#government apps for mobile users
This is not a drill
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This is IMPORTANT especially if you live in the USA or use the internet REGULATED by the USA!!!!
Do not scroll. Signal boost. Reblog.
Reblog WITHOUT reading if you really can't right now, I promise all the links and proof are here. People NEED to know this.
( I tried to make this accessible but you can't cater to EVERYONE so please just try your best to get through this or do your own research 🙏)
TLDR: Homeland Security has been tying our social media to our IPs, licenses, posts, emails, selfies, cloud, apps, location, etc through our phones without a warrant using Babel X and will hold that information gathered for 75 years. Certain aspects of it were hushed because law enforcement will/does/has used it and it would give away confidential information about ongoing operations.
This gets renewed in September.
Between this, Agincourt (a VR simulator for cops Directly related to this project), cop city, and widespread demonization of abortions, sex workers, & queer people mixed with qanon/Trumpism, and fascism in Florida, and the return of child labor, & removed abortion rights fresh on our tails it's time for alarms to be raised and it's time for everyone to stop calling us paranoid and start showing up to protest and mutual aid groups.
These are the same feds who want to build cop city and recreate civilian houses en masse and use facial recognition. The same feds that want cop city to also be a training ground for police across the country. Cop city where they will build civilian neighborhoods to train in.
Widespread mass surveillance against us.
Now let's cut to some parts of the article. May 17th from Vice:
Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is using an invasive, AI-powered monitoring tool to screen travelers, including U.S. citizens, refugees, and people seeking asylum, which can in some cases link their social media posts to their Social Security number and location data, according to an internal CBP document obtained by Motherboard.
Called Babel X, the system lets a user input a piece of information about a target—their name, email address, or telephone number—and receive a bevy of data in return, according to the document. Results can include their social media posts, linked IP address, employment history, and unique advertising identifiers associated with their mobile phone. The monitoring can apply to U.S. persons, including citizens and permanent residents, as well as refugees and asylum seekers, according to the document.
“Babel data will be used/captured/stored in support of CBP targeting, vetting, operations and analysis,” the document reads. Babel X will be used to “identify potential derogatory and confirmatory information” associated with travelers, persons of interest, and “persons seeking benefits.” The document then says results from Babel X will be stored in other CBP operated systems for 75 years.
"The U.S. government’s ever-expanding social media dragnet is certain to chill people from engaging in protected speech and association online. And CBP’s use of this social media surveillance technology is especially concerning in connection with existing rules requiring millions of visa applicants each year to register their social media handles with the government. As we’ve argued in a related lawsuit, the government simply has no legitimate interest in collecting and retaining such sensitive information on this immense scale,” Carrie DeCell, senior staff attorney at the Knight First Amendment Institute, told Motherboard in an email.
The full list of information that Babel X may provide to CBP analysts is a target’s name, date of birth, address, usernames, email address, phone number, social media content, images, IP address, Social Security number, driver’s license number, employment history, and location data based on geolocation tags in public posts.
Bennett Cyphers, a special advisor to activist
organization the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told Motherboard in an online chat “the data isn’t limited to public posts made under someone’s real name on Facebook or Twitter.”
The document says CBP also has access to AdID information through an add-on called Locate X, which includes smartphone location data. AdID information is data such as a device’s unique advertising ID, which can act as an useful identifier for tracking a phone and, by extension, a person’s movements. Babel Street obtains location information from a long supply chain of data. Ordinary apps installed on peoples’ smartphones provide data to a company called Gravy Analytics, which repackages that location data and sells it to law enforcement agencies via its related company Venntel. But Babel Street also repackages Venntel’s data for its own Locate X product."
The PTA obtained by Motherboard says that Locate X is covered by a separate “commercial telemetry” PTA. CBP denied Motherboard’s FOIA request for a copy of this document, claiming it “would disclose techniques and/or procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions”.
A former Babel Street employee previously told Motherboard how users of Locate X can draw a shape on a map known as a geofence, see all devices Babel Street has data on for that location, and then follow a specific device to see where else it has been.
Cyphers from the EFF added “most of the people whose location data is collected in this way likely have no idea it’s happening.”
CBP has been purchasing access to location data without a warrant, a practice that critics say violates the Fourth Amendment. Under a ruling from the Supreme Court, law enforcement agencies need court approval before accessing location data generated by a cell phone tower; those critics believe this applies to location data generated by smartphone apps too.
“Homeland Security needs to come clean to the American people about how it believes it can legally purchase and use U.S. location data without any kind of court order. Americans' privacy shouldn't depend on whether the government uses a court order or credit card,” Senator Ron Wyden told Motherboard in a statement. “DHS should stop violating Americans' rights, and Congress should pass my bipartisan legislation to prohibit the government's purchase of Americans' data." CBP has refused to tell Congress what legal authority it is following when using commercially bought smartphone location data to track Americans without a warrant.
Neither CBP or Babel Street responded to a request for comment. Motherboard visited the Babel X section of Babel Street’s website on Tuesday. On Wednesday before publication, that product page was replaced with a message that said “page not found.”
Do you know anything else about how Babel X is being used by government or private clients? Do you work for Babel Street? We'd love to hear from you. Using a non-work phone or computer, you can contact Joseph Cox securely on Signal on +44 20 8133 5190, Wickr on josephcox, or email [email protected].
Wow that sounds bad right.
Be a shame if it got worse.
It does.
The software (previously Agincourt Solutions) is sold by AI data company Babel Street, was led by Jeffrey Chapman, a former Treasury Department official,, Navy retiree & Earlier in his career a White House aide and intelligence officer at the Department of Defense, according to LinkedIn.
So what's Agincourt Solutions then right now?
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In essence, synthetic BATTLEVR training is a mixture of all three realities – virtual, augmented and physical. It is flexible enough to allow for mission rehearsals of most types and be intuitive enough to make training effective.
Anyway the new CEO of Babel Street (Babel X) as of April is a guy named Michael Southworth and I couldn't find much more on him than that tbh, it's all very vague and missing. That's the most detail I've seen on him.
And the detail says he has a history of tech startups that scanned paperwork and sent it elsewhere, good with numbers, and has a lot of knowledge about cell networks probably.
Every inch more of this I learn as I continue to Google the names and companies popping up... It gets worse.
Monitor phone use. Quit photobombing and filming strangers and for the love of fucking God quit sending apps photos of your actual legal ID to prove your age. Just don't use that site, you'll be fine I swear. And quit posting your private info online. For activists/leftists NO personally identifiable info at least AND DEFINITELY leave your phone at home to Work™!!!
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gootarts · 1 year
as of 8/3, the most recently updated version of this post is here (it's a reblog of this exact post with more info added)
as a lot of you know, limbus company recently fired its CG illustrator for being a feminist, at 11 pm, via phone call, after a bunch of misogynists walked into the office earlier that day and demanded she be fired. on top of this, as per korean fans, her firing went against labor laws---in korea, you must have your dismissal in writing.
the korean fandom on twitter is, understandably, going scorched earth on project moon due to this. there's a lot currently going on to protest the decision, so i'm posting a list here of what's going on for those who want to limit their time on elon musk's $44 billion midlife crisis impulse purchase website (if you are on twitter, domuk is a good person to follow, as they translate important updates to english). a lot of the links are in korean, but generally they play nicely with machine translators. this should be current as of 8/2.
Statements condemning the decision have been issued by The Gyeonggi Youth Union and IT Union.
A press conference at the Gyeonggido Assembly will occur on 8/3, with lawmakers of the Gyeonggi province (where Project Moon is based) in attendance. This appears driven by the leader of the Gyeonggi Youth Union.
The vice chairman of the IT union--who has a good amount of experience with labor negotiations like these--has expressed strong support for the artist and is working to get media coverage due to the ongoing feminist witch hunts in the gaming industry. Project Moon isn't union to my knowledge, but he's noted that he's taken on nonunion companies such as Netmarble (largest mobile game dev in South Korea) by getting the issue in front of the National Assembly (Korea's congress).
Articles on the incident published in The Daily Labor News, Korean Daily, multiple articles on Hankyoreh (one of which made it to the print edition), and other news outlets.
Segments about the termination on the MBN 7 o' clock news and MBC's morning news
Comments by Youth Union leaders about looking into a loan made to Project Moon via Devsisters Ventures, a venture capital firm. Tax money from Gyeonggi province was invested in Devsisters in 2017, and in 2021, Devsisters gave money to Project Moon. The Gyeonggi Youth Union is asking why hard-earned tax money was indirectly given to a company who violates ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles.
Almost nonstop signage truck protests outside Project Moon's physical office during business hours until 8/22 or the company makes a statement. This occurs alongside a coordinated hashtag campaign to get the issue trending on Twitter in Korea. The signage campaign was crowd-funded in about 3 hours.
A full boycott of the Limbus Company app, on both mobile and PC (steam) platforms. Overseas fans are highly encouraged to participate, regardless if whether they're F2P or not. Not opening the app at all is arguably the biggest thing any one person can do to protest the decision, as the app logs the number of accounts that log on daily. For a new gacha such as Limbus, a high number of F2P daily active users, but a small number of paying users is often preferable to having a smaller userbase but more paying users. If the company sees the number of daily users remain stable, they will likely decide to wait out any backlash rather than apologize.
Digging up verified reviews from previous employees regarding the company's poor management practices
Due to the firing, the Leviathan artist has posted about poor working conditions when making the story. As per a bilingual speaker, they were working on a storyboard revision, and thought 'if I ran into the street right now and got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't have to keep working.' They contacted Project Moon because they didn't want their work to be like that, and proposed changes to serialization/reduction in amount of work per picture/to build up a buffer of finished images (they did not have any buffer while working on Leviathan to my knowledge). They were shut out, and had to suck it up and accept the situation.
Hamhampangpang has a 'shrine' section of the restaurant for fans to leave fan-created merch and other items. They also allow the fans to take this merch back if they can prove it's theirs. Fans are now doing just that.
To boost all of the above, a large number of Korean fanartists with thousands of followers have deleted their works and/or converted their accounts from fanart accounts to accounts supporting the protests. Many of them are bilingual, and they're where I got the majority of this information.
[note 1: there's a targeted english-language disinformation campaign by the website that started the hate mob. i have read the artist's tweets with machine translation, and they're talked about in the second hankyoreh article linked above: nowhere does she express any transphobic or similarly awful beliefs. likewise, be wary of any claims that she supported anything whose description makes you raise eyebrows--those claims are likely in reference to megalia, a korean feminist movement. for information on that, i'd recommend the NPR/BBC articles below and this google drive link of english-language scholarly papers on them. for the love of god don't get your information about a feminist movement from guys going on witch hunts for feminists.]
[note 2: i've seen a couple people argue that the firing was for the physical safety of the employees, citing the kyoani incident in japan. as per this korean fan, most fans there strongly do not believe this was the case. we have english-translated transcripts of the meeting between the mob and project moon; the threats the mob was making were to......brand project moon as a feminist company online. yes, really. male korean gamers aren't normal about feminism, and there's been an ongoing witch hunt for feminists in the industry since about 2016, something you see noted in both the labor union statements. both NPR and the BBC this phenomenon to gamergate, and i'd say it's a pretty apt comparison.]
let me know if anything needs correction or if anything should be added.
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mariacallous · 20 days
In March 2007, Google’s then senior executive in charge of acquisitions, David Drummond, emailed the company’s board of directors a case for buying DoubleClick. It was an obscure software developer that helped websites sell ads. But it had about 60 percent market share and could accelerate Google’s growth while keeping rivals at bay. A “Microsoft-owned DoubleClick represents a major competitive threat,” court papers show Drummond writing.
Three weeks later, on Friday the 13th, Google announced the acquisition of DoubleClick for $3.1 billion. The US Department of Justice and 17 states including California and Colorado now allege that the day marked the beginning of Google’s unchecked dominance in online ads—and all the trouble that comes with it.
The government contends that controlling DoubleClick enabled Google to corner websites into doing business with its other services. That has resulted in Google allegedly monopolizing three big links of a vital digital advertising supply chain, which funnels over $12 billion in annual revenue to websites and apps in the US alone.
It’s a big amount. But a government expert estimates in court filings that if Google were not allegedly destroying its competition illegally, those publishers would be receiving up to an additional hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Starved of that potential funding, “publishers are pushed to put more ads on their websites, to put more content behind costly paywalls, or to cease business altogether,” the government alleges. It all adds up to a subpar experience on the web for consumers, Colorado attorney general Phil Weiser says.
“Google is able to extract hiked-up costs, and those are passed on to consumers,” he alleges. “The overall outcome we want is for consumers to have more access to content supported by advertising revenue and for people who are seeking advertising not to have to pay inflated costs.”
Google disputes the accusations.
Starting today, both sides’ arguments will be put to the test in what’s expected to be a weekslong trial before US district judge Leonie Brinkema in Alexandria, Virginia. The government wants her to find that Google has violated federal antitrust law and then issue orders that restore competition. In a best-case scenario, according to several Google critics and experts in online ads who spoke with WIRED, internet users could find themselves more pleasantly informed and entertained.
It could take years for the ad market to shake out, says Adam Heimlich, a longtime digital ad executive who’s extensively researched Google. But over time, fresh competition could lower supply chain fees and increase innovation. That would drive “better monetization of websites and better quality of websites,” says Heimlich, who now runs AI software developer Chalice Custom Algorithms.
Tim Vanderhook, CEO of ad-buying software developer Viant Technology, which both competes and partners with Google, believes that consumers would encounter a greater variety of ads, fewer creepy ads, and pages less cluttered with ads. “A substantially improved browsing experience,” he says.
Of course, all depends on the outcome of the case. Over the past year, Google lost its two other antitrust trials—concerning illegal search and mobile app store monopolies. Though the verdicts are under appeal, they’ve made the company’s critics optimistic about the ad tech trial.
Google argues that it faces fierce competition from Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and others. It further contends that customers benefited from each of the acquisitions, contracts, and features that the government is challenging. “Google has designed a set of products that work efficiently with each other and attract a valuable customer base,” the company’s attorneys wrote in a 359-page rebuttal.
For years, Google publicly has maintained that its ad tech projects wouldn’t harm clients or competition. “We will be able to help publishers and advertisers generate more revenue, which will fuel the creation of even more rich and diverse content on the internet,” Drummond testified in 2007 to US senators concerned about the DoubleClick deal’s impact on competition and privacy. US antitrust regulators at the time cleared the purchase. But at least one of them, in hindsight, has said he should have blocked it.
Deep Control
The Justice Department alleges that acquiring DoubleClick gave Google “a pool of captive publishers that now had fewer alternatives and faced substantial switching costs associated with changing to another publisher ad server.” The global market share of Google’s tool for publishers is now 91 percent, according to court papers. The company holds similar control over ad exchanges that broker deals (around 70 percent) and tools used by advertisers (85 percent), the court filings say.
Google’s dominance, the government argues, has “impaired the ability of publishers and advertisers to choose the ad tech tools they would prefer to use and diminished the number and quality of viable options available to them.”
The government alleges that Google staff spoke internally about how they have been earning an unfair portion of what advertisers spend on advertising, to the tune of over a third of every $1 spent in some cases.
Some of Google’s competitors want the tech giant to be broken up into multiple independent companies, so each of its advertising services competes on its own merits without the benefit of one pumping up another. The rivals also support rules that would bar Google from preferencing its own services. “What all in the industry are looking for is fair competition,” Viant’s Vanderhook says.
If Google ad tech alternatives win more business, not everyone is so sure that the users will notice a difference. “We’re talking about moving from the NYSE to Nasdaq,” Ari Paparo, a former DoubleClick and Google executive who now runs the media company Marketecture, tells WIRED. The technology behind the scenes may shift, but the experience for investors—or in this case, internet surfers—doesn’t.
Some advertising experts predict that if Google is broken up, users’ experiences would get even worse. Andrey Meshkov, chief technology officer of ad-block developer AdGuard, expects increasingly invasive tracking as competition intensifies. Products also may cost more because companies need to not only hire additional help to run ads but also buy more ads to achieve the same goals. “So the ad clutter is going to get worse,” Beth Egan, an ad executive turned Syracuse University associate professor, told reporters in a recent call arranged by a Google-funded advocacy group.
But Dina Srinivasan, a former ad executive who as an antitrust scholar wrote a Stanford Technology Law Review paper on Google’s dominance, says advertisers would end up paying lower fees, and the savings would be passed on to their customers. That future would mark an end to the spell Google allegedly cast with its DoubleClick deal. And it could happen even if Google wins in Virginia. A trial in a similar lawsuit filed by Texas, 15 other states, and Puerto Rico is scheduled for March.
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So, in Brazilian politics news, it might be of some of y'all's interest to learn about Operation 404, an anti-piracy operation that took down 675 illegal websites and 14 streaming apps and arrested suspects in Brazil and Argentina.
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The action mobilized 9 states, 5 countries, continental bodies and even the Premier League, organizer of the English soccer championship. Nine people were arrested (five Brazilians and four Argentinians), and police carried out 30 search warrants.
According to the government, those under investigation are "suspected of distributing pirated content on websites and digital platforms, a practice that causes significant damage to the economy and the creative industry, in addition to violating the rights of authors and artists."
"The losses to the cultural and creative sector are significant, but the damage goes beyond the economic impact," says the Ministry of Justice.
In a recent operation, also on piracy, police identified that the same websites that distributed content without authorization also spread viruses and malware – leaving users' computers vulnerable to data theft and other types of attacks.
Thanks @dashingprince for bringing this to us.
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Hi, I was wondering what the description of the blog is. The color is very hard for me to read. Incredibly sorry! (Not sarcasm. I just feel bad complaining-ish. Not the sorry! I'm not sure if it's a complaint or not, and I am very sorry. Also, can non public workers send in stuff about customers? My family has a history of public service, and I have heard some real doozys (yes I apologize a lot. I was raised with self awareness that I can come off as complaining when I don't mean too)
The description is a place for retail workers to safely vent their frustrations about customer/co worker/management they deal with on a daily basis.
What do you mean the color of the blog? I don't have the setting on to force the background color of the blog to override user settings. I use both PC and my iPhone (both mobile app and Safari) and on PC Tumblr has several color options to choose from by pressing [SHIFT] P and I am currently using the one with purple and green text on a black background. On mobile the app uses the color of the phone (light mode / dark mode).
And we allow people come and vent from more than just retail, like an office or government work.
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catdotjpeg · 1 year
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[Image ID: A photo of NYC shrouded in a yellow haze. Visibility is low. End ID.]
Yesterday's climate disaster, in which the city was enveloped by a noxious blanket of wildfire smoke that turned our skies hazy, then yellow, then bizarrely orange for several hours before relaxing back down to simply "dangerously unhealthy," was accompanied by the type of government response we've become accustomed to. First, it was the mayor with the message that "it's not our fault, no way we could see this coming." (A strange thing to say when the City was well-aware of worsening air quality early this week, based on alerts sent to users of the Notify NYC app.) Then, it was "we're taking this very seriously." And finally came "listen, here's the best we can do, but only after we hang out with Robert De Niro." 
Kids with asthma were leaving school just as the smoke broke air quality records, while delivery workers were stuck making deliveries, often without adequate masks. Some politicians took the initiative and did their own mask distribution, while on Wednesday night, the mayor made some vague gestures at an eventual plan to distribute masks (he settled on two distribution sites, today, per borough). Governor Kathy Hochul belatedly took matters into her own hands, as governors are wont to do when mayors dither, and mobilized mask distribution across the city's transit system—but only beginning today, the day after what appears to be the worst of the smoke. Mayor Adams, in a stroke of luck, was spared the decision of whether to close schools (they're already closed today for teacher development, which the teachers are now doing remotely). 
-- “Another Suffocating Day in Climate Hell” from Hell Gate, 8 Jun 2023.
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vinegarextract · 2 years
We don’t care about the tiktok ban here but we definitely should. Bill S686 or “The Restrict Act” is not just targeted at tiktok— it’s the Entire. Internet. The U.S. Government wants to restrict and regulate the entire. Internet. “I’ll just use a VPN” well, fuck you, the bill also lets them fine you “up to $250,000” if you’re caught trying to bypass any bans using a vpn.
This includes mobile apps, gaming applications, payment methods, and any form of information sharing. Under this bill, any application with over 1 million users can get banned by congress in the United States.
Yes these things take time and hearings to get through the house but let’s not forget how FAST Roe v. Wade was abolished, how fast Jackson reinstated Jim Crow era laws, and how fast gender affirming care became withheld. I know we like to keep it light but if you blink you’ll miss the United States turning into a fascist regime.
You can read the bill here
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orchidvioletindigo · 5 months
Yeah it was a super great idea for the technologically backwards United States government to decide to make the overworked and underfunded welfare offices start demanding that people provide statements from their CashApp, PayPal, Venmo, etc. accounts in order to get food stamps and other benefits this year.
All those payment services definitely offer monthly statements in a timely manner with full names and account numbers clearly included and downloadable as PDFs, just like regular banks do! And the places where these documents can be found are all consistent across all the various versions of the apps, mobile sites, and desktop sites that all their users have access to!
Communication about what kinds of documents for what specific periods of time are needed is also all very consistent and absolutely not confusing for the benefits offices or the people trying to get their survival funds!
This has all been a brilliant and smooth addition to the not already untenable benefits re/application process and absolutely won't lead to a bunch of people who need these funds losing them for no good reason.
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surfboardfinance1 · 11 days
Introducing Surfboard Finance: Revolutionizing Blockchain Asset Management
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Surfboard Finance: Revolutionizing the Future of Blockchain Asset Management
In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, managing digital assets across multiple networks can be a complex and fragmented experience. Surfboard Finance has emerged as a game-changer, offering users a seamless and comprehensive platform to manage a diverse portfolio, from cryptocurrencies to NFTs, all within a unified interface.
Bridging the Gap in Blockchain Asset Management Blockchain enthusiasts and investors often face a significant hurdle: managing their assets spread across various networks. Each blockchain ecosystem, whether it’s Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or others, operates independently with its own protocols and systems. This decentralization, while innovative, creates silos that complicate asset management. Users are left juggling multiple platforms, wallets, and interfaces to track and analyze their assets, leading to inefficiencies and potential errors.
Surfboard Finance addresses these challenges head-on by aggregating data from various blockchains into one user-friendly platform. Its unique ability to provide a holistic view of assets in real-time empowers users to make well-informed decisions quickly. No more switching between wallets or interfaces – with Surfboard Finance, everything you need is at your fingertips.
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As blockchain ecosystems grow more complex, AI integration will be key in managing risk, identifying opportunities, and optimizing asset allocation. Surfboard Finance’s forward-thinking approach in this area solidifies its position as a leader in the blockchain space.
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Surfboard Finance’s roadmap is packed with exciting developments. As part of its vision for the future, the platform aims to introduce advanced analytics for deeper market insights, enhanced AI capabilities, and a mobile app for on-the-go portfolio management. Furthermore, multi-language support will expand its global reach, making blockchain asset management more accessible to users worldwide.
Strategic partnerships with key players in the blockchain and financial sectors are also on the horizon. These collaborations will enhance the platform’s capabilities and open up new opportunities for investors.
As blockchain technology continues to evolve, Surfboard Finance is leading the charge in simplifying and transforming asset management. By providing a unified platform with AI-driven insights, decentralized governance, and a clear vision for the future, Surfboard Finance is poised to revolutionize how users manage their digital assets.
Whether you're a seasoned blockchain investor or new to the space, Surfboard Finance offers a comprehensive solution for efficient and informed asset management.
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Website: www.surfboard.finance Twitter: @SurfboardFinance Telegram: Surfboard Finance Group
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coinbase105 · 1 month
@@{{How to Increase Your Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limit: A Step-by-Step Guide}}@@
As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, Cash App has emerged as a convenient platform for buying, selling, and withdrawing Bitcoin. However, users may encounter withdrawal limits that can restrict their ability to move large amounts of Bitcoin. Understanding how to increase these limits is essential for users who want to maximize their Bitcoin transactions. This guide provides a detailed explanation of how to increase your Cash App Bitcoin withdrawal limit, ensuring you can manage your cryptocurrency assets more effectively.
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Understanding Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits
Cash App imposes certain limits on the amount of Bitcoin you can withdraw to an external wallet. These limits are in place to protect users and ensure the security of transactions. For unverified users, these limits are relatively low, which can be restrictive for those dealing with larger amounts of Bitcoin.
Default Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits
For unverified accounts, the Bitcoin withdrawal limits are generally:
Cash App Daily Bitcoin withdrawal Limit: 0.0002 BTC
Cash App Weekly Bitcoin withdrawal Limit: 0.0005 BTC
These limits can be significantly increased by verifying your account, which is a necessary step for serious Bitcoin users.
Steps to Increase Your Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limit
To increase your Bitcoin withdrawal limits on Cash App, you need to complete the identity verification process. Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Open the Cash App and Access the Bitcoin Section
Begin by opening the Cash App on your mobile device. Navigate to the Bitcoin section by tapping on the “Investing” tab at the bottom of the screen, and then select “Bitcoin.”
Step 2: Initiate the Verification Process
In the Bitcoin section, you will see an option to “Enable Withdrawals and Deposits.” Tap on this option to begin the verification process.
Step 3: Provide Your Personal Information
You will be prompted to provide several pieces of information, including:
Full legal name
Date of birth
Last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN)
A scan of a valid government-issued ID (e.g., driver’s license or passport)
Step 4: Submit the Required Documentation
Once you’ve entered your information, you’ll need to submit a photo of your government-issued ID. Ensure that the photo is clear and all details are visible.
Step 5: Wait for Verification
After submitting your information and documentation, Cash App will review your submission. The verification process typically takes a few hours to a few days. You will be notified within the app once your account has been verified.
Step 6: Enjoy Increased Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits
Upon successful verification, your Cash App Bitcoin withdrawal limits will be increased. The new limits for verified accounts are typically:
Cash App Daily Limit: 2 BTC
Cash App Weekly Limit: 5 BTC
Tips for a Smooth Verification Process
Ensure All Information is Accurate: Make sure that all the information you provide matches your official documents. Any discrepancies could delay the verification process or result in a rejection.
Provide Clear Documentation: When submitting your ID, ensure that the image is clear and that all information is legible. Blurry or obscured documents may lead to verification delays.
Contact Cash App Support if Necessary: If you encounter any issues during the verification process or if your limits are not increased after verification, do not hesitate to contact Cash App support for assistance.
1. Why is my Cash App Bitcoin withdrawal limit so low?
Low withdrawal limits are typically due to an unverified account. Verifying your identity with Cash App will increase these limits significantly.
2. How long does the verification process take?
The verification process usually takes a few hours, but in some cases, it may take up to a few days, depending on the volume of requests.
3. What happens if I exceed my Bitcoin withdrawal limit?
If you attempt to withdraw more Bitcoin than your limit allows, the transaction will not go through. You will need to wait until your limits reset or verify your account to increase your limits.
4. Can I request a limit increase beyond the standard verified account limits?
Yes, in some cases, you can request a higher limit by contacting Cash App support. This may require additional verification or providing further financial information.
5. Is there a fee for increasing my Cash App Bitcoin withdrawal limits?
No, Cash App does not charge a fee for verifying your account or increasing your Bitcoin withdrawal limits.
Increasing your Cash App Bitcoin withdrawal limit is a straightforward process that involves verifying your identity. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can unlock higher withdrawal limits, allowing you to manage your Bitcoin transactions more effectively. Whether you’re a casual user or a serious Bitcoin investor, increasing your withdrawal limits is essential for maximizing the potential of your Cash App account.
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fazilakhatun · 1 month
B-u-yVerified Cash App Accounts
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 In today's digital age, the ability to transfer money quickly and safely is paramount for both personal and business transactions. A verified Cash App Cash App account provides this convenience with an added layer of security, making it an attractive option for users who prioritize their financial safety online.
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 Why Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts Matter
The moment you decide to use Cash App Cash App for transactions, you must consider verification. A verified Cash App Cash App account stands as a shield. It secures your money and personal data.
The Need For Verification
Verification is the first step to a safe experience. With a verified account, you unlock higher limits. You get access to additional features, too. Verification proves your identity, building trust with others.
Increased sending and receiving limits
Access to Bitcoin trading
Direct deposit eligibility
Risks Of Unverified Accounts
Using an unverified account is risky.
Risk Factor
Low Transaction Limits
Limited Money Flow
No Direct Deposits
Lack of Essential Services
Risk of Closure
Loss of Funds
Susceptibility to Fraud
Financial Threat
Unverified accounts tempt thieves. They invite scams and frauds. Lower limits can also disrupt your spending. Lack of verification may lead to account closure, trapping your funds.
Getting Started With Cash App
Embracing the ease of online transactions gets even easier with Cash App. If you're trying to step up your financial game with convenience and security, getting started with a verified Cash App Cash App account is a smart move. We'll walk you through all you need to know, from initial setup to exploring those nifty features that make Cash App Cash App a go-to financial tool for many.
Initial Setup
Setting up your Cash App Cash App account is as simple as pie. Download the app, enter your basic information, and you're halfway there. Follow these steps for a smooth start:
Download Cash App Cash App from your app store.
Open the app and enter your mobile number or email.
Enter the code sent to your phone or email.
Add your bank account for funding your Cash App Cash App balance.
Choose a unique $Cashtag, your identifier for transactions.
Account Features
Your verified Cash App Cash App account comes with features that make money management a breeze. Let's check out the key benefits:
Direct Deposit
Get paychecks delivered right into your account.
Instant Transfers
Send and receive money at lightning speed.
Cash Card
A personalized debit card for your spending needs.
Investment Options
B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin or stocks, all from the app.
Free ATM withdrawals with direct deposits.
Customize your card's look for extra flair.
Robust security to keep your transactions safe.
Verification Process For Cash App
Cash App Cash App requires users to complete a verification process. This process keeps accounts secure. Verified accounts unlock additional features. Users can send and receive more money with a verified account. Get ready to enjoy the full Cash App Cash App experience!
Step-by-step Guide
Follow these simple steps to verify your Cash App Cash App Account:
Open your Cash App.
Tap the profile icon on your home screen.
Select Personal.
Enter your details: full name, date of birth, and the last 4 digits of your SSN.
Provide any additional information if asked.
Wait for the confirmation. This can take 24-48 hours.
Required Documentation
To complete verification, you need:
A government-issued ID.
Your Social Security Number (SSN).
Keep these documents handy for a smooth verification process.
Benefits Of A Verified Account
Many choose to B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for good reasons. A verified status can transform how you use the platform.
Increased Limits
Verification bumps up your transaction limits. Unverified users hit limits quickly. Verified members enjoy more freedom.
Send more money weekly.
Withdraw higher amounts from ATMs.
No cap on receiving funds.
Unverified Account
Verified Account
Sending Limit
ATM Withdrawal
Wider Access To Features
Verification unlocks exclusive features. Your Cash App Cash App experience gets better.
Direct deposit payroll straight to Cash App.
Get a free custom Cash Card for spending.
Borrow money with Cash App Cash App Loan if eligible.
Verified users can also trade Bitcoin and stocks. This makes investing simple and accessible.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Purchasing A Verified Cash App Cash App Account
Purchasing a verified Cash App Cash App account offers convenience for anyone wanting hassle-free transactions. It's crucial to follow the correct steps and know where to B-u-y. Awareness about potential scams is equally important to ensure a secure purchase.
Where To B-u-y
Finding a reputable source is the first step in acquiring a verified Cash App Cash App account. Look for platforms with positive feedback and a strong customer service record. Popular online marketplaces or fintech forums can be good starting points.
Check the marketplace's authenticity before any transaction.
Look for vendors who provide proof of verification.
Ensure they offer after-sale support.
Avoiding Scams
Stay vigilant to avoid falling victim to scams. Always perform due diligence before committing to a purchase. Remember these key tips:
Do not share personal information unless you trust the source.
Never make payments outside the official marketplace platform.
Ensure communication is documented for future reference.
Search for vendor reviews and feedback online.
Safety Measures For Transactions
When dealing with financial transactions, safety is key. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts for increased security. Let's explore essential transaction safety measures.
Secure Payment Methods
Choosing the right payment method is crucial for safe transactions. Cash App Cash App offers several secure options:
Bank transfers – Link your account for easy transactions.
Debit cards – Use your card for swift payments.
Bitcoin – Benefit from the cryptocurrency option.
Enable two-factor authentication on your account. This step adds an extra layer of security.
Protecting Personal Information
Keep your personal details safe. Here are some methods:
Avoid sharing sensitive information like PINs or SSN.
Regularly update your app for the latest security features.
Monitor account activity. Report any suspicious behavior.
Remember, maintaining the confidentiality of your data helps prevent unauthorized access.
Prices For Verified Accounts
When shopping for a verified Cash App Cash App account, you'll notice diverse pricing options. These prices reflect the level of verification, the age of the account, and any additional features. Let's delve into what you might expect to pay and how to make an informed choice.
Understanding Market Rates
Understanding Market Rates
Market variations affect account prices. Seasoned accounts command higher prices. Embarking on a purchase starts with market rate awareness.
The table below provides a snapshot of current verified Cash App Cash App account rates:
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified
Premium Verified
Prices scale with features like transaction limits and support services. Keep this perspective to gauge offerings.
Comparing Sellers
Comparing Sellers
Compare sellers for the best deal. Evaluate their reputation, account quality, and customer feedback.
Reputation speaks volumes. Opt for sellers with proven track records.
Account Quality means fewer hurdles down the line. Seek high-quality accounts.
Customer Feedback reflects seller reliability. Positive reviews indicate trustworthy sellers.
Engage with sellers transparent about their prices and services. This approach prevents unforeseen expenses.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Setting Up Your Purchased Account
Welcome to the ultimate guide on setting up your newly purchased verified Cash App Cash App account. Purchasing a verified account can fast-track your access to the robust features of Cash App, but it's crucial to get the setup right. In this segment, we'll guide you through essential steps to transfer ownership and customize account settings seamlessly.
Transferring Ownership
Ownership transfer is the first step after B-u-ying a Cash App Cash App account.
Receive account credentials from the seller securely.
Log in with the provided details.
Change all login information immediately.
Email and phone numbers must be updated to your own. This secures your access and ensures recovery is possible.
Navigate to settings for personal information updates.
Input your information to reflect the new ownership.
Complete these steps to legally own the account.
Customizing Account Settings
Customize settings to enhance security and user experience.
Enable security features like 2-factor authentication.
Link your bank account for seamless transactions.
Adjust privacy settings according to preferences.
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Personalize your profile for a tailored Cash App Cash App experience.
Add a unique $Cashtag that represents you or your business.
Upload a personal or brand image.
Explore the app's features and settings for complete customization.
Maintaining Your Cash App Cash App Account
Keeping your Cash App Cash App account in good shape is essential.
Regular care prevents problems and keeps your account running smoothly.
Regular Updates
Keeping your app up to date is crucial.
Check for updates often.
Updates fix bugs and add features.
Updating is quick and keeps your account safe.
Verifying Continued Eligibility
Always make sure you are eligible to use your account.
Follow these steps:
Check Cash App Cash App rules yearly.
Ensure your information is current.
Provide required documents on time.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Tackling problems with your verified Cash App Cash App account can sometimes be tricky. But don't worry about getting lost in technicalities. This guide simplifies some of the common hurdles you might face.
Login Problems
Can't access your account? Follow these steps:
Check your internet connection. A solid connection is crucial.
Verify your login details. Ensure your email and password are correct.
Update the app. An outdated app makes logging in harder.
Clear the cache. This fresh start could be the quick fix you need.
Contact support if nothing works. They'll help get you back in.
Transaction Errors
Seeing error messages during transactions?
Confirm your bank balance first. No funds, no transaction.
Check the recipient's details. Mistakes here cause errors.
Refresh the Cash App. Sometimes it just needs a quick reboot.
Look for app updates. Running the latest version prevents issues.
Still stuck? Reach out to Cash App Cash App support for precise solutions.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Pros And Cons Of B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Many people want Cash App Cash App accounts that are ready to use. Some pick B-u-ying verified accounts. This way can be quick but has good and bad points.
Immediate Access
Get an account fast with B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account. Just pay, and start using it. It saves time making one and waiting for checking your details.
No setup hassle: Skip steps like adding info.
Quick money moves: Send and get cash soon.
Full features: Get all that Cash App Cash App offers, right away.
Potential Risks
Account bans
Rules say no to bought accounts. Cash App Cash App might close them.
Security fears
Accounts might not be safe. Hackers can steal info.
Costs more
You spend money for something normally free.
B-u-ying comes with risks. Know them before you decide.
Legal Considerations
Exploring the realm of digital finance invites one to consider the importance of legality. Specifically, when discussing B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts, you cannot turn a blind eye to the legal boundaries that frame this digital landscape.
Platform Policies
First and foremost, Cash App Cash App a user-agreement that outlines permissible use cases. Users must understand these policies before creating or B-u-ying an account. Disregarding them can lead to account suspensions or legal consequences.
Account set up with real identity.
No fake details for verification.
One user per account stipulation.
Prohibition of resale or transfer of ownership.
Financial Regulations
Stringent laws govern financial platforms to prevent fraud and protect users. When purchasing verified Cash App Cash App accounts, remember:
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Impact on Purchase
KYC Laws
Identity verification
Purchased accounts must have verifiable information
AML Directives
Prevention of money laundering
Accounts should have a clear transaction history
PCI DSS Compliance
Data security standards for payment cards
Ensures transaction data is protected
Remember, owning a Cash App Cash App account requires compliance with all local and international financial laws. It's not just about simple transactions but ensuring your activities are legal and secure.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Cash App's Role In Digital Economy
The digital economy thrives on simplicity and trust in transactions. Cash App Cash App features heavily in this landscape with its streamlined approach to money management. Verified accounts on the Cash App Cash App platform signify a level of authenticity and security that is critical for users engaging in digital financial activities. These trusted accounts are cornerstones in the ever-evolving digital economy, enabling seamless peer-to-peer payments and reshaping how consumers handle their finances.
Mobile Payment Trends
Mobile payments are transforming how we transact. Services like Cash App Cash App are at the forefront, offering quick and secure ways to send or receive money. With the rise of smartphones, payment apps are becoming essential tools for the digital economy. They cater to a growing preference for digital wallets and tap-to-pay technology.
Increased mobile wallet adoption
Contactless transactions gaining ground
Preference for app-based financial services
Impact On E-commerce
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts influence e-commerce by providing a trusted payment option for online shoppers. Retailers now integrate these payment methods to capture more sales and improve customer experience.
Ease of checkout with one-tap payment
Secure transactions with verified accounts
Faster payments encourage repeat business
In summary, a robust digital economy relies heavily on platforms like Cash App, with verified accounts ensuring confidence in e-commerce and reflecting modern mobile payment trends.
Alternatives To B-u-ying Verified Accounts
Exploring Alternatives to B-u-ying Verified Accounts can be a safer path to managing finances online. Users often seek out verified Cash App Cash App accounts to bypass certain limits. Yet, this approach poses risks. Let's delve into legitimate and secure methods to access similar features without the risks involved in purchasing accounts.
Becoming verified on Cash App Cash App is straightforward. Input your SSN and personal info. Cash App Cash App then verifies your identity. Once verified, your account unlocks higher limits and additional features.
Other Payment Platforms
Many payment platforms exist. Each offers unique benefits and verification processes. Consider these popular alternatives:
PayPal: A well-known platform requiring user and bank account verification.
Venmo: Popular among friends for quick transfers after a user identity check.
Zelle: Integrates with bank accounts for instant, verified transactions.
Each platform secures your data and transactions reliably, negating the need to B-u-y accounts.
Verification Requirement
Linked bank, credit card
Global payments, B-u-yer protection
Identity documents
Social sharing, fast transfers
Direct bank linkage
Bank-level security, no extra app needed
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User Reviews And Testimonials
Welcome to the realm of honest user feedback on Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts. Real people share their experiences. Their stories highlight the perks and downsides of these accounts. Dive in for some unfiltered opinions!
Success Stories
Real users share their joy:
Immediate setup: "I got my account in minutes!"
Smooth transactions: "B-u-ying and selling is now a breeze."
Top-notch security: "My money's safe and secure!"
These tales show happy users who enjoy their Verified Cash App Cash App experiences. They feel confident and satisfied.
Customer Complaints
Feedback isn't always sunny. Here are a few common gripes:
Support lag: "Help takes time to respond."
Verification hiccups: "The process was fussy for me."
Fees confusion: "I was unclear about some charges."
These reviews help paint a full picture. Knowing the issues others faced is helpful. You get to prep for potential hiccups ahead of time.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
Services Offered By Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App Cash App accounts unlock a world of financial possibilities. From seamless money transfers to investment options, these accounts offer a variety of services. Let’s dive into some of the key features that make verified accounts a must-have.
Direct Deposits
Enjoy the ease of getting payments straight into your account. With verified Cash App Cash App accounts, you can set up direct deposits for your paycheck or any other income.
Quick access to funds on payday
No waiting for check deposits
Direct deposit earnings early
Bitcoin Trading
Skip the complexity of traditional crypto exchanges. Verified accounts allow you to B-u-y and sell Bitcoin with just a few taps.
Bitcoin Trading Features
Simple B-u-y/sell interface
Safe storage of Bitcoins
Immediate trading option
Managing Finances With Cash App
Cash App Cash App revolutionizes money management. This digital wallet simplifies tracking expenses. It offers features like direct deposits and stocks. Users enjoy a seamless financial experience. B-u-y a verified Cash App Cash App account for this solution.
Budgeting Tools
Stay on top of spending with Cash App's budgeting tools. See where money goes at a glance. Create categories for rent, groceries, and more.
Visualize your finances through simple charts.
Set spending limits to prevent overspending.
Receive alerts for unusual activities.
Instant Payments
Send and receive money without delay using a Cash App Cash App account. Deal with emergencies or pay friends back instantly.
Paycheck Deposit
Get salary straight into your Cash App.
Money Transfer
Move funds to others in seconds.
Cash Out
Withdraw to bank quickly.
The Future Of Verified Accounts
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts marks the beginning of safer, easier online transactions. Verified accounts mean trust and reliability. They represent a secure future for digital payments.
Technological Advancements
Verified accounts use the latest security features. These include fingerprint scanning and facial recognition.
New tech means fewer frauds. Users can trust accounts more.
AI monitors for unusual activity.
Encryption keeps information safe.
Verification is now quicker and smoother.
Predictions For Cash App
Experts predict big changes for Cash App. It's not just for sending money anymore.
More users will have verified accounts.
Cash App Cash App may introduce new cryptocurrency features.
Payment verification might happen in seconds.
B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Accounts
User Security And Fraud Prevention
Keeping your finances secure online is vital. B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account comes with robust security features for safe transactions. Let's delve into how Cash App Cash App ensures user security and fraud prevention:
Encrypted Transactions
Cash App Cash App uses advanced encryption to protect your data. Every purchase, transfer, or payment you make is secured. This means no prying eyes on your financial moves. Here are the essentials:
PCI-DSS level 1 certification keeps your information under wraps.
Automatic account logout after inactivity to prevent unauthorized access.
Data is sent over secure servers to block cyber threats.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
If you notice odd behavior on your account, you should act fast. Cash App Cash App has easy steps for reporting. This helps to clamp down on fraud swiftly. Follow these points:
Identify any unauthorized transactions.
Use the app to flag these for review.
Contact support immediately for help.
Remember, keeping your account safe also depends on your vigilance. Always check your transactions and keep your account information private.
Faqs For New Verified Account Owners
Welcoming new owners of verified Cash App Cash App accounts! This section aims to ease your journey. Curious about what comes next? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions just for you. Quick, clear answers are right at your fingertips, guaranteeing a smooth start.
Common Questions Answered
Discover answers to top questions that new users often have:
What limits apply to my verified account? Verified accounts enjoy higher transaction limits.
Can I receive international payments? Yes, if Cash App Cash App supports payments in both countries.
Is customer support available 24/7? Cash App Cash App offers round-the-clock support for users.
How do I keep my account secure? Always enable two-factor authentication and never share your PIN.
What are Cash App's fees? Some services, like instant transfers, have small fees.
Tips For First-time Users
Get off to a flying start with these handy tips:
Explore the app to familiarize yourself with its features.
Connect a bank account for easy money transfers.
Verify your identity to unlock full benefits.
Test with small transactions to gain confidence.
Check out Cash Card to spend your Cash App Cash App balance.
Frequently Asked Questions For B-u-y Verified Cash App Cash App Account
 What Is A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
A verified Cash App Cash App account means it has passed additional identity checks. This ensures higher security and increased transaction limits. Verified users must provide full legal name, date of birth, and SSN.
 Benefits Of B-u-ying A Verified Cash App Cash App Account? 
B-u-ying a verified Cash App Cash App account gives instant access to higher transaction limits and other premium features without the normal waiting or verification hassles. It’s a quick solution for immediate financial activities.
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 How To B-u-y A Verified Cash App Cash App Account Safely? 
To B-u-y safe, opt for credible platforms with positive user reviews and secure payment options. Always protect personal details and ensure a clear transfer of account credentials upon purchase.
 Can You Legally B-u-y And Sell Cash App Cash App Accounts? 
B-u-ying or selling Cash App Cash App accounts can violate Cash App’s terms of service. It’s important to review legal implications and Cash App’s policies before engaging in any transactions involving account sales or purchases.
Ensuring seamless transactions is pivotal in the digital age. Opting for a verified Cash App Cash App account can offer that tranquility. It streamlines your payments and secures your financial dealings. Remember, a verified account is more than convenience; it's your gateway to hassle-free digital finance. 
Make the smart choice today. Embrace verified, embrace simplicity.
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attibar · 8 months
RIP Oklahomans.
In all seriousness, this is concerning. In particular this passage:
"HB3008 details anyone who wants to access a pornographic site deemed as harmful to minors will have to submit a digitized identification card, a government issued identification card, or “any commercially reasonable method that relies on public or private transactional data to verify whether the person attempting to access the information is 18 years of age or older.”
“Transactional data” refers to a third party vendor that verifies a user’s age via their mortgage, educational, employment, or other records."
I work in mobile app development. When I hear third party vendor, I hear "company that wants your data to sell and make money". Imagine information about your mortgage, education, your job, and other stuff being given to companies that want to spam you with shit. And that's not even considering if two and two are put together and they find out what kind of pr0n you're into.
And another thing: what's stopping adult child abusers from showing kids adult content? What's stopping a dumb kid from taking their parent's id card and use that to verify when no one is looking? The only thing this prevents is less tech savvy kids from getting to those sites. For a bill who's purpose is to protect kids from pr0n-to-sexual abuse-pipeline, it does a shit job at it.
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Christopher Wiggins at The Advocate:
Elon Musk’s social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, has begun restricting accounts for using the terms “cis” and “cisgender,” labeling them as slurs. According to the Independent, users attempting to post these terms now receive warnings stating that they may be considered slurs and could be used in violation of X’s rules. “Cisgender” is an adjective used to refer to individuals whose gender identity corresponds with their sex assigned at birth. The term “cis” comes from the Latin prefix meaning “on this side of,” contrasting with “trans,” which means “across from” or “on the other side of.” These terms are widely accepted in social and medical contexts. The Canadian government uses these classifications in its census, and the American Psychological Association includes them in its glossary.
Despite the widespread acceptance of these terms, Musk declared last October that they would be treated as slurs on the platform. Enforcement of this policy began recently, with users reporting restricted visibility and warnings when attempting to post using the terms. According to TechCrunch, users who write “cis” or “cisgender” on the X mobile app receive a full-screen message stating, “This post contains language that may be considered a slur by X and could be used in a harmful manner in violation of our rules.” Users can choose to continue publishing the post or delete it. This policy enforcement has sparked significant backlash. A spokesperson for GLAAD told TechCrunch, “Elon Musk has been engaging in this disingenuous and inherently bigoted effort to redefine this term for nearly a year. This would appear to be another of Musk’s endless exercises in catering to his new right-wing extremist user base of X — one more coded, but very clear, signal from the company that transgender people are not welcome on the platform, and another strong indicator to advertisers that X is not a safe platform for their brands.”
X, under supposed "free speech absolutist" Elon Musk, is restricting the freedom of speech by restricting accounts that use the term "cis" or "cisgender." This is part of Musk's anti-trans extremism that has made the platform a nightmare for anyone who isn't a right-wing extremist.
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mariacallous · 10 months
If you have push notifications turned on for sensitive apps, you may want to reconsider your settings.
The United States government and foreign law enforcement can demand Apple and Google share metadata associated with push notifications from apps on iOS and Android, according to a US senator and court records reviewed by WIRED. These notifications can reveal which apps a person uses, along with other information that may be pertinent to law enforcement investigations.
US Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, highlighted the government surveillance technique in a letter sent to the US Department of Justice (DOJ) today. Wyden is specifically asking the DOJ to allow Apple and Google to discuss government requests for push notification records with their users, which Wyden says the US government has required them to keep secret thus far.
“In the spring of 2022, my office received a tip that government agencies in foreign countries were demanding smartphone ‘push’ notification records from Google and Apple,” Wyden wrote in the letter, which was first reported by Reuters. “My staff have been investigating this tip for the past year, which included contacting Apple and Google. In response to that query, the companies told my staff that information about this practice is restricted from public release by the government.”
App developers deliver push notifications using Apple’s Push Notification Service on iOS or Google’s Firebase Cloud Messaging on Android. Each user of an app is assigned a “push token,” which is transferred between the app and the mobile operating system’s push notification service. Push tokens are not permanently assigned to a single user, and new tokens may be generated when a person reinstalls an app or switches to a new device.
To identify a person of interest and whom they may have been communicating with, law enforcement must first go to an app developer to obtain the relevant push token and then bring it to the operating system maker—Apple or Google—and request information on which account the token is associated with. This puts the tech giants in “a unique position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps,” Wyden writes.
According to Wyden, the records that governments can obtain from Apple and Google include metadata that reveals which apps a person has used, when they’ve received notifications, and the phone associated with a particular Google or Apple account. The content of push notifications is not included in this information, but, for at least some apps, law enforcement could obtain information about the content of specific pushes through additional requests based on the information from the push tokens.
While Wyden’s letter says that governments outside the US have requested people’s push notification records, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has done so as well. A February 2021 search warrant application submitted by an FBI agent to the US District Court in Washington, DC, requested details for two accounts controlled by Meta (then Facebook), specifically citing a request for push notification tokens. The search warrant request related to an investigation into a person accused of taking part in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.
Meta, which owns Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, did not immediately respond to WIRED’s request to comment. A spokesperson for Signal, the popular encrypted messaging app, also did not respond. The DOJ declined to comment.
Although Wyden is asking the DOJ to allow Apple and Google to discuss government requests for push notification records, the senator’s letter appears to have enabled them to do just that.
An Apple spokesperson tells WIRED that the company has updated its Law Enforcement Guidelines in its transparency report to reflect government requests for push notification records. The company will also begin to detail these requests in its next transparency report. Apple's updated rules for police requests say push notification records “may be obtained with a subpoena or greater legal process.”
“Apple is committed to transparency and we have long been a supporter of efforts to ensure that providers are able to disclose as much information as possible to their users,” Apple says in a statement. “In this case, the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information and now that this method has become public we are updating our transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests.”
Google confirmed to WIRED that it receives requests for push notification records, but the company says it already includes these types of requests in its transparency reports. The company says requests from US-based law enforcement for push notification records require court orders with judicial approval.
“We were the first major company to publish a public transparency report sharing the number and types of government requests for user data we receive, including the requests referred to by Senator Wyden,” a Google spokesperson tells WIRED. “We share the senator’s commitment to keeping users informed about these requests.”
A WIRED review of Google’s most recent transparency report for the period between December 2019 and December 2022 found that it does not specifically break out government requests for push notification records, and Google confirmed that it aggregates this data in its transparency report.
Google’s transparency report shows that the US government requested Google Cloud Platform data from enterprise customers 175 times during the period, and of those, used a search warrant 13 times. It is unclear whether any of those requests for user data included push notification records—details that may, following Wyden’s letter, be revealed in the future.
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Before Brazil and Elon Musk: X’s history of run-ins with left and right
How X’s run-ins with foreign governments have shifted across the political spectrum under Musk’s leadership.
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All five judges on Brazil’s Supreme Court panel voted last week to uphold a ban on Elon Musk’s social media platform X in the country, rendering the mobile app inaccessible to almost 212 million users in Brazil [note by the mod: the author probably mixed up - Brazil's total population is 212 million people, but its users amount to about 25 million].
Anatel, the telecommunications regulator of Brazil, instructed internet service providers to halt users’ access to the social media platform after X failed to appoint a legal representative in the South American country, a requirement for any foreign company wishing to operate in the country. A deadline had been set for August 29 by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes.
After the deadline passed, de Moraes said in a statement: “Elon Musk showed his total disrespect for Brazilian sovereignty and, in particular, for the judiciary, setting himself up as a true supranational entity and immune to the laws of each country.”
Musk snapped back, calling de Moraes “an evil dictator” for shutting down the “#1 source of truth in Brazil”.
Judge de Moraes also issued a daily fine of 50,000 reals ($8,965) to be imposed on businesses and individuals in Brazil making use of virtual private networks (VPNs) to access X.
This is not the first time X has been banned by a country. China was the first country to ban the platform in June 2009 when it was still called Twitter, two days before the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Continue reading.
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Quebec is following the federal government's lead and banning TikTok on government mobile devices.
Like Ottawa, Quebec has deleted and blocked the app as of Feb. 28.
Treasury Board President Mona Fortier said Monday the app raises concerns due to the Chinese government having a stake in TikTok's owner, ByteDance, and laws that allow the country to access user data. The National Post first reported the story.
Quebec Cybersecurity Minister Éric Caire calls the move preventive, saying there is no indication that any entity has been using the app to spy.
"In light of the research and analyses carried out concerning the use of TikTok, it seems necessary for us to apply precautionary measures and no longer allow the installation and use of this application for now," Caire said in a news release Monday evening. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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