#government certificates
obcrightsseo · 6 months
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yourtamaki · 25 days
shanks, who when you ask if he’s ever thought about marrying you, turns to you and tells you there’s no paper that could make him anymore your husband than he already is in that moment. but if you want a pretty ring, baby, he’s got plenty you can choose from.
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Just now realizing how desensitized I am to the names se Hinton gave her characters
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fayrobertsuk · 2 years
X Marks the Spot
Okay, UK Citizens, we're giving this another go. Sign and/ or share, please (if you're not UK-based, PLEASE share). It went pretty much as you'd expect last time: decent public support, got to debate stage, some lovely speeches from supportive MPs, then… random shit about women's prisons and sports from people unwilling to do anything to address the actual issues in prisons and gendered sports. 🙄
So behold, we're going to try again to join the increasing numbers of countries out there who allow an X or similar on the passports and driving licences of nonbinary folk.
(And we'll keep bloody trying until the UK rejoins the 21st Century.)
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the-l00ker · 5 months
Preaching to all people who think some content creator are messaging minor for no reason
aka Twitter/tumblr cross over users.
(and discord... because you're using the internet to get on there... As hotspots too)
This means if a content creator is messaging a minor in an inappropriate or bullying way (in the UK at least) they would come knocking at you door asking for all your personal information, identification, means of contact and be asking questions.
Has that content creator been arrest yet? Nope.
Is cyber bullying/harassment a crime in the UK?
Yes! Under the laws:
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Malicious Communications Act 1988
Defamation Act 2017
And can even prevent you from getting jobs in the future of your employment wants to look at your social media! Which is legal! (as in they want to make sure you're not a weirdo or anything! They can't deny you a job based on political stuff or opinions on other companies!)
Is messaging a minor inappropriately a crime?
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kalabhuna · 1 year
"Not all cops" You're right, Hank from Detroit: Become Human would've quit a long time ago but he was written by a french white man
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redpenship · 8 months
i think i might be putting way too much focus on language dynamics in this fic <- lives in an area with fraught linguistic tensions
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starscelly · 4 months
(most unemployed man in the world voice) the government should pay me for being funny and cool on tumblr
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leroibobo · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
during its apartheid years, south africa had one of the strictest media controls in the world. this extended into homes when television was introduced in the country in 1977 (which the government had delayed until that year due to fears of "undue influence"), and when home video came along with it. each videotape that was legally distributed during these years was required to have a notice in the official languages of english and afrikaans that it complied with media censorship laws codified years prior.
(the model for the certificate was likely influenced by the british board of film classification's. by the beginning of the 20th century, the british had brought the template with them to south africa and other former colonies such as india. south africa was probably the only country to use it on home releases.)
this meant that south africans who watched "legal" videotaped movies not only had to sit through commercials and a standard-issue anti-piracy warning, but a federal confirmation that the film didn't feature an interracial couple, among many other things. the total time for the two warnings could reach up to two minutes long - for comparison, the chorus of "oops i did it again" by britney spears is twenty seconds long - but some were rushed through.
this example was taken from a tape of disney's snow white and the seven dwarfs published in 1994, the year apartheid ended. the media censorship laws which required the certificate would be overhauled two years later, though video openings remained similar for a while after.
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ophilosoraptoro · 5 months
PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake
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theygender · 1 year
I may be considering the crime of... Getting a business degree 🤢
#i Like my new job where i get to play in excel all day and i also like having financial security for the first time in my adult life#i was originally thinking about switching my major to sociology bc its another area that im interested in#but my mom may have talked me into considering a business degree as an option since sociology isnt a great fallback option...#the thought of majoring in business makes me gag tbh. but i mean... i DO like data analysis and there IS a masters for data analysis#and the bachelors degree in information systems would teach me new things about computers which might be cool#and they have an international business program that links in advanced study of foreign languages and cultures#and theres even a certificate program for sustainability that includes direct work with grassroots programs#AND all of this is intentionally made to be accessible to people who are already in the work field so i wouldnt need to quit my job...#...all of this plus a sociology minor (or double major if i can pull it off) is starting to look pretty good actually#BUT... can i withstand the pain of spending the next few years in classrooms full of business majors 🤔#real talk tho i was wanting to use my social work degree to go into policy anyways which could mean government OR corporate#...if i get a business major i could potentially speedrun the process of getting into corporate policy to make a difference that way#and my sociology minor (or major) would still support that#fuckin. trojan horse the companies i guess#i am rotating the idea in my mind with the emotional state of that gif of someone trying kombucha for the first time#rambling
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Tumblr media
You have to be fucking kidding me
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projectnewmoon · 1 month
Project: New Moon - Headcanon
Sonic doesn't consider himself much of a hero despite being regarded as such by most of the public. He simply does what he believes is right at the moment, which usually (not always) aligns with what is typically deemed as "good". He has very little regard for the law, especially when unjust authority is involved.
He's committed small crimes like tresspassing, vandalism, and theft (specifically from large corporations, never small businesses), has never been caught, and WILL do it again.
To be fair, it's very hard to catch him and keep him accountable when he can run away at super speeds and doesn't have a home address. Or legally exists.
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The paralyzing fear of getting a detail wrong in a fic, and then watching shows with multiple seasons and being like….. okay, why did no one catch this?
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Republican House members met Monday night to try to agree on a Speaker. The only progress they made was that one of the nine candidates decided to drop out.
Of the eight remaining candidates, only two voted to certify the 2020 presidential election. And one of those two, Tom Emmer, made comments in November of 2020 casting doubt on the validity of the election. So that leaves just Austin Scott (R-GA-08) as the only pro-democracy candidate.
One candidate, Pete Sessions (R-TX-17), is known as "Streakin' Pete" for his streaking escapades in the 1970s. That takes Gym Jordan's lack of a jacket several steps further.
Republicans will meet again on Tuesday morning to resume their dysfunctional bickering.
Tuesday marks exactly three weeks since Kevin McCarthy was ousted.
BONUS TRACK! A few days ago Rex Huppke at USA Today wrote a parody of how a job post for House Speaker might appear at LinkedIn.
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drowfag · 7 months
i can't die with a pussy. i can't die with a cunt. i just refuse to. my parents will have to come to terms with the fact that when i die that i will have a cock and balls. the coroner should be forced to stare at my nuts and sign my legal death certificate as male. i'm making sure my sister puts my fucking name on my tombstone and the word son is fucking engraved in there so my parents are forced to acknowledge that i was their son.
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