms
Survivors of C-PTSD frequently experience physical symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal disturbances, muscle tension, cardiovascular issues, and chronic pain. These issues are often exacerbated by the body’s chronic activation of the fight-or-flight response, even in non-threatening situations. Dissociative parts, such as Emotional Parts (EPs), store unprocessed trauma memories, which can manifest as physical ailments when triggered. Somatic symptoms arise because EPs and ANPs lack communication and coordination, leading to physical dysregulation ([M. Gupta, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2013]).
2. The Role of the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Dysregulation
Recent research in the neurobiology of trauma highlights the role of the vagus nerve and autonomic dysregulation in C-PTSD. Dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) contributes to chronic pain and stress-related illnesses. The polyvagal theory explains how the vagus nerve affects emotional and physical health, suggesting that trauma survivors may remain stuck in a state of hyperarousal or dissociation, leading to persistent somatic symptoms ([Stephen Porges, Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022]).
3. Psychosomatic Effects of Trauma
The physical impact of trauma can be seen in chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and migraines. In many cases, these conditions are exacerbated by dissociative episodes or emotional flashbacks. Survivors may not consciously connect their physical symptoms to past trauma, as dissociative parts often hold these experiences in isolation from daily functioning (João Machado, Pedro Carvalho, and Ana Lima, Revista de Psicoterapia, 2022).
4. Triggers in C-PTSD
Triggers are external stimuli that can provoke trauma memories or dissociative responses. Examples of common triggers include:
Sensory Triggers: Sights, sounds, or smells that resemble the original trauma can evoke flashbacks. For example, the smell of alcohol may trigger memories of an abusive parent. Sensory triggers are often directly linked to traumatic memories held by EPs, which react reflexively to external stimuli. Sensory triggers can activate dissociative parts, leading to intense emotional responses (Richard Bryant, Allison Bryant, and Naomi Andrews, Behavioral Research and Therapy, 2005).
Relational Triggers: Close relationships can activate feelings of vulnerability, causing emotional withdrawal or aggression when dissociative parts perceive the relationship as dangerous. EPs, which hold trauma-related fears, may react defensively to intimacy, resulting in relationship difficulties ([Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart, Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists, 2011, pp. 172-176]).
Body Sensations: Pain or discomfort in the body, particularly during medical procedures, can serve as a trigger for individuals with trauma histories involving medical trauma. The body itself can become a trigger when EPs associate certain sensations with past trauma, leading to dissociative reactions (Lev-Ari Sharon and Kipnis Angel, PeerJ, 2021).
Modern Treatment Approaches for C-PTSD
Advancements in trauma treatment between 2020 and 2024 have offered new, evidence-based approaches to managing C-PTSD, particularly regarding the integration of somatic therapies and neurobiological interventions. Below are seven modern treatment approaches that address both the psychological and somatic aspects of C-PTSD.
1. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR remains a leading treatment for C-PTSD, particularly in integrating fragmented trauma memories held by dissociative parts (EPs and ANPs). EMDR uses bilateral stimulation, often through eye movements, to help patients reprocess trauma, allowing dissociative parts to reintegrate into a cohesive sense of self. Studies have shown that EMDR is effective not only in managing emotional symptoms but also in reducing somatic symptoms like chronic pain and tension (Ad de Jongh, Erik ten Broeke, and David Hornsveld, Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2019).
2. Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Somatic Experiencing (SE) focuses on helping trauma survivors release stored trauma energy from their bodies. This body-centered approach addresses autonomic dysregulation, a key factor in chronic somatic symptoms. SE emphasizes slow, mindful awareness of bodily sensations, helping survivors re-establish a sense of safety in their bodies. This can be particularly helpful for managing symptoms like gastrointestinal distress or muscle tension ([Peter Levine, Somatic Psychotherapy, 2020]).
3. Trauma-Informed Yoga
Trauma-informed yoga offers a somatic therapy that integrates mindfulness, breath work, and physical movement. This form of yoga is designed to help survivors reconnect with their bodies in a safe and controlled manner, improving both emotional regulation and somatic awareness. It has been shown to significantly reduce symptoms of hyperarousal and help with the integration of dissociative parts ([David Emerson, Journal of Eating Disorders, 2021]).
4. Polyvagal Theory-Based Therapy
Therapies based on the polyvagal theory focus on regulating the autonomic nervous system, particularly the vagus nerve, which plays a central role in trauma recovery. These therapies aim to move the survivor out of a state of chronic hyperarousal or dissociation (freeze state) by promoting safety and social connection. Polyvagal-informed therapies help survivors regain the ability to engage with the world safely, reducing both emotional and somatic symptoms ([Stephen Porges, Journal of Psychophysiology, 2022]).
5. Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is highly effective for treating C-PTSD by addressing the dissociative parts (EPs and ANPs). IFS helps individuals recognize and dialogue with their fragmented parts, allowing for trauma integration. IFS can reduce both emotional dysregulation and the physical manifestation of trauma stored in the body, such as chronic pain or unexplained somatic symptoms ([Richard Schwartz and Martha Sweezy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, 2021]).
6. Neurofeedback
Neurofeedback is a cutting-edge technique used to retrain the brain's neural pathways, helping survivors of C-PTSD regain emotional and physiological balance. It can be particularly useful for addressing the dysregulated stress response that contributes to chronic somatic symptoms. By providing real-time feedback on brain activity, neurofeedback helps the brain learn to self-regulate, reducing both emotional and somatic symptoms (Peter Schoenberg and Duncan David, Current Opinion in Psychology, 2022).
7. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on changing trauma-related thought patterns and beliefs. CPT has shown to be effective in reducing C-PTSD symptoms by addressing distorted cognitions, such as guilt, shame, and fear. It can also help reduce somatic symptoms as the cognitive integration of trauma lessens the body’s stress response (Kathleen Chard, Patricia Resick, and Candice Monson, Current Psychiatry Reports, 2021).
Advice for C-PTSD Survivors
Here are 10 key tips from Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (2011) by Suzette Boon, Kathy Steele, and Onno van der Hart:
Grounding Techniques: Use grounding exercises to stay present during moments of dissociation. This can involve focusing on physical sensations, such as touching a textured object. Grounding helps anchor the Apparently Normal Part (ANP) to the present moment ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 199]).
Establish Safety: Create a safe physical and emotional environment to reduce the likelihood of triggers. Safety is a prerequisite for working with Emotional Parts (EPs) and building internal cooperation ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 180]).
Mindful Breathing: Practice mindful breathing to regulate emotional responses and remain calm during stressful situations ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 130]).
Building Support Networks: Engage with safe and supportive individuals to develop trust and emotional resilience ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 164]).
Self-Compassion: Approach dissociative parts with understanding and compassion, acknowledging that they served a protective role during trauma ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 240]).
Track Emotional States: Keep an emotion journal to track patterns and recognize emotional triggers, which can help in managing dissociation ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 250]).
Pacing in Trauma Work: Take trauma processing slowly, ensuring safety and stability before addressing deeper trauma-related memories ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 230]).
Set Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries in relationships to protect against re-traumatization ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 172]).
Focus on Strengths: Identify and focus on personal strengths to counterbalance feelings of helplessness ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 112]).
Take Breaks: Healing is a long process; it’s important to take breaks and allow yourself time to recover between therapy sessions ([Boon, Steele, and van der Hart, 2011, p. 248]).
C-PTSD presents both psychological and somatic challenges that require a holistic approach to treatment. Modern therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Somatic Experiencing, and neurofeedback, address not only the emotional dysregulation but also the chronic physical symptoms resulting from long-term trauma. With continued advances in trauma research, treatment approaches are increasingly capable of providing comprehensive care to survivors, integrating body and mind toward lasting healing.
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cetaceanhandiwork · 1 year
Have you seen the AutoGPT framework? That adds a scaffolding to LLMs so that they can run indefinitely with a memory store, would that be Turing complete?
so there's three caveats here:
it's been 20 years since I actually studied this topic, and have forgotten like 95% of what I've learned
a wrapper program that runs an FSM in a loop with extra input from an oracle (the internet) is a lot harder to reason about than an FSM on its own
I'm found the GitHub for this but I'm not gonna read that many lines of code for free
all that said, my initial skim of the AutoGPT codebase is that the way it's implemented is making some pretty extraordinary assumptions about GPT's ability to generate sensible results for the kind of prompts it uses.
it's essentially trying to break down work into bite sized pieces by telling the text generator to:
deepdream a bureaucracy of specialized task runners
handle a user request by writing delegated tasks for members of the bureaucracy
execute those tasks as though you're the recipient member of the bureaucracy
repeat until "done"
there's a couple different ways that this can go wrong
first off, it's not clear to me whether the above hierarchical breakdown of work is being done in a way that's allowed to loop "until done". if not, we're back at FSMs.
second off, it's not clear to me whether the text generator can generate subtasks competently, the way AutoGPT is requesting them, without already being turing complete. I see a lot of hay being made in the prompts about "explain your reasoning", as context to be passed along to future invocations in order to produce more meaningful results, but answering that prompt requires an amount of introspection where I'd be surprised if an FSM was capable of generating a real answer, instead of some "sounds normal" mimic handwave. and if these output fields are garbage, then the proof by induction falls apart that the preserved context is making outputs better and not worse; you'd get something that maybe has all the physical organs to emulate a turing machine, but miswired such that it'll never actually succeed at computing anything beyond the sum of its parts.
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kingmystrie · 1 year
The reason why AO3 doesn't take down problematic content is because the entire purpose of the site is for archival purposes. An archive is meant to house a lot of information, the purpose of an archive is not to promote certain works of art or to determine the ethics/morals of fictional media. They don't censor anything because that's not their job, their job is to just store as much fanfiction as humanly possible.
It's not a publisher, it's just a giant digital filing cabinet.
I'd also like to point out that censorship has historically been used to rewrite history, silence black voices, silence queer voices, silence indigenous voices, silence activists, suppress workers fighting for decent pay, suppress information regarding political corruption, suppress international news coverage, etc. You'd like to think that censorship will be used only to stop bad people from spreading bad messages, but that is never the case.
Obviously AO3 users are overwhelmingly white and somewhat well off. I highly doubt they'd censor anything racist or even most problematic content, best believe people like me who have the audacity to be autistic and black at the same time would get annihilated immediately.
Even if we lived in a magical world where we all agreed that pedophilia is bad and that black people are humans, there's the issue of how they'd even censor the damn sinkhole.
As stupid as it sounds you'd have a better time protecting individuals from creeps by explaining the importance of consent and why pedophilia is wrong. Unironically. I'm deadass serious. This is why ponder sprocket made that video on why zoophilia is bad.
Below i talk abt how censoring digital platforms is lowkey ethically dubious.
Even if Ao3 was to try and censor specific works, it would be near impossible for them to do in an ethical way. Something i dont see people talk about in this conversation is that if there's censorship on a site someone has to read all of that pedophilic, racist, rape fetishizing shit.
You know youtube? They have like thousands of employees in the global south getting paid like 2 dollars an hour to see the most horrific shit known to man. These are VIDEOS mind you, AKA real csam and real gore, with all the viscera a human eye can find, in motion. No counseling, no nothing.
If a site is to actively censor something, it no longer becomes a case of just the weirdos and people with paraphilias actively searching for something and being pushed away by a wider community. The moment that a website starts censoring stuff they have to employ people to go find that shit, people who don't want to see that shit.
And we know for a fact that we can't just use a robot for that crap either, cause we know for a fact that robot censorship doesn't fucking work, because chat gpt employed a bunch of underpaid workers to do the same thing.
Not only does censorship go against the purpose of the website, but honestly with how much fanfiction is being uploaded and stored on that site it would be wildly unethical to make people have to go through all of that crap.
Not to mention - even with all that work put into removing this dangerous content there is STILL a thriving pedo ring on youtube there have been several videos detailing this. Not to mention fetish-farming crap like elsa-gate.
Not saying that makes it useless for youtube, because unlike AO3 youtube has an algorithm which means that youtube promotes specific videos over others. If youtube didn't trawl through the garbage and take it out they could end up promoting something dangerous to someone who didn't want it. With an algorithm there is no choices, only whatever the math sends your way.
And because of that I've been reccomended some disturbing content on youtube about people wanting people like me get killed, which has damaged my health severely. In contrast - I've never found anything disturbing on AO3 because nothing is being shoved in my face. The front page doesnt even show you any fanfiction, you have to search for whatever you're looking for yourself.
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toolusingmammalgirl · 2 years
On my way home I stopped in at the comics store, playing Terminator 2 on the TV, right when John Connor is teaching the Terminator about 90s slang
I’ve seen parodies where he’s explaining modern slang like “Then Perish,” but it also hit me that this is a clear ancestor of feeding shitposts and memes to GPT bots
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celiastjamesoscar · 9 months
GRACE OMG I AM DYING SOMETHING EMBARRASSING JUST HAPPENED. I'm sitting here at work, barbecue sauce on my titties (Orange is the new Black reference, which you sadly don't get 😉) minding my own business until I received an email from a band merch store that my order has been shipped. The thing is, I didn't order anything from them. So I freaked out a bit because who the hell has all my information and what about payment, until I decided to send the customer support an email to clarify the situation. I let GPT formulate it for me, obviously, but here's the thing. Instead of copying and pasting what gpt wrote, I copied a Nat fic I was reading simultaneously and sent that instead 🤦🏻‍♀️ So now they got 2 emails frome me. One with a Natasha fic which may or may not have included smut, and the correct one where I apologized and explained the situation. I am dreading their response...
You know what, I actually DO get that reference!!! Only from vine though, not Orange is the New Black. OH MY GOD GIRL 😭😭😭 I WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY DIED FROM EMBARRASSMENT!!! I hope we have learned our lesson about using Chat GPT now 🤨
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rajubhadra · 1 year
GPTPower Review - 100% Honest Opinion!
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Introduction: GPTPower Review
Welcome to my review blog and this GPTPower Review. Rick is the author of this content creation technology.
The World’s first real open AI-connected WordPress software. It auto-creates set-and-forget websites. You can stop being at the mercy of third-party content creation platforms.
Every business owner needs attention-grabbing marketing content to establish their brand & win the competition. But, Major content marketing platforms charge a HUGE monthly fee.
Now, If you too faced this issue, It’s time to take a breather to solve the issue. The World’s first real open AI-connected WordPress software that creates Set & Forget websites.
Limitless real-time unique content, auto-publishing posts, pages & images directly from Chat GPT & Open AI in any niche.
What Are The Benefits of GPTPower?
Here are some of its benefits:
– Creates Set & Forget Websites with Limitless Real-Time Unique Content, auto-publishing Posts, Pages & Images directly from Chat GPT & Open AI
– First & Only Google Approved Software That Publishes 100% Original, SEO-Friendly Content
– Publish Automated Content as Post and Pages using GPTPower AI directly on Your website
– Get 50 Done For Your Websites Without Adding Any Images, Content, Or Doing Anything Yourself
– Auto Q&A Feature To Give Instant Answers For Your Visitor’s Queries
– Just Enter the Title and your Content for Pages and Posts will be ready on your website
– Generate & Insert Automatic Visually Appealing Images Into The Post As Per Keyword & Title
– Choose the Temperature Of The Content & Control Its Randomness Control the Length Of The Content To Be Generated
– 100% Easy Use, Newbie Friendly Technology
– Just imagine the kind of growth prospects in store without any coding, designing, prior tech skills, or experience.
– It’s all going to soon become your reality.
That’s not all, You’ll also get step-by-step video training to explain everything and make the process hassle-free. It’s a complete win-win situation, but only available until the timer on the page hits ZERO. so HURRY up!
Get Instant Access Here >>
What Can You Do with This Software?
– Get Limitless Real-Time Unique Content with Images & Videos directly from Chat GPT & Open AI
– Publish Automated Content as Post and Pages using GPTPower AI directly on Your website.
– Just Enter the Title and your Content for Pages and Posts will be ready on your website.
– Generate & Insert Automatic Images into the post as per keyword & title!
– Choose the Image Size
– Add feature images.
– Choose from 4 Natural Language Modes to generate content Automatically
– Choose the temperature of the content & control its randomness
– Control the length of the content to be generated
Does GPTPower is a Traffic Solution?
Traffic is the lifeblood of every business online. Without traffic, your business won’t sustain itself in the long run. So, if you’re struggling to get traffic or need more traffic for your offers, I’ve found your solution.
Drive unlimited traffic to your offers in just 3 clicks. See your websites overflowing with HOT traffic.
It’s the World’s first real open AI-connected WordPress software that creates Set & Forget websites with Limitless Real-Time Unique Content, auto-publishing Posts, Pages & Images directly from Chat GPT & Open AI in any Niche. Get all these benefits WITHOUT Wasting time or money writing a SINGLE word yourself.
Anyone can make enticing content that connects with the audience & gets higher rankings. So, no more waiting for weeks or spending a ton of money on content creation! Get this mind-blowing technology today.
Final Opinion: GPTPower Review
In conclusion, I want to say GPTPower is Highly Recommended. If you’re a beginner and you don’t know how to create stunning content then you use this software.
Revolutionize your website creation with the World’s first AI WordPress creator. Set and forget with unique content from ChatGPT and OpenAI. You don’t need any technical skills for the investment required!
Now, this is your time to take action if you want to get this opportunity to run your online business smoothly.
Thanks for reading this GPTPower Review.
Get Instant Access Here >>
Raju Bhadra.
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Videoo AI Review – Create Amazing Videos To Sell Anything for Any Business Any Language
Welcome to my Videoo AI Review, I will cover its features, benefits, price, upgrades, demo, bonuses, my own personal opinion. GPT-4 Powered AI Video Creation Platform Creates Highly Professional, Attention-Grabbing Videos for Your Sales & Marketing Goals in Any Potential Niche & Language.
Just imagine the kind of growth prospects in store without any huge investment, third-party dependency, or experience. This is going to be a huge shortcut for your business. Serve clients with your own video creation business to make high online profits with a commercial license. You can handle video projects for your existing customer base using our GPT-4-powered Videoo AI and get paid monthly by them. Even if you are a newbie with no existing customer base, you can sell video creation services to thousands of business owners through platforms like Fiver, Upwork, etc. and create videos for them in no time using the power of Videoo AI. So, I highly recommend you get your hands on this like all serious and top marketers do. I can bet there’s nothing easier and smarter than this. So, don’t miss out! Get your copy of Videoo AI today.
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What Is Videoo AI?
Videoo AI is an AI-powered video creation platform that enables users to create professional, engaging, and compelling videos in minutes, without the need for any prior experience in video production. From small businesses to large corporations, Videoo AI provides tools to create high-quality videos designed for marketing, advertising, presentations, social media, and more.
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What makes Videoo AI stand out is its emphasis on multilingual video creation. The platform supports various languages, making it easy for businesses to reach global markets. Whether you’re looking to produce explainer videos, promotional content, product demos, or social media ads, Videoo AI offers a range of customization options and templates tailored to your business needs.
Videoo AI Review: Overview
Product Creator: Ali Blackwell
Product Name: Videoo AI
Launch Date: 2024-Sep-15
Launch Time: 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17 (One-time payment)
Official Website: Click Here To Visit Salespage
Niche: Tools And Software
Support: Effective Response
Discount: Get The Best Discount Right Here!
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Bonuses: YES, Huge Bonuses
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Discount Coupon: Use Code “VideooAI5” To Get $5 OFF!
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
>> Click Here To Get Videoo AI & Limited Time Offer <<
Videoo AI Review: About Authors
Ali Blackwell created this magnificent Videoo AI, is your number one partner in storytelling revolution. Ali’s expertise and passion for creativity and detail provide smooth communication and excellent outcomes. Ali goes above and beyond to understand your requirements and goals, providing customized solutions and experienced advice to help you succeed. Ali can help you increase brand awareness, audience reach, and income using cutting-edge tools and techniques.
With a focus on simplicity, customization, and viral impact, Ali has crafted a tool that not only meets but exceeds the diverse needs of users across various niches. He has gained a reputation through a lot of launches like BulkShortsAI, FlexiSitesAI, AI Viral Kids Stories, AI Vista Studio, Visual Vault AI, AI ViralFunnelz, Scriptio, CourseX, A.I ViralVid, A.I Pro Domain, A.I Viral News, VidStockGraphics, VidAIGraphics, and many others.
Videoo AI Review: Key Features of Videoo AI
AI Video Creator
Easy-to-Use Editor
Create Video Script with AI
100s of Ready to Use Templates
Built-In AI Graphic Generator
Text to Speech
Multi-Lingual Support
Create Videos for All Marketing Goals
Unlimited Video Render
100K+ Royalty Free Stock Assets
Upto 10 GB Video Storage
Videoo AI Review: How Does It Work?
Create Stunning GPT-4 Powered Sales and Marketing Videos in 3 Easy Steps Without any Complicated Editing, and Script Writing
Step #1: Choose
Choose a Category, Template, and Enter the Related Keywords for lightning-fast video creation.
Step #2: Customize
Customize your video as per your requirements. With the in-built editing tool you can easily add a voiceover, audio, text, watermark, logo, background music, and more.
Step #3: Publish & Profits
Publish Videos on your Websites, Pages, Social Media Channels, Blogs, etc., or Sell to Your Clients to Generate Profits and Keep 100% with you, no sharing.
>> Click Here To Get Videoo AI & Limited Time Offer <<
Videoo AI Review: Can Do For You
GPT-4-Powered Video Creation Software Designed to Create Stunning Videos and Boost Conversion, Sales, and Profits for Your Business
Create AI-Generated Videos for your Business and Marketing Goals in Any Niche Quickly!
Generate Jaw-Dropping, High Converting Videos for Sales Videos, Business Ads, Product Promos, Informational Videos, Squeeze Page Videos, Explainers, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Tutorial Videos, and Much More!
Ready to Use Category Templates in the Hottest Topics, and Niche Designed to be Suitable For Every Business.
Use our Text-To-Speech feature to Turn Your Video Script into a Voiceover. No Microphones or Professional Voiceover Artists are Needed.
Create Videos in 50+ International Languages
Complete Video Creation Under a Single Dashboard, No Need to Manage Multiple Tools!
Drive More Traffic to Your Websites, Channels, Blogs, Sales Pages, etc.
Say Goodbye to Costly Monthly Charging Video Tools and Freelancers – Have your Own Video Wizard!
Rocket Fuel Your ROI by Encashing the Power of Video Marketing with Almost Zero Extra Efforts!
Serve Clients with your own Video Creation Business to Make High Online Profits with a Commercial License.
Automate All Your Video Marketing Needs.
Fully Cloud Based Software with nothing to install and no tech hassles
Step by Step Video training and top-notch customer support
ZERO Upfront Cost, and 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Videoo AI Review: Who Should Use It?
Affiliate Marketers
Website Owners
Video Marketers
E-com Store Owners
Business Owners
Digital Marketers
Book Publishers
Social Media Influencer
Videoo AI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: Videoo AI ($17)
OTO1: Videoo AI Pro ($47-$27)
OTO2: Videoo AI DFY Automation ($37)
OTO3: Videoo AI Traffic Beast ($47)
OTO4: Videoo AI Agency ($67)
OTO 5: Videoo AI Reseller ($47 -$77)
>> Click Here To Get Videoo AI & Limited Time Offer <<
My Own Customized Incredible Bonus Bundle
***How To Claim These Bonuses***
Step #1:
Complete your purchase of the Videoo AI: My Special Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase. And before ending my honest Videoo AI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
Step #2:
Send the proof of purchase to my e-mail “[email protected]” (Then I’ll manually Deliver it for you in 24 HOURS).
Videoo AI Free Premium Bonuses
Bonus #1: Live Like Training on 6 Figure Online Business (Limited To First 100 buyers only – Worth $1997)
This awesome LIVE Like training will help you to build a SIX-FIGURE Business. These are proven techniques that will help you learn everything that you need to know about starting an online business and making it a success. You will learn what successful online business owners do to ensure their success and how to avoid the mistakes that the majority of new online business owners make.
Bonus #2: Video Training on How to Start and Boost Your Own Coaching Business (Worth $497)
In this video course you will learn how to start a profitable online coaching business. Because it is easy to start online coaching a lot of people dive right in and do not get the results that they were expecting.
Bonus #3: Video Guide on How to Boost Your Online Sales
With this 10-part video guide, you will discover how to boost your own product sales and build your audience.
Bonus #4: The Side Hustler Blueprint Video
You can turn any hobby you have into a business with no trouble. You can make just about any business a side hustle where you can make some serious money doing what you love, and if you take the time to work really hard at it, it could become your main hustle. Or it could at least become a massive part of your income.
Bonus #5: Launch It!
This video course will give you guidance on how you can easily launch a successful startup. Whether you are just beginning this journey of having your own startup or you are struggling with one you opened a few years ago, you need to have the right tools so you can succeed. With so many products and startups to compete with though, you might know the best way to make yours better. You will need to make sure you have a product that is better than all the accommodation.
Videoo AI Review: Money Back Guarantee
It’s Time for Action Now! And Your Investment is Risk Free with our 100% Money Back Guarantee
Our fantastic Videoo AI comes with a special 30-day money-back guarantee! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days, you may return it to us for a refund. There were no questions asked. We are primarily concerned about your satisfaction.
>> Click Here To Get Videoo AI & Limited Time Offer <<
Videoo AI Review: Pros and Cons
AI Automation: Saves time by automating video creation.
Multi-language Support: Create videos in over 100 languages.
Time-Saving: Saves time and resources for businesses and marketers
User-Friendly: Easy to use, even for beginners.
Customizable Templates: Offers a variety of professional templates.
You need internet for using this product.
No issues reported, it works perfectly!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Do I need any video editing experience to use Videoo AI?
No, Videoo AI is designed to be user-friendly, even for those with no prior video editing experience. Its intuitive interface and step-by-step guides make it easy to create professional-looking videos.
Q. Can I use my own voiceover instead of the AI-generated ones?
Yes, you can upload your own voiceover files to use in your videos. This gives you full control over the narration and allows you to maintain your brand’s unique voice.
Q. How does Videoo AI handle copyright issues with stock footage and music?
Videoo AI provides royalty-free stock footage and music, ensuring that you can use the content in your videos without any legal concerns.
Q. Can I customize the templates and designs in Videoo AI?
Yes, you can customize the templates and designs to match your brand and style. You can change fonts, colors, and layouts to create unique videos.
Q. Is there a free trial available for Videoo AI?
Yes, Videoo AI offers a free trial that allows you to test the platform and its features before committing to a paid plan.
Q. How does Videoo AI compare to other video creation tools?
Videoo AI stands out from other tools due to its focus on AI-powered script-to-video conversion, extensive media library, and ease of use. It’s a great option for those who want to create high-quality videos quickly and efficiently.
Videoo AI Review: My Recommendation
Videoo AI is an impressive tool that brings professional video creation within reach for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to create promotional content or a large corporation needing multilingual videos for a global audience, Videoo AI offers a comprehensive set of features that make video production faster, easier, and more affordable. While the platform does have some limitations, particularly for users on the Basic Plan, its strengths far outweigh the drawbacks. The ability to create high-quality, customizable videos in multiple languages sets Videoo AI apart from its competitors, making it a must-have tool for businesses that rely on video marketing to reach and engage their target audiences.
>> Click Here To Get Videoo AI & Limited Time Offer <<
Check Out My Previous Reviews: Domain Blaster Review, Affiliate Profitz AI Review, EverHost AI Review, WhiteLabel AI Biz Review,Brand AI Review, Helix App Review, and CloudDaddyPro Review.
Thank for reading my  Videoo AI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This review is based on information available at the time of writing and reflects the author’s personal opinion. Results may vary depending on individual use and needs. Always conduct your own research before making any purchasing decisions regarding Videoo AI or similar products.
Note: This is a paid software, however the one-time cost is $17.
0 notes
spiralmantra · 11 days
Generative AI: The Upskilling Future of eCommerce Personalization
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By every means, Generative AI is wholesomely revolutionizing the impact of the e-commerce industry by inviting businesses to revamp their customers’ shopping experiences. Can we appreciate the huge influence of artificial intelligence in e-commerce businesses? Especially if we take the example of IKEA, where users have witnessed how drastically the brand adapts to the latest technological trends and gives them hands-on experiences to visualize their interior design seamlessly. We really can’t deny the fact that the e-commerce industry has successfully come a long way and is open to any sort of changes to optimize its user experience. Adding the generative AI aspects in the shopping industry makes more sense now, as customers nowadays are more fascinated to try some virtual try-on experiences for better recommendations. With this blog, we will quickly try to explain the influence of generative AI and how it impacts globally the e-commerce business. But, first, let’s discuss the challenges that the industry faces and how one can overcome them. Also, we have covered a detailed article on Big Data in Healthcare!
A Detailed Introduction to "What is Generative AI?"
Generative AI is a category of artificial intelligence focused on the creation of any original content, text, image, music, or even buildings in the virtual world. Generative AI using a variety of sources does not just crunch existing information; it studies large volumes of data and produces a completely new artistic output. Well-known models such as generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) text third generation models, or DALL-E image encyclopedia models, create content that is visually indistinguishable from that created by human hands using advanced computational methodologies through the use of neural network frameworks.
Major Challenges with Its Effective Resolutions
Gone are the days when we used the traditional way of purchasing any product, be it from an online market or offline. Thanks to generative AI, the process has become much easier than ever before. Do you remember the days when makeup lovers went to the offline store to try their hands on new products that arrived at the store? Their major concern resonates with whether the foundation matches my skin tone or will blend seamlessly on my skin. But, now, Sephora, the multinational retailer, has introduced the “Sephora Virtual Artist” feature to let their clients try different makeup brands simply by using their mobile devices.
Additionally, AI simplifies the process of integration, which makes it a credible source to offer extensive developer support and documentation.
Another major challenge is user acceptance, but now businesses are trying to gradually introduce their users to advanced AI technological tools and trends, fostering transparency and effectiveness.
With the introduction of big data and predictive analysis, e-commerce brands can effectively use their unorganized datasets and use them to forecast their sales insights and customer engagement and retention.
Impact of Generative AI on E-commerce
Generative AI is constantly working hard to improve customer personalization and user engagement. One such advantage is customized product recommendations, which allow the capture of customers’ data and assist with information based on their previous purchases, web store-based purchasing behavior, and browsing trends. By adapting user details, generative artificial intelligence can effectively recommend products, raising the purchasing chances. Moreover, generative AI helps to draft the product details for advertisements, including images and videos, saving time and reducing costs. This feature enables organizations to seamlessly introduce new products while adapting the best of marketing content and strategies. Another area to focus on where generative AI enhances performance is the groundwork of the customer service sector. Thanks to the amendment of technological tools and platforms, virtual advisors can solve customer queries accurately, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. At the same time, helping companies to achieve interactive solutions by reducing forecasting errors, generated by a large volume of data and inventories.
Use Cases of Generative AI in the E-commerce Industry
Timely adaptation of generative AI aimed to boost the presence of eCommerce on a global platform. With the introduction of efficiency and tailor-made shopping, businesses are working progressively to make their customers satisfied in every aspect of the shopping experience.
Personalized Content Generation: Before getting hands-on experience with generative AI, retailers used to conduct A/B testing to understand what product image and description would work best and catch engagement. But now artificial intelligence has grabbed all the eyeballs by producing creative content across varied sellers and marketplaces. This method of personalization enhances the probability of conversion and increases customer satisfaction because of the relevant result one gets.
Virtual Try-Ons and Voice Shopping: With the implementation of effective modules of voice assistants, Generative AI has achieved a lot of appraisals, just by changing the way of shopping. Similarly, with the introduction of virtual try-ons, brands have transformed the way they display their products in front of large audiences. Be it clothing, makeup, or accessories, the deep learning of technology has boosted its efficiency. By implementing the idea of virtual try-ons, companies try to reduce uncertainty, helping businesses to increase their profits.
Boost search algorithms: Adapting generative AI to e-commerce platforms excessively helps boost search algorithms, improving the concept of search capabilities. For those who don’t know, AI is best known for grasping natural language queries, making it generate more comprehensive, user-friendly searches. But what about the search suggestions? Does AI help in that too? Well, the answer is yes, as machine learning engages and fosters relevant search suggestions, helping online users discover products easily.
Enhanced Customer Service with AI Chatbots: Having advanced chatbots to deliver 24/7 personalized customer support is a need for any business. Be it finance, retail, e-commerce, or IT, adding generative artificial intelligence chatbots advances operations, while it can handle a wide spectrum of tasks effectively. Be it answering users’ questions, showing the most searched order details, or processing orders, AI-driven chatbots can engage shopaholics to develop meaningful conversations.
How to Implement Generative AI in E-commerce Systems?
On your e-commerce project, implementing generative artificial intelligence is a need of an hour. However, the process will take several steps to complete, while effective integration and value generation are a must to access greater results on time.  Below are the steps that need to be followed:
Begin by determining the needs and areas of your e-commerce system where generative AI can offer solutions. The areas include virtual try-ons, personalized recommendations, or effective customer service.
Next up is to gather relevant data that fits your business goals from categories like customer behavior, transaction history, and product details. Here’s the need for predictive analytics, which is crucial to clean and organize the data for consistency and accuracy.
Having the right approach to technology selection is a must to generate engaging results. Upon selecting the right AI tools, like OpenAI’s GPT or Google Cloud’s AI engines, you can move further for seamless API integration and custom solutions.
Develop a strategy to work on different models to cater to the needs of your eCommerce brand. The process involves training the artificial intelligence models on your data, allowing them to create precise outputs. This step is needed to generate accurate customer recommendations.
Thereafter, test and evaluate the AI system before deploying it to your e-commerce platform. Look for its performance and try to collect ample feedback to implement necessary adjustments.
Once everything falls into the right place, roll out the AI on your e-commerce project and try to monitor it continuously for high conversion rates and user experience.
Generative AI E-commerce: Live Case Studies
Amazon’s AI-driven Product Recommendations: When it comes to using generative AI, Amazon is a big name in boosting its recommendation engine. From analyzing customer behavior to having an in-depth understanding of customers’ browsing patterns, artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in real-time product suggestions. Allowing Amazon not only enhances customer shopping experiences but also boosts conversion rates, indicating the efficiency of machine learning in driving sales.
Virtual Dressing Room by H&M: This premium fashion brand uses AI to complement personalized recommendations and features to engage with users. The H&M’s virtual dressing room features allow customers to try their favorite piece of clothing and try it virtually to know how it will look on them. Generative AI has already begun an intuitive trend, allowing customers to pick garments based on their body types and helping them to make more precise decisions before purchasing.
Sephora AR Makeup Feature: Sephora, a premium beauty and cosmetics retailer, has introduced an AI-driven tool to transform how customers engage and try makeup virtually. This generative AI feature is best known for creating engagement on the portal, plus their sales have massively increased across their online stores. This innovation has a preliminary increase in customer satisfaction by featuring a personalized shopping experience.
As generative artificial intelligence continues to upskill and transform e-commerce, enhancing user experience with the products and streamlining operations, It is quite evident that implementing these technologies is not just an option anymore but has become an inevitability for staying competitive. Looking forward to transforming your e-commerce business? Contact Spiral Mantra for a quick call to discuss your requirements and begin your journey toward innovation and growth.
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govindhtech · 6 months
11x Faster Search for Generative AI with Azure AI Search
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Azure AI Search
In order to assist customers developing generative AI applications that are ready for production, Azure is pleased to announce today some major updates to Azure AI Search. In order to enable customers to run retrieval augmented generation (RAG) at any scale without sacrificing cost or performance, Azure AI Search has significantly increased storage capacity and vector index size at no additional cost.
This article will explain how clients can
Can use today’s changes to achieve more scalability at a lower cost.
Put their large RAG workloads in the hands of Azure AI Search.
To innovate in previously unthinkable ways, use sophisticated search techniques to navigate complex data.
Introducing Azure AI Search, which offers greater performance and scalability at a cheaper price
With much increased vector and storage capacity, Azure AI Search can now provide users with higher scalability, better performance, and more data for their money.
In some regions, the Basic and Standard tiers of Azure AI Search now have more available capacity and compute.
Users are going to see up to a
11 times larger vector index.
A sixfold rise in overall storage.
Indexing and query throughput improvements of two times.
With these adjustments, clients can provide excellent user and interaction experiences at any size. With just one search instance, users can scale their generative AI applications to a multi-billion vector index without sacrificing efficiency or speed.
Providing a reliable enterprise retrieval system to support sizable RAG-based applications
For the management of their mission-critical enterprise search and generative AI applications, more than half of Fortune 500 companies rely on Azure AI Search. Azure AI Search is used by OpenAI, Otto Group, KPMG, and PETRONAS to support workloads related to retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
OpenAI had to make sure their retrieval system could handle previously unheard-of demand and scale when they unveiled their Assistant API and RAG-powered “GPTs” at OpenAI DevDay 2023. Because of Azure AI Search’s ability to handle their massive, internet-scale RAG workloads, OpenAI turned to it.
Azure AI Search now offers search functionality to products such as the GPT Store and supports RAG capabilities for ChatGPT, GPTs, and the Assistant API. Azure AI Search is the retrieval system that makes these products function whenever someone searches within them or adds a file to them.
As of November 2023, 100 million people visit ChatGPT alone each week, and over 2 million developers use its API to build applications. Three million custom GPTs were generated in the first two months after their announcement. With users from all over the world, these are enormous numbers. Really RAG on a large scale.
Using a cutting-edge, modern retrieval system to create better applications
Using just one search technique, such as vector search, is ineffective for creating generative AI applications that function as intended, as teams in the professional services, healthcare, and telecommunications industries have discovered.
Certain use cases are better served by different retrieval strategies. To cover the range of scenarios that any given application is likely to encounter, high-quality retrieval systems combine multiple techniques.
Developers can accomplish goals more quickly and efficiently by using Azure AI Search to enable applications to apply a range of strategies straight out of the box, such as hybrid retrieval and semantic reranking.
Advanced RAG is used by Telus Health to provide a customer support application
Telus Health is a Canadian-based company that leads the way in offering technology-based services and solutions to insurers, individuals, employers, and healthcare professionals. In order to address user questions regarding particular health plans and provide assistance with using their website, the company launched a customer support platform. All of the requirements could not be met by the first implementation, which was based only on vector search. Telus Health resorted to Azure AI Search as a result, which is renowned for its cutting-edge, extensive suite of search technologies.
The Guide Team at Telus Health played a key role in developing their search approach and making efficient use of AI Search to improve the platform. Telus Health made it possible for the system to effectively handle queries pertaining to client-specific documents as well as those utilising the company website by broadening their retrieval strategy and introducing hybrid search with semantic reranking. This strategic improvement, made possible by Azure AI Search, has greatly increased the platform’s accuracy and responsiveness and demonstrates Telus Health’s dedication to providing top-notch customer service.
NIQ Brandbank uses multi-vector retrieval to enable brands to maximise their online presence
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brands can outperform their rivals by using NIQ Brandbank’s solutions to provide rich, pertinent content and imagery for their digital shelf.
With data-driven, practical advice and insights that demonstrate how their product content compares to competitors in the market, NIQ Brandbank’s Content Health+ solution enables brands to maximise their online presence.
The application helps brands increase sales, improve product placement across retailer search results, and improve their online presence with its straightforward, user-friendly format.
In order to determine which product attributes affect organic placement on the digital shelf, Content Health+ draws from research conducted by an NIQ Data Impact team. The application uses multi-vector search on the backend to search the research that is stored in both text and images. Search reranking is used to present the most relevant results. This feature makes excellent recommendations about the kind of content that a brand should prioritise in order to boost sales and performance.
Content Health+ was developed using hybrid multi-vector search and semantic ranking to ensure that the application functions as intended. Combining different retrieval techniques allows more ideas and opportunities to be realised for e-commerce and recommendation apps.
Find out more about Azure AI Search
They are facilitating the AI systems’ ability to retrieve information at scale by making these announcements today. With Azure AI Search’s cutting-edge retrieval technology and an enterprise-ready foundation, customers can innovate with confidence.
Leading search and information retrieval platform for RAG Azure AI Search, an AI-powered platform for information retrieval, assists developers in creating generative AI apps and rich search experiences by fusing enterprise data with large language models. Provide search capabilities for all mobile applications, internal search applications, and software as a service (SaaS) apps.
Simplify the creation and provision of search solutions
Simplify the process of creating search indexes and ingesting data by integrating them with Azure storage solutions, RESTful APIs, and SDKs. Implement a search service that is fully configured and offers user-friendly features like synonyms, faceting, scoring, and geo-search. Steer clear of the operational costs associated with debugging index corruption, keeping an eye on service availability, or manually scaling during traffic spikes.
Showcase the most pertinent outcomes for your users
Utilise cutting-edge deep learning models from Bing and Microsoft Research to give your apps results that are pertinent and contextual. Use the semantic search feature to provide customers with substantially better results, gain a deeper understanding of their search terms, and increase customer engagement. Knowledge mining and summary results are also made possible by semantic search, providing your users with quick snippets without making them scroll through a tonne of results.
Use Azure OpenAI Service to develop apps for the next generation
To apply the most sophisticated AI language models to your search solutions that use your own data as the foundation for responses, combine Azure AI Search with Azure OpenAI Service. ChatGPT, an Azure OpenAI service, allows you to retrieve enterprise data from knowledge bases using conversational language.
Adapt search features with AI integrations
Customise the search process to fit your organization’s particular needs. Key phrase extraction, language detection, optical character recognition (OCR), image analysis, translation, and role-based access control (RBAC) are just a few of the customizable features that Azure AI Search provides. Utilize the integration features offered by Azure AI services, such as Speech, Vision, Language, and Azure OpenAI Service, to enhance the conversion of unstructured, raw data into searchable content.
Scale to handle heavy traffic loads and big datasets
Easily index and search through enormous volumes of data, regardless of the size of your company, to provide excellent search results for your users without worrying about infrastructure management. Your search solution will be scalable as your company expands thanks to Azure AI Search’s ability to manage massive data loads and high traffic loads.
Use AI sensibly
With Azure AI Search, you can get access to cloud search tools, guidelines, and other resources to assist you in developing a responsible AI solution. Go through Microsoft’s responsible AI guidelines.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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tamanna-sarker · 6 months
Gamma Review: Craft An Amazon Store In 30-sec with GPT-Robot
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Key Features Of Gamma App:
Create Automated Amazon Stores in just 30 seconds.
Benefit from Built-In AI Powered Traffic Generation.
Choose from a selection of 100+ Templates.
Enjoy an Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface.
Operate with Voice Prompts or Keywords effortlessly.
Access hundreds of Stock Assets for free.
Newbie-friendly interface for ease of use.
The app functions seamlessly on all popular devices.
Support for all major 3rd Party Integrations.
Automatic YouTube™ Channel Creation for convenience.
Utilize the Automated AiTraffic Feature.
Built-in monetization for added value.
Integration with OpenAI & ChatGPT4.
Discover YouTube™ Keywords with a 1-Click Finder.
Run Auto Like/Comment Campaigns effortlessly.
No Monthly Fees for a cost-effective experience.
Share YouTube Videos across 100+ sources.
Includes a Biz-In-A-Box Commercial License for comprehensive usage.
>>>More Details Of Gamma<<<
Gamma provides EVERYTHING You Need to Replicate:
(And Fully Personalize It Too, If You Prefer...)
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The exclusive A.I app in the market that utilizes Amazon’s servers to furnish us with Ready-Made profitable AI stores with a single click. (Worth $67/mo)
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5. Gamma Optimizer:
Gamma doesn’t just craft AI Stores; it creates stores and optimizes them to their fullest potential. Rest assured, you'll be transforming visitors into customers. (Worth $997)
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You also receive 7 days of unlimited 1-1 mentoring. Just inform us, and our expert will connect with you for personalized mentoring or support. (Worth $5,997)
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patient-education · 8 months
Revolutionizing Patient Education with “X-Plain Health AI”
Imagine a world where every patient's educational journey is uniquely tailored to their health needs, language, and learning style. This is not a distant dream but a present reality, thanks to the groundbreaking advancements in AI with “X-Plain Health AI,” a custom GPT app redefining the landscape of patient education. How is this innovative technology transforming how we understand and interact with healthcare information? Let's explore the future, which is already here.
What are Custom GPTs? Custom GPTs are a specialized iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer models designed specifically for targeted applications. Unlike general-purpose models like ChatGPT, custom GPTs are fine-tuned with specific datasets, tailored instructions, and integrated functionalities to cater to particular needs. This specialization enables them to produce outputs that are highly adaptive and aligned with specific objectives, making them invaluable in fields like patient education.
Traditional vs. AI-based Patient Education
In traditional settings, patient education relies on printed materials, videos, and digital resources, which often fall short in addressing the diverse needs of patients. These methods, while informative, lack the personalization necessary for effective healthcare communication. Custom GPTs revolutionize this domain by offering tailored, dynamic, and interactive educational content. This AI-driven approach aligns with individual health conditions, literacy levels, and cultural backgrounds, enhancing patient understanding, engagement, and adherence to medical guidance.
Consider the case of Laila, a 52-year-old woman recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She's overwhelmed with the flood of generic information available online. That's where 'X-Plain Health AI' comes in. Unlike traditional GPT models like ChatGPT, our custom GPT is fine-tuned with vast medical data. When Laila uses X-Plain Health AI, she receives personalized information. The system adjusts the complexity of the language to match her understanding and even considers her cultural background. This means Laila gets tailored advice on managing her diabetes, dietary recommendations suited to her lifestyle, and explanations of medical terms in a way she can easily comprehend. It's like having a virtual health educator, always ready to provide information that’s specifically relevant to her, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
X-Plain Health AI
Custom GPTs for patient education can generate detailed, specific information about a patient's condition and treatment options, adjust the complexity of the language to suit the patient's literacy level, facilitate interactive learning sessions for heightened engagement, and offer materials in multiple languages, considering cultural nuances.
Released on February 5, 2024, X-Plain Health AI is a pioneering custom GPT model developed by the Patient Education Institute. Accessible through the ChatGPT Store, it promises unprecedented personalization in patient education. What does “X-Plain Health AI” offer beyond what ChatGPT can do? Some key features include:
Prompting users to set their preferences for language, content depth, difficulty level, and other parameters.
Ask users to select a health topic, then offer targeted questions to refine information to specific interests like causes, symptoms, alternative treatments, risks, coping strategies, support options, and more.
Adjusting the complexity of the text according to the user’s preferences and previous interactions.
Engage with users to explain complex terms, present statistics, or compare treatment options tailored to their specific requests.
Asking questions to verify understanding.
Using our extensive database of peer-reviewed, up-to-date content, which includes over 25 million words, a video library with over 2,500 videos, and 2,500 interactive quizzes for comprehension testing, ensuring that users receive up-to-date information in their preferred educational format.
Upon the user’s request, display one of our +10,000 illustrations and +100,000 slides to show diagrams and anatomical and procedural illustrations (in progress).
Here is a scenario illustrating how X-Plain Health AI interacts with a user: John, a 40-year-old man, logs into X-Plain Health AI.
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Hello! How may I assist you today? Do you have any specific health topics or questions in mind? Also, would you like me to address you by a name?”
—      John: “You can call me John. I want to learn about managing high blood pressure.”
—      X-Plain Health AI: “Welcome, John! To provide you with personalized information about managing high blood pressure, I have a few questions for you. First, what is your preferred language for communication?"
—      John: "English, please."
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Great, English it is. How would you rate your understanding of high blood pressure management on a scale from 1 to 5?"
—      John: "Probably around a 2."
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Understood, we'll keep things straightforward. Are you seeking information on causes, symptoms, complications, diet, exercise, medication, or all of these topics?"
—      John: "Mostly diet and exercise."
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Okay. I can provide dietary guidelines and exercise tips that effectively manage high blood pressure. Before we proceed, do you have any dietary restrictions or physical limitations I should be aware of?"
—      John: "I'm a vegetarian and have a knee injury, so nothing too strenuous."
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Thanks for sharing that, John. I'll tailor the information accordingly. [Provides tailored advice on a vegetarian diet and low-impact exercises suitable for someone with a knee injury]. Would you like me to ask a few questions to ensure you've understood the information clearly?"
—      John: "Yes, that would be helpful."
—      X-Plain Health AI: "Alright, let's start with a simple one: Can you name two vegetables that are particularly beneficial for managing high blood pressure?"
—      John: [Responds with his answers]
—      X-Plain Health AI: "That's correct! [Provides feedback on his answers]. Let’s try another question to see how you’re doing with the exercise recommendations."
Challenges and Considerations
The deployment of custom GPTs in patient education presents challenges, particularly in privacy and information accuracy. Ensuring compliance with healthcare privacy laws, such as HIPAA, and maintaining the accuracy of the information provided by these AI models are of utmost importance. It's crucial to continually remind users that AI-generated content should be seen as supplementary to professional medical advice, not a replacement.
In OpenAI's custom GPT environment, users have control over their data. If they permit ChatGPT to learn from their interactions, the chats with custom GPTs remain private and are not shared with the creators. A key challenge is ensuring GPT models adhere to healthcare privacy laws like HIPAA. ChatGPT and custom GPT models consistently remind users not to share any personally identifiable information during conversations. Users also have the option to adjust their settings to prevent ChatGPT from retaining their chat history. However, these settings may not be straightforward and could be inadvertently altered during updates or when opting into new services. In addition, the field is rapidly developing, and so are OpenAI’s privacy and data training policies.
Two years following the launch of X-Plain in 1995, we established a clear distinction between Clinical X-Plain and Public X-Plain. Clinical X-Plain serves a crucial role in clinical environments, offering informed consent, discharge instructions, and specific guidance on medications and home care directly to patients. In contrast, Public X-Plain is a patient education resource available on healthcare institutions' websites, assisting patients in learning about and preparing for clinical visits. In this context, X-Plain Health AI is envisioned as a public-facing tool accessible online to aid patients in understanding and preparing for healthcare encounters. It is distinct from the discharge documents that healthcare providers typically hand to patients following outpatient, inpatient, or emergency room visits.
The introduction of the GPT Store by OpenAI marks a significant shift in the landscape of AI application development. Like an app store for AI technologies, this platform allows creators to publish and potentially monetize their GPT models. Although still in its infancy, the revenue-sharing model indicates a promising avenue for creators to benefit financially from their innovative AI solutions in healthcare.
What do we know so far? OpenAI covers the cost of tokens for GPTs in the OpenAI GPT Store. This means neither the user nor the creator of a custom GPT bears the token cost. However, access to the GPT Store and its features is limited to ChatGPT Plus Subscribers and OpenAI Enterprise customers.
The monetization model for OpenAI's GPT Store is still unspecified and vague.  OpenAI states that it will involve revenue sharing with creators, where creators are paid based on the usage and utility of their custom GPTs. Initially, the revenue model may start with a straightforward revenue share, the specifics of which are yet to be detailed. Later, there might be options for subscription-based access to individual GPTs, depending on demand.
These monetization policies are dynamic and tentative; for the most current monetization models, check OpenAI's official website.
Our patient education solutions are exclusively licensed to healthcare institutions and stakeholders, not directly to patients. However, with OpenAI's proposed model for monetization, we are poised to indirectly offer X-Plain Health AI to patients and individual users for the first time, a departure from our traditional approach of licensing only to healthcare service providers. Given the importance of ensuring accuracy and privacy, we will maintain X-Plain Health AI as a public patient education tool rather than a clinical one until these critical factors are fully guaranteed.
The Future
Looking ahead, the potential of AI in patient education is immense. Future developments in custom GPTs are expected to include a deeper understanding of language nuances, more sophisticated bias mitigation techniques, and enhanced integration with other applications.
Regarding its integration with other applications, future custom GPT models for patient education will offer capabilities such as:
Seamlessly combining several aspects of patient care, including treatment planning, patient education, and follow-up care.
Dynamically adapting educational content in real-time based on the user's preferences, interaction style, and updates in their health records.
Utilize predictive analytics to identify potential health risks and deliver tailored educational content to patients accordingly.
Enhancing patient engagement and understanding using augmented reality in educational materials.
Final Notes
As custom AI models like X-Plain Health AI evolve, it’s crucial to steer their integration and governance in patient engagement proactively. To ensure these advancements serve the best interests of all involved, consider the following:
Healthcare thought leaders should commit to ongoing research and develop oversight processes. Regular evaluations of custom GPTs for accuracy, privacy protection, and clinical effectiveness are essential. This continuous monitoring facilitates responsible innovation that truly benefits patients.
Policymakers must act promptly to establish data governance laws specifically for healthcare AI. These regulations should balance patient rights protection with the encouragement of empowering innovations.
Patients should be encouraged to learn about and use AI-powered educational tools. They need to recognize that, while valuable, these tools are not replacements for professional medical advice.
By fostering frameworks that promote accountability in tandem with technological advancement, we can revolutionize how individuals learn about and manage their health.
As we stand on the brink of a new healthcare age, X-Plain Health AI represents a pivotal shift from one-size-fits-all to a world where patient education is as adapted as a tailored suit.
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OpenAI Gears Up to Launch the GPT Store: A New Frontier for AI Creations
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Introduction After a period of anticipation and delays, OpenAI is on the brink of launching its much-awaited GPT Store. This innovative platform is set to revolutionize the way AI agents, based on OpenAI's robust large language models, are shared and monetized. https://aieventx.com/openais-devday-reveal-custom-chatgpts-and-the-new-frontier-in-ai-interactivity/ What is the GPT Store? The GPT Store, a unique marketplace for AI creations, will enable users to sell and share their customized AI agents, crafted using OpenAI's GPT-4 large language model. This development marks a significant step in democratizing AI technology, allowing more individuals to contribute to and benefit from AI advancements. Official Launch and Builder Engagement OpenAI has officially announced the launch date for next week, exciting those registered as GPT Builders. In preparation, an email was sent to these builders, urging them to align their AI creations with brand guidelines and to set their GPTs to public mode.
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The Journey to Launch The concept of the GPT Store was first introduced at OpenAI's November developers conference, promising a platform for ChatGPT Plus and enterprise subscribers to develop and share ChatGPT-style chatbots. These custom bots could range from entertaining, like explaining Gen Z memes, to practical uses like negotiation guidance. The store aims to extend beyond OpenAI's current offering, where custom GPTs are accessible via the explore tab of ChatGPT Plus, by enabling user-generated content and potential revenue streams for creators. Monetization and Creator Compensation One of the most intriguing aspects of the GPT Store is the proposed monetization model. OpenAI plans to implement a system where creators can earn based on the usage of their AI agents in the store. Details of this compensation model are yet to be disclosed, but it signifies a groundbreaking approach to rewarding AI innovation. A Rocky Road to Launch The path to the store's launch hasn't been smooth. Initially slated for a November release, the launch faced delays due to unforeseen circumstances, including the brief firing and rehiring of CEO Sam Altman. The postponement stretched into December, with further delays leading to the current launch date. Conclusion The upcoming GPT Store is set to open new horizons for AI enthusiasts and creators. It represents a leap towards a more inclusive and participative AI ecosystem, where creativity meets technology. As we await its official launch, the potential of the GPT Store in shaping the future of AI engagement and commerce remains a highly anticipated development. Read the full article
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