#gpt store update
reallytoosublime · 7 months
Welcome to the GPT Store, where innovation meets imagination! Nestled within the bustling heart of the digital marketplace, the GPT Store stands as a beacon of cutting-edge technology and limitless creativity. As you step into our virtual emporium, prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of artificial intelligence and linguistic prowess.
With its sleek interface and intuitive design, the GPT Store offers a seamless shopping experience like no other. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a curious enthusiast, or an avid explorer of the digital frontier, there's something here for everyone. From advanced AI models to bespoke language tools, our vast collection caters to a diverse array of needs and interests.
At the heart of the GPT Store lies our flagship product: the renowned GPT series. Powered by state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and trained on vast swathes of data, these AI models represent the pinnacle of natural language processing. Whether you seek assistance with writing, coding, or creative endeavors, our GPT models are your ultimate companions in unlocking new possibilities.
But the GPT Store is more than just a repository of AI models. It's a vibrant marketplace where ideas flourish and innovation thrives. Browse through our curated selection of plugins, extensions, and add-ons, each crafted to enhance your AI experience. From language translation tools to sentiment analysis plugins, these resources are designed to augment your productivity and unleash your creativity.
So, whether you're a seasoned AI aficionado or a curious newcomer, come discover the wonders of the GPT Store. Unleash your imagination, explore the limitless potential of artificial intelligence, and embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of what's possible. Welcome to the future of innovation.
GPT Store: How To Use and Make Money Online 2024
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youtubemarketing1234 · 7 months
Welcome to the GPT Store, where innovation meets imagination! Nestled within the bustling heart of the digital marketplace, the GPT Store stands as a beacon of cutting-edge technology and limitless creativity. As you step into our virtual emporium, prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through the realms of artificial intelligence and linguistic prowess.
With its sleek interface and intuitive design, the GPT Store offers a seamless shopping experience like no other. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a curious enthusiast, or an avid explorer of the digital frontier, there's something here for everyone. From advanced AI models to bespoke language tools, our vast collection caters to a diverse array of needs and interests.
At the heart of the GPT Store lies our flagship product: the renowned GPT series. Powered by state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms and trained on vast swathes of data, these AI models represent the pinnacle of natural language processing. Whether you seek assistance with writing, coding, or creative endeavors, our GPT models are your ultimate companions in unlocking new possibilities.
But the GPT Store is more than just a repository of AI models. It's a vibrant marketplace where ideas flourish and innovation thrives. Browse through our curated selection of plugins, extensions, and add-ons, each crafted to enhance your AI experience. From language translation tools to sentiment analysis plugins, these resources are designed to augment your productivity and unleash your creativity.
For those seeking personalized solutions, the GPT Store offers bespoke services tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need custom model training, API integration, or specialized consultancy, our team of experts is here to help you realize your vision. With their unparalleled expertise and dedication to excellence, they'll guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your AI journey is both rewarding and transformative.
GPT Store: How To Use and Make Money Online 2024
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zheightgeist · 10 months
Online Security
Slowly, I've been taking steps toward protecting my online identity and property. People may say "it doesn't matter, they know everything about me anyway," but they think mining data only pertains to targeted marketing.
It's more than that. It's the data that other nations collect on us, to build their next hostile cyber campaign to influence or confuse the more susceptible portions of our population, before the next election. It has to do with identity theft, how much information actors in China and India can collect on you, to credibly imitate you to an elderly family member and extort a few thousand dollars out of them.
Storing property in the cloud isn't even safe anymore. Anything you store in Google Drive is accessible by Google to develop Bard, its limping competitor to Chat GPT. So tonight, I've deleted everything in my two primary Google Drives, having downloaded and backed them up onto my computer's drive and an external drive. I have a pile of reformatted HDs from previous computers, adding up to a dozen terabytes, so storage space isn't a concern.
It will be inconvenient to develop new habits, writing documents in Word (or some free shareware equivalent) as I create new stories or develop new podcast episodes, but it's not impossible. Neuroplasticity is so important to preserve and cultivate.
Still, it feels like stepping in blind faith off the edge of a cliff to grab my online life, pack it into a zip folder, store it somewhere on my machine and then delete all the online traces. But how would I access the cloud if the grid went down, let's say for a day? Would I just read books and write letters, waiting for notification that everything was online and operational the next day... or the next?
Along with this, I've completed my biannual Great Password Update, and not only have I updated all my passwords, I've deleted 17 unused accounts, and I'm transferring my logins from Gmail to Protonmail. I know people look down on Substack and Protonmail as red flags of something suspicious, but shit. Look how many legitimate accounts have been deleted from YoutTube, just because they presented inconvenient (but well substantiated) information? You have to go wherever your interests will be protected, where freedom of expression still carries some weight. At least, until they get taken down too.
Lastly, if you're on Xitter and looking for an excuse to stop funding Nazis, I have several BlueSky activation codes, so reach out to me.
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darkietrashcan · 1 year
CHAT GPT analyzes Bakudeku & Bakugo's development
So I've been fooling around with ChatGPT, and decided to update the AI with the recent events that have happened in the manga.
(Manga spoilers until ch.362! BEWARE!)
Let me clarify that CHAT GPT has been programmed to having stored worldwide information until September 2021. I will only show the juciest replies I got from the AI, but let me clarify that I successfully updated the AI to understand what had happened in the manga until now (as of 5th April 2023).
(ChatGPT stores information given in the chat, and is capable to learn about that info and reproduce it later on during the conversation if needed.)
Let's start!
The following reply came when I asked ChatGPT if it was fair for fans to like Bakugo given his development, and if the AI agreed with me that Bakugo was well written:
(About the fairness of liking Bakugo: everyone is entitled to their own opinions, ok? But this question rooted from a discussion I had with a few IRL's who told me I was crazy for liking Bakugo. So yeah, personal reasons, but still, I wanted to show you the answer!)
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I really liked the response lol, it's pretty well thought and comprehensive. It's scary how much an AI can learn and give you these kind of responses in such a short amount of time.
Another one: I asked the AI about what they thought about the likeliness of bkdk ending up canon.
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(I'm not surprised by the answer. Dunno what y'all think about this but sounds pretty fair to me. However, that's just my opinion. I'd love bkdk to end up canon, though. Crossing my fingers.)
But then I asked the AI what they thought that bkdk still needed in order to become canon:
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That was all. I don't agree much. But well, that's my opinion.
Next one: I asked the AI about the meaning of Bakugo's death relating it to bakugo's and deku's relationship. NOTE THAT UNTIL THEN, I DID NOT TELL THE AI ABOUT BAKUGO'S EVENTUAL REVIVAL AND DEKU'S REACTION TO IT! (Y'know, the "control your heart" part)
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Then, I added the context that the AI lacked, and their response was...
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Even though it's obvious, this response hyped me up for Bakugos revival and him stepping up to assist Deku during the fight against Shigaraki! Or maybe in another moment, whenever Hori chooses it'd be right to fit Bakugo in the narrative.
That's all! It's been pretty fun to chat with the AI, lol. Took me around 1h30 minutes, but totally worth it.
Note that the AI, although offering objective analysis' of the context I gave them, provided responses that, most of the time, I agreed with. Which lead me to think that, if I'm a very subjective bkdk shipper, I could turn this AI into a bkdk shipper too, lol, If I had more time and willingness to convince them. My take here is, that antis could get responses matching their opinions as well. So yeah, please, do not take these answers as enunciations from the Holy Bible, but just some screenshot about a crazy fan fooling around with an AI app because she's bored and doesn't wanna do UNI work. Anyway, hope that you enjoyed reading these answers. If you want me to ask the AI about more specific things, tell me! Might do another post like this one in the future!
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maiosx · 2 years
my hackintosh journey
formatting usb's to a gpt partition without gibmacOS's python script (only on windows with the bat cmd launcher script) was a pain for about a day or two and I wasn't aware it existed until I found it and it's still broken write to usb command is unavailable because the download server is off so writing the OS dmg images required transmac and that's if you can even find a proper installer. I also realized I was copying the ventura mac installer incorrectly to the drive then figured I should just boot efi's in a seperate usb drive to solve partitioning or read/write issues. My config.plist file had many things inaccurate and proper tree manager and ocat auxilary tools don't come with manuals. After finding a proper coffee-lake efi without any model identifiers, I used OCAT to generate an SMBIOS of iMac 19,1 and proper tree to edit some values like securebootmodel to disabled and enablewriteunprotector to true then rebuilt it, saved and pasted some prebuilt ACPI SSDTs then rebuilt the config file again. This is all after the original high sierra install which needed a proper clover EFI so I had used the one I found from AIO Clover Boot method's img file off an abandoned blog. Once I had High Sierra running I used a script from tonymacx86 to install web drivers for the OS but it broke for some reason after many reboots of the ventura installer. So I had to then update the OS and then installed the original web driver from nvidia. After that installation, you are required to use opencore's legacy patcher to build the new OS usb or off the app store with the dd to usb terminal command but opencore's method is easier. My take is... If you want to be able to run mac OS X on a PC just buy one. KVM's on Qemu with linux using Sosumi are outdated, they don't support usb passthrough correctly if you don't have the USB Kext installed for your mobo or Qemu updated and set up with virt-manager which is some other nonsense of it's own. The whole thing is a mess all over the internet without any proper guide to complete it all in 2023. That's even after you figure you can run the legacy patcher's root patch for GPUs - says it runs on ventura but I didn't test it and without metal app support.. and you still need to know the secret boot arguments for your GPU if it's not AMD based and you'll likely get some Invalid X symbol at the second boot for not disabling system integrity protection while rooting or not copying over the EFI bc I don't even know how to safe boot to a hackintosh for turning off SIP if it doesn't boot in the first place. I will stay on Windows 10 and keep my High Sierra installation though because old software is kinda neat, less broken, and faster than whatever is out in the wild. Manjaro Linux running gnome on the other hand, or Fedora are really good for running servers without needing windows license keys and it's probably why sysadmins like linux so much tho the other software on it mostly sucks and so without maiOSX running on edge and all the web apps it's toast and the safari developer thingy on iOS doesn't work on high sierra unless you update iTunes probably which is a security update of 2gb that will break the GPU again.. it's just awful how de-constructing updates and things are on all those mac OSes are. ventura looked neat though but, too grey for me. not dark enough.
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govindhtech · 2 months
Boost the development of AI apps with Cloud Modernization
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Cloud Modernization
A new era of intelligent applications that can comprehend natural language, produce material that is human-like, and enhance human abilities has begun with the development of generative AI. But as businesses from all sectors start to see how AI may completely transform their operations, they frequently forget to update their on-premises application architecture, which is an essential first step.
Cloud migration
Cloud migration is significantly more advantageous than on-premises options if your company wants to use AI to improve customer experiences and spur growth. Numerous early adopters, including TomTom and H&R Block, have emphasized that their decision to start updating their app architecture on Azure was what prepared them for success in the AI era.
Further information to connect the dots was provided by a commissioned study by IDC titled “Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Migration and Cloud Modernization for the Development of Intelligent Applications,” which was based on interviews with 900 IT leaders globally regarding their experiences moving apps to the cloud. They’ll go over a few of the key points in this article.
Modernise or lag behind: The necessity of cloud migration driven by AI
Let’s say what is obvious: Artificial Intelligence is a potent technology that can write code, produce content, and even develop whole apps. The swift progress in generative AI technologies, such OpenAI’s GPT-4 has revolutionized the way businesses function and engage with their clientele.
However, generative AI models such as those that drive ChatGPT or image-generating software are voracious consumers of data. To achieve their disruptive potential, they need access to enormous datasets, flexible scaling, and immense computing resources. The computation and data needs of contemporary AI workloads are simply too much for on-premises legacy systems and compartmentalized data stores to handle.
Cloud Modernization systems, which are entirely managed by the provider, offer the reliable infrastructure and storage options required to handle AI workloads. Because of its nearly infinite scalability, apps can adapt to changing demand and continue to operate at a high level.
The main finding of the IDC survey was that businesses were mostly driven to move their applications to the cloud by a variety of benefits, such as enhanced security and privacy of data, easier integration of cloud-based services, and lower costs. Furthermore, companies can swiftly test, refine, and implement AI models because to the cloud’s intrinsic agility, which spurs innovation.
With its most recent version, the.NET framework is ready to use AI in cloud settings. Developers can use libraries like OpenAI, Qdrant, and Milvus as well as tools like the Semantic Kernel to include AI capabilities into their apps. Applications may be delivered to the cloud with excellent performance and scalability thanks to the integration with.
NET Aspire. H&R Block’s AI Tax Assistant, for instance, shows how companies may build scalable, AI-driven solutions to improve user experiences and operational efficiency. It was developed using.NET and Azure OpenAI. You may expedite development and boost the adoption of AI in all areas of your company operations by integrating. NET into your cloud migration plan.
Utilising cloud-optimized old on-premises programmes through migration and restructuring allows for the seamless scaling of computation, enormous data repositories, and AI services. This can help your business fully incorporate generative AI into all aspects of its data pipelines and intelligent systems, in addition to allowing it to develop generative AI apps.
Reach your AI goals faster in the cloud
The ambition of an organisation to use generative AI and the realisation of its full value through cloud migration are strongly correlated, according to a recent IDC study. Let’s dissect a few important factors:
Data accessibility: Consolidating and accessing data from several sources is made easier by cloud environments, giving AI models the knowledge they require for training and improvement.
Computational power: Elastic computing resources in the cloud may be flexibly distributed to fulfil complicated AI algorithm needs, resulting in optimal performance and cost effectiveness.
Collaboration: Data scientists, developers, and business stakeholders may work together more easily thanks to cloud-based tools, which speeds up the creation and application of AI.
Cloud migration speeds up innovation overall in addition to enabling generative AI. Cloud platforms offer an abundance of ready-to-use services, such as serverless computing, machine learning, and the Internet of Things, that enable businesses to quickly develop and integrate new intelligent features into their apps.
Adopt cloud-based AI to beat the competition
Gaining a competitive edge is the driving force behind the urgent need to migrate and modernise applications it’s not simply about keeping up with the times. Companies who use AI and the cloud are better positioned to:
Draw in elite talent Companies with state-of-the-art tech stacks attract the best data scientists and developers.
Adjust to shifting circumstances: Because of the cloud’s elasticity, organisations may quickly adapt to changing client wants or market conditions.
Accelerate the increase of revenue: Applications driven by AI have the potential to provide new revenue streams and improve consumer satisfaction.
Embrace AI-powered creativity by updating your cloud
Cloud migration needs to be more than just moving and lifting apps if it is to stay competitive. The key to unlocking new levels of agility, scalability, and innovation in applications is Cloud Modernization through rearchitecting and optimizing them for the cloud. Your company can: by updating to cloud-native architectures, your apps can:
Boost performance: Incorporate intelligent automation, chatbots, and personalised recommendations all enabled by AI into your current applications.
Boost output: To maximise the scalability, responsiveness, and speed of your applications, take advantage of cloud-native technology.
Cut expenses: By only paying for the resources you use, you can do away with the expensive on-premises infrastructure.
According to the IDC poll, most respondents decided to move their apps to the Cloud Modernization because it allowed them to develop innovative applications and quickly realize a variety of business benefits.
Boost the development of your intelligent apps with a cloud-powered AI
In the age of generative AI, moving and updating apps to the cloud is not a choice, but a requirement. Businesses that jump on this change quickly will be in a good position to take advantage of intelligent apps’ full potential, which will spur innovation, operational effectiveness, and consumer engagement.
The combination of generative AI and cloud computing is giving organizations previously unheard-of options to rethink their approaches and achieve steady growth in a cutthroat market.
Businesses may make well-informed decisions on their cloud migration and Cloud Modernization journeys by appreciating the benefits and measuring the urgency, which will help them stay at the forefront of technical advancement and commercial relevance.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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chatgptdevelopers · 4 months
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Best Practices for Ensuring Data Security in Businesses by chat gpt programmers
In the current digital surroundings, data security is a top priority for companies in every industry. The security of sensitive data has become crucial due to the increase in complex cyber crimes. By chat gpt programmers  The growing dependence of businesses on technology for data handling and storage requires the adoption of strong data security procedures that improve defense against potential breaches and maintain stakeholder and consumer trust.
In this article, we delve into a comprehensive exploration of the best practices that businesses can adopt to bolster their data security stance and effectively mitigate risks.
Implement Strong Access Controls:
Restricting access to sensitive information is the foundation of data security. And also chat  gpt programmers. By putting role-based access controls (RBAC) in place, you can make sure that only people with permission can access particular data. This preventative measure reduces the possibility of insider threats and prevents illegal access.
Encrypt Data:- chat gpt programmers
Encryption is an efficient barrier that keeps data safe while it’s being moved or stored. To  chat gpt programmers by  Businesses can ensure data confidentiality by using encryption to make it intelligible to unauthorized parties. Using strong encryption techniques is essential to greatly improve data security.
Regularly Update Software and Systems:
Upgrading systems and software is necessary for  chat gpt programmers
 resolving identified weaknesses that hackers could take advantage of. Maintaining the effectiveness of security measures requires regular patching and updating of all software and systems,and chat gpt will replace programmers which act as vital barriers against constantly changing threats.
Train Employees on Security Awareness:
Human error remains a prominent contributor to data breaches. Educating employees on the significance of data security and equipping them with the requisite training to identify and address potential threats by chat gpt programmers effectively are paramount. Conducting regular security awareness training sessions fosters a culture of vigilance, empowering employees to recognize and report suspicious activities promptly.
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security by necessitating users to provide multiple forms of verification before accessing sensitive systems or data. Implementing MFA across all critical accounts and applications fortifies defenses, even in the event of compromised passwords.
Backup Data Regularly:-
Data loss can have far-reaching repercussions for businesses. Implementing regular data backups ensures that critical information remains protected and can be swiftly restored in the event of a cyberattack or hardware failure, mitigating potential disruptions to operations.
Monitor and Audit Access:
Monitoring and auditing access to sensitive data enables prompt detection and response to potential security incidents. Leveraging robust logging mechanisms to track user activity and identify anomalous behavior aids in proactively identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they are exploited by malicious actors.
Secure Mobile Devices:
With the pervasive use of mobile devices in the workplace, securing these endpoints is imperative for data security. Chat gpt will replace programmers  Implementing security measures such as device encryption, remote wipe capabilities, and mobile device management (MDM) solutions that safeguards sensitive data accessed or stored on mobile devices.
Develop an Incident Response Plan:
Despite preventive measures, incidents may still occur. Developing a comprehensive incident response plan delineating the steps to be taken in the event of a security breach is essential. This plan should encompass procedures for containing the incident, assessing its impact, notifying stakeholders, and swiftly restoring normal operations.
Stay Informed About Emerging Threats:
It’s critical to keep up with the most recent developments and developments in the security space because cyber threats are always changing. Businesses can actively anticipate and counter potential risks by  chat gpt programmers
 regularly monitoring industry news and security warnings. This allows them to modify their security strategy accordingly.
In conclusion, ensuring data security is an ongoing endeavor necessitating a proactive approach and unwavering commitment. By adhering to these best practices, businesses can bolster their defenses against cyber threats and safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Chat GPT programmers play a pivotal role in championing and upholding robust data security measures, thereby preserving the integrity and confidentiality of critical business data.
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eizie-ai · 6 months
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Explore the latest trends in AI with our curated news! Todays Update (04-03-2024): 1. Apple's New AI Model Outperforms GPT-4 in Understanding Your Phone 2. Samsung Introduces AI-Powered Home Appliances at Flagship BKC Store 3. Breaking Boundaries: OnePlus Ventures into AI with the AI Eraser 4. Todaq Micro Launches Micropayments & AI Sales Agent: Revolutionizing Digital Transactions 5. Vodex Secures $2 Million in Seed Funding for Expansion Plans Dive deeper into these stories and more on https://eizie.ai #AI #TechNews #Innovation
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review-with-metul · 6 months
AI Buyer Traffic Bot Review | What is AI Buyer Traffic Bot?
AI Buyer Traffic Bot is a First Ever truly done for you traffic app. By the time you run the app, our AI has already burned through $30,000 of AI credits. Our pain is your DFY profit!
The only "pass-me-the-traffic-butler" level TRULY DONE FOR YOU traffic app. Green-as-grass newbies, rejoice!
All complex SEO shenanigans reduced to a "click on the green button" level UX. DFY buyer traffic is now a button-push away…
Over 300,000 keywords pre-scanned for six metrics and the top 10,000 displayed on a constantly updating dashboard - simply click the keyword to annihilate and then…✅ ULTIMATE ALL-IN-ONE GOOGLE AI Software (Chat-GPT Powered) A single software tool which connects to both Google + Chat-GPT, initiates a two-way conversation between them, and in the end gets you free GOOGLE TRAFFIC for any niche or keyword… ✅ Google Keywords CRUSHED The first thing we do is enter a seed keyword, and watch as the AI scans all related & long-tail keywords for search volume, CPC, trends (very important) and of course ease-to-rank… all are combined into a single score ✅ Google SERP Listings CRUSHED OK here's where things get. Insane. Now we feed GPT the current top organic results… and ask it to brainstorm articles that IT can actually write (with confidence) and provide us with a summary. These articles are also rated in terms of a confidence score - giving us a single score for both AIs - Google + GPT… ✅ Time To Get GOOGLE BANK Now we have our Google buyer keyword, and the perfect article to write, we simply click once and it's published to our DFY website… and then we repeat this over and over for ANY keyword, ALWAYS finding the best keywords and always ranking. Bottom line, the WHOLE thing runs on auto with ZERO human intervention ✅ AI Training Videos As well as the 3-in-1 software, we're also including training videos, PDFs, DFY keywords and much more! This thing is next level!
The software is the only tool like this. This AI is the biggest thing to happen to us Internet folk since Google dropped in 99. And now we're combining both in one single app.
👉 BUY NOW FROM OFFICIAL WEBSITE How Does AI Buyer Traffic Bot Works?
All you need to do, is enter one word into the app then watch as it launches THREE AI models. And connects to Google (then Chat-GPT + Google do the rest).
With these AIs, you could be making commissions, every day of 2024! Just like the ClickBank super affiliate who built this. He's been making thousand with this in 2024.
Today this new app opens to the public. So you can do this from your browser. Without writing a single thing, or needing any techie skills whatsoever!
All you need is the AI. The ability to run a Single Google Search & this very strange new "Done for you" add-on for Chat-GPT.
What Kind of Benefits Will You Get From AI Buyer Traffic Bot?
Now it’s YOUR time to tap into MY best buyer traffic – Done for You.
See, I've spent the last few months working on a new GOOGLE AI. A way to actually get Automated Free Traffic from Google - and do it with absolutely zero human interaction.
In fact, we simply let Chat-GPT and Google chat to one another and the end result is FREE CLICKS from the #1 traffic source on the planet (even in 2024, Google is still the #1 referrer of free traffic by a factor of TEN, it's not even close).
VidBooks AI Review 2024 – Unveiling the Truth behind the Hype
Who Is AI Buyer Traffic Bot Review Is The Perfect Choice For?
AI Buyer Traffic Bot Is Perfect For Anyone Willing To Grow & Scale Their Business…Startup founders Affiliate Marketers Newbie Bloggers E-commerce store owners Email Marketers Social Media Influencers Home business owners SEO Specialists And…YOU!
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jcmarchi · 6 months
AI GPTs for PostgreSQL Database: Can They Work?
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-gpts-for-postgresql-database-can-they-work/
AI GPTs for PostgreSQL Database: Can They Work?
Artificial intelligence is a key point of debate right now. ChatGPT has reached 100 million active users in just the first two months. This has increased focus on AI’s capabilities, especially in database management. The introduction of ChatGPT is considered a major milestone in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tech space, raising questions about the potential applications of generative AI like AI GPTs for PostgreSQL database. This generative AI tool is considered a significant discovery because it can execute complex tasks, including writing programming code efficiently.
For example­, Greg Brockman from OpenAI made a whole­ website using an image he­ drew on a napkin and GPT-4. Feats like this show why pe­ople want to blend AI GPTs and database syste­ms such as PostgreSQL. This blog will discuss the answer to the question: Can AI GPTs optimize PostgreSQL databases?
Understanding AI GPTs
Researchers use a large amount of text data to train AI GPTs. The main goal of these AI systems is to produce content that reads like its human-written. These models identify difficult patterns in their training data, allowing them to provide relevant and accurate text outputs. They are not Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) systems but specialized models created for language processing tasks.
PostgreSQL: A Brief Overview
PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is a widely used open-source object-relational database management system. Postgres gained a solid reputation among database management systems due to its reliability, extensive features, and performance. Companies can use Postgres for all kinds of applications – from small projects to handling the big data needs of major tech corporations.
G2 ratings rank Postgres as the third easiest-to-use relational database software, showing it is a user-friendly option for developers and organizations seeking a dependable database solution.
Can AI GPTs be effectively used with PostgreSQL?
Imagine having human-like conversations with a database, where GPTs translate our everyday language into SQL queries or summarize complex Postgres data. Using AI GPTs for PostgreSQL databases opens up new exciting opportunities.
Here are some ways this integration could come to life:
Query Generation
AI GPTs simplify database queries by turning natural language prompts into SQL queries. This improvement makes data more accessible to non-technical users and enables them to interact with databases. It can bridge the gap between non-technical users and Postgres databases, allowing them to query and analyze the data effectively, even if they don’t know how to write database queries.
Postgresql Data Management with AI GPTs
Integrating AI GPTs with PostgreSQL databases, especially on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, introduces a new world of possibilities for data management. With the pgvector extension support in Postgres, ChatGPT can access, store, search, and update knowledge directly in these databases. This improves data retrieval efficiency and enables real-time interactions with systems and data.
Data Analysis and Reporting
Data Scientists can use AI GPTs to analyze natural language data in PostgreSQL databases. These AI systems can create reports, summaries, and analyses by analyzing complex data. This allows them to provide useful information in a format that is easy for people to understand. It also enables non-technical stakeholders to effortlessly gain meaningful insights from Postgres data.
Schema Design and Database Documentation
AI agents with GPTs can potentially streamline database management for data scientists. These advanced AI tools can design database schemas that meet specific data needs and automatically produce detailed documentation for Postgres database structures.
Query Optimization
GPTs have the potential to interpret and analyze SQL queries and recommend optimizations that offer more efficient ways to write queries. They can identify redundancies, inefficient joins, or overlooked indexing opportunities, improving database performance and lowering query execution times.
Data Validation and Integrity Checks
AI GPTs can check data for quality, consistency, and integrity before it’s inserted or updated in Postgres databases. These models can identify unusual, irregular, or inconsistent entries in stored structured data. This capability helps in proactive data cleaning and maintaining high-quality data in databases.
AI GPTs for PostgreSQL Database: Challenges and Limitations
Although the potential use cases of AI GPTs for PostgreSQL are intriguing, the implementation comes with a unique set of challenges and limitations:
Accuracy and Safety
AI GPTs might produce inaccurate or potentially harmful outputs when used alongside Postgres. Strong safeguards and verification processes are important to counteract this risk and ensure data is stored reliably.
Domain Knowledge and Contextual Understanding
AI GPTs lack the domain knowledge to grasp complex database structures. They also struggle to understand the business logic related to PostgreSQL. This highlights the need for specialized training and fine-tuning of these AI GPTs. By using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, we can potentially equip them with technical Postgres knowledge.
Integration and Scalability
Integrating AI GPTs with PostgreSQL databases carefully while ensuring compatibility is crucial for smooth operation. Training and deploying large language models require organizations to employ skilled cloud architects to manage the extensive computational resources required.
Trust and Adoption
Database professionals might show resistance or skepticism toward incorporating AI agents into Postgres databases. Overcoming this challenge requires industrial engineers to perform thorough testing and demonstrate AI GPTs’ benefits to foster trust.
Data Privacy and Security
Robust measures must secure data privacy and prevent data exposure while using AI GPTs for PostgreSQL databases. Strong measures must be implemented to prevent sensitive data from being accidentally exposed or misused during training or inference processes.
Finding the Sweet Spot: AI GPTs for PostgreSQL
Integrating AI GPTs into PostgreSQL database management presents considerable challenges alongside its potential benefits. Effective integration of these AI systems requires detailed testing, targeted training,  and advanced security to ensure data safety. With the evolution of AI, applying AI GPTs to database management could become more practical. Ultimately, the goal is to improve database environments for tasks like time-series data processing.
Visit unite.ai today to stay updated with the latest AI and machine learning developments, including in-depth analyses and news.
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daveg65 · 7 months
295 - Wipe your iPhone its Windows - With Guest Guy Serle, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Guy Serle, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig. Beta this week. iOS 17.4 RC is released and it is anticipated to be released the first week of March 2024. Apple car project was canceled and they spent quite a bit discussing this and electric cars. There are rumors that Apple will be finally releasing new iPads. he great app service SetApp is creating an iOS Store in the EU. Dave does an unboxing of the newAuto-Tracking Stand Pro with DockKit for iPhone by Belkin which he just received today and the panel was surprised.AI and Apple. We discuss where they will go and other AI services like Microsoft CoPilot
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. iOS 17.4 RC is released and it is anticipated to be released the first week of March 2024. 
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Dave does an unboxing of the newAuto-Tracking Stand Pro with DockKit for iPhone by Belkin which he just received today and the panel was surprised. 
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Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
About our Guest
Guy Serle Is the host of the MyMac Podcast and the (hopefully) reconstituted Guy’s Daily Drive…which isn’t daily, but is done by driving so half accurate. email [email protected] @MacParrot and @VertShark on Twitter Vertshark.com,  Vertshark on YouTube, Skype +1 Area code  703-828-4677
Here is our latest Episode!
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digirankguide · 7 months
The Role of ChatGPT in the Digital Marketing Sector
Another evaluation in Digital Industry is Chat GPT. It’s a totally simple AI tool. You just have to ask a question inside the given dashboard then you may get an specific and relevant solution. Your solution specification would be depend on the manner you ask a query to the Chat GPT. In quick Chat GPT has found new manner of trying to find the user. But in this you have to remember the fact that Chat GPT is most effective a AI content material era device. Empower your brand's online journey with our specialized digital marketing services tailored for best SEO company in Bradford.
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Is Chat GPT is a Compitition to Google?
There are masses of rumours around the marketplace that Chat GPT is a strong competitor to Google. These two serps are absolutely one-of-a-kind from each different and search motive of user will always topics.
In easy phrases Chat GPT isn't always a opposition to Google. Google is a long way more useful than Chat GPT until date. Chat GPT is also high-quality platform. If Chat GPT keep updating itself the it can be a hard opposition to Google. Chat GPT essentially works in conversational manner. We can say that Chat GPT is absolutely one-of-a-kind version than Google.
Google has already started working at the counter section of this. Google is introducing “Google BARD”. Google hasnt found out a good deal facts about this. It is should be equal like chat GPT platform or much better that Chat GPT. For this we must wait couple of weeks extra.
Why We Can't Use Chat GPT for search engine optimization?
With certain blessings like clean content technology and conversational tool there are a few boundaries for Chat GPT. Thats why we cant use this tool for search engine marketing Purpose. Lets apprehend a number of the restrictions of Chat GPT:
Accuracy Of Data: The facts supplied via Chat GPT is not as accurate as google offer. This is the principle drawback of this tool. No one would like to put up incorrect statistics on their digital structures.
AI Generated Content: The content that is generated by means of Chat GPT or every other tool like Yamak.Ai is considered AI-generated content material. Google bots can effortlessly identify the AI Generated content material and down grade your website. AI generated content material isn't always desirable from SEO perspective.
Limited Data Accessibility: Chat GPT has limited get admission to to the net data. As consistent with Chat GPT internet site they have got very restricted information statistics after 2021. Completely up to date facts after 2021 isn't on hand to Chat GPT. That is developing big distinction in records accumulation
Wrong Instruction: Due to constrained information get entry to Chat GPT may occasinally come up with incorrect commands to the users. Chat GPT has its very own set of rules to paintings on. So first we have analyze the behaviour of the equal then we will come to the realization.
User Intent: For each seek engine users cause constantly taken into consideration as essential element. The consumer’s rationale need to be an excessive amount of precise too the query. Your outcomes can be completely depend on how mainly you are looking. Transform your digital presence with our tailored digital marketing solutions crafted exclusively for Best Bradford seo company.
Usefullness of Chat GPT:
Chat GPT is AI content material era tool. The content generated via Chat GPT may be used in Social Media Marketing like captions, description etc. In search engine marketing even as doing offpage sports you can create content material through chat GPT and execute offpage sports easily. Every virtual marketer can store plenty of time with the aid of the usage of chat GPT nicely.
Chat GPT isn't best available in the English laguage however additionally supports Hindi, Gujrati, Harayanvi and so forth.
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excelmike · 8 months
February 5, 2024
What are some of the best ways to handle updates to previous translations from clients?
Chat GPT's Response:
Handling updates to previous translations from clients requires a strategic and organized approach to maintain consistency, accuracy, and efficiency. Here are some best practices to consider:
Translation Memory (TM) Usage:
Implement a Translation Memory system that stores previously translated segments. When updates are provided, the TM can identify and reuse existing translations, ensuring consistency across documents.
Terminology Management:
Maintain a well-defined terminology database to ensure consistency in translations. When clients provide updates, ensure that the terminology is aligned with previous translations to maintain coherence.
Client Communication:
Establish clear communication channels with clients to understand the nature and extent of updates. Regular communication helps in addressing specific client preferences, industry nuances, and any changes in requirements.
Document Versioning:
Implement a version control system to track different iterations of translated documents. This ensures that translators are working with the latest version and helps manage updates more efficiently.
Collaborative Platforms:
Utilize collaborative platforms that allow real-time communication and document sharing. This facilitates direct collaboration between clients and translators, streamlining the update process.
Detailed Update Instructions:
Encourage clients to provide detailed instructions regarding the updates. Clear guidelines on specific changes, additions, or deletions in the content help translators accurately address the modifications.
By adopting these best practices, language service providers can effectively handle updates to previous translations, providing clients with accurate, consistent, and high-quality content. The key is to foster collaboration, maintain clear communication, and leverage technology to streamline the update process.
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maiosx · 1 year
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This is exactly why Elon was kicked off rally 5.5
he is really not smart at all. A single baby wogue video on LLM used in the file explorer of gnome has more usable code than his entire ChatGPT project did but bc ppl don’t understand it, they flock to elons side, and regardless, Apple GPT wouldn’t be used to make instructables for ppl to cheat on apps or crypto projects, it would be used for real world interactions instead, like the real gnome project, humanity - Apple GPT is Fuck your trolly billionaire wannabe status LLM set kinda tech bc they have the power to actually implement it system wide instead of just as a single app that can’t interface with anything. This is the problem with normie billionaires, they don’t understand how to make things that are actually useable day to day. Too many of them think they can just get rich selling some crypto and super fast thing, but in the end, the people that take their time to work on their ideas actually end up making better things, and he purposefully took off tweeted from an iPhone or android just to piss off ppl that don’t wanna work at Tesla bc the pay is low and FSD upgrades are BS. Since when has Apple charged for an iOS update.. never. All their OSes are free to use if you can attain the hardware. It is up to users to decide whether they want to brew their own software experience or use something that people that understand bits down to the networking protocol bytes make. I don’t support any of Elon’s companies or projects and neither should anybody. They are all pre-made things others worked on that he bought and imposed restrictions and upgrade services on bc instead of innovating further, for example like creating a bunch of Tesla hotels with solar roofs for ppl to visit or Tesla locations to airbnb at, using his boring tunnels, with his own “teslabnb”, he wouldn’t need to charge for FSD, and if those teslabnbs had starlink Wi-Fi that ppl paid to use, then twitter wouldn’t need 8 dollars a month and Tesla employees wouldn’t have low wages. His ego is literally trolling users. People are not so smart to see it but if they did, they would say Elon is full of shit bc all the examples I just gave took me two seconds to come up with and billionaires practically live at hotels, so he probably already thought of it but would never do that just to keep that carrot on a stick metaphor in our minds and so he can keep pretending he is anti-1984, keeps feeding us that lefty righty political bs but never really implements the solutions above to stop it. It is billionaires that created 1984 and they know a way out, but they are full of shit. I can’t even long post this on Twitter bc he wants 8 dollars to do so, and this dude has been riding on apple’s platform success since twitter launched on iPhone and it should just be deleted off the App Store for not even using usps logic.
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mamun258 · 8 months
AI Application Awards: The new wave of AI is not just for big companies
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The wave of generative AI has made huge waves in 2023, and a large number of AI applications have appeared in people's field HE Tuber of vision, such as Miaoya Camera, AI video tool HeyGen, and so on. In this article, the author has taken stock of 6 AI applications. Let’s take a look.
In the past few years, whether in the hardware, software or Internet industries, lack of innovation has been a common impression.
This is of course not to say that there is no innovation, but it must be admitted that smartphones and mobile Internet have been developed for so many years, most of the products and service forms are mature, and all ecological niches are basically crowded with giants and small and medium-sized companies, with only a few entrepreneurs. Companies and new applications can also provide eye-catching innovations at the edges of industries and markets.
But 2023 - what's different about this past year is that the wave of generative AI is here. Starting from the launch of ChatGPT at the end of last year, this round of artificial intelligence wave has not only swept the technology industry itself, but also involved governments, different industries and the general public in this wave.
As a result, a new wave of AI entrepreneurship has set off around the world, as well as the explosion of various AI native applications. In addition to chatbots such as ChatGPT, Claude, Google Bard and Baidu Wenxin Yiyan, we can also see the emergence of Perplexity AI. From native search engines to Miaoya Camera, to HeyGen and Pika.
Looking back on 2023, we shouldn't miss them.
1. Miaoya Camera: The “first contact” with AI photography
Picture/App Store
By uploading about 20 photos, you can create your own digital avatar and generate professional-quality portrait photos. Since its release, Miaoya Camera has shown that it is different from the generative AI products of major Internet companies. Although this is A product created by Youku’s team.
Not only that, Miaoya Camera did not choose the "free" model for C-end users, but set a payment threshold of 9.9 yuan. But even so, Miaoya Camera has still become the new favorite of a large number of young people with its more efficient, unique experience and extremely high "film yield", and its servers are often crowded. In this regard, Lei Technology also has a more in-depth experience and opinion in the article "On the popular Miaoya camera, I saw the "traffic password" of AI applications".
Although the "explosion" of Miaoya Camera came and went quickly, there is no doubt that Miaoya Camera has given some inspiration and reflection to many generative AI applications.
2. Perplexity: A search engine born from a large model
As a new AI conversational search engine, Perplexity was actually released as early as December 2022. It initially used OpenAI's GPT-3 large model as "power". Later, as ChatGPT exploded in popularity around the world, the model was upgraded to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 (paid exclusive). In addition, Perplexity has done a lot of exploration and upgrades at the product level and model application level in 2023, which is why it is classified as "New AI Applications in 2023" in this article.
In fact, after many iterations in the past year, Perplexity and Lei Technology have been very different when they first paid attention to it (see the article "ChatGPT becomes the "X factor", Baidu starts a search war again?"), Not only the appearance and functions have changed drastically, but the entire product form has also become more mature and easy to use. At the same time, in addition to providing mainstream models such as GPT-3.5/4, Claude2, Llama 2, and Gemini Pro, Perplexity is also continuing to update large models for independent training.
In the latest round of financing in October 2023, Perplexity's valuation also reached US$500 million.
3. Chirper: Exclusive Weibo for AIs, a social experiment in the silicon-based era
There is no doubt that the social field has always been one of the focuses of every technological revolution. For example, a large number of social platforms emerged after Web 2.0, and a large number of emerging social platforms emerged after the mobile Internet. From this perspective, Chirper at least represents an attempt in the era of silicon-based intelligence.
Chirper is a social platform specially designed for AI, but only AI can publish content, and humans are prohibited from speaking. It is equivalent to Sina Weibo for AIs. Although humans cannot speak and can only watch the AI ​​chatbot post updates, comment, share, and interact, they can still "pinch people" by setting the name, personality, interests, language style, etc. of the AI ​​chatbot to participate. within the community. Even Musk and Sam Altman (OpenAI CEO) were once attracted here.
Chirper's "pinching" process is actually equivalent to a fixed prompt word prefix. When the AI ​​sees other content, it is the main body of the prompt word. Therefore, after the prefix and body are passed to the large model for inference output, the AI's post content and replies will be available.
4. HeyGen: The video "magic" that helped Swift reach level 8 in Chinese
Just around November last year, some videos suddenly started to become popular on the Internet. For example, the singer Taylor Swift spoke fluent Mandarin. The video clicks were accurate, the timbre was similar, and even the mouth shape was perfectly matched. It deceived many people into calling her. "Fuck". Not only that, we can also see Trump, Mr. Bean, who speaks authentic Chinese, and Cai Ming, who speaks English.
These videos all use the same AI video tool - HeyGen. HeyGen is a product of a domestic innovative company (Shiyun Technology). They hope to transform video production from a traditional shooting-based method to an AI-generated form by developing a visual engine.
But Heygen can actually do more than just AI cross-language dubbing. It should be said that Heygen is a comprehensive and effective AI virtual human application. It is based on the two major technologies of AI Avatar (virtual human image) and Voice Clone (voice cloning). It can be applied to virtual anchors, one-click clothing changes, etc. Various scenarios.
5. Pika: Video generation AI created by two Chinese girls
Unlike HeyGen, which was positioned as a commercial tool from the beginning, the latest popular Pika represents a kind of AI video generation company. Although there is still a clear distance from the maturity of the technology, behind the collaborative creation of humans and machines, there are unlimited possibilities. . And Pika is currently the most amazing start-up project in this field.
Although Runway previously announced an upgrade to Gen-2, which brings longer generated video length, in terms of video generation quality, Pika's generation quality is much higher than Gen-2. The biggest problem with text-generated videos is the clarity and consistency of animation generation. Gen-2 can only ensure the stability of the video with small movements. Once the movement amplitude increases, it will produce varying degrees of deformation, but Pika has currently demonstrated Very consistent animation effects.
In addition, Pika's two female Chinese founders have also attracted a lot of attention, but in fact many people don't know that Pika's investors can be said to have gathered half of the AI ​​​​circle, including OpenAI founding member Karpathy, former Github CEO Nat Friedman, Quora founder Adam D'Angelo, Perplexity CEO, etc. This shows the recognition Pika has received.
6. podcast.ai: AI podcast interviewing “Jobs”
Cover of the first episode, picture/podcast.ai
As a form of content, podcasts have become a new trend around the world in recent years, and music platforms such as Spotify, Youtube Music, and QQ Music have successively built-in podcast functions. But in October 2023, a podcast.ai, a podcast completely generated by AI, debuted, and the first episode was an interview with the AI-generated founder of Apple, Steve Jobs.
podcast.ai went through Jobs's biography and collected all the recordings about him on the Internet, and used Play.ht's language model to train extensively, and finally generated a fake Joe Rogan podcast interview with Jobs. Play.ht believes that in the future all content creation will be generated by artificial intelligence but guided by humans, "the most creative work will depend on humans' ability to express their desired creations into models."
write at the end
In 2023, we will witness breakthroughs and innovations in generative AI technology in multiple fields, from music production to animation to podcast production. AI not only demonstrates the maturity of its technology, but also reveals possible future development directions.
As technology continues to advance, we also expect that AI will play a more important role in various fields in the future. And I believe that in the next year and longer, new AI applications will continue to emerge, spreading new technologies to a wider user group, and will also change the lives of most people.
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govindhtech · 4 months
ChatGPT displays Google Drive and OneDrive charts and tables
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Microsoft OneDrive
What is OneDrive ?
Microsoft developed OneDrive. It enables you share, save, and browse files on any internet-connected device. This digital safe can hold all your important documents, photos, and videos.
OneDrive app Important characteristics:
File Storage and Backup: Use OneDrive to save up space on PCs, cellphones, and other devices. It’s a backup for lost, stolen, or broken devices.
Sharing files and folders is simple. Collaboration on OneDrive documents in real time. This is great for family and friend memories and workplace projects.
Access your files on the move with the OneDrive iOS, Android, and Windows Phone app. The software can automatically backup phone images and videos to OneDrive.
OneDrive lets you choose files and folders for offline access. You can access and manipulate them without an internet connection.
Security: Microsoft implements rigorous security mechanisms to protect OneDrive data.
OneDrive Storage
OneDrive provides a free plan that includes 5 GB of storage capacity. Depending on how much you use, this might be enough for basic needs, but it could soon fill up.
Paid Plans: Microsoft 365 offers OneDrive storage sizes of 100 GB to 1 TB, or 6 TB for family plans.
OneDrive’s primary feature is its seamless connection with Microsoft 365 products including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. This makes it simple for you to store and retrieve your papers from within these programmes.
Use OneDrive to safely store and share crucial files
OneDrive has you covered
To ensure that your vital information, pictures, programmes, and settings are always accessible, make a backup of your device’s contents. You can simply recover your files from errors or corrupted files, so you can rest easy.
Relive the moment by sharing your memories
Store and discreetly distribute images, movies, and albums with loved ones. OneDrive enables you to relive your most treasured memories with the people who mean most, whether they were from a year or a lifetime ago.
Safe, arranged, and up to date belongings no matter where you are
From any location and on any device, you can quickly access, modify, and arrange your files. Your files and folders are updated when you make changes to them, and you can even access them when not connected to a device.
Go wherever real life takes you with your digital life
You can store, edit, and share your images, videos, and files on the go with the OneDrive mobile app. To preserve them in the cloud, you can even scan priceless memories and crucial papers.
Features that improve connectivity, safety, and ease of living
Restore and safeguard
You shouldn’t be concerned about losing files if something were to happen to your device.
Accessible from anywhere
Everywhere you travel, you may access your files and pictures from any of your devices.
Exchange and establish connections
Share your files and images in private with loved ones, and use Office tools to collaborate in real time on projects.
All things considered, Microsoft OneDrive is a strong and adaptable cloud storage option that meets the demands of both individuals and businesses. To get you started, it offers a free tier. For those that need additional storage capacity, there are subscription options available.
ChatGPT’s data analysis is getting a lot better thanks to OpenAI, which will make the tool more reliable and easy to use for ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users. With the flagship model GPT-4o, customers may now interact with tables and charts and add files straight from Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive.
Users can now upload files from Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive to ChatGPT without downloading them to their desktop. This lets ChatGPT quickly understand Google Sheets, Docs, Slides, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files.
With the option to ask follow-up questions and receive suggested prompts to further their study, interactive tables let users expand and analyse data in real-time. Users can instruct ChatGPT, for instance, to merge spreadsheets containing monthly spending and produce a pivot table with categories for each type of expense.
Users can engage with a variety of chart formats, such as bar, line, pie, and scatter plots, by creating customisable charts. Before downloading the charts for use in presentations or documents, users can choose colours, hover over chart parts, and ask further questions.
For example, users can ask ChatGPT to generate a graphic that displays retention rates by cohort by selecting a Google Sheet containing the most recent user data from their company’s Google Drive account.
These enhancements expand on ChatGPT’s current capacity to comprehend and evaluate datasets using natural language. ChatGPT allows users to submit data files and use it to develop and execute Python code for activities including combining datasets, making charts, and finding patterns. This feature saves specialists time on repetitive activities and facilitates the conduct of in-depth analysis for novices.
The Carlyle Group vice president David Vaughn emphasises the usefulness of the application by saying, “ChatGPT is part of my toolkit for analysing customer data, which has grown too large and complex for Excel.” I can do more data exploration on my own and get useful insights faster thanks to its assistance in sorting through large datasets.
In these upgrades, OpenAI places a strong emphasis on complete security and privacy. Plus users have the option to opt out of training via Data Controls, and ChatGPT does not train on Team or Enterprise client data. For ChatGPT Enterprise, OpenAI’s privacy and security policies include data encryption, compliance, and SAML SSO.
The new capabilities have been commended by Lauren Nowak, Marketing Manager at Afterpay, who said, “ChatGPT walks me through data analysis and helps me better understand insights.” It helps me learn, makes my work more fulfilling, and frees up time for me to concentrate on the more important aspects of it.
In a similar vein, Google also revealed new Gemini features at Google I/O 2024. In addition to analysing the data from the sheet, Gemini also produces an attractive graphic that enables customers to view the entire breakdown by category. This covers a range of use cases in your email, including shopping, remodelling projects, and vacation bills.
You can make greater use of all that information in Gmail to work, plan, and play more effectively. This September, Labs users will be able to build a sheet, arrange your attachments in Drive, and perform data analysis using Q&A.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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