#governmental experts
10th Meeting, 2nd Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024.
Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Geneva, 4-8 March and 26-30 August 2024.
Watch the 10th Meeting, 2nd Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024!
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sunbentshadows · 2 months
Been mulling over the news today. But not about Biden, nor Harris. Not the breathless coverage of media-spinning-this-as-another-losing-move-for-Democrats.
I've been thinking about the right-wing in this country. The Republicans. You know, the group the coverage SHOULD be about. Especially as they've fallen into a fascistic cult of personality and vindictive cruelty-as-politics.
What is the Republican platform now? It used to be fiscal conservatism and 'business-interests' (at least on the surface), deregulation, less governmental power. Now it's, well. Trump. Sure. But what are they fighting for? "Get their guy in the White House"?
Well yes. But no. The Republicans are desperately trying to hold power. The power to dismantle the rights of every person in the country who isn't a white-male-Christian-business interest. One of Their Guys.
Why? Why so much now?
Because they're fucking UNPOPULAR. The country doesn't support them! If the entire country voted, the right wing would not meaningfully exist in the US political sphere.
Think about that for a second. REALLY internalize it: If everyone in the US voted, period, full stop. The right would be gone. The Republican party, as it is, now, would be a fucking joke.
So of COURSE they're swinging towards fascism. In a two-party system, a political party's only meaningful directive is survival of the power of their party. The very existence of Project 2025 is proof - it is the last, dying fucking breath a party that has TWO options to stay alive: Fascism and minority-rule, or change.
And they're sure not picking fucking change.
That is what we're up against.
If I could ask ONE thing of any person in the US who desperately wants to keep their human rights, who understands a loss in this election is likely the end of US-democracy as we know it - it would be to point the narrative towards the utterly vile platform of the right wing. Talk about it to everyone. Don't normalize it! Don't EVER say "That's just what Republicans do so it's normal". That's what they want.
If we win the branches of government - if we could make it 10% easier to vote. 5% easier to vote. That could swing elections and politics for a generation. We can even dream bigger: Ranked choice. Mandatory ballots. National holiday voting day.
And Republican strategists know this!! They're so terrified of it they're willing to dismantle the fundamental tenets of the United States of America to prevent it!
PART of why I'm so frustrated with the constant circling-on-Democratic-candidate is because it entirely misses the point. The choice is between a party trying to enshrine minority-Christian-Theocratic-rule in the country for generations - or, you know.
A middlingly-charismatic Democrat.
And, judgement-free - if you had a MOMENT of weighing the 'good' of those things, that's the fucking problem. These things are not remotely equal. The coverage of this political moment is like the coverage of climate change, and it gets into EVERYONE'S head - "The world is ending. But are hot summers REALLY that bad? Experts weigh in!"
The breathless both-sidesing of the current political moment is so appallingly, atrociously irresponsible I hardly have words for how fucking livid I am.
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endlingmusings · 10 months
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"The Asiatic cheetah is on the brink of extinction due to worsening conditions. Unfortunately, wildlife conservation in Iran is not a top priority for the government, which is under intense pressure from sanctions. These sanctions not only affect the government but also the livelihoods and employment conditions of the people across the country. Companies and factories are going bankrupt, and their workforce is being downsized. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep experts at non-governmental and non-profit organizations that are dedicated to preserving wildlife. Individuals are forced to migrate from hope to despair to sustain their paths of career growth and prosperity for themselves and their families. The Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS), which used to have over 50 members, now manages all conservation, educational, and advocacy activities with only six individuals. Among them, we manage to pay a modest salary to only one person and struggle intensely with a shortage of manpower and budget. In the past year alone, three key members decided to migrate. If we are to dedicate more time and resources to the conservation of the Asiatic cheetah, there is no solution other than preserving the few remaining workforce. It is important to note that extinction won’t wait for political issues to be solved. The current supporters of the ICS have somewhat assisted in keeping ongoing conservation activities in the field, despite sanctions and economic hardships. However, the lack of sufficient manpower for field deployment renders project budgets futile, no matter how much they increase. Therefore, this year, we intend to request assistance for covering the salaries of our conservationists and aim to secure project costs from larger institutions throughout the year since they are generally uninterested in covering human resource expenses. According to our estimates, by Giving Tuesday next year, each full-time expert will incur at least 4100 euros in expenses. This amount covers only the salary and does not include insurance and other expenses, which we hope to obtain from other sources. With every 4,100 euros, we will be able to contract a full-time force for one year. We hope to raise a minimum of 8,200 euros from Giving Tuesday to International Cheetah Day this year. You can also contribute by securely donating money through PayPal at HelpCheetah.com or by sharing this message with others, helping us remain hopeful for preserving the Asiatic Cheetah."
- The words of Iranian Cheetah Society CEO Morteza Pourmirzai.
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reality-detective · 2 months
Long Post... But Very Important 👇
· NESARA was signed into law by President William Jefferson Clinton in 2000, at gunpoint because the Military forced him to sign it. He wasn't going to, and was to be announced by Alan Greenspan on Sept. 11, 2001, at 10:00am.
· This was prevented by the destruction of the World Trade Center by then President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and others involved with this great deception. They murdered 7,000 innocent Americans that day and stole billions in Gold and Silver from Building 7.
· In early 1993, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on charges by the Farmer's Union that banks in the U.S. were fraudulently foreclosing on farm mortgages and that the U.S. Government was in collusion with these banks. The testimony and proof brought into court by a retired CIA Agent let to further evidence and proof that Farmer's Union claims were legitimate. It also led to evidence that the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax Amendment, was never properly ratified by the required number of states and therefore, declared that income taxes were unlawful.
· Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of Farmer's Union. The Justices recognized that overwhelming evidence proved the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Banking System were perpetrating FRAUD in many ways upon Americans. The Justices recognized that to remedy this situation, massive reformations would be required. When rulings were made by the U.S. Supreme Court, one or more of the justices are assigned to monitor the process by which rulings are carried out.
· In this case, five of the Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement the required governmental and banking reformations. As the Justices went about developing the changes, they enlisted the help of experts in Economics, Monetary Systems, Banking, Constitutional Law and other areas. They built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide, working with us to bring NESARA and GESARA to fruition. These people were called the "White Knights". The term "White Knights" was borrowed from the world of big business when a vulnerable company is "rescued" from a hostile takeover.
· Because of the enormously sweeping changes the rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court required, an EXTREMELY STRICT gag order was put in place on everyone involved. The Justices also sealed all records on the case until after the reformations are all accomplished.
· To maintain secrecy, the case details for the docket number assigned to the Farmer's Union case were changed. So, doing a search for this case will fail to reflect the correct information until after the reformations are made public. At every step of the process, anyone directly involved has been required to sign an NDA to keep the process of implementing the required reformations "Secret" or face charges of Treason which are punishable by death.
· To implement the reformations, the five justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur in agreements called "accords" with the U.S. Government, with Federal Reserve Bank owners, the IMF, World Bank, and numerous countries including the UK and the EU.
· The reformations required the Federal Reserve Bank system to be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury and all fraudulent banking activities to be stopped, as well as remedies to Americans for past harm due to FRAUD.
· The U.S. Banking reformations will impact the entire world and therefore the IMF, World Bank and other countries involved including the UK and the Vatican City.
· Members of Congress were ordered by U.S. Supreme Court to "DENY" the existence of NESARA / GESARA or face charges of TREASON, punishable by DEATH. Some members of Congress were charged with "Obstruction" and threatened with charges of TREASON. Therefore, all members of U.S. Congress have had to pretend that NESARA has not been passed in order to comply with the Justice's GAG ORDER.
· NESARA / GESARA is the most groundbreaking reformations to sweep the world in the entire history of the world.
· All foreigners will be required to return home in order for them to receive their GESARA Payments.
a. Zero's out all Credit Card, Mortgage and other bank and loan transaction debts.
b. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax.
c. IRS employees will be transferred to the US Treasury National Sales Tax area.
d. The Federal Reserve will be absorbed into the US Treasury.
e. Creates a 14% - 17% National Sales Tax, applied to NEW ITEMS only for government revenue. Some of it goes to states, rest to new national government.
f. Used items sold will not be taxed. Food & Medicines will not be taxed.
g. Sets up Restitution Payments for those victimized by Chattel Property Bonds. Those Aged 61 and over will receive a lump sum payment. Those Aged 41 to 60 will receive scheduled payments set time and sign work contract. Those Aged 29-40 will have to sign a Work Contract to receive their funds. Initiates a Universal Basic Income or UBI for those 16-29 years old.
h. An increase for retired Senior Citizens up to 3x current SSN amount up to $5,000.00
i. Dissolves US Inc. and returns the country to 1791 Constitution and Common Law.
J. Admiralty-Equity & Civil Laws are dissolved. Judges & Lawyers will be retrained in Constitutional Law.
k. Restores the Original 13th Amendment known as the Titles of Nobility Amendment.
l. Requires that New Presidential and Congressional Elections occur within 120 days.
m. Monitors Elections and prevents illegal election activities of everyone.
n. Creates a new US Treasury Rainbow Currency that is Asset Backed.
o. Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificates as chattel property bonds.
p. Initiates a new US Treasury Banking System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
q. Restores Personal Financial Privacy.
r. Ceases All Military Activities Worldwide.
s. Establishes World Peace.
t. Releases enormous sums of money to be used for Humanitarian Purposes.
u. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies including free energy devices, anti-gravity and medical bed technologies.
· The Rodriguez Trust, based in the Philippines, is reportedly over 100 years old. It is claimed to be the single largest source of funds in the world.
· Dr. Alan Cohler is said to be the asset manager of the trust. The trust is backed by gold, some of which is said to come from King Solomon’s Temple.
· However, these claims are often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, and their validity is not universally accepted. For definitive information, legal consultation is recommended.
· The value of both the St. Germain and Rodriguez Trusts have 3083 zeros behind them.
The "New Earth" is near 🤔
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sashannarcy · 2 months
hey, to any of my followers who live in the U.S., you've probably heard of the Supreme Court's overturning of Chevron deference - a 40-year precedent that delegated power to our various governmental agencies and allowed scientific experts to make the decisions on how to keep our water clean, our food safe, our environment free from pollution, etc. now, judges on courts have the power to decide these things, even though they are far from trained experts on the decisions they'll be making.
it's bad. it feels hopeless. you can help, though, by writing an email to your Congress representatives and urging them to do something about this, to legally hand power back to the experts. the National Wildlife Federation Action Fund has just launched a campaign that does the writing for you: all you have to do is enter your name, address, email, and phone number using the form found HERE. you don't have to donate, you can uncheck the box to become a member of the Fund if you don't want updates from them - all you have to do is enter your information and submit.
their goal is to get 10,000 emails sent out - please make some noise! share this, reblog this post, be loud!
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amtrak-official · 3 months
You know I think someone who praises the country of Italy for governmental efficiency and competence should not be viewed as a leading expert on how to improve rail transit in the US
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The agricultural lobby is a sprawling, complex machine with vast financial resources, deep political connections and a sophisticated network of legal and public relations experts.  “The farm lobby has been one of the most successful lobbies in Europe in terms of relentlessly getting what they want over a very long time,” says Ariel Brunner, Europe director of non-governmental organisation BirdLife International.  Industry groups spend between €9.35mn and €11.54mn a year lobbying Brussels alone, according to a recent report by the Changing Markets Foundation, another NGO. In the US, agricultural trade associations are “enormously powerful”, says Ben Lilliston, director of rural strategies and climate change at the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. “Our farm policy is very much their policy.” The sector’s spending on US lobbying rose from $145mn in 2019 to $177mn last year, more than the total big oil and gas spent, according to an analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).  In Brazil, where agribusiness accounts for a quarter of GDP, the Instituto Pensar Agropecuária is “the most influential lobbying group”, according to Caio Pompeia, an anthropologist and researcher at the University of São Paulo. “It combines economic strength with clearly defined aims, a well-executed strategy and political intelligence,” he adds. As a result of this reach, big agribusinesses and farmers have successfully secured exemptions from stringent environmental regulations, won significant subsidies and maintained favourable tax breaks.
Research suggests that big farms and landowners reap far greater benefits from subsidy packages than small-scale growers, even though the latter are often the public face of lobbying efforts. “It’ll almost always be a farmer testifying before Congress or talking to the press, rather than the CEO of JBS,” says Lilliston. But between 1995 and 2023, some 27 per cent of subsidies to farmers in the US went to the richest 1 per cent of recipients, according to NGO the Environmental Working Group. In the EU, 80 per cent of the cash handed out under the CAP goes to just 20 per cent of farms.
22 August 2024
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
Wikipedia is already questionable resource whenever you look at something that is even mildly controversial. However, I find it interesting to look at double standards regarding genocides.
Exhibit A: Holodomor and current war in Ukraine.
You can make an easy case that Holodomor was genocide against Ukrainians, yet when you go to wikipedia section:
"While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made,[9][10] whether the Holodomor was directed at Ukrainians, or whether it constitutes a genocide, remain in dispute."
Current war also falls within Lemkin's definition since it's been proven and confirmed by Russians themselves that Ukrainian children are being taken away and "re-educated" (and forced assimilation falls under genocide). Wikipedia lists that under Allegations of genocide.
There is no academic consensus or international recognition and wikipedia treats it that way.
Exhibit B: (((Zionists)))
There is a wikipedia page for Allegations of genocide, and there is also already dedicated Gaza genocide page. Yup, no international recognition or proof required.
Israel has been accused by experts, governments, UN agencies and non-governmental organisations of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian population
Well if Experts (tm) concluded so, it must be true. Can we check those experts? What would happen if I pressed CTRL+F and typed "Al Jazeera" ? Oh look, 77 results.
And article is beyond biased and bloated.
When you go to international support Vatican is listed as maybe supporting the decision to call it a genocide and that is based on Pope allegedly saying he thought it was genocide. Yes, allegedly, there is literally no proof it ever happened.
And then you have cultural discourse section which can basically be summarized as "X celebrity said it was genocide."
So Holodomor gets "maybe it was genocide" while current war in Gaza gets "it's a genocide, Al Jazeera, Greta Thunberg and Taliban said so"
And when you go to List of genocides page you get another example of double standards.
This is Holodomor summary on that page:
The Holodomor also known as the Ukrainian Famine was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1930–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the Soviet Union.While scholars are in consensus that the cause of the famine was man-made,[230]whether or not the Holodomor was intentional and therefore constitutes a genocide under the Genocide Convention is debated by scholars.[231][232]
This is Gaza "genocide" summary:
Israel has been accused by experts, governments, UN agencies and non-governmental organizations of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian population during its invasion and bombing of Gaza during the ongoing Israel–Hamas war.[8][9] By March 2024, after five months of attacks, Israeli military action had resulted in the deaths of over 31,500 Palestinians – 1 out of every 75 people in Gaza – averaging 195 killings a day,[10] and nearly 40,000 confirmed deaths by July. Although illustrative, medical reports from July 2024 onward suggest the current number could be around 186,000 deaths.[7] Most of the victims are civilians,[11][12] including over 25,000 women and children[13][14] and 108 journalists.[15] Thousands more dead bodies are under the rubble of destroyed buildings.[16][17][18] By March 2024, 374 healthcare workers in Gaza had been killed.[19] An enforced Israeli blockade has heavily contributed to starvation and the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip, while Israeli forces prevented humanitarian supplies from reaching the Palestinian population, blocking or attacking humanitarian convoys. Early in the conflict, Israel also cut off water and electricity supply from the Gaza Strip.
Holodomor description is short and concise while this one is double its length with constant attempts at emotional manipulation. Constant reminder how (((they))) are evil with casualty numbers pulled out the ass. Only thing missing in this summary is paragraph dedicated to production of blood matzah.
So in case of Holodomor you have to prove that there was a genocide, while in case of Gaza you have to prove that it isn't a genocide. Oh wait, you also can't do that because any pro Israeli source is considered to be biased by wikipedia mods and page is locked anyways.
Dear anon,
nice work there
108 journalists sounds like a nazi dogwhistle that snuck into this tankie circlejerk
We really do need to take wikipedia back from these holodomor denying antisemites
these people wouldn't know a genocide even if they were the sole survivor of the mass murder of their own ethnic group
Baltimore (most prolific pro-pal and anti lgbt and anti native wikipedia editor) you lone wolf terrorist for fucks sake touch some grass
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willowreader · 1 month
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claraameliapond · 1 year
The Yes Vote is literally just giving indigenous Australians A SEAT AT THE TABLE to give information and advice about issues and governmental decisions that affect them.
Indigenous information and advice for indigenous issues from indigenous Australians.
That's it . It's acknowledging their existence as the first peoples of Australia and recognising that they have valuable information to contribute about their cultures, the ways they live, what their most pressing needs are and the best ways in which to help, to enable governments to effectively help them.
The government already provides "help" each year, in an effort to close the gap on education access, healthcare access, and many other pressing needs - they are already using taxpayer money to do this but crucially, these efforts have not been successful because we are missing out on crucial information.
The Voice to Parliament gives the government access to invaluable information that enables it to create and better implement aid, education, healthcare , equal opportunity.
I have been very actively involved in many Reconciliaton efforts for the vast majority of my life -
At 16 I travelled to some of the indigenous rural communities in Australia, met elders and individuals no tourist has access to meet, learnt from them, and saw what was there.
I saw the attempts, the efforts to provide access to Western education, that the rest of the country has, to provide healthcare, housing etc.
They don't work
They are based on western ways of life, ideas of community and interaction.
It's not the same.
They don't work.
Fundamentally because even if well intentioned, your efforts to help can actually harm if you don't have access to crucial information about how indigenous communities live.
We need to accommodate our help, our efforts, our aid to the specific needs and ways of life, values and dynamics of the many indigenous communities, especially rural, that exist across Australia, so that they have access to the same human rights we all do.
The human right to healthcare and education that we all have- it's not accessible in the same ways for indigenous communities.
It's provided, but on western terms- with the western expectation that children will leave their families for 6 months at a time and travel extremely far away to attend school, for example.
This is so backwards and outdated even for western sensibilities, and an incredibly outdated mode of education that is unhealthy emotionally for any child, let alone vulnerable people who have to choose between a western run school and their culture, their families - literally being a part of their community, a present member.
There are better ways to provide access to education than this. Ways that don't disrupt their connection to community, land and culture.
And the best people to ask, to provide information that can properly inform us about these issues, and how best to navigate them, fix them, are the the indigenous Australians themselves- they are the experts.
So that our aid and help and efforts actually do - help. Actually work.
The funds are going there anyway. So we need to put it to use in effective ways.
What we have now doesn't work.
We can only make it better.
Please Vote YES for The Indigenous Voice to Parliament
It is the beginning of lasting, effective positive change for vulnerable communities, and for us all.
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9th Meeting, 2nd Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024.
Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Geneva, 4-8 March and 26-30 August 2024.
Watch the 9th Meeting, 2nd Session Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems 2024!
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schraubd · 6 months
The Looming(?) Haredi Draft
For many years, Israel has effectively exempted Haredi youth from the otherwise universal requirement (for Jews) of IDF service. This has been a serious source of tension and strife in Israeli society -- a rallying point for secular and moderate Jews who view the Haredim as failing to pull their weight, and an absolute bedrock priority for Orthodox parties for whom avoiding military service is their number one policy demand. The blockbuster decision out of the Israeli supreme court you might have read about doesn't quite compel the draft to start, but it does say that Haredim can no longer get their governmental stipends if they don't serve. In practice, the Haredi community is going to view it as the same thing -- an end to the system where they got paid to study Torah instead of serve in the army. I won't claim to be an expert on this issue -- this is where I comment as an "interested amateur" -- but here are some initial thoughts. One immediate way to identify a complete know-nothing hack is if you see anyone saying this ruling demonstrates that the Israeli government is starving for manpower or some other vulgar materialist explanation. The current government, which depends on the support of Orthodox parties for its majority, was and is absolutely dead-set against this ruling. That said, the current war and the strain it's placed on Israel's military capacities has certainly even further elevated this issue's salience amongst the opposition, and that may have helped create a further permission structure for the court to rule as it did. It is entirely possible that this ruling could bring down Bibi's government. The mercurial nature of the Orthodox parties is I think a bit overstated (people are so proud for knowing better than the naive story about the ultra-Orthodox being the primary drivers of Israeli right-wing extremism -- "they've joined left-wing governments before! Shas backed land for peace!" -- that they skip past the ways that this social cadre has genuinely shifted rightward in recent years). But this issue really is the sine qua for the ultra-Orthodox, and if the current government can't secure it, that's going to create a yawning fissure in an already creaky coalition. It might be weird to think of "more militarization" as helping bolster pro-peace impulses in Israel. But we might see some shift in that direction, for at least two reasons.  Number one, in general, if every social sector is sharing the burden of military service, that may put a damper on needless military adventurism. Parties that are happy to risk the bodies of other Israelis to defend settlement outposts may be less willing to do so once their bodies are on the line.  Number two, for the Haredi parties in particular, the only way they might plausibly get their exemptions back is in a world where Israel is less reliant on constant militarization. So that could create some possibility for working relationship with more liberal forces in the state; albeit an "alliance" that will always be on shaky footing. In any event, stay tuned -- this is a big deal. via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/qBKeDWI
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nitrosplicer · 7 months
This piece deals with the case of Reverend Charles Moore, an elderly white preacher who self-immolated in his hometown in Texas to object to the town’s racism in 2014. However, it is a (non-paywalled) articulation of how self immolation is a form of protest which should not be conflated with mental health issues.
“Between 2009-2016 in Tibet, self-immolations occurred every 17 days. When you factor in the rest of the world during that period, they occurred more than once every two weeks. Yet this isn’t a recent phenomenon; it has a long historical linage. Many remember the famous image of Thích Quảng Đức immolating in a Saigon street corner to challenge the government’s oppression of Buddhists in 1964. At the time, JFK referred to the image as the most significant photograph of the 20th century. It eventually became the cover of a Rage Against the Machine album. Many experts even argue that the 2011 Arab Spring began with Mohamed Bouazizi’s fiery death in Tunisia, which led to waves of revolution across Northern Africa.
While self-immolation has historical precedent, for many Americans it’s still perplexing.
“Why would someone feel the need to give up their live for a cause?”
“Sounds like a ‘crazy’ person.”
These were the two most common concerns people raised when I interviewed them for the documentary and book.
The answers are simple yet complex: Self-immolation, by nature, is paradoxical.
…No one called for these people to die, yet they chose willingly to do so, in hopes that they might help enact a climate revolution, change governmental policy on climate change, or alter values and ideologies of race and racism. The history of protest demonstrates that we never know what one act might tip the scales. Maybe Wynn’s death could cause the Arab Spring version of climate change. Maybe Buckle’s sacrifice could have become as significant to the 21st century as Đức’s was to the 20th. There is always a chance. These self-immolations stem not from despair in the face of impending doom but rather from looking at the bigger picture. They had faith their deaths could save lives in the long run. What a powerful, compassionate risk—that your life might save others if people collectively choose to act.”
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Long COVID is a $1 trillion problem with no cure. Experts plead for governments to wake up - Published Aug 9, 2024
For months, governmental officials around the world have appeared to want to forgo discussing the specter of long COVID. As a new review makes clear, that is wishful thinking—and the latest COVID variants may well kick long COVID into overdrive, a scenario that researchers and experts have been warning about for some time.
“I think they (government agencies) are itching to pretend that COVID is over and that long COVID does not exist,” says Ziyad Al-Aly, director of the Clinical Epidemiology Center at Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System and lead author of the review. “It is much more pleasant to pretend as if emergency department visits and hospitalizations haven’t been rising sharply this summer.”
In a Nature Medicine review this week, Al-Aly and several other top researchers lay out a difficult truth: Long COVID has already affected an estimated 400 million people worldwide, a number the authors say is likely conservative, at an economic cost of about $1 trillion annually—equivalent to 1% of the global economy.
Moreover, the risk of a person being hit with long COVID rises with repeated infections of the virus itself, and recent COVID activity has experts watching closely. As review co-author Eric Topol noted in a recent blog post, the current COVID incursion is ramping up quickly, with one modeler estimating 900,000 new infections per day in the U.S. alone.
“The new significant wave,” Topol said via X. “It’s hard to believe the we are well into our fifth year of this virus and not taking the requisite steps to gain control.”
The virus is evolving incessantly. Multiple COVID subvariants, collectively nicknamed FLiRT, are powerfully present in the U.S., and reports from California indicate that some patients are complaining of throat pain so strong it feels like they’re “swallowing razors or broken glass,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Topol, meanwhile, says the Sato Lab in Japan has characterized one of the newest COVID strains, KP.3.1.1, in a preprint as having “the most immune evasion and infectivity of any of the variants” derived from previous powerful iterations of the JN.1 strain, which was prominent last winter.
Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that severe outcomes and deaths from COVID have decreased substantially overall from the pandemic’s early days, wastewater data shows viral activity is “high’ nationally and COVID-19 infections are growing or likely growing in 35 states. More COVID infections mean more cases of long COVID. And long COVID is already exacting an enormous toll on both the people and economies of the world.
Those are words you aren’t hearing from many government bodies. But, the researchers say, the evidence tells the story.
“Despite the dire impact of long COVID on individuals and society, I fear that many are still unaware of the danger,” says Akiko Iwasaki, professor of immunology at Yale School of Medicine and co-lead investigator of the university’s COVID-19 Recovery Study. “There is an urgent need to provide proper diagnosis and treatment for people living with long COVID.”
Read the full report at either link! (covidsafehotties is always free of annoying in-line ads, jsyk!)
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rideboomindia · 6 months
Can you provide more information about RideBoom's mentorship programs for women drivers?
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RideBoom's mentorship programs for women drivers are designed to provide them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and support to succeed in the ride-hailing industry. The programs are structured to address the unique challenges that women drivers face and aim to empower them to achieve their professional and personal goals. Here are some key aspects of RideBoom's mentorship programs for women drivers:
One-on-One Mentoring: RideBoom offers one-on-one mentoring sessions between experienced women drivers and new women drivers. These sessions provide an opportunity for new drivers to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive feedback on their driving skills, customer service, and business acumen.
Regular Workshops: RideBoom organizes regular workshops and training sessions for women drivers, covering various topics such as safe driving practices, customer service, and business management. These workshops provide a platform for women drivers to learn from industry experts, share their experiences, and build their skills and confidence.
Online Resources: RideBoom provides online resources and webinars for women drivers, offering them access to a wealth of information and knowledge. These resources cover various aspects of the ride-hailing industry, including marketing strategies, financial management, and time management.
Mentorship Network: RideBoom has established a mentorship network of experienced women drivers who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement to new women drivers. This network enables women drivers to connect with one another, share their experiences, and build lasting relationships.
Leadership Development: RideBoom's mentorship programs also focus on leadership development, equipping women drivers with the skills and knowledge necessary to take on leadership roles within the company. This includes training on effective communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, empowering women to become leaders and mentors themselves.
Collaboration with NGOs: RideBoom collaborates with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that support women's empowerment and gender equality. These partnerships enable RideBoom to reach a broader pool of women candidates, provide additional resources and support, and promote gender diversity in the ride-hailing industry.
Flexible Learning: RideBoom's mentorship programs are designed to accommodate the busy schedules of women drivers. The programs offer flexible learning options, including online courses, webinars, and in-person training sessions, allowing women drivers to learn at their own pace and according to their schedules.
Continuous Support: RideBoom's mentorship programs are not limited to a specific period. The company provides continuous support to women drivers throughout their journey, ensuring they have access to resources, guidance, and mentorship as they grow and develop their skills.
Feedback and Evaluation: RideBoom regularly seeks feedback from women drivers to evaluate the effectiveness of their mentorship programs. This feedback helps the company identify areas for improvement, tailor their programs to meet the unique needs of women drivers, and ensure the programs' continued relevance and impact.
Inclusive Growth: RideBoom's mentorship programs aim to promote inclusive growth within the ride-hailing industry. The company's initiatives help women drivers overcome barriers to entry, create new opportunities for themselves and other women, and contribute to the industry's growth and success.
By providing these mentorship programs, RideBoom demonstrates its commitment to supporting women drivers and promoting gender diversity in the ride-hailing industry. The company's efforts aim to create a more inclusive and equitable work environment, ensuring that women drivers have equal opportunities to succeed and achieve their professional goals.
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autistichalsin · 9 months
The other day, I saw an anti- I can't remember whether it was here or on Twitter- making a point about fiction being able to do harm. In their post, they mentioned old propaganda media that would stir up, for example, racism, religious discrimination, etc.
And I feel like this actually perfectly encapsulates the sort of intellectual dishonesty (albeit, very possibly accidental instead of malicious) to come from the anti side. Namely, the argument relies on you not understanding what made propaganda propaganda to begin with. Propaganda was not ever called fiction. It was presented, wrongly, as fact. That is the core of what makes propaganda such, and what makes it so damaging. Propaganda is manipulation of people and emotions to a political end, using false or misleading information. If they called it fiction, they would not be able to accomplish this manipulation.
On the other hand, conflating a fanfic on AO3 with decades-long misinformation campaigns run by governmental agencies is its own form of anti-fiction propaganda.
There are cases where it is possible for fiction to mislead. The CSI effect is notorious. However, CSI was, at one point, the most-watched show in the world, with over 33 million weekly viewers at its highest. That is an absurd amount of people; that is roughly equal to the population of Venezuela. But what's notable about the CSI effect is that it was mostly limited to jurors expecting more precision from investigation than police were capable of. This is actually a good thing, because it meant fewer innocent people being wrongfully convicted (ACAB, etc), and further, the effects were easily mitigated by delivering expert testimony to explain the limitations of the technology. Which... is what any lawyer worth their salt would do.
A fanfiction on AO3 with 10000 views, about a "problematic" ship like... IDK Reylo? (What's the current Most Hated Ship?), that is hidden so only AO3-registered users can view it, and with readers required to click a disclaimer that they are over the age of 18, is not going to become embedded in the collective public consciousness enough to cause a CSI effect. It is intellectually dishonest to claim that a single fanfiction has as much power as a show watched by nearly as many people as the population of an entire country, or as a decades-long governmental disinformation campaign. Fanfiction simply does not have the power to exert that kind of change.
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